Episode Transcript
[00:00:30] Oh, hey guys, how you doing? Welcome to life. Walk with Christ. God. All right, so last week, and I'll tell you what we had, we had saw what Aaron did and how it made God angry and Moses had to atone for Israel. And we are right here in Exodus, we're on chapter 33 and page 108, King James Bible. And I'll tell you what. Oh, just such good stuff. I just love it. Let's get right on into it and let's have a little. Hello, Diesel. I have my, my pit bull here with me.
[00:01:06] And the Lord said unto Moses, depart and go up thence thou and the people which thou has brought up out of the land of Egypt unto the land which I swore into Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob, saying, until they thy seed I will give it.
[00:01:24] And I will send an angel before thee and I will drive out the Canaanite, the Amorite, the Hittite, the Perizzite and, and the Hivite and the Jebusite unto a land flowing with milk and honey. For I will not go up in the midst of thee, for thou are a stiff necked people. Least I consume thee in the way.
[00:01:52] God is letting them know they're, they're, they're, they're, they're rebellious people and much like the angels. And later on we're going to find out, you know, a third of the angels fell and it's just unbelievable because he helps these people. He takes them and brings them out of Egypt and they go and do the most outlandish and ridiculous things and, and we can sit there and we can judge them and we're like, how could you do this? But then that's part of our lives of today. We do the same things, just in a different way. And we rebel.
[00:02:35] And when the, and when the people heard these evil tidings, they mourned. And no man did put on him his ornaments. For the Lord had said unto Moses, saying to the children of Israel, you are a stiff necked people. I will come up into the mists out of thee in a moment and consume thee. Therefore now put off thy ornaments from, from thee that I may know what to do unto thee. And the children of Israel strip themselves of their ornaments by the mount Horeb. And Moses took the tabernacle and pitched it without the camp, afar off from the camp, and, and called it the tabernacle of the congregation. And it came to pass that everyone which sought the Lord went out unto the tabernacle of the congregation which was within the camp.
[00:03:33] So you know, it's it's outside the camp. He has now taken the tabernacle outside the camp, and he. And he's taken it away from them. But they have just been.
[00:03:46] They're not. They just aren't. They haven't been a very good, loyal and faithful and honoring people to this point.
[00:03:56] And it came to pass when Moses went on out unto the tabernacle, that all the people rose up and stood, every man at his tent door and. And looked after Moses until he was gone unto the tabernacle. And it came to pass as Moses entered into the tabernacle. The cloudy pillar descended and stood at the door of the tabernacle. And the Lord talked with Moses. And all the people saw the cloudy pillar stand at the tabernacle door. And all the people rose up and worshiped every man in his tent door. And the Lord spoke unto Moses face to face as a man speaking unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp. But his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle. And Moses said unto the Lord, see, thou saith unto me, bring up this people. And thou has not let me know whom you will send with me. Yet thou has said, I know thee by name, and thou has also found grace in my sight. Now, therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, show me now thy way that I may know thee that I might find grace in thy sight. And consider that this nation is thy people.
[00:05:25] It's. It's basically. Is it.
[00:05:29] Have it in mind.
[00:05:31] You know, He's.
[00:05:36] He's asking God, okay, if I found grace in you or you found grace in me, let me know what I'm supposed to do next. And, And. And show these people what I'm supposed to do next.
[00:05:49] And he says here in verse 14, my presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest, so there'll be peace. And he said to him, if thy presence go not with me. Curious, not up hence. For wherein shall it be known here that I and thy people have found grace in thy sake? In thy sight, it is not in Thou goest with us, so shall we be separated, I and thy people from all the people that are upon the face of the earth. And as the Lord said to Moses, I will do this thing also that thou has spoken, for thou has found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name.
[00:06:36] So God is as Moses is, trying to lead this people and everything he wants to be around. He, you know, and. And God has looked at Moses and said, okay, I, I know you, I know you inside and out better than you know yourself. And you're going to lead these people. So what you're asking is not. That's fine. I will do this for you. So we'll, we'll see now what, what happens here.
[00:07:11] Verse 18. And we're still on chapter 33.
[00:07:15] And he said, I beseech thee, show me thy glory. And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious. And I will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. This is God. Now God is, God is being very clear.
[00:07:38] He, he's mad at these people, okay, because they have not been following his covenants. They have not been gracious to God as far as you know, they've been stiff necked, they have been rebellious. They have done just about everything for a people that were in slavery, that cried out for 300 years, 400 years. And God has come down here and says, okay, I heard these people, I'm claiming them as my own. You are my people. And as he's led them out and everything else, think about all the things that they've done. They have complained endlessly and they're still complaining. And, and then they turn around and they make a golden calf. And who do they talk it, talk into doing it? Aaron, God's chosen one. Aaron makes this golden calf. And Aaron's like, I just threw the gold in there and out popped this calf. Well, I mean, you can understand why God is so very, very angry with him. And Moses is sitting here and he's talking to God and these people know he's talking to God as a friend. Now, the face to face, nobody has seen God's face. But the meeting that is happening there between the cloudy pillar of, of smoke that is billowing up is God's presence. Okay? It was the same thing with the burning bush, Understand? First it was an angel that was there, and then it was God speaking out of the burning bush, face to face, talking with him. But not face to face where Moses can actually see God's face.
[00:09:13] It's, you know, it, it's kind of one of these.
[00:09:17] And we go in here all the time and we say this, and I've said this a hundred times. There's a poeticness into this, theologies in this. It's, it's parallelisms, it's, it's a lot of different things, but you get the drift of what's going on he is having these discussions face to face, so to speak. So now he's telling them because of what they've done and everything that's happened and why it might seem unfair maybe. And people are judgmental on God. God is perfect. He doesn't make mistakes. There is no error in him. There is no, he doesn't tempt us, he doesn't do anything because those are evil things and he has no evil in him. So everything is done with love, everything is done with grace, everything is done with mercy. But he is a very jealous God and he has stated that from the beginning. And you know, why would you arouse that anger? And they have done this over and over again, different ways of arousing that anger. And, and that's why God said they're stiff necked people. And I, you know, and I don't want to consume them along the way, but I'm going to tell you if they're, I mean, he's just so God is letting everyone know here and we'll read it again. And it's verse 19, Exodus 33. And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim to the name of the Lord before thee and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and will show mercy on whom I will show me mercy. Now you'll see this again in Romans 9, 15, 16 and 18 and 4, 4, 4. And Paul is going to be talking about this. I love Romans. Romans is a great book.
[00:11:28] And here it comes. And it shall come to pass. While on my glory path passeth by. I will put thee in a cliff of a rock and will cover the with my hand while I'll pass by.
[00:11:44] So this goes back to what I was saying. He didn't see him face to face as Moses is in the cliff. God has put his hand like this. So while we're talking face to face here, and you can hear me, you can see me, you can see the works that I'm doing, but you cannot see my face. Well, this is exactly what God is doing, a perfect example of what he's doing to Moses. So it should come to pass while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a cliff of a rock and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by. The only thing he's going to see is his backside. And I will take away my hand and thou shall see my back parts, but my face shall not be seen. And we're going to hear this again in John 2:1 8. You know 118.
[00:12:43] So God is making it clear. He is. He is meeting with Moses. He's face to face, but he's not face to face.
[00:12:54] And there's going to come that time where God puts his hand up, blocks his eyes.
[00:13:02] I don't think you understand. I don't think people understand the powerfulness of just being in God, in all his glory and his splendor and his wonderfulness is so powerful, we couldn't handle it.
[00:13:20] I don't believe our bodies could handle it. Okay? And the only thing that we can do is prepare ourselves for heaven, believe in Christ and do everything and do it the right way as best as we can, and always ask when we make mistakes, for forgiveness.
[00:13:36] But I don't believe that any human being on this earth could handle. And that's why Christ was sent God so much, sending himself in the flesh to. To sacrifice himself for us because we couldn't handle seeing God face to face. A lot of people are like, why? And I've heard this over my lifetime. I have a lot of questions for God. Dude, you're not going to have any questions for God. You're going to be just planted face down, okay? That's even if you get to get even near him.
[00:14:13] Satan didn't even do that. And I've talked about this before, and when we get to Job, I'm going to make another point of it that the angels presented themselves to the Lord. Along with them came Satan.
[00:14:29] It's not like you can just walk around and do what you want and it. No, it's not. And it's going to be the same way.
[00:14:39] You know, we're at heavens now. Heavenly realms. And you're going to see this throughout the Bible. I want to point this out to you. Heavenly realms. How do we know this? Well, as. As we go through the New Testament later on, we're going to see where Paul says that I once knew a man who was caught up in the third heaven, okay?
[00:15:02] And the whole way through the Bible, it's been heavenly realms. It's going to be very.
[00:15:09] That's why this is so exciting. Now you know why I get so energetic and just full of excitement with it. And I love that. I love that the Spirit and everything that's in there. And even though you might not have the same interpretation, you. You could kind of see this breaking down. Exactly what, what I'm trying to show you.
[00:15:29] I'm gonna put my hand up so you can't see me. Well, wait a minute. If I can't see you. Then how are we speaking face to face? See, it. It's just the way the Bible's written is very.
[00:15:42] It's. It's complex, and that's why we have to study it all the time and go back on over it. But the presence of God and the communication he's having with. With Moses, be it through the burning bush, be it in. In the cloud, you know, the dark cloud, the pillar, and he's there, and Moses is able to have these conversations God has downloaded and given. Basically, if you want to look at it, like, terrible analogy, but we'll do it anyway. All the information that they needed to make the tabernacle and do everything, God put it into their minds.
[00:16:24] That's the kind of power that we're talking about. Here you go. Here's the schematics.
[00:16:30] And there it is. And they all knew how to do it. Skilled workers.
[00:16:36] That.
[00:16:37] It's not something that we. We do. God gives us a skill. It's by his grace that we are given skills, by his grace that we have the intellect, the education, the. The forethought, everything that we put into our lives. Understand that how we take that information and how we use it, well, that's up to us. But the power cannot be questioned. It is definitely there, and it's just incredible. All right, so let's get on to chapter 34. And the Lord said unto Moses who. The two tablets of stone, like unto the first. And I will write upon these tablets the words that were in the first tablets which thou brokest or breakest.
[00:17:29] If you remember, Moses came down and saw what they were doing. Worshiping a calf and everything else. And he just smashed the tablets. And then he crushed that golden calf into a fine powder. Done.
[00:17:45] So now God has said, now go chisel out, hone. You know, make two more tablets. And I'm going to put. I'm going to do it again.
[00:17:58] Two tablets. Because of us, because of our stubbornness and God writing the laws on those tablets. The. The things that we should be obedient to.
[00:18:12] Honor the Lord your God. There is only one God, okay? Honor your mother, your father.
[00:18:18] Don't steal, don't kill, don't commit adultery. Don't do. I mean, all the way down the line, the commandments, the Ten Commandments. Don't, don't. False testimony. Don't. I mean, everything that is written on there was from the finger of God.
[00:18:37] And be ready in the morning and come up in the morning to Mount Sinai and present thyself there unto me in the top of the mount. And no man shall come up with thee. Neither let any man be seen throughout all the mount. Neither let the flocks nor the herds feed before the mount. And he hewed two. Two tablets of stone, like unto the first. And Moses rose up early in the morning and went up into Mount Sinai as the Lord had commanded him, and took in his hand the two tablets of stone. And the Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there and proclaimed the name of the Lord.
[00:19:18] He made his name known, that's what he did. And the Lord passed by before him and proclaimed the Lord. The Lord God, merciful and gracious, long suffering and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving inequities and transgressions and sin. And that will by no means clear the guilty. Visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and upon the children's children unto the third and fourth generation.
[00:19:55] And Moses made haste and bowed his head toward the earth and worshiped. And he said, if now I have found grace in thy sight, O Lord, let my Lord, I pray thee, go among us, for it is a stiff necked people, and pardon our iniquity in our sin it takes us for. And take us for thine inheritance.
[00:20:23] God made this promise. He's not going to break it.
[00:20:26] But when he made that promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Understand, this group here might not see that promised land.
[00:20:38] The next group might not, the next group might not. But the group after that I remember he's going to punish them to the, to the third and fourth generation. So let's, let's see what happens here.
[00:20:53] We're on verse 10 now, chapter 34. And he said, behold, I make a covenant before all thy people. I will do marvels such as not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation. And all the people among which art shall see the work of the Lord. For it is a terrible thing that I will do with thee.
[00:21:19] Not only is it impressive, but it's, it's, it's never been done before. He's going to make it pointed out so that they understand that there are repercussions for this. But they also understand the awesome power and awesome glory of God and how this will work out.
[00:21:41] Observe thou which which I command thee this day. Behold, I will drive out thee, the Amorite and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Prizite, and the Hivite and the Jebusite.
[00:21:55] Take heed to thyself least thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, whereas thou Goes least to be for a snare in the midst of thee. And what does he mean there? He is basically saying, listen, I'm taking them out. And why is God taking them out? These people, these groups that, you know, the ones that he's talking about, the, The Amorite, the.
[00:22:22] The canine and the Hittite, the Prizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite. These people that he is driving out of the lands are worshiping other gods. And we're going to learn about this BAAL and, And astruth and all these other worthless things that don't exist, the poles and calves or whatever these other things are that have no power. They aren't gods. And yet these people are like, hey, we made these. We're going to worship this.
[00:22:59] I mean, it's frustrating, but the people of today still do this stuff. We just do it in a different way because we've said it's okay in our own minds.
[00:23:10] And, you know, I. I spend a lot of time teaching my kids. There's nothing in this world that is really, truly worth anything but Christ God. You have to understand that. Don't put anything above that. It. You can't take it with you. It. It's meaningless. It's going to be put back into the earth at some point in time. There is nothing. The only thing that won't be is Christ God that will live yesterday, today, and tomorrow the same forever.
[00:23:45] That's why this Bible is so important.
[00:23:49] All right, so now here we are. But you shall destroy their altars, break down their images and cut down their group, their groves. For thou shall worship no other God. For the Lord whose name is jealous is a jealous God.
[00:24:08] He's making it clear. He's made it clear right here in verse 13, you know, chapter 34. He's made it perfectly clear why he is driving them out, what their punishment is and why he is driving them out.
[00:24:29] But ye shall destroy their altars. They're. These are their polls and all this other stuff, okay? Any other idols, break their images.
[00:24:43] Worshiping images instead of worshiping God and cut down their groves completely destroy him. Okay?
[00:24:54] They will not accept God.
[00:24:58] So therefore they have to go.
[00:25:03] For thou shalt work. Worship no other God. And he's clear about it. And he says he's a jealous God, and rightfully so. He's the only God. And that is why.
[00:25:16] And yet people can't see it. And they can't see it today either.
[00:25:22] Let thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and I go whoring after their Gods and do sacrifice unto their gods and one call thee. And now eat of his sacrifice. That's why he wants to destroy them.
[00:25:46] So he's made it clear to them, don't go in there, don't be friends with them, don't make a. A covenant with them, a treaty with them or anything else. No, they are a snare for you. This is what's going to happen. And the next thing you know is you're going to get caught up in this snare. And these snares are what worldly things. So we have to be careful.
[00:26:07] And thou take of their daughters unto sons. And their daughters go a whoring after their gods. And they make thy sons go whoring after gods.
[00:26:18] Thou shalt make no molten gods. The feast of the unleavened bread shall thou keep seven days. Shall thou eat unleavened bread as I commanded thee in the time of the month a bid for in the month a bib. Thou camest out of Egypt. And we knew this. And you know, so this is an important thing.
[00:26:45] All that openeth the matrix is mine.
[00:26:50] Think about this. That's. That is such a deep sentence right there.
[00:27:00] When. When you hear this.
[00:27:02] All that openeth the matrix is mine.
[00:27:08] It's very deep.
[00:27:13] Every firstling, be it cattle, ox, sheep, male, whatever, from the.
[00:27:25] To me that's coming from.
[00:27:28] I mean, he's.
[00:27:30] The way I look at it is that matrix room. There's a special way that children are born. Everyone thinks, okay, we're having sex and the egg is met by the sperm or whatever. No, there is a boom, small explosion and everything. We're like, okay, we don't need a science lesson.
[00:27:50] That explosion is God.
[00:27:53] It's not chemical. It is chemical, but it is God. That reaction, everything from that second on, that first is God.
[00:28:08] Remember, he knew us before we were even thought of.
[00:28:13] So it just shows the power. The power. But the firstling of an ass shall thou redeem with the lamb. And thou shall redeem him not then shall break his neck. All the firstborn of thy sons thou shall redeem. And none shall appear before me. Empty. Six days shall thou work. But on the seventh day thou shall rest in. In earring time, in.
[00:28:41] In earning time. And in the harvest thou shalt rest. And thou shalt observe the feast of. The feast of.
[00:28:49] In gathering. At the year's end. Thrice in the year shall all your men children appear before the Lord.
[00:28:58] Before the Lord God and the God of Israel. So three times. This is important too.
[00:29:07] For I will cast out the nations before Thee and enlarge thy borders. Neither shall any man desire thy land. When thou shall go up to appear before the Lord thy God three times in the year, Thou shall not offer the blood of my sacrifice with heaven. Neither shall thou sacrifice. The feast of the Passover be left unto the morning.
[00:29:34] Don't eat food the next morning.
[00:29:36] He's. You know, he's made it very clear. So whatever's prepared for the Passover, make sure that you eat it before the morning. And also don't offer blood in the food or anything. He does not.
[00:29:55] It's the blood of life. And we're not. We're not going to do that. So he's. He's been very clear about this. The first of the first fruits of thy land shall bring unto the house of the Lord thy God. Thou shall not see the kid in his mother's milk. Don't. Don't cook a lamb or anything if you're boiling the baby inside of her and it's pregnant. Okay? So he's making it clear you. You could see what he is. He is commanding.
[00:30:29] So don't boil the young goats. And the Lord said unto Moses, write.
[00:30:35] Write thou these words, for after the tenor of the words, I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel. It's an agreement according to the agreement. And he was there with the Lord 40 days and 40 nights. He did neither eat bread nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tablets the words of the covenant, the ten Commandments.
[00:31:00] So Moses returns now. And it came to pass when Moses came down from the Mount Sinai with the two tablets of testimony in Moses's hand. And when he came down from mount. From the mount that Moses with.
[00:31:18] With not the skin of his face shown white while he talked with him. So.
[00:31:29] And when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were afraid to come near him. Yeah, he was in the presence. This is what I was talking about. Before, Moses did not see God's face. They were just talking.
[00:31:45] But Moses, being being in the presence of God has changed his outwardly appearance of. Of himself. The others can see it.
[00:31:59] So Moses is going to end up feeling himself. And Moses called unto them, and Aaron and all the rulers of the congregation returned unto him. And Moses talked with them. And afterward, all the children of Israel came near. And he gave them in commandment all that the Lord had spoken with him in Mount Sinai. And still Moses had done speaking with them. He put a veil on his face.
[00:32:26] There it is. He put a veil on the Safe. He had changed. He was in the presence of God.
[00:32:35] I. I mean, just. Can you imagine being in the presence of God, talking directly with our Creator, omnipotent, omni Powerful, omnipresent. I mean, is he gonna look different? Yeah, I would think so. I would think so. We'll be lucky if we ever get that chance.
[00:33:03] But here we.
[00:33:07] But when Moses went in before the Lord to speak with him, he took the veil off until he came out. And he came out and spoke with the children of Israel, that which he was commanded. And the children of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses's face shone. And Moses put the veil upon his face again until he went in to speak with him. So you notice that Moses is not. He's not. First of all, he can't. You can't hide anything from God. But Moses is hiding his face from the people because they. They know he's spoken with God. There's not a doubt.
[00:33:47] And it. Which is really going to blow your mind away, because as we get on through the chapter and we keep going on, you're going to ask yourself, why aren't they getting it? Why aren't they getting it? Why aren't they getting it? You could tell he was talking with God. First of all, he has the tablets. There's ample evidence.
[00:34:03] We saw the calf got destroyed, crushed to powder. We came. We saw the miracles, the 10 miracles that were happening in Egypt. We saw the. The sea part. We saw the whole army get destroyed. We saw ample evidence that we're still finding artifacts today.
[00:34:23] This is undisputed evidence.
[00:34:26] Not to mention the writings of Moses. Of these things that have happened, the writings before Moses. We have more than enough evidence to. To not question the Lord our God.
[00:34:41] And yet we do it.
[00:34:47] And like I said, now he's put the. The, you know, the, the veil. He takes the veil off when he goes into God.
[00:34:55] He's going in, you know, as far as he's concerned, face to face.
[00:34:59] When he comes out, then he puts the veil on. And Moses gathered all the congregation to the children of Israel. And he said to him, these are the words which the Lord hath commanded that ye shall do them. Six days shall thou work be done, but on the seventh day, there shall be no.
[00:35:20] There shall be to you, a holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the Lord. Whosoever work therein shall be put to death.
[00:35:34] And I think people are. When God is saying he rested on the seventh day, God doesn't get tired.
[00:35:42] God doesn't need rest. As we interpret rest and under. Get. Understand again, here are these kind of ways that it's been put in here.
[00:35:59] The, the it. The thing is, is God doesn't need rest. When God created the world and everything in it and he rested on the seventh day, that's more like. To me, he's standing back, he's looking at me, says, okay, this is good.
[00:36:17] This is, this is good.
[00:36:20] And he's looking at it from all angles. He's going, you know, he's God. He's looking at it every which way. And he's done this.
[00:36:30] He's not doing anything else. But then, you know, I, I believe on that, that he is. He is setting us up to understand. He doesn't get tired. God doesn't get sick.
[00:36:44] God, you know, he's forever.
[00:36:50] So if we truly believe in God and we know he is forever, he's not going to get winded. He's not going to be held by the same restrictions that were held by, you know, He's. He's not going to go through those things, understand? He's outside of time, space and matter. So therefore he can go in it, through it, above it, around it, whatever, but he's all encompassing of it. So he's everywhere. And due to that fact, I think people misunderstand. They're like, well, if God's so powerful, why did he have to rest on the seventh day?
[00:37:24] Your interpretation of rest. My interpretation are probably two different things. Looking back and looking at everything he did, is that not another way of saying rest?
[00:37:39] It could be the same thing in, in the Garden of Eden, when the woman. And yes, I said woman again. Remember? She didn't become Eve until after they were getting kicked out.
[00:37:52] Her name didn't come about to be Eve until after she ate the apple and after God had confronted her. And so people said, well, you know, had Eve not eaten that? No, I'm not even getting back into that again. She was the woman until then. So let's make that clear.
[00:38:11] But God looking upon all of this and doing that, to me, it's. It's a little different. We, we said the snake beguiled me. And we see people in this world, we're like, yeah, that guy's a snake.
[00:38:29] You could kind of see the parallelisms there. But the truth of the matter is, is that when God said rested, God's not necessarily meaning resting for himself. He is looking at what he has done, and it is good. But how can we ever. And I can only assume that I can't know for sure. Because who are we to understand what God thinks? It's impossible. We can't.
[00:38:58] We have no, no way of understanding what he was really going through or what he was thinking or going to do or how he wants us. That's just my interpretation of it. And I'm nobody. I'm a simple human being. So anyway, okay, so as we go along from that.
[00:39:30] And you shall kinder no file fire throughout your habitations upon the seventh, the Sabbath day.
[00:39:39] Which is very interesting because I missed that one like three times that I've been through the Bible and I didn't pay attention and, and I've missed it and missed it and missed it. And you shall. You shall kindle no fire throughout your habitations upon the Sabbath day.
[00:39:58] I don't even know what to think about that yet. I'm. I've got to process that one. But. And Moses spoke unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, saying this is the thing which the Lord commanded, saying, take ye from among you an offering unto the Lord, who, whoever, whosoever is of a willing heart, let him bring it an offering of the Lord. Gold and silver and brass and per. And blue and purple and scarlet and fine linen and goat's hair and ram skins dyed red and badger skins and shittim wood and oil for the light and spices for anointing oil and for the sweet incense, the onyx stones and the stones to be set for an effort and for the breastplate and every wise hearted among you shall come and make all that the Lord hath commanded.
[00:40:55] Basically men with good judgment. But the interesting thing is here what is he pray? It's going to be this, the, the. The tabernacle of what's going on. And we've talked a little bit about it, but it's now you're going to see where it comes into place and you're going to see exactly how God puts these plans into us. You ready?
[00:41:20] The tabernacle. His tent is covering his tax, his boards, his bars, his pillars and his sockets, its clamps.
[00:41:34] I mean that's really what this is. And the ark and the staves thereof with the mercy seat and the veil of the covering, the table and his staves and all his vessels and the show bread, the candlestick also for the light and this furniture and his lamps with the oil for the light, the incense altar and his staves and the anointing oil and the sweet incense and the hanging of the door at the entering of his tabernacle. The altar burnt offering with this brazen great his Staves and all his vessels, the the labor and and foot it stand the hangings of the court, the pillars and their sockets, and the hanging of the door of the court, the pins of the tabernacle and the pins of the court and and their cords, the depends of those, those like a tent peg, is what it is the clothes of service to do service in the holy place. The holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons to minister in the priest's office.
[00:42:49] And all the congregation, congregation of the children of Israel departed from the presence of of Moses. And it came. And as they came, everyone whose heart stirred up, stirred him up, everyone whom his spirit made willing. And they brought the Lord's offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation. And for all his service and for the holy garments. And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted. And they brought bracelets and earrings and rings and tables, all jewels of gold. And every man that offered offered an offering of gold unto the Lord. And every man with whom was found blue and purple and scarlet, and fine linen and goats hairs and red red skins of rams and badgers and skins brought them everyone that did offer an offering of the silver and brass brought the Lord's offering. And every man with whom was found shittim wood for any work of the service brought it.
[00:44:00] And all the women that were wise hearted did spin with their hands, and brought that which which with they had spun both of blue and purple and of scarlet in a fine linen.
[00:44:16] And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom, spun goat's hair. And the rulers brought onyx stones and stones to be set for the effort and for the breastplate and spice and oil for the light and for the anointing oil and the sweet incense. The children of Israel brought a a willing offering unto the Lord. Every man and and woman whose heart made them willing to bring for all manner of work which the Lord had commanded to be made by hand of Moses.
[00:44:52] And they brought it voluntarily. So and Moses said unto the children of Israel, see, the Lord hath called by name Basalio the the son of Yuri, the son of Hur, the tribe of Judah.
[00:45:12] And he hath filled them with the spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, in a manner of workmanship.
[00:45:23] The Holy Spirit is exactly God has, like I said, downloaded the Holy Spirit into them. They know exactly what they have to do. They know the dimensions, they know the measurements, they know exactly what their part is supposed to be.
[00:45:40] So it's very powerful what God is doing here and to divide curious works, to work in gold and in silver and in brass. Artistic, very artistic work. Intricate, delicate, perfect work.
[00:46:00] And in the cutting of stones, to set them in the carving of wood, to make any manner of cunning work. Again, cleverly done, artistic, perfect work. And think about it, they were cutting stones, precious stones back then. And when you see diamonds today and you're like, wow, these guys hand cut now they're laser and machine cutter, whatever. But can you imagine back then having that instilled in you from God that gift and you're learning how to do it. It's very cunning work and artistic. Oh man.
[00:46:39] And he had put in his heart he that may teach both he and Aholaya, the son of Asimak of the tribe, of the tribe of Dan, them he filled with wisdom of heart to work all manner of work of the engraver and of the cunning workman and of the embroiderer in blue and in purple and in scarlet and fine linen and the weaver, even of them to that do any work of those that devise cunning work.
[00:47:16] So now you know. Exactly. And again, I apologize because I never get the names right, but they're very hard for me to pronounce.
[00:47:26] So I apologize. But anyway, you, you're, you're seeing it now and you're understanding that all this came from the Lord God. And God has put this information in them through the Holy Spirit. Okay? And he's very clear about it and he says it right here. And, and as we're on this, on, on chapter 35, verse 31, and he have filled them with the spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship.
[00:48:06] Clear.
[00:48:08] They won't know this unless God gives them that information.
[00:48:13] It's just that simple.
[00:48:17] And you go to verse 32 and to devise curious works, to work in gold and in silver and in brass, artistic.
[00:48:29] And in cutting of stones, to set them and carving of wood and to make any manner of cunning work. So understand, these people that have bezel setting, whether they're prong tip settings have been over all that came from God, all that information.
[00:48:49] Absolutely fantastic. Well, listen, we're coming up on the end of our, our time here.
[00:48:57] And now we're getting into all the materials, where they've come from, who's, who's brought them and, and God has made this happen. And you know, know now we're going to start seeing this all come together and it's going to be amazing as, as we go through it. But you can, I think you can understand we have a pretty good picture of everything that's going on, rightfully so. God has been very disappointed with us.
[00:49:32] And we saw early in Genesis that He had, he had sent it. One of these things that I said, it's like parallelism. I repent. I made mankind.
[00:49:46] A lot of people take that as well. If he makes no mistakes and how come he repented?
[00:49:51] It's not like that. It is more from the way I'm seeing the perspective is we were given, just as the angels were given free will, okay? And we've seen the things that we've done. But in order to praise and worship God, the only true way to be praised and worshiped is to have a choice, is God gives us a choice in life.
[00:50:24] We either choose to believe that Christ came here and saved us or, or we don't.
[00:50:30] But those who choose this and say, okay, I believe Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I believe that he, He, He. He was slaughtered. He ransomed himself for us and rose on the third day.
[00:50:45] He was crucified and rose on the third day.
[00:50:49] And believing that in my whole heart, after seeing the evidence, after seeing the facts, after seeing the writings, after see, seeing in the writings, the testimonies of so many different people testifying to this, there is so much overwhelming evidence. I've seen the places that we're discovering now that go back to the times within and, and how it all fits together like a wonderful, perfect jigsaw puzzle. Leaves me without a doubt that Christ, God is alive and he is well.
[00:51:31] And sometimes it takes a lot of us a long time in our lives to figure that out, but without a doubt. And seeing the miracles that he has performed in my life, I don't even give it a second thought. It's, it's the truth, is the truth and that's all there is to it. So we're going to see how that this, this, this plays out now for God's people. And we're all God's people now. Understand that all changed when the new covenant came, when Christ did what he did for us.
[00:52:08] Jew, Gentile, Greek, all of us.
[00:52:13] But the wonderful thing is, is that we, we get to witness and go back and learn this and see this. So this would be a nice adventure here. Exodus is a very, very wonderful book. It's, it's, it's wonderful.
[00:52:34] Have a good week, guys.
[00:52:37] Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that small amount of time. Do remember, I'm not a pastor, a preacher, deacon, a rabbi. I'm not clergy. I'm not anybody. I'm just the guy who loves to open the Bible and loves to read it and go through it. My interpretations may be completely different than what you're saying, and that's okay. I love talking about it. So if you have different interpretations, you can always give me your perspective because I'd love to see it. You know, it's another way of looking at it. I always love that.
[00:53:11] Anyway, I think it's the most wonderful true love story that will ever, ever.
[00:53:20] Not only be true, but just told. Ever.
[00:53:26] There's nothing that even. That's why it's number one on the best selling book. That's it. Anyway, God bless. God love you. Take.