The Positude Podcast: Inauguration Blues at the Thunderdome

The Positude Podcast:  Inauguration Blues at the Thunderdome
TRIM Radio
The Positude Podcast: Inauguration Blues at the Thunderdome

Jan 24 2025 | 01:01:09

Episode • January 24, 2025 • 01:01:09

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

The Positude Podcast with Maggie Heart is a versatile, ever-changing show discussing healing, spirituality, enlightenment, political stories and insights, meditations, conspiracy theories and conspiracy realities, recipes, music, random comedy, and all sorts of information designed to uplift, negate or come to grips with negativity, to share knowledge. Her goal is to share knowledge, have fun, and have the listener feel like they are having a discussion or learning session on a comfy couch with a friend over coffee or tea.

This episode Inauguration Blues at the Thunderdome

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:29] Speaker A: Out from the wreckage can't make a slice day this time. We are the children last generation. We are the ones laying behind. [00:00:53] Speaker B: Good evening, folks and welcome to another episode of the Positude Podcast. I am your host, Maggie Hart, and I'm coming to you recorded from my big comfy couch with my giant mug of coffee and my big bowl of popcorn, getting ready for National Popcorn Day, otherwise known as Inauguration Day. I'm recording this on Saturday night. I have a couple of days left to go and boy, has there been a lot of speculation surrounding the inauguration proceedings. But by the time all of you hear all of this, it will be over and done with. A lot of big names have canceled the inauguration and the luncheon appearances. Bibi Netanyahu isn't going to the inauguration. The Clintons, the Bushes and the Obamas have said they're not going to the inauguration luncheon. J.D. vance supposedly is not going to be at the inauguration proceedings, at least last I heard. And everything's moved from outside to indoors. There's scuttlebutt about possibly everything being moved to the White House. There is a lot of nervousness and tension and protection going around regarding these proceedings. We have unprecedented times here. We truly could be the last generation, at least energetically, as far as we know it. But there's a lot of people nervous about this and a lot of fear for Trump's life and securities just amping it up and being extra cautious and maybe the speculation about where it's going to be. Is it a shell game to keep the bad guys guessing? So, you know, is it going to be a last minute change of scenery to protect the incoming president, President Trump? What's going to happen? Are the Democratic former political presidents that canceled really canceling because they don't want to support Trump? Or are they afraid for their well being or did they know something that the rest of us don't know? That remains to be seen. I guess we'll all find out Monday or you guys will already know the answer to that by the time you hear this. But we have very strong energy around this ceremony. There's a lot of static. I feel a lot of static and a lot of nervousness and a lot of rushing around and a lot of preparedness and a lot of security and a lot of, I don't want to say fear and trepidation, but a lot of anxiety over this upcoming event. My radar has been going crazy for like two days. It's like Internet chatter and. But we have to realize that a lot of this is Political theater. A lot of everything that we see, theater. And the bad guys prey on our energies. We've talked about that before. So I would hope that all of you are maintaining calm and composure and keeping your energies at a high vibration instead of a nervous vibration. Now, having said that, there are many people that are so stoked go on social media and they're just like, yeah, two more days, can't wait. And I saw a report that Trump and Melania left in a plane from Florida today to go to Washington. And everybody's like, we got two more days of this nonsense. It's almost over. Hang in there. Everybody's in a celebratory state of mind, but also wanting to protect their new president. They want to see him get there and have this be over and done with in a safe manner. So the energies and the vibrations are just kind of like ping pong all over the place. For me, at least at this time, I'm getting all of those things I talked about and a lot of high energy, like excitement, too. I saw a clip today where there were protesters at the White House. It was from Watch Chad on Instagram, Chad Prather. And he said, I don't know, they thems and single women or women without children seem to be a lot of women with head coverings on were protesting at the White House I guess, today, saying that they weren't going to leave. And so we knew that there was going to be this kind of thing going on in different clusters and at different times. It's nothing that I would not have anticipated. In fact, I had anticipated it to be a little more intense and in greater numbers than what it appeared to be from his clip. But they're making their presence known. There's been talks about dirty bombs and all kinds of things. What can we do about it? Well, before the fact, we can keep our vibrations high. After the fact, we can keep our spirits high irregardless of what happens. What if, God forbid, Trump were taken out and the vice president elect were to have to step up in his shoes? What would this do to the mentality and the morality of the American people, at least at this point, knowing that the vice President isn't going to be there, it's better than the entire group being there and something happening and everybody being wiped out at once. Right? So in that aspect, I hear and see people being thankful, but there are a lot of people that are saying, well, you know, Trump's well protected and they're taking every precaution and he's going to be fine. Now, when I say everybody, I mean the conservative population. That should be an obvious statement, shouldn't have to state that fact because my listeners are pretty intelligent people as a whole. But just for clarification, so we know that the Democratic, the liberal portion is positively livid and upset and all of the snowflakes, as some people call them, are just losing their shit. And so many people had told me and a lot of the celebrities, oh, if he gets in the first time, I'm leaving the country. If he gets in the second time, I'm leaving the country. Well, it's not really a news flash that they're still here. Nobody I know has left yet. Of course, they may still be packing their proverbial bags and their literal belongings to be able to go to a socialist country or a country that will have them. Somehow the other country's borders and rules don't seem quite as liberal as we do for taking people from other countries. But there is a lesson in this. So and I'm going to get to that in a second because we're going to play a cool game. We're going to play a cool game. We're going to use this as an exercise with most people not knowing what's going to happen Monday or being comfortable with what they think is going to happen Monday. But before I get there, so hang in with me because I know you're probably like, oh, well, she's just talking about the election and we already know what happened with that, you know, with the inauguration. So. No, no, no, no, I'm going someplace with this. There's a lesson to be learned here. But before we do that, let's talk about the toxicity and the hate and the witchcraft that's being performed from the other side. As I sit here now, Sunday morning, because I finally went to bed last night, I stopped recording and went to sleep. Got up this morning with my cup of coffee and my popcorn in a quart baggie. I like popcorn. Actually, I didn't do that just for the inauguration, by the way. But there's a lot of ill will and there's a lot of anger and there's a lot of hate and there's a lot, yes, there's absolutely a lot of witchcraft and ritual work being done at this time, at this moment. In fact, people have been posting about that openly on social media. Which reminds me. Yeah, we'll talk about the tick tock thing here briefly later too, probably. But it, they've been openly posting about it. People, you know, showing candle the first election, especially before the first election, they were doing incantations and showing their candles, and witches all over the world were praying against Trump. College dorms, it was a thing. It was like the cool thing to do. They were having Trump parties before the election, but not in the way that you might think. They were having parties where witches were gathering in college dorms, they were in college common rooms. And across the country, across the world, covens and people who were witches were coming together to do pretty much common spell on Trump so that something happened to him. What people don't realize, I don't remember if I do remember, actually, the spell was upon him and his family. And I don't know if a lot of people realize, but I had the incantation, I read it, it was published, and I did research on who created it, what was going on around it. And a lot of people did not know that it encompassed anybody that supported Trump as well. In the words of that incantation for that candle ritual that they were doing, anybody that supported Trump was also included, the spell work that was being done. So what do you think I did? I did a lot of work against the spell. Did I do it directly against the people that performed the spell? Well, whatever you come toward me with goes back to you tenfold. So was I actively hurting people or looking to make something bad happen to the people that were performing spells all over the world against innocent people just because of a political belief? No. Was I protecting myself and mine? You bet your ass I was. Absolutely, 100%. So we know that those things went on in, call it the private sector or the organized groups. And we know that this has been going on throughout their administration, Trump's administration, and now has been amping up with not only the election, not only the election. They didn't want him in, right. Again, keep in mind, broad spectrum political theater. But they didn't want him in, right? A lot of people, not just people who vote, not just people who are liberals or Democrats, but the upper echelon, the bad guys, the ones who were in charge. And their spellwork and ritual work was on a whole other level and still is than what the average person performs when they do their spellwork. And I know that I've been hammering on this the last couple of months, and I know, especially like last week, I sound repetitive when I speak and I repeat things sometimes throughout the course of my show. That's because it's an old learning trick. And as a teacher and as an author and as a lecturer, I've learned over years of doing this, that when you repeat something, it tends to sink in a little bit more. People seem to grasp it a little bit more. Just like the bad guys do with their programming. Halo, they live with all the signs. You know, don't eat here, eat here, do this, do that, pay your taxes, vote. Yeah, it's psychological. So when I repeat things, it helps people to remember. So if I sound redundant at times, please don't get aggravated at me or take that personally if you've gotten it the first time. I'm just trying to help reinforce what I'm teaching so that people would better remember. But what we talked about with the energies, and we've been talking about with the energies, is that if they can create a feeling within just a certain percentile of the population, the conservative Republican population, of fear or anxiety or trepidation, then that's still an energy shift that they can work with to strengthen their magic. And again, there are people out there that are like, she doesn't know what she's talking about. She's nuts. Now, if you've ever researched witchcraft and what people do, spell work, and it goes the other way with positive energy, too, okay? So their energy helped to strengthen. And obviously their spellwork and rituals helped to strengthen the previous administration and what they wanted to see happen. And the liberals that were running around with their pink vagina hats on and all of the ridiculousness and just insidiousness that ensued, that also raised the vibration of what they were supporting. So do you see where I'm going with this? So these people, now that he's elected, are doing everything in their power to keep him out of office, to keep him from getting that seat on Monday, but also using the energy of the populace. So all of the hate, all of the negativeness that's coming from the liberal side, the people that are just truly mean and evil or out of their minds, crazy, that's energy that they're using, and then also the energy that they're able to create in. Interestingly enough, you're not hearing about this too much in mainstream media. You're hearing about this in the underground circles, right, the alternative news stream, right, about what could happen. And Trump's taking, you know, his people are taking precautions and dirty bombs and bad guys could be trying to kill him. And, you know, people have even speculated about that car that blew up that we talked about last week. And could that be. Look at all of that energy. It's not positive if it's questionable, if it's anxiety, if it's nervousness. If it's fear, it's not positive energy. So they're working with all of that too. Does that make sense to you? So that's why we need to stay in a high vibration and we're told not to be worried or anxious for anything. And we do energetically. We have the free will to control certain things. And I. It's a. It's a slippery slope because there are people that have said or accused me of not being a good person or a good Christian or a good this or a good that, because I'm talking about these energies. The bottom line there is they can't think outside the box and they really don't know how to interpret the scriptures. Ouch. Did I just say that? Yeah, I did. I did just say that. Because we've been given free will and we have the physiological and the mental capabilities to do miraculous things just like Jesus did. And it's a matter. A lot of things are a matter, personally speaking, you know, I mean, that is as a people of how we direct our energies as to how things shift. We're given free will, so we have the free will to be mean and hateful and nasty, or we have the free will to live in love and positivity and joy and peace and comfort and to comfort others. So living in that state or being in that state as much as possible, a state of peace, praying for the people that need protection, taking that extra step, how many people are praying and sending positive energy toward the people that you want to see protected? Rather than worry about what's going to happen or speculate or try and figure it out. See, you're wasting your energy that way. Direct your energy in a positive manner in a way that you want it to go, and our higher power will take care of the rest. Whatever is gonna happen is gonna happen, but it's going to depend on how we handle things energetically. That's going to help move the goal post, change the scenario somewhat. And this is where the timelines come in. I hope that this is making sense to you because it's really important that we get this now because of the year we have coming, really because of the year we have coming. So in addition to protection and praying, we don't want to just pray for the people that we want to see in charge and for our political party. Because, folks, news flash. I think I've said that once already on the show. It's my word of the week. Must be. We're not of this world. Our spirits are not of this world. Our souls are not of this world. It's not something that we're supposed to get too deeply engrossed in. Political stuff is kind of sort of a necessary evil on some levels on this planet for humanity, because we want the good to win and the bad to be thwarted. But overall, we're not of this world. We answer to a higher power. Our world is up there. Our world is higher. This is all you've heard me talk about. The mosquito bite, about people that aggravate me? No, it's like a mosquito bugging me. That's how we should be looking at a lot of this, just life in general. And I know that that's hard because we all struggle. But overall, what did Jesus say? My kingdom is not of this world. That was during Pontius Pilate's interrogation of him. But what he was saying was he wasn't based on earthly powers. He didn't get involved in political structures. While he did say to give certain rulers their dues or their taxes, there are no limitations to that. And his kingdom isn't ruled or governed by the rules of what's here on Earth, the earthly realm. And that's how we are too. And also, as far as Pilate goes, he implied that as a king, or he really was trying to say that his people wouldn't fight to defend this kingdom. The battle is more of a spiritual nature. Was then and is now. Nothing's changed on that front. We are still engrossed in and encapsulated in spiritual battle. So we have to do the right thing and be good people. And we're given the freedom and the free will to make our own choices. So how we determine how we're going to live our lives, and this is in a spiritual aspect as well as a physical aspect. So much of what we determine we're going to do with our lives is based on the feelings that surround a particular situation and the energy that we put toward that situation. The glass is half full. The glass is half empty. How we present it and what we believe with every fiber of our being and the energy that we emanate as a result absolutely has an impact. Just like we've been speaking about, not just on an individual level, but as a whole, as humanity as a collective. And this is like we've talked about before, where the rise in energy and the quote unquote awakening comes from. If we present things in our minds and we believe and we resonate that energy that everything's going to be okay and enough people collectively share that Same mindset. It will propel us into a higher spiritual level of thinking and a higher energy. And there's nothing, in my opinion, that's anti biblical in that statement because we have the ability to do the things that Jesus did if we live the right way and follow the right guidelines that were set before us. So how did Jesus heal? How did he live his life? How did he treat other people? What was his energy? Did he go around preaching and just in his daily interactions with both the disciples and people that he encountered as a negative person and always bashing and thinking of the worst case scenario? Or did he go about his life in a more positive manner, with a more positive outlook, having the faith, to know that he could heal and that he could make a positive impact on people's lives, that he could raise the dead. Vibrationally speaking, he had to have had that mindset and the faith to know that wherever he guided his energy, Father gave him the go ahead and the power to do so. He didn't question that faith. So why are we now? Prophecy in the Bible dictates that certain things will come to pass. I'm not saying that that's not true. What I'm telling you is that we can possibly lessen the effects or be somewhat immune to the effects of the bad things that are going to take place in this world. As far as prophecy, Biblical prophecy sees them based on how we live our actions and our mindset. So it's going to be a lot worse for some and better for others. In fact, there are sects of Christianity that are openly preaching that just because we're coming into the biblical end times does not mean that this isn't a time for the people, the sheep, the parish, the people of the churches to be bereft and to be broke. This is also a time where there can be people who are thriving and doing well economically. And I'm not coming at this, so please just don't misunderstand me. From a perspective of the prosperity Bible philosophy, I'm telling you that we have the ability, just as Jesus said we did, to do what he did and more if we have the faith and the trust and the mindset. Let me repeat that. To do as he did, he also had righteous indignation, right? The whole thing in the temple with the money changers. And he exuded human emotion, love, anger, disgust. At times he got frustrated, right? When his followers didn't get his message or didn't understand what he was thinking. He also showed patience and grace and control. So he exemplified A lot of human characteristics. He was human for a time. And we are all allowed to have those emotions. It's part of the process of learning and growing and expanding, experiencing things. And we're able to make mistakes, but we're also able to be forgiven and to make up for those transgressions and to decide to live a better life, be a better person. As long as we're doing the best that we can and we're trying and we're continually striving to be better. And we have the faith and the knowledge inside of us, the trust to know that we're going to be taken care of and that everything does happen for a reason. Nothing is lucky or chance. So he lived these qualities. He had the faith to know that he could do all of these wonderful things. And he did this without question. And that's where we need to be. And when it comes to what we see going on societally, you know, with little children, something else that's been spoken about, we have every right, and we. It's our duty to protect those children and to protect and take care of our elderly and our veterans. And if we see evil, to do what we can to stop it. Not just to sit by and let someone else take responsibility or sit behind a computer and be keyboard jockeys or bitch and moan about it and then say, well, I can't deal with it or I can't think about it. And it's not my. It's not my job. Well, it is your job. Let's look at it from just that perspective. If you agree with me spiritually, and if not, even if you don't, and you have a different belief system than I do, you have to know enough. You must have come to the realization that how energy flows is how your life is going to go. That's something that's a common thread in pretty much all religions. Right? Some religions make a practice of learning how to become more spiritually, energetically aware. Correct. So the election matters in some ways, but how we conduct ourselves matters in so many more ways. How we. What we do to help feed the hungry, to help shelter someone without home, to give someone words of comfort, to heal them, to protect those that are weaker than we are. That's our job. And if we live in that vibration, yeah, we have a right to get pissed off. We have a right to feel sorrow and feel empathy for these babies and these children and these women and the elderly and anybody that's suffering. It's, you know, that's what makes us different from the pathological people, right. Is our ability to feel these emotions and to empathize and to want to help. I apologize. My kids are bugging me today, which is fine. They have the right to bug me anytime they want and they're not bugging me. But I forgot to silence my phone. First and foremost, I'm a mom and so that's priority. What are your priorities? What is it that you'd like to see happen? What are your goals? What are your dreams? Not just for yourself, but for everybody. It's a lot to think about there and unpack. And how can you do it? How can you make it happen? How can you affect things on your own level in your own environment, whether it be in an apartment or a home or a hostel, a hotel? What can you do to directly affect what's going on around you energetically and vibrationally, as well as in the physical? I'm past point for a break again, so here we go. My entry and exit music is provided by my good buddy Pat Carr. If you like his music, please get a hold of him at card. He is on Soundclick, he's on Reverb Nation, he's on YouTube. You know the drill. He's all over the place. Please check him out and support his music and tell him Maggie sent you. We are totally listener funded here on the network, so any donations are greatly appreciated. Whatever you can do to support us and to help keep us on the air and bringing you these quality shows, please check out the homepage, check out the chat room, other shows on the network. There might be something else there that you be interested in listening to or something else that you can learn from. And if you have your own business and want to be a superstar, please get a hold of us. Check out the owner on the network and hit them up and let them know that you'd like to put an ad on the network, whether it be on my show or on the network in general, to help promote your business and support us at the same time. And if you don't have a commercial, hit him up anyway and I'm sure he and the producer would be happy to put together something that you'll be thrilled with. You can reach me at Maggie. M A G G I E HEART H E A R T for all of your spiritual, physical, mental and emotional needs, whether it be life coaching, whether it be spiritual coaching, whether it be a problem that you're having with a family member, whatever it is, I can help you and we can get through this together. So get ahold of me and let's start the process. Why wait another day? Do it today. Do it for yourself. We'll be back after this. Stay tuned, folks. Thanks for listening. [00:39:48] Speaker A: Times are sad because economy's bad I lost my job and the money I had don't wanna be homeless Living out. [00:40:02] Speaker B: On the street. [00:40:08] Speaker A: I start to wonder what's gonna happen to me Plan to pay my bills or carry my IL can't afford to find no pills there's no one else to care for my family Sometimes I wonder what's going to happen to me what's going to happen when the money's no good anymore? What's gonna happen when you can't buy bread at the stor? What's gonna happen to me and my brood? We're gonna wind up looking for food don't wanna be hungry Having nothing to eat make me wonder what's gonna happen to me Makes me wonder what's gonna happen to me Looking for something. [00:42:25] Speaker B: We. [00:42:26] Speaker A: Can rel Got to be something better. [00:42:33] Speaker B: Out there. [00:42:44] Speaker A: That day is coming. [00:42:48] Speaker B: All right, thanks for joining me for the second half of the Positude podcast. I'm your host, Maggie Hart, and we are looking for something we can rely on. There's got to be something better out there. Love and compassion. Their day is coming. That's something else that's spoken about. The bad guys will be taken down. Their time, their days are numbered. But it is truly a spiritual battle. And so much of where we direct our energy makes a difference. That's what we're talking about today, is energy and politics and what's going to happen. And that's why I played what's Going to Happen by my good buddy Pat Carr. Everybody's worried, everybody's nervous or they're euphoric, waiting for the new guy to take charge and the old guy to get out. And the people that don't want to see the old guy get out are positively off the hook. And they're spewing their own stories about Trump's going to be a Nazi and he's going to do this and he's going to do that and he's going to take this away and he's going to take that away. And, well, isn't it just all so dramatical? Is that a word, dramatical? It is. Now, drama. Who doesn't like drama? Aside from me? I know there's some of you out there. A lot of people say, say, believe you me, I know this firsthand. Especially based on recent experiences. They say they don't like drama, but they live to create drama. How many people do you know like that? I hate drama. But they create drama. They create their own little scenarios in their mind that are nothing but drama filled illusions. Pop that bubble. Let's get reality based. Reality based. To know that we are spiritual beings and that this is all a play, it's a show. It's a temporary situation. What matters is your part in this play. How do you choose to act or react? What energy do you choose to put forth as you live your life? You can't take the time back. Once it's gone, it's gone. You can't take those words back out of your mouth. You can choose to be selective. You can choose to be forgetful. You can choose to be ignorant. You can choose to be in this narcissistic bubble where it's everybody else but you. But where is that going to leave you in the end? Are you ever going to get ahead with that mindset? I tell you again, it's time to step up. It's time to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. These are the times that we've been waiting for. Every little victory is a chance closer to your goal. So don't beat yourself up if you make a mistake. But don't live your life not taking responsibility for your actions. We need to rise as a whole. We need to prove that we were here because we're worth it. So many were put on this planet at this time for these times now, for the times that have passed, but most especially for the times that are coming. This is when our strength and our fortitude and our trust and our faith and who we are as people are going to be shown the truth of who we are. You can play that facade and you can play that game with yourself for as long as you like. That it's not your fault and it's everybody else and oh, poor me. But guess what? This is the year that that layer gets stripped away and everybody is going to see who you are naked and exposed. They already have if they've been in a personal situation with you. But you need to see it. You need to step up and take responsibility. Every one of us needs to do this. We should be in a constant state of fluidity and flux for the better. Our energies should be high and positive. We need to see the beauty in those flowers, in a snowflake, in the look in our pet's eyes, in the warmth of your children's hand, whatever it is that you have. And trust me, even if you think you have nothing. You have every sense. You're breathing, you're alive. Every day is a new chance to start over. Every day is a new beginning. As long as you have breath in your body when this vehicle is done and over with, it's a whole different ball game. But where you go and how you live after this is all dependent on the times that you're living now and the choices that you're making this day and each day. My opinion is that everything's gonna be okay on Monday. Irregardless, it's going to be okay. We're gonna pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and we're gonna get through it. Because that's what we were put here to do. This is a test, folks. This is a test. A lot of people are throwing their hands up, I can't do this anymore. I'm done. I'm sick of this, okay? We all get those mindsets. We all have those days. We all have those moods. But the difference between you, the victor, and you, the person who gives up is your attitude. Every single day. You get through the shit and you decide that you're not going to let it ruin you, and you laugh about it and you come back to balance and you breathe and you work toward making the rest of the day and tomorrow a better day, or you get left behind. The choice is yours to make. Please stop with the disillusionment. So much disillusionment where people think they're so much better and so much farther ahead than they actually are. That's not going to work this year. The jig is up. And just as so many of the bad guys will be brought down and their crimes will be brought into the public eye, and people will truly realize what's been taking, what's had control of this planet all along. They'll start to see and they'll want to make this world a better place. And we just have to be careful not to let our anger take control. Fear and anxiety are tools of the devil. How many times have you guys heard me say this? So let's be. Let's not gloat, okay? Let's be happy with the choices that were made and be hopeful that our country will become a better place. But let's do our own parts individually to make that happen energetically as well as physically. It's so important. Do you really think that I don't question things on occasion? I just had a conversation the other night. Why does God allow these things to happen? Every so often I revisit that even though I know in my heart and in every fiber of my being why things are happening the way that they are, I shouldn't be at the point where I revisit that every so often. But my heart hurts for the suffering of these people. When I did that interview last night, or, excuse me, last week, I was positively livid. I was justifiably angry over the suffering of our people in North Carolina, in Hawaii, still in Texas, in California. Now, these are mostly lab and man created. The atrocities and the evil that are on this planet are not an excuse for you to stay. Stick your head under the sand and say, I can't deal with this and I need to give up. It's a reason for you to fight harder for what you know that is right. Energetically. There's an old saying, work smarter, not harder. Well, there is a percentage of people that have come into their own, strictly and specifically, by energetically changing the way that they think and the way that they live their lives. I was raised with a hard work ethic, and I was raised with morals and values. Thank you, mom and Pop, for instilling those in me as a small child and continuing to enforce those and reinforce those with me as I grew to be a young adult. Not everybody had that in their lives. I was thankful for what I got, and I put my nose to the grindstone and I worked and I worked and I did the best that I could every single day with what I had for myself and for my. My family, for the ones that I was responsible for, the ones that couldn't do for themselves. And while that stands true today, the Generation Xers like we talked about, yeah, we're special, we're badass, we're tough. We were forged iron forges. Iron. Is that the same? There's a reason that that exists. We're being forged, we're being created, we're being molded. You've heard me talk about the Japanese pottery kintsugi. It's the Japanese art of fixing, repairing broken pottery with gold so that something that's been broken is forged and reformulated with gold. The cracks are filled with gold so that it's even more beautiful than it was originally. And even though we're created in a sense of perfection, we can become even more beautiful and more special and more precious. But we have to put the work in. So from the physical aspect, what I was talking about before is energetically, there are people that have manifested with prayer and guidance and the right frame of mind, wealth beyond your wildest dreams, businesses Yachts, homes, planes, all of that, if that's what you desire. Good health, better health, improved health, total healing. Personal lives that are thriving and abundant. Lives filled with faith, lives filled with belief, lives filled with conviction. And they've done it energetically, without working 15 to 20 to 22 hours a day, like I did for so many years. Do you guys know how long it took me to realize that? It was my energy and vibration and the mindset that I had alongside the effort, faith without works that would propel me to where I needed to be. And I cast away the material for what was inside, for the spiritual. And I have goals and I have things that I want to do for myself, for my family and for humanity that I will achieve. Trust me, it's taken me longer to get there because it took me so goddamn long to realize the trick of the game, which wasn't a trick at all. It was just immersing myself in the word and really praying and meditated on what was being said and watching by example, listening to the words, reading the words that were spoken, and having the discernment to be, to have the intuition to realize the unspoken words between the words. And that's not making shit up. That's called discernment. That's what we're told to have. That's what we're guided to learn. And all of us have these abilities. And this year they're not going to be as latent. Trust me. When I said last week about the telepathic and all of that. It's coming. When you hear the voice of God in your head or an angel, can you tell the difference between a demon and that voice? But how do they speak to you? They don't speak to you. Standing in front of you with words. Typically, sometimes they do, but typically it's inside of your head. It's telepathic because that's the way that we were created. You don't think for one minute that God spoke to people in their minds. He didn't always appear in front of them. Them. The guidance and direction that was given on a lot of different occasions was inside the mind. It's your job to know what's the good and what's the bad. And it's your job to be able to discern and distinguish those voices inside of you. Sometimes we need help and guidance with that. Sometimes we need somebody to oust the bad things that are around us or in us. But if you stay the course and you do the work inside, you can have pretty much what you want on the outside. And even in these times that we live in, even with all of the stuff that's supposed to be coming, this is a spiritual awakening. There is a percentage that will rise and there's a percentage that will be left behind. It's unfortunate because everybody has the same chance. See, that's the thing. Everybody thinks this. The cards were stacked against them. Or. No, that's not true. You create your own deck. Think about that. Every card that was created, it's one of your visual memories or something that you've been through, something that you've experienced that's formed that image, that's created that solidified card, as it were, in your brain. And then the ego takes over. Let the ego go. We don't need another hero. Irregardless, it's wonderful what's about to happen. Good things will happen. But there will be a lot of deception also this coming year that we need to have discernment to be able to recognize falsity from reality. There's an end game here, and not everybody is who they appear to be. We'll talk about that more in the future. Thanks all for listening. We'll see you next week. Have a great night. Oh, yeah. And TikTok's done for now. It's social media. Guys, I know it hurts you if you're making a living doing this, but get over it, move on, step up. It'll probably come back. Trump will probably bring it back, so rest easy with that. All right? Now, really have a good night. [01:00:36] Speaker A: We don't need another hero.

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