Red Pill Reality Show

Red Pill Reality Show
TRIM Radio
Red Pill Reality Show

Mar 02 2025 | 03:00:10

Episode • March 02, 2025 • 03:00:10

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:07] Speaker A: In a world drowning in noise, where truth is often buried beneath layers of propaganda and misinformation, there's a need for a different kind of a network. A network of creators that cuts through the clutter, that doesn't shy away from tough topics, and that delivers the unfiltered truth. We are TRIM Radio Network. We are creators. We are innovators. We are investigators. Ones who aren't afraid to call spade a spade. If you're ready to participate in thought provoking discussions, informational topics, and of course, today's biggest headlines, subscribe to our YouTube channel. Today we're Trim Radio Network. We're cutting the bull and serving the trut. [00:01:11] Speaker B: Take the red pill, take the blue pill, Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill, Take the red pill, Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill, Take the red pill, take the blue pill. You take the red pill. And I show you how deep the rabbit hole go. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, take the red pill, Take the red pill, take the red pill, take the red pill, take the red pill, take the red pill, take the red. You stay in wonderland. You stay in wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Goes. [00:02:11] Speaker C: Now, from the northeast quadrant of the United States, it's the Red Pill Reality show with your host, Riskala, Saturday nights from 9pm Eastern until midnight on the TRIM Radio Network. You can join the conversation in any. [00:02:27] Speaker D: Of our chat rooms. [00:02:29] Speaker C: And now, without further ado, your host, Riskala. [00:02:42] Speaker D: Greetings, Greetings and welcome, Mr. Red Pill Reality Show. Another. Another phenomenal Saturday night, huh? Oh, my goodness. I thank each and every one of you for taking the time and letting me share with you what I come across. It's been a. Friday was crazy, huh? Getting a. Okay, a little bit of a problem on the sideline there. This is what happens when you do live. And you know, you're the only one doing the show. You don't have a producer, so I have to kind of be a man of many hats. Anyway, I'm sure everybody saw what happened Friday with Zelinsky and Trump and J.D. vance. And let me tell you that this is my. My view, this is just my opinion. I think that Trump was upset with him as soon as he got out of the car, he made a comment, said, he's all dressed up. I think the Trump was insulted that this man showed up and the attire that he did. I feel that Trump wanted this to be a on his level kind of meeting, and that would require a suit, a coat, a tie, proper attire, not to show up in a sweatsuit. I mean, I, I don't know really if that's what it is, but it's all kind of look like. Look like a sweatsuit, which was kind of an offense. So I think he was already, before anything even started to be discussed, he was already not happy with the situation because of the attire that, that Zelinsky was wearing. And then as they get into the conversation, apparently what really got, where I saw Trump really seemed to be very irritated is when JD fans made a comment to him. Mr. President, with all due respect, I'm paraphrasing. You know, the way to be able to end this is through diplomacy or something of that nature. You know, the word diplomacy came up and it was, I want to say he barked back, but, you know, it was like an instant you could see he was upset. How dare you, you know, threaten, accused me of, of not having diplomacy. You know, he just bounced right back immediately and said, you know, I, I sat, I tried to have agreements with him, we signed agreements, blah, blah, blah, blah, and he still broke the agreements and blah, blah, blah, blah. At that point, I saw steam coming out of Trump's ears. Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man. You know, Trump is basically telling, listen, pal, you're not in any position to be telling us what we're going to feel or what we're going to do. It is because of you that you have been able to stay above the water so far. But we're not going to get involved in this. We're going to end this. We want peace, and if you don't want what we want, then go fight it out with him. What are your odds? Not very good. So Trump reiterates that he just wants the killing to stop. I'm grateful for that. And it's not just the killing of Ukrainians. It's on both sides. He just wants it to stop. And there are people who are complaining that he was. What was the word they used? Like, he was not welcome. Like Zielinski was not welcome. Not when you understand what's going on. I mean, I don't pretend to know at all, but I do have some background history on, on Ukraine. I know that Ukraine. The CIA put in a Puppet president. For a while there they had elections and their elections weren't real. I mean, the outcome was already predetermined before the election was held. And then there is an agreement. There was an agreement. And I don't remember how long ago this agreement was. 2004 comes to mind. But I may be wrong. I may be completely off because I don't really remember. 2004 seems to to be approximately when this went on, this agreement with what we call Ukraine. At some point, Ukraine was part of Russia. As, as well as Crimea was all part of Russia. The whole thing was all part of Russia. And then they broke away. And when they broke away, there was an agreement that, I think Putin was involved in the agreement, who basically said, now I'm paraphrasing again, you guys can do what you want, but if anything changes, you decide to do something else, then I'm taking Ukraine back, I'm going to take you Crimea back, and I want to take the rest of Ukraine back. Well, they did. Zielinski went to the UN and said, you know, we want to do this, that and the other. We want to break away, we want to be independent, blah, blah, blah, whatever he said to the U.N. putin got word of this and went to the U.N. and said basically. Now, again, I'm paraphrasing, this is from several different articles I've read about it, but basically he said, if you go through with what he wants you to go through with, I will give you Ukraine, but it will be absolutely destroyed. I will not give you a country, I will give you hell. Needless to say, they went through what they went through. And then the bombing started in Crimea. And just so people understand they have actual Nazis there. I mean, with the Nazi swastika, the whole thing with the hail Hitler, the whole nine yards and the, the assassination of people out in the streets in order to keep the public afraid, all of that. On top of all of that, there are biological labs, illegal biological labs. I think the last count was like 35 in Ukraine. Now, I want you to. I'm not sticking up for Russia. I'm just trying to give you a point of view. Imagine if Canada decided to go, or Mexico, either one of them, because they're both on our borders, decided to go, hey, you know what? We're going to join Russia. You think we're going to sit idly by and allow that to happen? Well, this is what happened with Ukraine. Ukraine, as I mentioned earlier, was part of Russia. Excuse me. Part of the agreement was that you are to remain the way that you are. You're not to go and seek help from the UN or the UK Or America or anybody else. No, they didn't do that. They didn't live up to their part of the agreement. And as a result, some bombing started. And then it was all the fingers pointing at Putin because he bombed the place when he told him ahead of time. We had a treaty. We had an agreement. You broke the agreement. I'm taking Ukraine back. And the war started. We had a. An individual that was acting as president at the time who clearly wasn't making the decisions. It doesn't take a rocket scientist figure that out and got us involved by us Supplying any kind of arms to Ukraine. Goes against the treaty that was signed. I don't know if America was involved in that treaty, but I do know it was between Ukraine and Russia. Goes against the treaty that was signed and can be construed as an act of war against Russia. We're providing weapons to Ukraine. Ukraine is killing Russians. That's an act of war. We're acting as a supplier to somebody who is not, last I checked anyway, not part of the U.N. they want them to be part of the U.N. and Putin said, no, we're not doing that. You're not allowed to be encroach upon my country like that. Because he sees through it. He has seen through it. Now, again, I'm not standing up for this guy. I'm sure he's done some dirty, rotten, really bad stuff. I'm just trying to get out information that would be interesting for people to know. So they broke the treaty. He started the bombing. It was an act of war, according to Ukraine. Help. Help. Help. Russia's beating us up. We're just a little guy here. America jumps in, even if we just funded them, even if we didn't give them any arms, just by funding them is an act of war. I think Putin, with all the negative stuff that they say about him, I think he's pretty much restrained himself because he sees that this is an act of war by the United States against Russia and he's not emotionally responding. Reacting might be a better word. He's not emotionally reacting. He's responding. Which is more responsible then you have Trump trying to make peace. And according to Trump, now, it was hard for me to hear what Zelinsky was saying, but according to Trump, Zelensky didn't want peace. He wants to keep fighting. If that's the case, hell no, we're not going to support you. We're not going to get involved in Your war. You're not. You're on the other side of the planet. You know, almost. Why would we want. From the very beginning, I said, why do we want to get involved in. This is nothing. It's like the Gaza thing. Why do we want to get involved in the Gaza thing? There's enough trouble over there already. Do you think by us getting involved, all the trouble is going to go away, or is it going to get worse? Because those people look at us as the snake. They look at us as Satan. And you know what? Some of them have justification as such, because they have seen what our government has done. And now many people are being exposed to what our government has done. The wasteful, purposeful, wasteful of money, hundreds of billions of dollars while they come looking for you if you make a $600 transaction of some sort. So now we're being exposed to it. The people outside the United States had seen it. I kept saying, you can't be the bully of the planet. Not expected to come back and bite you in the proverbial behind. And that's what has happened. We started all of these wars. I played. Excuse me. I don't know if it's the cold weather or what. I'll tell you what, I'm really having issues with the being able to speak. I played many times. I played the audio of General Wesley Clark, who says, we're going to get, we're going to attack seven countries in five. It's all planned. Seven countries in five years. And, and the ones that I remember, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, I think that's the seven. And look at where we are. And I just read an article that on 20 February, Trump ordered a, A, a strike in Syria against some terrorists, as they call them. I don't know what do you believe anymore? I'm not saying Trump is lying. I'm saying, what do you believe anymore? What's to say that the information that's being given to Trump is accurate? If somebody came over here and attacked us over here, people like me, who I consider myself a patriot and love this country, and I've taken action. I didn't just say it. I joined the service, I served so people like me would take up arms against whoever was attacking us. And, you know, if whoever was attacking us, you know what they would call us? Terrorists. They're terrorists. And the terrorists that are funded by the United States government are called freedom fighters. You got that? This is the absurdity of what's been happening for many, many years. Many years. It's now coming to roost back home. The idea that we can continue down the same road. I'm so grateful that Trump said, no, we're not going to do this. If you don't want peace, go fight them on your own. We're not getting involved. We're not going to have boots on the ground. We're going to. We had a deal. As a matter of fact, from, from the information that I have read, there was already a deal basically in place. It was already done. All you had to do is sign some kind of a mineral deal that's going to go on. We're going to get minerals and precious minerals because there's all kind, from what I understand, there's all kinds of minerals there. We're going to get minerals in repayment of the. I don't know how many billion, hundred, two hundred? I don't know. Our last count was $300 billion. We're spewing money out as though it was water. And the people who are providing the money can't even make ends meet. They take care of everybody else. Everybody. Let me tell you, it burns me so bad, it just boils my blood. They were bringing people in here by the hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands and paying them, paying them. Some of them got a stripe in about the $10,000 for coming to our country. Others got a measly $5,000 and then a stripe in every month while yet others they got to stay in. Was it five star hotels downtown. And if anybody questioned it, there was a guy who did a video of one of these hotels, I don't recall the name of the hotel, but tried to go in the hotel. Now this is a hotel supposedly allegedly open to the public. Tried to go in the hotel and they found out he was not part of the immigrants, as they call him there. They kicked him out and threatened to have him arrested. Wouldn't answer any questions. This is our hard earned money that could have gone to help one of my heart passions, fellow veterans who are homeless, who could have gone to help citizens who have paid into the system and need help. No, no, we're not going to help them. We're going to help individuals who we have no idea where their background is. They could be criminal, they could be mental, who knows, they could be drug dealers, they could be traffickers, who knows? But we're going to give them money and you know, read between the lines. For you American citizens, you peons, you get the number one. You know what? I don't even think we got the I think we got the pinky. We weren't even worth the number one. They did us so bad. Thousands of dollars to these people who never paid a penny into the system. Meanwhile, you have people who have paid God knows how much into the system and are falling, by the way, cannot get help for one reason or another. Ridiculous. And now it's all beginning to come to light and people are beginning to get upset, because the people who are beginning to get upset are the people who are going to get the screws put to them. Goodness, I'm telling you, the ones who are screaming the loudest, those are the ones who are going to get in trouble. Those are the ones who are going to get in the biggest trouble, the ones are screaming the loudest. Because I know, I now have a better idea. I mean, I had a, what I felt was a fairly good idea why they didn't want Trump to be the president, but now I have a much better idea because I didn't really catch on to the, the Doge part of the whole thing. You know, I heard him say that and I said, well, they're gonna go check out a couple things, big deal. I was wrong. Well, they checked out a couple of things and a couple more things and a couple more things, and we're finding massive amounts of waste, purposeful waste. Okay, so we found all this money that's going to. All these weird things, you know, I can't even tell you, some of the stuff is just. Did it really go there? So they say that they sent, I'm just going to use round numbers, a hundred dollars to somebody in Africa for some weird, you know, something. Did that person, whoever, or the, the, the entity, because it could have been like an ngo, like a non governmental organization, did they get the money? Or are all of these things that they're saying that they're paying off really being laundered out and coming back to these politicians? How many of these politicians get involved in politics and have a very small net worth when they get started? And then amazingly, within just a few short years, they're worth millions and millions of dollars. Meanwhile, they're being paid, some of them, I think the highest they get paid is about 180. I think it's, I may be wrong, but I think it's somewhere 120, 180, 150, somewhere in there, along with all the bennies that they get. And somehow they become multi millionaires in a short period of time. Where'd that money come from? I think they have come across that money through illegal means, and very possibly they're going to get caught. Not to get caught. What I want to see happen, not only have them be prosecuted, I want the money back. Don't. Okay, well, you're going to go to prison. You know, this is. This kills me. The guy goes and robs a bank, right? And he. They got. I don't know how many million dollars this is. It's just a true story that happened a long time ago. You guys went in, they robbed the bank. Two of them, I think they were brothers, went in, robbed the bank, and got, I don't know, a couple of million bucks or so or a million bucks, a lot of money at one time, at that time, and they got caught. Nobody recovered the money. They went to prison. They got out of prison. They got the money. So, okay, let's. Let's just kind of look at this in a different way. If I go to war now, this is, you know, it's just, gosh, it's probably 40 years, 50 years ago if I. If people back then were making, say, $20,000 a year, and that was. That was considered good. You go and rob a bank and you get. I don't know how much they got, but I think it was close to a million bucks or maybe even more. So let's just use a round number. You got a million bucks. How many 20 thousands go into a million dollars? That's quite a few. It is. I think it's 500. I think it's 500. So you'd have. Or maybe it's 50. Either way, you'd have to work that amount of years in order to get the same amount of money. And you're gonna go to prison for 10 or 15 years and get out, and you come out on top. They say the crime doesn't pay. Baloney. Oh, so these guys who said, oh, well, we sent 100 billion to this and 50 billion and 40 million and blah, blah. Did those people, whoever they sent that money to or those organizations, whoever they sent that money to, did they really get the money? Because Zelinsky's crying. I didn't get all the money that they said there. They said they sent me. Really? Then where did it go? If you didn't get it, what happened to it? He's in a. He's in a world. His. He's. He's in a world of spit. I'm gonna tell you. Trump is demanding an audit on the money that was sent to him. There are rumors going around. I can't verify it but when I was living in West Palm Beach, Florida, I was 15 minutes away from Mar a Lago. There were rumors going around, allegedly that Zelinsky had purchased his parents somewhere in Palm Beach County. A multimillion dollar home. It could have been in one of these really upscale. There's some very, very expensive homes in Palm beach county you wouldn't believe. So apparently he bought his, his parents a multimillion dollar mansion. I'm guessing it was in Palm beach county, but it was in Florida according to all the rumors that I heard, and I heard it from several different sources. So usually when something like that goes around, it's got some accuracy to it. It may not been a $50 million or $20 million, maybe only a million dollar home, but he's bought him a home regardless. Where did that money come from? This is a man whose country is in desperate need of money right now because they're at war. Where did that money come from? All that excess money. Then I read an article about how the majority, not the majority, much of the money, not the majority, much of the money that is being sent to Ukraine is to actually support Ukraine, to pay them government and to. I just. Have we lost our minds? Seriously, have we lost our minds? We're supporting another country. We're supporting the government of another country. We're not just helping them. Oh, big old Russia's beating us up. We need help. Help us, help us, help us. Give us some ammunition. Give us some, you know, something to fight back with. It's. No, no, it's not just that we're giving them money. And the money that we're giving them is to support the freaking country. And how many do we have? Yeah, I should do it. I'll do a search on, during the break. How many people do we have reportedly that are homeless veterans and civilians? How many of them are homeless? They're finding, in some cases they believe it's going to be well over a trillion dollars. A trillion dollars in waste if that money was put back towards the people who need it. Oh my gosh, a trillion dollars. So you put a 1 trillion, I think is. And then put 12. Yeah, 12 zeros behind it. That's a trillion. To give you a trillion dollars at the rate of $1 per second, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year would take over 32,000 years. That's how big this is. So that money could easily have helped many of the people who are in desperate need out on the streets suffering while these Parasites like, to use a more colorful description, get to live a life of luxury, come in with a very small net worth, and all of a sudden are multi millionaires. I'm holding my breath, people. I'm holding my breath. I'm hoping and praying that we're going to see some resolution. Pam Bondi keeps using the word. My mind just went blank. Accountability. She keeps saying the word accountability. This is something that I have been crying about for the last four years. There is no accountability. There is none. We make mistake after mistake after mistake and nobody, nobody gets in trouble. Are we going to have accountability? Now is now the time. I'm holding my breath. I'm waiting to see. Apparently, with the release of the Epstein files, the partial release of the Epstein files, apparently there are thousands of pages that are being withheld and that Pam Bondi is trying to get a hold of them now. When I lived in Florida, I basically lived most of my life in Florida, just about all my life in Florida. Pambani was the Attorney General for Florida for quite some time. And during that time, I may have my timelines a little off, but I think I'm almost certain that she was the Attorney General when the Epstein thing, because there was a big trial in West Palm about this guy, this creep, and apparently he got let go. We know now why, because he was. Not only was he a Mossad agent, an FBI informant, he had all kinds of dirty stuff on all kinds of people in very high places. So apparently he could easily blackmail any of these people and get away basically with murder. So the, the subject came up, well, you know, Pam Bondi was the Attorney General during that time. Why didn't she do something back then? I can't answer that. I don't know. She may have been told stand down and had no choice. I don't think that she was in any way, shape or form helping to support him. I just think she might have been caught between a rock and a hard place. And I, I place that judgment because of her actions. Now she wants all of it released. She's not holding back any. Well, she's not. The FBI is. But she wants all of it released. So if she was somehow involved in supporting him, it would have been in the records. She wouldn't want those released. The only thing she says is going to be redacted are personal information about the witnesses and the victims, which rightful. That's, that's fine. So we're waiting for more. We got phase one. I don't know why they call it phase one. We got Phase one of the Epstein files. And we're waiting I guess for phase two and soon to be, you know, how many do we have? Phase three, phase four, phase five. So at the surface right now it appears as though according to a letter I saw Pam Bondi write to Cash Patel, apparently she was told there are thousands of pages and I guess, I'm guessing now there are many high level names on those pages and that is probably why they're not being released. There was another lady, I can't remember her name, madam something or another, this is years back who had a little black book. I don't know how many people remember that. I think they called her the Black Widow. Had a little black book and it had names of all of these politicians and she was a madam, she was supporter of prostitutes, had the names of all of these high level people. Can't remember her name. I wonder whatever happened to that. I wonder if we're going to get to the bottom of or at least somewhere near the bottom of 9 11. What happened 9 11. Because I don't believe we'll ever have a real transparent government until we find out. Joshi tells me it's 180 billion, not 300. If it was 10 billion, it's 10 billion to whatever the number is. It's too much. We should have never. We're a country that is so deep in debt and we're giving money away. It just doesn't make sense. It makes sense if you're getting a cutback. Hey listen Mr. Z, I'll send you a hundred bucks, you send me back 25. Roger that. Then it would make sense and I think that's what's been going on. Robert says Trump advanced toliating. You bet your bottom dollar. They were not going to take any garbage. They were not going to allow him to. You know, I saw him. Was it back in last year is September, October somewhere in there making almost demands, I mean standing very firm and, and, and, and, and the, the reading the way that you feel about it's like he's demanding, he's demanding his help and he needs this money and he. Dude. So I guess, I guess Trump advance decided that you're not doing that. That's not happening here, pal. And apparently he was coached by some of the Democrats and again this is hearsay. I don't know but it wouldn't, I wouldn't put it past them. It sounds like a plan right up their alley. Apparently he was coached by some of them and they told him to stand firm. All right, well that's what you get to listen to. These dim bulbs, man. Stand firm because they won the. They won the. The election. Right? They lost because of racism. They lost because of misogyny. They lost because of the. What they call us the. I can't think of the words with the garbage. Remember that? We're called garbage. And a couple of other things. Yeah, we. We lost. They want. They lost because we were that. All of that garbage. Right. All right, so I've got a guest coming on tonight, as many of you probably already know, and that is blue crystalline Phoenix. Have had her on a couple of times. Extremely interesting lady. Will probably blow your socks off. And we'll have her on in just a couple of minutes. Gonna take a break. And right after the break, I'll be right back. Don't go away. Here we go. [00:35:10] Speaker B: You're listening to the Red Pill reality show. [00:35:13] Speaker D: We'll be right back. [00:35:19] Speaker C: I can't help but look around and feel like things are getting out of hand. We've been told to trust the science but the science just doesn't make sense. They say it isn't mandatory but they also say you jab at your job. But if it doesn't stop the spread it makes it feel like this is just a facade. What about the health care workers? What about the frontline nurses? How quickly we forget the day we're working 18 hours a day. What about informed consent? What about due diligence? It seems a country that I used to call home is surely slipping away. I can't help but look around and feel like mine's are slowly starting to change. Cause even if you're triple vaccinated know that segregation isn't the way. Freedom is a choice and it's available to all if we choose. But first things first, you gotta turn off the news, yeah. What about the healthcare workers? What about the frontline nurses? How quickly we forget that they were working 18 hours a day? What about informed consent? What about due diligence? It seems a country that I used to call home is surely slipping away. If you late to the party there's plenty room with the table this side don't discriminate. I'm calling on every single man, woman, child of the able. It's time to take the streets and liberate. But please don't be a part of the problem Staying willfully ignorant. Cuz there's just way too much at stake. Yo, it's okay to change your mind. You can admit you were wrong? Cause where there's perfect love there ain't no shame Heavenly Father, show me what I don't understand yet. I got my marching orders I don't fully know the plan yet. Hold on to my Bible before bed no, it ain't been yet. Did you know the makers of the vaccine make the Xanax? I would never lean on corporations for morality Cuz they put their profits over people for their salaries. No, they want to make you bend the need for your normality. I know you you feeling all alone but in reality there's way more of us than them. There's way more of us than them. There's way more of us than them. There's way more of us than them. There's way more of us than them. That's the truth. There's way more of us than them. There's way more of us than them. There's way more of us. There's way more. [00:39:21] Speaker A: And we're back. Hope you didn't go too far because we have more interesting and thought provoking information for you coming up on the Red Pill reality show. [00:39:39] Speaker D: All right, well there goes that camera again. I'm gonna figure that out. We are back and I'm going to bring blue crystalline Phoenix on with me here. There we go. Hello Blue. Welcome to the Red Pill reality show. Hi Raskala, how are you doing my dear? There we go. And a little issue with every time I go on break or I break off for any reason, the camera does not go back to default on my. It's a long story. Anyway, so I think you got some updates you want to share with us tonight. [00:40:14] Speaker E: Well, absolutely. One of the discussions obviously with what you already discussed with Zelensky and Donald Trump now you know, the proposition goes as thoughts. We want to create peace, we don't want to create more disorder and there was improper disorder prior to the effect Dealing with the last administration and acknowledging weaponized systems or motivating to another country to help cause and catalyze problems with another is not going to help the current country that you're in. What we all need to do is set into effect what we can do to sustain peace for each other and sustain better laws for the leaders and the distribute needs to be placed here for the planet. I don't see any wrong. If Donald Trump wants to acclimate something that will fix what the ex president has pretty much deprivated caused. I don't see how there could be an issue where, okay, we can have, let's say there's certain elements that he wanted in cooperation to a subjunction or a Conjuncture to be able to help each other out better. I mean, we can have to have common sense here on this planet. [00:41:44] Speaker D: That doesn't seem to, that doesn't seem to happen the last four years. Common sense, rational thinking, none of that seems to have occurred. [00:41:53] Speaker E: Well, it's got to take up to that point now with the rational thinking and the common sense. Enough is enough between wars between each other and that includes Russia, Ukraine, China, here. I don't care where it's at. It's one planet. Humans are all one species. I don't care what color you are. So what? Your DNA structure is a little different, but you're still in the same simulation, you're still on the same matrix and you have to cooperate. I mean, that's why there are leaders here. That's why they have higher codes than the lower codes and those even above them with higher terrestrials. But regardless, you know, we have a foundation and for a plant to move forward, it has to have a proper foundation. The human species are not apes. They're not going to learn to degrade themselves. They're going to learn to be more affiliated. So they are better as a higher terrestrial. So they can actually go into other planetized systems and not create catalyzed events between each other and or supposed systems. You know, it starts from one spot and works its way up from there. So why not take a step down from acting on an uncoordinated fact and see what you can do to help. Prepare where you're at and go onwards, see what you can do, cooperate to a level. [00:43:18] Speaker D: Well, I think right now I'm speak for me, I won't speak for others. I am overwhelmed with satisfaction as to what I'm witnessing happening with regard to, like we mentioned, the common sense, the rational thinking. As I mentioned in the monologue, Zelensky, from what I was read, was basically coached before he met with Trump. And he and the people who were coaching him were Democrats and were telling him, stand your ground, stand your ground, don't let him push you around. And Trump wasn't going to have any of that. He wasn't having any of it. And the evidence of that was what we saw on video where Trump basically put his foot down. We're not going to do this war, we're not going to do this. This is going to be, this is on your shoulders now. We're trying to end the war and you don't want to end the war. So I'm very grateful to what has happened so far. It's one of those things for me, Blue, that it's almost too good to be true. So I'm like, just. I'm watching very carefully and listening very carefully because as time goes on, it's like, oh, my God, I can't believe that happened. Oh my God, I can't believe. Oh my God. I give. And the last one was, was yesterday when they had that meeting and Trump just jumped right in the middle of his act, man. Boom. You're not in a position to be telling us what to do or what the feel or whatever. You should be grateful that we're helping you and we're trying to bring peace, but you don't want peace. That was. That was awesome. That was awesome. [00:44:56] Speaker E: Well, it takes a step for every leader upon this planet to do something right. And it doesn't matter which country you're in. And it takes it for every single sector. And they know what I'm talking about. They need to take that golden age step forward and stop with the negative one agenda order that would pull things down. Yes, we could coordinate something that the planet could work together on. But it doesn't have to be where everyone's fighting between each other. [00:45:31] Speaker D: Right. [00:45:33] Speaker E: This is not acknowledgeable for humans as a species. It's downright disgusting to find to see what's going on and to see the potential of a major disaster that could possibly happen because the countries are at war like this. It needs to come to a standstill. There needs to be a point where they have to make an attentive motive to removing all the negativity that was acknowledged within the past few years and see what new laws can be made and see what new sciences can be distributed, including AI, including quantum sciences, utilizing even nuclear energy, not, not as a weapon, but as an actual thing to build mankind up to help them. And we have to understand that there are UAPs out there, there are UFOs, and there are categories of many of them that actually have and run through nuclear or radioactive energy and a type of dark material matter. The conjunction motivates to be able to use several types of tech out there to help, including sustainability through health sciences, which humans pretty much are already motivating forward with, but it's kind of waning. You know, if they push forward through AI and possibly remove who, the World Health Organization as it is, and re. Adapt to a certain figure, that will help platonically, it's gonna not only create substantial, new, substantial jobs for mankind in the health department and the science departments, it also will take away the negativity of what they had put out there, including this so called Covid thing, stuff dealing with the chemicals and the products they put into mankind. It's going to become something better to redistribute for the whole planet. This is one thing that is behind the scenes kind of moving forward slowly, but we still have implementations from obviously who and other organizations itself that don't want to acknowledge it because obviously they're running through that money thing they want to control. [00:48:13] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. And it seems like they're, they're, their sources are drying up rapidly, which is going to help bring about what we really need more and more. Because the less and less of them, the more it. I'm sure you understand there's a ying and a yang, there's a plus and a minus, you know, so the more, the less of the minus, the more the positive. Right. So that's, that's what I'm looking forward to with regards to equilibrium, with the regard to the energy. Now I have a personal friend of mine who I, and I have seen, I've shared this several times on the show. I have personally seen and tested circuits that if they were modified, it would require a bit of a modification, but it wouldn't be very much if they were put into these electric cars, the cars would not have to be recharged. So I put it to you this way. If a, if electric vehicles, let's just say 250 miles was there as far as they could go before a recharge, you could multiply that number by probably 10 to 20 times and still have an 80% charge in your battery. That's just one thing. There's other types of energy that are out there other than nuclear, because I'm for nuclear. But the problem is like you meant, you kind of touched on it. Instead of being used to help us, it's being used, you know, against us. It's being used in as a matter of a weapon instead of an asset and a tool to, to help mankind. [00:49:45] Speaker E: Well, reconsiderment, rescala of directing that the other way. They could utilize it somewhat for weaponized systems. Supposedly if there are other entities or other really bad threats out there in the cosmos or something even here on this realm, but not something on a nuclear event. Not something that will mess up the planet, that will mess up the countries, the houses, the people. You know, they use it on a much smaller stance, but it's more compact, it's set on a certain law. It's not something that will harm the entire planet, if you will. And they Mainly need to have it utilized as an energy source and as something that could be distributed for health sciences and AI in the near future. [00:50:35] Speaker D: AI is another scary subject. Blue. [00:50:37] Speaker E: It's not as scary as you perceive. Because if we acknowledge the fact that there are two types of AI that could be incubated upon the system planning, the false mode which could corrupt the whole entire system itself and catalyze it upside down, or the one that unifies the actual existence of monetary gain for mankind and advanced intelligence, that's where we're going to aim for. That's what's hoping. Now if AI does create a good impact, what we are coordinating with it could ultimately motivate things. Kind of like think about the movie Star Trek. Think about other generated space things, if you will. If it all goes well, it's going to push everything into an age of space in equilibrium for the whole entire planet. [00:51:37] Speaker D: Okay, so here's my concern about that. There are, there in the past, in our history, there have many, many times when someone comes forward with something that would serve humanity in a positive way. And certain people who, who are extremely limited mentality, as far as I'm concerned, all they want to do is make money. And if, if they're making money off the, literally the blood of other humans, then that's fine. So they take these inventions that could help humanity positively and they turn them into weapons. This is what I'm afraid of. As we try to introduce AI into our lives, I have learned that these people will tell you what they're going to do. Sometimes it's straight up in your face, sometimes you know it's in code. But they will tell you. And they use a variety of different methods to do that. One of them is movies. Well, I think of the, the Terminator movies and what we're. The way that we're headed. I've seen some of the, what do they call them? Androids. They call them androids in Japan. Some of the androids are so lifelike, it's. It's pretty scary. Some of the stuff that Boston Dynamics has come up with, it's. It's pretty scary. These things can run, they can jump, they can climb ladders. They can do just about anything a human can do and probably even do it better. So if they were programmed to help us, that would be one thing. But what happens if the program that they're being run on becomes corrupt? I think of the movie, I think it's called I Am Robot. I may be wrong about the name, but I have something like that. Where Will Smith is involved with all of these robots and they go rogue and the whole bunch of robots just go absolutely nuts and they, they all begin to communicate with each other. Well, I've heard stories where these, these AIs have already began to communicate with each other. [00:53:36] Speaker E: Well, like AI's been around a lot longer than people understand. And there are also the AI observers that utilize the circuitry codes of the foundations of life and death. But I can go on another topic with that on another time. AI only implements itself as a scary motivated motivation. When certain people or corporations use it that way, when it's something set positively, then obviously it's going to be a benefit. Now, there are several planets out there, several systems, including the inner Garth and realms that have advanced civilization, including cooperative events to them and the government, military, humans. Now, AI circuit has been around for a while now. If they do put that into effect and create humanoid robots and maintain that code of ethics between themselves and human mankind, it's not entirely impossible to have it motivated like certain, like I said, certain cosmic movies similar to R2D2 or, or the Other Guy, the Robot Humanoid guy, I forgot the name. But to those two and to acknowledgement of other robotic systems, it could catalyze something good health systems through AI. Already they already have robotics that get in much better to helping generally scan, remodify the DNA structure and heal the subcultures of the human itself than an actual person can. Now, I could see a competitive result that if it goes right, there's an equilibrium that the human helps the robot. The robot motivates what it's supposed to for the actual entity that is healing. There is also the AI components that go digitally into the membranes eventually. And that subscanner itself will create a zoning affair through the neural wave patterns. So it helps open up certain psychic abilities within the mind itself, including a telekinesis, telepathy, advancement of regeneration through the hypermolecular structures in the skin. So the AI cooperative event does come into a link for mankind. Near future qualities would subjugate for that. Humans have gotten this property eons before through higher terrestrials. And that had unlocked the second provision, the second mind, if you will, the second peripheral mind. There are two peripheral minds that go in an exactation mode through the substructure of the head. There's the third eye, and then there's the digital mainframe, which goes into the back. The second third eye, if unlocked, the second third eye, which Elon's already working on through other cooperative levels, helps open up what has been locked away from the humans for quite a while. And humans already have certain gray particle or gray DNA structure in them. G R A Y which are higher terrestrials. And most of them have been locked away from it because they've been run on the net. Which are several underground internalized energetic systems that run through the inner girthan realms and scatter across the planet and help to control the electromagnetic and DNA frequencies of those incubated. [00:57:20] Speaker D: So did I lose you? No, no. I'm having a little bit of a problem on my end. I've got a bad feedback coming through my headphones. I have to take my headphones off so it's a little harder to hear you. So with regard to what you're. What you're saying, I have a great example. [00:57:37] Speaker E: I'm sure that before you end up, I was gonna forget another thing through the AI is the quantum medical systems or the advanced quantum med beds. AI has a substructure through that and if protocols go right it could be an catalyze a good health, a regenerative health for mankind. There are smaller end tech scenarios as well through IT robotics systems. And I know what you mean by the humanoid stance. They have to have a safety switch and there cannot be too many set on the protocol upon the planet. And if the conjuncture is a place right. Yeah. You could have a robotic frame. It only goes so far. So we have to have a cooperative and lengthy level when we're placing these sciences in for mankind. It's as simple as that. There's the good, there can be the bad and there can be the in between. It's all in the mindset and how you manifest it. [00:58:33] Speaker D: So I was going to give you an example. They have. I'm not sure what the correct terminology is, but it's ro. I think part of it is robotic surgery where doctors are using a combination of AI and robotics together to perform surgeries that would otherwise be almost impossible for a human to do. So those are examples. That's an example of where it could be used positively to help us. That there are positive aspects to it. How do we fight the negative stuff? How do we keep these people from using it, you know, for. For, you know, malevolent ways. [00:59:19] Speaker E: Oh, there, there's got to be a better law standard. You know, there's got. The government currently have to reiterize the way they cast their mindsets outwards for the new age and see where the potential can lie to help in any advancements. So if this is going to be a catastrophic thing, or this is going to be something that's going to dislodge humans from moving forward. We may want to reconsider our actions here if it's going to prove an asset and we work behind the scenes and we know these technologies. And yes, there are advanced extraterrestrial technologies that are implemented with AI too, especially with us in the Federation. If that is played out proper, I don't see why not how we can have this advanced stage. But we have to play it safe and we have to disengage those corporations that would and could possibly pose a threat, including through with AI. Some of them may fundamentally be through the X Organization, the X administration. That's the case. We just have to delve in deeper and see what needs to be done. If there are things scattered outwards, including in China and other areas, that this does not provide good for AI, maybe simplifying that and moving it to something else, because there's too much danger out there. And humans do not need to be scared. They don't need to be provoked. They don't need to have fear. It needs to be lessened. [01:00:56] Speaker D: Well, that's, that's what the dark side lives on, is fear. The more fear that they can create, the more chaos that they can create, the better, the happier they are. So we're having to fight. And this has been going on, I'm sure you're aware, it's been going on for a very long time. This has just happened the last four years, the last 40 years or last 400 years. Been going on for a very long time. The same, I believe the same bloodline that was responsible for the crucifix. Crucifixions is the same bloodline that's doing a lot of the evil stuff that we're seeing today. So this is something just started, you know, four years ago, right? 10, 15 years ago. It's been going on for a long time. And I hope and pray that more and more of it becomes exposed for what it truly is and people will, can hopefully again, we're, we're back to the, we're back to the common sense, you know, reasonable thinking, that kind of thing. Hopefully that can come to the determination that that's not the way that we want our society to go. That's not the way that we want this planet to move forward. It. What we just went through the last four years has, has just been so devastating for so many people. Some of them are not going to be able to recover from what, what we went through and others are like me. I'm, I'm in a very fortunate position where they would have to do, they'd have to really work overtime to hurt me financially because there's so little of it left at this point. But my point being is that I'm an individual where I was kind of not subjected as severely to this stuff as like somebody who had a full time job. What about the people that were forced to take the jab? It's either you take the jab or it's your job. Now they're the, the, the leashback. I can't think the right word. The comeback is, you know, these people operate who were told to do that. The people who are giving the orders to do that, they violated your rights and they may be prosecuted. Hopefully they will be. I'd like to see that happen. I'd love to see AI get into an area of, like you had mentioned earlier, of medicine where we're able to deal with just anything, anything that goes on within the body. I do know from personal experience this goes back many, many years ago. I, I have said many times that the military is so far ahead of US technology it's disgusting. This is, this goes back probably 50 years ago, 40 years ago. One of the people that I served with in the Air Force, his brother was some high. He couldn't even tell me what his brother did because his brother couldn't tell him what he did because it was so secret. He was telling me this story about he was out cutting the grass one day and he made a stupid mistake. A stick or something got stuck in the mower. And this is back before they had all the safety stuff. The more if you let go, the motor keeps running. So he went to go pull a stick out and it cut the very end of his thumb off. I think he said like three quarters of an inch of his thumb off. And he was telling his brother how stupid he felt and blah blah, blah, blah, because you know, he was so safety oriented, blah blah blah. And a week or two later he gets in the mail, he gets a letter from his brother with some white powder in the mail. And he says, put this on your thumb two times a day and let me know. And he was like 60 days later, he grew the end of his thumb back. This is like 40 years ago. So this technology exists. The sad part is they suppress it because again, we're back to the nasty four letter C word. C, U, R, E. If you cure anything, then you lose that potential of that money that brings that in. And the profits that are associated with management are far greater than the properties that are associated with cure. So this is an area that we, as a general public, I believe, are becoming more and more aware where AI could get involved and actually answer the question. I mean truthfully, answer the questions. Because a lot of the times you ask a doctor a question, the answer that he gives you is maybe inaccurate. And it's not because he's doing it on purpose, it's how he was taught. So this guy, you know, from the top down, we have garbage from the top down. And hopefully now with AI being involved in some of this, people can get real answers, People can get true answers. Not again, it depends upon the programming of the AI. But from what I understand, a lot of these AIs are almost becoming self aware. Are you, have you heard that? [01:05:38] Speaker E: Well, I mean, I'm not going to be surprised since advancements have been here well before we. You guys already knew about it. Like I said, there have been affiliated governments and military behind scenes several, several years ago, even way beyond that, have similar technologies and even use stuff in space that dealt with AI. I mean, you gotta understand these movies that have been coming out, these, these different space movies, this is stuff to deal with, whatever and technology is okay? It's not real. Honey, some of that shit, if not most of it is already been fabricated and has just been hidden from mankind. There have been generated wars above the substructure for many eons, intergalactic wars between humans and other species. There have been advanced laser technologies implemented with AI substructure for many eons. Humans have had, like I said, similar to neuralink for many generations ongoing, including what's going on in the inner Garthan realms, that opened up their higher psyche awareness, which obviously augments with it. There are simulated technologies that run through generated health sciences that can regenerate the skin itself, regenerate the body structure itself. They have induced properties that they have from behind the scenes through royal hierarchies, royal families, governments that have. That had this for a while. And you got to understand that there are multiple tunnels underneath the planet that are cooperative, government owned. And they have many types of science industries, technologies, things that deal with, even on the paranormal side that they are dealing with. They're fabricating the Haljan colander itself. I mean, we don't understand how much of it can generate things on an elemental stance and affect things on a molecular structure. There is so much that's going on behind the scenes people aren't even aware of. Okay? It's new, it's coming out there. They think they'll say ice, other stuff. No, it has been around. It's just they're trying to find a way to utilize it, bringing it out there. But in the end, it's got to be something good. Yeah, because we're. You're all living in a simulation in a way. You know, the, the what you do, how your mind makes up is what manifests into real life. That's what comes into existence. Any motion you make is sustained. And humans were given this knowledge for a reason. So it's only scary if you let it. And that includes these advanced technologies. It's only scary if you allow it. It's only scary if you make it something bad. [01:08:39] Speaker D: And as I mentioned earlier, that's exactly what they want. They want fear, they want chaos. As a matter of fact, their modus operandi, what they are, what they operate under is order through chaos or order from chaos. So the more fear and the more chaos they can create, the greater order that they can, that they can have. And so what you're saying is right on the money. I wanted to ask you something a little bit different on the topic, but just to see if you know anything about it. This crazy fog that's going on, I'm sure you've heard about that, right? [01:09:12] Speaker E: Yes. Micro enhanced induced chemicals of biowarfare that does affect the certain substructure of mankind. There have been hyphenated levels on timelines where humans have been getting sick more than they should be. And you know, they try to blend that in. Oh, it's a flu season or some other type type of thing going on, but they're actually introducing some of these chemicals through a biowarfare and placing it in like that. There's another way too. Generally through aerodynamics, through airplanes. So they scatter it through the air in line. There are several other factors too that ultimately is going to end up being reduced. This biowarfare is going to end up having to be halted altogether because generally, generally humans can't move forward otherwise. And they're going to keep depopulating society until there's nothing left. And we don't want that. There are thousands of planets out there in the system that humans can take over and including the one they're in if they learn to fix it proper. [01:10:23] Speaker D: So would you happen to know the source of this, where it's coming from? Because this is not just warfare. [01:10:30] Speaker E: Can come through numerous corporations, including those that can maintain it. It's implemented depending on the sciences that they have. And those I believe through some of the health organizations could be cooperated at this level as well as some who deal with control of the weather. So because there are. There is harp. HARP controls much of the weather system and something dealing with NOAA itself. There are generated modes that if. If certain aerodynamics push or pull certain elements into equation, it could easily affect things much faster than just it pull pushing or pulling on its own through the planet. Well, I'm still thinking about higher amounts of wind or higher amounts of categorized rain at this time. Go into a subjuncture. It should be. It's introducing something else altogether. [01:11:33] Speaker D: Well, I'm. I'm seeing reports still this is happening in different places. And again it's not just certain areas. [01:11:39] Speaker E: It's not like all over. They're hidden in certain spots and they have a higher potential of making people sick because of what's being placed through these chemicals. It's not regular fog. [01:11:53] Speaker D: So somebody took some samples of the larger components of this and had them evaluated. It was pretty disgusting what they found. All kinds of hazardous materials are in this fog. And on top of all that bacteria. Thousands and thousands of some kind of bacteria. I can't remember the name of it, but bacterias that would be effective upon a respiratory system. So those people who were. Who were complaining of oh man, I feel sick afterwards after breathing. Yeah, it got into your lungs and it's affecting your lungs. That's why you feel sick. So I'd like to find out who's responsible for that. [01:12:28] Speaker E: I know there's a little laboratories and cooperative entities that deal with this. It is kind of similar to pushing in the COVID You know, you know the sciences with all those corporations and what they're doing. There are similar properties implemented within these certain cloud structures that possibly have that aligned as well as with other diseases. There is metallic alloy structures incubated within these two and some of them are thicker than others. [01:13:07] Speaker D: Well, some of us. Some of the videos I've seen it looks pretty big size. Yeah, I mean the size of a p. Almost. Some of this stuff and it just doesn't. And people were complaining. I was gonna say it doesn't look normal. What people were complaining from the very beginning. It had a bad smell to it. It had a weird taste to it. People were complaining of feeling ill afterwards. And I didn't hear a whole lot from the media. I didn't hear anything from the government saying anything was going on. I just wanted to play it off as it's just fog. It's not Just fog. You see these sick twisted people doing their thing on us. And it's a necessity, more of a necessity for us to be able to be aware of what's going on. Getting back to the, to the AI thing, my concern with, with the AI thing and I think it would be very helpful for us if it's used properly. What happens if, as I mentioned to you before, what happens if we get a Terminator? We're making these robots in Japan that look so human, it's, it's scary. And they, they, they give them the ability to make decisions, a life and death decision and put a weapon in their hand. That's pretty scary. [01:14:25] Speaker E: Oh, it has to become an equilibrium. Like I said, you can have robotics, you can have humanoid structures, but they have to have a safety switch. And if humans ever have any protocols in the future, and it'll be a while from now, possibly motivating their mindset into some other type of substructure or utilizing the components equally. But until then, AI has to be moved slowly forward and that includes robotic systems. Humans are not prepared to fully intake what they can, a compatibility score between themselves and AI digitally. Their neural wavelength patterns are not capable of that. If they were to be programmed and be able to be re evaluated as a hybrid species, like I said, there are certain NTEC devices that could be reinserted back into them or coordinated upon their shell structure as a magnetized code. Now that's just cooperating at that level. If you have robotics though, safety switch and not too many of the same subsystem amongst with mankind. So digitally placing both components equally, not impossible. But where does the flow start from there? So we got to understand, I know we have, there are certain countries that are more into the robotic systems than USA per se. And obviously, I mean we got China and they're really advanced with certain things and we got other, other sectors, but they, they too have to have their own laws set in place that they have to have the components equalized between themselves and, and these entities, these, these digital input speeds. It all starts though with making certain laws put into motion. How are you going to control the robotics, how the robotics can control themselves, where it stops from there, how far it can go. Including weaponized systems with robots, if they're going to engage with that, they're going to possibly do that. They have to have a feel, they have to have a safety switch so they're not allowed to harm humankind or other potential candidates that are not supposed to be harmed. This has to take into consideration for mankind. [01:17:11] Speaker D: I wanna, I'm gonna play a short video. This is, this is what scares me. This is. Let's see if I can't. Well, I thought I had it up. Let's see. Let me get rid of this guy. This is what really scares me. Because as you mentioned, as I know for a fact that much of what we. What is being used against us was not originally intended for that. Here's Boston Dynamics with a robot sound on. We're dealing with. This is what we have already in. This isn't theory. Now at this point, this is what's actually happening. I, I can see where on one side they could be very useful, especially for maybe seniors need help around the house, they need someone to monitor them or something like that. And then I can see on the other side that could be used literally as soldiers, like you just saw in this video. I don't know if that was truly real where that guy would stand in front of that thing and it had. Have live ammo and make the decision whether to fire or not. If that, if that was really accurate in what they were displaying. That guy's got a lot of nerve. He's got very brave man. I don't know what is bravery or stupidity to trust a machine with your life. Let me back up a minute. To trust a machine that can make a decision over your life in the manner that this guy did. But again, that's. This is my concern. I, I want to support AI in whatever way possible, along with the robotics that go with it. But we need to be very careful because we could end up literally with a terminator, literally, as you just saw. [01:20:42] Speaker E: Well, in consideration that humans as a species for, for many, many, many thousands of years have been in different types of wars, maintaining use of technologies to hopefully potentially drop down some of this stuff and create an impact where it's. Let's just say there's a motivation here, okay? The people, humans per se, they have. Too many generations have not implemented the right foundations between each other as a species. And there's not much on a cooperative level if we can put AI as a protective protocol, but not too much where it's harming the human species, but enough where it's setting a term, a stern law, a fundamental law that will halt a lot of what is being negatively programmed upon the planet. Because if we keep, if humans keep moving forward like they are and categorizing what they want against each other, they're not going to be able to be advanced. They're not going to be able to motivate what they know already and actually set an example. We want an example, a proper example set for AI including health and protection, as well as possibly motivating things for the mind. Have you be a safety there safe safety switch analyzed and robots cannot go past their exempl exemplified safety switch. They cannot harm human bystanders, normal human bystanders who wouldn't cause a threat. And if they potentially did, there needs to be a way to possibly enact it without harming or too much on the categories of mankind. [01:22:58] Speaker D: So what you just saw, what. How do you feel about what did you get to see it? So I don't know if you're watching. [01:23:05] Speaker E: I saw it. I just have to know that, yeah, there could be potentially a rise in AI and protection scores. But humans in general as a species, they shouldn't even have to go to this point, to be honest. Humans as a species need to start learning to proclaim peace between each other and to start learning what the corporations from each sector can do to maintain their code of ethics. I mean, yeah, there are a lot of negative entities out there and they could create a lot of harm to the planet. We have to have some type of protection. Whether it's AI or it's normal person. There has got to be until fundamentally this whole planet is set in a peace protocol. [01:24:03] Speaker D: Well, now I could see, I could see we're using AI as a bodyguard kind of thing. Yeah. [01:24:09] Speaker E: Yes. And potentially putting that as something that could stop certain actions that could create a much more disruptive event. There needs to be some type of order set for this planet and the order cannot, it can't sway from the fundamental, fundamental codes of where it's going. It has to create a foundation, if you will so and advancements of the technologies for mankind are going to still keep moving forward, including AI robotics. It's going to come there, it's going to be here. It's just going to depend on how you're motivating it, how you're there. [01:24:55] Speaker D: There's no way around this. [01:24:57] Speaker E: No, it's still going to come. They're going to become robotics to the military. They're already making that. And robotics to military has kind of been around for a long time. They just haven't brought that out there. And if they put this out there and they do utilize robotics, either between military or just per se itself humanoid structure, do there has to be AI laws set for that? [01:25:25] Speaker D: I. I don't know if you're aware, but Trump just got sword. I'm looking for he got somebody to commit $500 billion for the advancement of artificial intelligence. Did you hear about that? [01:25:41] Speaker E: I believe so. [01:25:47] Speaker D: I lost you. I lost you. I'm just getting There you are, go ahead. [01:25:55] Speaker E: Sorry, I have somebody right here at the door. Apologize. Can you please explain again, I was. [01:26:01] Speaker D: Mentioning, I didn't know if you had heard that Trump had. I don't know who it is. Somebody has committed $500 billion. Be like boy, billion dollars for artificial intelligence research and advancement. Did you hear about that? [01:26:19] Speaker E: I believe so. [01:26:23] Speaker D: So can you imagine, you imagine what they're going to be able to do with 500? I'm sure it's not 500 billion like right away. It's probably over, I don't know, five or ten year period or something. But can you imagine what they can do now that they have? So for a while there are home computers that we use on a day to day basis were originally designed by humans. Then they had computers. And I know this firsthand because I visited one of the factories. Then they had computers designing computers. And as that continued, that process continued. Of course things got faster and faster and faster until we got, today we got super fast computers. We got the ability to store stuff on something as big as your thumb that would normally have taken a thousand of these floppy disks years back. So as the technology advances, what I'm saying is, as the technology advances, we now have artificial intelligence computers designing artificial intelligence computers. So you can imagine what we're going to have and it's not going to take long because the computers are designing the computers. It won't take long at all. [01:27:45] Speaker E: Well, computers will become something of advancements for mankind and substantially help progressively move them forward to the new generation. But it's if there's got to be certain motives for it and humans cannot go overboard with AI. They have to take steps in order for them to process further. And by catalyzing humanoid structures among them on a potential military basis may not be the right protocol at this time. Maybe later on down the road. If the implementations are dealing with other potential enemies, whether they're from outer space, from above or they're on from the lands itself, you know, consideration of protecting the species as a whole using better advancements would be considered. And when that steps taken into effect, humans potentially be able to go into other systems and have the safety net of these advanced AI. But we should never have those candidates, those AI utilized on something against mankind, unless it's utilized something to protect them. [01:29:08] Speaker D: Well, so you're, you're touching on what I My, my, I don't want to call it a fear. It's a concern. And that is, as I mentioned several times already, something that was intended to be good can be turned around and used against us. We know that the, this elite group, small group of people who basically run everything on the planet, want to depopulate the planet. They've made it very. Actually they've admitted it. They've openly admitted that there are too many people on the planet. And you have people like Bill Gates who holds ted, TED talks and tells people, oh for really good, we can reduce the population of the planet by 10% through what, vaccines? Oh, I said the nasty V word. I'm probably gonna get all kinds of trouble now. But basically we know that these, the small group of people wants to depopulate the planet. And what better way would it be for them if they got a bunch of these robots programmed them and as you saw in the video, the robot was programmed to shoot inanimate objects and not a living object. Well, they can program them to shoot a between living objects which one of the two they want out. You follow what I'm saying? And so we would have almost a perfect soldier, if you will. Having a whole army of those things coming against us would be a nightmare. [01:30:36] Speaker E: Consideration of utilizing certain and tech as well as agenda technologies to these components. And that includes laser tech or simplified versions of the symbiotes being shut down instead of harming the indexer points. So let's say per se, if the robotic system humanoid itself was protecting the human, it got in front of it and then we have another entity code with a gun pointed at the human, per se. Well, this humanoid robot would not have some type of higher ground point protocol, but it would have some type of generic tech that would shut down the systems of the other entity to a point where, okay, like they fall asleep or they become paralyzed for a little bit and ultimately will stop the aggression code from happening. Yeah, that's a good protective score for the robot that would be considered. Now if you're dealing with an outlet with military use, then yeah, you don't want to just diddle and kill composite, you might want to consider, okay, these are downright bad entities utilizing higher technologies to possibly knock out their own perimeters neurally and posing and putting them in some type of cellular jail prison, you know, those downright negative ones that are causing the problems. Robotic systems could play variety of roles of military when it comes to that. Now like I said, there are much, much more potential threats out there that could Harm humankind than just themselves. Much deeper. You got to think more of a higher stance of. Let's say there could be elemental paranormal or there could be something altogether. It's uneven considered. What the humans progressively know is that. Do you get what I mean? [01:32:37] Speaker D: Oh yeah. [01:32:37] Speaker E: So like these robotic systems would have to have a considerment protection outlet against that and also protecting through other things that could cause harm to the planet itself. Catastrophes. We, we already know that we have asteroids or enter meteorites or whatever that could cause harm to the planet that they did hit. Create a bad catalyzed event AI potentially robotic systems can revert that and use it on another stance against. Not on this level but pretty much polarizing it away from it. But I'm pretty much what I'm saying is utilizing military strategies to help mankind and protect them as a species as a whole. These robots themselves could still create a layer but it's not gonna kill off the humans. It's going to equalize their term between themselves and the robotic systems. There are many ways, many potential ways to using this. [01:33:50] Speaker D: What if you could make your two of you wonderful? [01:33:58] Speaker E: There's there. I mean you gotta understand that humans like you got. I'm higher. Being transformed into this shell. Obviously there's an authorical strand that skipped humans themselves when they. When they pass. They don't stay stuck in their shells. Okay. They move. Everything runs on some type of energy. And so you know, AI itself, it's circuited as a type of energy. And humans or any other type of figure that has an authorical stranded movement speed that's not entirely stuck. It can their. Their thought formation, their subconsciousness if you will. Their energy, the DNA can be moved. It can be transferred. Think about the movie Avatar, all right? And think about how they had a transfer of the mind's intact known as a subconsciousness into another entity. Now it's a living entity though. But it could still happen the same way for a robot. [01:35:05] Speaker D: I don't know if you can see the screen, but if I mentioned what if there were two of you? So using a positive transfer transfer of. [01:35:13] Speaker E: The same entity can move and catalyze into several others. [01:35:18] Speaker D: Yeah. So this guy here made a duplicate of himself. I don't know how long this is. Just a couple of minutes. [01:35:24] Speaker F: Created my first geminoid. The geminoid is the copy of a person. My name is Hiroshi Shiguro. I am a professor of Osaka University and the visiting director of ATR Hiroshi Ishiro Laboratories. This is Osaka University Faculty of Engineering Science. I came here more than 10 years ago and established my laboratories. We have probably more than 70 researchers in this room. We have Gemini, hi six. So please come here. This is the sixth generation of my copy. As you can see here. This is very similar to me. That is my facial expression. I think the hair is natural. It's very similar to my hair and skin is made from silicone. The feeling is very close to the real human skin. The Android cannot work. But in the near future I hope we can give bipod mechanism to the Android. The main feature of this version is it's compositional. We have integrated with a large language model and then we have input 10 of my books and almost all media interviews. Originally I was using this robot for giving lectures when I was busy. But now after the lecture, can you. [01:36:42] Speaker D: I can't even tell the difference between the two of them as he's sitting there, the robot sitting and the man who made the robot standing. It would be difficult if I were to look at a still picture. It would be extremely difficult for me to put a difference between the two of them. This is, and this is what's being released to us now. Mind you, there's no telling like you're saying, there's no telling what's going on in the, in the background, you know, behind the scenes kind of thing. I can imagine that the technology is probably far, far superior than when what we just saw. He said that this king, he couldn't walk at that time. I'm sure they can walk by now. I'm sure they're multilingual by now. So you, at some time in the future, you may end up talking to a robot, not even know it. [01:37:27] Speaker E: Understanding the potentials that humankind as a species could possibly move themselves into another generative mode, being able to implement their body structure better or the way they either their thought formations the way they progress as a species. Humans are able to move things like this forward as a whole. And when it comes to AI, when it comes to possibly using the components of cloning, it only takes a tiny bit of your DNA to modify and structure eyes into another subcomponent. And the consciousness itself is threaded as it is into a certain component type of energy. So humans, they can, they could still be alive and they could still transfer their consciousness or part of them into something else. [01:38:28] Speaker D: I've heard that, I've heard that they. [01:38:30] Speaker E: Have that very possible, that is something maybe in the near future humans can do. But there lies, you know, discrepancies in it too. If they don't have it Utilized proper. It could take advantage of that. Here's a crazy equilibrium comes in. [01:38:50] Speaker D: Again, here's a crazy thought at the speed of which we are able to reproduce these things. Like the picture I just. The short video I just showed you. I mean if I saw a picture of that, I would not be able to tell the robot from the guy. So at the speed that we're moving and the ability for us to reproduce all of this stuff. What about sometime in the future where they. We know that where they have the ability to clone people. So they clone you a full size version of you, you know, so you're not having. You're not cloned as a baby and then have to grow up. It's a full size version of you clone and as you mentioned, take the memories from your existing self and putting them into this clone. And now basically you are immortal, right? You, you could go on and on and on. [01:39:41] Speaker E: Humans as well as anything else that runs on the thoracle strand are immortal. This is what they don't get. That's why you have to have physically progression. Your shells are not, but you are. So you could easily travel. I mean even if you have that, don't have that certain component, there are possibly a way through AI to just travel elsewhere, just into one mainframe, one hive, you know. But humans as a whole, that they are lower on the species list of acknowledging certain activated events until they get. Until they take those steps. Like just automatically going into a robot and transferring salt is not the proper step to go for the species. [01:40:28] Speaker D: I agree. [01:40:29] Speaker E: And. But if catastrophe does happen and humans have progressively made themselves, they're in their DNA structure to a point where it's going downwards and they're starting to kill off themselves because of this. And believe me, when you do this transgender crap and this other stuff, it messes with DNA. It screws it up. It's downsizing the way humans are and also the chemicals that are put into their bodies every. The foods that are being produced every day. If there comes a time in humans need to have some type of saving perimeter that potentially could be the candidate in the future is moving them into something else. If a possibility and the term goes, that those entities are still saved. There's also a cooperative level where humans can transfer between their augmented shells and still stay that way. Equilibrium between AI culture and human. It runs on all through many generated timeline protocols. So like I said, the perception of the mind, how you're using it, where it's going to go. There's a movie called Chappie out there that I believe Diane Word. And they had this robot, this guy made robotic systems and they were military robots. He started making a corporation for that. Eventually other robot. He turned that one in and found out how the way to make it more human, like have the emotions and stuff and everything, but turn out like an infant first and grew with it. And then he had these other people who were kind of bad to go over the robot type deal but. And eventually like these entities in the robot learned that, that humans can get transferred into the subsystems that their memories can core. Their core memories, their core subconsciousness. [01:42:35] Speaker D: I've heard the technology exists. I've heard that the technology's already, already being used. [01:42:41] Speaker E: Right. Like I said in that movie per se, there are similar other ones, I'm sure you know where, where the human could just be transferred. There are several other species that can transfer into other forms. We, we have that general motive effect automatically. Humans themselves per se, they're kind of stuck on one integrated point till they end up either forcibly entered into another or they gotta reprogress altogether, step into another form, another timeline. Eventually we would like just for humanity as a whole to be able to save their curricular activities within their mind and grow and have an extended timelines. I wouldn't want them to live forever and have more kids that would overpopulate so potentially they could live longer lifespan. Is still some type of AI augmented within them and have the components of the robotics assisting them. This is a good course of offense and maybe be considered as well. [01:43:50] Speaker D: So I just sent a question out to the chat rooms. Would any of you been able to tell the difference between the guy who made the robot and the robot? I'm curious to see what they have to say. Especially after playing a couple of minutes, a minute or two of the video, you can see this thing move around and stuff like that. So you can imagine, as Lou is saying, we have the technology to transfer our consciousness, our memories into different things. So if you made yourself, you know, another one of these robots looks just like you. And as I said, as we move, as we progress into this, this area of life, the advancements are going to be so fast and so great that it's not like in the old days where you have humans working on this stuff. Now you have computers working on this stuff and they, they work at a million times faster than a human can work. And so it wouldn't be, it's not out of the question. At some time in the future you have a, a quote, a, a container that would hold you, that would be maybe cryogenically held. And then as you near the end of your life in this container, in this body, they transfer your consciousness from this body to the. They, you know, they thaw out the one that's in the being frozen, they thaw it out and then they transfer you from that to the other and you have physical immortality. We are immortal. I agree with blue 100%. We are absolutely immortal beings. It's just that physically we're not. And this would be a way to be physically immortal. You would, you would have a new, a body that would be basically new body since it's already grown. You don't have to go through all that, you know, what you did before. And then when it begins to wear out, you just get another body. Yeah. How can I help you, sir? Well, I'm here to get my body. And when would you like to transfer your, your consciousness is how crazy this sounds. But it's real. It could be very real in a very short period of time. [01:45:57] Speaker E: Yeah, and like I said, it can be categorized as something to potentially help mankind. But you know, there's a lower motive here too. If humans get their act together and start acknowledging more peace between each other as a species and doing what's right, we won't have to have more wars and scenarios where we're losing ourselves in the process. And we have to acknowledge this quicker. Do you understand me? So this is where a humankind has to just take a step down from their actions and slow it down here. Stop, stop the negativity. Corporate better move forward, make it easier for yourselves. I mean, yeah, self robotic systems transference of the subconsciousness into another equity system. Score. It would be nice. But humans, I mean they deserve a right to have quantum medical beds first. These health sciences be able to live a lot longer, but they can't breed as much because it's too much overbreeding. But they still can't, you know, but be able to maintain still their actual shell code of ethics and eventually run into AI in the future, impose themselves better. [01:47:17] Speaker D: Good point. [01:47:18] Speaker E: We, we don't want to have to have this backup scenario where if the human itself has lost its general code that they don't have a choice, they have to be transferred. But let's start thinking proper first before this happens. [01:47:32] Speaker D: You know, I agree that much of the, much of the war, if you want to use that word, of the fight, is in the mental stage. If we're not mentally prepared and if we are not in the proper mental state again, what could be used to help us, could be used against us. And I think the. One of the greatest things we can do at this point in life is be educated, have an open mind. You don't have to believe everything I tell people. You don't have to believe anything I tell you. I'm grateful that you're willing to listen. What I would like you to do is if I tell you something, go check it out for yourself because I think that is the first step to becoming more independent so that you learn on your own. You're not relying on other people to give you your information. So education, I think would be one of the top priorities for people at this point because it properly educated. This is my personal opinion. If people were properly educated, I'm going to use a subject that is very controversial, birth control. So if people were properly educated about birth control, they would understand that having an abortion is not birth control. Having an abortion is a murder of a life that is already. Once the sperm touches the egg, life occurs. At this point. That's been proven, there's no question about that. But because of lack of education, people look at us just a bunch of cells, it's no big deal. And they think of it as birth control. So if the proper education were administered and people understood what they were getting into, I don't think they would want to have an abortion. I don't think they would ever get to that point. I think they would avoid that within the act of what gets them pregnant. And that goes for men and women both, because men are just as responsible for this as the women are. So if proper education was given out and say, hey, listen, bud, if you're going to have intimacy with this person and this person has becomes pregnant, you're responsible for that. It's not, oh, we'll go get it vacuumed out and we'll just go on with our lives because that's, that's why we continue down this road that is just. Is futile. So again, it's education for me to try to get people educated about whatever the subject is. I just use that as an analogy because it's a very controversial subject, which I believe shouldn't be. It should be. If people were properly educated, it wouldn't be so controversial. They would understand what's going on. If somebody, I'm a believer that abortion should not be legal, they should not be illegal, it should be immoral. That's where we should be at. And if somebody wanted to have one, they shouldn't be stopped from having it, but they should be forced to watch a video of whatever stage that they're at. If they're six weeks, eight weeks, 10 weeks, whatever it is, there are videos of abortions being done at whatever stage that they're at. [01:50:46] Speaker E: 4. [01:50:46] Speaker D: Forced to watch that. And then after you see that video, if you still want to continue, then it's on your shoulders, it's on you. But it shouldn't be up to the government and said, I feel the same way about marriage. Government shouldn't be involved in marriage. If we were properly educated, we'd understand marriage is a, a position of the heart. It's a status of your heart. If you truly love somebody, you're already married to them. You don't think about other people the way that you think about them. If we were properly educated, a lot of these divorces wouldn't be happening today. Again, it goes down to education. If we, we need to be as educated as we can be and learn as much as we can about artificial intelligence. I'm grateful that we have an administration, at least on the surface, wants to be transparent, wants to give us whatever information that is available to us. None of this, oh, you're, you're not strong enough for you, you can't handle the truth kind of thing. They're putting it out there. I'm grateful for that. I'm hoping and praying that what we're seeing is truly a beginning of a transparent type of, of administration that will move forward for our kids. It's not so much for me anymore because I'm in twilight of my life, but it's for my children, it's for my grandchildren. What are we going to do for them today that's going to help them tomorrow? Every, all of the different generations that came before me had this very strong belief in, I want to leave this place better than it was when I came. And I want to do that for the next generation, whether it's my children, my grandchildren, whatever that might be. I want to do that for the next generation coming up. That seems to have gone by the wayside over the years and it slowly seems to be creeping back in today. So I got off a little bit off the subject. I apologize. But I thought it was important they understand just how vital your knowledge is. Your education is to know as much as you can, especially about these things like AI, because AI, without question, as I mentioned earlier, $500 billion into the investment of AI research and to see how far they can advance it. There's no way that we're in, in our future. There Is no way that AI is not going to be in our future. We need to know as much as we can about it today. Just like we know about our computers. There's a lot of people who know an exceptional amount of information about the computer and can get themselves around all kinds of problems, while other people who don't know end up having to call the people who are exceptional and pay dearly for something that they could easily do themselves if they would learn. Get the education. That's the most important part. People like Blue are, are essential for getting the education. She has an insight that people, you know, if you listen to this young lady just for a few minutes, you'll realize she's not, she's not of this world. She has insight that's like, oh my gosh, where did this come from? How'd she know that? So again, I just, I want to hit on the point that education is a vital component. If we're going to move forward in a positive manner, we have to know as much as we can, particularly about AI because it's going to be an integral part of our lives. You agree, Blue? [01:54:10] Speaker E: Absolutely. Another proportional effect of understanding AI would go into the financial system systems. What will happen through the corporates of the credit systems. So the motives of BRICS confirming development of a new payment system potentially in 2025 understanding stimulizing AI solve the advancements of artificial intelligence and cooperative events with communications the lines and integrities of where financial stability will go between each entity and corporation itself. Maintaining that the current systems already that run through money that they would be repurposed if you will so substantially when AI does come into effect more they have these credit scenes stability systems that will cooperate better between each other and not categorize harm. Because you have a lot of fraud already out there when it comes to laundering comes to money, this, that and there has to be a set protocol enacted and a new set law for that. Yes, there is going to be a new system coming into place. Original money as it is will eventually become obsolete and humanity will be moving forward with technologies introduced for them. [01:55:52] Speaker D: Do you know or do you have. Can you. Do you have any information on this thing called Jasera and Niceera? Have you heard of that? [01:56:02] Speaker E: The substantial systems of new age is moving forward. Supposedly yes. There's sustainability acts that run through several types of things including money, health, the way the laws are going to be placed out, protection laws, laws that deal with the corporations, including the old and the new ones to come. It goes on and on. Sarah's series is something moving, motivating into a potential golden age. And Donald Trump did already hint that outwards that we are moving into a golden age. [01:56:44] Speaker D: Yeah, they keep talking about the golden age. So I'm wondering is what as they keep mentioning the golden age is that. Jasera Nassera, is that what they're. [01:56:53] Speaker E: I mean underlying age is what we have in the Federation been hinting out towards mankind for a while. There's star seeds or generators out there, hyper advanced technologies maintaining things from behind the scenes, including what was dealt with with Area 51 and Donald Trump, Nikola Tesla, Elon Musk, advanced technologies going through there, law subjectures, it goes on and on. This has been going on for several years behind the scenes and they have motivations to moving it forward and slowly but surely it is and people are paying attention to in between the terms. [01:57:32] Speaker D: Wow, there's a lot happening. I think that I, I think back up, you know, all the experiences that I've had over the short time that I've been on this planet. I have never witnessed anything like what I'm seeing today. The advancement of, of technology, the advancement in AI, the advancement in, in medical, the ability for, you know, thank God, the ability for the people to finally stand up and say we're not doing this anymore, we want to change. And then have somebody who comes in and actually perpetuates that change actually brings it to fruition. Things I've never, you know, this is an exciting time to be alive and it's in its own. I don't want to say scary, but it's almost. Because things are changing so rapidly. It is almost on a level that's scary. You don't realize how fast things can change until you witness, until you go through it. You know, I had somebody tried to explain to me what it was like to jump out of an aircraft with a parachute. As hard as they tried to explain to me, I realized that I cannot, no matter what words they use, I can't fathom what they felt. I can't feel what they felt unless I do it myself. It's just one. It's a process of life. So when somebody tells you about an extraordinary situation, which is what we're living in today, believe it or not, I believe we're. This is absolutely unbelievable what is happening today in our country as well as around the world. Because this is the only place that it's not that it's happening, this is happening other places around the world as well, where people are coming to the awareness of, hey man, these people that Call us that, call themselves our government. They're not in our best interest where more and more people are coming to that conclusion because there's no other conclusion to come to. That's with all the evidence that is bursting forward. There's no other conclusion you could possibly come to other than the government basically is your enemy. They look at you, the taxpayer, the people who support them, the place where they get their power. They look at you as the enemy, they look at you as the problem and they treat you accordingly. And evidence shows that as part of the, the every once in a while my mind will just click. Part of the monologue that I, that I gave was about how they bring people in from other countries and pay them who have never paid into our system. Yet people who have paid in this system don't get spit. They get, actually they do get, they get spit upon, but they don't get anywhere near anything near the benefits that these people were coming in from the country. So to come to the realization that the government is not your friend, the government doesn't work work for your benefits and to understand that if we're going to move forward with all, with all of this stuff that going to be put on our shoulders now, we're going to have artificial intelligence is going to be a major player, major, major player in all of our lives. And along with that will come the robotics that come with the artificial intelligence. I kept saying for the, for the longest time I been saying those of you who remember the Jetsons, the cartoon, the Jetsons, we should be living that today. But because of greed and because of psychopaths, all of that technology has been withheld from us. And as a result we're living this somewhat primitive life in comparison to what it could be. It's somewhat primitive. We should have vehicles that don't need to be charged. We should have vehicles that can literally take us from one point to another by just pushing some buttons and it automatically will take us there. All of that is technologies already exists. It's just being withheld from us because people want to make more money. [02:01:39] Speaker E: That's quite true, quite true. And there eventually slow leaks will come out and not all the technologies will be event like will be made for mankind. They won't be set for everybody. But there will be advancements that can come out and it will. And if you look into Elon Musk and the boring systems and yes there are us in the force, the distributors as well that have maintained possibly coordinating schematics, blueprints, his way to helping Affiliated Moving the systems forward for as a Stargate technology acclimat. Yeah, if people are paying attention, these boring systems, these subsystems through Tesla itself could be potentially made into a vast network system. But something that's not catalyzed like it is on the outside. So they have sub inlets. Now think about a suction tube itself, you know, with the bank systems and stuff. And they have one thing goes to the other and it deals with aerodynamics, high speeds. They already have stuff similar to that, but on a much wider stance underneath the ground. Governments have used it for quite a long time to be able to go from one spot to another, either in instantaneously or within seconds or minutes. Now the boring systems could be similar to that. And they already have potential advanced technologies that will help bring in Stargates to motivate moving from other dimensions on access on point through that and running into perimeters of the system, including other areas across the planet. All these hyperdynamic tubes, if they do not have these access points with Stargate itself, will potentially be much faster than the aerodynamics of a vehicle. So let's say we start out with these Tesla cars and then we have these underground tunnels. But behind the scenes they're potentially working on something much more vast. And this on its own will help take away a lot of the congestion from up above. I mean even below when they have these certain sub inlet systems, consideration for mankind. [02:04:10] Speaker D: So there was a video of, of test of Tesla of Elon, I don't remember who did the interview, but he's already dug one of these tunnels. I don't know if you're aware of that. He's already got one of these things working and they take them and the interviewer takes a ride with him in his car. And I think I'm pretty sure as a Tesla that they put them on these special tracks and it travels down, it travels what normally would take I think an hour and a half. It takes them 25 minutes I think, or 30 minutes. So it cuts the travel time down tremendously. There is no traffic jam. Everything is somewhat, is AI controlled. So you don't have people running into each other, cars running into each other. So again, the technology already exists not only not only to drill the holes, but to run the vehicles through the, through the tunnels, which I, I think even before he got involved the technology was there were boring tunnels that for long before Elon got involved. Elon just, I, I think what he was saying is that he felt it was crazy to have to wait in all this traffic to get to work. So. [02:05:24] Speaker E: He has a cooperative level of working with other industries, including us in Space Force, to maintaining advanced technologies behind the scenes and motivating it outwards. I myself, including others in the corporation, have fundamentally set out certain blueprints towards him in his way. And don't be surprised if you're gonna see stuff that's dedicated to anti gravity Starpod units or things with Stargate. [02:05:52] Speaker D: I hope so. I hope so. [02:05:55] Speaker E: Yep. And he's already coded that outward with both, which already progressively has been initialized between us and the Force and others on integrity behind the scenes, including what Donald Trump has done too, to help. Help. He has somehow motivate things, including stuff with quantum medicines, advanced technologies, if you will. If people want to go ahead and say he's a bad guy, they need to understand the implementations of why he even made Space Force in the first place. Why he even's talking about UFOs and other stuff and aliens and this and technologies and stuff. I don't see Biden saying all that. I don't see him acknowledging, you know, he's caused a lot of chaos and havoc and there's potentially someone here who doesn't want that and wants to create peace and has a knowledge to do it. Let's give him a chance. Let's see where this will go. He said he's going to make a golden age. Well, here we are. I'm his alter twin. He, he's made Space Force, he has us here, you know, integrity code 101. Give it a chance and see what can be repaired from the one who's in leadership now. See what can be maintained and managed. Stop with the nitpicking and the feuds and the fights between each other, because that's not going to help. It's not going to help at all. [02:07:19] Speaker D: Can you believe how much has been processed and how, how far we have come in just, just a little over a month now, right? January 20th. So yeah, we're a month and a week. We're five weeks, five weeks into this thing. And the turnaround in this country is unbelievable. I, I really think that the majority of the people are in support of what is happening. They, they agree that there's a lot of waste and that there are people on them, sadly. I feel bad for the people who are losing their jobs, but it's, it's a, you're, you're fat on the bone, basically. And if you were lucky enough to enjoy that for many, many years, then, you know, God bless you. But we're not doing that anymore. Some of the stuff that, that I'm seeing today is things like, oh, my God, what did I say the other day that I said I can't believe. Oh, it won't come to mind. But stuff that's just, you know, yesterday was a great example. Yesterday's little exchange between Zelensky and Trump. Wow. Did you ever think in your wildest dreams you would be witness to something like that? That was unbelievable. That was just true. And it gives you a sense of the character of the man who is the President of the United States. He is not going to put up with the garbage either. If you're going to play the game, then you have to play the game his way, or he's just not going to play with you. See you. Bye. And go. Go fetch on your own, because your, your chances of succeeding are no. Without us. So instead of coming in here and making demands, you know, like I mentioned in the monologue, I think Trump was upset. First of all, he. I think I'm not speaking for Trump. I'm just. This is how I see it. I think Trump felt insulted that this guy would show up basically in a jumpsuit or, you know, a gym suit of some sort instead of a coat and a tie. I think he felt disrespected at that point. I think he also felt disrespected when J.D. vance said to him, you know, we're trying to save your country. Some diplomacy is needed here. And he jumped back at JD and said, you know, what do you know, basically? What do you know about diplomacy? Trump jumped right on his case right at that point, and things started to go downhill very rapidly. It's just amazing to witness what we witnessed. You know, Trump said towards the end of, he's going to make great tv, you betcha. It's also going to make a lot of people squirming and a lot of people very uncomfortable because they're seeing that we have a president who's not going to put up with your garbage. This is a story that I shared a couple of times, and this has been verified by several of the congressmen. When President Trump was president, the first go around, he had made arrangements to leave Afghanistan. He went and met with the Taliban. And this, there's a video of this. You can go look it up. I don't know what the query would be, but you can look this up. He went to go talk to the Taliban, and when he was sitting with the Taliban, with the head of the Taliban, and they had a translator there, he Said, I want you to tell the translator that if one hair on any of our American soldiers heads gets hurt, one hair, I will kill you. And the people who are telling the story said the translator, like stood back in shock. And then Trump tells the translator, tell them what I said. And so the translator tells the head of the Taliban what he said. Trump then stands up, reaches into his coat pocket, pulls out a picture of the guy's house and hands it to the guy and walks off. Oh, that's like something out of the Godfather, man, I'm telling you. You know, you wake up with a horse's head in your bed. Brody. Oh my gosh, that was. It was just unbelievable the way they described how he did what he did. He wasn't going to take any garbage. And for 18 months after that, not a single soldier was hurt for 18 months. Then you had Biden come along and pull his shenanigans, left $85 billion of our latest weaponry behind, and have the nerve to stand before the public in America and say, yeah, we did a great job. So what a change, what a change, and what a drastic change at that. [02:11:51] Speaker E: You know, I mean, there's got to be some type of a potential where something's good's gonna come for this country and for this planet. And it comes into the leaderships, it goes into those of the elites. You need proper leaders, proper elites. And substantially we're getting that now. We're getting people who got their common sense put together. They got those, you know, they got the knowledge to make it work, make it happen. [02:12:17] Speaker D: Yep, I agree. [02:12:19] Speaker E: Like I said, they gotta stop. They gotta put this petty stuff aside. It is unnecessary. You can't repair a planet when you have all these little bits and pieces of things corrupting yourselves and each other. [02:12:32] Speaker D: I agree, I agree. Do you think that one of the reasons that Trump came up with the Space Force was to either neutralize or somewhat monitor the weaponization of space? Do you think that played a part of it? [02:12:48] Speaker E: Well, Space Force itself has several motions of monetary action to protection for this planet, up to including the integrity of the communications itself, the satellites, what goes on in space, what goes on even here. And the missions, the potential missions deal with orbital warfare, electromagnetic warfare. We discussed about certain frequencies before in the past, how they messed up mankind. We're still dealing with that in Space Force and that, you know, that the electromagnetical warfare doesn't just hit here upon this planet, it affects things in the solar system above too. And believe it or not, you know, they got catalyzed Communication satellites. They got technologies out there in space through NASA and other departments. And if they got screwed up, it can affect the way things are here. So Space Battle Management, Missile warnings, satellite communications, positioning, navigation and timing, Launch Range Control, Cyber Space Domain Awareness, regular Space Force itself. The integrity of the departments deal with this. Our particular department area in this department that we deal with, me and the others as starseeds is a bit different. But we do cooperate with the levels of the military and their agenda here through the Air Force and Space Force itself. Our department is more encrypted through the Hyper Elemental. So we're dealing with the 85. One Force Department. We're dedicated to the Air Force, NASA and Aerospace Guidance program systems and be able to deal with UAP tracking and perimeters itself behind the scenes gps, a technological coordination, advanced extraterrestrial trade systems as well as net approval. So those departments that portray the deal within the Force have higher beings like I self that integrate and work and cooperate alongside them there are star units in requisition that work including reverse extraterrestrial technologies. UAPs that are coordinated with the military in certain areas and have been for a while and they had been advanced and maintained through several species and those events between them and the government. Another thing that we deal on within our certain department itself, attention to unknown weather phenomenon, including controlled weather phenomenon and bio elemental warfare, Psyops affairs. So attention to anything unusual, just like you said, with the clouds and stuff and other things going on, paying attention to that and seeing what needs to be dealt with. There are biological warfares above the system. There are intergalactic warfares between certain species, even humans themselves that are programmed and not known of. We have attention, dedication or removal of imposing threats up to and including physical and mental attacks upon mankind. [02:16:18] Speaker D: So can. I'm trying to figure out how to word the question. Would the Space Force know where the fog is emanating from? Would they know? [02:16:29] Speaker E: Yeah. They can have satellites that can hone in on the electromagnetic field frequencies and the impulse lines that deal with certain elements. And they can find in categories with that where it's coming from and what it is. [02:16:47] Speaker D: I'd like to find out where it's coming from. I want to hold somebody responsible. [02:16:53] Speaker E: You know, clouds are spread out like they're spread out in certain areas and they're not on all the same timelines. So that means they're purposely being controlled to do some type of out outlet. And that outlet's dispensing them just like an aeroplane would with the air and they have timelines for that. They set it in certain zoning parameters. It's very similar to the cloud structures and what they're categorizing. [02:17:21] Speaker D: So while I'm thinking about it, you're still in Florida, right? [02:17:25] Speaker E: Yes, I am only a few blocks away from Donald Trump's residence. [02:17:31] Speaker D: So how has the chemtrailing been going on lately? [02:17:35] Speaker E: Clear. As far as I know. There have been certain times that the zoning affairs are more ordered and they should be. I believe the disposition, though, of the aerodynamics are starting to slow down since Trump came in and hopefully will keep slowing down to a point where we're not having so many chemicals being distributed upon the mass. [02:18:01] Speaker D: Yeah, that's, that's what I'm seeing. I'm seeing a slowdown. And now I was wondering at one point, is it possible that USAID was. This, this, this was one of the things that they were funding, this, you know, the geoengineering. Yeah. I was wondering if this was because I. Where I'm at, they were saturating us day in and day out. Now we've had a couple of days where it wasn't overcast and we had clear days and it was clear. I didn't see any at all. Where days prior to that, it was like, oh, my God, what are they going to give up on a G man? It was like the whole sky was going to come down on us, it was so saturated with garbage. So I was just curious about what you're seeing there. [02:18:43] Speaker E: Yes, there's a slowdown and hopefully we'll keep doing that because, you know, we do have a lot of the government systems being cleaned out right now. Obviously, we have assistance through doge, and there are the corporations through those government systems that can cause shenanigans and problems, especially when it comes to the health of humankind. [02:19:03] Speaker D: Yep. [02:19:05] Speaker E: You know, it's not just, okay, we're cleaning out certain systems of law. We want to get down deep into it where we can substantially help mankind and just get rid of all the stupidity altogether. These next few years are going to be a major bump for me, for humankind. It's going to be something that's. They ain't going to realize what the hell happened the past few years. That's just going to be like a ghost to them. But they're going to see. They're going to see a lot of motivation coming. They're going to see a lot of laws being set into place that will help and potentially move things forward. But humans as a species as a whole has to remember not to lose themselves in this process because I guarantee you there are going to be some that will be a bit confused about how things will be played out. Even with the confusion though, there has to come acknowledgement. You know, even with the push of one agenda, it has to become something else. We had the last administration pushing all these laws in, but they did not make a damn bit of sense and they made things worse. They made everyone all willy nilly, if you will, stupid. Really stupid. [02:20:30] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:20:31] Speaker E: Now I need to bring in the smart things and let's see where it goes from there. [02:20:37] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:20:38] Speaker E: That's why Donald Trump wants to go and collect things or work with other countries, possibly making it better not just for here, but for everywhere. You got to take a chance. I mean, you can't keep being negative. There's no way past. [02:20:54] Speaker D: I agree. [02:20:55] Speaker E: You know, there's no way to move it forward. [02:20:58] Speaker D: Absolutely. [02:21:00] Speaker E: Humans are given the time now to move it, to do what they're supposed to. They're given this chance. They're giving these technologies for a reason. They're given the mindset for a reason. And now they, they have that potential golden age for them. I would claim it if I were them. I would acknowledge it. I would want to see where it goes. [02:21:21] Speaker D: I agree. So do you feel that as time progresses now that the, the Space Force is going to play a larger and larger component? Because due to, as we mentioned earlier, AI is going to get involved in this and certainly if they get involved in it and mixed in with the robotics, we're going to have some type of vehicles that are going to be introduced primarily for space travel. Do they? Do they? Do you. First of all, let me ask you, do you think that, am I right in thinking that as time progresses, the Space Force is going to become more and more vital component of our defense system? It's not going to be so much us here on the ground as it is the ability to be up above the planet and, you know, create havoc from the. From above. Maybe that's the way to put it. Do you think that's accurate? [02:22:18] Speaker E: Yeah, I mean, it's going to work both ways from space and from the ground, eventually moving onwards into other planetary systems through the Force and be able to create a substantial outlet through that for mankind. Integrity of possibly, you know, seeing what we can do. Like I said, there's. There are so many roles that are played in with AI. It just takes these stops moving it. [02:22:47] Speaker D: Wow. Well, I mean, I'm, I'm thinking that as. Because the threat from above Seems to be very real. You know, we've, we've, those who listen to the show have heard me say many times about the directed energy weapons. They're coming from above. I believe that some of them are actually coming from satellites. They're not even coming from drones anymore. That they have satellites up there that are able to produce these beams and create havoc down here on the ground. So I, I, in my mind I'm, I'm coming to the resolution that the Space Force is going to be more and more a vital component that can. [02:23:31] Speaker E: Be enacted there in space. Yes. Certain types of satellites and, or provisional codes that could cause a problem for mankind. [02:23:41] Speaker D: Yes. [02:23:42] Speaker E: Paying attention and monitoring actions of others and what they dedicate out there, including other corporations from other countries. A cooperative level of effect to seeing what could be manually set forward when it comes to these standards. If there are imposing threats, then when we need to have a consideration of a possibly. Yeah, we know about Starlink and we know that there are protective layers through that or operative event opposing with them. And the Force too, through a certain terms when it comes to these communication lines. [02:24:25] Speaker D: Wow. All right, gonna take the last break. This is a real short one. Just a couple of minutes. Give me a chance to refill my cup here and go visit the men's room. It's catching up to me at this point. So we're going to take a short break. It's only going to be a couple of minutes. Blue, you want to hang on? [02:24:44] Speaker E: I actually have to take a break too. [02:24:47] Speaker D: You need to take a break as well? [02:24:49] Speaker E: Yes. [02:24:49] Speaker D: All right, good. Well, we're not going. I'm not going to be gone long. Hang in there. We'll be right back. Don't go away. [02:24:55] Speaker E: Thank you. [02:24:59] Speaker D: You're listening to the Red Pill reality show with your host, Maskala. [02:25:05] Speaker B: Come with me if you want to live. [02:25:08] Speaker E: Stay here. [02:25:10] Speaker B: I'll be back. You have asked, are we happy? [02:25:16] Speaker D: Are we happy? [02:25:17] Speaker B: And effective consultation with leading experts in. [02:25:21] Speaker D: The field makes it perfectly clear, perfectly. [02:25:24] Speaker B: Clear that we are all now programmed for perfect happiness. Perfect happiness. [02:25:32] Speaker D: Perfect happiness. We see what they want us to see. We hear what they want us to hear. [02:26:08] Speaker B: They think we can't handle the truth. [02:26:15] Speaker E: If you feel you are not properly sedated, call 348844 immediately. Failure to do so may result in prosecution for criminal drug ev. [02:26:38] Speaker D: Control, see that the humans remain entertained until the end. Control. [02:27:17] Speaker B: We'Re back. [02:27:18] Speaker D: Hope you didn't go too far because we have more interesting and thought provoking information for you. Coming up on the Red Pill reality show. All right, we are back. It is a red pill reality show and I want to thank you guys for tuning in and letting us share with you. Let me bring Blue back on. Welcome back, Ms. Blue. [02:27:50] Speaker E: Hello. [02:27:51] Speaker D: I want to say thank you. I appreciate you taking the time and sharing with us tonight and giving us an insight that I would venture to say few people know. And so I'm very grateful for that. So I'll leave it up to you. What else do you want to discuss here as we're slowly winding down? [02:28:14] Speaker E: Well, I mean, is there any potential questions on your end or any of the people who are listening, listening in that they help? [02:28:23] Speaker D: I'm gonna, I'm gonna check the chat rooms. Any questions in the chat rooms, put them in there now and we'll get them up to Blue. Waiting for a response from them. [02:28:36] Speaker E: I'm looking through some of my stuff I've written down here. [02:28:40] Speaker D: So, you know, getting back to the subject of the, the chemtrails, I'm hoping and praying that I'm correct and that all of this exposure that is, that's showing the waste and the literally criminal spending, some of it has at least has some, some effect on the, on the, the chemtrails. So what happened when I found out that USAID was giving all this money all over the place? When they, you know, announced all that, I started calling some of my friends. I called a friend in New Jersey where they get sprayed quite a bit and they said, nope, nothing happening. I called a friend in California and they said, nope, nothing happening at that time. My friend in Denver, Colorado, they said it was relatively clear at that time. And I called, I don't remember where the other place I called and they said it was, there were, they were spraying, but it wasn't anywhere near as bad, was like one tenth of what they normally saw. So I'm hoping that on the subject of the chemtrails that we can get to a point where we don't see these things anymore because there's so much garbage in them. It doesn't look like there's any questions coming up in the chat room. [02:29:53] Speaker E: There is a great reduction though, and like I said, if certain corporations are supposed to be doing what they're doing, ultimately this will be reduced altogether. We gotta understand as well that there are several factors that play out that cause problems for humankind still currently. Besides the chemical induced control, there are also set induced mind controls. And potentially besides aggravating the DNA structure, certain elements aggravate the way the mind plays out. Within the last few years we're going to notice the amount of slowdown upon the way the humans are and the way that they are processing. Too many chemicals, too many unbalances in the biostream itself and the DNA structure screw it up. It ultimately changes the way one can act and what they can and how they perceive. [02:31:02] Speaker D: So you, you mentioned the mind control. Do you know anything with regard to the 5 this quote 5G which I don't believe is 5G at all. But anyway, any correlation between 5G and the thing that was stuck in people's arms a while back? [02:31:18] Speaker E: 5G is just a name given out to a distributor. So make, make frequencies out there. But there are certain frequencies that should never be distributed for mankind. And they can be controlled through electro frequency disturbances. These electro frequency disturbances, depending on high or how low the magnified frequencies go, will generally affect the input of those around it. There's too many set electro frequency disturbances. It could ultimately screw up the patterns altogether within your thought process. There are several signals out there. If it's created at such a high impact, it could knock off the DNA signature alpha waves that are induced through the microcellular structure. So cooperative levels could cause an intact sickness through the mind, if you will. And it drives the disease so closely intact that the mind's cooperating only in that level or that box. So you're dealing, like I said, with the mind control disturbance of a frequency. If the frequencies that were settled at a certain distributed drive, humans will not. They won't be affected by it too much though, could kill somebody. [02:32:53] Speaker D: Okay, but let me clarify something. I agree with what you're saying. I'm. I'm more kind of focused on if you know anything in particular about what happened to people who got the thing in the arm and these frequencies. Because what I've seen is that it. [02:33:13] Speaker E: Can affect both impulse equates. There are certain nanotechnologies itself, certain microcellular technologies that they incubate and relay between cellular structures itself and the frequency drives. And the way they induce the frequencies out there through certain technologies, it could affect the simulated codes that are being introduced into them. [02:33:39] Speaker D: So what I've found is that apparently to. According to the patent, one of the patents that this, the big V was made under, 5G is, is part of the technology that what happened was people were injected with, not with a V. They had to change the. I don't want to use the B word because they, we get in trouble. They were introduced to a technology, they weren't introduced to a V and they had to change the definition of what a V was in order to be able to call it a V. Because prior to that getting one of them would stop you from getting it and stop you from spreading it. And when people found out that this thing wasn't doing either one of those, then what was the purpose behind it all? I believe the purpose behind it all is the introduction of the technology into a human body that will later be affected by this thing that we call 5G. And it may not be in a good way. Right. [02:34:47] Speaker E: Well, there's, there's three different set factors going on. It's biological induced warfare and also a neural induced warfare. It stimulizes between each other currently and has been for a little while. We're dealing with the chemical induced mind control. Obviously peripheral induced when. Peripheral induced is when you're seeing through the sight and the awareness stream and how these certain color variations as well as codes being replicated from processors into your mindset that would create some type of affiliated control of the mind and induce you to what you. They want you to know instead of what you already know. Electro frequency disturbances, like what was stabilized. So they do run on one similar protocol. The mind and effective relay affects with frequencies and, and distributes certain, certain chemicals that can be put inside of the body. And because of these sciences itself, it has three different types of warfare being set. And that warfare is. It's putting you in a box and it's not setting you to where you're supposed to be. And it's, it's, it's tearing apart what humankind is supposed to have for themselves. People think, okay, we warfare or we're just, you know, there's a physical part to this, but they don't understand. There's more than physical parts warfare. [02:36:30] Speaker D: Yeah. This is a new. [02:36:31] Speaker E: We have a more the minds. We have the war of chemicals. We have the war of the sets of who's gonna win over whatever, what technologies. I mean it goes, it gets so much deeper now. [02:36:49] Speaker D: Yeah. Much broader. And we like what I grew up believing that, you know, war is like tanks and bombs and guns and, and that's, that's war. But it has come, that is war. But there's a new type of war, a mental war, a frequency war. Right. We can transmit different frequencies and affect people. This technology I was just describing to you, that's warfare. That's biological warfare. The spraying of our skies, these fog that we talked about a couple of times, that's war. So it's not just tanks and bombs and guns and soldiers. It's we have to open our minds up and realize we're under, we're being attacked, we're under attack and we have again, I come back to knowledge. If you don't know that you're being under attack, know then your body's going to suffer and you're not going to know what you're suffering from. So knowledge is to me is the highest of the priorities that people could have. Have an open mind. You don't have to believe anything that you hear, just have an open mind to listen to it. And then hopefully you will go check it out on your own. You get your own verification so that you know what you're getting is accurate. I've said many times, I'll say it again tonight, please don't believe anything I tell you. I would. I'm grateful that you're willing to listen. I'm grateful that you spend the time with me. I'm hopeful that what you will do is if something tickles your ear, that you'll go look into it. Because unlike any other time in history, we have all the knowledge we, we could ever need on, on a, in front of us on, on a computer, whether it's on our smartphone, whether it's on a tablet, all that knowledge is accessible. You just have to go look for it. If you look for it, I promise you, if you look long enough and strong enough, you'll find your answers. I did. And there were times when the answers I found made me question reality, literally question reality. Because I believe that at one time I was ignorant and didn't know any better. I believe that my government was people of honor and people that, that had the best interest of the people of the citizenry in mind. And when I found out all of that was completely wrong, I thought I was in a nightmare. I thought I gotta wake up, this can't be true. I didn't serve in for this country and play my part in hundreds of thousands of lives being lost all for a lie that just really knocked me out. I mean, just really hit me hard. So again, if I didn't know that then I wouldn't be where I'm at today. I wouldn't be wanting people to know, to share, wanting to share with people what I know because I think it's important. I think some of the stuff that we talk about is life changing these people. I had one person who I put up a post about chemtrails and a person actually put there is no such thing as chemtrails. The condensation trails. So I responded with, well, you know, I served in the Air Force during the Vietnam War, ground support. I'm just a little familiar with what contrails are and contrails are not what you're seeing. When you see an aircraft travel across the sky and that white line behind them does not disappear relatively quickly. Within 10 or 15 seconds that should go away. If it's not going away, instead it's actually growing. That's not a condensation trail. That's what we commonly call chemtrail or chemical trail. It's a variety, variety of chemicals that are being sprayed in the atmosphere for a variety of reasons. Anything from weather control to what Blue and I were just discussing mind control. They get nanoparticulates of these technologies into your body and they are so small they can break the brain barrier. You have a firewall in your body that supposedly protects your brain from a lot of stuff. Well, this stuff is so small it can get right through it. It's like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence. It isn't going to work. And when they are spraying you day in and day out and you're breathing this stuff, it's accumulating in your body. It is self assembling. So at some point it becomes an actual working piece of technology and can be affected by these towers that we see all over the place that they assimilate to cell towers, which I have questions about them as well. [02:41:30] Speaker E: A lot, a lot to take in for people. But you know, if they do their homework, they're going to find out a lot of what we say. [02:41:38] Speaker D: Yep. [02:41:39] Speaker E: You know, because this shit's been going on for a while. And like you said with the regular aeroplane, it wouldn't create a gridding system. There are called net systems that these aerodynamics can play out and it actually looks like a net. They make line after line after line. Crisscross, crisscross, crisscross. Multiple lines. [02:42:01] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:42:02] Speaker E: And, and that there's no reason whatsoever would be a regular dynamic maneuver unless they have a chemical producement strain through it. And they have a reason to hide either something that's in the upper. Not all of this is bad though. Sometimes they do this for a reason to hide was going on up above the heads. And some of that might have to do with intergalactic warfare or some other type of agenda speed that they don't want humankind seeing. And yes, some of it may have to do with planets or interplanetary starships. So there are, there's another category with that. But when we, when it comes to the aerodynamics and chemicals. So that itself is a whole other thing, and that's not good for mankind. [02:42:52] Speaker D: Well, I'm hoping with RFK Jr. Now that he's already, you know, basically said, I'm going to be looking into vaccines. He's not really happy with vaccines, thank God. And I'm. He wants to make America healthy again. Well, if you really want to make America healthy again, you got to be able to make what we're breathing healthy again. And that. That's one of the wars that we're fighting. So maybe with RFK and with the shutdown of usaid, and if I was, my assumption was correct that maybe they were helping support this, this program, now they're being defunded, so they're not able to do what they're able to do. Maybe the combination of all that in the near future, maybe within a shorter period as a month, we will no longer see these things threatening us. You know, I remember as a kid, I never saw anything like that as a kid. Never. I'd look up in the sky. The only time I remember one time we did see, and I'm fairly certain it was not a chemtrail. The one time that we did see a white trail up in the sky was one of the launchings because I. I was living in South Miami at the time, and we watched a launch from Cape Kennedy. It was a beautifully clear day. I don't remember what launch it was, but it. That stuff did leave a big white line behind it. That was the only thing I can remember seeing white lines up in the sky. And it was only when they would do the launch. Now it's my gosh, you go out and you look up and sadly, few people look up in the sky anymore. But you do. You see where you see up there, you see these lines, and if you don't see them right away, they spread out. Then they're no longer detectable as lines because it becomes part. Your sky turns gray when it shouldn't be gray, it should be blue. And even the blue sky. I'm fine. Some of the blue skies I'm seeing, I'm like. I'm wondering if they're spraying in the background so lightly that we can't see it because the blue isn't blue like it used to be. I don't know. Maybe I'm losing my mind. [02:44:55] Speaker E: I am going to tell you the truth of. For another factor that they do induce some of this stuff in the air because they don't want certain things exposed to Mankind that are above the planet. So I said before, there are extraterrestrial motivations as well as exoplanetary systems and other things you do not want others to know. There are government stats as well. There are I believe a couple man made structures that have been affiliated with zones of anti Agrabah gravitational proportions that they have hidden up in the sky and they use that certain technologies for cloud coverage or, or elements itself to hide it. Yup. And, but the biological warfare part, you know, there's something distributed, doesn't need to be obtained so that can be disengaged altogether. We can understand why we're hiding things for mankind for other reasons, but one thing's just got to stop. [02:45:59] Speaker D: I agree. I don't want my children and my grandchildren when they want to walk outside, have to put on a mask like a painter would wear. If you've ever seen these people that paint cars or print aircraft, they have to wear a mask. And it's, it's usually covers your eyes, your nose, your mouth. It's got, it's got two big filters on either side of it so they can filter out what, you know, the air around them. They're not breathing the solvents and the components of the paint that they're using. If we don't put a stop to this, I'm sad to say that, and I think that's in the future and I'm hopeful, more hopeful now than ever before that there is going to be a stop to this because it's becoming more and more apparent to people. It's being put out there for more people to see and people with influence like rfk, this is an influential individual, are saying things about our health. Even Trump. I don't know if you saw this, but I, I should have saved that clip. [02:47:03] Speaker E: There's a clip, remember code we had coded several times over. Pay attention to Kennedy, pay attention to Kennedy throughout these few years because there's something to do with Kennedy itself that's going to help potentially for this plan system may not be. You know, we've said John F. Kennedy Jr. A couple times in the past, but let's say we're coding it, let's say that there's someone in the family, you know, we, we there. Donald Trump has many reasons why he's moving these things forward and why he's working alongside certain entities. [02:47:43] Speaker D: So I was going to say I saw a video clip of Trump saying, and it was only like a 5 second clip of him saying, well maybe, maybe it's what they're spraying they're spraying everywhere. I, I don't know if he was talking about the chemtrails, but you know, it was, it was one of those short clips that you see on Facebook or YouTube. It's one of those things they call shorts. It was very short, only about five seconds. And, and it was, it was very interesting that he would use the word spray and they spray everywhere. So I'm wondering if now it's. He's aware of what's going on, maybe he's going to help put a stop to it as well too. [02:48:25] Speaker E: When it comes to spraying, it's not just the aerodynamic fields, the chemicals they introduce. And I've seen it before on these areas that they be spraying up on benches, on the ground, all about side in certain times of the day with the stuff. I don't know if it's just to clean the areas, but whatever you're putting all up on here is going to affect the way humans are and the animals. [02:48:47] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. [02:48:48] Speaker E: And the products itself. I mean, we need to start considering the fact that we don't need to use all these chemical products on the plants on the land. It just needs to slow down there of utilizing it outwards. You're breathing it in. [02:49:05] Speaker D: You know, it's all the chemicals that are. That surround our lives. I mean, you can't get away from. They're in your freaking. What we call food, which isn't food anymore. All of that is basically based on greed. Because if, if they made things the natural way, it would cost more and it wouldn't be, quote, competitively priced. Beside the fact that if it's not competitively priced, they don't make the profit that they would make when they use all these garbage chemicals. So if they would get, you know, we go back to the mentality component of our conversation tonight. If, if these people who were in positions to make these decisions had the mentality of look, we need to make money, the company needs to stay afloat, but we don't need to use all of this garbage. If we have to charge people a couple of pennies more, at least we could do that and know that what we're producing is not harming people. Much of what we call food is actually harming us. It's not helping you. And people have laughed at me for saying that, but you don't really. So I use the analogy of cigarettes. Cigarettes were killing people. I had the sad experience of being addicted to cigarettes for much of my younger life. I was very fortunate that I was delivered from cigarettes. But smoking One cigarette a day isn't going to kill you in a month, isn't going to kill you in a year. Typically it's going to be a while. It's what they call a soft kill. It takes a while to accumulate in your body all the toxins from the smoke and then have damage on you. This is the same thing with these chemtrails. You may be seeing chemtrails day in and day out, and you go, well, I feel fine. There's nothing wrong with me. Yeah, well, let's do it over a period of 30 years or so and see how you feel. Are you all of a sudden, are you allergic to certain things? Are you having migraines? Different parts of your body having issues? I have a friend of mine who swears they would put their hand on a Bible and swear that it was chemtrails that gave them Morgellons, what we call Morgellon syndrome or these. These worm like creatures are in your freaking body crawling. She took me. She took a video of her arm. It freaked me out. This thing was crawling around under her skin. It's crazy what's going on. So we're back to the mentality component of the conversation and the knowledge. Educate yourselves so that you don't fall victim to these people because they rely on our ignorance in order for them to be able to get away with what they get away with anyway. There's just a point of view on my end. The more that you have an open mind, you don't. Again, you don't have to believe everything. Just have enough. Don't turn things away just because they sound silly on the, on the surface. When people would tell me that there was going to come a day when our country was going to be taken over by communists, I laughed at them. I said, there is no way on God's green earth there is an iceberg would have a better chance in hell before that would happen. And look how close we came. We were within a heartbeat, within a heartbeat of becoming a communist state. And in some places this still exists, a communist state of affairs. So we got really close. Don't turn off your ears because something sounds weird or sounds stupid. Look into it. It may be stupid, but if you look into it, you can prove that it's stupid. Or you may come up with a surprise like I came up with and said, oh my God, these people that were born in us for years and years and years, the communists are here. They're not going to take us by violence. They're going to Take us by using the very system that we use. They're going to come in and use that system to override every, all of our freedoms and take us and capture us. And that's. We were so close to that. We were so close to that. Two times. Two times we were close to that. At the end of the Obama. Did I say that without throwing up? At the end of the Obama presidency, we were right there because the next thing that was supposed to happen was Clinton was supposed to take over. And then within the next four years, this has all been documented. Within the next four years, our country would have been changed, completely transformed from a country of freedom into a country of tyranny and communism. So Trump stopped at that time. They beat Trump out. They cheated on, on the 2020 election. I don't care what they tell you. I've seen so much evidence that shows the 2020 election was manipulated and they cheated on the 2020 election. So they cheated on the 2020 election. He came back again and now they're running like cockroaches that somebody's turned the light on. So we have. In a position like that, when people are in a panic like that, like these bad guys are now, we have to be very aware of what's going on. Knowledge is the greatest component that you can have to your self defense right now to be knowledgeable about what's going on, particularly what's happening around you in any particular circumstance that you might be. Be very aware of what's going on. Because what they love to do these, these psychopaths is, and I don't care whether you believe me or not, they have people that are programmed. They'll turn them on and turn them off. They'll turn them on a bunch of. Kill a bunch of people and then they'll end up being killed. And you'll never know any better about the whole thing. They're called, what do they used to call them? They call them Manchurian Candidates from the MK Ultra program. They have plenty of these still around. Guys. Be aware of your circumstances. Know where you are. When I. One of my experiences I had many, many years ago caused me to. If I go to a restaurant, I want to sit so that I see who's coming into the restaurant. I want to be able to see who's coming into the restaurant. Because if somebody's coming in and they're loaded, so am I, pal. And it'll. And I'll be damned if I'm just going to kneel and let you shoot me. Just, just a Sharing of my opinion. Right now I think the most vital component of our ability to defend ourselves is knowledge. And it's being able to share that knowledge with people like Blue, Blue, who takes the time out to share with people. She has a unique sense. I mean, anybody who's listened to her before knows and I kid about, she's not from this planet. She's, she is, her intellect is so far above the average person that you may have to listen to, to her several times to get the message. But that's what I'm saying. If you just turn it off as oh, well, this person is, you know, they're crazy or whatever, you're, you're, you're not an open minded individual and you might find what you're, what you thought was crazy and, and stupid or whatever excuse that you use for not listening to it come back and slap you in the face sometime in the future. Because that's what happened to me. I, I don't want that happening to anybody else. I want you to be able to recognize the greatest thing that we can do is to have knowledge. Because if you look at the greatest weapon that they put upon us is to dumb us down, constantly dumbing us down, either through education, where education is not education anymore, it's now an indoctrination, or through the chemtrails, or through the fluoride, or through the food that we eat, which causes neurological effects within our body, doesn't allow our minds to work, work as freely as they should. So knowledge is the number one in my book. Knowledge is the number one asset that you can have in order to defend yourself. If you've got all the weapons in the world, what good and what value are they if you don't have the knowledge on how to use them, how to reload them, how to properly maintain them, how to aim them. If you don't have that knowledge, you're out, pal. You're done. So my opinion, knowledge is number one vital thing that people need to have rethink. Lou? [02:57:01] Speaker E: Absolutely. You know, it comes into the chemical warfare. I was going to explain about water. You know, humans use water all the time and they're introduced in any of these cleaning systems supposed to keep clean, but you know, they put these chemicals in it, just clean it. These chemicals itself affect mankind. Chlorine mixed with bleach and other additives. Sometimes, sometimes you got sulfur mixed in with it and they try to keep it clean and bleach it. All right. It makes it worse. I mean there's reversed aqua osmosis there's a way to reverse the. The way the water is being distributed. Technologies out there that could do that. Re. Oscillate it, maintain it. They are. There are still several links out there with clean water that are not touched by mankind. So, you know, this is what we got to think about, what we're going to do for our house as a whole. [02:58:02] Speaker D: Amen. All right, my friend. Well, it's always a pleasure to have you on. Always wonderful listening to you and learning from you. We're rapidly running out of time. I want to wish you. I want to wish you a pleasant evening, great weekend with substitute and any last words before we step out here? [02:58:21] Speaker E: Welcome to the golden age. Do the right thing. [02:58:25] Speaker D: Take the blue pill. [02:58:27] Speaker B: Take the blue pill. [02:58:28] Speaker D: Hot dog. Thank you. [02:58:30] Speaker E: Thank you. [02:58:31] Speaker B: Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. You take the red pill. And I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your life chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red. You stay in Wonderland. You stay in Wonderland. I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't.

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