Red Pill Reality Show

Red Pill Reality Show
TRIM Radio
Red Pill Reality Show

Aug 04 2024 | 03:00:08

Episode • August 04, 2024 • 03:00:08

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

The Red Pill Reality Show features Riscalla Stephen delivering thought-provoking monologues and interviews with inspiring guests. The show's title references the "red pill" metaphor, which symbolizes a wake-up call to a hidden reality. Riscalla focuses on empowering viewers to achieve more in life.

Have you ever encountered an idea that challenged your existing beliefs? That feeling of unease or curiosity is exactly what thought-provoking monologues and controversial topics can spark. These elements act as mental gymnasiums, pushing us to consider the world from different angles and fostering intellectual growth.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:08] Speaker A: You're listening to the trim radio network. [00:00:11] Speaker B: We cut the bowl and serve the truth. [00:00:20] Speaker C: I know you're out there. I can feel you now. [00:00:24] Speaker A: I know that you're afraid. [00:00:25] Speaker C: You're afraid of us. [00:00:27] Speaker A: You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how. [00:00:36] Speaker C: It'S going to begin. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. You take the red pill and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill. The story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. You stay in Wonderland. You stay in Wonderland. And I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Now transmitting from an undisclosed location in the northeast quadrant of the United States, it's the red pill reality show on the Trim radio network with your host, Riscala Stevens. Saturday nights from 09:00 p.m. eastern until midnight. Call in lines are open. Dial 803-200-2277 to reach your host directly. And now your host, Riskalla. [00:02:16] Speaker B: All right. Hello and welcome, everyone. It is a red kill reality show, and I'm trying to figure out which way is up. Oh, my gosh. So I have been spending a lot of time. I don't know, camera. My goodness. I'll get to that in a minute. Been spending a lot of time. I guess I'm being consumed with this thing that happened on the 13 July. I thank God that they were not successful in what they wanted. I think about what would have happened to us had they been successful. I believe things would be very dark, to say the least. Very dark. So I'm a little perturbed here that my camera is not working. It's the wonderful world of USB. Sometimes not recognized. Oh, man. Sometimes I have to wonder if there's somebody listening and doesn't want me say something that, you know, something that I'm saying there. I don't know. It's wild because I do dry runs, and the dry run, it works. And then you go live and, you know, boom. This is what I get. So, yes, there's a lot more information coming out about this supposed alleged shooter, Patsy scapegoat. They needed somebody to give them an avenue out, and that was this young man. I see so many similarities here between this and 911. I wonder how many people are aware that. I believe, if I'm not mistaken, it is the largest put hold on Trump stocks. In the history of Trump stocks, 12 million shares had a put on them. That means those people were expecting the price of those shares to go down and they would have made money, a lot of money. 911. Somebody did the same thing to the three airlines that were involved in 911. Was it three or two? I think it was three. Somebody did the same thing to the stocks of the airlines involved in 911. That's more accurate. It's before anything happened, just days before anything happened. And this 12 million share was done the day prior. I'm not mister, maybe the business day prior, maybe not a Friday, but it was a day prior. And then when they failed at trying to take the life of what I believe, the best president this country has ever experienced, and they realized, oh, we got caught with our pants down financially. What they did is they went to the board and said, oh, this is a mistake. This was a clerical mistake. It was only supposed to be 1200. So if you would please wipe out the 12 million and we'll pay you for the 1200. Now, I don't know about you or me, but if it were me that were involved and I had put a foothold on some stock and expected that stock to go down, I mean, I had every reason to believe that that stock was going to drop, so I was going to make some money. And then for whatever reason, the stock did not drop, actually, the stock went up, I lost money. You think I could go to the board and go, hey, guys, hey, it was a mistake on my part. I really didn't want, you know, 20 shares. I only wanted to. I'll pay you for two? What do you think they're gonna say? Yeah, sure. So who would have the financial wherewithal, the power to go back and literally undo a 12 million share for the Donald Trump enterprise and say it was a mistake? So do you think either you or I would be able to get away with a, I made a mistake. I didn't really didn't mean to buy 20 shares, I meant to buy two. So sad. Too bad. You're gonna pay. That's what it boils down to. There's no out, you have to pay. Who would have the financial wherewithal, the financial authority, the horsepower that it would take to tell the stock market, hey, we made a mistake, fix it. Our mistake. But you fix it. That tell you anything? There's no question that the government is lying to us. I'll play a video here shortly. One of the guys that I follow, government is lying. There's no question. It is 100% provable that the government is lying to us and laughing, just laughing behind our back. No, never know. I guess that's why I'm just so ate up with this. I can't let this go. It was like 911. I couldn't let it go once I realized what was happening. I can't tell you I know everything about 911, but I can tell you I spent a lot of time researching 911, and it certainly was without question in my mind, a job that was done with help from our government, along with several other countries. I go back and I look at this thing here and I say, gosh, here's a guy on a cell phone shooting video of a man on a roof with a long gun. And he's faced towards a, a previous president of the United States. And the man is yelling, there's a man with a gun on the roof. How is this man with a freaking cell phone able to see this guy literally videotape this guy as he is getting in position to try to murder President Trump? And yet nothing from the law enforcement section ever saw that. I've listened to probably four at this point. People who were, one of them was, two of them were snipers, one of them was a head of security, and the other one worked for secret Service. They all agree this can't be just a monumental failure. There's too many things. Too many. Way too many. Why was that guy even allowed? Did you realize this? This kind of surprised me. I don't know. Maybe people know. They don't know. This guy's crawling around on a roof, right? And it's a tin roof, so it's making noise. Right? I guess. Who's inside the building? The security's inside the building. You can't tell me that. They didn't hear any noise going on up there. Come on. And nobody went to check it out? Well, one, two, according to different stories, two of them went to check it out. One of them got just above the roof line, saw this guy, got turned around and pointed a gun at him, and he dropped out of the roof line back down to the ground, and then attempted, I guess attempted, I'm assuming at this point, to get a hold of other people and spread the word, hey, there's a guy with a gun. Too many questions. I went back and I looked at the video that someone shot a bunch of videos come out. By the way, what had happened was, from the article that I read, if it's accurate, and it kind of goes along with other things that if creepy things that have happened, they, they took people's cell phones and then they gave it back to them. They wanted any video that anybody had on their cell phones. So there's new video coming out, and there's one guy who is directly behind, at an angle behind Trump, and he is shooting. And you can see Trump from behind and you can see this guy on the freaking roof. You can see him on the roof manipulating and maneuvering to get in the position to take his shot. How in God's name is this a civilian with a freaking cell phone able to take this video? And security doesn't see it. Law enforcement doesn't see it. Secret Service doesn't see it. But my gosh, how many people, how many civilians, how many citizens are out there going, there's a guy with a gun. It was almost like they didn't want to hear it until the shot went off. Then they wanted to hear it. Thank God that there was divine intervention. Thank God. Thank you, God. The chaos that would have ensued after this, who would the Republicans have been able to produce that could fill the shoes? It would have been a lost case, gone, done. Democrats could have whoever they wanted. And I believe it was divine intervention, because you know what? If it, if they had been successful and been able to murder Trump, the chaos that would have ensued would have been unbelievable, particularly in the republican party, because they would have been scrambling. No. What are you going to do now? Who's going to take his place? But what happened was, and I believe because it was divine intervention, it turned 180 degrees to them. They were the ones who were scrambling. They had to get rid of Joe, the party of democracy, they wiped out, the last I heard was 14 million votes in order to keep Joe going. Well, 14 million of you out there don't mean spit. Just letting you know, kick Joe out. Put Kamala in. Kamala is a rambling lunatic. Oh, my gosh. And it truly scares me that there are people who want to support this woman. And when Trump was asked about, well, do you think Kamala was one of those hires? I can't think of whatever the DEI, whatever that is, he says, well, you know, when I first heard about her, she was black. Excuse me, she was indian. Forgive me, that was mistake. When I first heard about her, she was indian and she was promoting the indian way. And I've seen videos oh, well. Over a handful of videos of her doing that, proud of her indian heritage, and on and on and on. But then when it came, it became convenient for her to have a darker skin and go with the afro american section of the population. Oh, well, now she's black. This is. This lady can't make up her mind. And I love Trump's response to the whole thing. I have respect for. And I'm paraphrasing, I may not have it exactly, but he basically said, I have respect for blacks, and I have respect for indian. It's too bad that she has no. She can't figure out which one she is and has respect for what she is. And judge, judge. I see his face and I can't think of his name. Joe something or another. Oh, my gosh, did he rake her over the coals? Holy smokes, man. They asked him what his opinion was, and he said, she's an effin whore. I think it was. I think that was maybe wrong about the second word, but that first word on positive, he was an effin, maybe it was a slut, I'm not sure. A derogatory term. And went on to describe how she got into politics, how she had an affair with a married man, ruined that marriage. Children in the marriage, by the way. And if that wasn't enough, as she climbed up the ladder, she decided to put all kinds of men, particularly men of color, put them in prison for cannabis, where she openly admits that she smokes. And you can imagine what else this individual would decide to do if they had the power. She openly said, at one time, I want a mandatory gun buyback program. You know what that is? That's gun confiscation. Whether you like it or not, we're going to buy your gun back. And if your guns worth 300, you're lucky if we give you $50. And you're not going to be able to defend yourself any longer, particularly against the very people that the founders of this country wanted you to be able to protect yourself from. I've heard all kinds of arguments about the second amendment. Well, they didn't have automatic weapons. You bet your bottom dollar they had automatic. They had automatic weapons. Prior to 1776. One of the most common one was called the Gatling gun, but I think that was after. But there was a. There was a. What was termed as a machine gun. It was made by a man named Pickle. I think it was his name, pickle, the pickle gun. And it was shipped from overseas to the United States. And in the manifest read machine gun. So they knew that there were weapons that were available prior to writing the second amendment that weren't just freaking muskets or six shooters. They knew that there were weapons that were going to be available as this went on. And that's why they said, we're not going to put guns, we're going to put arms, because arms can cover anything. The truth of the matter is, if we had the money as citizens, we could buy whatever we want. But because the government has bad intentions towards us, they've limited what we can do. If they had our benefits in mind, our best interests, there would be no need for them to try and make it so that we are defenseless. They've done things that they know. If the population wakes up, and I got to tell you, I believe we're right on the cusp of that. We are right there. We are right on the edge of saying, especially after what happened on the 13 July, especially what happened on that day, I believe we are right there. It isn't going to take a whole heck of a lot more for an uprising in this country because we're sick and tired of watching these people literally destroy our country before our eyes. And then we have, I guess you could call them useful idiots who support these people. I cannot understand if you love this country and you care about the future of this country, if you have children or grandchildren, as I do, I can't understand how you would support someone like these people. You know, they say it was the Democrats. This is the Democrats. I got news for you. It is the Democrats. But there's a lot of Republicans in there as well. It's the right and the left, and they're both the same wings of one bird. I think that's why a lot of people are attracted to Trump, because they realize he's not a politician. And I have no doubt in my mind that he has a financial horsepower to say, you know what? Flush all of this garbage. I'm out of here. Go buy himself an island and live in peace, for God's sake, and say, to hell with all of this. He has the financial wherewithal to do that. Instead, what he has done is he has stood firm and made the best decisions while he was a president for this country. Yet the media continues to villainize him and say he did all these bad things when the majority of the stuff that they say about him isn't true. It's just a lie. Oh, he was in collusion with the Russians. Remember that? And what did they spend? Hillary Clinton spent how many dollars, if I remember as well, over a million dollars in order to come up with a fake dossier so that they could say, oh, look, he's in collusion with the Russians. The Russians helped him get to be the president. And nobody got a hand slapped, nobody got a letter of reprimand, nobody got fired, nobody went to jail. And they were so desperate to take this man out prior to the attempt, physical attempt on his life in front of everybody. That wasn't the first time, you guys. There have been many times, I think we're probably up to almost a dozen now, that different attempts have been made on his life. This was just the one that was in public. They wanted to do a JFK. The same people who did JFK, the same people who did RFK, the same people who did MLK, the same freaking people are the same people that we are fighting against today in order for us to retain our country. They don't give a ratchet behind who dies as long as they get what they want. And what they want is ultimate power. They don't care about money. Money is the last thing that they worry about. They can print all the money they want. They just go fire up the. Hey, listen, I need a 20 million. All right, hang on a minute. It may take me a day to print, but I'll get it for you. If you can't tell that they're destroying this country, we have people coming in across the southern border, have no idea who they are. I have a personal friend of mine who said, I don't believe what they're telling us. I want to go down there, went down there and videotaped them. And it appeared to me that about 80%, maybe more, maybe 85%, were nothing more than single males in the age of about 1819 on to maybe 28, 30, perfect soldier age. And they're not coming just from Mexico, they're coming from all over. Countries around the world have literally drained their prisons and their mental institutions and said, go to America, they want you. Then they get here and they're given money. They're literally paid to break the law. How many of you would like to be paid to break the law? This is in your face now. As I said earlier, I really believe we are at the point where it isn't going to take a whole lot more. It really isn't. It isn't going to take a whole lot more. I know. For me personally, I'm sick and tired of this garbage. I'm sick and tired of watching these people tax me. First of all, the very idea of an income tax is the absolute definition of slavery. Anybody who can take from you the sweat of your brow, whatever portion that might be, that is slavery. So we have an income tax, and some places have estate income tax. As if that's not enough, then we have to go. When we go out and buy something, we have to pay a sales tax, and we have property tax, and we have vehicle tax, and we have this tax, and we have that tax. We are taxed up the wazoo. And it would be one thing if they would utilize the money that they have in order to benefit us, because that's really was supposed to be the original intention of all of this. But what they do is they take the money and they use it against us, and they fill their pockets until they're overflowing. We're going to give 100 billion to Ukraine. What the hell does Ukraine have to do with us? They're halfway around the freaking world. They're not part of NATO. Why are we doing this? Because they get money back, that's why. Ukraine has had numerous reports of nazis. And I'm not talking about people just calling nazis. I'm talking with the swastika, the public executions, the whole thing. There are certain areas in Ukraine that are absolute nazis. No question about it. We stepped into Ukraine because we messed up. People don't realize that. I think it was 2014. I may be wrong about the year, but I know it was around 2014. Somewhere in that area, Ukraine had a, quote, democratic election, and the United States, with its sticky little fingers and its long nose, decided to poke itself right in the middle of that election and get their man elected. This happens all the time, you guys. All the time. We did it in Iran. People may not remember the Shah of Iran. That was a man that was put in by our government, and the people got so sick and tired of his garbage, he had to run for his life. And we did it in the Panama. I can't remember the guy's name. His name was the same thing. He was an install, just like Joe Biden was an install, just like Kamala Harris is an install. These are not people that are in the place where they are because they are the right word. I'm looking for that they're capable of handling the situation. It's because of who they know, and it's because of what they can do. And God help us that there are people that truly believe that Kamala is the answer. Oh, oh, you think things are bad now? This. I want to say so many things so fast. My mouth can't do it. You think the. The president was a bumbling, mumbling dipstick? Oh, wait till you get it. Listen to some of the stuff this woman says we have to understand, because it's an understanding of yesterday. And, you know, yesterday was today, and today was, holy smokes, Mandy, when they came out with designer drugs, I know that she had to do some of that stuff. She's not on the same plane as you and I, and God help us if she gets into power. It's terrible. And the media. This is something that I don't understand. More and more people realize, and you can thank Donald Trump for this. More and more people realize just how big a liar the media is, but yet they tune into the garbage and allow them to continue to make money. Why? These people are helping destroy this country. Why support them? I don't have television. I don't have a tv. Let me back up a minute. I have a tv, and it's from. When did I get. It was a tv that I gave my parents for their anniversary, probably 1980. You need two. As a matter of fact, it has two screws in the back of it because it uses the old flat wire, doesn't even use coaxial. I keep it because it's a beautiful, beautiful piece of furniture, which they don't do anymore. But it doesn't. I don't even turn it on. There's nothing to hook up to it. I don't have cable running in place. Backup. I have cable, but it's Internet only. It doesn't. It won't. You know, I remember thinking, oh, my God, what am I gonna do? There were so many shows that I wanted to watch. There were so many. And the news. I used to like to watch the. I think it was the news at 11:00 and then 1130. They had the nightly news or something. I used to watch that stuff and then go to bed right after that. And it was almost like binging when I stopped. Oh, man. It was tough for a while there. But I'll tell you what. After about a month, I realized what was going on. It was a rude awakening. I really believe it was part of. It was partly responsible for me to come to the conclusion in February of 2002 that the war that I served in was all based on a lie. If I was continually watching television, I would have been under that hypnosis, if you will. And it is like hypnosis, whether you realize it or not. There are patents on monitors and televisions that produce a hypnosis like effect on people. And if you think I'm kidding, you ever watch one of my kids? I'll tell you, I've seen this firsthand. One of my kids as they were growing up, if they were watching television, they became so enthroned in what they were watching, you would literally have to scream at them in order to break that, that trance, if you will, so that they could listen to what you had to say. Well, I got a news story. It's not just kids that fall into that. There are many adults who are along that line that fall into that. And they, they believe whatever that television tells them. I have a personal friend of mine, not just a Facebook friend or LinkedIn friend, a personal friend, somebody that I know personally who is supporting Joe Biden. And I can tell you right now the reason, well, they were supporting Joe Biden. Now I'm sure it's going to be Kamala, but the reason that they were falling along that line is because they, the whole waking time they're on a blast of television, watching the television, listening to CNN, listening to MSNBC, listening to ABC, having to get, you know, all of these stories from all these people. They don't realize that, I don't know. Was it 6000 news outlets that are in the United States? 6000? I think they're owned all by three or four corporations. That's it. It's not 6000 news outlets that are independently owned by 6000 different people. It's 6000 news outlets that are owned by three or four big corporations. And they all get their marching orders every morning. This is what you're going to say. This is how you're going to say it. There are people who went out and went through the trouble of recording a particular circumstance and then putting that recording together with, I don't know, 20 or 30 different newscasters. And it's scary to watch it because they're all in unison saying the same damn thing. And sadly, people hear that and they believe it. And then somebody like me comes along with a completely different 180 degrees from what they're saying. What do you know? You've never had any broadcasting experience. You don't do your, where'd you get your information? Oh, the Internet. Oh, yeah. Well, the Internet says this and the Internet says, Internet says all kinds of things. But if you know where to look, you can find the truth. If you know where to look, you can help break the veil that is causing people to be blinded to what is going on. But you have to have an open mind. You have to have an ability to think rationally. You have to be able to have some common sense. If you're not utilizing any of that, whatever these people tell you, you're going to believe. I saw an interview with, I wanted to jump right into my monitor and grab this woman. God, I felt so bad. This is a woman who was attempting to transition her four year old child, her boy, to a girl. And I guess the relationship between her and the father is not all that great because the video starts out with the father talking to a little boy. And then he says, I love you, son. And he says, I'm not a boy. Where are you? I'm a girl. Mom says, I'm a girl. Four years old, he's in court. He spent over a million and a half dollars paying lawyers to stop her at four years old, to stop her from trying to transition her son. And I got news for you. There are places, and I think it's California is one of them. There are places where if your child says, I want to be a girl and they're a boy, and you as a parent say no, they'll take your child from you and they'll transition your child for you against your will. Is this the kind of society you want? Because this is the kind of society that's being pushed right now. Even though the numbers behind this are very small, it's a very small fraction of our entire society is pushing this on everybody. We need help, and help has to come from above. You're listening to the red pill reality show with your host, Riskala. [00:35:17] Speaker C: Come with me if you want to live. [00:35:21] Speaker B: Stay here. [00:35:22] Speaker C: I'll be back. [00:35:33] Speaker A: Trim Radio Network do you need toner. [00:35:37] Speaker D: For your Epson, Hewlett, Packer, canon, brother, Apple or sharp printers? Look no further than laser technologies in business for over 20 years. They offer the lowest price prices on toner on the web. They can also repair your laser printers and toners fast and easy. Call their expert staff today at 561-792-9600 or email us at servicer dash for all your toner needs. All toner is shipped nationwide. Why wait? Get the lowest prices on toner. Call or email us today. [00:36:10] Speaker B: Are you a business owner? Did you know that the government is holding funds right now for your business? The program is called the Employee Retention act. It's done through the IR's and part of the CARES act and it's available to just about every business. This could mean literally hundreds of thousands of dollars into your business. This is not a loan. It's 100% legal and paid directly to you. Go to that's to watch a brief video and find out how you can qualify. dot go there now. [00:37:03] Speaker E: This puppet show it stays on because of you fools we've been dancing with the death for way too long I know it's fun but get ready to pay your dues o God come back home this crazy world is filled with lights and abusers need you now before we're too far gone I hope one day they finally see the truth God we need you now, we need you now, we need you now one day, one day, one day I hope you see the truth this puppet show it stays on because of you fools we been dancing with the devil way too long I know it's fun but get ready to pay your dues o goddesse come back home this crazy world is fear when I say the abuse need you now before we too far gone I hope one day they finally see the truth. [00:39:42] Speaker A: This station is now the ultimate power in the universe. [00:39:45] Speaker C: We have ignition strap in 5543-3211. [00:39:58] Speaker B: And we're back. Hope you didn't go too far because we have more interesting and thought provoking information for you. [00:40:06] Speaker F: Coming up on the red pill reality show. [00:40:29] Speaker B: Come on. Well, technical difficulties. Where are you? Goodness gracious. Well here we go. There we go. Cameras working. Oh my gosh. Technology. Wow. All right, so I had to, while we were taking a break there, I unplugged my USB. Not recognized. I asked one of the worst that you can run into. I don't know if you guys have ever run into that. Wherever you have a USB device, whether it's a printer or a microphone or a camera, whatever that might be and everything's working fine and all of a sudden out of nowhere it just decides well this USB device is no longer recognized and it's a real monster. If you're trying to plug it back into the same USB port, it doesn't like it. Now you got to go to another USB port. So while we were on the break, I was fiddling around. I got it to work. There's no telling. I maybe it may give me a, you know, it may knock me off and some USB not recognized again. Silly thing. All right, so I have one of the people that I follow. Well before I go to that, I want to talk about this for a minute. I caught a lot of grief a couple years ago. I have friends of mine, personal friends of mine, it started with a post on Facebook and they, and they for a while there, there were people putting a picture up with, I got the, I got the you know, I got the you know what. And this personal friend of mine went out, got the you know what and posted about it, posted their picture, and a little band aid that goes over the spot. And then people were commenting down below, you're very brave and very good of you, because all I did is ask a question. As God is my witness, all I did is ask a simple question. And the question was, why would you need the you know what for a virus that has a 99 plus percentage rate of people recovering from it without medical intervention? The general populace. There are people within certain areas that. That's not true. But generally speaking, for the general populace, this thing that they, you know, the big c word that was going around, and they were saying, all these people are dying to, 99 plus percent would be able to get through it without any problem. I had it twice. The first time, it only lasted three days. The second time was five days. As soon as I feel the tickle in my throat, I go to war. I am at 100% war. I am not devoting myself to anything else but getting through that garbage. So understand that all of the stuff that these people were pushing on you. Hey, Michael. [00:43:55] Speaker A: Hello, my friend. [00:43:57] Speaker B: All of the stuff that these people were pushing on you, and in some cases, they were demanding that if you don't get the you know what, then you don't have a job. And in many cases, that job was military. Now, since then, a lot of them have been, I can't think of the right word. Reinstated, I guess, is the right word. But what I'm telling you is, thanks to Michael, another, another great article I read earlier today, and hopefully, hopefully it just person, I'd love to use some colorful language to describe it. This person is going to see justice. Hopefully. I'm praying that God, please bring this man to justice. Mass murderer. Mass mass murderer. And let me. Michael, did you read the article? I'm sure you did. [00:44:55] Speaker A: It was incredible. And, you know, the fact is, is that not only did he use his personal email, which he told Congress he did not use, there were exchanges and they said, oh, it's, this was not a professional thing. So he lied about that. They were doing these tests on dogs, beagles, I believe. And the worst thing about it was heartbreaking. [00:45:19] Speaker B: This is how these people are. [00:45:22] Speaker A: He's a lunatic dude, okay? He's a savage lunatic. He's a liardhead. He is, you know, do you know. [00:45:30] Speaker B: What they did to those dogs? [00:45:33] Speaker A: Uh, um, some of them, I believe. Were you, uh, euthanized? [00:45:37] Speaker B: Eventually they're euthanized, but they took their vocal cords out so they wouldn't hear them. [00:45:45] Speaker A: I, I mean it to the point that this man has no conscience whatsoever. And, um, he's accused, just remember right now, he's accused Covid cover up. Doctor Anthony Fosse, accused of lying to congress about personal emails. The report, the story by front page detective staff 12 hours ago. And of course, this is on Microsoft. Microsoft start. And this was during his testimony during a house hearing. Mega athlete, front page detectives. And he did use his email and he was grilled. And I agree with rand paul. We have just got to, you know, he, you know, doctor fosse mocked former president Donald Trump. And the thing was, is that this, this man, and you know, of course risk is trying to be nice little turd ball is what I call them. Because when you're doing this to animals, when you're doing this and you're doing it to people, you, this thing I said a long time ago started at that lab. I knew it started at that lab. I said it started at that lab. You know, this thing had bio weapon written all over it. [00:47:10] Speaker B: Another conclusion, right? And what I've read and what I have seen, they have made that conclusion, that it was indeed a biological weapon that was unleashed upon the whole world for that matter, but upon us. [00:47:24] Speaker A: And it says right here, and Anthony Bellotti, former founder and president of the watchdog group, stated, we followed the money and exposed how Fosse lied, lied under oath about not funding gain of function. He lied about that, ladies and gentlemen. This guy lied about the mass, this guy lied about the distances, this guy lied about gain of function. This guy lied about the COVID origins, this guy has lied about not using his emails, this guy has mistreated animals, cruel and unusual treatment of animals. And, and I can just tell you. [00:48:02] Speaker B: He was heavily involved in the AIDS and HIV thing. [00:48:06] Speaker A: Yeah. Requests about the Beagle gate, the Beagle puppy controversy, and secretly communicate with the Washington Post reporter who then published NIH disinformation to protect him and discredit us. So I'm going to tell you, he got other people to lie, okay? We lost 7 million people in this world, okay, over lie after lie after lie after lie after deception and mistreatment of animals. And I'm going to tell you something. He should be held accountable. He should be prosecuted. And I'm glad to see that Rand Paul, I'm glad to see that Congress now has him in their sights. To hold him accountable. Okay. [00:48:58] Speaker B: My only problem, Michael, is that up until this point, we have seen horrendous crimes performed before our eyes. Horrendous crimes. Nobody's gotten a hand slapped, nobody's gotten a letter reprimand, nobody got fired. Okay? I'm going all the way back to the Afghanistan didn't debacle. We lost 13 of our citizens. Somebody messed up big time. Big time. And nobody even got a slap on the hand for that. And then we go from that into what's happening with Trump. Nobody to this day, that I am aware of has gotten in any other than cheatly. She was literally forced out. But other than her, nobody has gotten. And if they would have had their way, she would have stuck. She wanted to. She told them straight up, I'm not going, I'm staying. But enough pressure was created for her to step down. She's the only one. [00:49:51] Speaker A: And the funny thing is, the watchdog, watchdog group revealed a Fosse approved NIAID grant to Stunzian lab for researching zoonic visceral list meth is using Beagle puppies. Photos showing puppies in small cages, allegedly drugged and exposed to sand flies sparked widespread public dissent in a bipartisan letter from the 24 members of Congress expressing its concern over taxpayer funded experiments on dogs. Now, this is the other thing. If that is exactly what was happening then, in 2021, Congress should be held accountable too, because they knew, if they knew he was doing experiments like this. And I don't know how deep the lie goes, but I can just tell you that at this point, you know. And in his memoir, on call, a doctor's journey in public service, Fosse dismissed the Beagle research allegation as lies and lunacy from the far right. And I'm going to tell you something. He took a political stand, but he's caught now because according to them, according to this article, it's in his emails. So he lied about that. And here's the lie here and everything else. Fosse admitted signing off on the Beagle experiments, stating they were approved through strict regulatory process torture. I don't understand how you can do that if you're letting them get attacked by sand flies and everything else, and your separate project on Lasius Manassas vaccine, which poses a threat to the us military personnel and dogs in endemic areas. Let me tell you, what else are these guys playing with? What other fire, you know, fire are these guys playing with? So I'm hoping, and they've got them here. Doctor David Morins, Fosse senior former senior advisor used a private email account to avoid, to elude, avoid, evade the Public Information act, okay? Requests including correspondence with Doctor Peter Daszak of EcoHealth alliance, which received NIH funding for gain of function experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Okay? The white coat. The white coat waste project continues to allege that Fosse lied about the Wuhan funding under orth, calling for Congress to hold him accountable for his actions. And if you remember, he's like, oh, we got nothing to do with anything over there. Remember that? Yeah, I remember that one too. [00:52:39] Speaker B: So Rand was raking him over the coals. Oh. Trying to skirt around the NIH terminology of gain of function. [00:52:50] Speaker A: And if these guys, what these guys reported, and again, I told you where the article came from and everything, but what these guys reported, and this comes out to be true, and he has those emails, he needs to be held accountable. He needs to go to jail. Okay? He needs to go to jail. My point is, you're ready to put our ex president in jail for stormy daniels, okay? And because he talked crude about grabber by whatever, okay? When I've seen plenty articles, women talk dirtier than that. But if you remember, when Bill Clinton was in office, what was going on there in the middle of the oval office, okay, was a president. [00:53:40] Speaker B: I did not, I did not have sex with that woman. [00:53:43] Speaker A: Yeah, I know that. I did not have sexual relations with that girl. I remember. Um, you're ready to put him in jail, and they have to make it up. [00:53:53] Speaker B: By the way, some of the charges were literally made up. Literally. Nobody'd ever been charged with it, with some of the stuff he was charged with ever before. [00:54:01] Speaker A: Well, my point is, is that for this guy doing this stuff to not only animals, but to people, you know, what, was this a test? Was this a test of how this could be? Was it to reduce population? Was it you, it opens the door to so many questions of whether they were, you know, they, how this thing got out, how they release this. You know, Wuhan, at that time, that area over there, Chinese had a problem with their own citizens, with these riots, with these, with these uproars, with, with wanting to be free, with wanting to do this stuff. This got out. Where'd it go? Where'd all the people go? Okay, what happened? I'll tell you where it went. They're dead. And whether it just escaped from there and they didn't think it would or could keep control of it, and they misjudged it. It doesn't matter. 7 million people died it doesn't matter. And when we look at something like that and I look at Trump and I say to myself, this guy gets raked over to calls, I look at Burisma, I look at how Biden's dealt with their criminal backgrounds, with everything in my eyes going on with Hunter Biden and everything, and then I look at Trump and I say to myself, this guy got raked over the coals. Is getting raked over the coals because he can't keep his mouth shut. True. But at the same time, this guy, this fosse guy, nothing, they need to hold him accountable. You want to talk about being fair? [00:55:39] Speaker B: You want. [00:55:40] Speaker A: And that's, that's the problem. This is the same reason why they want to change the supreme Court is the exact same reason. Here's what it is. It's not aligning with their agenda. So Schumer wants to change it because he doesn't like how it aligns and with his agenda. And it's just that simple. Well, if we don't like it, we're going to change it. So it's basically the Democrats, you know, are, hey, we are going to, if we don't like it, we want to change it. We're going to do whatever we can to get an advantage, and it's going to be our way. No way. And that's it. That's just the way I feel about it. [00:56:18] Speaker B: This is something that I found kind of related to what we're talking about, that they're finding graphite. Graphene in anesthetics. In dental anesthetics. So, you know, so those of us who know that there's graphene in the jab. Jab. Know to stay away from the jab. But what a lot of people don't realize is that they're putting it in everything. Everything. [00:56:43] Speaker A: Scroll on down. [00:56:45] Speaker B: Huh? [00:56:46] Speaker A: Let me read a little bit more. Scroll on down. [00:56:50] Speaker B: It's literally in everything. I mean, let me get. So all the way to now we're dealing with, if you have to go to the dentist and, you know, they want to work on your teeth and you want little shots, this stuff is in the shot now. They're looking at every avenue possible to get it into people as, as much as they can in order to kill off as many as possible before the great reset or whatever they want to call this thing, where everything is going to change. There's literally going to be a reset of life. There's going to be a completely, if they get their way, there's going to be a completely different way of life. And we won't be able to hide to defend ourselves. We won't be able to hide from the poison that they have now. I just read an article yesterday that they're putting vaccines. Oh, I said the bad word. We're probably putting them in food now. And God knows what they're spraying on us. Every day. Every freaking day. I go up and I look out in the sky and they have just. They're spraying away. Who knows what you're spraying? I know what three of the main ingredients are, but that's just three. Who knows what else that they're spraying? [00:58:04] Speaker A: Listen, I'm going to tell you, and this is the thing that I've said. I said to you before, Roskella, is we're going to have another pandemic, folks. This one's going to be with the water. And I said this before. Roskella knows that I did. I'm telling you what's the most effective way to get into people is your food and your water. And the water systems are the easiest. But, you know, I worked in the dental field. I've been working in the dental field for. I'm not anymore. I'm retired due to health concerns. But, you know, marcaine, novocaine, lidocaine, all the different. And, you know, I knew most of those. Seeing what they're putting in these medicines today is scary, absolutely frightening. So I don't know what's in those. I don't know what they're putting in these. And I'm glad that I'm, you know, I'm very excited that I'm checking it out. [00:59:00] Speaker B: People are waking up to this insanity and checking it out. There is no reason to put graphene, absolutely no reason whatsoever, to put graphene in an injectable item that's going to somebody's body. It has been proven that graphene is a poison. It straight up is a poisonous. There's no other way to describe it. It's a neurotoxin. It can break the brain, blood, brain barrier. So we can get up into your brain. God knows what it would do to your brain. Once it gets up in your brain. There's no justifiable reason for what they're doing until you understand. What they're doing is they're trying very slowly, gradually, bit by bit, reduce the population of the planet. They want to get us to 500 million million. They feel that 500 million people on the planet, they can control that number. If all 500 million rise up, we won't be able to defend ourselves because of all the equipment that they have against us. But if all of us were to rise up now, they can't defend themselves. That's the thing. This is what's got them so scared. As time goes on, more and more people are coming to the realization that we're being lied to. I mentioned earlier in the monologue how we have absolute proof now that the government has lied to the people, the people who pay the taxes that I mentioned earlier that pay these people to do their job. So essentially, we are the employer of these people. They will not tell us the truth. So I got about an eleven minute clip I want to play for you, and I want you to listen to this. This guy brings up absolute perfect evidence. This is not conspiracy theory. This is evidence that we are being, and if they're lying to us about this, what else have they lied to us about? I have said from the very beginning that this whole thing was set up. He wasn't supposed to live, he wasn't supposed to make it through it. He was supposed to die. And then we were supposed to have, my God, we were supposed to have all kinds of chaos from all of this. Let me see if I can get this to play. [01:01:05] Speaker A: And you did say that. I remember that many times. [01:01:07] Speaker F: You got a lot to cover today. Look, you know, the reason there's all conspiracy theories is because there are a layers upon layers upon layers of government conspiracies, period. There is, that absolutely does happen. Sometimes we see some obvious, you know, proof of that. Sometimes our intuition just tells us the people that were watching on the screen are lying to us. You know, they are not describing events as they actually unfolded. And it's our job, us citizens, we the people, to hold them accountable and to make sure that we can do everything that we can to make them stop lying to us, because they do. And there is an agenda, without a doubt, with every single event that takes place in this country, in the world, for that matter, our government and the political party that is most tightly aligned with them at the moment, the Democrat party, they are all really good at capitalizing on those events and reformulating the optics to point and push toward a certain narrative which ultimately leads to a certain agenda. And we need to be very aware of what is going on with that. So today I'm going to show you undeniable proof. There is 100% the government is lying to you. And there is a conspiracy around the events that took place, you know, during the Trump assassination attempt. So just within a couple of hours after the assassination attempt took place, we oughta we immediately heard that the shooter, Thomas Crooks, was a registered Republican. And that was all over the news. You know, we heard all over Twitter and everywhere else that there was another crazy MAGA Republican that just so happened to be so crazy that he tried to kill Donald Trump. The only time he's actually donated money, which tells me more about your political affiliation than any sort of voter registration. When he was 17 years old, he donated $15 to ActBlue. This is a left wing pack. Matter of fact, when we go to the official act blue page, look what we get. Donate to elect Kamala Harris and support Democrats nationwide. And we go to another one of their pages. We have 14 billion raised for 100% left wing Democrat socialist causes since $2004. 15 of that, at minimum, by the way, came from Thomas Crooks. And then all we have to do is go to the headlines of NPR, which is, you know, a Democrat. I mean, state ran media source where we have social media account with extremist comments could be tied to Trump gunman, FBI says, testifies in front of Congress. Well, let's hear what the deputy director of the FBI, Paula Bait, had to say. Sworn under oath, testifying to Congress. [01:03:42] Speaker B: Something just very recently uncovered that I want to share is a social media account which is believed to be associated with the shooter. In about the 2019 to 2020 timeframe, there were over 700 comments posted from this account. Some of these comments, if ultimately attributable to the shooter, appear to reflect anti semitic and anti immigration themes to espouse political violence and are described as extreme in nature. While the investigative team is still working to verify this account to determine if it did in fact belong to the shooter, we believe it important to share and noted today, particularly given the general absence of other information to date from social media and other sources of information that reflect on the shooter's potential motive and mindset. These are the facts, in part, that the investigation has revealed to date. While the shooter is dead, our work is very much ongoing and urgent. [01:04:42] Speaker F: So there you go. That is the FBI deputy director's sworn testimony. The man that has more evidence on all of this, he didn't share it with you. Keep that in mind. But that is a sworn testimony to Congress that so far the information that they've received on his social media accounts suggest that he is a right wing extremist, that he has anti immigration and anti semitic tendencies and beliefs. That is what he's telling you to your face, the american people. He doesn't show the evidence. And not only do we have a right wing extremist. We know that he used the dreaded AR 15. Instead of taking the FBI's deputy director's sworn testimony at face value, let's look at the actual evidence that was provided to the FBI and see if we can assess for ourselves if we would come to a similar conclusion as the FBI director. If there's any possibility, if there's any ambiguity of whether or not this guy was a left wing, a right wing whatever. Luckily, Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab, made this evidence that they shared with the FBI public. Let's take a look at what that actually says. So in this very first post, he's providing statistical proof that, you know, basically Biden won. And the second post is talking about immigration. He's basically saying, hey, with this executive order, they are no longer illegal immigrants. They're now legal immigrants because of an executive order. That is not how executive orders work. That's not how the us law works. But no, I digress. In the third post, he's arguing for COVID lockdowns. He's basically saying, hey, the COVID lockdown saved your life. On this other post, on the same day in 2021, he's basically saying, hey, the actions that Biden are taken would in no way decrease the effectiveness of border patrol, and it will not make the borders any less safe. Well, that was in 2021. I think we know what the ultimate outcome of that was. And you can read the final post. It gives us any information. But basically saying that Trump has never done anything or the GOP has never done anything that the left wanted to begin with, I don't know that that's true. The GOP has, is always helping the left. But that's another topic for another time. And of course, after watching the FBI deputy director's sworn testimony, Andrew Torba had to set the record straight. So it's breaking. The FBI is now claiming that Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks had an unspecified social media account in 2019 2020 when he was 1415 years old that posted anti immigrant and anti semitic content. This is not consistent with GAb's understanding of the shooter's motives. Based on the emergency disclosure request we received from the FBI last week for the Gab account, epic microwave, which, based on the content of the EDR, the FBI appeared to think belonged to Thomas Crooks, many, particularly regime media reporters, have doubted Gab's claims that the request existed. Normally, we don't confirm the existence or content of law enforcement communications. In this instance, we had to make the exception due to the overwhelming public interest in disclosure and transparency as a courtesy to law enforcement. We're not going to post the entire request. This is the first page of that request. The story is this. The account which data was requested was unequivocally pro Biden and in particular pro Biden's immigration policy. To the best of Gab's knowledge, as of 2021, Crooks was a pro lockdown, pro immigrant, left wing Joe Biden supporter. And a follow up post, Andrew Torber, the CEO of Gab, which, by the way, if you're on x, formally known as twitter, I highly suggest you go follow him. But he stated you watched a regime hoax be dismantled in real time. Their plan was to paint Crooks as a far right extremist and scapegoat gab in the process. Thanks to our quick action and your help getting the word out, we stopped that from happening. All glory to God. So this is what we're dealing with. We have a government official, the government official that's investigating this, that is lying, lying to you. He was hoping that this evidence wouldn't come out. He was hoping that the CEO of Gab wouldn't expose him for the absolute liar that he is. He should be in jail right now for lying to you, the american people. But of course, he's not. Let's take a step back and analyze what's going on. We have a Democrat party and the us government aligning to do everything that they can to take your firearms away from you, to take your second amendment rights away from you, to take away any sort of fighting rifle like the AR 15 or other assault rifles, because they don't want you to be armed. An armed populace has, our founders understood, is the last thing that any government that is planning to force its people to do things that they don't want to do, that's the last thing they want. And that's why they don't want you to have an AR 15. If we have an armed government ruling over unarmed citizens, we don't have a government of foreign by the people. We have a government that is set up to dominate the people. That's not how this works. The only thing that keeps the government in check, the only thing that's going to keep the government equal to the american people, which is exactly how our founders set up the United States to work, is making sure that every single person, as many people as want to, are actually armed so that they can fend off a tyrannical government. That's exactly what the second amendment was for. That's why it was established. There is no clause that says, hey, you know, the government should be able to have access to these types of weapons and the us population should access to, you know, flintlock muskets. Let's just quit playing that game altogether. The entire point of the second amendment is to ensure that we, the american people, can keep the government in check. And they do not like that. They do not like the second amendment. The Democratic Party doesn't like the second amendment because the only way that they can force socialism and communism upon you is through force. That's it. And they don't want force met with force. It's as simple as that. That's the, that's the game that they're playing. They can pretend all these other things they're going to decry, you know, security, safety, folks. Safety at the expense of liberty is slavery. You better remember that. And again, what we see, we know for a fact now that the us government is lying to you. There is a conspiracy, and the conspiracy is to take every single one of these events and turn it into an opportunity for them to grab more power to take your guns. We saw that after Las Vegas. Even Trump was unfortunately tricked into that. He did the bump stock ban, which has now been ruled unconstitutional. But the point is, that is their intent, and we need to see it. We need to see it for the long game that it is, because that is how the left is winning. And the government, who is a lot completely aligned with the left right now, they're winning through incrementalism. One little step, a little bit of erosion at a time, and then the next thing you know, they're in control of everything. You're wearing masks, you're taking whatever medicines they tell you to take, that you don't have a job, you owe nothing, and you will be happy or we will imprison or kill you. That's the, that's the point. Point. So you want to talk about government conspiracies, folks, it's unfolding right in front of you. Open your eyes and see it for what it is. If you like content like this, make sure you, like, subscribe, throw a comment down below, make sure you go. [01:11:17] Speaker B: All right. I like him. He, he's concise, he makes it pretty straightforward. And my camera quit. [01:11:27] Speaker A: Oh, you know, the thing is, is that you hear them all the time telling everybody that Trump is going to take away your democracy. There's no democracy to begin with, folks. This is a constitutional republic. Not all the government is in on this. Okay? You know, like, and this guy knows that they're not all in on this right now. We have a crazy regime up there. And you want to talk about taking away your rights? Well, what about your second amendment rights? We've already had, where AOC on the left said, you can't criticize Congress. You can't make comments and do that stuff. Do you remember that? But it's clearly defined that we are supposed to ask questions. We are supposed to say, listen, what are you doing? We are supposed to be able to question our representatives and the people that are representing the entire country. They want to change that. Who's taking whose rights away? Which side is taking rights away? And I'm going to tell you, for me, it's the left. The left is doing this. They're being very sly about it. They're playing every game. The problem is people have to wake up and see it for what it is. And Donald Trump doesn't want your guns. He wants you to get guns. He wants you to own guns, okay? He's not trying to take it away. And then they jumped on him for this, for, you know, after four more years, you won't have to worry about it because he knows four more years from now, he's out of office, okay? He knows his term. He knows. [01:13:05] Speaker B: That was something that he said that troubled me, that we don't have to worry about this anymore after four more years or something. [01:13:12] Speaker A: But that's not what he meant. [01:13:13] Speaker B: And what he meant was after four years, we'll have all of this straightened out. You don't have to worry about. [01:13:19] Speaker A: I believe so. I believe that that's part of it. I mean, if we're going to assume and we're going to do these things and, you know, after four more years, like, he's not going to stay in office, folks. He's 78. How can you question the man about his age and then all of a sudden you're like, see, he wants to be a dictator and stay in office forever. He's 78 years old. If Biden is already out and he's 82, which we knew he was incompetent for the last three, four years, then I got, yeah, and what do they do? Here's the game, okay? We knew for a long time this guy shouldn't have been in office. He was, he was, he fell over on a bike, he tripped upstairs, he walked off. He mumbled stuff. And they're like, well, you know, he's got a stutter. [01:14:06] Speaker B: Okay? [01:14:06] Speaker A: I know people that have stutters, and I'm going to tell you, I'm not a stutter. Mine is not there. They that. Okay. And all of a sudden. So he can't do that. But he could stay in office. So we're not going to use the 25th amendment, which I think the Republicans are smart. There's no point in getting them out. You know, we've got a couple months and he'll be done. So, you know, don't, don't focus on that. Let's focus on winning the election. You've got Kamala Harris that is decided. She's going to be the one. And now she's going to get in there because she thinks she has the majority of votes, which they said she does. So she probably will. No experience. And when she talks about it, they talk about the border. We've seen the border. We've been to the border. We know about the border. But you haven't been to the border. Well, I haven't been to Europe either. So now that has no experience that's going to be dealing with these people like Putin and everything else. I'm going to tell you something. That's not the person I want in office or Iran with everything going on right now. That's not who I want in office. The whole reason that Iran got to the state, to the play that they're at right now, was because we sent them a boatload of cash all the way back when Obama was in office in the middle of the night when the american people didn't know it. And they're, we're not gonna, we're not gonna build anything nuclear. And then we find out they've got this elaborate, elaborate facility, which now we have to check on. So these countries that never had nuclear capabilities, North Korea, Iran, and everyone else, now they've got these elaborate facilities to try to enrich uranium. It's going to be a problem. And you can see this coming. And with everything going on, we've got our own college kids that. I'm sorry, guys, but you know what? This is exactly why. When they wanted to get 16 year olds to vote, remember when the left wanted to do that, too? And they were talking about, hey, let's get young kids to vote. You could vote, but you can't have a gun. We don't want you to have guns. [01:16:19] Speaker B: But if we're going to send you to war, you can be 18 and have automatic weapons. [01:16:23] Speaker A: We trust your mental capacity to vote. Although you don't know what you are, you have no idea what you are from day to day. The craziness that's going on, the radical vandalism and just demolition of places because they can't behave themselves on college campuses. They have no history, no history at all regarding Israel and Palestine. And I'm not talking the palestinian peoples. I am not talking about the good people of Palestine. I am talking about pLo. Okay? Hamas, the Houthis. Okay? And now we got Hezbollah. We've got a four different groups that have constantly been on the offensive when it comes to Israel. Now we got Iran. Okay, so there's five, then. Yep. All the other. Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan and all the other groups when. When they were displaced, and they're there, jor. Hey. Egypt built a wall and said, we're not taking in refugees. Jordan, everyone else, they don't want to take him in. And you know why? Because the PLO at that time created a state within a state, and they. They took over. They assassinated the jordanian king at one point back then, and they were taking over, and they became radical terrorist groups. So this is exactly what they've been having to fight by themselves. And if you remember, and you go back, it was 6747, seven day war. They had to go and defend themselves against seven different countries, seven different groups. You know what I'm saying? And I tell you what, this. This is just. These kids don't know this. They don't know their education because the history is not taught in school. [01:18:19] Speaker B: It's by design. They don't want anymore. They just. I think you're bringing it back, but I think that they stop teaching how to read an analog clock. They want to stop teaching cursive writing. It's funny how the very documents that bring us the freedoms that we enjoy are all incursive, and they want to stop teaching cursive writing so that maybe sometime in the future, we have. Generations no longer can read cursive writing, so they can't read the Declaration of Independence, they won't be able to read the constitution. They won't be able to read the Bill of Rights because they're all incursive. [01:19:01] Speaker A: And what do you do? It's dumbing down of education. And I said this before I knew this was coming. When they came out with that common core math, to came to the same. We were taught in math. You had to have two pieces of paper front and back, okay? You might as well wipe out a whole forest in order to do this, to come to the same conclusion. Listen, man, we were using fingers, toes, whatever. You know what I'm saying? [01:19:28] Speaker B: You're teaching five steps for what you and I were doing. [01:19:32] Speaker A: Two, it's ridiculous. [01:19:34] Speaker B: It was perfect. You know, math was one of my stronger subjects because I had, you had to know some degree of math. If you're going to work around electricity, you know, whether 10 volts is going to hurt you or 100 volts is going to hurt you, which one's going to do it? Know, you have to have some math behind you to understand that stuff. And when one of my kids came home with this garbage, I called the school and said, this is ridiculous. There's no reason for this. This is purposely confusing children. And they. And they claimed that this was helping them understand the whole philosophy of math because they did it in. They did it in steps. I can't think of the right word. But it was nothing like what I learned. Nothing like what I learned. And it was a heck of a. [01:20:20] Speaker A: Lot longer, but this is the whole thing. My girlfriend's son had to go through a pronoun class. And I thought to myself, this completely goes against my spiritual beliefs, okay? And they're like, well, whatever your religion is, it's not a religion. I have a spirit, spiritual belief of God and Christ, okay? And the bottom line is that now he's got to walk on eggshells to appease them. Here's the bottom line. I don't care how you live. That's not between me and you. That's between you and God. But why am I forced to do something that you like and you are not forced to reciprocate the same respect to me? [01:21:08] Speaker B: What is a pronoun class? [01:21:11] Speaker A: It's a bad sentence class. [01:21:14] Speaker B: You're telling me that if. That they're sending children, the children in school are having to learn about the day them thing? Is that what the pronoun is? I'm a they. I'm a them for the people, whatever. [01:21:32] Speaker A: And to me, I think that it is, you know, and I had the discussion with the teachers, and I said, listen, we're sending them to public school. We want them to get an education. I want them to learn about history. I want them to learn about the constitution. I want them to learn about the wars. I want them to learn about, you know, how the world has evolved. This has no involvement at all. There's no value in this. There's no value in this to his education, okay? And then the only thing it will do will cause confusion and make him think, okay, where do I fit in here with this? Because, you know, that's all this is meant to do. So you want to talk about your freedoms being taken away. The word democracy is a play on words. [01:22:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:22:22] Speaker A: And this is a constitutional republic. I. This is not how we grew up. This is not how we grew up. [01:22:35] Speaker B: We use a democratic form of elections to elect our representatives. That's it. That's as close as you get. The rest of it is supposed to be a constitutional republic. And the most important thing about a constitutional republic is the individual retains their right regardless of what majority. Because in a democracy of 51% say, you got to take the jab, guess what? You're going to have to take the jab. But if you're in a constitutional republic and 75% say you got to take the jab, you can thumb your nose and tell them to go pound sand. No, thank you. [01:23:15] Speaker A: And we had that. And we had that to some extent, and that was good. But look, and here are some other problems. And I said this before, and I can't stay on long because I got storms rolling through here from that tropical storm. But here's the thing. Gavin Newsom now has said, okay, we have to get all the homeless people off the streets, all these immigrants that they brought over there, all these other homeless people that are out there, and we got to find this humane way to do it. State government agencies and everything else. Here's the thing. I said. You moved them from one side of a fence. That wall that Trump built, you didn't like it, so you open the doors, you brought them in here, and now you have them here. And at one point, you wanted them to try to vote so that you could win the populous vote again. That way, see, if you can't buy the votes from paying off college and you can't win the votes from letting in people to the country that aren't citizens and giving them cash and everything. Now they're a nuisance. Now they're on your streets. And now Newsom is like, okay, well, we got a problem. We got to handle this and get them off, you know, the streets and everything like that. Boy, you. What was the move? It was. It was just a geographical move, folks. That's all it was. It didn't enhance their freedom. It didn't do anything. It gave a bunch of money that they didn't have that coming out of our pockets. So it's no, no loss to them in power. It is to us, because we're all, man, we're scratching the wallets just trying to make it by. But these people put us in that situation to do this. [01:24:51] Speaker B: Okay, Kamala, they knew damn what they were doing when they did this. They knew very well what they're doing. [01:24:57] Speaker A: Kamala Harris was bragging about, oh, these new buses, and they're going to have usb ports and everything on the bus at every seat. Just think, on your way home, you could charge your phone. How cool is that? And I'm thinking, lady, you're so far out of touch and you have no clue as to reality. People won't have phones. You took away the ACP to help people pay for Internet. You talked about having this big thing to get Internet all over, and now you took it away because it went bankrupt. Okay, so now people have spectrums flying. They're going crazy right now because they've lost so many viewerships because people can't get Internet that she has no clue, dude. And this is how she's going to run this country. She is not qualified to run our country. [01:25:55] Speaker B: Not that it makes any difference because Obama got in anyway, but she's not legally qualified. She wasn't born in this country. And they know that. [01:26:03] Speaker A: It won't matter. I mean, you look at this, and it's not that I'm accepting anything, but look at where Omar was. Somalia. Right? Look at where half these, look at Tlaib or look at all these other people. [01:26:16] Speaker B: They can hold that. [01:26:18] Speaker A: Come in. [01:26:22] Speaker B: My point, they can hold that position legally. It's that they can't be a vice president or a president. That's where the line gets drawn. And Obama was born in Kenya. He admits he was born in Kenya, but the media will blast you until hell freezes over that he was born in Hawaii. It's just they know that they're lying. The evidence is there, but nobody wants to stand up to him. I don't know whether you heard this or not. And I saw this. This is for real. There is an application for these people coming into this country that have cell phones, where to get cell phones, but that's a whole other story. There's an application for cell phones, Android and iPhones, that you download this application and it basically guides you through how to get through the border. [01:27:12] Speaker A: It's, the whole thing is a problem. The whole thing is find out who. [01:27:19] Speaker B: Wrote the application, who paid for it, because I'd like to see them go to prison. [01:27:23] Speaker A: Well, Russ, I hate to get off here on you, but my friend, I said I could only do about an hour tonight. Some storms coming in from this, this tropical depression that's coming through here, and it's been causing lightning storms and thunderstorms all day. So I don't want to keep my stuff up. I work too hard building it. But I just think that if any time somebody is very accusatory or very. They're sitting here and taking shots at one thing, take another look at them, because those are usually the people that you want to avoid to begin with, and that's them, you know, the left. I mean, this is how they try to get into office. And when they get into office, all the cronies get into office and then the problems start and boy, do they get in there and they get in and their roots sink deep and all of a sudden we have issues. But she is not qualified to be our president. And I'm going to tell you, I still believe in my heart what they're going to try to do is put, my thought is try to put Michelle. [01:28:35] Speaker B: Obama on there and that's a bullet with Kamala. I don't think they're going to. Maybe Michelle as a vice president, maybe. [01:28:43] Speaker A: That's what I said. [01:28:44] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [01:28:45] Speaker A: For the vice president. [01:28:46] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:28:47] Speaker A: But, uh, you know, and, and why? Because who do we have whispering in both their ears then? Okay. Believe me, she's no different than mine. She's going to be a puppet. Okay, things, no doubt, but we can't. [01:29:05] Speaker B: See the effort that they're going through scrubbing all kinds of stuff off the Internet being, first of all, she's not the border czar. Laskala. She's not the border czar. And then I can find, I don't know, maybe 20 different videos of news stations saying newly appointed borders are by Joe Biden. [01:29:24] Speaker A: They gave her the name. They get. They gave her the name. I saw the same articles and everything else, and then her biggest accomplishments down there was, hey, just don't come. Don't come. Okay? That's it. That's what you're going to get for your president. Hey, you know, just don't do it. Okay? And we're going to be dealing with, with politicians like Putin or politicians like the guy over in Iran. We're going to be dealing with, you know, oh, my God, could you see. [01:29:55] Speaker B: Her trying to communicate with the king of Jordan or maybe Saudi Arabian? [01:30:02] Speaker A: No, no. [01:30:04] Speaker B: I don't even think that letter on, to tell you the truth, the policy is, I don't think there's places where women are allowed where those guys are. So I don't know. [01:30:14] Speaker A: No. And it's scary and it's, and it's, you know, she's frightening because she just. The lies and everything else. Yesterday, today, tomorrow. And her analogy there. And, you know. [01:30:30] Speaker B: The thing that she says about the, something about the unburdened is burdened is whatever I found out. That's a marxist. That's a marxist, uh, rant. Not a rant. Marxist. I can't think of the word, um, when somebody says something over and over and over again. What is that called? It's not a rant. [01:30:51] Speaker A: Stupidity. Listen, it doesn't. It doesn't even ring true. It doesn't, you know, it's not even good humor for Mad magazine. [01:31:11] Speaker B: Burden by the unburden. That was yesterday, which is today was yesterday, and tomorrow is going to be. [01:31:18] Speaker A: Will be today, tomorrow from yesterday, which was. And I'm thinking to myself, so the anteiver flew over the bird's nest to feed the dog, to take the burden off of the lion. Tomorrow the antelope will be okay. I mean, it's, you know, I just. This person is not qualified to run. There's no qualifications there whatsoever. And of course, I know people that are. That have told me before. Well, you know, she was an attorney general. Look at her track record there. It speaks volumes. Okay. How many people are incarcerated locked up there that are from the black community that, for dope or whatever else? And I'm going to tell you something now. Now look at America to where, hey, you can get Delta eight, Delta ten, or whatever else. You got to have a medical card or whatever else. It's legal now, you know, but this is, that's her record. You're. You're taking that record and you're going to stack it up. And I don't care what you think about Trump. Is he like a little kid? Yes, he is. Got a cringe when he. But the bottom line is, you know, he's had business after business after business. Have a couple of them gone bankrupt? Yes, they have. Is, you know, he a little bit of a, you know, philanderer. Yes. But the bottom line is, is that he's dealt with more people than what she has. He's more qualified. He was the president already. He already knows how to deal with those people overseas. They're afraid of him. They're afraid of him. They're not going to part of their group. [01:33:03] Speaker B: He's the proverbial, uh, achilles heel, you know? Yeah, he is the proverbial one. There's so many similarities between what I see with him and like, for Moses. Moses was abandoned as a child. Now, I don't see that, that between him and Trump, but as, as he was abandoned and then he was adopted into the hierarchy, right? He was adopted into royalty, and he grew up with royalty, and he became very dismayed with what he was seeing. And he went against the agenda of the day. Right, or pharaoh. And it turned him into a villain in their eyes. He was a villain. You know, I see so many and a similarity between how they went after Christ, all the stuff that Christ did to help people and they went after him and they were able to convince people to allow a murderer to go free, crucify the man that was healing people and bringing people back from the dead. That always blew my mind. Then I came to understand how powerful the media is. Well, they had media back then. They were called town criers, I think was the word. They had people who were going around spreading all kinds of rumors so that the people who are useful idiots believe that garbage and. Okay, well, let's let Barabbas out. Crucify Christ. Let Barabbas out. [01:34:23] Speaker A: You know, Scala is, even if you look back at it, then the sadies, the Pharisees and the different groups didn't. They were afraid because they were going to lose their power. They were going. [01:34:38] Speaker B: Exactly. [01:34:39] Speaker A: And they said, listen, cf and said himself, better for one man to die than for more, you know, than a whole lot. So that's, that's the biggest thing that they didn't want to lose their power. They were afraid. Well, if we lose our power here, the Romans are going to come in and they're going to take over or, you know, kick us out anyway. I mean, so they made him the victim and that's what they did. They made him the scapegoat. And that, that's why. No offense, but they missed the boat back then. [01:35:18] Speaker B: So wait to the. [01:35:20] Speaker A: Some second coming, but I got to get out of here. Riz. [01:35:23] Speaker B: All right, buddy. Thank you. Thanks for coming in. I appreciate it. [01:35:28] Speaker A: God bless. [01:35:29] Speaker B: Jaded Rouge was used as word that I was looking for. It was a chant. It's a, it's a communist chant. So I wanted to play. Let me play, let me play this real quick. I think this is what I wanted to play. I don't know. The point about progress is to have the ability to have a vision and a belief and some faith in what can be unburdened by what has been. That is a communist. Unburdened by what has been. Hey, feels, I don't know, like I've heard that before. I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been. You know, what can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. [01:36:28] Speaker F: All right, enough. [01:36:29] Speaker B: I've got five more minutes of that stuff. But we don't got time for that now. Everyone's talking about. [01:36:40] Speaker A: I'm sorry, right before I go, this is what I'm talking. Is this who you want to control? You know, the United States? To have any power in the United States, that right there and then be such an influence in the entire world, that's who you want to put up there? Kidding me, folks? [01:37:02] Speaker B: Help us. God help us. [01:37:05] Speaker A: She's the scariest thing ever. [01:37:08] Speaker B: Scary thought. [01:37:10] Speaker A: Good. Good night. [01:37:11] Speaker B: Good night, buddy. God bless you, man. All right, we're gonna take another break. And before I. Before I can find it, I had it. And now it has disappeared. Some of the stuff that goes on behind. Here we go. Maybe this is it. There we go. All right. We're going to take a quick break. Please don't go anywhere. I'll be back in a few minutes. I got some more stuff I want to share with you in the meantime. Here we go. Stay tuned, folks. We're hitting pause for a quick break. We're not going anywhere. We'll be back before you know it with more on the red pill reality show. Are you a business owner? Did you know that the government is holding funds right now for your business? The program is called the Employee Retention act. It's done through the IR's and part of the CARES act and it's available to just about every business. This could mean literally hundreds of thousands of dollars into your business. This is not a loan. It's 100% legal and paid directly to you. that's to watch a brief video and find out how you can qualify. go there now. [01:38:35] Speaker D: Do you need toner for your Epson, Hewlett, Packer, Canon, brother Apple or sharp printers? Look no further than laser technologies in business for overdevelop 20 years. They offer the lowest prices on toner on the web. They can also repair your laser printers and toners fast and easy. Call their expert staff today at 561-792-9600 or email us at servicer dash for all your toner needs. All toner is shipped nationwide. Why wait? Get the lowest prices on toner. Call or email us today. [01:39:21] Speaker E: Have you seen the sky lately? Those wicked white lines they're poison and they fall on you and I. [01:39:33] Speaker B: These. [01:39:34] Speaker E: Devious deeds will sadly proceed until we all demand and answer why they're murdering us from the sky. It's time to stop the madness and end this evil crime. Murdering us from the sky. If we don't, will die in the bright light of day they brazenly spray these chemtrails into the atmosphere that brain disease and distress, it's a toxic game of chess they play without a bit of guilt or fear they're murdering us from the sky. It's time to stop the badness, endless evil crime. Murdering us from the sky. Cause if we don't, we die. Sure there's lots of other things I'd rather think about or do, but it's hard to with what's going on above. If you be like me, that it's a human tragedy, let the ones in power know you've had enough of this. Murdering us from the sky. It's time to stop the madness and endless evil crime. Murdering from the sky. Because if we don't, we stop this moving, stop this morning, this crazy moon insanity and waste the day. Stop this mirror rain, this freezing mirror, stop this mirror, stop this crazy murderous stop. Just. [01:42:57] Speaker B: We interrupt our program to bring you this important message. [01:43:20] Speaker A: Radio trim radio network. [01:43:26] Speaker B: We're back. Hope you didn't go too far because we have more interesting and thoughtful, provoking information for you. Coming up on the red pill reality show. All right, well, I think I'm back. All right, there we go. I'm still trying to get used to this new platform. It was. It was a whole heck of a lot easier when just radio. And I looked down at and I see again there's like more people watching. It's a handful of people watching a video. There's a whole bunch of people listening radio. I get people telling, well, we just like to keep it in the background, you know, listen for the important stuff and that kind of thing. But we like to have it, like in the background kind of thing. So I guess that's why it has always kind of intrigued me. Anyway, I got a video. I want to play part of this video for you. This was my argument about he was set up, he wasn't supposed to survive. And I based that statement upon what you're about to see. If this guy could see this from a cell phone, how is it that the people who were supposedly, allegedly trained to see this, that they couldn't see that? I don't know. Let's see. Okay, so here's this video, and I think this video, I'm just guessing at this point, I may be putting my foot in my mouth. But there was a strange lady there. People thought she was part of the FBI assistant director or something. And what was strange about her is that while he's talking, she kept looking over in this direction. I don't know if you could see my mouse, but she kept looking to the left of Donald, and then looking at Donald and looking to the left. Like I said, it was kind of strange behavior, unusual behavior. So this video may be her video of what she was videoing. So let me play a couple of. Just a couple of seconds of this. You can see what I'm talking about. Okay. See the red circle? That's him right there. Now clearly you can see the guy gets up. He gets up. Now he's running in the back. How do you. I said it was a setup, and I really believe it's a setup, and it's eating away with. At me like 911 ate away at me because I got away with 911. I've said some things about 911. People have gotten really upset with me about. One of them was the Bush family was involved in 911. You take it for what it's worth, you can call me a liar, but if you will, take the time and go look and follow the money. The Bush family was involved, Cheney was involved. Some of the higher military generals were involved. Israel was involved, the UK was involved, and I believe Saudi Arabia was involved as well. They needed a war. They needed to stir up the population of the United States, because prior to that, you know, if you were an american. Okay, I'm an american. It's not a big deal. Right. How many people, remember, rearrange my bottom here. Those that can't see what I'm doing. I had to kind of reseat myself. I wonder how many people remember that on September 10, 2001, a secretary of state, Donald Rumsfeld, stood before the cameras and said, oh, by the way, you guys, we're missing $2.3 trillion. But don't worry. Don't worry. We really think that it's a computer glitch. Always blame it on the computer. It's a mistake within the computer system, and we're going to fix it. We'll find it. Don't worry about it. 911 the next day, one of the first places that they focused on, of course, they got the two buildings. Then they went to the Pentagon. And very fortunately for them, because they, we knew there were criminals. Very fortunately for them, the, quote, aircraft, which has been said by numerous professional pilots to have been impossible for the aircraft of that side to do what it did. We'll put all that aside for a minute. That the aircraft happened to hit the computers that had the information about the $2.3 trillion and killed the people that were involved in auditing those records. Huh? Could you imagine? Gold was stolen that day. A lot of gold was stolen that day. Building number seven. Many people don't even realize three buildings came down that day. Two aircraft and three buildings. How does that work? Particularly if the third building was never hit by an aircraft? Particularly if the third building had a small, quote, office fire and there was a video recording saying, one of the firemen saying, give me two lines, I can put it out right away. Give me two lines. And the response was, get out of the building. How many people? Remember that? Police officers on the grounds were telling people to back away. Going to be an explosion. There were numerous witnesses to the firecracker type explosions that were going off in building seven prior to it coming down in its own footprint at free fall speed. What is all that name is calling? Go watch a controlled demolition. And you will see that prior to the building coming down, looks like a bunch of firecrackers are going off. Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, all over the place. Right. And then usually within, within 30 seconds or so of that, the building comes down. Go watch building number seven, watch what happens. And then tell me that is not a controlled demolition. So what's my point? If it were a controlled demolition and all the evidence points towards that, that means that it could not have been done. Oh, well, you know, building number seven, it's a danger, and we don't know, whatever reason the building needs to come down. Go put some people in there to blow the building up and bring it down. Doesn't work that way. You have to have intimate knowledge of how that building is built, where the different columns are and what support structures there are. It would take, and I'm not a professional at this, I'm just, again, I'm assuming, you know what happens when you assume. But I would think it would take at least a week, possibly two, to get everything in place so that it would go with the proper timing, so that the building would come down within its own footprint and not damage anything else. At least a week, possibly two. That means that somebody knew this building was going to come down prior to 911. At least a week prior to 911. Let's go back to the Trump assassination attempt. I'm listening to these, I can't remember what it's called. The guys that record the meeting and stuff. C Span, I'm listening to C Span watching this stuff. Some of these senators are grilling some of the cheatly lady and this new guy, and they come straight out and they ask this. I think it was cheatly that they asked initially why wasn't there anybody on that roof? Now, I'm not kidding. You can't make this stuff up. She said something. The effect of we can't put snipers on a slope roof or something. Never mind you, that the snipers that were already there on a slope roof, but forget that. Put that aside. We can't put snipers on a slope roof was the answer. So something to that effect. There was a window that was open that was adjacent to the roof that was high enough up to see the top of the roof easily spot anybody that would have been there. And that window belonged to a room that law enforcement was supposed to be in. But, oh, they were out looking for the guy. We had him and we lost him. And whatever, it was a setup. He wasn't supposed to live. And I won't let this go. I can't let this go. It burns within me like a fire, like 911. I've got to do everything I can. And I'm asking everyone who listens and hears this. Got to do whatever you can. There is a petition that you can sign, I think. I don't know if I have a copy of it. Do I have a copy of it here? I don't have a copy of it right there. Let's see if I can bring it up on my computer. There's a petition that we can sign. I've already signed it. We can't sign it more than once. And the petition is to ask the head judge. They call him the presidential judge. I don't know why, but that's what they call him in Bay county or in Bay, whatever it is in Pennsylvania. I think it's Bay county. I'm not sure the county that where the shooting attempt went down to bring in a grand jury. A grand jury would consist of people like you and me, people who want to know, get down to the bottom of things. Not a politician who has a rear end to cover, so to speak, but a person who is neutral, just wants to know what happened, wants to know the truth as best as they can find. There is a petition. I'll see if I can get a copy of it and put it up and you guys can see it. It's online as well. It's on my Facebook page. Those of you who follow me on Facebook go to my Facebook page, and you'll find it there. We can get enough of these petitions to this judge. It'll almost force him to come up with a grand jury. And the grand jury, from the people I've spoken to, has unmitigated power. They can do just about any freaking thing. So if somebody who is in authority that is up there, who right now doesn't want to answer Congress because Congress doesn't seem to have any testicles, I'll use a proper pronoun. The grand jury can eventually have this person arrested and, I believe, imprisoned until they get to the bottom of things. I don't want the government investigating the government. I don't trust the government as it is now. But we could get a grand jury that can't hide from the grand jury and we could get to the bottom of things. But the way things are going now, it's all going to be swept under the rug. They're already doing it. Excuse me? We're already doing it. They're already sweeping it under the rug. I can't get a straight answer out of these people. I mean, straight up. They were asking, this cheatly lady answers it. Yes or no? Answering, you know, she. Senator, thank you for the question. Our department strives to. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That just yes or no, dipstick? Yes or no? I can't do that. Can't get a straight answer. We've lost, you know, there's three departments I can't use. I can't think of the right word right now. Three sections, departments of our government, and they're supposed to be equal in power. No one is more powerful than the other. The other is trying to fight back. It is completely turned inside out. And it has been so. I can't think of the right word. It's so screwed up. It's so messed up. I got, there's words I could use, but I don't want to use them on the radio. It is so messed up. And I have had earlier I was telling you about how a friend of mine, personal friend of mine, not a Facebook, not a LinkedIn friend, not one of them, personal friend of mine, when all this was going on with the big c and all I did is ask a question, just ask a question. Why does somebody need the jab, jab for this? That has a 99 plus percent? They were so upset with me. They said, I hope you get it and die. About six months ago. They no longer was because they got the you know what and they got the boost to go with it. I think two or three of them, two of them. I think this person was 58 years old, 58, heart attack. Never had problems before as long as I knew him. Didn't have any health issues that I was aware of, wasn't diabetic, didn't smoke, drank every once in a while, very focused on their business because they had their own business, is how I met them. Gone. Gone. I. I wasn't upset with them that they said to me what they said to me, because I realized that people were in fear. And when you're in fear, it's very difficult at best to make a decision that might be rational or common sense or just a decision that would be the right decision at the time. Now think about what would have happened if they were successful. Think about the chaos, the fear. How many people would be afraid to go rallies after that, watching a man that they had look up to and has their hope to renew our country, have his head blown off in front of them. These are sick people. Sick, sick people. And their greatest fear of them for them is Donald Trump. Because you can say whatever you want about Donald Trump. Not the best guy, not close to perfect, perfect man for the job, but not close to perfect as a human being. And all of that that you can say about him is one thing, one thing that they can't take away from him. Had it not been for Donald Trump, none of this corruption would have been exposed. None of it. We would have just been playing the game all along. Oh, well, it's inflation, people. We can't do anything about it. We're working on it. We'll get it. Bring back down. Yeah, right. Oh, well, we're going to work on making more jobs. We're going to reduce the different legislation that's causing these companies to lose all this money and charge you more. None of that garbage. We would have just been doing the same old thing, being ripped off, our eyes open, but can't see the trees through the forest, as they say. I believe more and more people are waking up. I really do. And I pray that I'm right. And I thank God that more and more people having that scale, if you will, I think the Bible refers to it as scales, having the scales removed from their eyes so they can see what's going on. They're in your face doing this, this thing with the Olympics. And they caught so much grief. Then they said, oh, we weren't mocking the Olympics. We were mocking some other guy. The other guy they were mocking was mockingdez. Let me back up a minute. At the Olympics, they said, we weren't mocking the last supper. We were mocking this other guy. When you go look up the other guy, he was mocking the last supper. So what's the difference? It was heartwarming to see the next day in Paris. It looked like it appeared to be thousands and thousands of people in the street praising, praising God. They had a massive blackout. I think it was that night they had a massive blackout, and one of the only buildings that was lit was a cathedral. And they did the same thing, I think it was in Brazil. They mocked God openly. In Brazil had a devil, I think. I'm pretty sure it was. Brazil had a devil on a. A big float as it came down. And then they mocked a physical fight between two people, one acting as Jesus, one acting as a devil, beating a snot out of Jesus. And the next day, they had a massive flood. Oh, but it's a coincidence, you know, I am in the 7th level, as they refer to in this game of life. I'm at my 7th level. And I've seen and learned a lot, particularly in the last 20 some odd years. Wow. If I only knew at a younger age what I know now, the mistakes I could have avoided. But I don't, I don't let that get me down. I don't focus on it. It would be nice to be able to go back, and I would probably do just about everything that I did before, the same, but at least I would have an understanding. And that's the one thing I did not have going through life in my earlier years, really did not have an understanding about politics. I didn't like politics. I hated politics. I watched my dad get so upset about politics, the veins in his neck would stick out. And I remember saying him, dad, dad, take it easy. It's all right. Look, just chill, man. I'm not those words, but, you know, take it easy. You're gonna have a heart attack. Dad, don't get so upset now. It's me. Ah, but I understand better now. It just took me a long time, but I understand better at five years old. Me at five years old. I was living in Cairo at the time. Cairo, Egypt. My mom was. Had me by the hand. We were going to market. But when you go to market there, it's not like here. You can go to the grocery store and pick up whatever you want. It's literally an open market. There was a transition going on within the government. There were people complaining about the transition. I can only imagine that this particular guy, as we were walking along, who was blindfolded, had his hands tied behind his back and had these little, like, cones. I don't remember exactly. It's like a little flag or ribbon. Maybe that's a better way to describe it around him. And we're walking along, my mom's trying to keep me from looking and seeing because all these people are. Big commotion going on. They murdered this man. And all it took was one glitch, just one. And I still remember that. And then it became my dad's turn. My dad. Fortunately for our family, my dad was a dual citizen. He was an american citizen and an egyptian citizen as well. We literally left in the middle of the night because my dad knew what was coming. One of the workers at his factory told him, don't come to work. They're taking over your factory. He literally left in the middle of the night. Now, I was really kind of too young to bring all of that up in conversation. I tried a couple of times to talk about what I saw at the marketplace. And my mom acted like it never happened. Move forward about, I guess about six year, five years since we had been in America. I was speaking English fluently, still spoke Arabic, a little bit of French. Something happened. Don't remember exactly what it was, but something that the government had done, and I heard about it either, I think, in school. Came home, and I was telling my mom how the government was stupid and the government was this and that. My mom turned pale. She grabbed me by the arm, took me into my bedroom, my little bitty bedroom, closed the door behind her, and said in a very loud whisper, don't ever speak bad about the government. You understand me? Don't ever speak bad about the government. Let go of my arm, opened the door, walked out. Didn't say anymore. Well, we move forward about another, probably 18 or 19, so maybe another eight or nine years. Move forward. At that point, I think I was in the service at that time, and I had always remembered her saying that to me. And I equated that with what I saw in the marketplace. On the way to the marketplace, I equated the two together. Like, she's really afraid of the government. Really, really afraid. Just the word government is enough to make her run to the bathroom. So years later, I'm pretty sure I was in the air force at this point. I came home, had a great dinner. We're sitting around talking, and I asked about that, said mom. That's all that about. Even at that time, she really refrained from going into detail. But she told me, growing up, she watched the government kill people for saying what I said, anybody who said anything that was negative about the government, especially if they said it in public, would basically lose their life or, and, or their family along with it. And she was afraid it was going to be the same thing when she got here. She didn't know that we had a government. You could say what you want at that time. You can say what you wanted. Can't say that today. You know, there are things. If you say today, there are things that you say, they're coming. They'll come look for you. We're not run by a constitutional republic like we're supposed to be. We're run by a bunch of corporations. This is a fascist technocracy, I think, is how it's referred to, run by corporations. They're the ones who are making all the rules. Go back to the. The oil leak that happened in the gulf, the big oil leak that went on in the Gulf. Right. The reporters and the media were kept at bay. They weren't allowed to get within a certain distance of the catastrophe. I come to find out it wasn't our government that was keeping them back. It was. Get the. The name of. It was a british petroleum. I think that's who it is. It was the oil company. The oil company had ordered our government to keep these people back. Just more evidence. What I'm telling you is happening. Our lives are being more and more controlled by these corporations. They want. They. The corporations are after money. That's. That's the bit. But there are people above the corporations. Those are the ones I was speaking about earlier. Money doesn't mean anything to them. They have all the money they will ever, for generations. They could literally. Some of these people could literally spend a million dollars a day and still have enough money when they were done and dead to pass on to their kids. That's how much money they have. So money is no longer an object to them, control, an object to them, the ability to have control over people's lives. You will do what I say. You will not do as I do. And that's what you're saying today. There are people on one side of the aisle that have clearly broken the law. Openly, they've broken the law. There's no question about it. As a matter of fact, the man that they call the president, there was a court hearing held for him, an investigation. They found him basically guilty, but they didn't want to prosecute him. Why? Well, their excuse was he's too old. He didn't. He didn't mean anything. Mean by I can't remember the word that they used. But basically he didn't, he didn't mean anything. Mean. Excellent. Thank you. Thank you, Michael. Crazy. So in my industry, the industry that I came out of, I kept seeing these big boys, the big global corporations, stepping into little places. I mean, to them they're little places. But then I came to the conclusion that the government doesn't want small businesses, the government wants big businesses because big businesses make big money and they can make big donations to their freaking campaigns. The little guy, you know me, if I gave one of these guys 100 5200 bucks, that would be a lot for me as a little business. 100, $5200 a drop is not even a drop. It's a blink of an eye in comparison to these guys. Then give them millions of dollars. But you got to pass this and you got to pass that because that works in our favor. We'll make more money and guess what? We'll give you more money. It's a sick cycle. It's terrible. And I believe this is one of the things that they're so afraid of with Trump because he's exposed all of this and he will bring, I'm hoping and praying he will bring it to an end. And make no mistake, there's something else is coming. I, I feel it. I feel it. They are planning something bad after 911 and learning about 911, I was telling people, I think the next thing to do is they're going to take out a city. Okay. So 911 got everybody riled up and we're just, I don't mean to discredit any of it or take away from it, but in comparison, it was just a couple of buildings. 911, now they're going to take a whole city out. I'm telling you, this is what I feel in my spirit. They're going to take a whole city out. And the purpose of doing it serves several things. One, the fear factor will be at the top. Absolutely. At the will your city be next? I can see, I can, I can imagine it in my mind, all the media coming out. Oh, well, the city in blah blah blah, whatever state blah blah blah blah, was recently destroyed because of a terrorist organization. We have terrorist organizations here, people. They are here. There's no question in my mind. They are here. There are people that are coming across the border that they know are terrorists and they have been able to stop some of them. They can't stop them all. So they take out a whole city. Well, that'll get your attention. It'll also raise the fear factor to the maximum. So that when they say, oh, well, you're going to have to do this so that we don't have our city blown up, whatever that this is. Disarm yourselves, because if you're disarmed, we can protect you. We won't have to worry about being shot by one of you in case we come in and try to save you. You might think we're the bad guys, but you are, and shoot us. The push to disarm us is so great right now. They tried to use the shooter. They tried to use the shooter. Oh, he had an ar 15 star weapon. And then you have people in our government who have taken an oath to defend and preserve the constitution. Well, if you're defending and preserving the constitution, then why are you telling people we're going to disarm you? Because that goes directly against what it says. As I mentioned earlier, they used the word arms. And what that meant is anything. It could be a knife, it could be a bat, for God's sake. But it could be anything. That's the point. And that was the intention. Because if they wanted just guns, they would have wrote guns, for God's sake. But they broke arms. And they used another word, a very important word, and that was the word infringe, because they knew that if they had an armed populace, the government would mind their p's and Q's, cross their t's, dot their I's. They make sure that their behinds walked the straight and narrow. But if the government were able to somehow take away the ability of the populace to defend themselves against the government, that eventually the country would fall and it would fall into the hands of these communists. And so we have now. And so the word that they wanted that would cover everything was infringe. So these people that come along and go, you know what? Let's. These people in government, let's buy. I don't remember what the number was. Some unbelievable four, four, 2 million rounds or something. And it went to the post office, for God's sake. So they bought a whole bunch of ammo, okay? And what that did is it caused the price of ammo to skyrocket. They knew what they were doing. That is an infringement. They relied upon the laws of the market law, supply and demand. They knew that if they wiped out the supply or close to it, the price would go up. And that's what they did. Then they wanted to introduce legislation about, well, if you're going to carry a gun, you have to have insurance infringement. They were very careful about the words that they chose arms. Anything I want, buddy, as long as I can pay for it. Anything I want. You're not supposed to be able to stop me. If I want a fighter jet and I can afford it, and I got the airport to handle it, I want a fighter jet. There ain't nothing you can do about it. But they stuck their nose in our business when it's supposed to be the other way around. They've limited us when we're supposed to limit them. And they've been doing it for so long that people now accept it as normal. This is not normal. And those who believe that the 2020 election was fair, the fairest election. Bunch of garbage. And I'm really concerned about the next one that's coming up because I know that these sick, evil, twisted, no good for nothing, sewer sucking slugs are going to come up with something, maybe another attempt or. What did I hear today? Just today, I heard. What did I hear? Something about a new virus. Not the bird one that's already killing thousands of chickens, by the way, our food supply. Because they cut the virus. Right? 300 and some thousand small farms were lost during the last three years. 300 is something thousand. I told you earlier, they don't want small business. They want the big guys. And if you're a small farmer, you've got the hardest job around, buddy. God bless you. May God protect you. May God keep you. May God give you all the prosperity that you have earned. Because the small farmers have all the odds against them, whether it's a cattle farmer, whether it's vegetation, corn, whatever that might be. All the odds are against them because the government wants them out. There was a family called the Bundys. I don't know how many people remember them. A while back, the Bundys were cattle farmers generation after generation of cattle farming. The Bureau of Land Management. Yeah, Bureau of Land Management. BLM. Not the BLM. Not the black lives. The BLM came in and basically find, first of all, they attempted to imprison the father, who is, I think, at that time was in his late seventies, because they did a control burn and some of the burn went on to government property. Now, mind you, the purpose of doing a burn is so that it revegetates. Hello. Well, this, whoever the prosecutor was, decided that when they damaged and they destroyed government property, they need to be brought to justice, right? So they fought their way through that, got through all that. Then the BLM decided that they were going to take their cattle. Well, when the patriots found out, they all decided to get together and make a stand against these people. And I don't know if the videos are still out there. They probably scrubbed them, but they made a stand. They came with Ar type weapons, many of them. They came in numbers, and they literally backed the government people down. So that particular day, that they were going to take his cattle or they were going to lock him up, or. I don't remember exactly what the whole deal was. They ran like the cowards that they are. Because had these people not shown up, had it just been the Bundy boysenheid brothers because their dad was home? I don't know. I think your dad was with him. Had it just been the three of them? There probably been a massacre. There's a man by the name of Finnegan. I'm trying to think of his first name. Laverne. Not Laverne, starts with an l. I can't think of what it is. Finicum. Murdered. This man was murdered. Literally murdered. Nobody got in trouble for it. And murdered on video. You can see the murder occur on video. He was unarmed, shot in the back, shot in the head, and they were protecting themselves. Right? Meanwhile, they tried to murder the people in the car. People in the car had their cell phones going, and they kept shooting at people in the car. And people in the car kept saying, we don't. We're unarmed. We don't have anything. They kept trying to kill the people in the car. They didn't. Couldn't get away with. Lavoie. Lavoie. Finnegan, I think, is the name. Time and time again, there are stories of government. Individuals who either have been ordered or their own, through their own prejudice, have taken the lives of others and gotten received nothing, completely walked away without any problem whatsoever. That's not a government that is for the people. That is a government that is for some other. And it's not the people. I don't know who it's for, but it's not the people. I can't. I can't understand why some of us see this and some of us don't. You know, it's just beyond me. Hey, Stu. I see Stu's on this thing with the attempt. Till this day. Until now. Till right now. August 3, right? August 3, I don't think anybody's been other than cheatly. I don't think anybody else has gotten in any trouble. There's been no retraining. There's been no reformation of any kind. Listen, you guys, this is where we went wrong. Well, if there is, they won't report it. We almost lost a previous president to a hellish way. And we are 2020 days out. It was on the 13th of last month. What, 31 days? 1331, what? 27, 28. So we're almost a month now. We're almost approaching 30 days. We still can't get straight in. He was set up. He wasn't supposed to make it through. The video that I played for you shows you that this guy on a cell phone can see this guy moving around. Now, whoever that was that was shooting the cell phone video had to see what was going on. Why didn't they? Hey, hey, get off the stage. I see something I'm not supposed to see here. I think. Meanwhile, we got security that was supposed to be alongside of him. How did they not see that? Oh, and there were security supposed to be in a room adjacent to where this guy is laid down on top of the roof. And there's supposed to be at least two people in there. Neither one of them were in there. And then there's an order given that no, nobody is to cover the water tower, which the snipers that I've listened to have all said the water tower would be the optimum spot. No, forgive me, would be the second optimum spot. The optimum spot would have been the room that had the window open and have them have whoever the shooter is back away from ten or 15ft from the window so you don't see the flash and so that the sound is muffled to the point where you can't determine where it came from. So people are going to be afraid to go to rallies now? I don't think so. I think they're more determined now than ever to be at the rally, because they know it's history in the making and they are on the right side. They are on the right side. These people are these people, when I say these people, this dark side that, that has gotten rooted itself and calls itself our government, these evil people, they're going to do something bad. I'm telling you. I have no doubt in my mind they can't allow Donald Trump to continue. Have you not witnessed what's going on from the very beginning of him winning? First of all, him winning the presidential election against Clinton was a total and absolute shock. I don't think they have ever been so afraid in their lives as when Trump was able to pull that through. They're afraid now, times ten, whatever they were then, because they see that Trump is like a locomotive. He is coming and there's no stopping him. So from the very beginning, they. How many times did they impeach the man for stupidity. Garbage. Garbage. Other people have done worse than what he'd done. They never got in any trouble. But what he. Oh, my God, he combed his hair wrong. Impeach him. Absurdities. So they impeached him how many times? They supposedly had a russian collusion that was paid for by the Clintons. From the very beginning, these people did everything that they could to undermine whatever he could do and make him look bad. So for what, a couple of years there, three years, just relatively quiet about running for president again. All of a sudden, he makes an announcement that he's going to be running for president, and what happens? Oh, my God. Well, listen, he's indicted 34 here. He's indicted, I don't know, 90 something over here, and he's indicted for this over here. Funny how when he made the announcement is when all this garbage started. Prior to that, hey, no big deal. Some of the charges that were brought up against him were made up. They had to make them up. So one of the prosecutors wasn't even authorized to do what he was doing. He was just put in that place that basically harassed him. So they attempted to hurt him financially to the point where he'd say, I quit, which they did, to a little guy from Texas. I never remember his name. Little millionaire from Texas. He was running. And they basically gave him such a hard time. Equally, it's years back. So they attempt. They took him to court, attempting to hurt him so bad financially that he just had. This is. Forget it, this isn't worth it. That didn't work. Well, then they attempted to put him in jail. They want to see him go to jail. And it appears so far, that's not working. So the final step is we remove him from the planet, we unalive him, and that's what we got on July 13, 2024, was an attempt to murder this man in front of us all and send a message out, like they did with John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King. If you go against us, we will kill you. And we may just do it publicly to let anybody else know. Don't get any smart ideas. But thank God. Thank God there was divine intervention, and Trump walked away. And now I want to see the guilty parties. I want to watch them squirm. I want to see them pay whatever the price, I want it to be the maximum, so that we send out a message to those sickos. Any of you who try this again will meet even harsher punishment. It wouldn't bother me in the least bit to see some of these people publicly executed. If they were found guilty of committing treason, I would not have any problem watching them be executed publicly to send a message out to the rest of them. You better watch your teas. You better watch your eyes. They better be crossed. They better be dotted. If they're not, you are fried, baby. Deep fried. It's because we don't have this. You know, if what was going on today? What's going on? As little as 50 years ago, people would have already been tried and executed. In 1953, I think it was. There was a couple that was found to have collaborated with the Russians. Pretty sure the Russians. And they were executed. Boom, done. We're not letting you get away with that. Today, people are able to give billions of dollars of our weapons away. I gave them away to our enemies. The very definition of treasonous. The very definition of high treason. To aid and abet your enemy against your country. $85 billion. You imagine how much that is? I can't even fathom that number. $85 billion of our latest weapon. Not a hand slap, not a letter of reprimand. Nobody got fired. Nothing. Nothing. And I believe it is because of that, that mentality that nobody gets in trouble. Just like this thing with the attempt. Nobody. Up until this day, I am not aware of anybody being fired other than the head who had it coming to her anyway. What about the people on the ground? What about all the stories that I hear about? They didn't hold a meeting that was originally planned. They were supposed to have a face to face meeting with the law enforcement, and that never happened. What about not being able to communicate with the law enforcement on a two way radio versus having to send text? There's an emergency going on. You want to run a text? Oh, there's somebody on the roof with a. With a gun. What roof? Where is he? Rather than get on the phone, hey, listen, he's like, I don't know. He's at 02:00 he's over here, blah, blah, blah. Full description. Don't have to keep typing it in or talking again. There are too many questions that bring up more questions. And that is why I'm telling you it was a setup. It was a setup. He was not supposed to live. It is my prayer that God continue to protect him and bring him into the White House. And once he is in the White House, he is going to do some amazing things. No, my nose has not stuck up his crack. There are some things that he's done I don't particularly care for, but there's so few and far between in comparison. To what he's done that has helped us. It's almost like a complete wash over for many years. I kept saying, we need to have. This was long before I knew he was running for president. We need to have a businessman run this country. If we had a businessman run this country like a business, we would have so much money, because so much money is literally pissed away day in and day out. If we run it like a business and make sure that the profit was there, the benefits to the citizenry of the country would be enormous, enormous. You know, they talk about, well, we don't want free health care. You would have the best of the best of free health care because the money would be there to pay the doctors what they have earned, what they're doing, not what they are today. Like you go to a doctor and you have, like Medicare, you have one of these other plans. If you were to pay cash, it might cost you $120. These guys will pay $20 to $45. This is why the doctors over there, this is why they have to see so many people and make it a production line, because they're only making 15 or $20, sometimes 40, $50 if you're lucky, on a patient. So I got to see a lot of them patients because I got overhead to pay. I got, I got nurses that work here or helpers of some sort that work here, administrators that work here. I got rent, the insurance. Huh? You wouldn't have to deal with any of that because there is so much money that's being wasted, literally billions of dollars, billions and billions of dollars. Meanwhile, I don't know what, 30 some odd trillion dollars in debt. I want to know who we owe all this money to. And one of the things that they kept saying about Trump, well, he claimed bankruptcy. I don't think it was six or seven or eight times. Well, you know what, then he knows how to claim bankruptcy, right? He knows what to do, right? So let's get our corporation, because that's what we are. We're not a country, we're a corporation. You can doubt that all you want, you can curse me all you want, but that's what we are, we're a corporation. Let's get the corporation to claim bankruptcy. Take that 31 trillion, go pound sand. See you later. Bye. And then we start printing currency that is precious metal back. I don't have one, do I? I do. I gotta take a break. When I come back, I'm gonna show you the dollar that I grew up with. That same dollar today is worth about 30 of our dollars, roughly. So imagine if whatever you're making per hour, multiply that by 30. That's how badly they've ripped us off. When I was growing up, my parents decided that one parent would work outside the house, one parent would work inside the house, a minimum of five days, usually six days, sometimes even seven days a week. We would eat as a family. We would sit down at a table and have a home cooked meal by my mom and have discussions around the table about what was going on. Minimum of five, sometimes six. And not uncommon to have seven days a week that we would sit and do that as a family. And I really and truly believe that's what kept us so closely knit. To this day. My brother is my best friend. I couldn't ask God for a better sibling. Don't do that anymore. What we have today is division. This is what they want. They want division. Families that have strong bonds together represent a danger to them because families that have a strong bond together can create strong bonds with other people. And it becomes, it can become exponential. And if it does become exponential, they got a problem on your hand. Because when people realize that these people that we have trusted with the authority that we have loaned to them, have abused all of that, people are going to be very mad. And either they leave under their own free will or they're made to leave. That's what they're afraid of. And that's what Donald Trump represents. More exposure of the criminality that's going on that we call our government. We would have never known about probably 85, 90% of this had it not been for dog sharp. All right, gonna take a break. My final break of the evening, if I can find it. And I gotta get some water. Throat is beginning to dry out. Let's see. We've got. Here we go. All right, here we go. Stay tuned, folks. We're hitting pause for a quick break. We're not going anywhere. We'll be back before you know it with more on the red pill reality show. Are you a business owner? Did you know that the government is holding funds right now for your business? The program is called the Employee Retention act. It's done through the IR's and part of the Cares act, and it's available to just about every business. This could mean literally hundreds of thousands of dollars into your business. This is not a loan. It's 100% legal and paid directly to you. Go to that's to watch a brief video and find out how you can qualify. go there now. [02:40:20] Speaker D: Do you need toner for your epsOn, HeWlett, Packer, canon, brother Apple or sharp printers? Look no further than laser tech. Now technologies in business for over 20 years. They offer the lowest prices on toner on the web. They can also repair your laser printers and toners fast and easy. Call their expert staff today at 561-792-9600 or email us at service dash for all your toner needs. All toner is shipped nationwide. Why wait? Get the lowest prices on toner. Call or email us today. [02:40:53] Speaker B: You have asked, are we happy? Are we happy? [02:40:56] Speaker C: And effective consultation with leading experts in the field makes it perfectly clear, perfectly clear that we are all now programmed for perfect happiness. Perfect happiness. [02:41:11] Speaker B: Perfect happiness. We see what they want us to see. [02:41:37] Speaker C: We hear what they want us to hear. They think we can't handle the truth. [02:41:54] Speaker E: If you feel you are not properly sedated, call 348 844 immediately. [02:42:01] Speaker B: Failure to do so may result in prosecution for criminal drug evasion. Control. [02:42:47] Speaker C: Mass control, masses control. [02:42:54] Speaker A: This station is now the ultimate power in the universe. We have ignition strap in. [02:43:01] Speaker C: 554-3321. [02:43:09] Speaker B: We'Re back. Hope you didn't go too far because we have more interesting and thought provoking information for you. Coming up on the red pill reality show. All right, I am back. I had to reset my camera again. Obviously, I'm having a problem with my USB port. I don't know. I've got these ideas going through my head. What could be the problem? I'm trying to diagnose the problem as I'm trying to do the show. Maybe a firmware update. I'll have to look into it. It was working, and then we took the break. I have the option to stop the cam and then when I go to restart it, I get this crazy USB not recognized. I may have made a mistake. I am. I installed a digital microscope on the computer a couple of days ago, and it recognized it as a microscope, but it also classifies it as a camera. So I think there may be a conflict between the two of them. And that's why I'm getting this, because I didn't. I never had the problem until I did that. I just did that the. I did the put the cranberry juice in your mouth thing. I don't know how many of you have heard about that. You take a cranberry juice and you put it in your mouth, it's like a mouthful, and you swish it around for like two or three minutes, and then you spit it out, like, into a plate and put a couple of drops of alcohol in it. And supposedly all these little squirmy things happen. Well, I did that. I didn't get the little squirmy things. It did. There was, I believe it was a chemical reaction between the. The cranberry juice and the alcohol. They're both very acidic. So I put a couple of drops in there, and it did a little crazy thing for a couple of minutes, but it didn't go on. Like, I see videos of people. It seems like they're almost like they're little worms or something floating around. I didn't get any of that. I did get some chunks of red stuff. I guess that was the cranberry juice pulling stuff out of my teeth. I don't know, but I didn't have that. And a lot of people say that they have this thing called morgellons. Morgellons is supposedly these. Not digital, I guess you call them. No, they're not digital. Can they get the right term? Worms that are being introduced into human bodies through a variety of ways. One. One guy had a video up that he. He said they were chem trailing all day, all day long. Worst he'd ever seen it. And he came out the next day and there was this white gooey substance on his car, and he went to wipe it off, and some of it got on his hand, and he went to wash his hand off. And he believes that's when the stuff got into under his skin and. And got into his body. And now he feels like sometimes, like there's literally, like there's worms running through his body. It's horrible. Horrible. The amount of lives that we have had to endure and those of us who are able to see through at least some of it. It's very, very disturbing. When I, as I mentioned earlier, a personal friend of mine who. Give me a second, a personal friend of mine that I knew, and they told me, you know, when I asked just a question about why would you need it if so many people were able to get through without medical intervention and said a horrible thing to me and ended up not being with us anymore. How many others have, you know, Michael was saying 7 million. I think it's a lot more than that. I think that they're holding back on the numbers just like they upped, they inflated the numbers. How many times did I hear a report about somebody coming in, nothing to do with the virus, ends up dying on one guy, gunshot, and claimed, oh, well, it's a Covid. You know, it's a COVID death. I wonder how many people realize that the government was paying. Paying hospitals if a death was. Was recorded as a COVID death, that there was every incentive for them to cheat, basically, and raise the numbers. So who knows what the real numbers are? And I don't know how many of you may be familiar with doctor Artis Ardis. I can't think of his first name. This is a doctor, has been in the field for decades. He came to find out that the remdesivir protocol was literally murdering people, and that when people died and they went through this protocol and they died, that the hospitals, in some cases, were paid hundreds of thousands of dollars per patient. These are the same people that tried to assassinate the 45th president on the 13th of last month. The same group. It may not be the same physical people, but it's the same group. They want total control over all of us. Total control. And those who have. Who have received the you know, what depends on which manufacturer you got. But it has been recorded. I can't remember which one it was. I want to say that when it starts with a p, but I may be wrong. Been recorded that it causes myocarditis. That's a fancy word for heart attacks. It makes your heart swell, completely inflame, and then causes your heart to stop. All right, I got something going on in the background here. Give me a second. I apologize. So people who got. People who got the shot send this out from a particular manufacturer. Those people are encountering problems than they ever had before. I see a big censorship of the athletes that have died, some of them on the field. These are young people. These are people. The last thing that they would have a problem with is their hard for pizza sake. Come on. And now, all of a sudden, it's become a norm. When I tell you that these people are sick and evil, really, it doesn't even truly tell you what they are. Okay, so one of these pharmaceutical companies has made a product, is causing heart attacks. I found out recently about maybe six months ago now. They purchased another pharmaceutical company that makes heart attack medicine or heart attack equipment. I don't recall. Something to do with heart attacks. So we create the problem, right? Wait for the reaction, and then we. Here we come with the solution. Here we are. Hey. This happens over and over and over, people. And what frustrates me, and actually, it hurts. It hurts to know that we, all, all of us, there would be absolutely no poverty. Zero. I am absolutely 100% positive of what I'm telling you, there would be no homeless people. Everybody would have a home of some sort. There is more than enough to help everyone around the planet. But the problem is that we have too many people on the planet whose morals and beliefs and goals are to obstruct the benefits of. Of the rest of us. That's the reality. Growing up, I remember watching the cartoon the jetsons. We literally should be living the Jetsons today. A while back, I personally, personally have seen technologies that would completely do away with the electric bill. You'd have a suitcase size piece of equipment that runs silently, uses no fuel, fuel that in the general term, like gasoline or diesel or something of that, uses none of that, runs for ten to 15 years, and then has to be replaced again. You pay one time for the equipment, and from that point forward, you have electricity. 24 7365. There are no brownouts, there are no blackouts. You don't have to worry about a storm cutting you off. None of that. But they won't allow the technology to come forward. There are numerous patents for a carburetor. A lot of you don't know or may not know what a carburetor is before we have what we have today, which is fuel injected engines, we have a computer that controls the amount of fuel that goes into the explosion chamber, combustion chamber, and supposedly helps you get the maximum mileage. A bunch of garbage. Before we had all that, we had carburetors. That's what a lot of like, motorcycles, many motorcycles still run on carburetors. Lawnmowers, carburetors, weed eaters, carburetors. Years back, cars had carburetors. And there were many patents that were brought forward to bring cars miles per gallon up into the 80 to 100, up to 120 miles, 120 miles to a gallon. Those patents exist, but they will not be allowed to be brought forward. This is the reality that we live in. The people who control all of that have so much money that they will not allow it to come forward. As I mentioned, I personally have seen a circuit that according to everything I was taught, and I'm certified, certified technician on copy machines, certified technician on printers and fax machines. And you have to know a little bit about electricity in order to work with. Some of these things have voltages that run through them. 2030, 40,000 volts that run through in order to be able to create the images that they want. You better know what you're doing, or you won't walk away. And I have seen things that I was taught is impossible. And yet I see it happen before my eyes. I touched it with my hands. I tested it with test equipment. It was real. But they won't allow it to come forward. The reason, the main opinion, I can't tell you this is absolutely accurate, but I believe that the reason is we are an oil economy. You'll hear that. You may not hear it now, but for a while there, an oil economy, we were an oil. Everything that we do is based on freaking oil. That's why they wanted everybody freaking over, running out of oil. We're not running out of oil. We're not ever going to going to run out of oil. We live on a live organic organism that produces oil. It produces silver, produces gold. It didn't just make it one time and quit. It continues to make it all the time. They don't want you to know that. They want you to be in fear. The bottom line is you've been lied to. We've been lied to about so many things. We have to have discernment. And my best place to get the sermon is to go back to the word of God and see what he says about certain things and then use that as a reference point to make a judgment. We have people today that have no business, no business being in our government. But it's not what they know. It's a matter of who they know. It's a matter of how much money can you raise. Now, I know this because I have a personal friend of mine who ran in politics, and one of the first things they stressed upon him is you got to raise money. You got to raise a lot of money. Or we're not just not going to recognize, and this was a republican party, by the way. We're just not going to recognize you. You don't get up a certain amount of money within a certain amount of time, then you're just not worth the trouble. We're just going to kick you to the curve. It's all about money. Everything is about money at that level. And then what happens when they get into, into their positions, they don't talk to you about, oh, I promise this and I promise that, no, that's happening. No, what they start doing almost immediately, as soon as they get into their positions, is start running for reelection, start putting the word out there about reelection, start making sure that people see all the good stuff that they're doing so that they can have a good re election, so that they can win again. We got to stop this cycle, guys. We got to stop it. And I really believe one of the ways that's going to help stop it is going to be Donald Trump. I really do. And it doesn't mean that I love everything that the man does, but I do respect him and I do appreciate what he's done for us, because what he's done, nobody else has done, nobody's come close. And all you have to do is look at the facts. Don't have to look at theories, look at the facts, and you'll find that he helped more people. He benefited the United States. He benefited us more than any other president that I can think of. But they want to villainize him. They want to make him look like the bad guy because he said something inappropriate. I don't know. Was it not 20 years ago, like, you and I had never, ever heard plan and they want to make the number one song about what, you know what. You know what? We got to make changes. God bless you. Be back in here a week. [02:58:38] Speaker C: You take the red pill? And I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes? This is your? This is your left chest? This is your left chest? This is your left chest? This is your left chest? This is your left chest? This is your left chest? This is your left chest? This is your left chest? This is your left chance? This is your last chance? This is your left chance? This is your last chance? This is your last chance after this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill the story ends you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe take the red pill? Take the red pill? Take the red pill? Take the red pill? Take the red pill? Take the red pill? Take the red pill? Take the red pill? You stay in Wonderland? You stay in Wonderland? And I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes goes, goes gums, gums, gums, gums, gums, gums, gums, gums, gums, gun goes.

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