The Positude Podcast

The Positude Podcast
TRIM Radio
The Positude Podcast

Aug 10 2024 | 01:00:13

Episode • August 10, 2024 • 01:00:13

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

The Positude Podcast with Maggie Heart is a versatile, ever-changing show discussing healing, spirituality, enlightenment, political stories and insights, meditations, conspiracy theories and conspiracy realities, recipes, music, random comedy, and all sorts of information designed to uplift, to negate or come to grips with negativity, to share knowledge. Her goal is to share knowledge, have some fun, and have the listener feel like they are having a discussion or learning session on a comfy couch with a friend over a cup of coffee or tea.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:25] Speaker A: Good evening, folks, and welcome to another episode of the Positude podcast. I am your host, Maggie Hartley. Very excited to be here for another week, sharing some stories with you, just passing some time like you would in your living room with a friend over a cup of coffee. I'm going to title tonight's show Jabber Wonky, because even though I have talked about this on previous episodes, more and more, I'm encountering situations where people who have gotten the Jabdeen have legitimately gone wonky. I've read different articles about this and listened to other people's perspectives that do podcasts, and some people seem to share the same opinion as me in that with people that they know of that have gotten the jab, there are some changes in personality. Most notably, these people seem to be mean, just nasty, cranky, not friendly. They seem to be almost rabid at times. What I noticed a few years back was that people that I had known for a while, who outwardly had always, always previously appeared to be somewhat friendly and likable and pleasant personalities within, like a month or two, they looked at me with this blank stare when I spoke to them, or they looked at me with a marked sense of malice and animosity. It was almost as though they were looking to start a fight. And no matter what I said, in whatever tone of voice that I said it, they seemed to take it not only very personally, but just they were very combative. They were looking to spar with me. Even in the most mundane, normal of situations, in basic conversation, there was an edge and an energy around them that I noticed that just was not pleasant at all. It was just. It just felt dirty, you know, it just felt nasty. And the people that I had known that previously weren't the nicest of people, but that I had to have ongoing, even if brief, conversations with, due to the work that I was doing. They seemed even. Even worse than they were before. They seemed to be even nastier, even more short tempered, and literally, their eyes would flicker and it would be from zero to 90. They were just ready to rock and roll. They wanted to argue, they wanted to fight. I've had instances of people that would start off in normal conversation, and again, it wasn't an inflammatory conversation where they would just go batshit crazy and start yelling and screaming and seems to be other people are noticing this as well. As more time goes on, I'm finding that these same people are becoming even more intensified and their moods are even more erratic. And it's just this up and down rollercoaster. And it's almost got kind of a bipolar feel to it. However, it's much nastier in essence, in that they just. It's like they want to be hurtful. They're trying to deliberately not just be short with the person that they're conversing with. And in my own personal experience, as I'm having a conversation, it's like they want to say something really mean and nasty and hurtful. And if there is any reaction to their remarks where they could tell that something that they said bothered me, it was like they would go for the throat and I would see that glimmer in their eyes, like open wound, let's go for the blood. Literally. It's been that bad in some situations when I have to call my energy around me and protect myself, which I do, I shield myself before I leave my house. Anyway, on any given day, the armor of God is always on me. But when it got to the point where I felt as though I was doing spiritual battle in several conversations with many different people at times throughout the day, pattern that I didn't like to see, and other people are talking about these same types of scenarios, it truly feels like I'm doing spiritual battle a lot of the day when I'm out in public, just in the normal realm. And you may think, wow, that sounds like a bit of an overreaction, but I'm asking you to pay attention to your encounters with people throughout the day that you know or that you would assume have taken the shot. And if you've known those people for a while, make mental notes, look back and think back to their personalities before versus their personality shifts now. And I think you'll see that there's definitely a pattern here, and I'm not the only one talking about it. They've done studies from doctors that can back up what I'm saying, that these people are becoming more aggressive and more volatile, and the mood changes are much more incendiary and just harsh and more frequent. And it's seemingly like there are mental issues, but I feel spiritual issues also. What a lot of us have noticed is that the short term memory in particular, but the memory in general seems to have eroded somewhat. And it's different stages for different people that I've talked to. But what I noticed is it seems as though the people that have gotten the boosters are worse than the people who maybe had one, Johnson and Johnson or I, just a two part series and. But also what I've noticed is in some cases, it depends on their original personality, what I mean, by that is that if they were pretty normal before and pretty low key and pretty chill and happy as a general rule, and their memory was pretty good, then they may just seem somewhat grouchy or there's an energy about them that seems off to me from knowing them before. A difference. But the memory maybe isn't, you know, the memory issues aren't as bad. However, if it was someone who was having some memory issues before, those definitely seem to be more pronounced. And then, as I said subsequently, with, you know, the boosters and everything, if I look at somebody who's had one or two shots, only one or two shots, and then the people that have had all of the boosters, in some cases, it seems as though they're. The. Their mental capacities are very much depleted and their memory is seemingly non existent anymore in some cases. And a lot of us have noticed these symptoms, I think. But, and I've also talked about this on my previous shows because of the fact that those of us that didn't choose to take the shot are around, or were around these people, our loved ones, our family, our co workers, the shedding that happened and maybe is still happening, was affecting us, was affecting me. Like I talked about before, I'd go into a Walmart, and I couldn't go near the pharmacy section by the end of my short drought. To Walmart. As much as I hate Walmart, sometimes I'm forced to go in there, you know, and given. Granted, I'm not forced. Nobody's forcing me to shop at Walmart. But on the odd occasion that I do have to go in there, I just. I come out of there and I'd feel dirty, like I needed a shower, and I would be grumpy and I'd be irritable, and I'd have headaches and stomach issues, and I'd feel dizzy or I. There were a lot of symptoms that were related to me going in that store and leaving that had I just traveled in my car and not gone into the store, I wouldn't have had. So aside from me doing spiritual work before I left the house, I also would come home and on my way home, before I got in the car, start the cleansing process spiritually, and also physically, as I got home, I was taking different things to get my body back in balance. Natural things, of course, to get my body back in balance. What I've also noticed is people that did have some mental issues before that have taken the jab. Are you even more erratic now? I'd like to share a story with you tonight of an experience that I had earlier this week that was sort of emotional for me at the onset, but I worked with my feelings and I let it go because I believe that harboring ill will and resentment and negativity in general isn't good for my body, it isn't good for my psyche. And to hold on to bad feelings isn't going to be conducive to me being physically and emotionally and spiritually healthy. And so I try to act in a spirit of forgiveness and understanding. And when I have a situation like this, I truly do pray for the person and hope that they find their inner peace and their balance. And most notably recently since the whole Covid fiasco, that they have physical health as well, and that whatever symptoms that I've experienced experienced with them or noted in them that they seem to be suffering from, that their symptoms go away, that they're healed, that they're spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically healed from whatever the side effects of the jab are. And that can mean different things for different people. So the story that I want to share with you is very personal in nature. And I'm trying to make a conscious effort because I want to have a certain type of relationship with all of you where you can find me relatable. And hopefully there are scenarios that I talk about that you would be able to identify with, and hopefully it will help you in your journey on this planet dealing with these issues. And that's for a couple of reasons. If you're able to identify with me, then we share a common bond, and maybe it'll make you feel better knowing that you're not alone. But we develop a sense of camaraderie. And maybe together I can help you find strength and we can spread that to others who are experiencing the same type situations. And maybe you can go ahead and make the next person that tells you a story of a person that they were having a relationship with or a conversation with, that's showing these signs, maybe you can help them feel better and say, you know what? I can relate. I know what you're talking about. You're not going crazy, because I've experienced the same type of thing myself. So my story starts many years ago, something that I've always struggled with. Let me preface this by saying, is time. So when I have a memory, many people have told me throughout the course of my lifetime that typically I have a memory like a steel trap. And I remember very vividly details of conversations, of scenarios. Not to say that my memory is perfect, I wouldn't say that I have a photographic memory, but as far as time goes, I've always had difficulty remembering exactly the time frames. So I can recall a conversation, I can recall maybe even what the person was wearing. Absolutely can recall how I felt my emotions at that time, because I am an empath, but my timeframe sometimes a little bit skewered. So I'm gonna say, conservatively, 17 to 19 years ago, I was involved with a family, and this family was very close with me. The mom was my best friend. Her daughter, one of three, was my daughter's best friend. And as is normal, when you develop close relationships, typically you get to know their family members and their extended family members. And if you're best friends, you know, you go to their houses on the holidays, and you get to meet everybody and spend time with their people, their family, at different times. And in this case, my best friend's sister in law is somebody that I became acquainted with and very friendly with. In fact, we would speak once in a while on the phone, and we would spend a lot of time together at family functions just conversing. And she just seemed to be an overall nice person. And my girlfriend's brother was an amazing guy. He was wonderful. And they seemed to have a really happy marriage, and things seemed to be going pretty well for them. And both of them really seemed to love their nieces. They didn't have any children of their own, and they just seem to dote on their three little nieces, and they'd buy them trinkets and have them over for sleepovers and engage in fun times with them and just generally speaking, be a great aunt and uncle. And I was always so thrilled to see that relationship. It touched me to see them interact with the children, because being primarily a single mom, a divorced moment, my kids didn't have, at times, all of their family around them, surrounding them and spending happy family celebrations with them, because after a while, I had moved away, and so I was a considerable distance from most of my family. We didn't get to see them as much as I would have liked, but whenever I could, obviously. But going back to my story. So my girlfriend had a couple brothers, and this one brother lived next door to my girlfriend's mom, and everybody called her grandma. Family gatherings and holidays were typically spent at grandma's house because she had this huge old rambling. I would call it a victorian, with this wonderful, beautiful wraparound porch. And the house just always had this happy, friendly, energy, loving energy to it. I absolutely loved the place, and there was a lot of history involved in the building itself. And because I am an empath, I could feel all of that history and emotion every time I went in there. And even though the house was used as part of the underground slave railroad system, in that there were. There were literally secret passageways behind the walls that the slaves used or the people that were helping the slaves used to hide the slaves to keep them safe on their journey through the underground railroad. It was just the coolest scenario that I was privy to. Being in a home that had a hand in helping people. That was just so cool to me, even though it obviously wasn't the most ideal of circumstances back then. And my girlfriend being a mischievous prankster, we used to love to laugh. We used to have so much fun. She would tease the kids when they were younger, and she knew where all the passageways were growing up in the house. And she would, like, disappear through a closet and come up under the floor, under the grand piano that sat in the living room and play all sorts of tricks on them. And it just. It was a really fun time, at least until my best friend became sick with cancer. And back then, I didn't know as much as I do now about spiritual and holistic healing. And I had lost my grandmother from cancer. And it was after that, when my pop, her husband, got sick, that I started to really get serious about learning different ways to holistically heal and ways that we could heal cancer without things like chemotherapy and radiation. But at the time, I really was sort of naive to some of that. I had studied some, but my friend was very traditional in nature. And she really didn't want to hear anything that I had to say about homeopathic or holistic medicine. She was all about going to the doctor and doing things in the western sense, you know, so I didn't push her. I felt that it was her free will to treat her disease however she saw fit. And now she saw fit for her little girls. I should also add at this point that she was divorced at the time. So essentially, she was raising the three girls by herself. In fact, when her husband told her that he didn't want to be married anymore and she had the three little girls, I actually bought the house from her that they were living in because she'd been trying to sell it for a couple of years. And when I signed the papers to close on the house, the banker told me, you have no idea what you just did. When she went outside to have a cigarette. And I said, what do you mean? And he said, well, we were going to foreclose on the house. You saved her. So my girlfriend moved in with her three little girls to grandma's house and lived with them. Financially, it was better for her. She had help with the girls. It was just all around a really good solution. And she wasn't there maybe two or three months, and she stopped over the house one day, and she said, I gotta tell you, I'm sick and I've got cancer. And she made it seem as though she were going to be fine, and then they would take care of it. And we. We had conversations about it, but she always kind of brushed it off and didn't want to let me know how bad it was. In fact, she didn't want to let anybody know how bad it was. Her own family didn't know the severity of the situation until it was way too late to do anything about it, at least using traditional medicine. And she was just the type of person that you couldn't talk to her. She made up her mind and she did it, and she didn't want to hear about anything natural. She just wanted to go to the doctor and go through her treatment and get better. So, anyway, we. We got to be close. My family got to be close with her family, and I got to be friends with her sister in law, and we spent time together. And one day at a family function, her sister in law said to me, you know, we never had kids. And she was. She was older to have children. I want to say she was, like, in her early to mid thirties, and I was, like, I was so taken aback by that. And I was surprised by the fact that she would tell me this. And I asked her, are you sure this is what you want to do? And she said, absolutely. She said, I've been trying to get my husband to be able to agree to this, essentially, for years. And, you know, just being around these girls and they live next door and just having all of that happy time with them. I really want my own child. I want my own kid. So I said, well, what can I do to help you? What is it that you need? And I knew that they were very hardworking, decent people, and they didn't have a lot. And so I asked her to give me a list of things that she needed, and I told her I would help her find or purchase the things that I could to make her life easier so that they could be excited about having this new baby and not have to worry or be as stressed out about buying all these things. And I knew inherently that her family as well, because they were such a loving, kind family. Would be an amazing sense of support for her as well. One of the things that she mentioned that she needed was a rocking chair. Well, it just so happened that I had my grandma's rocking chair, and it wasn't being utilized. It was sitting in my child's bedroom, and it was used by her I to, you know, she'd set her stuffed animals on it and once in a while get in and jump on it. And when friends came over for a sleepover, they'd sit and rock in it for a few minutes and play girl things and just, you know, do what kids do. It was a beautiful big rocker. It was solid wood. And I had so many memories of that chair. I actually went with my grandma to buy the chair to a furniture store. I remembered what she paid for it. I remember she was so proud when she got it home. And even though I was older, she would rock me in it, and it was big enough to where we could both sit in it together and rock, and she would tell me stories, and my younger brother would get rocked in it from her time to time. And then I got the rocker, and I spent countless hours rocking in that chair. Colicky children. And I just. I had so many memories and so many hours of rocking time in that chair. And I always promised my daughter that when she was old enough, it would go to her for her to rock her children with. So, you know, I thought about it, and I'm like, boy, do I really want to part with this chair. And I thought about what this couple was going through and how she was excited to have a new baby, and it was a beautiful chair, and it would definitely serve her well. So I offered it to her on loan, and I said to her, listen, this is a family heirloom. I've got a lot of great memories with it, but I'm more than happy to lend it to you so that you can rock your baby in it. The only thing that I ask is when your child outgrows it or you outgrow it, that I get it back so that I'll have it in the family for my children. And if my children don't have children, then for me to pass along to another family member so that it stays in the family. And she looked at me with these wide eyes. Really? You do? I'm like, yeah, absolutely. So the next week, there was going to be a birthday party or something. It was a swimming pool party, and my child was invited. So I told her, well, when I come out for the party. I'll just bring the chair to grandma's, and you can carry it next door to your house. So I did that. I got the chair, loaded it up in the car, packed everything up, brought it over there. Her husband helped get it out of my vehicle, and they set it on the ground, and they were both awestruck at the beauty of this chair. There was just. It was so pretty, and it was big, and it was comfy, and she sat in it, and she was thrilled, and she was so thankful. And she told me over and over again, are you sure? And I'm like, yeah, I just, you know, please make sure that it finds its way back to me when your child is no longer in need of it. And they were just. She was just. Her eyes were shining, and she was very happy, and her husband was thrilled, and he carried it right back over to the house. And we were the only ones in the parking lot at that time. It was myself and she and her husband. And then I think my girlfriend came over, and we talked for a minute, and then they took the chair back over to the house, and that was the end of that. My girlfriend got very sick and died just after midnight, a couple hours after midnight on a Christmas night. And the little girls were left with just their grandma because grandpa had passed and their dad really wasn't in the picture much. And the dynamics of the whole family situation changed once she lost her daughter, in addition to having lost her husband several years before that. Grandma changed, and she became very protective of the children. Wouldn't allow the kids to come over for sleepovers as much, didn't allow us to go over and visit as much. She insulated the girls and wouldn't allow company hardly at all. And time went on, and, you know, the kids got older, and I. I knew that the chair was there, and I felt that it was safe. And I never heard that the sister in law had gotten pregnant. And I just assumed, well, it's safe, and when I need it back, I'll get it back when the time is right. But I didn't have any qualms as to whether or not I'd get the chair back. I just figured that someday I would get it back when I needed it. So here we are, 1719 years later. As luck would have it, I'd been cleaning out some things from my house, and I went down to a local thrift store to make a donation. And sometimes I would drop stuff on the outside donation box or whatever. They had a place where you could drop stuff off, but if the place was closed. The donation part was closed. I would go into the store and donate my stuff inside the store. And so that's what I was doing. I went inside to drop off some things, and I decided to look around. I don't know what drew me to look around, but I decided to look around. And I went to the back of the store, and my heart caught in my chest, because there in the center of the backroom space, plain as day, was what appeared to be my grandmother's chair. So I went up and my stomach just flipped. My stomach just instantly felt nauseated. It felt like I had ridden a roller coaster and was just coming down the crest of the hill where if you've ever been on one where your stomach just all of a sudden just falls and you're left with a sense of imbalance and just almost dizziness, and your stomach's just flipping. And I looked at the chair, and I touched the arm of the chair, and as I did so, somewhat of a. I wouldn't call it a shock, but a feeling went through my body, and instantly my grandmother's face appeared in my mind, and I was just overcome. And I felt this feeling of my grandmother. I felt her love in the arm of that chair, and I looked down on the seat. When I was a little girl, I had taken a broken pencil where, you know, you have the pencil point breaks off. And I had, in the seat of the chair, put my initials. I wasn't proud of it, but I owned up to it and I got chastised. But my grandma was a saint. Anybody who knew her, I knew she was just the most awesome of women. And she had such a good heart. And when it came to us children, she didn't get mad a whole lot. And she was a very sweet, kind. She did have a temper. You didn't want to cross her, don't get me wrong, but she was just a very sweet, kind person. And when I did it and she discovered it, it didn't mar the finish, so it was pressed into the wood, but you really couldn't tell unless you were looking at the chair in the right light that my initials were there. So I got chastised, and that was the end of that. But I always felt guilty for that, that I ruined her beautiful chair. And she just. Don't worry about it. Just. It's okay, you know? And she was over it in five minutes. And I loved that so much about her, her forgiving qualities, just her amazing personality. But I looked down and there were my initials in the chair. In my mind, without question, that was my chair. That was my grandma's chair. And I was overcome with these feelings of grief, and I would say remorse, but grief and shock and hurt that this woman had donated this chair. And there it was in a showroom, and everybody could see it. Anybody could buy it at any given moment, and what was I gonna do? And I just. I just was so out of sorts that I just. I kind of rushed out of the store. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't thinking clearly, which is pretty atypical for me because anybody who knows me calls me a problem solver, calls me a troubleshooter. You know, it was just. It was one of those days where I hadn't had a particularly good day, although I was trying to stay positive and I. I was working on very little sleep and my emotions got the better of me and I just fled out of the store. So with that, I'm going to take a little break, and we're going to hear some music from my good buddy Pat Carr. Pat's an amazing original artist from Louisiana. You can check him out wherever quality music is heard. He's on Soundclick. He's on Reverb nation, YouTube. He's all over the place. You can reach him at HTTP backslash batcar. Thank you for listening to the positude podcast here on this network. We are totally listener funded. I'm on three networks right now. I'll be searching for more. But please, whatever you can do to support the network, we're totally listener funded. A dollar five. Whatever you can do, please jump on there and donate. We'd really appreciate it to keep wonderful shows going and get on the main page and check out the other shows. There might be something else for you to enjoy. And if you have your own business and want to be a superstar, please consider sponsoring an ad on our network. If you don't have a professional commercial, please contact the owner. I'm sure he and the producer would be happy to put something really cool together for you so that you can support us and we can support you. At the same time. Get your word out there, whether it be on my show or any other show on the network or just on the network in general. We're so thankful for your listenership and for any support that you could provide. We'll be back after this. Stay tuned, folks. [00:36:06] Speaker B: Go to my radio station, play a little music on the air. Spread a little love to the people out there. Gonna go out walking in the world. Breathe a little clean, fresh air. Find a place to offer up a silent prayer. All those years I spent in on the isolation claiming I had no regrets for the things I've done though my mind dreamed my body, now I'm fine cause I know that my lord has made me whole. I'm gonna buy a radio station, play a little music on the air. Spread a little love to the people out there. Gonna do some talking about Jesus, telling everybody everywhere. Turn up people on to the love that's there. [00:37:22] Speaker A: And we're back for the second half of the Positude podcast with Maggie Hart. I'm your host, and that was my good buddy Pat Carr playing radio station. As an aside, if you want to get a hold of me for spiritual needs or some intuitive guidance or whatever it is that I can help you with, please reach out to me at Maggie. M a g g I e. Heart. H e a r t. That's Maggie before the break, I was talking about jabber Wonky, how people who have taken the jab have changed in personality. And I was telling a story, which I'm going to continue to tell you, about my grandma's rocking chair. So before I ran out of the store, I did stop and talked to one of the sales associates and told her my dilemma and that I could pretty much, in my mind, prove it was my chair. She was pretty unsympathetic, told me that I needed to call the headquarters and pretty much dismiss me. And so out I went. I got home and thought about it and decided to call the store and ask to speak to the manager. And I told her the story, and she said that she would have to speak to her supervisor and that she would get back to me. And then I called the headquarters number and spoke to a lady there who told me that the lady that would handle that wasn't available and to leave a voicemail, and they would get back to me hopefully by the next day. And the next morning, I got a phone call really early from the manager of the store, who told me that she had spoken to her boss that evening on the phone the previous evening on the phone, and that she had taken pictures of the chair. And they went over the scenario together, and they couldn't find any definitive evidence on the chair, that it belonged to me. I actually had also told her that in addition to my initials being on the chair, one of the bottom legs was scraped. And the way that the chair got scraped was I had a metal Tonka crane. When I was a little girl. I was a little girl, but I was also somewhat of a tomboy. And I was playing with my Tonka crane, and my brother had a metal Tonka dump truck. And I bumped the metal Tonka truck into the bottom rail of the chair and scraped it, and that's where the wood was missing. And I went into pretty good detail, but she said that her boss, you know, they looked at the pictures together, I guess, over the phone that she had texted him, and they couldn't find any definitive evidence that the chair belonged to me. And I said, he couldn't see. You couldn't see my initials in the chair? And she said, no. So I should have just gone down and put the chair. I was just still a little bit distraught and upset at the whole situation. There was an $80 price tag on the chair. And I told her that I didn't feel as though they were being. It was a christian place, and I didn't feel as though her boss was being very christian when I thought I had pretty good evidence and could tell her where the markings on the chair came from, you know, but, you know, I just was upset, and I didn't know what to say pretty much, other than, well, can you hold the chair till this afternoon? And I'll come down and get it, and I'll pay for it? But I would appreciate hearing from her boss in the interim so that I could talk to him personally, further explain my situation, because I didn't think it was fair that I had to pay dollar 80 to get my own chair back, when again, in my mind, I could prove it was mine. But she said she would have him call me back, and I hadn't heard anything, and it was time for me to go down there in the afternoon. So I just went down and had the $80 ready to pay her, and she called me in the back room, and she said, there's your chair. And I said, listen, it's really important to me that you understand that I'm telling you the truth. And I had actually told her that morning on the phone, when I get down there, I'm going to show you the initials. So I did. I showed her the initials in the chair, and I went over the marking again from the Tonka truck, and we talked in detail, and she did seem more empathetic to me, and she did appear to believe me. But the boss hadn't called back, so I paid the $80, and she said, listen, I know you don't think so, but when my boss calls you back, please explain the situation. To him personally, and he is a really good guy. He'll probably offer you some sort of refund. Ask him if he can reimburse you or something. She said, I'm sure he'll work with you. And I haven't heard anything. That was yesterday, around 02:00 so I've pretty much given up on the idea that he's going to call me back. But when I went to, they carried the chair outside for me, and they told me the people that donated the chair, the guy that was there that took it in, said it was an older couple, and it matched the description that I gave him of the woman and her husband. And we talked about it, and he said to me, you know, it's really weird because this chair has been sitting here for like, a month, and the manager had said the same thing to me. They could tell by the tag that it had been in the store for about a month. And I said, that's so weird because I donated stuff a couple weeks ago, but I can't remember if I was in the store or not. And it just seems weird that I hadn't seen the chair before, and maybe I just didn't go in the store. I couldn't remember. So my memory usually is pretty good, but I was emotional, as I said. And he said, well, the weird thing is we don't get in good furniture very often. He said, and typically what happens when a piece like this comes in is it's gone, like, the same day or the next day at the latest. They just. When something of quality comes in here, it flies right out of here. So I said, well, you know, I believe in things like fate, and, you know, it's weird that I came in here yesterday and saw the chair and recognized it as mine. And he agreed. And he said, yeah, the fact that it was sitting on the showroom floor for almost a month, when usually that kind of stuff is out of here in a day or two, and then what are the chances? You come in, you see it, you recognize it, and at least you were able to get back your grandma's chair. And I agreed. I was thankful. But when I went to pick up the chair, he helped me put it into the car. I felt the arm of the chair, and again, same feeling. So I got it in the house, and as soon as I got it into the kitchen, I didn't even bring it upstairs. I had planned to put it back into my child's room, where it had been for years. I sat in the chair, and as soon as I sat in the chair, I was overcome with this emotion of love and peace and serenity. And in my head, I heard, I'm finally back home. So it was worth it for me. But here's the thing. The woman that I had loaned the chair to, I knew worked for the local government, and I'm going to make the assumption that she not only got the jab, but she. I just feel like she got the boosters, too. I just. I feel it. And the fact that she couldn't remember at all the scenario. I mean, I remember wanting to get pregnant, planning to get pregnant. I can actually tell you, and this is going to sound crazy, but because of the way that I'm built, the night that I can conceived my first child, I knew without question that I had conceived a child that night. And so the emotions that are involved when you're planning to have a child and wanting to have a child and the excitement that goes along with it, I'm going to assume that they weren't able to have children or he changed his mind and something happened there. But even so, that's not something that you easily forget, the fact that you're planning to have a child and you want to have a child. So what I feel is that this is another instance of the memory loss that so many people that I've encountered since COVID that have taken the jab are experiencing. And also the nastiness came out. She was almost snotty, cynical. Right. And so that's another thing. It's another symptom that I've noticed of people that have gotten the jab is that, you know, their personality changes. And she used to be a really sweet, kind, compassionate person. I really liked her. And back then, I didn't like many people. That was before my quote unquote, transformation, when I was still that tough Bronx girl. Right. And I was still the, you know, don't mess with me and I'll lay you out. And it was before I became really spiritual and learned or tried to learn to love those as I love myself. And it's just. It's. It was a painful scenario, it was an emotional scenario, but it just further solidified everything that I've been seeing and feeling around people that have taken the shot. And I don't know if it was Pfizer or Moderna, but I'm betting you that she had not just the shots, but the boosters. And another thing that I've noticed is people that have taken the jab seem to have aged considerably more quickly than what I would think is a normal process. The people that are my age that I've known for a long time, you know, I saw them before, and they looked to be about my age. And when I see them now, without exaggeration, they appear to have aged anywhere between ten and 20 years in a matter of months or a year or two. It's incredible to me the physiological changes that I'm noticing as well. Very few people that I have seen that have taken it appear to look the same as they did a couple of years ago. Very few. They seem to have aged. Their face even seems to have changed. Their eyes, most definitely the emotion that exudes from their eyes has changed. It's gotten more toxic. The energy around them seems to. Like I said earlier, initially it could be pretty chill and calm, but then it's like that, zero to 90, they're ready to just go off. And not just go off, but go off like crazy off at the drop of a hat. So I'm wondering how many of you are experiencing these same types of scenarios. I had somebody come to me one day and tell me a similar situation, you know, not with the rocking chair, obviously, but with emotions in dealing with a loved one and how they couldn't get over the radical changes in their personality. And she actually said to me, I feel like I'm going nuts because I had to deal with this person. It was a family person, you know, a close person on a regular basis. And she's like, I feel like I'm being gaslighted. I feel like I'm being gaslighted because when I approach them and say, what's up with you? They turn on me and make me feel like I'm crazy. Well, I'm here to tell you that if you're experiencing these things, you are not crazy. And something else that I've noticed is, in light of recent months, not only from the shedding, but I really strongly feel that there's something that they're putting into the chemtrails, because people who have not taken the jab are also exhibiting some of these same symptoms. My own close family, and let me add that I know that a portion of that is because of the amount of time that they spend with other family members that have taken the jab, that there is a certain degree of shedding that's involved. I'm thoroughly convinced of that. And when you're hugging and kissing and, you know, your loved ones, your family, and you haven't taken it, but they have, that's gonna run rub off. Okay, so there there is that. But in addition to that, I very strongly believe that they are putting things into the sky, because not enough people have taken it that I'm seeing physiological changes. Because even in myself, I've noticed instances where I've had periods after being outside doing some gardening or yard work or walking with the pups that it seems like on certain days, I'll come inside and I'll be like. It's like, where's my coffee cup? Or, what did I do with that? Or I just had this. And like I said, as a general rule, I'm pretty on it. I have a pretty good memory. We all have lapses, especially as we get older. But as a general rule, even in this scenario, I can remember. I can remember that. I can remember so much about the day that I handed over the chair to this woman in detail. Our conversations, the looks on their faces, the emotions they elicited, how I felt giving them that chair. To borrow all of that. You know, it's like. I really feel like they're putting stuff into the skies that are affecting the normal people, let's say. Let's call them as well. And it's something that we really need to be paying attention. I feel, and I want you to know I'm here for you. I understand if you have gone through some of these situations and we need to spread awareness on this. We need to support each other in this time. But most importantly, we need to pray for those who have made the free will decision. And you may say that, well, they had to do it because of work. You know, I have immediate family that I've been round and round regarding the scenario with, and I've begged them, like, literally begged them not to do this. You can always find another job. Money is not the most important thing. You can't get back your health. Please reconsider. Please do your research. Please wait until more time has transpired so that we can truly see what effects, if any, this stuff that they're putting into your body is going to do to the masses. Right? And it's just, we need to pray. We need to pray for these people that have taken it, and we need to put the energy into healing them and getting them better. And, you know, all things are possible with prayer and positive energy and positive mindset. And I'd like for us all to focus on that, focus on as a whole, even if it's just for a few minutes a day, healing these people, and if they're aware enough to recognize the fact, because there are also in the course of conversations and dealing with people, many that have taken the shot that do say to me on a regular basis, I don't know what's wrong with my memory. I'm not sure what's going on with me, but you know, something's wrong with me because I never had issues remembering things before, and now I can't remember my own name half the time, what's going on with me. I don't. I don't know what's wrong with me. Pray for these people. Please send them positive energy. Let's join forces and gather together and get as much of that positive energy going, that healing energy going that we can, and let's try. And this is a reminder for me as well, to be more compassionate for these people that have taken this free will choice to embark on this endeavor in what they thought was the best move they could make to protect themselves and their health. We were not given all of the facts in regards to the situation. It was up to us, and it is up to us to use discernment and to do our research. But you know what? Everybody makes mistakes. And in the instance of the girl that I spoke about last week in the story that I told you, she fully realizes now, and she totally understands the repercussions of her actions. And imagine the guilt that she must feel now, knowing that she convinced her family to take it as well. So to keep positive, to keep these people in prayer, to shield them with positive energy, to be kind to them, to try and have more of a spirit of patience with them when they do forget things, when they become irritable. Trust me, I know how hard it is. It's almost like dealing with an Alzheimer's patient at times, in some scenarios. And it does test our patients, and it may test our faiths if we're not strong enough. So we need to be kind to ourselves and gentle to ourselves in knowing that we have personal limitations and asking for that extra bit of patience and that extra bit of faith to carry us through these tough times and to help support each other, humanity as a whole, in these very precipitous times. I ask that everybody out there just be kind to one another. And I'll say it again, I have to work on this myself. I'm not that Buddha up on the mountain. I'm human. And there are times that my patience is tested, most notably when someone gets nasty with me. I am a so much better than I used to be, and I can brush it off and I can step back and, you know, say, look, I gotta go. I can't talk to you right now. I gotta go and take that time to calm and balance. And I hope that all of you can take something from this and hopefully learn to step away from a situation where someone's being mean to you or hateful to you, or you just need a moment to breathe. Because it's like, oh, my gosh, I'm beating my head against the wall. Why don't they remember anything and just step back and breathe and get back to balance and let's just help each other, right? So, everybody, thank you so much for listening, and I'll see you all next week. Good night, everybody.

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