Red Pill Reality Show

Red Pill Reality Show
TRIM Radio
Red Pill Reality Show

Oct 27 2024 | 03:00:07

Episode October 27, 2024 03:00:07

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

"The Red Pill Reality Show" is a provocative and thought-provoking exploration of the modern world, delving into controversial topics and challenging conventional wisdom. Hosted by Riscalla Stephen, a charismatic and outspoken figure, the show aims to spark honest conversations and inspire critical thinking.

Each episode features in-depth discussions on a wide range of subjects, including:

  • Social and political issues
  • Philosophy and spirituality
  • Science and technology
  • Personal growth and development

Join Riscalla Stephen as he interviews experts, challenges assumptions, and invites viewers to question everything they know. "The Red Pill Reality Show" is a must-watch for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the world around us.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:13] Speaker A: You're listening to the TRIM Radio Network. [00:00:16] Speaker B: We cut the bowl and serve the truth. I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. [00:00:33] Speaker A: You're afraid of change. [00:00:35] Speaker B: I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how. [00:00:41] Speaker C: It'S going to begin. Don't take. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. You take the red pill. And I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill. The story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. You stay in wonderland. You stay in wonderland. And I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. [00:01:48] Speaker B: Now transmitting from an undisclosed location in the northeast quadrant of the United States, it's the Red Pill Reality show on the TRIM Radio Network with your host, Riskala Stevens. Saturday nights from 9pm Eastern until midnight. Call in. Lines are open. Dialed 803-200-2277 to reach your host directly. And now your host, Rizkala. [00:02:24] Speaker D: Hello and welcome, everyone. It is the Red Pill Reality Show. An honor and a privilege to have you join me tonight. Shortly I will have Peter Klingon with me and hopefully Maggie Hart as well. Peter is like an encyclopedia when it comes to a variety of different subjects, especially when we're talking about biblical. Biblical events to come and that have passed and. And the meaning of some of them and so on. And I see that. My camera. I love this. My camera. What happened? Camera? You don't love me anymore? You don't call me when I go out to lunch? What happened? Okay, get rid of that. There we go. Son of a gun. It's amazing what you can do when you hit the right buttons. All right, so anyway, we'll have Peter and. And hopefully we'll have Maggie. Maggie as well. Maggie's another one, is very insightful, has all kinds of insights. I can't. I can't think of a better word to describe it. In the meantime, what has happened this last week, you guys? Oh, my gosh. Just. Just looking at. I have to talk about this. You know anybody who's listened to me knows that I am a Trump supporter. I have to talk about this because it really, it bothers me. It really bothers me. And I have come, tried to come, worked at getting to terms with this, but how can anybody want four more years of what we already had? I mean, seriously, come on, how can anybody. Let me back up a minute. I know there has to be people that did very well, very, very well, and would continue to do very well, but those people are few and far between in comparison to the amount of people that are in this country, that are considered the citizenry of this country. And you have someone who has basically turned their back on us, spit in your face, literally pissed your money away, literally allowed a division in this country to continue to the point where we are the two words that should not be spoken are spoken almost on a regular basis. Civil and war. And sadly, this is what they want. And many are falling in. They're falling into this. They're falling into this trap that these people have set. It's sad because they have had generation and generation and generation of learning how to manipulate people on a large scale all the way back to the days of the crucifixion of the Christ. I always wondered how, you know, reading about the story of Christ, I always wondered how, how in a world could they have gotten. Here was a man who, by multiple witnesses, performed acts of the most phenomenal kindness of love. And yet we have a choice between him or a murderer, a thief, a man who clearly doesn't care about his fellow man, have no respect at all. And yet they were able to get these people, enough of them, with voices loud enough to call for a crucifixion of an innocent man. I look at today, how can anybody want four more years? I mean, granted, there's. There's few of them. I can understand there's a few of them out there, but I'm talking about the general population. Food is up over, in some places over a hundred. It just depends on the item over 100%. What you bought for a dollar four years ago is now $2 fuel. These are things that we need. It's not something that. It's not a luxury, for God's sake. And then I look at what happens when they have allowed all these people to come into this country. This is the spit in your face part. All these people have come into this country, and from all the articles that I have read, they pretty much line up. These people get money when they get here. I've heard anything from 3,000 to 5,000 to $13,000. Then they get, many of them get put up in first class hotels. In other circumstances they're brought here, I can't remember the term that they used, but almost they're brought here without being vetted. And they are, they, they're giving this special consideration and they're giving jobs. They're giving jobs. Now I'm not mad at these people because if I were in their position and somebody said to me, hey, you know what, you can go to this country, they're literally going to pay you, they're going to put you up in a first class hotel. And if I was somebody who was already living in the, on, on the streets or having a really hard time, heck yeah, you bet your bottom dollar I'd be doing it. So it's not the people that I'm upset with, not so much. It's the ones who have allowed this to go on. And now you have a woman who stands before you and says, oh, well, I'm going to change all that. Really. Just going to change all that. Can't figure out whether she wants to keep it. Can't figure out whether she wants to change it. I heard a snippet of, I guess an interview or somebody asked her a question about the whole thing and she says, I would like to see every. What is she? Undocumented? I think it was. Undocumented was the word that she used. I'd like to see them voting. Yeah, if that's not a spit in your face. Seniors, seniors who are on Social Security don't even get close to what these people get. Not even close. Veterans who are on benefits, many of them have to jump through hoops of fire for God's sake, just to get something. These are people that have signed a check with their blood and their signature says, to the last drop of my blood. And what do we got? We got nothing for it. Nothing. It hurts, it frustrates me, it angers me. It angers me. I can't be the only one who feels this way. We are, I think we're two weeks away from. I don't even think it's two weeks anymore for making a decision for the future of this country. Because if this woman ends up winning, which I believe she, they damn sure can. I mean, they've done it before and look what happened in 2020. I don't see a whole lot of difference between then and now with regard to the voting platform. I see some clamping down, but we need a lot more, a little bit of clamping. Down. We need absolute, you know, if there was a such thing as a lockdown on the votes, that's what we need. Reports already coming in from all over the place. One guy in Florida, a mail carrier in Florida dumped a whole bunch of votes, apparently for Trump. Allegedly. I haven't been able to confirm it, but the fact that they did that, whether it was for Trump or whether it was for somebody else, if it were for, you know, if he dumped Democrat votes, it would look bad for the Republicans. If he dumped Republican votes, it would look bad for the Democrats. The fact that he did it is disgusting. And the fact that he is a postal carrier, they found the guy. But this is just one of God knows how many. And as we get closer and closer to this election now, I see. I don't know how many of you have heard, but Israel has literally announced plans to attack Iran. Oh, but don't worry, it's only the military parts of Iran. If they can get away. And we are, I am telling you, we are on a thread. If they can get away with starting this next war, because this will be the big one. This is not going to be anything that any of you who have not served in the military and been in an active combat theater, those people that excluded the rest of you, which is the majority of you out there. This one isn't going to be fought overseas. It's going to be here. It's going to be blood in the streets. And you haven't a clue. Not a clue. I said eight or nine years ago, I don't recall. I think it was eight or nine years ago. Our country has become the bully of the planet. We go around the world and we overthrow other governments, dictators, whatever you want to call them. What in the world. We overthrow them and then we take their resources and we tell the people that we're here to help. I don't know who you're here to help because I got to tell you, most of these places, I can't think of a one right off the bat that's any better than before we got started with all of this. Iraq. We have literally, literally created a hell for those people. They may have been living under somewhat of a harsh system before we got to them, but there was a degree of, I don't know, I can't think of the word because I'm so upset. I get so upset. I can't think right. There was some degree of humanity. We showed up supposedly to free these people and to do away with weapons of mass destruction that were Never found by the way. He did have weapons of mass destruction, that there is no doubt about. He had weapons of mass destruction because our government sold them to him. A band by the name of Rumsfeld, or Rumsfeld, I don't know which way to pronounce it, made a deal with these guys, him, the Bush syndicate. Just because his dad wasn't the president anymore doesn't mean that he had tremendous amount of pull. Went in there and sold him. I don't remember the name of the particular weapon, but it was a gas of some sort, biological weapon sold to him by us. So he did have them at one time, but he had already used them. He'd used them in Iran because him and Iran, Iraq and Iran were in war with each other constantly. So he'd already used all that up. They knew that they needed an excuse to go in there and murder this man because that's what they did. I'm not arguing the fact that he was a murderer. I'm not arguing the fact that he was a no good for nothing sewer sucking slug. I'm not arguing that. What I'm arguing is who are we? Who are we to come in, murder this man, take over his country. And the first thing they did, whether anybody knows this or not, they stole all the gold that this man had and then created a hell for the people in Iraq. They did the same thing in Yemen, they did the same thing in Libya, they want to do the same thing in Syria, they want to do the same thing in Iran, they haven't been able to do that yet. This may be their inroad. Let's start a world war. Let's get everybody involved, take care of everybody. At one time, China and Russia and the BRICS group have formed an agreement which basically said to our dollar, goodbye, we're done with you. We are introducing our own currency. Our currency is actually worth something. Your currency is just whatever it is that you print. I think it was Nixon who was finally responsible for taking us off of the gold standard. Which meant that I may have one. I can show you. I've given this story out many times, so if you've heard it before, I apologize. But I got maybe some new people listening. Oh, by the way, let's say we are on Facebook, we are on LinkedIn, we are on YouTube and a website. So one of my chores was to cut the grass. And when I would cut the grass, my dad would give me one silver dollar. He knew that I liked the silver dollars because that was the largest coin that we had at the time. It was a heavy coin for a kid. It weighed, I mean, it probably weighed three times what it was normally weigh in the hand of a child. I was 10, 11 years old. That silver dollar is now worth somewhere near depending upon what the price and what market you're in. But somewhere between 25 and $30. One weekend I cut the grass. Dad came home, he said, I'm sorry, I don't have any silver dollars. And because I don't, I'm gonna give you two dollars. And gave me two paper dollars. And boy, I was mad. I had a. You know, people have piggy bank. I had a big white, big wide jar of silver dollars. I probably had about 10 or 15 of them in there, maybe even more. I mean, those were my. I don't care what. The house burned down. First thing I'm grabbing is my silver dollars and I'm taking them out. But that was my possession. That was my, my little thing, you know. And I was upset. He gave me two, two dollar bills. He said, come Monday after school, go to the bank. We had a Federal Reserve branch that wasn't too far from us. Walking distance for a child wasn't too bad. Go to the bank, give the lady these two paper, we call them paper, paper dollars, and she'll give you two silver dollars. I went there, told the lady what I wanted, she gave me two silver dollars. That paper that we carried back then did not say Federal Reserve Note. That paper said Silver Certificate. I don't know why I can't. What's happening. It doesn't like it. It doesn't like it. I don't know if you can. I don't know how close I can get. I guess, I guess it's the color of the bill. But across the top of this bill, it does not say Federal Reserve Note. It says Silver Certificate. Everything else is basically the same except for that key thing at the top. Down at the bottom it has a very unique saying. It says $1 in silver payable to the bearer on demand. Now why am I telling you this? Why do we have to pay taxes if when they want more money all they do is print money? You see, if we were still under the gold standard, if we were still under certificates, not just paper, they couldn't do that because for every one of these they had to have one silver dollar.999 silver. And it was 0.78 of an ounce, just a little over three quarters of an ounce. That silver dollar today would be worth somewhere between 18 and 25 dollars. Depending upon the market. If you have. That's melt value, if you have an actual silver dollar, sometimes they go for as much as $30. Just depends. But because it was a certificate and not a note, you know, Federal Reserve note, it's just a fancy way of saying an iou, we owe you. I don't even have. I don't have one of those. Just an iou. It's all it is. This is how they've stolen our money. Not only do they steal our money, our prosperity, but then they give it to people who are undeserving, 100% undeserving, and spit in our face. By giving them more than those of us who have paid into the system, then those of us who have risked our lives for the stinking system, we get the crumbs that fall off the table. That's what this country has come to. And it has come to that because of people like the Democrats. And it's not just the Democrats, don't misunderstand me here. There's plenty of Republicans to blame along the way as well. But it's primarily the Democrats, their push for this. There's no other way to describe communism. That's what they want. They want to take from any of you who have anything that they can take and give it to somebody who doesn't have anything. If you think I'm lying, what the hell do you think they're doing with these illegal people that are coming in this country? They have nothing. They have absolutely nothing. When they come here, supposedly. Maybe a cell phone. I wonder where they get those from. So they come here basically with nothing, and they're given money. Where did they get the money from? Hello? Hello? Are you listening? Our tax dollars that we are forced to pay because if you don't pay, they'll come and kidnap you and stick you in a cage like an animal. Or they'll do other stupid things like take you to court, bankrupt you financially. They're good for that. So they tried to do to Trump. Didn't work. They figured they could get him to bend his knee. If they could cost him a lot of money, he would say, you know what? It's not worth it. I'm losing too much money. Gotta walk away, tail between my legs. See you by. They can't stand it. Instead of doing that, he stands tall. Fist up in the air, fight, fight, fight. They couldn't bankrupt him, they couldn't put him in jail. They tried. I think they're still trying put him in jail. That didn't work. Tried to kill him at least two times that you guys know about. I believe it's a heck of a lot more than that. When he was a president, I had some intel that came in. I don't know how many of you remember this, but we had some intel that came in at Hawaii, went on alert. They said a. There was a missile headed towards Hawaii. I don't remember when that was, but the intel I got was there was a missile headed towards Hawaii, but it wasn't. The target wasn't Hawaii. The target was Air Force One. And the story goes that a submarine, which happened to be in the area, launched a water to air, surface to air, whatever the heck you call them that come from underwater and knocked it out. There was another time. Many of you know that I spent just about all my life in Florida. And the last, I don't know, 30 years or so was in the West Palm beach area. I was about, maybe 12 miles, 15 miles from Mar a Lago. I woke up one morning and in that. In that moment where you're in between awake and sleep, right at that time, I hear jets flying by. And I. For a millisecond, for a second maybe, I thought I went back in time. I thought I was back in the Air Force and they were flying sorties over me. I woke up and I kept hearing the jets flying by. There's no question, if you've been around these jets, they have a unique sound. You can tell right off the bat. I ran outside and I caught one of them flying overhead, zooming by. They were flying sorties over Mar a Lago. Now, they only do that over something like that because they feel that there is a definite threat, some kind of a threat, either by air, by water, there's some type of threat that they need to neutralize. So that's one that I know of that I personally watch these fighters go back and forth. The other one with the missile, somebody else's report. I wasn't there. I don't know. I'm telling you that they're. Most of the stuff that they tell me, the majority of it is right on the button. It happens. All right, so I'm getting close to 9:30. At 9:30, I'm going to bring on. Peter will be on with me tonight. Looks like Michael. Michael's in the background. We'll bring Michael on and we'll get his input. In the meantime, I want to play. I want to play a song for you that I. I made up if I could find it. Let's see if I Could find it. I thought it was kind of neat. So this is, you know, we've talked about AI. One of the things that. That concerns me. If you go back in history, you'll see that humankind, mankind basically had rudimentary tools for the longest time. Just basic elementary tools, you know, nothing really out of the. You know. And then all of a sudden we became industrialized, I guess is the word to use. And we started doing all kinds of things. And it was like a major jump from one thing to another to another. I believe this AI. This is just my personal belief. I don't have any. Any evidence to back any of this up. I believe the AI was introduced by aliens. I hear you laughing. It's okay. They're going to disclose it eventually. They can't hide it much longer. But I really do. I think that's what. What has happened. These aliens have basically, from God knows how far back, had an influence over humanity one way or another. How did we learn how to make gunpowder? Where did that come from? Some guy woke up one night and decided if I mix charcoal and sulfur and if I mix this and that and. And I like put a fire to it, it's going to explode. [00:29:24] Speaker B: Ha. [00:29:26] Speaker D: I'm telling you. All right, I want to. Let me play this for you. Let me get some feedback. Here we go. [00:29:44] Speaker E: I've seen the news it's getting old the truth they spin the lies they're told I'm voting for the fella I've made my stand Cuz I don't trust the cards they're holding in their hand I'm voting for the felon Cause I don't believe what they're selling I don't like what I'm smelling Truth be a rebel yelling 34 I'm 45 they want to ruin all our lives But I'm standing tall cause I'm voting for the felon they're making promises they just can't keep the way they lie it cuts so deep from the meadows to the mountains high we're tired of the game it's time we unify I'm voting for the felons cause I don't believe what they're selling I don't like what I'm smelling Truth be a rebel yelling 34 I'm full 45 they want to rule in all our lives But I'm standing tall cause I'm voting for the felons in these old fields where I was born we see the rich, they eat the corn but the felon speaks for Folks like me. Cause he's seen hard times and he kingdom knows liberty. Turn off the tv tune into your heart it's time to make a brand new story. The villain's fighting for the comet man he's got a plan he understand. [00:31:55] Speaker B: I'm. [00:31:55] Speaker E: Voting for the felon. Cause I don't believe what they're selling I don't like what I'm smelling Truth be a rebel yelling 34, I'm 45, they want to ruin all our lives But I'm standing tall. Cause I vote the felon. In these old fields where I was born we see the rich, they eat the corn. But the felon speaks for folks like me. Cause we seen hard times and he knows liberty. Turn off the teething tune into your heart. It's time to make a brand new start. [00:32:55] Speaker D: That's what that was done with AI, believe it or not. I put in the words and gave me a variation of whether I wanted hard rock, punk, some other stuff. I chose country because I just felt it would be a country song because it's about our country and that's what it came up with. I think it's kind of catchy, but it's scary. It's scary because the voices that you hear are. They're computer generated. The music that you hear is computer generated. The only thing I was responsible for is putting some words in there, then having it, you know, do its jingle, do its thing. It's gonna. I can see where this is gonna really upset a lot of real artists, the real guys, you know, what artistry, what skill is there in coming up with some words and inputting them into a computer and then having it make a song for you versus you sitting there having a thought in your mind and then writing it down on a piece of paper and then converting that from. From something that is a one dimension, something on a piece of paper to something alive. I feel bad for them guys. I really do. All right, let me. I got Peter on. I got Michael on. Let me bring Michael on. He's been waiting for a while. And Peter, I'll be. I'm bringing you on next. Bring on Michael. There he is. How are you, buddy? [00:34:24] Speaker A: I am. I'm wonderful. How are you doing, brother? [00:34:27] Speaker D: I am. I'm hanging in there, my friend. [00:34:30] Speaker A: And. And I. And I gotta tell you, I. And Peter's gonna agree with me 100. Because Peter and I have very much a lake vision. You know, she has a commercial that she wants to give trans prisoners care and everything. And I'm gonna. I just I. This debate kills me with these transgenders, trans men in, in women's sports, vice versa, and everything else. So I'm gonna go to everyone real quick, end this thing once and for all, and they're going to hit me with this thing. Well, Jesus says love, but I'm going to tell you something. He's not saying don't love. Love your enemies, feed them that heaps coals on them. But let's. Let's go to this in 1:26, and God said, Let us make man in our own image after our own likeness, and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the foul of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creepy thing that creepeth on the earth. So God created man in his own image. Now here's the words in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them. Okay, that's it. It doesn't have 52, 000 genders. And people need to understand this. Two genders, male and female. He created he them, period. And these people are this. I don't care about your feelings. How you feel is completely different than what is law. What is God's law? That's it. He made you. So we're going to say he messed up? No, he didn't mess up. Who are you to counsel God? Who on earth, who anybody is to counsel God? The bottom line is that's it. That's all there is to it. End of story. It's such a misconception. [00:36:39] Speaker D: The transgenderism movement is all. And Peter, I'm bringing you on. The transgenderism movement, I believe, is the glorification of Baphomet, which is a Luciferian or Satan Satanic idol. All right, Peter, it's up to you, buddy. [00:37:03] Speaker B: Well, Michael. Hello, Roskola. Hello. Thank you for having me on. And Michael. Yes, I. I would agree with you whole soul. And I've got a perfect answer for you. It's actually found In Romans, the first chapter, starting with verse 26, and it reads, that is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites for both their male, their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature. And likewise, even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another. Males with males working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense for which is due for their error. [00:37:53] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:37:54] Speaker D: And that was. [00:37:55] Speaker B: And that was Paul. [00:37:57] Speaker A: It's sexual immorality, and that's what it is. [00:38:01] Speaker B: It's, it's not just sexual immorality. You see, it's a perversion of nature. And God gave up on them. He's like, I can't do anything with these people. There's no Holy Spirit for these people. They have gone down a path that they have, which is so perverse that they've changed nature itself. And there is no coming back from where they have gone. So, in essence, you know, now I can't. If they come back, hey, it's on their own. But if they do come back, they'll be greeted with open arms from our heavenly Father. And I'm sure we would all, you know, you know, okay, give us your testimony. What made you change around? Oh, you realized you went down a wrong path. Hey, welcome home, prodigal son or daughter, whatever the case might be. But. But you see that there's no act of Holy Spirit working on them. And. And it's because of the perversion of nature. Now, let's digress here just for a second, and we're going to go back to the origin of this, because when we go over to Ephesians the 6th, chapter 11, 12th verse, where we're told to put on the complete suit of armor, our fight is not against blood and flesh, but it's against the principalities of this world. Well, what are. What is the main principality going on right now? And I think it's really kind of interesting the way that it plays out. It's actually bull worship or BAAL worship. And. Yeah. And that. Well, you got to look at the symbols now. Right. But there are three principalities or three minor gods which are still being worshiped today. And that would be. Yes, Molech is the third one. But it. Basically, the way that I always lay them down and there's a reason for this is BAAL worship, Ashtoreth worship, and Molech worship. Now, the BAAL worship was just basically sexual immorality. That's where that came in. Okay. They would hold these huge orgies to bail in order because they thought that, you know, would incite bail to have an orgasm. And his orgasm was the rain. And so the rain would fall and fertilize the crops, and they would have a great year. Ash. Now, it's interesting. Okay, Keep that in mind because, you know, you get new fruit, you know, in the planting season. But now Ash Tress is another fertility goddess, but she also has two groups of temple prostitutes, male prostitutes dressed up as women, and women prostitutes dressed up as men. So it's actually across gender and so under Ashtoreth, whatever you wanted to do was fine, because she was a fertility goddess and so sex was grand. And then in the fall, we get Molech worship. Hello, Halloween, anybody? And it's at this time of the year where you get to give your first fruits. So if you were 12, 13, 14 year old girl, and it's your first trip to the. To the Bell orgy, guess when you become pregnant, you get to give your first fruits to Molech. And Molech was a statue of a bull. And in its lap was a fire burning actually underneath it. And they would drop the babies in through the lap. And. And if you look at what the Bible calls the Valley of Hinnom, which is right outside of Jerusalem, archaeology, archaeologists excavated this area not all that long ago. And this is one of the areas of. Of Molec worship. They found, I believe it was over 40,000 skeletal remains of children. Infants. The oldest being approximately two years old. [00:42:14] Speaker D: Wow. [00:42:15] Speaker B: Think about that. And they were burned. They were the, the skeleton, what they could ident, you know, they estimated what was there, but that they were the burned remains, the burned skeletal remains of these children that were offered to Molech. And that's just one place. That was the Valley of Hinnom. Molech worship was rampant throughout the whole area there, the whole area of Judea. And that's why the command was given to go in and kill all the Canaanites. Because the Canaanites were Molec worshipers. [00:42:51] Speaker A: Yeah, God. Matter of fact, God even said this never crossed my mind for them to do this. I never allowed it or said it to be done. Boom. And took his vengeance. [00:43:07] Speaker B: I never commanded you to pass your children through the fire. That was a direct, A direct correlation back to the child sacrifices of Molech. And when you go to. Oh, shucks, it just. [00:43:28] Speaker A: You know, it's there. [00:43:30] Speaker B: Elijah, Elijah, Elijah and Elisha. But Elijah with, with the bet, the contest of BAAL worshipers where, you know, fire was called down to heaven. It was a drought. Elijah called the drought on because everybody was turning to BAAL worship. Oh, you think bail's so great now. See what you can do. [00:43:48] Speaker A: Three years. [00:43:49] Speaker B: Yeah. And so that then they have the fire, you know, then they have the sacrifice. And the bell worshipers can't get their Bail to consume the sacrifice with fire. They go as far as starting to cut themselves and doing bloodletting. And Elijah say, well, maybe Bell's in the bathroom, you know. [00:44:08] Speaker A: Yes. [00:44:09] Speaker B: He can't hear you. [00:44:11] Speaker D: Hang on, hang on, Michael, hang on, hang on a second, because I have Maggie magazine in the background. So I don't want her to think that we're going to leave her out. And you can pick up. Let me get Maggie on and are you there, Maggie? You look like you're muted unmute. Well, when she's ready, she can make. She may have walked away for a moment. Go ahead, go ahead, Michael. [00:44:33] Speaker A: Leviticus and, and you're in there and it says do not cut yourselves or do those things. There's a reason why that command was given. And you know, and of course a lot of people are like, well, that was the Old Testament and, and not the New Covenant. God is doing a new thing. As he had told Elijah and he had told. I mean they predicted this thing. The Bible just proves itself over and over and over again all the way from the Old Testament to the New Testament. There's over 60,000cross references and everything else that just solidifies everything that happened. And this stuff, I, I don't care what kind of excuse that they make. I, I don't care what they say. The bottom line is, is is they have to repent. It doesn't mean that we don't love you. It doesn't mean we don't care for you. It means that what you are doing is still wrong in God's eyes, period. That's it. [00:45:31] Speaker B: Now. Yeah, and I, and I would agree with that. And it's not for us to judge because we're not that judge. But you know, God already said, hey, I give up. These people are what they are and there's nothing you're going to do about it. [00:45:45] Speaker A: Stiff neck. [00:45:46] Speaker B: They're the ones that, yeah, they're the ones that have to, that have to make the choice. But the thing of it is we are under the control of these principalities today, Bal Molok and Ashtoreth. And you know, when Hillary was running for president in 2016, she wanted to give a speech in the gateway of baal. They had an artist's rendition of the entrance to the temple of BAAL and she wanted to give one of her speeches from that, but they wouldn't let her do it. A little bit too obvious there, Hillary. But yeah, these people are BAAL and Molech worshippers and Ash to wrath worshipers. And then we, we have, as you had mentioned earlier, Michael, you, you've got Baphomet, which is, you know, a little part of this, a little part of that. And it's satanic, you know, part animal, part beast, part human, whatever the heck it is, but it is satanic. [00:46:49] Speaker D: And so it's a goat's head. It has the breast of a woman. I think it's a. No. Breast of a man with, with the genitals or whatever you want to call them. Of a woman. [00:47:02] Speaker B: Well, it. What, whatever it is, it is. And it's, it, you know, it's like. Yeah, okay, that, that's my sexual God there. Yeah, right. You, you've got derangement syndrome, you know. [00:47:19] Speaker A: And it is that. And like God has spoken so many times about Baal * and, and Moloch and he said, they cannot save you. They cannot do anything for you. They're false gods. They will never amount to what he is. They're, they're, they're nothing but the people. That's why we're having a spiritual warfare. [00:47:41] Speaker B: Okay, now I want to, I want to point. And, and there's your picture. Yeah. That there's. How many more, how many, how many of those critters you want running around? Yeah, hopefully you're on, you're watching here live so you can see what that beast looks like. But, yeah, or just go, you know, I'm sure just call it ghouls. [00:48:07] Speaker D: It is the brush. [00:48:08] Speaker B: It is. It's multi, it's multi species and probably multisexual too. Who knows, you know, but it's there and it's used as an image, is an idol to Satan. And so that's where it all comes out at. And so you've got this whole synagogue of Satan which is controlling the planet now. Think about that. Now, we haven't mentioned anything about religion. These are just, they, you don't have to be religious to comprehend what's written in the Bible. And I want to point that out because that is extremely important. You have to read the Bible. And if you don't comprehend what you're reading, then, okay, well, maybe you want to go, you know, find somebody who's knowledgeable enough to study the Bible that at least can guide you through it, write letters and ask questions. I'm not sure what else to say, but that there are certain things in the Bible which for a lot of people are difficult to understand sometimes. You know, I'm still decoding what's in there, even though I, I know what the scripture says. And I've had a lot of that happen. I, I've done a lot of decoding over the last three, three, four years, primarily of two chapters in Revelation, chapter nine and chapter 17, and everyone folding as we speak. [00:49:41] Speaker D: Peter, hang on. Yeah, I'm going to try to Bring Maggie. She's having a problem getting on, but I'm trying to bring her back on. Let's see what happens. [00:49:48] Speaker F: I'm here. [00:49:49] Speaker D: All right. [00:49:50] Speaker B: Good evening. [00:49:51] Speaker F: How are you? [00:49:53] Speaker A: Good, how are you? [00:49:54] Speaker F: Fine, thanks. Thank you. Roscala. How's everybody doing? [00:49:58] Speaker D: I'm doing good. Let me get good. Peter, you were Talking about Revelation 17, I think it was. [00:50:04] Speaker B: Yeah. And. And, well, I'll hand the floor over to Maggie here just a second, but, yeah, it's a matt. Maggie could tell you this. I've basically been living. If you look at just the finger oils on those page. On those Pages. Revelation chapter 9 and Revelation chapter 17 now. And I'll just touch this quick. We've talked about it before on the show quite a while ago, but Revelation, chapter nine starts off with a star which falls from heaven, is given the key to the pit of the abyss. And he opens the abyss, and it's like opening a blast furnace. And he releases this locust plague. Interestingly enough. Who do the locusts attack? Well, I'm not even going to get into what they look like, but who do the locusts attack? Those men who do not have the seal of God in their foreheads. Okay, which keep. Which would they be? We're going to come back to that in just a minute. But there's a king over. Over this plague. It's the king of the pit of the abyss, and his name is Apollyon or Abaddon in. In Hebrew, Apollyon in Greek, Abaddon in Hebrew, which is. Which means destroyer. So he. He's a king of the pit of the abyss, and he's a destroyer. Now, where's the connection? Revelation, chapter 17. The beast that was but is not it ascends out of the abyss and becomes the eighth world power. Oh, okay. So we'll. We'll come back to that in a little bit. I'm going to leave everybody hang that beast, Apollyon, which ascends out of the pit of the abyss, which is most likely Tartarus, which was opened when, in 2012, 2013, when they cranked up CERN and found the God particle. And we got the Mandela effect, that entity was released and is here on this planet. And there's a lot of evidence to that. And you have to look at who is in Tartarus. Who was put into Tartarus. Well, that was the watchers that. Those who. Those sons of the true God who came down to Earth and took women for themselves, all whom they chose and gave father and became the fathers to the nephilim. And so it gets very. We're interdimensional here. We're interdimensional and an extraterrestrial. Welcome to planet earth in the 21st century. So we'll come back to this, Maggie. It's a pleasure to have you on. [00:52:37] Speaker F: Thank you. So I understand it's. We're talking about revelation, and we were broaching on Halloween a little bit as well. And this is a very trying time of year for myself because I have so many friends and family who still participate in the traditions of Halloween, but they really don't have any idea as to how dangerous it can be for their children, because the origins of Halloween are Celtic in nature and they're pagan in nature. And there are so many different religions that apply to the quote, unquote, holiday of Halloween and also influence the actual holiday. And what I try to do with people is educate them, because I've had to do. I can't even tell you how many clearings for people who have picked up oppression or possession as a result of engaging in different Halloween activities. So while some people say to me, this is a wonderful time of the year, it's a chance for children to be children. It's like Christmas. This is for the kids. What they don't understand is that when they put on a costume, they're actually allowing something to come into their body. They're giving permission to something else to take over, and they're. They're basically giving permission for that entity to enter them. I had a case here in town in New York, where I'm at right now, and there was a child that had a Ouija costume for Halloween. They had gone to a thrift store. She couldn't decide what she wanted to be for Halloween, and she chose a long Ouija T shirt. And two days after she got the costume, she had put it on, showed her mom how it looked, and was in preparation for Halloween, there started to be activity in the house. There were two small children. The girl was about 12 at the time. The little boy was about nine. Nine, maybe at the time. And they started to hear thumps. They started to hear banging. The family was Christian. They proclaimed to be Christian, but they didn't pray at home as a family. And they didn't really understand the dangers of Halloween. And the girl was actually being scratched at nighttime in between her thighs. And the figure that appeared to her in her bed at night was a woman. And the woman would come into her room at night, and she thought that she was dreaming, but she Would awaken in the night and see this woman on the side of her bed. And she had these scratches on her inner thighs. And with demons, the strength of the demon is typically characterized by the amount of finger scratches. This creature had four finger scratches on the inside of the little girl's thigh. And even though it appeared to her as a woman, she was telling me her story. And she says, you know, this is a girl. It's a lady that's appearing to me. But it was sexually trying to penetrate her. So we have instances here of incubus and succubus energy. We have demonic energy. The house was. Doors were opening, cabinets were slamming. The little boy was afraid to go to sleep. And so when I explained to them what brought it in, we did some prayer and cleansing work. And as I walked through the home, I'll never forget it, I was in her room, and she had a long, tall mirror on a stand that swiveled so that she could look at her outfits in the mirror. And as I walked in to clear the room, Something spit on the mirror. And then we heard a loud pop. And it went. It disappeared. So I talked to the family, and I said, listen, we have to be really careful what we bring in. Even though you think a costume is innocent and okay, and it's a chance to pretend, especially particularly the type of costume that you chose, which was a Ouija board, can be very dangerous to your psyche and to your family. So I cleared her. She passed out for about. I want to say about 20 seconds. And when she came back to, she said she felt lighter. She wasn't afraid anymore. Her brother, when I got there, was hiding in his bedroom. And I asked where the little boy was when I first got to the house. And typically, when there's some instance of oppression and possession, that's what happens. They run and hide because they know that they're going to go away. They know that they're going to be clear. The little boy had woken up this morning. That morning and had been violently ill and was vomiting and very sick and claimed to be unable to leave his bed. When I got there, he actually came out of the room, looked a little pale, sat at the table. And when I looked into his eyes, I could tell that he was having some issues as well. And so as I prayed over him, his was a very quick release. He also felt better, lighter. And he told me that there was something that was floating up on top of his bed, too, but it was a dark shadow. He couldn't make it out. He couldn't tell what it was, but it frightened him. So I just got a message from that family probably two to three months ago. It's been five years since I did the clearing for them and cleared and blessed their home. And they've stayed in prayer as a family unit, and they've not engaged in any Halloween practices. And they've had no other negative instances to date. In fact, the mom was like, you know, you saved our family. And I said, no, I didn't save your family. You saved your family because you made the right choice. We all have free will. God gives us free will, and it's up to us to decide what's right and wrong, not only for ourselves, but for our children. But what I encourage everyone to think about is that this is All Hallows Eve. It's a very spiritual night for witchcraft, for Satanism, for sacrifice. There are many things that transpire on this evening, and it's actually one of the strongest witchcraft nights of the year. So when you engage in Jack O lantern carving, that's actually an old Irish legend that started from Ireland. And when you take that Jack O Lantern and you put it outside your house, you have to know the legend of Stingy Jack. Stingy Jack went up against the devil. And so the Jack o'lantern origin comes from his story of going up against the devil and being cursed. There's just so much that goes on at this time of year. And what I encourage people to do is just to stay in prayer and to pray at nighttime. And we have prayer groups that get together between the witching hours of 12 and 3 and pray against those that are doing the ritualistic prayers. So a little bit off of the revolution topic, but hopefully that will help or maybe start a discussion as to Halloween this Thursday. [01:00:33] Speaker B: Well, yeah, I appreciate that. And it's not that far off from the topic that we were going at a going tour because we started off with BAAL worship or actually the perversion that's going on on the planet today. Michael had brought that up. But, yeah, Halloween ties right in with Molech worship. They both done at the same time. So not only do you have the witchcraft which is being propagandized across the country, but you also have, at the core of that, human child sacrifice going on to Molech. And these are the people that are controlling this planet. These are the people that, as are talked about in Revelation, and we'll come back to this again later on when I'll tie all this together. But these are the people who are in Revelation 3. Nine, those from the synagogue of Satan. Oh, who claim to be Jews and are not, but are lying. Those are the Molec worshippers today. Could that be like the Khazarian mafia? Could those be the people that are behind the banking systems? The people that, that invented the state of Israel? The state of Israel is referred to as the house that Rothschild built. Go look at the names of the, of the streets in, In Tel Aviv. Most interesting. [01:02:05] Speaker A: But yeah, you can't serve God and money. It doesn't work. A lot of people don't realize that. Even when you go into Revelations and you're looking, you know, you have the seven. Seven trumpets. You also have the, the seven vials and everything. You have seven lampstands and seven stars. The lampstands are the seven churches, okay? And then the stars are the seven angels of those churches. It's very interesting how it ties together. And, and Elijah points that out. And when we're starting to see this stuff going on and we're seeing it today, and we're listening to these people saying it, and they're openly saying it, and people are buying it. [01:02:52] Speaker B: They're. [01:02:52] Speaker A: They're. They're taking it in and accepting it and buying it. And the bottom line is, you know, the Bible is filled with so much mystery. It's, it's. It's a wonderful love story, and it's poetically written and a lot of metaphors in it. But, you know, there comes another part with the two witnesses, you know, in chapter 11. And the witnesses. Is it Elijah? Is it. Who, who are the witnesses? Is it Moses? Is it Elijah? [01:03:27] Speaker B: Because no, you know, I'll tell you who the two witnesses are. They're you and me. [01:03:33] Speaker A: Well, they're. [01:03:34] Speaker B: Maggie, they were. They're a scholar. You see, you need two witnesses. Under Mosaic law, you had to have two witnesses before you could have any kind of conviction of anything. Otherwise, it was just an accusation. So two witnesses is biblically important. And, and yeah, yes, you're right. There seems to be a lot of mystery in the Bible. But you know what? Once you start to unravel the mystery and that, that's, that's what I've done. You know, at first I had to learn it and not, not just learn Scripture, but the biblical history within it and the progression. And then, you know, it's like sooner or later, you start to outgrow the Master because you keep on asking questions that the Master doesn't answer. And so now you can only get your. Your questions answered from Father. And so now you go under your own. You Go under divine direction into what we're supposed to do. But that's all because we're proactive in that. And we. We have that direct connection between us and Father. And then we're guided. We're guided by what controls the whole entire multiverse. And that's where we actually gain our power. That's where our spirituality comes in. Has nothing to do with religion. Religion is nothing but a sham and a racket. That's all it is. [01:04:57] Speaker D: Amen. [01:04:58] Speaker A: I wouldn't tell anyone to buy into religion. I would say buy into spiritual. Spiritual, because that's what you're fighting. And if you go all the way back, what happened with Adam and the woman? And a lot of people are saying Eve. Well, when did she become Eve? [01:05:14] Speaker D: It. [01:05:15] Speaker A: Was it before or after they ate the fruit? Well, we know that it was after she ate the fruit because first God went to Adam. And Adam, of course, blamed him and her. And he said, the woman you gave me and through tried to throw God under the bus and then threw the woman under the bus. And he said, what is this you have done? And she said, ah, the serpent had beguiled me. But there's a lot of wonderful poetic in it because first of all, how does a serpent talk? Second of all, why isn't a serpent already crawling on its belly? So what exactly is this serpent? Okay. [01:05:55] Speaker D: And it's a lizard man. [01:05:58] Speaker A: Yeah. Because then says, because of what you have done, I will put you in enmity between the woman you will now crawl on your belly and eat the dust of the earth. And it was really the death of Adam and the woman who became Eve because it was a spiritual death at that time. Understand, the Tree of life was in the garden and they never ate of it. And that's why God blocked it, was to make sure. Putting a cherubim there, kicking Adam and. And the woman or Eve out and making sure put a flaming sword going back and forth around the tree. That bond was broken and. But God still loved them. And how do you have proof of that? Because he sewed skin on them to cover them and, and let them live and. Go on. [01:06:51] Speaker B: So, Michael, you stop short of what you were quoting or reading from. You stop short there because you have the first prophecy, which is also given. That's right. And. And God's talking to the. The serpent at this time. And I'm going to make a correlation with the serpent in just a second. But he. He says, I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. And he will. And you will bruise him in the heel, but he will crush you in the head. Now that, that, that is actually an exopolitical statement and it has nothing, that woman has nothing to do with Eve, but it has it that we're now talking about, quote, God's woman or the way that the governmental layers are structured off planet, let's just put it that way, off planet. But we live in a 10 dimensional multiverse and we're dimensions 8, 9 and 10, the physical dimensions. We're the sum of all. And so that in itself is a show to explain the exopolitics of that and then how that carries down. But you see, it was that single thing. Adam and Eve both lost their perfect human DNA. Now they sinned, it had nothing to do with sex, had nothing to do with anything but them loot. Not, not. They didn't listen to the command of Father Yahweh and they lost their perfect human DNA. And it took Jesus to come back, or Yeshua, more accurately Yeshua to come back, be implanted into a woman's womb, be born a perfect human and then pay back that perfect human DNA. And keep in mind, where are you going to find perfect human DNA on Earth? Well, up until the time of Jesus you couldn't. It was off planet. Keep this in mind, keep this in mind. It has nothing to do with religion. It has everything to do with who we are being under attack from. Now today we picture them as the humans, you know, that are controlling the political system. You mean the principalities. Well, it goes a lot deeper. Yeah. And who are they guided by? Who is controlling who? What political figure is being controlled by Apollyon the Destroyer? [01:09:31] Speaker A: Well, it's the endemic covenant was terminated by man's disobedience when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, resulting in their spiritual and physical deaths. This, yes, failure was necessitated the establishment of the covenant with Adam. And we know God had at one point a great relationship with Adam. [01:09:58] Speaker B: How do we talk every day? Because would be part of the day. [01:10:02] Speaker A: Yeah. And when he asked them who told, who told you you were naked? It was a rhetorical question. It was a chance to give Adam the chance to repent and say I messed up. I ate from the tree, you commanded me not to eat of God. It's where are you? He knew where they were. God know, he's all knowing. So yeah, it's very interesting how this happens, but it is spiritual and people don't understand that there's a Lot of parallelism here. There's a lot of different things going on and you have to look in the background of everything and, and that's the hard beat. People just read the Bible and they go through it. But when you read it, you have to read it as a. Not only a love story, but a wonderful poetic. Put yourself there, immerse yourself in that spot, and I think you'll have a better idea. [01:10:58] Speaker B: Yeah. You see, what I started to comprehend what was actually written in the Scriptures is when I took out, when I reinvented my thought pattern and looked at the Bible from a scientific view and then things started to explain themselves. It's like, yeah, okay, but yes, we still have. What you're saying is correct. It's just looking at it from different viewpoints. I want to break everything down and know how it works. You know, when they discovered string theory was like, oh, I was right. And I actually was. Because I thought of that 20 years before they found it was a hypothesis of mine that all energy was essentially the same. It didn't matter where the energy came from. And so it all, and it all connects right back to the Creator. And so there's where spirituality starts coming. [01:11:46] Speaker A: In and interpretation, which is wonderful because the more that you read it, you, it will change. Every time you read it, you're going to see something else. [01:11:57] Speaker B: Yes. [01:11:58] Speaker A: Like this is my. [01:12:00] Speaker B: Another piece of the puzzle fits. Yeah, and I'll, I'll talk more about that later because we, you know, we brought up that. You brought up the numbers 10 and 7 and 10 a couple of times. How does that relate to the evil wild beasts in Revelation? The seven headed ten horn wild beast. I'll cover that later. But anyway, Maggie, why don't you give us some input on, on our spiritual connection. Oh, did she go? [01:12:25] Speaker A: No, she's there. She's there. I'm gonna let you guys talk. I just wanted to get in there and, and, and state that for. To stop the confusion that these people have today, that you have to understand it. And if you don't want to understand it, you've hardened your own heart. God is not hardening your heart. He doesn't want anyone to be lost. You choose to do that. It is your choice. It's called free will. And you're in a spiritual battle. But you better know what it is, because right now, in your mind, if you think you are what you, you know something else that's spiritual, baby. That's, that is not physical. It is spiritual. That's, that's just life. That's just how it is. But you guys, thanks for having me on. Pete, good talking to you. You too, Maggie. [01:13:12] Speaker B: My, My pleasure, Michael. Absolute pleasure. We get in some pretty good biblical discussions there. You ought to have me on your show sometime. We'll just take it apart. [01:13:23] Speaker D: I. [01:13:23] Speaker A: You know what? I. I love it. This is. Like I said, this is my fifth time reading the Bible. Every time I read it, it gets better and better and better. And I get so enthusiastic and excited about God's word. It's just incredible. And then you see the sheer power that he has. It's always, you're going to see conflict, and then you're going to see reconciliation, and then you're going to see conflict reconciliation. We know this with Cain and Abel. We know this with Esau and Jacob. We know. We know this all the way around. We saw this even with Abraham and Isaac. And I mean, it's just all the way down the line. [01:14:05] Speaker B: You're right. And we're going to enter a. A time of conflict, and then we're going to have that time period where we have a spiritual enlightenment. Right? And then we have a choice of what we want to make. Will I. Will we align ourselves with our creator or we go to go take down the wide path that leads to destruction? You see, as you said, it's a matter of choice. [01:14:39] Speaker A: You go. You go down that path once, you have two deaths. So if you die before he comes back, understand, you died once. And then if you get judged and you decide to take that wide path, you're going to die again. So. [01:14:53] Speaker B: And they know there's no coming back the second time. [01:14:59] Speaker A: Well, listen, you guys, God bless. Wonderful talking with you. Rich, thanks for having me on for a few minutes. [01:15:04] Speaker D: My pleasure, buddy. Anytime. You're welcome whenever you want. [01:15:08] Speaker A: Yeah, well, I'm. I'm grateful. Thank you guys. Good night, y'all. [01:15:11] Speaker D: God bless. [01:15:12] Speaker F: Good night. [01:15:12] Speaker B: Good night. [01:15:15] Speaker D: All right, anyway, Dr. Maggie. [01:15:18] Speaker B: Yeah, go ahead. [01:15:20] Speaker F: So I came out of left field with my intro because I didn't get to listen to the first part of the show. Peter had been talking about wanting to do something about Halloween. So I absolutely agree with Michael. The Bible, well, it's the living word. So the more that you study and the more that your heart is filled with the love for learning the scripture and for interpreting the scripture, you're going to be given what you need. And it may be in increments, it may be in bits and pieces. Peter's been studying since he was about four years old. But the more that we learn and the more that we have the desire to learn and the more that we have the heart to learn, we will be given knowledge. Just as Michael said, with each subsequent reading, each time he learns more and he learns more and he gets more. It's the same thing with both Peter and myself. With myself, it's more of a visionary thing. It's more of a prayer and meditation. And then things come to me. With him, it's more of a straight interpretation of the word as it's written. But however you glean that knowledge, it's so imperative that you always continue the search and you always continue to do it with an open mind and an open heart, because that's what allows you to progress. And it is truly a matter of discernment. There is so much in there. And we've had this conversation before many, many months ago, when I did my last show with you and Michael. And I can't remember if Peter was on or not, but it was at the inception of my starting shows on your network, Reskella, that there have been parts of the Bible that have been changed and left out as well. And these are the imperative things that teach us how we can heal our bodies. Jesus said to pray and meditate, but they don't teach us how to meditate in the scriptures that we have now. So. But it is a great guidebook and it helps us. And we do need to have the free will and discernment to continue on that path. And that's kind of where I was going from, if it sounded like I was coming from out of left field before, is because especially today with the times that we're not only living in, but the times that are approaching, it's very important that the families lock down their spirituality and they put the armor of God on every day. And even though things like Halloween can seem sort of innocent or just a holiday, these are things that we're going to be judged on later. And these things, little things, open up the door for big things to come in that aren't the most positive and that are possibly demonic, negative entities, interdimensional things. And that's where I was trying to go before. So I apologize if I kind of jumped right in and scrambled the eggs around a little bit and changed the whole top topic of conversation. Revelation. Michael was speaking to Revelation earlier, and it's my belief that the beast that was made to crawl on its belly was a dragon. Or you kind of alluded to the fact earlier with Scala, a reptilian being. So what are you guys thoughts about that, I agree. [01:18:34] Speaker B: Well, I, Yeah, it would make sense that it would be a dragon. And here's the reason why. What big insult would it be to a snake? You know, it's like, hey, I do this for a living every day, right? But a dragon, Leviathan, that would be a big insult. A big insult because that was, what, one of God's greatest creations, one of his favorite pets, you know, Leviathan, who could tame it. And so. Yeah, but now we get, we get confirmation of that when we get to revelation in chapter 12 where it talks about the scar, the. The fiery colored dragon that now has seven heads and 10 horns. And so now we start to look at the connection between the 7 and the 10. But, but Maggie, you brought up a good point. Because as far as us needing protection from these entities, and, and I, I've got to read the book. And what it says in, in Ephesians 6, 6, 11, how it actually talks about those entities, I'll do that in a minute, but I'll give you the floor here. But as this satanic system of evil collapses, say, you know, they, they round up these pedophiles. Let's say Beyonce, she claims that. Who? Roscoe, didn't you talk about this earlier? She. She claims to be possessed by spirit. [01:20:16] Speaker D: Somebody asked her about how. Because when she's not on stage, I don't know how it is now, this is. This is going back maybe seven or eight years ago when she's not on stage. She was a very shy person. And somebody asked her how. How do you get up and do all that? And she's. That's not me. And she even has a name for whatever this thing is. I can't remember what the name is. [01:20:37] Speaker F: Sasha Fierce. Sasha Fierce. That's her alter ego. Yeah. Yeah. [01:20:42] Speaker B: Okay, so, so, so let's say she. And I'm just using this for an example. I'm not saying. And this because there's a lot of these people that are possessed. Hello. Princess Diana said that. That the royals were reppies. I wonder why she said that. [01:20:59] Speaker D: Well, she said. She said they aren't human. [01:21:02] Speaker B: Yeah, they're not human. And she. She calls them the reppies. Why would she call them the reppies? But anyway, my, my point is this. If these people are found guilty of engaging in molec worship and child sacrifice, which is now really what we're headed for with Halloween, it's their time of the year, this is what they're going to be doing, or at least attempting to be doing. But if those people are found Guilty of that and. And put to death. Given the death penalty, where does Sasha Fierce go? [01:21:39] Speaker F: Oh, the way that I understand it is that in order for them to be famous, they have to sell their souls. [01:21:45] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:21:46] Speaker F: Beyonce is with Jay Z, and they're all part of that whole P. Diddy thing that's going on now. So the interview that she did years ago, she. She actually admitted that there was an alter ego and that she opened up. A lot of them do a ritual before they go on stage, and initially they'll do a ritual. And there was one other musician or movie star who said that she went to a mirror, looked in the mirror, and asked for the entity to enter her before her performance. And so these things come into their bodies and they take over for that performance. And Beyonce, as well as Madonna is another. As well as. There's another one. Gosh, I can't think of her name. They are all high priestesses. Oh, Taylor Swift. She's the other one. They're high priestesses, and so they all engage in ritual practice, but they've also all allowed, as have most that are successful in the industries, entities to come in and take over their bodies and full body possession in some cases. I'm sorry, Riskella, you were going to say something. [01:23:01] Speaker B: I was going to add something to that. And you. This ties in with what we were talking about yesterday, because it's come out that Taylor Swift isn't a she, it's a he. So is Lady Gaga. And Maggie, what you just said about them being high priestesses of who? Ashtoreth. Again, the whole premise behind all of this bal. [01:23:24] Speaker F: Ashtoreth is they want to push the. They want to push the dent or fluid fluidity. And the reason for that is just like the picture that Rascala put up earlier. That is a God that is neither male or female. It's androgynous. And that's the whole movement that they're pushing now. And that's why we have these movie stars that promote the sexualization, both of themselves, but also they promote their music to children. And that's why we have these operations to change the genders of children. That's why we have this huge push that we do and that we have had for several years, not only to sexualize our children, but to make them gender fluid, to have them have those operations and mutilate them genitally, to have them be part and parcel of this demonic movement. And that's why everything that we do is so imperative to protect or should be imperative to protect our children's psyches. You really need to watch what they're watching on TV and monitor it and what they're listening to, the music that they're listening to. And aside from that, the Hertzes that are put into the music that go back to Rockefeller, he's the one that instituted that they took the healing hurts is out of the music and they put this other Hertz into the music that is very demonic in Athens. [01:24:50] Speaker D: They took it from the ticket from. What was it, four? I think it was 442 or 432 to 442. [01:24:59] Speaker B: Yeah, 432 to 444 and a half or something weird like that. Yeah, yeah, they, they fractionalized it. So yeah, it's, it's interesting. Of course, you know, we don't realize that. I'm sure that there's algorithms that go across every computer screen and cell phone which affect us as well. And it's a algorithm that, it's like a satisfying algorithm. No matter what you're researching, it's like you can get lost in it because you want to find more. You want to find more. And people get lost on Tick Tock. People get lost on all sorts of different social media. And why? Because the algorithms coming across that, that's, that's old technology. They started doing that in 2002 and carpal tunnel syndrome went goodbye. Imagine that. [01:26:01] Speaker F: Not only is it addictive, but it's predictive programming as well. And if you watch these music videos, there is so much symbolism in these videos and in the rituals, like the, the football halftime. You've got the checkerboard, you've got the beast with red eyes. You've got them doing all kinds of sexual gyrations just the way that they're dressed. But Madonna, you know, they're doing these rituals right on stage in front of everybody and people are thinking this is entertainment. It's not. It's demonic worship right out there in the open. [01:26:37] Speaker D: What about the mocking of the, of the crucifixion upside down crosses or they come up on a cross. They'll show themselves on a cross. It's absolutely, you know, it's. I don't. [01:26:50] Speaker F: For me, they're laughing at us. They're laughing at us because they're selling this music and they're making tons of money. Some of these concerts, 3, 4, Taylor Swift, 800 bucks a ticket for you to go to her concert. Concert rather to be part of her ritual. And they're openly mocking you and making fun of your Faith in front of you. And these people are thinking that it's entertainment and they're flocking there by the masses. There's your discernment, or lack thereof, you see? [01:27:20] Speaker B: Yeah. And you, you know, every generation has gotten lost in it to some extent, but also every generation has gotten further and further away from God. And then it's like, you know, as we start to become mentally sober, I guess what, for lack of a better word, you start making that connection back to our creator. You're looking for something spiritual as opposed to something idolater. You know, that's idolatrous. But very few people actually come to that realization. You know, they're searching for something. They don't know what they're searching for, and they just know that, you know, it's like, okay, people don't like Trump, but they don't like the Democratic Party and Kamala Harris worse. So they'll vote for Trump. Somebody that they may have never voted for. I've heard that story quite a few times over the past couple of weeks as you close, as we're now in the election season. And so, you know, this all ties together because it culminates to our time period today. So. So when we open the book of Genesis and you start there, that, hey, guess what? The next stop is right where we are now. And all the prophecies that are with. Contained within there are applying to this time period in. In which we are living, where we're seeing unprecedented things happening, not just to the United States, but around the world. It's crazy out there. [01:28:56] Speaker F: Well, idolatry, the word that you used, is very important today, especially when we talk about the entertainment industry, because a lot of people don't understand that they're engaging in a form of idolatry when they're worshiping these musicians and they're worshiping these actresses and actors. So isn't that slippery slope? That's a form of idolatry, and a lot of people aren't recognizing that as well. [01:29:26] Speaker B: You brought up something before, which I want, which I wanted to mention and let you talk about it. How many. How many songs are written about the crossroads where musicians sell their souls to the devil? [01:29:41] Speaker F: Crossroads. And they're openly, you know, the lyrics are, you know, sold my soul and all of that. They don't hide anything. They're putting it right in front of your face. And peoples are worshiping them. Go ahead. [01:29:54] Speaker D: There was an interview with Bob Dylan. Some of the people probably don't even know who that is, but there was an interview with him and he was asked about how he got so famous and he got the. The whole. The whole. Am I trying to say that his whole appearance changed. He got very, very somber and very serious. And he said, I signed with the Big Man. I think it was the Big man is what he called him. And whoever it was that was asking him these questions said, who's the Big man? And he just said, the Big Man. I think the Big man is. I may be wrong, I'm paraphrasing, but it was a word, something like that. He was basically telling everybody that was watching or listening. He signed, literally signed a contract with Satan in order for him to be famous. And, yes, he regretted it. [01:30:54] Speaker F: Yeah. And there have been many musicians that have come forward and said very similar things in interviews since then. And also they've had to sacrifice a family member or a loved Antoine. There's a lady, Jaguar Wright, who's been making the rounds on social media. She's on a plethora of YouTube shorts, and she's got so many interviews out with so many people. [01:31:15] Speaker B: She. [01:31:16] Speaker F: She came out right about the time that. What's that other guy? Pete came forward. [01:31:24] Speaker B: Cat William. Cat Williams. [01:31:25] Speaker F: Williams, yeah. Yeah. And. And I just did a show on her. If anybody listened to my show this. Well, actually, it'll air. No, it aired yesterday on this network about her and whether or not she's telling the truth. But she brings forth so many instances of people that have lost loved ones during the course of her interviews. And she says that it's all. To become famous, they have to sacrifice. And she lost her son. She's a rapper and she lost her son. And they went to her son and asked her son to sacrifice her. He refused, and so they killed him, is her claim. But look at anybody. Look at Eric Clapton with his son. Anybody famous in music. Pretty much all of them have lost someone in. And even in acting. Keanu Reeves, we could just go down a list. They've all lost someone close to them, and they make it seem as though it was a tragedy, a car accident or a childhood illness or something terrible that happened to them. But in essence, that was their ritual sacrifice in order to either achieve or maintain their status. So, you know, you can get what you want with witchcraft and to become famous, but they will always take something from you that's very precious. Is it worth the price? [01:32:57] Speaker D: And it doesn't stop in the physical sense either. [01:33:00] Speaker B: No. And. And when you. When you look at all, just think for a second about all. All of these actors, actresses, famous people, as Maggie Said that, that have lost a loved one. They're all part of the club or at least the vast majority of them are part of the club. The part of the Satanic ritual club, the part of the synagogue of Satan. Yeah. [01:33:28] Speaker F: And part of the thing with P. Diddy, that's his whole thing is with that young child, Justin Bieber. He took young children and sexualized them and did horrible things to them. And all of the people, to my understanding that have come forward about him have said that he. Sex, he did heinous sexual things to them. The majority of them were men, so. And there was an interview that was done by a comedian I watched a couple of nights ago where he was approached but he turned it down. You know, he was on one of these guys couches or I don't know if it was Diddy or one of them and he says, oh, you want to have a contract? You want to be famous? And the guy put his leg up on the couch and spread his legs and he just was like, you know, I'm good. Walked away, however he puts it. But that's also something that you need to do is. And it's not just violated by one person typically it's a bunch of people and you're passed around and they say that's why Justin Bieber or any young child that's in stardom, that's why they have these mental issues that they do and they have these breakdowns and they're hooked on drugs is because to start off, this is what they're initiated into and then they carry that forward and then they do it to other people. It's just, it's a never ending cycle and it's just, it goes all the way back to the Old Testament. It's the same religions, it's the same playbook and they're putting it right out there in front of you. But you know, we just, we call it entertainment and think it's funny. [01:35:16] Speaker B: Right. Epstein island, we just went full circle there because that's where we started off with BAAL worship, that Bail ashtoreth and Molec worship. And that's exactly what we see going on today. Exactly. And it's not just in the entertainment, it's in the sports industry, it's in politics. [01:35:40] Speaker D: You know, it's in the symbolism of America. I read an article which was kind of depressing in a way because there was an article about the Statue of Liberty and that the statue had oh yeah, seven, seven crowns or something or seven points or whatever it was. It wasn't Good. But by the time I was I only read part of it. I thought can just do too depressing. This is something I've looked up to thinking that this is a symbol of liberty. And it looks like it's a satanic, some kind of satanic symbol. [01:36:15] Speaker F: Uses it as their introductory picture. The Columbia isn't a Columbia that's got the Statue of Liberty. [01:36:22] Speaker B: Yes, yes. It's actually the statue of Isis and the history of the Statue of Liberty. It was, it was actually supposed to go at the head of the or the entrance to the Suez Canal. And I guess Eiffel designed it or or built it. The same guy who did the Eiffel Tower. I forgot who actually designed the statue. It was somebody else who designed it. Eiffel built it. But it was a Masonic symbol to the goddess Isis and Egypt being Islamic said we didn't want that piece of crap here. Get it out of here. So they sent it to the United States and the Masons actually built the pedestal for it on what we now call Liberty island. And that's where it was erected. So the statue of Isis was put at New York Harbor. Isn't that interesting? Now I don't know if you remember Richard Hoagland years this was I think it was a symposium he put together after Comet ISON broke apart and Nelson Mando that hold nine yards he put together. This symposium was a $33 buy a ticket to listen to him spiel. Well eventually it made its way to YouTube and I watched it on YouTube. I don't know if it's still there or not, but Richard basically got diarrhea of the mouth and he spilled the beans and, and from what I understand he, he's had some run ins with one part of freemasonry moved to another part. But he said that once you reach 33rd degree and above that is the priest class for Horus, Isis and Set. Wait, H I s the same symbols displayed by the church. So they become the priest class. Yeah, the Catholic Church. So they become the priest class for Horus, Isis and Set. They're Egyptians, the Egyptian gods. What do we see in Washington D.C. it is an obelisk who's whose entire length right down to the bottom of of the footings is 660ft. 666ft tall from the very bottom to the very top. Oh, isn't that an interesting number, Peter? And then we find out. [01:39:10] Speaker D: I just noticed the base of the Statue of Liberty. Did you can you see it? [01:39:15] Speaker B: Yes. [01:39:17] Speaker D: I didn't know it was like that. I thought it was round or square or rectangle. [01:39:23] Speaker B: I'll. I'll tell you an interesting little story. You see what that pure go. [01:39:29] Speaker D: It's gotta be a simple. [01:39:31] Speaker B: It. It's a star. It's not your typical. It's what how many sided stars and eight sided star. I think. I think that there's. That. That's a connection back to the Knights Templar. I'm not. I'm not sure but, but anyway, you see that pier that goes out there? [01:39:52] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:39:54] Speaker B: Several years ago a friend of mine and myself bought a sailboat and we were up at what, by West Point? Close to West Point. We used to keep it just down the Hudson river from there. And we went out, we decided to go down to the Jersey coast in our sailboat and it was very viable. Was a 26 foot amphibicon made up in Maine. And we actually docked up. It was about 3:00 in the morning. We got to the Statue of Liberty and we. We docked up there and I. Nobody else was around. You know, it's closed down. I got out and took some pictures of the Statue of Liberty. Beautiful. It was really a great experience. And so you know, we went back in and we slept until sun up and the wind came up and. But before we could leave the dock over overcome the patrol. Okay, you folks gotta leave now. Yep. We saw you come in. They told us exactly what time we, we pulled up and you know, they watching us the whole night today they would just come over and arrest you, you know, but, but it was funny. They, you know, they just said yeah, yeah, both, you know, launch a missile across and sink your boat with you in it. So. But yeah, that, that's just an interesting experience. That was a great night. But. And then we had some great sailing. The wind came up and we left New York harbor and. And off we went into the Atlantic. That was a lot of fun. [01:41:25] Speaker D: But anyway, we have all of these all around us, all these symbols of the dark matter, the dark side, dark energy, Luciferian, Satanists, whatever label you want to put on it. And, and it literally, sometimes it's literally in our face, even on the dollar bill. I'm sure people looked at the back of the dollar bill and seen the pyramid back there with the top of the pyramid cut off and there's an eyeball in there. What is all that about? That's about the. Is it the Eye of Horus? Is that, is that what it is? Yeah, the all seeing eye. Yeah. And that's. That's a cult. That's A. A satanic symbol. [01:42:09] Speaker F: Well, look at your Starbucks emblem. It's a siren, which is supposed to be a mermaid, but it's actually a demonic symbol. Monster has 666. Disney has 666 in its logo. Amazon, Netflix, all of those. What about the cube of Google. [01:42:28] Speaker B: The. [01:42:28] Speaker F: Cube of Saturn in New York, and there's a cube on a couple different places on the planet, but there's that giant one they just put in New York. There's Shiva at cern. It's everywhere. It's everywhere. And we just don't know where to look. The checkerboard pattern, the black and white, that's all over. [01:42:47] Speaker D: So from what I understand, they have to buy their crazy laws. They have to tell people what they're going to do before they. Before they do it. And I have seen example after example after example of that, where they. They warn the people one way or another. The Simpsons are one of the ways that they. They do it. They do it through video, through audio. Excuse me, through music, through mute, through movies. And they. They tell you what they're going to do before they do it, and that way. Something to do with the law of karma. I'm not real clear about the whole thing, but it's kind of, sort of like if we're standing alongside of each other and I tell you I'm going to kick you and you don't do anything, and I kick you and then you go, what'd you kick me for? You didn't say I couldn't kick you. I told you I'm gonna kick you. You didn't say no, it's actually. [01:43:36] Speaker F: Well, it's free will. See, if you don't do anything about it and they tell you and you don't act upon it, then if you don't do anything about it, that's your silent approval. [01:43:48] Speaker D: Right? [01:43:48] Speaker F: So you're giving them permission to do it. [01:43:50] Speaker D: Yep. [01:43:51] Speaker B: Yeah. And that. That law, it's actually you. I guess you could call it a cosmic law, because Father, Father Yahweh set it out in the beginning when he said. He said, I will not do anything without letting my people know first. That's why he had the prophets to let them know, you know, if they didn't change their ways, this is what was coming. And so he said, I will not. Will not make it happen until my people knows first. So that's a cosmic law. And so before the satanic movement can do anything, they have to let you know first in some sort of symbology and whether you think it's entertainment. Because most of the time they let you know, in entertainment, you know, you say, haha, he he, ho ho. You know, that was a great movie. Or you know, go to that good Simpsons episode because I, I like the one that ends with New York City underwater margin, Homer diving. And below them is New York City, which is interesting because if you go to the largest Masonic temple on the planet, which is St. John's the Divine in New York City. And look at their columns. There are two distinct columns that shows a tsunami coming over the Brooklyn Bridge and coming over what was the World Trade Center. You know, they got the World Trade center, there was a wave coming over the top of it and predictive programming. Interesting. So yeah, they gotta tell you, once they tell you, as Maggie said, you don't do anything about it. That's your free will. You know, if I said, yeah, I'm gonna kick your ass, you don't get ready to defend yourself, I'm gonna kick your ass. And that's all there is to it. [01:45:44] Speaker D: Part, part of it is we don't realize they're telling, you know, we don't realize that you're being told. So you think that like for I go back to the Simpsons, it was just a cartoon. We're just watching. It's entertainment. What are you talking about? They make it minimal to you, but it's actually maximum. [01:46:02] Speaker F: Yeah, it's all under the guise of entertainment. In literature, there are many examples, even in modern literature. When I was helping with a local school, the English teacher was a young girl and she decided that she was going to put in some contemporary literature. And she gave the children a choice of five or six books that they could read. And the futuristic books that are out there now are absolutely incredulous when you look at them and you read what the futuristic books say it's going to be like in the future. They're already implementing those standards in today's society and have been for quite a while. Books like the Giver by Lewis Lowery is one that I would recommend people read. Ready Player One is another one that she had high school students reading and Divergent Allegiant, that series, meta Facebook is a very dangerous thing. And if you read, there's actually a movie out for diversion. And Ready Player One, if you ever get a chance to pick up and watch that movie or read the book, I would suggest that you do so because there's a lot of truth in that movie insofar as where they would like for us to go. The meta Facebook is a platform where they tout how you're able to, you know, create this cartoon kind of figure avatar where you can talk to your family and you can go to, you know, Bali or different places that you'd like to visit and you're not financially able to go to in the real world. So you can go virtually and visit these places and do all these wonderful things. This is where they'd like for us to go. There was a famous man, a bad man, that said, you will own nothing and be happy if they have their way. What they'd like for us to do is be tied to our computers so that everybody's in their little shoebox apartment where you have nothing. And you have to follow their rules and follow their laws in order to earn tokens or to have money or chips or whatever it might be. To be able to enter the virtual reality world where you can escape your actual physical reality in which you have nothing. To be able to go to Bali or to, you know, go see the top of Mount Everest. This is where they're putting us. This is where they want us to go. And it's all tied into with the chips in the head and the microchips and this virtual reality that everybody think is such a great technology. They're prepping us so that. That will be, if they have their way, our reality. [01:48:59] Speaker B: You're in your apartment to the Matrix. [01:49:01] Speaker F: Yeah. Welcome to the Matrix. And that's your life. [01:49:04] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:49:05] Speaker F: You know, it's physical travel. You won't be able to go outside your city. They're building these smart cities for a reason. It's to keep you contained. Like a zoo of animals where everything's there. They're taking away the. The cars. They want to take away the cars and make electric cars or you have have to ride a bicycle. These smart cities where your doctor, your beautician, your shopping mall, everything's inside of this little tight city. Why? Because you're nothing more than an animal in a zoo. You can't physically go anywhere. Right. You don't have money. Yeah. And you'll be tied into this metaverse. Ready? Player one. Check it out. If you haven't. Divergent, the Allegiance series. There's so much truth in all of that. And these are books that they've been touting to our children for years. The kids know more about what they want to do to us in the future just by reading these novels than we have any clue of. It makes 1984 look like a comic book. Some of these novels, it's incredulous. [01:50:10] Speaker B: You know, I mentioned Dumbo Land and there's an interesting connection here. Dumb Dumboland is actually somewhere around six, eight years ago. Dumbled's right at the base of the Brooklyn Bridge. And you know what I said about St. John the Divine with the church crashing over the Brooklyn Bridge? Well, right at the base of the Brooklyn Bridge. Oh, what, Maggie, what's Trump's son in law's name? The Kazarian? Derek Kushner. Yes. [01:50:45] Speaker F: Yeah, yeah. [01:50:47] Speaker B: Park Avenue. Yeah, yeah, Fifth Avenue, I think it is. Or is it Park Avenue? One or the other. But he, he bought. But what's interesting is for, I don't know, somewhere around a hundred years, the Watchtower Bible and Track Society, Jehovah's Witnesses had their world headquarters right there at the base of the Brooklyn Bridge. And they sold it all and moved upstate. And Jared Kushner bought the main, the main area. And those buildings are all connected either through skyways or tunnels, and he turned it into what he called Dumbo Land. I don't know why they picked the name Dumbo Land, but they put in really nice parks around there. And this is right at the base of the Brooklyn Bridge. And that, that whole area is now an enclosed society. All your offices are there, all your dot, your doctors, you know, they have specialists and anybody that you would need is there. And the other parts of the building are converted into condominiums, very expensive condominiums. So it's okay. So, you know, there's your models for what they want to do. Now how much money are you going to spend to live in in an enclosed, you know, you go out, you go through the parks, you enjoy life right at the base of the Brooklyn Bridge. And so now all you gotta do is hook up to your computer so you don't have to cross the Brooklyn Bridge to go into the city to carry on your business. But most people probably, you know, might. But it's an enclosed society they shut off from the outside world of, you know, Brooklyn, New York. Interesting little factoid though. So those areas already exist that there's another one on just north from where the World Trade center is. Was. Well, it still is the World Trade center tower, just up the Hudson River a little ways. There's a whole nother community that they put into there, which is the same thing. It's right along the Hudson River. They built a couple of high rises, condominiums, all enclosed. You got your apartments upstairs and all your business downstairs, self contained. [01:53:10] Speaker F: That's what they're, that's what they're pushing towards the chip and the social credit scoring. [01:53:16] Speaker B: There was an area. I'll let you talk more about this, but there's an area in upstate New York that. That. It was up in the Catskills, and it was tucked away. There's what they call the Jewish Alps, and that's an area basically in Sullivan county, where a lot of the Jewish population would go for the weekend. It's just what it is. I lived in that area. We had what was what they called on Friday afternoons, you had the Hasidic 500. A line of traffic coming out of the city, trying to get upstate quick before the sun set. Yeah, it was crazy there. But just past this area, you know, all of a sudden, you're back in the sticks and really sticks, and it's Kerhungson, and there's a prison there. And it was just, you know, old farmland that overgrown a couple of houses. Maggie, what are they calling that area now? [01:54:23] Speaker F: The Kerr Hamptons. So what's happened is so many Covid that lived in the city realized that, my gosh, if I'm going to work at home, instead of being a Crampton apartment building in Brooklyn, I'm gonna go upstate and buy a place and be able to work from home in the beauty of nature. And so a lot of people, like family and friends that have properties on, say, Long island, they're selling their homes out there for a million bucks, coming up to upstate New York or to CNY or to any other region. And they're buying what used to be a modest home, which is now overinflated, a ranch house, you know, 1280 square feet selling for 325, 400,000 with a postage stamp lawn, maybe a little bit of property. And they're pumping another fifty hundred thousand dollars into it to make it suitable to their lifestyle so that they can live with their crystal chandeliers in the way that they're accustomed to living in the city. And they still got 400,000 in the bank. It's insane. But, yeah, the Kerhamptons, which was pretty much the butthole of the world. I mean, when I was growing up, there are places in the Catskills that nobody went to. There was nothing to do. There was nothing to see. Was beautiful country. But the kids couldn't wait to graduate and get out into civilization in the real world, where they were shopping and entertainment and things to do for young children and young adults. And now there's a woman that I spoke to. There's an in going by Woodstock, actually, I Had the opportunity to visit Woodstock, revisit Woodstock again. I used to go there frequently as a teen and, you know, visit the little town there. It's quite eclectic. And now that whole area has become infiltrated with people from the city and they've got, like, for Coxon, for example, they've got farmland that's been, you know, five, six generations. The woman was telling me that live there, that she has a very modest home, an old farmhouse, and her children have to live with her because they can't afford to pay $3,000 a month left to live in this little town because the people have come up from the city and they've put in multi million dollar homes right next to these dilapidated farmhouses, driven up the taxes and. Yeah, it's the Kerhamptons now. So interesting. Covid's done so much to take away not only our freedom, but to affect us mentally and just the prices of real estate. Everything has gone so crazy under this administration as a result of COVID that it's just. It's very distressing on some points to see, but it's also beauteous if we look at this from a positive perspective. Perspective, because this is our chance as a society to join together collectively as a whole and come together and stand for what we know is right, but also to support each other. And if you see somebody that's having, you know, a mental issue or having some kind of depression or anxiety or struggling, you know, what's it, what's it going to hurt you to shovel a neighbor's lawn or throw them 10 bucks if they're at the line and they don't have enough money to feed their family and a short $10 on the grocery bill or to help somebody that, you know, needs assistance in the community, it's really an opportunity. Instead of being negative about it and taking it where they want to go, to come together energetically and raise the vibration and stay in prayer and do what Jesus did. Jesus didn't get paid for what he did. Right. So it's pretty simple, really, in essence. And I think that if enough people did that collectively, we'd be a lot better off right now. And that's just. That was my soapbox moment for the night. [01:58:28] Speaker D: Wow. [01:58:30] Speaker B: No, I would totally agree with what. With what you said, Maggie. And that's part of what you do is to, you know, help people with issues and people. More people have issues today and it ain't going to get any better, at least not for a while. You know, if you look at what We've been through. And then look at all the insanity that's going on over the election and where we're supposed to wind up with this. You know, you've got a collapsing dollar. But it's a strange situation because the dollar is still the world's currency. Bricks is trying to get rid of it. You know, it's like trying to get rid of cockroaches. And you don't know why deals are being cut behind the scenes on this, but they, they know what the potential is if, if you took all the dollars that were outside the United States and shipped them all back to the United States, you. You put a roll of twenties into your bathroom because it would be cheaper than buying a roll of toilet paper. I actually, years ago, I ran, and this is a great story for this time, for what we may be facing now. I say may, May. But I ran into an old man and I held the door. You know, he was shuffling the door open for him, and he thanked me, and I noticed a distinct German accent. And, you know, having German heritage, I engaged him for a moment, and out of all the things he could have told me, he told me at one time he was worth 6,800,000,000 marks. And it wasn't worth the paper it was written on. 6,800,000,000 marks. And he was broke. [02:00:30] Speaker D: Man. [02:00:30] Speaker B: Think about that. Yeah. So, you know, you're gonna see a. A juxtapositions in something that Maggie and I both talked about for eons since we had radio shows is get ready for change. Get ready for a time when, guess what? Your money may not buy you a whole lot, but, you know, if you have a, at least somewhat of a food supply, you'll be able to get through it. Okay. So it comes down to eating, you know, beans that are out of date and a bag of old rice. You know, hey, it's better than eating the, you know, eating grass or eating birch bark or something. It's. It's nutrition. It's a whole protein. But if you don't have that, what are you going to do? Eat your silver and gold. [02:01:26] Speaker D: Not gonna taste very good. Don't go very far. [02:01:30] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:01:34] Speaker F: You know, organic garden and share what you grow, you know, and one person might be really good with his crop this year as far as a squash yield. And you might have done well with your broccoli. So you trade and you barter and you work together. And if he can't, if this guy can fix your vehicle and you can help him fix his roof, you know, these, this is really where we need to be gearing for. We need to be developing our tribe, as it were, and we need to be coming together, in my opinion, and working together and forming little networks. But also, people need to be going to their community meetings. They need to be going to their school boards. They need to be going to their local political rallies and standing together and speaking up. And, you know, we go the way of the Kamala route. I just was watching a. A short on Instagram before the show about a man whose wife went to protest at an abortion clinic. She's gotten like three years in a federal prison and has more children at home for praying. [02:02:41] Speaker D: For praying in front of a. An abortion clinic. And they said the reason that they. I don't know where all that noise is coming. A lot of noise coming in. I think it's coming in from there because coming in from Maggie. Something going on on your end. She was the reason they arrested her. Their reasoning was she was blocking the. The entrance or something, some silly thing. For that, you get three years. Let's say that they're right. Let's say that she really was blocking the entrance. She was standing right in front of the door, not letting anybody in. That's three years of your life. That's not a. Like a ticket. You know, you get a. I can't think of the word. And you show up in court, oh, no, no. We're gonna arrest you, treat you like a criminal, like a hardened criminal. It's disgusting. [02:03:33] Speaker F: Have you heard about the DOD 5240.01 that's allowing that. Say it again. The DOD directive that they just passed, it's 5240 0. [02:03:47] Speaker D: Yeah. So they can kill American citizens. They can shoot at. Shoot at the American citizens. Why would they pass that? Obviously they're expecting some kind of an uprising. Is. Is it possible that they are planning to overthrow this. This election? If we even have an election. They're planning to overthrow it. And they know that if they do overthrow it, there's going to be all hell is going to break loose from what? [02:04:19] Speaker F: They can use deadly force against the citizens of this country. It just passed. It was put into effect. I think it was 9:27 that this went through. So. [02:04:32] Speaker B: Yes. And so they think that's interesting timing because when you look at the Hurricane Helena which hit Appalachia there in North Carolina, I've heard nothing good coming out of that area. As many as 30 to 40,000 people have died in that. And then allegedly FEMA came in and caused all Sorts of issues which led the local sheriff's departments, which is the ultimate law, deputize militia, essentially. And I keep on hearing the same thing. There's a mini war going on in Appalachia. Yeah, yeah. And so there's already a civil war going on. Now, exactly how that's gonna end. It already hasn't ended well to begin with, but exactly the culmination of all that. Who the heck knows? I doubt it. It's going to cool down sooner or later. But you picked the wrong part of the country to turn around and try to intimidate, because I live there. And I'll tell you what, I've been all over this country in half of Canada, and the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina are absolutely gorgeous. That they are probably the most picturesque place I've ever been. And I lived there for several years. I know what the people are like. And it's. You're in the mountains. And I won't use the word hillbillies, but I'm going to tell you something. Nobody attacked the mountains during the Civil War. And I'll guarantee the Civil War is generationally still going on in the mountains, because I lived there. And there wasn't a day that went by where you didn't hear somebody talking about damn Yankees. Oh, you mean the Yankees who moved down there and lived aren't just passing through to spend their money? Oh, no, those are the goddamn Yankees. Yeah. Which I was one. So I became a rebel within a rebel clan. It was an interesting period of time in my life, to say the least. And everybody's got guns there. What, are you kidding me? You're gonna start, you're gonna start nonsense. And everybody's armed. [02:07:07] Speaker D: Not only, you know, not only did they cause all kinds of issues, they actually stole donations and stopped people. They, they threatened a pilot, a helicopter pilot who was giving of his own time and his own equipment to go in and help people. He found an elderly couple. The, the husband needed more attention than the. Than the wife. So his, his co pilot is his son. He leaves his co pilot behind, gets the man on board, takes him to a place where they can help him, and upon getting ready to leave, he's. He's approached and told, you cannot go back. What do you mean I can't go back? You go back and you will be arrested. And his answer to them was, I'm not leaving my co pilot behind, who happens to be his son. So I am going back. I believe, if I'm not mistaken, he went back, got the lady and, and his Son. And I don't know if they ever arrested him or not, but just the very fact that they. Why would you threaten someone who's going to literally more than likely save someone else's life? You're going to threaten them for that? [02:08:17] Speaker B: Yes. And then there's. There's the whole underlying stink of the lithium and quartz deposits that are there and the interest that Black. That Blackrock and Vanguard have in that property. And from what I understand, Kamala had assigned the approval for the mining operation by Al. Al. Albemarle Global. I believe it is Albemarle Global. And her husband is a major investor in that. Oh, isn't that so damn convenient? So you know. Yeah, I'm sorry, Maggie. [02:08:58] Speaker F: No. The truckers that were trying to deliver a supply, they had these antifa type people that were coming in and slashing the tires so the truckers couldn't deliver the goods. And then it just. Recently, Kamala Harris did a photo op. There was a National Guard North Carolina unit. She had them load a C17 plane full of supplies for the photo op to bring help to the citizens, ostensibly. And when the photo op was over, the plane never left the ground. Yeah. And that's a fact. That had just happened. There was a military person who came in and broke the story. I just heard that earlier this evening as well. Here's the problem. 52 million Christians say they will not vote in this upcoming election because they do not like either candidate. 52. 2 million Christians. [02:10:01] Speaker D: How sad. [02:10:02] Speaker F: Right now. [02:10:05] Speaker D: Wow. [02:10:06] Speaker B: Now, how do the prophecies play out in all of this? [02:10:14] Speaker D: Peter. Hang on, hang on. Hold the thought for just a second. I've got to refill my cup. So I'm gonna. We're gonna take a quick break and maybe just a two or three minute break and we'll be right back. Don't go away. I gotta refill my cup. And we'll give you guys a chance to. If you want to get your cup refilled as well. Here we go. [02:10:47] Speaker E: Talking my words cut deep. We gotta take a stand and fighting hand in hand. Hide behind your lies and your disguise. It starts with you and I. To keep the love alive. You gotta change with your sense of dignity. No hate. We gotta act differently while Wait. Be the positivity. Oh, stand up. We have enough. Change with your sense of dignity. No, hey. We gotta act differently while wait. Be the positivity. Stand up. We had to go whoa, whoa. Scrolling down our feet. No, we just can't escape it. Don't choose to feed the simulation worth More than what the people saying ignore toxic manipulation don't be fooled by everyone behind the scenes honest pain just makes me want to see. You gotta change where's your sense of dignity? No, hey, we gotta act differently while waiting the positivity up we had enough change where your sense of dignity no hate we got to act differently why wa be the positivity I'll stand up. [02:12:46] Speaker F: We have enough. [02:13:00] Speaker E: You gotta change where's. [02:13:03] Speaker B: Your sense of dignity? [02:13:04] Speaker E: No, hey, we gotta act differently why wait Be the positivity all stand up we had enough you gotta change with your sense of dignity no hate we gotta act differently while waiting the positivity stand up we have enough change where. [02:13:32] Speaker A: Your sense of. [02:13:35] Speaker E: We gotta act differently while wait stand up we had enough. [02:13:56] Speaker A: And we're back. [02:13:58] Speaker B: Hope you didn't go too far because we have more interesting and thought provoking. [02:14:03] Speaker F: Information for you coming up on the. [02:14:06] Speaker D: Red Pill reality show. All right, we are back. Okay, Peter, I'm back to you, my friend. [02:14:17] Speaker B: Well, we're living in a very interesting time, to say the least. And Maggie and I have discussed this a lot of different times, different ways. And so, Maggie, if you want to chime in along this, feel free, but it's where we are in the stream of times, what we're actually seeing here. And as I mentioned earlier in the show, you know, I mentioned a couple of different things as far as Revelation, chapter 9, Revelation 17, how they're connected. You also have 13 and 16 connected as well. And. But you know, the great thing about the Revelation is nothing is in chronological order. It's all piecemeal. And you have to be cognizant enough of what's written there in order to put it, put it together and make sense of what things are happening and when. And Maggie tell you, I. I spent parts of three years just researching two books, going back and forth and back and forth and seeing what the scholars, the quote scholars had to say and looking at the different references and then say, no, you're all wrong. It's not that at all. Now you stick your neck out on the chopping block for that, and then you present your case, and the people who are supposed to be in the know can't argue because it makes sense. Once you start to put things together, it makes sense. Like, Maggie, you mentioned Shiva before, who is the Indian God of destruction. And you've got Apollyon, who was released from the pit of the abyss, the king of the abyss, who is the God of destruction. He's the king of destruction. The king of the pit of the abyss connection. Yeah. Hello, Mandela effect. And so you, you now look at that. Now where does this king of the pit of the abyss go? Well, when you go into revelation, chapter 17, you have the eighth king, the, the beast that was, but is not. Now, anytime a beast is mentioned, it's a government, some sort of government, and mostly it's been referenced to the seven world powers. Now we're going into the eighth world power. And so here is the, the, the beast which ascends out of the abyss, the beast that was but is not ascends out of the abyss. And the people of the world look admiringly at this beast. And this beast actually springs from the other seven world powers. It's an ace world power, an eighth king. Now the beast that it ascends from is the scarlet colored wild beast with seven heads and ten horns. Think about that. Seven heads, ten horns. And there's a reason for the seven heads and ten horns. A seven is a spiritually complete number, you would think. Why would this be said, be spiritually complete? Because God has used this beast throughout history to carry out his will, that's why. The same thing with the beast that ascends out of the sea. Seven heads, ten horns. Why seven heads, ten horns? Because his will has been carried out. Now, well, what about the great dragon? Seven heads and ten horns. God's will has been carried out. You see, now we go back to Genesis. It's time for the head crushing. You see the bite in the heel, the bruise in the heel, that that was received by the seed of the woman was. When Jesus was put to death, his physical body was put to death. That was painful. But where did he ascend to from there? To become king of kings and lord of lords. Let's put that off to the side for a second because we're still dealing with this 8th World Power, the Scarlet Colored Beast, and 8th World Power, which puts together a coalition of 10 kings who do not yet have a kingdom, but they give their power to and support to the wild beast for one hour. Now, what do they do for that one hour? Now this is, you know, this is God's timing. Not, not a literal hour. Well, it's interesting. They go and they destroy Babylon the great. They strip her bear, they eat her fleshy parts and they burn the rest with fire, and she is no more. Now, there's correlations as you go back through scripture, because who destroyed Babylon originally? Well, it was Cyrus the Great, the Medes and the Persians attacked Babylon without hardly firing a shot. And, and took the city over and captured the kingdom in one night. Correlation for today could be. Could be because it's only a short amount of time that this beast, this eighth world power stays into place. But here's the interesting thing. You know, a lot of people have followed Q. Right? Yeah. I love this revelation. Qq. What does this beast carry out? That they're, they're carrying this out to destroy Babylon the Great. And I've said for over 10 years, how do you bring down a religious empire? You let the children speak. Oh, what's becoming public knowledge? Child trafficking. What happens to children? Hello. Adrenochrome. And so all of this is going to start to come out and be exposed. And we already know that there's a problem with pedophilia within the church. Come on, it's almost bankrupted the Vatican, at least on paper anyway. And do any of these priests go to jail? Very few. They just could shuffle to another arch and another diocese and carry on what they're doing until they die, whatever. But here's an interesting thing. Revelation. Qq. Revelation 17. 17. And, and why, why is what's going on going on? Okay. For God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out their one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast until the words of God will have been accomplished. So, you know, whether you believe that Trump really had an assassination attempt or whether it was all theater, you know, I don't think that they could, that they will ever truly assassinate Trump if he's carrying out the will of God. Now, I didn't say he was God fearing and that he's, you know, the second coming of Christ or anything, anything like that. I'm saying he's part of this wild beast, the destroyer. The destroyer who's coming to destroy the Satanic empire. What do you mean, the Satanic empire? There's a connection here. You know, let's make this connection first. In Revelation 13, it talks about this wild beast. And we can historically explain this. We go back into. It actually starts off 200 years ago, but, and I'll explain that in a second. But Revelation 13 starts off by talking about this beast that ascends out of the sea. And I, I like to include the Sea of Turmoil here. It has seven heads, ten horns, and upon its horns ten diadems, but upon its heads, blasphemous names. Now, the wild beast that I saw was like a leopard, but his feet were as those of a bear and its mouth was as a lion's Mouth. And the dragon gave to the beast its power and its throne and its authority. Now who is the dragon skull called wild dragon which gets cast down to earth? Satan's empire, now locked here on earth, gives his power to this wild beast. Well, where does this power come from? Let's look at it historically. When did it happen? Somewhere around oh, 1919. But it actually the history goes further back because after the Napoleonic wars they tried to do the same thing and that was to establish a governing body over Europe. When I say they, the Rothschild F family. And it was. And they were redrawing the lines in 1816 at the First Congress of Vienna and they wanted to implement a basically, what is the European Union now? But the Czar of Russia said, I don't want to be part of your club. I'm taking my money and gone. I'm going home. Well, Meyer Amshel, Meyer Rothschild that told the Czar of Russia, my descendants will see your descendants wiped off the face of the earth. Fast forward the clock 100 years. 1919, we get the Bolshevik Revolution funded by the Oppenheimers and the Rothschilds. And what do we see happen? The Tsar's great grandson, Tsar Nicholas, him and his family wiped off the face of the earth, they're murdered by the Bolshevik Revolutions, funded by the Oppenheimers and Rothschilds. At the end of the First World War, what do we see come into power? A multifaceted beast that represents the world. And you can kind of say that tongue in cheek with the League of Nations. When it was created, I think it was actually 1919 into 1920 when they actually took power. And President Woodrow Wilson wrote the charter for the League of Nations and tried to get Congress to join. And Congress had just gotten their nose bloody in World War I and said we don't want to be any part of that club. Oh, what happened? We got World War II, Congress voted to become part of the club. And you get the United Nations. And so here we've got this composite beast. And so out of the United nations we get who. Yeah, thank you. And all sorts of three other three letter organizations generated by a satanic an empire that's being run by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, by Satan worshipers. And so we've got infiltration. And these people were what? They were given the throne. They were given the throne of the wild beast. And so they have the right to rule and they turned us into a Satanic empire with Satanism being obviously the order of the day. Got any children you need sacrifice? Halloween's Coming up. And so that's where we are, molech worship. And so. But what happens to this? Well, it kind of. It talks about it getting a death stroke, but then it gets healed. That was World War II. And it comes back as the United Nations. What happens then? United States joins the United nations and Israel becomes a state. How about that first order of the United Nations? To make Israel the future, to make Israel the homeland of the Jews. And that what came out of the First World War, the Balfour Declaration, which gave that permission to happen. And so you can now start to build the history into the prophecy to see what's taking place. Now the interesting thing where we are right now is in Revelation 16, Revelation 16:10. And these are the bowls of anger, God's anger, which is being poured out. And what happens? Well, the fifth angel poured out his bowl upon the throne of the wild beast. Oh, the throne that it had gotten from the Satanic empire. The fiery colored dragon. Yeah, that's the throne. And so that ball of anger gets poured out upon the throne of the wild beast and its kingdom became darkened. And they began to gnaw their tongues for their pain. But they blasphemed the God of heaven for their pains and for their ulcers, but they did not repent of their works. Interesting. Now what's interesting about this is that the Babylon the Great, the false religious empire which has controlled humanity since Babylon, ancient Babylon, back to during the days of Babel that has been controlling the majority of the planet today. Run out of the Vatican. Then you got the city of London, controls our financial. And Washington D.C. the District of Columbia, which controls the military. End of this. And it's now that this is all coming to an end. That bowl of anger has been poured out upon that throne. That power is being taken away. And who's taking it away? Apollyon, the ace world power, the one who's been set out, the destroyer, to destroy the Satanic system of evil. Now here's the interesting, interesting thing. What, what is going on? Remember these people, they don't give up. They weep. They, they bite their tongues, they gnash their teeth because they're experiencing so much pain. But they don't give up. They, they continue to blaspheme God. And so then here is the coup de grace. Actually, the coup de grace is coming. But here, this is where we are right now. Revelation 3, 9, Revelation 2:9 says almost the same thing, but it says, look, I will give those from the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews and yet they Are not, but are lying. Look, I will make them come into obeisance before your feet and make them know that I have loved you. Oh, so they never give up, but they're brought to heal. How about that? So vote, don't vote, I don't care. The will of God will be done. The will of God will be done one way or the other. But you can look at what's going on in the momentum that Trump has created in his first term. He never lost throughout the Biden years. And now you see the stampede, runaway. And what do you think? What do you think's happening? We're watching the end and people aren't aware of this yet. We're watching the beginning of the end of the Satanic empire. You don't believe me? Ask P. Diddy, ask Epstein, ask all of these Satanists who are con, who are connected back through the entertainment industry and back through government. And that's why you're seeing war in Ukraine and that's where you're seeing war in Israel, because both of those countries are as corrupt as they get. When I was, I spent a lot of time in Kiev and I think it was 2006, 2007, I said, whoever has enough money could buy this country. George Soros did. [02:30:21] Speaker D: So, yeah, that's sad. It's sad that people can accumulate that much wealth and instead of using it to help, you know, to be a positive influence, that they use it to, you know, to become more greedy, I guess money is their God. But I know that for some of these people, like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, they got more money than freaking countries got. So money is no longer part of the chase for them. It's the ability to have total control over masses. [02:30:58] Speaker B: Psychopathic power that they want. They're consumed with this and if they don't destroy all the Christians on this planet, they lose. So they can't stop, but they'll be brought to heal. And I'll get off my soapbox now. Maggie comments? [02:31:21] Speaker F: Well, I'm in total agreement. But my statement earlier in regards to the 52 million Christians that say that they don't like either candidate and so they choose not to vote, what they really need to be keeping in their scope of vision is that we're looking at an absolute demonic entity or series of entities in place now in our current administration. And irregardless of what you think about Trump, when you look at literally the lesser of two evils, at least he's against things that are not Christian ethics. And so in my perspective, or from My perspective, I feel that it's imperative that we at least vote for the person that is doing things that seem to be Christian, morally, Christian based, morally. Because if we choose not to vote and do nothing, then we're also. We're giving up our free will. You're part of the problem. Absolutely rescala. So when you choose not to vote because you don't like either candidate and you call yourself a Christian Christian, then you're using your free will to potentially let these people take power when you could have placed a vote and put someone in the administration that at least is on the surface going with what you believe in. Right. So that's where I stand on this. I feel as though Trump is absolutely the person that we should be pushing for at this time. [02:33:12] Speaker D: Yep. Yeah, I totally 100% agree. [02:33:17] Speaker F: Yeah. [02:33:18] Speaker D: It's sad that many of the people who speak ill of him were friends with him before he got involved in politics. I mean, close friends, like one. Hillary, your microphone is grounding out or something. Maggie, I'm not sure, but I hear, I keep getting a buzzing sound. One of them was, was Hillary Clinton. He. They were, I won't say the closest of friends, but they were close enough to where she invited him to her daughter's wedding. I'm sure he bought her something quite, you know, quite a large value with the. Who was it? Oprah was another one. Oprah doesn't like him anymore, but I can't. Whoopi. Whoopi's another one. Pictures of Whoopi and him. He's got his arm around her. She's got a big smile on her face. So what happened? What did he do that was so God awful, terrible that these people would turn their back on him? I believe what, what it is, is their fear of him exposing what they really are. That's what I think the problem is. And he's done a pretty good job. [02:34:30] Speaker B: It's a change of world empires. Now you see what was being controlled by the, the wild beast of the Roth that the Rothschilds created or the banksters, let's just call them the Kazarian mafia. And there's plenty of historic backing for what my words are. Do the research. I gave you the short story from starting with the Napoleonic wars, but they, and I wrote about it in letters to Earth. I laid the whole thing out. So I pretty much did the research and wrote about it besides. So when you look at that line of progression, you know, bring it down to where we are now. Who funded Hitler? Follow the money. Well, you go back to World War II or pre World War II. There was a lot of support for the Nazi regime. And it was being funneled through one little bank which was a subsidiary of Brown Brothers Harriman that was being run by somebody by, by the, with the last name Bush. And that money was being funneled to England, excuse me, to the Zeiss family, which was then funneling it to Hitler. Look at how many countries supported Hitler during, before we actually went to war. And by the way, it was Prescott Bush who actually was arrested for lending under the Lending Aid to the Enemy Act. He became the fall guy for Brown Brothers Harriman. That would be Averill Harriman who was the governor, Governor of New York and went on to become ambassador to England and was in charge of the Lend Lease Act. And Roosevelt, who lived just upstream from the Harriman estate. They were, they were great friends. You got the Governor of New York and the President of the United States. Literally neighbors. Think, think about that. Who, how much support did the Harriman's give Roosevelt to become president? And so that Roosevelt is the oldest banking family in the United States. Follow the money. And so it all comes down to that. And so here's the question. Prescott Bush gets arrested under the Lending Aid to the Enemy Act. How does he go on to be a US Senator and then have a son and a grandson that become president? Nice deal cut there for being the fall guy, wasn't it? [02:37:07] Speaker D: Wow. [02:37:08] Speaker B: Yeah, think about that. And so these, this just didn't happen overnight. This is multi generational. And the molecular worshipers have been around since long before Jesus was on this planet. [02:37:25] Speaker D: I think that's where people have, I mean, at least for me, have a hard time wrapping your mind around multi generational that these plans have been in place for many generations. And it's a little bite here and it's a little bite there and it's very, in some cases it's hardly even noticeable. And then before you know it, as time goes on, it's, oh my gosh, how did we get here? How is this possible? [02:37:53] Speaker F: Yeah, it's slow frog boil. Absolutely. I apologize for my mic. I've tried messing with it. I'm not sure what's going on with the Riskala, but yeah, it's a series of changes gradually over time so that people are unaware that slowly their liberties are being taken away from them and eradicated. And these are the times that we need to stand together. In response to your earlier statement regarding specifically Oprah, she has been implicated as well as Epstein island in this whole thing, I mean, she had on her show like, what, 27 times. Ellen Degenerate is another one for some reason. I'm hearing a lot of talk about Ellen Degenerate and she absolutely. She's the one that had diddy on like 27 times. I, I, I correct myself, but there's not a lot going on as far as gossip in regards to her in the puff Diddy thing. And I know, I feel that she's absolutely a part of that as well as Oprah and Clinton. Maybe Clinton's implicated in this as well. But there have been whispers that Kamala Harris had been at the P. Diddy parties. I don't know if you've heard that, but that's something that's being thrown around too now. [02:39:08] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [02:39:09] Speaker F: So they're all, you know, literally in bed together in this type of scenario from what it appears to be. And Trump stands aside. Yeah, you know, I mean, he stands aside in that he absolutely seems to be for the protection of children against human trafficking and all of the things that these people promote and emulate. So it's kind of a no brainer at this point. How could you say you're a Christian but choose to let someone like this current administration or a subsidiary of this current administration, which is still the same elemental bad guys in control remain in control? We're definitely at a point in time where if she gets elected, you can kiss this country goodbye. [02:40:04] Speaker D: Absolutely. If she gets elected, it will not be by a fair election. I guarantee you. It's not right. Just like it was with Joe. Joe Basement Fighter. That thing is mute. Your mic, Your mic. [02:40:23] Speaker F: Oh, okay. Hang on. Let me, let me do this. [02:40:27] Speaker D: It's buzzing really bad. [02:40:29] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:40:29] Speaker F: Okay. Is that better? I've got you on speakerphone. Is that any better? [02:40:34] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:40:37] Speaker F: I'm sorry, I apologize. But with Kamala, you know, we, we stand risk of losing our country. And it's imperative now that we stand together and that we elect at least the lesser of two evils. And there's just so much at stake here. I don't see how people could choose to do nothing when we have this. And I lost my train of thought over the mic thing. I was going to say something else, but anyway. [02:41:07] Speaker B: Well, I'll jump in real quick. [02:41:12] Speaker F: Hang on. Yeah. Kamala said recently on an interview that she has a group of lawyers that's ready to fight this election once it's over. [02:41:22] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:41:24] Speaker F: So should she not get the results she desires, that is she get elected. She's ready to fight this now. God, forbid Trump do that when he tried to do that at the last election, look how it ended up, right? [02:41:36] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [02:41:36] Speaker F: But they're ready to fight this tooth and nail. So that should be an indication right there, the fact that she's got a slew of lawyers ready to fight the election, that these guys will stop at nothing. [02:41:52] Speaker D: Oh, absolutely not. [02:41:53] Speaker F: Freedoms in our country. [02:41:55] Speaker B: So this is. Yeah, this is where we're going to see the country go into Turkey turmoil, and this is what we need to get ready for. But. Well, yeah, but we had, you know, cooler heads prevail. And this is actually where, you know, there's no atheists in foxholes and everybody may have to dig one. So that's where we're going into. That's why I say be prepared for this stuff. This is gonna. This is a speed bump. I'll call it that. This is a speed bump. There's. There's more to come, but you can't stop what's coming. And that's going to be the end of the Satanic empire. And that's why they're fighting tooth and nail. They're all tied in together and they'll be exposed and they'll be destroyed. It's. It's God's will. He puts it into their hearts to carry this out. There's no escaping it. There's no escaping it. So regardless of what the fake machines say, who won the election, the military is still the only way out. And there's more prophecies to be fulfilled there. We don't have time tonight. But that, but that's part of. We go back to Revelation 16 for that. [02:43:13] Speaker D: So. Because there are people who are going to vote for. I mean, I. I say I can't understand why somebody would want four more years of what we've had. It just doesn't make sense. But then, you know, I think about, There's a scripture in the Bible, Thessalonians somewhere in Thessalonians some. Something like. Because they believe the lie God has, has brought a delusion upon them, they believe what they're doing is good. I mean, some of these people are totally into, oh, yeah, I'm going to vote for. She's going to be the greatest, and this is going to be the most wonderful. They are totally in a delusion. And I believe that this is part of the scriptures coming to life before our eyes. They. Nobody. I don't know. I shouldn't say nobody. I think anybody with just a couple of neurons firing upstairs, Just, Just a little bit of common sense. Just. Just a little bit of critical thinking would say, you know what? The past four years, if we look at how much it has cost us to live versus how much our salaries have increased or our income has increased, it's completely, totally, 100% out of balance. And if. And just again, a little bit of common sense would say we're on the wrong tracks and we're going to continue being on the wrong tracks, it doesn't matter what this individual says. They've been there for four years. All of this is part of her problem. She's been a major part of the problem that we're suffering today. How could you want this person for another four years? It's because of a delusion. It has to. That's the only way I can make sense of it to me. Otherwise I get frustrated and start making up curse words. [02:44:55] Speaker B: Well, it's. I think it's more of a delusion on what the media is telling us. You know, you got to keep everything in perspective. And there's a lot of concern over this because people don't want any more of this. They're fed up. [02:45:13] Speaker D: I agree with what you're saying. I agree that the majority of the people would agree with what you're saying. What blows my mind is that it got to be, you know, the numbers have to be a fraction of what. Who agree with us. The numbers who. The numbers who disagree with us has to be a small fraction of those who agree with us. However, that small fraction are the ones who. Her mouths are on the media. They're in the television, they're on radio, they're making songs. So even though they're much, much smaller with regard to the numbers of them and we're far greater than them, they. It's almost like a reverse of a Goliath. And. And my mind just went blank. [02:45:57] Speaker B: Good Lord, David. [02:46:01] Speaker D: My mom. Completely blank. But you see what I. Does that make sense? It's almost like the little guy. There's a small amount of them, but they have access to all the mouths, if you will. They're the. The. The. What they used to call those people the crying. The. This town criers. They're like the town criers of everything. They get the word out all over this. Like I was saying in my monologue earlier, how did they get these people to turn on Jesus, who did all these good things for people against a guy who was a murderer, a robber, a thief, who could care less? It's because those people who had influence, even though they were small, they were able to Convince all these other people of a larger. On a larger scale that Jesus was bad. This is the same thing we're seeing today. Even though these people that, that were friends with. With Donald Trump, Very good friends, some of them. And it's a. It's a small number who really are. In comparison to how many like him. It's a very small number, but they're speaking out. So almost like rabid. Almost like they've got rabies up out against him. And it's because of, I believe, two things. One, he's. The fear of him exposing them for who they are. And they really are in a delusion. They're living in a. In a different bubble. They don't live in. The reality that you and I live in. Their whole lifespan or lifestyle is completely different than you and I have. [02:47:26] Speaker B: Yeah. There's their satanic child sacrificers, and they're watching their kingdom come to an end. I'm sorry. [02:47:37] Speaker F: No, no, I interrupted you, Peter, and I apologize. But just on the stance of abortion alone, when they put the abortion. You have to look at that even in itself, from a ritualistic perspective. [02:47:49] Speaker D: Yes, yes. [02:47:50] Speaker F: Okay. So how could you call yourself a Christian just on that one stance alone and choose to do nothing, knowing that you'll be partially responsible for the killing, the murder of countless children? Not even to consider the human trafficking and these criminals that are coming across the border that are endangering the welfare of your children, your grandchildren. [02:48:20] Speaker D: 325,000 children missing. 325,000 children are missing. Thank you. And Harris. [02:48:31] Speaker F: Yeah. That in itself. [02:48:36] Speaker D: I can't vote for Trump. He said, grab him by the privates. I can't vote for him. He's. He's too mean. [02:48:44] Speaker B: Well, let's vote for somebody who's willing to turn around and put a child's life to death. [02:48:50] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:48:51] Speaker B: With their own hands. [02:48:53] Speaker D: Like I said, it's a delusion. It has to be a delusion. [02:48:56] Speaker B: And so that's. Once this all starts to get exposed, that delusion will quickly leave people and it'll continue to be exposed for what it is. As a matter of fact, the Dutch government just told Bill Gates he's got to come and stand trial personally for crimes against humanity in this vaccination deal. [02:49:19] Speaker D: So Pakistan or India, one of the two of them have an arrest warrant out for him. We won't go over there. [02:49:27] Speaker B: Well, he's already got a. He was told he's got to come and stay in trial, and his lawyers are saying, oh, no, he doesn't. And the Dutch said Oh, yes, he does, because he was here in Holland. He's got a business here in Holland. So come on. So that's the start of it. We're gonna see all this happen, but it's not going to be easy for a lot of people to stomach. However it needs to, it's going to happen. You can, as I said, you can't stop it. The word of God will not be thwarted. You know, his word leaves his mouth and it doesn't come back until it's been fulfilled. And so we're seeing these prophecies happening and the, the good thing is, you know, it might be a little scary, but the good thing is once we see these happen, we'll know what's going to happen next and know how to be a little bit better prepared for it. But this is, you know, we do have a fantastic future. We really do. You know, think about getting your DNA repaired. Think about being 30 years old forever. Unless you're a woman, then you're about 28. But you know, think, think, you know, think about being that age forever, having that vitality forever. Think about being one big earthly family who will then go populate the stars one day. And we're not going to need spaceships to get there. We'll be given. You know what Maggie says parts of the Bible have been removed. Yep. I, I, I believe it's John 8 where it actually continues where Jesus said that he has to go and prepare a place for his apostles and that. I love the King James version. It says, my f. In my Father's house there are many mansions. He's talking about the dimensions. And if you read what's written in the Dead Sea Scrolls, which has been left out of the, the Bibles that we have today, it clearly talks about interdimensional travel and that we would be given that ability when the time comes. You go to Revelation 22. Well, 21, it says death becomes a thing of the past. Death will be no more. Neither mourning nor alkyne or pain be any more. The former things have passed away. And then it says new scrolls would be opened, we would be given knowledge. And Jesus said, you'll do things greater than I was a, that I'm able to do. Yeah, we can reach into our hearts and do those things now. And sometimes we have to. You know, it's kind of like, watch you rock. You watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat moment. And you, and you do find the right rabbit. You know, you don't need a different size hat. And it ain't you know, it ain't a tiger. So, you know, we do have that ability. And that's. That's one of the things that Maggie's just so intuitive with, to, hey, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat. She tells me all the time she was thinking about something that pops up. Imagine that. What's that, Maggie? Go ahead. We're getting close to the end here. [02:52:43] Speaker F: I just feel if we all come together, I mean, the fact that Putin endorses Kamala Harris should tell you everything that you need to know. Why does he want her in place? Trump's his buddy. Okay. The fact that Putin wants Kamala Harris in place is because he knows that he can dominate her, and he knows that it'll be, you know, these are the things that we really need to be concerned about. And when Michael spoke earlier about how every time he reads the Bible, he gets more and more information from it, that's the knowledge that we. We should be choosing to be chasing after at this point, because, yes, parts have been changed and left out of the Bible, but the elements are still there. What I think has been taken out is the. The fact that we know some little. Scientifically, they know a lot more than we do about the ability of the mind and the powers that we have of the mind. And Jesus did speak about these things. These are the things when you speak about interdimensionally, Peter, and being able to populate other planets. These are the secrets that are being held from us. The abilities to heal our own bodies, the abilities to communicate telepathically, to heal our own DNA, to heal our own telomeres. These are the things that I believe were taken out of the Bible, and it will all be shown to us. I do believe as some of this evil, the Puff Diddy thing, all of this comes to fruition and comes to light. I think that people will start to examine not only the world as a whole, but also themselves intrinsically and spiritually and physically. And I think that the secrets that have been hidden from us will start to come to light as times transpire, and that's why it's important that we continue to do shows such as these. Risky. Thank you so much for allowing us to be a guest tonight on your show and be able to share this information, you know, because these are the. These are the platforms that we can share what we learn and what we come to realize and with. With everybody, and we can all share our different perspectives and our own beliefs and what we think will happen, what we discover. And this is truly where we need to be. It's a constant discovery. It's a constant struggle. Yes, but it can be such a beautiful thing if we all work together and come together as a whole and share everything and truly be one. Right? So that's all I have to say. You can listen to me here on the network Friday nights, Eastern standard time at 8 o'clock, the positude podcast. Thank you so much, Rascala. Thank you, Peter. I know interrupted you a few times and I apologize for my microphone as well, but thanks all. Thanks all. [02:55:29] Speaker D: God bless. Appreciate it. [02:55:33] Speaker B: Totally enjoyable, Maggie, have a great night. And with that, you know, thank you very much for, you know, for giving us the platform. It's been a while since, since I've been on the show and, and there's always new things to learn. [02:55:47] Speaker D: Always good stuff, always good. [02:55:50] Speaker B: And we, we have a fantastic future ahead if we know how to navigate the times in which we're living in now. And so that's why, you know, that's why our spirituality is so important. Because the reality of the situation is we are spiritual sons and daughters of the Creator living in a physical experience and that that spiritual connection has been severed and we have to make the effort to replug in and it tends to be a little bit more one way but, you know, risk. I've experienced things in my life that are truly miracles and I, you know, I died and came back. How about that? I had, well, they call it near death experience, but there wasn't anything near about it for me. I did learn a lot. And I also got what the only thing that I can explain was I got to see the hand of God, save my life at another time. And I witness miracles in my life and that tells me, let's say things that you cannot explain with our current sciences. How's that? Things that, things that cannot be explained with our current sciences. Not one for miracles, but things that show that there is an extraterrestrial at a grand level protecting his people. And so we need to make ourselves one of his people. And with that, it sounds like we are at the end of this show. Love and blessings to everyone. Have a fantastic night. You can email [email protected] and request a copy of Letters to Earth. You can survive army guest and that would be a PDF copy. So contact me. Love and blesses everyone. Thanks again Rascala. [02:57:53] Speaker D: Thank you Peter. [02:57:53] Speaker A: Appreciate it. [02:58:01] Speaker C: You take the red pill and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Chance, this is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance? This is your last chance? This is your last chance? This is your last chance? This is your last chance? This is your last chance? After this, there is no turning back? You take the blue pill? The story ends? You wake up in your bed? And believe whatever you want to? Take the red pill? Take the red pill? Take the red pill? Take the red pill? Take the red pill? Take the red pill? Take the red pill? Take the red pill? You stay in wonderland? You stay in Wonderland? I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes? Goes? Take the red pill? Take the blue pill? Take the red pill? Take the blue pill?

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