[00:00:25] Speaker A: Good evening, folks, and welcome to another episode of the Positude Podcast. I am your host, Maggie Hart, Studio. Super stoked to be here another week to share with you over my cup of coffee on my warm, comfy couch. And whether or not you're in the kitchen, the bathroom, wait, hopefully not. Wherever you're listening to me, I hope that you've had a very blessed, exciting week. We're gonna talk about politics this week. We're gonna talk about the most commercial or one of the most commercialized holidays on the planet, Valentine's Day. But to start out, as I tape this show, tomorrow is Groundhog Day. And one of my favorite content creators I follow on Instagram is Chipl Layton from the Layton Show. He shares texts from high school and college students that they send their parents. They're absolutely hysterical and I'm gonna share them with you because I'm in a very light hearted mood this week and I just want to have some fun in between talking about some more serious subjects to follow. So the first one, it's warm out. I guess the otter was right.
Why is it so cold? I thought the beaver said spring was here. How accurate is the groundhog? Did the warthog see its shadow? The hedgehog said spring was coming. When is Gopher's Day? I've shared some of his clips before and I'll tell ya, it's very scary to me that our college students, because these are mostly from college students, are so incredibly educationally challenged. They're challenged because they're not being taught common sense in school and they're being taught this agenda, this indoctrination that Trump, Trump just recently stated he's on it and he's going to be looking into some things and hopefully changing some things on that front. So there is hope for the population that chooses to put their child in public education, hopefully. I always encourage homeschool. I think that it's a great alternative and if you have the means, you should really look into it. But for the meantime, Trump's been, Trump's been very vocal this week on a lot of different fronts and it looks like he's coming to the rescue in this regard as well. Americans, for the most part, at least the ones that I've spoken to, are extremely overjoyed over the events of the past week or so since he's taken office. I've seen a couple of clips over the past several months regarding his theme song, YMCA and where it came from. And I saw an interesting one this week where this lady, Stacey Renee, says that Gitmo was a US Naval base in Cuba, and the acronym for it was you must come ashore. Y, M, C, A. And what that meant at the time was that sailors had to leave their ships and spend time on shore at the base. It was kind of a tongue in cheek type of thing. And that would be typical Trump fashion. I've also heard that there's a regular YMCA in the vicinity and that people referred to Guantanamo Bay as ymca. But either way, it's tied into his theme song. Unquestionably, Trump is a chess player, and that would be so typical of what appears to be his sense of humor to use that as a theme song. Directly related leading to Gitmo, but he's been on fire. 40J6 prosecutors were terminated by Trump's acting attorney general. Per NBC. This week, the State Department has replaced LGBTQ with LGB. He did the thing with Columbia. I think we talked about it last week. If not, I know I did. On an interview where two planes were denied entry to Colombia that we were sending back with illegal immigrants. And then within hours after Trump threatened tariffs, the president of Colombia recanted and actually offered his presidential plane to give them a dignified route back to their country. Because we know all criminals desire and deserve right dignity.
He went to North Carolina. I believe he went to California as well. He is doing all of the things. He's doing everything that he promised to the best of his ability and more right out of the gate. He's an absolute animal. And he has been extremely vocal and, in my opinion, hysterical in his approach with his statements. But there was a press conference that was held yesterday by Carolyn Levitt, his new press person, and a guy spoke out toward the end of that. If anybody listened to it and said that he was a reporter, I think a Colombian reporter, and that they had just come back from interviewing the president of Colombia there. And supposedly he says that the Colombian president is not going to allow any more planes to come back and pretty much recanted his statement that was previously publicized. She's a very smart girl. I like her. I didn't think I'd find anybody I liked better than Kayleigh McEnany, but she also is on fire, and she doesn't take any crap either. Very succinct individual, to the point, no bs. And she fired back at the reporter. Oh, really? When did this happen? And I think the guy said, yesterday or today? And she said, well, I'm gonna let President Trump know that he said that. And she just kind of smirked something to that effect. So we'll have to wait and see what develops with that one. Sounds as though he may be recanting his statement. The Colombian president and his daughter. I don't know if anybody heard this, but his daughter put out on social media that for every Colombian that got deported hoarded Colombia would send back a gringo. Her name is Andrea Petro, and she said for every Colombian deported, we will return a gringo from the poblado. And that was on Twitter last Monday the 27th. And then she put a meme underneath it of these dolphins jumping from the sea with rainbows above it. And if anybody's familiar with the Lisa Frank art stuff that used to be popular, it's a very Lisa Frankie kind of color. Yeah, meme. And I guess according to the New York Post, she was allegedly referring to the red light district in the city of Medellin, which is somewhat of a hub for US Tourists looking for prostitutes. And in April Last year, a 36 year old US citizen was caught in a hotel room in the city with two girls that were under age 12 and 13 years old. Before the Colombian authorities could arrest him, the American left the country, leading to President Petro appealing to the US Government to have the accused person extradited. So I haven't heard anything where Trump commented on her statement, but she put it on X. So obviously like Elon, hello. I'm sure she chose that platform for a reason when the scuffle happened with Trump and her dad, apparently her father claimed that there were over 15,000 undocumented Americans living in his country, but ruled out raids to arrest and deport them and urged them to regularize their situation. So while that behavior is disgusting and abhorrent, something tells me that the criminals that are being sent back there are a lot worse. And two wrongs don't make a right. I think we should clean up all of that, especially in regards to children, but I thought that was a pretty smartassy move on her part. So we'll have to see what comes of that. If anything, maybe Trump's choosing to ignore it, to wait and see. And also, if the statement made at the press conference my yesterday Friday, I'm recording on Saturday, has any merit to it that the president now is refusing from Columbia to take his people back. At any rate, let's take it.
[00:08:18] Speaker B: Ice.
[00:08:19] Speaker A: Ice, baby, Ice is the new word of the day. Trump has been sending people back really bad, hardened criminals back left and right, and his new press secretary, Caroline Levitt, is making sure that she lets everybody know about it. At the press conferences, she's telling how many are deported that they've caught, where they're caught from, and what their crimes were. So this is bringing a great awareness to this country, hopefully waking up more people that are sympathetic to these criminals that should not be in our country. While we're on that, I got a couple clips I want to play for you. But Trump also did an executive order saying that anybody in this country that's in the college arenas that are sympathetic and doing heinous things against our country, you know, burning flags and organizing groups for terrorist groups are now eligible to be deported. And a Chinese national who organizes pro Hamas rallies at UCLA just got arrested and her visa was revoked. She's going back to China. And I say not a minute too soon. Our college campuses have enough to worry about. The professors are screwing things up on their own with their indoctrination, and American students are way misled, are doing enough damage trying to support these movements and support the liberal agenda. And I feel that if they want to carry on that way, then let's save a seat right next to these people that we're deporting that are immigrants or here on visas, student visas, send them back. If America is so awful and you were born and raised here even, and you want to see what the other side truly lives like, have a seat next to your buddy. Find out. My dad served in Vietnam, and I can remember the stories of how our soldiers were treated when they came back from war.
I don't have any use for people like Jane Fonda. We had our soldiers that were spit on and mocked and ridiculed for being recruited and doing something to serve their country. It was a political movement. They were all. All wars are political movements. But our heroes and the people that gave their lives for our country were treated like crap. If you're going to burn the American flag and disrespect your country, but moreover, disrespect of the lives of the people that fought to protect that flag and you then, in my opinion, if it's so great on the other side, go there. If it's so horrible here.
But that's the problem with indoctrination. They're brainwashed. They don't have any idea of what it's really like in these other countries and what these terrorists really do. So hopefully this will change and people will wake up. And we are not of this world. We serve a different power. Ultimately, we report to a higher energy.
And it's hard, though. See, this is what I was talking about last week. It's hard not to get wrapped up in some of this. We're seeing Trump doing amazing things for this country. The morale is high.
And in others, people are gnashing their teeth. Hmm. Where have we heard that phrase before? But I'm going to play a couple clips here in a minute of people who are not happy with the deportation issues.
But I just want to say we're not of this world. We do report to a higher power.
But when you see people that gave their lives and lost their friends and watched people that they were trained with blown to bits and children being killed, and all of the atrocities that our soldiers have had to witness and go through, and the psychological warfare and in more recent times, the jabs that were being given to them and the experimental drugs and Agent Orange back in naming all of the things that were done to our people, I think we have righteous indignation in being upset about those things.
Our soldiers were put through utter and complete hell. And for somebody that has absolutely no concept or respect for that because they weren't taught to, or they're so self involved and they don't have any care for those people, but have the unmitigated gall to stand up for a terrorist movement that would want to torture and kill innocent people just blows my mind. What about the guys that served our country that are living on the streets, that can't afford to have a decent meal or a roof over their head, or are elderly, who can't afford their medications? They are lesser on the human spectrum in these people's eyes than somebody who would cross the border illegally and take taxpayer dollars to be able to buy designer clothes and gold chains and sit home and watch TV all day in the comfort of their beautiful apartment over people that have given their whole lives to work here, to be a part of this country, to be good citizens, and in the case of veterans, to protect us, it's so lopsided. Do you think you deserve a fair wage in this country? Do you think employers should be allowed to hire illegal immigrants so that they don't have to pay a fair wage to employ Americans that are looking for work in this country? Should that person be able to get ahead and become rich off of the backs of migrants who are working harder for less money, Admittedly working harder in some cases than our youth and people who were raised without a work ethic in this country? But is that fair? Well, we have people in this country that are having a fit about immigrants being deported because now they don't have their Workforce. Just curious, are these the same liberals that were against slavery, slave labor, and they're not paying a workers comp. They're not on the books. If one of those guys falls off a roof, they're just going to say that they trip falling off of a curb, crossing a street. They're never going to admit that they were working illegally. Then you got the tax situation. And why aren't these guys getting fined for hiring these people? And most importantly to me, what about the fact that the people that they're employing illegally, there's a really good chance that they're a hardened criminal, or I bet somebody they know is in their circle that came here illegally. These are people that are performing these crimes against children. Horrible things are being done to our kids. So you're hiring illegal immigrants to build a home for a family or a school for children. And how does that even compute?
This is somebody that could either be selling drugs to children or violating children, or having pornography of children or raping women or killing people in general. Oh yeah, let's have them build our housing development where our families are gonna live.
Seriously. Listen to this.
[00:16:53] Speaker C: An update on the ICE rates from the perspective of a general contractor. I just had a roofer completely cancel on my job because he is picking up the pieces from all of his other job sites that got raided and the crews are just gone. So I'm in Fort Lauderdale and this is a roofer that I've been working with for years. It's a sub sub. It's labor and I'm providing materials and working under my roofing license with my supervision. So it's how many of the roofers do it down here? And we were figuring out the final details and I'm like, hey man, let's get that final number together. And I was kind of trying to figure out because he hadn't sent me the final price yet. I'm like, what's going on, dude? And he finally wrote me just down. He said, I have to walk from this job. I cannot physically complete it because I am personally working on a number of roofs that the crews are just gone.
So how is this helping us?
[00:17:49] Speaker A: The next clip is panning on an empty development that's partially constructed and it's a ghost town.
[00:17:57] Speaker B: Usually it's gonna be worked on every day, day in, day out. Ain't nobody working, not a fellow.
[00:18:04] Speaker A: The Hispanic workforce is pretty much gone out here.
[00:18:10] Speaker D: Our workers, the Hispanics, they will be up there. They don't want this to get wet. All those houses are sold. Getting Wet more than they have to and getting destroyed by the humidity. Well, they pay for them already.
[00:18:24] Speaker E: This is not good. This is not good. I'm not seeing a lot of workers here. I'm not seeing a lot of movement going on here.
This is not good. From a real estate standpoint, if you're already under contract for a property that's under construction, expect a lot of delays. And if you're looking for a new build property, expect prices to go up. Because there is a ridiculous shift taking place right now in the workforce. And unfortunately, that check is gonna be passed on to us, the consumers.
This is so sad.
[00:18:56] Speaker A: Let's take it.
Maybe they should have hired the Amish place would be done by now. American workers. We also revisiting the school situation, have videos of teachers that are being put out there where the teachers are saying, I talked about it last week. I can't remember if it was my interview or on this show, but the woman that challenged ICE people to come in and try and take her students and said, one of us is not leaving. And it was like a trans figure, individual thing that was doing the speaking, which I don't have any confidence could get out of her own way. It's out of its own way. There was another one yesterday. It's showing a woman, a teacher, locking the door of a school. And they're playing rap music. And the headline is, ICE can now enter schools. So she's showing you that she's locking the door and laughing that she can supposedly lock ICE out. And then this guy has a response to it. He's hysterical. It's your best friend, Dave. Check this out.
Hi, yeah, is this Osho? I'd like to report a fire card.
[00:20:31] Speaker B: Violation at a school.
[00:20:33] Speaker A: I thought that was an excellent response. It was funny. But here's the thing so far, ICE is not raiding any schools. The liberals are already drastically jumping the gun.
He's only arresting criminals and deporting them right now. And speaking of guns, most of the reasons that doors are locked in schools is because of the mass shooting situation. And these are teachers that refuse to carry guns in the classroom to protect their children, American children. But they'll protect the immigrant children from ice.
So your nephew or your niece or your cousin or your child who may be in the classroom, you're not going to, you know, bring guns in so you can protect your classroom, but you'll lock the door against potential ICE raids that haven't even happened yet. Interesting.
And like I discussed in the first video, again, I can't remember I did several interviews last week, if it was my interviews or the show. But aren't you going to put your students more at risk if you try to fight them? Should they try to come in?
You know, is that really in the best interest of protecting all of the other children in the class?
Crazy. Hey, I know. Maybe this will spur them to go out and get gun permits.
Oh, wait. It depends on what state you live in as to whether or not you can get one anymore, doesn't it?
Hmm. Better get some more zip ties, ladies.
Let's take it.
Ice, ice, baby.
[00:22:43] Speaker B: Ice, ice, baby.
[00:22:46] Speaker A: Do you remember a few weeks ago when I said to everybody that Trump is of a retaliatory nature? I feel, and he's going to start to come after the people that he doesn't like and that have done him wrong. Well, he's definitely pulling out the punches this week and calling them as he sees them. Let's listen to this clip about Pete Buttigieg.
[00:23:09] Speaker F: Yay. Which is overseen by Secretary Pete Buttigieg.
A real winner. That's guy's a real winner. Do you know how badly everything's run since he's run this Department of Transportation? He's a disaster.
He was a disaster as a mayor. He ran his city into the ground, and he's a disaster now. He's just got a good line of.
[00:23:35] Speaker A: Excuse me, you heard me.
And that was from how to Lose a guy in 10 days. One of my favorite movies and totally applicable to the second half of my show. We're going to talk about V Day.
So, yeah, Trump's coming down hard on the people that have gone against him in the past. We're going to see more of that as time goes on. As I predicted, he's definitely not pulling any punches. One of the questions for the press secretary yesterday Friday was about his language, and she kind of brushed it off and made a joke out of it, but she basically said that Trump says what a lot of people want to say and are afraid to say. And I would tend to agree. I wanted to bring to everybody's attention, too, that during or actually before Robert F. Kennedy Jr. S confirmation hearing, Snowflake Tears put up a video, and I'm not sure who posted it originally. It was a screenshot of an article that was up on a computer in the hearing room before RFK ever entered the room.
So this was on a computer terminal, a published article ready to go to press or possibly even already submitted to the press before he even came in the room. And the title was RFK Jr faces grilling on anti vaccine comments and animal mutilation at confirmation hearing.
So that was an amazing example again of mainstream media and how crooked they are. They already had the article written and ready to be published. Probably already sent to the syndications before he even got in the room.
Let that sink in. And graffiti artists are jumping on the Trump train in a big way. A hood in Texas did a beautiful. I wish you could see this. A beautiful mural of Trump and one of a Tesla car. I'm going to let you listen to it because it's definitely Latino area.
So these are obviously legal people that are doing this.
You got to check it out. I am a fan of wall murals and graffiti. I just think some of some of the most beautiful pictures I've ever seen were graffiti style pictures. And coming from the city, having family in the city, spending so much time there and just seeing on the sides of buildings, it's just so beautiful. And in some environments, for me it absolutely beautified the community. There are certain ones that I drive past even here that I love to visit from time to time just to go revisit the murals because they're so amazing.
[00:27:14] Speaker B: Guys, we're over here at the Victor Garcia park here in far Texas. We're literally in the hood. Like this is the hood. You know, Cyprus, you know, right? You know Eglie. You're in the hood here. So it's currently 1:38 in the morning, but we're driving and we saw some.
[00:27:31] Speaker G: Damn.
[00:27:33] Speaker B: Look at what's in the hood.
We the people.
You like that? How do you feel about that?
[00:27:43] Speaker D: That's clean.
[00:27:44] Speaker B: That's clean. That's your boy.
[00:27:47] Speaker G: Dude.
[00:27:48] Speaker A: His.
[00:27:55] Speaker B: We even got his homeboy Elon over here.
We got a little Tesla Juno. But let's be real. Look at like this is crazy. Look at the detail on this. His eye. Like the camera does not do justice.
This is the. The artist bangers one only here in the valley. Dude. This is some valley.
[00:28:26] Speaker A: Hollis, did you hear him? He's doing good things for the community.
That's pretty cool. And I'm sure everybody's following the story.
Very tragic news this week. The American Airlines jet coming from Kansas and the U.S. army Black Hawk helicopter that collided in midair and plunged into the Potomac on Wednesday right over the Reagan International Airport.
64 passengers, they believe none survived. Three U.S. service members aboard the copter. The plane held also three U.S. soldiers and four crew members and some Russian former skaters, ice skaters. Air traffic control asked the helicopter crew members to pass behind it and asked if it was in sight, chopper crew responded that it was in sight. They were about a mile apart at the time. They were on a required annual night evaluation and were a fairly experienced crew and were wearing night vision goggles.
Two married figure skaters, Russian ex world champions, and they were in pairs figure skating, I think in the 1994 Olympics. They were teachers who were living in the United States training young skaters for the Olympics on their way back from a competition.
The New York Times had stated an anonymous source that said an air traffic control supervisor combined the responsibilities of handling both helicopters and plane flight pass before the usual time, though it's currently unclear why. The FAA says that staffing was below normal amount at the time of the crash and usually before 9:30 at Reagan Airport. They have two controllers, one for planes and one for choppers, and after 9:30 the transitions to one happen because traffic is significantly lessened.
But on Wednesday, for some reason they cut staff early and Trump said I think the army plane was too high. In his recent conference, he said he blames the diversity equity and inclusion for this. He said hiring could have been to blame for the crash. He blames the Obama and Biden administration and the Democrats and says the FAA actively recruits workers who suffer severe intellectual abilities, psychiatric problems and other mental and physical conditions under Diversity Inclusion Initiative, spelled out on the agency's website.
When a reporter asked him why he thought it was because of the initiative, he said it was because he had common sense. And they did address that yesterday for me Friday in the press conference again with his press speaker. At the end of the day, they're just trying to figure out a way to try and blame Trump for this. But the DEI initiative is a very real thing and it's very possible that Trump is correct in this scenario and it's an extremely tragic thing that's happened. Many people are suffering right now. So please, let's send our thoughts and prayers up to the families and loved ones of those who have suffered this tremendous loss. That's a horrible, horrible thing and we pray that this will get straightened out and situations like this won't happen again.
And if it was because of negligence due to the DEI initiative, those people who hire those people are going to have to answer to a higher power.
It's really a sad state of affairs. And when I heard about this in these children, these young skaters that were on the plane, it just, it's very, very sad. And so please, yeah, let's send our thoughts and prayers up to everybody involved and hopefully the investigation uncovers something worthwhile not that it's going to bring those people back, but it would be nice to know what really happened, if nothing else at least. So maybe the families have a little bit of closure and won't wonder. One of the networks that I'm on cuts out part of my show to do show promos. So I've decided to keep my promos from here on out. Short and sweet. Please support the network. We're totally listener funded. If you want to be a superstar and have your own commercial, please get a hold of the network.
And whether it be on my show or anybody else's, support the network by promoting your business.
My introductory and entry music is by my good buddy Pat Carr. You can reach him atunes.com Pat Carr please support him. Check him out, tell him Maggie sent you. And if you need any help with your physical, spiritual, mental or emotional needs, please contact me at Maggie M A G G I E HART H E A r
[email protected] when we come back after the break, we're going to do some fun stuff with the music and talk about a crazy little thing called love. Stay tuned folks. We'll be back after this.
[00:34:27] Speaker G: My mother was a talker My dad decided to they took us kids to Sunday school and filled Christian life. We went to church each Sunday and we never missed a week and Jesus smiled upon us and gave us love so sweet.
My love was only 18 and I was 25 I barely made money to keep us both alive. We struggled and went hungry and tried to make ends meet Still Jesus smiled upon us and gave us love so.
[00:35:07] Speaker H: Sweet Ooh love so sweet you find.
[00:35:15] Speaker G: You can't live up to what it's.
[00:35:17] Speaker H: Worth Ooh love so sweet.
[00:35:24] Speaker G: You can hardly find her anywhere on earth well the days are getting shorter the weather's turning cold we have a little daughter she's only 10 months old she's loving and forgiving her trust is so complete she's just like Jesus said to be she gives us love so sweet.
When our little girl has grown My love and I get old and we'll look back on the times we had memories made of gold the smiles and tears and laughter the love we had so deep Cause Jesus smiled upon us and gave us love so sweet and when this life is over our Maker we won't meet we'll stand there at the judgment bar and account for all our deeds Then there upon the right hand the Master Jesus sits and still he smiles upon us and gives us.
[00:36:31] Speaker H: Love so sweet Ooh love so sweet.
[00:36:39] Speaker G: Find you can't Live up to what it's worth.
[00:36:44] Speaker H: Ooh, love so sweet you.
[00:36:49] Speaker G: Can hardly find it anywhere on earth.
[00:36:54] Speaker H: Ooh, love so sweet when you find.
[00:36:59] Speaker G: You can't live up to what it's.
[00:37:02] Speaker H: Worth Love's so sweet now you can.
[00:37:09] Speaker G: Go Hardly find it anywhere on earth.
[00:37:23] Speaker A: And we're back. Thank you for joining me for the second half of the Positude podcast. I'm your host, Maggie Hart. And that was Love so Sweet by Pat Carr. So what does love mean to you? And why am I rushing Valentine's Day? Well, I'm actually not rushing Valentine's Day, but Valentine's Day has been rushing us.
Commercial holidays are insane anymore. We're not even to back to school hardly. And they're already putting out Halloween decorations.
Valentine's Day stuff appeared here in the store at least two weeks, maybe three weeks ago. It's an extremely commercial holiday, and I give this spiel in one form or another almost every year because when you go on social media, everybody is hyped up about Valentine's Day. And after Valentine's Day or the night of Valentine's Day, everybody's posting pictures of their hearts and their candy and their flowers and their dresses and what they wore to dinner and what they ate for dinner and where they went for dinner and bragging up a storm about how wonderful their spouses or significant others have treated them on Valentine's Day. Or you have the other half of the spectrum that complains and moans. In fact, I'm seeing posts on the Daily already from people who are single or are miserable about, oh, you don't have anybody to spend Valentine's Day with. Does anybody want to come cuddle with me for Valentine's Day? It's like, people, people, people. Don't you have any pride in yourself?
Do you really want to put how desperate and needy you are out there to everybody on your social media platform? Is it really that important to you to get a couple of likes or somebody to go, oh, but you're so beautiful and you're just not found the right person yet and wait the right one will come along. Or better yet, I'm in the same boat as you. We should hang out and watch movies and be miserable together on Valentine's Day.
Valentine's Day is just a day.
It's just a day.
So many people are bummed out about not having somebody to share that day with and the people that spend their lives with others364 other days of the year, except for with the exception of maybe Christmas and their Anniversary dates. They're at each other's throats the whole rest of the year. They're positively miserable with that other person. But miraculously, on Valentine's Day, or their anniversary or Christmas, most especially Valentine's Day and their anniversary, look at what my husband got me for Valentine's Day. Or the flowers my husband got me for Mother's Day. Or look what my significant other did for me. I love this person so much.
And then the next day, they're back to bitching. Or people who know them personally are like, seriously, you guys are fighting all the time. You've been talking about leaving for two years. He just cheated on you last week. Or you just cheated on him last week.
This is the year that I've been telling you about.
This is the year of extreme highs and lows. But more than anything, it's a year to be transparent. And it's a year that if you're not going to be transparent, newsflash, Somebody's gonna make you transparent. The truth is gonna come out. And when I deal with people on a personal level, in my personal relationships, I'm still amazed at the amount of deception that people try to portray. Both not only as far as in how they portray themselves, but how they portray their relationships.
I have friends that I go for coffee with and we go shopping and they will bitch and moan all day long about their husband or their boyfriend or their kids or their dog.
And then we'll pull back in the driveway and they'll be all like, oh, hey, how was your day? We had a great time. Everything was wonderful. And, oh, here, give me a kiss. I love you, honey. I missed you. Seriously, 10 minutes ago, you'd be happy if they got hit by a train, according to what you were telling me.
Why? Why do we need to be this way? And what is the true meaning of love? And can we really find that ethereal, otherworldly, higher love?
The Steve Winwood love?
I have some song clips I'm going to play for you just because I'm in a Gen X mood.
And I'm going to see if you guys can recognize some of these songs. But we have highs and we have lows. And just because I like them and I think it's fun, I think that we emotionally share so much with music that we can portray a mood or set a mood or bring back a memory just by listening to a song. And I just find that this time of year, there's such a diversity.
People who are pretending to be happy when they're really not or are alone and acting like they're miserable because they're alone. They don't have anybody to share this holiday, this holiday with. Look up the origins of Valentine's Day. I've talked about it years and years and years before and I'm not going to go into it again because it's old news. I mean, you can look it up on Google.
It's not a very good holiday to proclaim and profess your undying love for another.
I wouldn't want to get engaged on this day, but we're still so ego based.
We need to step away from this. We really need to find that transcendent love. We need to live that love. We need to breathe it in, soak it in and have it become a part of who we are, infused into every fiber of our being.
And that includes an unbreakable connection with your creator. Being in the energy of love is where you're going to go higher.
But it starts with source and it starts with you. If you don't love yourself and you're not happy in your own skin and you don't love who you are in a humble kind of way, then and you don't have the love for your creator and with your creator and you don't feel that love back, it's almost tangible. It's amazing when you have that connection.
It's. It's a hum, it's a vibration, it's an inner peace. It's an.
It's just a feeling of fullness that I can't describe to you unless you've ever felt it.
And then to have that and be able to join that with another human being, with another living soul and have that perfect union, yeah, that's like absolutely off the charts crazy real love.
But so many of us are more in love with love or the thought of being in love, but really don't know what love means.
We try and fabricate it, we try and force it, we try and put it into a box, we try and define it based on who we are as a person and what we think love should be. Or from a narcissistic perception of, well, this person doesn't love me and they did something wrong against me, and poor me, I'm suffering as a result. What about all of the heinous things that you did to the other person that forced them to walk away irregardless of the fact that they were a near saint or just an average human being that wanted a satisfactory relationship with not all of the head games and the bullshit and the control and the power struggles and all of that.
It's time to face up to reality. It's time to really take inventory of who you are and what you bring to the table. And not just in your personal relationships, but in every aspect and facet of your life. Starting with the energy that you have with your creative source. Why is that important?
Because that's where the power truly lies.
Once you realize that you're not alone on this planet, irregardless of whether there's not another human being in close proximity to you, you have a connection to the higher power and it's a universal energy or a creator energy, depending on your thought process or your belief structure. But it's never ending.
It's a continual source of power.
And when I say power, I don't mean from a dictatorial standpoint. I mean from an energetic standpoint. You're constantly being infused. It's a circle. The energy comes down, flows through your body, goes back up. Just like in a Perfect union scenario where the energy goes from you to that person's heart and then back to you. It creates a circle, an electrical circuit.
Because we all are energy.
How well do you know yourself?
How much of your own shortcomings are you willing to face?
When you look in the mirror, do you really see yourself or do you see an altered reflection of who you think you are?
We need to be truthful with ourselves.
That's the only way that we're going to move forward.
Especially this year. It's all starting to happen this year, folks. Trust me when I tell you so. I have these conversation cards. I haven't done this in a really long time. I used to do this all the time on my one of my old shows and I had a question for you. I'm just going to pull a couple random cards and let me give you something to think about. If you could have any meal prepared for you, what would it be and why?
And then the second is, what is your favorite way to start your day?
How does this relate to the subject? Because there are two general questions that are making you think and they're conversation starters.
So you can ask the guy next to you on the bus or the person that you see in the park, or a co worker, or your loved ones those questions and they start conversations, right? There are ways to start a conversation with somebody that you typically would be awkward, maybe speaking to her or not feel comfortable speaking, speaking to. Or if there's a silence at the dinner table and there's some awkward moments, you can ask these random questions to get conversation flowing, get these thoughts flowing in your brain.
And as you ask yourself these questions and you get comfortable with that, you should be truthful, right? If you could have any meal prepared for you, what would it be? And why you're going to tell the truth. You. You're not going to lie and say sushi if you hate sushi, right? At least I would hope not. So after that, then I want you to ask yourself, what am I the most proud of that I've done?
What's something that I'm ashamed of that I've done? Who is the one person that I'd like to apologize to if I could?
Who is the person, aside from myself and my creator, that I truly love and I'm proud of? Is it the person that you're sitting across the table from?
And if not, why not? And if you were to lie and tell somebody sushi when you hate sushi, how good are you at convincing other people with your untruths? How good of a liar are you? You shouldn't be a very good one at all.
If you're lying in your relationship and you're lying to yourself, but most especially if you're lying to other people about who you are and what you want to be or strive to be, but you're not there yet what you pretend to be, and there's another Persona that lives inside of you. That's who you truly are, who maybe isn't the best person on the planet. You need to change that. It's on you.
[00:51:40] Speaker H: In your life.
[00:51:45] Speaker A: Let's play an ego game. When your last relationship ended, were you truthful with the people that you spoke about when they asked, hey, where's so and so been? Or how's it going with so and so? Oh, it's over. Well, what happened? I ended it. It just wasn't working out. We both decided that it wasn't. It wasn't happening for us. It wasn't the way it started out to be. Something changed, Something shifted, and it just wasn't the way it used to be? And we just. We decided to end it, or I decided to end it. But is that really the scenario? Is that really what happened? Or would your ego not let you show your vulnerabilities and tell the truth about how, you know what? I screwed up. I wasn't the best me that I could have been. I wasn't the person that that person needed me to be. I didn't treat them the way that I should have. I didn't Value them the way that they deserved to be Value?
Did you cheat on that person?
Even if it were an emotional cheat, Were you talking to other women, pretending to be in love with her, but entertaining the thought? Or, you know, maybe because the relationship wasn't going so well, already looking for your next best thing and being disloyal and being dishonest.
[00:53:51] Speaker G: And every time you speak her name.
[00:53:53] Speaker A: Does she know how you told me?
And that goes for ladies, too.
Did you do that to your man? H?
Whatever happened to trust?
Trust is something. There's an old adage that takes years to build, but something seconds to demolish, to destroy, to ruin. And that's very true. You need to establish trust. You need to have that solid foundation in order to build a really sturdy house. And trust takes time.
And if you totally and continually obliterate the other person's trust, how can there be a relationship?
You're nothing more than a mobile home blowing around in a hurricane.
And did you push that person finally till the end of their rope when they had heard I'm sorry a million times before? Each time the next I'm sorry being even more teaching, tearful and emotional than the last. But nothing ever changed. You just did it. You just said it to keep them on the hook, knowing maybe even full well that you had no plans of changing. Just trying to keep them from leaving, playing that emotional head game with them to keep them happy. Or are you abusive verbally, mentally or physically abusive with your partner? Or have you been in the past?
Because you know what?
Eventually, hopefully, if that's the case, they're gonna leave. And you deserve it.
[00:56:17] Speaker G: Tell me about your knee, man. You go and cut me down.
[00:56:23] Speaker H: But wait, tell me that you saw it. I didn't think I'd turn around and say, it's too late to apologize.
It's too late.
I said it's too late to apologize.
[00:56:46] Speaker A: Or have you never really been in love? Have you never really grasped the concept of what love means?
Like we were talking about before, the love of your creator source, the love of yourself being happy in your own skin.
And when you're comfortable and happy and healed in your own skin, then you're able to fully give yourself to another person.
But if you're an emotional train wreck, then you have no business being in a relationship, quite frankly, because it's only going to be detrimental, not only to your partner, but to you, because you're not going to be able to give of yourself fully. And that's what we all need. And that's what we all deserve, just like we have that creative power with our God, our Father, our universal energy.
It's a hundred percent and 100%. You're getting fully and you're giving fully. That's the ideal and it's supposed to be. And it needs to be the same with your partner.
It's not good for man to be alone, but it's not good for a woman or man to be in a relationship with her being being constantly abused or they're not getting what they're giving. And it's healthy to carry each other in times of highs and lows. To flow and maintain that balance and pick up the slack when someone else is sick or not feeling well or had a bad day and support them and love them and show them how much you care. But when it's a chronic thing, it's not healthy and it shouldn't be happening. You need to stop and work on you first. Do you really truly even know what it is to be love? To feel love and to give love totally.
[00:59:02] Speaker H: If you love a woman, let her hold you til you know how she needs to be touched.
You gotta breathe, really taste her til you can feel her in your blood.
[00:59:22] Speaker A: Or have you worked on yourself? And you are the best version of yourself that you could possibly be. But you're working every single day to change and to grow and to morph into the person that you were meant to be. And you give 100% of yourself every single day to your partner, not just one day a year. And you are who you're supposed to be. The other half of a whole guided by faith. You get that back, right? You get that back.
So now I ask you, how important of a day is this? Who are you buying that card for? And why don't you just skip Valentine's Day and buy it the day after or the day before or the week before or make your own card, pick your own flowers.
Show your love every single day, every single moment to that person and make them feel truly special. And let them know that you really don't want to live without them. Because they do truly complete you and you complete them.
Find that inner joy, that inner peace and radiate that to the world and see what comes back to you.
If you haven't found your special someone, you will. When you achieve that, remember above all else that we are energy.
What you put in and what you radiate and what you believe with every fiber of your being is what you're going to get back.
[01:01:14] Speaker H: Be your strength.
I'll give you hope Keeping your fingers gone the one you should call.
[01:01:33] Speaker A: I hope you had as much fun tonight as I did. Little different format. We're slowly getting back to to the old way of doing my show. And, boy, did I miss it. Thanks, everybody, for listening. Have a great night.
[01:02:04] Speaker H: Sa.