My World Live, Laff, Whatever

My World Live, Laff, Whatever
TRIM Radio
My World Live, Laff, Whatever

Apr 04 2024 | 01:00:18

Episode April 04, 2024 01:00:18

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

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Episode Transcript

[00:01:38] Speaker A: Hello, everybody. Welcome to my world live. Laughing whatever. Boy, we've got a lot of stuff of whatever today. [00:01:48] Speaker B: Oh, wow. [00:01:49] Speaker A: We had so much stuff going on, and I don't know about you, but. [00:01:55] Speaker B: We'Ve had some crazy weather around here. I don't know what the heck's going. [00:02:01] Speaker A: To go on with the weather. It is just something else. I can't believe it. Some of the bad storms we've had lately coming up out of the south and what happened in basically Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio, bad storms. There were also bad storms, I guess, out in Oklahoma and up through the. [00:02:27] Speaker B: Area of like Kansas and stuff like that. I mean, if you follow Reed tremor or Timmer, rather, Reid Timmer. [00:02:35] Speaker A: T I m m e r. If you follow him on YouTube, he does. [00:02:40] Speaker B: A live tornado chase. [00:02:44] Speaker A: And I watched him for about an. [00:02:45] Speaker B: Hour last night and I thought it. [00:02:48] Speaker A: Was really interesting to see this. And he really did a great job, even though I don't think they found a tornado as such. They got up into Indiana, then they turned around and they didn't find anything. So they went down towards Cincinnati, then back into Kentucky. But the weather here has been crazy. I don't know if it has to do with the solar eclipse or it has to do with, you know, whatever. Maybe it's just this time of the. [00:03:17] Speaker B: Year, so be careful out there. [00:03:20] Speaker A: Always check your weather every day, maybe a couple times a day to see how the weather is going to be. [00:03:26] Speaker B: In your neck of the woods. [00:03:28] Speaker A: Here in Ohio, we've had a lot of heavy rain. [00:03:32] Speaker B: The great Miami river is pretty high. [00:03:36] Speaker A: Right now, and it will probably be that way for the next couple of days. And as you go down to Cincinnati, it will caused probably the Ohio river to overflow a little bit in some areas. Well, anyhow, guys, welcome to my world. And you know, before we do the show, we've always got to do a disclaimer. I always have to do that. Nothing in this show should be considered legal, medical, financial or investment advice. Take what we say with a grain of salt and always do your own research and due diligence. We're not responsible for and expressly disclaim all liability for damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to or reliance on any information contained in this broadcast. Any persons or characters mentioned are for. [00:04:24] Speaker B: The most part fictional or as close. [00:04:27] Speaker A: To it as we can get. So you want to sit back, relax. [00:04:29] Speaker B: Chill out, get some popcorn, get a snack, something to drink and just relax. [00:04:38] Speaker A: Oh, by the way, tell your friends to join us every Wednesday night here. [00:04:42] Speaker B: At 08:00 p.m. You have to do that because, hey, we can kick back. [00:04:50] Speaker A: A little bit and talk about all kinds of stuff. A big shout out to the Trim radio network for carrying the show. And, you know, it's a great place if you want to have your own radio show. [00:05:02] Speaker B: Video show video log hey, check us out,, and you can go ahead. [00:05:11] Speaker A: And contact us and we'll walk you through the steps on how you can. [00:05:14] Speaker B: Have your own show. [00:05:16] Speaker A: And it's a great thing. [00:05:19] Speaker B: We have a lot of different shows. [00:05:20] Speaker A: We have right now, and we're going to be expanding even more. We have the Natural Marketer podcast. We've got my world live laugh and whatever. [00:05:29] Speaker B: We've got all kinds of stuff coming. [00:05:33] Speaker A: Up and we have seasonal shows, news and information and everything else is coming up. [00:05:37] Speaker B: So you want to check us out? [00:05:40] Speaker A: The big thing is we have fun at what we're doing. And Michael Behoss and I were doing the show together and we found a way to actually do it better. Actually, you know, it's amazing. We're using a different format than what we've used before. We're getting used to it and there's a lot of stuff to learn on it. [00:06:05] Speaker B: It really takes a lot of skill to punch buttons. [00:06:10] Speaker A: I don't know about you, but punching. [00:06:12] Speaker B: Buttons sometimes can create problems if you. [00:06:16] Speaker A: Punch the wrong buttons, if you know what I mean. Hey, what you need to do to help keep us on the air is buy the merchandise. We've got mugs and hoodies and shirts and all kinds of stuff. Check us [email protected]. And check out the merchandise. [00:06:36] Speaker B: It's like Michael says, buy the merch. So that's a really important thing. [00:06:43] Speaker A: Well, you know, there's a lot of stuff that's going on that's coming up. [00:06:47] Speaker B: And people are wondering about getting scared about it. And that's the eclipse. [00:06:55] Speaker A: We're going to talk a little bit about that tonight, among other things. And one thing that we're really going to stress is a little bit about storm weather safety. [00:07:05] Speaker B: And we have to stress that. [00:07:08] Speaker A: A big shout out to the University of Findlay at Hats off to the girls golf team. They are really good. They're up there in the nation as far as, you know, spring sports. [00:07:27] Speaker B: And I'll tell you what, you got. [00:07:30] Speaker A: To check out the University of Finley. If you like to play golf, if you like to wrestle, if you like. [00:07:35] Speaker B: To play basketball, football, soccer, lacrosse, baseball, tennis. They've got it all NCAA division, too. [00:07:48] Speaker A: But primarily, the University of Finley is an excellent school to get an education. You can get a bachelor's degree, a master's degree or doctoral degree there. [00:07:56] Speaker B: And I'll tell you what, it's a. [00:07:59] Speaker A: Fantastic school, not only because I went. [00:08:01] Speaker B: There, but it is a good school. [00:08:04] Speaker A: It's in the top 100 schools in the country. And it's University of Findlay, located in Findlay, Ohio. Doctor Kathy fell is the president of the university. She's done a fantastic job. [00:08:18] Speaker B: They've got a great campus, nice facilities. [00:08:22] Speaker A: Matter of fact, they've got three campuses. They have the hazard materials campus, better known as hazmat. [00:08:27] Speaker B: They have the equestrian campus where they do horses. [00:08:34] Speaker A: And pre veterinarian studies are out there. That's its own separate campus. And they also have something called the main campus, which has all the other classrooms and everything there. They also have a Weinbrenner seminary is also there on that campus. Beautiful campus. [00:08:55] Speaker B: Great professors, great students. [00:08:58] Speaker A: Actually, you get students from all over the world to University of Findlay. So check them out. Also check out rusty ducks custom pens and blanks. And Phil over at Rusty Ducks custom. [00:09:13] Speaker B: Pens is now doing charcuterie boards. [00:09:17] Speaker A: That's where you take the fancy meat cuttings and cheese cuttings, and you put them on this board, arrange them really nice. Well, he's making the words for that now, and he's getting ready to do another trade show. Not only does he do the charcuterie boards, but he also does pension and the blanks, the center sections. He does the custom design work and everything else. So you want to check them out on Facebook. Rusty ducks custom pens and blanks. It's r u s t y d uk, apostrophe s, custom pens and blanks. Michael Baas and I both have pens. [00:09:56] Speaker C: We had to buy them. [00:09:57] Speaker B: We had to buy them, and we would only do that the only right. [00:10:01] Speaker A: Way is to purchase the pens. And I'll tell you what, Phil did an excellent job. Michael's got some with fancy cars that he likes to do, and I did one for a lodge pen that I wanted to have. Fantastic job. [00:10:16] Speaker B: And they're done on a cross pen platform. [00:10:21] Speaker A: The cross pens, you know, are some of the best pens in the world. And so he actually uses that. He's got a great second amendment pen. [00:10:28] Speaker B: Two different designs, and you want to check it out. [00:10:31] Speaker A: Rusty ducks custom pens and blanks. Big shout out to money and change every Sunday at 07:00 p.m. And we're going to be talking a little bit about the economics of the solar eclipse. And boy, do I have some news for you guys. Do you know how much rooms are going to cost? [00:10:52] Speaker B: We'll find out Sunday because the rooms. [00:10:56] Speaker A: And hotels in this area have gone sky high. Talk about gouging. [00:11:01] Speaker C: Whoa. [00:11:02] Speaker A: Hey, we'll be talking about that. [00:11:04] Speaker B: Check us out every Sunday at 07:00 p.m. My world. [00:11:09] Speaker A: Laugh, live, whatever. Hey, it's Wednesdays at 08:00 p.m. Tell your friends. [00:11:14] Speaker B: Join us. [00:11:15] Speaker A: Have a good time. Also, we've got the big family homestead with Brad and Krista. They still haven't said whether they're going to stay in Wisconsin or go to. [00:11:23] Speaker B: Iowa, so we got to find out. [00:11:26] Speaker A: What'S going on there. You can find them out on YouTube. Also, we have the deep south homestead with Danny and Wanda King. Great people down in Wiggins, Mississippi. [00:11:40] Speaker B: Check them out. [00:11:40] Speaker A: They not only talk about growing crops and things on the farm, but they also talk about the economy. They talk about the weather, everything else under the sun. It's a great show. Trust me. I love these people. Also, southern prepper one with Dave Kobler. He's talking boots on the ground and everything that's going on in the economy. [00:12:01] Speaker B: And people call him, hey, how about prepper princess? That's Amber Stork, and she talks about living frugally. [00:12:14] Speaker A: And she's a self made millionaire. [00:12:17] Speaker B: Technically, she's a million heiress because she's a lady. Quite a gal. [00:12:21] Speaker A: She really does has a great show, and you learn a lot off of her. Also, we've got prepper nurse, one with Ed Carswell down in West Virginia. [00:12:31] Speaker B: And I'm waiting to see how he. [00:12:33] Speaker A: Fared with all this bad weather. And also, we also have something called. [00:12:39] Speaker B: Appalachia's homestead with Patara. [00:12:44] Speaker A: You got to check her out. She's down in eastern Tennessee, I believe in the Knoxville area. Very nice lady. And she lives on a farm. They're trying to be as self sufficient as she can, but she talks about the economy, making things, doing things, taking. [00:13:00] Speaker B: Care of animals, things like that. Excellent person. [00:13:05] Speaker A: A lot of different people to actually consider watching on YouTube. And the ones that I mentioned, hey. [00:13:13] Speaker B: I follow them very closely. [00:13:17] Speaker A: Also, lds prepper, I got to talk about. Oh, lds prepper boy, I'll tell you what, David Gilmore is fantastic. He's got me interested in working in a thing called GMRS radios. [00:13:34] Speaker B: Okay? [00:13:36] Speaker A: You buy your license for $35, you. [00:13:39] Speaker B: Don'T have to take a test. [00:13:40] Speaker A: Ham radios, you do GMRs, you don't take a test. With this little radio, I can contact. [00:13:46] Speaker B: A thing called a repeater in Dayton. [00:13:50] Speaker A: Ohio, which is about 35 miles away. [00:13:53] Speaker B: And I can talk to people almost. [00:13:56] Speaker A: Down to Cincinnati, which is a good 75, 80 miles away. And it's great. It's fun. I learned to talk to different people. And I've got contacts in Dayton, Ohio, now in Zini, Ohio, and up north. I mean, it's just great. [00:14:15] Speaker B: And we, we kind of hang out. We do 1011 o'clock at night because. [00:14:22] Speaker A: They'Re home and we just like to have good chat. Well, hey, if you checked out our. [00:14:27] Speaker B: Website on Facebook, you notice I posted something today. [00:14:33] Speaker A: Join us for another live edition of my world. [00:14:36] Speaker B: Okay. [00:14:37] Speaker A: And it showed this guy with his. [00:14:39] Speaker B: Glasses for the eclipse. [00:14:43] Speaker A: Now, I want to tell you something. [00:14:47] Speaker B: I've got to cancel something here because I have train noises in the background and I don't have any trains around me. I can't figure that one out. I was on a different browser and. [00:15:05] Speaker A: The browser that I use is brave. And I like it because. [00:15:12] Speaker C: It'S neat. [00:15:13] Speaker A: It remembers where I was. And they will reload the pages that I use all the time to do any research. It's great. [00:15:21] Speaker B: I like it. [00:15:22] Speaker A: It's better than edge, in my opinion. It's better than Firefox. [00:15:26] Speaker B: It's better than Google Chrome. It really is. I love it. [00:15:34] Speaker A: Well, anyhow, I've posted things, porch time 2024 with Danny King. He's talking about things in plain sight. Three things you may not know with. [00:15:48] Speaker B: Petaro, and of course she said Appalachia's homestead. Not Appalachia, it's Appalachia. That's how they call it. [00:15:58] Speaker A: How many different taxes do we pay? Oh, man, there's probably over 90 different taxes that you pay during a lifetime. [00:16:08] Speaker B: That's a lot of taxes. [00:16:09] Speaker A: And tax time is coming up. We got two weeks to get this. [00:16:12] Speaker B: Stuff in two weeks. [00:16:16] Speaker A: So if you haven't started yet, you better get going because I'll tell you what, I've got friends that just came. [00:16:22] Speaker B: Back from South Carolina and down at. [00:16:26] Speaker A: Myrtle beach, and I'll tell you what, I bet you they are working on their taxes right now to beat that deadline on the 15 April. [00:16:38] Speaker B: People always say, well, when were you born? [00:16:39] Speaker A: I said April 16 and it was the day after taxes. Well, what did you get for birthday presents? Well, nothing, because Uncle Sam took it all. Go figure, huh? Well, anyhow, guys, you want to check us out on Facebook and we're talking about a lot of different things. [00:16:56] Speaker B: Did you watch the collapse of the bridge in Baltimore? [00:17:02] Speaker A: Wow, that was something with that ship making a turn at the last minute and hitting the bridge, and the bridge comes tumbling down. [00:17:11] Speaker B: Unfortunately, I believe six people were killed. [00:17:16] Speaker A: Possibly four, and they saved two. They blocked off the bridge at the last moment. So it was basically people working on. [00:17:26] Speaker B: The bridge and that was it. [00:17:29] Speaker A: It makes you wonder every time you go over a bridge, is it safe? And what's the cost of replacing the bridge? You know, right now in Baltimore, they're having to take out all the steel in the center, which is on the channel for the big boats, and they've opened up areas on the sides of. [00:17:49] Speaker B: That channel for smaller boats to go. [00:17:54] Speaker A: Through, ships to go through the bigger boats. It's a deeper draft, and I believe that harbor right there is about 50ft deep, is how far down it's dredged. [00:18:06] Speaker B: Well, a lot of that wreckage is blocking that now, and it's going to. [00:18:10] Speaker A: Take a while to get all of. [00:18:11] Speaker B: That cleared out and opened up again, because a lot of cars go through that area, a lot of equipment goes through that area, and a lot of. [00:18:24] Speaker A: Things come out of the area. You know, I mean, you might get Volkswagen cars coming in, you might get Mercedes Benz or whatever coming into that. [00:18:33] Speaker B: Harbor, and in return you might have coal being shipped out or who knows what. And it's kind of interesting on how that ship had its problems. [00:18:46] Speaker A: And there's been a lot of speculations. We don't know what's going on with the ship. Do they have an electrical failure? Did they have something go wrong with the engines? Was it pilot error? Was it crew error? Who knows? Right now they're sorting through everything. They're going through the black box and supposedly there was a two minute blank in there, and that could have been when the power went out, who knows? But hopefully they get this thing solved on the Francis Scott key bridge. Now, I've never been on that bridge. I went through the tunnel a couple of times when I was in Baltimore years ago. [00:19:26] Speaker B: And I'll tell you what, it's an experience. First, you're going across the bay and. [00:19:33] Speaker A: You'Re actually above the water, and suddenly. [00:19:35] Speaker B: You go down underneath and you're down under that bay. Actually, it's a river there, but you're. [00:19:43] Speaker A: Underneath it and you go down more than 60ft because that tunnel takes you further down. And then you come back out on the other side and the ships have been going over the top of you when you're going down underneath. [00:19:56] Speaker B: Uh, it's an experience, it really is. [00:19:59] Speaker A: And I would hate to have, um, that tunnel collapse or a leak, uh, it kind of bothers me, you know. [00:20:07] Speaker B: For that kind of stuff. [00:20:09] Speaker A: But that was going on this week, and it's gonna. [00:20:12] Speaker B: It's gonna be a long time till they get that channel cleared out to. [00:20:16] Speaker A: Cut those big beams and girders and. [00:20:19] Speaker B: To take all that stuff out. [00:20:21] Speaker A: Luckily, they've got several big, big cranes that are working there, and I imagine they would have a crew working almost all day and all night trying to clear that up because it's such a major port. Have you ever been to Houston, Texas? You know, the Houston ship channel is a big place. I was there back in the eighties, and I took a tour of that. [00:20:50] Speaker B: And the tour boat that we had. [00:20:52] Speaker A: I thought was a decent size, but next to those ocean going boats, I strained my neck looking up at the top to see people up on their. [00:21:01] Speaker B: Lower deck looking down at us. Huge, huge ships. And they were all over the port. [00:21:10] Speaker A: And we had a good tour down there. [00:21:12] Speaker B: It's a huge portion, and I don't. [00:21:15] Speaker A: Know how big it is compared to Baltimore. [00:21:18] Speaker B: I know it's large. [00:21:20] Speaker A: Maybe Baltimore is a little bit smaller than Houston. I think Houston's about the third largest port for shipping in the United States. [00:21:28] Speaker B: Don't hold me on that. [00:21:29] Speaker C: But I kind of think that it's. [00:21:34] Speaker B: Kind of scary, isn't it? And so, hopefully, we don't have any. [00:21:37] Speaker A: More bridge accidents or any port accidents, because a lot of our goods coming from overseas go into Baltimore. They go into New York. [00:21:46] Speaker B: They go into Houston, Miami, they go. [00:21:52] Speaker A: Over to Los Angeles, San Diego, and so forth. [00:21:56] Speaker B: So that's a scary thing. [00:21:59] Speaker A: Hopefully, they can get all that cleared up, but you can watch the video, and it's on our Facebook page. [00:22:06] Speaker B: Check us out there. Wow. [00:22:09] Speaker A: So much for our Facebook page that's updated probably. [00:22:15] Speaker B: Three or four days a week. You know, I always have to say. [00:22:20] Speaker A: A big shout out to everybody, because I've got a lot of people that watch this show, and I've got, oh, Greg Stein. [00:22:31] Speaker B: I've known Greg since way back. And we've also got Scott. We've got Ron, and Ron's a lodge buddy of mine. [00:22:43] Speaker A: We've got Valerie, we've got Dora, and. [00:22:47] Speaker B: We'Ve got Kimmy, and we've got sue and Rochelle, and we've got Gary, another classmate of mine. We've got Randy, we've got Michael Bayhas. [00:23:06] Speaker A: And we've got Roscala. Stefan. Now, I'll tell you what, Roscala. Dag on it. You have to give me the green pill instead of doing the red pill or the blue pill? I want the green pill, buddy. I've been asking for years, and you can't come up with a green pill. Okay, how about Pam? [00:23:23] Speaker B: Yeah. And Jerry, my good buddy Jerry. And we've got Jeff. [00:23:31] Speaker A: He's up in heaven now. He passed on. He's a great buddy, and we miss him a lot. We've got peggy, we've got Josh, and we've got Allison, and we've got Dottie. [00:23:44] Speaker B: And a lot more. Join us. [00:23:47] Speaker C: Okay. [00:23:47] Speaker A: Listen, and if you can't listen to us live, catch us on the replays. [00:23:52] Speaker B: Okay. Wow, so much going on. [00:23:59] Speaker A: You know, everybody's talking about the solar. [00:24:01] Speaker B: Eclipse, and they're talking about, well, what. [00:24:05] Speaker A: Time is it going to be? And all the problems that could happen with the eclipse. And, you know, there's so much going on and that's coming up. [00:24:15] Speaker B: We've got stuff. [00:24:19] Speaker A: Have you. Have you got your glasses yet? [00:24:22] Speaker B: Did you get your glasses? [00:24:24] Speaker A: You know, I put these things on. Can I see out of these glasses? [00:24:28] Speaker B: Heck, no. [00:24:30] Speaker A: I put these things on. I don't see a thing. [00:24:34] Speaker C: Okay. [00:24:34] Speaker A: All I need is a white cane, and I can walk down the street and they think I'm totally blind with these glasses on. Yeah. I was at a restaurant today called the lighthouse, and somebody from the Duke. [00:24:47] Speaker B: Foundation brought these in, and they were. [00:24:52] Speaker A: They just gave him a bag of. [00:24:54] Speaker B: These glasses for anybody that wanted them. [00:24:57] Speaker A: And some places were in town were selling them for $2.50 apiece. [00:25:02] Speaker B: Same type, but $2.50 apiece. [00:25:07] Speaker A: A tv station in Dayton was handing. [00:25:09] Speaker B: Them out for free, several different locations. [00:25:13] Speaker A: And here, this kind person from the. [00:25:15] Speaker B: Duke foundation brought these in and dropped them off. [00:25:19] Speaker A: So that's great. I knew one of the waitresses and I asked her, I said, well, where do you get these glasses? I'll gladly buy a couple. She says, no, these are free. [00:25:30] Speaker B: How many do you want? I said, two. [00:25:33] Speaker C: She said, okay, we'll get you two. [00:25:36] Speaker B: And that's what we got. [00:25:38] Speaker A: And so I'll have them in case I want to go out and watch the eclipse. [00:25:43] Speaker B: But you have to have good glasses that will work. [00:25:46] Speaker A: Sunglasses don't. These are really dark. On the other hand, I might want to stay in. I have no idea what I'm going to do next Monday. [00:26:00] Speaker B: I have no idea. I really don't. [00:26:02] Speaker A: I might go out and I might. [00:26:04] Speaker B: Say, hey, watch the eclipse. It's really great. [00:26:08] Speaker A: On the other hand, I might say, no, I've seen eclipses before. [00:26:12] Speaker B: I've never been in the direct path of it. But I'll tell you what, it'll be interesting. [00:26:21] Speaker A: At least I can say I've done that. It'll be probably another 200 years before it ever happens over this area. A lot of the hotels are already booked. A lot of people are doing different events in some places. They've got concerts on Sunday and other activities going on. [00:26:41] Speaker B: And here in my town where I live, they decided to put little green. [00:26:49] Speaker A: Men in the windows, little aliens. [00:26:52] Speaker B: Aliens aren't going to come down. You're going to see any clips. [00:26:57] Speaker A: Somebody came up with this little green men type things and so they're going to be doing that. And I don't know, maybe some people will be wearing green faces or whatever. I don't know. Maybe that's where the term lunacy comes. [00:27:09] Speaker C: From. [00:27:12] Speaker B: Because we're going to have an eclipse. [00:27:14] Speaker A: It's going to be a sun eclipse. [00:27:16] Speaker B: But it has to do with the. [00:27:19] Speaker A: Moon coming between the sun and the moon. And that's, that's where your eclipse is. [00:27:24] Speaker B: So you have to have your glasses. [00:27:26] Speaker A: You have to be prepared. I 75 is going to be stopped at certain points through this area. [00:27:33] Speaker B: It's going to be a mess. They're going to stop traffic during the. [00:27:38] Speaker A: Time that the eclipse happens, which should be around, I believe, between three and 04:00 in the afternoon on Monday. [00:27:47] Speaker B: And the weather reports that we have. [00:27:49] Speaker A: Right now for this area is. [00:27:53] Speaker C: Cloudy. [00:27:56] Speaker B: With the possibility of rain. [00:27:58] Speaker A: Now that may change. I don't want to go out on. [00:28:01] Speaker B: The interstate. [00:28:04] Speaker A: And try to travel places. I don't want to really be around crowded areas. They're anticipating a lot of people and I don't want to get caught up in things. Matter of fact, what I did today. [00:28:19] Speaker B: I went to the grocery and I. [00:28:21] Speaker A: Got things that I'm going to need. I needed some fresh vegetables, so I got that. I went and got some dairy products. I went and got some snacks and so forth. And I was stocking up on canned goods and everything else. [00:28:38] Speaker B: Because supposedly Sunday. [00:28:41] Speaker A: And Monday it is going to be. [00:28:43] Speaker B: A madhouse in this area, especially on I 75. [00:28:49] Speaker A: So I'm just being prepared. Probably nothing will happen. No green men will come out, especially. [00:28:57] Speaker B: Come out of the lighthouse Cafe cafe downtown. [00:29:02] Speaker A: I don't see any green men walking down the street. I don't see flying saucers coming overhead. [00:29:08] Speaker B: I don't see people other than watching an eclipse. [00:29:15] Speaker A: And you can say that you've seen. [00:29:17] Speaker C: It. [00:29:20] Speaker B: But you wonder what's going to happen. [00:29:23] Speaker A: Everybody could say gloom and doom and this is what's going to happen for this area. I believe it's from 310 to 315. You're going to have total eclipse. [00:29:38] Speaker B: Okay, so it gets dark, break out a flashlight. [00:29:43] Speaker A: If you want to miss it, go. [00:29:45] Speaker B: Ahead and take a nap. [00:29:49] Speaker A: These eclipse, the eclipses happen. According to NASA, they break down the math about 23, 80 solar eclipses, all of every kind, every thousand years, or. [00:30:02] Speaker B: Roughly two or three solar eclipses each year, different places. [00:30:07] Speaker A: It just so happens it's going to pass through this area. [00:30:13] Speaker C: Huh. [00:30:14] Speaker A: You can see all kinds of videos on it. You probably watch it live on tv. [00:30:21] Speaker C: Just be careful. [00:30:23] Speaker A: Watch out for the loonies out there. [00:30:27] Speaker B: Because, hey, that could happen. [00:30:32] Speaker A: Where's the best place in the US to see the total eclipse of 2024? Texas, Oklahoma, southeast Missouri. [00:30:43] Speaker B: They say that's going to be the best, and it could very well be. [00:30:50] Speaker A: How long will the total solar eclipse last? [00:30:56] Speaker B: Well, four minutes and 28 seconds is what they're saying. [00:31:00] Speaker A: So for four minutes and 28 seconds. [00:31:03] Speaker B: People are going to go, ooh, ah, yippee. After that, it's going to get lighter. [00:31:12] Speaker A: And lighter and lighter. [00:31:13] Speaker B: And I guess they're going to hold. [00:31:16] Speaker A: The traffic stopped on I 75 for. [00:31:21] Speaker B: An hour to 2 hours. [00:31:24] Speaker A: It just depends on the congestion on the interstate. [00:31:30] Speaker C: That's crazy. [00:31:32] Speaker B: It really is. You take a look at everything that's. [00:31:40] Speaker A: Going on, you kind of wonder. [00:31:44] Speaker B: Anymore. [00:31:45] Speaker A: And people have these glasses. I was checking out Yahoo and they said fake solar eclipse glasses can damage your eyes. [00:31:55] Speaker B: Don't be duped. [00:31:56] Speaker A: These options are the real deal. Well, hopefully these from the Duke foundation are the real deal because I can't. [00:32:05] Speaker B: See anything out of them. [00:32:09] Speaker A: So you want to check to make. [00:32:10] Speaker B: Sure that you're not looking at fake glasses. [00:32:18] Speaker A: And I remember as kids on the playground in grade school, we would go out and people would say, oh, let's see how long we can look at. [00:32:27] Speaker B: The sun without blinking. [00:32:30] Speaker C: Duh. [00:32:31] Speaker B: Talk about idiots. Oh, it happened, trust me. And it got to the point where. [00:32:37] Speaker A: We would end up holding our hands over our eyes and looking through the. [00:32:40] Speaker C: Slits in her fingers. [00:32:45] Speaker B: Just crazy. [00:32:45] Speaker A: And then the teacher would come over and tell us, don't do that. [00:32:50] Speaker B: You're gonna burn your eyeballs out. [00:32:55] Speaker A: We didn't do that. But I'll tell you what, it was. [00:32:58] Speaker B: An interesting deal, but a lot of people are just going to do it wrong. [00:33:05] Speaker A: Some people can poke a hole in a box, shine it up at the. [00:33:09] Speaker B: OR, point it up at the sun. [00:33:12] Speaker A: And then look at it through that. [00:33:14] Speaker B: Point on the inside of the box. [00:33:17] Speaker A: And you can see the eclipse that. [00:33:18] Speaker B: Way, each to their own. [00:33:21] Speaker A: Okay. If you want to watch it on tv, it might be a little bit safer. Well, what about solar eclipse myths and superstitions? [00:33:34] Speaker B: Are we going to say do dee doo doo doo dee doo doo? [00:33:39] Speaker A: Well, what does an eclipse mean spiritually? And I was looking this up at North, and it said an eclipse can usher in endings for certain relationships and bring beginnings for others. It's time for dynamic change. [00:34:04] Speaker C: Okay. [00:34:07] Speaker A: Should you sleep during an eclipse? Well, they're saying people shouldn't sleep during a solar eclipse, especially the elderly and those who are ill. Astrologers claim that it has a bad impact on one's health. [00:34:26] Speaker B: How would you know? [00:34:27] Speaker A: Because you're sleeping. [00:34:32] Speaker B: I mean, to me, if you want. [00:34:34] Speaker A: To take a nap, that's, that's fine and dandy, you'll just miss out on the eclipse. [00:34:42] Speaker B: But I don't want to jinx things up. [00:34:44] Speaker A: I think I'll stay awake and I'll watch. [00:34:46] Speaker B: You know, I just, I, I don't. [00:34:49] Speaker A: Want to have evil stuff enter my life. What do the Native Americans believe about eclipses? And according to the Navajo tradition, when the moon eclipses the sun, the sun undergoes a rebirth. It's a sacred time where we sit. [00:35:12] Speaker B: And reflect, said Shereen Goetzen Eng, who. [00:35:20] Speaker A: Is a member of the Navajo Nation and director of the First Nations Education. [00:35:26] Speaker B: And Cultural center at Indiana University, Bloomington. [00:35:35] Speaker A: Now, are solar eclipses good omens? [00:35:40] Speaker C: Hmm. [00:35:43] Speaker B: Well, says throughout history, eclipses have. [00:35:49] Speaker A: Been seen as a disruption of the natural order, and many groups have believed them to be bad omens. [00:35:59] Speaker B: And many ancient, and maybe not so. [00:36:02] Speaker A: Ancient people had spiritual explanations for solar and lunar eclipses to help them make sense of these seemingly inexplicable, inexplicable big. [00:36:14] Speaker B: Word and random phenomena. That's another big word. [00:36:20] Speaker A: But could you imagine. [00:36:24] Speaker B: If you knew about the eclipse in advance and you. [00:36:28] Speaker A: Knew when it would happen and how it would happen, and you could get. [00:36:30] Speaker B: Somebody suckered enough to believe that you. [00:36:36] Speaker A: Could make the eclipse happen. [00:36:40] Speaker B: By mumbo. [00:36:41] Speaker A: Jumbo, waving arms or whatever, and then all of a sudden it happens. [00:36:46] Speaker B: Wouldn't that put them at all? [00:36:48] Speaker A: And back in the days, in the early days, if you knew about stuff. [00:36:52] Speaker B: Like that in advance due to astrology. [00:36:57] Speaker A: Or astronomy or astrology. [00:37:00] Speaker C: And you could predict things like that, gee, you would. [00:37:05] Speaker B: Be a powerful person, wouldn't you? [00:37:08] Speaker A: Well, I can predict that after it gets dark, it's going to get light again. Okay, so, hey, maybe that makes me a powerful person. [00:37:15] Speaker B: I don't know. Should you shower after an eclipse? Could you imagine that. [00:37:29] Speaker A: People say, oh, I'm gonna. There's eclipse. [00:37:31] Speaker B: I can't shower. Gee, when's the next eclipse? [00:37:35] Speaker A: 200 years. Oh, you are gonna be one stinky dude. [00:37:41] Speaker C: Well. [00:37:44] Speaker A: According to Quora., one should take a bath after an eclipse because it is believed that the earth is plunged into darkness during a lunar or solar eclipse. Darkness symbolizes impurity, and therefore, one has to sit in one place and chant the name God. [00:38:13] Speaker B: And then you go out and take. [00:38:15] Speaker A: A bath or a shower, right? [00:38:20] Speaker B: I don't know. Well, people believe that taking a bath. [00:38:27] Speaker A: Before and after a solar eclipse might erase the unholy shadow of the rahu rahu and avoid its ill effects. Well, you're going to be one clean person if you do. And the world needs a lot more clean people. [00:38:48] Speaker B: I mean, have you. Oh, man. [00:38:50] Speaker A: You go out to a crowd and it's hot and sweaty and so forth. Oh, man. [00:38:54] Speaker C: Whoo. [00:38:55] Speaker B: I don't know if I could stand that or not. [00:39:03] Speaker A: What did the Eskimos believe about a total solar eclipse? [00:39:08] Speaker B: Now, they're way up north. Well, they thought an eclipse meant that the sun and moon had been, had. [00:39:18] Speaker A: Become temporarily diseased, and in response, they'd cover up everything of importance, themselves included, so they wouldn't be infected by diseased. [00:39:32] Speaker B: Rays of the eclipsed sun. [00:39:35] Speaker C: Can you imagine that? [00:39:37] Speaker B: Cover themselves up, hide from it so. [00:39:40] Speaker A: They didn't get diseased. [00:39:45] Speaker C: Can we. [00:39:46] Speaker A: Hey, here's a good one. Can we go to the toilet during a lunar eclipse? [00:39:55] Speaker B: Man, if you gotta go, you gotta go, right? [00:40:01] Speaker A: Well, according to Hindustan, drinking water, brushing teeth, combing hair, oil massage, visiting. [00:40:10] Speaker B: The loo, the john, the toilet. [00:40:15] Speaker C: Or. [00:40:15] Speaker A: Using the washroom and involving in whoopi activities, if you know what I mean, are prohibited during a lunar eclipse. I imagine it'd be the same thing during the sun. [00:40:33] Speaker B: But if you got to go, you. [00:40:35] Speaker A: Got to go. [00:40:37] Speaker B: You know, hey, you're gonna miss it. [00:40:39] Speaker A: But, hey, if you gotta go, you gotta go. [00:40:41] Speaker B: You can't hold it that long. [00:40:43] Speaker A: Okay, how about, should people fast during an eclipse? They're probably gonna be people sitting outside with their sunglasses on. They're gonna be munching on cheetos and drinking a beer. [00:40:59] Speaker C: It's bound to happen. [00:41:02] Speaker B: You say, well, I don't drink beer, okay? [00:41:05] Speaker A: If you're an elite, you'll be sipping wine. Oh, no, I'm a good old guy. I'm just going to have myself a. [00:41:12] Speaker B: Coke and a bag of tater chips and some dip. Well, according to the Times, uh, noun I'll pronounce it right. [00:41:26] Speaker A: The lunar eclipse known as the Chandra greyhound are believed to potentially influence the hunger or the human body significantly. This year, the first eclipse falls on the 25 march. [00:41:41] Speaker B: And it is a known fact that. [00:41:44] Speaker A: Consuming certain food during such celestial events may be considered harmful due to various reasons. Gee, do they list the reasons? [00:41:57] Speaker B: No. So maybe you shouldn't be eating a bag of cheetos and drinking that beer. [00:42:05] Speaker A: Or drinking your coke or Pepsi and having a bag of chips and chip dip. Who knows? [00:42:12] Speaker B: Okay, maybe you should just sit back and enjoy it and just watch the sun go overhead. [00:42:26] Speaker A: And then the moon comes between the sun and the earth and we see a total eclipse. Now, in astrology, what not to do during an eclipse? [00:42:40] Speaker B: Well, as much as you might want. [00:42:42] Speaker A: To stand outside and soak up the sun during an eclipse, there are many astrologers and spiritual advisors who would advise against it. [00:42:52] Speaker B: Because the light of the sun, which rules over life abundantly and identify, is obscured by the shadow of the moon, its power, it's radically reduced. You know, when I'm down in Florida. [00:43:14] Speaker A: I like to go out on the beach. I like to sit in the the sun, I like to soak up the rays. [00:43:18] Speaker B: I like to get the vitamin D in my body. It feels great. [00:43:28] Speaker C: Between. [00:43:31] Speaker B: Maybe 09:00 and 11:00 and then. [00:43:36] Speaker A: I go inside because between 11:00 and basically 02:00 you fry out there. I can't see sitting outside in the bright sun smearing yourself with some type. [00:43:49] Speaker B: Of oil, and you don't know where. [00:43:51] Speaker A: That oil came from, what it was derived from, and you sit there and. [00:43:55] Speaker B: You cook like a piece of bacon. Okay, I don't do that. [00:44:02] Speaker C: But there's. [00:44:03] Speaker B: Got to be an effect on the human body. [00:44:06] Speaker A: What happens if a baby is born during an eclipse? [00:44:12] Speaker B: And this was the. [00:44:14] Speaker A: I can't even pronounce it rich and It said, from the spiritual point of. [00:44:21] Speaker B: View, the person says a child born. [00:44:25] Speaker A: During an eclipse of the sun brings into the world tremendous energy. If this energy is not channeled through spiritual paths early in the child's life, it can cause a lot of trouble. [00:44:40] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:44:41] Speaker A: They're going to be hyperactive, aren't they? [00:44:45] Speaker B: They're going to be hyperactive. [00:44:54] Speaker A: Does a solar eclipse affect the human body? Well, according to [00:45:05] Speaker B: Is it enough. [00:45:06] Speaker A: To interrupt the circadian rhythm or cause noticeable effects in humans? [00:45:11] Speaker B: No, not really. There are no known physical or other effects. According to the NASA website, National Space. [00:45:22] Speaker A: And Aeronautics association or whatever administration. [00:45:29] Speaker B: I wonder about that. [00:45:31] Speaker A: You know, it shouldn't affect you. I mean, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Got dark now it's lightening up again. [00:45:36] Speaker B: Okay, great. I've been through a couple of week clips before. [00:45:41] Speaker A: I was in Cincinnati, Ohio, when the eclipse hit. And I was walking back to the. [00:45:45] Speaker B: Office from lunch and everything got weird. [00:45:49] Speaker A: All of a sudden. [00:45:50] Speaker B: Well, back then, yeah, there were some. [00:45:52] Speaker A: Weird things in Cincinnati. Other than that, it was a good town. [00:45:55] Speaker B: I really liked it down there. [00:45:57] Speaker A: Now I don't know if I would go back. I mean, maybe during the daytime, not. [00:46:02] Speaker C: At night. [00:46:04] Speaker B: But it was different. Okay. [00:46:09] Speaker A: That was during the daytime. Does lunar eclipse affect your sleep? According to Corrigan, while scientists, studies have not conclusively proven that a direct link between these events and sleep disturbances, anecdotal evidence and some research suggests that lunar phases might influence human behavior, including sleep. [00:46:44] Speaker B: Well, hey, the way I look at. [00:46:45] Speaker A: It, if you're sleepy and you're tired, go ahead and take a nap, go to sleep, whatever. And if you missed the eclipse, you could see it on tv because there's probably going to be a bunch of replays on the news. [00:47:00] Speaker C: So why not? [00:47:02] Speaker B: It's up to you. Should you wear red during an eclipse? [00:47:10] Speaker A: Red and green colors work with the science of a solar eclipse, creating the. [00:47:17] Speaker B: Pikenji p u r k I n. [00:47:20] Speaker A: J e effect and changing how viewers perceive colors. The phenomenon creates the perception that reds and yellows will seem to fade while greens and blues appear brighter during their ellipse. [00:47:41] Speaker C: I never knew that. [00:47:46] Speaker A: Hey, why can't you eat during an eclipse? [00:47:53] Speaker C: Well. [00:47:56] Speaker B: Experts at NASA would like to clear this up. [00:47:59] Speaker A: It is totally safe to eat food during an eclipse. And NASA noted on its 2017 eclipse website the myth that the eclipse will poison any food that is prepared during the event is a, is prolific enough to require debunking. So if you want to eat Cheetos and drink a beer during the eclipse, that's fine. [00:48:26] Speaker B: According to NASA, if you want to. [00:48:30] Speaker A: Have potato chips and a Coke or Pepsi and chip dip, that's fine. [00:48:35] Speaker B: Just make sure the chip chips cold, warm chip dip is not good. Remember, cold food's cold, hot food's hot. You have to do that. Wow. [00:48:51] Speaker A: We've covered a heck of a lot of stuff on the eclipse. What do you think is going to happen where you're at? You know, down in Kentucky, they said that there was a total eclipse down there. And as a result, people came from all over and they came into this town and it was like a bunch of locusts. They went into the grocery stores and they bought up everything. They went into the carryouts, they bought up everything. Convenience stores, they bought up everything. And this, this one small town had up to a hundred thousand people supposedly. [00:49:33] Speaker B: In that town to watch an eclipse. [00:49:40] Speaker A: And it took those stores at least a week to get the food in. Imagine the gasoline that they would have sold. Oh, yeah, they're making money left and. [00:49:49] Speaker B: Right and they probably raised their prices to make a good profit. [00:49:56] Speaker C: But think of it. Think of it. [00:50:04] Speaker A: You go to the grocery store and you need something and you can't get it. [00:50:07] Speaker B: You have to wait a week and. [00:50:10] Speaker A: You say, well, I'll drive to the next town over. [00:50:12] Speaker B: Well, the locusts hit there, too. So if you don't prepare now, and this is Wednesday night, so prepare Thursday and Friday. [00:50:24] Speaker A: Stock up plenty of gas in your car. Make sure that's done. Make sure that you've got plenty of stuff to drink, plenty of stuff to eat. Make sure you've got your sunglasses. [00:50:39] Speaker C: If. [00:50:39] Speaker A: You'Re in the area, the Duke foundation has these. This is from Miami County, Ohio. [00:50:47] Speaker B: Just be prepared. And as far as I'm concerned, being prepared is making sure that if you're. [00:50:57] Speaker A: Going to leave your house and go someplace else to watch whatever's going to. [00:51:01] Speaker B: Happen, make sure your house is locked up. And if you have an alarm system, turn it on. [00:51:10] Speaker A: Because during this time, while everybody is out looking around, we would have nefarious. [00:51:15] Speaker B: Characters coming around and maybe visiting your. [00:51:20] Speaker A: House. [00:51:22] Speaker B: And looking for little things that they could permanently borrow with whatever their. [00:51:29] Speaker A: Little ten fingers can help themselves with. [00:51:32] Speaker B: Okay? [00:51:34] Speaker A: So make sure that you are secure there. [00:51:39] Speaker B: I don't plan on leaving my property to go out. I can sit in my front yard and put the glasses on and watch the eclipse. [00:51:49] Speaker A: But just my luck, it's going to. [00:51:51] Speaker B: Be cloudy and rainy here. So then I'm going to have to watch it on tv or get my. [00:52:00] Speaker A: Computer on and find a site where I can watch it. [00:52:03] Speaker B: Maybe NASA will show it. [00:52:07] Speaker C: And then I'm not going to go. [00:52:08] Speaker B: Out for a while, maybe several hours, maybe a whole day. [00:52:15] Speaker A: Maybe I'll be talking to my friends. [00:52:17] Speaker B: On my GMRS radio and we'll be. [00:52:20] Speaker A: Chatting about the eclipse. [00:52:24] Speaker B: While we're drinking something and eating cheetos or potato chips. [00:52:30] Speaker A: With dip or whatever. [00:52:32] Speaker B: I mean, we could have a cookout. [00:52:37] Speaker A: But I'll tell you what, it's going to be something. And if you get a chance to tell your kids about it, have your kids safely watch it. [00:52:44] Speaker B: Go ahead and do that. But have fun while you're doing it, it's something that only comes during maybe your lifetime or maybe in 200 years or 300 years. So carpe diem, seize the day, enjoy. [00:53:09] Speaker A: It, but just do it safely. [00:53:13] Speaker B: I'll tell you what, sometimes I wonder how much they're going to cost or actually charge people to get a hotel room for a couple days in advance. [00:53:28] Speaker A: And reports have been going around. [00:53:32] Speaker B: Prices. [00:53:33] Speaker A: Are just going higher and higher and. [00:53:36] Speaker B: Higher because of the eclipse and spectrum. [00:53:42] Speaker A: One was saying hotel Airbnb prices hit new high ahead of the April 8 ellipse. Thousands of people will pour into western. [00:53:53] Speaker B: New York for the total eclipse. [00:53:55] Speaker A: Well, I know here in Ohio the rumor is out now. [00:54:03] Speaker B: That between Sydney. [00:54:05] Speaker A: And Wapa, Canada, or up in that. [00:54:07] Speaker B: Area, the prices of hotels could go. [00:54:12] Speaker A: As high as $1,200 a night. [00:54:15] Speaker C: Now that's rumor, but that's price gouging. [00:54:19] Speaker B: Good grief. [00:54:20] Speaker A: Twelve hundred dollars. I mean, I've stayed in hotels that. [00:54:26] Speaker B: Have been, you know, $300 a night, $400 a night in Chicago, no real biggie. Of course, I was on an expense. [00:54:36] Speaker A: Account then, so I didn't really have. [00:54:37] Speaker B: To worry that much. Some places are charging $400 a night, others are up to $1,000. [00:54:51] Speaker A: Could you imagine that? And around here, the rumor is it's $1,200 a night. We've got people coming in from all over the world and the hotels around here have been booked for months. [00:55:10] Speaker B: I don't know what they're paying for. [00:55:12] Speaker A: It, but I know I'm not going to pay an exorbitant fee just to watch an eclipse. [00:55:17] Speaker B: I can just go out and sit in my yard and watch it. But like I said, around here, are. [00:55:22] Speaker A: We going to be able to watch it? Probably not. They're probably going to be people on the interstate that'll be sitting in their cars and there's no sun at all. Just my luck. [00:55:40] Speaker B: You know, I think Sunday I think. [00:55:42] Speaker A: I'll be talking about how much. Twelve classic fast food items used to cost. You ever go to McDonald's? Around here it's Mickey D's. [00:55:55] Speaker B: But have you ever gone to McDonald's? [00:55:58] Speaker A: Years ago they used to have a. [00:56:00] Speaker B: Value meal and it was really cheap. [00:56:03] Speaker A: What are they going to do with the eclipse? I've got friends that have a restaurant and they're going to be open Sunday and they're going to be doing all kinds of things. And normally they close Sunday at 02:00 in the afternoon. [00:56:21] Speaker B: But since the eclipse is going on. [00:56:24] Speaker A: They'Re going to be open till, I believe, 07:00 at night. And they're just going to go to a basic menu. I'd hate to see what those prices are. I'm going to try to find out tomorrow to see what the prices are going to be. [00:56:38] Speaker B: They normally don't gouge people there, but I imagine they're going to make every effort to make a good profit. [00:56:48] Speaker A: Maybe they'll sell a lot of green men. [00:56:51] Speaker B: Maybe people will be dressed up as aliens. [00:56:54] Speaker A: Who knows? People go loony during these times. [00:57:00] Speaker B: But you can imagine the cost of food is going to go up whether. [00:57:04] Speaker A: Or not you're having a whopper at. [00:57:06] Speaker B: Burger King or you're having, excuse me, having a big Mac at McDonald's. [00:57:15] Speaker C: Or. [00:57:16] Speaker A: You'Re having a frosty at Wendy's. [00:57:20] Speaker C: Or. [00:57:20] Speaker A: A cheese pizza at Pizza Hut. [00:57:24] Speaker B: How many pizza places do you have? [00:57:30] Speaker A: Our town has a lot of pizza places. Some are good, some aren't. They're just average. [00:57:37] Speaker B: Maybe I ought to go around as. [00:57:39] Speaker A: A gourmet and go to different ones and buy a small pizza and taste. [00:57:42] Speaker B: Them and let you know how they are. [00:57:45] Speaker A: But I probably put on about 400. [00:57:46] Speaker B: Pounds in doing that. [00:57:49] Speaker A: I wonder if KFC is going to. [00:57:51] Speaker B: Be selling a lot of chicken. How about donut shops? [00:57:57] Speaker A: Pastry shops? [00:58:00] Speaker B: They have a good one here called dobos. [00:58:03] Speaker A: Very good pastry. There's also albrechts. [00:58:08] Speaker B: U l b r I c h. [00:58:10] Speaker A: T s. They sell a lot of. [00:58:11] Speaker B: Doughnuts in this area. The one thing we don't have is a white castle. Some people like that. [00:58:18] Speaker C: I don't. [00:58:20] Speaker B: But anyhow, the prices are going to go up. [00:58:23] Speaker A: We know it's going to go up. And on Sunday we're going to talk. [00:58:26] Speaker B: About the increases of prices and so. [00:58:30] Speaker A: You can find out what's going on there. Well, hey, guys, we're just about out of time here. You want to check out the trim radio network? [00:58:39] Speaker C: Please. [00:58:41] Speaker B: Buy the merchandise. And I'll tell you what. [00:58:46] Speaker A: We'll be back next Wednesday with another. [00:58:48] Speaker B: Edition of my World Live, laugh and whatever, and we'll talk a little bit. [00:58:55] Speaker A: More about what happened during the eclipse and we'll see actually what really did happen. [00:59:02] Speaker B: We don't know, do we? I have no way of knowing. [00:59:06] Speaker A: You have no way of knowing. [00:59:08] Speaker B: And after it happens, hey, we can check our notes and we'll talk a. [00:59:12] Speaker A: Little bit about that and other crazy stuff that's gone on during the eclipse. So, hey, with that, guys, that's all I have for this week of my world. And how do you like the background? [00:59:25] Speaker B: I mean, the eclipse? [00:59:27] Speaker A: Hey, this is, this is a new background. [00:59:29] Speaker B: I'm going to get more better backgrounds. [00:59:32] Speaker A: But this was a good one for this one. I might leave it up till the next time. [00:59:36] Speaker B: Anyhow, guys, have a good week. [00:59:39] Speaker A: We'll talk to you Sunday on money and change you have. And don't go looting. Bye.

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