Take Point 22

Take Point 22
TRIM Radio
Take Point 22

Jun 12 2024 | 01:59:22

Episode June 12, 2024 01:59:22

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

Attention veterans and their families! Take Point 22 is your radio lifeline, offering camaraderie, support, and crucial information. Hosted by a dynamic duo – Michael, a seasoned veteran, and Karen, a veteran's wife who understands the unique challenges – the show provides a safe space to connect, share experiences, and navigate life after service.

Each episode tackles a different topic relevant to veterans' lives. Michael, drawing on his firsthand experience, dives deep into issues like navigating the VA healthcare system, managing mental health and well-being, and exploring rewarding career opportunities. Karen, offering a supportive voice, delves into the challenges faced by military spouses and families, providing resources and fostering a sense of community.

Take Point 22 isn't just informative; it's a place to feel understood and empowered. Michael and Karen foster open communication, encouraging listeners to call in, share their stories, and connect with other veterans and their families. Veterans can ask questions, seek advice, and find camaraderie with those who have walked a similar path.

So, if you're a veteran, a military spouse, or a family member seeking support and resources, tune in to Take Point 22.  It's a show by veterans, for veterans, reminding you that you're never alone. Together, you can take point and navigate the challenges and triumphs of post-service life.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: All right, hang on 1 second. I've got to shrink this down because I got to pull up, but it's too late. [00:00:05] Speaker B: I'm already live. We are live. Here we go. I think. [00:00:41] Speaker A: Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. You take the red pill and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. This is your left chance. This is your left chance. This is your left chance. This is your left chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill. The story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red. Take the red pill. Take the red. You stay in Wonderland. [00:02:13] Speaker B: All right, that was a mess up on my part. I thought we were doing the intro, and that's the entire. That's the entire song. So that's about three or four minutes long, that crazy thing. So I apologize. We're special version of the red pill reality show. Thank you, michael. I appreciate that. [00:02:33] Speaker A: I'm honored. [00:02:37] Speaker B: I'm really kind of disappointed tonight because of a post that I put up. And I know you saw it, you put. You commented on it, and it makes me. It makes me sad. Really. It makes me sad because here's what it is. Let me pull up the post so I can read it to you word for word. What I did when I first saw the post, I was irritated, and I acted out of anger, and I realized that was wrong. So I went back and attempted to correct that, that poor judgment on my part, and boy, did I stir up a hornet's nest. So what happened was one of my Facebook friends had posted on their timeline that this trans woman wins the Miss Maryland USA. And my response, my first response, which was, I consider. Now, I realize it was inconsiderate, but it shouldn't have been this way. But my first response was, no way. This steals the magnificence of God's creation in women. I don't care how he she it looks. If they want to enter a beauty pageant, then have one just for them. Well, after looking at it and a couple of people really just kind of jumping me, jumping on me about it, I realized, oh, that was pretty cold and calculated. And callous. Excuse me? Cold and callous. So what I did is I went back and I added it in the same words, but instead of saying he she it, I just said, I don't care how they look. If they want to enter a beauty pageant, then have one just for them. What happens, in my opinion here, is that we're losing the respect and the dignity of a woman. It doesn't matter what the person looks like on the outside. If they resemble a woman, they're not. I may be wrong, been wrong many times in my life, but because we have the technology to take something and transform it into something else, does that mean that we have the right, once that something else has been transformed, to proclaim it as whatever it is now, like in this example, this woman, this. This ideal that people are. They're equal if they look the same. And I gotta tell you, that's. That's not true. That's just not true. Let's see if I can bring it up. Here we go. Okay, so I think it's coming up on the screen. You can see, I mean, okay, so it is a good looking person. There's no. I'm not going to argue that fact. What I'm going to argue is how many surgeries did this person go through? How many hormones does this person have to take in order for them to continue to force their body into something that the creator, when it. When this person was created into something that the creator had originally planned for them? People called me transphobic. They called me hateful. They called me inconsiderate. I. I can understand inconsiderate from the first comment I made that was inconsiderate, cold, calculated, callous. I'm not transphobic. They called me transphobic. If you have. If you want to go and tear up your. Your body and turn it into whatever you want, God has given you free will in order to do that. My concern is that when you do that, and someone recognizes, in this example, a male that went to be a female, when someone recognizes that you are providing an injustice for the real women. Here's how I look at this. I mean, this may be barbaric to some people, but without women who had xx chromosomes, none of us would be here. Without real women, not a single one of us would be here. So introducing someone who can look like a woman and proclaim them as the top, the cream of the crop, if you will, to the other women that are there, that are real women, that are women that were born with a vagina, that, to me, is an injustice that, to me, is disrespect. If this individual wants to do what they want to do to their body, that's between them and God. But when they bring it into a situation and the Leah Thomas, I don't remember if, I may not have the name right, but there was a guy who still had his full package, but he said, oh, I I. I'm a woman now. I can't think of the word that they use. I'm a woman now. And he went and competed against real women and came up with a, like a one 10th of a second hairline win. And they gave the. The trophy. Initially, they gave it to the guy. Now, is he considered a trance? Is this right? I have raised sons and I have raised daughters, and I would tell you, in today's society, fortunately, my children are grown. But in today's society, if, for example, have just about all my girls were involved in some kind of physical activity, some kind of activity, if I found that. That one daughter was playing soccer, one daughter was playing lacrosse, another daughter, I think, was involved in volleyball, if I found out that they were playing against a team that had a person with an xy chromosome, I don't care how they look on the outside. If you got an xy chromosome, you're male. And if they were going to play against a team that had an xy chromosome, I would do the best I could to persuade them not to play. Do not play. This is disrespect in my book, in my opinion, this is disrespectful to you. You were born a woman. They were not. They were transformed into being a woman. They are man made. You are God made. There's a big difference between the two. I don't want to take anything away from these people who have decided to change their body. That's between them and God. That's not my problem. My problem is when they step into a situation where real women are involved and they want to be considered as a real woman, I have to draw the line. No, I don't think that's right. I think that we should have. If this is going to continue, and from what I understand, this is a very small component of our population. Very small. I mean, like one or 2% small. But if we're going to continue down this road and have people who want to almost force this new gender of theirs upon you, then we should have contests just for them. I don't see anything wrong with that. I do see everything wrong. When someone who is biologically male transforms themselves into a female does the entire surgery, goes through the entire hormone thing, and now presents themselves as this picture that you see up here. They may look like a woman, they may have some of the issues that women have, but they are not a woman, in my honest opinion. They are. God is not happy with them. Let me put it that way. God is not happy with them. And I believe the reason. I say that God doesn't make mistakes. God is perfect in all ways. So if you came down here and you were born with whatever you were born with, then that's what the intention is for you to be. If there's a war going on in your mind saying, you're a girl, you're a girl or you're a guy, you're a guy, whatever that might, that war might be, understand that the war is not from the physical component of you. It is a spiritual attack upon you. Now I'm going to piss some people off. There is a deity that is a luciferian, satanic deity. The deity is called Baphomet. You can go look it up. B A p h mo m. Excuse me, let me start over. B A p H b A p j Mo p E T. Lord have mercy. I'm having a block. But it's called Baphomet. You can look it up online. It's a luciferian satanic deity. And Baphomet has a goat's head with the horns, a woman's breast and a man's penis. How many are walking around the day proclaiming that they're a woman and they still got the package that they were born with? Are you imitating maybe unconsciously or inadvertently or, you know, unknowingly, are you imitating baphomet? Because certainly if you have a goat's head, you're not thinking straight. A woman's breasts and a penis. And many people don't realize that we had a president who is, quote, married to a woman, and that's what she had. He had, whatever you want to call him, breasts still had the mail package down below. A lot of people argued that fact. But there is so much evidence that has come out. Evidence, facts. These aren't theories. These aren't conspiracies. These are evidence and facts that this individual, half man, half woman. I guess if there is such a thing. Our society has come to the point where I was attacked for saying what I said about this woman, woman, man. People told me I was heartless. You're heartless, you're hateful, you're. What else did they tell me. It's not on this particular post. It's on another post. But just. I mean, I stirred up a hornet's nest, and my response to them was, I don't have a problem with people. If they want to slice and dice their body, that's up to you. That's between you and God. God gave you the body. If you're not happy with it and you want to slice and dice yourself all up, then you take it up with God. I don't have. I'm not judging you for that. What I'm having a problem with is people pushing me to accept you as this new being, whether you are a woman who transgenders into a man, or whether you are a man that transgenders into a woman. It seems to me that there's. I don't know, the majority of it seems to me I may be wrong that it's men that are doing this and transgendering themselves into women. It doesn't seem as though there are many, as many women that are doing it. There are women doing it. I've seen it. I've watched the videos. I've heard the testimonies. There are women doing it. But it doesn't seem to be. At least on the surface, it doesn't seem to be as many of them as there are of men who are pushing this agenda. For them to transform themselves into something that God has not created and yet expect and in some cases demand that they are received and respected as this new being. It doesn't cut the cake with me, folks. I may be old fashioned or something. I may be tunnel vision, but it doesn't cut the cake with me. I see a man made image in front of me which takes away from the natural beauty of the woman that God has created. Again, I've got three daughters. They are absolutely gorgeous, each one of them. And to try to compare them to something like this is just unfair. None of them have had plastic surgery. None of them have done all kinds of crazy things to get themselves to look like this person has looked. Yet their beauty is outstanding just the way they are. So my point is, I think that when we get to something like this, we should have contests just for them. If they're so proud and they're so eager to tell people that I'm a trans, then why not have a contest just for them? It's. It's, uh. It's disturbing. It's one of our kids got to look forward to. I have. One of my boys is. Is extremely feminine, very feminine. Um, if he were growing up today. I have no doubt in my mind that the indoctrination system, which we called public schools, would convince him that he needs to undergo surgery and cut himself up and replace what he has with physical identities of those of a woman. I have no doubt in my mind they would do that to him. And sadly, because he really doesn't understand who he is, it's easy for them to do this to him. It's easy for them to get away with this. On top of that, much of this is paid for. He doesn't have to worry about it. The majority of the bills are paid for. Some of the videos that I've watched about guys who have transgendered to women and women who have transgendered to men, some of these cases are horrific for these people. I'm not saying every one of them. I'm saying some of them. They're horrific for these people. I think about one, a young lady who was giving a testimony before an entire group and was told was. Was not told. She was convinced by the indoctrination system that she was a boy. Well, I got news for you. Having raised three daughters, one of them was what some people might consider like a tomboy. She wasn't a boy. She just liked a lot of the things that boys like. And she was rough around the edges at the time. That doesn't make her a boy. But this young lady going through school, these educators, if you want to call them that, convinced her through counseling that she needed to have a transformation. She needed to have her body fixed so that it wouldn't be growing breasts like it was intended to do. She needed to have an addition put on so that she could mimic a male. And they continued with this and the hormone replacements every day. This went on for five years. If I remember right, at one point, this young lady decided, this isn't me. And I, what kind of a life am I going to have? Realizing that what they had done to her as she got a little older, maybe that time clock was ticking off. I don't know. She realized she couldn't have babies, broke her heart, put her into a deep depression, suicidal thoughts from an agreement that she had come to, a decision that she had made when she was at an age where she would not have, should not have been asked to proceed with such a thing. Now, I don't know how many people have regrets once they go through this. I do know there are people who have it. They're online, their testimonies are online. And my. Again, my problem is not so much you want to do this, this is up to you. You're doing it to yourself. You're not doing anything to harm me. But when you demand, and many of them do demand, they demand that you receive them the same as whatever gender that they have decided that they want to be. These people, I can't even tell you how many people jumped up on my back from the original post, cut me down. There was a post that I put up on my Facebook page that kind of, kind of, sort of, if you will, reflected how I feel about some of these people. It was a post of a guy standing there in a dress. I guess he had boobs put on or he was wearing boobs, I don't know. But his package was sticking out down below. I'm looking to see if I can find it. And they said that I was a transphobist for pointing out that this person who wants to be received as a woman still has the mail package, showing the mail package, and yet expecting everyone to think that this is normal. There's nothing wrong with this. How dare you say anything? It's. This is hurtful. This is hateful. You're transphobic. All of the crazy things, the names that they come up with. Son of a gun, I can't find it. Um, that they, they're just so crazy about this idea that somebody can one day wake up and say, you know what? I'm not this. I'm that now. And that you have to accept me as that. And that you cannot refer to me as what I was before. You need to refer to me as whatever I have decided to convert myself to now. I think it's borders insanity, people. I. It's crazy. Why? Here's one of the things they complained about. Let me show you this one. See if I can bring this one up. So they told me that I was a. What was the word they used? I can. I can't remember the word they used, but I was afraid of gay people. I was. I had a phobia against gay people. Here's a shirt that's sold, I think this is on Amazon. The shirt proclaims there are more than two genders and then go buy the shirt. And they said, because I posted this. And then below, you know, I put a haha thing and I said, listen up, either xx or xy. That's not me, people. That's science. Those are people who have dealt in genetics. Those are people who can tell you if you look like a girl, if you look like that lady, that person that I just showed you. A moment ago that won that. That beauty pageant. You can look like that person 100 years from now, when they dig your bones up, you know what they're going to say? Yes, sir, buddy. They're going to say it was a man. There's no question about it. There is a physical difference between a man and a woman. That physical difference is not only in the muscle makeup of a man and the. I can't think of the right word, the composition of the body of the man, but it also is within the. I can't think of the right word. It is a totally different individual. And that's why a hundred years from now, if they decide to cut, you know, dig up somebody's bones, they can say, oh, this is a female. No, this was a male. The bone structure is different. The muscle structure is different. Again, you can make them look like something, but that doesn't mean they're that something. And if they wish to be acknowledged as that something, I believe we have the right to say, no, you're not. You know, in this particular case, a woman. You're not a woman. You're transgender. We used to call them transvestites, but that was, like, a nasty word. They didn't like that. They like gender better, it flows better. So you're a transgender. You're a transgendered woman. And then now they come up with this new thing that's not new, but I keep hearing it. Cis. You're a cis woman. You're cisgendered woman. No, you're a freaking woman. God, when you were born, God gave you a vagina. You are a woman. You are a person who is capable of recreating another human being. What an awesome, awesome responsibility and an awesome honor that is. You can't give that away to somebody else. There is no way on God's green earth if this person that I showed you a picture of a little while ago could get pregnant. If they did, I would go dance on the street naked and let them arrest me. Ridiculous. All right, I think we're going to head off for a break here shortly. Michael, are you with me still? Are you. Are you listening in the background? I see you're on mute. [00:26:26] Speaker A: Of course. [00:26:27] Speaker B: Hot dog. All right, we want to take a break at this point. [00:26:31] Speaker A: This. You're running it, my friend. You tell me. [00:26:35] Speaker B: All right, let's. Let's go ahead and take a break. I'm going to get me some more water, see if I can find my. What I'm looking for, but I can't find what I'm looking for. So we'll just try this one. There we go. All right. We'll be back in a minute. We're going to take a quick break. Don't go away. You're listening to the red pill reality show special version tonight with Michael and Roskala. And here we go. Let's try that. Come on. I don't know if we're working or we're not working. Can you hear music, Michael? [00:27:16] Speaker A: I cannot. So I. Let me. [00:27:18] Speaker B: This is the problem that I have. That's why I need to get the upgrade done. It's supposed to be. Wait a minute. I know what the problem is. Give me a second. All these. All these controls. All right, let's try this again. Come back. One of the issues I have, for those of you listening, is that everything is delayed. When I make a choice to do something, it may not show for five or 6 seconds, it may not show a little better. Stay tuned, folks. We're hitting pause for a quick break. We're not going anywhere. We'll be back before you know it with more on the red pill reality show. Are you a business owner? Did you know that the government is holding funds right now for your business? The program is called the Employee Retention act. It's done through the IR'S and part of the CARES act and it's available to just about every business. This could mean literally hundreds of thousands of dollars into your business. This is not a loan. It's 100% legal and paid directly to you. Go to getmymoneyback.net. that's getmymoneyback.net to watch a brief video and find out how you can qualify. Getmymoneyback.net. go there now. [00:29:03] Speaker A: Do you need toner for your Epson, HeWlett, Packer, Canon, brother, Apple or Sharp printers? Look no further than laser technology in BuSIness for over 20 years. They offer the lowest prices on toner on the web. They can also repair your laser printers and toners fast and easy. Call their expert staff today at 561-792-9600 or email us at service technologies.com for all your toner needs. All toner is shipped nationwide. Why wait? Get the lowest prices on toner. Call or email us today. [00:29:36] Speaker B: You have asked, are we happy? Are we happy? And effective consultation with leading experts in. [00:29:43] Speaker A: The field makes it perfectly clear, perfectly clear that we are all now programmed for perfect happiness. Perfect happiness. Perfect happiness. [00:30:15] Speaker B: We see what they want us to see. We hear what they want us to hear. [00:30:30] Speaker A: They think we can't handle the truth. If you feel you are not properly sedated, call 348844 immediately. Failure to do so may result in prosecution for criminal drug evasion. This station is now the ultimate power in the universe. We have ignition strap in. 554-4321. [00:31:51] Speaker B: We'Re back. Hope you didn't go too far because we have more interesting and thought provoking information for you. Coming up on the red pill reality show. All right, we are back on the okay, here we go. Area. We are back. Stay tuned, folks. We're here. Oh, thank you, Michael. You see, it's all these little, all these little buttons I have to keep track of. And of course, everything is delayed. It's like I click on something and two or 3 seconds later it decides it's going to do what I want it to do. So it's easy to make a boo boo. I noticed that when I have my video off, it's a little better. When I have the video off, it gets a little worse when I turn the video on. So I'm gonna leave the video off for a little while. Hopefully it'll resolve some of the problem. So what do you think about this? What I was talking about these, these guys that decide to change their bodies to women and then demand that they be, be observed and respected as a woman. [00:33:06] Speaker A: Now, people aren't going to like this. I am not apologetic for this. Chapter one, verse 26. And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creepy thing that creepeth upon the earth. 127 so God created man in his own image. In the image of God. He him, male and female created he them. I make no apologies for that. [00:33:43] Speaker B: That's racist. [00:33:44] Speaker A: And. And I'm not going to make apology for it. Here's the thing. I'm a Christian. No matter what, I'm going to love you because that's what we are told to do. And, you know, if I don't want to be judged, then, you know, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna judge you. You have a relationship with God. You're supposed to have a relationship with God. It is up to you to have that relationship with God. [00:34:11] Speaker B: Not about religion, it's about relationships. [00:34:14] Speaker A: That's. Yeah, and then Christianity is not a religion anyway. It is a spiritual relationship with Christ, God. It's that simple. And without anything else having to do with that. That's. I'm just telling you that's exactly how it began. That was the intention of it. He did not say that we should butcher or do those things, but your choice, your life. Okay. I'm just saying that come that time and seeing stuff like this, if you want to call it racist, then I want you to explain something to me. Explain special Olympics. Explain special Olympics to me. Why are we not letting them compete against the regular olympians? [00:35:00] Speaker B: Excellent point. [00:35:02] Speaker A: So if we're going to do that and we're going to let people like Leah Thompson go on out and compete against women, understand something. Why you are sympathetic and why you are empathetic doesn't make you a better person. Understand something. Your relationship with God, there comes obedience. [00:35:22] Speaker B: There. [00:35:22] Speaker A: There's. God is. He's not partial. Understand? His commands are his commands. That's the bottom line. Aaron lost his two sons in the tabernacle because they added a little bit of incense where they should know they did not obey God's law. Now, if you want to call God heartless or unjust, then you know absolutely nothing about the Bible. And the Bible is the most factual, true love story that there ever has been told. God's love for us. I mean, I can point it out in Jonah. I can point it out in job. I can point it out all over the place, and God's forgiveness, God's love, and everything else, so. But we will all answer, and we will. We will. We will all have to answer, stand in front of him, and hopefully we have altered our lives to include him. He should be at the very number one in our lives, and that's where your joy should come from. The world is too busy trying to please each other. How you see me, how you perceive me, or whatever else you might not agree with me, and that's fine. Hey, that's. That's fine. I'm not here to please you. I'm not here for you to like me or not like me. Bottom line is, I'm here for. For God. I. God is my number one love, and that. And that's just the way that I look at it. And when you have these people do this, there's something else that you should think about is, if Leah Thompson won these competitions and she's a man, saying she's a woman, how many scholarships does that person take away from the women or track meets? Because a lot of these women are really speaking up because they can't compete with these guys. They still have different bodies, different strength levels, different everything. Okay? That. That's the way it is. It's. Again, if I have to pull out Bible and show you in Genesis, man shall rule and women shall be under man. At that point, there's a difference, physical difference in everything else. So. And that was right after the serpent, the falling of man. But the bottom line is you could cut yourself up, you could do all these things. You will still never be able to carry a child nine months and deliver vaginally. [00:38:00] Speaker B: That's right. [00:38:01] Speaker A: And if they, every living being from this world, God intended and made to come from in between a woman in her legs. [00:38:13] Speaker B: The people who support this kind of thing, they're saying that the reason that they're supporting this is they are accepting. We're willing to accept them. Okay, well, they're willing to accept them, but someone like me comes along and says, that's fine and dandy, but they're not a woman with respect to biologically, and they shouldn't be competing with biological women. Now all of a sudden, they're not accepting anymore. They're on a run of a warpath, circling the wagons and calling me all kinds of names and depicting me as somebody who is cruel and basically unaccepting of other people, that I have no love for myself or my fellow man. [00:39:01] Speaker A: Okay, well, let me ask you something. Didn't they do the same thing to Christ? And he said, remember, you will have trouble in this world. They hated me first. They hated me first. His own kind hated him first. So understand something, and they're going to, you know, you're going to have trouble in this world, but have fear. Fear not, because I have overcome this world. Here's the thing. Accepting and loving somebody are two different things, okay? Now if you accept that, then you're accepting the disobedience and everything else. So that that is up to you. It doesn't mean that I don't love those people. It doesn't mean that I don't have empathy, sympathy or compassion for them. Absolutely, I do. It has nothing to do with that. The bottom line is it goes against God's word and we all fall short. So I understand that too. So that argument's not going to hold water because we all fall short. But we are, we are supposed to try to better ourselves. We are constantly supposed to strive to walk as Christ like as we can. And if we know that we're doing this and we're doing it to children, if they're under the age of 18, okay, I don't, I don't care if you want to sit here and play semantics and say, well, at 17, really, you're illegal. No, you aren't. No, you're not. No, you're not. [00:40:26] Speaker B: In all honesty, I think 18 is too young. [00:40:28] Speaker A: It's, remember? [00:40:29] Speaker B: So at 17 years old, I joined the air force, but they wouldn't let me serve active duty until I turned 18. [00:40:35] Speaker A: That's right. [00:40:37] Speaker B: So I said I went active duty, 18. At 23, I had this revelation. Oh, my God. My parents are not as stupid as I thought they were. Oh, what have I done? I am the one who is in full value. You know, it was. It was such a revelation. So I think maybe 18 for some people may be too young. For me, it was too young. I just continued on in my life until 23 when I realized, holy smokes, man. Have you. Oh, my gosh. You know, my parents are old fashioned. My parents are this and that. My parents don't know my parents, blah, blah. You the heck they didn't. They knew. They just knew it from a different time, a lifetime, but it still remained prominent in my lifetime. Just like certain things are going to remain the same as we go on, unless we make some serious changes, certain things are going to remain the same. One of them is war. We are going to have a war unless we speak up and we stand up and say, no, we are not going to go, go along with this. We're just not going to. What's sad is so much of our society has been indoctrinated. When I say program, people freak out. They've been indoctrinated. They've been. They've been subdued to a system that little by little, little to. They know that. They know their mind is being persuaded into a certain agenda. And what happened on September 11, 2001, the next, prior to that, let me go back a day before that. Everybody was, well, USA. Big deal. No big deal. USA. The 911 happened. What happened? Everybody was go, USA. USA number one. Let's go kick, you know what, right? And they didn't realize that they were being manipulated. This is all a manipulation in order for them to have a justification to go attack another country. And it was all planned. And if we continue to allow these people, these psychopaths, that's what we have in our government today. We have psychopaths. If we allow them to continue in the positions that they hold, then we have no one to blame but ourselves. And I do understand, and I do admit and I do know that the. The voting process is corrupt, but that doesn't mean that there's no other options for us. We can sign petitions to have these people removed and have someone else in their place, we don't have to uprise in a violent manner. We can use the very laws that they're using against us, against them. One of the things that I think is going to happen in the future, I really believe that Donald Trump is going to be the next president. And because of the precedent that has been set and that precedent being his home being swatted, him being arrested, I think we're going to see that. I hope and pray I'm right. I think we're going to see that with these other presidents who are guilty of treason, high treason. And that idea would have never entered anybody's mind prior to what happened to Donald Trump. So the time will tell if I'm right or wrong, but I truly believe that the precedent has been set that these people who have, quote, immunity no longer have immunity. [00:44:24] Speaker A: Now, I, the bottom line is this, is that people are like, okay, to what endgame? We're trying to control population, we're trying to control gender, we're trying to create life ourselves, humanoid life. Now, you know, and that's what we call it and think about it, and everybody needs to pay attention because there's going to be, you know, these things are happening right in front of you and this world is just getting more and more corrupt. [00:44:54] Speaker B: Yep. [00:44:55] Speaker A: And the more that you accept, the more that you, and I'm not telling you to, you know, go on out and protest or do any of that. I'm not, I don't go to protests. I don't do any of that. The bottom line, though, is that, you know what you know, it's wrong. You have to make that choice. I can't go to a burglar and say, you know it's wrong, you're gonna do it. He's going to do what he's going to do anyway. Or she's going to do what she's going to do anyway. But the bottom line is there are two genders. It is proven, it is scientific. It's an insult to God to say that God is so tiny or puny or anything else that he didn't realize that there were more than two genders. It's clear. It is clear, crystal clear. You can wrap this up as pretty as you want in a bow and do these things, but the bottom line is that God, he created them. Male and female, you know, male and female, he created them. That's it. And you can twist the words around any way you want, but the truth is the truth. And, you know, I make no apologies for that. I love you. I respect you, but at the same time, I'm just going to tell you. [00:46:23] Speaker B: See, to me, the idea that you can convince somebody that they are something that they are not physically, and then tell them that, well, we have a solution for you. And that solution is that you're going to completely alter your body. And in order for you to feel better, I would like to see the data on how many of these people that have gone through this transformation who would answer honestly, how happy are they now that they've done this? Because I have a feeling that there is. May not be a large amount of them, but there are quite a few of them who are not. Because I have seen videos of the testimonies of some of these people, and they are miserable. And especially this one that I'm thinking of. This was a young lady. She's probably now in her twenties, late twenties, realizing that the decision that she made when she was in her teens has altered her life. For the remainder of the time that she is here on the planet, she cannot have babies. Where now maybe that biological clock that they talk about is clicking in her mind, and she wants to have babies, and she can't because of a decision that she was compelled to make early on in her teens, and now she's suffering for that. How many others are like that? How many other. [00:47:45] Speaker A: Well, let me ask you something. In public school, we have where they're inviting these groups in to dance in front of children. They're dressing up opposite sex, they're not informing the parents, so they know it's wrong to begin with. [00:47:59] Speaker B: Right. [00:48:00] Speaker A: Okay. They already knew that it was wrong, and they're waiting to just press any type of button. Let's get this to court and let's do this or whatever else, and we're gonna get some kind of control here or whatever else. And the bottom line is, is that if you are doing this to little children, you know, we have laws against this and everything else, and, you know. [00:48:29] Speaker B: Those laws have been eroded away. Michael, do you know that in California, the child that believes, let's just, for example, because this seems to be predominant, if you have a young boy that for whatever reason thinks that he's a girl or has been told that he's a girl and wants to undergo the surgery, now, this person could be well and under their teens sake in elementary school, if you as a parent, do not support the decision that this young person is making, they will remove the child from your home. [00:49:03] Speaker A: Yeah. And it, you know, I think that it's a. It's a force thing. It's creating an issue, and the issue is to try to separate even more. [00:49:11] Speaker B: It's a destruction of our country. [00:49:13] Speaker A: That's right. It's not classroom instruction. I'm sorry we didn't go through that stuff. Thank God. I thank God so much for the times that we were. [00:49:24] Speaker B: We were born, because if we could just show some of the people today what it was like when we were in school. We had. I didn't know whether my. My teachers were married or not married. That was the last thing on our minds. That was the last thing that was produced. Our teachers, when they went to proms, they were guides and counselors. They weren't out there booty. Booty whipping, whatever it's called. Like I saw for someone, like, I was disgusted. A principal out there booty dancing in front of her students, and they all thought it was the greatest thing, was the coolest thing. Oh, my gosh. You know, it's just cool. [00:50:02] Speaker A: You know, we had tornado drills, we had nuclear shelter. Like you talk, you know, different storm drills and stuff like that. We had a pledge of allegiance that we said we didn't have. [00:50:17] Speaker B: People, men that dressed up as women to come to our library stories, for God's sake. [00:50:23] Speaker A: Never saw. Never saw them. But we knew that they existed. It wasn't a matter of that, and you know it, and that's fine. It's. It's the same thing. If you go over to a different country that has a different belief system and you start. And I start talking or take a Bible and pull it on out or whatever, they might stone me. Their laws, it might be, you know, their laws are different and everything. They don't even want me practicing my religion. Over in some of the Middle east countries, it's forbidden. You come over here and you have the freedom of religion. But the problem is that they're taking that law, that opportunity to have that freedom of religion. They could have just made their own synagogues, churches or whatever, practiced it there, practiced it at home. But instead, no, we had to force it on everybody else and then force the agendas on everybody else. And this is the same thing. It's just in a different way. It's been the same thing all the way down the line. And when you think that you're, well, we've got more freedoms. We have more this. No, you're actually taking away more freedoms than you realize, because what our founding fathers intended and clearly stated in bill of rights and in the constitution had nothing to do with any of this. So it has just created such a problem. And to convince children that they should get butchered, to me, is absolute atrocity, because by the time that they do become an adult, a lot of them do have regret. So. And you've got some of them saying it out there that are trans, that don't agree with all this stuff, that they themselves are dressing up like women, but they don't agree with it. So this is just not. It's not. It goes against God. God created man. He created man and woman in his image. Okay? [00:52:49] Speaker B: To me, this. All this does. Excuse me. All this does is add to the confusion, and the confusion is part of the chaos, and chaos is what they use to bring about the power. They. Their motto, these psychopaths, is order through chaos or order from chaos. So as long as they can keep the chaos going, people are unsure of who they are. It is easier to fool them because they already are insecure in the identity of who they are. So it's easy to tell them how. Well, listen, if you do this or if you do that, come. Because one of these days, and it's coming. I really, truly believe it's coming, they are going to offer. As a matter of fact, I think it's already happened. Now that I think about it, I'm almost positive it's already happened. They're going to offer people a chip that can be inserted into the fatty area between the thumb and the first finger. [00:53:42] Speaker A: Oh, I've got news for you. Have you ever looked up brown dust? [00:53:47] Speaker B: Who? [00:53:49] Speaker A: Let me see where it's at. I've got it, as a matter of fact, right here. [00:53:53] Speaker B: So I'm not that. I'm not that I'm thinking about this. I'm positive there are some companies who have already offered this to their employees. So you insert this chip into your. The fatty area between your thumb and your first before first finger. And what this chip will do is. It's everything. If you want to check out in their. In their personal cafeteria, you just wave your hand in front of the thing and boom, you checked out. They know who you are. It has everything about you. [00:54:26] Speaker A: I want you to listen to something. [00:54:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:54:28] Speaker A: I want you all to listen to something so that, you know, maybe you'll understand how much you're hoodwinked. Nanotechnology. Just so that you know us. DARPA. Here we go. You ready? Anything, anywhere, including you. Smart dust originated with DARPA back in the nineties. This powder sized chip is something called the mew chip from Hitachi. It's the smallest commercially available RFID system in the world. You can literally scatter this stuff like dust or embed it into a sheet of paper. It doesn't require a battery. Flecks of computing power settling in your skin, ingested monitoring you inside and out. Particles known as smart dust can be dispersed over the battlefield via aerial spraying. The military has contracted several multinational corporations to develop wearable biosensors. Biosensors and smart dust can become something known as body dust that can spread inside the human body as an active network capable to provide telemetry from inside the body for the use of monitoring humans. There is a patent for using polyethylene glycol derivatives as a way to modify the weather, the same substances used in the Covid-19 lipid nanoparticles. These polymers can be integrated with biosensors and soft robotics for smart materials, materials that can be modified by external stimuli. Soft robotics is a subfield. Professor, you've been very outspoken about this. So if you, and it's under smart dust, and I want you to look that up, it's, it's very interesting. It's, it's very spooky, because really, in essence, we have no idea what they're capable of and what they're not capable of. We have a general idea. Some of us do. Reality tells us that. But I go as far to say as that if we can do this, and we have done different things in wars and everything else, and if they have the technology to do this, understand something, you know, how else can you be tricked or deceived a little bit? And I'm not trying to insult you or myself either, because nobody likes to admit, oh, wow, were we fooled? Were we tricked? Were we deceived? Because it makes us look what we all feel like, hey, you know, we're stupid. But the bottom line is that you have to remember, don't try to please people down here, because it's not going to do you any good. It makes absolutely no difference at all. But I'm not trying to tell you to go on out and be mean and cruel or anything else. What I'm saying is that when you see something that is inappropriate, don't be afraid to say, listen, I don't agree with you. I don't agree with your stance on it, and if you don't understand why, I'll explain it to you. But the bottom line is that I'll still love you no matter what, but I don't agree with you. And we'll go our separate ways. And until we do that, and be you know, let, let others know that we, you know, have a responsibility. And our responsibility, our first one is to Christ, God. And I make no apologies for that. I'm going to be judged. It's not going to matter. And if you want to tell me that you think that I'm going to go to hell, well, guess what? You know, you don't make that choice. It doesn't matter how you feel about me. What matters to me is how does Christ, God feel about me? And all I can do is tell the truth. And you're either going to believe it or you're not going to believe it. It's that simple. But this does not exist. It does not exist. And prove me wrong. Carry a child for nine months, get pregnant. Show me you can get physically pregnant with these surgeries or anything else. Carry a child. Go through the exact same thing, natural born. What these women go through, I'm not going to take a thing away from them. I'm sorry. Child labor, child pain, and everything else that they experience, morning sickness and everything else. You're taking away what the gifts that God has given you, and you're throwing them back right to the ground to be trampled. And it's. Look at it. [00:59:40] Speaker B: I think what's really ironic is many of the women who support this kind of thing don't realize, I mean, with, with, if you look at it rationally, with common sense, it is a disrespect to you as a woman. This person hasn't gone through, especially if you're a mom. This person will never be able to experience what you went through, yet they want to be treated as an equal to you. To me, that on top of that, I go back to, it's a man made image. I know this person had to have some kind of surgery. I'm not, I don't have factual evidence of that. But when you look at them, you can tell them more than likely, I guess that's a safer way to put it, has had some kind of surgery without question. They've had to have hormonal replacement. And more than likely it is on a continual basis, and that is a daily basis, that they have to do something, take an injection, take a pill, take something to stop the hair, that is, their body has been programmed to grow in on their face or body in other places. In order for that to stop all that, they have to put these blockers in place, these hormone blockers. But if they were truly what they believed they were, you wouldn't need any of that. It would come out you would have the breasts that you artificially had implanted. You would have the vagina that you had your penis cut off for. But the problem is you don't. You have a undergone a surgical process to completely change who you are and going through that, people expect to be treated the same as the new, quote, gender that they are. I have no problem with them if that's what they want to do. Like. Like you said earlier, I'm the same way. That's between you and God. But when you start bringing it into certain areas where women, real women, which none of us would be here if it wasn't for a real woman, not somebody who decided to slice and dice their body up, but someone who was born with a vagina, none of us would be here if it weren't for them. I believe that they are. They have a respect that is due to them in specific categories. These people who claim to be trans should not be included in that. That might sound, you know, prejudice. It might sound racist, whatever. It's. I cannot accept them as a 100% woman. Maybe that's the best way to put it. [01:02:23] Speaker A: Well, yeah. Do you remember how outraged people were when the first test tube baby came out? But where did they get the egg? It was an embryo. Right. So still, again, from a real woman. Okay. They didn't. They didn't just, uh, you know, again, it came from a female. And back then it was. It was. People were outraged at it and should have been. And then we started to clone. Then we said, okay, we're going to clone sheep. We're going to play games and everything else. I realize that some. Some people are born differently, and genetically, how do I say not. Not the way that it should be, one or more or both? But we don't. You know, God created us when we did this, understand? He created us, male and female. Then they turn around, period. [01:03:25] Speaker B: Male and female, period. [01:03:28] Speaker A: Right? So if these things are happening and everything else, you know, the first thing that they do is they blame God. And we saw that in the post. That was the first thing. And my answer to that is what? You went right to God and you blame God for this? Well, what about Satan? Did anyone ever ask, did Lucifer have anything to do with that? Did Lucifer have anything to do with that? After all, he's the mischievous one. He's crafty. He's listed as crafty. He comes here to do three things, and that is still steal, kill and destroy. Um, what do you think that he does? Here he is. Well, first of all, he's stealing he's stealing you, your soul, everything else. He's going to kill any chance that you have for life, okay? And he's already destroyed. He's destroyed, disfigured and everything else. So now your chance and everything that God has, has done, understand he has come along and you've allowed him to do these things. It's not God that does these things. Understand that. It's not God. God doesn't make, he does not have evil in him. So he is not going to sit here and tempt you or do anything else. Just the opposite. As a matter of fact. He gives you an advocate to help you control the temptations and work those things out so that you're not tempted because he loves you. We fall into that. We fall into that and we fall into our mistakes because we are continually evil. And that's what we are. Human beings are continually evil. And it's absolutely insane that we just don't know any better. [01:05:31] Speaker B: Trying to get this up so it looks better. Let me, let me try this. Let me do this first. Try it again. So this is one of the pictures that I posted which I think is kind of an insult to people. Maybe, maybe I'm wrong. I might be wrong. Let's see. [01:05:55] Speaker A: I will tell you this in chapter five. I'm going to tell you this, chapter five of Genesis, page eleven. King James chapter five, verse five. And God saw the wickedness of man, was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. All the day. All the day. I mean, it's not God, it's us. We are the, oh my goodness, we are, we are the problem. But I'm going to tell you that God will, you know, we will, we will answer. [01:06:42] Speaker B: This is what I'm talking about. Now here's this person who is supposed to represent a female, but if you look carefully, you can easily see that they still have the male package. Now, is this person is supposed to be accepted as a female? Well, this is a, yeah, she's a beautiful female. Not to me or not. You're somewhere between the two of us because you're not a male and you're not a female. You got a male part down below and you got a female part above. What are you? You're, like I said earlier in the monologue, there is a deity that the Luciferians like, I'm gonna go look it up and I'll bring a picture of it up. That is called baphomet. And the baphomet is a goat's. Head with women's breasts and a penis. So what do we have here? We have women's breasts and a penis. Again, this is just. To me, this is sick. It's sick. It's. It's sick in the sense that this person doesn't even try to hide what they're doing. Okay? At least have respect for the rest of us. To wear something that's not so tight, that shows that you still have your package down there, but instead, you do that, knowing that, it shows. Knowing that people are going to be very aware of what's going on and yet wish to be accepted as a 100% woman. It doesn't slide with me. It just doesn't go. [01:08:14] Speaker A: Yeah, it's not supposed to. And then I'll go to another part here. And even God says at that time, and this is Genesis six, verse six. And it repented the Lord. He was sorrowed. He was sorrowed, not. I repented. I, you know, of what I did when I created male and female. What he's saying is, it sorrowed him that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him in his heart. And the Lord said, I will destroy man, who I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast. My question is, and the creepy thing and everything else, but that was because our hearts are continual wickedness, only evil continually. And again, that's, you know, so Genesis six five. And God saw the wickedness of man. It was great on the earth. These are the things that we're doing. Do you not see how this does not fall into that category? Do you not see how these things, that everything that we do, we fall short to begin with, but when you make no effort at all, no effort at all, you better ask yourself, you know, what happens here? We'll be taken into account later on. And that's where we have to get. We have to be told the truth. We have to be smarter. It doesn't matter. All the religions are like this. And understand that they are. And everyone's against religion because you don't want to sit there and answer to somebody. You don't want to worship the God, which is just a. What. What a cop out that is. Okay. You're. You don't want to worship a God that it created not only everything, that he's beyond space, time, and matter. He's the ultimate power. Okay, for some of you, you say, okay, I don't believe in God, but you'll believe in Satan or Lucifer first. You'll worship these things that you have on here. Ebros fact stone, 3ft large, oversized sabbatic goat. Here you go. Baphomet statue. Goat. I mean, you'll worship this thing. This is what you worship. Because when we make the mistakes that we do and we get into idolatism and everything else, and that's just another. This is. It's just another ideology, you know? And that's exactly what we're worshiping. It's no different than worshiping. I got to tell you, Moloch, Baal, Astrid, it's no different. [01:11:04] Speaker B: Yep. [01:11:05] Speaker A: So why you want to sit here and say, oh, well, you've got to be accepting. God is not going to have any partiality. Understand that. There is no gray area. It's black and white. That's. He's not telling you not to love. He's telling you. Tell him the truth. Yeah, if you want. If they want to believe it and they accept, you stay there. If they don't, when you come out of their house, shake the dust off your sandals, walk away. And because it's gonna be. It'd be better for Sodom, Gomorrah and everything else. There's no way I'm worshiping anything like that. There's nothing good there. There is. [01:12:00] Speaker B: That has the breasts of a woman and the muscular makeup of a man. No question about that. And then you see the two snakes? This is the symbol of pharmaceuticals. Do you remember I had a co host with me? That was angel. Remember? Angel. [01:12:21] Speaker A: Yep. [01:12:22] Speaker B: Angel taught me something that as old as I was, I still learned something new. She was always learning with her. She was just this amazing person. Anyway, the. The sign, this. The symbol. The symbol of the pharmaceutical company is if you go look it up, you'll see it's very similar. There's two snakes revolving around a cane or some kind of a pole of some sort. But not only that, in the name of pharmaceuticals, you have the word harmony, and that's what they do. Every pharmaceutical that is out there, that is an oil based product, it's a derivative of oil, is harmful to your body. Every one of. There's nothing that is. That is not harmful. When it comes to these pharmaceuticals, to people's body, the amount of harm it does differs greatly, but it is harmful. It may be 1,000,000,000th of 1% harmful to you, but the point being is that everything in the pharmaceutical agent industry is harmful to your body. Everything, yeah. [01:13:39] Speaker A: And, you know, and all this stuff, too, you also have to take into account, you know, so the tax collector Levi, Matthew, God went, ate dinner there, and there were other people that were collectors and sinners and everything like that. And he's like, why does, why does Christ eat with them knowing that he's sitting here eating with sinners and everything? He says because the healthy don't need a physician. [01:14:12] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:14:13] Speaker A: Okay. [01:14:14] Speaker B: He didn't come here for the, for the ones who are already, yeah. [01:14:18] Speaker A: That we're already healthy and healed. He's coming here to help the sinners. And, you know, they've all, they always tried to trick him up and do this stuff. This is, this is a trick trickery. [01:14:33] Speaker B: This is deception. He is the father of deception. He's the, he's the head deceiver. [01:14:40] Speaker A: And I'm telling you, and I'm telling you this, that maybe there's some sadness, maybe there's some depression, maybe there's some other things that we could look into to get help for you because obviously there is a crisis going on as to what it is. You know, we all go through it. I mean, it. Mental health issues on my side, no doubt. But I went and I seeked help, and I'm not, I'm not afraid to say that. I'm not afraid to say that I do take medication and everything else for that. But this is just when you have parents that are now trying to force other parents into the way that they see how their kids, well, I think you should be more like my child. Okay, but see, here's the, here's the thing now. Now you're taking away how other parents are. You're deciding what's best or what's right, what's not. And the government's sitting here feeding into this because they're getting more and more control or doing other things behind your back that you don't know of. And to me, I just don't, I've never liked California for the laws that they have. I think that their governor is an idiot. [01:16:04] Speaker B: I love the guy, but he belongs in prison. He's Pelosi's nephew. [01:16:12] Speaker A: He's, I think that they're, they're crooked. They, if he was so smart and he was so good, then how did they get so far into debt? Did you ever ask wire leaders how we got so far? They're not great money managers either. And now the rest of America is suffering because, you know, been there myself, you know, not great money manager at one point in time. But then I learned real quick, and. [01:16:43] Speaker B: Yeah, you are not a great manager, money manager of your money. They are poor money managers of our money. There's no excuse for that. They haven't earned, they haven't worked, they haven't sweat and toiled for their dollars. All they've said was, you must pay. And so we pay. And what they do, they receive it, and then act irresponsibly with it, knowing that it is not beneficial to us, but rather that it is more beneficial to people who don't even deserve it. [01:17:19] Speaker A: Absolutely. They're no different than the Pharisees and the sadducees. They would sit there and have the best seats at banquet, sit in the high places in the synagogues and everything else, make long, lengthy prayers and everything else to make themselves look good for the other people, never for God, for themselves and how others perceive them. So much so, so much so. And to the point that right in front of me, I say, oh, do you know the laws of Moses and everything like that? And you know, the Sabbath is it, you know, can you do this and that, follow the laws, know the scriptures. But they weren't bright enough to know that Christ, God was right in front of them, and they missed the boat. And my question is, are you missing the boat right now? Are you, by doing this to yourself? Obviously, there's, there's for all this, and then it's becoming a fad. That's the other part about it. Now we're teaching that it's acceptable and everything else, and now it's become a fad, just something to do, but it's altering people's lives to where it cannot get changed back. Once it's done, it's done. That will never work the same way ever again. And that's, that's a problem. It's not reversible like that. [01:18:59] Speaker B: Especially if you have a, trying to think of the way to correct way to. [01:19:07] Speaker A: There's not going to be a correct way. [01:19:09] Speaker B: Okay? [01:19:10] Speaker A: And you know why you can't find, because it's incorrect to begin with. [01:19:14] Speaker B: An industry that is, that is devoted to anything but allowing the public to know what's really happening because they're paid handsomely to keep the blanket and the wool over our eyes. [01:19:35] Speaker A: We are in trouble as a world. And we are, I don't, I don't, listen, I don't care if you're gay. I don't care if you're, you know, you dress as a guy or you dress as a girl. I don't care. That's, it's up to you. I have friends that, you know, are, want to call it gay or in a relationship with their, with their own kind. And, you know, it's fine by me. That doesn't make them bad people. They're good people. They're some of the most loving people that I know, and they are. And I don't agree with it. And I'll support them to the fact that I love them, but I don't agree with it. And the second that I have to turn and say I agree with it, then I'm denying something else that's more important to me than making them happy or somebody else. Now you're asking me to disagree with my king of kings, my lord of lords. I'm not going to do that. I just. I'm not doing that. This is just a world. This is. This is a fleeting amount of time that we're here. And after this, I, you know, I want to be. [01:20:57] Speaker B: It saddens me because I know how it could be, and yet I'm living how it is. And how it could be is so much better than what we're having to face today. It is a complete 180 degree turnaround from what we have today. But there are still people who are absolutely convinced that what we have today is okay. This is all right. It's not all right. It's not acceptable. Life was far, far better just a few short years ago than we have today. How quickly people have decided to forget how things were just a few short years ago. And yet they are willing to hold on to the very thing that is totally destroying this and their family and our country. One of the top reasons for divorce in the country is financially related issues. And they have made it almost impossible for a family to be able to afford to live any quality of life anymore because everything has been made so expensive. I was at the grocery store the other day. I never thought I would see the day with ground beef. $4.99 a pound. I'm not talking organic. I'm talking about just standard stuff that goes through the production line. Almost $5 a pound for ground beef. It's not right. It's not right. What's happening that they blame this on inflation? The truth of the matter, this is not inflation. What you are seeing is globalists just literally, financially raping the rest of us. They're able to raise their prices because we are in need of their products. And as long as we are in a situation, we are in need of them. They can do whatever they want. We are basically their slaves. [01:22:58] Speaker A: Well, you better hang on because it's only going to get worse. And that's my concern, that I keep trying to tell people is if we are 34 and a half trillion dollars and it is, you look it up, it's $34.5 trillion in debt. It's never went down. Okay? That means it's only going to go up. Ask yourself, we don't have 34 trillion people to pay a dollar. [01:23:31] Speaker B: And a trillion now, mind you, 1 trillion second just seconds. 1 trillion second equates to something like 32,000 years. And we are, what, 33 of them? 34 of them. [01:23:46] Speaker A: 34 and a half. [01:23:47] Speaker B: 34 and a half. One of them. If it were equator, if it were transmuted into second would be 32,000 years. Imagine how much money that is. And there are 34 and a half of them. Wow. [01:24:04] Speaker A: Did you know there used to be every seven years, a great reset biblically? And now that doesn't. That doesn't happen. And I have to use an air gun to chase the kitty away from the garbage can. I apologize, but I thought you'd get a kick out of that. But the thing is, is that it's never meant to go down. Okay? It's never meant to go down, but it will take you being enslaved for the rest of your lives. And that's exactly how this is set up. And that's exactly what is happening. But it's not going to be me. Understand? I'll be gone, but it is going to be you. That's right. And they're just getting started and we're setting this up and we're changing all these rules and everything else. Why, if it wasn't broken, did we have to change it to begin with? [01:25:05] Speaker B: Because. Because somebody wanted to benefit from the system and intended for the majority to benefit. It was for a small group to benefit. That's why. [01:25:20] Speaker A: How many people have you seen that bought these EV cars that I was against to begin with all the way through? And I was. Again, I was against these things all the way through. And I said, these things, this is a bad idea. They're not going to be able to reuse, you know, or get the batteries and everything to be reused and recycled. It's going to be impossible. We're going to have dumps on it now. We're going to have dumps with lithium and everything else of the components and. And everything else that we can't recycle. And how do I know this? Because we've done this with every other material. Plastic is a good example. Okay? So if we've done this with every other material and we continue to do this, it's not a positive for the environment. It's bad. Not to mention all the electricity that we're sending into the air. Cannot be good for the birds, cannot be good for the wildlife. The tires are tearing up the roads because these things are so heavy. And then on top of it, the tires are not holding up, so there's more pollution on the roads with the tires and stuff. [01:26:36] Speaker B: They're also extremely dangerous. If they have any kind of a short, they can't be put out by conventional means. You have to have a special kind of fire extinguisher to put them out, because if you squirt them with water, it's just gonna laugh at you. Ah, yeah. Give me some more under this arm over here, if you would, please. Yeah, a little more. [01:26:56] Speaker A: Yeah. You ever see a silo go up and it turns into this huge thing where it takes multiple fire departments to put it out because of the magnesium that's in it. And. And I'm going to tell you. So now we're changing the roofing and everything else because of these things that we're learning. But we have had for the longest time. And it's on the tip of Chile, believe it or not, on the very bottom by the Antarctic where they make gasoline. Porsche did this first, testing cars where they made gasoline that was made out of water, and it was smelled like gas, but it was water, and it left no residue, it left no pollutants into the air. And guess what? It ran the combustion engine just fine. [01:27:50] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:27:51] Speaker A: Without having to sit there and modify. [01:27:54] Speaker B: I read that there is a process that water can be put through where it becomes an extremely flammable liquid. I don't know what that process is. Apparently now it's coming out to the surfaces. I read about that many, many years ago. There was a guy, I think he was in Australia, who had a motorcycle that ran on water. He. His video showed him, he removed the gas tank from the motorcycle and emptied it completely. You can see him totally empty it, then connected it back up to the motorcycle and pour. Drank, drank some of this water and then poured it into the gas tank and then started this thing up and then ran it for like five or six minutes with this, what looked to be water inside of it. [01:28:39] Speaker A: It was water. [01:28:40] Speaker B: And I think that because he went public, I haven't seen any video, more videos from him. So either he's. He went underground or he's no longer with us. [01:28:50] Speaker A: Well, I'll tell you what, I'm going to even show you the website on this. Type this in. [01:29:01] Speaker B: This is wearing chili. [01:29:03] Speaker A: Yep. Whoops. I did it wrong. Hang on a second. If you don't type these things exactly right, Chili with two L's. [01:29:39] Speaker B: No, C h I l E. That's what I thought. [01:29:46] Speaker A: All right. There we go. Yeah. Porsche right here fires up the first fuel made. And, let's see, production of e fuel made from water in Chile. And you can look this up on car and driver. Car and driver has the article on there. This was done. It was published December 20, 2022. Sebastian Blanco published it. It's experimental now, but Porsche will be selling this environmentally responsible fuel for cars in the millions of gallons by the end of the decade. They've got this beautiful place down there, and they're conscious. They've got a big solar fan there and everything else that helps run it nearly carbon free. Driving with an internal combustion engine is possible, but takes work. Porsche's been investigating synthetic fuels for many years and turned on a new plant in Chile today to start making fuel from water and carbon dioxide. It's the ideal location for this facility because it has plenty of renewable energy sources. Porsche said at the end, product can easily be shipped from there around the world. The first batches of e fuel, as it's called, will be used for promotional lighthouse projects. But Porsche hopes to be selling 145 million gallons of this new e fuel fuel on the open market each year before the end of the decade. Very interesting. And the way it does is it actually pulls. It allows internal combustion engines to operate in an. In a nearly CO2 neutral manner and said its new plant would be able to produce, like I said, 145 million gallons of biofuel by the end of the decade. But it's not a new idea. Okay, well, this has been going on a long time ago. [01:31:45] Speaker B: There's other ways of using water for fuel. There was a guy named Stanley Meyer back in the mid seventies who built a car that ran on water. He had a hydrogen generator. Actually, it was a hydrogen oxygen generator, but they called it a hydrogen generator. He had figured out a way to literally fracture water almost instantaneously without using a lot of energy. And in turn, that water would. As we know, water is h two o. That's two molecules of hydrogen, one molecule of oxygen, which is the perfect ratio for a massive amount of energy release. So when he converted the water from a liquid into a gas, he. A gallon of gas, he said, could run him for, like, a thousand miles. It was unbelievable. Yeah. So we know that water can be split, but I didn't. Wasn't this other thing that you're talking about if it's like what I saw. I don't think that's what was going on in this motorcycle. He drank from the glass and then he poured the rest of it in, into the gas tank. I didn't see any equipment on this because normally what happens is if you pour the water in the gas tank, it goes into some kind of a reaction chamber, for lack of a better description. There wasn't. He took the video, showed the motorcycle all the way around before he drove off with it. There wasn't anything like that. It just went directly from the gas tank into what appeared to be a carburetor and then into, into the motorcycle engine. So that was different. It wasn't the same as like what I just mentioned. We're splitting the water. They did something, he did something to the water and it became flammable. [01:33:28] Speaker A: But what that, what they do here is they actually pull CO2 from emissions from the air. Okay? And then they take the hydrogen and they separate part of. Part of it out of there. The hydrogen part or whatever, and they go ahead and they mix this stuff. Now it smells like gas. [01:33:50] Speaker B: Wow. [01:33:51] Speaker A: But it actually will run. It runs the porsche just normally. And it was, it was fantastic. And so I was watching the video, excuse me, watching the video and. Absolutely wonderful. But, and people can look this up. Like I said, go to car and. [01:34:14] Speaker B: Driver and you can put the link down in the comment box. [01:34:19] Speaker A: All right, let me put that. [01:34:21] Speaker B: Copy the link from the URL and paste it down in the comment box. [01:34:28] Speaker A: I'm going to copy it. I got it copied. Let's close that out. Let's go down to the comment box and let's go ahead and paste it. There it is right there. [01:34:42] Speaker B: Awesome. [01:34:43] Speaker A: Second. And you will start to see it. It's starting to pull up now. Yeah, but the fact that we can do this, but understand, but we've been pushing for these EV's because they can make money off of this. And if they can make money off of this, to me, I was just like, you know, why are we trying to make money off of this, you know, off of these ev's when we know, we doggone know that there's a better way. There's, there's a much better way and why are we doing that? But you can't make money off of that. And then what did we run into? What was the first problem we ran into? Well, the cars weren't performing like they said. [01:35:27] Speaker B: Okay. [01:35:27] Speaker A: The speed wise they were. But then if the batteries didn't last, people were getting stuck with $15 to $25,000 bills for these batteries. The tires were always having to get changed. [01:35:39] Speaker B: Batteries are unbelievable. [01:35:40] Speaker A: You know, the suspension system was having to get changed a lot. Then you had the charging problem, because now you had somebody that owned the patent to pretty much all of the charging, the universal charging things. So, you know, all these stations were going to be all over America, and people were just lined up. Remember, it was like, it was a nightmare. So while you think you're doing great for the environment, start to think again, because I'm gonna tell you, it's, it's not true. I would rather use this, this water, keep my combustion engine as is and not pollute not. We have better alternatives, but we're not. We made a snap judgment to this thing. He force fed it and it was wrong. And again, put the country under this crisis, you know, and put all the cars and the dealerships and everything else. Now they've got a stockpile of these things that they're selling for less than what it cost them to make. Practically. He put, again, people in peril. And it just, we're not looking at this logically, and that's the problem. But you can't have people that are up in politics trying to figure out what's logical and what's not. If you do, then you get what you get. And that's why we have the problems that we have today. [01:37:16] Speaker B: They know, I was going to say they know they're wrong. Let me rephrase it. I know that the majority of them who are doing what they are doing know what they're doing is not beneficial to this country, but they're doing it anyway for a variety of reasons. I believe part of it is because they don't want to lose the power that they have, and they're making a tremendous amount of financial gains in the background. What else is up their sleeve? But I think those are two primary reasons for them doing what they're doing. And as long as we allow this, because that's really the key word here, we allow. Yes, there was huge fraud in the 2020 election. I have no questioning in my mind. After reviewing the evidence, again, evidence, facts that I have seen show without question, there was massive fraud going on and nobody did anything about it, generally speaking. Now we're coming up on a new election in just within months. We're going to have another election. They will do, when I say they, the dark side, whatever you want to call them, deep state, illuminati, whatever, are going to do whatever they can to throw this in their favor, because if they lose, they know that many of them are literally, their lives are on the line at this point. And so they will do whatever they can in order to be able to continue in the process that they have. If they are able to do that, I believe what will happen is I think the people are going to rise up. I hope and pray that I am wrong, but I think the people are going to rise up. I think they've had enough. The, there was more and more. I saw a video. I can't remember. I was a doctor Phil. Did you see the video with Doctor Phil and Trump? [01:38:56] Speaker A: Yes. [01:38:57] Speaker B: Okay. So there was people who made comments, who watched that, that interview and then made comments afterwards. And one lady stood up and said, I've never, I'm a Democrat. I think she said, I've never voted for a Republican or something to that effect. And my friends are the same or so. And so paraphrasing now, she basically said that all of them are now, after seeing this and seeing the him more personal like that, they're going to vote for him because they're sick and tired of what's happening with the person that they supported, that some of these people actually voted for this, this guy. And now the tables, I really believe, are turning. Even mainstream media says that Trump is in lead. So what's going to happen is they're going to pull some kind of nonsense just before the elections. It could be another, you know, pandemic, another. Oh, my God, we've got the, they talk about the x virus. Oh, my God, the x virus is here. [01:39:57] Speaker A: You have to be, you know, it's funny you mentioned that because the X virus, which comes out of and where they were talking about it was, uh, Covid-19 that came out of Wuhan SARS Cov two. The lethality of this thing was 90% to 100% in mice and China. Put it in an article. I'm going to pull it up and show our viewers that. And we'll show that 90% death rate. [01:40:45] Speaker B: I'm going to have to cut it off at 1030. [01:40:47] Speaker A: Yes. Here we go. I got it. It's right here. This came out published, matter of fact, it was published a few months ago, January 16, 2024. Updated January 17 can you share it on your screen? I absolutely am. And I'm going to read it, too, because, by the way, it was the NewYork post.com. and first, I will go ahead and share it, and then I'm going to read this. So the chinese lab crafts mutant Covid strain with 100%, 100% kill rate in humanized mice. Surprisingly rapid death. The Wuhan esque study. Chinese. Chinese scientists are experimenting with the mutant Covid strain that is 100% lethal to humanized mice. The deadly virus known as gx p two v attacked the brains of mice that were engineered to reflect genetic makeup similar to, according to a study shared last week out of Beijing, this country. [01:42:27] Speaker B: Michael, I don't see the post. Oh, no, it's not showing up. [01:42:36] Speaker A: All right, I have to post again. New York Post came up. [01:42:40] Speaker B: Are you posting it on stream? Are you posting it on Facebook? Where? [01:42:44] Speaker A: I am posting it right here on the bottom of our comments page. Now let me paste it one more time. [01:42:54] Speaker B: Okay. You're posting the link. I thought you were going to post. We could actually see the article. [01:43:00] Speaker A: I don't know how to post it up there like that, Russ, I'll show. [01:43:03] Speaker B: You how to do it. [01:43:05] Speaker A: Okay. [01:43:06] Speaker B: Another time when? I'll show you how to do it. Yeah, it's like I was doing earlier with the other stuff that we were showing. [01:43:11] Speaker A: The link is right there in the comments if you all want to see it. And this new Covid-19 strain kills. There you go. 100% of infected mice in the chinese lab study. Now, this makes you go back, and of course, we've been seeing the different congressional and Senate inquiries to some of the people related with Doctor Fosse and all of them. Now, do you want to tell me the gain of function did not go on? Gain of function has been going on. It was funded. The NIH knew about it. They tried so much as, so as to turn around and say, hey, let's not keep this in emails or anything else that was released in this, in the Senate congressional hearings and everything else to the point that Fosse, you know, he knew he's caught, you know, but they're not going to do anything to this guy, but I'm going to tell you that, you know, and then it moved on to Como because Como put all these people that were sick into the nursing art, into the nursing homes, and they're like, who made that decision? And of course, everyone's trying to pass the buck on this thing. And I'm going to tell you that they had, the comfort was available and. And everything else was available to. To house these people. And instead they laid it right there at the doorstep of the elderly, which was just lethal. And that was to the numbers, I think. [01:44:45] Speaker B: I think it was planned. To be honest with you, these people are so sick and so evil. They needed, they needed numbers of people dying rapidly so they can instill more fear into the general populace. Oh, my God. Look what happened. We had, it was like 40 people in one day or something, right? [01:45:01] Speaker A: Oh. [01:45:04] Speaker B: What's really very curious to me is that Bill Gates owns some property literally within a stone's throw from that place, and all these people died there. [01:45:15] Speaker A: Yeah. To me, I think it's absolutely. I think that they need to hold them accountable. We lost 7 million people, and you're not in an uproar? Think about this. [01:45:31] Speaker B: Shows you how they have gotten the population to be. So what's the word I'm looking for? So accepting. That's not the word I want. But that's as best you know, it's. It's. It's a fluoride in the water. And who knows what they're spraying us with every day? God knows what they're spraying. You just talked about that dust. Who knows if that's not being sprayed on us? [01:45:54] Speaker A: Well, let me ask you, we just finished up the hunter trial with Hunter Biden. He. He did get convicted. I believe it was three or four felony charges. And then he's got some tax evasion stuff. But nobody has asked any questions about the cocaine found in the White House. Nobody. And he bought the gun, and he couldn't convince people from his own hometown that he didn't, you know, that he didn't try to lie on the paperwork, so he did there. How long before he's pardoned? [01:46:35] Speaker B: Oh, I have no doubt he's going to be pardoned. No doubt in my mind. So what they're going to do is they're going to through the whole process and let them convict him and then let them sentence them and go through all that. And he might maybe spend a day or two in prison, maybe, but that would be quite a stretch. But he'll be prodding. He'll be right back out again and doing the same stuff they did before. They. These are people. Many years ago, they had this program that was called the untouchables, and it was, I think they were FBI agents. And no matter how the bad guys tried to get to these untouchables, they would always end up with a short end of the stick. It seems as though the Bidens are the untouchables of today. No matter what happens, we have all this evidence, evidence, facts. Unquestionable, undeniable evidence and facts that the man has committed treason. High treason. Nothing has happened. Nothing. When we left $85 billion of our latest weaponry, Afghanistan, nobody got in trouble not a single person, not a hand slap, not a letter of reprimand, nothing. As a matter of fact, I think one of the generals got promoted. [01:47:50] Speaker A: Let me tell you. It was when they left the troops for me. I mean, the equipment and everything like that. Bad, definitely bad, but has nothing to do with one of those lives. Doesn't even compare to that. And that was the problem there. And if you look, and you look at how this goes, I mean, look at what happened when Hillary Clinton, Clinton was involved. The 30,000 emails that disappeared and all those troops had lost their lives and were dragged through the streets and everything. No one answered for it. And they showed that. They begged, pleaded for help. [01:48:30] Speaker B: Yep. [01:48:31] Speaker A: They knew they were going to get overrun. [01:48:35] Speaker B: Part of the untouchables. These are like I'm talking, like I'm saying, we talk about a two tier justice system, the top tier. You can do whatever you want to do, and we will. On the surface, we will look like we're mad at you and we're going to do something, but really nothing's going to happen. And if you're in the lower tier, God help you. If we find you jaywalking in the road because we're going to put you in prison, you will never see the light of day again. That's the two tier system. That's the untouchables that we have today. [01:49:07] Speaker A: And again, I go right back to before because I know we're getting ready to wrap up here, but I go back to what it was before. The world is going to hate you. But remember, they hated me first. [01:49:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:49:20] Speaker A: And, you know, that just shows you. [01:49:22] Speaker B: How far I want to believe, and I hope I'm right. I want to believe that there's more people that think along the lines. Maybe not exactly like I think, but think along the lines like, this is insanity. Why are we allowing this to go on, that kind of thing? I want to believe that there are more people who believe that. Then, oh, everything is fine. And if this person wants to chop themselves up and enter into a beauty contest, well, they're just a beautiful woman. That, that's wrong. You know? I don't know. I'm hoping that I'm right when I wrong. [01:49:54] Speaker A: You're not wrong. And that's, that's part of the problem. Even Pilate fell into that. His own wife came to him and said, have nothing to do with this man. I have had horrible, horrible reality nightmares and everything. And she said, I have nothing to do with this. This man, he's innocent and, and even proclaimed he's innocent. Okay, I'm going to wash my hand in the bowl and say, you know, this man's blood is not on my hands. He did that because he was, he was fearful that they would rebel when they were screaming out to crucify him, and they took Barabbas instead. So it's no different. What we're dealing with is just a different time. And if you go back to Solomon, Solomon says, you know, yesterday, today and tomorrow, everything has been done. It's all vanity. Everything in this world is vanity. And that's what it is. That's what it's come down to. And until you start thinking at a higher level, until you start thinking spiritually at a higher level, you're, you're going to be stuck. We have to overcome and think more intelligently at a higher level, place ourselves at a higher level. We, we have to be obedient. [01:51:17] Speaker B: You gotta pull your head out of the Matrix and we're gonna fall short. [01:51:23] Speaker A: And we are, we're gonna fall short. But you, you have a choice. And in this free will, you have a choice. But just understand, for every single thing, God sees it all. He sees every single thing. And I know I make my mistakes, and people are making their mistakes. Love each other, care for each other. But in the end, you will have to answer. So keep that in mind. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. That is the truth. I'll have to answer. You'll have to answer. And I just, I pray that, you know, you, you delve deeper, look deeper into life. [01:52:09] Speaker B: I pray that people get common sense back. It seems like common sense does not exist any longer. Things like rational thinking, critical thinking, they're allowing the television and the mainstream medias to do all that for them. There's no stopping for a moment and going, wait a minute. What if they're wrong? Whatever they, I'm not saying everybody, but I'm saying quite a few people are in this category where whatever they hear, whatever they see on that television, that's like written in stone to them. That's like coming down from this, like the word of God to them. And there's no questioning above it. There's no idea that. Is there any chance that what they're reporting is inaccurate? If they would take the time just to do some common sense? I caught so much garbage when the COVID thing was going around, and all I did is ask people a simple question. Why do we need a vaccination? Or why would we need to be vaccinated for a virus that has a 99 plus percent recovery rate without medical intervention for the general public. Now, for some, such as me, who I am a senior, for some who are in my age group, that number drops to 95%. Well, even at 95%, you're going to take something that they have purposely failed to clearly tell you what it is that you're getting. And the end result was this thing that they, they even had to change the definition of a vaccine in order for this thing to be called a vaccine. So they changed the definition of vaccine. And the end result was this thing did not stop people from getting it, did not stop people from transmitting it. [01:53:57] Speaker A: Sure did not. [01:53:58] Speaker B: And so what was the point of the whole. And this was my, this was my questioning, just like I'm saying, why don't these trans people have their own, their own, uh, contest, what is the point of having taken this vaccine? It doesn't stop you from getting it, doesn't stop you from spreading it. Of what value does this bring to the table? I caught hell. I was told, oh, one of a personal friend of mine, not just a Facebook friend, but personal friend who was involved in a networking group with me, whom I referred business back and forth with, told me, basically, I hope you get Covid and die, because I said, wow. Yeah, wow. How much fear had been instilled into some of these people. [01:54:45] Speaker A: You know, I said right off the bat from this thing, and you, you know this because you've known me for a long time. And I said, this thing smells like a bio weapon, number one. [01:54:55] Speaker B: Yep. [01:54:56] Speaker A: But number two, the things that weren't adding up for me was, okay, so you get this vaccine. First of all, it was one vaccine, then it went to two vaccines, then it went to three vaccines every year. It's every year and it's twice a year. Look kind of like the flu vaccine. Kind of like RSV now. RSV vaccines now. But my question was, okay, so if you get vaccinated, then why would you need to wear a mask? First of all, why would you be locked in your homes? Why would you need to wear a mask? And we already know that the masks in his own writing said that they weren't effective. From the drugstores and stuff. [01:55:36] Speaker B: That's right. [01:55:37] Speaker A: They weren't effective. And the 6ft distance was nothing scientific. Nothing scientific. [01:55:46] Speaker B: He made it up as he went along. [01:55:48] Speaker A: He made it up as he went along, which really shows to me a criminal intent because he was taking the money. And there he was at a baseball game enjoying it. He was unmasked. Okay. And they've got a picture of that that was brought out in the congressional hearings. [01:56:06] Speaker B: Yeah. Marjorie Taylor Green raked him over the coal. She did an excellent job of showing the hypocrisy that this man displayed. [01:56:17] Speaker A: And millions of other Americans watched on tv as cardboard cutouts were placed in the seats to make it look like it was a sellout crowd. Yeah, but everyone else was at home. They couldn't work. They couldn't do anything. [01:56:31] Speaker B: But you were there live and children in a band put into either a bubble, which looked like many of your one person tent, or there were. This is so insane. And people. I can't. People believe people allow this. They were. They were wearing a mask, but it had a cutout where the mouth is so that they could utilize that to blow into the instrument. [01:56:54] Speaker A: The whole. [01:56:55] Speaker B: Insane. This is insane. [01:56:57] Speaker A: Yeah. The whole thing bothered me. But I. You know what? And I'm not saying the virus itself was not real. It was real. Understand? [01:57:04] Speaker B: Something was going around. Absolutely. [01:57:07] Speaker A: Because 7 million people are dead from it. But here's the bottom line. Gain of function was done. They played with the virus. And they believe that they could play with these viruses to make them as potent as they can and then create a vaccine. [01:57:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:57:27] Speaker A: Just in case. My question is, why would you even try to make it as potent as it can? If we don't have it, then we don't have to worry about it to begin with. [01:57:36] Speaker B: If we get something for money, for power, and for depopulation of the planet, which many of them have openly admitted, openly, it's this your matter who they kill. As long as the numbers come down, that's all that matters. [01:57:54] Speaker A: I want you all to read that article right there. New yorkpost.com forward slash 2024. Forward slash zero one. Forward slash 16. Forward slash news forward slash Covid-19 strain killed. We have gain of function there, obviously, because they played with this. And I want you to ask yourself that question. Why are we making these things take the red pill? [01:58:33] Speaker B: Why are we paying these people with our taxes for them to make poison to kill us? [01:58:39] Speaker A: Well, Gen X. There it is right there. That's the next one. [01:58:45] Speaker B: All right, Michael, thank you for allowing me to do this tonight. I greatly appreciate that. [01:58:50] Speaker A: My pleasure. My pleasure. Thank you all for tuning into the red pill reality. Stevens, his show tonight. Red pill reality show. You just filling in my time slot. [01:59:03] Speaker B: Hopefully I'll be on Saturday. Hopefully. [01:59:06] Speaker A: That's where I'm. Check. This is your life. This is your life.

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