The Positude Podcast

The Positude Podcast
TRIM Radio
The Positude Podcast

Jul 06 2024 | 01:01:14

Episode • July 06, 2024 • 01:01:14

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

The Positude Podcast with Maggie Heart is a versatile, ever-changing show discussing healing, spirituality, enlightenment, political stories and insights, meditations, conspiracy theories and conspiracy realities, recipes, music, random comedy, and all sorts of information designed to uplift, negate and/or come to grips with negativity, to share knowledge. Her goal is to share knowledge, to have some fun, and to have the listener feel as though they are having a discussion or learning session on a comfy couch with a friend over a cup of coffee or tea.
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:25] Speaker A: Good evening, folks, and welcome to another episode of the Positude podcast. I am your host, Maggie Hartley. Gearing up for 4 July week. Hopefully everybody's planning a picnic, some fireworks, some fun, quality time with family, enjoying our freedoms, such as they are at this very challenging time for both our country, our psyches, our general disposition, health, physical well being in general. We definitely have some work to do. And hopefully, in the midst of our family time and our quality time with those that we love, we also remember to be respectful of others. Fireworks aren't a really great time for dogs, so please respect your neighbor's animals. And if you have dogs and they don't like fireworks, which I haven't met one yet that does, please make sure that they feel safe and secure and that they're out of harm's way for all of the festivities. Animals in general need to be cared for, and they don't like loud, sharp noises. And I've actually denied myself the privilege of going to fireworks for, for several years now just because I have some inconsiderate neighbors who choose to make a lot of noise on the holiday. And it's very disruptive to my dogs. When they hear, you know, the loud noises and the fireworks going off, they get really freaked out, just like they do during thunderstorms. So I've chosen not to go the past few years and just leave them home alone. I'd rather be home with them, making sure that they're safe and making sure that they're relatively comfortable when the inconsiderate people around me make a lot of noise. And that's not to say just that they're snapping off fireworks. They started earlier in the week. There were fireworks going off on Memorial Day weekend, which I don't know why, but they'll just blow them off whenever, randomly, throughout the day, throughout the night, and it becomes a very long, drawn out, very emotional time for my puppies. And so for lack of considerate people around me, I just spend time with my dogs and try and make sure they're as comfortable as they can be. That also goes for my cat, who runs like crazy and is absolutely terrified when the noise goes off. And my other livestock as well, are upset by that. So my chickens don't want to lay as well as they normally would because they've been frightened. And so I ask everybody out there just to be considerate. Have your fun, by all means. Fireworks are a symbol of freedom. They're a symbol of independence. It's a beautiful thing to witness. Fireworks have always been one of my most favorite things to do. In fact, my cousin, who has since passed, who was like my sister, her birthday was on July 4, so it always was a very special occasion in our family. Not just because it was Independence day, but because it was my cousin Marie's birthday. And I miss her and love her so much. But one thing that I would like just to bring to everybody's attention is have your fun. Celebrate independence while we're still able to do that. And we're going to shift things, we're going to change consciousness, it's going to get better. But absolutely enjoy your family time. But in the essence of loud screaming noises and fireworks, please be considerate and keep it to maybe a structured time. Do your fireworks for maybe an hour in the evening and then stop it. Please. Try not to blow them off all day, throughout the day, different hours of the night, all week long leading up to 4 July, and then after 4 July. And just respect others rights too. If you're going to have a party and you're going to make noise, that's great. But does it really need to go all night and all weekend for days and sometimes weeks at a time? That's been my experience is I have people that are extremely inconsiderate and they race up and down the road and they're drunk and they're all over the road and they're so, you know, taking my dogs out, even though I have a considerable amount of property, can be an issue because I never know if somebody's going to come screaming down the road drunk, you know, just be considerate while I'm doing this, while I'm in my space with my animals, one thing that absolutely lessens the negative effect of what's going on is I'm throwing energy. So essentially, since I see the first campers show up and I hear the first little bit of noise, I'm doing things in my property, on my zone, in my dominion, on my domain, to protect myself and my family, that is, my animals, from the negative effects of these other people. How do I do that? Well, I focus my energy on the area that the noise is coming from. The first thing that I do is I protect myself, my family, my animals, my property. And I set up zones and I put energetic beings, that is angels, all around my property and on the four corners of my property and at my gate. And I set my protection up also around and over my domain also, believe it or not, under the ground. So if you're picturing your property, whether it be an apartment or a house, make a circle. Set an energetic circle that goes above, like a dome, and also below the earth and around a sphere, as it were, and picture that being your safe zone. And the reason that I say under the ground is because there are beings that exist under the earth. And that may sound a little bit far fetched for you, but there are people that believe that there are evil beings and entities that reside under the ground. And I know this to be true. I've seen it and I felt it. So I also protect from anything underneath as well. And as the Bible states, seen in unseen realms. Yeah, we're multi dimensional. Beings exist, and we have multi dimensions above and below us. We need to protect from creatures and beings, both seen and unseen at all times. And that's part of spiritual warfare. And then I also do the four corners of my property, as I said, and I literally see legions of angels all around me and protection. So, and then I bless the entire parameter outside of my property as well. And what I do is the area that the noise is coming from. I set a dome around that, and I picture the angels around the outside of the dome, kind of encompassing them in their little environment. So when that does two things, it encapsulates whatever is inside of that area that's not good from coming out. And the outside forces, the protective forces, contain it inside that bubble from the outside in. And believe it or not, it actually helps a lot in keeping things quiet and keeping the peace. Before I started to do this, the debauchery that ensued went on for days and weeks and all hours of the days and nights to such a dramatic level that I literally was not able to sleep with my windows open because of the noise. And so consequently, every time the dogs heard a noise, they would bark, the chickens would squawk, the turkeys would start. My cat would be running around not knowing where to go. So this has helped a lot. And another thing that I do is I work on the weather, and maybe that's not the nicest thing to do, but in the instances of there being a conglomeration of people, and I can recognize the vehicles and the sounds of the voices to know that they're the ones that are really not good people, the energy emanating from them is just not good at all. It's dark, it's negative. It's not something that I want around me or my family. And so when I hear those voices and I see those vehicles pull in, or I just, a lot of times, I'll get a sense of knowing, oh, gosh, they're going to be here in a couple days or they're going to be here tomorrow. I can feel them coming. I can actually feel them coming. And I put out the alert, you know, they're going to be here. Let's prepare. I work on the weather, and I can't tell you how many times I have done this. And I've literally had storms come in seemingly out of nowhere and literally rained on their parade. Torrential downpours, rain enough just to keep them inside their campers or inside their buildings so that they're not outside screaming and yelling and creating havoc. And also wind. Wind works pretty well, too. You can gather your energy and make the wind blow hard so that the noise is carried to a different part of the neighborhood, let's say, so that you're not hearing that. And so as a result, the dogs aren't hearing that, so they're not barking literally every third. And then I set a zone on either side of the road, and I put protective forces there as well so that they stay on the road that they're supposed to be on and they're not traversing off the road onto my property, which is where my puppies or my animals are potentially outside walking around, enjoying what would normally be their natural habitat, their natural environment. So I don't have physical fences, and that's something that I'm looking into for the future. But in the absence of that, I use energetic forces, and it's very, very successful in regards to. It's minimalized. The last several years, the noise level has minimalized, the traffic has minimalized. It doesn't go on for as long as it used to, and it's not as loud as it used to. And I honestly think that they're on to me, though, because it seems as though every holiday there's a gathering. The last year or so, at least for part of that time, there's pretty significant downfall of rain and wind and mostly rain, though, so I don't know. I wonder if they know. I think that they probably do, though, because it seems like it's too coincidental that every time they're around and they're wreaking havoc, something inevitably happens, you know, weather wise, and it's usually rain, too. Make them go inside and contain them so that I don't have to hear them. And my puppies and my animals aren't disturbed by them. Just some things that you might want to try. You can do this wherever you are. Set the intention, set the focus. And it's not about ruining somebody else's good time. It's because they've encroached on my personal space and they're upsetting my apple cardinal that honestly, my intention is just to keep them quiet and quelch them so that they're not encroaching on my personal space, my personal sanctity, and my animal's personal sanctity. So, I mean, they can have all the fun they want. If they were respectful, I wouldn't have an issue with that. But because they're not, I need to take matters into my own hands. And they can still have their fun. They can just do it inside and more quietly if they can't respect the rest of the outside nature. And these are people that literally disturb the peace, sometimes for miles. So it's not just me that's being affected, it's everybody around me that's being affected. Another thing that you can do is you can gather up all of your ki or chi energy, and you can focus it into a ball. And so you gather up all of your energy and you compress it into a ball about the size of. Do you remember those metal cages that they used to have at department stores? And they'd have those plastic round balls in them, smaller than a basketball, bigger than a softball. And some people choose a smaller ball size, like maybe a baseball or softball size, but I usually do the size of those old school rubber balls. And you can work the energy with your hands back and forth as you're compressing it. You move your hands in a circular motion, kind of like a half circle, back and forth, and then all the way around and gather that energy into a ball. And you can fill it with love. And you gather as much energy as you can compress into that ball and really put your focus into it. It does take some practice. Just like cloud moving and changing the weather, all of this takes time and effort. And as you practice, you'll become better and better at it. And it's an amazing thing to do. And see, it really is. It's super cool. But you, you gather all your energy into a ball, and then you take a sharp intake of breath and gather all of the breath into your lungs. And you can do two things. You can send a ball of love from your heart center, and this is using the energy that father God universe gave to us. You're not using your own energy, and that's important. You don't want to deplete your own energy, but you gather that energy from outside of you, from the universe, and do that and put it into a ball, and if it's loving vibes, you just release it with as much force as you can. You just released that ball in their general direction of the person that you're trying to stop a behavior from. And you, just, as it hits them, have it explode and go all over. And so you can fill them with a sense of peace and love and calmness, which can quiet the situation. And what I've done in times of extreme duress, where it's been very, very loud and very, very hard to digest for my animals and my environment around me, and I'm getting texts and phone calls from neighbors, what's going on up there? I'm hearing all this noise, and I've done it where I gathered energy of just stop blocking, cease and desist. And I've gathered that type of energy, and I just gather it up, and I, with my whole body, I push it at them. That is the most effective for people such of these, because I do feel dark energy coming from there. It absolutely dissipates within 20 minutes, sometimes as much as a half hour, sometimes in as little as two to three minutes. They just stop. I don't hear them anymore. And what I start to see is I hear people saying their goodbyes, and I see them getting in their cars, and they actually leave the premises. They go away, or they just quiet down, but lots of times they just leave. They just go. So these are things that you can try, whether it be for noise, noisy parties, or just a situation where you have neighbors that are warring behind you or next to you in an apartment or at the house next door. Any general malaise that's going on, you can energetically change these situations and the vibes. Another thing at my country place that I need to recognize, too, is other neighbors moved in who actually helped to quelch the situation as well, just because the other people, for whatever reason, are more respectful of them than they are of me. So that's helped the situation, too. And I have to give credit where credit is due. It's not 100% entirely me, but a lot of it is. And when I say me again, please understand that it's the energy that I'm creating from father, from the universe, that's helping to aid my situation, come to my rescue, as it were, because nature realizes that there needs to be order and serenity, and if there's dark energy around, they don't want that to spread. So the universe and God, your angels, are going to work with you to help you to encapsulate or to stop a situation, you just have to have the faith and trust to believe in it and know wholeheartedly that it's going to work. So my problem is being able to focus that energy entirely in the moment. At that time, if I'm being distracted by my dogs whimpering and whining and barking, it takes a great deal of focus to be able to 100% put my energy into that maneuver. But I do get there. Sometimes it just takes me a little bit longer. We're all a work in progress, so I'm thankful for what I get in that regard. It works. It just. Sometimes it takes a little bit longer. In the instance of a personal confrontation, please practice and learn to utilize these same tactics. Obviously, if you're in the same house, storming outside is not going to help your situation. But the bubble of love will and the bubble of protection will, the one that stops them, the one that you're forcing them to stop. And you can also do this with your words. In Jesus name, you must go. If there's something that's in honor around a person that you're dealing with or a company, you know, a party that you're dealing with, cast it out, get rid of it that way. And that's another method that I use in conjunction with the other two that I previously spoke about in Jesus name, you must go or you must leave. This is my personal property. This is my personal sanctity. I have domain over this environment, and you are not welcome here. You must leave. You must leave. And what that does is that whatever is in honor around them, it makes them go. So it's sort of a multiple pronged attack, but all three of those together are super powerful. Can you do it with just those words? You can, but what happens is others can come in, other energies can come in. So you want to totally annihilate and eradicate the situation and keep your safe space protected. And that's why a combination, I feel is much more effective, because now you're just. You're protecting yourself and you're preventing them from coming back, or other ones from coming back, other entities from coming back. Spirits of alcohol and drugs. Boy, that's a tough one. When people are engaging in that type of behavior, they're not only opening the doors for things to enter into them and to attache to them, but those things jump like fleas, and they bring their friends with them. So it's very important that you take care of the entire situation, and it just depends on the context of the situation as to how you choose to handle that. But these are all wonderful ways and tools that we have that creator has given us. We truly don't know our powers yet, but I believe some of us are learning. It's a journey. It's a great one. I'm excited to be on it. I'm happy to be here at this time. As challenging as things can be, we always need to try and stay positive and keep in that spirit of balance and joy as much as possible. And trust me, certainly for the past several months, it's been an ongoing trial, some time for myself because of some personal issues I'm facing with some family members and some sickness and disease that's going on. And so while I'm healing, I'm also battling at the same time unseen forces. So it becomes quite challenging. And it's hard sometimes to stay in balance. But bringing myself back to balance if I'm not able to stay in that utter and complete joy is really what keeps me going and keeps me strong enough to get through every single day. Because every day is getting better and I'm changing things as I go with my mindset. And I can realize that. And I'll be the first one to admit I do need to vent sometimes and share my feelings. But that's also a healing thing for me. So even though I'm voicing the negativity, which is not the best thing, I need to get that emotion up out of me so that I can heal it, negate it, let it go. And that's what I'm talking about. It's important I try to use better choices with my words. And even though the situation might be less than perfect, I try and elicit that in a more positive way. That is, this is my situation, this is what I dealt with today. However, this is what I did to help solve it, or this is my mindset so that I don't stay in that moment. I'm able to feel it, release it and let it go. And I'm also able to put walls up so that if there's negativity that's being thrown at me and this is something we can all do, put yourself in that bubble. Put yourself in that white light space. Picture your angels all around you. So if you're struggling with a family member person, personally speaking, I have a family member that's going through some mental degradation. And so I'm working on the healing process. And at the same time, I'm shielding myself from things that are happening and comments that are being made that I know is not in the normal mindset of that person, if they were healthy and whole. So not taking things personally is really important, too, in times of stress. But having that support system and people that you can talk to also helps to strengthen your resolve, because, as I said, you're able to get that feeling up, get it out and get over it. You know, we all need somebody. It's human nature. You need people to talk to. Nobody can do this all alone. We need to have that support system, and this is something I've been talking about for years. We need to have our team, our people, our tribe that we can bounce things off of, talked about things, too. And. And we help to heal each other. We help to support each other and carry each other in our times of need. These are all tools that, as time goes on, are going to be inherently necessary that we have in our tool belt. Practice these things. Now, I talked probably two months ago on the show about changing clouds, focusing on the sky. Start doing this, please. Everybody should be practicing these gifts and talents that we haven't yet recognized and fine tuning them. Fine tuning, no pun intended, but use tools like your tuning forks and sound bowls, singing bowls, and music and sounds that you elicit with your mouth. Prayerful songs, bible verses on YouTube that you play over and over. Anything that brings you the sanctity that you need and helps to solidify your personal balance. Smells are huge. I work so much with essential oils and with scented tarts that help to uplift and cleanse and balance. I use spiritual incense, holy incense, to burn away the negativity and the bad vibes, as well as working with my mind and doing it from within. Because there's going to come a day where we're not going to have these tools, but while we have them, it's great to utilize them as long as we're still developing our inner talents at the same time. So try not to come to be too reliant on those tools. Absolutely. Utilize them and take pleasure from them while they're there. But also work on your inner gifts at the same time. So important. Create a feeling of joy and balance around you. And when you send that love bubble, if that's what you choose to send, have them feel that peaceful, calming, loving energy so that they're able to enjoy their time with their family and friends without being out of control and work on quelching whatever spirits or entities are around them as well and containing them. Maybe they've never known joy. Maybe they've never fully appreciated their family. Maybe they see holidays such as these as just a chance to get drunk and party. But if you put that seed of love into their heart, wow, maybe they'll wake up and appreciate the time with their families, the kids running around playing. They'll take joy in the nature around them and start to appreciate that and encompass that feeling. And so what you can do is literally light the spark inside of them to help them be better people and to recognize the beauty and the wonders and the joys around them, whether it be with their family members or the environment in which they're in. If it's a native natural setting, the birds, the turtles, whatever is around them, dragonflies, whatever it be, flowers, help them to realize what's around them too. And hopefully they'll be able to have a change of mind and develop that joy and keep that joy in their hearts. And as, as a result, they'll recognize maybe I haven't been. Maybe I don't need to drink today to be happy. Maybe I don't need to do drugs today to be happy. I'm finding happiness and joy in the beauty and the simplicity of what's around me. That's how you change the planet. I'm going to stop here for a break. After the break, I'd like to share with you a personal experience I've had with the smart meters and how they've personally affected my health, the health of my loved ones, and also my neighbors. So it's going to be a very interesting second half. In the meantime, please, please, if you need to reach out to me, if you feel drawn to, talk to me and you want some help or you need some guidance, intuitive guidance, prayerful guidance, help with a relationship. If you want more insight, I do offer classes. My website is being developed and I will be offering those on a bigger scale soon to more people by Zoom or one of those types of apps. But contact me at Maggie Heart, that's Maggie underscore, and let's develop a relationship. Let me help you with whatever it is you're struggling with. If you want to support the network, please, please check out the main page, check out the other shows. Jump on the chat room. There might be other shows out there that you may enjoy listening to. And if you have a few extra dollars, please, please support the network in any way possible. We're thankful for anything that you can do. Every little bit helps. We're totally listener funded and if you have your own business and want to be a superstar, please consider sharing some promotional airtime and becoming a sponsor on our network, whether or not it be for my shows or some of the other shows on the network or just on the network in general. And if you don't have a professional commercial, please contact the owners. I bet that they and the producers would be happy to put something together for you that would be able to promote your visit, your business and help us at the same time. My intermission music today is provided by my good buddy Pat Carr. He's an original musician from Louisiana. Please support his music. Check him out, he's all over the place. Soundclick reboot Nation. He is everywhere. Quality music is and this guy is utterly amazing. Buy his album, support him and tell him Maggie sent you. You can reach him at HTTP we'll be right back after this musical break. Stay tuned folks. Thanks for listening. [00:34:05] Speaker B: You want to give it to your breath expect to be gonna love you I'm gonna give it to you free take me at my word all the things I'm saying you've never heard take my love and leave the rest I'm gonna give you my very best expect the best don't get it from me I want to love you give it to you free expect the best get it from me I want to love you I'm gonna give it to you free expect the best gonna get it from me I want to love you I want to give it to you free expect the best take the love I give to you the things I'm saying I'm gonna give you my very best, the best don't get it from me I'm gonna love you give it to you free expecting this don't get it from me I'm gonna love you give it give it to you. [00:37:46] Speaker A: And there you go. That is expect the best from Pat Carr. His music is so amazing. He just makes me want to jump and dance around and bounce in my chair when I'm recording. I just love his stuff. Please, please, if you like him, support him. Shoot him a line, send him some money, buy his album. It's all in the spirit of giving and supporting. He's given us such great music that I'm able to play on my intros and excerpts for my shows and as my break time music that I just I'm so indebted and grateful to him and I'm so happy to be able to share his music with you. There was a local blues and jazz fest in the area and honestly, folks, I listened to the clips from a lot of them and none of them had anything on Pat Carr. In my opinion. They couldn't even hold a candle. So moving on. Second half. Smart meters. How many of you have experienced the letter from your local power company telling you that the smart meters are going to be installed and they're coming? And I had gotten two letting me know that they planned on putting them in, in my home here in New York. And while they indicated that there was an opt out letter that could be filled out if we didn't want the smart meter. I have family living here in my home in my absence, while I'm at my other home. And so I have a padlock on my gate. My gate's a private yard, and I have a lock on it. And I instructed my family not to let them in should they come, to change out the meter and to let them know that the owner was not available and wasn't in town, and that they needed to contact the owner by phone or email, and we would make arrangements to have either the letter filled out or just flat out refusal, whatever I needed to do. Unfortunately, though, I was actually here, and I was upstairs cleaning, and the person that came to the door the day that they were to install the meter, which was unannounced, they just made a broad spectrum statement that they'd be coming around soon, is failing in some memory issues and let them into my backyard. So I came downstairs, and I was greeted with, the company's here, and they're putting in the smart meter. And so I ran outside, and I have a fence that you can. A little piece of fence that you can actually see through. I have a little garden area on the left side of my house, and you can peek your head through and see the backyard like a narrow strip of it anyway. And I could see him working. And I. I went to the front gate. Front fence. And I said, whatever you're doing, stop right now. I don't want that installed in my home. And he looked at me with this almost look of shock and fear on his face, and he said, it's already in. It's already been in installed. So the first thing that I would suggest to all of you is, if you get a letter from your power company, don't do what I did and fill out the opt out letter immediately and email it back to them. And then as an added precaution, what I would suggest you do is follow up with them and make sure that they have it on file. The meter guy that changed it out actually told me that what some people in the neighborhood were doing, which I thought was pretty ingenious, Washington putting a waterproof sign, you know, like getting one of those staples, clear plastic inserts that you would use in high school and college to protect your notes or for meetings. And they were putting them in them and putting that right on there, attaching it to their meter with, like, duct tape or something strong that didn't blow away. I don't want the smart meter on my home. Please don't put it on. And so what he's told to do at that point is move on. But they have to have the letter on file. That is essential. So he'll move on for that time. But then the power company, I guess, will contact the homeowner or send a letter or call and say, hey, look, the guy was there. We understand you don't want the meter, but you have to fill out this form. So please, please do that. Do that on the four burner. I've been so incredibly busy and so much has been going on that I tried to take the easy way out, and I thought I was protected. Well, I wasn't. And we'll find out more about that later in the story. How unprotected I really was. So even though I don't talk about a lot of personal issues on the air, when it's something like this, I feel that it's important to spread the message so people understand and they can maybe relate to my situation with something that's happened to them. So I told the guy I don't want it. And he's like, it's already changed out. And I'm like, well, I don't want it. You have the old one in your hand. Change it back. You're here. Just change it back. So he called his supervisor, and I should let you know that the people that were installing the smart meters in this neighborhood were a subcontracting company, so they weren't directly affiliated with the power company. And he gets his supervisor on his cell phone, and I said, well, do I need to call my power company? He said, might not be a bad idea. So I ran in the house, got my phone, ran back in outside, and got the power company on the phone while he was talking to his supervisor. Well, in the 30 seconds that it took me to run inside and get my phone and come back outside, my nosey neighbor was out at the fence. And while the technician was talking to his supervisor, I've got this guy who's now on my other neighbor's property in their driveway, leaning over my fence, talking to the guy. And I hear him saying, oh, she doesn't want the smart meter on. Why doesn't she want it on? Ha ha ha. How come she doesn't want it on? Acting all indignant and self righteous and mocking me. That I didn't want the meter on. Although I have to share with you that I would bet 100% that this is also somebody that participated in not just the initial jabs, but probably all of them and the subsequent boosters. So need I say more on that issue? But at any rate, I have some less than positive experiences with this neighbor in the past, and even though I've tried over the years to be friendly and cordial, and I have been, that, there have been many instances where he's encroached upon my personal rights and stuck his nose in where it quite honestly didn't belong. So I asked him, does this pertain to you? Does this have anything to do with you directly? No. Well, can you please go home? So what he chose to do is go behind me and stand on the public sidewalk and try to stay there and listen, because he felt that that was his right or whatever. So in the meantime, the technician says to me, I can hear him talking to the supervisor, and he says, no, okay, we can't change it back over. And she's got an IMO on the phone. So I said, well, is he telling you you can't change it back over? And he's saying, yeah, we can't change it back over. You have to contact the power company. I said, well, I have the power company associate on the phone live, and here's the phone. He wants to talk to you to tell you to put the old meter back on the house. So he says to a supervisor, well, she's got the company on the phone, and they're telling her that I need to reinstall it. So we listened for a moment, and then he's like, oh, okay, thank you. Bye. And he hangs up and he says, I cannot reinstall it. My supervisor says, I can't reinstall it. However, he's in the neighborhood. He'll be right over. He's on his way. As luck would have it, I was scheduled to have a very important eye appointment in 45 minutes because I'd been doing some cleaning and some things like that, and I developed an infection in my eye that I really needed to be treated for. And it was something that I wasn't able to effectively deal with myself at the time. I healed it as much as I could, but I was still having issues and wanted to get it checked out. So I'm like, up against the wall for time. And now I've got the supervisor coming to my house. So another guy comes over, looks to be mid thirties, very polite, cordial young man. And he talked to the technician, and he's now standing out on the sidewalk. So when he showed up, the other guys on my sidewalk, my nosy neighbor, and I'm like, does this directly have to do with you? No. So it has nothing to do with you. It's not your business? No, I said very forcefully, then would you please just leave and go home? Go home now. This has nothing to do with you. This is my personal situation. I need you to leave now. And with that, he skulked off to his house. So the supervisor said to me, hi. Introduce himself. Very cordial. So he says, we can't change that meter out. Once they're out, our bosses tell us that we can't change it. You need to contact the power company and wait for them to schedule an appointment to come back out and switch it out. And I think there's a charge of involved. So I pushed the matter for a minute or so and tried to relay my situation to him and explain to him that. So when your guy showed up at my house to change out the meter, he had to have access to my backyard, which was padlocked. And instead of him asking to speak directly to me, the homeowner, he allowed another member of my family, who is unfortunately having some health and memory issues, and allowed him to enter him into my backyard. So the person that let him in is suffering from early onset dementia, forgot that. I told him that I didn't want to allow anybody onto my property, and I didn't want this meter changed and opened the back gate and let him in. I said, so this is against my personal rights. I, as the homeowner, did not allow this guy onto my property. And so I don't see any reason why he can't switch it out. So that guy, the supervisor, calls his supervisor, and then about a minute or so later, he hangs up, and he says, I'm sorry. We. My boss told me, he goes, if it were up to me, I would do it. He said, but my boss won't allow me to do it. And so I showed some consideration to both of those guys. And I said, you know, it was like a 90 degree day out. It was super hot. I said, I hate to delay you. I know you have a whole bunch of houses you got to get to. Can I offer you a cold drink or something? I understand that it's not your fault. And both of them, you know, politely declined and said, thank you for the offer. And now I'm pushing up against my appointment. So after that whole debacle, I had to call the appointment place and tell them I was going to be five or ten minutes late, had my appointment came back, and in the interim, I was still on the phone with the power company while I was getting all of that settled with the supervisor supervisor. And I said to him, they still won't change it out. They said, their supervisor supervisor is not going to change it out. And he says, okay, so what you need to do is fill out the form while I was standing there, I offered, I said, can you email me the form? I'll fill it out right now while the guy's standing there so that hopefully you'll get it back and you can just have them go ahead and change out the meter while they're here. And his response to me was, unfortunately, it doesn't work that way because it's off now. We have to wait until that form is in our system, and that's going to take a couple to several days to a week, and then we have to schedule an appointment to come out and change out the meter. And, oh, by the way, because you didn't fill out the opt out form before, even though you didn't give permission, I understand that, and that's unfortunate. There's going to be a $48 and change fee involved. And then after the meter is changed out, your electric bill is going to go up $11.80 every month because now we're not able to read it by satellite or however they do it. Bye, computer. We're gonna have to send a meter guy out here to read your meter every month. So it's gonna cost you $11.80. And I said, look, I have no issue paying the $11.80 at all. I'm totally happy to pay that. That's a small price to pay for my health, you know, I said, but, and I know you probably think I'm crazy, but I've read into this, I've researched it. It could be a potential health issue, and I just don't want it on my home. So he said, okay, well, fill out the form, get it back to us, and give us a couple days to show up in the system, and then wait for a technician to call you to set up an appointment to come back out and change it out. And then the fun began. The next morning, I woke up with a headache, and it was a very different headache from any that I'd ever experienced before. It was centered in my third eye area. So while I do have issues with migraines and, you know, from basically barometric pressures more than anything else nowadays, the doctors years ago did say that it was hormonal in nature as well, and also could be stress related, as well as food sensitivities, depending on what food I ate. Because I'm allergic to certain things that are in certain foods that also could trigger a migraine, I'm prone to them for a couple different reasons, actually. This was a different headache than any I've ever experienced before. It was in the center of my head, right where my third eye is. And the pain started in the center of the head and radiated outward to my temples and into the sides of my head, which is typically where I'll get the migraine pain. It's usually a stabbing in the left or right temple, and sometimes in the center, and it does float. It'll move about, sometimes right temple, then left temple, then center. Sometimes it's two or three of those areas, but it's always that stabbing, incessant pain. This wasn't like that. This was a constant, like a dull ache, like a throb, but in the center of my third eye, radiating out and also downward into my nose. It felt like also my family member who suffers with tinnitus woke up with the headache in the same region of his head, in the same area of his forehead. And also his tinnitus had grown exponentially to where the ringing was so bad. He had his hands over his ears because the pain was so intense. And it lasted for several hours, and that went on for days. So I waited a couple of days, and I called the power company, and they had the letter on file, and I said, okay, well, I want to schedule an appointment then for somebody to come out and take care of this, because we're having health issues as a result. And I went through the whole, you guys came in my yard without my permission, and now you have the letter on file, so it shouldn't be an issue. Well, the first time I called, the woman that answered put me on hold and then put me through to their customer service survey. So you can imagine how that went for them. I called back again. The woman put me on hold. I got disconnected. I called a third time. That woman put me on hold to put me through to the right department. I got disconnected. The fourth time. I got a woman who transferred me to a guy, and I'd asked to speak to a supervisor, but they put me through to a different department and said I had to go through that department and then speak to their supervisor if I didn't get satisfaction. So I got the guy on the phone and he assured me that everything was going to be okay and that they would absolutely get me on the list to get somebody out there and that, but I should know that it may take a couple of days to several weeks. Now, when I had the original guy on the phone, when the supervisor and a worker were at my house, I said to him before I hung up the phone, I don't want to wait weeks or months for this to happen. I've read too much about this. There are potential health issues. I don't want to be subject to this. I don't want my ailing family members to be subjected to this. I want this taken care of as expeditiously as possible. And expeditiously to me doesn't mean what it does to the power company. But he did tell me that they would get it taken care of as soon as possible, but it could be up to a couple of weeks. And I said a month, because I'm not doing this for a month. No, no, no, not a month. It'll be a couple of weeks. So now I get the second guy on the phone who tells me that they should be calling to schedule an appointment in about a week's time and that I needed to sit tight. But when I first got on the phone with him, he said to me, well, they tried to call you. And I said, no, they didn't. Nobody tried to call me. And he said, oh, okay, I must be looking at a different set of notes. He said, but, yeah, they'll be calling you to set a up an appointment. So I waited a week. Now it's been nine days since I had the meter on, and we're experiencing these problems. And I called, same thing. First phone call, went to a survey, filled it out. You can imagine how that went again. Then I got a second rep hung up on me. Third rep hung up on me. Fourth rep transferred me, and I asked to speak to a supervisor. So the lady on the phone told me that there wasn't anybody available and she was trying to get the right department. Put me on hold for, I don't know, 1520 minutes. Put me through to a department supervisor, and it ended up being the billion collection supervisor who couldn't help me, who had to transfer me to another department where I had to hold again for another several minutes and get a hold of somebody. And that person assured me that not only would it be taken care of, he put me on hold while he spoke to his supervisor. And he said, we are going to send somebody out there tomorrow. I just spoke to my supervisor and we're going to waive the charge. You're not going to have a charge. I can't stop the bill from generating. It's already on your bill, probably, but if you see the charge, just disregard it. We have a button that we can put in, and it's automatically going to take that charge out. You will not be responsible. Why did he do that? He did that because I told him how the guy had come onto my property without my consent and permission. I told him that they had the letter on file, and I told them that as a result, now it's been nine days, and myself and my family are suffering from health issues. And so I informed him that if they couldn't take care of this expeditiously, like by tomorrow, I would be contacting my lawyer, because now I feel as though, should it progress, I should be entitled to some pain and suffering because we have now lost many hours of work time and beneficial work time and time spent that we could do other things, being sick with headaches and tinnitus and not feeling well. And this was definitely a drastic situation that we wanted to improve. So he needed to take those meters off because they didn't do it with my permission, and now they had the letter on file. So he assured me that they would be out there the next day. And I said, well, I'm going to be gone. I have an appointment. I won't be back until afternoon, so make sure that somebody comes. Afternoon? Oh, no, no, no. Not a problem. They definitely won't come early. They'll come between one and three, and they'll call you 15 to 20 minutes before they come out there. No worries, and your bill will be taken care of. Next day, nobody shows up. I get home from my appointment at a little bit afternoon, and I see that my lights are flashing as though my power has been interrupted. And that's one of the things that they need to do, is shut off your power in order to change over the meter. So after another two and a half hours on the phone of being repeatedly hung up on and transferred around, I finally got a hold of somebody that told me that they changed the meter out that morning. And I said, well, I was supposed to be there. So how do I know that you, a, changed the meter out and b, that you didn't put another smart meter on the house? How do I know it wasn't even the same meter that was there to begin with and anybody did anything? And, oh, by the way, how did they gain access when I have a locked gate come to find out that the meter was close enough from the street side, and the meter guy just leaned over my fence and changed out the meter. So she read me a number that was on her completed work order list, that she had me go out and check the meter and it matched up to the meter. So she said, see that the work order has this number and that's the number on your meter. So that proves that the meter was switched out. And I said, well, how do I know, though, that it's not a smart meter? I said, after all of the things that I've been through, you can't prove to me without a shadow of a doubt that they didn't, that first of all, they changed anything out. That wasn't the original meter that they put on the house after they took my old one off. Because I'd had the foresight to take a picture of my original meter when I got the letter saying they were going to come out. So I knew what that looked like, and I knew this looked differently, but I didn't know if it was a smart meter or not or if they had done anything. For all I knew, they took that work order when they first changed it into a smart meter and wrote that number down. And that's what she was reading me. And she assured me that there was no way to tell the difference. Then she put me through to another department that said, there is a way to tell the difference. And here's how you can tell. Look at the meter, look at the globe. Look at where the, the numbers are and all of that. And you can see that it's been switched out. So, yes, the meter has been changed back to a non smart meter. And, and as a result, my headaches have gone away. My family's not sick anymore. I talked to my neighbor who had her smart meter changed out two weeks ago. And, oh, by the way, she's having the exact same headaches that I was. So please use caution with these things, folks, and send out your permission letters when you get the request. And make sure that you don't put those on your home. Research the dangers, please, that are involved with these smart meters. They're not good to have. Also, I'd like everybody to be aware that has patented that the entire time that that meter was on my house, my dogs were very antsy. They wouldn't lay down. They wouldn't sit still. They were up, moving around. They seemed anxious. They were barking a whole lot more than normal and were generally unsettled. Even their eating patterns were off for that duration. So there you go. That was my experience. I hope you all have a more positive one by thwarting it before it happens. Stopping them from putting them on before they install it. Have a great week. Thanks all again, so much for listening. I value each and every one of you. I'll see you next week, same time, same station. Good night, everybody.

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