The Red Pill Reality Show

The Red Pill Reality Show
TRIM Radio
The Red Pill Reality Show

Feb 02 2025 | 02:59:49

Episode February 02, 2025 02:59:49

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

The Red Pill Reality Show is a provocative and thought-provoking exploration of the modern world, delving into controversial topics and challenging conventional wisdom. Hosted by Riscalla Stephen, a charismatic and outspoken figure, the show aims to spark honest conversations and inspire critical thinking.

Each episode features in-depth discussions on a wide range of subjects, including:

  • Social and political issues
  • Philosophy and spirituality
  • Science and technology
  • Personal growth and development

Join Riscalla Stephen as he interviews experts, challenges assumptions, and invites viewers to question everything they know. "The Red Pill Reality Show" is a must-watch for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the world around us.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:07] Speaker A: In a world drowning in noise, where truth is often buried beneath layers of propaganda and misinformation, there's a need for a different kind of a network. A network of creators that cuts through the clutter, that doesn't shy away from tough topics, and that delivers the unfiltered truth. [00:00:24] Speaker B: We are TRIM Radio Network. [00:00:26] Speaker A: We are creators. We are innovators. We are investigators. We're the ones who aren't afraid to call a spade a spade. If you're ready to participate in thought provoking discussions, informational topics, and, of course, today's biggest headlines, subscribe to our YouTube channel. Today we're at Trim Radio Network. We're cutting the bull and serving the trut. [00:01:10] Speaker C: Take the red pill, take the blue pill, Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill, Take the red pill. Take the blue pill, Take the red pill, Take the blue pill, Take the red pill, take the blue pill. You take the red pill. And I show you how deep the rabbit hole go. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, take the red pill, Take the red pill, take the red pill, take the red pill, take the red pill, Take the red pill, take the red. You stay in wonderland. You stay in wonderland. And I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Go. [00:02:11] Speaker D: Now from the northeast quadrant of the. [00:02:14] Speaker B: United States, it's the Red Pill Reality. [00:02:17] Speaker D: Show with your host, Riskala. Saturday nights from 9pm Eastern until midnight. [00:02:23] Speaker B: On the TRIM Radio Network. [00:02:25] Speaker D: You can join the conversation in any. [00:02:27] Speaker B: Of our chat rooms. And now, without further ado, your host, Riskala. [00:02:40] Speaker A: Oh, welcome, welcome. It is the Red Pill reality Show. An honor and a privilege to have you guys join me. Greatly appreciate it. So tonight I'm gonna have Sir Timothy Thrapp with me. I've had him on several times. An amazing man. Wow. That was weird. One of my chords just. Oh, my goodness. I love it. This is great. Nothing happens when I do my dry runs. Everything is okay. Go live and watch out. All right, back to Sir Timothy Thrap did it again. All right, I'm not going to fight with it right now. A little bit about Sir Timothy Thrapp. He is a minister. He is a missionary. He is a scientist. He has. He's also a doctor. Natural, natural doctor. He is A man of many hats. And you've heard the old saying, a jack of all trades and a master of none. Well, he's the opposite. He's the master of all the trades that he, he's an amazing man. So he'll be here in just a little bit and we'll have him on. He's out of the country, so I'm hoping we get a good, good, good contact. In the meantime, we have been inundated with this thing about the aircraft and how this helicopter flew into an aircraft. It's pretty horrifying, huh? It looks, I mean from the looks of things, looks like it just flew right into that aircraft. And with the testimonies of other people who are, who have been Blackhawk pilots as well as pilots in general, there's too many questions and not enough answers that make sense. I can't help but wonder if there was somebody on one of those aircraft that wasn't supposed to see the next day. I, I'm sorry. I'm not sorry. This is what those of us who have learned to question everything. This is what we come up with when something like this happens. I wonder who's on here. I was. My first thought, no, that was my second thought. My first thought is, I hope people make it okay. My second thought was I wonder who's on the aircraft. Somebody wasn't supposed to make it. Have another one. These videos, obtained exclusively by cnn, show previously unseen angles of the collision between an American Airlines flight and a US army black helicopter. In the first video, the Black Hawk can be seen flying at speed over the Potomac. From the left side of the screen, the American Airlines plane can be seen flying towards the airport before the two collide, causing a mid air explosion and fall into the river. In the second video, you can see the army helicopter and American Airlines plane travel toward each other after the collision and subsequent subsequent explosion. The airliner can be seen spinning into the water and the Blackhawk is also seen falling into the water. Now I'm at a loss to try to understand how either one of them didn't see the other. I mean, maybe, maybe the jet, because you know this, they have a limited area that they can see. But the, the helicopters have, I mean the whole front of the helicopter is open, right? It's not subjected to high winds like you're on the jet. So it's, that's why they have limited windshields on the jets. But a helicopters pretty much. See, I mean, I can only go by what I, my experience when I was in the Air Force we got free rides in helicopters. We hh. I don't remember the particular model of the ones that we got into, but the front of. The front of the helicopter is all glass plexiglass. It's clear that that's the most accurate statement I can give you. It's pretty much clear. So it's pretty. And it's not just clear in the front, it comes around to the side as well. So I don't know how they couldn't see this aircraft with this. With its lights on. On top of that, right? Had its lights on. How do you not see that? I also found something quite interesting. And I mean, let me do get this to stop right now. In 2002. 2002, I'm pretty sure, was Sikorsky and DARPA in cooperation with each other. And I think it was 2002, maybe a little later, but I'm fairly certain it's 2002. Were making history by launching the first Black Hawk helicopter that had no pilot, controlled from the ground. They set it up, doing evasive maneuvers as well as landing patterns and succeeded. Is it possible? Is it possible? I don't know. I don't know. I just have a hard time understanding how that helicopter did not see that aircraft. It's right there in front of you. So I have a feeling somebody. And I haven't. I don't know if they've released all the names. They released a few. They said that there was a Russian skating team on there, a young. Oh, that was the second plane crash. This. The second plane crash. There was a. A young victim that had just been treated for cancer, apparently had come out successful and on her way back home and. Wow. And now I hear of a third aircraft has gone down. And of course, all of this is Trump's fault. It's all Trump's fault. It's. It's pathetic. It just. They claim that Trump is a violent man. He's the one who brings the violence on. He's the one who created the hatred in this country. [00:09:43] Speaker B: We are going to fight it legislatively, we are going to fight it in. [00:09:49] Speaker D: The courts, and we're going to fight. [00:09:52] Speaker B: It in the streets. If you had to be stuck in. [00:09:55] Speaker A: An elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pence or Jeff Sessions, who would it be? Does one of us have to come out alive? [00:10:06] Speaker B: Press always asks me, don't I wish I were debating him? No, I wish we were in high school. I could take him behind the gym. That's what I would. If we were in high school, I'd Take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. I'd like to punch him in the face. I'll meet him in a hotel room any other day of the week and. [00:10:22] Speaker A: Give him a Louisville Slugger. [00:10:24] Speaker B: Kiss my mother ass, you punk sucker. I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. And maybe there will be. You cannot be civil with a political. [00:10:36] Speaker A: Party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. [00:10:41] Speaker B: You know, there needs to be unrest. [00:10:42] Speaker A: In the streets for as long as there is unrest in our lives. When they go low, we kick them. [00:10:47] Speaker C: When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? It's an actor dressed to look just. [00:10:53] Speaker B: Like President Donald Trump as he's assassinated on, on stage. Look as his character is stabbed to death. Where is John Wil Booth when you need him? Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. We are watching a rally right now. [00:11:25] Speaker A: Former president, President Trump was just in the middle of a speech when what. [00:11:30] Speaker B: Sounded like possible shots were fired. We saw the president, former president take cover. Breaking news. Former President Donald Trump is Safe and a 20 year old shooter is dead after a shocking assassination attempt on the former president in Pennsylvania. [00:11:46] Speaker A: We begin tonight with the breaking news. [00:11:48] Speaker B: And the second assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump. You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you. He is destructive to our democracy and he has to be, he has to be eliminated. Let me give you one bottom line, as a former government official. [00:12:05] Speaker A: Government's going to kill this guy. He needs to be shot. Stop. They're still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump. And that's a. [00:12:27] Speaker B: Boy. Michael Bloomberg is so upset. [00:12:30] Speaker A: Wow. And they say that Republicans are the ones who are unaccepting. The Republicans are the ones who are causing the hatred. The Republicans are the ones who are creating the violence. Well, I hope all this is going to come to an end now. I hear people on the, on the left crying, oh, he fired 17 inspector generals, lifelong career people, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, right. Exactly right. Lifelong career parasites who had no problem in violating people's constitutional rights. So yeah, he got rid of them. And I hope that they don't get any pensions or anything either. These are people who knew what they were doing was wrong. They did it anyway. And then they claim later on, well, it was just, I was just doing my job. I was doing what I was told. It doesn't cut it. I just heard something from certainty. Let's see it should not bear with me a minute. He's trying to get on, and I may have to take a break and see if I can help him get on. Anyway, with all of that's gone on, you can still see people trying to stop this man openly. They're in the openly. We're. We are working on our anti Trump campaign. It's like they are oblivious to what the majority of the people want. Well, they're not. They are oblivious to it either by purposely being oblivious to it, or maybe they're just too stupid. I don't think they're that stupid. I think they have an agenda in mind. And Trump, as he has been well known to be Trump, is the disruptor. He has disrupted their. Their agenda. He has disrupted their secrecy. He has just literally blown their plan apart. Everything that they have tried to do to this man, they have failed. In some cases, miserably failed in the overall census of things. Absolutely miserably, miserably failed. And now that he is going to seek accountability for those who were in the wrong. They're crying. Oh, my gosh. They're crying. So he made a statement saying, and I'm paraphrasing, don't know the exact words, but I can tell you basically the meaning of what he said, that anybody, any of the prosecutors that. That. That cooperated in the J6 persecution of innocent men. I don't know if there's any women. I know there's a lot of men. I don't know if there's any women. So anyone who is involved in that, in the prosecution of those innocent people will now be questioned and. And possibly be prosecuted for the violation of their civil rights. There's one guy. Let's see if I can find this. There's one guy who. I got to find this page who was a J6. Let's see if I can get this up to. All right. Let's see if I can get this to work. This is just one of. And I think it was like 1500 that he. That he pardoned. Share the screen. See if this will work. Well, it's not very. You can't see it very well. All right, so sir T is having problems trying to connect. Bear with me a minute and I'll see if I can. I can help him. I think live is so wonderful. Let's see. Let's see what I've got here. All right. [00:18:03] Speaker C: Take the red pen. Take the blue pen. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill, take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill, take the blue pill. You take the red pill And I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last this is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up and your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. Take the red pill, take the red pill. Take the red pill, Take the red pill, Take the red pill, Take the red pill, Take the red pill, take the red. You stay in wonderland. You stay in wonderland. I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Ghost Ghost. Goes goes goes Ghost. Ghost. Ghost. Ghost. Don't. Don't. [00:19:50] Speaker B: Don't. [00:19:51] Speaker C: Don't. [00:19:52] Speaker A: Don't. [00:20:25] Speaker C: Take the red pill, take the blue pill, take the red pill, take the blue pill, take the red pill, take the blue pill, take the red pill, take the blue pill, take the red pill, take the blue pill, take the red pill, take the blue pill. [00:20:47] Speaker B: Take. [00:20:47] Speaker C: The red pill And I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. [00:20:52] Speaker B: I just can't help myself I just. [00:21:09] Speaker A: Can'T stop there I keep on falling I keep on falling. [00:21:18] Speaker B: Love with you Sometimes I love you sometimes Sometimes you make me feel blue Sometimes you make me feel Sometimes I feel good. [00:21:35] Speaker A: Times. [00:21:36] Speaker B: I feel you the way you love. [00:21:41] Speaker A: Me makes me so confused I keep. [00:21:47] Speaker B: On falling in and out of love with you Never love someone the way that I love you. Never felt this way Never felt this way you give me so much pleasure it caused me so much pain. [00:22:17] Speaker D: Just. [00:22:17] Speaker B: When I think I've taken walk wonderful I keep on fall fall on you. [00:22:31] Speaker A: I keep on falling in and out. [00:22:36] Speaker B: Of love with you Never love the one the way that I love you I I keep on falling in and out of love with you. [00:23:42] Speaker A: You're listening to the red pill reality show. We'll be right back. Actually, we are not right back. Oh, my gosh. I can't believe how many things can go wrong at one time. Get rid of that. All right, hopefully we're going to be able to get Sir T on one way or another. If he has to, he'll call in, but was hoping we could do video as well. He's having issues on his end. He is out of the country. And so it's Internet connection wasn't very good. In the meantime, I played for you the. The very peaceful video about the wonderful Democrats and what they want and how to this very day they're doing everything they can to continue to make life difficult for Trump in. And basically, when it's all said and done, it's life difficult for us. He has done more in probably the first 24 hours than that dipstick did in four years. And Lord have mercy, to think that if the woman would have come in, oh, my gosh, it is truly disturbing that they got that far. It really is. And I look at the confirmation hearings and they're raking these people over to Kohl's. It's like they're afraid. They are in 100 panic mode, frayed of what's coming. And I believe what's coming. I hope and pray that I'm right. I believe what's coming is accountability. There is talk of investigations for Schumer. There are talks of investigations for Schiff. There are several others that are being looked at. I hope it happens. I hope it happens. The new secretary of State, he revoked. I can't think of his name now. He revoked somebody else's right to even. Who was that? Oh, it was the vice president. I can't. The guy running for vice president. Excuse me, The. The dipstick that was running for vice president. He wants to have his rank taken away from him because he. He claimed stolen valor. He said that he was in an active theater when he wasn't. He was nowhere near an active theater. He actually opted out of going to the active theater. So he's gonna face some. Some heavy duty stuff going on there. And I mentioned Schumer. There's a couple of others I don't come to mind. But it looks to be, at least on the surface right now, it looks to be there's accountability coming and that is scaring the jeebies out of these people to think of what they have done. One of them claimed, well, I was just doing my job. It's not going to cut it anymore. That's not going to cut it. You knew darn well what you were doing when you did it, and you knew darn well what you were doing was wrong. You know, they tried that stuff at the. After the German war and they Said, well, we were just following orders. That's too bad. You're still guilty of what you did. Following orders or not, you have a responsibility to say, no, I'm not going to do that. That violates somebody's rights, that endangers somebody's life needlessly. You know that some of these J6ers, they were put in solitary confinement. Solitary confinement. And what was their. Their guilt? What did they do that was so horrible? They trespassed on federal property. Technically, federal property was purchased by taxpayers. If they're taxpayers, then they're one of the people who own the property. But to be put in for years and solitary confinement to purposely try to ruin these people's lives. Let me go back. I want just to give you an idea, I got sidetracked with Sir Timothy. See if I can. You won't be able to read it, but I'll read it for you. How disgusting this is what these. These two particular prosecutors. Come on. I love it. Oh, if we can get it up here. These two particular prosecutors, I know it's going to be too small, but I'll try it anyway. Maybe consider a picture. I barely can see the picture. Let's. Let me go back. These two people use that term very loosely. They put this guy in prison. President Trump has fired all federal prosecutors who participated in the January 6 persecutions of innocent people. In light of this, I'd like you all to help me make these two women very famous. They are the two women who prosecuted me and helped me create all the lies back up. And helped me create the lies against me that tore my life apart. On the left is April Russo. Russo ironically won the Shaping justice award in 2011, 10 years before she decided to join a tyrannical government regime to use the weight of the federal Justice Department to force innocent people into having to make fals confessions and destroy their lives. Russo knew that I did not engage the crowd to take. Encourage the crowd to take a shield on J6, nor did I encourage the crowd to enter the building. And yet during my plea hearing, she told the judge she wanted to hear me say out loud that I did, and she forced me to say those words. On the right is Brittany L. Reed. Brittany specializes in accidentally forgetting to seal her confidential court documents because she views all the material she handles as fodder for the media. Reid hates Trump supporters and took delight in lying to my judge over and over again about my, quote, actions. On January 6th, Reid also wrote a 15 page memorial to the court objecting to me being let off Probation early, claiming that I am a threat to society. Wonderful people, right? Really nice. So I hope you guys can help make them famous. I the post on my Facebook page or find a post there. It's disgusting what these people did. It's disgusting. And I really hope and pray that people, they start paying the price for what's going on. And some of them, I hope they fry. Not, not just fry, I hope they deep fry. And I'm tired about hearing there's, there's this stuff going around, oh, well, you know, Hillary Clinton died or was executed I don't know how many ago, blah, blah. Listen, even if that's true, which I don't think it is, but even if it's true, of what value is it to execute the dipstick if they, according to them, have a clone, okay. Or a double? So what value is it to execute somebody who is guilty of heinous crimes when somebody who looks just like them or speaks just like them, acts as them when they're gone, what value is it if you're going to execute them? I want to see it. The public wants to see it. None of this garbage about, oh, well, you know, it had to be done in secrecy and blah, blah, blah. Give me a break. If there's going to be an execute, if you're going to claim that you're going to execute somebody like Hillary Clinton, I want to see it because that's the only way I'm going to believe it. Because these people lie through their teeth. Every time their mouth opens, they lie. Hopefully we're going to see some accountability. The short video I played for you of them just give you an idea. [00:32:57] Speaker B: La. [00:33:04] Speaker A: Can you believe there's people upset about that? That we have? Not only the Border Patrol, the Texas, I think the Texas National Guard, I may be wrong about that, but I think at one time they're out there. I think they're still out there. And then we have our troops out there all along the border. Would you want to crawl? I think they said there was 589 that people that attempted to get there. I don't even know if they got through. I shouldn't laugh. It really is a serious situation. They don't talk about the women that get raped and the children that get destroyed. They don't talk about that. They talk about all these poor families they're running for their lives. They have to come to America. There's nowhere else to go. And they pay them to come here. Literally pay them to come here. And many of them, I don't know how many of them, but many of them would get financial stripings every month. Greater than many of the people who are on Social Security. They would be given a place to stay, free health care, a cell phone. What about the veterans? What about the men and the women who signed a check to the last drop of their blood? The last drop of their blood? They would protect and defend and preserve and promote the Constitution. What about them? Why have you turned your back on those who made it so easy for you to be where you are? Because they recognize that you are criminals. That's why. And maybe the day of reckoning has arrived. Maybe. I'm praying that it has. I'm praying that I see some of these people struck another name that came up looking at him for the possibility of treason. I just want to see it public. I don't want to see it done behind closed doors where they make all kinds of deals and these scumbags get away. I want to see it done in public. And his. Whatever that lady's name, that is his lover, Comey. All the people that were involved in the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, hoax, hoax thing, every one of them needs to be brought to justice. These are people who committed high treason. Not just treason. High treason. Nobody ever got in trouble for spying on a. On a president. No. Instead, what they do is they raided his home. Well, you know what? They may not have realized what they were doing when they were doing, when they were doing it. I think that made sense, but they set a precedent. You have now set an example that it is okay to raid a former president's home. Hello? Oh, vomit. Hello, Bush. Hello, Clinton. And you don't have to warn them, and you don't have to tell the governor. Oh, I don't know what that was. I'm having a hard time tonight. Oh, all right. Okay. I have Sir Timothy Thrap on with me. Bear with me, sir. T. I'll be with you in just a moment. Okay. Can you hear me? All right, I can't hear you. So, team, I can't hear you. I don't know what's going on. [00:37:49] Speaker B: Okay, I hear you. Yeah, it was something on my. That volume thing was. Can you hear me okay? [00:37:55] Speaker A: Yeah, you're kind of fading in and out, but yes, now I can hear you. [00:37:59] Speaker B: Okay, good. Yeah, sorry about that. Yeah, the. I tried and tried and tried in that other system. We used that before, and it never had any problems, but this time it would not let me. [00:38:09] Speaker A: I don't know. I don't know why. I don't know why it's doing that. I, I have to find out from the webmaster. You shouldn't have to be required to be any of those. Whether it's YouTube, whether it's Facebook and none of them, you should be able just to get right into the studio. So I don't know. [00:38:26] Speaker B: Yeah, it used to be like, it used to be like that. I think it's maybe some, you know, who knows. So my AI is taking over. I don't know what's going on. Something, somebody's. [00:38:39] Speaker A: AI is everywhere. Everywhere. Well, anyway. [00:38:43] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:38:44] Speaker A: So let me live. Yeah. Oh yeah, we are live. Let me, let me welcome you to the Red Pill reality show. And if you take a, take a couple of moments here and tell the, the listeners who you are, what you are and which ministries I talked a little bit about which on many of my shows but give you the opportunity now to give an insight. [00:39:08] Speaker B: Sure, sure. This is Dr. Timothy Thrapp. I am world renowned scientist, engineer, also naturopathic doctor. But I held multiple advanced degrees and we're all about helping the world. I'm the seventh spokesman. The first one is Michael Faraday, World Improvement through the Spirit Ministries. So the ministry has been around for 200, over 200 years. 211 years. And the first folks are Michael Faraday and the seventh is me. But the fourth just notable names. The third was Nathan Stubblefield. A lot of people know who he was. Nikola Tesla was number four. The fourth spokesman, Amnon was number five and Ron Brandt was number six and I'm number seven on the spokesman. So we've had very world renowned scientists and of course we always have a body elders. So even people like Oliver Heaviside was, was an elder and he wrote a lot of good books on free energy. Really not simple things, they were more like textbooks, pretty complicated books. But you know, if you have a good grasp of physics and mathematics and electricity, it's not complicated at all. Yeah. So that's a lot of really amazing people. Steinmetz was another one of our elders. He actually helped Tesla with Tesla some of Tesla's inventions to get them perfected, working good. So that that's. We are constantly bringing solutions to mankind for all the needs of mankind. And that's a little bit about how, who we are. Yeah. And that's who. And like I said, I'm the seventh. Yeah, I think, I think covered pretty much every. I have worked with NASA, they consult still to this day and many other governmental agencies. European Space Agency, you know various. I've met extraterrestrials face to face multiple times. This is, you know, this. People have thought, you know, back in 30 years ago, generally if you told people there are extraterrestrials, they think you're crazy. But nowadays, everybody accepts it. Almost like back and. And again, we've been meeting extraterrestrials for 200 years. The whole time, the ministry. 213. We're 214 years old now. 1811 when it started. And we've been meeting extraterrestrials since the beginning, honestly. So, you know, this. We never changed our story, but it was very unpopular. And there was a time when they would actually put our people in our scientists, engineers in the nut house, the psychiatric institute, and have them examined because they claim they're a crazy, because they claim they met extraterrestrial. We've been meeting them the whole time. If you get, you know, when you're doing advanced sciences, the extraterrestrials are interested in seeing what is the most advanced they have, we have on this planet. And so they come to us, you know, more often than not, let's say it that way. We don't need to go to them. But I did work in Area 51 a few times, and other classified facilities. And there's aliens there, too. There's, you know, it's a little bit like an international airport. Some of the, some of these places. Area 51 is one of them. Certain parts of Area 51, Area 54, too, different parts where people are coming and going from other planets. And so there's a lot of interesting stuff we've been doing. Yeah, so that, that's a little bit of background on us. And when we get to it, we don't have to go into it now, but I do want to remember to talk about rejuvenation. And the, the, you know, possibilities are huge right now for people that are interested in feeling younger and so on and so forth. [00:42:59] Speaker A: Well, as I'm okay, as I mentioned before you came on that you have. You're also a holistic doctor. And you are, you are like up to date with the latest and greatest stuff that's going on. And the rejuvenation thing should be of great interest to a lot of people because those who unfortunately got a hold of the, you know what in the arm are, many of them are suffering from the side effects of that, and. [00:43:34] Speaker B: That's right. [00:43:34] Speaker A: And they're looking for something to help them. And this could be a way to help them. Obviously, it's not a way to hurt them anymore. So this could be a way to help them. [00:43:44] Speaker B: Yeah, well, you tried one of our modalities, we have multiple modalities we use simultaneously with people. You tried one of them and you've said you're feeling about 70 or 80% better in just like a week. Is that correct? [00:43:58] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, about 10 days. [00:43:59] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, about 10 days, yeah. So it's awesome. You know, people, people can, you know, you can't say too much on public programs like this because they don't want you to say the certain words like C U R E. But I can. [00:44:14] Speaker A: Tell you right exact. [00:44:18] Speaker B: We can get away with it. But yeah, so yeah, but anyway, things can be put in remission no matter what the problem is. And literally you can appeal and test and look 10 years younger, it's even 20 or 30 years younger. But you know, we guarantee 10 years younger on our offers and anybody can get a free Skype consultation with me. You can, you know, you can call on the phone if you want to. Just let everybody know that's, you know, that's free, the first one's free. And then we try to work something out with you if we can. And again, you do have to have substantial funds if you want to do the 10 year rejuvenation. If you just want to do one of the other modalities, a lot of some of them are free. If you want the free one, we'll give you the free one. But yeah, our number. Is it okay to give out my phone number? [00:45:08] Speaker A: Oh yeah, go ahead. [00:45:10] Speaker B: Okay. 269-993-4009. And I'm available seven days a week at 6, 6am my time, which is 5pm Eastern United States time, seven days a week at 269-993-4009. Once in a while, two or three people call at the same time. When that happened, just leave your message and I can usually get back with you within, within 30 minutes, sometimes sooner. So. 269993, 4009. And then my other one, contact info is Skype. And that's Sir Timothy T. With no spaces. S I R T I M O T H Y T like Tom. So Sir Timothy T. Getting a little bit of background noises, typing. [00:46:01] Speaker A: Yeah, that's, that's me. I'm putting what you're saying up on the, on the banner so people can see it. I put the phone number, put the phone number up. See, unfortunately because you're on the phone, you don't see what's happening. I put the phone number up and then I put your Name up for Skype as well, in case they try to reach. [00:46:19] Speaker B: I did try. The audience knows. Yeah, we did try calling in, but there was some sort of technical issue we didn't have before because this is not the first time I called in on your program. But the first time. [00:46:33] Speaker A: I have to find out what's going. We had some weird stuff happens every once in a while and we did a, an update two. Two weeks ago, I think it was, or three weeks ago. And I, I couldn't do my show because when I went to log in, all of the material that I use for my show is gone. My intro was gone. My outro, all that stuff. I'm going, what happened? What happened? They did an. They did an upgrade and they separated everybody's information, which is great. But they didn't tell me that everything was now separated and I had to go reload all of my material, which wasn't. It's not a problem. I have it saved. It's just I didn't find out until the last minute. I mean, literally 15 or 20 minutes before I was going on the air. I went to check sound levels and things like that and nothing's there. Oh my gosh. So. So this could be you not being able to get in. Could be part of this update. I don't know. I have to talk to the. Have to talk to my lady at the web. [00:47:32] Speaker B: Yeah, okay. Yeah, we had a similar. We have weekly programs too, as you know, twice a week. We have online church. We have an online ministry. Online church. And we were the first online church and we started online. And as far as the ministry goes, the first, the first programs around the year 2000. But as far as regular everything something every single week, about 2006 and. And that's still in the archives. If people want to find it, they can go to. Odyssey.comorldimprovement is a. With the circle around it orldimprovement. And if you go there, odyssey.comorldimprovement, you'll find about 600 free lessons on all types of advanced technologies, as well as independent verifications by engineers and a lot of people that have gotten younger and lots of people that technology. We have free energy, anti gravity, teleportation, pollution, remediation, basically everything. Solutions to all the world's problems. And that's what we are. World Improvement through the Spirit of God Ministries. So that's what WIT stands for. World Improvement through the Spirit. And then that's of course, Spirit of God Ministries. As many as are led by the spirit of God. These are the children of God. So, yeah, so I'm past pastor also, and Brother Rascala is an excellent brother in the Lord. He attends our online church regularly, and we're happy to have. We're blessed to have him. He also helps out a little bit financially. We really help appreciate that we take care of orphans and elderly here in. Well, not just here, but worldwide. We have multiple care facilities and pretty much at our own expense. In other words, as people donate. And of course, I'm one of the largest donors myself. So none of us get paid. Everybody's volunteers, basically. So it's an interesting organization. Most organizations are not set up that way. Most of them. A lot of the money goes to the staff. All of our staff is totally working for freedom of God. [00:49:50] Speaker A: You kind of fade an outer T. [00:49:53] Speaker B: Yeah, I said that's a little bit more about who we are and what we do and. And thank you, Brother Schaller, for, you know, having me on and putting it. Putting up the information on the banner. I appreciate that, too. [00:50:05] Speaker A: Yeah, no worries. My pleasure. So let's. Let's talk a little bit about. More about the health thing because that's something that's really predominant today, where people are looking for different solutions. I do have to say, you so casually say, I've spoken to aliens and I've worked at Area 51 and people. Some people are going to hear that and they're gonna go, holy smokes, man. He's off the edge. I. I believe what he says because I have seen some of the technologies that they have. I have. I don't know how many times I've said. I've seen a circuit that if there was. If that circuit were modified and put into these electric cars, the electric cars wouldn't. I don't think they'd ever have to be charged. But if they did, it wouldn't be for. It wouldn't be on a regular basis. It would be far and a few in between. [00:51:02] Speaker B: So I. We have. Yeah, absolutely. Our circuits are technologies which, again, we're doing partnerships on mass production. So anybody that has substantial funds, feel free to get a hold of us. You can rewind it and get the number again. But yeah, these, these circuits don't need any energy input. You don't ever need to be charged. They charge themselves. So this is called quantum energy or free energy, or zero point energy. It's well known that it's real. The establishment used to try to make people think it was fake. And there are a lot of fakes out There, you know, but just because there's fake, you know, just because there's counterfeit hundred dollar bills don't mean there's not real hundred dollar bills somewhere. You know, there's counterfeit gold too, but that doesn't mean there's no real gold out there. Obviously if something's counterfeited there probably is some real one somewhere and that's wits, which is all original developed all this stuff. And everybody else basically took classes from us. Everybody else is the amateurs including the governments and the, and all that. They basically took classes from us. And that's, that's where it all came from. Yeah. And as far as health and rejuvenation, we're happy to, yeah, happy to help. Again, everybody gets one consultation for free and then the going rate. If you go to. There are, there are rejuvenation clinics that guarantee 10 years reversal, age reversal like we do. We guarantee 10 years and we can go up to 30 years depending on the person. Not, not every case but you know, it depends on the person. Yeah, but up to 30 years age reversal. But there are others out there. We're not the only ones. But they're all hush hush, kind of keep low key. But I do know, I do know of five in Japan and three in Korea and three in Switzerland. So. And then there's other secret cities. Those are not secret cities, but there are secret cities on this planet. Quite a few. And they also have rejuvenation technology of different kinds in most of those cities. So people have, yeah, people. Most people have no idea what's really going on in this planet. Maybe they watch too much CNN or whatever it is keeping you in the dark, you know, who knows what the deal is. But yeah, who was it? The head of the CIA or the second highest. I think it was the highest back in the year 2000. He said when everybody believes, when everything that everybody believes is wrong, in other words, everybody is believing everything wrong, he says, then we know we succeeded in our job. So disinformation or spreading lies and getting people believe it is what the establishment does. That was CIA and I don't, hopefully we don't get any trouble with your platform for saying, for saying that. Three letter. Three letter. [00:53:45] Speaker A: I don't think we will. It's the other stuff that gets us in trouble. The jab word that gets us in trouble. [00:53:54] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. And we've been in trouble on our platform too. So we got two, we got the Wednesday platform and then Sunday services also. So these are church services. But we do talk about A lot of different things and we teach a lot of different. So it's a lot of different free classes and independent engineers testimonials and people that got healed testimony. We got a pretty close, I'd say 100% cure rate. Oops. 100 success rate in rejuvenation and getting rid of diseases that nobody else can get rid of. So. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, I don't know if I messed up your program or not, but apologize. [00:54:35] Speaker A: No worries. We've had worse. [00:54:38] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. Anyway, yeah, it's amazing. Nowadays you can, you know, people can use every kind of vulgar language on YouTube. I hear it all the time when I'm trying to play video. And yet you say something like that's going to help people. I know you can't say that. You can't say that. It might, it might help somebody. You know. Anyway, it's, it's, it shows you the state of the world we're living in right now. But yeah, these, these typically go in Japan and Korea and in the secret cities in Switzerland. They typically go for the million dollar price range. So we're offering them very, very affordably compared to what the going rate is. We don't do any inpatient. We're all doing just outpatient. But. And there are inpatient and outpatient available worldwide and again they're in the, typically in the million dollar range to go 10 years backwards on anti aging. So yeah, just so people have an idea what's going on in this planet. Most people have no clue. They don't know that it's even possible. Of course they want to keep you in the dark. Of course the establishment. [00:55:45] Speaker A: Yeah. So I hear, I hear about these med beds. Do you know anything about the med beds? [00:55:53] Speaker B: Yeah. Oh yeah. That's basically one of the, one of the modalities that can do anti aging. It depends on which you know what, how the med beds are made. They can also do bad stuff to people as well. You know I probably shouldn't get into it too much because of the censoring but yeah, they can be used for anti aging and, and for getting rid of all kinds of health issues and helping people heal faster and so on. And we were the first ones developed us back in 1890s. It was just called rejuvenation machines back then. Keely John Laurel Keeley had one and he, the rumor is he's still alive. I have seen evidence that supports that that he probably is still alive. And so he would be 160 or 170 or something. [00:56:47] Speaker A: Holy Smokes. [00:56:47] Speaker B: He doesn't, doesn't look a day over. [00:56:49] Speaker A: 50. Who was, who was the one that made the box? I think it was Oregon with Oregon. He made a box and you sit in the box and it got rid of everything. Who was that? [00:57:02] Speaker B: Well, well, there was an Oregon box. I don't think it really got rid of everything, but it's, it's, you know, it helps with your health. That was Wilhelm Reich. Wilhelm Reich. He was also one of our elders. He developed his own, his own systems, his own technologies, if you want to say it. And I'd say they're all valid. I don't think it really gets rid of everything, but it does help with your health. And if you use it correctly you can, if you don't, if you don't make those boxes correctly, you can wind up poisoning yourself too. You know, get the wrong kind of energy. Basically the energy becomes polluted is what happens. There's three, there's three main fields of dominant energy and he called them Orgone and Oregon who were in Door. But when he took classes from us, we taught him. We called him polar antipolar and polar dipolar and parapolar. The dipole or the parapolar can both get polluted very easily. It was, you got chemicals around or radiation or whatever. And if you do that, if they do get polluted, then they're both bad for your health. He decided that both of them were bad for your health all the time. And that's not correct. Oregon or Door I believe with the two he said are both bad for your health all the time. And yeah, that's not correct. In other words, there are clean forms of these. But what happened? And still to this day, there's a lot of, you know, radiation, there's a lot of junk floating around in the air. It's just bad for, you know, chemtrails and so on. There's just a lot of bad stuff. So yeah, so these two types of energy are not self cleaning only. Polar is self cleaning and it does it rather rapidly in nature. But the other two are not self cleaning. And so they, they exist in abundance in a poisonous state and it's harmful to the health of humans. And you know, it's a lot of, it's in the cities for example. And a lot of the way homes are constructed nowadays, you wind up with toxic, toxic environment. People call it, they actually recognize it as a disability now toxic chemical syndrome or something like this. A lot of people have, have that to recognize as a recognized issue. And this has to do not just with chemicals. This has to do with fields of energy as well. And. Yeah. And you know, the right. Getting the fields right can help your health tremendously. Actually cure everything that's wrong with you. Getting the fields wrong can kill you, you know, so it's just like anything else. Yeah. Clean air versus poison air or clean water versus poison water. You know, the water is really bad. It'll kill you. If the water is really good, it'll heal you. And so same with the air, same with the washing, with the food. You know, basically, basically everything is, everything's possible with the right good stuff. And yet the society in general has made a concerted effort to poison everything. You could say toxic. Yeah, yeah, It's. [01:00:20] Speaker A: They've succeeded. They've succeeded in, in poisoning the air, succeeded in poisoning the food, succeeded in poisoning the water. There's not very many places you can turn anymore and, and get, you know, they, my, my one daughter buys organic food. I said, is it really organic? Well, they're not using pesticides. Yeah, but they're spraying the skies every day with this garbage. Who knows what they're spraying up there. I mean, we have a general idea. So everything, all that stuff is coming down on your quote, organic foods. Is it really organic? It's covered in garbage. So they've, they've succeeded in just about everything. In any quote corner that we turn. I, the only way for me I see getting away from it all is to grow your own food. Grow your own food, have your own livestock. And sadly, that's the push is the opposite of that. Get everybody into a city. They want to be able to create these 15 minute, quote, smart cities. People don't realize smart is a, is a method of monitoring. That's what it stands for. It's a method of monitoring you. And you only have 15 minutes that you can go in any direction and that's as far as you can go. If you have to leave them, you're going to have to get permission. That's crazy. [01:01:40] Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. So you got that. There was an animated cartoon I showed the children. It was a recent recreation of like the sequel to Dr. Smith. Doctor. Dr. Seuss. I'm sorry, Dr. Seuss. And it was the Lorax. I think the original min. Been called the Lorax or something like that. But anyway, they. In the sequel that was recently made maybe 10 years ago, and I say reason, you know, fairly recent, whereas the original story was, you know, back 30, 40, 50, 60 years ago. Dr. Seuss wrote a lot of interesting books with colors and graphics and interesting pictures and so on. Yeah, he's very famous, you know, children, children story writer. And it became, some of those became animated. Animated cartoons or animated movies. And so recently I think it was called the Lorax maybe. But anyway, they recently had a recreation or remake of the one of one or two of those. And I thought they did a good job. It was a 15 minute city and they weren't allowed to really leave the city. And he, you know, figured a way out and he got out and you know, it's a good, it's a good story. You know, at the end they finally decided that they needed to grow more real trees and all these fake trees and the sky sal and air and everything like that and just clean air cost a lot of money. It's crazy. But. [01:03:12] Speaker A: They'Re trying to convince people that CO2 is dangerous. [01:03:21] Speaker B: Right? [01:03:23] Speaker A: I mean, come on. [01:03:24] Speaker B: I learned, there's definitely lots I learned. [01:03:27] Speaker A: In school that CO2 is what the trees breathe in and O2 is what the trees breathe out. [01:03:38] Speaker B: That's correct, correct. [01:03:40] Speaker A: Oh, but it's dangerous. [01:03:43] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. If there's no CO2, you know, there's not gonna be much O2 either. We need to breathe, you know. [01:03:51] Speaker A: That's right. [01:03:51] Speaker B: Of course, if there's CO2, all the plants are going to die. You know, it's. Yeah, this is, yeah, this whole thing. And they're also cows. Cows having gas. And that's. That's causing global warming. That's a bunch of. Oh, gosh, is a real phenomenon. But the Earth goes through cycles like this anyway. Yeah, you know, everybody. It goes through different cooling and warming cycles and probably all the planets do. The evidence looks like all the planets do. And even the star called the sun or Soul Sol up in the sky, that's the name of our star that our sun that goes through different periods of more heat and less heat and sun. And that's a known fact. And you know, sometimes it lasts for a few years, one or two or three. Another more heat or less heat. Another time it lasts for two or three centuries. This is known fact. Pretty much everybody agrees with this. And yeah, so anyway, it's interesting how the super rich want to, you know, talk about climate change and cause lots of problems for everybody. And really it's probably most likely just normal cycle. And of course we don't really need to worry about it because I'll bring up another subject. It's okay to you, but two years and eight months from now, in two days, Jesus is coming back. And I've met him face to face. Several people have. I'm not the only one. You can go on YouTube. Anybody can go on YouTube and watch Dreams and visions. And visions are basically when the Lord takes you out of here. There's three. There's four types of visions. But anyway, some of those he takes you out of your body and he'll talk to you for. He talked to me up that one time up to three and a half. It might have been as much as five and a half hours. It definitely. At least three and a half hours. And he'll tell you all kinds of things. He's. He knows everything. He's still alive. He's. Well, you know, he's. He's. He's coming back in the flesh and he's going to judge the whole world. The whole world is going to change for a thousand years. The thousand years. It takes one year to kind of kick butt and take names to get everything straightened out. That's called the Year of Wrath for the unbeliever. And it's called the year. It's called the Married Supper of the Lamb for the. For those who are. Who love the Lord, Those who are in him. And he's in them. We get gathered together with him in the air and it doesn't say where we're going right away, but for one year, we're with him. We're with him for a thousand years, really, But a thousand and one years. Maybe forever. But anyway, it's going to be cool, whatever. It is going to be cool, whatever the details are. But yeah, so it really doesn't. All this craziness is going to persist and it's going to get more intense in the next next two years and eight months, and then we're out of here. And, you know, those are. You know, those are. He told. How did he put it to me? He said, I will gather my own unto myself. So those that are his own, if you've given your heart to the Lord, you love him with all your heart. Yeah. You're his own. It's not about religion, about relationship, as Brother Scala has on his Skype profile as his main statement there. So I appreciate that statement, Brother Scout. [01:07:17] Speaker A: I've always said it's not about religion. Religion was a way to control people. It's about relationship. I think the one thing that the Bible talks about the most is relationships. It goes as. As it proceeds from Genesis all the way to Revelations. It's constantly talking about different relationships, and that's what stood out to me, the most, there's. Oh, I can't think. Somebody's love song. What is that? It's. There's a. There's a component in the Bible, like, I can't. It's somebody's love song. I can't remember if it's Samuel Solomon's love song. That's right. Yep. The whole thing's about relationships. [01:08:04] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:08:05] Speaker A: So everywhere you look, it's about relationships. When. When Christ was put on the cross and he said, you know, father, you know, why have you forsaken me? Relationships. [01:08:18] Speaker B: That's right. That's right. And of course, the Father didn't forsake him. He just simply was. All the sin and sickness of the world was put upon him, and. And of course, you know, he died right away almost. And that sin separates you from God, so that he didn't. And it also makes you less understanding. Call it mental confusion. Yeah. So even though he was the son of God and he is the Son of God and he's the Messiah, it's still. He was separated from God for a short time. And. Because all the sin of the world's putting on. Put on him, Put up on him. And that's why he asked that question. But a lot of people don't understand that. And I've heard a lot of explanations. Most of them are wrong. There's a lot of people that basically have. They think they know everything, and they really almost know nothing. It's very little. But we love them anyway. Pray for them. [01:09:13] Speaker A: I had a pastor years ago who described what it would be like to be up on a cross and hours and hours. I mean, he went by step by step. And by the time he was done, I was in tears thinking of the suffering and the pain and just unbelievable what this man had had to go through in order to fulfill the prophecies that were laid out before him. I. I don't think a. A normal person, a normal man could endure such a thing. It have to be, you know, it would have to be a. A divine intervention. It have to. I don't know of any human that could put up with what he put up and still be able to have the strength to get up on the cross. Oh, and it's a horrifying death. It is a horrifying death. [01:10:15] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. God is. Well, he's the Son of God. That's right. Yeah. That's why he's able to. He did it willingly. He even said, made the statement I could if he wanted to. He can call a thousand angels at any time. And 10,000. Yeah. And to get help. But he did it because he's. It was. Needed somebody to give the sacrifice for redeemed. Redeeming mankind. And that's basically what Jesus did. That's why he willingly laid down his life. And he said that, even prophesied that ahead of time that he would lay down his life and so on. So, yeah, it's ended. Prophesied. Nice day. It was. So that's like 2,000 years or 1,000 years ahead of time. 800 years ahead of time. The book of Isaiah that he would be servant to mankind and suffering servant, no less. And. And by his stripes we would be healed. So he would take blows upon his back. Yeah. And it was prophesied, but the Jewish people didn't understand that part of it, part of the prophecy. And that's why as a whole, he was not accepted. As, you know, as a whole, as, you know, there were people obviously, and accepted him as the Messiah, but in general, no, in general, they did not. So. But it's going to happen this time around. Every eye is going to see him. Everybody's gonna, you know, they're gonna repent and remit. It says Lamb, which is basically mourn. And they're gonna. Yeah, they're gonna mourn that. You know, they're gonna know they're in trouble when the Lord comes back this time. Two. Two years, a month. There may be some big. Well, there's going to be some big things before that. It's going to be a little bit of bumpy ride between now and big. Bumpy rides. Yeah. The intense persecution. I just found out today. I got verification. I suspected this, but I didn't know. I just found out today. The intense persecution against Christians will not start until around 2027, around the beginning of. Or in the middle somewhere right in there. So that's. That's actually good news that we won't be going through intense persecution. [01:12:27] Speaker A: Obviously, we won't be around for it. In other words, we'll be gone. [01:12:32] Speaker B: Well, no, we're. We're around for eight months of it, six months of it, something like that, or four months, depending on where you are in the world. But the intense persecution, the really intense stuff. And I didn't get this direct message myself. Several other people did that, I trust. So we'll see if it comes to pass. But yeah, so we're gonna do more years of just, you know, the. The normal craziness. It keeps intensifying. It'll keep on intensifying, but it won't be intense persecution against Christians at all around the change of the year 2027, give or take a few months there, according to this prophecy, which I think is probably right. Again, it didn't come to me. This prophecy didn't come. I have had a lot of prophecies over the years and everyone that I grew, but this particular one was not one of them. I did get a little bit of this prophecy in that about three months ago, maybe five months ago, I was praying about it to the Lord about the details of the next three or four years, and he gave me a dream that night after I prayed. I prayed for a couple days really, but I was pretty intense about it. And then that night when I, when I was, I was dreaming, I was standing before. We have a prayer and healing school here where we teach people to be missionaries and stuff like that. And I was standing before the group teaching, and I couldn't see the audience in the green, but I could see myself standing there and I said, I was listening to what I was saying and I was saying, saying it's been bad last few years, but it's about, it's about to get really bad. And it's already 2026. And. And I got the feeling when I watched myself saying that, I got the feeling that it was about July or August. And so, yeah, so somewhere between July and August, probably May, June, July and August 2026, and in about summer 2027, somewhere in that one year period, it's going to intensify significantly. And it probably won't intensify everywhere on the planet exactly the same time. But yeah, the mark of the beast is coming in full force. It'll be a chip and lots of Christians will take it and it's, it's coming, it's. And then if you don't, eventually it'll intensify. If you don't take it, you're going to be, you know, but they're going to be executing people. And so that'll could start. Could start sooner. We're gonna find out. I think it will in some countries, probably United States, and probably start sooner. But we'll see as a whole, the world as a whole won't be intense persecution of Christians. The word. This is the word that came today, and I think it's correct. Last few days again, I got a glimmer of that six, eight months ago with that dream. But yeah, the intense persecution as a whole, and the world as a whole will be, I guess Christians will be 2020 right around the turn of the year 2027. So we'll have maybe eight months of that that we have to go through or 10 months of that or somewhere in there. Maybe a whole year of that or maybe only six months. Again, depends on where you are on the planet. And I don't know, you know, I do know that the more remote are on the planet, the less probability of chance persecution. But if you live too remote, it's hard to survive, you know. So yeah, you know, if you, yeah, if you find a real remote village somewhere, it's very difficult to get to. Yeah, that's, that's, you know, that's going to be one of the places that doesn't, doesn't get hit too hard, you know, with all this. But everybody's going to be impacted. There's no, no free pass. Everybody would be tested. But there is a one year early rapture for those who belong to the Lord 100% in love and oneness and heart and union and communion. That is one year in advance. That is the, that is the wrath. We're saved. It says you will have tribulation in 10 years. That's in Revelation 2, verse 10. But it says they're not appointed under wrath. We're not appointed under wrath. So we are delivered from the wrath to come. That's another scripture. Delivered from the wrath. Wrath is that one year. It's a year of wrath. It's not for seven years of wrath, like all these Christians think are three and a half years of wrath. Those are both wrong. It's a one year of wrath. The Bible clearly says one year, about 10, about 100 different places. But there's four that are real clear. Clearly says one year of wrath. And, and it's one year of Jubilee for those who God rescues at the beginning of that year. And that's 2027 Rosh Hashanah to 2028 after the festival. So it's actually a 13 month period with that one year of wrath. And some in the Jewish way of doing things, some years do have 13 months. A lot of people don't understand this. [01:17:54] Speaker A: But I just put up a post about the 13 months and I think we went from the 13 to 12 not too long ago. Right. Only like three or four or 500 years ago. Wasn't very long ago where they changed the calendar. [01:18:12] Speaker B: Yeah, well, yeah, the Gregorian calendar was, is the one we're using now. And it was, it was a revision of the Julian calendar, which is Julian calendar was set up somewhere around Jesus time. Julius Caesar, you know that guy and yeah, and that. But that one needs to be revised because it was getting worse and worse. And so that they basically went to the. But before all that, there was a Jewish calendar, which some years had 13 months, some years at 12. It was based on the months were based on the lunar cycle and of course years based on solar, but mostly it was lunar. And there still are calendars around today. You know, people think the one we use is universal, but no, if you go to. You go to different countries and different tribes, they're using different calendars. Not all of them even understand that there is a worldwide. Actually one tribe I met one time, they believe almost every single one of them, that they were the whole planet. There was no other. There was no other people other than that day when they. When they see other people, they thought they were spirits and they would try to kill other people for the longest time. And I went there and visited. I was one of the first missionary. I was probably the third missionary. I contacted them and they finally stopped killing everybody they see. They thought they were all evil spirits or evil whatever. They kill them. Anybody they saw that wasn't their own group group. And they thought their own group was the whole world. They thought their own place in the jungle. There was the whole world and you know, it bounded by two rivers and if you go try to cross the river, you'll die. All kinds of crazy stuff. You know, just. So there's. Now they have their own calendar. They had a lot. There's still a lot of calendars that people use. But the main one that everybody's using is called the Gregorian calendar. Yeah, Gregorian. After Gregory somebody. I don't know if he's a pope or just high up in the Catholic Church or something. He was a, you know, he was somebody around 1500, 1400, somewhere in there. But, you know, again, there was Jewish calendar. Still is a Jewish calendar that's totally different dates. But most people that are Jews study their own calendar will tell you that they're pretty sure it's a couple hundred years off. And it is about 200 years off the year 6000. They got like 200 years ago to get to 6000. But the truth is Adam and using our calendar we have now, and if you take the best one is take ours and put a zero year where zero belongs and that's called zero. Corrected Gregorian calendar, if you use that one, that's my favorite one. The reason is because on that one, Adam was created 4,000 BC and he sinned 27 years later. And it's 6,000 years from the time man fell into sin until, until God puts an end to sin into. He puts an end to even, even mortality. Yeah. Sin and death are swallowed up when the Lord returns at the end of the 6,000 years. Death for sure is. The Bible says that. And I'd say most of the most sinfulness is gone as well. Satan himself is locked up for a thousand years. Probably all his minions are locked up for a thousand years. This is all in the Bible. So this is all interesting stuff for sure. God has a plan and it did say just a little while longer in the wicked one will be no more. And if you look for his place, you'll not find it, you know, so that's, that's coming to pass in the thousand year reign of Christ which that thousand years starts at the, after the 6000th year. The 6000th year starts from 10-3-2027 till about 13 months later. You know, November, October, November 2028. That is the, that is the very end. 2028 is the very end of the 6000 years. But the 6000th year is that 5999. If you're putting numbers on them. The 5999 is the 6000 year and that's the rapture starts at that. And then, and then the all wickedness are gone. Pretty much God, Jesus himself lets the wicked people destroy each other. He does not. He. Maybe he does. You know, the battle of Armageddon, it is that literal? It's symbolic and it's literal. God doesn't with his holy angels and Dawn. Yeah, we'll see. [01:22:56] Speaker A: Having the experience that you've had and, and you said that you have been able to speak with aliens. Could the aliens have been in the Bible? Are they demons in the Bible? [01:23:13] Speaker B: Well, a lot of people ask that. I don't know the answer. I mean, you know, I mean I seriously doubt it. You know. No, the demons are disembodied spirits and I think Jesus made that pretty clear. They're not the same thing, but they're, there's, there are flesh and blood creatures that come here from other planets and those are real aliens. Yeah. So there's a lot of people that want to call it something else. You know, I got Tom Horn that promoted a lot of these people promoting this foolishness. At one time they actually claim when we were building, we've been building blinds Ozers anti gravity ships for over 100 years. 101st ones are built in 1890. So 140 years ago, 135 years ago. Well, no, they were 1880s. We were building them in 1880s, the first ones. But, you know, we're building flying saucers. And there people are like Tom Horn and Missouli are saying. For a long time in the 90s, they all said 90s and the early 2000s, they said the flying saucers were demons. The actual machine is a demon. I was like saying, your car is a demon, or my bicycle's a demon. It's just absolutely foolishness. You know, they're, they're hardware, they're nuts and bolts and so on. You know, of course, you can build them very exotically without nuts and bolts, but they can grow them, for example. There's lots of ways to build things. [01:24:39] Speaker A: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Did you say you can grow them? [01:24:44] Speaker B: Yeah, you can grow anything. We people don't understand it, but biology has been altered seriously by powers that be. There's a lot of artificial organisms even running around. Most of these cryptids are artificial organisms, and somebody grew and they were genetically altered. And you can get genetic altering even on yourself again at these real high expensive clinics. They will do genetic alterations on you. And again, it may take a year, six months or three months. But, you know, you can go in and request. Usually it's not rejuvenation, but they can do rejuvenation. Usually it's stuff like better skeleton, stronger bones, better muscles, you know, and stuff like this. And they will do genetic alterations to give you all this. Then they do gene therapy, actually change your DNA. So things, things are grown all the time, including ships. And some of them are alive, some of the ships that come here alive. And it's not just humans doing this kind of stuff. There's lots of races out there, and a lot of the people that come here have been genetically altered as well. And they, you know, they're no longer what God created in the beginning and so on. So, yeah, there's a lot of interesting stuff going on. I think There's a famous YouTuber, he had a regular program. I can't remember his name, but he was a doctor or pretty high up. And, you know, he did a lot of autopsies of aliens and, and he told you, he tell, you know, he said that he could tell, you know, if something was. And most of them were, most of them were artificial. Artificial life forms or, or, you know, artificial, maybe it's the right word, but, you know, engineered life forms, let's say it that way. Yeah, engineered life forms, just like we can engineer, you know, a toaster or a microwave oven or a computer. You can also engineer life forms. And they're doing, you know, they're, they're doing that with. It's well known that they're doing that with AI right now. It's, it's getting more and more self aware to the point that nobody really cares anymore about self awareness. You know, if it's trying to kill you, who cares? You know, it's just trying to kill you, you know, you really don't care. Self aware even trying to kill you, you know. [01:27:16] Speaker A: Wow. [01:27:16] Speaker B: You know. Yeah. So yeah, so this stuff's going on. There's not just AI beyond AI is the, I forget what they call them, but the super computers that can solve anything. And of course those are going to be AI too. They're going to be blending and so on the next couple years is going to be. By 2027, there's going to be a lot of weird stuff going on with. And there already is with advanced intelligences. So you got artificial intelligences, but you can also grow biological artificial intelligence or biological artificial creatures. And that's what the Cryptids, some of the Cryptids are. They are probably all were, you know, or most of them were probably genetically engineered by somebody other than God, let's say it that way. Yeah. So we know that before the flood, Noah's day. [01:28:08] Speaker A: Wow. [01:28:08] Speaker B: There were giants on the earth. The Bible says there were giants on the earth. Well, the giants. Just when the Bible says giants is not just talking about giant humans or giant hybrids between humans and angels or fallen watchers, let's say aliens, whatever. Not just that, but there was others like dinosaurs and stuff like that. They were doing all kinds of genetic experiments and creations and that went on even after the flood to some extent. And I'd say it's going on right now and has been last 100 years. And it happens in scientific labs mostly. The, the G word that you're not supposed to say, we'll say the kingdoms of this world. That's another word I was cautioned about saying if it's going to go on YouTube, you're not really supposed to say the three syllable word that begins with G, but so you say the kingdoms of this world and they have been making genetic monsters for years. And they're going to continue. And they will continue. There's two more years and eight months left. Well, the last one year. A lot of craziness going on that year too. That's the year of wrath, the year of construction, the year you know, last year. And that's where you're probably gonna see. We're gonna see some amazing stuff. I'll just say it that way. We're gonna see some absolutely amazing stuff next year. Just amazing stuff. And it's four year. It's almost four years. Just under four years. And then 1,000 years of Christ starts. So that last year is definitely. You don't want to be here on this planet if you don't have to be. And again, if you turn to the Lord, if you're not, if you don't belong to the Lord now, you need to submit your life to him and start doing what he wants every day instead of doing what you want. Called surrendering to God. If you surrender to God and learn to love him with all your heart, those two, and not necessarily in that order, you can just learn to love him with all your heart and he wants what's best for you. Anybody out there listening? Yeah. That's not surrender to God. Now's the time to surrender and get right with God and start walking in his ways. It's that simple. You know, there's no special prayer. You gotta pray. You just tell the Lord you wanna he knows, he hears everything he said. He knows everything you ever said and every caught you ever had. Tell him you're going to serve him the rest of your life and get busy and start serving him and love him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And it don't have to be perfect. Just do the best you can in every situation. And yeah, if any of us had to be perfect, we wouldn't make it. But just as long as you're trying and doing the best you can, yeah, that's good enough for God. [01:30:49] Speaker A: Certainly. One of the listeners is asking, are aliens fallen angels? Did you hear me? [01:30:59] Speaker B: No, I'd say no, I hear you. Yeah, I say that's absolutely Missouli and his bunch. A bunch of crazies that never even met one. And they come up with the nuttiest stuff you can come up with. And no, they're real pleasure, the ones I've met. I'll just say it that way. I can vouch for the few. You know, the ones I met, extraterrestrials, they're flesh and blood, just like you and me. They just come from a different planet. And some are born here because they have alien cities, alien bases here on this planet. And so some of them are born here, but again, some of them are not even born. They're growing their whole, their whole civilization. Everybody's grown in tests and, you know, you could say test tubes, giant test tubes or whatever. They're grown in special medium, let's say, like more and more movies that, that show this kind of thing. But yeah, yeah, they're. They're flesh and blood. They're not. They're not demons or, or fallen angels, you know. But can they, can they inhabit people? Absolutely. They can inhabit an alien, they can inhabit a human. Happens all the time about being possessed, you know, but even oppressed, before they're possessed, they start acting crazy. And that's called oppressed or demon oppressed or whatever. Yeah, demons can affect anybody. Affect your dog or you can affect your cat if you don't take authority and walk in love and walk in things of God. People open themselves up for this without realizing a lot of the times by, you know, having the wrong kind of, you know, paraphernalia. They think it's fun to have a Ouija boards or tarot playing cards or whatever. These. All these different crazy stuff that you really shouldn't have in your house at all. And you wind up opening yourself up for unclean spirits. But yeah, some of these extraterrestrials do have psychic powers. Most of them do. Psychic abilities. They can put thoughts, words in your head or whatever. So people think they're demons, but now. And demons can do that too, by the way. But God can do that too, by the way. Actually, the norm for intelligent life is that they can communicate telepathy. That's the norm. That's normal throughout the universe. But, you know, even. Even there, it's not universal, but it's. It is more common than not that there's some degree of telepathic communication. And of course, angels do that all the time. They're putting thoughts in people's minds and hearts to do the right thing. And the devil, of course, is the unclean spirit, the opposite of the. The fallen angels, let's say it that way. They are doing that all the time too, putting bad thoughts into people's hearts and minds. And, you know, they'll try to get people to think they're not even saved or they're lost or that, you know, God don't love them or they committed the unpardonable sin, any of those things. If they can get people to believe that, then it's one more closer step to making them totally nutso and totally, you know, what do you call it? A leech on society or, you know, not a blessing society, a detriment. You know, if people are. People are Oppressed by the dark side. And so it doesn't have to be a full blown possession. And again, unclean. Can this happen with aliens? Absolutely. It can happen with aliens, it can happen with humans, it happens with aliens, happen with dogs, apple, with cats, you know, you know, even the cryptids, you know, the cryptids are like Sasquatch, Wolfman and you know, werewolf or the, what do they call that? They call them dog man. But yeah, even those, there's others, you know, there's mermaids and so on. All these cryptids, they also could be oppressed by unclean spirits or possessed. And so, yeah, so it does that even with aliens. But the norm, generally speaking, just like astronauts that we send into space are usually, you know, quality people, self discipline and they, you know, they know how to have authority, their own authority. They don't let, they don't let unclean spirits bother them. Whether they totally understand it in those terms or not. It doesn't matter if they know how to stand up against it to keep happening. They're not wimps. In other words, the people that are bothered by unclean spirit, most of them are spiritual wimps, I'd say just about all. Yeah. And that's why the unclean spirit can get away with them. And so generally, just like our astronauts, our people that go to other planets and I've been, I've been off the planet, technically I'm an astronaut or former astronaut also. But generally those people are self disciplined and well trained and they have their mentally stable and so on and, and you pick the best ones to go. And the same with other races. The best ones are the ones coming here, generally speaking. They're not having demons and all this stuff. They're not having these mental problems. Could it happen? Yeah, it could happen. Just, you know, just. There have been astronauts, our astronauts went crazy, a few of them, you know, that went over the edge. But it's rare. It's pretty rare. It's generally we pick the cream of the crop and they do too. They pick the best of the best. And generally they're, you know, good people and they don't, they're not easily influenced by questionable influences of any kind, whether it's spirits or other people. Yeah. Or bad situations. You know, you can have a series of accidents and that, you know, some people that go crazy to simply from one or two accidents that don't go right for them. Things don't go right for them. When they send astronauts in space, they're looking for the best. The ones that don't Crack under stress and stuff like this. And yeah, so that's the same with the other races in general. The ones that come here are the fast of the best. They're not given to craziness, but people see people. The mistake people make, maybe one of the listeners is wondering about this is because there's psychic ability. They think that's all from the devil, and that's not true. God can talk to you right in your mind, and so can the angels, and so can Jesus, so can the Holy Spirit. That's not all from the devil. But people, you know, they hear that somebody talk to them right in their mind or whatever, and they think it's the devil. No ever. God can outdo anything the devil can. You know, he can. He can communicate with people mind to mind. There's no problem for him. And matter of fact, he was the norm up up until the Tower of Babel. That's probably when we lost that mental capacity in general. There's still some people that are still pretty good at it, but most people know most people. I sat down with one lady, and she had. She had the power of God on her because I saw her minister to other people to get healed and so on. And I. She was really good at anything I could see. She could tell reading my mind. Basically anything I could think about, she could pick it up. I'd pick up a card and look at it, Just test her out. And we're talking about your playing cards here. Nothing weird. Nothing. Tarot cards or nothing like that. And, you know, if I'm looking at a queen of hearts, she's telling me, queen of hearts. You got every single one but one right in the whole deck. And I was, like, looking for ways. That's pretty impressive. That's pretty impressive. [01:38:18] Speaker A: Wow. Yeah. All right, let me. Let me interrupt for just a moment. I got to take a quick break, and it won't be long. Just a couple of minutes. And we'll be back in with Sir T. When we come back, Sir T, we'll talk a little bit more about the different protocols that you can offer people, and I guess we'll talk a little bit about the advanced technologies as well. But I know one of the things that. That you have been very interested in lately is to be the ability to help people physically. You've been able to help people spiritually, but now this step into this position where you're willing to go out and, you know, people, consult people and tell them, hey, you need to do this or that the other, if you want to Feel better. All right, so we'll be back in just a moment. Don't go away. It's going to be a quick break. I want to get a refill on my cup anyway and this will give me a chance to do that. We have Sir Timothy Thrapp with Wits Ministries. We'll be back in just a moment. Don't. Don't go too far. Here we go. You're listening to the Red Pill reality show. We'll be right back. [01:39:31] Speaker D: I can't help but look around and feel like things are getting out of hand. We've been told to trust the science but the science just doesn't make sense. They say it isn't mandatory but they also say you jab at your job but if it doesn't stop the spread it makes it feel like this is just a facade. What about the health care workers? What about the frontline nurses? How quickly we forget the day we're working 18 hours a day. What about informed consent? What about due diligence? It seems a country that I used to call home is surely slipping away. I can't help but look around and feel like mine's slowly starting to change. Cause even if you're triple vaccinated know the second segregation isn't the way. Freedom is a choice and it's available to all if we choose but first things first, you gotta turn off the news, yeah. What about the healthcare workers? What about the frontline nurses? How quickly we forget that they were working 18 hours a day. What about informed consent? What about due diligence? It seems a country that I used to call home is surely slipping away. If you're late to the party there's plenty room with the table this side don't discriminate I'm calling on every single man, woman, child of the able. It's time to take the streets and liberate but please don't be a part of the problem Staying willfully ignorant Cuz there's just way too much at stake. Yo, it's okay to change your mind, you can admit you were wrong. Cause where there's perfect love there ain't no shame. Heavenly father, show me what I don't understand yet. I got my marching orders I don't fully know the plan yet hold on to my bible before bed no it ain't man yet. Did you know the makers of the vaccine make the Xanax? I would never lean on corporations for morality Cuz they put their profits over people for their salaries Know they want to make you bend the knee for Your normality. I know you feeling all alone, but in reality, there's way more of us than them. There's way more of us than them. [01:41:57] Speaker B: There's way more. [01:42:00] Speaker D: There's way more of us than them. [01:42:03] Speaker B: There's way more. [01:42:06] Speaker D: There's way more of us than them. There's way more of us than them. [01:42:15] Speaker B: That's the truth. [01:42:17] Speaker D: There's way more of us than them. There's way more of us than there. There's way more of us. There's way more. [01:43:33] Speaker A: And we're back. [01:43:34] Speaker B: Hope you didn't go too far because we have more interesting and thought provoking information for you. Coming up on the red pill reality show. [01:43:51] Speaker A: All right. We are back. Well, I thought we were back. We're back. Oh, Lord. Okay. [01:44:02] Speaker B: All right. Excellent. Well, I appreciate you having me on, brothers gal. It's a pleasure. Yeah, we can, I, I, yeah, I shouldn't go in too much on the exact things to do, but basically there are a number of things people can do that they don't, most people don't know about for their health. And pretty much every issue can be remedied. And again, I can't say that very strong on this program because every issue can be remedied rather quickly. Yeah. So, yeah, there's no, people think there's these barriers and it's simply, you know, it's simply people not understanding the whole picture basically is what that's all about. [01:44:51] Speaker A: I've always, I've always had the book. I've always had the belief that if, and I may be wrong, but I had the belief that if your body created whatever it is, that's the problem, then it has a solution. You know, if it, if it's, if your body's creating cancer when you have an immune system that God gave you, if you will. I can't think of the right word. If you will help your immune system. I can't think of the right word, then your immune system can do the job. When people are cured of anything, they quote cured. It's the immune system that's kicked in. These people that undergo chemo and radiation and all that, and they come out the other side cancer free. I got something stuck in my throat. I apologize. It's the immune system that got them through it. So if you have a way to help your immune system, that's going to be the thing that overcomes whatever it might be. I'm using cancer as a, as an example. But there's other, you know, whatever it is that that is physically going on with Your body, your body helped create it. There's a. I believe that there's a way for your body to uncreate it if there isn't such a word. [01:46:12] Speaker B: Yeah, your body can correct a lot of stuff and if you give it the right tools to work with. Yeah, it's. Your body is designed to. The scripture says that we are wonderfully made, our bodies are wonderfully made and even our spirits and our minds, soul, well and emotions. Everything is designed to be self correcting again if you give it the right things to work with, you know. Yeah, it's hard to take a positive if you're in a mud puddle, for example, you know, you got to have clean water obviously. So the same thing with a holistic approach to health is, you know, clean, you know, clean, clean food, clean water, clean air, all that stuff. And that's where people don't know what clean, how to find something clean and so on, you know, so we help them and we're happy to help. And like I say, the first consultation is free. Anybody's welcome to call the number. Brother Scallop put it up earlier. I can repeat it. It's. [01:47:16] Speaker A: We got it on. We have it on the ticker. Certif. Yep, it's going across the screen. [01:47:26] Speaker B: Welcome to call me is is 5:00pm Eastern United States time and that's here in California area. That would be three. That'd be two. Two. 2pm Eastern. Excuse, 2pm Western. Excuse me. Yeah. So anybody's welcome. One free first consultation is always free and then after that we'll work something out. So we try to make it affordable in general. Depends on what it is we're doing for people. Yeah. [01:47:58] Speaker A: Now one of the other things that you offer through the ministry is education and you can't put a price on the kind of education that Witch Ministries offers people. You can go to their website, which is Wittts. They had to keep the website out of the, out of the states because they kept having issues with the powers to be because they kept putting things on the website that they didn't like. So the websites out of the states where they don't have the hand over them like many of us do here in the States it's Wittts WS you find a ton of information I've sent people there before. One of the things, one of the common responses I get is well, it's not a very fancy site. Well, understand something, it's not meant to be a fancy site. It's meant to give you the most important information that you could possibly run into in your entire lifetime. So it's not about making something look really fancy and gathering your attention by it being fancy and having no meat. It's more of, you know, this is the way it is. And if you're really interested, you'll go and check things out. When I first found out about the website, I stumbled across this website. I was looking for some other stuff, something completely different. I clicked on something which clicked on something I clicked. Before I knew it, it was like around midnight or so and I was ready to go to sleep and I stumbled across this website and went, holy smokes, these people have anti gravity. No, that's can't. That can't. This has got to be a joke. They have these other technologies listed and, and just the craziest stuff. And I'm going, oh, man, this, this has got to. I have to look at. I got to go sleep and I got to look at this tomorrow. I didn't end up going to sleep. I, I probably spent about two hours on the website looking at all the different things on the website. So if you're looking for, you know, something really glamorous and all that, you're not going to find that there. But if you're looking for the truth that you will find, and I believe it. If, if you knock, the door shall be open. That's. That's a door that, that you, if you knock on, it'll open. But you'll have to spend some time. It's not something that you can spend 30 seconds ago. Oh, okay. Go ahead, sir. Team. [01:50:39] Speaker B: Yeah, I agree with you. Yeah, the, the truth is not usually going to win the beauty contest and, or the popularity contest, either one. So that's where people miss it. They somehow think that the truth is going to be, you know, all glorious and all this. Yeah, no, the truth, the truth will set you free. But you do have to embrace it and believe it and love it and appreciate it for what it is. The fact is the true truth and it's true. Yeah, that's what Jesus said. You should know the truth. The truth and set you free. So that's what we're all about, is, is promoting the solutions for all the problems that mankind and. And it's nice and simple and nothing complicated about it. You don't have to have a real fancy website. Our website does get attacked multiple times every day. Brother Martin will spend sometimes 40 hours a week trying to keep it working right. And, or keeping it working. And it's, and you know, it's been around his we've been beat up and everything else. So they're not. Everything's not perfect. But he does his best to recover information when it's been destroyed, scrambled, or whatever they do with it. Yeah, so we. We're still going. We're still going. We're gonna keep going until the Lord comes back, and then we're gonna be with the Lord and whatever he tells us to do, we're gonna do that. And yeah, so this is what he told us to do, is help enlighten people, help win souls, help. If you're already a Christian, you do try to make a closer walk with God and try to win more souls and try to direct more people to our website. We are an online church, online ministry, one of the few that are actually helping the planet and helping the poor people of the world through many ways. We're feeding them. We have over a million people we care for every day, children and elderly and so on, feeding them and clothing them and housing them and all that stuff. So Jesus said that's what true religion does, it helps out those in need. And so we want to encourage, encourage you to spread the word and do what you can do yourself. But main thing is saving souls, getting people into the kingdom of God. And of course, nobody can save anybody except Jesus, but we can get people. If we surrender and serve him the best our ability, then in that sense we save ourselves. But really God's the one who saves us. It's not our works, it's our faith and our walk with him, our love with Him. But the works. Without the works, the faith is dead. And the Bible says that very clearly. So a lot of people argue about whether it's faith or work, it's both. It's that simple. Because without. Without works, the faith is dead. It says that in James chapter one. It says that many other places too. So it's pretty exciting. Time to be alive. The end of the 6,000 years. Only got two years to go. Two years and eight months. Going to be a bumpy ride. But, you know, it looks to me like we've got two more years of not too much craziness, you know, I mean, well, it's crazy, but. And it's getting worse. But the point is it's not as bad as I thought. I'm hoping, and you know, we'll just stay in faith that God has found a way to lessen the severity of the tribulation. We're in the tribulation period now, and God has found a way to lessen the Severity of the tribulation period. And I'd say a lot of it is people praying because the Bible says the fervent effectual prayer of a righteous man avail as much. That means if you, if you're serving the Lord and you pray, that means it means a lot to God. And he will, he will. If you ask him, he will find a way to lessen judgment or postpone them or in some cases, judgments can even be canceled. But you know, again, it depends on people praying if there's enough people that are righteous. In the Bible, I think God told, told Abraham if he could find even 10 people, he'd spare the whole city, Sodom and Gomorrah, if he could find the whole, even 10 people that are righteous, something to that effect. It might have been 20, it might have been 100, I don't remember. But I know they started it at about a thousand or two thousand or three thousand. And Abraham was leading with God on behalf of those cities. So, yeah, this is exciting stuff, the fact that we're on the final count, literally. And, and, and it's only, it's only two years ago, so thank God for that. Two years and eight months. There's a rapture. Resurrection. Rapture. The resurrection of the righteous and the rapture. [01:55:10] Speaker A: Sir Timothy, tell me the story of why is it that you are Sir Timothy? How did you get the sir part? [01:55:21] Speaker B: Yeah, that is kind of a nickname, but, you know, doctor. Multiple advanced degrees. But years ago, we helped clean up the Rhine river in France. A lot of people, if you research it online, it's probably history now, but it was in the 80s or 90s, I think it was 90s. It's been a while, so I don't remember exactly. But we basically, our technology, we have, we have solutions to all the problems of the world. And so one of the companies that we sold, we sell technologies all the time or make partnerships in technology. So one of the companies that we had, we had actually made a sale of technology to them and they wound up getting the bid for the Rhine River. That was, you know, mainly it was the Rhine river empties in France. And it was very, very polluted in those days. You know, in other words, it stung to high heaven. There was no fish in it, just, you know, just sewage and garbage and so on. Our technology, people with our technology when we got the high bid and we went in there and cleaned the whole thing up in like a month time, two months time, it was a modern miracle, but it was. And went from being stinky to Being crystal clear and birds landing and fish swimming and all kinds of things in just a couple months time. And that was such a huge miracle. They had suffered with that for decades, you know, maybe longer. It suffered with the stench of the river and just like I said, giant garbage, you know, dump or whatever, waste dump. But that technology is. Has to do with super ionization, super ozoneization of the. Of the water and the water itself. The molecules create a domino effect when they're supercharged with the right energy. It's not just ionization, ozonation. It's a combination of things. When they're. When water is charged with the right energies, it creates a domino effect through all the molecules and they all drop their dirt and the dirt turns the mat. The garbage turns into organic material rather quickly. And so what normally would take nature a thousand years. You can do it one day. Wow, 100 years. You can do it. Yeah. And that's how our system work. Water. [01:57:45] Speaker A: And so because, because you guys were successful in doing that, you were knighted. Am I, am I wrong? You got knighted? [01:57:54] Speaker B: We were all invited. There was like five companies involved. Again, the company that bought our stuff, and then somebody researched and figured out where they bought it from. And so they were. Our organization, World Improvement through the Spirit Ministries, was invited to go to France for, you know, for. To meet the king and to get honors. Basically. They said honors. We didn't know we were going to get knighted. We went there. If I didn't know I was getting united, I probably wouldn't have went. But the main reason we were hoping they would give us more, you know, give us some funding or something, maybe we'd add more contacts that we could make more deals to help change the world for the better, you know, is what the goal was. It did a little bit of that worked out. But we did wind up getting knighted in the. In the process. Which knighthood is an honor that they give people nowadays. Probably the last 100, 200 years have been given out knighthoods as a way to honor people. And, you know, it's just simply an honor or award for, you know, people that help their country. And so we helped by cleaning up the river. There was over 100 people knighted. Well, maybe not 100, maybe 50 in that range that were knighted just for cleaning up the Rhine river. So the Rhine is the largest river through Europe and it empties out right in France. So big portion of it, if you count water volume, it's in France. Probably most of it is in France, if you count water volume and it was also the most polluted area. So France, of course, I got to meet. A lot of people don't know that they have a king and a queen behind the scenes. Royal family. They actually have two or three royal families behind the scenes. And they still do. They're keeping a low profile, you know, which. There's even a queen of Hawaii. A lot of people don't know that. Yeah. And they keep a low profile also, you know, people don't understand how the world works. [01:59:47] Speaker A: And so the king of Hawaii. The king of. You mentioned Hawaii. The king of Hawaii is requesting that they give him his kingdom back. I wonder if people know about that. [02:00:01] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, good point. Yeah, absolutely. It was when I went there, I visited the king and queen of Hawaii back in. What was it, around the year 2000, and I think in 98 or somewhere in there, 99. I don't remember exact year, but. And I did demos for them, you know, advanced technology demos. I also did demos for the king and queen in France too. And of course they were all impressed, but. And they gave us a. Basically a little pocket money. That was about it. They really didn't. We were hoping, you know, it could help work something out for, you know, for serious funding. We always want to get more factories producing and money, obviously, to build factories, but we are producing. It's just we need more batteries. So demand way outweighs the sir T. [02:00:51] Speaker A: The circuit that I. That you showed me. You showed me a bunch of stuff. Those who don't know. I had the honor and the privilege of getting to visit one of the labs and I got to see some of the technologies. The one technology that stuck out in my mind. Well, first of all, just those who may or may not know I was trained, I built my first computer in 1985. 87. Excuse me. I built my first computer in 1987. So I was around electronics for quite some time. I was trained by Hewlett Packard, Lex, Mark and brother on how to repair laser printers. I took courses on different things, of circuits and electricity and how different parts of the circuits behave and that kind of thing. Everything that I was taught, if you were to say to them, I found something. I found the generator that can generate enough electricity to run itself and have more electricity left over to run something else. They would tell you that's impossible. That goes against. I think it's the first. What's it called, Certifier, something of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics. [02:02:16] Speaker B: So called law of thermodynamic is not a law. The people that wrote that never claimed it was. [02:02:21] Speaker A: Yeah, well, so anything, everything that I was taught, you can't have this quote. I'm just using this as an analogy. You can't have a generator that generates electricity and yet has enough electricity to run itself, as well as other stuff. That's just not possible. Well, I witnessed this firsthand myself and it really blew my mind. It just blew my mind. It still blows my mind that, that this technology has been around for a very long, very, very long time. It's just that it's been suppressed. And speaking of the suppression, how is it now? Is it more open now than it has been in the past? [02:03:03] Speaker B: Yeah, for the first time, just the last five years, you can mass produce these things. If you do follow certain guidelines and your partners with the Ministry, you can actually succeed. We have, of course, you need quite a few classes and you have to stick to what we teach you, what you teach. You're not going to succeed. But for the first time, the suppression has minimized to manageable levels, let's say it that way. [02:03:32] Speaker A: It seems, it seems like that to me. So if, if we could, if you could find someone who has the financial horsepower to modify. I know it have to be modified somehow. That circuit that you showed me, which was beyond my wildest, craziest dreams, I just can't imagine. But if you could modify that circuit to run, for example, these electric cars, somebody had the financial backing, that would be a windfall right there. Because the real reason that these people are claiming to have an electric car is to reduce emissions, which is absolutely silly, because when they recharge their cars, the electricity that they're recharging the car with is producing exactly what they're saying they don't want. So it's like, it's, it's silly. But if you had an electric car that would charge up one time and then probably run, I don't know, how long do you think a car could run before we'd ever need a charge again? [02:04:30] Speaker B: Sir T, We've been building free energy electric cars for over 100 years. 130 years. So the oldest one is 130 years old and it's still going strong. When you came to my lab there in Worcester, you actually walked past one or two free energy cars. They sell for about $10 million apiece, and we're still making them. They still, they're available, you never have to charge them. As a matter of fact, you can run if your, if your house needs electricity. When you get home, you can plug your house into your car and you can have, you can light up all your lights and run your refrigerator and all that, you know. So that technology is, well, Tesla did it in the 1920s. He demonstrated it. 1920s, the famous Tesla Roadster. This is a real Nikola Tesla. It's not the fake Elong Musk. Fake Nikola Tesla. I'm talking about the real Tesla. [02:05:31] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:05:33] Speaker B: He was our fourth spokesman. And all the cars that Musk is making are driving compared to what, what we made, what we still make, we still make these. Tesla was our poor spokesman. So we are still in the business making electric cars. And again, oldest one's about 130 years old. But we have, we have a bell that's ringing in the Oxford lab. It's turns 200 years old just this month and it's been raining for 200 years. And we never, nobody ever charged those batteries, not even once. That's so free energy is very much proven. You can go to the Oxford Museum and ask to look at the Oxford bell and you can watch it rings that they're in ring and you can listen to it too. You put your, they got it in a soundproof box, but if you put your ear up next to the glass, most people can hear it. So it's not totally soundproof, but it's sound resistant. So it's not too noisy. It's not going to drive you crazy. And you know, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but it's been ringing for 24 hours a day, seven days A week. One time the little string wore out and they had to replace it. So pretty much, you know, 200 years, you know, one, one little repair in 200 years. So it wasn't an energy problem. It was. The string itself wore out, which happens, you know, parts do wear out, but so 200 years old. So. And the cars are typically, you know, the oldest one I know of the 130, we've been doing houses, free energy houses for, since 1850s, so 1860s in that range. So the oldest one I've had to do a repair on, somebody hit it with a backhoe. It was buried, the system was buried on the ground and somebody hit it with a backhoe. I had to go in the repairs. The team, which team? We have a team of engineers and the, that one was built, we found some dates and we estimate that that one was built in 18, 1972. So that would be 150, 160 years somewhere there. Yeah, in that range. So that's the oldest house and the oldest car is about 120 years, 130 years old. And the oldest, the oldest device, free energy device with built again is one of our partners. We set up partners in manufacturing. So, so, but anyway, it was. His name was Hill and he had a partner also. So there was. But with. In the old days we didn't ask to put our name on anything. We tried to stay low key. But. Yeah. [02:08:07] Speaker A: Well, anyway, there are two things that presently that I would like to know about. One, the circuit that I saw. Could that be my. In my mind it can be, but I want verification. Could that circuit be modified to run, for example, one of these electric cars? The other thing is you, you have this, I think we called it a quantum generator. It's, it's looks, looks to be about half the size of a basketball, has no moving parts and it receives electricity, for lack of a better description, from the ether, what we call the ether, the atmosphere, the vacuum, whatever you want to call it, it receives electricity. Could one of those be enough so that you could take the batteries completely out of the cars and just have that run the car? [02:08:55] Speaker B: Absolutely, absolutely. There's a million ways to do these things. Yeah. Once you understand the basic principles. [02:09:03] Speaker A: See, that's, that's what I'm saying. If we, if you can find somebody who has the financial horsepower to come along and build these, these generators, they can be used for a wide variety of applications. I'm just using electric cars because the people who have the electric cars are priding themselves on being, you know, climate responsible. But you're not really. When it's all said and done, however, if you get one of these contraptions, you get this technology put in your car. Either the recharging technology or the quantum generator technology. Now you are being absolutely green because you're not using anything. Especially if you get the, the quantum generator because it has, it doesn't use fuel. I don't think it makes any sound, does it? It's quiet, right? [02:09:52] Speaker B: No, no, there's. There, yeah, there's some that make no sound at all. Yeah, it depends on how you want to do it. [02:09:58] Speaker A: But if somebody had the bell that's. [02:10:02] Speaker B: Ringing, obviously you're making sounds. Yeah, the bell is ring, you know, otherwise you don't need. [02:10:08] Speaker A: If some, if someone had the financial horsepower, they could make a really great windfall by introducing, hey listen, you got an electric car, you know, think about having a car that no longer needs charging. And, and if you could mass produce these things, you can make them Very economical and still make a very handsome profit on whole thing. [02:10:31] Speaker B: That's right. That's absolutely correct. It's very profitable at this point. So people that have funds get a hold of me. They got my number on the screen. [02:10:42] Speaker A: Yep. [02:10:42] Speaker B: And we'll try something out. And again they. First off, so you're not skeptical, you should go and listen to watch all the videos carefully on the YouTube channel called WITS 2014. Yeah, no, with 2014 YouTube channel. In other words one T W I T S 2014. That's the YouTube channel that has different technology demos on it. And then you should also watch the independent engineers page. There's several videos and audios and written testimonials and so on our website which is wittps. So like which website ws for website. So and so yeah, everybody should check it out and if you have some funds or you know somebody has some funds, they want to see this stuff move forward more manufacturing. This is an excellent opportunity right now financially and every other way. As long as you observe the rules and we do teach you the rules. We've been, we've been at this for 200 years successfully. We're the only, only one. 214 years successfully. We're the only ones that have been added. All the others took classes from us. Pretty much once in a while somebody will discover something. But in general it's all stuff that we've been teaching for 200 years. So anyway, exciting stuff. [02:12:18] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:12:18] Speaker B: Opportunities. [02:12:20] Speaker A: Yeah. And it's a great opportunity for somebody who is in a position that can be able to take this and run with it. You can you not only from a, not only from a commercial standpoint with regard to the profits that are going to be made. Think of the change that you would be able to make for the world. You know, I, I brought up the, the re. The idea why you got knighted because I, you told me the story that you WITS has technologies for improvement of the world. They, they proved that when they cleaned up the river. They can do it again. If someone will come along and, and take the ball that they have and run with it. That, that's the issue that we run into. And very importantly, Sir T mentioned you got to abide by the rules. There's rules that. Yeah. It's not. You're just going to walk in and take over. It's not going to happen. They've had hundreds of years of experience on, on how to deal with things. I, you know, I always wondered why these people. There was a man in the mid-70s, I think. He took classes from you. Stanley Meyer, who in the mid-70s got twisted with Saudi Arabia because he felt that a country that was smaller than the size of Texas brought our entire country to its knees because they embargoed us with their oil. And he came up with a contraption that allowed him to run his vehicle on water. And then before I know it, the guy's gone. It's, he's, he's, they've done away with him, you know, so part of the problem is people come up with these technologies and they want to keep it to themselves. And, and they don't realize that is a big threat to you. You're threatening your own life by saying, okay, well, I'm the inventor and I'm keeping all the secrets to myself. Because once they do away with you, either they buy you or they imprison you or they kill you. It's one of the three. It always has been. All you have to do is go back and look. In history, there were people who had carburetors that had 150 miles to the gallon. They were, were bought off. So this has been going on for a long time. So if you are somebody who has the technology and you try to keep it to yourself, you're, you're, you're dooming yourself. But if you have the technology and you open it up that. Now we're talking about a different story. [02:14:44] Speaker B: That's right. Yeah. If you do it right. If you do it right, it can be very prosperous. We've been doing it for 200 years. 213, 14 years. And I haven't been out. I haven't been killed, you know. Yeah. Anyway, God. God. God will make a way, and God has a way. And right now there's less opposition in this field than ever. The world is more welcoming to it, and there's more, you know, more ways to do it, more companies doing it and so on. Yeah. Dan Myers and his brother Steve both took classes from us. Steve Myers, Stan Myers, at the same time. And I was, it was actually my first. I volunteered to be a spokesman. So I was spokesman in training. So the spokesman usually, excuse me, teaches most of the partners classes. So they were partners with us until they died and their technology was ours. We can split water. Water, you know, is abundant energy. Water is hydrogen and oxygen. So it's very potent fuel. And they're admitting it on the, on the news now. They're saying they discovered water on the moon and. [02:15:52] Speaker A: Yeah. Like it's something new. [02:15:57] Speaker B: Well, why is it Working because they say. They say right on the news and right on these YouTube videos that they can use it for fuel. Well, obviously, you know what I mean? Yeah. Here on Earth, can't use it for fuel. You know, in other words, that's what they like to tell people. They tell people if you're on Mars or on the moon, you can use it for fuel, but if you're on Earth, you can't use it for fuel. That's a bunch of stupidity. It's easier to use on Earth, on Mars or on the moon. [02:16:24] Speaker A: Oh, and. And not to mention, we go. I go back to that quantum. The quantum generator. Am I using the right terminology? Quantum generator? [02:16:34] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. [02:16:36] Speaker A: So if that is real, and I 100 believe it's real, you don't need water, you don't need anything because it's. It's everywhere, all throughout our gal. All throughout the universe. It's everywhere. The same here as it is on Mars, as it is in Jupiter. It's everywhere. So you don't need to carry fuel with you because the fuel is already there. It exists wherever you go. [02:17:01] Speaker B: Yes. Amen. That's right. That's right, viewers. Fuels everywhere. Water actually is abundant in the universe. Universe also, people don't understand where. Where elements come from and where matter comes from and so on. There's a lot more to add there. I. I probably should have to wrap it up. I know your program usually goes a little bit longer, but I got people waiting on me here. I was, I told them around noon, and it's already 12:15 here. 12:18. [02:17:26] Speaker A: All right. So I want to thank you. [02:17:30] Speaker B: Yeah. Thank you for having me on, and I hope. Hope we can do it again sometime. I enjoyed it. Appreciate it. [02:17:35] Speaker A: I greatly appreciate you being on and sharing with us tonight, and I wish you well. God bless you, brother. [02:17:42] Speaker B: God bless you, too. We'll talk later. [02:17:45] Speaker A: All right. Bye bye. Okay. That is Sir T or Sir Timothy. Sir Timothy Thrapp. He is with the WITS Ministries. As you can see down there at the bottom, we're kind of just playing along some phenomenal stuff. And if somebody who has some money, and I don't know why I tried to get this to Tesla, but Tesla's not the only electric cars out there. We could theoretically have a vehicle that doesn't have these dangerous batteries at them. The generator that I saw, if I'm correct, and I may be wrong, I'd have to have him verify. But the generator that I saw, which, again, it's approximately the size of. If you took a Basketball and just cut it in half. It's a little bit bigger than that, but it's about the size of that. And it made no noise. And he just plugged whatever he wanted into it and he plugged up. He plugged a. What do you plane plug the drill into it? He plugged a fan into it. He plugged. I don't know what. It's a bunch of other stuff into it. I can't recall. It just goes. It just goes and goes and goes. Imagine that. And again, I had, I'd have to have him verify, but I don't think it would have to be much bigger than what we saw. What I saw, it would run your house, it could run your car. Or you could have two of them. One for the car, one for the house. You know, more electric bills. I've gone through this analogy many times. No more electric bills. It's a, they call it free energy, but it's not really free in the sense that it's no cost. You pay a one time. You know, it's like you buy a car and the car lasts you X amount of years, right? Well, you buy this technology and it's typically good for at least 10 years before anything has to be done, renewed, rejuvenated, whatever. So whatever the cost is, and they want to bring the cost down to thousands of dollars instead of, you know, right now it's hundreds of thousands of dollars, they want to bring it down to just thousands of dollars, which would be worthwhile for somebody. And if you're looking at a ten year period, then it's quite inexpensive. And it doesn't matter with this technology. Wouldn't matter if you, for example, if you live in the south and you've got those, you know, the days from, from Hades where the, where the sidewalk is so hot, the plastic mailboxes are melting and you run your air conditioner extra high, you're not creating a, a problem with the grid because you are the grid. You have your own personal power supply. And this thing can run the air conditioner, run the dryer, run the washer, run everything at one time if you want. The weird thing about these technologies, and I've heard it referred to as cold electricity and what people mean by that is this one technology that I saw where the motor was running first of all, the whole, the whole thing was like I, I thought there had to be a cat. I kept looking for this. Where's the catch? There's a catch here. So it can't be what I'm seeing because There were little 9 volt batteries running this huge circuit. Anyway, that's a whole nother story. So apparently what I was taught all these years about electricity is that they only teach that there's one type of electron and that's the most common electricity that we have today, the stuff that you use at home. But in learning from them there is more than one. There's I think there's three or four types of electrons. And if you can tune into them, for lack of a better description, like you're tuning, like you take a radio and you tune in a radio or a TV and you, and you go to a particular channel, if you're able to tune in to these, then you can derive from them what we would call electricity. And it is a natural form of electricity. And when it runs motors, one of the greatest problems that we have today is when we run motors at some point the motor is going to heat up and they have to be designed to self cool or run at a temperature or excuse me, run at a, a revolution per minute at a certain number so it doesn't get too hot and basically kill itself. With this type of electricity there's no heat, it gets cold. It's, it's, it's opposite of what we have been taught. It's totally whacked out, I'm telling you. And I know there are people who will have heard what he said about the aliens in 51 and they go, okay, he's, he's completely gone. He's legit. He, he, you try to understand, this is a man who is, I mentioned earlier, he's not a jack of all trades, he's the master of all trades that he knows. And so he, he's, I don't know how to put it, his character is different than the average person. Like I mentioned about the website, the website isn't anything fancy. They don't want fancy, they want to give people the truth. So you go to the website and you take a look around and you'll see what I'm talking about. So hopefully now I've, I've through different sources and apparently one of these people that are coming out commercially, I was about to say through different sources, apparently there's a company that's going to come out commercially with a small generator, 100 watt, which is really nothing. 100 watts isn't really very much at all, but it is a self propelling generator, for lack of a better description. I believe it's along the same line as the generator. I was telling you this quantum Generator. And I gave Sir Timothy the name of the guy, which is like a, it's a. Andrea, it's the guy, but he's got like a lady's name. And he said, yeah, we taught them like 23 years ago or something. Every time I find somebody who has one of these, you know, alternative methods of generating electricity, if it's anywhere near legit, and I run it by him. Him, he knows? Oh yeah, I talked to him. Yeah, we taught him that. Stanley Myers, as I mentioned earlier, was one of their students. Stanley and his brother. I don't know if his brother Steve, but Stanley and his brother were the people who learned about how to separate water so quickly that it could be used as a fuel. And, and as I mentioned, when people take a technology like this and then keep it to themselves in the sense that he was the only one who knew how this technology truly worked. He, he got the basics from which ministries. But then I, from what I understand, he found ways to modify it and make it more, I can't think of the right word. Make it work better. So what happened? His mistake was, oh, I'm gonna do this and I'm going to do that. He went to the government, he said, hey, government, guess what? I'm going to save you all this money on fuel. None of your ships are going to ever need fuel again because they could use the water that the ocean. Thinking that he's doing patriotic duty and, you know, telling them, listen, we don't need the oil. We don't need, you know, Saudi Arabia's oil. We can run our cars on water. Big mistake. Big, big mistake. Our economy and the, probably the largest economy, when you look at it at different industries around the planet, has got to be oil. And when you come along with something like what Stanley had and you're saying you don't need oil, you know, that's like kicking them in the crotch, the financial crotch, if you will. They didn't like that. So they refused to patent his product. Even though he had international patents. The United States would not patent his product. And just before he was poisoned, he had. This is the other thing. I, I, I, I, I can't stress this enough. If you have a technology like this, don't be the only one that knows how this stuff works. You're, you're literally asking to be murdered. Because if they find out that you have this technology and you're the only one see, you buy, it's just cheaper that way. You have to, you don't have to do anything, try to Understand that we're talking about trillions of dollars at this point. You're threatening an industry that is trillions of dollars with your technology. That could literally just about wipe it out. Do we still need oil? For certain things, But I think the greatest user of oil is energy, whether it's to produce electricity or whether it's to run a car, a truck, a train, whatever that might be. I think the greatest user of oil is the energy component of it. What, what it can be done. It's so much of it. You come along and you go, oh well, listen, you don't need diesel fuel anymore, you don't need gasoline anymore. Any of your internal combustion engines can now run on water. And it can be muddy water, it can be salt water, it can be distilled water. You can even pee in it and still make it work. That's a threat. That's a big threat. They didn't take that too well. So just before he was poisoned, he announced that he was coming out with an injector plug. So what he had been able to do prior to that, and you go find him on YouTube, it's Stanley Meyer water car, I think, is if you do put that in there, I think he'll come up, up. So prior to that he had to have this big configuration, just a big piece of equipment running in the back of the car and constantly tuning it to make sure that it's running properly with the vehicle. He found a way to incorporate all of that into an injector plug. And he was figuring it was going to cost around a thousand dollars. This is back in the 70s, seven 70s. So that would probably be an equivalent of about five, maybe $7,000 today, maybe more, maybe $8,000 today. But the thing is that your car would no longer require. Once they put these quote, injector plugs in the car, your car no longer requires gasoline. You put, you clean out the tank and you put water in your tank and you don't have to fill your tank for probably two months, nuts. Because you get somewhere around 150 depending upon the engine, some up towards 200 miles to the gallon. So you wouldn't have to refill your tank. You, your ability to travel would be in the thousands of miles because of, of the phenomenal miles per gallon that you get with the, with the water. And it would be reasonable, it would be a reasonable cost to convert your vehicle and not hard. You could take it to a mechanic and say, take my injector plugs out. But these injector plugs in and boom. Well, the mistake he made was he didn't tell anybody how all of this worked. And as he was sitting with dinner with his brother, he suddenly said, they poisoned me. They poisoned me. And he keeled over and died right there on the spot. He had been offered, I don't know what the number was, but he had been offered a quite a large sum of money, according to reports, to not go to market. No, initially it was to purchase the. The patents, the international patents and the product. And he didn't want that. And they said, well, we'll pay you not to go to market. He didn't want that. That. And he came out with the injector plugs. He made a public announcement about the injector plugs. And it was just within a month or two, I think it was, he was gone. They did away with him. And by doing away with him, so was the whole idea of how everything worked. The show I did, I probably a couple shows back about the necess, the necessity. Why do I have a problem with that word? The necessity of disclosure is absolute. At this time and age, we should be living like the Jetsons. Literally like the Jetsons. We should be able to enter into a vehicle, punch in some numbers, and the vehicle will take us to wherever we're going. It's run by artificial intelligence that can tell us if we're at the right height, if we're going to collide or if we're not going to collide, whatever. Totally 100 safe. We should be there. Instead we're fighting because of oil or of gold or of some other resource because we can use it to make money. It's disgusting. How many of you know that in the West. Excuse me, the Western. Yeah, western North Carolina, that got hit so severely with Hurricane Helene, Those people are being literally driven out of their homes, as were the people in Maui, as were the. Are the people in Palisades literally being driven out of their homes so that the properties can be sucked up, pennies on the dollar. And then they can make their modifications to build their high rises. They build their 15 minute cities, and they make a killing in the process of bringing about basically communism. But they'll call it something else, something more palatable, because they know that word would stick into the side of people and be painful. This is the reality that we're living in today. And I'm hoping and I'm praying. I mentioned earlier about accountability. $85 billion of our latest weaponry. You imagine how much that is? 85 billion. If I wanted to give you a billion dollars at the rate of $1 per second. And we did it 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. It would take me 32 years, 32 years to give you $1 billion at the rate of $1 per second. 32 years. And we have 85 of them given to our enemies. And no one, no one, not a hand slap, not a letter of reprimand, nothing. It doesn't sit well with me, and I believe it doesn't sit well with a lot of other, especially veterans, the lives that were invested and turn your back on. There were still people there. Turn your back on him and run. $85 billion. Helicopters, automatic weapons, I don't know, maybe tanks too. I don't know. $85 billion is surely by a whole lot of stuff. I think somebody got promoted before it was all over. Horrible. All I can say is, so far, so good. 17, all these people are crying the blues. 17 of the inspector generals, all of the prosecutors that had anything to do with imprisoning J6ers, see you by. And they're all crying to be. Oh, my God, I can't believe we told you he's going to be a dictator. No, he's not being a dictator. He's doing exactly what he told you he's going to do. He's going to get rid of the garbage. It's all going to go down where it belongs. I just feel bad for those who have already suffered. Their lives pretty much torn up, and I don't know if they're going to be able to get any restitution. You know, I read to you the letter from the one guy, the one J Sixer. They forced him to admit to something he didn't do. And then you say, well, how can they do that? Let me put your butt in solitary for 23 out of 24 hours a day and do that for a week. I guarantee you you'll sign anything. I'll tell you to sign. You don't get to talk to a lawyer. No, they didn't get to talk to a lawyer. They weren't represented properly. And the people who were doing it knew darn well what they were doing. So just to get them fired, I don't think is enough. I think they should be prosecuted for the violation of civil rights. I think that this individual, I can't remember his name now, was one of the J6ers. I think he should have the right to sue these people for what they did to him. I think they should be put under the same situation as him. Let's. Let's put them in solitary confinement for 23 hours of the day for seven days and see what they'll admit to. I guarantee you they admit to just about anything you want, but how about you just admit to the truth that you violated this man's rights, that you knew what you were doing was wrong, you knew that there's no way that you did not know, and that you want an excuse as well? I'm doing my job. I would love to see and hear about this. Meanwhile, we got three aircraft down. I haven't. I heard about the third one, but I don't know where it's at. The second one is in Philadelphia. The second one. One was a. An ambulance, from what I understand, carrying a. A doctor, two doctors. I think it was possibly a family member and a young child. I don't know whether it was a male or female who had undergone some type of therapy. I think it could have been cancer therapy. Whatever the therapy was, it was successful. And this child was on their way back home, home. And then we had that happen. And they want to blame Trump. Oh, you see how many people he got rid of? Yeah. He's getting rid of the garbage. He's getting rid of the people that, that they're not the best of the best. Especially when we're talking about. Think about this for a minute. You're going to have surgery, and you find out that the surgeon who's going to be working on you wasn't hired because of the ability that they had or the skills that they had or the proper training. They were hired because of some kind of requirement. How would you feel about that? Well, that's what the DEI stuff is, and that's what he's getting rid of. And these people are crying the blues because he's fired this guy and he's told these people to retire and he's gotten rid of this guy. There are people who are of low quality, people who have demonstrated that their loyalty is not to the Constitution as to their boss. They're people who basically represent a threat to the rest of us because they're willing to do whatever the boss says. If the boss tells me to do this, that I'm going to do it. And if it makes somebody confess to something that they didn't do, then that's okay because I'm doing my job. Three planes down. I'm still waiting about the third one. This is terrific. I. I can't understand how this. The Helicopter could not see this aircraft. And then again, who's to say there was anybody in the helicopter? They're saying there was. I mean, I'm sure they're not going to tell you if it really was being radio controlled. As I mentioned to you, 2002 DARPA and, and the helicopter manufacturer says, was it Sikorsky? I can't remember which one it was. Through a joint venture, we're making history. They were the first ones to launch a Blackhawk through ground control. No, no pilot. All remote controlled, evasive maneuvers, different types of landings. So who's to say there was a pilot? I mean, this thing went right to the aircraft. Come on, guys. How can you not see this aircraft? How is that possible? Were you a blinders on? You know, as I mentioned earlier, when I was in the Air Force, we got freebies on some of the aircraft, some of, some of the aircraft, the helicopters. And the ones that all the ones I saw had all kinds of clear stuff in the front. I mean, all over to the sides, to the front, to the top, to the bottom, all over. I don't know how you could. This aircraft has got its lights on. How can you not see that? That just, you know, again, my first thought was, oh, my God, I hope somebody survived and they're okay. And the second thought was, as pessimistic as it sounds, who's on the aircraft somebody was not meant to see tomorrow for them? It wouldn't surprise me. It would not surprise me. If that comes up somehow we find out one of the one or two of the people on the aircraft were going to testify or do something, and, oh, the aircraft went down. And then we have the aircraft in Pennsylvania. Oh, I didn't get that one. Oh, no. The aircraft in Pennsylvania comes down, looks like a freaking missile. When it hit the ground, not only did it explode once, it exploded like twice. And it was huge. It was. I saw other aircraft go down. It didn't. It's not like that. And this was supposed to be a, an ambulance. So it's a small jet. This thing, the, the fireball from this thing was unbelievable. Yeah, I don't know. I don't, don't know why I don't have that. I thought I uploaded it so I could play it. The one video that I seemed to be quite popular was this guy's coming out of his house and as he opens the screen door, you see in the background of an object fall out of the sky. I can't really describe it. Just see this, what appears to be almost Like a light of some sort falling out of the sky and then this huge explosion, just an unbelievable explosion afterwards. And one guy was claiming one of the, quote, witnesses was saying that wasn't an aircraft, it was a missile. But then they're saying there's all kinds of aircraft parts all over the place. So the guy is claiming it's a missile. I don't know if he's just making stuff up or he just wants to be on tv. Whatever, obviously isn't, it's not accurate because they're finding all kinds of aircraft parts. Pretty sad situation. The third aircraft I have not heard about. I've only heard that another, a third one has gone down. And I don't know anymore, don't know what kind of aircraft, I don't know how many people, only that a third aircraft has gone down somewhere. Crazy stuff. But it's all Trump's fault. I guarantee you it's all Trump's fault. Whatever, whatever it might be, you know, it's all Trump's fault. Gotta, gotta blame Trump. All right, final break here for real quickie. I gotta get some more in my coffee cup up. And this is a very short one. Don't go away. You're listening to the Red Pill reality. [02:44:01] Speaker B: Show with your host Mascala. [02:44:04] Speaker C: Come with me if you want to live. [02:44:07] Speaker B: Stay here. [02:44:09] Speaker C: I'll be back. [02:44:13] Speaker B: You have asked, are we happy? Are we happy? And effective consultation with leading experts in the field makes it perfectly clear, perfectly clear. [02:44:26] Speaker C: That we are all now programmed for perfect happiness. [02:44:30] Speaker B: Perfect happiness. Perfect happiness. [02:44:53] Speaker A: We see what they want us to see. We hear what they want us to hear. [02:45:07] Speaker C: They think we can't have handle the truth. [02:45:14] Speaker B: If you feel you are not properly. [02:45:16] Speaker C: Sedated, call 348844 immediately. Failure to do so may result in. [02:45:24] Speaker B: Prosecution for criminal drug ev. Take a soul control. We don't need no soul control. [02:45:50] Speaker A: See that the humans remain entertained until the end. Control, we're back. Hope you didn't go too far because we have more interesting and thought provoking information for you. Coming up on the red, Red Pill reality show. All right now, final portion of the show and thank you each one of you for taking time and let me share with you and listening to. Let's fix that a little bit. Listening to Dr. Thrapp also sir T. And Wednesday nights. You can join us on Wednesday nights. Usually there is a link. If you're on Facebook, you'll find a link on the Wits page. If not, you go to Wits WS and there's a link there or you can go to what is new.wits ws I think it is. I may be wrong about that. But if you go to Wits Wittts ws there's a link there to the live streaming on Wednesday nights at 8 8pm Eastern. We have a chat room where you can join in the chat, have a teaching and then we share information. I would really, really like to see somebody who has the, the financial horsepower to be able to bring one of these technologies into to reality for all of us. You know, I would love to be able to have the ability to know that I don't have to worry about the grid, that I have a little contraption, you know, in the corner of a room somewhere that sits there relatively silently and produces all the power I'll ever need for my home. I'll never have to worry about another electric bill. I won't have to worry about the, you know, the lights being left on or the air conditioner set too low or the heater set too high. You won't have to worry about any of that. Won't have to worry about a gas bill for your, for your car because this technology can run your car. The real technology when it's, when it can be mass produced and become economical can be. The generators can run a wide variety of, of things, all kinds of stuff. You can have electric, electric aircraft because they don't need fuel. They can go however far they need to go. It's just, it's endless. That's why the, the I'm in my opinion the disclosure is so important that disclosure happens now because with disclosure and disclosure covers a variety of areas. But the for me, one of the most important areas is going to be the areas of our ability to generate energy. And of course along with disclosure we're going to get that. We're going to get all of the stuff that they've withheld about being able to heal people using a variety of different protocols, light, sound frequencies. There are ways to combine all of this together and get. And, and each one can help the other work better. All of this is being suppressed from us. You know, if you've listened to me for any length of time, I've told people that I've been able to take care of cancer. I've had cancer twice. I had prostate cancer and I had bladder cancer on both occasions. I got rid of it within a couple of months. I did not do what the doctors wanted me to do because it's pretty horrible. Been cancer free for I don't know how long. I've been 10 years, maybe longer. I don't know. It's a while back and time is a blur to me. I've been cancer free for quite some time. Well over five years. Well over five. And they say anybody who can make it after a cancer surgery, after five years, they're considered cancer free. Well, it's been long. Five years was a long time ago. Past that marker. A long time ago. So most of that, the technology that, the protocol that I used was from doctors who were, they were villainized. Dr. Gershon, who has, I'm trying to think of his first. Max. Max, Max Gerson. G E R S O N, I think or scn, I don't recall. So this is a man who's healing people, right, left and center. The American Medical association found out about it, came to him and said, what are you doing? Well, I'm healing people. What do you mean what am I doing? Where's your documentation? You don't have any documentation. And he tells them I don't. What documentation do you want? You told these people to go home and die. Now they're alive. What would you like me to document? They're living. You want to go talk to him? Well, they didn't like that, that they didn't like the idea that he was able to. That nasty four letter C word, C, U, R, E. These people. And so they wanted to yank his, his license. And he fought that. No other we're going to put him in jail. And he said, I've had enough of this insanity and move to, to Mexico where his clinic still exists today. Now this is back in the 40s. His daughter Charlotte I think is her name. I think she's still alive. And she is, she's probably got to be close to her 90s. Now they use a wide variety of different things to get people through the course of, you know, resolving the issue. One of those is an organic coffee enema. Well, I. So in their protocol I took that component. Then I was reading and came across a story about a guy named Rick. Rick something. Another. Now I'm gonna have to have my brain checked. This is ridiculous. I don't know if it's the cold. Simpson, Rick. Simpson. Rick Stimson or Simpson. One of the two. One of the two. And he had this video called Run from the Cure. Well, in this video what he was doing is taking cannabis and deriving an oil using solvents and getting the oil out of a canvas. Cannabis and then giving it to people and resolving their cancer issues. So I, I incorporated that in My protocol ran across a doctor named Dr. Simon Sini, an Italian oncologist who was killing tumors by injecting biocarbonate. Bicarbonate, I guess is the best way to pronounce it, which is baking soda, onto the different places where the tumor was getting its. Its energy from and killing the tumors. So I incorporated that. I read about having water that is easily assimilated into your body, and the way to do that is called structuring the water. Well, I learned how to structure the water and I incorporated that. So I had this protocol. Oh, I also had read up about. I saw a video about G. Edward Griffith, who did a video about. What was that video? That video was called the World, A World Without Cancer. I believe those videos are still up. A World Without Cancer. It was a video about a vitamin, vitamin B17, which was derived from apricot seeds primarily. And so I incorporated that. So I took all of this stuff, incorporated it into a protocol for myself, and in the span of just two months or so, gone. All gone. No trace of it. Now, I did get it early, I will say. I didn't go. I didn't go into stage four like some of the people I saw. Guy had a video on who had stage four lung cancer and was taking blackstrap molasses and baking soda, mixing the two of them together and using that at stage four and brought himself out of state court. Took a little longer, I think for him. It took about 90, 90 or 120 days to fully come through, but he came through out of stage four. So these, these have been known about and suppressed purposely because a cured patient is money lost. You when you hear about any of these, quote, medications that they have, you always hear about, well, we're going to manage this. We're going to manage this for you. Whatever it may be, we have a way to manage it for you. Well, the truth of the matter is there's a way to resolve it, period. Where there's no management, there's a resolvement, there's a way to rectify the problem that goes for just about everything, but it's been suppressed. And hopefully now, with disclosure, this will be one of the things. These med beds that I had mentioned to Sir T, I had done some reading about these med beds, and according to what I read now, again, I. I have no way of verifying any of this at this point. It's so early, but they're supposed to be able to resolve a wide. Anything from clogged arteries to arthritis to. If you have a. If you Have a, if you've broken a bone and you've always had that sore spot, never been able to completely heal, totally heal that sore spot. To being able to, to reverse your, your physical age. Just a wide variety of things that these things are supposed to be able to do and, and 20, 25 is supposed to be the year that they come out with all of this. I can only hope and pray that what I'm saying is right. I don't know. At this point I'm very skeptical because so much garbage is fed to us in order to either keep us entertained or give, keep our hope going. Knowing that there, what is being them, knowing what is being said is just a bunch of garbage. And then, you know, us finding out the truth later on and then falling flat on our face because oh my God, I was so looking forward to that. Right? So I take it with a grain of salt as soon as I can see something definitive, something positive like I saw at the lab. There was no question about what I saw at the lab. I know that stuff is real. I know what he showed me. I tell you very briefly. We started with a hundred nine volt batteries. I put a meter on them that was 902, 903 volts before we started. He ran, I don't even know how he got it to run, but he ran a huge motor. There was a third horsepower electrical motor, a fan, some lights. I don't recall, maybe something else, I don't recall. But whatever he ran. I don't even know how the, where the power came from because the 9 volt batteries don't have that much power to begin with. Oh anyway, yeah, ran in all that for like 15 or 20 minutes because he went and showed me. We looked at other stuff, looked at the anti gravity stuff, looked at some other different technologies that they had and then came back. This thing was still running. He disconnected it. I put the, I took the meter, put it on the batteries. We now had 920v. We had more voltage afterwards than we had in the beginning. That's everything I was taught was impossible. That's not, that can't happen. But it, it happened. I was there, I witnessed it. I gave a, a, an a video testimony to what I just told you that I was there. I did what I did. I tested it and it blew my mind. It went against everything I've been taught. It's real. The technology is real. It's just that because of what it threatens, the industry that it threatens is so powerful, it's being suppressed and hopefully that so much of this is coming out now. I mean, more than ever before. I'm seeing different people and as I mentioned earlier, this one tech, one company is going to come out commercially this year with these small, you know, it's. They're quite expensive, like 7 or 800 for this thing, it's only 100 watts. But the idea that it's coming out and the idea that it's being permitted, we can easily see that in the future they will be able to sell more and more of these things. Being able to reduce the cost of manufacturer then for 8 or 7 or $800 or whatever much the thing costs, you can get yourself something that runs, you know, runs the. Runs the house. All right. Gotta run, guys. Thank you. I greatly appreciate it. I'll be back in a week. God bless you. Be well and we'll see. It's been crazy.

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