The Positude Podcast: Earthquakes and Overthrows

The Positude Podcast: Earthquakes and Overthrows
TRIM Radio
The Positude Podcast: Earthquakes and Overthrows

Dec 14 2024 | 01:00:30

Episode December 14, 2024 01:00:30

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

The Positude Podcast with Maggie Heart is a versatile, ever-changing show discussing healing, spirituality, enlightenment, political stories and insights, meditations, conspiracy theories and conspiracy realities, recipes, music, random comedy, and all sorts of information designed to uplift, negate or come to grips with negativity, to share knowledge. Her goal is to share knowledge, have some fun, and have the listener feel like they are having a discussion or learning session on a comfy couch with a friend over coffee or tea.

Earthquakes and Overthrows

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:25] Good evening, folks, and welcome to another episode of the Positude Podcast. I am your host, Maggie Hart, here with you another week as we count down to the holidays. The weather has gotten substantially worse in our region. We've gotten our snow finally enough for me to last the season, but according to others, this is only the beginning, so we'll have to wait and see what happens with that. Tunneling a path for my little tiny puppy once a year is good enough for me, but it looks as though it's going to be another long winter season. I enjoy it best when I'm able to sit and look out my window, watch the birds and enjoy the majestic, picturesque, serene beauty around me of the snow falling and just the quietness and the serenity, the tranquility that comes with feeling at one with nature, albeit in a city surroundings or a country surroundings. Just being able to commune with nature on whatever level puts me at a feeling of peace and it's something that I relish in. And this time of year there seems to be, especially since the election, more of a feeling of community with people that I talk to and interact with. Of course, some of that has to do with the quote unquote holiday cheers. But when I decorate my home, I do it for the season. So I do winter season, spring season, summer season, fall season. [00:02:02] So I'm not into the whole Christmas and the trees and all of the commercialism. And just because of my own personal beliefs, I don't believe that Jesus was born on December 25th and I don't follow the pagan traditions. [00:02:19] But for those that do, I hope that they enjoy and embrace and spend the quality time with their family that is so important in whatever setting or aspect this time of year. Just especially since the election seems to be more peaceful on some levels and people seem to be a little bit more drawn together and less scattered than they have been in previous years. [00:02:48] I spent some time today with some friends making some seasonal wreaths. [00:02:54] I love having fresh wreaths to adorn my door for the winter season. I think it's just a very beautiful tribute to nature and the beauty that we are able to have around us. And so I really enjoy greenery and pine cones and that type of thing. So I was able to spend some time, quality time with friends today, making some wreaths and some snowmen and just doing some fun girl stuff, watching some movies and listening to some music and having a good time, you know, enjoying some snacks. Also, it's the baking season with winter upon us, being able to stay home and bake in front of a stove and just, again, enjoy the snow falling around. It's just, it's an awesome feeling. We all need time with our friends and some downtime to do some fun stuff, and that's just what we choose to do. We don't go out to bars. We don't drink. We hang around and talk and make some things and give and exchange some gifts. My girlfriend went to another friend's house and made some crafts, and so she brought some of her stuff over to share with me, and I reciprocated by bringing her some nice Italian snacks. And so it was just a great day overall, very relaxing. And we need that. We need that now, not just because of the season, but because of all the stress and strife that surround us. [00:04:34] Even though Trump won the election, there are still a lot of ripples under the surface. And if anybody's been following the news the last couple of days, Trump seems to already have been working on some things. And apparently he was in France for the reopening of Notre Dame and met with Macron. And that whole scenario, if anybody saw the video of him shaking hands with Macron, he had him what appeared to be a kind of vice like handshake gesture with his hand above, and he was pulling Macron's hand up. And we're hearing whispers that Macron may be in trouble here because his prime minister resigned and France may be on the verge of collapse. So we're not sure what happened there behind closed doors with this meeting with him. He also met with Prince William for about 40 minutes. And it's been discussed on different forums and platforms here for a while that Charles may no longer be with us. The real Charles. My eyebrows shot up when I heard that one. Because it's most likely that William will take the seat and be the next king of England at some point. But there is a lot of speculation out there, and has been for years, that Prince William may very well be the Antichrist or one of the Antichrists. So I have kind of mixed feelings about that meeting. Was he reporting to Boss, or was he setting down the laws for what he'd like to see happen with regards to relationships between England and the United States? A lot of us recall when he went to England the past couple of times. The first time he walked right ahead of the queen when she was still alive and pretty much examined her troops. Slash, some people think his troops. And then he did it again with Charles. He walked ahead and looked at the troops, surveyed the troops. So we don't really know what's going on there. But my feeling is that there's a lot more going on beneath the surface than maybe we'll ever know. [00:07:03] One thing's for sure, Trump is making some changes already. Russia is already supposed to be at war with the United States, kinda sorta. I guess they say technically the United States is at war with Russia, who is also at war with NATO and England because of the fact that the long range missiles that went out of the Ukraine were controlled by United States satellites. So we had to have allowed that to happen for them to get hit. And so, you know, we want to be on the alert for some sort of payback by Russia at some point. And this is where it gets kind of interesting because we, at least the current administration, Biden and company and the puppets that control the puppets that control him essentially have wanted to create some sort of dissidents for a really long time. They've wanted a war for a long time. And especially now with Trump winning the election, very surprisingly, I think, on their behalf, they're pulling out all the stops to cause a war. So we need to be on the alert for that, for there to be a strike back from Russia at some point. Whether or not Trump has gotten to Putin behind the scenes and they've worked out some sort of deal remains to be seen. But just some speculation here. Nobody supposedly has been in Washington or at the White House for a very long time. Supposedly all of the scenes that you see at the White House, from the Bidens or anything political that's going on has been done at stages and theater sets around the country. [00:09:02] I know this to be true. The reason that I know this to be true is because A, I felt it. But also because when Jill and Joe first entered the, quote, unquote, White House, they had a picture that showed up on the COVID of it was Time or Newsweek or something like that. And for whatever reason, I had purchased a product online and I received this magazine in the mail and it wasn't a magazine that I would ever subscribe to, but I called the company and I'm like, I didn't order this. You better not have charged my debit card, because I don't want this magazine. It's a liberal magazine. I would never read it. And they said, no, no, because of your purchase, we're going to send you two or three complimentary copies. There won't be any charge to you. So I started to look at the COVID of the magazine and the picture of them supposedly sitting in the White House was so Obviously faked. The furniture that they were sitting on looked like little more than thrift store furniture. You could absolutely see where somebody had done a really piss poor job of pinning or stapling the covering that they were sitting on, the bench that they were sitting on, and the, the brocade and the gold. I actually looked up on the Internet, the furniture that matched the room that they were supposed to be sitting in looked nothing like that. It looked like a very cheap thrift store reproduction. And the colors didn't match, the fabric didn't match, the material of the furniture didn't match. It wasn't real gold. It was like painted gold. It was just so redneck, it wasn't even funny. And I remember talking about that on my shows way back then, and there have been press conferences and things like that where it was quite obvious that they weren't where they said they were. And there was even some pictures in a magazine that came out and online of Biden giving a speech and it was supposed to be at the White House. And they panned out and there were literally like theater stage curtains to the left of him. [00:11:23] So we know that they're not really at the White House. And aside that we happen to know people that live near the Washington area that have traveled in and through Washington, that previously. I've been to Washington, I've been to the museums and, you know, it used to be a bottleneck city. Traffic was pretty intense. Even walking through the streets, it was always very, very crowded. Lots of people, lots of hustle and bustle. I wouldn't say it was as bad as New York, you know, because that's where I've spent a lot more time. So I have a lot more experience with like the New York City area, but it was busy. [00:12:04] And what I've heard recently from people that have been there is and has been Washington has been a veritable ghost town. [00:12:14] There isn't a lot of traffic, there's nothing going on. I've been hearing reports for years from people that have actually been there, and just different sites that I go on and look at that have pictures that show Washington being virtually deserted. [00:12:29] So. And you know, Trump made a comment years ago about the White House was going to be a beautiful, beautiful place. And I think he said something about it was going to be a museum. [00:12:45] Somebody said, no, I think it was going to be a bird sanctuary. [00:12:49] When I was talking to them about it, I don't remember, but it was something along those lines. And you know what, this is just something that struck me is if Russia was going to strike back, and we know that the Vatican and the Queen's palace in England and Washington, or maybe you don't know, but they're separate city states. [00:13:15] So they have their own government, they have their own laws, they have their own police people. [00:13:22] They are their own separate entities, aside from, well, for instance, in Washington, the United States, it's its own separate city, just like the palace in England, just like the Vatican. So wouldn't it be something if Russia, quote unquote, struck back and wiped out, let's say, the Capitol, the presidential building, you know, the White House in that area where Congress has supposedly been meeting? But a lot of the reports that I've been getting back for years, and a lot of the pictures that I've seen don't really look like there's anybody there, wouldn't that be something if they just, like, wiped out that part of Washington as sort of a, quote, unquote, retaliatory move? [00:14:20] And Trump moved his headquarters to Mar a Lago, or there's been a lot of speculation about Texas, and this was even since the last election. [00:14:32] But that way they could say they struck back and kind of got back at the United States. But it would kind of kill two birds with one stone. If Trump was strategically looking to go someplace else and if he didn't know something was going to happen at the time to Washington, because obviously he already knew that it was shut down when he said it would be a beautiful museum or a bird sanctuary or whatever it was that he said, wouldn't that be something? [00:15:00] So we'll have to see how this all plays out. It could be more intense, but that's all going to depend on the talks that are going on behind the scenes. And I'm willing to bet if Trump's already visited with all of these other leaders that he's talked to and doing all of this legwork that he's had conversations with Putin. And I talked about this on an interview that we did on another show a couple weeks ago that he's on it. [00:15:31] So I'm sure he's talked to Putin, and I'm sure they've got something in the works. I don't, I don't see Putin going against Trump while Trump is in office. I don't see that. However, could there be a move made before Trump gets in? Absolutely. And that's something else that we have to be really on our toes about. A lot of people are calm and peaceful now. Well, things are going to change. The economy is going to get better. Trump's in. Trump is not in that seat yet. And the bad guys are doing everything that they can to keep him out of there. [00:16:13] Even trying to start World War three. Plus, you know, there's a whole lot of political stuff going on. There's a whole lot of legal stuff going on. [00:16:23] And if something happened, and I've talked about this before, but if martial law is declared, that effect surely would put Trump out of the box, at least for a while. [00:16:35] So we have to keep on her toes here and not let our guards down and stay prayer and keep that positive energy flowing and visualizing the results that we want to see and just keeping it positive. We can keep it real, but we got to keep it positive. We have to keep the vibrations high, because the negativity, the fear, the anxiety, all of those things, the worry, all of that is attributing to the energy that the dark side uses against us, whether it be in the form of spell work or ritual work or just achieving their purposes. They can't do what they want to do from a position of light and love and positivity. It's got to come from a feeling of negativity. And so we need to make sure that we've got our backs by keeping our energies high and staying in it as much as a feeling of peace and tranquility and calm and knowing that our Creator and our own energies will be what pulls us through our faith. [00:18:00] Okay, all of the good things are going to be what pulls us through this. I think a lot of people are thinking a smooth transition is going to happen just because Biden and Kamala lip serviced it. Smooth transition. Smooth transition. That's what the people deserve, you know, implying or outright saying that we didn't get that with Trump, but you're going to get it with us. And aren't we the stand up guys? These people lie through both sides of their mouths. They never tell the truth. [00:18:30] And if they're saying that it's a psychological ploy, you have to understand that pretty much whatever they say, the opposite of what they tell you is what's going to happen or what they want to see happen. So again, use your discernment in all of this. Another thing that happened is the Syrian President Assad was overthrown by militants and they were an upgraded version of the Al Qaeda. [00:18:59] And reports are saying that Israel, Turkey and the United States may be involved in supporting that terrorist overthrow, whatever or whoever was behind it. The Christian population seems to be very happy with the overthrow, which only took five days to complete. [00:19:24] So who was backing that rebel army for that to happen so quickly? [00:19:32] And Christians were seen in different cities dancing in the streets with those rebels that overthrew their government. That's kind of weird. [00:19:46] Russia has backed Syria for years, but yet they didn't send any troops, any aircraft, or no help for their Syrian army. But Russia gave asylum to Assad. [00:20:02] So there's a lot of dynamics at play there behind the scenes that we don't really know what's happening. [00:20:11] But these are very weird occurrences that happened, especially given the previous relationship Russia had with Syria. I mean, they're giving the guy asylum, but they didn't send any troops to help him. What's up with that? Then? On, like, the fifth, there was a 7.0 earthquake off the coast of Northern California that was 10 kilometers deep, or 6.2 miles deep. That is a signature of a HAARP induced earthquake. [00:20:46] Anytime you see 10 kilometers or 6.2 miles, that means HAARP was probably involved in causing the earthquake. [00:20:57] Four seconds later, there was a second earthquake at 0km deep. [00:21:05] How do you have an earthquake with no depth? [00:21:11] It's generally believed that that was not an earthquake, but an explosion, basically on the sea floor. [00:21:22] So people are speculating that that might have been a nuclear explosion. [00:21:28] Some people believe that that may have been a warning from Russia, who also has HAARP capability. [00:21:35] But others are saying that someone maybe destroyed a tunnel or something under the surface. They put out a tsunami warning, but then rescinded it. [00:21:50] On Saturday, they were finding twice the normal level of radiation in Southern California because of the way the currents run. Southern Cali and the San Diego area got their levels of radiation doubled from what they're calling the earthquake. So there's a lot to unpack there, too, because was it a warning from Russia? [00:22:21] Was it because Trump's coming in, somebody was trying to destroy some tunnels and destroy some evidence. [00:22:28] Who knows? [00:22:30] But it's interesting stuff to know, and it all fits into what we're talking about. [00:22:36] If it were a legit earthquake, we wouldn't be seeing radiation levels doubled in Southern Cali. Right. And no depth. What kind of an earthquake, again, has no depth? That sounds pretty sketchy to me. So when I've been advising everybody, not just on this show, but on the multitude of interviews that I've done in the past couple of weeks, to please keep your heads on a swivel and don't rest easy yet. Just because your guy got elected doesn't mean that it's all going to run smoothly. In fact, What I had told everybody was to be very careful because things are probably going to get worse for at least the time being. And these are all different indications of stuff going on behind the scenes that we really need to be aware of and keep our finger on the pulse of, but not live in anxiety or fear of. [00:23:38] There's even a part of the population underground that feels as though the White Hats might have been destroying some nefarious tunnels that the bad guys put there for whatever reason, it remains to be seen. The fact is there's a lot going on on the planet that for people who say, I don't watch the news at all, I shut all of that stuff off. I get it with the mainstream media, but there are still some things that we need to pay attention to, because if we're in total, total denial or in a state of ignoring or we just want to claim ignorance, we can't direct the energy in the flow that we want it to go. [00:24:33] We can't maintain our positivity and be aware of what's going on around us to be able to direct our energy against what we don't want to have happen or pray against what we don't want to have happen and support what we do want to have happen. [00:24:51] So look at it this way. Well, actually, you know what? We'll go into that in a minute. Let me finish my thought on this. I was taking a short break here from taping and I checked a source that I check quite regularly. [00:25:06] And surprise, surprise, Jack Poso reposted something Benny Johnson posted. It says, breaking President Biden reveals US Support for the Syria rebellion, focused on empowering the people to create a new regime. He also suggests sending aid to the country. Well, well, well, look at what we have here. That's why it's important to stay abreast of what's happening, even if it's not on the mainstream level, even if it's on the underground level, so that we can be aware of what's happening, but also so that we can pray against what we don't want to have happen and send the energy for what we do want to see the changes, the positive things that we do want to see. So prayers need to go out, energy needs to be sent, and we need to stay in a peaceful, loving state of mind, even though it's challenging as heck at some times because of just life, because of what's happening in the environment around us, that can be stressful contributors. And because of the state of the planet in general, it's really hard to Keep an even keel. We all struggle with this. Nobody's perfect. And we have good days, we have bad days, we have days that we feel good, we have days that we feel not so good. But at the end of the day, proverbial speaking as well as literally, what we want to do is focus our energy on the positive and keep the good stuff flowing. [00:26:46] Why is that so important? I've talked about it so many times on my shows because there is a lot of ritual work going on. There's a lot of witchcraft work that's being performed across the country and across the world, and we want to be able to thwart that. It's our job. Whether you call yourself a Christian or a New Ager or just a spiritual person, however or whatever you want to label yourself as, if you're in the good fight in any aspect, you want to maintain the energy that reflects that. Because the more good and positivity and strength that we put out in our faith, in knowing that no matter what happens, we're going to be okay in all of this, we're going to get past all of this, we're going to get through all of this. [00:27:43] That's where we need to have our mindset. That's where we need to have our focus. [00:27:47] So, personally speaking, I woke up today with one hell of a migraine. I did not feel like doing anything, but I had committed to visiting with my friends and doing this fun thing that we had planned for a long time now. And so I pushed through and we had an amazing day. And then at the end of the day, my headaches started to come back. And as much holistic work as I can do for myself, the barometric pressures with storms coming in and things like that affect me exponentially. And that's been a recent development of the past, let's say five years maybe. And so there's not so much that I can do when that happens because I don't have control of the weather. But what I can control is my attitude toward that. And when I felt myself slipping into anger, I'm thinking, wait a minute, you know, you gotta kind of calm down and take a deep breath and step back and look at all of the blessings that you've had today. And even though you're in pain and things aren't going exactly the way that you'd like for them to be, focus on the good and focus on treating and healing yourself holistically. That's something we're going to talk about on the backside of the break because I discovered something recently that's become pretty widely well known that I think might help some of you out there as well. So we'll talk about that in the second half. [00:29:14] Right now I'm going to take a little bit of a musical break, but before I do, I'm going to give you my usual talk on the network. We are totally listener funded. Please support us in any way possible. We appreciate all that you can give, especially with the holiday season approaching and everything being so high. Groceries and bills and car repairs and dog food and whatever it is that you need being so much more expensive. Now we really appreciate anything that you can do for us because it keeps us on the air. Check out the main page and the other shows on the network. You might find something else that you like to listen to that you're going to enjoy. [00:30:03] We have top quality shows here and it's just a matter of what you feel like listening to. [00:30:09] So you might find something else on there. And if you have your own business and want to be a superstar and want to support our network by being a sponsor, whether it be on my show or any other show on the network, we would greatly appreciate that as well. It's a great way to get the word out about your business and support us at the same time. And if you don't have a commercial, please contact the owner. I'm sure he and the producer would be happy to produce a quality commercial for you. And no, those aren't jingle bells in the background. That's my dog. But I have reversed and deleted about half of this conversation today, about three times because my puppies don't want to acquiesce and be quiet when I need them to. Be that I'm just over it. So consider them jingle bells for today. [00:31:01] You can reach me@maggie Maggie for all of your spiritual, physical, mental and emotional needs. [00:31:14] Please contact me. Reach out if you need some help. I'm happy to do it for you and work with you and help you get things settled in your life and bring you to a place where you can truly be proud and happy of the person that you are and that you will become. [00:31:31] You should be proud of yourself. Anyway, you're doing a good job. You're here. [00:31:36] You got out of bed this morning, you got your feet on the ground and you were up and moving. And that in itself is a blessing and a miracle and we need to be thankful for all of the little things. So be proud of yourself today and take it easy on yourself, especially with holiday times approaching anxiety and depression set in so easily at these times of years. And know that you're never alone. There's always somebody out there that's willing to listen to you and talk to you and help you, even if it's an 800 number. And if you need me, get a hold of me, I'd be happy to talk to you and help you through your struggle. [00:32:15] I tend to get taken advantage of from time to time where people try to by looking at me as kind of a free gifted hotline or a free counseling session or lifetime of sessions. So I can't allow that to happen anymore. But I'm happy to talk to you and we can work together. It just needs to be a mutually beneficial situation. And when I say that, what I mean is it needs to be something that you're truly dedicated to do to get better, not just lip service. [00:32:50] Okay? Because I think we've all had enough of that, especially with the previous administration. Right? So with that being said, we'll be back after this. Stay tuned, folks. We'll see you in a couple of minutes. Please enjoy the music. That's by my good buddy Pat Carr. Pat's an amazing, amazing musician from Louisiana. Check him out. He's on Sound. Click. He's on Reverb Nation. He's on YouTube. He's all over the place. You can reach him at tp://backslash backslash ww backslash pack car. We'll be back after this. Stay tuned, everybody. Thanks for listening. [00:33:34] Fine. [00:33:37] I'm just beginning the pens in my head Ending unpl Staring at the blank page before you open up the dirty window Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find SA SA and we're back. Thank you for joining me for the second half of the Positude podcast. I am your host, Maggie Hart. You can reach me at Maggie M A G G I e underscore heart H E A R tlook dot com for all of your spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional needs. That was a special little clip and a song called Cool Rain and Warm Tears by my good buddy Pat Carr. So are we all unwritten? [00:37:42] That depends on who you talk to, and that depends on your mindset and what you believe. I believe that we have the ability to affect certain things, and by the power of our Creator, we can affect our energy and we can affect what happens to a degree to us. And we can always affect how we handle things and how we react to certain situations. [00:38:09] So keep in mind that with the coming months, it's Going to be a little challenging, just as we were talking about on the first part of the show when we went through some current events. [00:38:21] But know that you're always loved, you're always cared for, and you're always protected. [00:38:28] There are unseen forces that are protecting you on the daily, all day, every day. I refer to them as angels. You may refer to them as enlightened beings. Whatever you want to call them, they're there. But something that I need to remind people of, and I haven't done it recently, is kind of like the unwritten rule with the bad guys. They have to tell us what we're doing. [00:38:54] Our creator gave everybody free will, and so our angels are there to protect us, but we need to ask them for intercession. There are times that they can act on their own, but we need to ask them when we need assistance, and they will be there to protect us and help to guide us. So even when you feel like you're totally alone, you always have those guys that have your back. And you're one special guy that has your back all the time, because everybody's got one that follows them around all the time. That's a sign to just them. How do I know this? Because I was shown it a very long time ago when I was a child, and I was going through a lot of emotional turmoil and physical struggles as well. I was shown and I was shown them, and I know what mine look like. And they don't have wings all the time like people think they do, too. They're not always depicted like they are in the nativity scene. And, you know, with these. These big, powerful wings and these halos, it's. It's not like that. A lot of times they appear to you just like your average person. So keep in mind that, too, especially as we approach what typically is known as the holiday season, that that person that you might be talking to and refusing to help might be somebody that unaware to. You could be your angel or an angel. [00:40:29] Okay? So keep that in mind. You know, treat everybody the way that you want to be treated, and it's all going to be good. So, holistically, what did I discover this week? Well, this is going to be cool, but it's kind of disgusting at the same time. I've been saying a lot about these ionizing foot detoxing soaking machines that supposedly get rid of the toxins through your feet, these foot wraps and these foot pads that you put on your feet to detox your body naturally. And because of the topics that we've Talked about previously here on my shows and also in my interviews on other shows is right now is really a time that we need to be amping up our personal stockpile of vitamins and minerals and things that will support us, but we also need to be detoxing at the same time. It's really important because of the chemtrails in the sky primarily, but the foods that we eat, the environmental stuff because of the chemtrails in the sky and all of that. So I was lucky enough to discover that we actually had one that I didn't know that we had in the house. [00:41:48] So I've been kind of on this journey for the past two or three nights to do this foot detox. And I have to tell you that it takes about a half hour at least. The machine that I have, and all you do is you add some water and salt and you get a regular foot soaping soaking tub. Like I have one of those little massage tubs. You get it like the drugstore for 20, 25 bucks. And you put the machine in there and you put some warm water and salt and you just turn it on. [00:42:18] Mine has a wrist thing. You put it around your wrist and then around your waist and you set the timer for 30 minutes and you're good to go. It's shake and bake, more or less. [00:42:28] I was absolutely amazed at the amount of crap that came out of my feet. Like, I know that a lot of people out there say, well, there's no scientific basis to this and nothing's ever been proven. But when I have clean, at least on the surface feet, you know, I get out of the shower, I've scrubbed my feet. I haven't been walking around in the garden in dirt. I haven't been grounding outside in dirt. My feet are clean. [00:42:58] I don't anticipate anything to come off of my feet. When I do, my foot soaks that I do do periodically, just as a self care regime. But let me tell you, this thing, as almost as soon as it was turned on, I'm sensitive to things anyway. I'm just built differently than most people. But at the base of my toes, that fleshy part there, the flat part that you step on, and especially in my heels, immediately, folks, I started to feel discomfort, especially in my heels. It felt like something was pulling itself out of me or something was being pulled out of me from especially my soles and the fleshy part under my toes, that whole flat surface. It was crazy. I never thought in a million years that I would have that sensation, number one. I just thought it would be like my typical foot soap, you know, where I put a little oil in there and some essential oils and you know, the softening oil that I use and just relax and take a half hour to chill. Well, no, it wasn't like that at all. [00:44:13] For the whole time I felt that like something was being sucked out of my feet and just in those areas. [00:44:20] And the warmth from the belt that I put around my waist got quite uncomfortable, to be honest. For me, I use a heating pad not very regularly, but I do use one from time to time. And it felt like a pretty intense heating pad. It was pretty warm. It was like a heating pad on the highest setting. And I had it on over my shirt so it wasn't against my bare skin. But if it had been, it most certainly would have burnt my skin, I think. But it wasn't unbearable. It was just. It felt like a really warm heating pad. [00:44:55] It was uncomfortable after that half hour. Actually after the first few minutes, this brown rust colored stuff started coming out of the base of my feet. And the only thing that I could equate it to you is if you've ever been in North Carolina and walked in North Carolina among the clay, that orangey clay that they have there, it's absolutely beautiful. [00:45:24] It's so beautiful, in fact, that when I visited there, I actually took a bottle of it home one time that TSA had a hissy fit about and held me up. Almost missed my plane because I had a bottle of North Carolinian clay that I was taking back home for posterity just to enjoy and be able to look at. I was going to put it in a pretty bottle with some quartz rocks that I had collected down there. And TSA said, well, it's an organic mineral and it could be some kind of bomb material. So we have to test it. Yeah, barely made it to my connecting flight. Boy, was I pissed. I'm like, you idiots can't figure out that it's just dirt. But no, they couldn't. They had to. [00:46:05] They had to go through all of their checkpoints and stuff and it was just. It was crazy. But anyway, that's what it looked like to me. It looked like that orangey North Carolina clay. But to add insult to injury, these little things, well, the machine produces bubbles on the surface, so I should tell you that first. So in these little tiny bubbles, there were these little floaty things and they were kind of like fibrous materials, but they were definitely there. And it definitely wasn't like the Other stuff that had sunk to the bottom of the foot soaked tub, the North Carolinian silt, we'll call it. That's what it looked like that started to fall to the bottom. Just like, you know, if you put a handful of dirt into the water, it would, you know, migrate to the bottom. This stuff didn't. It was all throughout the surface of the water, and some of it was floaty and some of it was sinking and some of it was just kind of hanging out in the middle. [00:47:06] And it was just fine fibrous junk. [00:47:09] And it was that rustish red color to a brown color, almost at times looked like a tobacco shade. But there was a lot of it. [00:47:20] There was a lot of it. So that the whole water was gross. It was just all that color material and all those little floaty things in it. In fact, I joked that I wanted to put some in a sea monkey aquarium because it kind of looked like the sea monkey brine shrimp that you see, only some of it was longer and more fibrous. It almost looked like tiny worms. And that brought me back to a radio show I had listened to of a guy who swore he did an all natural detox, the one that I've told you about before with the bentonite clay and the Epsom salts and the mule team borax. And he swears that when he took a bath in that stuff, he had like these little pinworms coming out of his foot. These little tiny wormy like creatures. That's kind of what it was. Was it Morgellons? Was it some kind of foreign bacteria? What was it? I don't know. [00:48:17] But I can tell you that after doing that half hour soak, I literally had to go in the shower and scrub the orange off of my ankles and my feet. [00:48:28] And I slept better than I had in a long time. And I woke up the next day and I felt like so much better. [00:48:37] And I hadn't been feeling particularly bad before that, but I felt so much better. And so I've done it a second night and I'm on my third night today. And the theory there is with each consecutive night that you do it, the water will be less and less contaminated. And then once you get it to the level you want it to be at, you do it periodically. [00:48:57] But let me tell you what I think. I think that this is all related to the chemtrails. Like, the first night I could see, you know, getting the stuff out of my body. It may take a couple of days, but I'm thinking by the End of the week, I should be good to go, but I do feel as though it's from the stuff that they're putting in the sky because I don't eat a lot of GMO food. I eat pretty clean, as a general rule. Don't eat a lot of junk as a general rule. Holidays are coming, but typically I eat pretty well, pretty healthily, and I take certain all natural supplements that help my body. And while I'm guilty of the fact that especially lately I don't drink as much water as I should, I'm pretty confident that there really shouldn't be a lot of crap in my body, you know, but. So I think that this is another thing that you may want to consider for your stockpile. I'll give you an update next week as to how I'm feeling and how my water ran after the seven days, because I'm going to do it for seven days straight. But it's definitely something to consider because I think it may be another way to eradicate the crap that they're putting into the environment from our bodies. And other than the uncomfortable thing with the heels and the fleshy part of the bottom of my foot, you might not feel that. Most people, I guess, don't feel anything. [00:50:32] But keep an eye on that water, and I'd be interested to see what you discover if you decide to do it. I think it's something that you definitely should try. And even though they say it doesn't do anything, where did all that crap come from? It came from somewhere. It wasn't on my feet when I put my feet in the water. So it came from inside of me. And I don't know of anything that naturally runs inside the body that looks that color and is fibrous like that. You know, it's pretty, pretty gross. So keep that in mind and check it out, please, for yourself. If you can find one, you may want to invest in it. Or, you know, holidays are coming. Put it on your Christmas list for a family member to buy for you, maybe. But I would definitely encourage everybody to try it. [00:51:21] There are actually businesses out there now. [00:51:24] Somebody at fairs is like charging people to do these foot detoxes at shows and fairs, and they're getting exorbitant amounts of money to do that. [00:51:37] Why would you, when you can do it at home yourself and you have the equipment readily available to be able to do it for yourself regularly and also for your family on a regular basis? Now, they do tell you if you're diabetic, you shouldn't use that machine. And I would absolutely review the instructions as far as children or pregnant people. You know, maybe check with your doctor beforehand, because I need to put that disclaimer out there. But once you've done that, try it and see what you think. [00:52:05] Something else that I want everybody to be reminded of again is the work that I've been doing with my tuning forks. [00:52:15] With the state of affairs and the energy on the planet, that absolutely still seems to be helping. [00:52:23] I used it yesterday when I was feeling some tenseness in the air, and it cleared everything almost immediately and created a much happier, lighter mood in the house. The animals, as I told you earlier, have been giving me kind of a problem when I was recording today, but they were like. And I should have used it before, actually, now that I think about it. So practice what you preach. But they were a little bit crazy yesterday and it calmed them down. They were much calmer after I used the tuning forks for just about five minutes. And I think it's a good way to help balance. It's a good way to put you in that mood, too. If you're teeing the forks, you're kind of bringing yourself into that Zen mode, right? So before you go into prayer and meditation, to clear the air, just to calm and to heal in general, I feel better after using mine. And I am still using my healing incense that I've talked about before on previous shows, too. I think that's worth picking up for everybody if you want to help to get into that deep meditative state, that prayerful mind, anything that you can do to get you down to that level, you know, is important. And sometimes we need tools, and sometimes we just need things to help create that ambiance, to let us go deeper. But mind is a blend of like, frankincense, myrrh and some pine shavings and things like that. All pure stuff. But please, you know, utilize stuff like that to help you to get back to balance and to get deeper into your mode of prayer and meditation. Because that is what's going to carry us through during these times. You need to be able to rely on yourself as much as possible to heal yourself and your body. We have this capability. We can all do this. [00:54:12] And when you learn things, you can share them with another person. I have. My friends are coming over maybe next week, and we're all going to do like a. Instead of a spa healing day, we're going to do a foot soak day and we're going to detox our feet and we're going to Watch girly movies and just talk and catch up just like we would in our living room. We're literally going to be in my living room just like I'm talking to you now. Having a good time and just enjoying each other's company and healing our bodies at the same time. I've got essential oils that I burn as well that help to create the atmosphere of calmness and peace and well being. [00:54:59] And we're going to burn some oils and do some fun stuff next week. And you know, instead of the traditional spa day, why don't you guys do that? I think that's like such a cool idea and my friends think so as well. Just to have a healing night with your friends and do things like that. Practice different healing modalities, do a group prayer and meditation. You know, a group prayer. [00:55:29] Teach them how to get down to theta or help to teach each other how to get down to the theta level and do tuning forks and grounding mats. We're going to do that next week too. Those are also another really inexpensive, cool way to get yourself calm is to use grounding mats. Some people have the grounding blankets. I haven't tried the blankets yet, but I do have the mat and I love mine. So just make a fun day of it or a fun evening of it. [00:56:02] And you know, with holidays approaching, it might be a good time to gather together and make some food for some families in need or some elderly people or little gifts for them to help them feel better. Whatever it is, spread the kindness, spread the love, and do things together with people that support you and are of the same mindset as you. As far as spiritually goes, make sure that you have people around you that will support your prayer full time, your meditative time, and that understand how important that is to your healing, to your balance. This is not the time that you want to be hanging around with people that bring you down and are full of negativity and that want to do awful things like gaslighting and have narcissistic tendencies. [00:57:06] It is time to separate the wheat from the chaff. It really is. Let me remind you of that. Especially as times approach, you're going to need to be around people that truly will have your back in times of need. And you can help others like we've talked about before, but don't waste time on those that don't want to be helped, okay? Help the people that need helping and that will appreciate your time and your efforts and that will absorb what you're teaching them. Learn together. [00:57:40] Make it a fun time. Call me up. I used to do, and I am still open to doing group conferences via Skype and all of those other things that they have out there. I have, let's see, I have Skype and I have. [00:57:56] There's something else I don't know, but I'm open to doing those too. We can do like a teleconference and talk about your questions and concerns that you have and do some personal work on each of you in the course of the block of time that we set aside, especially with the holidays coming. That would be a great gift potentially for yourselves and your families to do some prayerful guidance and meditation and have some questions answered. [00:58:29] I think that that would be a wonderful gift, don't you? So consider that. Maggie Another fun thing to do with your friends is to please remember those that are in the hospital and nursing homes and rehab centers, especially during the winter months this time of year. This might be a really cool thing that you can do too. A bunch of you get together and make a bunch of homemade cards and write some short letters to people that you know of that are struggling, that are sick in nursing homes, in rehab centers and isolated from the rest of the world. We have a fellow host that is very near and dear to our hearts that is going through some stuff right now and not able to be home. And the phone calls and the time spent are just so important right now in uplift other spirits and keeping them company when they can't visit with their family and just helping them to pass the day. So please do that as well if you have the time. I think it's a great way to be able to spend time with your friends and be able to pass on the joy to others. Send a small care package even so. [00:59:50] Anyway, it's wow. This hour has flown quickly past. Thank you all for listening. We'll see you next week. Bye everybody.

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