Lifewalk with Christ God

Lifewalk with Christ God
TRIM Radio
Lifewalk with Christ God

Sep 22 2024 | 00:44:52

Episode September 22, 2024 00:44:52

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

Lifewalk with Christ God is a spiritual journey hosted by Michael Bahas, a dedicated believer and guide. This show offers a reading into the teachings of Jesus Christ, providing insights into the Bible.

Through engaging readings, heartfelt testimonies, and inspiring messages, Lifewalk with Christ God aims to:

  • Strengthen faith: Explore the power of prayer, worship, and devotion.
  • Foster community: Connect with like-minded individuals and build a supportive spiritual network.
  • Provide guidance: Address common challenges and questions about faith, offering practical advice and encouragement.
  • Inspire hope: Share stories of transformation and resilience, demonstrating the enduring power of God's love.

Join Michael Bahas on this spiritual adventure, as he leads viewers towards a deeper understanding of God's Word and a more fulfilling relationship with Christ.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:18] Come on. [00:00:26] All right, I guess we are here, guys. [00:00:30] All right, we are here. And it is good to be back. Welcome to life. Walk with Christ, God. [00:00:36] I'll tell you what. We stopped right here on chapter 17 and page 25 of Genesis. We have a lot that's going on. So, you know, we had the carnal plan for children that we went through, you know, Abram's wife and everything, and Hagar and everything like that that we, that we've gone through. Now we're at the institution of the covenant and circumcision. [00:01:03] So we're going to start there. And as we said all the way through the Bible in King James. And it doesn't matter really what bible you're looking at. I like King James. [00:01:14] That's just the way it is. But there's so much going on. [00:01:19] Everything is going on. [00:01:22] And Abraham is getting to experience everything. He has met Melchizedek, and we've just seen so much going on and everything behind the scenes. So let's get into it. And when Abram was 90 years old, 90 years old and nine, so 99, the Lord appeared to Abram and said unto him, I am the almighty God. Walk before me and thou be perfect. [00:01:52] God has been very close to man, and we have broken the bond with him over and over and over again as we have been going through Genesis. And he is telling Abram now, right to Abram, he's saying, you know, hey, and I will make a covenant between me and thee, and we will multiply the exceedingly. [00:02:16] So your seed, your offspring, I am going to multiply it. It is going to affect the world. And that's what it's going to do. I'm going to just multiply you exceedingly so. And he wants a covenant. And he wants Abraham to agree to this covenant. Here we are. We are at a new law, a new relationship, again bound by this. And let's see how Abraham handles this all the way through. [00:02:47] And Abraham fell, fell on his face. And God talked with him, saying, as for me, behold, my covenant is with thee. And thou shalt be a father of many nations. And not just many offspring, but many nations are going to, you know, that's what you are. You're going to be the father of that. And he's not saying him his offspring. So understand that, too. [00:03:16] Neither shall thy name anymore be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham. For a father of many nations, I have made thee. It's already in the works. God has made a covenant with him. He has made a promise to him. He's not saying, hey, Abram, you're going to be in charge of the many nations. But no. But your offspring, your seed, is going to be in charge of many nations. So it's a promise. And I'm not going to call you Abram anymore. It's Abraham now. You are Abraham. He has named him. You could see the importance of this relationship there because God himself has come down, has talked to him, has made this covenant as a bond with him and says, this shall be your name. [00:04:11] I shall be referring you to this. You shall be referred to from here on in. Not Abram. Abraham. [00:04:20] This is part of that covenant. If you look at it, it is a new beginning for Abraham. [00:04:29] And that's part of this bond that goes together. [00:04:35] And I will make thee exceedingly fruitful. And I will make nations of thee and kings shall come out of thee. And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant to be a God unto thee and unto thy seed after thee. And I will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee. And the land wherein thou art a stranger. All the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession. And I will be their God. [00:05:11] He's making it very clear. He's. He's already opened up this geographical area, Canaan, this land, okay? And he's promised him. God has promised. Abraham, you be faithful to me. [00:05:27] You follow me. [00:05:29] I will make your seed in charge of many, many nations and everything. [00:05:36] And this land is your possession. I am giving you this. [00:05:42] Follow me. Listen to me. [00:05:47] And God said unto Abraham, thou shalt keep my covenant, therefore. And there it is. There's that bond. There is that bond. God is instructing him and telling him, you have to keep your word to me. And why not? We have broken this word over and over again. I don't care if it's Lamech. I don't care if it's Cain. I don't care if it was Adam and Eve or the woman at that time before we knew her as Eve. It doesn't matter. We're the ones who broke it. [00:06:19] We're the ones who broke it. [00:06:23] So he says, thou shalt keep my covenant, therefore, thou and thy seed after thee in their generations. Now, you'll notice this, too. [00:06:33] He's not just telling Abraham to keep this covenant, but your seed also. Abraham is therefore accepting this. And he is going to be the instructor to his seed, to his offspring. You must keep this covenant with the Lord thy God. [00:06:54] So he's holding him responsible and you can see it there. And Abraham is a good and upright man, upward, outward, everything. Or God wouldn't even be giving him the time of day. But he is to where he renamed him, to where he's told them exactly what possession he's going to have. He's told them your seed is going to, it's going to cause to where your seed is in charge of multiple nations. [00:07:23] Keep your word to me. [00:07:25] Be obedient and ye shall circumcise. Oh, here we go. I'm sorry, we're on verse ten now, chapter 17, page 25. This is my covenant which ye shall keep between me and you and thy seed after thee. Every man child among you shall be circumcised. [00:07:47] There's a mark. There it is. There's something he wants done and, and that will be proof of your seed, proof of your obeying the covenant, that this is something that you need to do. This is an important thing here because we didn't have circumcised before, so now all of a sudden we do. [00:08:10] And it's important I have a covenant with God, my proof of this and everything that goes with this. We're going to be circumcised, true people of God, following God. [00:08:23] And ye shall circumcise the flesh, your foreskin, and it shall be a token of the covenant between me and you. [00:08:32] And there it is. There, there it is. And it is saying, this is my covenant which you shall keep between me and you and thy seed after thee. Every man child among you shall be circumcised and you shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin and it shall be a token. You understand? There, there it is. The significance of circumcision at this time, at this point in the Bible. Now this changes when we get to the New Testament, and Paul realizes this after Christ came, because that covenant now is gone. But it doesn't matter. [00:09:13] When we get there, we'll discuss that. But you can see again, this is where we're going from the Old Testament. We're going forward. We're looking at the New Testament and we already know from the New Testament if you've already read King James in the Bible. If not, don't worry, when we get there, we'll cover it. But we already know, be it circumcised or uncircumcised, gentile or jew or greek or anything else isn't going to matter. Christ fixes that. That's the covenant then. So let's go on and he that is eight years old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations. He that is born in the house or brought or bought with money of any stranger which is not of thy seed. He that is born in thy house, he that is bought with thy money must needs be circumcised. [00:10:14] You are responsible for whatever. If you bought him, he's in your house. If he's in your house at eight years old, and you notice, he brings it our eight days old. Excuse me, at eight days old, it's happening. So from the beginning of their lives, that's how he wants it. [00:10:36] And it's very interesting, you know, eight days old. I would have thought at first the seven days Sabbath or whatever, but it's eight days, so it's very interesting how this goes. And I love that part. [00:10:53] And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of the foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people. He had broken my covenant. There it is. There's the consequences. He's being very specific that you will do this. This is part of the agreement that I have with you. It is a token. It is a mark that is there to show that you are bonded to me with that covenant. And obeying that covenant, so. [00:11:34] And God said to Abraham, as for Sarai, thy wife, thy wife, thou shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. And of course, that's verse 15. Now, notice something else that God is doing here. He has not forgotten Sarai. He has also renamed her and very specific about it to where it is included. And I think this is why we are going to learn this. Of course, I already know, but very specific. So it's not just him. It is, I've blessed you. I've made a covenant with you. I made a covenant with your seed. I've told you, my covenant is going to encompass this land. It is yours. [00:12:23] You will show that I have this covenant with you from your circumcision. And if you looked at Cain, God gave him a mark, if you remember, after he slew Abel. And that mark was to protect Cain, but punish Cain at the same time. One, Cain went around, he had a mark, which means he did something against God. Okay. Two, no one's to touch Cain. If you do, you're going to suffer the wrath seven times. And of course, of course, Lamech used that later on and said, well, surely if Cain is, you know, going to be suffered by the people in this world and protected and the other people punished. Seven times. I will be seven. And 77 times. Which led us back to the New Testament. How many times should I forgive my brother? Seven times. No, 77 times. So very interesting. [00:13:24] And I will bless her and give her or give thee a son also of her. Ye I will bless her. And she shall be the mother of nations. Kings of people shall be of her. Now that's verse 16. Okay. And chapter 17. [00:13:44] He's going to give her a child. [00:13:47] Okay. It's not saying I will give her children. It's saying, and I will bless her. I will give thee a son also of her. He's blessing her and he's going to give Abraham a son. [00:14:06] I think this is very important because he's making a promise to Abraham. And Abraham is hearing this, God hasn't just blessed Abraham, but he's blessed his wife Sarai, which is now Sarah, and telling him, you're going to have a boy. And he will be. She shall be a mother of all nations. The child is coming from her. [00:14:34] And kings of people shall they shall be of her. So not only is he going to have this child, but this child is going to have children. And they're going to be kings. [00:14:48] Then Abraham fell upon his face and laughed and said in his heart, shall a child be born unto him that is a hundred years old? [00:14:57] And shall Sarah that is 90 years old bear? And Abraham said unto Abraham, said unto God, oh, that Ishmael might live before thee? And God said, sarah, thy wife shall bear a son indeed. And thou shalt call his name Isaac. [00:15:19] Ishmael is already born from Hagar. We know this. [00:15:23] But God has gone out of his way. [00:15:26] His love and everything for Abraham. [00:15:31] Then Abraham has been following God that. No, this is not going to be like that. No, you might be old and you're not in your dotage, but you're old where you wouldn't think you'd have kids. But it's going to happen. [00:15:47] I can do anything. For what we do as human beings is impossible. But for God, anything's possible. Everything's possible. So. And hold that thought on that. Because when we get to the New Testament, we're going to discuss that too. And where it's at. [00:16:08] Sorry, I had to take a little swig of coffee. [00:16:12] I will establish my covenant with him. [00:16:16] He's going to make a covenant with Isaac now. [00:16:19] He's telling Abraham before Isaac's even born, before Sarah's even had this child. Guess what? [00:16:28] I know what's going to happen. [00:16:31] I'm telling you how it's going to happen. And I'm telling you, I'm going to make a covenant with him, too, which is separate from the one that you have with me. [00:16:42] Abraham has got to be blown away by this, by all this. [00:16:47] I mean, first of all, you know, Christ, God, the Lord God, has come down and is speaking directly to him. There's that bond that's kind of been lacking a little bit ever since man has betrayed God and God knows how many times, but here he is again. [00:17:09] And it's wonderful if you're not reading this, and Hillsdale College has a great, great article, and not just an article, but a great history on ancient Christianity in Genesis. So I can only encourage you to watch them. They're free videos. But it gives you a better understanding of the hebrew aspect of this to where you're looking at it, not only in a poetic or understanding as metaphors poetically, but it is a wonderful love story. And the fact is, it's factual and it's true the whole way through this whole book. But again, it is God's love for us. Understand how it's being put. It's for us, you know? So here we go. [00:18:07] And we're on verse 20. As far as Ishmael, I have heard thee, behold, I have blessed him and will make him fruitful. [00:18:17] Now, if you remember, Sarai wanted Hagar and Ishmael out, okay? Wanted him out, and he had to send them on their way. And of course, I can understand you have a complication where Sarai couldn't have children. She couldn't bear children. She was barren. And she wanted him to go and be and lay with Hagar. [00:18:43] And Abram did. [00:18:46] Ishmael was born. And now after this has happened, she wants them gone because it's conflicting and everything that's going on with, with Sarai, with Hagar, and with Abram, so he did. [00:19:04] But God has heard them, too, when she sets him down. And then she goes off a little ways and cries. She doesn't want to see the death of this child. And yet here's an angel that pops up. Hey, why are you crying like this? What is going on? Boom. There's water. There's, you know, make in protecting him. Now, here's God's other gift to Abraham. [00:19:28] As far as Ishmael. I have heard thee, behold, I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and will multiply him exceedingly. [00:19:38] Twelve princes shall he begat, and I will make him a great nation. So this has been weighing heavy on Abraham's or Abram at that time's mind, this child is part of my seed and I'm not to give him this inheritance. I'm not to do this, you know, and now I've got to send them away or I'm going to have a problem here with Sarai and she's got a problem with Hagar. And, you know, it's just a big ball of wax. But God unwinds it all. He unwinds this big ball of string or wax or whatever, and he's telling him, use your mind. [00:20:26] I haven't forgot about Ishmael. I haven't done that. And he is, I'm going to bless him, too. He's taking care of all the problems that Abraham has going right now inside of his head, all the worries. [00:20:41] He, it's almost like he said, don't worry. It doesn't give you another qubit of life or width or depth or anything else. You can't add one qubit, okay? And we're going to learn that in the New Testament. [00:20:55] But I'm going to relieve you of these worries. [00:20:59] So I'm going to bless him. And we know this. Twelve princes shall he be gap. [00:21:09] He's going to have children and his seed is going to lead to twelve princes. And I will make him a great nation. [00:21:19] He's detailed. But my covenant will I establish with Isaac. [00:21:26] He's got another covenant. Here we go. Which Sarah shall bear unto thee this set time in the next year. [00:21:36] Here we go. Now we're getting, we could kind of see what's going on, but here we go with the prophetic part again. God is telling him something that is going to happen ahead of time before it comes to fruition here. [00:21:53] So, and he left off taking with him. [00:22:01] And God went up from Abraham and Abraham took Ishmael, his son, and all that were born into his house and all that were bought with his money, every male among them, the men of Abram's house and the circumcised of the flesh of their foreskin in the self same day as God had said to him. So Abraham is listening to Goddesse. He is giving circumcisions. He is making sure he is doing exactly as he was instructed. [00:22:34] You're going to see, when we get into Moses and we get into Aaron, God is very specific as to what he wants. And this is going to be a downfall as we move on. Aaron's sons and I will point it out then. [00:22:57] And Abraham was 90 years old, 99 years old, I'm sorry. When he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. And Ishmael his son was 13 years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. In the self same day was Abraham circumcised, and Ishmael his son and all the men of his house were born in the house and bought with money of the stranger were circumcised with him. [00:23:25] Anyone who is around Abraham, anyone who was living there, anyone who is in his house is keeping the covenant. Abraham is making sure. [00:23:36] Now we're on. Chapter 18. Sarah's faith is tested, and the lord appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre. And he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day. [00:23:51] And he lifted up his eyes and looked and lo, three men stood by him. When he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door and bowed himself toward the ground and said, my lord, if now I have found favor in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant. [00:24:13] Do not do not leave. Do not pass by, is what he's saying. [00:24:20] Let a little water. I pray you be fetched and wash your feet and rest yourselves under the tree. [00:24:28] And I will fetch a morsel of bread and comfort ye your hearts. After that, ye shall pass on. So here you go. You know, I'm seeing you three. Let me take care of you, feed you. I'll do whatever I need to. We're moving on now. [00:24:46] And you shall pass on, for therefore are ye come to your servant. And they said, so do as thou hast said. [00:24:56] He's serving, and the serving that is going on understands something. We're going to see that again. And you guessed it in the New Testament, because everybody thought Christ was coming to destroy the enemy. But Christ did not. Christ came to do just the opposite, not only to save, but to serve. [00:25:25] And the neat thing about it, he said, those who are first will be last, and those who are last will be first when it comes to the kingdom of heaven or being in heaven. And he said that to the disciples because they were quarreling, arguing amongst themselves who was the best. [00:25:43] But that's how Christ alleviated that. It was really cool. [00:25:47] And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah and said, make ready quickly three measures of fine meal. Knead it and make cakes upon the earth, the hearth. And Abram ran into the herd and fetched a half. [00:26:04] Fetched a calf, tender and good, and gave it unto the young man and hasted to dress it. And he took butter and milk and the calf which he had dressed and set it before them and stood by them under the tree. And they did eat. [00:26:22] And he was a waiter. He was serving. That was his thing. Think about. It's a waiter. I'm serving you, man. Here's your plate. Here's your plate. Here's your plate. Everything's going on. He is a servant and he's serving them. He's 100 years old now, almost, you know, 99 years old. And he's serving the younger Mendez. [00:26:46] Hey, before you go, don't just pass by. [00:26:49] Come eat. Please enjoy. Let me serve you. Let me feed you. And then you could be on your way. [00:27:02] And they said unto him, where is Sarah, thy wife? And he said, behold in the tent. And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to. To the time of life. And lo, Sarah, thy wife shall have a son. [00:27:18] And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him. Now, Abraham and Sarah were old and were stricken in age. [00:27:27] And it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. [00:27:32] She's old. She doesn't have her menstruations or anything else. [00:27:38] She's in menopause. [00:27:41] And here's God that is going to create a miracle, not only out of love of Sarah, but because of Abraham. [00:27:51] And your son is going to be named Isaac, and he will be the king of many nations. And I haven't forgotten about Ishmael. I haven't forgotten about Hagar. I haven't forgotten about any of this. I will take care of it. [00:28:04] And he does. And here we go. Therefore. Sarah laughed within herself, saying, after I am waxed old, shall I have the pleasure, my lord being old also? And the Lord said unto Abraham, wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, shall I, of a surety bear a child which am old? [00:28:30] God's a little bit put off here, and rightfully so. [00:28:35] She's laughing a little bit. [00:28:40] Is there an indignance there? Is there. Is there a non belief there of how powerful God is? You know, she's thinking, no way I can have kids. You gotta be kidding me. I'm in menopause and have been for years. Look at how old I am. And you're telling me I'm gonna have kids. Oh, okay, sure. [00:29:02] Yeah, I'm sure. God is a little bit. And he brings it up to Abraham. [00:29:09] Is she laughing at me? [00:29:12] Why? Why is she laughing at me? [00:29:17] I don't think that Sarah understands at this point in time the full power, the full might that God has and how he can go. [00:29:31] Like we had said many times before, God is outside of space, height, width, he's outside of time. Yesterday, today, tomorrow. Okay. And he's certainly outside of any of the elements or anything else. [00:29:47] Molecules, matter, anything. He can go through it, in it, around it, above it, beyond it. [00:29:57] She's not getting that. So let's see what happens here. [00:30:02] Is there anything too hard for the Lord? [00:30:05] At the time appointed, I will return unto thee according to the time of life and Sarah shall have a son. God makes it clear. [00:30:16] You think this is too hard for me. It's not. [00:30:20] I'm going to show you very clear in a way. Is he chastising Sarah? Yes, but he's doing it through Abraham. [00:30:33] But, yeah, he's making the point. Is there anything? Because understand something. He's also teaching Abraham how powerful he is. Abraham already follows him. There's no doubt. He knows he's the, you know, God, the almighty. That's why he has a covenant with him. [00:30:50] But because we're human and we're dumb. And I use the word dumb because we don't understand and nor can we possibly understand the thinking that God has. [00:31:05] We are dumb. And in the Bible you're going to hear where we're called stupid. A few times I tried to lighten it a little bit, but we are. Unless we see it with our eyes, hear it with our ears, taste it or touch it, we are not comprehending how powerful God is. [00:31:28] And we need to change that in our hearts, in our minds, so that we can better understand. [00:31:35] And as we get older, different things happen to us. And you have no explanation. I'll give you a hint, God. [00:31:46] So let's move on here then. Sarah denied saying, I laughed, not for she was afraid. And he said, nay, thou did. Laughter there, there's. Okay. So here again is Sarah saying, well, I'm afraid, but I didn't laugh. I wasn't laughing at you. [00:32:08] And God's saying, yeah, you did. [00:32:12] Yes, you did. [00:32:13] Don't lie. You did. [00:32:17] And Abraham knew that. So let's get on. Let's see what happens now. Abraham, his faith right here going to be tested. [00:32:28] Verse 16. [00:32:30] And we're at chapter 18. And the men rose from thence and looked towards Sodom. And Abraham went with them to bring them on the way. And the Lord said, shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do? Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation and all nations of the earth shall be blessed in him. [00:33:01] God is. [00:33:03] Again, shall we hide this from him? [00:33:07] Sarah has mocked God and everything that's going on. [00:33:13] I think that seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation. And all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him. [00:33:31] All the nations in the earth. That's everything is coming from who? Abraham, blessed by God. Covenant, circumcision. [00:33:44] Here we go. [00:33:49] For I know him that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment. And the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. [00:34:09] God is making sure that Abraham is going to keep this covenant. It's going to protect him, to make sure he keeps his covenant, put it in his heart. [00:34:19] But Abraham's doing what? Justice and judgment. [00:34:24] So under two very different things, judgment and justice. Justice and judgment. [00:34:33] So here he goes. And the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. [00:34:41] It's going to make sure that it's carried out. [00:34:46] And the Lord said, because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous, I will go down now and see whether they have gone altogether according to. To the cry of it which is come unto me, and if not, I will know. And the men turned their faces from thence and went toward Sodom. But Abraham stood yet before the Lord. And Abraham drew near and said, wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? Here we go. Abraham. [00:35:24] Here's part of God is going to make sure that Abraham is what he's doing. He's judging. [00:35:32] Are you going to destroy all the good people along with all the bad? Because you hear the cries and God's at this point, he has basically put this already on Abraham. He said, this is what you're going to do. I bring upon Abraham that which he had spoken of him. God said, you're going to be good and upright and just and judgment. I'm going to make sure. [00:35:59] And here we go. Here's like a test here, not only showing of God's power. You don't think God doesn't know what is going on down in Sodom and Gomorrah? Already he knows. [00:36:11] It was more rhetorical, again, more of, okay, I'm going to go down there, and if there's something going on, I'm going to know. He doesn't need to go down there. [00:36:20] He hardly knows. [00:36:23] But this is the power again that we're talking about, the rhetorical questions. Like when he asked, Adam, have thou eaten of the tree I commanded, though not to eat of. He knew. He did. [00:36:40] He knew. Who told you you were naked? [00:36:44] He knows everything. There's nothing he doesn't know. That was a rhetorical question. [00:36:50] It gave Adam a chance to stand up and say, father, I sinned against you. I'm sorry, but that's not what happened. As we all know, Abraham turned to the woman you gave me to be with me, gave me the fruit of it. And I did eat through the woman under the bus, through God under the bus. And she turned and threw Satan under the bus. So here we go. [00:37:20] And Abraham, verse 23, chapter 18, page 26. And Abraham drew near and said, wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? [00:37:31] There be 50 righteous within the city. Will thou also destroy and not spare the place for 50 righteous that are in there? [00:37:41] Abraham's putting a hypothetical situation here before God, and God has already said that he's going to make sure that Abraham is going to, you know, carry out what he has already spoken of him being a good man, upright and outward, good cause with justice and judgment, good dereliction of duty. [00:38:04] So here he is asking God, like, questioning God, okay? Which is amazing in its own thing, because we sit here and even question God. But Abraham, did that be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked, and that the righteous should be as the wicked that be far from thee shall not the judge of all the earth do? Right now, he's flipped the tables on God, but God made him this way. God made sure he made him this way. So God is going through and listening to Abraham. Abraham doesn't know it, but guess what? You're a righteous in justice and in judgment. [00:38:58] And the Lord said, if I find in Sodom 50 righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes. [00:39:07] If there's 50 righteous people there, I will spare the whole place. [00:39:13] Ouch. For their sakes. [00:39:16] And Abraham answered and said, behold, now I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which I am but dustin. And ashes shall the lack, shall lack five of the 50 righteous. Will thou destroy all the city for lack of five? And he said, if I find there 45, I will not destroy it. And he spoke to him yet again and said, shall there be 40 around there? And he said, I will not do it for 40 sake. And he said unto him, oh, let not the Lord be angry. And I will speak. There shall be 30. And he said, I will not do it if I find 30 there. And he said, behold, now I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord. [00:40:08] Shall there be 20 found? And of course, God answers again, I will not destroy it for twenty's sake. And he said, oh, let not the Lord Bevereghe. He angry. I will speak yet, but this once pre adventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy for ten's sake. And the Lord went his way. And as soon as he had left after communing with Abraham, and Abraham returned unto his place. [00:40:38] And this is where we're getting into chapter 19. [00:40:42] I am calling it quits a little early. [00:40:45] They made a nice home cooked meal in the other room. We're going to stop here at chapter 19 in Genesis, which is going to be the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah on page 26. And I am going to put right here 922 24. [00:41:05] But I'm going to take a minute or two, and I want you to think about this. Abraham has said, listen, you know, would you save 50 rather than destroy the whole place and take lives? Well, what about 40? What about 30? What about 20? [00:41:24] Basically, he's going down and saying, don't destroy, even if he didn't get down there. But if there's even one person there that will follow you and love you, is it not worth sparing rather than wiping out the whole place for one good man? [00:41:45] And it kind of goes back to the New Testament again, when God sent his only one and only son, Christ, one, to die for us, to save us, to bless us, to serve us, and wants us to do the same for others throughout the world and spread the gospel, spread the book. [00:42:13] But you can see the relationship there. You can see how we could tie that to the new Testament from the Old Testament. And of course, when God is doing this, he knows Abraham is doing this, but he's also showing, because he said, I'm going to make sure that Abraham does this. [00:42:31] And Abraham is proving to God, I'm going to do this. I want to speak about these 20, these 30, these 40, these 45, these 50. [00:42:43] You know, he's giving him scenarios, but at the same time he is showing what justice and judgment, and that's exactly. [00:42:54] God's perfect. He makes no mistakes. And there it is. There's the proof right there, man, the proof of the pudding right there. And, you know, you go all the way back to verse 19 and we go for, I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment. That's exactly what Abraham is doing. [00:43:28] The Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. [00:43:35] He's directing, he's guiding and understand we are mere puppets in this world if we let him pull the strings, which we need to do in life, and that's what we need to do. We'll get on with that. [00:43:51] Sorry, I'm cutting it about 15 minutes early, guys. I'm excited to read chapter 19, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, because there's going to be a lot going on, but you see all the different things going on in the background as we go along. So with that, I want to say, have a wonderful Sunday. God bless you. I pray that you all have a wonderful week, a safe week, a loving week, you know, especially with everything going on in the world today. You can see it now. So sift through all the noise, sift through all the garbage that's going on. And, you know, Cs Lewis said, you know what? Don't look at the beam of light. [00:44:36] Look down along the beam of light. [00:44:40] It gives you a better perspective of everything going on. So do that. And I pray you. Well, God bless. Take care, guys. [00:44:52] Bye.

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