Lifewalk with Christ God

Lifewalk with Christ God
TRIM Radio
Lifewalk with Christ God

Oct 13 2024 | 01:01:49

Episode • October 13, 2024 • 01:01:49

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

Lifewalk with Christ God is a spiritual journey hosted by Michael Bahas, a dedicated believer and guide. This show offers a reading into the teachings of Jesus Christ, providing insights into the Bible.

Through engaging readings, heartfelt testimonies, and inspiring messages, Lifewalk with Christ God aims to:

  • Strengthen faith: Explore the power of prayer, worship, and devotion.
  • Foster community: Connect with like-minded individuals and build a supportive spiritual network.
  • Provide guidance: Address common challenges and questions about faith, offering practical advice and encouragement.
  • Inspire hope: Share stories of transformation and resilience, demonstrating the enduring power of God's love.

Join Michael Bahas on this spiritual adventure, as he leads viewers towards a deeper understanding of God's Word and a more fulfilling relationship with Christ.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:03] Speaker A: Does life hit you so hard that you've been knocked down? Have you gone too far to find the middle ground? Did they raise you so high just to pull you back down? Have you been so lost you could never be found? Cause I've been real I've been faking been a sinner, safe I've been right I've been so, so wrong yeah, I made my mistakes I don't know what it's like to be you don't know what it's like to be me. [00:00:46] Speaker B: What. [00:00:47] Speaker A: If we're all the same in different kinds of ways? Can you, can you relate? We both know what it's like to be heard we both know what it's like to feel pain but I think it's safe to say we're on to better days can you, can you relate? Can you ever be left when you should have been loved? Has there ever been a time when you stay but you should have known? [00:02:05] Speaker B: Hey, good evening, everyone, and welcome to life walk with Christ, God. I am Michael Behas. I thank you so much for being here, as always. We always give thanks to God every day, pray to him and do as much as we can. And I'm asking God to help me along here with this next lesson as I read it. And we continue on. We are on page King James Bible, page 34, Genesis 25. Right now at the time when Abraham dies. But let's get into this real quick a little bit about this. We are coming up onto their son Isaac now, and we all know what has gone on there. So now we're getting to the point of Abraham and Sarah's death. Biblical narrative turns to Isaac's twin sons, Jacob and Esau. And. But particularly Jacob in this case. And as we go on, we're going to know why that is so important, because Esau was born first and Jacob was hanging on to his heel. And we're going to explain that what this is, and if you remember, we talked about this, and this is a time of conflict that is coming together and then reconciliation. So very interesting. And you have to remember, as we gone through this, that Isaac has Isaac is just incredible. Isaac's lineage goes all the way to Jesus Christ in the New Testament. And you remember we were talking about how the New Testament jumps back to the Old Testament. The Old Testament jumps back to the New Testament multiple times. There's like 69,000 different references that go back and forth in this. It's absolutely incredible. And we can see these different things all along, and we pay particular attention to the things that are going on in the background and why a lot of people are upset because, and of course they're upset that at one point when we were backwards in Genesis twelve through 24, that why did Sarai, Sarah asked Jacob to sleep with Hagar, her bond woman. And it was real simple. In the ancient world, infertility was considered a cause for a husband to divorce his wife or to have heirs through concubines or slaves. Rather, they continue to wait for God's promise to be fulfilled. Abraham, at Sarah's urging, had a son through Sarah's slave, Hagar. Despite their attempt to shortcut God's promises, God kept his covenant with Sarah. And, you know, we stated that there were like four or five different covenants that God made with Abraham all along the way. These. These promises, these things that came to fruition. And every time, God kept those things. And you're gonna have to bear with me today. I have a little bit of a cold. Head cold. But. So if you start seeing me sneezing or whatever, just understand this is, I've had this. But Isaac, the son that finally Sarah, Sarah laughed about when they said, you know, when she was told, you're going to have a child, and she snickered and snickering at regardless of an angel or goddess, snickered. And she's like, no, I didn't. And Isaac said, yes. Or Abraham said, yes, you did. And later on, the reconciliation part came. As I laugh about this, others will laugh with me because of Isaac. So there's that reconciliation and admittance in a lot of ways, or repentance at the same time, saying, okay, why didn't I, you know, believe? But now I can laugh because now I have given Abraham a son, an heir, and that heir, that lineage right there, this is the beginning, the new beginnings going through the Bible. And those heirs are directly linked to Christ, God to Jesus Christ. A lot of people are saying, well, no, that's really David. No, it's not. David is linked through this lineage. Jacob and Esau are, everybody is. It started with Abraham. It went to Isaac, and Isaac was going to multiply as numerous as the stars in the heavens and the sand on the seashore. And we're seeing this. But this is where it all began. So after Abraham and Sarah's deaths, the biblical narrative turns to Isaac's twin sons, Jacob and Esau, but particularly Jacob. And Jacob at birth. Jacob was given his name, translated as he grasps at the heel, an ancient hebrew expression that meant he deceives wasn't a good name. It implies and in a lot of ways, through this, he deceives, fulfills. Again, another part of, you know, God chooses who we're just blown away by. So you look at the disciples, they weren't exactly the greatest people in the world. If you looked at Moses, you know, and we're going to see that going on. As we come up, we're going to find out that, hey, he had, you know, murdered another man, killed another man, slain him. But everything is who God chooses to do his will. And why does he choose that? And we're going to find out throughout that is that that does give God praise and glory, because his choices in this, he takes the worst and makes them to be the most important messengers and delivering the message of God, how powerful Christ God is. And he can do what we can't do. What's impossible for man is not impossible for God or for my father, as we find out in Matthew later on. But we're going to see this in Genesis 25 26. Later in Jacob's life, God changed his name to Israel. And we're gonna read about that, which means struggles with God. Both names suggest a man and also a family in a tug of war with God and each other. There is that conflict that we're gonna talk about. And with that conflict, you're gonna see that reconciliation and that love. And it's always God's part that is by grace. And God giving that love, having his mercy that comes out and shines. And what does it do? It's his love. Which proves my point that the Bible is the best love story, factual, that was ever written, proven all the time, especially in today's world, where we're finding more and more artifacts, we're finding more and more places. Hey, these people say this was here, and we're going back to it and we're discovering it. The Dead Sea scroll, which is word for word with Isaiah. And what a book. I can't wait to get into that one as we go through. But we're going through the whole Bible in order. But if you want to jump ahead, and you're more than welcome to do that, go through Isaiah 40 through 49 or 50, and you will see the direct link to the New Testament, one of the most prophetic and extremely accurate depictions from Isaiah, given from God. So it's very interesting, but let's get into this. Both names suggest a man, also a family, in a tug of war with God and each other. The stories in this section of Genesis detail how God's chosen family struggled. They struggled with God Jacob did so literally in Genesis 32. As we go, they struggled with each other, deceiving, fearing and betraying. You know, some were victims, other were victimizers, and some were both. In most times, they were focused on their own survival, status and power. But there will be a reconciliation every time, and this goes on throughout the Bible. But let's get to it. I wanted to give you that kind of, like, introduction to that and give you the hint and everything of what's going to be going on. I told you, we always have to look in the background of every little aspect of everything going on. So we shall close our chronological guide to the Bible. This is a wonderful, wonderful, you know, way that you can kind of go on. And it's absolutely fantastic. I love it. It's a great part. It's going to tell you exactly where the places were, where everything was happening. A chronological order. You can see it, and you're getting to see now how time is calculated, how everything is done, what is guides, what are, you know, how did we come to know that this date is this data in our own order, in time? So let's get to it. And we're getting on to. And we are on chapter 25, the beginning of chapter 25 on page 34. And I've got my little pink thing, so I can read fine. Then again, and don't forget my wording of some of the names in here are. They're very hard to pronounce, you know, they're hebrew names, latin names, arab names, greek names as we go through. And they're. They're very hard to pronounce. So just. I do the best that I can. Please don't take offense if I get it wrong. Then again, Abraham took a wife, and her name was Keturah, and she bore him Zimran and Jokshin and Menin and Median and Ishbak and Shura and Jokshin begat Sheba and Deidren. And the sons of Deidren were as Showrun and Lettishim and Lemashim. And the sons of Midian were Ephen and Ephener and Hanak and Abida and Elda. And all these were the children of Keturah. And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac. Isaac was that true heir for Abraham. And we knew that God took care of Hagar's child. So, you know, don't. Don't be grievous, Abraham, listen to your wife. Heed what she says. Send her on out, and I will make a great nation of him. But unto the sons of the concubines which Abram had. Abraham gave gifts and sent them away from Isaac, his son, while he yet lived eastward unto the east country. And these are the days and the years of Abraham's life, which he lived 100 threescore and 15 years. So when you look at this, you are getting, well, it says 175 years old, but it's 103 score, which would probably is like 30. And then 15 years, which comes out to 175 years old. Then Abraham gave up the ghost. What is the giving up of the ghost? We know that God, and we hear this a lot, that they are, because we are created in his image and we believe in Christ, God, his son Jesus. One of the things that we are blessed with is we are left with what they call a helper, an advocate. And we are going to cover that in the New Testament. Fear not. I have not left you alone. I'm leaving you with an Advocate, a helper that will help guide you in Everything. There's so many, like I said, there's so many little Details. When God makes the new covenant, he says, and the final covenant, and he says, hey, listen, I will write my word upon their head to have them have knowledge in their heads and. But upon their heart. So they will, they will know me. They will know that I am the Lord, their God, their savior. And there is only one God, but here we go. So let's get on. And Abraham gave all he had unto Isaac. So now we know AbraHAm gave up the ghost, which is the HOLy ghost, the HoLy spirit. Because this is a spiritual book. And a lot of people don't understand that. They get focused on all the words in the book and they get focused on the laws in the book. But what you have to remember, and this is why I say at one point in a lot of ways, and you have to read this Almost poetically, but Israel, uh, and the HebRews miss the boat because they, first of all, they only take like the first five books, uh, out of, you know, and that is the Torah and the Bible was canonized later. What goes in, what doesn't go in, Constantine and, um, I can just tell you and the bishops and, you know, all the, the high priests and everyone else made that decision, but I'm sure they were influenced by God. And Constantine himself wasn't the greatest guy in the world. We already know that. But he repented before his death. Another little tidbit there. And the ghost is what we give up. It's the Holy Ghost. And it is spiritual. Understand? We are spiritual. We're created in God's image, which is why he loves us and has maintained this relationship even though we have failed him. He'll punish us along the way. There are consequences and repercussions for everything that we do. But the beauty of it is his grace and his mercy always pull him back. And he relents and he eases off after his anger. It's a good thing. And anger is a natural God given emotion, and we have to understand that. But we're going to go through it. Here we go. And he was a good old age, an old man, and full of years, and was gathered unto his people. And his son Isaac. And Ishmael buried him in the cave of Makpala in the field of Ephron, the son of Zohar the Hittite, which is before Mamre, the field which Ibram purchased the sons of Heth. There was Abraham buried and his wife, Sarah. So if you remember, when he went and bought that land for Sarah when she died and paid, like, so many hundred shekel, 400 shekel of silver and everything, they didn't want to charge him, but he wanted to pay for it. So he just said, I need a burying place for her, something that nobody's going to take away. So, you know, and everything was going on and it was very, very interesting. Everything is symbolic back then. And you take a look at it, if you remember bin Lakh. And he gave him, he said, listen, whoa, hey. I knew nothing about the well or who did this, when they did it and everything else, that there was no water. I didn't know. But let's make a covenant, you and I. And of course, he gave seven ewe lambs. And he said, what's the meaning of this? And he said, it shows the covenant that you and I have. So very interesting. But you're going to see how all this went. And it came to pass after the death of Abraham that God blessed his son Isaac. We know this because God had already told Abraham, listen, the son you're going to have, Isaac, is going to be as numerous as the stars. And the Sandheen Isaac dwelt by the well Lara Roi. And now these are the generations of Ishmael, Abraham's son, whom Hagar, the egyptian, Sarah's handmaid, bore unto Abraham. And if you remember, when we were back there, we were saying, God, I'm going to make a great nation of him for him, you know of him, so. And these are the names of the son of Ishmael, by their names, according to the generations firstborn of Ishmael was Nebuchadnezzar. And Kendar and Abil and Mibsan and Misma and Dumar and Massa, Haidara, Tima Chetor, Anaphesh and Ketamah. And these are the sons of Ishmael. And these are the great names by their towns and. And by their castles, twelve princes according to their nations encampments, areas of where they're at. So let me get a quick swig of my coffee here to keep my voice going. I apologize. And these are the years of the life of Ishmael, 137 years. And he gave up the ghost and died and was gathered unto his people. So we know that he had a great nation, as promised with the covenant that God had made not only with Abraham, but also they came. Hagar, what aileth, you. God has heard the cry of the child. Here. Here's a well. Sprang up the well. And that was dry, but sprang it up. Give the child water, and I will make a great nation of him. Don't worry. And they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur, that is before Egypt. And as thou goest toward Assyria, and he died in the presence of all his brethren, which is, if you're going through things, the first thing you want around you that I can't stress enough is, and I'll tell you this as we go on, I'll explain a little bit of why, how did I come, or what led me myself to want to have such a relationship with God when all my life I've done anything but. So you will hear me later on about why this is so important. Family is a wonderful thing. I love family. So these are all the generations of Isaac, Abraham's son. Abraham begat Isaac. And Isaac was 40 years old when he took Rebecca to wife, which was great, because he sent the servant and, hey, you're going to go on over here. There's going to be a well. She's going to lower down a pitcher and bring it up. The servant, you know, asked God, please show me how or show me what will take place. And he said, let. Let this woman take up and then also give to the camel. So I know it's her. And she did that. So he said, will she go with me back? And he put gold earrings on her and bracelets and everything. And, of course, they wanted him to stay ten more days. And he said, don't hinder me from. From my master, you know? And they realized, okay, this comes from God. And Abraham did not want Isaac to be married to a Canaanite he wanted it to stay within his kindred, which was old times. You have to understand, uh, that's how exactly how it was. Um, but it's that lineage thing again, too, okay? And how it's going to spread out throughout the whole world. So, um, the daughter of, uh, Bethel, Bethuel the Syrian of Pandora, and the sister to Laban the Syrian, and Isaac entreated the Lord for his wife because she was barren. And the lord was entreated of him. And Rebecca, his wife, conceived. He waited for God's promise. So he waited for God's promise. And if you remember, we looked back just a few minutes ago and we talked about most men would get a divorce and hello, sleepy, because if a woman was barren or have concubines, to have an heir for them so that they could carry on. But entreated, you know that word? And Isaac entreated the Lord. What exactly does that mean? What's going on in the background? He goes to God, okay? And he is waiting for God's promise. And God entreated Isaac, so wait for my timing. Wait for me, and this will happen. And the Lord was entreated of him. And Rebekah, his wife, conceived. Now, this also goes forward. You're going to see this. Here's a, here's a jump to romans 910, Ezra 823 prayed to God. God was good because he did that. So he entreated him. He fulfilled a promise. And the children, children struggled together within her. She said, if it be so, why am I thus? And she went to inquire of the Lord, and the Lord said to her, two nations are in thy womb. And again, here's that poetry part that we're coming to. Two nations are in my womb, twins. But you have to be able to poetically and a little bit of theology there and psychology in there to understand what exactly does that mean? And these are the things that we're talking about in the background, and it's so important. Two nations, twins. Okay. Does that mean those nations aren't fighting with each other? Is that that conflict part that we're talking about? Okay. Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels. And the one shall be stronger than the other people, and the elder shall serve the younger. Here we go. Here's the poetic part of again. And this is giving a huge background. How do I see preview of what's coming. The elder shall serve the younger. So it's proving God's word because it's prophetic. God is telling us himself, the older shall serve the younger. So what does God have planned for these twins? And we already have a clue if the older shall serve the younger. So let's find out why and when her days to be delivered were fulfilled. Behold, there were twins in her womb. And here we go. That's chapter 25. And we are at verse 24. And the first came out, redhead all over like a hairy garment. And again, here we go. Remember that part? Like a hairy garment. This is. This is metaphorically and everything else factual, but you're going to find out why as we go along. And the first came out red all over like a hairy garment. And they called his name Esau. So Esau was first. The term birthright of what's going on. Birthright in Bible times appears several times. In the BIble, the word refers to the inheritance rights of the firstborn son in a HebREw family. In Old Testament times, the property of the father was normally divided among his sons at death. But the larger amount, usually a double portion, went to the oldest son. And this goes to DeuteronoMY 20 117, who assumed the care of his mother and unmarried sisters. The birthright, with its privilege and responsibilities, could be forfeited by behavior that was offensive to the father or opposed to God's will. Offensive to the father or opposed God's will. The human father and then God. So understand that. Then it could change. So we're going to find out. Reuben apparently lost his birthright by committing incest with his father's concubine. There's so much going on. That's a Genesis 35. We're going to learn about this. So I'm going to skip that part. Let's move on. We are now on page 36. And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau's heel. There's the conflict. They're wrestling around in the womb, and, you know, she's wondering, okay, why? What is going on? Did not know she was having twins until I said, okay. The older will serve the younger. Out of you is coming two nations. So here, you know. So here we are. And his hand took on Esau's heel. And his name was called Jacob. And Isaac was three score years old when she bear them. And the boys grew. And Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field. And Jacob was a plain man dwelling in tents. And Isaac loved Esau because he did eat of his venison. But Rebecca loved Jacob. Very interesting. Jacob's really nobody. He's not doing anything. And here is Esau, which is a mighty hunter. Okay. He is shooting deer, bringing home the food for dad, and making venison and everything else, you know. And, of course, Isaac loves Esau. You're doing something. What are you doing, Jacob? Look at your brother. But Rebekah favors Jacob, so, and Jacob's sod portage. And Esau came from the field and was faint. Esau was tired, exhausted, faint, didn't feel good. And Esop said to Jacob, feed me, I pray thee, with the same red pottage, for I am faint. Therefore, his name was called Edom. And Jacob said, sell me this day thy birthright. Remember, we know that the name Jacob, it means deceives, deceiver. So he's got Esau kind of right where he wants him. Here's the conflict. Give me your birthright. Is this the point of when the older shall serve the younger? Well, not quite, but you could see how it's in motion now, how this comes about. Sell me your birthright. I'll give you something to eat. And it's kind of a temptation to Esau. Okay, who's probably. He's just hungry, he's tired, he's faint, a little bit weak, probably been out hunting or doing whatever. But these are the things in the background, because we know he's a great hunter. We know that. So let's see how he responds to this. And Jacob said, sell me this day thy birthright. And this is going to go to deuteronomy 20 116 corinthians five, one, two. And Esau said, behold, I am at the point to die. And what profit shall this birthright do to me? And Jacob said, swear to me this day. And he swore to him. And he sold his birthright, made his solemnly swear unto Jacob, I feel I'm dying. I feel like I'm dying. Was he over exaggerating? Was he not thinking at the time that the importance of the birthright? Because he didn't understand it? And we all know from what we were reading before that the father and God can change that if they are upset with the son's behavior. You know, the oldest son, because he used to get double portions, and here he is, and Jacob is deceiving Isaac, and Jacob has the knowledge of the birthright, and Isaac's really not paying attention to that. He just wants something to eat. So you can kind of see how things were supposed to work out, where Esau was supposed to be given the birthright, and the younger one serve the oldest one, because he's going to get the double portion. But God had already said, elders shall serve the younger. God's not happy about this. And you can see why. These are the things going on in the background and over what food, which I'm sure was not a good thing. But how can we possibly understand God's mind frame? We can. We can only understand it from our perspective. And the Bible is open to so much interpretation. But I would be upset. Logically, I would think I would be upset, but God would say, how could you possibly know what I'm feeling? My mind is not your mind. My thinking is not your thinking. It is beyond you. So, but let's see what happened then. Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentils, little soup. Here we go. And he did eat and drink and rose up and went his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright. Very so. Isaiah 20, 213, corinthians 1532. Here's that flip back and forth in the Bible and we're going to see that. But in this case it was old Testament. Old Testament. So chapter 26, the failure of Isaac. And there was a famine in the land besides the first famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went unto Abilac, king of the Philistines, unto Gerar, and the Lord appeared unto him and said, go not down into Egypt, dwell in the land of which I shall tell of thee. You know, sojourn, travel in this land and I will be with thee, and I will bless thee, for unto thee and unto thy seed I will give all these countries and I will perform the oath which I swore unto Abraham, thy father. Stay there for a while. Hang out. Let my timing do what it's going to do. I'm going to do everything that I promised, my covenant to your father, to Abraham. And I will make thy seed multiply as the stars of the heaven and give unto the seed all these countries, and thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. And then you go to Galatians three, eight. But I'm going to tell you, there is Abraham, Isaac, bam, everything, all the nations, all the nations, there's none excluded, all of them. So you could kind of see God's predetermined, predestined plan throughout the Bible from here, because Jesus Christ is going to come from this lineage and we all do. It's wonderful, but we all do, the whole world does. So here we go. Because that Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statues and my laws. And Isaac dwelt in Gerard. And the men of that place asked of him, his wife and, and he said, this is my sister, for he feared to say, she is my wife. Least, said he, the men of this place should kill me for Rebecca because she was fair to look at, to look upon proverbs and you're going to see proverbs 29, 25, 24 and 16, how we're going back and forth here. And it came to pass when he had been there a long time. The Abimelech, king of the Philistines, looked out the window and saw, and behold, Isaac was sporting with Rebekah, his wife playing. And Abimelech called Isaac and said, behold of the surety, she is thy wife. And how saidst thou? She is my sister. And Isaac said unto him, because I said, least I die for her. And Abimelech said, what is this that thou has done unto us? One of the people might lightly have lean with thy wife, laid with thy way with thy wife, had, you know, taken her to be wife or had relations with her so, and thou shouldst have brought guiltiness upon us. And that's exodus. And you can go there. 32 21. But Abimelech was told, if you remember, God basically said, you're a dead man, you know, if you do this. Hey, whoa, wait a minute here. I never touched her. Nothing happened. So Abimelech charged all his people, saying, he that touches this man or his wife shall surely be put to death. Isaac sowed in that land and received in the same year a hundredfold. And the Lord blessed him. Isaac reaped. He was well within God's favor, blessed, just as God said. But can you imagine being in that position? And you know, he knows exactly what's going on. Wait a minute here. Whoa, whoa, whoa. And being told in his dreams and everything, you're a dead man. And I I don't want this. No way, no part of this whatsoever, in any way, shape or form. So here we go. And the man waxed great and went forward and grew until he became very great. He made progress, for you had possession of flocks, possession of herds, a great store of servants. And the Philistines envied him. Oh, the conflict of, we're seeing it for all the wells which his father servants had digged in the days of Abraham, his father, the Philistines, had stopped and filled them with the earth. And Abimelech said unto Isaac, go from us, for thou are much mightier than we. And Isaac departed hence and pitched his tent in the valley of Gerard and dwelt there. That's where he made his home. Isaac digged again the wells of the water which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father. For the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham. And he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. And Isaac's servants digged in the valley and found there was a well of springing water. And the herdmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac's herdman, saying, the water is ours. And he called the name of the well Isaac, because they strove with him, they fought with him. And they digged another well and strove for that also. And he called the name of it Sitna. And he removed from thence and digged another well. For that they strove, for that they strove not. And he called the name of it Rehoboth. And he said, for now the Lord hath made room for us and we shall be fruitful in the land. And it made it so, you know, the last well, he's not going to sit there and we're fighting over and everything like that. No, this one's fine. God has promised it. And here it is. So he made it so, so that they could stay. And he went up front, he went up into Beersheba. And the Lord appeared unto him the same night and said, I am God of Abraham thy father. Fear not I am with thee and will bless thee and multiply thy seed. For my servant Abraham's sake, God keeping that other covenant. And we do like we said, multiple covenants that he has going on, which is just fantastic, but he's kept everyone. Abraham was faithful all the way through and was really tested when God asked him to sacrifice Isaac. And he was about to do it until the angel came down, said, listen, don't hurt the lad. Don't touch the. Laden laid not a hand upon him. And because you were, you were going to do this thing, you were going to keep your word. I know now you know. I will bless thee because of your actions. So here we are. Page 37, chapter 26. And he built an altar there and called upon the name of the Lord and pitched his tent there. And there's Isaac's servants. Dig the well. Then Abimelech went up to him from Gar and Ahasueth, one of his friends, and Philcol, the chief captain of his army. And Isaac said to him, wherefore come to me, seeing ye hate me and have sent me away from you. And they said, we certainly, we saw certainly that the Lord was with thee. And we said, let us now there be an oath betwixt us, between us, even betwixt us and thee. Let us make a covenant with thee. Here's the agreement. Here's the agreement that we're going to talk about, because he's mad. Why are you guys filling in the wells with earth and everything like that? And, you know. And making claim to this? And what's the purpose of this? And Ablim already knows, you know, I am not messing with God. This. This will not work out well. So here we go. That will do unto us no hurt. As we have not touched thee, as we have done unto thee nothing but good. We have sent thee away in peace. Thou art now the blessed of the Lord. And no harm. He's making sure you know there's no harm. So. And he made them a feast. And they did eat and drink. And they rose up bedtime in the morning and swore one another. Swore to one another. And Isaac sent them away. And they departed from him in peace. And it came to pass in the same day that Isaac's servants came and told him concerning the well which they had digged, and said unto him, we have found water. And he called it Sheba before the name of the city. That is beersheba unto this day. So that is an oath. The well of the oath. Okay, here we go. Now, the failure of EsaU. And we're getting into this part because this is a. This is a great part. I absolutelY. This is one of my favorite parts of the Bible. When we start to getting into Esau and Jacob, and then from there, it just explodes, and it gets into all this wonderful stuff. But here we go. The failure of Esau, chapter 26, verse 34. And Esau was 40 years old when he took the wife, Judith, the daughter of Barry the Hittite, the bashometh, the daughter of Elon the Hittite, which were a grief of mind unto Isaac. And to Rebekah. They caused worry. Was it because he married hittites? These are the things. Isaac has done some things, or Esau has done some things already. And we saw him do these things. Sold his birthright to his brother Jacob. Not good. Now, the people that he's marrying, these two. These two women, mom and dad, are not really happy about this. They're kind of the lineage people, the kindred. And Esau is kind of going outside of that. So here's conflict again. Okay. And it just says, which were a grief of mine unto Isaac and Rebecca. Chapter 27. Jacob gains Esau's blessing. And it came to pass that when Isaac was old and his eyes were dim, so that he could not see. He called Esau his eldest son, and said to him, my son. And he said unto him, behold, here I am. And hear that here I am again, nahini, which is Hebrew, for here I am. So very, very interesting. And you have to understand a little bit of Hebrew. I took a couple of courses on this because I just loved it so much, ancient Christianity, and it was wonderful. Free courses and everything else. But looking at it from a Hebrew, a Torah perspective and understanding and seeing how it's the poetic part. So here he is, ready to give the blessing, and he said, behold, now I am old, and know not the day of my death. Now, therefore, take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out into the field and take me some venison and make me savory meat, such as I love, and bring it to me that I may eat, that my soul might bless thee before I die. And rebekah heard when Isaac spoke to Esau, his son. And Esau went to the field to hunt for venison and to bring it. Rebecca favors Jacob. Isaac favors Esau. Isaac loves his food. He loves the fact that he's a hunter. He loves the fact he's a go getter. And Jacob is basically a deceiver. He deceives. That's his name. That's what it means to. He's not doing anything. He's just kind of a tent dweller hanging out. So. But Rebecca loves him. She sees something in him. He's like a survivor. He's grabbing on to Esau's heel, coming out. He's wrestling in the womb with him, and God comes forth and explains it to her. Listen, two great nations going to come out of you. Basically, he's telling her you're having twins. She might not have understood it, but that was the fact of the matter. So here we go. So Esau's on his way to do exactly as his father asked, and his father has told him, I want to eat this. Why give you the blessing? Because I don't know when my time is, but I feel like it's coming, but I don't know exactly when it is. And he said, behold, now I am old, and know not the time of my death. Now, therefore, take, I pray thee, thy weapons. And there we go. Okay. And Rebecca heard when Isaac spoke to Esau, his son. And Esau went to the field to hunt for venison and bring it. And Rebekah spoke unto Jacob, her son, saying, behold, I heard thy father speak unto Esau, thy brother, saying, bring me venison. Make me savory meat that I may eat and bless thee before the Lord before my death. Making a covenant with the Lord, making a blessing before the lord. And Esau is seen as good in Isaac. Isaac has no idea that Esau has given up his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of pottage or lentil soup. So now, therefore, my son, obey my voice according to which I command thee. Now, Rebecca is telling Jacob, do exactly as I say. Be quick about it, but do exactly as I'm telling you. She's given him commands. She's telling them what to do. Now go back to the flock and fetch from thence two good kids of the goats, and I will make them a savory meat for thy father, such as he loveth. And, of course, she knows exactly what it is. And she knows exactly how to make it, because her son is Esau. So she has seen everything. She knows the flavors. She knows the smells and everything else. She could make a chicken taste like that. Um, being facetious, as I. As I'm being. But she knows. So she's telling him. But she's still honoring her husband, Isaac. Get me two good kids of the goats. Give me two good ones. Don't give me any slack or anything else. I want good ones. So, at the same time, the things going on in the background, give me the best. Give me the best of the goats. I'm going. I'm still honoring Isaac. I'm going to cook it just the way he wants it. And I want you to go get them, and I'm going to show you why. And thou shalt bring it to thy father that he may eat and that he may bless thee before his death. And Jacob said to Rebekah, his mother, behold, Esau, my brother is a hairy man. And I am a smooth man. My father. Prevention will feel me. And it shall seem to him as a deceiver. Well, that's his name. And I shall bring a curse upon me and not a blessing. Perhaps, you know. Yeah, I could see that he's going to be mad at him for trying to portray his brother. So here we go. And his mother said to him, upon me be thy curse, my son. Only obey my voice. Go fetch me them. So she's telling him, don't worry about a curse coming upon you. I'm doing this. I will take responsibility of this. And he went and fetched and brought it unto his mother. And his mother made savory meat, such as his father loved. Rebecca. Took godly remnant of her eldest son. Esau, which were with her in the house, and put them upon Jacob. She's taking Esau's clothes and dressing Jacob up so that he is hairy. He will smell like Esau. Isaac doesn't have great vision. Everything is coming, you know, upon this. So we see. And she put skins of the kids of goats upon his hands and upon the smooth of his neck. And she gave savory meat and the bread which she had prepared into the hand of her son Jacob. And it came upon his father and said to his father, he said, nahini, here I am. Who art thou, my son? And Jacob said unto his father, I am Esau, thy firstborn. Jacob is deceiver. He is deceiving his father. He is pretending to be Esau, because Rebekah had already said, I will take responsibility for this. If he is to get mad and blame somebody, he will blame me. I have you covered. I have done according as thou badest me. Arise, I pray thee. Sit and eat of my venison, that thy soul may bless me. And Isaac said unto his son, how is it thou has found it so quickly, my son? And he said, because the Lord thy God brought it to me. Whoo, boy, is he getting into the lies and everything else now? And Isaac said unto Jacob, come near, I pray thee, that I might feel thee, my son, whether thou be my very son Esau or not. Isaac's questioning this. He's. He's feeling not right about this. He senses something, but he's not sure. And at, you know, old and in his dotage, he's. He's maybe not fully in his dotage, but old enough that it's going to take a little bit more of urging on here, you know, to convince him that Jacob is Esau. And Jacob went near unto Isaac, his father. He felt him and said, the voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau. And he discerned him not because of his hands, were hairy as his brother Esau's hands. So we blessed him. And he said, art thou my very son, Esau? And he said, I am. There's. There's. And this is going to cause the conflict. This is going to be huge, because this is going to cause a rift. As we're going to see, as we go on. We're going to stop right here, page 38, verse 25 of Genesis 27. And I'm going to mark that. Mark that down right there. Circle my verse 25. And we're going to mark the date of 1013 24. And I want you to remember this story as we go in before we get to it next week, you see everything going on in the background. Rebecca's playing a hand in this, how Jacob has definitely played a hand in this from the very beginning, how we saw it in the womb, how we so much activity going on in the background. And this is the part that people forget or look past. They read the word, but you're not seeing. Put yourself in the place. Put yourself in the moment. Read it like I said, poetically, and you're going to see this love story, the love Rebecca has for Jacob, the love God has for Abraham and Isaac, that they're going to be the lineages of the world, the descendants of the world. Everyone is going to descend from Isaac, including Christ, goddess. So we're going to stop here. I hope that you have a wonderful week, a blessed week, and we're getting into some good reading, folks. You're going to love it. And until next week, I'll tell you what, you just get to, well, we're going to go through the story together, so, you know, it kind of gets you on the edge of your seat, you know what I'm saying? So this is the best parts. But anyway, I love you. God bless you all. Be safe. Have a wonderful week.

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