The Positude Podcast

The Positude Podcast
TRIM Radio
The Positude Podcast

Apr 19 2024 | 01:03:19

Episode • April 19, 2024 • 01:03:19

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

Maggie Heart is your positive psychic and intuitive medium.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Sadeena good morning, everybody. Welcome to the Positude podcast. I am your host, Maggie Hart. Looking forward to spending another hour with you this week, talking about pertinent events, sharing some stories, spreading some light, hopefully, and negating the negativity in your life, and generally just relaxing for an hour and enjoying each other's company. I hope that everybody had a good week. The last week's solar eclipse has made the mainstream and the alternative media again this week, mostly covering the stories that we covered last week. However, there has been a little more talk about the fact that the alternative media seems to think certain fragments of it seemed to think that the solar eclipse glasses that were either given out or made available for people to order through Amazon were maybe blocking the, what should have been the positive effects of the solar eclipse. So as we talked about last week, in the area that I was in, it was mostly cloudy. There was hardly anything at all to see. And the mainstream media has really taken a hold of, and it did before the eclipse as well. However, it seems like everybody's jumped on the bandwagon since right before the eclipse and then subsequently after talking about the glasses that were made available for people to buy on Amazon or that were given out free, that there were certain things that you needed to be aware of, that you needed to look up certain numbers to see if possibly those glasses were not safe. And there's been a lot of hoopla going on about that, the fact that the glasses may not have been safe, you know, check your numbers. And, and then there were some scattered reports. There was one that I had seen of, I think it was from 1964, but it were, it was two elderly men who had talked about the fact that they were young and they looked at the eclipse without the glasses and their eyes were permanently damaged. And then they brought in a professional who talked about the dangers of viewing the eclipse without the glasses. And, and then it kind of snowballed from there, as I said, regarding the fact that people discovered, however they discovered that the solar eclipse glasses, some of them, were not legitimate and could potentially still hurt your eyes even if you wore them. And it just became a whole, what I feel to be another diversion, at least from the aspect of the mainstream media, I feel as though it's another look over here, look over here, so that you're really not paying attention to what they're doing behind the scenes of and diverting you from the actual eclipse itself, the event itself. And the fact that, as I stated earlier, in areas such as where I was, there was extreme cloud cover. And there's been a lot of speculation in the alternative media as to whether or not things were sprayed, things were dusted, particles were put into the air. I have seen a bunch of videos since the eclipse of people all over the country that were reporting on and actually had some videos of flying objects in the sky during the eclipse, either before, during, or right after the eclipse. Now, just like the mainstream media, these alternative sources have sensationalized their headlines and mostly called them alien ships or alien scene or things like that. However, in my personal opinion, the flying objects that were spotted were probably some sort of governmental plane and probably were there to spray some sort of chemical or dust particles or something like that into the sky. It just. It stands to reason we had millions and millions and millions of people watching this event outside. The mainstream media made a huge deal out of the solar eclipse, and it seems like the optimal time were they to do something like that, to do it at a time when there are so many people outside unsuspecting. Insofar as the glasses, I know that there were some TikTok stories and things like that that came out about, and I didn't even get to watch them because I don't have TikTok, but I happen to catch a portion of the video. They want us to wear these solar eclipse glasses, but look what's behind them. I do think that there's probably an element of truth to that as well. The glasses may have had something in them, may have been faulty, and they knew they were faulty, and they put them out to the public so that the public would look at the sun and damage their eyes permanently. There's a lot of nefarious things that could have been done, but the one thing that I find interesting is when I spoke last week about the stories from Benjamin Fulford and BP Earthwatch, is that they were talking about the effects of if they have sprayed something the day of the eclipse, it comes out in about a week. So the symptoms start to come out and people start to get sick in about a week. And then, you know, in two weeks, it becomes more widespread of a story, and then, you know, the mainstream media will grab hold of it. But so that's what I'm wondering. I mean, is anybody out there feeling sick? It's been a week today, as I record. Are you having any weird symptoms or coughs I or flu like symptoms or anything that you haven't felt since before the eclipse? Are there any new symptoms? I'm interested to find out if there are people that are suffering. I can tell you that I was very, very, very tired after the event, like, very tired. And I came inside and was just very lethargic and ended up taking almost a two hour nap and still was very tired and lethargic for several days after that. Now, whether or not that's coincidental to the eclipse, and maybe my body was fighting something and I was around other people, did I catch some germs? It's all possible, but it just. It's food for thought, something to keep in mind. And as I did say last week on the shows, please just boost up your immune system and take care of each other and continue to do so. Another possibility that I thought of with the reports of people seeing strange craft in the sky is that was this possibly maybe a lead into our soft disclosure, the disclosure that we've heard so much about that's they've been, you know, the alternative media, at least, has been threatening about for years that it's going to be an alien invasion, and it's going to be an alien invasion, and they're going to fake us out with these fake alien starships and spaceships and possibly attacks and all this other stuff. Could this have been a lead into that? Could they have leaked those stories to the right alternative news sources or paid somebody to put out those videos and submit them to the alternative news sources to show these craft in the sky, to kind of start the ball rolling for what's to come? Maybe more events of this nature, more witnesses to people spotting things in the sky and, you know, the fact that it was a solar eclipse and there's been so much talk about there being life on the sun or, you know, spacecraft that have been seen, because that also made the circle. There were the videos that came out several years ago about aircrafts floating into the sun and kind of around the sun. It looked like they were coming off of the sun. There were theories. I remember reading about it at the time where people were saying that that was the aliens fueling their spaceships and just a whole bunch of stuff. Well, maybe I think too much about it. But could that have been it, too? Were those stories leaked to start the ball rolling for the disclosure? And what better time, again, than a solar eclipse where there's millions of people outside looking up at the clouds and looking up at the sun? So, I mean, I guess anything's possible at this point, but I think I've given it enough air time for now unless anything new develops that I haven't heard about or somebody else has something to contribute to me I do have people that tell me, hey, look at this story. Or, I found this over there, and you might want to check it out. I'm kind of thinking, let's just wait and see what happens. Are people healthy? Are people getting sick now, a week after? How's everybody doing out there? And just, again, nothing to panic about. Just take note of yourselves, your bodies, your families, and maybe look up at the sky a little bit more. I don't think any of us do that enough. It's been my experience in rural main that, you know, I can look up at the sky, and particularly at night, but I can look up at the sky anytime. Basically, go out on a clear night and even on a not so clear night, and I'm always seeing anomalies out there. I'm seeing things that zig and zag and go in circles and change colors. And while I realized part of that is the satellite system, you know, some of the strange things that I see are the satellites that they now have in the sky forming what I think are these grids. That's part of it, absolutely. Because they're, you know, they're fixed like a star, but they. They blink a little differently, and they're a little bigger than your typical star from the naked eye. But there's a lot of stuff out there. If you just go out and stare and look, you'll see twinkling lights, you'll see color changing lights. You'll see objects that are flying in what we know of as not a normal flight pattern, circular or triangular, or zigzagging up and down, back and forth. Sometimes there are clusters of them. Sometimes there are what looks like a bunch of them together, forming the outline of possibly a bigger ship. And there again, is this really what we're seeing, or is this what we're. What's being put out there for us to be viewing with the naked eye? Is it something that's kind of a trick? I have to say that probably a lot of what I see in the. In the skies up north is legitimate craft. Now, the question, though, is whether or not it's an alien craft or whether it's something that the government's testing and the government's using, and they want us to think it's an alien craft so that, you know, right away, we're kind of on the defense, and we're not suspectful of our. Or suspicious, rather, of our government. I mean, I don't know. Remains to be seen. I do get inklings and feelings depending on what I'm watching. Certain times, sometimes I'll get a real, real dark feeling, a feeling of dread, like in my solar plexus. And other times I'll just feel like, oh, it's kind of cool, pretty lights. And either way, it's nothing that I'm fearful of. I stay grounded, I don't. I see what I see and I make note of it, and I basically register what my body's feeling. So if there's that fear of that trepidation, then I know that it's something that I really need to be aware of. You know, just kind of pay attention to it. What is it doing? What are the patterns? And then go into prayerful meditation and go deep and reflect on what it was that I just saw and bring out the details of what I witnessed. You know, were they red lights, were they green lights, was it circular, was it square? All of that and kind of digest it and just file it away. For future reference. And I would recommend everybody doing that. Check out what's out there. See what you can see. What do you think it is? What do you feel it is? Train your body to take a deep breath, balance your mind, quiet your mind, rather, and just gaze. Look at it. What does it feel like? Does it feel good? Does it feel evil? Does it feel neutral? Why? Why does it feel one of those ways? And trained your body to develop your. It's another way to develop your instincts by looking at things that you really don't know what they are and going by what your body feels to try and distinguish. Is this good? Is it bad? Is it potentially harmful? If I feel neutral, what does that tell me? What does that mean? Does it mean that it's something that's maybe being tested in the sky, but nothing that's a threat to humanity? Whereas if I'm feeling a twinge of dread or fear, is it something that could potentially be a threat to humanity and maybe particularly to myself? These are all things that we should be doing, training our instincts, working on our intuition. I've been talking about this for weeks, and this is just another exercise that we can do. And it's a really cool way to pass the time, especially on a beautiful starry night or on a beautiful sunny day. Your choice, do both. It's a great opportunity to relax. And if you're able to take pictures of what you're seeing, or if you're an artist, sketch what you're seeing and compare notes with your friends and family, maybe across the country or across the state, are they seeing the same things that you are in the sky develop networks. It's a really cool way to do two things, to discover what may be out there. Also to relax, to enjoy, and to develop your intuition. So when you see something, don't get all freaked out and go, oh, my gosh, I saw something. Look at it from the aspect of you're learning something new, you're discovering something, something. And take that feeling and work that into your daily meditation time or your daily prayer time. Studying the sky, looking at cloud patterns is another way to relax and get yourself into a deep meditative state, but also to be able to discover what potentially is out there. And it's a wonderful way to get out of technology and to be in nature. And, you know, if it's a warm summer night, you know, get a blanket, lay out on the grass, and look at the stars. The cloud formations are amazing. There are absolutely patterns in the clouds. There are. You can see faces in the clouds, you can see shapes in the clouds. And it's definitely my belief that based on the energy that's out there at any given moment, you may see positive creatures in the sky, in the shapes of the clouds, or you may see negative things. You may see things that are hiding behind the clouds, but their energy is manifesting in the clouds, if that makes sense. I can remember specifically a flight that I took from North Carolina. I believe it was that time. And I was flying along, and I was coming back, and it was after doing a weekend or several days of intense spiritual warfare. And I looked out my window and I saw two things very, very distinct in the sky. And I do have pictures of them somewhere. However, I don't know where they are at this moment. They're probably on two or three phones ago's memory. Because I have to admit, I'm not the best at about keeping those little chips that I should keep to download all my pictures. And I'm really not big about putting my personal pictures on these cloud storage spaces, although I know it's something that a lot of people do, it's not something that I really feel comfortable with and quite honestly remember to do on a regular basis. But I remember one time, specifically this instance that I was talking about, and I saw very distinctly angels in the clouds, flying along the plane, alongside the plane, rather. And then in the next instant, I saw what was a very, very distinct dragon shape flying alongside me in the clouds. And it actually, as the plane flew, the head was turned, looking off into the distance. And then slowly, the head turned and looked directly at me. And then after a few minutes seemed to look forward again, and then eventually it drifted out of the line of vision from the plane window. But those are all things that are, to me, very real. There are angelic forces and interdimensional forces that can manifest themselves into different shapes, not only right in front of us, but a lot of times in the skies above us, because they're interdimensional, they're coming from one dimension to another. And the area above us, the sky above us, is something that's very pertinent to spiritual warfare and to just our energies in general. And a lot of people are not aware of that. It's something that I like for people to pay more attention to. Not only is this a way to develop our intuitive abilities, but it's a way to focus on what we're seeing. And again, you know, just think about what we're seeing and visualize in our minds after the fact, what we've seen, and focus on the details and then sketch it out, draw it out, ingrain it into your memory so that if you have a similar instance in the future, you'll start to recognize. When you're looking at the sky overhead, are you seeing a lot of dark shapes? Are you seeing a lot of evil shapes, or are you seeing positive shapes? And that will directly attribute to the energy here on the planet it, believe it or not, so if there's a lot of evil or darkness floating around in the skies, it's going to manifest itself in the shapes that you're going to see overhead. The same with the goodness and the light. Also, this would be a good time to remind everybody, as I have before on previous shows, practice on your moving clouds and changing the weather. If it's partially sunny out and there's some clouds, and there are some distinct clouds overhead that you don't like the look of, that are dark in shape or dark in nature, or just energetically don't feel good to you, dissipate them, move them. If it's raining out and you'd like for it to be sunny, focus on the rain clouds. If you're just seeing rain clouds and you're not able to see shapes in them, focus on moving those clouds away and bringing out the sunshine. These are all gifts that we're going to need in the future, I believe. And when technology is not an option or not readily available, for whatever reason, whether it be an EMP strike or a grid going down or whatever, you manifesting these things and changing these things with your mind is something that I think that everybody is going to have to would be conducive for everybody, I should say, to learn how to do, because it is something that's possible. It's something that I do on a semi regular basis, just because I don't have enough time to go out there and sit and stare at the clouds for a couple hours a day. But we all have the ability inside of us to do things like this, to change the weather, to dissipate clouds, to change the shape, shapes. And if it's something dark and ominous overhead. Another thing that you can do is just fill up your energy with a great ball of light and just fill your body as still as you can with white light and happy thoughts. And if it's hard for you to visualize, just bring into your being the best memory that you've ever had, whether it be, and I've said this before on my shows, but whether or not it be the birth of a child, or a really wonderful relationship, or a loved one that you remember that's past, or a loved one that's still with you, that's giving you special memories, a special birthday, even, and bring all of that energy into your being and focus on the positive and focus on the feeling. For instance, if it were a favorite birthday, let's say a 25 birthday, and your parents threw you a great surprise party, and all of your friends were there, and it was just an amazing time and just a wonderful experience. Remember that specific emotion and the emotions that surrounded that occasion, and bring that into your body. Focus on the joy, the happiness, the elation, the wonderful surprise, the beauty of the surprise that was allowed to you by this party. And just bring all of those feelings inside of you and focus on that. And then radiate that positive energy out into the universe or out into the sky above you. And it's also a good way to bring yourself down to a really good level or bring yourself up, I should say, to a really good level when you're feeling anxious or scared or worried, is just to focus on that emotion. Remember how you felt and bring that into your body and hold that there. And anytime that a negative thought tries to enter in, push it away and focus on that wonderful, happy memory in as much detail as you can. That is the feeling that you felt, the feelings of love, the feelings of joy, the feelings of peace, the feelings of tranquility, the feelings of pride, in the fact that your family loved you so much that they did this event for you, the feelings that your friends gave you when they came up and hugged you and they were so happy for you, and they were happy to share in your joy of that moment. Hold on to all of that, bring all of that into your body and keep that feeling, keep that feeling of love. Because if you stay in a state of joy, in a state of bliss, in a state of love, that is the ideal for you to be able to manifest what it is you desire. And that's also truly, in my opinion, the strongest way to thwart the enemy is by staying in a feeling of joy and a feeling of love and a feeling of positivity, nothing can touch you. And as hard as they try, when that negative energy tries to push in, push it back out, fill it with that joyful feeling, that loving feeling again, and eventually you'll get to the point where I've always referred to them as mosquitoes, those mosquitoes, those little, just annoying little negative thoughts that creep in, or those annoying little spirits that want to creep in and ruin your day. Whether we call them demonic or negative, whatever you'd like to term them, they're inconsequential in nature. Once you realize the power that you have as a sole individual, as a child of the creator, you are gifted with the same gifts that he has or she has. But in my case, I think it's a he. So he has. And that universal energy that you have was gifted to you the same as the creator had. So you're able to hold that joy. You're able to manifest that feeling, keep it in your heart, keep it in your soul, let it vibrate through every cell of your being, and keep that feeling. Heal your body. Picture all of the cells in your body being perfectly healed. You're at peace. Your DNA is healed. Your cells are healed. You are in a perfect state of absolute bliss and contentment. You are perfectly healthy. You are perfectly aligned. You are perfect in your imperfect self. It's a matter of striving to be better and better and better and keep eventually, in that state of bliss. That's where you're able to manifest, that's where you're able to heal. That's where you're able to send healing energy. All of that is what happens. And these little exercises will help you to develop all of that. Another thing that I've been working with really recently, more so, is the tuning forks. So if it's hard for you to hold that feeling or get that feeling inside of you, what I would suggest that you do is pick up a couple of really good quality healing tuning forks. They're not that expensive. I picked up the 528 hz, which is supposed to be the healing Hertz 4096, it says c, which is supposedly bringing in the frequency of the angels. And then I also have one that's 128 c, which is like a double hammered one that you can cling. That helps to eradicate disease and pain and inflammation from the body. The other one, the 528, lot of people use to clear negative energy. You can ting it it and walk around the room with it, or you can ting it and, you know, kind of wave it around your head and your. Your aura and your body. And then the other one, 4096, is just absolutely enchanting. It's a tiny little guy. And that one that supposedly brings in the frequency and the vibration of the angels. Just has such an amazing sound to it. The 528 and the 4096, actually, when I ting them, just gives me a feeling of peace and tranquility. And it does help to dissipate the negative energy in an environment. I do use some incense that I burn when I'm doing spiritual warfare work. And to help clear the area. Although if you're in an area where I. You can't burn incense or you need an immediate relief. And, you know, you're not in a situation where. Or if somebody's not particularly liking the smell of the incense. However, having said that, most people, when you burn frankincense, if they don't like the smell of it, there's usually a reason that they don't like the smell of it. There's usually something negative in their aura or in their environment, possibly oppression or possession. But sometimes it's just, you know, there's. There's some kind of energy around them that doesn't like that smell. However, there are also people that are very sensitive to smells, such as myself. You know, you have created perfumes and body sprays and things like that. Even some of the purest essential oils me, depending on what they are. And it's very. It's a struggle for me to go to places like shopping malls and supermarkets. When people are just extremely liberal with their ex body spray or their cheap perfumes or colognes. And. And it just. It bothers my allergies. So in regards to being respectful of others in the environment, the sound is a different way to clear the energy. Or help to heal and promote positive energy. Without burning some sort of substance. The thing that I find fascinating about these tuning forks is I've been experimenting a lot. And I've talked about on previous shows, and we'll get into this more in the future, but different ways to holistically heal the body and to change the energies. And also, historically speaking, rather, when we talk about how different healing modalities have been hidden from us or taken from us so that we didn't. Weren't able to discover our full potential, and we weren't able to use these gifts from creator as ways to heal our bodies and ourselves and in the environment, what have you. These things are amazing little tools. And it's my belief that, for instance, the pyramids that were created, we've talked about this before. I don't think that that was done by, you know, slaves in carts with mules or donkeys or camels or whatever. I believe that all the. This was done with sound and thought vibration. And in some cases, certain things were done with the frequencies of water as well. And this is not a stretch. This is something that, if you look into history and really dive into it, you'll see that. And I've talked about this on previous shows that most major cities had waterways in them. And, you know, the whole. I talked about England. The fences that, you know, the sharp picket fences that go from place to place, the copper topped dome structures, all of this, Tesla's theories, I mean, we could go on and on. Tartaria, all of it is all related. And these are techniques and technologies that were hidden from us and taken from us, and that we should be utilizing, because they're very, very simple in nature to use. Just the Buddhists and tibetan monks, you know, the chants that they use and the vibrations that they make with their throat and their tongue and things like that, these are all things that can positively affect us and that can heal us and heal the environment. And we should be utilizing all of these. So, having said that, before the break, I'm just going to give this one here, this 528, a quick ting and see what you think. And the preface behind it is you hold it at the end and you just. There's a rubber mallet. You can use a hockey puck. I actually just picked up a hockey puck at my local sporting goods college store because they have a hockey team. But you just ting it and you let the vibration resonate and see how it feels for you. Some of them recommend taking the stem of the tuning fork. For instance, the 128, I think, says that you can ting it and then you can actually put it above your third eye and hold it to your third eye. The 528, you can take and ting it and hold it up against your heart as it vibrates. To let that energy resonate through your physical body. The 128 people use it for, as I said earlier, inflammation and soreness and joint problems, arthritis, things like that. So they'll ting it and then they'll put the bottom of it up against, if it's, you know, say, a sore wrist, up against their wrist and let the vibrations resonate through their body that way. That one I've used on my third eye, on my pinedal gland, you know, so there are different ways to use them. You can look them up and research them and use what works best for you, for whatever you're trying to achieve. But just to give you an idea, here's the 528 hz. Now, I'm not sure how well that's going to carry across the recording, but let me do it for you one more time. Of course, I hit the microphone with that one, so it wasn't the best way, but actually ting the microphone. This is the 4096. I'll try it again. So it does last quite a bit longer, but I'm not sure how well that's carrying over through the recording. And then finally, the 128. This is the one I was telling you about for joint soreness and inflammation and things like that. This is the one that I put up against my pineal gland, and that is still actually vibrating in my hand. That one's got two hammers on it, so it doesn't look like your traditional tuning fork. It's got two round things on the end, and so when you hit it, very cool. And that one vibrates. It's the biggest fork that I have, and it also vibrates the heaviest or the strongest in my hand. And you can get sets of these and just do your research, because there is one that I. That I looked at that I saw online. I'm not sure if I talked about this on a previous show, but I actually did it on an interview that I did a couple weeks ago. And the Hertz that they recommended, it was in with the healing tuning forks. And you could buy this hertz. And I wasn't sure what the number was, so I looked it up online and the article that listed it said that it was actually created by, like, the Rockefellers, so. And that it was one of the ones that they thought they were using in with the. The radio frequencies and vibrations. Because we do know that they are putting different frequencies into the music nowadays, that they're changing the initial love, or the initial, rather love vibration, and they're putting in these other frequencies into the music that make you feel negative or anxious or fearful or whatever controlled whatever it is that they're trying to achieve by the sounds that they use. But these are awesome tools. They're not very expensive. They're very easy to care for, very easy to use, portable. You can take them anywhere you go. And the two that I use more, like I said, the 528 and the 4096 really do help to clear the energy in a room. It's amazing. So with that being said, we're going to stop right here and take a break. I'd like for everybody please to recognize my good buddy Pat Carr, whose music is my introduction and I on all of my shows. And also I play Pat's music for most of my musical breaks. You can reach him at Carr. Pat is an amazing original artist from Louisiana originally now in Colorado and he's on Soundclick, he's on Reverb Nation. He is all over the place. Please look him up, support his music and tell him Maggie sent you. I'd really appreciate that and I'm sure he would as well. Also, we are totally listened refunded here on the network. So if you'd like to give a donation and support of my show or any of the others, please do so. Just jump on the main page and contact the owner and I'm sure he'd be happy to let you buy him a cup of coffee or make a small donation, whatever you could afford. All appreciated. We appreciate you so much and we want to be able to continue to bring you really good content and cool stuff and check out the other shows on the network, you might find something else that you can enjoy. Also, if you want to be a superstar and you have your own business, this would be an awesome platform for you to advertise on to do a commercial, either yourself or the would probably and the producer would maybe be happy to do a commercial for you to support the network and also promote your business at the same time. Whether it be on my show or a different show on the network or just on the network in general, please consider this. It's a great way to get your name out there and to make money for your business and support our endeavors as well. Thank you all for listening to the first half of the positude podcast. I am your host, Maggie Hart and we'll be back right after this song. [00:39:15] Speaker B: Expect the best don't get it from me I want to love you I want to give it to you free expect the best I'm gonna love you I'm gonna give it to you free take my love and leave the rest I'm gonna give you my very best expect the best expect the best get it from me I'm gonna love you, give it to you free. [00:41:22] Speaker A: Gonna get. [00:41:22] Speaker B: It from me I wanna love you, I wanna give it to you free expect the best take the love I give to you the things I'm saying, you know what to do take the good and leave the rest I'm gonna give you my very best expect the best you're gonna get it from me I'm gonna love you, give it to you free expecting this I'm gonna love. [00:42:36] Speaker A: You. [00:42:39] Speaker B: Give it to you free. [00:43:02] Speaker A: All right, that was expect the best from my good buddy, Pat Carr. Thank you all for joining me for the second half of the Positude podcast. I am your host, Maggie Hart, and I'd like to take a brief moment to apologize for my microphone. It's a brand new microphone and it's a good quality one. But for whatever reason, I'm not technologically very knowledgeable and I can't get the sound to be as loud as it normally is. I've fiddled with the volume and unplugged it a couple times and messed with it a little bit and also the settings on my computer. Everything seems to be in working order. However, I'm just not getting the output that I normally would. Also, I'm on three different networks right now. Two and then a third scheduled. I just haven't gone on the air with that third network as of yet, and I'm always searching for new networks that will have me to put the Positude podcast on. In addition, I am looking to branch out and bring back some of my other shows eventually. Hopefully at least one of them. So if anybody out there would like to be a producer for my pre recorded shows, I have wonderful producers right now that put my content on the air. However, the actual recording and editing for my shows, because they are pre recorded, what I do is I record one show and send it off to all of the networks. It's easier for me with my time. So if anybody out there would like to lend a hand with that, please contact me at maggie as an aside, I don't push myself as much as I should. People out there who have been listening to me for years and hopefully some new listeners, have discovered the fact that I do a lot with spiritual healing and spiritual warfare. I also do classes on developing things like we're talking about tonight and how to heal yourself and how to develop intuition and how to work with spirituality. To be able to utilize your gifts to your full abilities. And also I do things like couple counseling. I have a degree in that and so I'm pretty well rounded and love to be able to share my gifts with others. So if you need something, please contact Meaggie Heartland h E A R T it's m a g g I e. Heart. Capital H E A R T. I do have a website that's under construction right now. It's wicked old and it needs some updates and I want to be able to put my classes on there as well as my books. Having said that, please check out my books on Amazon. They're on Barnes and Noble. They're all over the place that books are sold. I am energy by Meg M E g Hart Heart and also no more monsters by Meg Hart these books are wonderful tools for children who are struggling with energy, that is bullying at school, people being mean to them, struggling if they're gifted, to understand their gifts, if they're seeing things that they don't really understand and they're frightened of the dark, all of those things. These books are amazing tools. I've got so many positive reviews on them. People who have bought them for their children and grandchildren absolutely love them. So check those out on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. And also all of that will be on my new website, hopefully, which will be hopefully done in a not too distant future so that I'm able to promote more with my classes that way and my individual appointments, all of that. So get in touch with me in the meantime. Maggie if you need some help, I'd love to hear from you. Another cool thing I'd like to mention that's going to be on my new completed website is I'm going to offer subscriptions. So I'm going to have a special thing once a month, whether it be a prayer or an affirmation or a healing pack or something along those lines where people can subscribe, they can do an automated subscription, and every month their card will be charged a really small amount and they'll be able to reap a benefit of something special every month to enjoy that will help to heal, heal themselves and their families. And as a result of that, this show is very different to me in nature in that I had the mindset when I was thinking about what I wanted to talk about today to, yes, briefly touch on the eclipse, but also in my mind, I was going to go back and talk about the children and some of the struggles that we're having with our children will get to that on a future episode. But also, you know, the sexualization of our children. And I feel that that's a very pertinent topic. However, in prayer and meditation, it just came to me that I needed to do more because of the state of the world and the structure that we're living in, politically, economically, physically, emotionally, all of that. I needed to talk more about holistic healing and different ways that we could develop our intuitive abilities and heal ourselves. And so this show kind of morphed into that. It wasn't something that I intended, but I'm hoping that you're all enjoying it. I'd like to talk part of the reason that I wanted to get on the subject of children, and I guess I'm going to take this in a whole little bit to different aspect is I've been listening to a lot of different podcasts and also a lot of different videos that are out there on YouTube. And what I'm discovering, I'm very troubled to find that a lot of the shows that are out there are focusing on the negative and the anxious and things like that. And also particularly the YouTube videos that I'm finding that people would go to, you know, that is, do a basic search on whatever it is they're looking for, and these YouTube videos will pop up that have either some sort of meditative music or some sort of sounds, whether it be, you know, the surf or birds or music, and imbibed or infused into the music, are these different, whether or not they be healing energies or subliminals. And it's just disturbing to me that the content is so sexual in nature. For instance, I have happened to be searching on YouTube for a particular healing video. And just as a result, I got onto this channel that has videos that are very sexual in nature, developing ways to satisfy both yourself and your partner by listening to these frequencies and the subliminals. And, well, it's troubling to me for two reasons. Number one, if you're emotionally stable and you're working on your own gifts and abilities and the talents that we were given by our creator, it's really not necessary to have to or should not be necessary. Let me rephrase that. To have to resort to these videos to, for instance, satisfy your partner or satisfy yourself, that should be something that comes from within and not something that you should be, in my opinion, utilizing YouTube videos frequencies to help you achieve a desired effect. It just, I can't even believe that there are videos out there for such things now. And just all different topics, not just from a sexual perspective, but there are just so many content creators out there that are capitalizing on the healing sounds or what they. What they claim to be healing sounds and the subliminals. There was one that I found a couple of weeks ago, and I actually listened to a bunch of this girl's videos, and there are many channels out there that have jumped on the bandwagon. I think she was one of the first because she's got a lot of followers. But anyway, her videos focus on how to get the dream love of your life to come into your. Into your being, into your life, and to develop a relationship. Therefore rich men, therefore handsome men, therefore how to better, how to be more beautiful, how to be more physically attractive. To me, that's bordering on witchcraft. Just saying, if it's something that you're utilizing a tool for, depending on the content and depending on what's contained within. Because I don't want to do. I'm very careful not to do a blanket statement. However, so many of them out there seem to be somewhat dangerous in nature. Let's say there are pretty innocuous ones out there. There are ones that will help you sleep and ones that help you heal and ones for spiritual warfare. And I'm not to say that those do not benefit people and that people don't find them useful and that they're not helpful, but please be careful of, you know, do your research. Look at the content creator. Where are they sourcing their music and their subliminals from? Because you really don't know what they're putting into those videos. You're listening to it, and it's going into your subconscious, and it's going into the energy of your environment as you listen to them out loud or on your headphones, it's going into your body, but you don't really know what it is they're putting in there. And I went and looked through some of them that actually listed some of the affirmations that they had included in these videos, and they were very troublesome in nature. They were nothing. Anything that, in my opinion, was pure, in essence, and they were of witchcraft origin, in my opinion. So just, you know, just because it's out there on YouTube doesn't mean it's safe for you to listen to. So please use your judgment and use your discretion with those types of things. And know that for most of the videos that are out there, while I recognize that sometimes we need these tools because we're not strong enough to do these things on our own, just like when we're doing spiritual warfare, it's a well known fact that to play Bible verses or things like Latin chanting, let's say, if you know what they're talking about, if you know what they're saying. But spiritual music, things like that, they can be beneficial and they can serve to help clear the energy. In a situation where you're working on an individual or you're clearing a home, however, you really, again, you got to be careful. You don't know what you're listening to. If you haven't sourced where this person is getting their contact from, it could be very, you could have diverse effects. Okay. And they may not be the beneficial response that you're seeking. So. And I just. I feel as though so many people, just like in podcasting, are out there to gain sponsors, make a buck, get modified money, fidelity, whatever it is, get paid for doing what they do, that they'll put anything out there and sensationalize that topic to, you know, and then consequently, as they get more views, you know, they're earning a living off of it. But what is their true purpose in all of that? Is it to get rich? Is it to get famous and generate hits and achieve notoriety? Or is it generally to help the person that they're putting this contact out there for? It's just something that I feel we should all be really, really careful with. Just like the food that we put into our bodies, any orifice of the body can be a portal or an opening for dark stuff to come in. So your eyes, your ears, your mouth, your genital organs, anything that's an opening into your body could potentially be a gateway. So ears are very important. If we're watching computer videos and we're looking at porn or demonic content, that opens the door for something potentially negative to come in, same as if we listened to it. So I just wanted everybody to be aware of that. And please be careful. Just because a video says it has or contains a specific host doesn't necessarily mean that it does. And as we've talked about earlier, a lot of the music that's out there on the radio and in mainstream has been imbued with, I believe, hertzes, that are nothing, not helpful to us, that are, in fact, very negative to us. They create anxiety, they create fear, they create panic, they create tension. They do use things, in my opinion, like listen to what you're told, do what you're told, eat at McDonald's, whatever. Same with video games. And I've talked about this so many times on my shows. So that's another way that when we control, control what we do, that is the tuning forks, healing with essential oils, making sure that we put pure things into our body, making sure that the vitamins that we're taking are purely sourced, that the essential oils are purely essential oils and not an alcohol based concoction with maybe three drops of the oil that you're looking for in the actual vial. There are so many things. It's unfortunate, but we have to be really careful. Do your research. Make sure that you know what you're taking, whether it be from a visual perspective, from an auditory perspective, or from a physical, inviting perspective. That's another thing is listening to these YouTube videos, so many people proclaim to be gurus and to have all the answers to the universe and to the origin of the universe and what created us and who created us and why. This is also a reason that I tell everybody to please be prayerful and use your meditative states. Get down to the alpha, get down to the beta and the theta, and go deep and reflect on what you're listening to and use your body as a guide. Is this something that's helpful to me? Is this something that truly resonates with my being? Or is this just something that I really want to believe and so therefore I'm going to listen to this person and take it as gospel, no pun intended. Be careful on all aspects and especially protect your children. Know what youre a children are listening to. Know what your children are watching. Make sure that you know that you know if they're playing video games, I don't ascribe to those in any way, shape or form, but make sure that you're monitoring who it is that they're speaking to, all of that. So with that being said, this is another episode of the Positude podcast. I'm your host, Maggie Hart. We'll do a quick, positive story and then we'll call it a day. This one is called the Pear Tree and the seasons of life. There was, and this is my short fabily stories. There was once a man who had four young sons. Wanting to teach them about the dangers of judging things too rapidly, he decided to send each of them on a journey, one after the other, to a distant pear tree. At the end, each son went in a different season, the first in winter, the second in spring, and so on. At the end of the year, he brought his children together and asked them what they'd seen. The sun who traveled in winter described a gnarled, twisted and barren tree that stood stark and ugly against the land. The son who when in spring, disagreed no, he said. The tree seemed full of hope and promise, with green buds along its branches. The third son, who traveled in summer, disagreed once more. The pear tree heat scene was covered in beautiful blossoms that looked and smelled divine. Finally, the last son who'd made the journey in fall, disagreed again, describing a tree laden with sweet and delicious pears that tasted better than any he'd eaten before. When each son had spoken, the father said they were all correct because they'd only seen but one season of the pear tree's life. He explained to his sons that it's foolish and impossible to judge something in this manner. The essence of something, whether it's a tree or their fellow man, can only be measured as a whole at the end of the year, having seen it in its fullness. To make your judgment in winter is to miss the promise of spring, the beauty of summer, and the fruit in fall. Moral of the refuse to judge yourself, life, or other people based upon a single mistake or challenging time. Refuse to let the pain of one season destroy the joy of those to come. Two quick blurbs from the book the Portable do it responsibility, simply means the ability to respond in any of life's challenges, opportunities, or disasters. We can respond in whatever way we choose. It's not a matter of right or wrong, good or bad. It's a matter of practical analysis. The situation there's nothing to winning, really. That is, if you happen to be blessed with a keen eye and agile mind and no scruples whatsoever, says Alfred Hitchcock. Then finally, in addition to what we can do physically about a situation, we also have the ability to choose what our inner response to that situation is. The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind, says William James. So there you go. That's my happy story. Quick stories for the week. I hope you all enjoyed spending this hour with me as much as I did with you. I'll see you next week. Thanks for listening and have a great night. Good night, everybody.

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