The Positude Podcast

The Positude Podcast
TRIM Radio
The Positude Podcast

Apr 05 2024 | 00:59:27

Episode April 05, 2024 00:59:27

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

Maggie Heart is your positive psychic and intuitive medium.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Sadeena. Good evening, everyone, and welcome to another episode of the Positude podcast. I am your host, Maggie Hart. Looking forward to another hour of positivity to negate the negativity in your life and just to have some thoughtful and insightful discussions on what's ahead for us as a planet and what's happening now and maybe some suggestions to help you get through and navigate it all. During last week's discussion, we spoke about the upcoming solar eclipse and what that means for us, potentially some of the signs and symbolisms as they relate to the Bible. And upon doing some more research this week, I have listened to some more shows and gotten some other people's perspectives on some other things regarding the eclipse and as it relates to the Bible. One thing that I found interesting that Sheila Holmes actually brought up was that the, this third eclipse, there's an area in Illinois where there's a giant cross called the bold knob cross or the cross of peace, which is said to be built at the highest point in Illinois that they could put the railroad tracks on. And this eclipse also passes over that giant cross in Missouri, Illinois. And her perspective on it is that the crosses that are formed, she actually says that there are three crosses that are to form. She calls the areas of the eclipses intersections, crosses rather than xs, and she attributes those also to a spiritual sign, their crosses rather than xs. And that, she says, in the first one, in second one, I think what she's trying to say is it's kind of a warning for America to change its ways. So what she's done is she's taken the eclipse from 2017, the eclipse from 2023, and the upcoming eclipse in just about a week. And where they all intersect forms the letter a, which means L E l, which also means the Lord of all in Hebrew. So that was just some more spiritual insight that I found in my research this week regarding the eclipse and more interesting information and things that I haven't seen spread out there widely on the Internet. So I thought I would share with you because they were different perspectives and interesting perspectives at that, in my opinion. I've listened to other interviews by Sheila over the past couple of years, and I think that she hits on a lot of interesting topics. She has a lot to bring to the table insofar as what she gleans from different signs and symbols of things that are happening. And I do respect her work to a degree. But she was interviewing with Tom numbers as a guest on his show. And after she said her piece and shared her information Tom got involved in the numerology that he has become famous for, and the conversation quickly eroded, in my opinion, and became much more nonsensical. It's actually gematria that Tom specializes in. So the conversation turned to Princess Diana and how, according to his numbers or his philosophy, Princess Diana, it was secretly married to Donald Trump, and how Donald Trump used to date Diana's older sister and was enthralled with Diana, but she was too young. And so there's this conspiracy theory going around that Trump secretly married Diana, and they're in charge of things, and Diana's gonna come out and become the new queen of England, and, you know, Trump's gonna come back and all of this stuff that just when we get to those levels, even myself, as a self pronounced conspiracy theorist, only because I've been given that label because of the things I talk about, and I have a magnet that's on my refrigerator that says I need to come up with some new conspiracy theories because all of the old ones came true. That's kind of where I'm at with all of this. Some of its woo woo, a lot of it's hyper sensationalism and stuff that's just put out there, as I've talked about on my show so many times, by both sides of the media spectrum, the alternative media, as well as the mainstream media, to divide the masses, fill everybody's heads full with nonsense and keep you in a state of just basically apathy and, you know, trust the plan and don't do anything. Trump's coming back to save you. All of that, I can't support any of that because it just really gets outside the realm, not just a plausibility, but what I feel inside because of my gifts, the information that I'm giving, nothing that I feel and nothing that I get corroborates any of that. You know, the whole Kennedy bloodline being the sacred lost line of Jesus, this whole Trump and Diana thing, and Diana's still alive, and she's going to come back and be queen. And, you know, Michael Jackson, Elvis, they're all still among us. I do believe that there's an essence of truth, just like the mainstream media reports. In what they tell us, there's always that little speck. There's that essence of truth. But then they take it, twist it, contort it, amplify it, put in all this extra nonsense. And these stories that we get, that these people are talking about on a regular basis on their platforms, is a lot of the reason that the liberals think we're just as crazy as we think they are, because anybody with any sense in their head or any kind of sense of discernment, listening to these stories would be like, what? This is absolutely crazy. And to me, it most certainly does seem crazy. There's some truth out there. It's lost in the stuff that they're spinning. And here we go. It's a way to, I feel, figure out how many of the people on the alternate media side have common sense and discernment, and they're really going to be able to ascertain from listening to our shows that this is a bunch of B's, or are they going to buy into this stuff 100%? Are they going to listen to this whole Trump Diana thing and all of the rest of it that they talk about and be buying into this and believing it 100%? The gullibility of people on our planet. And it's quite an insult and a slap in the face, in my opinion. I would hope that a lot of people listen to shows like that for mostly entertainment purposes, or to be able to glean the nuggets of truth out of them and are able to form their own opinions and subsequently realize that all of this stuff, so much of it that's being bantered about, is just. It's fantasy, it's not real. Feel that people that have a true spiritual perspective and that discernment should be able to tell the difference and not listen to these guys anymore. But when I look at their numbers and I look at their subscriber counts, I'm actually in awe of that. I'm like, how do they have so many million subscribers and followers unless it's purely on an entertainment level? But that doesn't stand to reason. There are actually people out there that are buying into all of this nonsense. And that saddens me, because I feel like, as a country, we should be farther ahead mentally than we are now, especially if we're on the path to spiritual uplifting, spiritual rising, the ascension that the new ages talk about, which also from a biblical perspective, should be something that's happening. When we look at Matthew 20 414, the good news will be preached throughout the entirety of the earth. In Matthew 937 and 38, Jesus told his disciples that the harvest is great, but the workers are few. Therefore, beg the master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest. And then revelations, chapters seven, verse nine, where the great crowd, the selected ones, which no man was able to number, were standing before the throne of the lamb. Those, to me, are all indications that in the end times people will gather together, gain discernment. The people that are doing these podcasts are constantly kind of throwing those first two verses in our faces and using that as a platform to propel themselves into fame and fortune. Like here we are, we're sharing the good word, we're telling the truth. This is the hidden history. You guys need to pay attention to this. When in essence, well, in actuality, it's all fallacy, or mostly fallacy. If we look at Matthew 13, verses 25 to 30, where they talk about the enemies sowed weeds in the wheat, and the owner of the field in the harvest season told the workers to burn the weeds and collect the wheat, I would hope at this point that there are more wheat than weeds. But in the end, the weeds will be separated, so those without true discernment will be plucked out and burnt. So what we have here are lessons not only in discernment, but in free will. Because if we're using our free will to follow these guys and not be able to ascertain on our own what is truth and what is reality, or to be able to extract the glimmers of truth that is in that interview, in my opinion, what Sheila Holmes had to share was interesting and pertinent information from a spiritual perspective. And then, I hate to say this, but throwing out the rest of the interview as hogwash, that's kind of where we need to be. That's the approach we need to take. Because we are in a spiritual war and because there are both sides of the spectrum, good and bad, in each of the media circuses, whether it be mainstream, although admittedly there doesn't seem to be as much of the good side in the mainstream. It seems to be mostly the dark side. But especially from the alternative media perspective, there are a lot of people that have gotten very famous in the last three or four years, especially since COVID hit, that are being paid, that are on a mission to distort reality, feed us a bunch of lies and B's and distract us. I've said it so many times in my previous shows, it's just another instance of the Roman Coliseum. A lot of these podcasters, to me, the stuff that they spew comes out and sounds to me more like a really bad grade soap opera than anything that could even be remotely considered as truth. So what do we do to protect ourselves into combat from these stories that we hear on these platforms, when we're searching for truth, when we're truly on a journey to discover what's going on on the planet versus what's being fed to us primarily from mainstream media. And so we look to these alternative sources for guidance and direction, and we inherently know that at least part of what they're telling us, or maybe mostly what they're telling us, depending on the host, is not true. One thing that I would suggest is to absolutely amp up your prayer and meditation game. Have those moments of silence every day where you open up to creator source, to the universe, and open up your energy to allow the truth to come in, to ask for discernment, to ask for guidance and direction, to be able to get your B's radar up to speed, to where you're able to tell by listening to someone whether it be the tone of their voice, whether it be the actual information that they're putting out there, to be able to tell, is this real, is this fake? And to really learn to rely on our inner instincts that were given to us by our creator source. That old adage about, I've got a gut feeling. Well, let me tell you something all of the time, that initial gut reaction, once you learn to listen to your body, and once you're in tune with your body, when that thing triggers and you get that gut twist, when you're listening to a podcast or listening to someone talk or watching a video on YouTube, if that twists and that flips, go with that. Go with that initial instinct before your ego has the chance to take over and say, well, that doesn't sound really true, but I've been listening to this guy for years, and he has 54 million viewers, and he's got a good platform, so he must be telling us the truth. Once you allow your ego to take over and your mind to start thinking about things, that's usually when you get into trouble. If you're not listening to your initial body reactions. We are built and gifted with the abilities. Going all the way back to caveman days, when the male was the hunter gatherer and the woman was the emotional support and the substance of the tribes, to hold everything together and to also add wisdom. We were gifted with these abilities in our bodies, to be able to tell when there's danger around, to be able to tell when something doesn't seem right, to be able to be in tune enough with nature, our own beings, to be able to sense, physically sense inside of our bodies, what the outside situation was around us. And we need to learn to go back to that, to the basic way that we were created, and to focus on that initial gut twinge, for instance. So when we feel that if it doesn't feel right. Don't overthink it, don't question it. Don't go back and forth like the scales of Libra and change your mind. But this and that. And I'm overd thinking this, and so this must be the truth, but I know that's not the truth, but maybe it's the truth and just go with that initial gut reaction. Learn to trust your instincts. And that is developed all by prayer and meditation. Those gifts become stronger through having the ability to clear your mind, focus, and allow what comes to you, to come to you and allow yourself to be able to feel and be in tune with, again, your body and be able to trust in that. Because I'm here to tell you that as times get worse and we're hearing all these stories just like I talked about last week with the upcoming solar eclipse, there could be things that happen that is an EMP strike or a solar flare or something that is made to appear as a solar flare, and our grids are knocked out. And if we don't have these sources to listen to, to rely on for what seemingly is sound information, we're going to have to rely on our bodies and our own intuition anyway. So we should be practicing those now and getting those tools really fine tuned. There's an old story about Indians and the Indians that were code talkers in the second world war, where the Navajo windtalkers were not forced to cut their hair because they believed that their hair was an extension of their body. And in a sense, were antennas that helped them to navigate in their environment and be able to sense danger and be able to help them with their discernment. When they had to navigate through a particular. They were used as scouts and then had to report back their findings to their superior officers. And they were the best. There was a reason they were the best because they relied on their inner instincts, and they had fine tuned themselves to be able to be at one with nature. And their instincts were able to guide them not only to danger, but to be able to escape escape danger and be able to come back and report on what they found unseen. They also became invaluable during the war because the Japanese could not break their language code because they couldn't speak Navajo. So that made them invaluable as well. But they were widely recognized for their spiritual gifts, which is why they were allowed to not cut their hair. There are many documented cases of telepathy in which a twin or a mom is able to sense when either the other twin or their child is in danger. Or in pain or something tragic has happened. And they're able to sense that without being together, being separated from the other party, the emotional ties that bind them and the DNA that binds them allows the other person to know that something is wrong, that something has happened. The same holds true for other family members and people that are in relationships. Husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends that have been together for a long time. They have the capability to communicate with their minds. How many times have you had the instance of thinking of somebody and all of a sudden the phone would ring, or they would be thinking of you and you would call them? These are all traits that are inherently in all of us. And once they're developed, it's amazing. It doesn't take a lot of skill, but it does require some practice and effort. If the gifts don't come to you naturally, and some people, they do come to seemingly naturally. In my own instances, there have been times that people that I know and I have developed a relationship with, on a personal level, that certain people and I just click, you know, it's like I can automatically, from the start, read their mind and they can. We can finish each other's sentences at the onset, which is a beautiful thing. Sometimes it takes a while to get to know the person a little better, and then all of a sudden it just clicks, and we're on that same wavelength. Were able to do those same types of things. Sometimes there's a special relationship, like the ones we talked about a couple of weeks ago, the twin flames, although that is admittedly not as common. Those people, once they get their gel, they're almost inseparable. They think alight, they act alike, they have the same triggers, etcetera, which, admittedly, in that type of relationship, the relationship is formed so that those triggers can be healed, and then they can move on and move up to the next level, as it were, become closer spiritually to each other, and then also to their higher source. And that allows them to fulfill whatever roles and missions they have that were set out for them. Even in those cases, telepathically, they might not have that instantaneous connection. It takes a while for them to gel, as I said. But once those do in that type of relationship, look out, because they become virtually inseparable and unstoppable. Over the years, so many people have said to me, how do you do what you do? And I can't do that. And I don't have those gifts. I wish I had those gifts. Or when I try and get them to focus and concentrate and practice things like telepathy. Let's just play a game. Think of a fruit in your mind and I'll think of one, and let's see if we can guess the other one's selected fruit, for instance. So many times they get frustrated and they're like, I can't do this. I don't have the gifts that you do. We're all born with different talents, and I'm just not born with those talents. But we are all born with these talents. We are all born with these gifts and abilities. And right away jumping to the negative and using those words that are negative, you're already self defeating. You're already, your ego has already convinced yourself that you cannot do that, when in fact, not only can you do that, there are so many other things that you're able to do that you're just not aware of because a you've not opened up to it b. You may not have practiced it enough so that it becomes second nature to you and comes easily and flows more readily. C you're distracted and you're not able to focus enough. D your ego takes over and tells you that you can't do it, which is a fallacy. These are all skills and things that I work with, with people on a regular basis. You can email me at Maggie [email protected] if you're interested in learning more about these types of abilities and how you can further develop your talents, continue to give you pointers and direction along the way here on my podcast. So thank you all for listening. But these are tools that we should be practicing on a regular basis. So that should there be like we were talking about last week in the case of this upcoming solar eclipse, for instance, an episode where there's an EMP strike or a solar flare or what's made to look as though there's a solar flare or there's an EMP strike and the power grid, let's say, is knocked out and phones aren't working and we're not able to drive to our loved ones to make sure that they're okay. Once you've developed this tool in particular, you'll be able to know that they're okay simply by working with the mind. You'll be able to feel that energy. And that's another thing. Some people get the responses in their mind, or they'll see the person's face and feel the energy around them as though they're happy or sad. Other people have actual physical emotions that will course through their body when they're thinking of that person so, for instance, if one person is in pain, another person might feel that pain. Let's say if it's in the appendix, they may feel the other's pain in their appendix area, or if it's been a car accident. They may feel an experience of an impact, or they may just feel an emotion course through their body. They'll see that person's face in their mind, or think of that person, and they'll get a feeling of intense love or fear or trepidation or danger. And some people, like myself, may have both of those things going on. They may be seeing things in their mind or getting an image of a person in the mind and then feeling things physically within the body that corroborate whatever mood, feeling, or experience the other is encountering. Either way, what I would encourage everybody to do is to start off slowly. Pick your partner, and at, say, 07:00 in the evening, both of you take maybe five or ten deep breaths. Get yourselves relaxed. Mentally picture the other person in your mind, and practice sending them love from your heart to their heart. Focus on sending the emotion of love. And so what you can do is in a state of emergency, if you're not able to verbally speak to the other person, once you get good at it, they will feel that emotion. And if they're wondering if you're okay, you can send that to them. They can send that to you, and you both can have a peace of mind knowing that the other is okay. You might not know the exact circumstances or what's going on with them, but at least you'll know they're okay. And you'll know that they're okay. Then, as you both get better at it randomly throughout the day, practice sending that emotion to each other and have the other person mentally record or even write down what time of the day they felt that emotion and compare notes. Now, depending on what the other person is doing, or depending on what you're doing, there may be a lag time. For instance, if you're sending love to that person at 02:00 in the afternoon and they don't text you back until 330 or four that they felt it, it may be because they're just distracted at that moment. And so that's why it's important to keep in mind when you have this kind of security system set up amongst yourselves, you need to both be able to take a couple of deep breaths, relax, and be in the moment before you send your message. So that way it should be received instantaneously. And some people need to practice a little more at that. But it will come and eventually you'll get to the point where you will feel it as soon as it's sent. And then you can even practice, which is really cool for me, but you can practice different intensities. So sending a little bit of love and then moderate amount of love and then just your whole heart, fill up your heart with that whole loving energy until you feel as though your insides are going to burst. And just send that, blast it with as much force as you can. Send it to their heart so that it virtually will knock them over emotionally inside when they get that. So many cool things that you can do to practice with this that will help you in times where it may not be possible to contact the other person. As an aside to that, this can be done at any time. And this is also how you can send healing energy to a loved one or someone that you care about or someone that you're worried about. You can just focus, picture your heart attached to theirs, that there's like a silver cord between the two of you that works kind of as a pipe. Or just picture your heart next to theirs and picture their heart in your mind and send healing energy. Admittedly, if you get down into the theta level in a totally relaxed state, that energy will be stronger when you send it. However, these are examples of ways to send instantaneous energy in the case of danger. To let someone know that you're thinking about them or let somehow alleviate their pain, should they be suffering. There is another type of individual that I need to mention because it's important, because some people are more visual in nature, or their gifts may be geared to more visual in nature than physically. And so when you're practicing these exercises, they may not feel that body effect or not feel that emotion as strong inside of them as another individual. And if that's the case and they're struggling and you seem like it's just. It seems like it's not working for you. What I would suggest you do with that person, or maybe that might be yourself, is picture a red stop sign or a green light, and you can practice that way. So, for instance, if you want to know how that person is, how they're doing, they can focus if they're more visual, or if you're more a visual receptor in sending a green light if they're okay and a red light if they're not. And they need assistance, by the way, should that be the case? Should they be in danger or need assistance? Or you just think of them and feel as though they are. The first thing that I would recommend doing is blanketing them with white light energy. Put them in a bubble and picture their angels all around them. Send them protection, send them whatever you have. Angels appear in many different forms. They're interdimensional beings. You can send a pack of rabid wolves if you want, but send them that protection. Fill a bubble with white light, picture them inside that bubble filled with white light and put their angels all around them. And wolves, dragons, whatever it is that you want to around them to protect them, or as you want the angels to visualization to manifest themselves as. Not that they're going to take your guidance, but you'd be surprised. It's easiest to just send angels and let the angels appear as they need to, depending on the situation, because they do battle with the dark side and they morph and shape into creatures that are in relation to what the other side is sending. I've seen many times in prayer and spiritual warfare, my angels appearing as what appeared as dragons fighting the dark dragons, wolves even. I've been told many times that I have a lot of protection around me and the archangels around me and all of these things by many, many different people over the years. And there's an incident that gets called to mind where I was in the room. It was in someone's home that was not the best person to be around. And it was actually a female. And we had an experience. Something happened. I'm not going to go into detail. Anybody that knows me closely and is aware of my days when I was doing lectures and tours and fairs and things like that would remember the situation if you were close to me. But at any rate, there was a woman, and I was alone in her house. I went there to work with her, to help her with some things that she had asked me to. And she basically grabbed me and I walked out of the room into another room, and I immediately called in my protection, called in my angels. And she came into the room and got several feet away from me, and her eyes got as wide as could be and her mouth dropped open and she recoiled in horror and literally started to yell, oh, my God. Oh, my God. And I asked her what was wrong? And she said, there are a pack of wolves around you. They're snarling, they're snapping. You have a pack of wolves around you. And I said, is that how they appeared to you? At other times? There was danger around me. I was in my car, and the person had seen something in my back seat as they were trying to approach my car to get into my car, to rob me, accost me, whatever. That totally terrified them. And again, the big eyes look of her on his face, the color drained from his entire face. It actually looked to me as though he might have wet himself, but he saw something in my backseat that he really did not like. My assumption is it was just the biggest angel that I could envision, but I did. I just. In that sense of danger, I called in my angels, and whatever came to protect me, I know it came to protect me. But in whatever form they chose to appear, that's what he saw, and he was not happy. And I didn't have any instance after that. He just kind of walked off to the curb and stared at me open mouthed as I drove away. While I don't scare easily, if at all, I knew that I would be protected. I knew that they would come to my aid, I would be protected, and I would walk out of there safely and unharmed. Another thing that I'd like to mention is if you're sending protection and you're doing the white light energy in the bubble, it's also a really good idea to picture the person that you're sending that energy to encased in a suit of armor. Put their armor of God, their protective armor, whatever it is you'd like to refer to it as on them as well. That also makes them much more protected. It's very effective method also, by the way, that can protect them from piercing arrows, from witchcraft and attacks on the heart and the chakras, things like that. If you have that protective suit of armor on the the armor of God, on, again, whatever you'd like to refer to it as, and then also being encased in the white light in the white bubble. Granted, there may be some curse hex and spell removal that needs to be done. And in that case, if we have Internet, feel free to contact me, and I'd be happy to help in that situation. Once you've protected your person and you're confident that you've set everything in place that will protect them, what I would do is to send them a burst of loving energy and picture them seeing your face in their mind so that they know that that's where that came from and it will comfort them. Wow, look how quickly this 34 minutes has gone. I'm gonna stop here and take a break. I'd like for everybody to enjoy music by my good buddy Pat Carr. You can reach him at HDD. Pat provides all of my entry and exit music for my shows, as well as a lot of my break time music. He's an amazing original artist from originally Louisiana, now in Colorado and just a wonderful guy, great musician. Please enjoy his music. Check him out. He's on Soundclick, he's on Reverb Nation. He is all over the place. Support him please if you could and tell him that Maggie sent you. Also, the network here is totally listener funded, so we appreciate any and all donations, even if it's a dollar. Anything that you're able to send, we totally appreciate. And if you'd like to be a superstar and have your own business, I'm sure that the owner would love to have you as a sponsor and be able to do a commercial for you or for you to provide a commercial for the network. Whether it be on my show or any other show on the network or just on the network in general. Please contact the owner, get on the main page and shoot them a message and check out the other shows while you're there. There's also a wonderful chat room for your enjoyment. And with that, I'll be right back after this musical break. Thanks for listening everybody. [00:35:41] Speaker B: I lost my job and the money I had don't want to be homeless living out on the street I start to wonder what's gonna happen to me can't pay my bills or cure my bills I can't afford to buy no pills there's no one else to care for my family sometimes I wonder what's gonna happen to me what's gonna happen when the money's no good anymore what happens when you can't buy bread at the store? What's gonna happen to me and my brood? We gonna wind up looking for food don't wanna be hungry for having nothing to eat make me wonder what's gonna happen to me makes me wonder what's gonna happen to me. [00:38:06] Speaker A: Thanks everybody for returning for the second half of the positude podcast. I am your host, Maggie Hart. I do want to do a quick shout out to my awesome producer producer because I haven't thanked him lately and he's just such a great guy. So shout out to my producer for doing such a wonderful job. In what's left of the second half hour, I'd like to broach current events for a few minutes before we get into my fable or happy story. Maybe a little of both. We'll see how much time we have left. Starting off, I'd like to extend my sincere condolences to all of the families that were affected by the recent container ship Daly. The cargo ship that crashed into the Francis Scott key bridge in Baltimore. I'm sending everyone involved prayers and positive energy, and it's a very weird situation to me, it's kind of strange that they immediately deemed that this was not a terrorist attack when there were still boats in the water conducting search and rescue and investigation. It seems to me that that was a pretty quick call that they made, and that makes me wonder for anybody that's unfamiliar with the story, the ship lost power at 124, regained power at 125, at which time smoke was seen coming from the ship. At 126, the boat lost power again. And one of the crews somewhere, I don't know if it was the road crew, but one of the crews issued a May Day asking officials to block traffic on both ends of the bridge. At 127, the ship regained power and vehicles were still crossing the bridge. At 128, the ship collided with the bridge, and at 128 the bridge collapsed. So there's not a lot that I can find out on the news so far as to what's going on with this, but my thoughts and prayers are with everybody involved in the situation who suffered a loss or any kind of emotional trauma. The reports out there so far is that it's going to take a full four years for that bridge to become operational again. And that is the east coast's biggest shipping port. So is this another supply chain issue that was engineered? We'll have to wait and see. If Trump were in office, the, I'm sure the first thing out of everybody's mouth would have been Russia did it. Russia, Russia, Russia. And that may still be the case. They may still blame Russia for this. Who knows? But something doesn't feel right about this whole situation. On a lighter note, this week, Cat Williams did an interview on Club Shay Shay. I understand he's done previous interviews on Club Shay Shay, but I encourage you to check out the interview that he did most recently with Shannon. And I plan to check out his previous interviews. I just haven't had time to do so yet. But boy, was he on fire. And actually, let me correct myself, it wasn't last week, it was list this past week that I saw it. He had apparently taped this interview about two months ago and I saw a short on YouTube that was brought over from TikTok or something like that. But he is totally laying it out there as far as the comedians and some of the dirty deeds that they do. It said that his video garnered 7 million views in like three days. And two months later, he's super hot. That video now has 63 million views, so it's still a hot topic because just as I found out about it, there are a lot of shorts and things that are being done and it's really being promoted in the social media circles and it's really gaining notoriety and I think it's a really cool thing. In that interview, he actually talked about P. Diddy and this week legit, so it's still classified as current events. P. Diddy they went to arrest him apparently on charges of sex trafficking, sexual abuse and rape. Both his Los Angeles and Miami homes were raided by federal law enforcement. His private plane traveled from California to Antigua amid these raids on his homes, according to flight trackers reviewed by People. According to People, on Sunday evening around 05:30 p.m. local time this would be last Sunday, the 54 year old rapper's private plane was tracked departing the Sacramento executive airport and then landed at Palm Springs International Airport about an hour later. 1 hour after that, his plane took off from Palm Springs and landed at the Los Angeles based Van Nuys airport. The plane landed, rather about 08:00 p.m. local time. Then on Monday morning around 09:00 a.m. the plane departed the California airport and landed in Antigua. Combs was confirmed not to be on the flight to Antigua after he was spotted walking around the Miami Opalaka airport on Monday afternoon. The article continues on to say on Monday afternoon, Combs Los Angeles and Miami properties were raided by federal agents. TMZ first reported that federal cops arrived at the rapper's LA home with helicopters above the property earlier today. Homeland Security Investigations HSI New York executed law enforcement actions as part of an ongoing investigation. With assistance from HSi Los Angeles, HsI Miami and our local law enforcement partners, we will provide further information as it becomes available, a Homeland Security investigations representatives said in a statement to people always support law enforcement when it seeks to prosecute those that have violated the law. Hopefully this is the beginning of a process that will hold Mister Combs responsible for his depraved conduct, Douglas Wigdore, attorney for Cassie and Jane Doe, who each previously filed lawsuits against Combs, told people in a statement. The plane's travels and the home raids come amid sex trafficking allegations in two separate lawsuits. Additionally, Fox eleven shared footage of the musicians sons, Justin Combs, 30, and Christian King Combs, 25, in handcuffs outside of their Beverly Hills home beginning in November 2023. Five people have accused Combs of sexual assault and similar allegations. Combs former girlfriend, Cassandra Cassie Ventura, first filed a lawsuit against him for allegations of rape, sex trafficking and domestic violence in November, the day after her filing. They reached a settlement later that month. Another woman who has since revealed herself as Liza Gardner alleged that Combs and singer songwriter Erin hall took turns raping her and a friend in New York City more than 30 years ago. According to documents obtained by people. The following day, he was accused of sexual assault by a third woman, Joy Dickerson Neal. In a lawsuit filed in New York Supreme County Court the next month, the fourth person accused combs of sexual assault, also accusing him of sex trafficking and gang rape as well. The fifth plaintiff, Rodney Little Rod Jones, filed a lawsuit in New York federal court on February 27. The former producer and videographer for Combs alleged that for more than a year, combs sexually harassed, drugged, and threatened him. He is seeking $30 million in damages. As of the taping of the show, no further information was available. It's kind of a case of where's Diddy? Like where's Waldo? Right now, nobody seems to know where he is. But the thing that I find interesting is in his interview, Kat Williams called him out. But it's also my understanding that he's made public statements about him previously, which is something that I'm going to check into, because from the interview that I watched, he really seems legitimate. I feel from his energy, he's telling the truth, not only about P. Diddy, but also about the other comedians that he talked about. And I believe the guy. I feel as though he's telling the truth. I feel as though, just like he said in his interview, he would have probably kept his mouth shut. But because people said that different scenarios happened on the comedy circuit in regards to certain roles that he played in movies and things like that, and they were sort of attacking him and lying about him, he felt it necessary to come forward and expose some things about them. So I say kudos to him. He seems like an upright guy. I'm not gonna say for a minute that I agree with the lifestyle that he's chosen, and he goes into that in the interview. But he also says that the bad guys can't touch him because they know that he knows everything. And he's been collecting information about them for years and actually comes right out and says that he at times paid for information over the years, assumingly that he thought would protect him should he need it. On tonight's happy news story, I'm gonna talk about bumblebees. Bumblebees share knowledge like humans and chimpanzees, suggesting the hive mind is more personal. Bumblebees can teach others new behaviors too complex for them to learn. Alone suggests a paper published in Nature that essentially posits humans and bees share knowledge in exactly the same way. In the study, a bee taught to solve a puzzle for a sugary reward was able to train other bees to complete the task, providing evidence that bees can socially learn some behaviors at a level of complexity previously thought to be unique to humans and our ancestors. Culture is a word that's thrown around quite a lot, but at the root of it is the designation of a particular behavior that is socially learned and persists over time. Increasing evidence suggests that, like human culture, animal culture can be cumulative, with sequential behaviors building on previous ones. Human cumulative culture involves behaviors so complex that they lie beyond the capacity of any individual to independently discover during their lifetime. However, this behavior has not been demonstrated in an invertebrate species generally considered at the bottom of the barrel. You and I both, biologically speaking, african apes. But I am writing this on a laptop in Cornwell, and you might be writing it in Colombo, Caracas, or Canberra, writes co author of the study Alex Thornton. This reflects one of the most remarkable attributes of the human species, the progressive improvement of skills and technologies as innovations spread and are built on. Bumblebees, however, are extremely social insects that have proven themselves capable of acquiring non natural behaviors such as string pulling and ball rolling, via social learning in order to gain reward. Alice Bridges, Lars Chitka, Alex Thornton and their colleagues set up a difficult task to investigate whether bumblebees are capable of learning more complex behaviors from others in the colony. They designed a two step puzzle box in which the bees first must move an obstacle to allow a rotating lid to be opened, revealing a sucrose reward. Members from three separate colonies were given 24 days, a sizable chunk of a bees life to work this out, but not a single one succeeded independently through trial and error. Indeed, it took around two days to train demonstrator bees to complete the task, often requiring a reward at the first step. Imagine you dropped some children on a deserted island. They might, with a bit of luck, survive, said Doctor Chica, a professor of sensory and behavioral ecology. But they would never know how to read or to write because this requires learning from previous generations. However, untrained bees quickly learn to open the two step box from these demonstrators without needing a reward after the first step. The findings provide evidence that bumblebees are capable of social learning and possibly cultural transmission. So there you go, a little buzz story for you. Ha ha ha. By the way, before I start this next story, I know that AI generates search results based on what we've searched for before, but also based on the information that they've gleaned from us. And I can guarantee you I haven't searched this subject before, but obviously my computer knows that I'm over the age of 50. And let's just leave it at that. Because the heading at the bottom for one of the ads that I got on this article was seniors supercharged intimacy. 15 minutes action, five times faster, longer lasting, and under that it says trending stories. Next to that, lowest prices ever. 2024 us silver eagle coin clearance and then blurry vision. Try this tonight if your vision is fading. Oh, maybe that's what happened. They lost their vision because they bought those little blue gummies. I don't know is about paying it forward with karma. The title is how Americans are paying it forward hundreds of times every year. Hopefully they're not handing out blue gummies. Almost eight in ten americans believe that karma is real, and perhaps inspired by that notion, 84% say they will go out of their way to pay it forward whenever possible. That's according to a poll of 2000 us adults that tallied 84% as agreeing with the idea with what comes around goes around. Whether it's to align their cosmic mojo or simply acting on their human nature, the respondents reported they are paying it forward in a number of ways, including treating their loved ones to something special. 50% giving generous tips 48% helping out a neighbor by carrying their groceries or shoveling snow. 46% donating money to organizations or charities 40% let me just stop right there and say most of those people must have been listening to my previous podcast from years ago, because I've been saying for years, please, please help out a neighbor, especially carrying their groceries or shoveling snow. That's been one of my standards for helping the elderly, anyway. Almost four intents that they volunteered their time to help friends and family or supported locally owned businesses. The average adult engages in five generous acts per week, which adds up to 260 random acts of kindness each year. Beyond the mysterious karma benefit, these acts of paying it forward have real effects on more than those on the receiving end. Americans feel better about themselves, 49% their life overall, 37%, and feel more confident 22% when they extend kindness to others. Conducted by one poll on behalf of the banking app Chime, the survey found that 72% of adults considered themselves to be generous, even while 43% felt somewhat insecure financially. Some of the biggest generous acts respondents have done for others included scenarios like I opened my home for friends to move in during a health crisis. I overheard a waitress discussing some unexpected bills she was worried about covering, so I left her a $200 tip. Hopefully it wasn't a $200 hip, but a $200 tip. I went to Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina to work on restoring houses. 65% are likely to keep the chain going and pay for the food of the person behind them in a drive thru. If someone else paid for theirs, we're encouraged to see the pay it forward spirit is alive and well in this country, said Sarah el Amine as a vp at Chime. No matter what triggers it, the results reveal that Americans are more than five times more likely to find their spirits are lifted more when they're able to help someone else than when someone else helps them out, 72% versus 13% looking toward the future. A whopping 83% of respondents believe they'd be even more generous if they were more financially secure. Feeling good about your finances can mean more than just adding commas to your bank account. Others are sure to benefit, too. So when we listen to the mainstream media news, which none of us are doing anymore at all, right? No, right, because you shouldn't be. And you're hearing all the doom and gloom and the negativity and all of these things, even from the alternative media. Anybody that's fear mongering and spreading dissension and depression and sad news and fearful news and all of that, think of this story and think of how many times you've helped a person today or this week or this month. And is there possibly something that you could do? Just something small as a random act of kindness for someone else, as the studies show, it'll make you feel better, as well as helping the other person out. Just food for thought. Next is one of my fabily stories called Buridan's ass. A hungry ass finds himself between two equally large and delicious looking bales of hay. He looks from one to the other and back again, unsure which to choose. This goes on for a long while until, unable to make a decision, the poor old donkey dies of starvation. Moral of the story once again, take action. Don't linger too long on the precipice of a big or small decision. When the outcomes are positive, save yourself a headache, take a leap of faith, commit and enjoy whatever rewards that come your way, refusing to look back at what could have been. Boy, that's a lesson we can all learn from the next one that I have. My other Fabley story of the evening is called the clever general. Thousands of years ago, there was a famous chinese general with a reputation for being an astute and cunning leader. One day, at the end of a long campaign, this general decided to stop in a stronghold with a small battalion of soldiers, sending his main fighting force ahead to rest elsewhere. Meanwhile, one of his enemies catches wind of this and decides to march his army of hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the general's all but defenseless position. In the middle of the night, the general is awoken by one of his men, who breaks the news. The enemy's close. They'll be there before daybreak, and the tiny band of soldiers in the stronghold will be no match for their numbers. Hearing this, the general stops and pauses. Understanding his predicament, he instructs his men to stand down, open the gates, take down the banners from the walls, and hide. The general then removes his armor, dons a cloak, and sits on the battlements playing a mandolin as he looks out at the approaching army. The enemy leader soon arrives. He recognizes the general immediately, and he orders his forces to halt. He stops to think. He knows this general better than anyone, including his reputation for wily deeds and setting traps. He waits some more. The presence of this infamous general sitting there with such nonchalance makes him question himself. Was the information he received false? Is the general luring him into a trap? Or is it a double bluff? Is this the ploy to make him question himself? And the general is in fact as defenseless as he seems. He waits some more, and then he orders his forces to retreat. Moral of the story first, your reputation is crucial and can deliver all sorts of positive outcomes. Second, there's often a cleverer, more strategic way to achieve your goals. Never assume it takes sweat, blood, and tears. Look for a method of attaining the same results with less effort. So there you go. That's my other fable story for this evening. I hope that you enjoyed it. I hope you enjoyed tonight's episode as much as I enjoyed presenting it to you. This has been another episode of the Positude podcast with Maggie Hart. Please support the network in whatever way possible, and also thanks to my good buddy Pat Carr. The break song, by the way, was called what's gonna happen? Please check it out, support his albums and be good to each other. I hope that everybody has a good, healthy, successful, happy, fulfilling week and that you're all able to reach your goals, fulfill your fantasies, make your life better, and hopefully touch someone else's lives in the process. I would just like to take one more moment to again, please remind everyone that even though there's a lot of fear mongering out there, it does not hurt to be prepared so please make sure that you have extra food and water on hand and that you have a means to heat your house. Should your house lose power, or should there be an event where there's a power loss or the grid goes down, or just any other type of general emergency? I've said it before many times on my shows. You can go to the dollar store and buy solar lights and take those and charge them in a window as an immediate source. Once they've charged, they actually generate quite a bit of light and no batteries are required. You can actually stick them in your front garden or along your walkway and pull them out as needed in case of emergency. But please think of ways that you can prepare and take care of yourselves and your families as well as others. With that being said, thank you all so much for listening. I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you all for returning here every week and for listening to my interviews on other stations. And I hope to come back next week with some more fun, happy stories and some positive information. Ways to help you and ways for us to help each other. Thanks everybody for listening. Have a great night.

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