Red Pill Reality Show

Red Pill Reality Show
TRIM Radio
Red Pill Reality Show

Mar 10 2024 | 02:59:56

Episode • March 10, 2024 • 02:59:56

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:16] Speaker A: You're listening to the trim radio network. We cut the bulb and serve the truth. It. [00:00:28] Speaker B: I know you're out there. I can feel you now. [00:00:32] Speaker A: I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. [00:00:39] Speaker B: I didn't come here to tell you. [00:00:41] Speaker A: How this is going to end. [00:00:42] Speaker B: I came here to tell you how. [00:00:44] Speaker A: It'S going to begin. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. You take the red pill and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill. The story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take. [00:02:05] Speaker B: Saturday nights from 09:00 p.m. Eastern until midnight. Call in lines are open, dialed eight oh 3202 two seven seven to reach your host directly. And now your host, Riscala. [00:02:25] Speaker C: Well, hello and welcome, everyone. It is the red pill reality show. [00:02:28] Speaker D: It is an honor and a privilege to have you tune in tonight. I'm going to have a roundtable looking for Michael Bahas to join me, and Jerry hall will probably be joining me and possibly one of two of my friends will be joining. We're going to be talking about the current topics. And I've been having a hard week, I got to tell you. I'm seeing what's happening to this country. I normally would have my mic out of sight, but tonight they are still doing some work next door and there's all this noise going on. So I have to keep the gain on the mic very low so we don't hear all that stuff going on next door. Yeah, been a rough week. [00:03:20] Speaker A: It. [00:03:21] Speaker D: I continue to see the degradation of our society. I continue to see the disintegration of what is left of our country. After this guy you called somebody like this, what do you say to them? There's a lot of things I would like to say to him. It is truly unbelievable the amount of damage that one person can do to so many people. So many people. Millions and millions of people. And we have over 500. I think it's 535. I may be wrong. I think it's 535 altogether that are in DC. I may be wrong about that number. God knows I've never been wrong. We have over 500 other people there how is it that this one guy can get away with what he's getting away with? It drives me back to the years of Obama when there was hard evidence. Hard evidence. There was a sheriff out of Arizona. I think it is. I'm trying to think of his name. Well known name is well known. Just having one of those brain burps right now. Did a six month investigation into the birth certificate that Barry Sotero, among other names, had submitted for his birth certificate and found that it had been actually manipulated. And I believe it was Adobe. Somebody used Adobe Photoshop or page maker or something like that and layered this thing out. They actually broke it down into the layers and proved that the certificate was indeed false. It was made up. And I kept thinking to myself, now, if somebody as simple minded as me knows that this thing is not real and the guy that's sitting in the seat of the presidency is not supposed to be there, I have a hard time understanding how 500 some others of them up there can't see it either. These are conspiracy theories. This is coming from. Gosh, I wish I could think of his name. Doug Garnett. This is coming from a sheriff who has been a sheriff for decades. He didn't start doing this yesterday. Decades. He's been doing this job, and he hires these people on his penny. He doesn't use the city's penny. He's using his own private funds. Six month period. Comes to find out that the birth certificate that Barry had is a fake. And we're suffering so dearly today because of that. I don't even know what to call them. Anything I call them would be detrimental to whatever it is, whatever name. You know, if I call him a piece of feces, that's insulting to the feces. I could see the division that this man brought in, Obama, Sotero, Barry. I could see the division he was sowing, and it seemed as though nobody else wanted to look at that. I'm talking about people in the government. There was one or two here or there, but that was it. And it's the same thing I'm seeing today. We have a president who was found to be. I don't know if guilty is the right word, but he was found with paperwork that he shouldn't have had. He didn't have the authority to have. Not only that, but there's evidence that shows that he shared that paperwork. Hello? He shared that paperwork with. Who knows? Some of this stuff was confidential. Some of it was secret, and the result was, well, he's too old. Basically, he's not in his right mind. I can't remember the exact words they use, but that's basically what the excuse was. So why is he the president of the United States? You got 500 plus people up there who heard this doctor, forgive me, who heard this prosecutor say that, well, yeah, he did what he did, but he's too old and he's basically not prosecutable because of his age. And he really doesn't know what he's doing. His memories, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Why is he running the. I mean, that's what they say. I know better. I know most of you out there know better. What's he doing running the country? And do you call this running the country? I mean, my God. But it's more like, what's he doing destroying the country? Why are all of these other people that are up there in Washington, DC sitting around twiddling their thumbs? I know that's an exaggeration, but you hear all this talk, yak, yak, yak, yak, yak. We have this evidence, we have the checks, we have documents, we have. What's happened? What has happened? Nothing. It's all lip service. It's all about, oh, we're going to get this and we're going to do that. Now, there may be a handful of them, representatives up there that are truly working for the american people, but it isn't a whole heck of a lot more. The rest of them are in it for their own good. They are either being blackmailed, somebody's got some dirt on them. So their ability to make reasonable choices, especially if it's one of those that might benefit the people, are severely influenced by corruption. No matter what you think of Donald Trump, whether you like him, whether you love him, whether you hate him, whether you despise him, no matter what you think of Donald Trump, there is one thing that you cannot take away from him. It's probably several. This one thing is really evident in my mind, and that's the amount of corruption that has been exposed thanks to Donald Trump. He may have sent out mean tweets, he may have called Rosie O'Donnell a pig, he may have insulted people publicly. His demeanor in some cases may not be polite, but he was, and I believe still is the man that take this thing that we call government, these mafios, break it down and tear it apart. If it weren't for Donald Trump, I don't think it would be a fraction, it would be a small fraction of what is being exposed today. We would have no idea. We'd never have known about the emails with Clinton. They would have found another way to hide it. They couldn't hide it, so they had to expose it. Once they exposed it, well, we'll have to find a way around it. And they found a way around it, even though that way was illegal. And it's in your face. It's in your face. America no longer is a priority for our representatives. That's pretty evident to me. Billions, hundreds of billions of dollars being given away to other countries. Number one, look at Ukraine. Have any of you realized that a lot of the money that we are giving these people is literally paying their payrolls. We're paying other governments payrolls. Meanwhile, we have veterans who have sacrificed just about everything. They have. In some cases, they have completely sacrificed their lives. They're no longer with us, and those that are still with us are suffering. Many of them out on the streets, homeless, with few to no benefits, while you bring in people who hate this country and give them benefits and in some cases take the benefits away from the veterans and give it to these illegals. This is a kind of mentality that destroys a nation because they're destroying our society. The people that they looked to do their dirty work, in many cases, these people are now homeless, have very few benefits, and watch as our southern border is wide open, and anybody his brother, his brother's mother and his cousin and anybody else that wants to come through can come through, and it doesn't stop there. They get food, they get allowance. Some of these people get upwards of $2,500 a month. A month. We have people on Social Security. Don't even make that. Not even close to that. If you can't see that this is a purposeful design to break down this country, how long do you think we can go on allowing literally tens of thousands of people across the border and paying these people? We're paying for these people to come here. And it's been made very clear one of the primary reasons that they want this to happen is that they're going to push for these people that have come here breaking the law to get here. They want them to become citizens. They want them to have voting rights. I don't remember whether it was Chicago, Chicago or California. Both of them are crazy places anyway. I feel sad for the good people. There was one of the two of them talking about making these people who have come into this country by breaking the law, making them police officers. That's right, police officers. So if you think that you're seeing in some cases where the police get a little carried away and hurt somebody, you ain't seen nothing if these people get on. The people that are coming into this country are known in many cases, are known to be prisoners from other countries in many cases. It is known that these people have mental issues. They don't have 52 in their deck. They're missing a few. They're a couple of fries short of a happy meal. And it's not in a good way. They're not able to communicate in a nonviolent way. So they result to violence. As you see about this young lady. What was her name? God forgive me, I had her name written down, and I picked up the wrong piece of it. Riley, I think it was Riley, this young lady who was murdered by an illegal. And then Mr. Biden, Mr. Biden says, oh, yes, she was murdered by an illegal. Boy, he caught hell for was. I have to straighten you out, Mr. Biden. He's not illegal. He's undocumented. Yeah. And we're spiraling in a downward position that's going to affect everybody. I had an online conversation with a very attractive young lady. She's probably in her mid 30s, came here from China, and has seen firsthand what can happen if a government gets too much control. And she said that she is actually scared to be here right now because she's seeing the foundations being laid out to have so much control over the people. It won't be much different than where she came from. And the people are sadly in their face, but they're not seeing it. I used to say, you're asleep driving, but your eyes are wide open. You're, like, hypnotized. Almost the amount of damage that's happening. I mean, this is a personal thing now. This is not just to our country. This is to each one of us. They are literally allowing men that they know are of military age by the thousands to come across our border. You have a governor who has suffered tremendously because of this insanity and says, no, we're not going to do this anymore. Sets up razor wire, slows the amount of people coming across dramatically. I think he said there was four people came across one day when there was thousands or maybe hundreds that were coming across. Slows it down dramatically. And what happens? The federal component of our government decides that they don't like that. You understand that the very people that we have entrusted with authority are working against us. How else can you explain? The state of Texas has a God given right to protect its border if they feel that they are being invaded, what would you call 10,000 people coming into your society, into your cities, into your state. 10,000 at one clip in one day. That's not an invasion. So the governor decides he's going to declare a state of emergency. He had every right to. He's very justified to do it. In doing so, tells the border patrol, see you by, brings in the National Guard, has them put up razor wire, and the federal government loses it. No, we're going to file a suit against you. We're going to sue you, have that razor wire taken down. We want our people on the border. We don't want your people there. Mine, interstate, you can't see that that's working against the people. When the governor steps out, puts his neck on the line and says, listen, we're not going to do this anymore. This was a big deal. We're not going to do this anymore. And then the federal government goes Berserko and says, we're going to sue you. And then on top of that, you have the Supreme Court rules for the government, for the feds. How can that possibly be? How can it possibly be that a state doesn't have the right to protect itself, just like you or me? We have God given rights that nobody but God can take away from us. And that is one of them, is the right to protect ourselves. We have that right. And more and more, these people that we call our government are working on removing that completely. How can that be working for us? There's this talk about banning TikTok, right? This goes back for me. It goes back to the argument, the same argument about banning guns. Who are you to ban whatever the people want to use? If it's a communist backed application, then the people should be making that choice. The people should know that it's a communist backed application and not use it. Find somebody here in the United States who has the money. Apparently, TikTok is making a tremendous amount of money. Find somebody here who can do the same thing it's made here in America. But don't ban it. That's not the answer. It's like banning guns. Oh, if we ban the guns, then all the violence will go away. We're a scholar. Where have you been? I don't know. I'm looking at data of places like Kennesaw, Georgia, that demand you have a gun if you're going to live in their village or their city limits. And I look at the data that shows that the crime statistics are drastically lower because somebody who is planning to do some harm to someone or steal something will think twice before they go to Kennesaw, Georgia, knowing that the residents are armed. Yeah. Then you go, Chicago. Look at Chicago, where guns are banned. You're not allowed to have a gun. I don't care if there's an outlaw that's coming up and beating the snot out of you. You're not allowed to hurt him. Some of the craziest stories that come out of Chicago and New York, and yet the crime is through the roof. I think it was out of New York where? I think it was New York, I'm almost sure. So there's this guy who's. I think he was like a security guard. I think an unarmed security, maybe not even security guard, just in charge of under the building parking lot kind of thing. And break ins are quite common, apparently. That's why they have this guy walking through the parking lot, kind of checking things out. He sees a guy trying to break into a car, and he goes over and he tells the guy to get out, go away before he can do anything. This guy. Now, this is documented somewhere. I wish I could. I'm almost sure it's New York. Before this guy could do anything, the guy trying to break in the car whips out a gun, shoots him four times. Four times. Somehow this guy that was shot gets the gun away from the guy. As God is my witness, I'm telling you the truth. Gets the gun away from the guy, shoots the guy, and they both pass out from loss of blood. Cops show up. You would think that the cops would arrest the guy who brought the gun. No, they arrested the guy who shot. They arrested the victim of the case. Basically. They arrested the guy who shot the guy that shot him first, and then they charged him. He was, I guess, a felon or something. They charged him with illegal possession of a firearm. It wasn't his firearm. This is how crazy things are getting. They didn't want to report that this guy was more than likely didn't belong here to begin with. They didn't want that to get out, so they blamed the victim. And you can see more and more of this happening where it's the victim that becomes the problem. It's all your fault. You shouldn't have done this. You shouldn't have done that. You should have never grabbed the guy's gun. You should have never shot him. Even though he shot you four times. Forget that. Don't worry about that. It's insanity. And what's even more insane is people like you and me who understand that this is going on continue to permit this to go on. I do what I can. I get. People get really upset with me sometimes. Really. I mean, with some of the things that I come up with, they don't like it. But I'm sad that you don't like it. Doesn't change the fact that it's going to affect our lives. And now in the age that I have reached in the cycle of life that I am at, I'm concerned for my children and my grandchildren. What are they going to do to them? The intrusion into our privacy is so open now. It's unbelievable. Unbelievable. Anything that you want, they want to know everything about you. They want your first born. They want to know everything. And people have reached a point where, oh, it's okay, it's no big deal. It is a big deal. It's private information. And to let you know that much of this private information that they gather, they sell, they make a lot of money doing that. So the intrusion into our lives has become so commonplace that people don't even realize it. They don't have the authority to do what you're granting them the authority because they give you this agreement that you need to be a freaking attorney to read twelve page, 13 page agreement that you're going to agree to our terms and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Who knows what it says. I don't read them. I'm not going to go through all that. And I think that they realize that the majority of the people are not going to go through all that, sit there and read every line. And some of the, I'm not kidding you. Some of these things are seven, eight pages. And basically what they're saying is we're going to take your information, we're going to sell it. We're going to use your phone number because you give them your phone number, we're going to use your name and your address. We're going to follow you across the Internet and see what you're interested in. And if you're somebody that likes to go fishing, we're going to sell your name to people who sell fishing goods. If you're somebody who likes camping, we're going to sell your name to people who sell camping goods. It just depends on what you like. And then we're going to sell your name to people who sell that kind of stuff and people think it's okay. How many times have you had a conversation with somebody, you're talking about something just really something. I know one time I was with my daughter, my middle daughter. I was with my middle daughter. And we were talking about tires. I think we were talking about something. I think it was tires. And both of us had our cell phones with us, and we went on to talk about something else, and we had conversation about several different things. But then she calls me later on. She says, dad, I got an ad for tires on my phone. Where do you think it came from? It is a magic. It's intrusion. How many times have you heard about things like that? [00:28:47] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [00:28:47] Speaker D: We were just talking about that. [00:28:49] Speaker A: Wow. [00:28:49] Speaker D: We were talking about. Maybe we think about buying a couch and all of a sudden the furniture store pops up. They're listening to you everywhere. And those of you who have Siri and Alexa and all this other stuff, they're listening to you. Don't kid yourself. Everything that's going on, especially if it's in your home, everything is being recorded. Everything. Whether somebody listens to it or not, doesn't matter. Everything is being recorded. That's my point. How many places do you call nowadays and say, well, this call might be recorded? It's not. Might be. Give me a break. The call is going to be recorded. Even when you're on hold, it's being recorded. Remember that. All right, we're going to take a break. When I come back, I think I'll have Jerry. I see Jerry's in the studio. I'm waiting for Michael Bajas to show up. Maybe he'll show up as we get ready to take a break. Stay tuned, folks. [00:30:03] Speaker B: We're hitting pause for a quick break. [00:30:05] Speaker C: We're not going anywhere. We'll be back before you know it. [00:30:09] Speaker D: With more on the red pill reality show. [00:30:16] Speaker C: Are you a business owner? Did you know that the government is holding funds right now for your business? [00:30:23] Speaker D: The program is called the Employee Retention act. [00:30:26] Speaker C: It's done through the IRS and part. [00:30:28] Speaker D: Of the CARES act, and it's available to just about every business. This could mean literally hundreds of thousands of dollars into your business. [00:30:38] Speaker C: This is not a loan. It's 100% legal and paid directly to you. [00:30:43] Speaker D: Go to getmymoneyback. Net. That's to watch a brief video and find out how you can qualify. Getmymoneyback. Net. Go there now. [00:31:01] Speaker E: Do you need toner for your Epson, Hewlett, Packer, canon, brother, apple or sharp printers? Look no further than laser technologies in business for over 20 years. They offer the lowest prices on toner on the web. They can also repair your laser printers and toners fast and easy. Call their expert staff today at 561-7929 600 or email us at service at laser for all your toner needs. All toner is shipped nationwide. Why wait? Get the lowest prices on toner. Call or email us today. [00:31:47] Speaker A: Have you seen the sky lately? Those wicked white line they're poisoned and fall on you and I? These devious deeds will sadly proceed until we all demand and answer why they're murdering us from the sky? It's time to stop the madness evil crime murdering us from the sky I if we don't, we in the bright light of day they brazenly spray these chemtrails into the atmosphere that brain disease and distress it's a toxic game of chess they play without a bit of guilt of fear? They're murdering us from the sky? It's time to stop the madness evil cry murdering us from the sky because if we don't, we'll die? Sure there's lots of other things I'd rather think about or do but it's hard to with what's going on above if you be like me that it's a human tragedy let the ones in tower know you've had enough of this murdering us from the sky it's time to stop the madness and endless evil crime of murdering us from the sky because if we don't, we stop this stop crazy murder, waste the time stop rain, just stop the rain this crazy stop the rain. [00:35:25] Speaker C: To bring you this important message, you. [00:35:46] Speaker A: Radio trim radio network. [00:35:52] Speaker B: We're back. [00:35:53] Speaker D: Hope you didn't go too far because we have more interesting and thought provoking information for you. Coming up on the red pill reality show. All right, we are back. [00:36:11] Speaker C: What happened here? There we go. Yes. See, I think we're doing okay. This is show number four with video. And because I have videos, there's more stuff I have to look after to make sure that everything is working. And if I move my mouse around and accidentally click on something, it shows up on the screen and I go, whoa. Anyway, we are back. It is the red pill reality show. Thank you guys for letting me share with you. Appreciate it. It looks like we have jerry. Let me bring jerry on. How are you, my friend? [00:36:55] Speaker B: I'm doing great. Boy, we can talk a lot about this subject. I'm glad you're bringing us up because it's really important. I've got a very beautiful lady that's a real good friend of mine, and she lives 2 hours from Eagle Pass, texas, in mexico. [00:37:12] Speaker C: Oh, wow. [00:37:13] Speaker B: And she wants to come to the United States as a citizen, and she and I are talking about doing it right. So she's applying for a green card first, and then she's going to stand in line for however long it's going to take for her to become a citizen. But she can do it the right way. [00:37:31] Speaker D: Actually, sherry, I don't know what. [00:37:48] Speaker C: No audio. No audio. It was there and you were there and then you were gone. See, this is. This is what happens to me. I'll be talking to somebody and my hand is resting on the mouse, right? And the mouse moves and my finger twitches and I end up clicking on something. [00:38:11] Speaker D: Oh, my God, what did I click on now? [00:38:13] Speaker C: So this happens. That's great about live. This is what happens when we're doing stuff that's live. It doesn't get edited out. You get to see the goofs as they go on. How's that? How cool is hopefully, maybe sign out and sign back in, Jerry. Maybe. [00:38:38] Speaker D: Let's see. Well, it looks like. Look who we have. This is another one of our friends. [00:38:50] Speaker C: Hey, Stu shear. [00:38:51] Speaker D: How are you, my friend? [00:38:52] Speaker C: Hope all is well with you. Stu has a show on our network. Looks like Michael is getting ready to jump in. There's Michael. [00:39:04] Speaker E: I am. How are you, Rizp? [00:39:05] Speaker D: Good, how you doing? [00:39:08] Speaker E: Well, it has been a week. My brother. [00:39:13] Speaker C: All of know before you even mentioned that. I was saying last week for me, I'm just watching what's happening and it is so disappointing and it's so upsetting to me to watch what is going on. And people just address it as though. [00:39:32] Speaker D: It'S okay. [00:39:33] Speaker C: This is just the way things are. This is not the way things are. This is not the way things are supposed to be. No, I didn't listen to any of the state of the union. But one thing that I saw several times when I'm looking around to see what people are talking about, Biden calls the murderer illegal and the libs have gone nuts. How dare him call him an illegal. He's not an illegal. [00:40:00] Speaker D: He's an undocumented. [00:40:03] Speaker E: Oh, undocumented. Well, that's a euphemism. [00:40:07] Speaker C: He really blew it when he said illegal. I'll tell you what, that really started up a big shebang. There was a lot of people upset about that anyway. And Jerry was just on before you came on. I don't know what happened. He was talking and all of a sudden he just went silent. And I said, well, maybe. Maybe he's got to reboot. He may try to reboot and see if he's get back in. Meanwhile, I see Stu shearers. Looks like Stu is on Facebook. [00:40:39] Speaker E: Hi, Stu, how are you? Glad to see you there. My know, the funny thing about Biden is that he keeps not telling the truth. His math doesn't add up. He's is responsible for in between 5000 or five to $7 trillion worth of the debt himself. If you go back and you really compare and you do a comparison, let's do a fair comparison. Regardless of how you feel about either candidate, if you go back and you look at Trump at that point, I think it was 1.9 GDP, whatever, 9% that we had an inflation. And if you look at it today, it is absolutely huge. I think it's like ridiculous amounts and four point whatever way up there. If you look at the rental properties and you look at that, we're seeing people are even having a hard time renting gasoline, I believe was at 228 or 229 during the inauguration. It was at 180 right before they declared. Regardless of what you think, when Biden was, oh, he won, but I think it was like 189. So we're going from $50 a barrel to like $80 a barrel. So you have a $30 difference a barrel. Everything that Trump had done, he reversed into kind of a nightmare. He made it his goal to reverse. [00:42:30] Speaker C: It, telling people, reverse it. You remember that he made a point of, I'm going to reverse everything that he's done. I see Jerry. Looks like Jerry's ready to come back on. [00:42:41] Speaker E: Here's Jerry. [00:42:42] Speaker B: Go ahead, Michael. [00:42:43] Speaker E: So when you have people that are vindictive and they're out to get it, and everyone criticized Trump for always speaking his mind and saying it is, but Biden really hasn't changed. Exactly. He's done the exact same thing, making fun of the magma people and everything else, making fun of Trump in every way that he could. And the hypocrisy is quite embarrassing that this country has displayed when it comes to these two candidates, because really it's the same thing and it's pot calling the kettle black. And the bottom line is this, is that really, economy wise, it was better from 2016 to 2020 than it is now from 2020 to 2024. The comparison there, now he can say, oh, I've slashed inflation. But the game is that they raised inflation enough to where it was so outrageous. And people are like, this guy's doing horrible, and then all of a sudden they try to bring it back down and rein it in to make him look spectacular. But that inflation rate is still higher than what it was with Trump. But it looks acceptable because they count on you not remembering exactly what happened. And it was the same thing with the housing market. So if you raise that on up and the percentage rates and everything else, and it goes all the way to eight, and then you bring it down to six, you look like a hero. But the bottom line was that when Trump was in office, it was 2.5% to 3%, folks. It's called sleight of hand. But the bottom line is that is factual, and you can look it up anywhere. But that are the facts. We are sitting at right around six something to 740. [00:44:51] Speaker C: That's not the reality of it, though. I'll let you go in a second, Jerry, especially, like, at the grocery store, you see what they're doing? So the packages are smaller. What you used to buy, let's say, for a dollar. Let's say it was 12oz. Me? [00:45:10] Speaker E: Yeah. Screeching yeah, you were nonstop. [00:45:15] Speaker C: Okay, so let's say something that you're buying for one dollars gets you 12oz. Before all this insanity started. Now, what you're buying for a dollar gets you somewhere around 8oz. But they've reinvented the package, if you will. So it looks like it's almost the same size as it was before. So in reality, what we're suffering isn't in the five or six or 7%. It's like 30%, 40%. Look at gasoline. You mentioned gasoline, Michael. Look at gasoline. I remember. I can't remember which one of my friends it was. It was somewhere in the Midwest, in Palm beach. The price of gas actually went below $2. Went to, like, dollar 98. And I was boasting about, oh, my God, we're finally below $2, blah, blah, blah. And he sent me a picture, took a picture with his cell phone, sent me a picture back of where he was as a dollar 75 where he was at. And where are we at today? I'm looking at the gas prices today, 3.40 where I'm at. I don't know about everybody else. All right, Jerry. Jerry's back. Go ahead, Jerry. [00:46:27] Speaker B: Okay, well, great stock. Is everything working okay now so far? Okay, well, I was just in Boca Raton just a couple of days ago, and gas down there for premium is $5 a gallon. Up where I live right now, it's just at $4 a gallon. So it's a dollar difference by about 200 miles. Now, you were talking about the immigration deal. Biden's got a twofer on this immigration deal. A lot of people don't realize he doesn't need one of those people to vote at all. Here's the catch. Because all he needs to do is take those migrants and move them to red districts. And then what will happen? Those districts will then become democratic based on the population. And so literally, they can change the voters into Democrats and change the districts so that Republicans can't get elect in those republican districts anymore. So that's the plan. Plus that the icing on the cake is the voting. And like you saw on the interviews, when the people come across the border, if you could vote in the United States, who would you vote for? Joe Biden. Joe Biden. And that's the problem we have right now. And again, we've got honest people who are decent people. Like I said, I have a really good friend in Mexico who wants to become a citizen. And so we're going through the normal steps. She's going through the normal steps, applying for a green card so she can start working and then applying, so she has to go through the waiting period. Now, I have friends in Texas and in New York and in Missouri that are congresspeople that I've called and asked, can you help expedite some of this? And they really said there's nothing we can do, even at their level. So these people that want to come over legitimately are being stifled. Michael, you were talking, Brooks scholar, you were talking as like $3,000 a month. It's $4,000 a month in all the benefits by the time. And here we have veterans and homeless people that can't get a dime from the government. Yeah, I love this one jury is going broke. But how many times have you ever heard welfare is going broke? Never. And that's a big rod. [00:48:48] Speaker E: Part of the problem is, too, is that was really upsetting for the veterans is when they turned around and were using some of the benefit, medical treatment, care for the immigration part of it, which really is upsetting because it takes away from the veterans, the people who did defend this country. And it's a shame all around this country has gone to, if you look at it all around, it's a renting type country. They're talking about this with cars. They're talking about this. Here's a good article, and I just wanted to read you a little bit. America will become a renter nation. Grant Cardinal loans against the US sees 100 year mortgage year mortgages, how to buy real estate without going deep into debt. And really, that's where we're at. And that's exactly what they're counting on, is how can we owe forever and ever and ever with the unrealistic possibility of being able to pay it off. Well, it's not going to happen. And it's not going to happen. They're throwing up apartment complexes everywhere. Maryland trying this. And the more that they throw up these apartment complexes to get families to move in there, you're renters in my area down here, there are businesses that they call themselves investors. Okay? And what they do is they try to buy every home in the neighborhood. And they have been working on it. I get calls all the time, we want to buy your home. And of course, then they want to pay you. So, like last January, not this January, but the January before, I had my home appraised, and it was appraised for a pretty good penny and six figures above. Anyway, then I have these investors call me, and of course, on a $300,000 appraisal, they'll turn around and say, well, it's going to depend on the shape and what we have to put into it. So we'll offer you right now, 235. And a lot of people might look at that, okay, I owe 163. So they'll look at it and they'll say, wow, that's a good deal. That's a lot of money and everything. [00:51:21] Speaker B: Okay. [00:51:22] Speaker E: Unless you put that back into another home, you will pay tax on that. Number one. Number two, like I told him, I said, I'm going to tell you, I won't take anything less, and I'll tell you why. I said, bottom line is that I don't need to give it to you. I'm at 2.3%. So I'm sitting here and I'm very comfortable. And why am I going to give up all this extra equity that I have unless I'm going to buy another home? This is not the time nor the market to do that. [00:51:55] Speaker B: The plan is, I just got the same thing in an email today. My house is worth 1.2 million. And a guy called me today and said, I'll give you $750,000 for your house. I said, I bet you would. Yeah, you're going to double your money in an hour. Last December, or I guess two Decembers ago, I had Keller Williams show up my front doorstep. And so I got a cash offer for you for a million dollars. And I said, great. Where am I going to go living like I live right now for that kind of money? I can't. [00:52:28] Speaker E: And they want you out by 30 to 45 days. [00:52:30] Speaker B: Exactly. [00:52:31] Speaker E: So then you already have to put down money ahead of time before the deal is done to find another place. [00:52:38] Speaker B: Okay. [00:52:39] Speaker E: And we have the highest foreclosure rate right now going on in America, people that bought these homes at six and 7% are like, we can't afford this. And of course these guys are, understand, when you're dealing with a realtor, when you're dealing with these agents, they are salesmen. What a great deal this is right now. Let me tell you what was a great deal, 2.3%. That was great deal. Okay? And if your mortgage company, if you've had a mortgage company like I have for a long time, they have different programs in there where if the interest rate drops, they will come back to you and say, listen, the interest rate is down. You can jump into a new mortgage. That's how I ended up. [00:53:24] Speaker B: But the problem is with those. Those are variable rate mortgages. The bad side of that is if interest goes up, they can adjust your mortgage up. And that's what's killing a lot of people now because they got variable rate mortgages, 2% and then all of a sudden now it's 5% and they're paying that 5% kill them. They can't afford it. [00:53:45] Speaker E: Right? Whatever you do when you go into a mortgage, especially if you can get it at a low rate, is do a fixed. You don't want a variable, you don't want any type of adjustable arm. You don't want anything like that to where you're going to have a balloon payment or anything like that. That's a foolish move. You're basically robbing Peter right now to pay Paul and you're not expecting to pay the piper that is right down the road. And then you're going to get yourself into trouble and you're going to be in bankruptcy. And the first thing that you know is you better have saved up enough to find yourself a place to live. Guess what? Those apartment complexes I was talking about are now available. And you're going to be stuck in that and trying to get out of that and get into another house. And you will miss the house and land that you have because you have a certain degree of privacy and enjoyment out of it, believe it or not, even though it seems like a workload. Oh, God. House repairs, painting, cutting the grass, doing the different things. But here's the thing. It's your investment and it is your property. When you are next door to somebody and you can hear them through the walls, fighting or yelling at the kids or when I was in the military, we had heard this couple that was next door to us. Very passionate couple. Okay, I'll say no more on that. But very passionate couple. Every single night, leave the guy a ribbon and a bottle of wine. But it was every single night. And finally we found a different place to stay. When I was in the military, which ended up being a townhouse, which was much nicer, much more private, and we had a pretty good deal on the rent there. But I always knew I was going to have my own house eventually, and I have no regrets on it. But the world today is changing. [00:55:54] Speaker B: They're. [00:55:54] Speaker E: They want that because think about it. In the end, if you are a renter and you are in everything, you have control. There is a realistic show that when you're in those spots, who controls the amount you pay? Well, the rental agency, who controls whether you're going to be moving, and eventually you're going to get tired of moving, trying to find a cheaper place, or you're going to be in a neighborhood that maybe is not so becoming, is where you're at. You don't know what good school systems are available or crime or anything else. So you have a lot of risk that you're taking. And some people love to rent, and that's great. You do. But to me, it's throwing away money because you're going off of what somebody else's goodwill is now. Is that greed? Is it lust? Is it something else? And God says, these are the things that definitely hurt you down the road. So you have to be careful, pay attention. And I think that this country is so polarized and divided that we've lost the idea of exactly what we are as a country. We lost it in our heart. Where's our compassion anymore? Our empathy, our sympathy, our love for one another? It's gone way to the side. Robert De Niro was a perfect example of that, that he went on live TV, actually went on live TV, and then criticized the other candidate, basically condemning him in a lot of ways, saying, oh, there's no redeemable qualities or anything else. Exactly. What have you done during your career? Everything else that has been holier than thou, that you could sit here. [00:57:52] Speaker A: If. [00:57:53] Speaker E: You want to pick on people and you want to do that, and I'm thinking to myself again, pot, kettle, you're black. And these are the things that are happening. So regardless of who you vote for, that's up to people. They have a choice. Why I wore a uniform was to give them that choice. But there are some considerable differences. Maybe they both don't properly handle things the proper way. But I think that there is an age thing that really is a factor here. And it goes to show you that the president, who the president is, is not necessarily the president, but we kind of have a puppet regime in a lot of ways. Exactly. Who's pulling the strings and how much influence. It's the same thing Jerry was saying about bringing in the immigrants. It's called, okay, they can redistrict by the amount of people know, democratic to Republican, and change those lines. And when they change the lines, it gives one group more power, Democrat, if. [00:59:04] Speaker B: They take over the House and Senate and the presidency. And the fear I have right now is that, okay, I ran for Congress in 1996. I was in a 78% republican district, and I got beat. It's virtually impossible. And afterwards, I was told there was voter fraud. It was in the newspaper. All and everybody did nothing about it. They don't care. And so if they got away with it this last time, what do we think is going to happen this next time? [00:59:37] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm very interested to see what. [00:59:39] Speaker B: They'Re going to do it more conservatively, but enough to beat Trump. [00:59:43] Speaker E: And that's what scares, you know, the thing is, too, is that people are going to be very watchful this time, I believe, and that goes with the Democrats, too. I think a lot of democratic voters, regardless of who they voted for, are going to be watching because the illusion thing only works a little bit. It doesn't always work the second time around. I don't know enough about exactly what happened, where they've proven it or not proven it, and that doesn't mean that it didn't happen either. So I take everything with the zero to 50%. Is it plausible? Is it possible? Absolutely, because we've seen some errors already and everything else going into it, which makes me believe that, and I've seen different things. But I think we're given the illusion that we have a choice. And I don't think that that's necessarily true. I think what we have is a very questionable government in a lot of aspects, and I'm hoping that the people pay attention down here in South Carolina. [01:01:04] Speaker C: Where. [01:01:06] Speaker E: Is one of the things where they just did an open carry and put it into law immediately effective, and it's got like the prosecutors now and everyone else are trying to decide, okay, how do we handle all this information and create kind of a cheat sheet to give to the les and to handle the crime and everything that comes up on who can carry, who can't carry. The problem I have is that with having a second amendment, it has to be also a responsibility to some degree, giving some guy who's never had a gun before and putting in his hand without training or without anything, just even a small amount, okay? Just to say, no, that's a safety, that's the trigger, these are the bullets. Okay? But some kind of a training to where he could be responsible and then teaching them, listen, this is not okay. This is okay. I think makes. I'm all for open carry, guys, believe me, I am. But even the military gave us a training on it. You had to be qualified. [01:02:25] Speaker B: Well, look what's happened in Florida. Florida just passed a law that you can carry a gun without any licensing, okay? And I'm telling you, I'm an instructor and I've been training people for a long time, and I've had every student always take the gun and turn around, barrel at their face going, I'm looking at this going like, what the heck are you doing? You have to grab the gun away from them because they're going to shoot themselves. And so you just stuff guns in people's hands. And I think that was the biggest mistake that Florida made, is no training requirement. That's going to get people killed. [01:03:08] Speaker E: And without a doubt, first of all, anybody who's thinking right off the bat, shoot somebody in the head. That's not even the proper place or wherever to shoot them to begin with. It's one of the smallest areas. So I look at that like. [01:03:26] Speaker A: People. [01:03:26] Speaker E: Don'T realize that if you press on the front of some guns, handguns, guess what? They're not going to go off. So if you get too close to somebody and they grab that thing and keep pressure on the front of that barrel, that barrel goes back and goes into a safety position. [01:03:41] Speaker B: Right. [01:03:44] Speaker E: If they pull down in the clip or pull down on the lever in the front, which is the barrel release, they can take it apart right there in your hand. [01:03:53] Speaker B: Okay? You're not doing anything that's know, we need some kind of semblance of sanity when it comes to guns. I'm a gun advocate, and trust me, I have quite a few guns because it's my right and I want to feel protected. And the way the United States is going now, it's scary. I mean, it's plain flat scary. My son's a police officer, and every night that he goes out, I am terrified that I'm going to get a call saying something's happened. [01:04:26] Speaker E: Right. [01:04:28] Speaker B: That just scares me. Where years ago, people used to respect people, respect the police and respect teachers, now it's a standing joke. You don't do that. You go in there and give them crap. And that shows you're a big man or a big girl, and we've gone from a society of law abiding citizens to a society of law breaking citizens. And we tolerate it. We tolerate it. [01:05:01] Speaker E: The problem with that, Jerry, is we went from a society to somewhat compassionate, empathetic, and loving people, to not at all. And with anything comes you have a car, you are going through training. They have programs for the kids around here. When you're 16 years old, you go through the driver training that the school provides and whatever, and you can get your insurance lowered. It's highly recommended. But you still have to go to the DMV. You still have to go through the driver course and everything else and pass the test before you get your driver's license. First it's a temporary, then you're permanent after a certain age, but you still have to do it. If you can't pass it, guess what? You're not driving. You better get used to a bicycle. But it's the same thing with guns. And I felt the same way. So they've made some errors in this bill. I'm hoping that they're testing it out now. And then they'll, well, some people are. [01:06:03] Speaker B: Going to shoot somebody by accident, and then they're going to go, whoops, we messed up. We shouldn't have done that. [01:06:11] Speaker E: Yeah, they'll correct. What they'll do is getting it passed first was their goal. I can see that. And then they'll make the adjustments as necessary down the line. The problem with that philosophy is that if you made those adjustments ahead of time, you're preventing loss of life. [01:06:28] Speaker B: Exactly. And the reality of it is, you couple this all together. Bad legislation is bad legislation, no matter where it is. And I carry concealed weapons when I'm out because you hear about all this stuff. You go into churches nowadays and people are shooting people in churches. I mean, it's ludicrous. The place of worship, the place of refuge, is the church. And now that's not even a refuge. [01:06:58] Speaker E: No, I think that's difficult. And a lot of things in this country are changing. And what we really need to do is we need to pull back as a nation. First of all, come together, okay? Rid some of the stuff that we have between us. Start being loving to one another. Start being caring, start being more understanding, quick to listen, slow to speak. [01:07:31] Speaker B: We were almost there as a society. [01:07:33] Speaker C: We were getting close. [01:07:36] Speaker B: We were getting real close. And then Obama came in and the wrench, or wrench in the monkey or whatever they want to call it, and just got us. So angry at each other again, that we had taken all these years to get to a point where we could look each other in the face and go, I like you without a judgment. And now we're back to this hostile judgment. And it's, every place I see is hate white people. And the problem with that is they're lumping everybody that's not african American into the white being, asian, hispanic, every other color into that as white. So they keep that minority status of control. And we've got to go back to, it's like this. The federal government said we cannot discriminate anymore, okay, period. But the federal government's applications specifically say, what race are you? [01:08:32] Speaker E: Yeah, I don't think that that should be on there, because if you're doing that right away, the thing that's happening is you're making a bias or you're making an allotment for somebody else. Okay. Because you're this. You're going to get this extra benefit. And the problem with that is when you do that, there's things we need to do. Get rid of black History Month. I think we need to get rid of these days that are anything to do with the separation. And because they are our brothers and sisters. And don't get me wrong, folks, that's what I'm saying. We are brothers and sisters. So if we are that, and that's what we honestly believe, then we don't need those. You can have history. You could teach history. But the best thing about history is getting able to see where it can take you next. And is it going to be in a positive manner? Is it going to be in a way to where at one time we had this, but then we found out and we came together as a people and we realized we don't need this anymore. And now we look at ourselves as. [01:09:47] Speaker B: A whole, what the good old saying should have been a long time ago. Okay, congress. In 96, I went into a high school, and I said, okay, I want you to all close your eyes, and I want you to visualize a fireman. What do you see? And open your eyes and tell me what you see. And I see a guy in a uniform with a helmet on, maybe carrying an axe with a mask on, described imperfect. I said, now, okay, I want you to describe a doctor. And we went through this scenario of all these different professions, and I said, now I want you to describe African American. And they elaborated on that. And I said, an Asian American, Hispanic American. We went down the whole cadre list. They could identify each one of them. And he said, now, why don't you identify an American for me? And they couldn't do it. They couldn't figure it out. The American was the mass of all this culmination. And if we got back to the stage of being Americans instead of I'm african American, a label that doesn't even depict that, or irish American that. Remember, the Irish Americans came to the United States and they were discriminated against for a long time. Then it's african American. And half of those people have never. 90% of those people have never been to Africa in their life, nor are their parents African American. This crap needs to stop where I'm an american, period. Should I run around, say, I'm german American, I'm british American? It's ludicrous. And I look at anybody, and I've got friends of all races, of all cultures all over the world, and we get along perfect because we appreciate each individual's culture. And this was the best example I saw on TV years ago. It's a TV talk show, and this guy comes out and he's saying, you need to allow Spanish in our country. You need to put it in. You need to identify it. You need to put all this stuff in Spanish. You need to have everything in Spanish so we as spanish Americans can come in here and understand. And another guy comes out and he speaks. His opening speech is all in Spanish. And he looks at the crowd and he goes, how many of you understood what I said in English? And about a third of the crowd stuck their hands up. He goes, the point I'm making here is we don't want to take your heritage away from you. We just want to be able to talk to you. We want to be able to communicate with you from our culture in the United States. The United States was found on English, not spanish or arabic or whatever these other cultures want to infuse in our country, it was to assimilate, not discriminate or set. [01:12:45] Speaker C: Remember that? It's called a melting pot. [01:12:47] Speaker B: Exactly. It's not a melting pot anymore. It's a toilet. [01:12:53] Speaker E: And that's where being able to come together means that we all have to be able to have some type of communication. But just like diplomats that go on know, they go on over to Russia, they go on over to China, they go on over. They have interpreters right there. That's okay. But then they expect everybody else in our country to okay, you need to learn this. You need to learn that. Why don't you just send an interpreter over to the house? The first thing that would be the best for a communication is stick your hand out, smile, and let's talk from there and work that out. Let AI work that out or whatever. If you're going to go with that. [01:13:40] Speaker B: This friend of mine in Mexico, beautiful lady attorney, articulate both in spanish and English, and she wants to come to. We talk strictly in English. So that tells me a lot. Here's a person that wants to do everything legally, is making speak English, and has gone out of her way to make herself part of the culture in the United States, even though she's not yet. And that's exactly what we're trying to tell these people. You just can't come over here in Klein, Texas. This happened a few years ago that some students from Mexico came in and hung the mexican flag in the high school. [01:14:19] Speaker C: I remember this. [01:14:21] Speaker B: And the american kids down and got in trouble. They're the ones that got in trouble. They got expelled from the school for taking down american flag and hosting an American, or taking down the mexican flag and putting an american flag up. [01:14:38] Speaker E: It's not then, but that's part of the problem, too. We can't look at as a justice, what's right or wrong. These are the things that should have never been there to begin with. You know what I'm saying, Jerry? It should have never been there to begin with. The bottom line is that you could see where that was forged. Those two flags have nothing to do with how people can come together. And the sad part was, neither one of them should be able to sit there and get into that confrontation. But it was led there, and then it was unjustly. [01:15:17] Speaker B: Mean. The whole point behind it is in El Paso, Texas. I've got friends that live down there. This is the local courthouse in downtown El Paso, Texas, is flying three flags, the american flag, the Texas flag, and the mexican flag. [01:15:33] Speaker E: There you go. [01:15:34] Speaker B: Courthouse in America. What's wrong with that? [01:15:41] Speaker E: This is another thing. Don't take God out of everything that you do. The second that you take God out of every single thing, out of schools, out of courthouses, out of everything, society, then this is exactly what you can expect. What you're seeing is exactly what you can expect. And that is what I said. No compassion, no empathy, no sympathy, no love. These are things that. [01:16:11] Speaker B: Well, again, they're saying that the millennials are not going to church anymore. And our society, when I grew up, that was one thing we did every Sunday. It was our family got together, we got in the car, and we drove to church, and that's what we did. Now our families are going. Well, if you don't want to go to church, go ahead, go do whatever you want to do instead of keeping that value. And my son right now, I'm very proud of him. He's 25 years old now. And we throughout our whole marriage, went to church all the time, talked about religion all the time. And just the other day he goes, God always takes care of me. God always takes care of me. And he's got that strong value. He goes, I believe even as a police officer, God's watching over me. And he said there's been situations that have come up and he knows that had he not been strong in faith, something bad could have happened. And this is what we don't understand in our society is we take God out of everything and they think our lives are going to be okay. The reality of it is there's so many evidence of proof that God does exist. But I talk to people all the time. I don't believe in them. I don't believe in them, I don't believe in them. And I'm going like, you can't see the miracles every day in front of you and tell me what the wisdom behind us as human beings and our lifestyles don't have. A super powerful being that created us and then the lovingness that we did have. And you look at the devil, whether you believe in him or not, doesn't make a difference. Good, bad. You look at the good and the bad, you can call it whatever you want. It's bad. And if we get to better treat our neighbors like we want to be treated ourselves, that good old adage of love one another is what we need to get back to. But unfortunately, the government is stirring up such hate and anger by these diversity programs that just attack one culture over another. And then we have know. I was in Washington, DC and I drive down and the ACLU building has the largest black lives matter flag hanging on it. And then they renamed the street right there that used to be JFK street to now black Lives Matter street. [01:18:44] Speaker C: Wow. [01:18:45] Speaker E: Yeah, we're seeing that. And I think people have to realize, I've heard God referred to as the invisible man or whatever. And the first thing I tell them is, well, first of all, it's spiritual and God is spirit. And second of all, going to church every Sunday, we did the same thing as a family. And now that I look back on it, I'm like, okay, this is where I want to have a different relationship with God. It's got to be on his terms and not on my terms. Me trying to make a deal with him and doing it on my terms is every day you have to believe, every day you have to love, every day you have to care. And it's hard sometimes. Listen, we're going to mess it up. I mess it up all the time. I'm biggest sinner out there and mess things up. [01:19:38] Speaker A: But the bottom line, change my perspective. [01:19:42] Speaker E: On Christ, God, and it never will. And all I can do is try to make tomorrow better and ask him to forgive me for today. [01:19:52] Speaker B: Well, every time. I don't know. I've been very blessed all my life, and I attribute it to the fact. [01:20:00] Speaker A: That. [01:20:02] Speaker B: This is an interesting factor, and a lot of people don't realize this. And I told it to my son not too terribly long ago, when he was like 15 years old. He had this little business, the cleaning, airplanes. He was doing real well. He's making about $4,000 a month. He's doing really well. He's getting contracts. And all of a sudden he calls me up and goes, dad, I'm really scared. I've got some bills I got to pay, and I'm not getting any contracts. And I said, did you pray and ask God to help you? And he goes, well, no, I feel like that's kind of being selfish. And I said in the Bible, said, ask and thou shalt receive. And I said simply, just what do you got to lose? Pray tonight. Ask God to help you out. See what happens next morning at 10:00 he calls me up, dad, dad, you're not going to believe this. I got five new contracts this morning. And I said, how do you think that happened? Did you pray last night and ask for business? He goes, well, yeah, I did. I said, you got what you prayed for. And a lot of people don't think about that out there. They want something, but they don't know how to go about it. And I did. For years. I always thought asking for something from God was being selfish, and it's not. [01:21:15] Speaker E: And it's the same thing. When you get upset and you get angry at that moment, you're more angry and everything like that, and you think, well, this is the last time that or the last point I should be at to where I'm going to God. No, that's when he wants to hear from you the most, okay? That's where he wants. Because when you are at that point and you're so angry, you can't see straight and having a hard time losing control and everything he wants to hear from you at that time the most, because he loves you. And everything he does for us is out of love. So that's when he wants to hear from us. So if you're struggling, he wants to hear from you, but he wants to hear from you every day. Understand that? Every single day, he wants you to meditate on him. He wants you to trust him. He wants you to fear him. Understand? A healthy fear from God is a good thing. It's like a father to a son. When you chastise your child for not behaving, it doesn't mean you don't love him. It's because you love him. Okay? [01:22:22] Speaker B: Yeah. It's like my son the other day, it was real interesting. My son fixates on money. That's all he thinks about. And so the other day, he's got an apartment over some friend's house. And sure enough, he flushed the toilet, got it all clogged up, and it flooded the second floor of the house. So the people called up and raising cane with him and said, it's going to cost you $2,000. That's our deductible on the insurance. You're going to owe it to us by this weekend, this coming weekend. And he's all upset. He's crying. And I said, listen, jess, did it ever occur to you that maybe God's trying to tell you something? And he goes, what do you mean? I said, you're so fixated on money that you aren't nice to other people. In other words, you don't do things for them. I said, you haven't bought me lunch in four years. You're so fixated on money. And so I said, maybe God's trying to show you something right here. And so then he called me today and he goes, I got to pay these people this week. And he goes, but guess what happened this week? He said, I got this. I got a special task. I get this. I make extra money on that. I get money back on this. He said, all my money came back within five days. And I said, do you understand? It's just trying to teach you a lesson. [01:23:38] Speaker C: Wow. [01:23:39] Speaker B: Money is not the answer. And so if more people thought that way, and if they believed, then their lives might be entirely different. And the way you treat and respect other people is paramount. I'm always nice to everybody. And I've seen people go, when I've gone to dinner, they're my guests, and they're just rude and nasty to the waiter. I'm going, like, why do you have to be that way? They're just people trying to do a job. Well, they're not as good as me. [01:24:08] Speaker C: Oh, no. [01:24:09] Speaker B: They're better than. The reality of it is, there's a poem that I have. It's called desideria that was written in the early 19 hundreds by a Canadian. And it basically says, there is no one better, lesser or better than you in the world, period. You can't judge anybody because each person has their own story. And so if we go through life judging people, what are we? I look at my life all day long and I go, well, I'm not as good as them, or I might be better than them. We all do that. But when it comes down, do I treat everybody the same? I do. I treat everybody exactly the same, no matter who they are. I don't care. Race, gender, whatever. And even if you want to call yourself a third being, I don't care. [01:25:03] Speaker E: That's how Satan works. Steal, kill and destroy. And the bottom line is that he steals your hope in your love and everything else. He kills you and then he destroys your very existence right off of the book of life. And that's the way I look at it. So the only thing you can do is you have to remember this. Love is very infectious, but so is evil. So you have to be attentive to everything that you do. And it's hard to do, but the more that you do one, the more that you find your mind and your heart and everything else and your lips. Because usually anything that we say, that's the biggest venom pit that there is, our mouths. But try to know which one you're serving, and that's the biggest one. Serve love. [01:25:56] Speaker B: I think that's the biggest problem we have out there every day. It's like, okay, whoever you have an interaction with, it can be positive, it can be negative. Based on now, a lot of times, I understand. There's a story I was told when I was in church one time, this is years ago, and this preacher told it to me and it was real enlightening. He said, one day johnny's in Sunday school and he's acting up. He's causing all kinds of disturbances and he's disrupting the class and he's saying some bad things. And so the teacher grabs him and says, takes him out, johnny, we need to get out. I'm going to have a talk with you. So he pulls him out, aside from the rest of the crowd, and he's really kind of chastising him. He goes, wait a minute. What's wrong with you? What's going on he goes, well, last night I went home from school and I accidentally left the fence open and the dog got out and got hit by the car, by a car, killed. And when dad got home, he called me the stupidest little boy there was. He was disappointed in me and he was angry with me and he said all kinds of bad things to me and the teacher going, oh my gosh. We don't think about what's happening in other people's lives that might cause them to be upset and feeling bad. So they act up to get attention, to be loved and have an affectionate or having being thought about. So we have to look at everything as a mediator, that's my job as a mediator. I have to look at what are called hidden agendas. We all have them when we go into a meeting or we go into any kind of relationship at all and we're having a bad day, and we come home and scream and yell at our wives or our spouses or our partners or whatever, they don't know what went on that day. And you have to have this open level of communication. And that's where we've broken down in our society. We don't look people in the eye anymore and talk to them. We do it behind a computer. I can say all kinds of nasty things. If I can't see you, if I can't look you in the eyes, I can call you every name in a book. What are you going to do to me? Nothing but sitting across the table from you. There's a lot you could do to me. And that's where we need to get back to this. Social media has destroyed our society, right? [01:28:21] Speaker E: And it does. But like I said, you still have a choice. And I think that's where, what are we going to serve? Who are we going to serve? And that really comes from within. But getting back to in our country and how this is playing out, this is the exact problem that we're having. We are all focused on this and we're not looking at everything else that's going on in the background that is feeding it's fuel on the fire, that's feeding all of. [01:28:54] Speaker B: So we don't know what the ulterior motive of Congress is. You've all seen, and Riskala's got it on his screen there. What is it, the movie the Matrix? No, not the Matrix. The other one where the guy is vendetta and where the guy realizes that the federal government has created his crisis and got kids killed to create the situation of insecurity. A false sense of insecurity so the government can come in and protect you by taking all your rights away from you. That's what the plan is. The plan is to make you feel safe. And we're going to do that by taking all your security items away from you because we'll provide them for you. What a crock. I want to take the gun away so I can protect you. Right. How does that work? [01:29:50] Speaker E: If I'm not mistaken, it's somewhere in between 18 to 26 states, I think. Don't quote me on that, folks, because I don't know if I'm accurate or not, but somewhere around there that have now gone to the second amendment, full thing, constitutional. But one of the things that definitely they don't want to do, I hate to say it, but that is kind of a way to tell people is listen, okay, could you possibly do it with all the militaries and everything else? Well, now you're pitting families against families by saying that which we have heard them say before. If we want your guns, we'll just take them. That's true. But now you're going to pit families against families, brothers against brothers, sisters against sisters. And there's no need for that to begin with. It should have never even been said. It should never even been thought of. But this is the mindset that they have. And the problem with that is you might do that and that's fine, but here's the bottom line. We're still going to try to do what's right. And unfortunately the best thing that we can do is you have to defend life and you have to defend your freedoms and your constitutional rights. And you can't let somebody trample them over like it's nothing. Our forefathers gave everything literally. [01:31:25] Speaker B: What's that statement? The tree of liberty needs to be pruned every so often. And that's where we're coming to. We need to prune some of these people out of. The problem is. Okay, can you get somebody out of office? Not very. [01:31:46] Speaker C: Ahead. I'm going to show you something that you mentioned that. Go ahead. Let's see if I can find, know. [01:31:51] Speaker B: The thing about it is like this. Okay. I ran for Congress three times and twice in the same district and one in a different district. And the point being is I went to the republican party and said, what ring do I need to kiss to get elected? They said, we don't have any rings to kiss. And I said, that is a crock. Pete Sessions is a friend of mine, controlled the money for candidates from the republican party who to dole money out to candidates. So I went up and said, hey, I want to be the seat in Texas. Well, they gave me a heads up on it, but the problem was, at the last minute, literally at the twelveth hour, six other candidates jumped in the race. So it diffused a whole election. But the point being is, yeah, he gave me some insight, and he was the right person to talk to because there are the rings you have to kiss as a candidate. Most people don't realize that you have to go to Washington. You have to introduce yourself if you want to be a congressional or senatorial candidate for the federal government. We have a problem right now in Lake County, Florida, that is scary as hell. We have a former chinese citizen who has only been a citizen in the United States for one year who's running for the state senate. The guy can barely speak English. [01:33:17] Speaker C: Wow. [01:33:18] Speaker B: He's running for the state senate. Now. If the chinese government, and he's got tons of money, he's got over $2 million to run for the state senate seat. Now, if the chinese government can plant candidates in our election and seed them that way, we're really screwed. And that's happening right now in Lake county with this guy named Bowen. He's got a nice, clean american name, but it's deceptive. And people, he's got English speaking people going out and putting up yard signs for him because he's not doing it if they saw him in person. And he had it all over his political campaign stuff. When I ran into him, I said, why are you promoting Chinese on your campaign material? He goes, well, it's because I'm trying to get away from the chinese philosophy. I said, well, it sure doesn't look like it by your campaign material. This is scary. [01:34:19] Speaker C: I thought you might get a kick out of this. A 21 year old republican beats a ten term incumbent. I think there's some places in the United States where people are just fed up. These guys have been in politics for decades, and they're saying, no, I would. [01:34:39] Speaker B: Like to know the whole specifics behind that. [01:34:42] Speaker E: It's really hard to get an incumbent out. Believe it or not, it's impossible. It's really hard. But I think that you are seeing a change. There is a change that's going to come about, and a lot of these people like to say it's woke. Well, here's the thing. The ring you're kissing, are you sure it's a ring? [01:35:04] Speaker B: A little lower. Well, here's the thing that I saw. Okay. This is what happened to my race in 1996. I was going to win the race in November. The fifth and 30 days before my election, two congressmen, Joe Barton and Lamar Smith, came to me in Rockwell, Texas, and walked in my office and said, hey, we just want to let you know you're going to be our next congressman from northeast Texas. I said, that's said, you know, super, what do I need to do? And they said, well, here's what you need to do. You need to vote the way we tell you to vote. Speak when we tell you to speak. Say what we tell you. Say when we tell you to say it, period. And he goes, what do you think you're here? I said, well, wait a minute, I got a couple of questions. Ask you. I said, why don't we have English only in the United States? He said, we will never have that. I said, why not? He goes, how do you think we keep those dumb sobs ignorant of our laws and we can control them if they don't know what law they're breaking? And I said, okay, what about abortion? That's a big issue. He goes, that's the second biggest joke in Congress. I said, what are you talking about? He said, we get behind closed doors and we just laugh our tail end off together jointly, Democrats and Republicans, because that's the only way they make campaign contributions. He said, if we don't have some emotional issue out there for people to think we're fighting against, they won't send us money. And I was like, just dumbfounded to hear this. Now, they later got kicked out of office. Joe Barton got kicked out because he was sending naked pictures to teenagers. And Lamar Alexander was about ready to get charged with something. He resigned. So you look at these politicians and sure, the guy pointed me, poked me in the check and says, I'm going to make darn sure you don't get elected. And I didn't. That was a republican party and I was running against the Democrat. So that's what Trump's trying to bring out in the republican party is these people that are trying to control the Republican Party for their liking and they wanted a Democrat in office over a. [01:37:30] Speaker E: I mean, I think it falls to both parties. And, I mean, it was great to see McDonald leave. It was time, okay? It was beyond time. And that's why I say, I think we need serious term limits. We need age restriction. We need a lot of this and. [01:37:47] Speaker B: We'Re not going to get it. We're not going to get it. [01:37:51] Speaker E: Like I said, if you want to learn about God, then you will study. It's like running a race. If you want to win a race, then you're going to practice. You're going to run every day. You're going to train every day. It's the same way with getting to know God. You're going to practice, you're going to learn every day. You're going to beg him for knowledge and praise to him and everything else. Well, it's the same thing with Congress. Okay, the race is over, guys. At a certain age, okay, it's time to quit running. It's time to quit doing that, because at a certain age, you no longer have the viewpoints of what's going on currently. I think that it's skewed to some extent. [01:38:33] Speaker B: Well, I kind of disagree with that a little bit, because with age comes wisdom. Okay? [01:38:42] Speaker C: Sometimes we've got a lot of these. [01:38:44] Speaker B: Young millennials running for office. You look at Yamasavi or whatever his name, know, the guy was out to lunch on everything he was talking about internationally and globally. He didn't have a clue. And that's the guy that's running for president. That's scary. [01:39:02] Speaker E: But that's because, like I said, you have an infant is going to know infant things. But when you're a professional and you're training and you're doing that, you'll know professional things. Okay? You can't just do that. And it's the same thing when you're older and everything, understand that your viewpoints are going to change or they're locked in on something that's been focused in and honed in for the time you grew up. So it's a twofold effect. But we do need new people to be in there. I think. I think we do have some good people in there that you were talking about, which right now I see a very corrupt or questionable government. [01:39:40] Speaker B: I've got a real good friend, Michael Cloud. He's a congressman right now out of corpus Christian, Texas. He's actually somebody I ran against in 2018. Good values. Good christian values and is a decent man. But the problem with all that is you can't help but fall into that trough of going, well, he promised us unconditionally. I'm only serving two terms. He's going for his third term. [01:40:09] Speaker E: Jerry. And this is where, you know, if I were running for Congress or anything, the first thing I wouldn't do is I would not get Christ involved into it. He's a good Christian or this and that. Okay? That's a separate thing. I'm supposed to be a good man all the time, and that would be something that I wouldn't say. If I'm having to puff myself up to get in there by pointing something out like that and using God to get in there for that, then I'm not worth my salt to begin with. [01:40:39] Speaker B: I agree. [01:40:41] Speaker E: My thing is get in and say, okay, what are your needs? Basically, I want to help them get. What are your needs? What do you need to do? [01:40:54] Speaker B: Here's the problem. Okay? If you asked you, Riscala and me and four other people where they wanted to go to lunch, how many times do you think we could come up with the same choice? And that's just four people, five people. Now you try to get 435 people to agree on anything. Are you kidding me? It's impossible, because each person has their own idea, own concept, own value structure, own desires, own needs that they're going to incorporate into that decision. That's why they can't get anything done in Congress. And you look at all these bills, you look at the initial bill and they go, okay, we're going to do an immigration reform. And it looks great on the surface, but then you've got all these attached amendments in there to benefit all these other congressmen districts in funding. [01:41:52] Speaker A: That's all about money. [01:41:53] Speaker B: It does nothing to do with immigration, has to do with how much money can they bring back to their districts. That's the problem. There should be no add ons or anything else other than the bill. That's the first thing. Just the bill alone. [01:42:08] Speaker E: I agree, and I think that's a wise way to handle it instead of hiding it within that bill. And that's why things get voted down real quick. Is different pork? It's pork. It's all added on. You can't do anything like that. Say, okay, listen, we're talking about this bill, right? Handle what you need right afterward and go from there and make it very crystal clear and transparent so that people can see that. And I think you'll get a lot farther with honesty to where it's laid out that way. But we don't have that first. [01:42:45] Speaker B: The real problem when this all started was back in the 1920s when they allowed lobbying. Okay? All started lobbying and me pushing my agenda on you for money. I'm going to give you campaign contributions. If you sway this bill this way, that's when it all started. And it's gotten out of hand, like now. Pete Sessions was when he was in office a couple of times. It was out for a couple of years, and then we went back in, they pushed for a bill that said, as a congressman, once you're out of office, you can't lobby for five years. Well, that's what happened to Pete. And I called him up and he goes, oh, that's not exactly true. And I said, what do you mean? I can't. No, no, I can't file as a lobbyist, but I can be a consultant all day long. So they have a way around it. It's a know that law that passed saying you can't lobby for five years is a joke. And they knew it. And Pete Sessions told me exactly how he did it. He lobbied. [01:43:55] Speaker C: That makes it sound good. It's the Patriot act, right? [01:43:59] Speaker B: Well, that was a scary part, because right now the Patriot act says, if I have the slightest inkling that you might be a terrorist, I can come in your house and rip your house apart and rip your finance apart, rip your life apart if I have the slightest inkling. Also, too, what you don't know, and this is something that, I've got it on one of my websites. When I was running for the state legislature in 86, southwestern Bell called me in Houston and said, we want to show you something. We want to deregulate cable TVs at the time because that's when cable TV know you had a franchise, is what it did. Well, southwestern Bell wanted us to remove that law so that they can incorporate cable TV under their system, which we have now because they already had the infrastructure already set up. All they had to do is just pipe cable TV to people's home through the phone system. Well, so they take me in this room, and there's a big, large, flat screen TV set on the wall, which was unheard of at that time. And they're showing me this, and the guy says, well, sit down on that sofa and flip through the channels. So I'm flipping through the channels, he goes, now press this button, and my picture pops up on the TV. I said, wait a minute. What's this? He goes, that's the wave of the future. The wave of the future is so that you can be interactive with TV shows, game shows and all this stuff. And I'm going, that's kind of a cool idea. Well, what happened right after that, the federal government terminated all analog broadcasting. You know why? Analog broadcasting is one way, is two set. Every TV set, by law mandated now has a camera in it. There's a camera in every TV set in your house. Now, Mark Zuckerberg was on the Senate or the floor, congressional floor, being under testimony. He goes, well, I keep tape over all my computer cameras and my TV red dot. And everybody said, why is that? And he goes, well, the federal law mandated cameras in every TV set. So how do you think they track down terrorists? Under the Patriot act, they have the right to turn on that camera on your TV set and spy on anytime. They mean, maybe I'm a little paranoid, but Congress, there was an article on, I think I put it on one of my websites where they went up to two congressmen said, is it true that you have TV can monitor TV set in people's home? They go, well, yeah, that came around with a patriot act. And we use that if we get the slightest hint to turn on cameras in the TV set to monitor terrorists. Now, the guy said, what about private citizens? We don't do that to private citizens. [01:46:51] Speaker C: Yeah, right, sure. [01:46:54] Speaker B: Okay, this is a remote. I have Alexa in my house. Okay, listen. Okay, but here's the cool part. On all my TV sets, I have a remote plug. It says, all I have to do is say, alexa, turn on, and it turns the power off to that TV set. Because what was happening one night, I had a TV set in my bedroom, and I have a light that's plugged into the USB port that lights up the back of the TV set. 03:00 in the morning, those lights come on. My TV set screen is not on, but my TV went on without me turning on the power. [01:47:34] Speaker E: What about plugging it? Wouldn't that have been easier? It seems to me, by counting on Alexa. Oh, what a pretty little horse. Of course I'll sign for it. [01:47:45] Speaker B: And the reality of it is, are they listening to us? Yes. On everything we have in our possession, our telephones, our cars, Alexa, everything, everywhere. [01:47:58] Speaker C: It doesn't matter whether you're on the cell phone, doesn't matter if it's a text, doesn't matter if it's an email, doesn't matter if it's a phone call. Well, I shouldn't say they're listening. It's recorded. Whether somebody actually hears it or not, it's a different story. But the point being is that nothing is private anymore and people accept it as normal. [01:48:20] Speaker B: The reality of it is, you can't change it. You can't modify it. You can do everything you want. You can unplug everything in your house, throw your cell phone away and make every effort. And the minute you go into a restaurant, they're going to pick you up, pick up your conversation, pick up your picture, pick up everything. You can't live in society without that happening. And you look at the stop and go. The stop cameras on the freeways, now they have facial recognition. I was flying to Iceland a couple of months ago and I'm going through New York. And they didn't ask for my boarding pass. They just said, walk up and look at the said. It's all facial recognition now for boarding, I'm going to. So that's what's happening. And then when I'm in Scotland, same thing happened. They have the new technology know. They don't stamp your passport like they used to do. They run it through a scanner, then your fingerprint and you're good to mean this is the technology that's being used. And it was the same way when I went to Frankfurt, Germany and Stockholm and also Zurich. They were all doing the same thing. I was going like, where's our privacy anymore? It's all facial recognition. [01:49:40] Speaker E: You have to look at those countries. Also have some of the best security going know. You come on over here, the TSO, it's like, here's your ticket to Disneyland. Don't pack your toothpaste too much. [01:49:54] Speaker B: Across the border going, I'm going to. [01:49:58] Speaker E: I mean. And then over there they've got military guys that are all back there and everything. [01:50:03] Speaker B: Let me tell you something else. I lived in Panama for twelve years and there wasn't a store or a bank around that didn't have a guy standing there with a machine gun. Standing at the front door with machine gun. How many bank robbers do you think happened down there? Zero. How many robberies? There were a lot of robberies. Because what happened is they had what is called is a expedited robbery. And what they would do is the minute you drove into Costco, because they had Costco's down there and you looked like you had a little bit of money, they'd come up and stick a gun in your side, push you in your car, take you to your teller machine and say, empty your bank account out and then let you go. And that's happening in the United States right now. We don't hear about it. But that's because that's the Latin culture of robbery. They're sophisticated express robberies are going to start. You're going to start seeing them on the news. [01:51:07] Speaker E: All right, guys, I'll tell you what. I will be right back. [01:51:11] Speaker B: Am I going to be hanging? Okay. I'll talk about some subjects. [01:51:14] Speaker E: I think rascal is still here. Okay, I'll be right back. [01:51:18] Speaker B: Okay. We hear all these things in politics and we don't know what to do. As an individual citizen. What can we do? We can try to live our lives as best we can. You can listen to all these horrible situations on the radio and TV. I get a friend that sends me gloom and doom, Texas, every day of my life. It's like, oh, the government's switching over to bit currency, and we're going to lose all of our money. And if it's not in gold, we're going to have no wealth. Here's the thing, I always point out. Why are we not going to bitcoin in the federal government? Who do you think would benefit the least if we went to bitcoins? Think about it. Drug dealers. You think the guy's going to walk down the street, okay, you owe me 13 bitcoins for my drugs. No, they deal in cash. Who do you think lobby to the politicians? Cash through other sources, through legitimate businesses, to keep the federal government from going to bitcoin. That's the problem. So I always look at the logic behind it. Why would we go to bitcoin? It would put the drug dealers out of business. Maybe it's a good idea. But the reality of it, they're going to lobby against that at all cost and pour tons of money into it. Because the world operates for the drug dealer and cash, period. [01:52:48] Speaker C: Can you imagine not being able to have cash? I had to turn my camera off for a minute because I was getting a squeal. And I wasn't sure if it was. The camera has a microphone in it. And, of course, I got my own microphone. Can you hear me okay? [01:53:00] Speaker B: Yeah, I hear you fine. No squeal. Everything's going good. I tell her, this friend of mine, I said, the best you can do right now is live your life to the fullest. And to be the best person you can be. The rest of the world. If it falls apart, what can you do about it? And my house is sitting where it's safe and secure. And I'm kind of out in the country, and I'm on a well, and I'm on a septic, and I got solar. So I could literally be off the grid indefinitely. If the world should come to a crisis. And that was my plan when I bought this house. My plan was to be. [01:53:52] Speaker C: Last week. I think it was last week. I had Sir Timothy thraff, who happens to be a personal friend of mine. I'm going to show you something. This is not a really good picture. This was taken probably 14, 1516 years ago. What you're seeing, this black thing here that you're seeing is a generator. And this thing over here is a motor. And these are 100 watt incandescent. These are not LEDs, these are incandescent bulbs. And I think there's only twelve of them there, maybe 15. And what you're seeing is a generator that runs by itself. There's no fuel for this generator. This technology has existed for a long time. [01:54:42] Speaker B: It's not going to get out there because the oil company is not going to allow it. The car industry. [01:54:46] Speaker C: Yeah, they don't. They've already been threatened by the government that they can't go public. But what they did, though, which I thought was really cool, because I know about. I've done this myself. And that is how you take water and you make water a fuel. That's what they're teaching people, how to take water and make water, use water as a fuel, run their generators. God forbid you have a hurricane or something where your electricity goes out. If you have one of those gasoline generators, you can convert it very easily into water. And that way you don't have to worry about the exhaust breathing the exhaust, because the exhaust becomes steam, basically. Water in or water out. The reason I brought that up is, for somebody like you would be perfect for that. [01:55:32] Speaker B: The problem is, how do you really do that? How do you make that process work? Now, there was a guy years ago, that developed a technology. He was trying to find a cure for his wife. I think I told you about this. [01:55:49] Speaker C: Where he stumbled upon hydrogen. [01:55:55] Speaker B: Stumbled upon a frequency that if it's passed through water, it releases the hydrogen. And he was capturing it and getting fuel. But it's just hydrogen separation from water. H 20, it's two molecules of oxygen, one molecule of hydrogen. So if you separate the oxygen out of it, you got hydrogen. But it was all done based on the frequency, which was uniquely different than anybody else has been doing. [01:56:26] Speaker C: Wow. Well, the reason I brought that up is my dream was at one time to be kind of like where you are, not too far from the city, but far enough away if something happens, I'm happy where I'm at, and be self sufficient, have my own means of generating electricity, have my own means of getting my own water, having enough land, where if I had to hunt, I could hunt on my own property if I had to, that kind of thing. [01:56:54] Speaker B: Also, I've amassed a lot of bullets. They say you need to have 1000 bullets. And I've also amassed multiple different types of guns. And also I bought a very expensive cross or bow and arrow, because if you run out of bullets, what do. [01:57:09] Speaker A: You throw rock people. [01:57:12] Speaker B: You can't do that from a distance. And so maybe it's a little far. [01:57:18] Speaker A: Fetched, but why not? [01:57:23] Speaker B: Turkey shooting? [01:57:25] Speaker C: Oh, my goodness. Get out the slingshot. [01:57:29] Speaker B: Yeah, well, I've got one of those, too. I've got a slingshot and a crossbow. And so all these little things. It's not that you want the world to end, but you stick your head in the sand and going, it's never going to happen. [01:57:43] Speaker C: You don't know a lot of things. Didn't it? [01:57:48] Speaker B: There may be a civil war. [01:57:50] Speaker C: They want a war. The people who are trying to destroy this country are desperately pushing for a civil war. It's pretty evident to me. [01:57:59] Speaker B: Well, doing. [01:58:01] Speaker C: Look at how they have mistreated the very people that have loaned them the authority that they have. Look at how they have mistreated us. And look at how they treat people who come into this country. The first thing they do by coming into this country is they've broken our law. First thing right off the bat, they literally give them benefits. And to those of us who have paid money for those benefits don't get the same in return. [01:58:28] Speaker B: And the irony of all this is it's a golden ticket. It's a golden ticket that Americans don't get to cash. We don't get cash. There are homeless veterans out there that are not getting a dime. But then the illegal immigrants coming across the border that are gang bangers, murderers, thieves, terrorists, all this stuff are getting $5,000 a month in New York City. They're giving them a $10,000 debit card or cash card. I mean, like, are you kidding? I hope all those illegals go to New York City, because Greg Abbot and I have been talking also about the election, and I suggested this to him and also DeSantis. And I was up at Tallahassee a few weeks ago, and I submitted this idea to a couple state reps and a couple senators, and they liked the idea. Know the ballot boxes that are in remote sites where people can go drop their ballots off? I suggested that we make them teller machines. And you go up, put your driver's license in. It validates it, and then you can put your ballot in and takes a picture of you and it instantly records the vote. And they went, what a great idea. And it wouldn't cost any more than these ballot boxes they're putting out there to go out and pick the ballots up and then count them manually afterwards. It would be cheaper in the long run and much more efficient. So they're taking a look at it, Florida's looking at it now. And Greg Abbott is a real good friend of mine. He talked to me the other day and I wasn't sure if it was legitimate. He got on my Facebook and said, I'm friending you and I'm going, okay, how do you know? Know? I want to make sure it's not somebody scamming. I don't mind you asking me for the proof. He said, you and I campaigned together when I was running for attorney general. I was like, okay, you know me. And so Greg and I have been friends for 30 something years. [02:00:37] Speaker C: Wow. [02:00:39] Speaker B: When I was in Texas in 2018, I kept bumping into him. And I'm saying, greg, I was going to do a gofundme page to raise money to finish the wall up. And Greg liked the idea. So I went forward to that. I did a gofundme page and gofundme took it down immediately. [02:01:02] Speaker C: Before you came up with it, I was going to say, I bet you they'll stop you or they'll refund all the money to everybody. They'll say, no, this is not, they stopped it immediately. [02:01:13] Speaker B: And so the reality of it is the Democrats want these people coming in because it can redistribute the districts and that's what they're really doing. Everybody's going, oh, they're going to vote for the demo. Nobody cares. Let me put it. Not one of those illegal immigrants has to vote to affect the next election. Not one. All they have to do is go to a district and then because of the population, they're going to change that district. So all they have to do is shuffle all these people into the red districts. [02:01:48] Speaker C: They have to register to vote though, right? [02:01:49] Speaker B: Or no, it's just population. That's it. They don't have to be registered to vote. It's just population. [02:01:56] Speaker C: Okay, so I'm lost. I must not understand how this works. I thought that it was the area and it was dependent upon how many registered voters were in the area. [02:02:08] Speaker B: No, it's just population count. And see, that's why they always go do a census every so often, right? All they do is go to the house and say how many people are in a house. That's it. They don't care about voting at all. Doesn't matter. So whenever they do a census is when they determine population count and the redistricting happens based on population. Not voters. [02:02:34] Speaker C: Not voters at all when they redistrict. Okay, give me an example, theoretical example. [02:02:44] Speaker B: Here's what happens. They go and ask questions. Okay. Are you Democrat or Republican? They ask that question, you don't have to register. You can just say, I'm a Democrat. That's it. They don't have to show any identification. [02:02:59] Speaker C: That's where they're getting that information from. [02:03:01] Speaker B: Right. They're getting that. They actually go door to door and do a survey and say, how many people are living this? Or they'll send you a letter. Now, haven't you gotten a letter before saying this is the federal government you have to fill out? [02:03:16] Speaker C: Yeah, I do. [02:03:17] Speaker B: Well, who's going to fill those out? The Democrats. And then that way they have then the redistricting capability to change a republican district to a Democrat. They elect a Democrat, that's it, and we're screwed. So what they're working on is to change the redistricting of the districts to Democrat, not get voters. That's icing on the cake. Get them to vote in California and New York. You don't even have to be a citizen to vote. New York City says, if you've been in the United in this New York city for 30 days, you can vote in any election insanity. And why do you think all these guys are going to New York? I mean, all these illegals are going to New York. And guess what's happening? It's like that soros guy that got kicked out of office recently. He's running again. Is, he's running again, but he got beat by a, that the House dropped one Republican out to a Democrat. So that lowered our control of the House. We barely have one seat above the minority. [02:04:36] Speaker C: Wow. [02:04:37] Speaker B: So it's horrible. And this is what they're going to do in red states. They're going to go and flood the districts with illegals. Nobody thinks about this. Nobody talks about that because nobody understands it. [02:04:51] Speaker C: Yeah, I didn't until you kind of explained to me. I thought it worked differently. Anyway, what do you think of Lara Trump getting the vice chair for the GOP? [02:05:02] Speaker B: I think it's great. [02:05:04] Speaker C: Do you think she'll be able to inflict, if that's the right word, will she be able to make the changes? I guess maybe it's the best way. [02:05:15] Speaker B: To put at, look at the value structure she's been brought up with. The values. [02:05:21] Speaker C: Okay, yeah. [02:05:22] Speaker B: Honesty, integrity, ethics. Okay. Something the republican party has lacked. Okay, here's a prime example. I'm the republican nominee in 1996. Did they help me one iota? Not one penny, nothing. So the republican party in itself I will never give a dime to because. [02:05:44] Speaker C: Just so that you know, I had several people that I knew when I was in Florida, I can't think of the names off the bat, but running for Congress, running for the Senate, and it was because they were not of the agenda. If you really, you know what I'm talking about. They didn't go along with everything that they wanted them. The same thing they actually made it worse for, made it more difficult for them. [02:06:13] Speaker B: Okay. The NRA endorsed my democratic opponent. I'm going like, now here's the NRA and my own republican party trying to keep me out of office. [02:06:30] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:06:32] Speaker B: Now do you understand why Trump is going there and trying to clean this crap out? He's trying to get rid of these Republicans that are defeating our own party at the cost of. It's all about money. It's every bit, it's about money. I don't care what anybody says. [02:06:49] Speaker C: Nikki Haley get all that money from knowing there wasn't a chance for her to win. But yet she kept pumping, she kept getting money and pumping that money out there and playing all those advertisement stuff. [02:07:01] Speaker B: She was doing everything she could to destroy Trump. [02:07:04] Speaker C: That's right. [02:07:05] Speaker B: Her intent was not to win the seat. [02:07:07] Speaker C: My point is, where did all that backing come from? It came from both sides. Both sides wanted the same thing. [02:07:15] Speaker B: Exactly. So the problem is you've got Republicans in office right now that are rhinos. And I've seen them firsthand. I've seen them firsthand. When I was running, I went up to Washington, I don't know how many times I talked to them. I saw this stuff with Bob Dole when I was running that people were saying, we got to make sure he doesn't win. This is a republican nominee now. The best defeat we ever had was Mitt Romney. Thank God he didn't get elected. And look at him. He's a slime ball. [02:07:50] Speaker C: Used to, I was going to say, it's amazing that they remain in office. But learning what I've learned about the electoral system, the physical component of it, the machinery and all that, I'm not surprised anymore how they remain in office. They manipulate all of this. [02:08:07] Speaker B: Well, absolutely everything is okay. Prime example in my election, I could not believe this. I wanted to take a picture of it. Okay, first of all, put yard signs literally in graveyards to mock me. And he's going like, I don't care. You're not going to win anyway. And then the Republicans told me I wasn't going to win. And then we're going to make Dan damn sure I didn't get elected. [02:08:37] Speaker C: Wow. [02:08:38] Speaker B: Now this is what we have in the problem with our elected officials, we don't know which side they're on. [02:08:44] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:08:51] Speaker E: Jerry, that money you were talking about, even though she wasn't going to win the election, remember there's a war chest. Yeah. So you have that for the next election. And of course she was going to say whatever she could say, but at the same time, she's dead to the Republican Party. [02:09:10] Speaker C: Totally. [02:09:11] Speaker E: And she might be, but she made a good point on a couple of things. And that was, it was really hard. No one knew how exactly the supreme court was going to go. We had an idea, but nobody knew. And she's like, okay, well, she was trying to bring people together, but at the same time, she went about it the wrong way. I would not have attacked a fellow Republican. Well, that was the first mistake. And the reason for it is that, okay, so if she loses anyway, that war chest will be there for her if she runs the next election. Understand? [02:09:53] Speaker B: Here's the issue with that. Okay, I had the privilege of meeting George Bush senior and sitting down. Pardon me. [02:10:02] Speaker C: Oh, you lucky guy. [02:10:04] Speaker B: Yeah. After the election when he ran against Bill Clinton or Bob, I don't know, I guess maybe it was Clinton. But anyway, afterwards I said, he didn't run effective campaign the last six months of his race. And I said, what's the deal with you? And he goes, I was tired. I've been in office for twelve years. And I said, well, why are you continuing to do this campaign? He goes, well, I got $100 million and I can use that money to manipulate any candidate or elected official I want. [02:10:39] Speaker C: Wow. [02:10:40] Speaker B: He can go in there and manipulate, which he did for his son, George Bush Jr. To get elected. He manipulated and used that money to get his son in there. Okay? Now, they tried to do that with Jeb, but Jeb was such a disaster that Trump was just trounced him. And so if you look at this, I've known the bushes for a long time. I wouldn't give you a quarter for them now. I mean, George Bush, the only person that I've liked out of that whole family was Laura and Barbara Bush. Barbara Bush. The very first time I met her, I met her, George R. Brown Convention center. And we talked for maybe five minutes. And the next time I met her, I was dating this woman that inherited $1.5 billion. And that morning, Margaret had given George Bush $100,000 for his campaign. So this receiving party at the George R. Brown Convention center reception one night with George Bush there, Barbara Bush there, and we're going through a receiving line and somehow I got in front of Margaret, the woman that I was with, and I go up to Barbara Bush, and Barbara looks at me and goes, Jerry, oh, my gosh, it's so good to see you. We haven't seen each other in a while. How have you been? Remember we met at the such and such deal, and you and I talked about us moving in? Our new was my mouth dropped to the floor. And this is what happened next. I passed. I shook George Bush's hand, and I went on, and I'm standing there waiting for Margaret. Margaret goes to Barbara. Barbara says pretty much similar things. We've known each other, we met each other, and all that stuff. She gets. And he says, hi, I'm George Bush. Nice to meet you. And she goes, George, you can't remember me from this morning when I gave you $100,000? Yeah, I do. He couldn't remember. [02:12:38] Speaker C: He was a twit. [02:12:39] Speaker B: I mean, that's how bad it. And Laura Bush was a gem. And the other woman that I had meeting was Vice President Dan Quell's wife, Marilyn. I had lunch with her one day, and I'm telling you what an incredible lady. The women are the ones that make the presidents, I believe, because Barbara was incredible. Barbara Bush and Laura Bush was the same way. Just a sweetheart, school teacher, down to earth, really wonderful lady. And then Marilyn Quelt was brilliant. I mean, Marilyn Quell wasn't very attractive. But the end of lunch, I was in love with her. I mean, she was, you know, getting a chance to meet these people and hearing stuff from them firsthand was enlightening. And I was fortunate enough to meet all these people. And the funniest story is, I was at a republican dinner one night, and I'm standing there trying to get pictures with congressman. This guy walks up and he puts his arm around me. He goes, hey, photographer, come over here and take a picture of us. I'm looking at this guy. I'm going, who the hell are you? I don't know you. And I elbow him out of the way, literally push him out of the way with my elbow, and walk off going, who is this guy? I walk in, sit at the front table for the dinner. He gets up on the podium, he goes, I'm Dick Cheney. I'm secretary of defense. Oh, my God. So I have a picture with Dick Cheney because of my own stupidity. But I got into politics a long, long time ago because I thought I could make a difference. I thought I could really make a difference. And even with the values I came up with, a plan this last election for the welfare system. And I said, here was the plan, that we could benefit the welfare system and refinance the Social Security system. It's real simple. I sat on a grand jury in Houston, Texas, for three months, and there were 13 grand juries that would convene every day for three days a week for three months. And every day each court was given 100 cases of welfare fraud. So that's 1300 cases a day, to the tune of over $100 million in welfare fraud in one county in the United States. Now, here's the problem with the welfare system. My solution was this, okay, great. I'm not going to hurt these people, just categorically chop them off. I'm going to say, you got two years to get off welfare. Go find a job, figure it out. In two years, you're cut off. Now, at the end of two years, if you still haven't found a job, not a problem. We're not going to throw you to the wolves. We're going to bring you in and teach you a trade at the federal government. Minimum wage for two years, and after two years, you've got a trade. You're on your own. That's it. The amount of money we would save on that welfare system could be then refinancing the Social Security system and up everybody's Social Security double. We did the numbers on it. I hired a mathematician company from Princeton University to do the numbers on this and also do the numbers on a flat tax. When we talked about that, that went away. The flat tax. If we instituted the flat tax, do you know how much more money we would have? Billions. [02:16:17] Speaker E: Here's why. [02:16:18] Speaker B: Okay, we think about flat tax is a tax on everything except food. No tax on food. Everything else we buy. Here's where we're not getting any taxes. Drug dealers, they're not paying taxes, but they buy stuff. They'll buy $100,000 yachts or 100 million dollar yachts, and they're buying airplanes. They're buying all this stuff. So you put that 15. It needs to be 17% tax on any ancillary items. Now, the average person isn't going to go out and buy an airplane, but 17% tax on that to the federal government. We found out that we would increase the income to the federal government by hundreds of billions of dollars, maybe trillions. But why don't they do it? They can't control us that way. They can't control us and put us in taxes. [02:17:17] Speaker E: I like that idea of the yachts and everything. That's a great idea. But you have families now. And I disagree with you on this one part, that both parents are working and our country is splitting apart, and they still can't make ends meet. [02:17:35] Speaker A: Right. [02:17:36] Speaker E: Minimum wage is not going to get you off of welfare. And these guys look at it now at the point, because they already know that somebody's already went through and said, listen, welfare pays more than what the minimum wage is, even though I'm an able body worker. But you have mothers that have four and five kids that there's no way without anything. [02:18:01] Speaker B: But the point being is, where do we quit giving and inviting them to have more children? Because that's what we're doing. We're paying more children. We need to stop that. Okay? Years ago, we didn't do that. And guess what? The birth rates were really reduced, and the welfare system wasn't spending that much money. Guess what? We're going. If you don't have a husband and you got 15 kids, guess what? We're going to give you a ton of money. This is what a friend of mine who was a police officer in Miami told me. He's a mason. And we talked about this. He said, we arrested this kid for crime. And my captain says, okay, you take this kid home, and he drives him. He goes, where do you live? He said, well, in this subdivision. Well, the subdivision. We're nothing but multimillion dollar homes. So he drives up to where this kid lives, and he goes, holy crap. You live in this house? What are you doing, stealing? He goes, well, I'm one of 35 kids living in that house. [02:19:00] Speaker C: Holy smoke. [02:19:02] Speaker B: The woman was the caretaker for all these kids getting as much as $3,000 per kid per month. [02:19:10] Speaker E: Yeah, but that's not the case with every single one. And that's why it won't work is because that's not the case with every single one, and that's not the case with a lot of the majority ones. I have seen them struggle. [02:19:24] Speaker B: I'm not saying. Here's the whole point. If you brought people in and paid a minimum wage at the federal government, whatever the minimum wage is, you want to raise it up, that's fine. But here's the deal. They realized that we'd be better in private sector, and that's the whole point. You give them a trade, and then you go to private sector, and the private sector pays them more. That's the point. We're not saying keep minimum wage down, but guess what? When we had no minimum wage, more people were working because you know why? And the cost of everything was lower. Everything was lower because we had everybody working. You could get a job out there, but you weren't getting huge wages. Here's what happened in Texas. When I was running for Congress, I walked into a dairy queen. This is when they were going to raise the minimum wage to something, $65 to $7. And I went to this little girl who was a waitress, and I said, gosh, you got to love this. You're going to get a raise. And she goes, no, I'm going to get fired. I was like, what? She says, yes, my employer can't afford to pay all of us that increased minimum wage, so he's going to fire four of us. See the sense there? [02:20:36] Speaker E: No, and I agree with that. But the other problem is that, okay, when you have the people that we're bringing into this country, and let's say some of them do go to work, they're taking away jobs now from some of these other people, okay? Which is now it caves in upon its own, because now it has taken away. Your idea of that from these people that aren't even citizens have not come into the country in a legal way. And it is taken away now from that system. I mean, we're inventing more ways to pay everybody that comes in here undocumented. They don't know if they vaccinated. They know nothing. They know nothing about them. So if those people come in and start taking away jobs because you can pay them less and you put them up for an abuse, understand, this whole thing with disimmigrate, it's a geographical move, and it's set up just like we talked about with the districts, but to help, it's a political move, but it's bad because what about those people that were working and making good money and they were doing an honest day's labor? Now they can get replaced. Somebody can teach them to do it. This is where we need to wake up. And you know what? It's okay to sit here and help other countries to an extent, but if you can't help your own first, then you can't do that. [02:22:07] Speaker B: Charity begins at home. [02:22:10] Speaker E: Yeah, you have to help here first. And we have too many of the people that are coming over that are building criminal empires, crimes. [02:22:21] Speaker B: The venezuelan crime group is now partnering with MS 13. [02:22:26] Speaker E: Well, we found people that coming through Mexico that were from China, from all these different countries getting in here. And when they're not, those are the ones that got caught, that they found. But the ones that don't get caught, where are they coming from, what country are they coming from? Are we opening up a hotbed for cells? [02:22:49] Speaker B: And the reality of it is, the fact is, the immigration is a problem. Joe Biden could fix it in five minutes if you signed the executive order. He doesn't want to do that. He wants to blame everything on the republic because it's election year. [02:23:01] Speaker C: Everything's Trump's fault. [02:23:03] Speaker B: They don't want any solution. They want to be able to blame the Republicans for this so that they have a campaign issue to run on, because Joe Biden has been a disaster. And the reality of it is, if they don't have a campaign motto, what do they have? They can't say, look what we've done for your household income. Oh, look what we've done for your gas mileage. Look what we've done. Green energy. Shit. Pardon my language, but you look at. [02:23:36] Speaker E: The EVs now, they found proven scientific evidence that's found that they actually cause more harm to the environment than gas powered cars, than their equal counterparts. And on top of that, hydrogen now is making a big flow. So this pushing of all this stuff, understand there's kickbacks on all that. There's kickbacks on every single thing. And going to the immigration, if you remember, they were trying to blame Trump for the cages and the mistreatment. Those cages weren't built by Trump. They were put in from the Obama era. And when the truth came out about that, and this wall was actually paid for all the way back in 19, I want to say it was in the think it was 1987, and you know what? It never came to fruition and the money was already allocated for it and it wasn't exactly what it was built up to be. Finish the wall. Everyone's screaming, finish wall. [02:24:48] Speaker B: Think about this. Republicans and Democrats both don't want the wall bit. [02:24:52] Speaker D: Why? [02:24:53] Speaker B: Because look at the emotional issue it's caused for us to contribute to each candidate saying, you're going to fight for the wall. Oh, yeah. Well, I'll give you money if you're going to do that. Well, I'm going to fight against the wall. Well, I'm going to give you money for to do that. It all boils down to the simple fact it's all money. It has nothing to do with our lifestyle. They need an emotional issue for all of America to be so upset about that we'll send money to. [02:25:22] Speaker E: That's, that's what I said before about the country being polarized. And you have to remember is that you have two ways to serve. Who are you going to serve. And that's what you have to do. [02:25:35] Speaker B: Get back to God. [02:25:37] Speaker E: That's it. [02:25:38] Speaker B: Period. We need to be a God fearing country again. And here's the thing that always amazed me, okay? When I was growing up and when I was in high school, because I'm old, it was an embarrassment for a. [02:25:54] Speaker A: Girl to get pregnant, okay? [02:25:56] Speaker B: It was horrible. I mean, I remember the only couple that got pregnant in our school. The guy joined the army the next day, and she disappeared out of the school because it was an embarrassment. Okay? You want to talk about birth control? I mean, here's the problem. Teach the kid abstinence. Have a kid. It's okay. You're 14 years old. Go out and have sex with your boyfriend. Well, don't worry, we'll get extra money for you if you have a baby, because I can become the caregiver for you and the baby, and I get paid for that. That's our problem with our society right now, is these women are instant. They're telling their children to go get pregnant so that they can get money and become the caregiver for the child, mother daughter's children. And that's where money comes into play. That's great. Give you money. We feel so sorry for you. Oh, my gosh. We're humans. We're humanitarians. We love you. We don't care about you. Crap. That's baloney. That's totally baloney. That's the problem with what's going on in our society is we want to care for other people, and our politicians know that. And what better way to capitalize on that and get money is our emotional desire to help. We all are inherent in wanting to care for other people. We're inherent in that, and we don't want anybody to suffer. But there's a point in time. I grew up poor. Nobody gave us any money. We didn't get welfare. I didn't get any of that money. I had to go to work when I was eight years old. No, six years old, I was picking strawberries. And so I made a living and helped my parents. My parents worked. We survived on our own and nobody helped us out. And the problem is, we think that these people can't survive on their own. They can. They'll figure it out. But we think, oh, no, we know better. They can't. They can't do. And that's not true. You become self sufficient if you need to. You will survive if you need to. [02:28:12] Speaker C: That's one of the things I see that's disappearing is the ability to be independent. The ability to have the knowledge of whatever it is that you need to be independent so you're not reliant, because that's what they want. They want you reliant upon the state or the government at some level. [02:28:36] Speaker B: So you'll vote for them? [02:28:37] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:28:38] Speaker B: Okay. When I was going to school, we had trade schools in our high school. They taught auto mechanics. I'd learned electronics. The woman learned homekeeping, hairstyling. All this stuff in the school doesn't happen anymore. It's gone. And what happened to those days? [02:28:56] Speaker C: Some of my favorite subjects were the shops. We had wood shop. I took wood shop. Then we took electrical, and then we took mechanical. [02:29:09] Speaker B: There was an old movie with Sidney Portier in it called to stir with Love. And what it was, he was a black teacher teaching a white school all about life and how to survive, how to pay your bills, how to live, how to get a job, how to do all the things, to become self sufficient. And that was a really good movie because it taught. And the school thought it was a bad idea because he was teaching him. He wasn't teaching them math, arithmetic, and writing. He was teaching them how to survive, how to be self sufficient. We don't do that anymore. We teach them how to be codependent on the government. Instead of saying, get out, kick them out and go figure it out yourself. I did. And a lot of my friends weren't wealthy. They all did the same thing. They learned how to survive. And guess what? If you give somebody a little bit of knowledge, I mean, all I could think of is, when I was young, I wanted to be rich. That was my goal. How do I get there? What do I need to do? Well, my ethics, my work ethics were high, so I always got promoted wherever I worked. And then I learned how to start a business and open it and run it all on my own. Nobody taught me this stuff. And the point being is, if we give a little bit of incentive to these people by saying, guess what? You're cut off. You're cut off. Or we start reducing their benefits to the point they have to figure out, how do I subsidize that? I guess I better get a job. I best go to work. And. Okay, I didn't get my education until much later on, but I started college when I was 16 years old. I got a special deal from my high school to allow me to go to UMKC to study computer programming. When I was 16, I was one of the first people that they allowed to do duals enrollment. And why? Because I went up and asked, I begged. I said, I want to learn this stuff, so can you help me facilitate this? And they went to UMKC and said, hey, this might be a new program we should consider. Well, now it's in every college and every or every high school. Now, dual enrollment is a standard thing. We need to do more of that where the kids have an opportunity. And guess what? Nothing I'd do if I was in the federal government, I'd drop all the funding to these universities until they'd lower their tuition. I'd say, we're not going to fund you anymore until you. [02:31:34] Speaker C: When I was a teenager, I met a guy. I was 15. However old you are when you're in. He went to the University of Miami. Actually, he was working at how I met him. He was working at the Burger King across the street from University of Miami. And I went in to get a hamburger and a drink, and we got to talking, and the next thing I know is we became kind of acquaintance, not really friends because we're on two different levels. But this guy went to the University of Miami. Basically, he had some help from his parents, a little bit of financial help from his parents, but basically was paying for his education at the University of Miami by working part time. [02:32:12] Speaker B: Well, when I went to college, it was only $10 an hour. I went to metropolitan junior College, and it was $10 an hour. Okay, what's it now? I just got through getting another degree from Purdue, and it was $350 an hour. And Purdue requires you to do 180 hours to get a bachelor's degree. A normal university degree is 120 hours. So I basically was paying for a master's degree and got a bachelor's at $350 an hour times 18, 180. Figure it out. It's a lot of money, but that's what we've done. And the universities are making tons of money off football, sports, all this stuff, plus the funding from the federal government and then taking advantage of the students. [02:33:04] Speaker C: The children, indoctrinating the people that are going to the universities in a communistic kind of pattern. [02:33:12] Speaker B: They don't have a future. And then, okay, while I was taking courses at Purdue, the last course I took was a legal course on law. I can't remember what course it was. My professor made me write a paper. The last paper I had to submit was how to instill the woke philosophy in the United States. What was so good about it, and that we should endorse it in the universities. I had to write a report on that, if I had been honest. And written a report that I should have done. I would have failed the course. Instead, that's what they're getting our students to do, is to adjust their beliefs to their ideals to get through college. Now, I sucked up to this professor because I wanted to see what would happen. And I told her, I said, hey, I love animals, which I do. I just had solar put on my house. She went, oh, that's great, because she was a diehard liberal. And I said, the next thing I said was, oh, I'm thinking about buying electric car, and I'm just sucking her into this whole stuff. I get 99% on my course, on that course. Now, if I had told them the truth about what I really was thinking, I would have failed that course miserably, which would have caused me to lower know I graduated magna cum laude, but I had to suck it up. And that's what they're teaching at universities now. DeSantis is trying to go into the universities and pass legislation that says, you can't do that. You cannot preach your agenda to a student. And if that passes, that's going to stop a lot of this crap in these universities. [02:35:00] Speaker C: Awesome. [02:35:02] Speaker B: But I'm sorry, I'm outspoken, but a lot of these things are key issues that come to our kids, and we wonder why our kids are waking up with this mentality of communism is a. [02:35:11] Speaker C: Good thing, it looks like to me as well. I see this huge push, probably, I'd say maybe at least 20 years or so, where you have to have a degree if you're going to make any money, you have to have a degree. You got to pay to get your degree. You got to do every just push on degree. And students might rack up 110, $150,000 in trying to get this education and this degree. Have no problem getting that money. But if they went and tried to open a business and borrow $50,000, it's damn near impossible. So I see it as a way to keep people enslaved, financially enslaved. [02:35:53] Speaker B: That's it. I went out and I was going to help my son buy a little condo, and I went out to this place. They were building these little condos, two bedroom, three bedroom condos. And I walked in there and I said, I'm thinking about helping my son buy one of these. What's it cost? $350,000. [02:36:10] Speaker C: Holy smokes. [02:36:11] Speaker B: And I said, what does he get for $350? It's a condo. It looks like an apartment complex. They said, well, he gets a garage. I went, Whoopi, do for a garage. I'm going to pay $350,000. And my son said he's been looking all over. He can't find anything. So the goal we decided to do is I just found a piece of property for $22,000. Not very big, but we're going to build. He wants to build on their containers. You can buy the containers for $2,500. You can weld them and build a nice home for a few thousand dollars. As opposed to what? When I bought my house, $175,000. You could buy a house. Not this house, but you could buy a house at least. And four bedroom over in Leesburg at the time. Now that same house is worth $400,000. Yeah, seven years. [02:37:12] Speaker C: I don't recall whether it was you or whether Michael was saying about the guys are coming in and businesses are coming in and buying up the houses. [02:37:19] Speaker B: Well, I was going to say something about that. Prime example. That's true. I had a piece of property in Texas and I bought it for $2,500 in 2010. So last year I get this notice, property tax increase. This was two years ago. Property tax increase. It went doubled. Okay, I'll pay it. No big deal. So then the next year, it doubled again, 100%. And then I get it this year, 350% increase. [02:37:52] Speaker C: Holy smokes. [02:37:53] Speaker B: And so I'm going, this is ludicrous. So you know what? I put it on the market and I jacked the price up to $40,000, sold it like that the next day. And I'm going. Not to an individual, to an investment company. They're going in and buying all these properties up, an investment venture. And then they're either consolidating them into apartment complexes, but they're buying every one of these properties up. I wished I'd bought ten of them back then for $2,000. [02:38:25] Speaker C: That's what was happening in the neighborhood that I left when I was living in Florida. I had lived in that neighborhood for almost 20 years, 19 plus years. And during that time, I watched house after house after house go from a privately owned individual to some kind of a company of some sort. And it bolstered the price of real estate and coupled with the economy and the way things were working in the economy, houses that were originally, say, 200 and 5275 thousand, three bedroom, two bathroom, 1800 sqft, roughly, let's say 280, the same houses. Now, nothing's changed other than the pricing is double that. [02:39:13] Speaker D: Double. [02:39:14] Speaker B: What we were learning a couple of years ago is no one's going to own anything. And I think, Michael, they're going to lease everything so the point is, be happy. You buy land now if you can, and then you can lease it forever. And that's what's going to. I mean, the reality is you don't buy land to build on. You buy land to lease. That's the goal now. So if you can, five acre lots for under $25,000, you ought to be buying them because the monthly mortgage payment is only $120. So here you are, a five acre land, and you own that forever, and then you'll lease it out. You can lease that out because somebody's going to come in there and want to put either a shopping center there or a high rise or an apartment complex, because that can make tons of, you know, friends of mine in Houston owned this one street, Richmond Avenue, and there was nothing there. It was an empty field for miles. It's miles. They owned all that land because they bought it when it was, like, dirt cheap. Well, guess what? Now it's all built up. They still own the land. They just lease it to all these shopping centers. And they're making millions and millions and millions of dollars just leasing. [02:40:27] Speaker C: Wow. [02:40:27] Speaker B: So that's really the plot. A lot of people are, investors don't, the small individual doesn't know that. He's just trying to buy a house. But an investor concept is buy cheap land as quickly as possible, and if you have to make a monthly payment on it, that's $200. That's not that much, and then you're setting aside for your future. Now the problem comes into play, property taxes, because you can't claim homestead exemption on that, so you pay a higher tax on that. But in Florida, if you buy five acres of land and put one cow on it, it's agriculture and you pay no tax. [02:41:02] Speaker D: Right. [02:41:03] Speaker B: Or if you put a pine tree on it, a pine tree classifies as agriculture. This is how. Who was it? The guy that's head of NASA right now? That was a senator. Nelson. Bill Nelson did that all over Florida. He was all these land up, and then he put a few trees on it and claimed it as agricultural. Then when he decided he was going to run for senate, he sold them all at a huge fortune and paid no tax on it. That was a campaign issue that came up when his election was up. That's the way you get rich. [02:41:44] Speaker E: Yeah, but here's the thing. How much is enough? [02:41:50] Speaker B: Good question. [02:41:51] Speaker E: How much is enough? I mean, that's the problem. And you know what? That's why. What are you serving? Well, and I think that's what we've lost the concept is, what is Congress serving? Are they truly serving the people, or are they self serving? [02:42:09] Speaker B: They're self serving. [02:42:11] Speaker E: How much is enough? [02:42:13] Speaker B: Well, here's a funny story I got to tell you this. My wife was a diehard Christian from the word go. And I swear that woman could pray for anything and get it. And I'll give you a prime example. When we met, she said, do you want children? I said, I want a son. I want him to be born close to my birthday. I want him to have blue eyes. I want him to look like me. She goes, that's kind of high qualifications. She said, I'll take care of it. My son was born August the eigth. My birthday is August 9. [02:42:45] Speaker C: Wow. [02:42:45] Speaker B: He was born on a Sunday at seven, weighing seven pounds. 7oz at is a biblical number. [02:42:56] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:42:57] Speaker B: And he looks, at my age, when I was his age, we look like clones. [02:43:02] Speaker C: Wow. [02:43:03] Speaker B: Okay. This is a funny part. When we came back from Panama, we went up to one of these stop and goes, and I said, pray for us to win the lottery. And she goes, okay. So she said a prayer. I walked in, I bought two lottery tickets, and I came out. I said, okay, here they are. And I put them in the console. And a week later, I went, oh, we haven't checked the lottery ticket. So we go back to the same circle K, and I go in there, and I give him the first ticket. And the first ticket goes kaching. And the guy looks at me, and he looks at the ticket, he pulls it out. He puts a second ticket in. It goes kaching. He goes, you've won two lotteries. And I went, unbelievable. So I'm all excited. I said, what did I win? $12. I went out to my wife, and I said, next time you pray for us to win, make sure it's the full amount. But God has a little humor, too. And sure enough, we won the lottery. She prayed. She got what she wanted, but it wasn't what we were hoping for. So in all things, if you look to God for everything, and he's got a little humor behind it, because I thought that was pretty funny afterwards, I was like, $12. Wow. But if you really have the faith, and I think that's so important nowadays, is because people have lost their faith because they don't know what to believe in anymore. [02:44:35] Speaker C: That's by design. It's all by design. [02:44:39] Speaker B: And God is all powerful. And if we would believe in him like he does us, and then I can say, throughout my life, I've been blessed. I should probably be dead. I don't know how many times I've been saved. Yeah. I mean, I was on a plane, and an engine blew up in it, and we managed to land safely. So we're here for a reason. We may not know ever, but God has a plan for us, and we just don't know. My faith became concrete in 2012. I know the date and the day and the year, almost the hour that my faith changed, but it has a purpose for us. [02:45:33] Speaker E: Jeremiah, 1912. I believe it is plans I have for you. But I think that it comes down to is that there are reasons that some people hit the lottery. Maybe some people don't. God is a just God. There's no possible way to know or fathom his reasons for everything. But with some of us, he protects us that way, too, by not doing that, because by us not getting that, we can't be tempted to say, okay, life is great now, like that, and then turn away from God. So that's a thing that he does in a way, to make sure that we don't turn away, because some people do, and that's exactly what happens. What do I need God for anymore? I've already got everything. [02:46:24] Speaker B: Well, the interesting thing about that is your question was the other just a few minutes ago. What's enough? [02:46:31] Speaker E: That's right. [02:46:32] Speaker B: What's enough? And God for me. Okay? God has given me enough. Not too much, not too little, just enough to live my life the rest of my life. Because, trust me, I'm 72 years old. I've gone out there and tried to find jobs. And the very first question I asked them, I'm well educated. I've got tons of experience, and it was in an industry that I helped create, and yet they wouldn't hire me. I'm too old is a real simple question. But they don't want. [02:47:07] Speaker C: You're overqualified. [02:47:08] Speaker B: Age is not an issue here. Right. But the reality of it is, would I go back to work if I could? [02:47:15] Speaker E: Yes. [02:47:16] Speaker B: But I'm starting some new companies, and this is where people need to open their minds and think outside the box. Can you start a new company? Yes. Can you reinvent the wheel? Yes, but you don't need to. You just need to make the wheel better. I can give you a ton of opportunities out there for people to make money. I made money real simply this. Years ago, I did a cable TV guide for Warner Cable TV in Houston. Do you see cable TV guides anywhere in the stores? Can you buy one? No. What do we do? How do we find out? What's on the cable, you can't. They used to put those listings in the newspaper. They don't do that anymore. So I created a TV guide that had all the listings in it so you could go, oh, what do I want to watch Thursday night on this cable channel? And I sold that to Warner Cable when I was 26 years old for a million dollars. [02:48:09] Speaker C: Wow. [02:48:09] Speaker B: And so I didn't know what I was doing when I started that company. I didn't know anything about publishing, printing, or anything I learned. And then after that, I found other jobs and other businesses to get into. And I don't know if it's God's graces that he gave me this insight to see it. And I think if people open their minds up, truly open their minds up to God, they will start seeing these opportunities out there and these blessings, and I'm starting something new that is not in the United States yet. I can't believe no one's thought of this idea, but I came up with, the fact is we're going to start teaching hispanic people how to mediate in Spanish. And that's why this friend of mine that's coming up from Mexico, we're going to do it together. It's a woman, and we're going to do this together. We're also going to do joint mediations for divorces for the hispanic community so that they feel balanced and equal, male, female, and also dual languages. And so nobody's doing that in the United States. So we're going to start that. I'm working on it now. We've almost got all the training material ready, but okay, why can't anybody think of a new idea? They see it and they go, well, I don't have the money to do it. That's the biggest problem is they think they don't have the money. The money is not always the answer. I started every company I did with no money, not a penny. And so a guy just showed me the way, and that's what I think a lot of people don't realize. God has the answer for you. If you'll trust him, believe in him, and follow the know. [02:49:52] Speaker E: For me, you're talking to a guy that know, and I do. Okay. But I will tell you that I'm a veteran, Navy veteran, suffer with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and everything else, and have what they call t cell lymphopolifeative disease, which is a euphemism for leukemia, lymph noma. Here's the gift that I learned. How much is enough? Every day I wake up is enough. Okay. Every day I wake up, anything beyond that is a gift, is an extra blessing that he has given. And I never wanted to be here to begin with. Still don't. Many days. I'll always fight with this. I'll always battle with it. It's never going to go away. I understand that. But how I deal with it, that's another gift. That's God. Well, and you have to remember, start your life off with that first by giving praise and thanks to God, giving you what you have to start off with. And that is blessing. [02:51:07] Speaker B: Little simple things like, okay, I consider every blessing. I get a blessing and I acknowledge that, and I thank God for it every time. And then I tell somebody else, and it's stupid. Somebody like pennies. I pick up pennies off the street. People go, you don't need that penny. I said, no, I don't need the penny. It's a message from God, because it says, in God we trust on that penny. And it's like a little message to me. I'm thinking of you and it keeps me in focus with God. And it's a simple little thing, but every time I do that, I'm going, okay, thank you, God. Thank you. And it puts me back in that, because if you don't do that on a regular basis, that's like talking to God. Then you get sidetracked. And somebody once told me, do you talk to God? And I was like, yeah, he hadn't called me lately, and I was being flippant about it. He goes, do you read the Bible? And we've talked about this before, we're scaling. And I go, yeah. He goes, why do you do it? Do you start at the front? Just start reading? And I said, no. I flip through it and randomly pick a page. He goes, who do you think is picking that page for you? And you'll read a certain verse out of a certain chapter. Why did you pick it? And he said, every time you've ever read those verses, has it had any bearing on you? And I said, coincidentally enough, it seems to be that I needed that message at the time. And so he said, also, gut feelings. What do you think gut feelings are? The gut feeling you don't want to drive down this road today because something just gut feeling tells you not to do it. [02:52:43] Speaker E: That's your advocate. [02:52:44] Speaker B: Pardon me? [02:52:45] Speaker E: That's your advocate. That's the Holy Spirit. [02:52:48] Speaker B: Exactly. It's God talking to you in different ways. And a lot of people do. They don't. That inner voice, that inner voice is telling you. It's warning you, it's protecting you, or it's giving you an insight into something. A lot of people slough it off and go, it's no big deal. If they would listen to that and focus in on that and really pay attention to that, it would change people's lives. [02:53:19] Speaker E: For me, it's a lot of different things, but then I start paying attention. Okay, oh, cardinal or something like that. And basically I came to the conclusion that every single thing that I see, when I see rainbows, when I see the cardinals, when I see birds, squirrels, the beauty of the land, and you see somebody that's broken down with a flat tire, that could be a way of being protected from going up and being involved in an accident and losing your whole family. You have to, look, if you really want to see God in action and you want to see God work, then you have to really pay attention. And the more you pay attention, and like I said, what are you going to serve? You're either going to serve your soul and come to God on his terms and love, or you'll be caught in this darkness and that darkness. You can't go anywhere in the darkness, understand? You'll trip, you'll fall, you'll get hurt. But in the light, if you chase the light, you can see Christ them before. [02:54:34] Speaker B: Listen. [02:54:38] Speaker E: I'm only here with you for a little while longer. The light is only here with you for a little while longer. So he was basically telling them, listen, pay attention right now. Here I am right in front of you. And they missed it. A lot of them missed, you know, he told, know, have you not read the scriptures going back to Moses, where they talked about me, or going onward in the Old Testament? Here I am, and they missed it. But just be. That's all I can say. But I'm out of here, guys. I'm tired. [02:55:17] Speaker B: We've had an interesting night, and the summation of everything we talked about is a simple fact is if you truly believe you can make changes in your life, it'll be monumental. Believe in God and really believe. Take that leap of faith like Indiana Jones did, walking across that curvass in temple of Doom, where he put his hand on his heart and took that leap of faith and stepped out, and there was a bridge there. And that's what we need to think in our lives. There's always a bridge there. If we believe enough to take that leap of faith, he will always give. [02:55:56] Speaker E: You a way out from temptation. He will always give you a way out. It's just whether we choose to take it or not. So put God first. That's my answer to you all. And don't do it on your terms. Do it on his terms. He chose us. Understand that? He didn't need to. Okay? He didn't need to. He chose us. He chose us for a reason. He has a purpose for us. So with that, take it how you want it. Life walk is on tomorrow night, as a matter of fact, at 530. So we've got a lot to read in that, and I hope that you join us. Thank you guys for my time here with Riskella and with Jerry. And thank you, Riskella. I'm honored and humbled, as always. I wish you both the absolute best. God bless you. Love you both. God bless all you guys that are out there listening. And just remember what I said. Put God first. [02:56:57] Speaker B: God bless you. And it's good seeing you and hearing you again. [02:57:00] Speaker E: Bye bye, guys, and respect. [02:57:02] Speaker B: You look so dignified. You got better looking over the last couple of months. You look so distinguished. That's unbelievable. Thank you. How are you doing? Are you doing okay? [02:57:15] Speaker C: I'm getting used to the cold. It's a bit different than Florida. Yeah. [02:57:21] Speaker B: Tidbit. It's a little colder up there. Today it got up to almost 80, so I'm like, finally, my air conditioners on. But we had a good show. I enjoyed the show tonight a lot, and I would like to talk about doing a political show during the evening hours on Monday or one day during the week. [02:57:40] Speaker C: Yeah. I'm going to check the schedule and see what we have. I think the spot that you want, I think, I'm not promising, but I think it's open. And if it is, then all you have to do is just get the word out that you're putting. You're going to be doing the show. [02:57:53] Speaker B: Well, okay, then how do I get onto the show? Can you direct it? [02:58:00] Speaker C: No. Yeah, we can do the same thing that we're doing right now. [02:58:03] Speaker B: Okay. Because what I'm going to do is I'm going to start off and I'll explain it to you when we get a chance. Tonight's show was really good. I really enjoyed it tonight, and we. Good subject. And the fact of the matter is we ended it on the note of Christianity and faith. [02:58:18] Speaker C: Amen. [02:58:18] Speaker B: And that was the best, by all means. So thank you for having me, and it's great to see you again. And hopefully I'll actually get to come up there and shake your hand one of these days. [02:58:31] Speaker C: That'd be awesome. [02:58:32] Speaker B: Okay. [02:58:33] Speaker C: You take my friend thank you. Thank you. Greatly appreciate it. [02:58:36] Speaker B: I'm out of here. [02:58:38] Speaker C: All right. There's that background music. I want to thank you guys for taking time to let me share with you tonight. Greatly appreciate it. [02:58:47] Speaker E: I'll be back in late. [02:58:49] Speaker A: It take the red pill, take the blue pill, take the red pill, take the blue pill, take the red pill, take the blue pill, take the red pill, take the blue pill, take the red pill, take the blue pill, take the red pill, take the blue pill, you take the red pill, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Your last chest. This is your left chest. This is your left chance. This is your left chest. This is your life chest. This is your life chest. This is your left chance. This is your left chance. This is your life. Close.

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