The Positude Podcast

The Positude Podcast
TRIM Radio
The Positude Podcast

Mar 15 2024 | 01:01:40

Episode ā€¢ March 15, 2024 ā€¢ 01:01:40

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

Maggie Heart is your positive psychic and intuitive medium.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:24] Good evening, everybody, and welcome to another episode of the Positude podcast. I'm your host, Maggie Hart, and I'm really looking forward to spending an hour with you this week, spreading positivity, sharing good stories, giving you my perspectives, and hopefully teaching you, helping you to learn and grow so that we can all become a positive force, a force to be reckoned with in a good way in today's society. I'm looking forward to sharing that and so much more as we traverse from week to week here in our journey, every week is going to be a little bit different. I do want to get back more with the original format, but to be honest, I'm kind of feeling my way through at this point because it's been a long time and so much has changed on the face of the planet. There's so much to discuss, and honestly, every week I want to go in a hundred different directions, and I want to share so much, and I want to teach so much. Last week we talked about some struggles that some people are facing in relationships. And because of my counseling and work that I've done, I've shared some kind of broad scenarios and also, to a degree, some personal scenarios about things that I had dealt with when it comes to kind of toxic relationships. And I was reminded by someone, hey, this is supposed to be the positude podcast. Parts of your show last week really didn't sound very positive in nature. While that may be the case, the essence of what I was trying to share last week and the crux of what I was trying to get to was that even though we all have struggles and we suffer with, particularly personal relationships, sometimes that might not be ideal. There are different routes that we can choose to take based upon our free will that can hopefully make the situation better, change the situation for the positive. And if not, then we have the free will to move on and be more positive in our own right, stand in our own light and live life on our own, or choose to wait to find another partner that's more well suited, or possibly the universe, the powers that be providing that person to us, putting them in our path based on the energy that we're putting out, based on our self work, based on the fact that the other person may be doing positive self work. And then so as a result, the universe creator brings both of those forces together so that they can then possibly enter a journey of what it's supposed to be. The loving, the kindness, the gentleness, the sharing, the partnership, all of that. The other option would be for the two parties that are having issues, to be able to work through their struggles and be able to hopefully have a more solid union going forward because they've been able to learn and grow from their mistakes. And that may as a result, bring them even closer over time, depending on, again, the free will choice that each individual is making or has made. So my purpose with last week's show was to provide different scenarios and different possible endings to a situation that wasn't healthy, satisfying or gratifying. Someone once said that change is inevitable, but growth is optional and never was a truer statement spoken when we're trying to navigate life and relationships in particular, we all choose in so many aspects our own path. Granted, we can't control what other people are going to do and how they're going to react, but we have every control over what we do and how we handle a situation, how we choose to react, what we choose to change. That's why it's imperative that we heal ourselves and work on ourselves to be better people. To know that inherently we don't need another person to make us feel whole, to make us feel complete. Once we have the confidence and we have peace in ourselves, once we are secure in who we are as a person, and once we have the knowing that we are enough, we are special, we are important, we are loved. We are love. We are everything that creator intended us to be. And we have the power to stand in our own being, in our own temple, and create and be healthy and be worthy of love from others. [00:05:43] We know we're worth it to have that joy, to have that peace and love and that bonding from others. Then we're able to transverse the journey in a healthy manner with a partner. And it needs to be a partner that has also been on that same journey of self awareness, that they have the confidence to know that they are enough, that they are loved, that they are a good person, that they are living in their true self, the best person that they could be. So that they're able to take all of that and be able to share that with somebody else in a healthy manner. And as a result, the two can learn and grow together and grow closer. [00:06:36] Now, they don't need to be perfect, because if everybody worked their whole lives on becoming perfect, then a prerequisite that you couldn't be in a relationship unless you're whole, you're complete, you're secure in who you are, you're healed emotionally, you're healed physically, you're everything that you, you know, you're perfect. Relationships wouldn't happen so as long as two people are working toward improving themselves and as long as they are healed enough inside of them to be able to engage in a relatively healthy relationship where they're not abusing the other person or, you know, there are not triggers every single minute that come up because of previous relationships that will affect the way that they respond in their current relationship. You know, as long as there is a healthy balance and they've been working on themselves enough to be able to have the propensity to give as much as they get in a relationship, they have the ability to give that whole 50 50. Not 70 30, not 80 20, but 50 50 in most cases. In other words, part of a partnership, part of a relationship is you carry each other. When one person's feeling sad or hurt, you know, the other partner's job is to step up and make them feel better and carry the extra weight in that situation. Or if one person's depressed or sad, you know, it's your job as a partner to help them get back to balance and feel better. Now, having said that, if they've been working on themselves, there's a certain degree that they should be able to do that by themselves, whether it be through prayer, meditation, positive affirmations, whatever they choose to use, maybe just deep breathing, maybe they go to their happy place. Whatever it takes for them to start to bring themselves up, that needs to happen. You can't do all the work because then it can become an also a very lopsided relationship in which you're always the support, you're always the one that's doing the work, and the other person just kind of sitting back, going along for the ride, that's not healthy either. Right? And so we know these things, but as long as two people are relatively healthy inside of themselves and relatively secure in who they are and they're willing to put forward the work, and there aren't any really exceptional scars that are still lurking in the background waiting to rear their ugly heads. [00:09:28] There's no reason that they can't continue the journey together and to learn and grow together. And what happens as a result of that is depending on the nature of the relationship that is, spiritually speaking. And I'm going to go into that in a couple of minutes. [00:09:48] It could be the most amazing experience ever. It can be the most positive experience ever. And it has the possibility, because they're learning and growing as a couple, as a unit individual, in their own rights, it just the capacity there is to become so much closer, so much stronger. It's just amazing to truly be on a journey with someone that is really giving it their all, just like you're giving it your all. And but also in conjunction with that, you're going through your life mission. Now, what is your life mission? You might not know that yet. You might not know that until you find a partner that's suitable, that was predetermined or predestined possibly to be put into your path so that you can explore that journey, so that you can discover why you're here. What's your mission? What's your purpose on this planet? There are a lot of spiritual unions that are being formed now as we approach the biblical end times, as we approach the end times of this cycle, that there are a lot of relationships that are being forged, formed, brought to fruition, brought to manifestation, but also a lot of relationships that are ending, that are decorating, that are being separated for a reason or a particular purpose. And some of that is spiritual nature in that there are two good people that are working together. And so the dark forces are putting them apart because they know that that couple is a power couple and that together they're able to manifest and create a lot of really cool things and a lot of powerful things that the bad guys are afraid of. They don't want them to succeed. So as a result, there's a lot of negative energy that's put forth spell work, ritual work, deemed to ruin those relationships. [00:12:04] The positive side is, and actually, the lessons for couples like those are that they become aware that that scenario is happening and that they're under attack. And so they change their tactics, they come together and they pray and put energy out together to deflect those attacks. And so they're. They overcome and they become closer also as a result. [00:12:29] However, if they don't use their discernment and they don't use their free will to strengthen that relationship and thwart the evil forces using spiritual warfare, then once the relationship is ended, that was their free will. So at that point, what I believe is that father or the powers that be create another relationship, another situation, to where those people are able to be with other partners, be alone for a while, possibly, but then be with other partners that are more well suited to their needs and their mission. [00:13:09] That is, if you're not doing what the good forces want you to do or need you to do, if you're nothing, stepping up and taking your place in what needs to happen, then basically, father, creator, the universe, the powers that be, they're gonna push you aside and they're gonna put somebody in your place that will do the job, that is up to the task. And a lot of people don't realize that, but that's how it is. That's how it is, and that's based on our free will and how we act and react to a situation. Which is just another example of why when we engage in a serious relationship, we need to be at a certain level inside of ourselves, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, so that we're aware of these signs when they present themselves. [00:13:58] Was this a spiritual attack? Could this relationship have worked? Or was it a karmic relationship, a bad relationship, something that we needed to engage in so that we could learn from, so that we could grow from it? And there's a difference with different types of relationships that is karmic relationship. Now, what the new age people out there are touting, and my perspective on that might be a little different, but I do want to address that. Karmic relationships are relationships that we're put in to learn from and to grow from and to become, hopefully stronger and better as a person after the relationship has ended. But my perspective on karmic relationships, and I know that there are certainly other people out there that do agree. However, some may not, and that's okay. [00:14:55] I take the stance that those are put in our path so that when we're with that person, we're experiencing different pains and different hurts and different angst and things like that. We may not be aware of it at first. Rather, it may start out okay and great and positive and everything seems fine, and it may transpire over the course of many years, as opposed to the person waking up within six months of a relationship and saying, oh, my God, what am I doing? I got to get out of this. This is not healthy. This is not good for me. [00:15:33] There are situations, situations rather, where people become comfortable in the relationship. And comfortable is better than no relationship. Or having a routine sometimes is better than being alone or they're happy with the relationship as it's progressing in that if some of their needs are getting met, then it's okay. [00:16:01] Not everything's perfect. They convince themselves not everything's perfect. Not everything's going to be the way that I want it to be. So I'm just going to keep treading along this path and being with this person. [00:16:11] And then what they come to understand over a larger period of time is little by little, they start to see these things that were not healthy in the relationship. And typically it is because they've been doing this self evaluation. [00:16:29] They are dealing with their faults. They're dealing with their personal issues. They're learning and growing. And they're trying to be a better person spiritually. And as that transpires, little by little. They're seeing these red flags. That they should have seen months, years, possibly decades previously. They're starting to see that, oh, my gosh, this was not a healthy relationship. I just settled. I stayed in it because it was comfortable. I tricked myself into believing that it was everything I wanted. Or that person really, really cared about me. When in reality, the reality of the situation was I was being used. I was being played. Or they were sick in their own right, mentally, Orlando, physically. And they weren't able to provide me what I needed. But I took what they gave me because it was better than nothing. There are so many different scenarios that come into play there. But bottom line, if it's not right. [00:17:30] And they start to realize that, and they start to learn and grow. [00:17:34] As they learn and grow, they truly outgrow the relationship. Or find the strength and fortitude inside of themselves. To say, you know what? This has not been a good scenario for me. I've been kidding myself. I've been fooling myself. I've been placating myself. I've been going on and on and on. [00:17:52] Just pretending that that was a good situation. [00:17:55] And there's another hurt that needs to heal. After that realization. [00:18:01] Then the person needs to get over that. And, oh, my gosh, you know, all these years, I thought it was great, and it wasn't. And I thought this person cared, and they didn't. I thought this person loved me, and they didn't. At least not to the degree that love should be. At least not to the full potential that love has. And in some cases, it may not have been love at all. It may have been a situation of convenience. [00:18:31] Or a person being used. Whatever the situation, once the person realizes that and gets over the hurt. And heals themselves from that. [00:18:40] The energy that's created from that healing and from that learning and from that growing. [00:18:46] Enables the source power, the universal energy. To bring to the table a relationship that's better suited to their vibrational energy. Now, when that happens, it is our responsibility. [00:19:05] To keep furthering ourselves on that journey. To then come together as a couple. With the gifts that we've been given. [00:19:13] Using our free will to further continue to expand and to grow. And to go farther than we ever deemed possible. [00:19:26] The source, creator, father, the universe. The powers that be know what's better for us than we do ourselves. And so they put these scenarios in our path to see how we'll respond to them and how anxious and willing we are to learn and grow. And as a result, the more that we do so, the higher we're able to truly ascend. And that's something that the new age movement talks about, although in a slightly different concept. [00:19:57] They really take out the true sense of spirituality that is the creator, in my opinion. So that's something that we slightly differ upon. So now let's talk about these positive, wonderful, spiritual relationships that people experience, such as twin flame relationships and soul mates, things like that. What's the difference there? Soulmate relationships can be same sex. They can be siblings. They could be mother and child, in my opinion, they could be lifelong friends. [00:20:34] And while there are many soulmate relationships that are romantic in nature, again, it's my opinion that those are brought into play for a reason, to teach us a lesson. There's something to be learned there. Some people believe that soulmate relationships are carried on through many different lifetimes and that, you know, these. The romantic idea of it is that these people were together in different lifetimes, possibly for centuries, and in different relationships, that they were always together. In a life situation, however, the relationships changed from lifetime to lifetime. That is, one time they were father and daughter, or mother and son, or best friends, or married one lifetime, but then not the next. [00:21:27] The next time maybe they were cousins. [00:21:30] So that's the new age take on it. But suffice it to say that soulmate relationships, typically in a romantic setting, don't last a lifetime, and they are meant to teach us a lesson. And there also usually is a lot of pain and struggling and suffering involved in those lessons. [00:21:51] My opinion is that one or the other partner is trying to learn and grow, and the other one brings a lot of pain and hurt a to the scenario, and it more or less triggers the other person as a result of what they've gone through to want to learn and grow and become a better person. So again, it may be a negative relationship toward the end, but it's meant to stimulate that person to have the free will to create positive changes in their life. [00:22:36] I feel like the karmic relationship is a lot more emotional, in essence, and a lot more drama, a lot more pain in the karmic, because that's really like a heavy hitter teaching you to. It's hitting home, and it just takes us, in my opinion, such a tremendous emotional toll and physical toll on the body because of the pain that's endured throughout the course of the relationship. However, a soulmate especially in the instance of its like family members or mother and son or something like that. It can continue to develop over the course of a lifetime. Or at least you'll keep ties with that person over the course of a lifetime. And the lessons that are learned there could very well be on both sides. You may be walking hand in hand, sharing the commonalities and learning together and growing together. If it's that type of situation. [00:23:33] Not to say that all romantic soulmate situations are doomed to fail, they just typically, in my experience, from many, many counseling sessions and guidance, spiritual guidance appointments that I've done over my lifetime, it's just they don't typically last the duration of a lifetime. That person will come in, they'll be together, they'll learn a lesson, and then they'll move on. [00:24:00] I hope that clarifies to some degree. [00:24:04] Having said that, before we go on to what I consider a twin flame relationship, I'd like to share an article that I found on style craze, which gives you some key points to recognize if you're in love in a relationship. So that may be something that you can reflect on and maybe use kind of as a guideline and it may help you. [00:24:24] So the article is called what is true love? 15 characteristics of real love so the first one is love is unconditional. Though it's pretty self explanatory, few people truly understand just what unconditional love really means. Real love is always unconditional and selfless. When you love a person completely without expecting anything from them, it is unconditional love. In fact, you may not even expect love and attention from them in return. You are simply grateful to the universe for their presence in your life. [00:25:01] Number two, love means putting the other person's needs before your own. While people may at times behave inherently selfish to survive in this difficult world, this does not serve you well where love is concerned. If you don't instinctively feel like putting the other person before you, it's a relationship of convenience, not love. When you fall in true love, you are ready to sacrifice and genuinely care about the other person's happiness even more than your own, and will go to any lengths to make them feel valued. [00:25:32] Number three, love means never having to be bound by expectations. [00:25:37] We all want others to behave as we expect them to. We want them to be more caring, compassionate, affectionate, outgoing, smarter, ambitions, or attentive. But all of these are expectations. Expectations are nothing but your requirements for loving someone which is contrary to what true love is. Real love has no expectations. The focus is on loving them, and that is enough for you. [00:26:01] Number four, love means letting go gracefully. Love does not require possession and has no room for jealousy. It allows people to be free. It does not require holding on tightly and crushing a person's wings to keep them close. True love does not want to own, but to nurture. Let me stop here at that one and say that it's normal for us to have human emotions. Emotions creator made us so that we have the experience to have anger, love, hate, jealousy, all of those things. It's how we handle them. So to feel little twinges now and then, I think, can be healthy based on the situation. [00:26:43] But as an overall rule, to let these feelings take over and truly encompass our personality and the way that we handle the way that we feel, I think is very important. So if we're feeling those twinges of, let's say, jealousy, it's important to discuss with your partner why you're feeling that way. Did they make you feel that way? Were they trying to make you uncomfortable and make you feel jealous because they're not getting enough tension from you? Or they don't feel as though you've provided their needs? Or is it simply for some kind of just reason to hurt your feelings? Which could be the case in a karmic relationship, for instance. But when we have feelings, it's important to go to your partner, talk to them, explain why you're feeling the way that you do. And you know, what I've learned is, in a lot of cases, it may just be depending on the relationship that you're involved in, if it's somebody that's wonderfully honest and trustworthy, and somebody that you truly have that all encompassing love for, it may just be that they said something the wrong way and they really didn't mean it that way. Or it may just be that a situation appeared as though it was something to be concerned about, when in reality, it really wasn't. So that's why conversation is important. And talking about how you feel is important, that's what's going to bring that relationship closer. By ignoring it and letting it fester and just building and building and growing to a huge situation of epic negative proportions is only going to serve to further eradicate and dissolve the relationship. Because when you're angry, when you're hurt, when you're sad, keeping all that stuff inside of you isn't healthy for either one of you. It can't help the relationship. [00:28:35] So, moving on. Number five, love is synonymous with empathy. Empathy is understanding a situation from another person's point of view, love has deep empathy. If you truly love someone, hurting them will practically crush you. You can't bear the thought of them being sad or hurt. You want them to be. To feel good and be happy and be prosperous. [00:28:57] So that's another one that's very important in my book. [00:29:02] You have to be able to give that person the attention they desire. If they're having a hard day, whether or not it's something that you feel insignificant about, if it's important to them, it should be important to you. And that you need to take that and listen to what they have to say. And it really is your duty as a partner to carry that weight. Here we go with the 70 30, 50, 50, 80 20. Again, you want to try and make that person feel important, and you want to try and make that person feel better and to just vocalize that. I'm sorry that you're feeling this way, or I'm sorry that this situation happened. However, let's talk about it. What can we do to help make it right? What can I do to make you feel better? And if it's not a matter, like in the case of a personal loss of a loved one, where you're really not able to help them feel better, just your being there and just your support and showing them the love and attention that they deserve is enough. [00:30:03] It lets them know that you care. Empathy is such a strong, strong emotion. [00:30:10] Number six, love beings being part of a team. Here we go. We just talked about this. True love is nothing but perfect teamwork. You need to know when to take control and when to fall back and allow your partner to take over. When two people truly love each other, their strengths and weaknesses come together and help them work as a team. They are supportive and respectful and know when to be quiet and when to say the things that must be said. They aim to work together like a perfectly tuned instrument to achieve their goals. [00:30:39] So also, if there's something going on in a situation and you ask your partner, how was your day? And they start to tell you, and then you change the subject to what's on tv tonight? Or what are we having for dinner? That's not really Troy. That's not showing the essence of listening. That's not showing that person that you care about what they think about, because you're moving on and jumping to a different topic. You're not stopping and taking the time to let them know that you're hearing what they said, you're listening to them and let them get it off their chest and then share your day and talk about your key points. What, what you think would help to have made that situation better or what you think you can do to help them in that situation. Or just listen. [00:31:27] Listening is so important, though. [00:31:30] Number seven, love makes you feel content. Content, not anxious. Many people think being in a relationship relationship equals love. But sadly, that's not the case. Just because you are in a relationship does not necessarily mean there is true love between you two. One needs to be trustworthy and loyal towards the commitment. It is not love if there is constant fighting, jealousy, possessiveness or verbal, emotional or physical abuse. We talked about that last week. Number eight, love understands and accepts differences. True love allows you to open up to your partner and results in personal and spiritual growth. There's that spiritual growth. It also comes with a great degree of vulnerability. However, this natural process is essential for getting closer to your true self. Every living thing needs to grow to survive, including plants, animals and human beings. It promotes natural growth that fills our life with happiness and fearlessness. [00:32:24] Let me tell you that being vulnerable is not something that anybody wants to be. [00:32:32] Nobody wants to feel vulnerable. Nobody wants to show their weaknesses. Nobody wants to share what's troubling them or what could possibly hurt them to a potential partner because, or even a partner sometimes because that could be used against them at a later date. So it truly takes a spirit of loving trust and wanting, knowing that that person is not going to hurt you. You have to be at that comfort level to know that that person is not going to take that and use it against you. And do you ever really know? No, there's not a guarantee. But if you're in that relationship to begin with and you're moving forward, then there has to be a certain degree and level of trust. And showing your vulnerabilities not only enables the other person to understand you better, but it also helps you because bearing your soul to that person is going to further endear them to you. And also it's going to build that wall, that sense of trust between you two. Once you get that out there, it's just so important. I'm gonna stop right here and take a break. I'd like for you to enjoy music by my good buddy Pat Carr. You can reach him pat does all of my introductory and ending music and my ending music here on the show, as well as a lot of my break time music. He's an amazing original artist from Louisiana. Please check him out. He's on Soundclick, reverb nation. He's just all over the place. Please support him and tell him Maggie sent you. Also, jump on the chat room for the network and engage with other listeners who are listening to my program or just happen to be there passing the time and check out the other shows that are available on the network. I'm sure that there's something that you'll enjoy as well as this show. Also, if you're at all able to please support the network in any way possible, buy the owner a cup of coffee, send them through a couple of bucks. Whatever you can do is greatly appreciated as we are totally listener funded and if you want to be a superstar and have a business talk to the owner, hit them up about getting an ad placed on the station. It may be just on my show or other shows across the network, whatever your preference, but it's a great way to support the station as well as getting your name and business out there. We'll be back after this musical break. Please stay tuned for the second half. Thanks all for listening. [00:38:32] Okay, we're back with the second half of the positude podcast. I am your host, Maggie Hart. Continuing on with our list of qualities that can show that you're in love, we stopped with number nine. We're going to continue on with number ten. [00:38:55] Love does not recognize ego. This one's a big one. Where there is love, there is no ego. It's not about the fights. Every couple fights whether they are in love or not. It's about making up. It's about forgiveness and finding it hard to be apart from each other, no matter who is at fault. It is about fighting for each other, not against each other. Ego, especially in spirituality, is such a big adversary. So many people are concerned about I I I me when in especially the aspect of a real and lasting true love syndrome, ego needs to be shelled. Ego needs to be put to the side. We need to come at everything with a spirit of humility and recognize that it's not all about us all of the time. And that's another process in the spiritual journey. [00:39:52] Number eleven. [00:39:55] Love means rather having mutual respect. [00:39:59] To sustain true love, it is essential to have genuine respect for each other. Otherwise you may become judgmental and dissatisfied. Mutual respect can only develop from giving each other space for personal growth and not crossing the line, no matter what happens. [00:40:16] Twelve. Love heals. Love heals. No matter how deeply you've been hurt, the power of true love can heal you and help you find happiness again. Love makes you feel safe and protected. You feel at peace with yourself in the world. When you are in love. You feel at home with your loved one no matter where you are. Home is truly where the heart is. Number 13. Love provides companionship. As humans, we seek companionship and support from our partners. Lovers stay by each other's sides no matter what. Through thick and through thin for life, true love celebrates the good times and provides a shoulder to cry on during the bad times. You can find true love when you are at peace with yourself. You do find true love when you are at peace with yourself. You can't find love or happiness by chasing people or emotionally blackmailing them to be with you. It comes when you are completely comfortable in your skin and express gratitude for the little things in life. You see how all of these key points are very parallel to things that we spoke about, not just in last week's show, but especially in this week's show. [00:41:20] Number 14. Love is selflessness. Love is not about grand gestures or self sacrifice. It's about the daily act of putting your partner's needs and happiness before your own. It involves acts of kindness and compromise where individuals find joy in the happiness of their partner. This does not mean that you become a doormat. Selflessness in love is about finding a balance, a harmonious blend of me and we. It is about celebrating individual dreams while nurturing shared aspirations. And we've talked about this, too, but it's truly the grand gestures of self sacrifice we spoke about last week a little bit, but putting your partner's needs and happiness before your own. The acts of kindness and compromise are truly what is important here in this statement. Because when you show someone that kindness and you show someone that you're willing to compromise, even if it's not something that you want to do, that is, they want to go see a movie that you want to see, but you know that they love that, that type of movie or this movie star that's in it. So you decide to take an afternoon and say, you know what? I know how much you enjoy this. Let's do this for you. It's not always about you. So any, any of those things that you do for your partner to show that you're not rigid, to show that you're not all about yourself, to show that you're able to compromise and work with them and do something that makes them happy, will make all of the difference in your relationship. Too many times we've heard in bad relationships, I'm not doing that, or I don't want to do that. But when you come at it from a perspective of, you know what we'll do something today that she likes or he likes. And then maybe next week we can do something that I like. Because what will happen is that partner will start to see, wow, they're really paying attention to my needs, my likes, what I want to do, what I don't want to do. And so, you know, next time let me do that. Let me show them that same spirit. And, you know, maybe go to a hockey game when I don't like hockey rather, because they like it, things like that. So, yeah, selflessness is very, very important. [00:43:31] And I think that a lot of people struggle with that when we've come from narcissistic, controlling relationships. I think the problem there is that because we've been controlled and because we've always been told what we're going to do or been guilted into something that we didn't want to do, it's kind of hard when you're in a healthy relationship to really see the difference and say, wait a minute, this scenario is going to benefit both of us. It's not about control. It's not about a power play. It's something that's going to truly make my partner happy, because now I'm with a partner that can truly mirror my needs. And so we'll compliment each other, we'll give and we'll take. We have that input. And there again is part of healing from past traumas and relationships is being able to recognize that this time around it's a little different, especially when you've been in a controlling, narcissistic relationship. It takes a great deal of healing to be able to extend that olive branch and put your neck out there and really want to do something nice for your partner. And especially give up something maybe that you wanted to do on a Sunday afternoon. For instance, if you wanted to stay home and watch football but they wanted to go shopping, you give up your football to go shopping, or vice versa. [00:44:45] You know, that's so important. It's healthy for the relationship, but it's more important that you, as a potential person that was abused in a bad situation before controlling narcissism, to be able to take those steps. It just shows the partner how much you've grown and how much you've evolved and that you recognize the fact that they're not the same as their previous partner. That is so essential to the healing process in both aspects, I believe having shared values. Sharing values means sharing the fundamental guiding principles that define how you navigate life together. Their beliefs about honesty, integrity, kindness, and the things that truly matter in the grand scheme of existence. These values also provide a framework for navigating disagreements, making decisions, and acting as a source of unwavering support during hard times. [00:45:40] So, yeah, absolutely. If there isn't honesty, integrity, kindness, the things that truly matter, the same morals, it's not going to work. [00:45:50] But there, again, talking about the evolvement in learning and growing, we, I think, come to the point in our lives, wherever, when we've been through a bad relationship or a karmic relationship or a narcissistic relationship, that we really tend to hold fast to, those things that we may not have been able to exercise before, to our fullest potential. And so those are things that typically we hold onto even more. And so it's more important to us that we have a partner that's honest, that we have a partner that has integrity, that we have a partner that exudes kindness and lovingness and shows emotion and all those things that we were missing before. [00:46:31] So there you go. Those are the 15. [00:46:36] And as you can see, they directly relate to both this week's and last week's show. And it gives us a guideline of what we can expect and what we should be looking forward. What really, the traits that are included in those 15 key points are really essential to a good and healthy relationship. And we may have differences in how we navigate some of those situations based on our individual relationships, but the key components are essential. [00:47:06] So now that we've learned these traits and we've talked about a couple of different other relationship styles, what about that all encompassing true love? What about that one that's made to last forever? What about that? Just the one that makes your heart flutter and your heart beat and you, every time you think about that person, you just. [00:47:27] You have these butterflies inside, and it's just that feeling in the pit of your stomach that doesn't eradicate over time. It's that full joy, that total encompassing joy, that wholehearted sense of wow, wow. I don't know what I did in my life before this person, and I certainly don't want to find out what would happen if this person isn't in my life in the future. I would like to start off that it's my true desire to see everybody on the planet involved in this type of amazing, awesome relationship. But the fact of the matter is that most people, as much as we like to be romantic, don't truly find that love in their lifetime. A lot of people don't. But the ones that are lucky to find it know a love that's so utterly all encompassing and wonderful and exceeds their highest expectations on every level. [00:48:27] Some people consider this love, or call this love, a twin flame love. [00:48:34] They believe that two parts of the same soul exists, that the soul had split, and these are two halves of the very same soul. And they've come together thanks to the work that they've done on their own. [00:48:50] And thanks to the universe they've been brought together during this period of turmoil. Our planet, especially for this time, to come together, solidify, grow as a team, exceed even their highest expectations to be able to perform a mission on the planet. And while some of this may sound woo woo to those that are typically christian in nature and the whole spirit splitting, soul splitting may sound a little harsh to understand or believe. [00:49:26] What we need to keep in mind is that our God, our creator, is supernatural. And there are many things that have been, again, like we talked about last week, taken from us, been taken from us. Knowledge that has been hidden from us so that we cannot reach our true potential. That I do believe that there is not only a potential, but a likelihood that relationships like this not only exist, but they are put here for a purpose, for us to be able to serve humanity better. For the people that have been shown this relationship, that have been brought into these relationships, they're there for a mission to help with the planet, to help us get through these times that we're about to go through. In the course of doing my work over the past many years, I can honestly say that even 510 years ago, I would come across maybe one case a year, if that, maybe every couple of years, of what I would consider a true twin flame union, in that they have all the qualities that I would consider real two halves of a whole, whether it be a soul splitting or nothing. And what it is, is it's just there's a tremendous amount of things in common, likelihoods, things that just. I. You could talk for hours, and the commonalities are just like endless and even months and months into a relationship, you're just still discovering commonalities, commonalities, rather, that you have things that you share, that the other person shares, but moreover than that, you truly are a mirror of the other half. And so what this relationship also does is it triggers you in that it brings to the surface hurts that haven't been healed and traumas that need to be brought up and healed. [00:51:25] So the other person has an ability to bring you your weaknesses to the surface because they truly mirror you. So, for example, you've suffered some of the same traumas or been in some of the same past life. Situations, not past life, meaning before this life, but previously, earlier on in life, been through different situations that are very parallel in nature, and you suffered the same hurts, the same disappointments, the same transgressions. And so when you're in a relationship, you may say or do something that potentially triggers your partner, because they've been through the same types of relationships where their partner has said things to them that has hurt them or disappointed them. And so when you say something that they even remotely assume to be like that past relationship, it's a trigger. But in the case of what is called a twin flame union, what happens is those people come together, those triggers and those traumas are brought to the surface, and they're able to heal and get by them, so therefore, they don't become an issue anymore. In this type of relationship, there's a healing that takes place on both levels that is truly magnanimous in nature. [00:52:54] The reason for this is because there's work to be done. There's a reason that these people were brought together, and they need to be solid in that they truly need to be almost two hearts beating as one because of the work that they're going to need to do in the future. And I know that sounds a little bit mysterious, but we're going to be faced with some really horrible times, and we're going to be faced with some beautiful times. But in order to truly survive as a couple, if you've been placed in a mission, if you've been chosen to be one of those people in or a couple, let's say, in those missions, they need to be able to think and act as one. They need to be close to where nothing can divide them, nothing can conquer them, and they're able to move as one unit, they're able to think and act as one person. And those are the qualities that people that consider these twin flame relationships truly to be. They have so much in common to begin with, and they're able to bring to the surface their hurts and traumas and heal them so that they're closer together, so that. And there's also a psychic aspect to this, too, because as they become more in tune with each other, and as they progress through their healings and traumas, bring them to the surface and heal them, get past them. And I know that I sound like I'm being redundant with that statement, but it's so important for people to understand, because so many people go through lives thinking that they are in a twin flame relationship, when in essence, it's a karmic or a soulmate relationship. And this one is so different from any other that it's really important that I repeat myself so that everybody understands that it's not like the other relationships. And if you think that you're in what would be coined as a twin flame relationship, I really need you to go back and revisit those 15 key points and concentrate on that. But then having said those 15 points add to the fact that you have almost everything in common. You're on the same wavelength, but you've also suffered a lot of the same emotional traumas throughout your life. And your sore points are their sore points to a degree. Now, having said that, one partner is usually a little bit different in energy than the other, maybe higher or lower than the other. And so that person, the one that's got the higher energy and that has worked harder on their healing or come farther in the healing progress, helps the other one to step up to their level. So there's also that the true essence of the 50 50 relationship in there, too, because the higher partner helps the one that's not quite as high in vibration to raise to their level. [00:55:58] As opposed to in a traditional relationship. If somebody's higher and one person's lower in a narcissistic or in a soulmate or especially in a karmic relationship, that higher person will try to keep degradating the lower person to stay above them. That's an ego thing. So that they're never truly at the same level. So that they always have some kind of power above them. And they're not going to give that effort into making that person come up and meet them to where they're at, because then they lose their power and then they lose control. So you see how that works. So, moving on, the psychic part of this relationship is also, and everybody has a. We've talked about this before, but in this particular relationship, the psychic level, as they learn to heal their traumas, is just off the charts. Like the attraction is off the charts. The commonalities are off the charts. And then the psychic aspect is off the charts because they are able to communicate telepathy, telepathically, rather, and they typically do finish each other's sentences. And while you may hold the argument that, well, a lot of people do that, especially if you're gifted or you're open to your abilities, a lot of people are able to do that. However, in this type of relationship, that also is unprecedented. It happens much more frequently as they get closer and much more readily than the average couple. Even if they have develop their spiritual gifts. [00:57:33] Everything is energy. And there's something about this relationship, this particular type of relationship, that energetically, there's nothing over the years that I've experienced people who have had this and felt this type of feeling that I could compare it to, because it's just off the charts on every level. And definitely, definitely there's a spiritual proponent. These types of relationships were put here not only to be experiencing the highs, the total joy, the feeling of completeness, the feeling of total peace from being with their partner because of the work that they've done individually and because of the work that they do together that gels them so solidly that it's just, it's. It's amazing. The feeling of missing the other person when they're not together is so very painful that many people say that it's. It's unbearable when they're physically apart, and that when they're apart, minutes seem like days seem like months, but when they're together, their time seems to traverse so quickly. [00:59:01] It is truly otherworldly and supernatural in nature. And I am so thankful that relationships like this exist and that some of us may be lucky enough to experience them in our lifetime, because if we work at them and if we nurture them, they will last not only this lifetime, but I believe for many, many lifetimes to come. And when I say that, not necessarily from a reincarnation standpoint, but up there in the other levels, and it's my belief that these relationships existed way before these bodies were put into the earth, that their souls were truly joined in the past and for eons, possibly, they may be some sort of an angelic being or some sort of very, very high spirit beings that were brought to earth at this time for a reason. That's my belief. [01:00:10] So now that we've broached a little bit about different types of relationships, it's time for me to go. We've filled this hour up pretty quickly. I didn't even get to my fables. But hopefully all of you have enjoyed this broadcast, and we'll talk about not only this type of religion relationship and maybe delve a little deeper into that, but also talk about other types of relationships in the future and where we're headed as a result of the unions that we choose to engage in, whether it be something like this last relationship that I think really most people don't have a choice about. They're put together, the energy is there, and they don't have a choice. [01:00:54] And then your typical relationships and how that's gonna affect humanity as a whole as we progress into future times. So with that being said, thanks, everybody, for listening. Have a wonderful night. I'll see you next week. Thank you.

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