Lifewalk with Christ God

Lifewalk with Christ God
TRIM Radio
Lifewalk with Christ God

Feb 04 2025 | 00:58:43

Episode • February 04, 2025 • 00:58:43

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

Lifewalk with Christ God is a spiritual journey hosted by Michael Bahas, a dedicated believer and guide. This show offers a reading into the teachings of Jesus Christ, providing insights into the Bible.

Through engaging readings, heartfelt testimonies, and inspiring messages, Lifewalk with Christ God aims to:

  • Strengthen faith: Explore the power of prayer, worship, and devotion.
  • Foster community: Connect with like-minded individuals and build a supportive spiritual network.
  • Provide guidance: Address common challenges and questions about faith, offering practical advice and encouragement.
  • Inspire hope: Share stories of transformation and resilience, demonstrating the enduring power of God's love.

Join Michael Bahas on this spiritual adventure, as he leads viewers towards a deeper understanding of God's Word and a more fulfilling relationship with Christ.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:30] Foreign. [00:00:35] Hey, good evening, all, and welcome to life. Walk with Christ. God, how are you? I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Here we are on Monday and we've got a lot to talk about with this ark, the golden candlesticks and everything that's going into it. [00:00:52] Let's talk about the Ark of the Testimony, also known as the Ark of the Covenant, the Ark of the Lord and the Ark of God, and, and the Ark of God. So listen to this. You're getting this right. There's a. There's a covenant, the Ark of the Covenant. There's the Ark of the Lord and the Ark of God. Well, isn't the Lord God? Well, of course, but Christ was before Adam and Eve, before the world. [00:01:23] The Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, Trinity of Trinities. [00:01:28] So it's very interesting how this is listed. [00:01:36] The Testimony was the object most sacred to the Israelites during their time in the wilderness. [00:01:43] Do we know that the Ark of the Testimony looked like. No one can be really positive about it, but. But there's a clear, detailed description in the Old Testament. In Exodus, of course, 25, 10, 22, the archaeologists have discovered depictions of art. For example, a stone carving of the Ark was found at the excavation of a synagogue in Capernaum. So again, here's more reproof that the Bible is, is true and is holy and is God's word. So with. Without a doubt, because we now see that we had not only Testament, you know, testimony of Moses and of others that were around there, but we're seeing testimony of the artifacts, testimony of where they went, testimony of the cities that were there. So all in all, it just proves that the Bible is even more true and that these things did take place, these events did happen. And now we're seeing stone carvings, we're digging up different scrolls in different places. We know that the Dead Sea Scrolls, if you look at those, are almost word for word in Isaiah and different parts of the Bible. So with all these different things coming in, are we getting closer to proving that there's a real God? Yeah, absolutely. So if you have doubts about that, then you gotta explain to me how. That we have all these facts, all these places, all these relics, all these different things that are pointing to. To Christ, God. [00:03:35] That's the beauty of it. It's. It's when people are like, well, we wouldn't know unless we were there. You are there. That's the beauty of it too, because we're unearthing all these things now, you know, in Turkey, and then we're over in other areas in. In the desert, and we're, you know, Jerusalem and all these different places and these things are. We're finding these things, and it's absolutely wonderful. So. [00:04:04] And they're in museums and they're being well cared for and preserved, and people can go and see it and visit it. And the fact that this living word that God has left us behind to guide and walk in life with, be a part of his life, is absolutely wonderful. From the biblical account, we can determine these facts about its physical appearance. [00:04:31] Facts. [00:04:33] So here's the thing. It was a box about 45 inches long, 27 inches wide and 27 inches high, made from acacia wood, as it was described. Four poles were inserted into the rings on the side of the ark so it could be carried by four men. [00:04:49] And, you know, they got a. A good illustration on the lid, which was made pure gold, which I don't know if you've ever held gold that has some significant weight. But this lid has to be. If it is 27 inches wide, 27 inches, 27 inches. Apologize for that, guys. 27 inches high. [00:05:20] But it's not. Is the lid thin? Is it thick? We just know it's 27 by 27. So even if it's an inch thick or more and it fits on top of the ark, whether it's inlaid on the inside or it's over the outside and covers it completely, extreme weight. That's why it takes four people to carry it. [00:05:44] The lid of the ark is called the Mercy Seat. It was made of gold because this was where the high priest sprinkled blood once each year on the day of atonement, the atonement for sin. And then it had two winged creatures which we called cherubims, angels. And the wings were outward, and the tips of the wings touched each other. [00:06:12] So we also know from this point inside the ark, what do we have in there? Well, we have the ten commandments that God wrote with his finger on the tablets. We have, if you remember when we were reading the manna God gave the Israelites when they were complaining, they were hungry. And God said, okay, I'm going to give you the bread of heaven, the manna. And God put the mana in a jar to make sure one piece always that was proof. We know that jar is in there. And we know Aaron's staff is in there, which budded. So these things that go on, I mean, is. Is so much proof to it. [00:06:56] And of course, we know it was at King David's palace, his kingdom, and where it went after the Babylonians invaded. No one's really sure, but we know that they use the Ark to circle around Jericho. And if you remembered, they blew the trumpets and circled. And blew the trumpets twice and circled, blew the trumpets again and one time, one day, two times, then three times, then four times, five times, six times. And on the last day, then they were told to be quiet. And on the last day, they all shouted, and down came the walls. But the mercy seat is what they believe, that God, when he came into the tabernacle, sat in this seat. That is the mercy seat. And this is where it was the holiest of most holy, the holiest place on earth, where that ark of the covenant is. [00:07:57] So God, which can do anything, if you don't think he took part in Jericho bringing those walls down, you were wrong. He did. [00:08:08] Very interesting. It's only a matter of time. I think there is a reason that, you know, it served as a visible reminder of God's presence with the Hebrew people. Their mercy seat, covered with gold, symbolized God's throne, his rule, in the hearts of those who acknowledged him as their sovereign Lord. Notice, it also says that in the hearts of those walking in God's life, walking in Christ's life, having a good heart. [00:08:43] Your mouth is the most vile thing. Because things come out of our mouths. We are like vipers. But what's in your heart, what's in your mind, those things are very powerful. And this represents all of that. So it's absolutely wonderful. [00:09:01] We're going to get on. We're on Exodus 26. And, you know, this is very interesting to me, too, and I want to talk about this for a minute before we start getting into the curtains of lemon linen. And we're doing this because now we're starting to get into different things that were made. [00:09:21] I was redoing a jeep engine for one of my neighbors. It's a good friend of mine, and helping him. You know, I love kind of working on cars now that I'm retired due to illness and stuff. But it is very wonderful that he was asking these questions, and he's like, I can't understand how this all works. How Christ could raise a little girl from the dead, how. How Christ was able to rise and how God could do these things, how the donkey talked. You know, it's good. We're gonna. We're gonna see all of this stuff come to a realization. [00:10:06] And I had to explain to him that our Lord, our Savior, they're outside of. And I say they're because it Is God is in Christ. Christ is in God. So I call him Christ. God. But. And then we have the Holy Spirit. [00:10:24] But my explaining to him is God is outside of time, space and matter. So when you think about that, it's. [00:10:34] It's very powerful. But do we have a broader understanding of our minds? And why would God do some of the things that God does when we think in our minds? It's wrong or it's unjust, or it's not unjust. [00:10:49] Especially the book of Job. We were, you know, talking a little bit about that. He's like, well, why would he punish him because of Satan? Well, there's a couple different perspectives on this. And when we look at this, we have seen multiple times. [00:11:08] I asked him at one point and I said, what is the opposite of God? And he said, satan. And I said, well, that can't be. And I said, how could Satan? I said, what is the opposite of good? And he said, evil. I said, that's true, but that's not the truth. As far as what is the opposite of God, there is no opposite of God because nobody's equal with God. That's impossible. [00:11:35] And we know this to be true because God created Lucifer, okay? And they rebelled and took a third of the angels with them and they fell. And Christ said, I watched him fall as lightning. [00:11:52] As lightning. [00:11:55] And so we know that he is not on the same power level or, you know, level it all as the Lord. [00:12:05] The interesting part with, with Job, when I was going over this, and of course we're going to go through that book eventually, we've got quite a ways to go before we get through that. And I don't want to get too far off tasks because we're on. Just so you know, we're on Exodus 26. We're on chapter 26, page 99, King James Bible. But before I get into this chapter, when I look at what happened with Job, and of course the angels presented themselves to God and along with them came Satan. [00:12:39] Very interesting. There shows a huge power difference because he's not going to present himself before a guy. No, it doesn't work that way. [00:12:50] Angels presented themselves before God and along with them came Satan. And of course, when he was talking about how there was a huge hedge put around Job, and if there wasn't and you let bad things happen, Job would cuss the Lord out to his face. [00:13:10] And God, already knowing what Satan is thinking, said, fine, but he gave him a command. You cannot touch him. [00:13:21] There it is, stating exactly the boundaries, the perimeters and everything. That what you can do and what you can't do. And Satan knows this. He knows he's on borrowed time. And he knows that his power will never equal the Lord's power. God's power. It's impossible. Okay, more reproof for the Bible. And the funny thing was. [00:13:52] Not funny, but interesting. The thing was, is that after all this happened, he says, well, why would God do that to him? [00:14:00] Two reasons. One, to show his power, his glory, his, you know, grace. Also showed his mercy at that time because Job shoot evil. He was an upright man, loving, caring, walked with God in mind. And Job was one that not only did that, but he also offered burn offerings for his kids in case they sinned. His heart was good. His mind was in a good place again later on. And I'm not gonna. I do not want to do a surprise, you know, until we get to that part of the book. But again, the angels came before God and presented themselves. Along with them again came Satan. And of course he came back and said, surely if you let me touch Job, he'll curse you to your face. [00:14:58] And God said, okay, but you can't take his life. You must spare his life. Again, another command, another set of boundaries that Satan had to follow. And a lot of people looked at the book as to look at all these bad things that happened to Job. And then they look at the end, how Job received double when he came back. [00:15:20] It's. It's. God used Job as a tool to make everyone understand that even in the worst circumstances, the worst things that were happening, everything that was going on in that book, we're going to get to it because there's so much more going on. I told you, there's so much going on in the background. And you're gonna love that, that book once we get to it. But it was showing. Exactly. There's a huge difference. It's not even close. [00:15:53] Okay, we saw that with Adam in the Woman in the Garden of Eden. And a lot of people mistake that too. They. They said Adam and Eve. No, it was not. It wasn't until after they ate. After they ate of the fruit. And then God, you. You have to go. He could have taken their lives at that point. But he's not that kind of God. He's the God of love. And what does he do? He sewed animal skins on them and sent them out the gate, put two cherubims there. But if you remember that, when that happened, he looked to Adam first, and Adam went to throw him and Eve under, or him and the woman under the bus. He went to the woman, she said, the serpent did it. He threw. She threw the serpent under the bus and got her punishment. And you know, Adam had his punishment and that was. They had to leave the garden. And then of course, he comes to the serpent and punishes him too. [00:17:05] So do we know for sure that Satan is not on the same level as God? Absolutely. We knew that from the first very beginning. We knew that from the very beginning, from before the earth. Because we know now in order for him to be down in the earth, the power struggle in heaven had to have been already. [00:17:29] And Christ said, I saw him fall like lightning. [00:17:36] So very interesting. And of course, as I'm explaining all this to this young man who is just. Is a wonderful young man. He's young and really never had delved into the Bible or anyone to give him that kind of instruction. He's like, how did they have this technology? [00:17:55] Well, here we are in the book of Exodus and told how to make this ark of the covenant and this, this tabernacle here, which is coming up. [00:18:07] And we're going to go into it very detailed work, very detailed instructions on how to do it. And I don't know if you've ever read instructions on building something or whatever else. And you're like, why didn't they tell me that you're on page 25? Why didn't they tell me that on page 21 or, or 15? And now I got to go back and change this. And you see the errors that we make as human beings that maybe we were supposed to insert this one piece here. And now we're finding out later on, but in order to do we have to take this piece back off in order to insert that piece. And then you feel like now it's not as good as what it should be. And that's because they didn't give us the right information or the correct information for this set of instructions. Or there's a piece missing. [00:19:03] It's not so with God. [00:19:06] This set of instructions not only given to him. And of course we know that we have an artifact here, right? A clear, detailed description in the old Testament, Exodus 25, 10, 22, and the archaeologists have discovered depictions of the Ark. For example, a stone carving of the Ark was found at the excavation of a synagogue in Capernaum. [00:19:32] So God is giving this information, he's placing it in Moses, putting it in his mind, putting it in there. Moses is drawing this. He's. This is his instructions now to the Israelites, okay, the 12 tribes and and the Levitical priests and everything. Listen, follow these instructions. Don't veer to the left or to the right. Do exactly as I'm telling you. [00:20:04] This is the most holy place of God. There is no mistakes on this. It is just as God wanted it, because he rested, if you remember, he came down and was with the people during the day and with the people at night. And whenever he got up and went to a different place, they followed him and they had to build, take apart, build, take apart, build, take apart the entire time. And we're going to get into that. But now we're starting to delve into the part we want, the set of instructions. And of course, what do we do? We always read the set of instructions before we just get to building. [00:20:45] And then when we're ready to build and we think we have a full concept of the set of instructions and. And have it down, then we follow the very first part, follow the instructions and. And go ahead and start building. Go to the next part, go to the next, and so on until it's complete. [00:21:01] And I love that because this is it. It is so important. So let's get into the curtains of linen. [00:21:10] Moreover, there shall make a tabernacle with 10 curtains of the fine twined linen and blue and purple and scarlet, with cherubims of cunning work shalt thou make them. [00:21:28] Clever artistic work. And the only way that these people can decipher all this is probably by stones, probably a good set of instructions that Moses was giving. But you'll notice, too, the colors and everything else. They had all of this. They had all of this technology. If you think of the pyramids, if you think of the different things that we're seeing today and the workmanship and everything else. Yeah, that technology was there. [00:22:04] We had qubits and. And we can decipher that from the feet. We know exactly what it is. [00:22:12] It is a lot. [00:22:15] And I dropped something, but. [00:22:18] And we'll pick that up later. But let's get into this. The length of one curtain shall be eight and twenty cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four cubits. And every one of the curtains shall have one measure. The five curtains shall be coupled together one to another, and the other five curtains shall be coupled one to another. [00:22:44] There's a lot of evenness here. There's a. There's a lot of numbers. There's a lot of everything that's going into it. Very decisive instructions. And thou shalt make loops of blue upon the edge of one core of one curtain from slavage in the coupling. And likewise thou shall make the utmost edge of another curtain in the coupling of the second. 50 loops shall thou make in one curtain. And 50 loops thou shall make in the edge of the curtain, that is in the coupling of the second, that the loops may take hold one of another. And thou shalt make 50 tracks of gold and. And couple the curtains together with the tracks. And it shall be one tabernacle. And thou shalt make curtains of goat's hair to be a covering upon the tabernacle. Eleven curtains thou shall make. The length of one curtain shall be thirty cubits, the breadth of one curtain four cubits. And the eleven curtains shall be of one measure. And thou shall couple the five curtains by themselves and the six curtains by themselves, and shall double the sixth curtain in the forefront of the tabernacle. And Thou shalt make 50 loops on the edge of one curtain that is the outmost in the coupling, and 50 loops on the edge of the curtain which coupleth the second. And thou shall make 50 tax of brass and put the tax into the loops and couple the tent together that it may be one. And the remnant. And see, this is. This is a giant tent. You. You understand this? And. And it's described right in here as exactly what it is. [00:24:33] And the remnant that remaineth of the curtains of the tent, the half curtain that remains shall hang over the back side of the tabernacle and a cubit on one side and a cubit on the other side of that which remaineth in the length of the curtains of the tent. It shall hang over the sides of the tabernacle on this side and on that side to cover it. And thou shall make a covering for the tents of ram skin dyed red, the tent of the rand skins dyed red, and a covering above of badger skins. And thou shalt make boards for the tabernacle of shittim wood standing up 10 cubits shall be the length of a board, and a cubit and a half shall be the breadth of one board. [00:25:30] Length, width. [00:25:32] Very, very detailed. As we said, two tenons shall there be in the board set in order, one against another, thus shall make for all the boards of the tabernacle. That's basically their clamps. Okay, they're clamps. [00:25:50] And thou shall make the boards for the tabernacle 20 boards on the south side southward. And thou shall make 40 sockets of silver under the 20 boards. Two sockets under one board for two tenons, and two sockets under another board for two tenons, so that they're clamping down together. [00:26:09] And the second side of the tabernacle on the north side shall be 20 boards. And there are 40 sockets of silver to the sockets under one board and two sockets under another board. And for the sides of the tabernacle westward thou shalt make six boards, and two boards shall thou make for the corners of the tabernacle in the two sides, and they shall be coupled together beneath, and they should be coupled together above of the head of it unto one ring, thus shall it be for both, and they shall be for the two corners, and they shall be. There shall be eight boards in their sockets of silver, 16 sockets, two sockets under one board and two sockets under another board. And thou shall make bars of shittim wood, five for the boards on one side of the two tabernacle and five bars of boards for the other side of the tabernacle and five bore and five bars for the boards on the side of the tack and echo of tabernacle. And for the two sides westward and in the middle of the midst of the boards shall reach from one end to another. And thou shall overlay the boards with gold and, and make their rings of gold for places for bars. And thou shall overlay the bars with gold. And thou shall rear up the tabernacle according to the fashion thereof, which will show thee in the mount. So understand, if he is talking about the mount and he was in Mount Sinai, it wasn't just the instructions of the Ten Commandments and the laws of the people and the different things. He's giving him an instructions so that God could be with them, preparing them. [00:27:57] And, and that's exactly what's going on. There's so much depth, detail of all this. And we're going to get into. And, and this is so very interesting as you're reading this, you could see the details. Could you imagine the instruction book on trying to figure this out and put this together with all the different sockets and all the different clamps and, and the bars, boards. He knew exactly how much was going to be left over. And of course he used that half cubits or whatever to, to overlay on the side. So I mean it was perfect. And they created this, the inner veil. And thou shall make a veil of blue and purple and scarlet and fine twine linen of cunning work with cherubims it shall be made. And now, and, and this is very interesting too, he's telling him. And with cherry abims it shall be made interesting because it's a description of exactly what it is. But that one caught me for a Loop. When I thought about it with cherubims it should be made. [00:29:07] Of course, we go to Leviticus, you know, we. There's so many different places. Matt 27:51. [00:29:14] Were they given assistance or was he talking about a description of how I want this with cherry booms on? [00:29:26] I think it was a description of what he wanted on it. And thou shall make a veil of blue, purple and scarlet, and thou shalt hang it upon the four pillars of shittim wood overlaid with gold. Their hooks shall be of gold, upon the sockets of silver. And thou shalt hang the veil under the tax. And thou mayest bring it in thither within the veil of the Ark of the Testimony. And the veil shall divide unto you and between the holy place and the Most Holy. [00:30:00] So we have a holy place. And then the Most Holy were. God is sitting on the Ark of the Covenant. That's the most holy place that there is. And then there's the holy place, and then there's us, so. Or the Israelites, the Hebrews. [00:30:22] And thou shall put the mercy seat upon the Ark of the Testament in the Most holy place, the mercy seat. So we know this. [00:30:35] It's. It's very interesting. [00:30:38] And as we get into this now, here we go. [00:30:43] And thou shall set the table without the veil and the candlestick over against the table on the side of the tabernacle toward the south. And thou shalt put the table on the north side. And thou shalt make a hanging for the door of the tent of blue and purple and scarlet and fine, twined wrought with needlework. [00:31:03] And thou shalt make for the hanging of five pillars of shinham wood and overlay them with gold. And their hooks shall be of gold, and thou shalt cast five sockets of brass for them. I mean, we're doing needlework, you know. I mean, wow. [00:31:22] And now we're going to get into the brass altar. [00:31:26] And thou shalt make an altar of shittim wood, five cubics long, five cubics broad or wide, and the altar shall be four, four square, and the height thereof shall be of three cubits. And thou shalt make horns of it upon the four corners thereof. His horns shall be of the same, and thou shall overlay it with brass. And thou shall make his pans to receive his ashes, and his shovels, and his basins, and his flesh hooks, and his fire pans. All the vessels thereof thou shalt make of brass, and thou shalt make it for a great of network of brass. And upon the net shall thou make four brazen Rings in the four corners thereof. And thou shalt put it under the compass of the altar beneath. [00:32:26] That the net may. [00:32:28] That the net may be even in the midst of the altar. And thou shalt make staves for the altar, staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with brass. And the staves shall be put into the rings, and the staves shall be upon the two sides of the altar to bear it. [00:32:48] Very, very detailed. But at the same time, we're trying to understand what are these things, you know, they lock it in so hollow with the boards. Shall thou make it as it was showed thee in the mount, so shall they make it. Don't go to the left, don't go to the right. Do exactly as God is saying. And thou shalt make the court of the tabernacle. For the south side southward, there shall be hangings for the court of fine twin linen of a hundred cubits long for one side and the 20 pillars thereof, and their 20 sockets of brass and the hooks of the pillars and their fillets shall be of silver. And likewise for the north side in length their There shall be hangings of a hundred cubics long, and his 20 pillars further 20 sockets of brass and the hooks of the pillars and their fillets of silvers. [00:33:50] Yeah. 150 foot bands, here we go. [00:33:55] And for the breadth of the court on the west side shall be hangings of 50 cubits, their pillars of 10, and their sockets of 10. And beneath the cord on the east side eastward shall be 50 cubics. The hangings of one side of the gate shall be 15 cubits, their pillars 3, and their sockets 3. And on the other side shall be hangings, 15 cubits, their pillars 3, and their sockets 3. And for the gate of the court shall be a hanging of 20 cubits of blue and purple and scarlet and fine linen and wrought with needlework. And the pillars shall be four, and their sockets for all the pillars round about the court shall be filleted with silver. Their hooks shall be of silver, and their sockets of brass. And the length of the court shall be a hundred cubits, and the breadth 50 everywhere, and the height 5 cubits of fine twined linen and the sockets of brass. [00:35:01] All the vessels of the tabernacle in all the service there are, and all the pins thereof, and all the pins of the court shall be of brass. [00:35:14] This thing is not small by any means. [00:35:18] It's not small at all. And the wonderful thing about it is, is that you can understand, as we go down the line exactly who's Going to be responsible for this. And this, this was put up, taken down, put up, taken down. Every time that God moved, they did this. They had to pick it all up. They moved, followed God. And this is all also a. [00:35:53] Not only to the glory of God, but to his grace and mercy. We have a mercy seat. We, you know, all this stuff that is going on, obedience, following, listening to the commands. You know, he. This, this is why it's so important. Now we have the oil for the lamp. And thou shalt command the children of Israel that they bring thee. [00:36:23] That they bring thee pure oil. [00:36:30] Pure oil, olive beaten for the light to cause the lamb to burn. Always. [00:36:36] We're going to learn so much more about light and, and everything that's going on. [00:36:42] But it's important to kind of keep this in your mind as we go throughout the Bible. And especially when we get in. Here's one of these cross references. It is going to go to, you know, the New Testament, Matthew, and I think it's Matthew 18. But when you go on in there, I don't know my verses and stuff, but I know the books. You know, Christ is saying, you don't take a candle and cover it with the bowl in a house or put it under a bed. What you do is you put it on a table in the middle so that it gives light throughout the whole. That's. That's the word. That's the truth. [00:37:20] That's is the light, you know, and it's very interesting. And again, he refers later on the light of your eyes. If you live in darkness, how great is that darkness? But if you live in the light, you know you're burning bright. And it's, it's. And it's wonderful. [00:37:38] Okay, where were we? Oh, here we go. And then we're on verse 21, by the way, page 101, chapter 2027. [00:37:48] In the tabernacle of the congregation, without the veil which is there before the testimony, Aaron and his sons shall order it from the evening to the morning before the Lord. It shall be a statue forever unto the generations. On behalf of the children of Israel. Again, here we are to this obedient, following the covenants, following God's laws. But God is with these people. That's why this is being built. His I am here with you. I am in front of you. There's no need to doubt me. That's why we have this. [00:38:26] I am here. Pillars of smoke, pillars of fire. And you know how they're not seeing this? I don't know the command to make the Priest's garments. [00:38:39] God has anoint, you know, anointed Aaron to be the high priest. [00:38:46] So Aaron has to be. He's responsible for all these people. [00:38:52] This is where he's in charge. He is responsible for these when it comes to the priesthood and to make sure that he is teaching God's word. And you know, all this stuff was on the mount. So you have to understand that as Moses was getting told, this stuff is so much for Moses to do. Okay. As we're, as we're finding out and what we've already found out, Aaron is responsible for making sure that the priesthood is pure. Everything is prepared for the Lord our God. [00:39:30] Thou shalt make unto the Aaron thy brother and his sons with him from among the children of Israel that he may minister unto me in the priest's office. [00:39:43] Even Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and Eleazar and Ithamar and Aaron's sons. And thou shall make holy garments for Aaron, thy brother, for glory and for beauty. And thou shalt speak unto all that are wise hearted whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom that they make Aaron's garments to consecrate them. [00:40:13] There it is. [00:40:15] This has been put in their hearts and in their minds. Okay. The wisdom is your mind and all filled with wise hearted. [00:40:26] Yeah, holiness. There, there's, there's. I am going to give these people, lay the Holy Ghost, the spirit of me upon them. So they know the instructions. They're embedded in them and, and it's important. And of course he wants them to look royally because he is, understand God's glory is. [00:40:55] I mean, if you really put it into perspective and, and think. I've had a lot of people also say, well, I have a lot of questions for God. No, you don't. You're going to be face down when, when that day comes and you're not going to be able to say a word. And how do we know that? Well, that's cross reference over to Revelations. [00:41:19] They couldn't say a word. They bowed down. They were speechless. [00:41:26] You're not going to go and approach God and ask him questions. It's not happening. Okay? It is not happening. [00:41:36] And they make Aaron's garments to consecrate him. Then he minister unto me in the priest's office. He's. Yeah, he's. [00:41:45] He is the one that is going to be praying and, and ministering. So. And these are the garments which they shall make. A breastplate and an effort and a robe and an embroidered coat, a maitre and a girdle. And thou shall make holy garments for Aaron, thy brother and his sons, that he may minister unto me in the priest's office. And they shall take gold and blue and purple and scarlet and fine linen. [00:42:17] Very important that we, we. We know that. Because in all the tribes of Israel, they are above all, understand, God anointed them, Moses leads them. But Aaron and the most holy ones, his sons and his brother, are ministering into unto the. Not only the people, unto God. And they're in the priest's office. [00:42:46] There is a direct link there to where they're going to be held accountable. It goes from the Lord, and you know, Moses is in there too. But it goes from the Lord to these priests and understand that there is. [00:43:01] That's how it is. [00:43:04] And now we're getting into the effort. And we're on. Exodus 20:8, verse 6. And they shall make the effort of gold, of blue and a purple and scarlet and fine twined linen. With cunning work again, artistic work, work. And it shall have two shoulder pieces thereof, joined at the edges thereof. [00:43:25] So it shall be joined together united. [00:43:28] The curious girdle of the effort which is upon it shall be of the same, according to the work thereof. Even of gold, of blue and purple and scarlet, and fine twine linen. And thou shalt take two onyx stones, engrave them on the names of the children of Israel, cut them in, etch them in. [00:43:50] So six of their names on one stone, and the other six names on the rest of the stone according to their birth. [00:44:01] And very interesting. So we have 12 tribes. So we have these stones here, the two stones which are the 12 tribes of Israel. Here we go. Six of the names on one stone, six other six names of the rest on the other stone according to their birth, with the work of an engraver in stone, like the engravings of a signet. Shall thou engrave the two stones with the names of the children of Israel. Thou shall make them to be set in ouches of gold, in settings, probably bezel settings. I can imagine, if you know what that is, that's where you lay the stone in this piece of gold and kind of beat the sides around it, you know, bevel it in to hold it. But you notice that they have almost like a signet, what a signature ring and different things that we've learned of. I mean, I. I don't know. I can only presume. And, and of course, we never should assume a thing, right? But you can see kind of the depth of how this is going in, of an engraver. [00:45:10] Now there's. In these tribes of course, God has laid his holy Spirit on these people so they understand the work, the instructions and exactly what he wants. So the guy who's engraving is fantastic. Okay? You know this. He's good hearted, he's wise, he's an engraver. God has touched him inside of his fleshly body to make sure that he knows how to do this. [00:45:40] Now here we go. [00:45:43] And thou shalt put two stones upon the effort for stones of memorial unto the children of Israel. And Aaron shall bear their names before the Lord upon his two shoulders for a memorial, a remembrance. And thou shall make ouches of gold and two chains of pure gold at the ends of reason work shall thou make them. And fasten the wreath. The wreath and chains, they're. They're basically braided settings, fastening them together. You can imagine what an aphrod looks like. One chain over here, one there. It's hanging here. It's hanging coming down in the middle. And here's a Seaford. Okay. [00:46:27] And then it's going to be fastened again to the waist, almost like a. [00:46:34] If you've seen, almost like a tux where another part comes around. And thou shall make the breastplate of judgment with cunning work after the work of the effort. Thou shall make it of gold, of blue and a purple and of scarlet and a fine twine, linen of. Thou shall make it four square it shall be. [00:46:56] It shall be being doubled. A. A span shall be the length thereof and a span shall be the breadth thereof. So it's squared off. And thou shall set it in the settings of the stones, even four rows of stone. The first row shall be a sardius, a topaz and I never get this right, but carbuncle. And this shall be the first row. And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire and a diamond. And the third row a. [00:47:29] A lagor and an agate and an amethyst. [00:47:35] So jackish. Amber. I. I mean it's incredible the stones that they have these stones, but when you think of God choosing this, a gate diamond and all these things and, and you look at them and you see the beauty of them. I mean, it's just amazing. Emerald. [00:47:55] Wow. You know, in the fourth row, Beryl and onyx and Jasper. And they shall be set in gold in their enclosings. And the stones shall be with the names of. Of the children of Israel. Israel. 12 according to their names, like the engravings of a signet. Everyone with his name shall they be according to the 12 tribes. [00:48:23] Wow. And thou shall make upon the breastplate chains at the Ends of wreath and work of pure gold braided again. And thou shalt make upon the breastplate two rings of gold. And shall put the two rings on the two ends of the breastplate. And thou shall put two rhythm chains of gold in the two rings which on the rent of. On the ends of the breastplate. And the other two ends to the rhythm chains around, shall fasten to the. To the two ouches. And put them on the shoulder pieces of the effort before it. So it's going to attach up here. And remember, Aryan, Aaron is. Is carrying these people. You know, he. He is. He is carrying these two people. He's carrying their load, their weight, everything in this effort. And you have these stones, beautiful stones and everything else that are representing the 12 tribes of Israel. God chose these people. They are chosen. And these stones are representing those tribes. [00:49:29] Very interesting. And thou shall make plate of pure gold, engrave upon it like the engravings of a signet. Holiness to the Lord. [00:49:40] Holiness to God. [00:49:43] And thou shall put it on a blue lace. And it may be upon the miter, upon the forefront of the miner. It shall be well the turban. And it shall be upon Aaron's forehead. That Aaron may bear the iniquity of the holy things which the children of Israel shall hallow in their. In their holy gifts. And it shall be always upon his forehead that they may be accepted before the Lord. [00:50:10] Now we're getting to where I was telling you. Kind of like Job, you know, the angels presented themselves before the Lord. Of course you know that. They're. They're. They're angels. They're. They're dressed. Beautiful attired, whatever. [00:50:23] Splendor. Because that's how God is. [00:50:27] And then along came Satan. So this is exactly how Aaron is in a lot of ways is dressed in this splendor. Okay. [00:50:39] And thou shall make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness. From the loins, even unto the thighs shall they reach. And they shall be upon Aaron and upon his sons, which when they come in unto the tabernacle of the congregation. Or will they come near unto the altar to minister in the holy place. That they bear not in iniquity. And they die, it shall be a statue forever unto him and his seed after. After him, making sure they have not sinned. So that's what the iniquity part is there. [00:51:15] And this the thing that thou shall do unto them. To hollow them to minister unto me in the priest's office. Take one young bullock. And you know what? I'm getting close here. So we're going to stop there, I'm going to continue back on with that. We're on chapter 29 of Exodus 2, 3, 25. [00:51:43] And you can see that very detailed on every single thing from the tabernacle, the. The ark of the covenant, the mercy seat, to the tabernacle, to the tables, to the bowls, lamps, spoons, what, anything that had to do with the ark and had to do or had to do with the tabernacle, Think about it. Overlaid in brass, overlaid gold. Overlaid of pure silver, pure gold. I mean, every single thing, the most holy place where God is going to be. I mean, interacting with us is just incredible. And trying to. [00:52:25] And it's very funny because the young man's name is Aaron too, that, you know, my friend's son. It's his. His name. And so as we're talking about this, and we're talking not only spiritually about it and everything, I was watching him. He was sitting in, tuned, and he said, I can't wrap my head around it all. I said, not yet. [00:52:45] I said, you're to hear it first. And I said, and then try to understand it or comprehend it is impossible. You have to delve into it. And maybe it is not your time yet to do that, but it's an introduction for you. And we're going to know that because we see the sower of the seeds. [00:53:06] So, and, and what is that? Another cross reference that's going to go to the New Testament again in Matthew. And Christ describes exactly what happens. [00:53:17] And I can't wait to discuss that with you too. But he was excited to kind of hear the Word and in a lot of ways it kind of gave him a, a comfort. There is a peace in it. And I'm just like, he is the most holy. Everyone thinks that if you read the Old Testament, God is ruthless. No, he's not. Just the opposite, as a matter of fact. God is merciful. God is gracious. [00:53:45] The ruthless. That was us, okay? Make no mistake about it, it was us. [00:53:52] And of course, you know, if, if we're going to continue down our paths, then it's a path to destruction. We know that. [00:54:01] And that's, that's what it is. [00:54:03] I love the, the word of God. It just as I go through it, I do chuckle sometimes because I'm like, I shake my head and I'm like, I don't get it. Why do they keep doing these things? And then, you know, how, how hard is it when you're walking with God right there with you? And then I kind of applied it to my own life. And I'm like, well, that was pretty stupid of me, you know, so I mean I, I'm like, you know, kind of judging them and I'm thinking to myself, well, aren't you doing kind, you know, the hypocrisy which Christ talks about? You know, you're doing the same thing and that's our lives. And thank God that Jesus died for us and rose three days later, rose from the dead. And you know, in our due time, in due time, God's time hopefully will bring us to a clearer understanding and a reason to follow him. And I, I find some humor because of when I look at the parallelisms that we were talking about and everything in there, my life compared to the life back then, it was very interesting. But I could see the light in his eyes. He wanted to learn and more and more and more sharing that and having him ask questions. [00:55:31] A young 21 year old, 22 year old. And he's asking these questions and he's not stopping, he's just asking and asking and asking. And I, I don't have the perfect answers for him because I not a priest, I'm not a deacon, I'm not a minister, I'm not a rabbi, I'm not clergy, I'm not a deacon. I, I mean I'm not anything. Okay pastor or anything. So it's, it's kind of hard to do. The only thing that I could really do is read the Bible as I have and hopefully pass on enough information for him to make his own interpretations and his judgments and maybe pick it up. [00:56:17] And I, I think that that's. [00:56:20] If God put me in that position to do that, man, how cool is that? I mean, how wonderful is that? So I, I hope as in the sower of the seed, it sticks some, falls on fertile ground and grows and, and spreads some 100, some 50 so or you know, some, some 20 fold. And you know, I could see at that time it was good and hopefully it won't get choked out and, or hopefully it won't get scorched on the rocks because it has no soil. But you could tell with him that really there's, there's something there. So I'm, I'm hoping so, I'm praying so. But anyway, we'll catch you next time. I hope that you enjoyed tonight as much as I did. I love reading the Bible. I love how God interacts and God still today in every part of our lives, just watching miracle after miracle after miracle in our lives and we just have to pay attention. [00:57:29] Take a break, back from your work, from all this grind and get all the white noise and. And distractions and everything else. Just sit somewhere quietly and open it and go through it and go through it and go through it and go through it for the rest of your life. [00:57:53] And you'll see more and more and more. And just keep praying to them, say thank you. And the most important thing to do is say I love you. Thank you, God. [00:58:03] With that, I'm out of here. I hope you guys have a great week. Okay. God bless. Take care, Sa.

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