The Positude Podcast Telling Yourself the Truth

The Positude Podcast Telling Yourself the Truth
TRIM Radio
The Positude Podcast Telling Yourself the Truth

Sep 07 2024 | 01:00:11

Episode September 07, 2024 01:00:11

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

The Positude Podcast with Maggie Heart is a versatile, ever-changing show discussing healing, spirituality, enlightenment, political stories and insights, meditations, conspiracy theories and conspiracy realities, recipes, music, random comedy, and all sorts of information designed to uplift, to negate or come to grips with negativity, to share knowledge. Her goal is to share knowledge, have some fun, and have the listener feel like they are having a discussion or learning session on a comfy couch with a friend over a cup of coffee or tea.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:25] Speaker A: Good evening, folks, and welcome to another episode of the Positude podcast. I am your host, Maggie Hart, and I'm thrilled to be here another week to share an hour of time with you, spreading knowledge, maybe sharing some stories, and getting to know each other, just like we would in your living room over a cup of coffee. There is so much going on this week on the political spectrum, on the worldly scene. And, you know, we could spend our time wondering about this or worrying about this. It is important to keep our fingers on the pulse and have a grip of what's going on around us in the world. But right now is a time for us to be working on our personal selves, really putting effort into our personal journeys and discovering what is good for us. What is not good for us. Solidifying your familial ties, or, you know, even your proverbial familial ties, but in, in essence, getting your shit together and solidifying all of the people around you, your tribe, as it were, these are the times that are going to become more challenging, mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. We've been broaching this for a while now. And for those of you that think that it was bad before, I'm not gonna. I'm not trying to scare you or anything, but you need to get ready. We have to be in a state of mind where no matter what comes at us, we can still keep a feeling of positivity, of joy in our hearts, a feeling of being loved and loving and keeping that peaceful, just steady vibe. And, you know, why is this important? Because it's important for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. And if we don't have that inner peace, then it's going to be very difficult to traverse the times ahead, depending on who you listen to. There are guys out there in the underground networks that are talking a lot, again, about Nassera Gezera and about how Trump's gonna come back and save everybody, and it's gonna be a new planet, and we're gonna have all of this money, and things are gonna be better. While that is a possibility, we also need to be prepared and not be deluded. We have two different sides of the media. I've said this so many times. We have two different sides of the media, folks. We have the black and the white side of the square. There's a lot that's being put out there to deceive us, and we have to go inside and we have to rely on our personal discernment. We have to stay more in prayer and meditative time, less time listening to the Internet and getting freaked out about what's going on. And we need to see with our own eyes and feel with our own spirits the energy around us in that. When you're traveling, as I was this past week, for instance, your head needs to be on a swivel. Pay attention to your environments. Pay attention to what's at the travel centers, what's at the rest stops on the throughways, the highways. What are you encountering? What are you noticing that's different? Let's play a Sesame street game. One of these things is not like the other. I believe it was Sesame street. But when you're traveling now, what are you noticing that's different from two years ago, from the COVID era and before that? How is travel different for you now than it was in the eighties? Aside from the technological stuff, when we had garmins and tomtoms and now everybody's got their tracker on their phone and their, their map apps. I'm talking from a personal level. What are you noticing with people? Are they different? Are they the same? What has changed dynamically? What is the energy or the vibe of a rest stop or a travel center or a little town that you stop to get gas at as opposed to a year ago, two years ago, five years ago, ten years ago, 20 years ago? I'm seeing a decisive and market trend, and it's not a positive one in almost every aspect of travel for me. And trust me, I've been doing a whole lot of travel the past year. We're broaching a year and what I'm seeing is definitely not of a positive uptick as a general rule. So there's that. Let's start with that. I have so much to cover. I really need to get to the point where I'm back to my hour and a half shows and I'm back to some of my original format that I did with the positude podcast, and that will be coming. I have a lot of changes that are taking place in my life right now and I have a lot going on that needs to be addressed. But hang with me because when I have the time, we're going to bring this back to the way it used to be. It's going to be more fun and more diverse as well as talking about these topics and learning things. For now, it is what it is because this is what I have to offer. You just I need to share these things with you. So I'm touching on what I'm guided in. Prayer and meditation are important topics to share and things that need to be talked about and kind of cutting out the fluff for now. But the fluff needs to come back too, because I love fluffy. Oh, it's so fluffy and shiny and sparkly and all of that, as you well know. And we'll get there, I promise. But for right now, what have you noticed different about your travel? Have you insulated yourself to the point where you're not traveling at all? And is that as a result of the recent times and what's transpired? Have you insulated yourself into your own little corner of the world and don't go past the gate, you know, you keep in your own little section and go out as little as possible so that you don't have to deal with the outside world and some of the situations that are occurring. If that's how you want to live and that's what works for you, that's what helps you to get by and maintain your sanity and feel safe at the same time. Well, good for you. Am I encouraging everybody to be a hermit? Absolutely not. Am I telling you that some of the best times of my life were spent in relative seclusion at the top of a mountain, looking at a body of water and just being. Being able to pray, being able to meditate, being able to focus on energy and really getting down deep and being able to get to that level where I could truly change things with my mind set because I had the peace and the sanctuary to be able to get to that point where there were no outside disturbances. Yeah, some of the best things in my life have transpired as a result of having that quiet time, that peaceful, reflective time with not a lot of people around me where I was able to focus and really just be at peace. So having that peaceful, joyous feeling in my heart enabled me to manifest what I needed because I had the mindset, I had the energy going to be able to do that. And I was recently promised time like that, a time of peace and a time to be able to meditate and pray. And I was really looking forward to having that. But unfortunately, it didn't work out that way. It was quite the opposite. It was quite disastrous on some levels, which is okay because we live and learn, you know, and it's a matter of being able to roll with things. And what I learned from wanting that and that meditative and that prayerful and that healing time and then not being able to have that because of circumstances out of my control, I realized that that was just another lesson for me to learn. More about my own personal self control and about how I handle certain situations. I don't like to be out of whack. I don't like to be out of balance. And while that's going to happen from time to time, because I'm just not at that guru level yet, you know, and I'm not going to pretend to be, you know, I'm human too, and I have my limitations and a man needs to know their limitations, right? Famous saying from one of the old westerns that I know and love, it's kind of like this. I made some mistakes. I lost my temper sometimes and I was reactive mostly out of frustration because of a buildup of frustration that I should have had a little more self control. And so it taught me that I need to work on my self control. But, you know, that's not fair either, because as a general rule, I'm a lot better with that. It's just that I haven't had a. I haven't had that peaceful, quiet, prayerful and meditative time where I can get back to balance and keep that, maintain that joy in my heart and keep that vibe going. So. And some people will say, you can do that anywhere, you can achieve that anywhere. And that may be solved for some people, but for me personally, I need the quiet, I need the seclusion. I need the time to be able to focus without distraction. And, you know, that's something that's spoken of in the Bible and the verbiage is a little different. But we're supposed to rest on the 7th day. We're supposed to do nothing one day a week. Whether your beliefs are Saturday or Sunday, or whether or not you don't believe in the Bible at all, that's up to you. But we all need that downtime. We all need that time to be able to rejuvenate our bodies and energize and pray and meditate and heal, whatever you want to call it. You need that downtime. And I have not had that in virtually a year. Well, that means that when I'm told something, I should not have expectations, and I'm aware of that. But when I'm told something and I have anticipation and I expect something, I become disappointed. So I know that I'm not to have expectations of anything. I was just supposed to go with the flow and see what happens and let the universe, God, whoever you believe in, take over and continue control of a situation. And it'll work out just the way that it's supposed to. And when it becomes a potential train wreck as a direct result of other people's actions and their choices that they made, then I gave them that power to make that choice. So that's on me. I shouldn't have relied on someone else. I should go with my inner gut and my inner wisdom to know that if I say something, I need to stick to it. And if I have to limit my time and environment around people that are controlling or negative and trying really hard to misapply the misbelief form of treatment in that, well, we can talk about that, actually. We can talk about the misbelief therapy and the misbelief treatment. But if you're fully healed, then you don't go back to your old ways. And if you're fully cured, then you don't go back to your old mindset. If you say you've truly changed, then your actions and behavior can consistently will reflect that. And I feel like a lot of people in today's world are following. It's a really good christian philosophy, actually, the misbelief therapy. And basically it's just a matter of positive thinking. Your thoughts are what you are, what you believe is who you are. And while that may be the case, there are a percentage of people out there that are fooling themselves because that's what they want to believe, but they haven't had fully embrace the philosophy that goes along with any of these positive thinking and helpful and healing scenarios. So basically, you can't read a book and have it change your life unless you apply the techniques that do that. And yeah, misbelief therapy is. It's a great one. There's a book telling yourself the truth by William Backus and Marie Chapman. And it does rely on scriptural passages. They clearly tell you in the scriptures, and I'm in total agreement with these guys in their book, where they take biblical passages and use them as examples for living positively. This is another example of the things that were changed and left out of the Bible. You know, there are passages in the Bible that tell you how to live positively, how to live in peace, how to live in joy, how to live in love, and we need to embrace those and we need to practice those, but we also need to expound on those, because there are also parts, in my opinion, that have been changed and left out that are sort of keys to the kingdom, as it were. And I don't mean that in a negative sense or a disrespectful sense toward the Bible. So before you start screaming at me, just know that I know I feel it in my gut. I feel it in my heart. And I've known this for a long time, that there are certain things that have been changed and left out of the Bible. And you've heard me talk about this before, but the essence is there, and you need to know where to look and how to pay attention to it. So while I'm being somewhat vague in my personal scenario, I'd like to bring this all back around a little bit so that it makes a little more sense to you, and then we'll continue on. What I have discovered during travel is, at these rest areas and thruway stops, there are a lot more immigrants, and not only are there a lot more immigrants in every stop, in every aspect that I've made some places more concentrated than others, they all seem to be very well dressed and driving very new and very expensive cars. In one case, I saw a Range Rover, and I was leaving a bathroom, and three e, what appeared to be mexican girls, walked in, and they were extremely well dressed. They looked like they'd walked off of Park Avenue. The second walk was dripping in chains. She had between 15 to 25 chains on her, every finger covered in gold. They did not speak English. And I was exiting the bathroom, and the three of them came walking toward me down the little tunnel to exit the bathroom. And they just. The first girl kind of bumped me and almost pushed me aside and looked at me with a look of disdain. And then the second one with the gold giggled and also pushed past, kind of. And then. So the. The third and I stood there. 20 years ago, I'd have thrown down over that, especially after the week that I had just had. But thankfully, while I was in the car on the way to that travel center, I had a chance to pray and meditate and come back to balance. So I just observed and let it go. And another thing that I noticed is that aside the disrespect, the blatant disrespect for these, what I think are illegal immigrants, for the most part, is the disgusting, dirty, filthy qualities of the restrooms and just the route rest stops in general, they work hard to maintain them and keep them as clean as possible, I'm sure, but I feel as though it's a losing battle. There's just. They're just animalistic in their behavior. They're just very unclean, very unkempt, have no respect for anyone or anything, has been what I've witnessed. Another thing I've witnessed, and we were talking about the vibes earlier, is there's a general energy of these people, that is just not only rude, but lewd and lascivious in nature and very threatening at times. Physically threatening, especially as a woman traveling and mostly traveling alone. There are just packs of them. There are bunches of them, and they openly stare. They openly look at you up and down in a very lewd manner and a rude manner, very disrespectful, and they are openly taunting in their native tongues. And you can tell that they're talking about you or making fun of you or thinking about God knows what. But there's that as well. And then just that. It's just a dangerous overall atmosphere. It's a dangerous overall vibe. My radar is up so much of the time now. I mean, I'm always open to my surroundings, looking for different scenarios and making sure that I have, you know, a clear exit and that nobody's behind me and that no one's following me and all of that. However, I. At certain rest areas, I pull up, and I just get a sick feeling on my stomach, or I'll get a gut twinge, or I'll get a feeling of danger. And every single time, there's an instant or a potential instance where there are a group of men and they are looking for trouble. It's quite obvious. And I've also seen instances of men traveling with small children. I just saw one yesterday where the parent figure does not appear at all physically similar to the child. And there was this child. He was a little boy, three to four years old. He was literally being dragged across the parking lot by this big, brawly guy who looked nothing like him. The kid's feet were dragging, and he was making it as fast as he could from the doors of the rest stop to his car. He was on a mission. And I had to wonder, is this child safe? Is this child okay? And by the time I reached into the vehicle to get my phone, to grab it back out, to take a picture of the plate number, I was considering calling and placing, just an anonymous 911 call. Can you please check this vehicle? Something's not right. He was out of there. He was gone. Gone. So in my personal experience, when I hear these people talk on their podcasts, in their interviews, about how the immigrants are being taken back to their native country surreptitiously and things are happening under the surface that we're not aware of, I would have to disagree with that wholeheartedly, because in my personal experiences traveling extensively, what I've noticed is a very, very marked increase in the amount of what appear to be illegal immigrants at these travel centers, and not only traveling freely, but as I said earlier, with very nice clothing and very, very nice vehicles, certainly much better than I would be able to afford in these present times. And also, has anybody heard about the. I believe it's a bill that's in the house in California that immigrants, and they want them to be given 100, like $50,000 per person for them to be able to purchase homes. And they are pushing for no interest, zero interest rates on those loans to be given to these illegal immigrants. When we have homeless in our country that are veterans and that are elderly and just good, hardworking people that can afford a place to live. But yet we're proposing giving these illegal immigrants 140 or $150,000 to purchase a home with zero to no interest rates on the loans for the remaining balance. It's incredulous to me. So anybody who's listening to these guys that are saying, oh, it's not happening, definitely, again, use your discernment. And I'm not saying that things are not happening under the surface that potentially could be for the better of our country. It's a possibility. But we have to keep in mind, again, there's the white square, black square. And so sometimes what seemingly is a potential positive change, we have to really pray and meditate on and use our discernment and figure out, is this something that will be good forever or good as a possible short term solution so that they can drop the hammer even harder and faster on us in the future? And we have to look at the biblical prophecy as well, where there will be supposedly a time of peace and prosperity and take that into consideration as well. But again, things have been changed and left out of the Bible. And I certainly believe, as I tell you all the time, that with positive, loving energy and vibrations, we can change things. We have the ability to affect things, whether or not it be on an alternate universe universe that we're able to traverse and change our personal situations in that aspect, or whether or not just we're in one universe as a whole. I just know that our energy and our vibrations are able to affect things both negatively and positively, depending on our personal input as well as, as a collective whole. So, as I've said before on my shows, this is a time for us to sharpen our skills, to hone our abilities, to make sure that we have the people around us whose backs we have and whose backs we can have, and make sure that we have people that we trust and love around us that will support us as we will them. And also energetically and spiritually, to work on our own shortcomings, to get to where we need to be. So that when it becomes an intrinsic impulse reaction, to be able to, whatever situation we encounter, have the ability inside of us to immediately and instantly, without question, we know where we want to go and how we want to proceed in a manner that will keep us protected and keep us safe, and that will be in the spiritual realm as well. Well as for our physical bodies, we know that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. And that passage in the Bible is so important because we battle on many different interdimensional levels. And we need to have the knowledge and the guidance inside of us. Because of our faith and because of our determination, we were given free will. And we need to be able to use that free will to honestly and astutely not only look at our situations, but be able to resolve potential situations in an instant, in a second, because there will come a time where that may be all that we have is an instant, a blip in time, and we need to be able to react instantaneously and as a second nature. And that also speaks to those of us that are being brought together in relationship situations, those two halves of a whole. If you don't have that whole, and it's not a complete circuit, then you need to really consider what you want to do with the rest of your time here on earth. And is this a situation that in a case of extreme danger to yourself and your family, that it will become a battle of wills, or an ego stroke, or an ego fight? As to your partner, oh, I'm the man, so it's going to be my way or the highway when your intuitive guidance is telling you, no, we need to go left down this road, not right, and somebody else is fighting and pulling the other direction all the way, because they're still in that really low vibrational, egotistical mode where they've got to be right no matter what, even if it's at the expense, potentially, of your demise. These are things that you really seriously need to consider. It's not a game. It's a life journey. It's learning and growing. But there very definitely will come times where your physical existence and in some cases, your spiritual well being are going to be put on the table. You will be challenged. And you need to make sure that the people around you are people that are going to do what's in everybody's best interests and not just playing on the ego of I'm always right or I want to my way or it's my way or the highway, because those are. Those are traits that are going to be very dangerous in the future. And I mean that on the physical plane as well as the spiritual plane. I need to repeat that because it's extremely important that you reflect on that in your personal relationships. And while we're all learning and growing on our own time schedule, now is the time that we really need to tighten stuff up as best we can, and we really need to be diligent about our personal self journeys. Even if you are of the mindset that the second coming of Christ is a spiritual endeavor and that it won't be a physical reoccurrence, that it will be something that happens inside of those of us who are lucky enough to do the right thing. And so, therefore, as a result, Christ's consciousness will enter us and we will shift and ascend. And all of that good stuff, whether or not you're an advocate for that or the physical coming of Christ, whatever your personal belief structure, it needs to happen. We need to be working toward the better of the whole, collectively as well as. As an individual. And that's what's going to trigger all of these shifts to happen. All of this good stuff, all of this, all of these things that we want so potentially, could it maybe not be the end of the world as we know it? Hello, rem. But could it be a spiritual awakening? It's not a physical ending as spoken of in revelation, but it is a spiritual thing that's going to happen either way. We need to do the work. Part of doing that work is being honest with ourselves. And when we do a self evaluation, for it to be one that's sincere and from the heart and that's honest, we can't delude ourselves any more than we can fool other people, at least not for a very long time. Eventually, the truth comes out. You get found out. While it's important to be gentle with ourselves in our journeys, we also need to have accountability and be able to realize and recognize when we've made a mistake. And we need to be able to admit that some of us are so anxious to get to that end of the rainbow and to get to where we want to be that we've kind of deluded ourselves into thinking, hey, I'm already there. Now, if you've made progress, sort of progress, know that the powers that be recognize that and appreciate that, and you are loved irregardless of where you are on the proverbial spectrum. That's a new age thing. And that's a liberal term, but. But I mean, as a spiritual person, you're loved, you're important, you're valued, you're all of those things. And whether or not you can recognize or I sense that with those that are around, you know and trust that you are loved and you are appreciated and you are of value and importance, you are an individual, and it's your free will is how to progress on your spiritual path. But we also need to take accountabilities for our actions. And fooling ourselves into thinking that we're healed or that we're better because we've made progress is a very slippery slope. And that is a tool that the dark side will use against you just as much as they'll use the tool against you. That you're worthless or you're not good enough, or you're not special or you're not loved. You see, that goes both ways. It's a double edged sword. And so what we need to remember is that being honest with ourselves and realizing that we have fallacies and that we all have work to do is only going to push us farther along in a positive way on these journeys. So when we try to pretend that we're further along than we actually are and then we hit a wall and we have a meltdown, that's a really solid indication that you're really not where you thought you were, right? Because if you were, you wouldn't be having that meltdown. Now, personally speaking on a lesser level from my experiences in the past week, because I know that I haven't had my prayer and meditative time and I haven't had enough downtime, and then I was promised to have that downtime. And again, you know, we shouldn't have any expectations because then we don't have disappointments. I'm well aware of that, but I'm not at that guru level yet. So, having said that, as a result of a culmination of many months of idiosyncrasies and egotistical actions and selfishness and a whole plethora of issues that I had been dealing with, what happened is basically I had reached the end of my rope. And what I mean by that is that there were just so many instances that I had gotten past and I had forgiven and I had let go and I had tried to help with and work on and help to create a better scenario and environment irregardless of all of the time and effort that I had put in. What I had discovered was the. There are just some cases where you have to step back, and I have done this before. I've stepped back and I've taken a breather, and I've gotten back to balance, and I've taken a break and I've gone back in with the determination and the optimism and the positivity, only to be told that I was being negative when I shared some scenarios that were definitely nothing of a positive environment. And I had shared some situational instances that were absolutely borderline and in some cases, blatantly verbally abusive, even though I had seen some progress. And that's to be commended and that's to be admired and that's to be recognized. There were still many instances, instances of very, very negative and self righteous and egotistical, and I'm going to say the n word, but narcissistic tendencies that reared their ugly heads. And it was at that point that I finally decided, hey, listen, for what's good for me, you know, we can try and help and love others and heal each other as much as possible. And while I admittedly am a bulldog in that type of situation, I always want to see a person reach that height, reach that epitome of the best person that they can be. When I'm seeing either stagnant or backward process, and it's directly affecting my emotions and my well being and my personal self safety. And if I feel like my safety is in jeopardy, that's definitely not a situation that I want to be in. It's at that point that I need to say, you know, I really need to separate myself entirely from the situation because it's not healthy for me. It's just not healthy for me. It's not good for me. Now, being a professional in the field and having worked with people for as long as I have, I know inherently how to handle this type of situation and this type of behavior and this type of personality, or at least someone who's markedly showing signs of this type of personality. So maybe not textbook, but absolutely showing signs of narcissistic qualities or a narcissistic person. I've had plenty of experience with this, both in my personal and in my professional life over the years, and I know very well that I would really need to stay calm and walk away from the situation. And you have to treat someone like that as though they're a spoiled little child because those are the tendencies that they're exhibiting at that moment and disengage yourself from the situation rather than hit it head on. I'm well aware of all this. I've been well aware of all this. I know this. This is like textbook 101, what to not do in this situation. But after many, many months of not having that prayer and meditative time on a regular basis, which is not an excuse. Okay, I'm gonna take my wraps for that. But I went into defense mode, and I stuck up for myself, and I raised my voice, and I yelled, and you know what? I let it all go. And that wasn't the appropriate way for me to handle that situation. What I should have done was deflated the situation and walked away pacified and gotten myself out of that situation, and then, you know, addressed it at a later time. But, hey, my back was against the wall, and I went back to the kid from 20 years ago who, if you're gonna attack me, you know what? I'm gonna defend myself. And I know that that was the wrong approach. However, at the time, my instinct took over, and so that's something that I need to work on. Am I going to be convinced that I was the person that had done all of these horrible things? That's a narcissistic tendency. And I know who I am as a person. Inherently. I know who I am in my soul, in my heart, and as an individual. And I have hundreds, if not thousands of people who can attest to who I am. So I know who I am both personally and professionally. I don't need to prove myself to anyone. But I should have just called it a. Called it a counseling session, called it a day, and moved on. I didn't do that. So that's something that I need to work on, because even though it was a long time and many, many months culminating to that point, my bad. I should have had the self reserve and the control to handle the situation a little differently. And one thing that I do do is I always look at a situation after the fact, and I revisit it. What could I have said differently? What could I have done differently? How could I have changed that situation? And I look at that, and I examine that, and then I work on being a better person. And so, okay, I took a step backwards on that one, and I'll take the hit for it and full responsibility for that, but for the fact that I had been encountering many different scenarios or the. Over the course of a really long time, where it had been culminating, and I was not deserving of any of that. No, no. That. That's not on me. Okay. Part of being valued as an individual, whether it be from a teaching or a counseling aspect or in a personal relationship, is you need to feel valued. And when you have name calling and accusation and suspicion and rudeness, and you're constantly being ignored or not heard, and you're repeating yourself a hundred times over the same situation, and you're repeatedly telling someone a scenario, and then there's absolutely no recollection because there wasn't any listening. That devalues you as a person, and it demoralizes you to a degree. And screaming and yelling and stomping feet and outbursts of anger and slamming things and breaking things and acting in a very erratic manner and, you know, whining and complaining about what you don't have instead of what you do have. And maybe the reason that you don't have the things that you don't have anymore is because of the way possibly that you've treated people in the past or your behaviors and turning that around and saying, well, nobody loves me and I'm not good enough, and I can never do the right thing, and it's always my fault. When you were your own worst enemy to begin with, that's not taking responsibility for your actions. And that's what I'm seeing on a grand scale happening. I don't know if it's because of the jab or because of the society that we live in where everybody gets a trophy irregardless, or the poor me scenario or the martyr syndrome. I can't really pinpoint it to one specific thing, but I am seeing instances of this across the board, and it's disheartening, it's upsetting, and it's making me just really hope that we can all come together as a people and be one and get over the bullshit. We need to get over the bullshit, and we need to take accountability for our own actions. And that's part of with telling yourself the truth. In that book that I was mentioning earlier where you're addressing your issues on the misbelief theory. We'll talk about that after the break, because it's got some really positive things in that book that I would like to share with you. Just want to interject one quick point. However, the behaviors that I'm seeing also are in large part related to people who are suffering and in some cases recovering from different types of addictions, whether it be drug addiction, alcoholism. So that's also, you know, because of the rise of awareness in the country of these types of diseases and people's desire to want to overcome these diseases. You know, there's an uptick in people wanting to self heal, which is an amazing thing. But at the same time, we need to recognize that there are situations and there are personality traits that go along with those diseases that just because you stop abusing the substance does not negate the fact that you still have those tendencies. And so with the rise of all of that and the awareness of the diseases coming to the forefront, that also, I think, is a reason that to me, it seems more exacerbated because people are trying to overcome their issues and so, but they're still having the same tendencies that they did when they indulged in those substances. So just something quickly I wanted to add there, but yeah, we are super overdue for a break. Let me say thank you so much to all of you for listening. Thanks for being loyal and supporting the station. Please, any way possible, anything you can do, whether it be a dollar or $5, anything is appreciated. We are totally listener funded. And if you have your own business and want to be a superstar, please, please consider sponsoring a spot on our network, whether it be on my show or any other on the network in general, we'd be happy to have you. If you don't have your own commercial, you know the spiel by now. Commercial, no commercial. You know the spiel by now. I'm sure that the owner and producer would be happy to get together or something for you that would be amazing to you and mutually beneficial to us to play and advertise your business on our station. Also, thanks to my good buddy Pat Carr for allowing me to play his music as the introductory and ending and most of the breaks music. He's an amazing original artist from Louisiana. You can reach him at car. We'll be back after this. [00:40:02] Speaker B: Comes to my baby I have got a mean street to my house wide when it comes to my baby I've got a mean street 2 miles wide so if you messing with my woman and you see me coming you better run away I got a pretty little woman she don't treat me too bad, cooks my breakfast in the morning she loves me when I'm sad she'll take me to the doctor when I feel and knowing ill she give me all her love until the clock stands still when it comes to my baby I've got a ministry 8 miles long. [00:42:00] Speaker A: When. [00:42:00] Speaker B: It comes to my baby I've got a means to get miles long. [00:42:12] Speaker A: So. [00:42:12] Speaker B: I keep fooling with my baby and you see me maybe you better run on down I was out with my baby some joke start getting breath I said to him, man you bout to get into a mess she told me you don't have to worry, you don't have to start a fight. Just give me a little love and I'll always treat you right. [00:42:53] Speaker A: Sadeena. [00:43:33] Speaker B: When it comes to my baby I've got a mean street 2 miles wide when it comes to my baby I've got a mean street 2 miles away wide. I'll be messing with my woman and you see me coming, you better run away. [00:44:19] Speaker A: And that was mean streak by Pat Carr. If you don't love Pat Carr and that didn't want to make you get up and dance, there's something wrong with you. And that certainly added a little bit of lightness to our heavy topics this evening. Thank you for rejoining me for the second half of the Positude podcast. I'm your host, Maggie Hart. Please reach out for me for any of your spiritual, physical, mental, or emotional needs at maggie dot I'd like to say there's a webpage in process, but unfortunately it feels like that's probably on hold for a while. Again, I just can't seem to have anybody who wants to build me a webpage or that I could get it done with. So if anybody out there wants to help me build my web page, please get a hold of me at maggie i'd be greatly appreciative. Hey surf, are you still in the business? Give me a shout, buddy. So, telling yourself the truth. Find your way out of depression, anxiety, fear, anger, and other common problems by applying the principles of misbelief therapy. This essentially is a book for christians. So if you're not christians, cover your ears. Just kidding. It's basically a positive thinking book with scriptural references that are teaching you how to be positive, how to change the negative mindset that you have inside of you around, to use scriptural references as a way to promote and it backs up the power of positive thinking. Essentially, the reason that I like the book is in the back. There's a workbook section, and there are examples listed in the books of different scenarios of people and how they handled situations based on their personal beliefs of themselves, primarily due to low self esteem or trauma that they had in childhood because of the way they were raised. And the workbook has you go through those scenarios and compare yourself to the characters in the book, and it helps to walk you through and recognize some of the mistakes that you might be making. And you know, for instance, one question is, are all of our irrational beliefs in verbal form? Explain. And that's based on a topic in the book or why is freudian philosophy a good thing to leave behind if you want to overcome your present misbelief? There again, that's a christian perspective, and it's, you know, it's, it's what it is. But the telling yourself the truth study guide in the back I find helpful for christians who are struggling with issues of self confidence and want to promote positivity rather than negativity and change their mindset. If you're not into that, I've gone over several books in previous episodes, and I'll continue to do so. There are so many books out there for self help, you just need to look and make sure that it's a reputable source. If it's overly woo woo, it's not for you. So there's a lot of new age stuff out there that I wouldn't ascribe to because it does have some witchcraft in it and spellwork and rituals and things like that. So just, you know, be careful what you're reading. Use your discernment. But here we go. Delving into this book just a little bit here, the introduction reads, this book has been written to help you live with the one person you must live with for life, you. The precepts set forth here are not new. In fact, they've been around since the time of King Solomon and before. People become happy and contented by learning how to practice the habits. This book describes the current writings of the cognitive therapists such as Albert Ellis at Beck, MJ Mahoney, D. Meshenbaum, and Arnold Lazarus, and their scientific points of view. The writings of philosophers such as Titus and Marcus Aurelius, the findings of psychological researchers, as well as the probings of the greatest minds of history bring us to the truth set forth in the holy scriptures and the principles we share here with you. These principles are so practical and time tested, in fact, God's own method for destroying the strongholds of evil in the minds of men and women, that it is amazing. The average reader has never heard of such things. Most of us want to be honest to goodness, happy human beings who can handle life well and manage to feel good in spite of ever increasing odds against us. Ironically, we use methods of achieving happiness that make us unhappy. We work at and strive for something that we can't quite catch hold of. What does it mean to be happy? We could define it as a continuing sense of well being, a state of feeling good about life, others in self. We could also define happiness as the absence of mental and emotional discomfort and pain. The Bible calls happy blessed. And then the quote blessed, happy, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly, but his delight and desire are in the law of the Lord, and on his law, the precepts, the instructions, the teachings of God. In the sermon on the mount, Jesus names those who are blessed or happy. They are people who are spiritually prosperous, that is, with life, joy, and satisfaction in God's favor and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions. What is your definition of happiness? After you answer that question, we want you to know that it's possible to be happy, really happy, in the deepest corners of your being and to stay that way. You don't have to be a victim of circumstances, events, relationships. You don't have to be trapped by persistent, painful emotions. This book is written to help you possess the happiness you desire and to be the person you'd like to be. You can live happily ever after with the person you are and make a profound effect on those around you because of it. Misbelief therapy, as we have called our modus operandi, involves putting the truth into our value systems, philosophies, demands, expectations, moralistic and emotional assumptions, as well as into the words we tell ourselves. The Bible says it is the truth that sets man free. Jesus Christ is the living truth. When we inject the truth into our every thought, taking a therapeutic broom and sweeping away the lives and misbeliefs which have enslaved us, we find our lives radically changed for the happier better. It is our hope that other professionals will join us in the exciting discovery that truth, as it is in Jesus, is a teachable way of life which leads to wholeness, restored functioning, and freedom from neuroses. We ask the indulgence of our professional, trained readers who will find little scientific terminology in this book. We have purposely eschewed psychologies in order that all of our readers will feel comfortable with us. Recently, we completed a research project which involved follow up calls to every client seen at the center for Christian Psychological Services in a six month period. The purpose was to ascertain how well misbelief therapy, as we call it, had actually worked in the lives of the clients. The results were gratifying. 95% of the clients have been treated at the center had improved. Not only that, but these people were able to cite specific behaviors which had changed for the better. They were enthusiastic over the treatment they had received and the results that had been obtained in our lives. That is why we feel confident in recommending that you not only read this book, but that you also put into practice the procedures it offers you for bringing about real change in your life. You will be learning skills with which you will want to keep forever. So it gives an example of a story who of a man who's had some issues. And basically, it is the power of positive thinking. Instead of him thinking I'm a failure and no good. He should say, the marriage failed. But I am deeply loved by God. Therefore, I am important. Instead of I'm so lonely and miserable. I'm alone, but I am not lonely. Instead of I'm separated from my family and there's no joy anymore for me. I'm separated from my family, and that hurts. I can function even though I hurt. So you get this general idea here, but I like the scriptural references here. It says in the book of proverbs. In the Bible, it reads, as, a man thinketh in his heart. So is he. In exploring this and other scriptural references pertaining to the importance of right thinking, we discover the Bible solidly teaches that man's feelings, passions, and behavior are subject to and conditioned by the way he thinks. This is something I've been saying all along. The Bible is definitely a reference. It even talks about Martin Luther. There's a statement, oh, I can't do anything right is a misbelief statement. If you believe words like that, you're believing a lie. Martin Luther, teaching the meaning of the 6th petition of the Lord's prayer, lead us not into temptation, wrote, we pray in this petition that God would guard us and keep us, lest the devil, the world, and our flesh lead us into misbelief, despair, and other great shame and vice. And then the consequences of misbelief do lead to despair and other great shame and vice. It goes on to give other examples and basically reinforces, you'll believe what you tell yourself. So you want to think positively and change your mindset, change your thoughts. It says, God does not want his children to suffer depression, worry, and intractable anger. Did you know? God wants us to be able to control our feelings and actions? We can do it when we get rid of our misbeliefs and start paying attention to our self. Talk. Talking about the premise of misbelief theory, it says, this will work for you. It will work for you even if nothing else has, because its effectiveness depends upon very explicit psychological laws, which are as universal as the law of gravity. The law of gravity is evident when you drop something, causing it to fall straight toward the center of the earth. So it is with the laws governing the relationship between belief and behavior. What you believe affects how you behave, something I've been saying for years, skipping around here. It also says you're talking about your early years. Examining your early years may be important for the following to discover your misbeliefs learned in childhood to discover your misbeliefs about events in your childhood to examine your self talk. What did you tell yourself then, and what do you tell yourself now? When you were a child, you may have thought it was terrible if you lost something or if someone was cruel to you, mistreated you, or treated you unjustly. Examining your early self talk may reveal some of your current misbeliefs. Once these are discovered, you can go to work changing your present thoughts and attitudes. By working on the lies you tell yourself now, you can successfully learn how to be a happy person in spite of anything that has happened to you in your life. It talks about the book of proverbs that says, as he thinketh in his own heart, so is he, and the thoughts of the righteous are right. Dot, dot, dot. Part of a quote. And the Book of Psalms gives us many words regarding man's thoughts and the material he puts into his mind. I thought on my ways and turned my feet onto thy testimonies. So I love the fact that it's using these Bible passages to reinforce the positive thinking, because we've known that this has always been a part of our healing process, and I've known that there are parts of the Bible that are there to help us heal. It's just I believe that parts were taken out that may give us specific ways and examples of how to heal. It also says, choose to say truthful things about yourself to yourself. When you hear yourself say something false about yourself, stop. You can do it. Just say aloud, no, I don't want to say that it is not true. And then the biblical passage, a soothing tongue, is a tree of life, but perversion in it crushes the spirit. I counsel my people all the time, stop the negative thought and immediately replace it with the positive. And it does work. The one thing, little criticism of the book is it doesn't always give the biblical passages where they originate from. But this is actually one of my favorite quotes from Philippians four eight, the eight types of good things for Christians. And it says, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report. If there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. I love Philippians. It's just got so much wisdom in there, and it's just such a loving book, although they don't give it. Again, it's corinthians two, corinthians ten, five, talking about casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. So it's schooling you to not speak evil of anybody and not to speak evil and to speak evil of yourself in a belittling or destructive way, the book says, is in his sight evil. This is from psalms 30 413. Again, it doesn't give it credit, but it does have the passage, keep thy tongue from evil on thy lips, from speaking guile against yourself as well as anyone else, depart from evil in parentheses, saying evil words and believing evil thoughts about yourself as well as anyone else, and do good. Seek peace and pursue it. Speaking to depression the book says, the Bible speaks of depression as the soul cast down. And in psalm 42, oh, it gives the passage, huh? We can sense the agony in the words, my soul is cast down within me, and why art thou cast down, o my soul? Then triumphantly, in two Corinthians seven, six are the wonderful words, God comforts those who are cast down. It also talks about anger at sometimes being normal. The simple, brief emotion of anger is normal. The anger which explodes into rage or stews in bitterness is maladaptive and sinful. Scripture gives two views of anger. Be angry and yet do not sin, it reads in Ephesians 426 also, I love that book. And then James writes, be slow to anger, for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. I really needed that passage earlier this week because I slipped on that one. Anger in itself is not always sinful. We have already mentioned how Jesus on occasion became angry, and after looking around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart. He said to the man, stretch out your hand. And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored. None of us can go through life without ever having had the emotion of anger. It also says, don't let misbeliefs have any room in your mind without immediately coming against them with the truth. Again, reinforcing my earth statement to replace the negative with the positive. So those are just some talking points from the book and some scriptural passages. If you are trying to establish and explore your christianity, or if you are a Christian and want a book about positivity, but you're not about the new age stuff, I encourage you to give that book a try. In closing on the book, they also say, Jesus said, my strength is made perfect in weakness. Don't worry about how weak you think you are. Here are some words of truth with which to argue those for our light affliction, which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. That's two Corinthians 417 behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall bye any means hurt you. Luke 1019 I love that one. And I say unto you, ask and it shall be given you. Seek and ye shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Luke eleven nine submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James four seven greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. One John four four and but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. And that was Isaiah 40 31. I absolutely love that one as well. So in closing, a prayer that they say, I'd like to do a prayer tonight. We haven't done one in a really long time. Create in me a clean heart, o God, and renew a spirit, a right spirit within me. And then it says, and now let's expect great things. As he answers our prayer, anxiety will no longer have controlling power over you. That's my show for tonight, folks. I hope you enjoyed it. You can contact me at Maggie Heart thanks all for listening, and we'll see you next week. Goodbye.

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