[00:00:25] Speaker A: Good evening, folks, and welcome to another episode of the Positude Podcast. I am your host, Maggie Hart. Really excited to be here this week, the week before the holiday week. There is so much going on energetically across the planet. I wonder if some of you are picking up on some of the same types of things that I am, hopefully. Everybody, of course, seems to be more cordial and more in the quote unquote, Christmas spirit, a little more pleasant, maybe, than normal. There is still the.
The stress and the anxiety that, you know, notably when you go to stores and shopping malls and things like that, I'm sure that it's much more prevalent. But overall I do see more of a feeling of calmness and peace this season than I have in quite some time. We did kind of touch on that a little bit last week, but I feel like people are a little bit more chill overall than they have been, at least as, as the holiday season approaches. How long live that's going to be remains to be seen. We'll have to play that one by ear. But even though the majority of people, at least those that I've interacted with, seems to be in somewhat of a better mood and in a better frame of mind, a better spirit, looking actually forward to the holidays this year, there seems to be an energy of the truth coming out or people that are phony being exposed, people that are not good people being exposed. At least that's been my experience this past week. And so I'd like to know how you feel about that. If you've had the same type of experiences that I have, both on a personal and on a bigger level from some people that are some pretty big names out there professionally, and we'll get into that probably in the second half of this show tonight. But I distinctly around me and as a result of some things that are going on on the Internet, have picked up a feeling and a spirit of people being called out for lying, bad people being called out, people having to confront maybe some of the things that they've done that they're embarrassed or ashamed about, or maybe not even embarrassed or ashamed about. Maybe they've done what they've done and now they're trying to do whatever they can to scramble to cover themselves and avoid being foreseen or totally desecrated as a folly, as a farce, as a false prophet, as a bad person, as a grifter.
As a grifter. So let me give you my personal experience this week. I came across, I was at a social gathering, let's call it. It Was actually something that I was involved in for my community.
And in the midst of that, I had to mingle with a lot of people or at least have interaction with a lot of people. And because it's a social time of year, and the event was a seasonal event to bring the community closer together and do some nice thing for children in the area and for the less fortunate in the area and just people in general.
There were a lot of different personalities in this environment in which I was at for altogether maybe 14 hours this weekend, you know, donating my time to help out. And there were people that I talked to that I thoroughly enjoyed seeing that I hadn't seen in quite a while. And it was just really nice to be able to catch up and talk about what I've been missing and what's been going on with them and how their families are doing things like that, their businesses, you know, and things like that. And in the course of conversing with one person in particular, I looked over my right shoulder and he actually pointed out somebody that was in the room that had stolen from me about 10 months ago now, maybe eight months ago, something like that, as a relative of his. And I knew that they were related. But I know that this person is a really good person. So I don't take it personally because I know that he's a good person. It's just that his family doesn't have the same. With some of his family, at least, doesn't have the same morals and values that he seems to uphold. He seems like a really straightforward, honest personality. But unfortunately for him, and I'm sure he's aware of it, He's a pretty smart guy. He's got some family members that are kind of shady. So he pointed this person out to me. When I turned and looked over my shoulder, that person who happened to be a female, Just kind of backed out of the room slowly, which my spidey senses kicked in. And I thought, I wonder if her mom is here, too. And her mom and she were the two that had stolen a couple of items from me. So I felt like she was around, but I didn't actually see her. I didn't actually see her. And then several hours went past, and lo and behold, here comes the mom. And she walks right in, and she had this big smile on her face and walked in very confidently with another friend of hers who I wasn't familiar with, but they looked alike, and I got the distinct impression that they were related.
But she walked right in, big smile on her face, money in her hand and came up to where I was and I happened to be collecting money.
And she got about three feet from where I was standing, noticed that it was me standing there, and her mouth literally opened and she kind of backed up, did a quick360, turned and walked into another room with her friend, family member, and disappeared for, I don't know, five or 10 minutes. And then shortly after they arrived, the daughter came back in behind them too. She had left also, and she had returned. So I thought that was kind of interesting. And I just was waiting to see how this was going to play out. Honestly, folks, if I've done something wrong and there's somebody that I've offended or somebody that I've hurt, or, you know, someone, let's say in the community that I think that for whatever reason I've offended them, usually try and catch them the next time I see them and say, hey, look, you know, I'm really sorry for whatever happened or for the misunderstanding. And I just, I'd like to make it right by you. I'd like to explain my side and tell you how I felt at the time. And realizing upon further reflection, I was wrong and maybe I shouldn't have handled that situation that way, or maybe I shouldn't have said the things that I said and I would apologize. You know, I would make it right. Especially the quote unquote, seasonal time of year, right? Everybody's supposed to be in this giving mindset, in this kindness mindset, and this loving mindset. Now for some of us, we're. We choose to live in that vibration or at least try to live in that vibration all of the time, but especially at this time of year.
So that's how I would have handled it. And granted, there was a ton of people milling around and the lady was probably a little bit embarrassed. So I gave an allowance for that because if that were me, I tried to think about what would I do in that position.
What I would have done in that position was I would have asked to have spoken to the person that I had an issue with a few minutes later or at a later time, hey, you know, if you have some time that you can step away for a moment, or if you have it some time to talk to me, I'd really like to talk to you and, you know, make things right. And I can't do it obviously right here and now, but I'm going to be around here for a while, so if you can break away for a few minutes, please come find me. Or maybe we can talk at Another time, but I'd like to clear the air with you.
She didn't do that. She waited. And then she stood across the room. She came back into the room that I was in and she stood there across the room looking at me. And she was whispering with her friend, relative for a minute or two. And she seemed very hesitant to approach, but she finally actually did. And what she did was she came right up to me. And as she approached, because I'm empathic, I could literally feel part of what she was feeling inside of her. And it was almost like a steam engine getting its energy up, its steam up, right? And it's, it's gathering energy to be brave enough to face the situation that's forthcoming and which, with each step that she took, she started to speed up and become more determined in her approach and her stance. And she picked her head up and tilted her chin up almost defiantly and looked right at me across the room as she approached. So we locked eyes and we looked at each other. And as she came toward me and then stopped in front of me, she had this almost insolent look on her face. And it was almost kind of like a, for lack of a better term, just a smart ass grin.
And so she wanted to see if I would interact with her. And I was in a position that I had to interact with her because I was a volunteer at this event.
So she knew that I would have to at least talk to her and accommodate her. And she was right.
So she came up to me, we locked eyes, and there was definitely an energy exchange there. I had all of my defenses up and we interacted in the way that we had to.
And at the end of the interaction, she simply turned and walked away very quickly from me and never looked back, never said I'm sorry for what happened, never addressed the situation in which she blatantly stole from me, her and her daughter. She never apologized, none of that. She just turned and walked away. And I thought, well, isn't that interesting? This person has a lot of nerve to be able to do that. Initially, she was very upset and, and shocked and seemed very afraid.
But as she worked up her energy, it was almost like, it was almost like an F. You, you know, you're gonna have to wait on me and I know you're volunteering, so you gotta take care of me. And she sensed, I'm sure, that I wasn't going to cause a scene in that type of scenario. And she was right.
So she was there for probably 20 minutes and then she left. And when she left.
I actually talked to a person that was there with me that was also a volunteer. And I had just literally explained to her maybe 15 minutes a scenario in which this theft had happened and the situation surrounding it. And I said to her, that's the girl I was just telling you about. And she was shocked because she knew her.
And she looked at me and she said, you know, I want to tell you. She said that I do know this person. And even though I went up to her and hugged her when I saw her come into the room, I want you to know that we're not friends. We're acquaintances. And I said, well, okay, but you hugged her. So that would indicate that you had more of a relationship than just, you know, a common, you know, acquaintanceship that, you know, it seems as though you know her pretty well. Otherwise, why would you hug her? And she said, well, you know, that's just me. I just try to be friendly to everybody. But I want you to know that I worked at a place for about five years, and when I worked there, I repeatedly saw that person come in and steal from the place that I worked at. She did it on a regular basis. And I said, well, you never did anything about it or turned her in or. And she really didn't answer me. She didn't have an answer for me. But she admitted that this person had stolen from the place that she worked at a lot of times over the years. So that just added credence to what I already knew. It wasn't a good person, and she wasn't somebody with, you know, know, values, obviously. And to add insult to injury, she didn't appear to have a lot of shame with outwardly dealing with people that she stole from.
So I just went about my business, and about 45 minutes later, the three of them came back in, walked around, and it was at that point that the room was very, very busy, and we were getting ready to end the event that I was volunteering at. And so there were a lot of people in this area. And she kind of preyed upon that time to take advantage of the situation in that she walked into the place where most of the people were congregated, and then she walked back out. And I had hung back. And when she walked back out, I noticed that she was going around to other rooms and she was examining and looking at things, and she was all by herself that possibly she could have taken and put into her pockets.
And what's really strange about it is when she had left the previous time, another volunteer came up to me. And she said, I think those two people just stole. And I said, well, why would you think that? And she said, well, when they walked in, they were walking, you know, pretty confidently and open, armed. And she said when they walked out, they were kind of walking with their arms close to their chests and almost like they were holding something under their coat. And the one girl was walking, like, leaning to the left, like she was hanging onto something on her left side under her coat. So I was just like, wow, this is crazy. So they. They must have emptied whatever it was they had taken, and then they came back in, probably for more stuff. And so I watched her, and wherever she went, I followed her. And I made sure that she knew that I was there and that I wasn't going to give her the opportunity to take anything more. And the sad part about this was it was a holiday event. So the things that were in the rooms were things that were. People were going to have raffled off that they were going to win. And there were gifts and, you know, things that were going to people that either needed them or just won them, really deserve them, but they weren't just up for grabs, you know, not something that you could just walk in and take off the table and leave.
So it was just. It was a very strange energy.
But she noticed that I was watching her. And so every time she went to a different area, she'd turn around and she would see me either standing in the doorway or standing behind her or standing to the left of the. Or the right of her, observing her. And so she was thwarted. She couldn't do anything else. She couldn't take anything else. And I know that that made her uncomfortable, but at that point, it really. I didn't care because what I was trying to do was just prevent her from taking anything else that didn't belong to her, that belong to somebody else. I mean, it's the spirit of giving, right? Not the spirit of taking and stealing. So that went on for probably about 10 minutes, and then the event ended, and abruptly she met up with her friend, slash family member, and they hightailed it out of the building, and the daughter was shortly behind them. So. So that was the end of that. But the lady that said that she witnessed what she thought was them stealing actually had something else that was kind of important to her and sort of valuable stolen that night as well. And she actually asked me if I moved it or did I take it and put it in another room. For whatever reason, she kind of singled me out and asked me If I had moved it, taken it, whatever. And I said, well, I have no reason to take anything from you, I have no reason to steal from you. And I would never have touched anything that didn't belong to me. And I certainly wouldn't have moved it without telling you that I was moving it or asking your permission. But to begin with, I wouldn't have touched it unless you would ask me to move it anyway. Like in, it just wouldn't have occurred to me, you know, move this from point A to point B. I just, it's not how my mind works, it's not how my mind operates. If somebody else has something going on, I leave them to their own accord and figure they'll come get me if they need me and need me to do something. I'm not going to take things like that upon myself because it wasn't something that related to what we were doing.
So there wouldn't have been any reason for me to even entertain the thought of moving this item for this woman, even, you know, to get it to a safer area or put it in a back closet where it would be safe. I just, I didn't think about it. We were so busy, like they were literally wall to wall people that I wouldn't have had the opportunity to do that even if I had wanted to. So we talked about that and she didn't find her article, at least at the end of the night. And there was some talk that maybe somebody else had brought it home for her so that it didn't get lost or stolen. And she was trying to contact that woman to see if maybe that woman took the item home for her. I don't know what happened with that. I saw her this morning and as of this morning, the lady that she had emailed or texted hadn't gotten back to her. So it remained a mystery, at least as of this morning, as to whether or not it had been taken home to a safe place or it had been stolen probably by this group of women that now I found out, notably steal, I guess on a pretty regular basis. So we'll have to wait and see with that. But I was pretty insulted with the fact that I was even approached by that because these are people that have known me for a really long time and I just feel like the energy had shifted somewhat and everybody was kind of almost suspicious at that point because some things had been taken and because she had witnessed someone else taking things and then something of hers turned up missing.
So I, I guess when we're upset we can jump to conclusions or make up our own assumptions as to what we think may have happened. And I can understand that. I'm hoping that she gets her article. Articles back and that it all works out for her. But I was a little put off by the question to begin with. But today, and at the end of the evening as well, and today, everything seemed to be back to normal. So I'm sure it was just an upsetting time for her. It was something that she really valued and it was missing. And she was probably just trying to cover all of her bases. So I have to take that into account. And these are times that, you know, we're supposed to be a little more forgiving and try to understand the other person's perspective and where they're coming from and try and have a little bit of grace. And so I think I handled myself pretty well, and I hope that I projected the energy that I just wanted her to find her item. And I was very sorry that this had happened to her, especially during this time of year when we're supposed to all be in love and kindness and sharing and giving.
And I think that that was a successful attempt. Now, I could have handled that a different way. I could have gotten defensive or gotten mean and said, you know, why are you asking me? Or this sounds like an accusation, or taken that down a whole different road. But it only would have exacerbated the situation and it wouldn't have gone anywhere positively anyway. So we just handled it the best way that I knew how and let it go. And. And I pray and I hope that she finds her item and that everything gets resolved and that she can be happy again knowing that it's back in her possession.
So we. We hope for these good things for people, right? This is. We hope for what's best for everybody, and we hope that everybody's happy and we want to see them being joyful. And especially as a volunteer in this type of situation, here's someone that's doing something nice for others and spending her own time, countless hours preparing for this event to do something nice for others. So you want to see people like that rewarded for their good efforts, and you want them to feel good about what they've done and proud of their accomplishments. And I tried to reiterate that with her and tell her what a beautiful job she did and how nice she looked and. And all of that, and try and make her feel better, especially with the transgression that she had suffered. But we're living in a time, in an era where, unfortunately, a lot of People can't be trusted. And there is a lot of thievery and debauchery that's going on, and there's a lot of dishonesty going on. And even though it is the holiday season, I feel that especially maybe because it is the holiday season, were even more so, maybe under attack because we're wanting to maintain that energy of love and positivity and happiness, and we're getting these barbs thrown at us, right, to kind of distract us from the people that we truly want to be, the people that we aspire to be. And so it even further solidifies my theory that I talked about a little bit last week, that some of us are under attack, and maybe those of us who are trying to follow the right way in general and do nice things for others are under attack.
So that we don't, you know, we say, okay, that's it. I did this event, or I, I got stolen from several months ago. And you know what? I'm never going to do anything nice for anybody else again. I'm done. I'm not going to volunteer anymore. I'm not going to help other people. I'm not going to do good deeds, because when I try, you know, something gets stolen from me or something gets taken from me or I'm treated disrespectfully.
So just something to think about. There is, in these trying times, it's more of a challenge, but it's even more important, I feel, to maintain the higher road and do things with maybe grace and dignity that we didn't exemplify before because we're working even harder to be better people. And in spite of the challenges that we face, it's even more important to go the extra mile and conduct yourself with an attitude that you can be proud of so that you've taken the higher road and you know that you can sleep at night knowing that you did the right thing. It's not something that's gonna eat away at your conscience later and live in your subconscious to where it affects your time with your family and your loved ones.
So that was my story. Now, after the break, I'm going to get into something pretty interesting. Kind of a hot topic. It's absolutely a hot topic. On the Interweb this week, there's a gentleman out there named Billy Carson who has been spewing his what he thinks is spiritual knowledge for a really long time and has become very famous and gained a lot of money and notoriety as a result of what he claims are knowledge is knowledge that he gained. As a result of his studying the Bible and his. He what he claims to be intensive studying of the Bible and biblical books and texts. And there's a lot of things that he's come out with that are very questionable in nature, even from the inception. And at times he seems to really go off the rails and come out with some pretty crazy accusations and declarations.
And I've always kind of. I've listened to a couple of his videos, but I've always kind of looked at him like, what is this guy gaining from all of this? Is he trying to detract the people who are on the path from truly finding their way by throwing all of this stuff out there?
Is he a plant? Is he a paid plant? Or is this a spirit that's in him?
He does channel, I believe that is working through him to throw the masses off track.
I think it's a little bit of both, honestly. But we'll have to. I want to go into in some shorts that he did and then a debate that he did this past week. I think it was, although initially I don't think it was set up to be a debate, even though he's calling it that. I think it was just supposed to be an interview that he did with someone that is a legitimate biblical scholar. And this is something that Billy has claimed to be from the inception on countless interviews on podcasts, and he's got a website for the number four bitten Knowledge, and he's teamed up with Gaia. When I bring it up on Google, it says the official website of Billy Carson, and it says Forbidden Knowledge TV is a new conscious streaming TV network by Expert Host on Deep Space, a new original streaming series by Gaia, Billy Carson. So yeah, he's in with Gaia, too. And Gaia, at least historically for me, puts out a lot of content that is very questionable in nature. I find that a lot of it is very New Agey. I don't find a lot of validity with a lot of the stuff that they put out. It's interesting to watch. I will check out some things if they're on the free platform. I won't pay to subscribe to Gaia because I'm not going to pay for nonsense, quite honestly.
So anyway, we'll talk about that after the break. But just revisiting the first half of the show, I did want to kind of add something to that before we step into the Billy story, and that is that with these women that are having these issues and have been for a while, maybe it's something that they've been doing since they were kids. Who knows?
I feel like it's important to pray for them at this time and just hope that they find their way and that eventually they come to understand that what they're doing isn't really a good thing and it's not nice to hurt other people. And hopefully they'll come to their own conclusions that living the lifestyles that they lead is not something to be proud of. It's something that they should want to work on to change and maybe give some of the things back that they stole to people or maybe do some random acts of kindness to pass along to other people to kind of serve as sort of a retribution for their past mistakes.
And hopefully they'll find the light and want to change and want to be better people.
And possibly they might have an instance where things get taken from them and they can appreciate firsthand how it feels to be violated in that way. Maybe it'll bring them full circle, right? And they'll understand that what they've done really wasn't the best way to live and maybe change.
Right? So that's one of the things with the quote unquote holiday season that we can hope for and pray for is that people who have lived these different lifestyles before see the errors of their ways and change and want to become better people. So we're going to take a break here. My intro and exit music is from my good buddy Pat Carr. Pat allows me to play his music on my shows and I'm so thankful to him for that. He's an amazing original musician from Louisiana originally, now in Colorado. You can get him on Soundclick, Reverb Nation, check him out on YouTube. He is all over the place.
Please support his music and buy his albums. You can reach him atunes.com pacar also, we are totally listener funded here on the network, so please support the station in any way that you're able to, especially during this holiday season. I can appreciate the fact that money is tight, but you even a couple bucks, whatever it is that you can do to keep us on the air providing quality shows for you, please check out the main page. There may be some other shows on the network that you might want to listen to that you'd enjoy or check out the chat room. And if you have your own business and want to be a superstar, please consider sponsoring an advertisement on our network, whether it be on my show or just the network in general. And if you don't have a quality commercial that you're proud of, please contact the owner and I'm sure that he and the producer would be delighted to put together a really cool commercial for you to enjoy that will spread the word about your business and help support us at the same time. And because it is the holiday season, maybe this is a great time if you haven't donated already to do so, to share in the spirit of giving and contribute a little bit, even if it's just once a year at this time for us. If you have any problems that you need help with, anything spiritually, physically, mentally or emotionally, please contact me at Maggie M A G G I E Heart H E A r
[email protected] that's Maggie
[email protected] Please enjoy the music and we'll be back after this homemade pasta hand the road of fighting who's the best?
[00:34:21] Speaker B: My aunt mama when it come to Nona man forget the rest Red tablecloth.
[00:34:25] Speaker A: The candles fancy size the pretty dress dirty 2 of people sipping vino talking louder laughing Little cafe the panasone While we hit the mass of pranks a.
[00:34:35] Speaker B: Notch Lumonte lover Dominic the donkey kids sitting at the table there she was better girl I've never known.
[00:34:58] Speaker A: She took.
[00:34:59] Speaker B: My hand showed me love I was never shown My eyes were open to her I knew where I could have conquered worlds with just bare hands oh I love her oh so much I feel so strong inside Alaska be my wife and we will live forever and a day where is she?
Our love is broken all the time but deep inside I know her love is as deep as mine out of space turn two hearts into one One day soon I know our battles will be won My eyes were open to her I knew where I could conquered worlds with just bare hands Lava oh so much I feel so strong inside Alaska be my wife and we will live forever and a day the future brings no whisper of life as it will be But I do know my only goal in life is she so listen girl we know our first few years will be rough But I think you know that our love will be enough My eyes are open to her brand new world I could have conquered world with Jasper hands oh I love her oh so much I feel so strong inside Alaska be my wife and we will live forever and a day.
[00:37:46] Speaker A: Okay, and we're back for the second half of the Positude podcast you just listened to My Eyes Were Opened by my good buddy Barry Cooney. Barry is an amazing original artist from Canada. If you liked his music, please get a hold of
[email protected] so I can let Barry know how much you liked his stuff. Good luck to you, bear. Hope you're having a good holiday season out there. If you're listening. And before that, there was a little surprise I threw in there. Kind of like that soft gooey center of a warm holiday cookie. Just kind of bite into it and it's kind of oozy goozy drippy, good for you. Sugary sweet. That was kind of a funny Italian song. But anyway, I just wanted to share with you a little bit of my heritage for the holiday season.
Billy Carson. So I'm going to share a short with you that's on YouTube. This guy is like on fire. He's been all over the place with his interviews. He's been on. I think I saw him on Next Level Soul podcast once and just all kinds of interviews. He's been going strong for a couple of years now and he's got some really interesting views on religion. Claims to be an expert. Claims to be a scholar. Claims to have traveled all these places and read all these secret texts and claims to have a translation that remarkably nobody else seems to have discovered before him. Self proclaimed expert. This guy is definitely, if nothing else, not short on ego.
And so I'm going to play this short to begin with. Let's see what you think about this.
[00:39:29] Speaker C: I'll give you one big translation that's off is they say, well, Jesus was crucified.
[00:39:36] Speaker A: Whoa.
[00:39:37] Speaker C: Well that doesn't exist in the Sinai Bible.
[00:39:40] Speaker D: What happened?
[00:39:40] Speaker C: It doesn't exist in the Book of Barnabas.
I know, but he left that out of the Bible on purpose by accident.
[00:39:51] Speaker D: So how did they, how did they kill him?
[00:39:53] Speaker C: They didn't kill him. The in Harvard library there is a book of Jesus wife at the Harvard Seminary School and they found that about eight years ago.
[00:40:02] Speaker D: Jesus's wife is the. The Mary Magdalene.
[00:40:05] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:40:06] Speaker D: So she was not.
[00:40:07] Speaker C: Actually you're assuming it's Mary Magdalene. It doesn't specifically say but we're assumed that it is. Which means he probably had kids and his merit Benji and bloodline is still probably walking the land till this very day.
[00:40:16] Speaker A: Wow.
[00:40:17] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:40:18] Speaker A: That's in.
[00:40:19] Speaker D: What was that great book? The Dan Brown book. The da Vinci code.
[00:40:22] Speaker C: DaVinci code. Yeah.
[00:40:23] Speaker D: Yes, yes, yes, yes.
[00:40:24] Speaker C: So.
[00:40:24] Speaker D: So there's probably someone related to Jesus right now.
[00:40:27] Speaker C: Right.
[00:40:28] Speaker A: So that was a short shared from bloodline24. It's in Roman numerals XXIV.
And that is just one part of what Billy has been preaching or touting. There is just so much to unpack because he's done so many shows on numerous different topics, and for the most part, what I listened to was way out there, and I couldn't find any basis or any solid proof of anything that he was talking about. I know he's done shows about the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, which traditional historians have said that that is not true, that it's not something that is a legitimate writing, that some guy made it up. And he refers constantly to this Bible he calls the Sinai Bible, in which he claims in this Bible a whole bunch of stuff happened that is totally in opposition to the Bible. And it's just really crazy stuff, folks. So repeatedly he refers to, in different interviews, many different interviews, this Sinai Bible. And I couldn't locate it anywhere. I couldn't find it anywhere. I had no idea what he was talking of. When I had previously listened to listen to podcasts that he was on, and I couldn't get any information that verified anything. I mean, there's so much out there about the Emerald Tablets. There are a multitude of New Age shows out there on there. Same thing with that. Couldn't really find any verification of it. Although I've been hearing about it for years. I haven't ever read the script, so I can't speak definitively on that. But what I can tell you is just a lot of what I've listened to, and I listened to two or three of his interviews didn't seem to make sense and was he talks about a whole bunch of things that just. It's. Well, I guess you'd have to just go to YouTube and do a search on him and listen to other interviews that he's done, and you will hear so many things come out that I've never heard of before and that are or haven't resonated with me, but interesting to listen to nonetheless. Like I said, the two or three podcasts that I listened to previous to this whole debacle with Wes Huff that we'll get into in a minute. He's got a lot to say, and he speaks definitively and authoritatively and repeatedly talks about how he's such an expert in the field and nobody's done as much research as he has. And he's gotten. He's gotten these secret writings and gone all over the world to obtain these secret writings and kind of alludes to the fact that nobody else has studied the things that he has. And that's why he's come to the conclusions and made the statements that he's made. I do seem to recall him talking about Channeling on one interview. I may be erroneous in that, but I thought he said he channeled at one point as well, so that might be part of the problem there.
So he does this interview with this guy. Wes Huff, who is a legit biblical historian, speaks many languages, is just an amazingly intelligent person. I loved his demeanor, I love the way he presented himself. But I got extremely frustrated during the course of the interview because not only did Billy's nonsensical statements not get able to be addressed by Wes because primarily the host kept interrupting. And at first I thought it was kind of like a decoy, like Billy would speak. And then before Wes had a chance to respond, the host jumped in there and talked about something totally off the wall, no biblical references, just was. Sounded like a total nut job to me, folks, and took up minutes and minutes of time, kept interrupting. When Wes finally did get the platform, he was constantly interrupted, never got to finish a thought or a statement, hardly. But I'm going to play two other clips for you so that you have a better idea of what we're talking about here. The next one is after the interview part of the interview where Wes was able to take apart what Billy Carson said.
[00:45:12] Speaker D: Billy Carson claims that Jesus wasn't crucified.
[00:45:15] Speaker A: Well, Wesley Huff, who's a historian, linguist.
[00:45:18] Speaker D: And Bible scholar, had something else to say about it. More importantly though, pray that Billy Carson would come to know the truth that.
[00:45:24] Speaker A: He'S actually seeking and so would his millions of followers.
[00:45:26] Speaker C: According to the Sinai Bible, Jesus wasn't crucified in that Bible.
[00:45:29] Speaker D: Do you mind if I ask a clarifying question? Sure. When you say the Sinai Bible, what are you referring to specifically? Would you be referring to Codex Sinaticus, like the Codex that comes. Okay, that's why I was trying to get some clarifications because I actually have.
I have a facsimile. So I have a photocopy of Codex Sinaticus that I work with in my office. So I have it here. And the only reason I asked for clarification is because Sinaiticus in particular is just a 4th century Greek man manuscript. Its text of the Gospels reads almost identical to the modern Greek text that we develop translations from. When you say that it denies the crucifixion. The crucifixion is there. I mean, I can go on right now Codex Sinaiticus and I can look up Matthew 27 where it has Jesus being crucified. And that's in Codex Sinaiticus or John 19 or any of the other ones. So my confusion is that it doesn't read any differently.
[00:46:20] Speaker C: Where was that piece where I was referencing? Actually, I was misquoted. I misquoted there. It's the Gospel of Barnabas, never got crucified. As a matter of fact, the Sinai Bible, Jesus was crucified. Well, that doesn't exist in the Sinai Bible. The Sinai Bible, the Sinai Bible. But then you go to the Sinai Bible in the Sinai Bible and the Sinai Bible, according to the Sinai Bible, Jesus wasn't crucified in that Bible.
[00:46:42] Speaker A: So that helped to shed some light on the subject for me because when I heard that part of the interview, I realized that Codex Sinaiticus is what Billy had been referring to as the Sinai Bible all this time on all the other interviews. And as you heard at the end of the clip, repeatedly he said in a bunch of other videos, sinai Bible, Sinai Bible, Sinai Bible. And then he claimed that he misspoked and he meant the Gospel of Barnabas. Barnabas at the end, which he clearly lied about because in all those other interview clips that you heard at the end there, he kept referring to the Sinai Bible in the Sinai Bible, in the Sinai Bible and the Gospel of Barnabas. Wes Hough talks about that in the interview as well. And that also was totally proven to be fake. And Billy constantly refers to that Gospel as well, both on this interview and then in other interviews. The interview in its entirety, by the way, is on Wes Huff's channel. It's W E S H U F F and it's the full, unedited, unaltered Wes Huff versus Billy Carton Carson debate. And apparently after the interview, Billy Carson went to the interviewer's house. They have a clip with him on the ring camera at like 2:30 in the morning where he's trying to get him to stop from putting the interview out and he's got some papers in his hands trying to sue him or something. And apparently he's also approached Wes Huff and threatened Wes Huff simply because his information was proven to be erroneous.
And actually Wes did it in such a gentlemanly, respectful manner that Billy Carson was totally annihilated in this interview. And Wes did it with grace and with respect.
And Billy, when something like this was said, well, you know, I have the codis, blah blah blah blah this and that happened. He just would like either change the subject or go off on another tangent or the person doing the interview would just jump right in and not allow Wes a chance to speak. And further, I think bring clarification to some of the things Billy had said. I Think had he had the opportunity, he would have done an even better job of exposing all of these things that Billy Carson's been saying for years and making money on to at least share the truth.
Now, apparently Billy also did, and I can't find it. I've searched for a couple of hours.
I think it was the next day. He did a live feed or a recording from his channel and he didn't even allude to. He flat out accused the interviewer of like stabbing him in the back and said that it was a setup and that they attacked him. And then he said Wes was obviously having some technological issues. He went in and out a couple times during the interview, but he said that every time that he went to make a statement, something like, Wes, instead of refuting, went blank. Which wasn't the case at all. Like, he twisted everything around in this interview. And then to add insult to injury, his wife went on a podcast and spewed a bunch of BS about how Billy had been sick and just gotten out of the hospital and how these people were attacking their young son on social media. I just don't get the impression that West Huff would do something like that. He seems like a pretty stand up, professional, you know, individual. And I just, it seemed like a bunch of nonsense to me. Essentially he got put down hard. He got showed in front of millions of people's. I think the interview is now up to 800. Okay, so thousands of people, 858,000 views, and it only came out six days ago. So hundreds of thousands of people have seen this and they're realizing that Billy Carson, someone that they may have followed for years and listened to his information about the lost years of Jesus and the book of Mary Magdalene, but he doesn't call it the book of Mary Magdalene and all these other things that he's been talking about and doing definitive, authoritative interviews on for years is all hogwash. There's no basis to it.
So I also saw a video that Billy Carson's going crazy deleting other videos on his channel. It's just a mess. So instead of just, you know, going in grace and saying, look, I made some mistakes and coming out doing a stand up guy thing and saying, I'll learn from my mistakes, I'll try and do better research. And Wes did that throughout the interview. He, he did say that, you know, I hope, you know, I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but maybe this will give you a better understanding. And he did say that he was hoping to be bring awareness to Billy. So that and he said I don't doubt that you've done the research but maybe this will bring better awareness to you so that when you talk to people you can speak, you know, pretty much authoritatively and definitively but also factually about what you're sharing with others. And Billy just didn't want to hear any of that. Just now is the guy that did the interview the one that I was not impressed with. Let's hear what he has to say.
[00:52:34] Speaker D: The debate freaking took place with Billy Carson and Wesley Huff. Yeah, yeah, yeah, go on.
[00:52:42] Speaker A: We can do a follow up.
[00:52:44] Speaker D: Really appreciate it Billy. Thanks so much for interacting. Two weeks ago my good man Billy Carson sat right here next to me in person and we pulled online from Canada Wesley Huff and we had a healthy conversation and debate about some of our different beliefs.
[00:53:03] Speaker C: Do you actually believe that the majority of Christians really believe that God is not masculine? That God is has both aspects?
[00:53:09] Speaker D: It's irrelevant. The majority of Christians believe what historical biblical Christianity articulates is what they should believe.
I had a follow up from him immediately after the show basically asking me not to air the show.
[00:53:28] Speaker A: That also was a short from YouTube and it's at Friendly Evangelist so I'm guessing that's the host of the interview slash debate. As I said, I wasn't impressed with him. He's very non intellectual, doesn't know his scriptures, made really weird and long winded comments and soapbox statement statements about how he felt and just kept saying I'm a believer, I believe in God. And it was just, it was a nightmare. It really was a train wreck. Poor Wes couldn't get a word in edgewise as I said. And at first I actually thought that this guy was doing it on purpose. I'm like nobody, nobody could be that ignorant, right? He's doing this on purpose to detract from Wes attacking Billy because Billy's his friend. But quickly I realized no, he really just is that ignorant. It was very sad to see that somebody that proclaimed to be a follower had so little knowledge he couldn't even a broad based stories. He wasn't getting his facts right. It was kind of laughable actually. And I felt bad for him because he didn't come across as professional at all. If anything he came across as somewhat of a dunce and I feel sorry for him that people actually saw that. I wished for him that he could have come across a little more professionally but it is what it is. The truth came out also put out from Wes Hough. Here's a Short, where Billy's talking about the Emerald Tablets of Toth and then Wes's statement regarding that he's born of a virgin birth.
[00:55:03] Speaker C: When you read the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, you discover that he talks about he developed the ability to incarnate at will on and in any plane that he desires. I've just done the work. I've read so much information, and I've been able to put together so many dots.
[00:55:17] Speaker D: You didn't come up with this?
[00:55:18] Speaker A: You read this from somewhere? What? What did you read that told you this?
[00:55:21] Speaker C: The Gospel of the Holy Twelve.
[00:55:23] Speaker D: The Emerald Tablets of Thoth don't exist. In 1925, a man named Maurice Dorial claimed to have gone to the Great Pyramids in Giza and discovered an artifact that he called the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. And then he produced a translation of the said document. But Doreal never actually produced any evidence of any tablets, merely told people he did. Sure, you can go on Amazon and buy a supposed translation of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, but you're just reading Doreal made up. No archaeologists or Egyptologist today thinks there is any artifact called the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. The Gospel of the Holy 12 is also a forged document.
[00:55:59] Speaker A: Okay, so that was a video that Wes Huff put out, I'm guessing after the interview, to further clarify and also take down Billy's statements about the Tablets of Thoth.
So, and then there's this final video that Wes put out. It's about a minute long. It's called Billy Carson Lost to Me in a Debate and is now suing.
[00:56:23] Speaker D: Me, is Attempting to sue me. For those of you who don't know, I was invited to interact with Billy on a podcast that he agreed to come on was not his podcast, where he was notified beforehand who I was and what we'd be talking about. After that debate took place, Billy attempted to suppress the footage. That didn't really work. I've released clips from that conversation. Well, Billy does not want you to see those clips and has sent me a cease and desist letter. I was really hoping that this could be an opportunity for Billy to learn to see the major errors that he's been repeating and turn this into a learning experience. I even offered to follow up with Billy in order to show him how and where he could find accurate and credible resources, in order to make sure that what he was saying was verifiably correct going forward in the future so he and his audience could learn and proceed knowledgeably. Billy did not agree. But unfortunately for Billy, agreeing to a debate. Losing that debate and feeling embarrassed about that loss does not constitute legitimate grounds to litigate. Billy, I will agree to all the terms and conditions of the cease and desist letter that you have sent me if you agree to run it back, sit down with me in person and have another discussion. This is my formal response.
[00:57:35] Speaker A: So this whole debacle to me is so ludicrous in nature because it appears as though for whatever reason I didn't hear the speech. As I said, I couldn't find it that Billy put out on his channel where he was talking a lot of smack and there were just clips that I was able to catch that other people had posted. But in his very feeble, sad attempt to try and justify his behavior, I listened to that interview once and a half times actually and he, he blatantly lied on the clip that I heard, that somebody else reposted about how the interview went down and that he didn't have a chance to get a word in edgewise. None of that was true. And then his wife's statements, it's just what a mess. But one thing is that who was it Katt Williams actually said 2024, I think was the, the year that all lies would be revealed or something to that effect. And I would tend to agree. We've seen a lot of things come to the surface here regarding people doing bad things to children and the musician thing that's going on right now with P. Diddy and now this.
A lot of the guys that were bad guys or grifters or just constantly spewing intentionally, I think erroneous information, I mean he had to know Billy Carson had to know that what he was putting out there couldn't be fact checked or verified as much as he said that it was because the writings that he used as references, pretty much all of them were proven to be hoaxes.
So truth is coming to light and that's a good thing. I just wish that people.
He could have handled this a lot more professionally and more as a man, in my opinion. But it just showed him up in a much worse light and he is losing followers by the veritable boatloads. The comments under his videos are scathing to say the least, but mostly because his fans are disappointed in his behavior. He didn't handle himself like a gentleman, like he could have. So take a listen to that, see what you think. I found it to be extremely educational as well as entertaining. And we'll have some more topic for you next week. I hope you enjoyed this show. Please have a wonderful week. Take care of yourselves and each other, and we'll see you next week, same time, same channel. Thanks, everybody, for listening. Have a great night.