My World

My World
TRIM Radio
My World

Aug 01 2024 | 00:59:50

Episode August 01, 2024 00:59:50

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

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Episode Transcript

[00:01:46] Speaker A: Hey, everybody. Welcome to my world. How's your world doing? Is your world just as crazy as it as mine is? I don't know. It's been a crazy, crazy week so far. Crazy weekend, too. Hey, a lot of different things going on in the world and it's hard to keep up with everything. But anyhow, welcome to my world right here on the trim and we are worldwide. I've got people in Myanmar and South Africa and, and Europe and North America. Probably some in South America, too, if they speak English, because I don't speak Spanish. A few other languages roughly, but that's about it. But anyhow, welcome to my world. Before we get going, I always have to do a disclaimer, and nothing in this show should be considered legal, medical, finance, or investment advice. Take what we say with a grain of salt, a big grain of salt, and always do your own research and due diligence. We're not responsible for and expressly disclaim all liability for damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to or reliance on any information contained in this broadcast and any permissions or characters mentioned are for the most part, fictional or as close to it as we can get. So you want to sit back, relax and chill out and, oh, by the way, hey, tell your friends to join us every Wednesday night at 08:00 p.m. i hope you have your snacks. I hope you have your beverage to drink. You know, you got to have something to drink when you listen to the show. Some people drink more than others. Night. I don't know. Anyhow, guys, you know, we always do shout outs before we do the show and a big shout out to the Trim radio network for carrying the show. And thanks to Michael Bhas and Roscala, Stefan and of course, Victoria Smith, they're all with Trim radio network and heavily involved in it. And I really appreciate them carrying the show. And as I've said before, Michael Behoss and Roscommon and I worked on different stations previous to this, and we have, we have some fun. And our motto is, you know, we cut the bowl and serve the truth, and that's what we do. But tonight it's mostly a little bit of truth and a lot of bull, if you know what I mean. Well, anyhow, guys, big shout out to trim radio network. And, you know, we've got a lot of different shows there. And let's see if I can just get that up on the screen here so you can see it. Let's see here. I'm going to share the screen. See if I'm. I got to get used to this setup. I really have to get used to this setup because hey, it's new to me and I'm trying to learn everything. Oh, there's the screen. Wow. Let's see if there's another way I can see something here because I can see. There I am. Wow. It's amazing what buttons can do if you click on the right button sometime. Well, anyhow guys, the trim radio network has a lot of different shows out there. You can also have your own show too. You really can just contact us and we will tell you how you can do your own show. Now we've got take point 22 with Michael Bayhas. We've got other shows like the Bend ranch it up, Life walk with Christ, God, money and change every Sunday at 08:00 p.m. take point 22 radio show. We've got the Slobberknocker talk during football season. We've got offsides college football top 25. We've got the Natural Marketer podcast with Victoria Smith. We've got of course my world every Wednesday live. And we have some fun. So you can join us here. We also have the Positude podcast and we also have our scalars red Pill reality show. You can take the red pill or you can take the blue pill. But Roscala, I've said in the past I want the green pill. You haven't found it yet. But anyhow guys, that's the shows that we have and we will be adding more. You can have your own show right here on the Trim radio network. Also you can shop and buy the station merchandise or the merch as Michael Bayhas likes to call it. And there's a lot of different things. You click on the shop now button and it slowly comes up. But it does. You can advertise and you could do 92nd advertising, 62nd advertising, 32nd advertising. Earn different points airtime fees. We have that. We have the bullseye vip monthly fee and that helps support the station. But what happens if you buy the merchandise? Well, the money that we get from that goes into paying for airtime for the show. And I donate time like everybody else to do their own shows. And because we want to help people and also, you know, I donate money for our BMI radio license or music license. We have to have that to even play our opening songs or anything else that we have. We have to have that BMI license. And so that's always in our pictures when we put them up. Be up on the left hand side just above my head. Okay. Now, we also have merchandise. We have the hood sweatshirts. We have the ceramic ornaments. We have the color morphing mug. We have, of course, the money and change mug and others. You just click on the button down below and you can see what I'm doing, and you can see all the different things, the different mugs and hoodies and sweatshirts and so forth. And everything that you purchase from us goes to support the show. Now, one really neat thing right here at that trim radio, vacuum insulated bottle, those are something else. You have to get those. But that supports the radio station. Okay? Supports the programs here. And it's an important thing. But you can also have your own show. All you have to do is just contact us and we can take it from there. And it's very easy to do. If I can learn to do it, including the new video things and so forth, you can, too. You can call us at 8032-0022 or you can send us an [email protected], info but check out our programs. And Roscala has had some really interesting ones. Oh, yes. I, I was on one of his shows recently, and we were talking a little bit about what was going on with, I believe, a place in Pennsylvania. And so we had about, I think, four or five of us on the show, and we were having good discussions there. But check out the Trim radio network. Okay. Big shout out goes to the University of Finley. You can see them here on the page. And you just go to it's a good school. It really is. And when you take a look at the accreditations for the school, and I'm clicking on this, the higher Learning Commission, Ohio Department of Higher Education, Ohio Board of Nursing, Ohio Department of Education, Social Work Education, accreditation, council for business Schools, occupational therapy education, physical therapy, language program accreditation, all kinds of stuff you could see right here on the screen. Okay, that's, that's that part. The one thing that I like about the campus, it's not gigantic. It's not like going to Ohio State with 53,000 students there. I've been on that campus several times, and it's big. It really is. I like smaller schools. And, you know, I'll give a shout out to the Ohio university, because I started there. I was there for two years, and I transferred to the University of Findlay. And I like both places. I go to Ohio University for their homecoming and football. And then also I go to the University of Findlay for basketball the University of Findlay is a smaller, a lot smaller campus. There are about 4300 students, I believe, and the University of Findlay is going to have somebody join them. It's going to be the University of Bluffton in Bluffton, Ohio. And they're going to have the two campuses this, starting this fall, and you'll be able to attend classes at either one. So if you're going to the University of Findlay and you find out that the University of Bluffton happens to have a class that you want to go to, you can make arrangements to attend there, too. So that'll be a pretty good merger. The University of Bluffton is an NCAA division two school or three school, while the University of Finley is a division two. It's in a higher division. And I, it's interesting. And you guys, you just have to take a look at the University of Finley. You can get a master's degree, a bachelor's degree or doctoral degree at the University of Finley. They have a very good pharmacy program as well as nursing. They also have physical therapy. You have to have a PhD for that one. And same thing with pharmacy. They have a hazmat campus. And in Findlay, Ohio, they have three campuses. One is the equestrian campus for pre veterinary, and then they have the main campus, and then they have the hazardous materials campus. And I'll tell you what, it's a good school. Very good professors, great students, great administrators. I'll tell you, doctor, Kathy fell has done a fantastic job while she's been at the University of Findlay. And it's really grown. And that's, that's great. Also, you're going to be in an all star town, all american town, Finley, Ohio, they say. Well, where's Finley? Well, it's south of Toledo, just about an hour and a half on I 75. But Finley is a very nice town. It really is great people there, great facilities. It's just nice. And if you're going to go to school and you want to work part time, there are a lot of places there to, there are a lot of different factories there, too. So you want to check out the University of Findlay at www. Dot find you. Okay. Oh, in sports. Oh, I have to bring this up. They talk about the hall of Fame and so forth. I was looking at something today, and we have two people that really have done very well for the Ladies Professional Golf Association, LPGA. Mary Mulcahy has qualified for the LPGA Dana open. And also Tim Stallings top ten individual performances in swimming. They have a very good swim team there. And the ladies golf team has had an excellent year. They have a lot of good sports. Here's a picture of Mary, and she's a very good golfer. Very good. But, you know, the university of Finley has basketball, baseball, football, track. The only thing I don't think that they have is hockey. I don't think hockey went over well there. They had it for a while. And I think that that was kind of scrapped for some reason. But I'll tell you one thing, they don't have tiddly winks or basket weaving. [00:14:50] Speaker B: Uh uh. [00:14:51] Speaker A: This is an academic school. Very good school. So you want to check it out. The University of Finley also, we've got rusty Ducks custom pens now. Rusty ducks custom pens and blanks. And this isn't it, by the way. I'll have to get back to the control page on this one. Rusty ducks custom pens and blanks fill over. Rusty Ducks does an excellent job making all kinds of pens. And he is really, really meticulous in his work. And he makes the blanks, which are the center section of the pennilesse. Okay. This very center section. And he makes the whole pen, too. I mean, it depends on what you want. If you need a presentation pen for your college, university, high school, grade school, business fraternity, sorority, you name it, he'll make a custom pen for you. You just tell him what you want and the style you want and he will go ahead and do the design work. Or you can give him the design work and have the pen that you want. Now, Michael Bayhas and I both have those pens, and they are great. Michael has one with his, I believe, his cobra or his mustang. And it was very custom, well done. And then I have one for lodge activities. They're beautiful pens. They really are. So check them out at rusty Ducks custom pens and blanks. Well, we've got money and change every Sunday night at 07:00 p.m. we talk a lot about finance, what's going on in the world, and how to save some money. So you want to check up on money and change every Sunday night at 07:00 p.m. the only time that we are not live is when I have to play a concert. And that's four times during the summer. And then I've got three concerts coming up at Christmas time. So that keeps keeps me rather busy. But check us out. Money and change. Also on my world, live, laugh and whatever. Hey, that's what we're doing. And we talk about anything goes here. We can discuss anything. I like to have a little fun with Wednesday nights. I don't like to talk finance on Wednesday nights because, yeah, you got to kick back and read. Remember what you did maybe in high school or college or grade school or some of the things you did that were fun. Now a lot of people don't have fun anymore. You know, fun is a three letter word. I almost said four. No, it's three. F, U and N. Okay, so check us out on YouTube. I've got a lot of people on YouTube that I like to promote there shows because they're good and they're good people. The big family homestead with Brad and Krista on YouTube. Check them out during the middle of Wisconsin. Great people. I mean, really great. And, you know, if you like christian music, hey, Brad does it. He is, he. He's done a lot of self recording. He's played with big bands. He's a good guy. Trust me, you're around him and Krista. It's like being home. Very friendly people. Also, we have the deep south homestead with Danny and Wanda King. And Danny does porch time. And it's recorded on Sunday and then it's played out on, I believe, Monday and Tuesday. Now we've got southern prepper one. And you say, oh, he's a prepper. He is up prepper. He's a good guy. I've known him for probably 15 years. And he's easy to talk to. And he has very good programming on these shows. And he talks about economics or prepping or whatever. I mean, he's very nice guy. And he's in the northern part of South Carolina, and he's close to the southern part of North Carolina, if you know what I mean. He's not too far from the border. A matter of fact, he belonged to a volunteer fire department called Pumpkin Patch. I never knew that that existed, but I got it on Google. And sure enough, there is a place called Pumpkin Patch, South Carolina. Check him out. Good show. Good guy. Also, we have prepper nurse and we have Patriot nurse Rachel over. Patriot nurse is really good at what she does. You can learn a little bit about first aid, medicine, things like that, through some of her courses. But she talks about a lot of different things. And she's good and she's factual. I mean, she doesn't mess around, okay? She cuts the bowl and serves the truth and she's good. So check her out. We've got prepper nurse, one Ed Carswell. He talks a lot about what's going on in the world as well as building his own little vacation compound, hideaway, whatever, in West Virginia. And then we have Pepper Princess Amber Stork. Oh, you have to check her out. You can buy her book if you want, but she's also on YouTube. And I also put her on our Facebook page for my world. And also I'll put her there for money and change. She talks about how to save money, how to get along in bad situations. Also we have the lds prepper with David Gilmore. And speaking of Dave Gilmore, I'll tell you what. He's done over 600 videos. Now, if I can see this, this is a GMRS radio right here. This is an ocean 935 g. And today I was talking to a friend of mine at lunch. Yeah, I do have friends. Trust me. I have Facebook friends, and then I have live friends. But I'll tell you what, we were talking about these radios, and he said, what can you do with it? I said, well, from my house, I can talk to repeaters up north. I can talk to repeaters in Dayton, Ohio. And I can go as far away as 90 miles on these. And if they were linked, I could really get out there. Dollar 35 gets you a license for ten years. You don't take a test. You just fill out the paperwork and send them $10 or $35 for ten years. And anybody in your family can use the radio as long as they use it responsibly. Okay. My face was in that. The screen there. Son of a gun. Anyhow, they're very good. And you have a lot of friends that you get on online. They also have an FM radio in there, so you can listen to radios. And we were talking about. He says, well, what good is it? Well, what good is a GMRS radio? Is this in case the phones go down and your family members have these radios, you can communicate. If your friends are out there, you can communicate. Okay. And it depends on how high you are. But with this radio and this antenna, I can talk as far away as 35 miles, no problems. And I'm always loud and clear. It's not a cheap bubble wrap radio. This ran, I believe, about 170 some dollars say, well, that's expensive. Well, yeah, but it's quality. And quality gets you out of there. If you get the other box radios that are out there, I'll tell you what. Those are the ones you don't want to use because they're only good for maybe a couple blocks around town, if that. Okay, so this is an ocean 935 g, and it has a Nagoya 177 g antenna. That's the key to getting all the way down to Dayton, Ohio, from where I'm at. Okay. But it's a good hobby and good radios. And if the power goes down or you have a situation where, um, your cable goes down, your phone goes down, those radios come in handy, and it'll come in handy for the whole family. Okay, so we've got that. Wow. What else is going on? Oh, the max. This guy, I don't know his first name, but he has a YouTube page. It's called the Max Mac apostrophe s. He's very factual. He talks about all the daily activities, what's going on in the US, and sometimes elsewhere. But he's in southern Mississippi, actually, southeast Mississippi. And I'll tell you what, he has a very good show. It's fairly new. I would say. He's only been out maybe three months, four months. But it does an excellent job, especially on commentary. Fantastic. Well, anyhow, guys, that's what I've got as far as shoutouts. And, you know, if I find other places that I really think you ought to know about, then you want to check them out. And maybe I should put a list up all the shout outs, because you might want to check them out. Okay. All right. Let's see if we can get to where I really want to go here. You know, I've got different things going on, and I was. One thing I was looking at. [00:24:54] Speaker B: I. [00:24:54] Speaker A: Was at the chiropractor today, and I. I had to go. You know, I told you last week about the boo boo on the head. Yeah. Well, it's doing a lot better, but I still jammed up my hands, and my doctor really couldn't help me there, so. But the chiropractor did, and it's amazing. I went into the chiropractor, and I was just getting ready to leave, and it's like an old hometown reunion. I had two classmates show up, and there was Tom, and then there was another gal that was there. We were ran around in school together, and it's like, hi, how you doing? It was gene, and, hi, you know, what's going on? You know? And here I am. I'm like, wow, they're using the chiropractor, too. He must be good. And I always tell my doctor, the medical doctor, you know, she pushes pills and stuff like most doctors do, pills and shots and all that kind of stuff, and she's good. But I say, you know, if you have issues with bones and issues with tendons, and if you have muscles or a posture problem or something, that's where the chiropractor comes in. Now, if the chiropractor says, well, you need to take this pill or that pill or whatever, then I would say no. But generally, if. If you have a problem, there's no problem going there. And if he can't treat you, somebody else can. And I fell on my left hand and my wrist, and it was a little bit jammed up, and I told him about it. He says, here, I'll fix it. Snap, crackle, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. Fine. It's functional. It works fine. Then he worked on the other hand, too, and I only had a couple little pops there. But chiropractors do their thing. Medical doctors do their thing. Okay. Just do your own due diligence then. It was interesting going and seeing people that, you know, and they were busy. Oh, they were busy. So, anyhow, I'm back on the road to healing myself. As long as I don't trip and fall again. That's scary. You know, when you get older and you fall, you know, you just. You don't want to do that. It's kind of embarrassing, but then you can hurt yourself. Hey, I was looking around some really odd news, and I saw this one about a headless woman in New Zealand. On a New Zealand beach was a life size doll, and it said, July 31, a New Zealand woman found what appeared to be a headless corpse on the beach, but was relieved when police determined it was actually a life size adult toy. Alice Cowdery, cow. D R E y, said she and her dog Sadie, were walking on the tapaway beach south of New Plymouth in the Taranaki region of New Zealand, and the canine led her to something washed up in the sand. And she said, I kind of froze. I felt sick. And she told Radio New Zealand about it, and she said, I can see it was definitely the shape of a torso, face down, and I could tell it was a woman's figure. I could see it had fingernails, and the toes were really realistic, so it really looked like a human figure. Well, she called the cops, and then she said, I sort of saw one of the cops nudge it with his foot and thought, he's not going to nudge it if it's a body. She said the identity of the object came clear once they flipped it over. And you could tell it was a doll, you know, one of those things we can't even talk about here. And I couldn't show you a picture of it. What do we call the whoopi doll? I guess. Well, anyhow, it was one of those things. Could you imagine walking on the beach and seeing that? Whoa. And how would you tell your kids about, oh, look, mommy, that's a whoopi doll. I don't know how that would. How that one would go over. Would you. All kinds of. Hey, what would you do if a bear, let's say you're on vacation in Tennessee and a bear opens its suv door or suv door in a hotel parking lot? Well, this actually happened and I don't know if I can play this on YouTube. We're going to try. Let's see what happens. There it is. Look at the bear. Oh, he's gonna go in. He's opened the door. Bad bear. [00:30:50] Speaker C: He's going to the back door. Lock your door. [00:30:54] Speaker A: He's looking for food. No, you throw it into the parking lot so they can get him out of their car. Oh, my goodness. Don't run. He'll eat you. Oh, I want some snacks here in the dumpster. No, no snacks. Can you imagine that? My goodness. Oh. I've been in Tennessee and I've seen the bears. Okay. And I want to tell you something. Don't feed the bears. Make sure your doors are locked, the windows are shut, and, you know, if a bear's really hungry and he smells food in the car, they're going to rip the door off to get to the food. Okay. It's not like boo boo bear in the basket. Remember that one? I forget what show that was on, but there was the Bear Yogi bear show. The Yogi bear show. How about this one? A collection of 163 unique bed pans fails to sell at auction. Now, who would want to buy 163 bedpans? I mean, that's ridiculous. 160. What would you do with 163 bedpans? Would you make planters out of it? 163 planters? What type of plants would you put in them? That's weird. Okay. Whoo. I don't know about that. 163. A british woman, Mary Jacobs, is trying to find a new home for her collection of 163 bedpans after they failed to sell at auction. Hopefully they were clean. I don't know about that, guys. I really don't know about that. 163 bed. What would you do with 163 bedpans? How would you store them? You need a building to put them in. Good grief. I'll tell you, you just run into stuff like that. Oh, we've got. Strange thing happened at the Olympics. Have you been watching the Olympics lately? You know, after they did all that weird stuff at the opening and they had all these. I'll call them in quotes clowns doing their thing, and it looked like the last Supper. It kind of looked like supper at don't kill me, White Castle. I don't know. You picked the spot. It was weird. And after there was a backlash from people, the people in France didn't know that was going to happen. And after they found out about it, I don't think it was a jolly old time. And they said, oh, we were just making an artistic statement. Yeah, right. It makes you wonder, um, it's. Having the Olympics in your country is about national pride, isn't it? And then you have that for an opening. Somebody is warped. Well, anyhow, now the French are backtracking on it. There was a thing on Yahoo. About the 2024. British swimmer disqualified for breaking a surprise rule. Let me bring that up if I can. You know, it's difficult for me to do that sometimes. I'm still learning all the buttons and it's difficult to do sometimes. And I think, here we go. The 2024 Olympics. British swimmer disqualified for breaking a surprise rule. Oh, now we make up rules or what? What's a surprise rule? What sounds like a bunch of liberals running things. Oh, we're going to make up a surprise rule. Well, british swimmer Luke green banks Paris. Olympics journey has come to an unexpected end. The 26 year old was disqualified for a lesser known rule amid the 200 meters backstroke on July 31, swimming beyond the allowed 15 meters underwater at the start of the race. The athlete who finished the race first was seemingly unaware of his mishap until, after completing the race, popping out of the pool with a smile on his face. Now, is there going to be somebody down there with a measuring tape going, oh, you just went beyond the 15 meters. Kind of strange. A lesser known rule. Why don't they paint a stripe in the bottom of the pool so you know that you've gone your 11 meters and you have to come up to the surface, you know, stupid things. I mean, stupid, stupid things. They don't have tiddly winks, do they, in the Olympics? How about cow tipping? How about Cork farting? I won't go there. Just the thought of it. Oh, my God. Hey, speaking of chiropractors, JD Mercer went to the chiropractor and really he's playing a prank on a chiropractor. And I think you might like this one. So let's see if we can get the JD Mercer chiropractor thing brought up. Here we go. Take a listen. [00:37:25] Speaker B: Judy. [00:37:26] Speaker D: Judy, this is Roy Mercer. I was wondering if doctor Siles was there to where I could talk to him. [00:37:32] Speaker A: Um. [00:37:33] Speaker B: Hold on just a minute. [00:37:34] Speaker A: Let me see if I can get ahold of him. [00:37:37] Speaker D: Hello, this doctor siles. Yes, doctor. My name is Roy Mercer. You've been treating my wife Sharon Jean for some of them my brain headaches. [00:37:47] Speaker A: Yes. [00:37:47] Speaker D: And now listen, I'd wonder, is that a common problem in women? The migraines? [00:37:54] Speaker A: Migraine headaches, yes. [00:37:55] Speaker D: Or she's seen them spots and then she'd get kind of dizzy and then she. [00:37:58] Speaker A: Dirt. [00:38:01] Speaker D: I've taken care of a number of women. Yes sir. What are you taking care of her. You treated her two or three times and them headaches is better. But we've got a problem. Ever since she's been having them treatments, she ain't got no sex. Dryden. [00:38:15] Speaker A: What'S your wife's name? [00:38:16] Speaker D: Sharon Jean. And she'd been down there and we used to go at it pretty often for the regular. And it's been about two weeks, six days and 47 minutes right now. And I don't know what to do about it. And I'm getting a little po'd and perturbed about it because I figured is in treatment she's giving her for them my brains because she's fighting for that. [00:38:38] Speaker B: Uh huh. [00:38:39] Speaker D: I've done everything I know how to do, doctor. I put on, you know, soft music and met at the door and Saran wrap and I ain't got so much as a bead of sweat out of her. Well, it ain't funny. In fact, I'm working up a little frustration right here myself. [00:38:59] Speaker A: And what is your name once again? [00:39:00] Speaker D: Roy D. Mercer. [00:39:02] Speaker A: Roy Mercer. [00:39:03] Speaker D: Yes sir. Is there anything you can do for that? [00:39:10] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:39:13] Speaker D: How much is that going to cost me? [00:39:15] Speaker A: Let me get your wife's name once again. [00:39:17] Speaker D: Sharon Jean. Listen, I tell you what. I'm working on a pretty good mad right now. Since I'm little frustrated, a little tension built up, you can understand, okay. And I was thinking, if you just couldn't explain this or couldn't do something about it, I might just have to come down there and whoop your ass. [00:39:36] Speaker A: Okay. Can you hold just a moment? [00:39:37] Speaker D: No sir, I can't hold no more. I've done held on for two weeks, six days and 47 minutes. I ain't holding on no more. You gonna be there for a while? Yes, about 30 minutes or so. But that's how long it takes me to get on there. [00:39:51] Speaker A: Okay? [00:39:51] Speaker D: You gonna be there. How big a boy are you? Hold just like I'm down there and doing a little adjustment on your spine because we used to go at it like drunk monkeys. Doctor, are you there? I'm still here. And I guarantee you I ain't. I ain't got a raise out of her, okay? And if you can't explain it, they just boil down to an ass whooping. [00:40:18] Speaker A: Oh, my God. Well, as Roy D. Mercer went on to it, he got that chiropractor really, really going. He really did. And it found out that he was being pranked by three of his employees. Can you imagine that? And this was in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And that's Roy D. Mercer. I'll tell you what, some of the stuff that he did last week, we brought on the thing about the finger fungus. I haven't been bowling for a long time, but I don't think there's a finger fungus out there. But anyhow, it was a funny one last week. And he was, uh. He really got the, the guy going that, in the bowling alley about the finger fungus. Last week we even had Earl Pitts on. And Earl Pitts was talking about different things. You know, when you go to church, whether or not you're watching it on, on tv on Sunday mornings or maybe Sunday afternoons on tv, or you're there. Have you ever noticed the way people dress now anymore? You have some people that dress up and maybe really nice Sunday go to meet and clothes, you know, the guys show up with a shirt and a tie on and maybe a sport coat, and the ladies are in a dress or something that looks really nice, and the kids are all dressed up really nice. And then over the years, it kind of changed, you know. And I was invited one time to go to a local catholic church, and I thought, okay, I'll go for mass. We'll see what's going on. And I was familiar with the catholic mass. I had been to several, not being catholic, but I'd been there. And when I was growing up, we were the only protestant house on the block. And we had a long block, and we were the first one you come to. There were actually a couple more farther north on the block, and we're talking probably a block about a quarter of a mile long. And all of our friends were catholic, so we got to know each other and so forth. And we attended mass once, a lot of Christmas time and all that kind of stuff. But, you know, people would dress up, and that was back in the fifties and sixties and seventies, you know. And then the church got a little bit looser, and people showed up in sports shirts and sometimes shorts and sandals, sometimes t shirts and shorts and sandals. I don't think they've come in bikinis lately, you know, but there's a lot of stuff going on. Well, anyhow, Earl Pitts had something on church clothing and I thought you might get a kick out of this. Let's see what Earl has to say about dressing for church. Okay, let's see what he says. [00:43:54] Speaker C: You know what makes me sick? You know what makes me samadhis won't stock the preacher's baptism tub with trouthe and run a pay lake on weekdays. Today we got a serious church issue to discuss on account of I seen this story on the Internet computer thing where. Where preacher was complaining that people have started to dress too sloppy for church. He said in old days people used to get dressed up on Sundays. Guys would wear suits and ties, leash shirts and ties. Women would wear dresses, kids would get all scrubbed clean. You could take the skankiest family in the neighborhood, and on Sundays they looked like the royal family. In fact, in the old days, people actually had something called church clothes and it was the best clothes they owned. But that preacher said today, people in there in t shirts and flip flops, some people even go to church in shorts. Kids in there with soccer and little league uniforms on. He said there's something wrong when people can't get dressed up and spend 2 hours a week with God. Now I have heard this argument two ways. I have heard that the almighty deserves a little respect, that preparing for church is a little like preparing for heaven. It don't hurt to make a good impression for the hereafter in the right here now. But I've also heard God don't care what you look like long as you're there. The almighty judges your heart and your soul, not your shirts and your pants. I remember I had an uncle die one time. My aunt buried him in a flannel shirt and jeans. My mama went nuts. She was telling her sister, you got to send that man to the Lord in a suit and tie. Show some respect. My aunt says if Billy went to the pearly gates in a suit and tie, the Lord wouldn't know who he was. Apparently the Lord is not good with faces. So on this very delicate question, I do have an answer. I understand both sides, but I can tell you one thing. If my old lady dresses me up to bury me, I want her to include a name tag in my wallet in case I need to present id. Wake up of Murray cup, the Pitts family. Personally, we get dressed up for church, not cause we fear God. We fear the wrath of pearl. She would smote us in a heartbeat if we didn't. Hey, I'm Earl Pitts, American, like me on Facebook. And pit's off. [00:46:31] Speaker A: Yeah, pits off. Well, I guess, you know, people dress the way they want to dress for church. Now, if you do it the video way, you don't really have to get dressed up, do you? Well, it's kind of interesting, you know, one time I was at church and I was in Elida, Ohio, it's outside of Lima. And friends might went to this church in, I believe it was Ottawa, I think. Well, anyhow, we were in church and they were doing a baptismal and the service was going like normal lutheran services go. And then they said, okay, now it's time for the baptismal and bring up the kid and the parents and so forth. And Pastor Keith gets up there. He looked exactly like the comedian John Candy. And he acted like him. He really did. He was a cool guy. But in front of everybody, he says, now we're going to name the kid and yada, yada, yada, yada, sprinkle a little water. And the kid leaves. Well, then Keith is standing up there and he's going to, wait a minute, stop the music. Stop everything. We forgot to name the baby, so they had to come back up and they went ahead and re baptized the kid and named the baby. It was hilarious. It really was. Hey, speaking of hilarious, have you ever heard of the comedian Bobby Hackett? Now, this goes back to when you had the Johnny Carson show, okay? And he was a good comedian. He was funny. And he was originally, I believe, from the Bronx in New York. And he was, he was a character. He really was. And I was thinking about him all week long, and I thought, I've got to get him on. And so what I'm going to do is play a little bit of some of his stuff. And there's one that's super funny, and we will show that one, definitely. Okay, so let's see what we can do about getting Buddy Hackett. Okay, some jokes at Johnny Carson's. Let's just see what happens here. [00:49:16] Speaker C: Animal stories. [00:49:17] Speaker B: Animal stories. [00:49:17] Speaker A: Animal stories. [00:49:18] Speaker B: I'll tell you an animal story. A guy puts a sign in the window, wanted, someone who can type, someone who can run a computer and is bilingual. And the dog comes in, takes the sign and puts it down. He said, don't tell me you're applying for the job. The dog goes, right, I guess you are. Can you type? The dog just jumped up by the type and with his little pause. [00:49:46] Speaker A: And. [00:49:47] Speaker B: The guy read, yes, I'm a dog. But I can type 75 words a minute. I bet there's not one mistake on this page. You're right. There is. That's terrific. Can you work a computer? Went up there, and he punched all the punch out. And there's everything about dogs in there. That's terrific. Are you bilingual? And the dog said, meowdhead. [00:50:18] Speaker C: That's a wonderful story. [00:50:19] Speaker B: I've never heard that a jew is talking to a chinese doctor. No, it's nothing. It's okay. [00:50:27] Speaker A: All right. You're not switching the other. No, no, no. [00:50:29] Speaker B: Okay. This is a different guy. [00:50:31] Speaker A: Okay. [00:50:31] Speaker B: This guy is out of a clean guy. [00:50:32] Speaker C: Got it. [00:50:33] Speaker B: All right. So he says to him, I never thought we would get along like this. The chinese dog said, why not? He said, well, you know, Pearl harbor. What? Pearl harbor. I'm chinese, not japanese. Well, all you orientals are like, well, the Jews are. Sink the Titanic. Jews sank the Titanic. He says, yashur, greenberg, Goldberg, iceberg. All the same with the me, okay? [00:51:06] Speaker A: We're just throwing things out. [00:51:07] Speaker C: I don't know why I got into animal stories. I don't know why they're funny. What was the one about the guy. [00:51:10] Speaker B: Went in to buy the bird? What, the bad leg? The guy with a bad leg? [00:51:17] Speaker D: No, the bird. [00:51:18] Speaker A: I forgot. [00:51:19] Speaker B: I know. The bad leg is when the guy said to the waitress, do you have frog's legs? She said, no, I broke one of my heels. Well, it's short, but that's what. [00:51:34] Speaker C: Okay, we have to do this. [00:51:35] Speaker B: We're gonna come right back in just a moment. [00:51:40] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. That is Buddy Hackett. I'll tell you, he can be funny. And some of the stuff that he does is so funny, it's ridiculous. Guys. I mean, I'm serious. He is one funny comedian. Back in the old days, and we're talking, you know, the sixties, seventies and eighties, they really had some good, good comedians. And hopefully, now that I have this video thing worked out, we can have some of those. And so show some of those comedians, because that's how you laugh. There's not enough laughter anymore. You go out there, everybody's always serious. You know, I go to a meeting, and it's always serious. You go out to a luncheon group, and you're sitting around shooting the bull, and guess what? Everybody's serious. Then eventually some joke comes out and everybody starts laughing, and then another joke comes out, and they start laughing, and everybody leaves, and they're kind of, like, happy they came in. Seriously, leave happy. Well, that's all part of it. Okay? But Buddy Hackett was one heck of a comedian, and there were a lot more. And hopefully we can show those okay, on the show. Let's see what we can do with the last one. This is the famous duck joke. If I can get it to go. Let's see. [00:53:20] Speaker C: I've been hornswoggled, folks. [00:53:22] Speaker B: Yeah. Anyway, I'm going to tell you three story animal stories. [00:53:26] Speaker A: Animal stories. [00:53:26] Speaker B: All right. Yeah. Okay. The first one is a guy's driving a car, and he's going about 40 miles an hour. And he looks out and there's a chicken running alongside the car. And he looks. You don't believe a chicken? And he goes a little fast, and he looks. The chicken got three legs. [00:53:41] Speaker A: See? [00:53:41] Speaker B: Now he hits 55. He don't go more because they hadn't passed the law yet that certain places you can go 65, 55. The chicken shoots in front of him, cuts in front of the car, runs up an alley. This is also farmer stories. Yeah, yeah. He runs up the alley. Guy turns around, goes up the yard. Farmer standing with a bib overall, it's gonna help you. He says, yeah. A chicken with three legs was gone so fast that he passed my car. Run up in your alley. He says, I know that. That's my chicken. I raise three legged chickens. He says, why do you like a drumstick? I do. Does your wife like a drumstick? She does. Or perhaps you have a guess. Maybe Ed comes over and likes a drumstick. Gee, I never thought of that. How do they taste? He says, we don't know. We never caught one. [00:54:30] Speaker A: We don't know. [00:54:34] Speaker B: A woman from the city goes to the country, and she's at a farm. This is an animal story. [00:54:40] Speaker A: I understand that. [00:54:41] Speaker B: With a farmer thrown in. Okay, got it. Okay. And she says to the farmer, why doesn't that cow have any horns? He says, ma'am, there are many reasons why cow don't have horns. Now, some are a hornless breed, like Angus, or a hornless breed. Some, they get old. We've been milking them. And after a while, they get sensitive to the touch and they don't like it. And their horns, they can be a little rambunctious. We cut the horns off. It's no pain to the animal. And some, when they're just calves, we don't want them to have horns. And we put a few drops of acid where the horns would form, and there are no horns. But the reason that that cow don't have any horns is because it's a horse, see, that had an animal and a farm. Very good. [00:55:33] Speaker A: A combination joke. [00:55:34] Speaker B: Okay? This guy is hunting for ducks. He's not the farmer. The duck is the animal. All right? Shoots a duck, the duck falls. A lot of you people want to conserve ducks, and you worry. This is. It's only a joke. The duck didn't really die. You conservationist. I'm sure you're all pure vegetarian and don't eat meat or anything like that. And you're so worried, I hope a butterfly flies up your nose and you choke to death. So now, just a passing thought. Oh, and I hope afterward the butterfly escapes. So laser cocoon right in your brain, and I can't think of anything but webbing. So now this guy shoots a duck and it falls and hits a barn and goes into a guy's yard. So this guy gets. He climbs over the fence and he goes into the yard and he's trying to get this duck. And this farmer come out, big guy, bigger than the guy with the chickens. Big guy. He says, what are you doing in my yard? He said, I come to get the duck. He said, that's my duck. This is not your duck. This is my yard. That duck fell, hit my barn. Yes, but it's not your duck. I shot the duck. I've been out hunting for a couple of days. Says, give me a break, you know, I'm from the city. You're from the city? Well, you don't understand about property, do you? It's my property. It's my duck. However, I'll give you a chance at the duck. We can settle this country style. He says, country style? He says, yeah. Well, how do you settle a country style? He says, how? I kick you in the groin. The guy says, oh. And then you kick me in the groin. And we take turns kicking each other in the groin. Whoever left keeps the duck. The guy says, well, if that's what I gotta do. The farmer says, I go first. And he hauls off. [00:57:47] Speaker A: What? [00:57:48] Speaker B: And the guy goes, ha ha ha. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. [00:58:04] Speaker A: Whoa. [00:58:24] Speaker B: About half hour has passed, and he says to the farmer, well, well, I guess it's my turn. And the farmer says, you could have the duck. [00:58:43] Speaker A: And that was the duck joke. Buddy Hackett, he's one heck of a comedian. Anyhow, guys, whoa, check us out next week on my world live, laugh and whatever, and I'll tell you what, we'll have some more fun, and I hope you have a good week. We'll see you on money and change on Sunday at 07:00 p.m. so check it out. Hey, tell your friends about our show and maybe we can all have a good laugh together. And with that, guys, that's all I've got. We've got a scoot. [00:59:17] Speaker C: See ya.

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