Money and Change

Money and Change
TRIM Radio
Money and Change

Jun 03 2024 | 01:00:29

Episode • June 03, 2024 • 01:00:29

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

Feeling lost in the ever-changing world of finance? Tune in to Money and Change, hosted by the knowledgeable Stu Shear. This show tackles everything from navigating the stock market to budgeting for your dream vacation.

Each episode dives deep into a specific financial topic, offering clear explanations and practical strategies. Stu explores industry shifts, financial ideas, and everyday people to provide a well-rounded perspective.

Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting your financial journey, Money and Change empowers you to make informed decisions. The show equips listeners with the tools and confidence to manage their money effectively and achieve their financial goals.

So, if you're ready to take control of your financial future, join Stu Shear on Money and Change. Get ready for insightful ideas, actionable tips, and a clearer understanding of the world of money.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:32] Speaker A: Okay, coconut man. Moon heads and pee. You ready? Seems like everybody's got a price I wonder how they sleep at night when the sale comes first and the truth comes second just stop for a minute and smile why is everybody so serious? Acting so damn mysterious got shades on your eyes and your heels so high that you can't even have a good time everybody look to their left everybody look to their right can you feel that? Yeah, we're paying with love tonight it's not about the money, money, money we don't need your money, money, money we just want to make the world dance forget about the bright day ain't about the. [00:01:50] Speaker B: Hey, everybody. Welcome to money and change, right here on the trim radio network. Wow. I'll tell you what, a lot of stuff's been going on. I've had a busy week, and there's been a lot of stuff going on in the world. Finance and a lot of things that we just sometimes don't track. And then we do. We go, you're kidding. The price of food is gone. What? Well, anyhow, guys, we're going to get into that, but first we have to do a disclaimer. And the information contained in this presented material is from the posting of news agencies on the Internet and are not necessarily the views or opinions of the owners of this program. Nothing in this show should be considered legal, medical, financial, or investment advice. You should always do your own research and consult with professionals. We are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all liability for damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to or reliance on any information contained in this broadcast. That's always our disclaimer. You know, we do that every show that we do, and it's an important thing we have to do. Anyhow, welcome to money and change. And, you know, we always do shout outs at the beginning and a big shout out to the trim radio network and Michael Behoss and all of the crew. It's been great, really has. And we've been working with those guys for several years, and actually, this will be my 13th, I believe it's the 13th year of actually doing the show. We did it on one network for a few years, and then we switched over and formed our own trim radio network. So it's. It's a great group of broadcasters, and if you want to broadcast your own show, you can do that. All you have to do is just contact, okay? And it's very easy to do that. So all you have to do is go to and go through all the tabs at the top. And you can go ahead and click on the shows. You can go ahead and click on the blog. You can go ahead and actually hit the button. And guess what? Talk to us about being a part of the show. I just clicked on it and right now it says, hello, thanks for joining us. And we respond immediately and they do. So if you're looking to actually do your own show, contact us and we will help you through. It's very easy process to do. Actually, it's gotten a lot easier in the last couple of years. It really has. So you want to check out the Trim radio network [email protected] well, in order to keep us on the air, you know what you have to do. Buy the merchandise. Whereas Michael says, buy the merch. Well, we have water bottles, we have mugs, t shirts, hoodies, a lot of stuff. And all the money that we get from people buying the merchandise goes directly back into the show. We don't get paid. We do it for fun. We do it to help other people out, too. So, you know, to keep us on the air and cut back on the network cost, you have to go ahead and buy the merch. Also, you know, if you have your own show and you have your own sponsors, go ahead and contact us and we'll go through the whole marketing package. And you might want to talk with Victoria Smith and she can get you started on all of that. Hey, we've got different shows on trim radio. We've got adventure awaits around the bend. We've got ranch it up with Tigger and Beck. We've got Life walk with Christ God, and that's with Michael Bayhas. We've got money and change every Sunday, live at 07:00 p.m. however, there's a little caveat to that, little asterisk, you know, that you see. And there's a little disclaimer to that, because since I play in a band, we have, I believe, six concerts this year. We've already played one, so we've got five to go. And that'll be our summer season. And then we take a little bit of a break and then we start for our winter holiday season. And we have a lot of fun doing that. I've been with this band for about eleven years. Have a lot of fun. A lot of good musicians. Some were retired professional musicians. Some were just college musicians. Some are just people like to have fun. And we do some of the concerts over at the Tip center in Tipp City, Ohio. And it's a beautiful facility. You just have to check it out. It's called the Tip center. And you can check that out. I believe it's on gee whiz. Google Tipp center. Check it out. Also, a big shout out to the Tip Monroe foundation for sponsoring that band. And they also pay for the practice facilities, too. We have beautiful practice room there. Well, enough about that. But anyhow, we also have take point 22 with Michael Bayhas. We've got slobberknocker talk. We've got offsides. That's during the football season. We've got the natural marketer podcast with Victoria Smith. We've got my world live laugh and whatever, every Wednesday live. And we've got Roscala's red pill reality show. He says, you can give me the red pill or you can give me the blue pill. I want the green pill. But Roscala hasn't come back with that yet. So, you know, we're working on that. Also, we've got the Nixie weekly music roundup. So you want to check that out, too. But you can do that right here on now, guess what? We've got other stuff to do. I've got to give a plug for the University of [email protected]. well, you'd say school's out. School's out. The teacher let the students out. Well, they do have summer classes at the University of Finley in, and it's located in Findlay, Ohio. They have three campuses, and soon there will be four because the Bluffton University is actually going to merge with the University of Findlay. And so the classes that you can't take at the University of Findlay, you can take them at Bluffton University. It's only 20 miles away. Both campuses are beautiful campuses. They really are. Also, at Finley, you have three campuses. You have the equestrian pre veterinary campus. Then you have the main campus and you have the hazardous materials campus. And not too many schools have a hazardous material campus. And so you need to check that out if you want to get involved in hazardous materials. It's great instruction. It's a great campus. A lot of different tools there for you to use. But the University of Finley, it's a good place. Now sports wise, it's a division two NCAA school. And I'll tell you what, the US T F c ca. Wow. What a name. It stands for the US track and field and cross country Coaches association. Wow, that's a mouthful. Anyhow, I just received something that 19 students were named first team all Americans from the University of Finley. Hey, that's pretty good deal, isn't it? 19 whether or not it was shot foot hammer, the four by 100 relays, 200 meters, pole vault. Really good track team, good field and track team, I'll put it that way. Also, the women's golf team was in the finals, NCAA two, and I don't know how they, how they fared. I will try to find that out this week and let you know next week. A lot of good schools, and whether it's in the minor sports, lacrosse or hockey or whatever, check them out. But it's a good academic school. It really is. And if you're attempting to take a class in basket weaving, forget it. Doctor Kathy Fel and her staff, they don't do basket weaving. There are no real easy classes there. But it's a good school, very good professors, good facilities. Finley, Ohio, is a great town. It's got a lot of small town atmosphere, but it's also got some larger town atmosphere. And trust me, you can get on that interstate 75, and you can travel all the way up to Toledo in Detroit, or you can go south, or you can head down to Columbus, Ohio, to Ohio State, or you can go to Cleveland. I mean, it's, it's a great location. So check it out. University [email protected] hey, rusty ducks custom pens. You got to check that out. If you need a special pen for maybe a school principal or maybe it's a teacher or maybe it's a student or maybe it's a corporation and they have certain clients and they like to give out specialized, custom designed pens. Check out Rusty ducks custom pens. That's r u s t y d uk, apostrophe s, custom pens and blanks. And if you're wondering what this, the blank section is, it's the middle of the pen, and he does the artwork, or you can supply the artwork, and he will do the casting for the center part of the pen or the blank, and you can do the machining and so forth to create your own pens. But I'll tell you what, Phil does a fantastic job with his pens. He's been doing those pens for years. He's even sold some down to Disney World. He's taken trade shows. He sent them overseas to a trade show in Japan. I mean, Phil does an excellent job. And I'll tell you what, he's just a fantastic person. He really is. Check him out at rusty ducks custom pens and blanks. A big shout out, of course, to money and change. And that's going to be every Sunday at 07:00 p.m. and then we go to my world live, laughing, whatever. On Wednesdays at 08:00 p.m. it's a live show. The big family homestead on YouTube. Check them out. They're still in Wisconsin. I don't know if they're going to go to Iowa or not. I haven't found that out yet. Maybe they're going to keep it a big secret. Deep south homestead with Danny and Wanda king. You have to check them out on YouTube. Danny does porch time, and he talks about a lot of different things, not just farming, just life in general or the economy or what's going on in the world. He produces it on Sunday and it is aired Monday or Tuesday on YouTube. So you want to check it out. Danny King on porch time. Also, southern prepper one with Dave Kobler. I think I've known Dave for about 15 years and we've talked a few times and we've emailed back and forth. And he's down in South Carolina and he's a real good guy. He talks about boots on the ground, what's going on in the economy, what you need to do if you're prepping. So you want to check him out. And that's Dave Kovler at southern prepper one. Prepper nurse one. Well, Ed Carswell is learning what it's like to put in new roadway and gravel in West Virginia on a hillside. That's all I'll say. You got to watch them on YouTube. Also, we have Appalachia's homestead. You know, a lot of people say up around here in Ohio, it's Appalachia. No, it's Appalachia. And they will correct you down there. But Patara is there. She's talking about the economy, everything else under the sun. And she gives a good, good representation of what common people do in difficult economies. So you want to check her out? And then we have, oh, man, lds prepper. I have, he hasn't put out a video lately, and he normally does that. And he talks about prepping. He talks about GMRS radios and local communications and things like that. But he also talks about planting crops, different types of farming, if you want to call it that. He's a really good guy. And David Gilmore, you want to check him out? Lds prepper, really nice guy. I've talked to him and I'll tell you what, he's done over 600 videos on YouTube. And he started, I believe, down in Houston, Texas, when he lived down there and always did weekly videos. And now he's up in Idaho. That's a big change because Houston, Texas, gets a little bit hot in the summertime. And I don't know about Idaho, but it's got to be a little bit cooler than here in Ohio. Okay. Wow. We've covered just about everybody. Hope I didn't forgot. Forget anybody. You know, you run into a lot of different things. Big shout out to Greg and Pam and the good old faithful Jerry. And he monitors the show. And then we also have Rochelle, and we've got Sarah, and we've got Mike. Matter of fact, Mike just lives down the road from me about two, 3 miles. Interesting. We've got Fred, we've got Cassandra, we've got, oh, Matt. They like to call him slow motion. I don't know where he got that nickname, but that's. That's Matt. And we have other people. You know, Gabriel, we have Bob, we have Roger and Joshua, and we have Connie, Irma, and we have Mark and data. Yeah, a lot of good people. And, you know, we have a lot of people in our group. You can listen to the group. You can join it. All you have to do is just send a request to join. We'll hit the invite button, and you're in, and we're covered all over the world. When you get on Trim radio network, your show will go around the world. So far, I've gotten comments from people in Myanmar, India, Southeast Asia, Africa, European, gee, North America, including Canada. And I've got responses from a lot of different other places, but I don't get anything from Iceland. I guess they don't listen to me in Iceland. Maybe my English isn't perfect. I don't speak Icelandic, and they have a different way to talk than we do here in Ohio, trust me. But anyhow, you want to check us out? We're all over. Hey, I put up some videos this week. We had one. I believe it's John Robino. And he was talking about the economy and different things analysis. And he was on, on Greg Hunter's USA watchdog, and he had some very good things to say about the economy that are going to make your ears stand up on edge. You think money's tight now? Hey, it's going to get tighter. Also, we had one, the max and a new video. It's over. No money left. McDonald's just issued a major warning about the entire american people. You want to check that one out? This guy is good. I really like his videos. I subscribe to him. I like him. And I'll tell you what. Um, he's factual. He really is. Wow. How about foods that never expire? That videos there? Oh, prepper princess. Prepper princess. I'm sorry, prep, I forgot to mention your show self made millionaire, and she had a video on why corporations will never pay their fair share. You know, you get politicians, now you have to pay your fair share. Well, what happens to the corporations? Where do they get their money? Don't we buy things from the corporations? It's our money to go to the corporations and they have to make a profit. I don't think they're paying their fair share. Well, check out prepper princess and you'll find out what, what she says about it. Also, how Americans view the economy depends on whether they rent or own. How many of you actually rent? You know, I was talking to my neighbor across the street. He's renting a house, and it's a two bedroom ranch house, two car garage. And it's very similar to what I have. And I'll tell you what, his rent just went up an extra $50 a month. And I'm thinking, why did it go up? Hopefully it doesn't go up anymore because he'll have to say, well, that's enough. I can't take it. He's a small businessman and he has to make money. And he's had to raise some of his prices, and I think some of his business has gone down. So he's worried about the economy. Then we also have another one. First McDonald's. Now Burger King admits consumers are broke with planned reintroduction of the five dollar meal. So what do you get for a five dollar meal? Check out the video and then check out your local McDonald's and your burger king and others and see what the prices are. You know, I went to a restaurant the other day. I was going to go to Greenville, Ohio, and decorate some graves because the cemetery got hit by a tornado before Memorial Day and I couldn't get in. And so I thought, well, I'll drive over there and see if I can get in the cemetery. And you know something? That tornado came right through where my relatives graves were. It knocked over several large statues and tore up some trees and everything, but it went right through. Luckily, our stones were not bothered. I think the biggest stone is, I don't know how many tons it is, but it's a big granite stone. And anyhow, I saw the tornado damage. But we went to a small restaurant we always go to. It's called the made right. And it's not anything like what they have out in Iowa or farther west. What I did was to stop there, get a couple sandwiches, and get a bag of chips and something to drink. And my friend was with me and we decided, well, we'll just do that for a quick meal, and then we'll head out. We got four sandwiches, two for her, two for me. They're not that big, trust me. Bag of chips and two medium drinks. And it was $19.89. I remember way back when, when made rights used to be $0.35 apiece. Yeah, $0.35. Now it's $2.80. That's called inflation, guys. No way around it. And that place was packed, it was busy. They must have had 25 cars in the drive through area. And we only found two sets of seats available on the inside. And so my friend got seats and I went up and got the orders. And we usually get the same thing every time. And we had to wait quite a bit. I mean, they were maxed out. So in the restaurant business, that's what you call being slammed. And they were. But the food's always good, but the prices have gone up, you know, from $0.35 for a sandwich to $2.80. Of course, the 35, I believe, was back in the sixties, and then it kept going up and up and up and up. And that's $2.80. And I don't know what you're going to be able to do, but prices are going to go up and we're going to have to put up with inflation. It's going to be one of those things. Some people are saying, well, what's going to happen with the economy? And there was a get my mouth going biblical saying, I neither know the time or, or the date or the time that this change will happen. And I can say that about this. A lot of things with the economy right now are not good and it could get worse. It all depends on how the politicians tend to behave. And I really don't get into politics on this show. I don't really get into politics on my other show, only the politicians get themselves in trouble and they get us in trouble. So maybe we need to talk to the politicians and say, hey, you guys either behave or the next election, see you later. Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you. Anyhow, what are we looking at as far as the us debt clock? If you go to right now, we are at $34,789,316,000,000 and the numbers are climbing. And these are real time numbers also. The debt per citizen is $103,293 and the debt per taxpayer is $266,952. I think what we have to do is tell the politicians to quit spending our money. We don't need to constantly hand out our money to everybody. We've got a lot of things to take care of here. We've got roads to take care of. We've got the power structure for the electrical transmission lines, everything else like that, utilities, everything needs fixed. And the politicians are doing very little to do it. So maybe we need to tell them in November that changes need to be made. The federal tax revenue right now is at 4,000,000,000,800. 8865 billion dollars. My eyes were starting to cross. And the revenue coming in from each citizen is about $14,486. Wow. How about excise tax? You know, we always have a lot of taxes. I think somebody told me years ago we pay about 96 possible taxes. We may not all pay them all the time, but different times, you know, we had a death tax. We have license tags. That's a tax. Gasoline tax. We've got property tax, school tax, this tax, that tax. Excise tax from sales right now is at 80,000,000,000,700, 733. No, wait a minute. My eyes crossed again. 800,733,367,000 and climbing. Yeah, kind of scary. State debt, generally, the state debt is about 1,304,350,000,000 in climbing, which is about $3,833 per citizen in local debt. We never covered this before, but local debt is at 2,449,509,000,000 and roughly about $7,292 per person. Wow. I'll tell you what, it's getting scary. And they keep raising taxes. Well, hey, we've got a lot of stuff to talk about. And I posted that on the show. One of the stories I was going to cover was the idea my mouth is not working tonight. All these big words. Ideological battle behind the us debt crisis. And it was at Schifgold, and it said, the us national debt is at $34.7 trillion. And if you laid that many dollar bills end to end, it would wrap around the earth 134,599 times. That's enough to travel to the sun and back 17 times. I don't know if they've done that with a yardstick or not, but we're in a pickle, according to the report. And they said America is slowly approaching the precipice of debt default. And this is no minor dilemma. A default could cause approximately 8 million jobs to be lost. In other words, the bill would come due. And for many politicians, according to the report, the debt crisis is not a pressing concern. Why? Because all they do is print more money. Geez. The administration just passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill in 2021, adding another $256 billion to the budget deficit over the next ten years. And they've also forgiven $167 billion in student loans during this last administration. Now, how could they forgive those loans? Congress is the only one that can do that, and they haven't given permission. Whoa. We have a problem there. And the report said the ideas that have caused America's current debt crisis were birthed during the Great Depression back in 1932, when FDR or Franklin Delano Roosevelt issued a series of spending measures that were intended to stimulate the economic activity in what was called the New Deal. Maybe you could call it, if they did it today and implemented the same thing, would they call it the raw deal? Well, anyhow, FDR spent over 950 billion, and that's inflated adjustment dollars to the program while being touted as an economic savior. And then we went to war. And then we spent more and more and more and more. We went broke. Basically. Another flaw of increasing government. According to report, the spending is the inefficiency relative to private markets. How about the Pentagon? $640 toilet seat. Man, that better be sprayed with gold paint. And I mean gold leaf paint. $640 for a toilet seat. Government officials don't have the proper incentives to spend money wisely. Instead, they waste spendful money in bankrolled tax dollars, debt, and increases in the money supply. They print it like it's gone out of style. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? And then we've got cybercrime. Have you ever been a WEP, not a weapon? Have you been screwed by cybercrime? I'll put it that way. There was a report that came out, the Internet crime report, it said. In April, the FBI's released its annual Internet crime report, evaluating all complaints logged through its Internet crime complaint center, the IC three. According to the bureau's analysis, losses connected to cybercrime complaints were $12.5 billion in 2023, up $2 billion year over year, and more than tripled that amount record in 2019. Cybercrime, it's so easy to be ripped off anymore, and you have to have all these passwords and verifications. You know, I go to login to do the show and they have to send me a special code to put in. I just can't log in directly into the show, and it has to go to my cell phone. Wow. So now I have to use a code to get into the cell phone to read the code that they sent me, and then put that code back into the computer where I'm doing the show from codes upon codes upon codes. And then they say, change your password every month. My God, I couldn't remember things from month to month. Sometimes things change too fast. The reported crime cybercrime losses topped the $10 billion mark, according to their report at Statista. Statista. And it's just phenomenal what's going on. Ripping off credit cards, and, you know, you get a phone call from the credit card company, and they say, this is the crime support and so forth and tech support, and here's the number or password or whatever it is you go through. And they say, did you just buy $10,000 worth of stereo equipment? This has happened years ago. I said, no, I have no idea. What would I do with $10,000 worth of equipment? Where did it go to? And they said, seattle, Washington. I said, I don't know anybody in Seattle, Washington. And if you give me the address, that's where you need to send the police to go ahead and start researching there. Everything's starting to get really wacky, and, you know, the prices are going up. We've got cyber thieves and everything else. It's just. It's crazy. I was doing some research today, you know, talking about Burger King and Wendy's and McDonald's, you know, and, you know, they're trying to come out with a five dollar meal. What's that gonna be, a toothpick and a glass of water? The food cost for a restaurant is usually between 28 and 35%. I know I managed a bunch of them, and that's basically what you need. Between 28 and 30% to 35% food cost. Then you have your labor cost, you have your other costs and so forth. That comes out of your gross, and you subtract everything out on your profit loss statement, and you end up with a net. And over the years, I've seen so many profit and loss statements, I don't care if it was weekly or quarterly. I mean, I've seen a lot, and I've basically supervised up to 60 businesses, and we had those reports to go through. I had people that managed them, but then all the reports came into our office, and then we had to go through everything. And I'll tell you what it's interesting to see what happens not only in open food, but also in vending. And vending you should be basically food costs there should be around between 30 and 35%. But you take a look at everything and a lot of the restaurants are having problems. And did you know that you spend personally, about $1,200 a year on fast food? And you say, oh, I don't eat fast food. I eat at home. Fine, because then you actually save some money. But what's killing the fast food industry is the wage rate hike going from sixteen dollars to twenty dollars or sixteen dollars to twenty five dollars an hour. And people say, well, I need more money to make a living, okay? So the price of everything just went up. And working fast food is synonymous of just working. A basic beginning job. It's the high school students and the college students that are learning about running a business. And some learn, some don't learn, some go job to job to job. And some people, I don't know, they have a problem. They don't want to get out on their own. But food is getting expensive. What do we have? We have an avian flu outbreak that's going on and cattle inventory is down. The avian flu, another chicken farm or chicken ranch, whatever you want to call it, just burned a big one. Mysterious fires. I think somebody's trying to set some stuff on purpose. Are we trying to collect insurance money? Are we trying to corner the market with a couple of big companies? Who knows? But it's getting very, very, very suspicious. Now, is it really cheaper to eat fast food or cooking? And for those who want a quick and easy answer, hey, it's generally cheaper to cook food at home rather than eat out. You know, a friend of mine and I, we go out and eat a few times a week, and it's generally anywhere between 25 and $40. And so I could say, well, gee, I just spent $150 eating out when I could have probably done a lot less, but I didn't have time to cook because I have a lot of stuff that, that's going on. I'm involved in a lot of different groups and I do a lot of research. So, yeah, it's expensive to cook out. And then you have a tip. And usually a two dollar tip used to be decent, but not anymore. The most expensive foods, according to Google, of the pricest ingredients are kobe beef, white truffles, beluga caviars, saffron matsusaki mushrooms, kopi luwak coffee, iberico ham. I believe that's from probably Spain or Portugal and dansuke watermelon. Now, I'll tell you one thing about saffron. I was in a chef's class one time, and the chef that we had teaching the class was the chef for the Cleveland Browns football team. And chef Richard was really a good guy. And he said, I need some saffron rice. Make it. I'm like, chef, I've never made saffron rice before. He said, you know how to make rice, don't you? I said, sure, I do. He said, well, go get the saffron, but I'm going to dole it out. So I went back to the supply cabinet, and I had to open up a special cabinet, and there was a little tiny container of saffron. And I brought it back to him and he opened it up, and I saw these little yellow flower pistols, or whatever they call them, and he takes out a little pinch and puts it in there and gives it back and says, go lock it back up. And by the time I got back, everything was bright yellow on the rice. It was, it was great, but just that little pinch. And I said, how much is a can of that? And he said, one can of that is about $125. And this has been like 20 some years ago. It's expensive stuff. Can you imagine a hamburger and some of the stuff that they make it out of with a very expensive Kobe beef and all that? We couldn't, we couldn't afford to do that. But the prices are going to go up. And according to the report, did McDonald's prices go up? Joe Erlinger, president of McDonald's USA, said in an open letter Wednesday. That's this Wednesday. The average price of McDonald's menu items is up around 40% since 2019. Well, it's probably going to go higher. So much for fast food. Almost makes you want to be a vegetarian, I guess. There was another article that was out. The International Coca Cola organization has admitted that the global coca shortage will be significantly larger than previously forecasting. Coca prices in New York have rebounded in recent weeks, inching above the $9,330 per ton mark to close the week. My big penchant is I like dark chocolate. There's something about dark chocolate I like. I limit myself to two small pieces a day. And sometimes they say, you know, chocolate is addictive, high. You eat the chocolate and you like it. You want to eat more chocolate and more chocolate and more chocolate. I limit myself to two small pieces of chocolate. Chocolate. Matter of fact, here's my second one of the day right here. It's made by Dove dark chocolate. If I get some european stuff, that's probably 85%. It's kind of bitter, but I still like it. And it gives you a pick me up in the afternoon or a wake me up in the morning. Just one little one will do it. Well, the prices are going to go up. And the first, reported by Bloomberg, the ICCO forecasted demand will exceed probably about 439,000 tons, driven mainly by higher cocoa grinding in consumer countries. And this is the second estimate for the current October to September year. I don't know why they do that. October to September. Have no idea. You know, we often talk about gold and silver on this show, precious metals. I was reading someplace, a telecommunications company has a lot of copper, copper remnants from, you know, putting up communication lines, and that copper is now worth something. And it was just appeared just before the show. I didn't have time to really read it other than, hey, okay, I can imagine. And one time I was with a friend of mine, and he wanted to get some metal so he could build a special project. He was even really good with his hands, and he'd been retired, and he likes to fiddle around, you know, tinker. And so we went to a, in quotes, junkyard, a salvage yard, and he was allowed to go back and find what he wanted. And he pays a very low price for it. And then he turns it into something that can be worth a lot of money. And a guy pulls up, gets out of a truck, and he has this big, I mean, big section of copper cabling. And I don't know how many cables it had in the center of it, but this thing was a good 4ft long, and he was taking it in there, and my friend had just paid for his stuff and they said, okay, you want to turn in that copper, we need to see your driver's license, and we need to take your picture because you're turning this in and it's worth some money. And a lot of people have been stealing copper, so they have to record all of that. But I. The shiny copper. I mean, this thing was beautiful, bright, shiny. It was shinier than a penny, a brand new penny. But you get in there and you talk about gold and silver and who, who collects it. Well, if you pay down your debt, I know I've said this I don't know how many times over the years, but it's true. Pay down your debt, pay off your credit cards, don't get into debt. It's difficult to do, but it can be done. I know I've done it. Also, after you pay down your debt, put some money aside, grow your savings, get money into accounts that draw interest or create interest. Make sure that you buy long term foods. Let's say you, you're suddenly out of employment. How are you going to feed your family? That said, food backup. Make sure you have your medications. Make sure you have a way to purify and store water. Make sure that you've got your medications. Make sure you've got proper housing. Or maybe you need a tent or something if the house goes bad. What about tarps? The blue tarps you can get at Home Depot or Lowe's or even Walmart. What happens if you have a leak in the roof? Guess what? You covered that with a blue tarp. It lasted. A friend of mine, he's a multi multi millionaire, and he had a blue tarp on sections of his roof that blew off due to a storm. And every time I go up to pick up another friend of mine, hey, I'd see that house and stuff blue tarps on it for over a year. He finally had to pay for a whole new roof himself. Well, he could afford it. So you run into that, but make sure you're prepared. Then once you, you get some money, then go ahead and look at maybe investing into precious metals, because with precious metals, people do that as a hedge against calamity. Gold is always going to be worth something. And if you have a bad investment, gold is not a bad investment. Over time, it will hold its value. It may go up a little or down a little bit, but gold is very precious. It's also very heavy. My suggestion is get 10th ounce coins and I don't care where you get them. Ap m e x,, whatever you find a good reputable source. Do not buy paper certificates, it's just a piece of paper. And then when you go to redeem them, you may not get your money back. It's a scam. Oh, we have gold iras and stuff. It could be a scam. So check it out. Or you can get silver rounds, silver coins, about 99.5% pure. Canadian coins are about 99 point, I believe, seven, eight or 9% pure. But you go ahead and build, build up your gold supply, build up your silver supply. And when the, when it gets tough and it gets rough and the dollar is not worth anything, your gold and silver will be worth something. Somebody told me one time, oh, gold's going to go up to 4000 something or 5000 something. Yeah, right. And then they said, well, silver's going to go up to $800 I could see silver getting up there. It's not there now. It probably won't be for a long time. But the silver that I bought years ago, and it's not much, I got it at $15 a coin. It's now worth over $35 a coin, so it's appreciated. Okay. Well, Louisiana, according to a report from money metals, they reaffirm gold and silver as legal tender. Does your state have gold and silver as a legal tender? Well, in Louisiana, Governor Jeff Lambry has signed a new law reaffirming gold and silver as legal tender, making a symbolic statement in favor of sound money principles. Senate Bill 232, sponsored by Senator Mark Abraham, marks the 6th pro sound money bill passed by a state dish ear. And Louisiana Sound money bill simply affirms that any gold or silver coin or specie or bullion issued by the United States government is considered legal tender whenever voluntarily agreed upon by both parties. I think Texas is another state that has that. Further down the article, when savers, wage earners and individual investors seek ways to protect their savings from the ravages of inflation, don't we have inflation now? They often choose precious metals over fiat currency. In other words, paper money, because precious metals have preserved purchasing power over time. Well, Alabama, Utah, Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Kentucky passed legislation in 2024 ending sales and capital gains taxes on precious metals, claiming that central bank digital currencies are not valid. Money in their state. Are digital currencies valid to CBDC? Are they valid in your state? Can you hold it in your hands? Can you readily spend it? It's just another way of control according to a lot of different people. Okay, what are the ten most stolen vehicles in America, do you know? Well, the visuals. Capitalist Bruno Vendetti came up with the list from the National Insurance Crime Bureau. We have the Hyundai Elantra, Hyundai Sonata. I had one of those. It was a nice car. The Kia Optima, the Chevrolet Silverado truck, the Kia soul, Honda Accord, the Honda Civic, the Kia Forte, the Ford 150, and the Kia sportage are the top ten most stolen. I guess Hyundai and Kia were supposed to fix that problem, but I don't know, maybe they need the trunk monkey. If you get a chance, look up on YouTube and find the trunk monkey. I love those commercials. The cars had a red button and they would have a monkey in the trunk and he'd be reading newspaper, maybe, you know, drinking something. And all of a sudden the light would flash in the trunk and the monkey would climb out and somebody was trying to steal the car. The monkey would club the guy put him in the car, take him over to a river and dump him in. It was, it was a good commercial. I really laughed. I saw about maybe ten of them. And trunk monkey, check it out. Wow, there's a pause here because I'm trying to think. We've only got five minutes to go. There was a thing in Bloomberg where it said the Fed's favorite inflation gauge cools, spending unexpectedly drops. Why? Because people don't have money. Duh. Hey, there are seven signs where you need to consider about changing banks. This was according to Yahoo Finance and the article was in, let's see here. It was done by Sarah Brady, who was a contributor to Yahoo Finance. And here are some of the reasons you need to change. High fees, monthly maintenance fees, minimum account balance fees, out of network ATM fees, overdraft or non sufficient fee funds or fund fees. Well, non sufficient funds, you know what I mean. How about a low API annual percentage yield? Let's say they have a 0.1%. Somebody else has a two or 3%. Well, then yeah, I'd be changing. How about an IPR, the annual percentage rate? What's it going to cost to take out a loan? Hmm. Right now it's probably astronomical. Limited access to support. You get an ATM card and it's only valid only to their facilities and no place else. You can't use it anyplace else. That's kind of scary. No account bonus. Many banks offer incentive and incentives to open new bank accounts. For example, at one bank you can earn $2,500 bonus for opening a checking account. Well, the history of those banks weren't too well or too good, so I wouldn't even attempt to do that. You say, well, it's $2,500. Look at the bank, look at what they do. How many hedge funds and derivatives are involved in. That's enough to scare you. Also, security concerns, providing education about new scams, allowing you to use multifactor identification codes upon codes upon codes using encryption software. You only have to consider banks that have that to make your account secure. Also, deposit delays, delayed access to deposits is one of the main reasons people lose trust in banks. If you put it into the bank today, it ought to be posted today and you ought to be able to see that post online that day, hopefully within an hour or two. But sometimes banks will say, well, it will show up tomorrow. Well, I just put it in today. Why doesn't it show up? I put it in electronically. It ought to show up now. So you have to consider what the bank does. Okay. Wow. 758. Oh, I was going to go over some other things and we didn't get the chance to do it. Holy cow. Dang. Gone. I almost got through everything. Almost. Well, anyhow, guys, that's all I've got for this week. Money and change. You can check out our Facebook page. Money and change. Financially prepped, it's easy to join. Just ask. We'll invite you to join us and you can get a hold of all of our videos that we've posted and you can even watch this show on Gee Whiz X. Yeah, a couple minutes after I'm done with this show, we'll pop up on X and you'll be able to see the show. And I believe we're on YouTube too. I know. I always check the show out and I always listen to the show on X to see how well everything went. So anyhow, guys, that's all I've got this week and next week, we'll be back with the show on Sunday and hopefully I've got better news. But anyhow, you have a good week. Start prepping, keep prepping, keep praying and we will see you next Sunday. [01:00:04] Speaker A: Have a good weekend. About the price. It's not about the money. Money.

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