My World Live, Laff, Whatever

My World Live, Laff, Whatever
TRIM Radio
My World Live, Laff, Whatever

May 16 2024 | 00:59:47

Episode May 16, 2024 00:59:47

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:52] Well, I had something for everybody here tonight. Welcome to my world Live. Laughing. Whatever. We've got a lot of stuff to talk about. But gee whiz, you know, sometimes I go to set things up and they just don't turn out right. Because guess what? I had a really good intro tonight and that didn't happen. It just disappeared. I don't know why, but it did. But anyhow, it's time for a little bit of leave it to beaver. [00:01:29] So get your popcorn, get yourself something to drink or other snacks, other drinks, and join us for our edition for my World for this week, May 15, 2024. [00:01:44] Be back in a short hey, everybody, welcome to my world Live. Laughing. Whatever. Guess what? I'm your host. [00:02:53] Always am, Stu Scheer. Hey, before we get going in this crazy world we're in right now, we have to do a little disclaimer. [00:03:07] Believe it or not, nothing in this show should be considered legal, medical, financial or investment advice. Take what we say with a grain of salt and always do your own research and due diligence. We're not responsible for and expressly disclaim all liability for damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to or reliance on any information contained in this broadcast. [00:03:33] Any persons or characters mentioned are for the most part fictional or as close to it as we can get. [00:03:42] I mean, as close to it as we can get. [00:03:45] So you want to sit back, relax and chill out and, oh, hey, tell your friends about the show and have them join us on Wednesday night at 08:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. [00:03:59] Well, welcome to the show. And like I said at the beginning, I had a really good one to play, but I can't find it on my playlist. [00:04:11] Have you ever listened to the Three Stooges? [00:04:14] Have you ever watched the shows? [00:04:18] A lot of good old radio shows way back, including some of the videos, the movies of the different characters that were out there. [00:04:32] It doesn't make any difference whether it was Amos and Andy or you have leave it to beaver or you have the Three Stooges or my little Margie. You go way back in time. And those were the good shows. They were funny and you could laugh at them and kick back and enjoy them. [00:04:56] And there was one called my little Margie that just came to mind. And my little Margie was a gal that just got herself in trouble all the time. [00:05:11] She meant well, but she got herself into trouble all the time and she always tried to get out of it and it made things worse. Sounds like Washington, DC, doesn't it? [00:05:24] Well, hey, we've got just some shout outs here and a big shout out to the trim radio network for carrying the show. [00:05:33] And you know, we have a lot of good shows and we want to have some more. And I believe it's May 16. I believe we're having an open house. And if you want to do your own show, you can do that. [00:05:48] Yeah, it's easy to do. And we use streamyard and it is fun to do and I'm just learning the basics of it. And one of these days I'll become a semi professional, I guess. But anyhow, we have fun doing it. And if you take a look at what we have and you can listen to us on X, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, a lot of different places, you can listen to us live and you can also get the archives. [00:06:27] But it's and we're going to host an open house. [00:06:38] And if you're interested in making your voice be heard by having your own live radio show or podcast, then join us May 16 at 07:00 p.m. [00:06:53] To get a glimpse into trim radio network and your opportunities with us. [00:07:00] And there's a button. If you go to the page, click on Register now and you can register for the show and join us. And we'll go over everything, what we do, how we do it. It'll be a blast. Trust me. It's fun. [00:07:22] You know, we have different shows. We had tonight. We had take point 22 radio show with Michael Behoss and Karen Arnold. [00:07:33] And that was a good show. I mean, really good. And a friend of mine had been on that show a couple different times, and we have a good time with the show. [00:07:49] But all the shows we've got, adventure awaits us around the bend. It's a radio show and podcast. It's fairly recent. Ranch it up with Tigger and Becky. [00:08:02] Life walk with Christ God, that's Michael Bayjas. Money and change with me every Sunday at 07:00 p.m. [00:08:13] You want to learn a little bit about what's going on in the world, how people are making money, losing money, going broke, what are the economic trends and so forth. We cover a lot of different things and it happens all the time. And the show can change right up to broadcast time because we're doing a lot of research right after broadcast time for the show. So it's as current as we can possibly get it. [00:08:45] So check us out. Money and change every Sunday at 07:00 p.m. We also have the Nixie weekly music countdown. [00:08:56] And of course, we have the take point 22 radio show. We have the natural marketer podcast with Victoria Smith. [00:09:04] And of course, tonight we have my world live laugh and whatever. [00:09:10] We can kick back on this show a little bit. We don't have to talk about finance. We don't have to talk about a lot of different things. And some things we'll talk about, and we're going to get into it in just a little bit. Then there's Roscala's red pill reality show. And I keep telling rascal on too many r's, he always says, show me the green pill or the blue pill or the red pill. Then I say, I want the green pill. He has yet to show me the green pill. So Roscala, if you're listening and watching out there, come up with the green pill. But hey, you can, you can listen to us and you can also get a hold of our archives and listen to the old shows. If you want to donate to keep the shows on the air, that's great. You can do that. Just contact us. You know, we can also put your show on the air. But a big thing is, as Michael says, michael Behoss, he says, buy the merch, which translates into buy the merchandise so we can pay for airtime for all of the shows. [00:10:24] Yeah, we have to do that. And we also have a BMI music license that we have to, have to play any type of music. [00:10:34] And if you don't have a license, then you really can't play it. So it costs money. [00:10:40] But shop on the show for the show and you can get water bottles and mugs and t shirts and hoodies and all kinds of stuff. Just click on the shop now button and help support the show. [00:10:58] Okay, it's open twenty four seven. And the payment by credit card or PayPal and any of the merchandise. And spread the word about trim radio network. Hey, it really helps. [00:11:14] And, you know, we have a good bunch of people and, you know, it's like we cut the bull and serve the truth, and that's it. [00:11:27] Now, tonight we can cut back a little bit and not do as much. [00:11:36] I won't say truth, we'll report a few things, but we can have a little bit of bowl session, if you know what I mean. So you want to check us out and you can listen to us throughout the week. [00:11:50] You can listen as much as you want. We'd appreciate it. And tell your friends about us. [00:11:57] Also, check out the University of Findlay at I know. I talk about it on every show. It's a good school. It really is. The University of Findlay is a nice place. They have three campuses in Findlay, Ohio, and they have just merged with Bluffton University to the south. And it's about 20 miles to the south. And Bluffton University will be in division three NCAA sports, and the University of Finley will be in division two NCAA sports. [00:12:34] That's unusual for a college combine to participate in two different level NCAA sports. [00:12:43] But that's what's going to happen here this fall. And so you can go to either campus and take what classes you need at either campus, and they're only 20 miles apart. And the University of Bluffton is a nice school, located in Bluffton, Ohio. [00:13:02] I've been there. [00:13:04] Matter of fact, we used to, when I was going to school at the University of Finley, actually, at that time was Finley College. We used to broadcast some of our basketball games on the road, and we used to have some fun. [00:13:19] I might get into that sometime. [00:13:22] There are all kinds of tricks of the trade to play, you know, just to build up some interest. [00:13:29] A big shout out to the rusty Ducks custom pens and blanks. And Phil over at Rusty Ducks custom pens and blanks does an excellent job. He really does. [00:13:43] He's. He. He does the artwork. He puts the center part of the pen together, the blanks. And what he does is he'll manufacture them for other people, and they can finish them off for their own pens. [00:14:00] On the other hand, Phil does make pens. He uses the cross pen platform, and you can send him the artwork, or he will develop it for you and collaborate with you and produce a pen that you would really like to have. And I know Michael Behas has one that is, I believe it's his cobra and just a lot of different things. And Phil does an excellent job. I've got one of these pens, and I know. I believe Michael has maybe two, and we bought them, so we had to buy them. Phil just does not furnish us free pens. No, that doesn't happen. And we'd like to see Phil be very successful. I mean, he's already successful, but we'd like to have him be more successful. [00:14:53] And he does an excellent job with these pens. He has a great second amendment pen, two different styles. And so if you're into that, he has all different kinds of actions to make the pen operate, which. They're neat. They really are. Some are bold actions, some are other types of actions to open and close the pen. It's neat, but check them out. [00:15:23] Rusty ducks custom pens and blanks. And it's r u s t y d uk, apostrophe s, custom pens and blanks. [00:15:35] If you have a grade school, middle school, high school, college, university, trade school. Gee whiz. Let's see. What. What else can I add to a business fraternity, a sorority? And you want to have some type of a presentation pen. Hey. Rusty ducks custom pen and blanks is the place to go. And you can check them out on Facebook. Okay. [00:16:05] A big shout out, of course, the money and change. And that's every Sunday, and that's going to be at 07:00 p.m. [00:16:14] And I've always said for that show, it's subject to an encore edition every once in a while. I have six concerts to play. And right now we're down to five because we just played a concert and we had a good turnout. The place was packed. [00:16:35] And we have a 70 piece band. That's a big band, excellent director. And Gail Ahmed. [00:16:43] Excellent. And I've been in that band for over ten years. Eleven years. [00:16:52] And I have fun. [00:16:54] And all of us have played in either a college band, a high school band, professionally or semi professionally. I mean, it's a very good group. Very good group of musicians, and we have a lot of fun. It's like a big family. [00:17:17] So you might want to check out the Tip city community band. I'll put a plug in for that. And the Tip Monroe foundation. [00:17:28] It's a great place. Also the tip center. Tipping center. [00:17:34] That's our place to perform. And also we have a practice facility there. And it's great. So if you need to rent a space, they have that. If you need a temporary office, they have it. Very nice place. [00:17:53] Very nice place. And if you come to our concerts there, you. You might end up getting some type of a afterglow snack after the concert. And that's put on by the tip center. It's a great place. Check it out. [00:18:13] Wow. We've also got my world. And of course, that's tonight, Wednesdays at 08:00 p.m. And we can talk just about anything we want to talk about here, almost within reason, for the most part. [00:18:31] And we had fun doing it. So tell your friends about the show and join us. We have our Facebook page. [00:18:39] God, I have to mention that, you know, we have a Facebook page for not only my world that goes under trim, radio network, my world, live laugh and whatever. And we also have our Facebook page for money and change. Why do we have these pages? Hey, we post different things there. [00:19:03] For example, if you want to check out the wrinkle city Gazette, and we'll talk a little bit about that later on. Hey, there's a link to go there. If you want to talk about 25 facts about the 2024 solar eclipse, it's there. [00:19:20] How about hygiene? Don't forget. And sanitation. [00:19:24] Hey, I was, oh, man, I was in Wally World about two weeks ago, and I went to get a few things, and I'm over in the pharmacy section and there's this guy, big guy, and he's basically blocking the aisle. I'm trying to get to a different spot, and I backed up, turned around and ran around, and he was getting all these little sample, you know, deodorant sticks and toothpaste and all this kind of stuff. And he's pushing this cart and he's looking at that stuff. [00:20:09] And I thought he should have gotten a bigger stick of deodorant because the closer I got, the more I wanted to head the opposite direction, if you know what I mean. I don't know if you would call that a human skunk or not. Oh, boy. That was, that was a trip. [00:20:32] Hopefully he's taking care of that problem. [00:20:38] Whoa. [00:20:40] But, you know, you run into different things, different places, and you never know what you're going to talk about on this show. I mean, I might know a couple days in advance. And then all of a sudden, things change. [00:20:53] Okay? [00:20:54] People always say, you know, it happens. Well, it does. And everything changes almost right up to the last minute of the show. Really a big shout out to Brad and Chris at the big family homestead. [00:21:10] Check them out on YouTube. Great people. I mean, I've known them for years, and they're out in the middle of Wisconsin, and they talk about a lot of different topics. A lot of different topics. Also, check out the deep south homestead with Danny and Wanda King. And Danny talks about things on porch time. [00:21:33] So you want to check that out. And I think he records it on Sunday and it's up on YouTube on Monday. [00:21:42] So you want to check it out. Danny King with porch time. Also deep south homestead with Danny and Wanda. Then we have the southern prepper one with Dave Kobler. And I've known Dave for quite a while. We've corresponded and we've. Eaton talked on the phone a few times. [00:22:01] He's a good guy. Check him out. [00:22:04] Proper nurse. One Ed Carswell, still building his little compound, if you want to call it that. They're bringing in more cabins and people are in his little prepper group and they're building their own cabins or having them built and brought in, and they're preparing the site and everything. And it's interesting to see how that comes together. And the view there from the top of that hill, looking over the mountains downrange, is something else. It's really a really a promising site, but it takes a while to get back there. But it's interesting. [00:22:46] And then, of course, we have the Appalachia homestead and Appalachia's homestead with Patara. [00:22:55] Very level headed gal, very smart. She was talking about prices, inflation. [00:23:06] You know, when you go to the grocery store and the prices suddenly get more and you higher and higher and higher and you go to buy stuff and what used to get you for $50 years ago, probably back in the sixties, would be one full cart or more of food for the family. [00:23:26] Now look at it. It's probably a quarter of a cart for $50 worth of food. [00:23:35] And that's what you call inflation. She's talking about that she went to Aldi's and she was looking at the prices that were current as of this last week versus last year. And it's amazing what the actual numbers are. And we're going to talk a little bit about that in money and change this weekend. [00:23:59] Live show, though. [00:24:02] Also, we've got the LDS prepper with Dave Gilmore, and he talks a lot about how to prep and prepare communications, plant crops and so forth. And he's out in Idaho and we've talked before, and I follow his page frequently. He has over 600 videos. Can you imagine that? 600 videos on how to grow crops, how to use communications radios. Whether or not it's ham radio or GMRS radios, I've always talked about the Wosun wou x u n, GMRS radios, $35. [00:24:52] You're issued a license with a call sign, and anybody in your family can use it. [00:24:59] All they have to do is behave when they use it, and it's really neat. [00:25:04] And some of us have a chance to graduate to what I like to call the brick. [00:25:11] This is one heavy radio. This is a Harris. [00:25:15] It's a Harris Unity 100. And a lot of professionals use these radios. And I've got all the different channels programmed in there, not only for gmRs, but I can listen to a lot of other channels. It's really great. [00:25:33] And you can get into listening to all kinds of stuff with gmRs. I can't stress it enough. You know what happens with the solar flare and all of a sudden your communications stop, the phone stops, your tv stops, the radio stations stop. [00:25:56] If you had your GMRS radio, or your ham radio, for that matter, and you had it in a Faraday cage. Or you can make one out of a trash can, line it with plastic so that the metal does not touch the plastic. And you put your equipment in there so you have a barrier, and you can put all your equipment and put the lid on, and it's protected against solar flares, coronal mass ejections, probably emps. [00:26:37] So something to check into there. [00:26:42] You have to be prepared anymore. [00:26:45] And I throw a little bit of preparedness in here, and I see a lot of people struggling. [00:26:56] And tonight I was at Wally World, and here I am at Wally World, better known as Walmart. And I'm going around and everybody's, you know, looking at the prices, and they're like, oh, my God, what do I do here? [00:27:10] How do I feed my family? What do I need to buy? [00:27:14] Gee, prices are going up and up and up, and, yeah, everybody's starting to realize that we are in inflation, and it's not going to get any better. So if you listen to money and change every Sunday at 07:00 p.m. Guess what? You'll learn a little bit more. But like I say to everybody on that show, pay down your debt, put some money aside, buy some long term food, make sure you have good medical kit, make sure you can purify and store water. [00:27:49] One gallon per person a day is the minimum. You probably need about three gallons of water per day per person in your family. Okay. Make sure you have some type of a portable shelter. [00:28:03] Blue tarps. Oh, those are great. [00:28:06] You know, you have a leaky roof, you get a blue tarp, and you put it up. [00:28:10] I know a guy in my town that literally has a mansion, and we had a straight line wind go through, and it took off part of his tile roof in this mansion, and it is a big mansion. [00:28:26] It sits on a lake. I go by it I don't know how many times a week. [00:28:34] And he had such a problem with the tiles, and the insurance company would not cover the damage, and he was fighting them in court and so forth, and finally he just said, to heck with it. I'll just put on a whole new roof, which he did. But in that meantime, while he was fighting with the insurance agency in court, blue tarps. And you can get them at Home Depot, you can get them at Lowe's, you can probably get them at Wally World. [00:29:07] And he had those up on his roof. [00:29:11] They work, and it's good to have a couple of them. Okay, that and some spare rope and some visqueen plastic sheeting, all kinds of stuff. Plenty of duct tape. What would the world be without duct tape? [00:29:29] That's essential. I mean, I've known people that have cut themselves. They used duct tape maybe to hold everything together. I don't know. But anyhow, be prepared. Things are going to get nasty here. According to some people, I always take things with a grain of salt, a big grain of salt, because they can say one thing and they might be right or they may be wrong. Who knows? [00:29:59] Hey, how about those solar storms out there? Those storms, they keep saying we're getting these big coronal mass ejections. And I talked a little bit about it last week, and then somebody came out yesterday and they said, oh, we're going to have a big one. It's going to happen this afternoon. And I took everything that I had and I put all my electronics in mylar bags to protect against the radiation. And then I got out my Faraday trash cans and I started putting things in there and nothing happened. Thank goodness, you know, I'm not knocking it. [00:30:44] No damage. [00:30:46] Now, a friend of mine had some damage on his computer, and we think it was a power supply that burned out. [00:30:54] And it was a special custom built computer, and it wasn't due to the solar flare, I don't think. [00:31:03] But the coronal mass ejections, you have to watch out for. And in 2025 we're supposed to have a bunch and we don't know how long it's going to last in 2024. I mean, you have all kinds of things going on. And how do you prepare? [00:31:24] Well, make sure you have mylar bags. They're like a metal coated plastic, and you can put things in there to protect them against radiation from coronal mass ejections, solar flare, whatever, and it comes in handy. And you can buy them off of Amazon. You can get a whole pack, I think, of twelve of them, large ones, and you can take and put a lot of stuff in there. [00:31:57] Then I have to take that one Harris radio apart. I have to take the antenna off of it to be able to fit it in one of those mylar bags. But it does fit and it does have protection, and it's a heavy duty specialized radio. Those unity radios are not cheap. [00:32:17] I got mine used, and it was not cheap. [00:32:21] Matter of fact, it almost cost as much as my customer desktop computer, which costs some money. Okay, but we're gonna have these solar storms going on and you don't know what could happen. The lights could go out, the power goes out, transformers are burned. [00:32:50] Tvs don't work. [00:32:52] Basically, we're back in the dark ages, and we better have kerosene lanterns. Do you have any of those? They come in handy. [00:33:02] I've got four or five of them, and I think I've got something like eight gallons, ten gallons of fuel oil for those lamps, which would last probably a couple of years, which is good. [00:33:21] I would like to have some light at night to see where I'm going around. And do you have any flashlights? [00:33:28] You have batteries? You know, just something to consider for solar storms. Okay. Have a lot of reading material, and be able to get up when the sun is up and go to bed when the sun goes over the horizon, if you know what I mean. [00:33:47] Solar flares, man, this stuff is. It's scary, but when it happens, it happens. There's nothing we can do to fight it off. We really can't. [00:34:00] And you know what happens is it disrupts high frequency radio communications on the sunlit side of the earth. Wherever the sun is hitting the earth, that's where that pulse is going to hit. [00:34:17] And so you have to be prepared for that. [00:34:21] Come to think about it, you better have plenty of paper and pens and pencils and things to sharpen them and things that. Extra refills and so forth, because you won't be using a computer, you won't be using a laptop. [00:34:40] You may not even be able to use a solar panel. Now, that's scary. [00:34:47] Hey, what about all the tornadoes that have been going on? Have you had tornadoes in your area? [00:34:53] I mean, here in Ohio? [00:34:57] I remember reading something about. [00:35:01] So far, we've had, like, 400 tornadoes in the year. [00:35:10] I might be wrong on that, but they keep hitting close to home. [00:35:17] Here I am in western Ohio, just about the center part of the state, western part. [00:35:28] And we've had tornadoes that hit 30 miles away. Then they bounce around. They either go to the north of where I live or to the south, because the Indians were very smart. They built their original encampment way back when, and it was the Miami and the Shawnee Indians, and they had their settlements on either side of the great Miami river, and they thought it was wise to build between two rivers. In this case, it was the Stillwater river. And then also the Mad river is on the other side of the Miami river. [00:36:15] It's interesting because the storms have a tendency to bounce around. [00:36:22] We may get straight line winds, but we haven't had a tornado knock on wood or whatever, but other towns have. And case in point in Greenville, Ohio, which is about 30 miles away, 30, 35 miles away, a tornado came through there and hit the city park. All the buildings in the park were damaged. [00:36:52] Some people said that the tornado was about 800ft wide. [00:36:57] Now, I don't know. I wasn't there. I don't have pictures of it. [00:37:03] But I saw the aftermath. I mean, this fall, their football stadium, who knows? They may have to do some rebuilding. And they don't have a press box because it suddenly disappeared. They don't have some light poles because they're down. [00:37:19] Trees are down. [00:37:21] Then the tornado went over and hit the cemetery. And they have trees down there and just a lot of damage. And then sometimes you have them up in Indian Lake, Ohio, and up around in Mercer county, all Glaze county and so forth. [00:37:43] We're getting a lot of tornadoes. And is it due to the solar activity, the solar flares? [00:37:51] Something to consider. And that's why you need to be prepared. I mean, I've been talking about preparedness for I don't know how many years. [00:38:00] And it's like I'm preaching to the choir. [00:38:06] But I'll tell you what, it ain't over till the fat lady sings. And she's been humming a tune for quite a while now with all these storms, whether or not it's hitting Dayton, Ohio, or around Dayton, Ohio, or up around Indian Lake, which was a nasty one, or Greenville, Ohio, or other places in Ohio. Okay, we've had our share. [00:38:32] And it's kind of, kind of scary. And is that due to that solar minimum or maximum? No, it's maximum. [00:38:41] There's a lot of activity out there. And have you noticed the way people are acting lately? [00:38:51] Yeah, it's scary. [00:38:54] And you wonder why people are acting as stupid as they are. [00:39:00] I don't know. Did Forrest Gump say stupid is as stupid does? [00:39:06] I think that's something to consider about Washington, DC. Stupid is as stupid does. [00:39:13] But I'll tell you, things are just, you have argumentative people. I listened to a police report tonight on the unity radio and just before airtime, and somebody was cussing at his neighbor and throwing trash in their neighbor's yard. I mean, who would do that? [00:39:35] I know you give somebody a little bit of alcoholic beverage and yeah, they will do that. Well, who knows? But that's going on strange things. You know, we've got tornadoes, we've got floods. By the way, they had a flood in the Sahara desert. [00:39:56] I believe that they had it in Saudi Arabia. They had a flood and it hasn't rained there in years. Well, now they're learning what water really is and how to cope with it. [00:40:10] Things are just getting really strange. I don't know about you, but I think maybe biblical prophecies coming home to roost. I don't know, but it's something to think about. Hey, and how about the barge incidents? [00:40:30] You know, we had that barge in Baltimore that hit the bridge and did a lot of damage there. And there have been other barge accidents on the rivers, different rivers. [00:40:46] And I just saw one today. Well, actually saw a couple things. They had one on the Baltimore bridge where they actually put shaped charges on the collapsed bridge part. That was on the Dali, or Dali, which was the ship that was loaded with all kinds of containers, and they blew that off the ship. So now they can probably tow that into port and then start taking out the, all the wrecked, mangled mess and clean up the port so we can finally get some ships going in and out of the port. They have a small channel that's available, but every day that that port is down and they can't get ships out or in, people don't make any money. [00:41:41] Think of all the people that work for the shipping lines and transportation lines and everything else, even down to the restaurants. There's no business. [00:41:53] So how can they make a living to support their family? [00:41:57] That's, that's scary. [00:42:00] But Baltimore is just one, and there's been several. But the latest one, and I I've been down to Galveston, Texas, and if you've ever been to Galveston, Texas, and you walk on the beach, you have to be careful. [00:42:18] You never walk barefooted on that beach. And if you have new tennis shoes on, you have to watch out for bumps in the sand because there are oil globs, tarballs coming up from the drilling rigs offshore. [00:42:40] And being a newbie, I went down there, and I was enjoying my time on the beach, and I'm stepping along, not paying any attention. Brand new tennis shoes. Stepped in one of those tarballs. [00:42:53] Gasoline does not really want to take that stuff off. It's stuck on there. Luckily, I had a spare pair of shoes I could use. [00:43:03] But you have to be very careful on the beaches there. [00:43:07] Well, Galveston is a neat town to visit, but not in the summer. It summers. It's deathly hot. It's humid. It's just, it can be nasty. Okay. [00:43:20] But there was an island there which is called Pelican island, and there's a bridge that goes from Galveston out to Pelican island. [00:43:30] Well, a barge hit the bridge in Galveston, causing a partial collapse. And they're still checking, checking that out. The chemicals from the barge are flowing into the water, and I don't know how many gallons of chemicals are going into Galveston Bay. [00:43:54] It's kind of scary. [00:43:55] And they've had ship explosions in Galveston before. I believe back in the early 19 hundreds, a ship with ammonium nitrate blue and basically destroyed all the town except the bishop's palace and the church. [00:44:14] That was interesting. And if I remember it right, actually, the ship's propeller was sent hurling into the city of Galveston from where the ship was docked. I mean, it was a big explosion. [00:44:34] So now we have another problem with Pelican island. [00:44:39] Why are we having so many bridge collapses and collisions? [00:44:47] Is it a problem with the captain of the tug that's pushing or the tow boat that's pushing the barge? [00:44:57] Is it a mechanical problem? [00:45:01] Do the barges just collapse on their own because they haven't been kept up? [00:45:08] Gee, don't we have, federal government is supposed to do that, make sure things are kept up nice. There's so many bridges, even on the Ohio river and the Mississippi river and other rivers that are in danger of collapse. [00:45:27] We put all that money into it probably back in the thirties, forties, fifties, even into the sixties, and somehow they weren't maintained well. Check out the barge incidents, the accidents that are happening. [00:45:49] Why are they happening? [00:45:53] That's the question. Why? What's the cause? And then what's the cause economically? [00:46:02] What's the cause to people's livelihoods? [00:46:07] If you wanted to get a foreign car in Baltimore, guess what? It comes in from across the Atlantic Ocean and it goes into that port. Now they have to reroute everything, which means they're going to have to reroute a lot of things out of Baltimore until they get that harbor fixed. It's going to cost them probably billions of dollars, but that's what's going on. So that's something to watch out. You know, you watch out for the tornadoes, you watch out for the x flares, watch out for the barge collapses. You watch out for all the undocumented illegal aliens coming in to Texas and elsewhere. [00:46:58] A lot of things are going on, and I'm glad I live in Ohio because we don't have a lot of that problem here yet. [00:47:10] But probably eventually it's going to come home to roost and we have to deal with it. You know, I was looking in drudge, I guess Trump and Biden are going to basically have a debate. [00:47:29] I didn't really have a chance to read into it as to what the debate was. [00:47:34] I know it's going to be about, you know, probably, probably what they're going to do or propose to do. And I don't know if that's. [00:47:45] Is that the Liars Club? [00:47:48] To be a politician, do you actually join the Liars Club? [00:47:55] I know if I had a friend who was the sheriff of Dark county, which is Greenville, Ohio, and he had somebody deliver a notice to him at the sheriff's office next to the courthouse and said, judge so and so wants to see you at this location and it's urgent. So you drop whatever you're doing and you get in your car and you go red lights and siren out to this location. [00:48:31] And my friend did. [00:48:35] His name was Bob Howard, and a great guy. He had a good sense of humor, but he was the sheriff. And he got into his cruiser and lights and sirens, and he zooms out. He's following directions to the address. Turns out to be an old schoolhouse. [00:48:53] And he thought, something's got to be up here because all these cars around this old school house that really hasn't been used for much. [00:49:01] And he goes in and there's the judge and the city prose or the county prosecutors, other attorneys, other people, and the judge says, we've been expecting you. Get up here on the dais. And so he went up there and he still wondered what was going on. [00:49:24] Well, the judge pointed to a, I'll just say a Porta potty seat and told him to sit on it. Now, when a judge tells the sheriff to sit on the seat, naturally you're going to do that. And Bob thought it was kind of weird. Well, anyhow, as it turned out, he was being inducted into the Liars club, and the judge was the president of the Liars club for that area. [00:50:04] And so Bob had to take his oath sitting on a toilet seat in front of all the members of the Liars club. [00:50:15] And then the judge dismissed him, told him when the meetings were being held, and he expected them to be there. And then Bob had to get back in his cruiser and drive back to the sheriff's. I call it the mansion. It was beautiful place. I'd stayed over there. It also had the jail behind it. It was a mansion. I mean, old time sheriffs, they really had something going on in that county. And anyhow, he, he had to drive back and explain, number one, to his wife, who was the matron of the jail, what happened. [00:50:53] And naturally, the chief deputy was there and he was explaining everything. It was probably a hilarious time, but he followed the judges orders and he ended up being a member of the Liars club, only in dark county, it's a great place. Trust me. A lot of stuff goes on different places. You run into different things. And in Wrinkle City, for example, the city commission declared the dandelion as the official city flower. Can you imagine that? [00:51:33] Well, I can imagine it because a lot of yards have a lot of dandelions. [00:51:38] Some people say, well, I'm going to let them grow so I can make dandelion wine. Some people say, well, I like to get the greens when they first come up, and I can make a wilted lettuce salad. [00:51:51] I don't know. But anyhow, the wrinkle city commission voted unanimously to declare the dandelion as the official city flower. We might as well have done this years ago because people did don't mow, said Victor McSwain. [00:52:07] Everybody has them little yeller suckers all over their yards in the south end of town, and they must be eating them or making wine, he said. Mayor Alton J. Suey urged citizens to harvest their dandelions and take them to his office as he needs them to make dandelion wine. [00:52:32] I think Mayor Sui also has a still. If I'm not, I think, I think he has a still. Anyhow, he anticipates enough to make at least 150 gallons to sell at the 4 July celebration. [00:52:49] Only in Wrinkle City, man. Only in Wrinkle City. [00:52:56] And we talked about the fire department had to go out to the sewage plant, and the city is, the city schools are so dumb, the students are so, so dumb in wrinkle city that they have to hire Silliman's learning services to teach the students because the teachers aren't. [00:53:18] Speaking of that, have you ever been to the different cities like Chicago? And students are having a hard time learning because they don't have teachers. [00:53:30] You want to check that out because teachers leaving, everything's getting too violent. [00:53:38] It's kind of crazy. [00:53:40] It really is kind of crazy, the stuff that's going on out there. [00:53:46] Well, what else is going on? [00:53:52] You know, at Lush's bar and grill in Wrinkle City, they have a new bacon burger, and it's a quarter ounce of hamburger and two pounds of bacon topped with three slices of tomato and a hint of lettuce. It's a heart attack on a plate, and you know you want it. [00:54:16] You just want to go ahead and tell the local undertaker to make a space for you because you're going to go delusious and you're going to have one of those bacon burgers. [00:54:28] And by the way, you can get a 10% off coupon from the am I gone? Funeral and cremation service. [00:54:36] Whoa. That was in the wrinkle city cassette. Holy cow. [00:54:42] So much stuff going on. [00:54:46] So much stuff. [00:54:49] There's one thing that was up there, children in church. [00:54:54] One particular four year old prayed and forgive us our trash baskets as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets. [00:55:05] I kind of wonder about that. When a Sunday school teacher asked her children as they were on the, on the way to church service, well, kids, and why is it necessary to be quiet in church? [00:55:20] And one bright little girl replied, because people are sleeping. [00:55:24] Have you ever been in church and somebody is snoring up in the balcony and it goes all over the church. [00:55:37] It's happened especially with boring sermons. People have a tendency to nod off. [00:55:44] I think that I've done that a couple of times. [00:55:48] Not in the last few years, but, you know, things happen. You know what I mean? [00:55:56] Six year old Angie and her four year old brother Joel were sitting together in church. And Joel giggled and sang and talked out loud. And finally his big sister had enough. [00:56:10] I can imagine what it would be like. [00:56:13] And she says, you're not supposed to talk out loud in church. [00:56:18] And Joel said, well, why? Who's going to stop me? And Angie pointed to the back of the church and said, see those two men standing by the door? [00:56:27] They're hushers. [00:56:31] Instead of ushers, they're hushers. [00:56:36] Well, I'll tell you what, so much stuff goes on in Wrinkle City, you just have to check it out. Just wrinkle city hyphen Gazette, dot weebly and check it out. There's a whole bunch of wrinkle cities there, a lot of different types of jokes. [00:57:02] And I'll tell you what, there are a lot of things that you can read in there about the wisdom of a retiree. How about the divorce court, Mister Clark? I have reviewed the case very carefully, said the divorce court judge, and I've decided to give your wife $775 a week. [00:57:28] That's very fair, your honor, the husband said, and every now and then I'll try to serve her a few bucks myself. [00:57:41] Have you, have you ever seen some fights in divorce courts? [00:57:48] That's why I think people are single anymore. [00:57:51] They don't want to get in divorce courts because it can get quite nasty. [00:57:55] Of course, there could be an amicable 50 50 split. [00:58:01] She takes the house and the car and you get all the bills. That can happen. [00:58:07] Well, anyhow, guys, that's about it for my world, for this week. [00:58:12] And you gotta check us out. And we'll get back to more jokes later on. Because I'll tell you what, everything's getting serious now. [00:58:26] Everything's just serious. And we have to lighten up, you know? Go ye with a merry heart. [00:58:35] Don't slip and put an f in there. It's heartbeat. It's not art. And it's not art, if you know what I mean. Well, anyhow, guys, have a good week. We'll talk with you next Wednesday, live right here on Trim radio on my world. And I hope your world is better than my world. [00:58:57] And watch out for the allergies because it is allergy season. [00:59:03] I know. I woke up before this morning and I've had nothing but allergy problems, even with medication. [00:59:13] No wonder this, the show was disjointed tonight. Well, anyhow, guys, you have a good one and we will talk with you next week.

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