The Positude Podcast: How Deep Is Your DOGE

The Positude Podcast:  How Deep Is Your DOGE
TRIM Radio
The Positude Podcast: How Deep Is Your DOGE

Mar 08 2025 | 00:59:34

Episode • March 08, 2025 • 00:59:34

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

The Positude Podcast with Maggie Heart is a versatile, ever-changing show discussing healing, spirituality, enlightenment, political stories and insights, meditations, conspiracy theories and conspiracy realities, recipes, music, random comedy, and all sorts of information designed to uplift, negate or come to grips with negativity, to share knowledge. Her goal is to share knowledge, have fun, and have the listener feel like they are having a discussion or learning session on a comfy couch with a friend over coffee or tea.

This episode Maggie explores how deep is your DOGE

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:24] Speaker A: Good evening, folks, and welcome to another episode of the Positude Podcast. I am your host, Maggie Hart, here for another week on my big comfy couch with my cup of coffee. Looking forward to spending another hour with you talking politics, having some laughs, maybe learning some new things, and just hanging out in the living room, relaxing and enjoying each other's company. So, my little cannolis, how does it feel when you get flat out insulted? Not too good, does it? Well, apparently our elected officials this week and the liberal public who constantly want to cry and complain and whine about getting their feelings hurt have nothing better to do than to insult our intelligence. And also the people that are part of Trump's staff, that is Elon Musk. Hypocrisy is truly running rampant in our country. But this is also part of what I've been telling you about, part of the exposure truth coming to light. What I'm also seeing, the energy that I'm also feeling, is that there are people on that side of the spectrum, the liberal side, that are actually finally getting sick of the drama on their own, and they're shifting to the other side in the process. They're starting to wake up, they're starting to evolve, and they're realizing that drama is just a waste of time and energy. And they're actually starting to see how much controversy and stir up and drama this other side has created. We're also going to touch about on about rather how the conservative side and the alternative news media I've been talking to you guys about for a long time. I've been constantly telling you to be on the lookout, watch your news sources. These guys are scripted just like mainstream media is. And I'm going to talk about that and give you an example of that, because the people on the other side are starting to wake up, too. See their lies, the conservatives lies, the Republicans lies, the news sources that have been getting rich off of the backs of the American people via podcasts and subscriptions and all of that, they're going to be exposed this year, too, on both sides. So it's a very interesting combination that we're seeing here and we'll continue to see throughout this year of truth and light and disclosure. And people from that side are coming back to a more neutral state, too. They want to see what's best done for this country and they want to support the president in the positive moves that he's making and his cabinet as well. But they're also waking up to the possibility and the reality that that side is playing people to a degree as well, with some of their false news stories and some of the things that they say that's coming out. So they're coming back to center, which is more where I am, even though it doesn't seem that way at times. I definitely want what's best for the country. Trump was absolutely the lesser of two evils. You've heard me say this time and again, and I stand with what's best for people, humanity in general. However, having said that, I also know that there's a lot of lies and deception that go out on that side of the fence. And that's something that I've been trying to help people to learn. Because when we have faith in a positive system, especially after the last four years that we've had, it's a really good feeling. And we all want that. We all want that positivity and the things that are good for our country to happen. But some of us also understand that, you know, both sides are playing us to some degrees, especially when it comes to these podcasters in these people that are being paid. You might not want to believe this, but they're being paid by either side to promote their agenda. You've heard me refer to Chad Prather lots of times on this podcast. I'm on his Instagram only because he used to be a comedian and I found him extremely funny political comedian. So I really like his work, or at least I did like his work up until he started to run for office and now he's a musician and blah, blah, blah, blah. And I guess he soundly got beat in the election and now he's got this little band and he's doing some things. He's still on the political spectrum, though, and he has an. Actually, it's a pretty good podcast that I'll catch clips of here and there from time to time. I don't have time to listen to his whole show, but I'll catch clips of it from time to time. And 107 is somebody that's been doing interviews for years. He's got a beautiful radio voice. I love to listen to his voice. But if you listen to him, truly listen to him, he's tried to say for years that he's close to Trump and he goes to Mar a Lago and yada yada. But I've never seen him in any clips with Trump. And a lot of people think that he's secretly Kennedy. My thoughts is that he used to be a magician out in Vegas somewhere. He's definitely got money. He comes from money. So could he be related to a Kennedy? Possibly. Drives fancy cars and blows. He's got beautiful ranches and blows money like there's no tomorrow. But for a while I've kept my eye on him and just I've got this kind of feeling in my gut. Like entertaining. Absolutely. Promoting an agenda. Absolutely. So. And you know, Chad, I think is is joining the same bandwagon. And the reason that I say that is because just this past week he was actually in the White House. Put a picture up on his site of him with the President and Vance and also a copy of the early Epstein files which were waiting for them to come out in their entirety. You know, I know that the Attorney General Pam Bondi asked for some stuff sent out and put out what she had and then now she's breathing down New York's neck like a hungry wolf to get the rest of the information that supposedly they have had and held onto and have been suppressing and hiding. I don't have any updates on that as of yet, although you may have heard something on the news by the time this broadcast airs. But Chad was in the White House and he and three or four other guys that are big in the conservative movement, D.C. drano is another one. They all posted things on their social media sites and every single one of them wrote the most transparent administration in American history verbatim. They're all blue check mark people. So big number people, verbatim all wrote the same exact line, exactly the same thing we see in mainstream media. And this is just one of the examples of what I've been talking about for months about how we need to be careful. These guys are bought and paid for or are standing to gain something by promoting the exact same wording. They're putting out a message. So please be aware of that and be super vigilant and use your discernment when you're following people and you're getting your news sources. Not to say some of them aren't entirely entertaining. Chad Prather, he's kind of a cute country looking guy, good sense of humor. 107's got a really smooth talking voice, but how much are they putting out there that scripted and released for your consumption, but not necessarily the truth because 107 has always been one of those trust the plan kind of guys, right. And you know, have faith in the President. And there's this entire underworking going on this thing where everybody's being caught. They're all going to get mo. Although he doesn't always say that they're going to get Mo. But you get the idea. You get the idea he's promoting an agenda. Some of this is true, some of it is not. Just like anything else in life, there's always an element in truth, of truth to what people say. You always get that nugget there. But how much is truth and how much is a deception to keep you complacent? That's what you need to be able to discern. Ilya Omar makes no bones about it, though. She just thinks we're stupid. [00:08:57] Speaker B: These people are just idiots. I really, you know, I'm at the point where it's become really hard, hard to have an intellectual debate with any of these people, because the level of stupidity that they are displaying every single day is frankly embarrassing, not just in Congress, but as Americans. And the fact that these people are allowed to say just the most ridiculous things tells you that the dumbing of the United States has arrived. Because how else do we get a Trump presidency again? [00:09:44] Speaker A: And I hope her husband, brother goes with her. If they send her off, it's Elon Musk's time. How deep is your doge? [00:10:01] Speaker B: Your dosh? [00:10:02] Speaker A: How deep is your doge? [00:10:08] Speaker B: We're here right now. What would you tell him? Go back where you come from? America or where he came from? South Africa. South Africa. Out to Africa, right? Oh, gotta go to South Africa. Where he was. Go back to South Africa. Go back to South Africa. He's not a citizen. He came here illegally and stayed, then got citizenship, I believe so go. So go back to Africa. Go back to Africa. What would you tell him? He's an unelected, greedy, selfish bastard and please go away. Nobody elected him. Nobody voted for him. We don't warn him. He's a racist and he's a Nazi. This is not what America is about. You said, you said to go away. Where would you like him to go? Go back to South Africa. His grandfather left, left Canada to specifically go to South Africa because he loved, he loved his racist, the racist policies of South Africa. Go back to South Africa. Go back as an immigrant, as an immigrant telling another immigrant, go back to where he came from. Because I am not trying to change America for the worst. I'm not a really selfish person, wanted to take everything for myself. Somebody who has $404 billion is going to go into Social Security and tell my grandfather or my disabled cousin that $800 is too much and you have $404 billion that you will never spend in your lifetime. Go, hey, Elon, shoot yourself into the sun. I promised myself I would avoid the. [00:11:56] Speaker A: News, but obviously I haven't. [00:11:59] Speaker B: Here's my one thought. I mean, I've made it that Elon musk, like, we need to X him. And by X I mean formerly known as assassination, and someone from Fieri is gonna fucking show up. [00:12:13] Speaker A: I don't arrest me. [00:12:16] Speaker B: You don't have enough people to even investigate me at this point. [00:12:20] Speaker A: I haven't filed my taxes in like. [00:12:22] Speaker B: Eight years, and yet no one's covered me, so I'm gonna have to say it. Let's assassinate some motherfu. [00:12:30] Speaker A: So I had to cut out some curse words. I did the best I could. This is a family show. But occasionally you're gonna get some expletives from me too. But I kind of try and draw the line at the F word. I really don't think that's appropriate at all. And I tried to cut those out. So my apologies. Obviously that last chick is gunning for some free meals, room and board, maybe. Between not paying taxes and threatening a government official, just a couple examples of how the liberal side can say what they want about the other side. God forbid somebody insults them and hurts their feelings. St. Patrick's Day is quickly approaching. So here are a couple of clips relating to Elon from Garon Music and yeah, they're chopped up because I had to cut out the F word. [00:13:16] Speaker B: We're about to get overrun with Americans. Record numbers of Americans are trying to become Irish citizens. Don't be bringing your problems over here. We don't want any fat people in Ireland. Listen, America, it's not that we don't want ya. You're just way more enjoyable in very small doses. I'm sorry, but I just can't deal with you every time I leave the house. Hey, Garen, how was your day? Shite. Stop asking personal questions. You know, my great great grandfather once had a shite day, or shite crack, as we say. And then he moved over to the US and got a job in a woolen factory. I think he came from Ballyferm. Can't do it. No more Americanization. You already ruined milk. Would you like oat milk or almond milk? In the island I grew up in, there was only milk if you are lactose intolerant. You drank water. Hot water. An army of robots. Elon, why the are we letting them do this? Oh, they're going to pick up your packages and water your plants. Will they? Look at them. He's miserable. They're going to attack. And they'll definitely start with Ireland. Everybody does look, he's built like a fit brick house and he makes. They're definitely going to team up with the English. Worf looks like a decent cup of tea as well. This one is wearing a cowboy hat. He looks absolutely darling in it, to be fair, but I'm still fan terrified of him. He doesn't have any wrists. What are you planning? Why don't you need wrists? This is a terrible idea, Elon. They're not just going to wash our plants and make the tea. If that's what they were going to do, why did you give them muscles and no fish face? And another thing, why does it have the same beard as a rapper from the early 2000s? That needs answering. Follow me. I'm delicious. [00:15:13] Speaker A: So Ireland is on the list that liberals are looking to move to because of the Trump administration. Elon's robots are making this poor little Irish dude pretty upset. And Maine, Maine has a pretty good number of Scottish, Irish, Celtic people as well as a great number of English. So since everybody seems to like tea in those cultures, I thought it would go well with the St Patrick's Day clips, especially because Garon's always worried about the English invading. That's my semi smooth transition into the next segments about Trump and Vance. Trump totally roasted the governor of Maine last week. And on a subsequent radio interview, he referred to the governor of Maine several times as a man and referred to it as a he. So these are things you want to pay attention to because he's playing chess again and he's letting you know that he thinks knows that she is a man, which is why she's supporting this men and women's sports so bulldoggedly. And maybe she's getting some money for it as well. Who knows? [00:16:17] Speaker B: The NCAA has complied immediately, by the way. That's good. But I understand Maine is Maine here, the governor of Maine. Are you not going to comply with it? Well, we are the federal law. Well, you better do it. You better do it because you're not going to get any federal funding at all if you don't. And by the way, your population, even though it's somewhat liberal, although I did very well there, your population doesn't want men playing in women's sports. So you better come. You better comply because otherwise you're not getting any, any federal funding every state. Good. I'll see you in court. I look forward to that. [00:16:54] Speaker A: That should be a real easy one. [00:16:57] Speaker B: And enjoy your life after Governor, because I don't think you'll be in elected politics. [00:17:03] Speaker A: And then Trump and Vance took On Zelensky. This is totally unprecedented. But it's why I love listening to clips like this so much, is because it's absolutely entertaining and awesome to see real men again at the White House. Gotta love it. Even comes to a reporter for a clip I'll play as well. [00:17:23] Speaker B: I'm talking about the kind of diplomacy that's going to end the destruction of your country. Yes. But if you. With respect, I think it's disrespectful for you to come into the Oval Office to try to litigate this in front of the American media. Right now you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have manpower problems. You should be thanking the President for trying to bring it into this country. Ever been to Ukraine that you say what problems we have? I have been to come once. I have actually, I've actually watched and seen the stories. And I know what happens is you bring people, you bring them on a propaganda tour. Mr. President, are, do you disagree that you've had problems like bringing people into your military and do you think that it's respectful to come to the Oval Office, United States of America and attack the administration that is trying to trying to prevent the destruction of your country? A lot of, of a lot of questions. Let's start from the beginning. Sure. First of all, during the war, everybody has problems, even you. But you have nice ocean and don't feel now, but you will feel it in the future. God bless. [00:18:25] Speaker A: You don't know that. [00:18:26] Speaker B: God bless. God bless. You will know that. Don't tell us what we're going to feel. We're trying to solve a problem. Don't tell us what we're going to feel. I'm not telling you because you're in no position to dictate that. Remember this position to dictate what we're going to feel. We're going to feel very good. We're going to feel very good and very strong. You will feel influenced. You're right now not in a very good position. You've allowed yourself to be in a very position and he happens to be right from the very beginning of the war. You're not in a good position. You don't have the cards right now with us. You start having cards right now. You're not of people. You're gambling with World War Three. You're gambling with World War Three. And what you're doing is very disrespectful to the country, this country. I'm with all this far more than a lot of people. Said they should have. You said thank you once a lot of times. No. Even today. You went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for the opposition in October. Offer words of appreciation for the United States of America and the President who's trying to save your country. You've got to ask yourself one question. Do I feel lucky? Well. Do you bunk? Let's get ready to rumble. Second question. My second question for President Galinsky. Now. Do you ever. Why don't you wear a suit? Why don't you wear a suit? You're the highest level in this country's office and you refuse to wear a suit. Just want to see if you do own a suit. Yeah. You have problems. A lot of Americans have problems with you. Not expecting. I don't have such. I will wear costume after this war will finish. Yes. Maybe. Maybe something like yours. Yes. Maybe some. Something better. I don't. I don't know. We will see. Maybe something cheaper than. Yeah. Thank you. [00:20:53] Speaker A: My problem. [00:20:55] Speaker B: You got a problem, kid. [00:20:56] Speaker A: You got a ticker problem. What's the matter? You got nothing left inside? Huh? Because you're training like a damn bum, you know that? [00:21:05] Speaker B: Boom. A bum went up to the press area to get an understanding of what we're watching. This is what I was told. The President has kicked Zelensky out of the White House. His delegation right now is telling him that he's got to go home. The President felt disrespectful. Respected officials in the room felt that beyond the language barrier. That we've heard some discussion about Zelinsky's body language. Shrugging and eye rolling was ungrateful. Disrespectful. And the President feels that Zelensky is not ready for peace. And he can come back when he's ready to talk about peace. But he's not in that position right now. And Zelensky is being told he's got to go. The lunch that they were supposed to have is sitting right outside the hallway. And the press staffers are going to be eating that lunch. This is really pretty incredible. We see the SUV to your left. You're going to see him. Let's watch. How long do you think it will take for. How long do you think it will take for Zelensky to want peace and be invited back to the White House? Well, he says he wants it now. He wants to come back right now. [00:22:21] Speaker A: But I can't do that. [00:22:23] Speaker B: Are you gonna handle it then? Don't you waste my time. No more. You hear that? You'll go back to being a two bit nothing. But don't you ever come back here again because I'm too old to waste my time trying to train a no good loser like you, you bum. You see, I love me a man. [00:22:42] Speaker A: Now Trump is a man, a man's man. [00:22:45] Speaker B: Whether you blue collar or you in. [00:22:47] Speaker A: A white house, it ain't nothing like. [00:22:49] Speaker B: A strong man to stand up to. [00:22:51] Speaker A: Another man and protect his family and protect this house. And that's exactly what he did with Zelinsky today. You don't come in our house. You don't come to my family's country. [00:23:02] Speaker B: And disrespect me or disrespect us. [00:23:05] Speaker A: And let's not talk about JB Vance. They were standing on business. You don't come to a made man. [00:23:12] Speaker B: Like Donald Trump in the Dream Team. [00:23:15] Speaker A: And talk to them like they minions. So you got away with that with Biden. There's a lot of men of America and men are coming back because that. [00:23:23] Speaker B: Last administration, they wanted men to act like girls. Us real women, especially us MAGA women. [00:23:30] Speaker A: We love a man's man. [00:23:31] Speaker B: Where the real men at? [00:23:33] Speaker A: The men is back, baby. [00:23:35] Speaker B: America is back. [00:23:36] Speaker A: And Trump just told him like a man, tell another man to his face. Don't you come up in my house and disrespect me. As a matter of fact, go home. Go home and come back when you. [00:23:48] Speaker B: Ready to talk peace. [00:23:49] Speaker A: He little Boyd him as he should. And that's what a commander in chief looks like. [00:23:54] Speaker B: I have tried to help him, but I have failed. [00:23:58] Speaker A: JD Vance continuing to step up and be vocal about what he knows is wrong. And the English are continuing to lie, which is why Garen from the clip couple clips ago, so worried about the English always trying to step in. They don't tell the truth either. Do some research on what's really happening in Great Britain. I think you'll be surprised I said. [00:24:23] Speaker B: What I said, which is that we do have, of course a special relationship with our friends in the UK and also with some of our European allies. But we also know that there have been infringements on free speech that actually affect not just the British, of course, what the British do in their own country is up to them, but also affect American technology companies and by extension American citizens. So that is something that we'll talk about today at lunch. We've had free speech for a very, very long time in the United Kingdom and it will last for a very, very long time. Well, no, I mean, certainly we wouldn't want to reach across US citizens and we don't. And that's absolutely Right. But in relation to free speech in the uk, I'm very proud of our, our history there. [00:25:13] Speaker A: Moving on to an education segment this week. We have a battle going on there as well. And I'm really happy actually to see this. You have the liberal crazy parents and teachers. And then we have finally some more clips coming out about rational teachers who know right from wrong and they're starting to speak out in greater number. This makes me so proud because finally, under this administration, they have the backing to do so and not stay silent. So we're on the right track here. Again, this is all part of what I saw coming this year. We have truth being told and people speaking out for what's right. That's part of what I had predicted for this year and it's coming to fruition. You're going to see more and more of this as time goes on. Let's listen. First we're going to play the crazies, then the normals. A lot of these people who thought they were going to get away with some of these really insane agendas like litter boxes in schools are getting a reality slap and realizing that that's not going to happen anymore. There's a new sheriff in town. I sound like I'm gloating. I'm not. I'm just really happy to see some of this insanity starting to go away and people standing up for what's right. [00:26:37] Speaker B: They removed the litter box from my son's school's bathroom this week. And I'm pissed about it because I fought for five or six months to get that litter box put into the bathroom because my son, who identifies as a cat, he only uses litter box at home. And when he would go to school, he would refuse to use the toilet. So he was holding his pee all day. He ended up getting a really bad uti. It lasted for weeks because he was kept holding his pee. So I told the school, I said, for my son's safety, for his health, we have to install a litter box into the bathroom. And they told me no. And after months and months of me going back and forth and agreeing to pay for the litter and to come and clean it out every day, they finally said, yes, okay, we can put the litter box in the bathroom. But now they said because of some, I guess, executive order, they have to remove the litter box from the school because the school is not tolerant of trans species students anymore. So now I guess I'm going to have to remove my school from, I mean, my son from the public school system. You're A teacher? Yes. What is a woman? What is a woman? Oh, buddy. All right, so we define gender as a set of preferences that you have. Gender. Gender is a set of preferences we have. Women is a social construction that we've agreed upon. Typically, we imagine womanhood as makeup or whatever it is. There is a difference between the word woman and being a biological female. Woman is a social construct that we use. Listen for a second. I'm telling you what it means. Woman is a social construct. We agree on these set of preferences. If I tell you, you that I'm a man is because I want you to know that I like these set of preferences. If I tell you I'm a woman, it's because I want you to know that I agree with these set of preferences. And men give birth. Can men or can males? Because males can't. Listen for a second. If. If you listen to your bio professors, you would understand there's a difference between biology and what we think. So I want to thank you for proving a great point. You are why we should eliminate the Department of Education. Thank you very much. Let's get ready to rumble. Apparently, it's National Coming Out Day, so I wanted to take this opportunity to encourage some of you to go back into the closet. Not everyone. Not everyone. Just you weird ones who are ruining it for the rest of us. If you think drag queen story hour. [00:29:26] Speaker A: Is a good idea, back in the closet. [00:29:28] Speaker B: If you think transitioning minors is okay, back in the closet. [00:29:32] Speaker A: If you think that teachers should have. [00:29:33] Speaker B: Pride flags in their classroom rooms, back in the closet. [00:29:36] Speaker A: And especially you guys who act out. [00:29:38] Speaker B: All your weird stuff in public, get back in the closets. Just go. Just get back in there. Hi, I'm a teacher from Fairfax County Public Schools. I'm gonna give a medical exam. I'm sorry, do you have a medical exemption? I do. Okay, you've been cleared by staff. [00:30:02] Speaker A: Can someone. [00:30:03] Speaker B: Yes, I have. Can I have my full minute, please? You may. Thank you. I'm waiting for staff to give me a thumbs up that the medical exemption was granted. You know, it's actually embarrassing that you have to ask me that question in front of hundreds of people here. That's discrimination against hipaa. It is. I can't ask you if you're gay. I can't ask you. You. If you have herpes. You can't ask me about my medical exemption. I can't ask you if you're pregnant. You can't ask me that question. Would you like your minute now? I would love my minute, yes. Thank you. Clock I'm a Fairfax county public school teacher and I'm going to give a message of encouragement to parents and teachers and students who are too afraid to come and speak forward. Parents, the longer that you wait and you don't hold your child's schools accountable, gives these guys more time to dictate what's best for your child's physical, mental and emotional health. Don't be afraid to speak out for your kids because they are voiceless and they. And they rely on you. You should be afraid of them rooting for socialism by the time they get to middle school. Teachers, it may seem that our careers have come to a dead end, but I'm here to remind you we don't work for the school board. We work to mold the next generation of well rounded American patriots. So don't give up, because it is up to us. Students, you are on the front lines of these indoctrination camps. Challenge the staff when you are presented with a ludicrous statement and do not allow anybody to tell you that you cannot accomplish anything because of your skin color or to hate yourself because of your skin color. Students, it is up to you to be the next generation of victims or victors. Hell, it's about time. [00:31:42] Speaker A: Okay, we're gonna talk about some Medicare and Medicaid corruption and the Doge Report. We did a little section on Elon before and we're gonna talk about his department now. So he's like the white bread on the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He's on both ends today. Was that not politically correct? I don't care. Poor guy's been through a lot lately. Did everybody hear the story where the woman in Colorado was caught at a Tesla dealership with like, bombs or something, explosives. She was gonna try and blow up the Tesla dealership. And another heavy hit to the liberals this week. You may not have heard, or maybe you did. Dan Bongino was named deputy director of the FBI. Boy, Trump seems to really want to fill his cabinet with reporters and people that are very noticeable in the public arena, doesn't he? Hmm. This is partially about the entertainment, isn't it? He's got people that are charismatic, that aren't afraid to say what they want to say and seem to have general sense of approval with the American populace. Let's just think back, if we could for a minute about his comments about central casting. And he was alluding at that particular time about the, I think, fake people in office, the rubber masks, or the actors that were portraying certain people. But I also think there's another element to it. And we're seeing this play out now. He's absolutely a chess player. Gotta give him credit. So how deep is your Doge? How deep is your Doge? [00:33:42] Speaker B: Your Doge? How deep is your Doge? The Doge Healthcare Edition. So just found that the US Healthcare Corporation spent 95% of their income to share shareholder payouts. Not on more research, not on staffing issues, not on infrastructure, but shareholder payouts that totaled about $2.6 trillion over the last 20 years. Fun fact, the US taxpayers pay about 70% of those fees. Also just breaking if that wasn't enough to make it too fit to be tied. 2.7 trillion. Again, $2.7 trillion has been improperly paid out in Medicare and Medicaid to people outside of our country. I hope you heard me. I didn't say million. I didn't say billion. I said $2.7 trillion of taxpayer money has been improperly paid in Medicare and Medicaid to people outside of the United States. Thank God for Doge for exposing this, for showing you how they are robbing us blind and like wasting our money and lining their pockets. And by the way, these Medicaid and Medicare fraud cases that Republicans are talking about, they're not just hypotheticals. Just last week in Massachusetts, a businessman was charged in a $30 million Medicare fraud scheme using that money to buy luxury cars and watches. Republicans say there's a lot more of this fraud going on in addition to these cases that are already getting prosecuted. [00:35:56] Speaker A: Dana Kathy Hochul seems to be in a little bit of hot water herself. She's also one of the states that is refusing, at least with the immigrant situation. And boy, oh boy, the dirt is starting to roll out on some of the things she may have done, isn't it? Perfect timing. Just like in Maine, right after Janet Mills mouthed off to Trump. Like the very next day or day after some stories started to surface about something she may have been illegally involved in taking money, things like that. Trump's a total gangster. Gotta give him credit for that. [00:36:33] Speaker B: Governor Kathy Hochul recently awarded a $9 billion contract to an out of state company to monopolize control over medical services that nearly 700 local businesses provided to hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers through a home care Medicaid program known as cdpap. And herein lies the corruption. A lawsuit has been filed against the New York State Department of Health and the out of state company known as Public Partnerships, llc, or PPL for short. The lawsuit explains how the New York Department of Health pre selected PPL as the, quote, winner of a multi billion dollar contract before before the bidding process even took place. The State Department then ran a sham bidding process in order to cover up for that pre selection. Evidence of this cover up includes the fact that multiple reporters and individuals at the center for Disability Rights were informed by numerous sources of PPL's pre selection prior to the bidding. Two months before submissions were due, the 1199 SEIU Healthcare Workers Union announced that the DOH had informed them that PPL had obtained the contract. Additionally, Public Consulting Group, an organization that advises Governor Hochul on medical policy and Medicaid reform, just so happens to own more than 25% of PPL through a 16% general ownership, with the remainder being owned by three PCG executives. This is a clear conflict of interest. It has also been reported that Kathy Hle received a five thousand dollar contribution in 2023 from PPL's Vice President of Government relations, further raising suspicion about her direct ties to the company. The DOH played an extended role in carrying out this fraud by also reportedly manipulating and failing to enforce express requirements for contract scoring metrics and qualifications for subcontractors, leading to PPL scoring significantly higher overall. It is very clear that a major scandal is being carried out at the expense of taxpayers. Even New York Democrats such as Representative Richie Torres believe that there is, quote, something right in the state of New York under the management of Kathy Hochul. He is calling for a full investigation into the scandal and the people of New York deserve answers. Run. [00:38:58] Speaker A: Okay, time to have some fun with Gen X. Although the lady complaining in the next video seems a little bit older. She's absolutely got the millennial Gen Z attitude going on. The lady whose porch she walks up on absolutely is a Gen Xer. Before I forget, the clip that I played about going back into the closet was by Becky Weiss. Check her out if you have a chance on social media. She's hysterical and I wanted to give her credit. Here it is, folks. [00:39:25] Speaker B: The best down east barbecue. Hi. Hi, Nan. Hi. I'm. [00:39:30] Speaker A: I'm renting down the street through the week. [00:39:33] Speaker B: We're here from Connecticut. There's been a lot of chicken noises. [00:39:38] Speaker A: Very loud. Some smoke is kind of billowing into our home. What are you cooking? Is this necessary? [00:39:48] Speaker B: Yes, I'm cooking beef brisket. So this is meat. [00:39:52] Speaker A: We are vegans. [00:39:53] Speaker B: We can't have meat. Smoke coming into our. No, we're gonna speak to our landlord. Well, yeah. Wanna try some? No. I that is murder. You are murderers. I, I, I, I'm, I'M calling the authorities. I was told when I came to. [00:40:08] Speaker A: Maine I wouldn't have to deal with any of this. [00:40:10] Speaker B: And your dog is trying to attack me. [00:40:13] Speaker A: The dog just ran her off. He wasn't attacking her. But that's the liberal mindset. Drama, drama, drama. The next clip is about telling time. I find this a lot, especially when I was working closely. A lot more in the school system. Kids today just can't tell time. They have no concept unless it's a digital watch. [00:40:33] Speaker B: Another round of learning with Generation Z. [00:40:37] Speaker A: Let's go, y'all. I absolutely hate when older folks tell time like this. [00:40:41] Speaker B: Old people. She's talking to us. Oh, it's a quarter. Two, six. Yeah, I do that. That. She's talking to us. Just say it's five. 75 people that say it's a quarter till this. A quarter till this time. That has always angered me. [00:40:57] Speaker A: Totally. [00:40:57] Speaker B: Sure I'm gonna regret asking this, but why A quarter doesn't mean 25 minutes. [00:41:02] Speaker A: Oh, Sherlock. [00:41:03] Speaker B: It's a quarter past nine. Nine, 25. That clock's completely wrong. [00:41:07] Speaker A: What is it? [00:41:07] Speaker B: So it's 15? Yes. What? Tell me what the. How does that make sense? Because math. Because Math. Quarter of 60. 15. You know, I'd say just go inside when it gets dark and don't even worry about a clock. But then there's this. Where does the sun go? I'm just understanding, right? If it's dark, that means the sun's hiding. Yeah. We're doomed. [00:41:30] Speaker A: Actually. [00:41:30] Speaker B: We'll be fine. They're doomed. Okay. Gen X. Hey, you need something? How was it being raised by boomers? I'm gonna have to ask you to define what you mean by raised. Gen X wasn't really raised. We were given rules to follow. We were given standards. We were handed out consequence. We were told what was expected of us and what would happen if we didn't come through with what was expected of us. Is that being raised? It seems like they were not good parents. Again, I'm have to ask you to define good parents. Because, you see, back time, good parents meant they put a roof over our heads, food in our stomachs, clothes on our backs. They let us live in their homes. They took care of us, so to speak. You see, a parent's job back then was to create a responsible adult that could survive in whatever world they grew up into. Our parents did that. Now, do you mean gentle parents? Because they weren't attentive parents. Not so much. Parents that wanted to listen to us and find out how we were feeling yeah, no, they were really hard on you and, like, they left you guys with a lot of trauma. Find the word trauma. [00:42:33] Speaker A: Okay? The last two and the next one are from Gen X. Jono. I think he's from the Buffalo area. Super cool guy. Love his clips. Check him out. The next one is about taxes, and it is so spot on. It's hysterical. [00:42:46] Speaker B: More fun with Generation Z. Filed my taxes for the first time today. Watching them Discover Taxes Edition. I just filed my taxes and I want to cry. Guys, I just learned about taxes and I'm crying. There's no crying. There's no crying in baseball or taxes. I think I'm going to be made fun of after this video. Nobody taught me how to do this. I was never taught certain things in school. Here's the thing nobody taught us either. We learned it the way we learned a lot of the stuff we know. Doing it and figuring it out. Trial and a lot of error. Doing the thing in order to do the thing. Also for us, there weren't apps that could help a plethora of information available on the very thing you're recording yourself crying on. I literally owe $3,400. Oh, money. Oh, my God. That's what I have to pay. I owe $2,000 on taxes. I don't understand anybody else getting the impression that they should have asked questions when filling out their W4s long before ever getting back their W2s. Withholding worksheet is. Is what you want to Google for next year. For now, IRS payment plan might be more helpful. What is this scheme? I'm not doing taxes. Ira can come get me. I don't, I don't care. What the. I'm just a girl. I feel like I'm too stupid to comprehend this. I hate being an adult. Buckle up, buttercup. It's not gonna get any better. [00:44:15] Speaker A: And the last one is from a definitely a Gen Xer who refuses to be robbed. His attitude has Gen X all over it. [00:44:24] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm gonna need you to give me what's in that register right now. No, bro. Did you want to order something? I'm not asking you, bro. I'm. You know how ridiculous you look? Can you stop? Stop it. [00:44:35] Speaker A: Okay. [00:44:36] Speaker B: Do you hear? No. Do you take. No. We're saying no. This isn't a joke. You're funny. This isn't a joke. I'm not. See what you did? Now you got me stressed out. Stop. I, I, I'm not saying that this is a joke. It's just for, for you. Like, I, I feel Embar like I feel it. You see that? I'm cringing for you, bro. Go. Go do something. [00:44:59] Speaker A: Why? [00:44:59] Speaker B: Why want to do this? Why don't you go home and workshop that whole little scary thing you did your delivery. Go workshop that. Cuz bro, we don't even have cash. You see what I mean? You see how stupid you are? You didn't even see the sign that we're. That we're non cash. You mean Apple Pay you? Me? Oh yeah. Oh, you Romy. Oh yeah. You take tap. You see how stupid that is? No, bro. And then in front of everybody. Nah, there's too many reasons. [00:45:26] Speaker A: Workshop that whole look. Gotta love it. Okay, this week's question. I don't think I got to it last week. What's the most thrilling adventure activity you've ever done? I could tell you mine, but it was very dangerous and might have been considered illegal. So I'm gonna forgo and let you use your imagination. But it was badass and a lot of fun. Okay, so I wanted to spend a few minutes talking about breathing since we didn't get to it last week. But we did talk two weeks ago about water. We're discussing inexpensive methods that you can do to not only maintain but to improve your health. Healthy breathing helps for the oxygen to reach your brain better. So brain fog will go away. Your memory will be clearer. You can also use breathing exercises to help to eliminate and totally eliminate pain. Also to calm yourself if you're in a stressful environment or situation. Breathing exercises strengthen the lungs, which gives you more endurance. I have lots of books on breathing, but this week I'm going to focus on the Bragg Super Power Breathing for Super Health book by Paul Bragg and Patricia Bragg. One exercise for super oxygen and building controlled deep breathing that you can do before getting up out of the bed. Repeat often during the day or just before sleep is to count to yourself as you gently exhale and slowly inhale. Vary your breathing through the mouth and the nose and when you become more adept, then increase the count. This exercise helps strengthen your lungs, chest and all the muscles around your mid waist. It also improves lung capacity and super breathing power as it gives a firmer trim or waistline. It will help you to learn to breathe in and out with control. Varying breathing through the mouth and nose. When on walks, pay attention to how long it takes to inhale and exhale. Ideally, exhaling should be longer according to the brag. For example, if your inhale lasts for a count of six, try to make your exhale last to 12. Do this exercise daily, especially before retiring. It helps to re oxygenate your entire body and remove the toxins from your system so that you can enjoy a more restful and recharging sleep. One Breath Meditation is a great one Adenosine Triphosphate ATP is a naturally occurring byproduct of breathing that regulates physical action, thought and feeling. Dips in ATP levels can cause fatigue, aches and pains. The one Breath meditation exercise helps reverse the falling levels of important needed ATP. For this one, you sit in a comfortable chair and straighten up your spine, keeping your shoulders back and relaxed. Now inhale slowly and deeply. Clear your mind completely relax your shoulders and back. Imagine yourself in a secret garden, deeply drawing in peace and vitality from the oxygen rich air. Hold your breath for a moment, then exhale slowly and fully, releasing all of the tension from your muscles and body. Use this one minute refresher at home, work and throughout the day as needed to refresh, restore and recharge your body, mind and soul. It works miracles according to the book. The Cleansing Breath is another good one stand erect, feet about 15 to 18 inches apart, your hands and arms relaxed at your sides. Raise your hands over your head and bend forward as far as you possibly can, keeping your knees slightly bent and relaxed, Exhaling at the same time through your mouth, compress your chest and push upward with your diaphragm and abdominal muscles to expel all of the stale air from your lungs. Now slowly inhale through your nose and mouth, pushing downward with your diaphragm and expanding your chest at its front and sides. Continue to draw in the air to the full capacity of your lungs as you return to a standing position while bringing your arms upward in a half circle to the overhead position and then to finish the exercise as your hands reach the overhead position. Then tighten your diaphragm and hold your breath for four to five seconds, mentally counting 10011002 while pulling your abdominal muscles back as if to pin your stomach to your backbone. Then exhale completely while bending forward and inhale as you return up and repeat the exercise. Do this one five times. The Super Power Brain Breath starts by exhaling and inhaling as in Exercise one, but when your hands reach the overhead position, you hold your breath, hold your nose closed if necessary and bend forward from the waist, knees bent, dropping your head below your heart, downward as far as possible. Continue to hold your breath to the count of 10, mentally counting 1, 1,000, 2, 1,000, et cetera. This exercise allows the richly oxygenated blood to suffuse the pituitary gland on its way to reaching, refreshing and recharging every part of your brain for sharper thinking. This power breathing also helps to cleanse the skull cavities your sinuses, ears, nose, eyes and mouth while holding your breath. Now return to a standing position, then bend forward, exhaling vigorously through the mouth. Slowly inhale as you return to starting position. Do this exercise five times at the beginning, gradually increasing to 10 repetitions. You might not be able to hold your breath for the full count at first with this one. If you start to feel dizzy, exhale and return to the standing position, dropping your arms to your sides and relax for a few minutes before continuing the exercise. You will gradually build your oxygen tolerance to the full count. So for people experiencing brain fog from the environmental issues that are going on with chemtrails and health issues, this one will absolutely help you. For those of you that sit at a desk or at a computer all day, a posture breathing exercise would be good for you or even if you're driving in your car all day. The following activity is designed to correct bad posture habits, which are among the greatest impediments to proper breathing. Practice this activity several times a day at the job and at home. It will bring relief to your tired shoulders, spine and eyes, making you more alert and energized while you're sitting relaxed in a chair. Then let your chin rest on your upper chest as you slowly lean forward, slowly exhaling with eyes closed. Continue leaning until hands and elbows rest comfortably on your upper legs. After slowly exhaling in this position, sit upright quickly while sniffing in a full breath of fresh air through the nose. As you do this, let your eyes open wide and then hold your full breath for 10 seconds if necessary. First, begin with holding your breath for five second counts. Take a special note of how the sudden inhalation works to force your posture to healthy alignment as you sit up straight. After holding the inhaled breath, slowly release the air through the mouth. Then close your eyes, lean forward and repeat the exercise two more times to help get a more relaxed sleep. You can when you first get into bed, take a deep breath, breathe in through your nose and visualize the air moving down to your stomach as you breathe in. Again, silently count to four. Purse your lips as you exhale slowly this time. Count silently to 8. Repeat this process 6 to 10 times. The results of this breathing technique are immediate. You will feel your shoulders and arms relaxing, your chest will feel less constricted and you will feel less stress and tension. The goal is to relax your mind and let your body unwind and surrender to peaceful sleep. If you're having a panicky, stressful time, there are a couple of exercises you can do to bring fast relief as well. These again are all out of the Braggs book and according to the Braggs Concentrate breathing in deeply and slowly through your mouth, then blow out slowly, all stress and tension. Wait. Don't breathe for a few seconds. While breath is out, force your stomach muscles in and out four times. You can do slow shoulder rows to your ears, then roll your shoulders back down and around and then do reverse rolls. Do that five times and you will feel more relaxed and peaceful For a Nervous Stomach for those who have stomach issues, you can do a finger acupressure as well where you firmly press and massage the skin between the thumb and forefinger. That helps for car and plane sicknesses and also a nervous stomach to get fresh new air into your lungs, there's a super power breathing exercise that they recommend because most people don't use their full lungs capacity. So this is designed to get new air into the forgotten unused regions of the lungs and then practice this moderately at first and then with greater frequency as you get better at it and intensity as well as you get better at it. Comfortably sit or stand and now inhale slowly through the nose, a complete deep diaphragmatic breath. As you do this, let your head be comfortably lifted backwards until it has come to rest as far back as it can without strain. After holding this position and your breath for three to five seconds, slowly exhale through closed teeth as your head moves forward to the starting position. As you exhale, there should be a hissing noise as the air is forced between the teeth. Concentrate on expelling all of the old air out of your lungs. Repeat this exercise several times. It's great for pre aerobic exercise because it prepares the lungs for super oxygenation, so if you want to exercise, I would definitely do this one before and then Rejuvenation Breathing Exercise While standing, take in a deep full diaphragmatic breath and lift your chin up slightly. Once you have taken in the full breath, hold it in and stand still. Then raise your bent arms chest high and with fists closed, gently pound your upper chest area, still holding your breath in gorilla style. Also pound your rib areas and the lower lung region. Do this for as long as you can comfortably. Hold your breath as you exhale. Knees relaxed, bend your head down below your heart and exhale as much old air as possible from your lungs. Do this exercise several times with a gentle breath swelling your lungs. This gentle pounding or padding exercise opens up those passageways that haven't been carrying air for a long time. The more passages that you have available to move air through your lungs and into your blood, the more energy and vitality and better health and fitness you will experience. The book says Oxygen starved people are usually nervous and suffer from unnecessary worries as well as physical ills. Millions go to bed exhausted and wake up tired. They suffer from headaches, constipation, indigestion, muscular aches and pains, stiff joints, sore backs and feet, painful teeth and receding gums, poor eyesight and hearing, loss of memory, inflamed throats and respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, asthma, sinus infections and emphysema. So it's important to breathe properly and finally to get rid of pain. Lie flat on your back. Let's see that you have a right foot pain. Lie flat on your back, take a long, deep breath and hold it. While holding your breath, raise your left leg, bend it at the knee and with both hands pull and press your leg against your chest as you exert the full downward force of your diaphragm. At the same time, you will feel oxygenated blood flowing unrestricted down right into your foot. Now slowly exhale. And also, the book warns that it's not good to sit cross legged, which is something I never knew. But this technique can be applied to any part of the body. For example, for a headache, take a full breath, exhaling and inhaling as in exercise, one that we gave you earlier, and holding the breath, relax your shoulders and bend your head downward below your heart. This allows a free flow of oxygenated blood to the cavities of the head and brain. Aches and pains from fatigue are nearly always due to stagnant venous blood filled with toxic carbon dioxide and congestion in various parts of the body. So in addition to all the stuff they're throwing at us, just to maintain a general sense of well being by breathing, which doesn't cost you any money, is absolutely well worth it in my opinion. We've talked about many times the benefits of breathing in meditation and prayer work, and also when you're focusing and when you're traveling looking to do some remote viewing. All of that breathing is important, important, but breathing the right way is really important. So hope you enjoyed that segment this evening. My entry and exit music is provided by my good buddy Pat Carr. You can reach him patcarr Please support his music and tell him Maggie sent you and also support the network we're totally listener funded. You can reach me at Maggie M A g G I e Hart H E A r [email protected] for all of your emotional, spiritual, spiritual, physical and mental needs. Stop putting off your personal well being journey and get a hold of me today so that we can work together to get you better. Thanks all for listening. We'll see you next week. Sa.

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