Red Pill Reality Show

Red Pill Reality Show
TRIM Radio
Red Pill Reality Show

Jun 16 2024 | 02:59:59

Episode • June 16, 2024 • 02:59:59

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

The Red Pill Reality Show features Riscalla Stephen delivering thought-provoking monologues and interviews with inspiring guests. The show's title references the "red pill" metaphor, which symbolizes a wake-up call to a hidden reality. Riscalla focuses on empowering viewers to achieve more in life.

Have you ever encountered an idea that challenged your existing beliefs? That feeling of unease or curiosity is exactly what thought-provoking monologues and controversial topics can spark. These elements act as mental gymnasiums, pushing us to consider the world from different angles and fostering intellectual growth.

Open your mind and join the conversation this Saturday, 9pm Eastern

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Remember: When approaching controversial topics, do so with an open mind and a commitment to respectful dialogue. The goal isn't to "win" the argument but to gain a deeper understanding of the issue at hand.

So, the next time you encounter a thought-provoking monologue or a heated debate about a controversial topic, don't shy away! Embrace the discomfort, engage with the ideas, and watch your mind expand!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:43] Speaker A: Good evening, everyone, and welcome to the Trim radio network and the Red Pill reality show with Ruskella Stevens. He will be live here in 1 second. Anyway, you come on over to the Trim radio network. You can listen in, you can buy merchandise. And if you want to be a part of our Trim radio network team, all you have to do is message us, and we'll show you how easy it is to do. The opinions expressed by my host, co host, guest, myself, and others is not that. Not necessarily that of the Trim radio network. It's owners, managers, or others. Any information shared by us is not to be considered to be used as advice. We inform, we don't advise. And any music that we play is covered under BMI music license six 10 516 58. And without further ado, I give you reskella Stevens and the Red Pill reality show on Saturday, 615 2024. At 09:00 Reskella, I know he's there. As soon as he unmutes his mic. [00:01:43] Speaker B: Radio network, we cut the bull and serve the truth. [00:01:53] Speaker A: I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. [00:02:05] Speaker B: I didn't come here to tell you. [00:02:06] Speaker A: How this is going to end. [00:02:08] Speaker B: I came here to tell you how. [00:02:10] Speaker A: It'S going to begin. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. You take the red pill, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill. The story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. You stay in Wonderland. You stay in Wonderland. I show you how deep the rabbit hole. Now transmitting from an undisclosed location in the northeast quadrant of the United States, it's the Red Pill reality show on the trim radio network with your host, Ruskala Stevens. Saturday nights from 09:00 p.m. eastern until midnight. Call in lines are open. Dial 803-200-2277 to reach your host directly. And now your host, Riskalla. [00:03:53] Speaker C: All right. It is a retro reality show. Thank you, Michael, for that intro. Oh, yeah, we're gonna do it again. [00:03:59] Speaker A: To the Trim radio network. We cut the bowl and serve the truth. [00:04:08] Speaker C: Stop that. Oh, my goodness. All right, so I don't have my video playing because when I turn my video on, I get a tremendous lag because my computer is so old. I am building a new computer, thanks to Michael Bahas with his donation of a motherboard. I will have a super duper computer here shortly, more than likely before the end of next week, and we can turn the video back on and I won't have all these problems. The issue that I have is when I have my video running, I will click on something and it won't respond till maybe five or 6710 seconds later. And meanwhile, I'm clicking on it. Clicking, clicking, clicking. So I don't realize I'm clicking it on and clicking it off. It just hasn't responded yet. So it just created a real nightmare for me. Anyway, I'm sure that everybody has heard about the wondrous case against number 45. Yep, we got 34 against 45. And anybody who knows anything about what's going on knows that they're all just full of feces. They are purposely doing what they can to get people to, I guess, the easiest way to, to get him to drop out of the race. And he has said many times, they're not after me, they're after you. I just happen to be in the way. We need to do whatever we can in support of this man. I have a personal friend of mine who basically chewed me out because they put up a post on Facebook that degrades just about all Republicans. Let's see if I can find it and I'll read it to you. It was sad that this individual who is good hearted, good person, but they don't realize that what they're doing is creating more division. Here it is. It says, republicans challenge, go to work tomorrow and tell a person of color you work with to go back to the country you came from. Find a co worker with disabilities and mock them for it. Grab a co worker by the you know what. Call a less attractive co worker a horse face and a dog. See if you can make it until lunch before you're fired. If you're not willing to do this, you obviously realize this isn't acceptable behavior for adults. So why would you elect a president who has done every one of these things on camera? Well, I responded to that because, sadly, this individual, in my opinion, way too much TV, way too much CNN, way too much MSNBC. Whoa. So my response was shameful. This is what I wrote. Shameful. I am a Republican. Many of my friends are republicans. They do not act in this manner. This is just creating more division upon the people. If you are still stuck on the grab thing after what now 20 years, has anyone heard him continue to say such things? So let me understand this. You've never said anything you regret, is that correct? The manufactured hatred by the MSM for this man is truly frightening. What's more frightening, tv, the propaganda and the people who continue to fall for these outright lies. Please remember, it is united that we stand, continue to cause division, and see how much longer we will have a constitutional republic. Well, that individual didn't like that. Basically raked me over to coals, said some things to me that really, really, you know, I could just tell this is an individual that has all their information coming from places like CNN or MSNBC, or ABC, or CB's or NBC. Any one of those guys that are just full of propaganda. And whether you realize it or not, thanks to Mister Ovamet, he made propaganda legal. Prior to him, it was illegal for these stations to state outright lies and know that they're lying. But you can thank that wonderful man who everybody loves. He was such a wonderful president. He did so much for us. Right? Bring on the propaganda. It's sad, because this particular example that I'm giving you, this is a friend of mine, this is somebody who knows, intelligent, able to have a conversation using common sense. All of that has been literally deluded because of a hatred for a man who may not have the best character, who may not have the best manners. But I will tell you, he has the best track record of success with regard to benefiting this country. Nobody, nobody has ever done as much for us as this guy. We were four years without a new war. We were energy independent. We had some of the lowest gas prices I have seen in my adult life. I remember teasing one of my friends, I think it was in Missouri or somewhere, somewhere in the midwest, about, hey, guess what? We just got under $2 a gallon. We're in 199.9. And he sent me a picture back showing gas at his state was $1.75, $1.75 per gallon. What has happened since? This guy that they call the president has taken office? The very first day that he came in, very first day, what did he do? He set in place a plan to destroy this country. And when I say destroy, I mean destroy in the sense that what I grew up with, the constitutional republic that I knew, they have turned it into a banana republic. They turned it into as close to communism as you can get without being called communism. When you are not able to speak your mind, whether that speech makes you a hero or whether that speech makes you a zero, we no longer have that right. And this individual that I had told you about earlier, I care about this person because they're a good person, but they don't realize by doing what they did, they literally are trying to cut my opinion out of the post. That's not what America is about. We've lost the ability to exchange ideas, exchange opinions, exchange what is happening in our lives. We've lost, I guess it's a talent. We've lost the ability to speak with each other without creating enemies. The final word that I said to this individual, because we are so far apart and I didn't want to create further division between me and them, I just said, blessings, my friend. We are too far apart on this. I believe what I have seen over the years, his personality, meaning Trump, is not my concern. His accomplishments are. If you cannot see that for the first time in over 50 years, he did not start any new wars. For the first time in decades, he walked into enemy territory to make peace with North Korea. How many peace accords did he get signed in the Middle east? Do you know? I would invite you to start looking into what he really did and for who. Don't fall for the all he did was divide us because that agenda is clearly the push of the media. And they responded with, basically, I'm full of feces. I don't know what I'm talking about. The sad part is they don't do any research of their own, because I do research because I look at a variety of different avenues of data and information and use those different varieties of information and try to cross check them so that somewhere between these, there lies somewhat of a truth. This individual refuses to do that. They want, and sadly, like many others, they want their information to be spoon fed to them via the television or the radio, one of these major media outlets. And that makes them feel comfortable. And so I have a dilemma on my hand. This is a personal friend of mine. This is not just a Facebook friend, this is a personal friend. And I'm not really sure how I can get this person to just do what I asked. Go do your own research. I have said anybody who's listened to me over the years, I think we're going into eight or nine years at this point. Anyone who's ever listened to the show, I've always said, I don't want you to believe what I'm saying. I don't want you to think like me. All I'm asking is for you to hear me out and please go check it out yourself. There is a big difference when you hear it from someone versus when you go look and go, oh, my God, there it is. Black and white, reputable website. And it says so and so many, many years ago. 2002, February of 2002, sitting at my computer, I was interested. I've always been interested in alternative energies. I was looking for what is known as free energy. As I went from one website to another, clicking on different links, I somehow ended up on a government website. What caught my eye was I saw the words Vietnam war. That was somebody that had to serve during that period of history. So I looked up this document that was about the Vietnam War, and it basically stated that the Gulf of Tonkin, isn't it, which is what started this war. Supposedly, we, our vessels, were attacked by North Vietnamese in the Gulf of Tonkin, which was considered an act of war. I found out that that whole thing was a lie. And I didn't know whether I was dreaming. This can't be reality. The government that I hold in high honor, the government that I trust, the government that I served for. You're telling me we killed all these people for a lie? For a lie? We killed people for a lie? I thought I was having a nervous breakdown. I didn't know what reality was anymore. I thought about my friends who never came back. I thought about my friends who came back who weren't the same. I thought about, why did we do this? It doesn't make sense to me. Why would we go kill people for a lie? We were told that these people presented a threat to our democracy, our republic, and we had to respond. We couldn't allow this to continue when the truth of the matter was it was all a lie. The whole thing was a lie. And I had a very difficult time dealing with reality. I couldn't understand just how we could kill people for nothing more than a lie. I wonder how many people who are listening right now have ever said a lie in your life. Imagine someone coming along and taking your life because you said a lie. And this is what I've had to deal with. And that night, which was a Saturday night, it had to be a little after midnight because my youngest was out bowling that night. Came home, usually came home between midnight and 1215. Found me at my computer crying uncontrollably. You could not console me. I didn't want to. Ask me what was wrong. I said, get away from me. Get away from me. I couldn't come to terms that our government dropped more bombs in Vietnam than we did in world war two, killed God knows how many people, injured God knows how many people. And supposedly, allegedly, approximately 60,000 of my generation were lost in that war. Well, after finding out what I found out, I don't believe it was 60,000. It was probably more like 160,000. And I don't believe there was a little over 100,000 of Vietnamese. It was probably more like hundreds of thousands for a lie. And from that point forward, I've had this burning, this burning within me that I needed to know, why would we do such a thing, such an unspeakable act? We would go attack another country for no justifiable reason and just lie about it. And the next thing that happened is we stepped into Afghanistan. And I asked myself, why are we going to Afghanistan? Of course, our government was saying, well, Afghanistan, they're holding Osama bin Laden, and Osama bin Laden in a cave on a satellite phone, defeated one of the greatest, if not the greatest, defense system on the face of the planet. And I said, yes, sure. Then I found out that we had Osama bin Laden cornered three times. Three times, but were told to stand down. Shortly after Afghanistan, we went into. Where? Went into Iraq. Why? Iraq had nothing to do with 911. Even the president at the time said, nothing to do with 911. This is a preemptive strike. What that means in plain English is we're coming to kick your ass for whatever reason we want. And the first thing they did when they got into Afghanistan, they took all the gold. Did you know that? Tons of gold were taken. The real threat that Saddam Hussein presented to the United States, the real threat was not a physical threat. He wasn't going to try to bomb us. He wasn't going to try to send people over here and create havoc. He wasn't going to do anything of that nature. What he was going to do was far more dangerous to those who run the show, because what he announced is what the greatest nightmare that the Federal Reserve could imagine. He said he's going to start issuing currency that is backed by precious metals, gold backed currency. And our government told him, no, you can't do that. And he said, yeah, watch me. I am the president of my country. I'm going to do what's best for my country. I'm not going to use your petrodollar anymore. Because he realized that the petrodollar isn't worth spit. It isn't worth the stuff that it's written on. For God's sake. When Nixon was president, he took us off of the gold standard, which we were on onto this fiat currency that we have now, which basically is an IOU, a fancy looking IOU. Japan at one time decided that we're selling you all of our cards and you're paying us with the stuff that doesn't have any value, that's not backed by anything. And you continue to print money out of thin air. And basically the $100 that you paid us with a couple of months ago is not worth a $100 anymore. And we see that you continue to print money and it dilutes the value of the money that we have. We need to make a change now. What I'm about to say to you, I have learned from several different sources and I do believe that this is accurate. Our government told Japan, get with the program or suffer the consequences. Japan says, you're paying us with something that has no value whatsoever. It's just paper. It's just. It's just a material that it's printed on. We're not doing it. How many of you remember the tsunami that hit Japan? I wonder how many people realize that that tsunami was brought on by nuclear explosions underwater, where the fault near Japan occurs, creating a tsunami and murdering how many thousands of people because they wouldn't go along. We went into Iraq, then we went into Yemen, then we went to Muammar Gaddafi's land, blaming him for terrorism, which was later proven to be wrong, murdered the man on camera. And you have somebody who has the callousness to go there and laugh. Oh, we came, he died. Haha. Sick, twisted, psychopathic individuals who are sadly in charge of running our country. And it's only gotten worse. Now we have a president who is the greatest embarrassment in the history of our country. People making fun of him as it appears that he was trying to sit down on a stage with the president of France. Look like he was trying to sit down or maybe he was doing something else. I don't know. I wasn't there. All I know is right after that he was let off the stage immediately. Didn't wait for the ceremonies to end right off the stage immediately. So what do you think could have happened? What could have possibly occurred for his wife to escort him immediately off the stage? The man gets lost on his own, tries to shake hands with invisible people, mumbles and stutters, can't complete a paragraph. And yet people still support this man. On the other hand, you have a man who literally worked tirelessly while he was the president, achieved goals that few I don't think anyone really, you look at all the goals that he had achieved. I don't think anyone could come close to what Donald Trump had done. So, yeah, he might be a little coarse, he might be a little harsh. Look at the people. He's being harsh, too. One of the things that this my friend said to me, which they found was so, so insulting, was when people began to chant, lock her up. And he said, yeah, lock her up. My friend thought that that was unacceptable. How dare him? Anybody who is paying attention, who has done any degree of research knows that Hillary Clinton is a traitor to this country. High treason. She sold uranium to the Russians. How many thousands, tens of thousands of emails? She was never prosecuted because the prosecutor is corrupt. But we will take a former president and we will put him on trial and make up charges. Make up because it's all past the time that it was due, 8910 years later, for a miscellaneous crime. Gonna turn it into a felony and try to push for jail time. Clearly, clearly there is a problem in this country. Our law enforcement agencies have been weaponized, and they want you to know that if you dare to speak out and what you speak is not within the agenda of the current administration, they will find a way to shut you up. This is not America, folks. This is not, and I say this without hesitation because I had many conversations with my friends during the Vietnam era. This is not what we served for. This is not the freedom that we believed we were saving. We were promoting, we were doing everything we could. Instead, what we were doing is killing people over a lie. Over a lie. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people. You know, I had a friend of mine who said, well, you know, they attacked us when we went over there. What would you do? Here you are in your homeland. You, as a matter of fact, you and your country have done nothing wrong. I mean, you just don't, we don't like you, you don't like us, okay? But we decide that we're going to come into your country, we're going to try to take your country over. What would you do? You're going to lay down and say, okay, it's all yours. Are you going to stand up and fight? Because that's what the North Koreans did. Excuse me, the North Vietnamese did. They stood up and they fought and they fought with everything that they had. And after how many years and after how many lives and after how much money we spent, we left that place with our tail between our legs like a bat out of hell. We got out of there. Sound familiar? Sound anything like Afghanistan? 20 some odd years. God knows how many people on both sides. We entered into this country, Afghanistan, illegally. They did nothing to us. They did not perform an act of war against us. But there we were in their country, destroying the place, losing, I don't know how many we. I don't know what the number is. One is too many. And I guarantee you it's a lot more than one. And how many years later we leave the place tail between our legs. But in this time, we do it even better for them. We leave behind $85 billion of our latest weaponry. And I guarantee you, I have no doubt in my mind, that weaponry is going to end up on the black market and, or it's going to end up being used against us. Helicopters, tanks, missile launchers, RPG's, automatic weapons, $85 billion. And this clown that they call the president said, we did a good job. We did a good job. We did it right. Proud. Proud of what he did. A guy who can't put three sentences together, mumbles on the stage, and I believe my personal opinion crapped himself. That's sure what it looked like to me. Couldn't control his bowels and just let loose right there on the stage in front of God and everybody. What an embarrassment. This is a reflection of the people of the United States. Is that how you want to be seen? By a man who can't speak properly? By a man who attempts to shake hands with something that's not there? By a man who attempts to, at least it looked like he tried to sit down in midair, by a man who has purposely made decisions to harm this country repeatedly, over and over and over again. I believe before this is all over, this man that they call the president is not going to be running for reelection. I think that they're going to pull a fast one at the last hour, whether that is going to be another pandemic, whether that is a full war that they're going to get us launched into, whether it's going to be election fraud again. They cannot have Donald Trump as a president. He knows too much. He knows we're all. Well, I'll be back up a minute. He knows where a lot of the bodies are buried. And if he comes back and in power and they're all talking about, oh, my God, he's going to be revengeful, oh, my God, we can't have that, oh, my God, he's going to destroy the country. What he's going to do is he's going to follow the law like he had previously if these people that went after him broke the law, you can bet your bottom dollar they're going to suffer. He's not going to let that slide. And I have every bit of support for him to do that. We don't allow that to continue. Otherwise, it will happen again. We have to stop it. And the way to stop it is to publicly prosecute those who willingly, willingly went after him. Knowing what they were doing was illegal. Knowing what they were doing was based upon lies. The russian collusion hoax. How much money did we spend? $40 million. $40 million. This man has been invested, excuse me, has been investigated more than any individual, I think, ever. I think ever. They can't find anything to pin on him, so they got to make stuff up. We're at a crossroads, folks. And if we don't succeed in putting this man back in the presidency, you can kiss our constitutional republic goodbye. It's not going to take a whole lot at this point because they have cracked the very foundations and they continue to pound away. It's not going to take a whole lot for this country to be brought down to its knees. I would do everything that I could to get people to realize, realize we are in a fight for our lives. Literally. The people who are against Donald Trump are fighting for their lives. They really are literally fighting for their lives because if he becomes the president and these people go to trial, it's not going to be pretty for them. All right, I've kind of went over a little 30 minutes of my monologue. We're going to take a quick break and then we'll be back. I'll be back with Michael and we'll have an ongoing discussion. If you want to join in, we'll send the, put the phone number up there and send the links out. Here we go. Hopefully this will work. Stay tuned, folks. We're hitting pause for a quick break. We're not going anywhere. We'll be back before you know it with more on the red pill reality show. Are you a business owner? Did you know that the government is holding funds right now for your business? The program is called the Employee Retention act. It's done through the IR's and part of the CARES act and it's available to just about every business. This could mean literally hundreds of thousands of dollars into your business. This is not a loan. It's 100% legal and paid directly to you. Go to that's getmymoneyback. To watch a brief video and find out how you can qualify. dot go there now. [00:37:16] Speaker A: Do you need toner for your Epson, Hewlett, Packer, Canon, Brother Apple or sharp printers? Look no further than laser technologies in business for over 20 years. They offer the lowest prices on toner on the web. They can also repair your laser printer and toners fast and easy. Call their expert staff today at 561-792-9600 or email us at service dash for all your toner needs. All toner is shipped nationwide. Why wait? Get the lowest prices on toner. Call or email us today. [00:37:49] Speaker C: You have asked, are we happy? Are we happy? [00:37:52] Speaker A: And effective consultation with leading experts in the field makes it perfectly clear, perfectly clear that we are all now programmed for perfect happiness. Perfect happiness. Perfect happiness. [00:38:28] Speaker C: We see what they want us to see. We hear what they want us to hear. [00:38:43] Speaker A: They think we can't handle the truth. If you feel you are not properly sedated, call 348844 immediately. Failure to do so may result in prosecution for criminal drug evasion. [00:39:26] Speaker C: See that the humans remain entertained until the end. Control. [00:39:50] Speaker A: This station is now the ultimate power in the universe. We have ignition strap in 554-3321. [00:40:05] Speaker C: We'Re back. Hope you you didn't go too far because we have more interesting and thought provoking information for you. Coming up on the red pill reality show. All right, we are back. Let's see if we can get Michael on here. Oh man. Driving me crazy with this. Crazy. Stay tuned folks. We're hitting pause for a quick break. We're not going. That's really upsetting. Gosh, I gotta get this new computer and this is so upsetting to me. I tell it to not do it and it does it anyway. Of course, again, it's the delay and the reaction time. When I click on something looks like it's going to accept it and then it does it anyway. Welcome back, Michael. How are you, my friend? [00:40:51] Speaker A: I am good. You know what? Let's uh, folks, you can call in 8032-0077 join the live stream to chat if you would like to, or all you have to do is go to HTTPs forward slash forward slash forward slash jztj y seven up and come on and join us. We'd love to have you. And there's so much we got to talk about. You know, the thing that really bothers me about this guy Riz, that really, really upsets me is, you know, you look at the pictures of how he has abused his privilege around children and you saw the girl playing the instrument, how horrified she looked. It was, I felt bad for, she was ready to cry and you could see it in her eyes. She was terrified. This guy, they get away with stuff and then they sit here. The hypocrisy is just amazing to me. And every time Biden comes on now, he's always using this stuff against Trump. These 34 convictions, understand something. They related to the story, Stormy Daniels, how he paid off, it doesn't matter. She signed it. Do not disclose. [00:42:18] Speaker C: All right, so, Michael, let me point something out. There's no law that says you can't pay somebody off. That's not against the law. If you were to say something or let's say you had some evidence on me that would put me in a bad light. And I came to you and I said, michael, I'll pay you whatever. The number's not important. I'm going to pay you and you give me the evidence. That's not breaking the law. There's no law that says I can't do that. [00:42:41] Speaker A: It was, it was this all related to how it was done, which he wasn't in charge of. Cohen was the fixer. [00:42:49] Speaker C: Right. [00:42:50] Speaker A: They believed a convicted felony and how the money was hidden is, was Cohen. He was the fixer. He was the guy who did this. But they convicted him because they wanted him. It should have really never went to court at all to be true. [00:43:04] Speaker C: They had prosecutors, three of them, if I remember correctly, that said, I'm not touching this. This is ridiculous. [00:43:12] Speaker A: Yeah. This guy bragged, Alvin, Alvin Bragg bragged about how he was intent getting Trump. He was going to do this. That's exactly what he did. He based everything on it. That's that he said this before, you know, that this was his goal. Okay? That was it. Why? Because he doesn't share the same political affiliation. [00:43:40] Speaker C: And he used it for popularity. He knew that the area that he was at, Trump was not a popular person. And so how would you like to go to court? [00:43:51] Speaker A: How would you like to go to court in a democratic state and you're republican? Okay. And you have, oh, well, they had a choice of a jury of their peers. No, they didn't. It's a democratic state. So there is no jury of your peers because everybody is democratic to begin with. So this isn't, this isn't a jury of your peers where you can, you can choose people on your peers? No, you already stacked the deck. You put it in a democratic state where you would never have a chance of getting a fair trial. You stack the deck with democratic people. These weren't republican people, these were democratic people. Understand that. Okay. And then you even had one of the jury people say, ah, we're going to be able to convict him. [00:44:40] Speaker C: He's going to fire. You missed a point. Prior to them doing. He said that was said. Prior to them voting, that was said. [00:44:50] Speaker A: That's right. That's what I'm saying. So you're not getting a fair trial to begin with. This has been a stack deck all the way around. What about the lives of those he left over there in Afghanistan when he left all that military equipment? What about the 33,000 emails that Hillary Clinton had? And what about the people who died that were begging, begging, pleading and saying, give us back up, we weren't going to get overrun. And they did. And they got their bodies dragged through the street and they knew way ahead of time. They didn't do anything to try to get them out of there or anything else. [00:45:26] Speaker C: This was all political from what I found out. The reason that Hillary Clinton, who was the secretary of state at the time, who was responsible for protecting those people from what I found out. And again, I get my, this is from at least three different sources that I can't think of. His name. The senator that went over there, he went over there to talk about a weapons deal of some sort, and it all went south. And the weapons deal that he was talking to them about was under the radar, it was under the carpet, it wasn't legitimate. And if they would have gone in and defended them, all of that would have come to light. And so they couldn't have that. So instead they sacrificed him and two marines. It was more than that. But initially it was him and two marines because for Hillary, that's what it was done for. So Hillary could not get in trouble. [00:46:20] Speaker A: Well, that's not the only thing. Even if you look at President Obama, who did that shady deal with Iran. [00:46:26] Speaker C: In the middle of the night, cash, cash on palace. [00:46:30] Speaker A: That's right. So it couldn't be really traced anyway. But it got loose and that was, hey, please don't build nuclear weapons. Please don't do it. And now, two days ago, not two days ago, Iran says, you know what, we're going to continue with our nuclear arsenal, which they have immense, immense arsenal that they've been working on and they, and who funded them? We did, in the middle of the night on a lie. And I'm just going to say, you couldn't see that coming. First of all, I would have told them, no way, you're not getting anything. You do this and you're going to pay the price. But we didn't do that because they want it to happen. They're begging for it to happen. That's how this is. Now you got Putin now talking about a ceasefire. Hey, give us all the land that we've just taken, okay? And I'll tell you what, we'll talk about a ceasefire then, and let's end this thing. Well, that's because now the weapons that we have are getting inside of Russia and he's feeling the pinch. He used prisoners to go and fight the war as if their lives didn't matter. I know they committed crimes, but let's take a look at how their crime system is compared to our crime system. These people go to jail on a whim. [00:47:49] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [00:47:50] Speaker A: So understand something. They were sacrificed. We're testing weapons. Listen, we're. We've been. We've been doing this. All these things are happening for a reason. Think about it. How much do we spend on peace compared to nothing? [00:48:07] Speaker C: Well, they would argue with you. We spend. The money we spend to defend ourselves is the money that we spend on peace. The money that we build our armies up with and the equipment that they need and all the mechanics of killing people, that's our peace. [00:48:25] Speaker A: That might be our peace, but I will tell you something. Some of these weapons that they're defending, we just deployed the newest laser, which is taking out drones. It's active, it's deployed the mana. The mana system for underwater. The ocean. [00:48:41] Speaker C: Yeah. I'm going to tell you, we put that on the show, what, a couple of weeks ago, we show pictures of. [00:48:46] Speaker A: Thing up and running. Up and running. Okay? We have the most sophisticated weapons in the world. I don't care what China, how many ships they're building. That doesn't make any difference to me. First of all, their. Their carriers are nothing like our carriers. That's why the fronts are tipped. Okay? Still launch them up higher before they sink into the water. They don't have the same type of catapult system that the United States Navy has. It's not as effective and they haven't been as effective. None of them do. We're the most advanced, make no mistake about it. But I'm going to tell you, we've been testing, testing, testing, testing. And where do we do it? Well, look at the world. We do it all over. [00:49:32] Speaker C: That's what I was going to say earlier. A lot of people don't realize that we meddle into a lot of other people's business. Business. And it's not the best way to put it, in my opinion. It's not a justifiable reason. It's for resources and for plundering, literally plundering whatever country we go into. I mentioned in the monologue one of the very first things that happened in Iraq, when they went into Iraq, they plundered the gold. There was tons of gold that was being held by Iraq because Saddam Hussein had introduced gold backed currency. And more and more and the same thing happened in Libya, by the way. Libya introduced, I think it was called the Dinar. It was one of them. Either. [00:50:18] Speaker A: Either it was Gaddafi who introduced it. [00:50:22] Speaker C: Okay, so they introduced the dinar, which was a gold backed currency and increasing in value. I mean, the thing just went nuts. Within the first year that it was out, it had continuously increased in value. And our government told him, you can't do that. And he said, it's my country. I'm doing just same thing as Saddam Hussein. I'm doing what's best for my country. I wonder how many people know that Muammar Qaddafi's popularity rate in his country was well over 88%. He also promised everybody a home, no homeless people in Libya when he was there. And the other thing he said was, I will live in a tent. This is why they called him crazy, because he gave his word, I will live in a tent until everybody has a house. And he was living in a tent for a while and they said, oh, look at this crazy guy. He lives out in the desert in a tent because he gave his word. And if you were somebody that lived in Libya and you happened to be a libyan citizen, you happen to want to be a farmer, they would either give you the land or loan you the money for the land at zero interest with whatever time interval that you needed to repay the loan. And on top of that, they would give you the equipment that you need, the seeds, everything. The only restriction was that you had to sell it within the country. You could not export any of it. If you were somebody who wanted to go to school and the schools there had exceeded, had reached the limit of education and you wanted to go Uk or Canada or United States, they would pay for your education. If you were going to get married, you would get a stripe and a certain amount of money for getting married. This is why this man was so popular. And our government went over there and murdered him and then laughed about it. I don't know how many people remember that she laughed about, oh, we came, he died. Ha, ha, ha. Disgusting. [00:52:33] Speaker A: I mean, the problem is, is that our governments have been just getting worse and worse. Crooked, more crooked and more crooked and, you know, doing things that shouldn't be done. I'm sorry. And people are going to be mad at me for saying this. The college thing really bothers me. You have too many veterans who had the wool pulled over their heads, over their eyes, and right now are facing foreclosure. Okay, up to the tune of that, are in trouble are is around 40,000. It was at 6000 during the COVID time when this first came out. It's way up there. They're upside down, they're in trouble. So now we had to put a stopgap on that because you had a lot of veterans screaming. Then all of a sudden they decided to take some of the money from the VA and go ahead and use. [00:53:29] Speaker C: It for the people who don't belong here. Yeah, right. That's real nice. I want to play, this is only 12 seconds long, but I want to play this. I want people to see I'm not making this stuff up. This is how cold hearted this individual they call Hillary, this is how cold hearted she is. [00:53:46] Speaker A: So, I mean, that is the land of unconfirmed videos. [00:53:49] Speaker C: We came, we saw, he died. [00:53:53] Speaker A: Did it have anything to do with your visit? [00:53:55] Speaker C: I'm sure it did somehow. That's funny. We came, we saw whatever, he died. Ha, ha, ha. Was I exaggerating? Because I get people who tell me, they hear the show and they go, oh, you were exaggerating. Was I exaggerating? I just gave you a video of exactly what she said. [00:54:14] Speaker A: Yeah, it's the same thing. But you know what she can't keep track of 33,000 emails. You know, all that stuff was deleted. That that's a crime in itself because some of that stuff wasn't even supposed to be on the devices it was on. [00:54:29] Speaker C: Okay? [00:54:30] Speaker A: They're held to a set of rules, all right? And it's no different than the classified documents with Trump, the devices that they use. She used this information and these things weren't even supposed to be on with begin with, okay? It was a clear violation. Not one prosecution, not one thing. Nothing was done. [00:54:53] Speaker C: I had somebody. [00:54:54] Speaker A: The law is not the same for everyone. If you think it's equal for everyone, you are wrong. [00:55:01] Speaker C: I had one of my friends tell me again, this is a personal friend on Facebook, but I mean, personal. We've gone to lunch. We've, you know, we shared a lot of things together. Tell me, they were, they happened to be a Hillary supporter. And I said, how can you support this woman, after everything like you and I just mentioned, and he said, well, if she really had done that, they would have. They would have prosecuted her, the case. And I said, no, they didn't prosecute her because she did break the law. But the prosecutor is corrupt, the very prosecutor who's supposed to be, you know, keeping the law, making sure that if somebody breaks the law that they're, you know, that justice is served, that person is corrupt. And they couldn't. They just. They could not wrap their mind around what I was saying. Some of this is very difficult for people to understand because, like me, when I first found out that the Vietnam war was all based on a lie, I tell you, Michael, honestly, I don't think I was right for at least a week. I really don't. I questioned my life. What am I doing here? What in God's name did we do? How many people did we kill? I had such a difficult time. To this day, there are times that I cannot repeat what I said to you earlier without breaking down and crying, because I think about my friends, I think about. I envision how many people, how many families did we destroy over there? And then how many of our generation died in this thing? And it was an unjustifiable war, an illegal war, but we were all lied to. And now I have to face the truth of that. So it's. You question your. For me, I question my reality sometimes to this very day. I question what in God's name is going on? How can this be? How is it possible that all of these people kill these children and they drain their blood and they drink their blood? How is it possible that they're so callous that they. They traffic human beings back and forth? I. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around some of this stuff. [00:57:20] Speaker A: Because you have to have a soul. That's number one. Number two, if you take a look at Vietnam, then the soldiers came back after doing their job. They didn't have a choice. These were drafted people. [00:57:31] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:57:32] Speaker A: Okay. And then they got spit on, attacked everything else called baby killers, called everything else to a war they didn't want to begin with. [00:57:40] Speaker C: By the way, a lot of that was John Kerry. Thank you, John Kerry. He was the one who spread all that garbage around. Some of it was true, but a lot of it was not. [00:57:48] Speaker A: I'm just going to say, here's the thing. So you had this going on, on top of it, which became anti american anyway, so that stirred up a pop. There you got today. You look at it. The DOJ today, Garland they're not going to prosecute Garland. But did he do subpoena? He did not. And what didn't he do? He didn't turn over the video. They turned over some stuff, but just like, the same difference with Trump, okay, of the documents, they're not turning over the video. [00:58:21] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:58:22] Speaker A: And they're refusing what's on the video that you're so afraid of that you don't want it to be made public. What is it? They're not going to turn it over. So you're. It's the hypocrisy. [00:58:34] Speaker C: Exactly. Is spitting in their face, literally. No, we're not going to give it to you. I mean, I may not be saying it like that, in that manner, but that's basically what they're saying. [00:58:44] Speaker A: No, we're not what they're saying in. [00:58:47] Speaker C: A more legalistic way, but basically, that's, you know, stuff it. We're not giving it to you. [00:58:52] Speaker A: They were subpoenaed. They should give it over. Okay. If they don't find anything, then they don't find anything and you don't prosecute. Okay. But it seems to me that if we're gonna. If we're gonna do these stupid things, tit for tat, tip for tat, and they did the same thing. If you go back to Bannon and you go back to some of the others. Oh, they prosecuted there when the shoe was on the other foot. [00:59:17] Speaker C: So they're gonna put Steve Bannon in prison for. And you know what? He's guilty of being Donald Trump's friend. This is the message that they want to send out. If you're a friend of his, for him, we're going to give him all kinds of hell. But you better pray that we don't find out you're his friend, because if you're his friend, we're coming after you, too. [00:59:37] Speaker A: It's, you know, I'm not going to tell you, like I said before, you know, this stuff, all this is going on. What are you voting for? What are you voting for? Does it really make a difference? And I'm coming to the conclusion that it does not. I've come to the conclusion that, first of all, I got two people up there, and I'm. And unlike Reskella and Roscella, and I know we have our differences. I liked how he handled the economy. Roscoe and I both agree on that. I liked all that. But I said a long time ago, his downfall is, is that he acts like a little kid. He can't keep quiet sometimes. [01:00:17] Speaker C: Yep. [01:00:17] Speaker A: And that's been Michael. That's been a common problem. But you have to understand, too, this isn't a political guy, this is a business guy, okay? They've always spoke up and spoke their mind and everything else. Now we have a president who is a political guy that's doing the exact same thing and he's like a little kid, and yet nobody sees it. Nobody wants to say anything. And this guy's got so many skeletons in the closet, 50 years worth, okay? Nobody wants to say anything. The wall, the wall was paid for way, way, way back then it was. And all of a sudden it became this big, big thing, anything to use to paint a bleak picture against the other guy. And I'm looking at this guy, he's old, he's in his dotage, and who do you think they're going to replace him with? Here's the trick. Here's what's going to come up. They're going to pull Camilla out and say, all right, she's the president. Who's she picking for a running mate? Because she's controllable. I don't get her to do anything she wants. [01:01:20] Speaker C: I think they're afraid of her. [01:01:22] Speaker A: They're not afraid of her. [01:01:23] Speaker C: No, they are. Let me, let me clarify. I think they're afraid of her in the sense that she would embarrass them too greatly. That's what, that's the fear that they have. I think they would never see somebody like, and I don't know whether they will or not, but somebody like Michael Obama, Ailey, aka Michelle, or Gavin Newsom out of, out of California, that'll be a running mate. [01:01:50] Speaker A: To be a running mate, yeah. I predict she chooses Gavin Newsom to do that. Why not? California's a mess. You know, you're not going to get people out there, certain people you won't get out of office. Schiff, he's won Schumer, he's won McDonald. They finally got him out. He's going now. And I'll tell you what, I won't miss the guy. I won't, because he's created so much trouble for his own Republicans. So I won't miss him. Be glad when he's done. Look at Pelosi. She's not going anywhere. She's not going. These people are past their age, a lot of them. Okay, Pelosi. I think Schumer should be done. But I'm going to tell you, Adam Schiff, come on, you haven't heard thing from him after his embarrassment. Embarrassment? [01:02:42] Speaker C: Oh, still, every once in a while he makes comments and still, still says that. Wants to convince people that Trump was guilty of collaborating with the Russians and to overthrow the. He still says that. He still to this day says that. [01:03:00] Speaker A: They'Ve got nothing to prove that, you know, Steele came up with this crap and I'm gonna tell you, and it was all proven to be false, false narrative and everything else. And it dug into this thing, why. [01:03:13] Speaker C: They keep pushing it. What was the other thing I watched? I made the sad mistake of watching a video from CNN, and I don't remember exactly what it was about now, but the blatant lies. Blatant lies, just open lying about Trump, how he was the one thing that they said I couldn't believe. Oh, he was, he was the leader of the insurrection. It was his fault. The insurrection of January 6 was his. First of all, it was in an insurrection. Second of all, he offered all kinds of help. It was, it was outright refused by Pelosi was one. And I think the mayor of DC was the second one, just outright refused. [01:04:03] Speaker A: They wanted it to happen. [01:04:06] Speaker C: And then we find out through hearings, the guy from Louisiana, I love this guy. I wish I could remember his name. He finds out that, he points out through evidence, through visual, audio and visual evidence, that there were people, plants that were put in place, many of them wearing Trump hats and flags and things of that nature, causing the trouble. They were there to cause the trouble. So it was the FBI. They didn't call them agents, they called them something else. I can't remember what it was, but they work for the FBI, basically. Operatives. Maybe. Maybe that's the word I'm looking for. [01:04:46] Speaker A: Here's what I count on with Democrats now, and I used to be a Democrat and I switched parties after I started seeing it with the Obama era. And I will just tell you this, the hypocrisy is huge. Second of all, if they don't like something, they'll have a riot. And then people that are in charge in the democratic area say that the rest of the public should pay for the riot. By the way, that was Maryland. Just so that you know that folks, and they destroy a lot of things. Now you have these protesters who are getting paid, okay, they're not only getting paid, they're getting set up with tents and everything else. And then that was found out to where now the college people, the college, the deans and everyone else are saying, okay, no more of this, we're not going to take this. Got out of hand, got violent and everything else. And I'll tell you what? They don't actually know the truth about Israel and Hamas. And years ago, do you remember the PLO? Do you remember any of that stuff? That's organization. That's right. And what happened, the other muslim countries took them in. So you could check it was not only Egypt, but Jordan, but Lebanon. And everyone else took them in. And then they made a state within the state and attacked those people. And then in one instance, they killed the president, the leader of that country, and finally they had enough and kicked them out. So, no, the other muslim countries do not even want them in there because of their past behavior. So if they don't want them in there and you're sitting here protesting the United States, who, guess what? Neither do we. And you're sitting here fighting this. Who are you fighting for? It's not us. It's not your country. You can believe what you want. You just don't want to believe the truth. That's the other part. That's the last and final piece. You don't want to hear the truth. [01:06:49] Speaker C: The issue with all of that is that there is genocide occurring there. And that's sad. There are good people within the palestinian society. It's sad that the ones who have the mouthpiece, just like here with the media, the ones who have the mouthpiece are the ones who are creating the havoc and doing more harm than ever. Any good. And that reflects upon everybody else that's there. So everybody. I say everybody. A lot of people think that. Used to think at least that Palestinians were the problem. Yeah, there are Palestinians that are problem, just like we have Americans here right now that are trying to destroy this country. They are a problem. But that doesn't mean the entire country is. And what I see happening over there is they're literally trying to destroy the entire country. I don't think that's fair. And Israel, whether people realize it or not, Israel is a nuclear power. They have nuclear arms. So wouldn't it. This is like threatening a bulldog with a Chihuahua. Okay? It's like. It's just not a level field. But then you have people like Hamas stepping in who are supported more than likely by Iran. And who knows? Maybe the very weapons that are being used against Israel are weapons that happen to say, oh, USA manufactured, serial number, blah, blah, blah, blah. Because who knows? Maybe they came from where? Afghanistan. $85 billion worth of our stuff we left. [01:08:18] Speaker A: Any veteran. Ask any veteran, where did the ieds come from that were in Iraq? Where did they come from? Where did they come from? From Afghanistan. They're going to tell you the same thing I'm going to tell you. Iran. Okay? Where's Hezbollah? Who's supporting them? [01:08:38] Speaker C: Iran. [01:08:40] Speaker A: Who's supporting Hamas? Hezbollah. So I'm just going to tell you. And now we're hearing whisperings of ISIS again. Okay, listen, we have, we have a problem over there. And the problem. [01:08:54] Speaker C: Michael, Michael, before you go any further, we didn't have a freaking problem over there until these people came into power here. I just want that out before you go any further. We have settled down over there. We have peace accords going on over there. We have, we have people, for the first time in God know, 50 years. [01:09:12] Speaker A: We never had peace over there, dude. [01:09:14] Speaker C: Never beginning. [01:09:15] Speaker A: I mean, if you go back to the seven day war, if you go, I don't care if you go from 67 all the way back to 47 and everything like that. You have to remember, Israeli had to take on everybody. And you know what? It's never been peaceful over there, but it's been manageable because you don't see Saudi Arabia, you don't see Kuwait, you don't see these other countries. They don't want to get involved in this anymore. They're tired of it. Nobody wants to be involved in a war. But Iran, people like North Korea, people like Russia, people like China, China is now more restraint that they've developed more. But you do have these countries that are supporting these things. I mean, it just turned out yesterday that, what was it? The Armenians just turned around and said, listen, we're no longer going to support this separate NATO thing that you got going on Russia, we'd rather support the NATO thing. They can smell it. They can see it. Okay? They know what's going on. And that doesn't mean that Ukraine is innocent, because I'm going to tell you, they had a lot of corruption going on there. So the problem that I have is no matter what, no matter how you slice it and dice it, back in 2014 when Russia came in and invaded Crimea, okay? And then here we are today. They still invaded another country. I'm sorry, Russia broke up. Okay? That's the bottom line. They broke up. [01:10:44] Speaker C: But that's not why he's after them, though, Michael. [01:10:47] Speaker A: From what he's after him because he doesn't want NATO on his front door. I get it. [01:10:51] Speaker C: That is the primary reason. And the secondary reason is he knows that there are biological labs going on over there and there is an entire section of, literally, of nazis. They fly the nazi flag, they murder people out in the public. So that to keep the fear going among the people. There's literally a live nazi regime going on there, and he knows that there are biological labs going on there, and he wants all of that to come to an end. I've gotten that from at least five or six different sources. He may want to have them become part of Russia. I'm not doubting that. But I'm saying the reason that he's lifted arms up and went over there and started punching the bags is because he's not going to deal with what you said. First of all, that's absolutely correct, and he has every right to. Well, how would we feel if Russia decided to become allies with Canada or Mexico? We wouldn't be very comfortable with that either. [01:11:52] Speaker A: Let me tell you. We got the problem in Cuba. We got ships over there now that just landed. Important Cuba that are from Russia. Matter of fact, it was a submarine. We had a couple other big boats that are over there. That's fine. Canada and the United States sent in a nuclear submarine. Fast attack. It's there. It popped up right behind them. And now all of a sudden, things are simmering down. Here we go. And this isn't something that's unusual. You're going to have these things all over the world. And if they wanted biological weapons, they're still in cahoots with China. Okay? They could get them from China. They could get them from anywhere. It wouldn't matter. And so, and so could Ukraine. They could get them from us. [01:12:34] Speaker C: They could get them. [01:12:35] Speaker A: So it's not a reason. It's not. It's not a legit reason. The bottom line is, why are we making these weapons to begin with? We're supposed to have a treaty that says we're not going to make these weapons. And we've got a little guy over here that has lied about this stuff with the gain of function to the tune where there were $710 million made for the NIH, and he turns around and he's made 12 million of it. So. And that's from pharmaceutical companies and everybody else. Listen, we have. We have big problems, folks. Big problems. And we know he lied. We see it in text messages and everything else. [01:13:09] Speaker C: Oh, they proven it already. [01:13:12] Speaker A: And he's going to deny it and he's going to stick to his guns. Wouldn't you? I mean, you got $12 million. Okay, $12 million. And then he brags today and says, I've turned down multi million dollar deals. I've turned down all these big deals because my interest is helping the public. Oh, okay. So that outweighed that. Well, give the 12 million back. I mean, if you, if you feel bad about that and you, and then that's your, that's your statement. Why did you take the true 12 million when you saw 7 million people die all over the world? That didn't bother you? Then you still took the money? Bullshit. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. These are just the lies that are going on. And we have to elect leaders and people not voting for the lesser of two evils, folks. Is that really what we become in this country, the lesser of two evils? [01:14:14] Speaker C: So I wonder how many people know that President Trump went to Christ Fellowship. When I was living in West Palm Beach, Christ Fellowship was like a five minute drive for me, that he went there, like undercover kind of thing. And I don't know how many times he went, but he went there. And I wonder how many people know that he allowed people into the White House to pray over him, to pray for what is best for this country, not what was best for Donald Trump or Donald Trump's family, what was best for this country, and to lead him in a direction that would benefit this country in the most beneficial way that possible. I wonder how many people realize that he provided, during his presidency, an availability for people of color, the opportunity to be educated unlike any other president ever before him, yet he's constantly labeled as a racist, that he doesn't like people of color. More and more people are becoming the reality of, that's a bunch of feces, man. It's a bunch of garbage. [01:15:30] Speaker A: Do you remember when AOC and all of them got in and different people from different cultures and everything? [01:15:38] Speaker C: I was amazed that they got in. [01:15:39] Speaker A: And he's like, listen, we've got more people in Congress now that have never been there, that have had these chances to do this and make change, okay? And they applauded him for it, okay? And then all of a sudden, he's the bad guy. I'm not saying he's. You have to understand something, how we, the money that he did for the country is great. We can't take another four years of what we got right now. There is no, it will be the. [01:16:05] Speaker C: Final end of this country. We will not have a republic. We are thirsty right now. They've already broken every role, every rule that you could possibly imagine when it comes to the rights of the republic. They've just about broken every one of them. You know, the fact that they went in and literally swatted a former president, and I'll tell you what, I think that's going to come to bite them in the proverbial behind, because now a precedent has been set, and there are several presidents that I can think of who really need to have that done. Really need to have it done. And now, since they have set the precedent with President Trump, I think, and maybe this is what they're afraid of. This is the revenge that they're talking about, right? That he, when he gets into office, he's going to see to it that these people who have broken the law, who really are traitors to this country, who have betrayed the people and betrayed their oath, maybe they're. Maybe. Maybe they are going to be under the microscope now. Maybe they will be the ones under the spotlight as much as the media will try to hide it. It will be so big and so grand, they won't be able to any longer. [01:17:18] Speaker A: Here's the bottom line. If you're not breaking the law, you have nothing to worry about. I pay my taxes. [01:17:24] Speaker C: But that's not true any longer, okay? That's not true any longer, Michael. That's not true any longer. That Donald Trump proved that that's not true. He did nothing wrong. [01:17:38] Speaker A: I. All's I'm saying is, if you don't do anything wrong, you don't have to worry. I'm not talking about his case. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the average american. We know this. [01:17:49] Speaker C: But if they do it to him, imagine what they could do to you or me. If they're. And you know, they record everything that we do now, whether it's a phone call, whether it's a text or it doesn't. This show, all of it is recorded somewhere. I just want somebody be listened to, but it's recorded. And. And so if an algorithm picks up something and somebody, they get a live human to listen to it, who knows? Maybe we're the next ones. You know, it's not impossible. That's the problem. They're not operating within the peril. I can't think of the right word. [01:18:25] Speaker A: Parameters. [01:18:25] Speaker C: The parameters. They're not operating. Thank you. They're not operating within the parameters of the law that they're supposed to operate in. They're continuously breaking the law and then getting you in trouble for something you haven't done and saying that you broke the law, that this is where. That's what's concerning me the most right now. [01:18:43] Speaker A: This whole thing is we. We need to fix our country. We need to focus on us, and we need to get our deficit down. We're at $35 trillion. [01:18:56] Speaker C: Who do we have this morning? [01:18:58] Speaker A: We're at 35 now. Now we have where they're talking about, well, unemployment's down this and that. The numbers that these guys are talking about just don't make any sense. And what they're going to say, this all the way down to make it look good. [01:19:14] Speaker C: That's right. [01:19:14] Speaker A: To get him in there. It's, I'm just telling you folks, if you, you've suffered for two years and everything that he did do to benefit the country was undone in three months. When Biden got into office, he made it his goal to undo every single thing Donald Trump did. So this is on him. You can't blame a past president if you've undone everything he's done within three months that you're in office. No, it's on you now. Okay. And that's just the way I feel about it. [01:19:45] Speaker C: We, all this money to, by the way, is it, is it the federal Reserve? [01:19:50] Speaker A: Well, we have spent all this money for things that, you know, not only the immigrants. [01:19:58] Speaker C: Yeah, I understand that. But who, who do we owe it to? We're in debt to somebody who holds that debt. Is it the federal reserve? [01:20:07] Speaker A: Other countries and us, ourselves? And we have 330 million people, maybe 340 million people in this country. All right. And that's probably gone up a little bit since we can't, we have no idea how many people are really here. But if you look at that, you are responsible, folks, for $35 trillion. And if you want to say, okay, 34 and a half. 35, no, Congress themselves are saying 35 trillion. [01:20:42] Speaker C: My question. Wait a minute, Michael. My question remains. Is it the federal reserve? Okay, you said other countries, but I think a lot of it is the federal reserve because every time they print our money, aren't we going to debt? It doesn't, before we spend anything, when they print $1, we're already in debt to them. A dollar point, something. You're, you follow what I'm saying? [01:21:05] Speaker A: No, I listen. Everything. When we got rid of the gold standard, when we got rid of the silver standard and everything like that, understand something. We kind of, nice way to put it, screwed ourselves. [01:21:19] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:21:20] Speaker A: We could just print money because this is all based on consumer confidence, okay. It's all based on how we feel, how the american people feel today. [01:21:30] Speaker C: They feel even further than that. It's all based upon what they want. If they want more money, they're just going to print more money. [01:21:38] Speaker A: That's, well, they think about futures. They think of how it's going to play out. And now they say, listen, we don't have to pay off all that debt. All we have to do is make sure we pay the interest and stuff like that. Here's the problem with it. And if you've ever been a consumer and you've made this mistake. I have before. You run up a credit card, right? And then you're paying the interest rate on it, and you think you're making some type of minimum wage or a minimum payment to them, and then you find out you're not. Not at all. And then what happened? Then the credit card used to go over the limit and you'd be paying on the over the limit and the interest on that. Well, then the government steps in and says, okay, you can't do that anymore. But they supported them the whole way through until enough people spoke up. They said, all right, now you have to disclose what the minimum payment is going to be so that it's making part of the payment. Yeah, it'll still take you 15 to 30 years to pay it off. But hey, at least you'll know this is your minimum payment now. So now you could turn around and make these minimum payments, which, yeah, might add $35 or whatever to your total bill. They're keeping the rest, so they're making a fortune. Okay. That we're doing the same thing with the government. Understand that that's exactly what we're doing. We're making minimum payments on interest and paying off just 15 very little bit. [01:23:00] Speaker C: That's horrible. [01:23:01] Speaker A: We balance the budget. That's their balance part. [01:23:04] Speaker C: Okay, but wait, Michael, wait. Wait a second. There's a reason why I was asking, who do we owe this to? So if I am not mistaken, a majority of whatever we owe is to the Federal Reserve bank. And if I am not mistaken, again, I'm going to reiterate that I want people to understand where I'm coming from. The Federal Reserve bank is not part of our government. That's a fact. That's not a theory. You can go look it up. It is owned by private individuals. If the majority of what we owe is owed to them for them printing money, because every time they print a dollar, we owe more than a dollar. So it's impossible to ever get out of debt with them. So if I am correct that the majority of our debt that we claim, which is well over $30 trillion at this point, goes to them, we should thumb our nose at them and tell them, you've made plenty of money over the years. You're an illegal operation. You know, go stuff it. We'll find another way. And we can print our own money. We have a treasury which at one time did print our money and we got away from that, which allowed for this Ponzi scheme. That's what we're really under today. Well, let me tell you who we. [01:24:15] Speaker A: Let me tell you who we owe it to. Okay. First of all, as of May 31, 2024, the United States national debt stands at 34.67 trillion. That's up, by the way. Now we're at 35. The debt is owed to a variety of creditors, including foreign entities, governments, central banks, companies and individual investors from other countries. Major international owners include Japan, China, UK, Belgium and Switzerland. Domestic entities, individuals, businessmen, commercial banks, pension funds, mutual funds, state and local governments, the Federal Reserve system and the Social Security. Us government entities of various agencies and entities within the us government. Known as intergovernmental debt, the Social Security Administration is the largest investor in treasury securities. Debt is accumulated over the nation's history and represents a total of outstanding borrowing by the us federal government. It has increased steadily since the Covid-19 pandemic, when emergency issues were taken to sustain the economy. The debt is considered a source of tension among politicians. Lawmakers narrowly avoided a default last year. The national debt is the total amount of money the US owes its creditors. It includes the public, individual investors, businesses, commercial banks, pension funds, mutual funds, state and local governments, the Federal reserve and foreign governments, as well as other parts of the federal government. So I'm going to tell you something. How much do individuals, the public. Okay, then why are we paying taxes? [01:26:04] Speaker C: That's a good question, but I go back to whatever we owe the Federal Reserve, we should thumb our nose at them and tell them to buzz off. We will print our own money from now on and tough luck for whatever we owe you because they have made more money on us since the time that they were put in an inception, which I think was 1913, sometime around there. Anyway, they have made more money on this country than you can possibly imagine. So thumb our nose at them and then be loyal to those who have been loyal to us or the other countries and anybody else who is not loyal to us, thumb our nose at them. You know, you realize that every government, every one of them is a corporation. They're all corporations dealing with corporations. It's, it's, it's proposed, but it is a corporation. The United States of America is a corporation. The United. The can't remember. I think the republic is not a corporation, but the United States of America is a corporation. The IR's is a puerto rican corporation which acts as the collection agency for the IR's. I'm sorry, the. I can't think who. Anyway, well, it is the IR's. It is a puerto rican corporation, but, oh, they collect. The IR's is the collection agency for the Federal Reserve. That's their job, the Federal Reserve. They have the name Federal Reserve. They're no more federal reserve than FedEx, Federal Express. They're both corporations. They're not part of our government. And every component of our government is a corporation. The city that we live in is a corporation. The county that you live in is a corporation. Everything is corporations because it's all about corporations dealing with corporations. So if we decide that, hey, you know what? We're gonna just, we're just gonna claim bankruptcy, you know, a corporation do that all the time. We're gonna claim bankruptcy. Chapter. Chapter seven, I think it is, where we just wipe everything out, whatever the chapter is, I may be wrong about the chapter. Wipe everything out and we'll start all over and we immediately stop paying these hundreds of trillions of dollars. Back up a minute. Hundreds of billions of dollars to all of these places. Like Afghanistan, excuse me, like Ukraine, like, I can't think of the name of the other place, but there's another one that we're spending all kinds of money on. There's a whole bunch of them, but the one I'm trying to think of is, this is not coming to mind. We're spending all of these hundreds of billions of dollars on other places. We're allowing people to come in who, we have no idea who they are, but we're going to give them money. We're literally going to give them more in some cases, than people who have paid into the system all of their lives. We stop all of that and we go back to square one and we print money that is, that is backed by precious metal. We will be number one in the heartbeat. And I know Donald Trump, one of the things Donald Trump did with the Federal Reserve, I think he incorporated, he did something, I'm not clear about exactly how it happened, but I want to say he incorporated it into the treasury so they could no longer charge us to print our money. I think he did something with the Federal Reserve. I'm not sure what. There was a contract on the Federal Reserve that was up years back, and I don't know whatever happened to that, whether they've renewed that contract or not. We're not supposed to have a central bank, folks. We're supposed to have our own bank. We have it all set up within the initial setup of the country we had, all of that was taken care of. We have a treasury. The treasury is responsible for our money. But somewhere in the early 19 hundreds, some people were meeting at a place called Jekyll island, of all things. I should tell you something, and decided that they were going to, again, break the law, just like we see the law being broke today and people getting away with it. They were going to break the law and they were going to introduce a central bank. And the central bank was called the Federal Reserve. Again, deceived to deceive you into believing that it's part of our government, has nothing to do with our government. Privately owned bank, the Federal Reserve. And they're the ones who distribute our money. And every time they print a dollar, we owe back a dollar. I'm just going to use the example. A dollar and a penny. If you and I were the only ones involved in the transaction, and the only place that you could get your money is from me, and I print you a dollar, and I say, okay, now you owe me a dollar and a penny. You are forever in debt to me. There is no mathematically possible way that you can get out of debt. That's what we're suffering, this part of what we're suffering from with the Federal Reserve, there's no way to get out of debt now. [01:31:10] Speaker A: There's not going to be a way on the wall. There's no way to get out of debt. You can. [01:31:18] Speaker C: Michael, wait a second. Wait a second. I told you we're a corporation. The government. The government that, the people that we call a government is a corporation. Declare bankruptcy. We can do that. And believe it or not, Donald Trump did it. I don't know how many times, seven times. So he's very well aware how to do it and still keep your assets. I mean, you just tell everybody, basically, too bad we're not paying anybody anymore. We're starting over. We can do that. That is a possible alternative. [01:31:46] Speaker A: You're talking about a great reset. The problem that happens with the great. [01:31:50] Speaker C: Reset is not, not, not in the sense that they've been talking about, because the great reset they're talking about, it's another great shift of power and money to them and not to the people. Not that kind of great reset. No. [01:32:07] Speaker A: Okay, so let's say the world decided, all right, after seven years, here we go. Let's wipe the slate clean. You don't owe us, we don't owe you, and let's start from square one. [01:32:19] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:32:20] Speaker A: How long would it take before we get back into the same spot that we're in. [01:32:26] Speaker C: I would hope that we would never get back to the same spot that we were in. I think one of the biggest mistakes we made was allowing people to tear down our history in front of our eyes, tear down these statues that, that had history behind them. There was a reason that these people were held in the position that they were and what they did. And so other people didn't like that. Well, I'm sorry you don't like that, but there's a reason that they're there. [01:32:50] Speaker A: That was just a distraction, comfortable about. [01:32:52] Speaker C: It, that you hopefully because you feel uncomfortable about it and that you don't like it, that you don't repeat it. But if people rip it down and we have no history to go by, then they make up whatever they want and they can justify whatever they want, just like we're seeing today. That's exactly what we're seeing. [01:33:09] Speaker A: But here's the problem. Let's say they did that reset. I go back to it again. How long would it take us to get in the same trouble? Now you have everybody seeing green dollars again, okay? And the greed, here's the problem with humanity, okay? The greed, it's never going to stop. It's always going to be, they can't stop. It's like kids in a candy store. They can't stop. They won't stop. It's not going to stop. And you just give them access to everything all over again and they'll say, listen, we reset. All right, well, we're good now. We can go ahead and let's get more money and spend it in another way. [01:33:51] Speaker C: That's, that. That's because it's based upon the playground, or the. The playbook may be a better word. The playbook of the big corporation. They have to produce a profit. It has to be a massive profit. If you can make a get a company that produces a profit enough to support itself year in and year out, then we don't have that. And so I think it's a matter of moral more than it is of anything else. When all of this was set up, I think the very first meeting that Congress ever had, they prayed at that meeting before anything, they, they bowed their heads before God and said, lead us into the correct direction. I don't know when the last time anybody did that in any of our houses. [01:34:33] Speaker A: Now you know why. And now you know why it's going to be this way. And now you know why it's going to do this. We're in a spiritual warfare I've said this, and it's not going to change. Why? Because you see what's going on. Everybody has predicted this. Christ predicted it, okay? All the way down. I don't care if you go to Jeremiah. I don't care if you go to Isaiah. I don't care who you go to. It's all been predicted. And they're right. They're right. It's us. We're the problem. Well, we just don't want to face it. But we are the problem. [01:35:10] Speaker C: I think that's too broad of a. Too broad of a statement, Michael. We are the problem. Like, you know, you and I, obviously, we don't participate in this garbage, but when you say we are the problem, I think the man, people in power, we go back to morale. At one time in this country, if what was happening today was happening 50 years ago, people would be in such an uprise that the people who are doing what they're doing would be in fear for their lives. But now we've progressed to the point, if you want to call it that. We're just like, we are allowing this stuff to go on. [01:35:53] Speaker A: You no longer have control over it. And that's what I think. [01:35:57] Speaker C: We, no matter what, in the proper led, in the proper direction, we do have control over it. Because ultimately, everything that they're able to do relies upon us. The taxes that we pay, the laws that we follow, that they pass, all of that relies upon us. If we were to someday decided, you know what? We're not going to play this game anymore. We're not going to allow you to do what you're doing anymore. We are going to go our own way. Those people would completely lose all of their power and probably poop their pants on top of that, but completely lose all their power. Now, the odds of that happening, this is what they're banking on. What are the odds of that happening? Because they're continuously feeding divisiveness into the. Into the public, into the citizens to keep them divided. If you're black, then you must not like a white guy or an asian guy or hispanic guy or a mexican guy. It's all about making sure that everybody is divided, regardless of the importance that it is in our very name of our country, the United States. If you can break the united up, like I've said many times before, then divided. That's how we fall. And that's, if you look at what's going on today, especially with this guy they call the president, every time he gets up there, he's like, so angry. He's so mad. And he's constantly calling people who support Trump derogatory, making derogatory. [01:37:34] Speaker A: Like a little kid, right? Like a little kid. All right, here's my point, though. Russia, no matter what, no matter how delicately you put it or whatever else the problem is, guess what we are. We're people. The United States people are like people in a casino. Here's five grand. Go play. The majority of them are going to lose, okay? You're going to lose because of the algorithms that are set up, because of the political parties, because of how these people think. You're never going to think like them because you're a good person, you have a good mind. [01:38:13] Speaker C: I go back to morale then this is what we've lost in this country. When it was first assembled as a country and put together, it was morale that gave us the specialty that we were. We wouldn't allow things like, what's going on. It just was incomprehensible to people. Even, maybe even 20 years, maybe 30 years ago, it would be incomprehensible to people to say, did you know that your son going to elementary school, he told his teacher that he feels like he's a girl, and they're pursuing possibility of removing him from your home unless you go along with the program, because he really feels like a girl, and we feel like he should be, know, chopped up and made into a girl. When you think that would have passed 30 years ago, oh, my God. They'd have been coming out with pitchforks and torches, man. [01:39:06] Speaker A: All right, well. And you don't have that today, okay? And that's my point. You're not going to. And it's not going to get any better. It's not because it's not supposed to get any better. [01:39:18] Speaker C: I don't know. [01:39:20] Speaker A: It's just not supposed to. [01:39:23] Speaker C: An ignorant part of me says, I, I believe that we can make it better. You know, we can do our part and we can make it better. [01:39:31] Speaker A: I think it's going to be right. [01:39:33] Speaker C: That's just the way it is. [01:39:35] Speaker A: You know, it's going to unfold exactly how the scriptures say. [01:39:39] Speaker C: I'm having a hard time coming to grips with that. But you know what? With all due respect to the scriptures, there are places in the scriptures where God was planning to do something, but he, people prayed and changed his heart and people, and there was a change. That's what I'm hoping is going to happen with us, that we, you'll see. [01:40:01] Speaker A: That along the way. You'll see part of that along the way it happened in Nivea, okay, it happened with Jonah. But, you know, bottom line is, what did Jonah? Jonah basically ran for God and said, I want, I don't want to save those people. They're terrible people. They impale people. They worship other gods. They, you know, but the basic Christianity that was in Nivea, okay, God wanted Jonah to go there and say, listen, I'm going to destroy you. You have so much time. And then I'm coming. And guess what happened? He ran. He ran from God. It didn't work out. He ended up going to Nivea. And they did change. All right, so, yeah, it's going to change in some instances. It's, it's not going to change here. It's not because the people have been blindsided right now that we have some more waking up to do. We have to become more alert, more on a level of. More really on a spiritual level in order for us to wake up more. And we're not there yet. We're immature. And that's, that's our problem. And the worst problem is they know it. So we can get taken advantage of very easily. And that's what's happening today. The american people are getting taken advantage of. They're getting taught what to think. [01:41:28] Speaker C: Big time. Big time. [01:41:30] Speaker A: That's right. [01:41:31] Speaker C: Actually, financially, we're being financially raped and don't even realize it. [01:41:35] Speaker A: Of course not. And then you're saying thank you afterward. [01:41:38] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:41:39] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. I mean, that's, that's exactly what we're dealing with. Well, don't count on them to be honest. They're not honest. [01:41:50] Speaker C: Yeah. Having learned what I've learned now. Yeah. Heck yeah. I agree. All right, well, let me, let's take a quick break and we'll be back in just about more four or five minutes. Enjoy the music. Give me a chance to go refill my cup and don't go away. [01:42:05] Speaker A: Yeah. Listening to the Red Bull reality show with your host. Come with me if you want to live. [01:42:14] Speaker C: Stay here. [01:42:15] Speaker A: I'll be back. Number one radio trim radio network. Do you need toner for your Epson, Hewlett, Packer, Canon, brother Apple or sharp printers? Look no further than laser technologies in business for over 20 years, they offer the lowest prices on toner on the web. They can also repair your laser printers and toners fast and easy. Call their expert staff today at 561-792-9600 or email us at service for all your toner needs. All toner is shipped nationwide. Why wait? Get the lowest prices on toner, call or email us today. [01:43:04] Speaker C: Are you a business owner? Did you know that the government is holding funds right now for your business? The program is called the Employee Retention act. It's done through the IR's and part of the CARES act and it's available to just about every business. This could mean literally hundreds of thousands of dollars into your business. This is not a loan. It's 100% legal and paid directly to you. Go to that's to watch a brief video and find out how you can qualify. go there now. [01:43:50] Speaker A: One day I hope you see the truth. This puppet show, it stays on because of you fools. We've been dancing with the dead for way too long. I know it's fun, but get ready. [01:44:15] Speaker C: To pay your dues. [01:44:19] Speaker A: Oh God, come back home. This crazy world is filled with lions and abuse us. We need you now before they're too far gone. I hope one day they finally see the truth. God, we need you now, we need you now, we need you now. [01:45:09] Speaker C: One day, one day, one day, I. [01:45:19] Speaker A: Hope you see the truth. This puppet show, it stays on because. [01:45:27] Speaker C: Of you, you fools. [01:45:30] Speaker A: We been dancing with the devil way too long. I know it's fun, but get ready. [01:45:41] Speaker C: To pay your dues. [01:45:44] Speaker A: O God, come back home. This crazy one despair will I say the abuse need you now before we too far gone. I hope one day they finally see the truth. God, we need you now. This station is now the ultimate power in the universe. We have ignition strap in 554-43-3211 and we're back. Hope you didn't go too far because we have more interesting and thought provoking information for you. Coming up on the red pill reality show. [01:47:10] Speaker C: It is a red pill reality show. And I tonight I've got Michael with me. Michael is the president of the Trim radio network, and he also has a show, it's called Life Walk with Christ. God has another show that dedicated to veterans, which is takepoint 22. And if I'm not mistaken, I think I'm going to ask him, what's the 22 for? Michael, I want to see if I'm right. You're muted. You gotta unmute. Are you there? He's muted out. I think the 22, if I'm not mistaken, at one time it was an average of 22 veterans a day who decide to take their life. And I think that's what it is. All right, let's see. Work. Not going to work. Well, he's temporarily muted, so we'll have to get back to him in a second. In the meantime, you know what? Let me take another break, which will give me an opportunity to let my bow wow out because he has given me a hard time. And we're going to have the news update for today. [01:48:28] Speaker A: There's some fun news this weekend. This is good news weekend with Brian. [01:48:32] Speaker B: Walker the proprietor of an Ohio based arcade establishment, found himself on the receiving end of a Guinness World Record courtesy of a clandestine undertaking orchestrated by his daughter, who meticulously tallied his collection of 1041 pinball machines. Rob Burke, owner of Pastimes Arcade in Girard, received official confirmation that he holds the world's largest collection collection of pinball machines after his daughter Riley Burke secretly applied for the record. Riley Burke enlisted the assistance of pastimes arcade employees to catalog the machines, as not all of them were on display within the arcade's premises. They essentially constructed a makeshift apparatus that enabled them to open each game, position four legs underneath, capture a photograph, and subsequently remove the legs, Riley Burke explained to WKBNTV. After eliminating any duplicate machines, the team arrived at a total of 1041 unique pinball machines. Riley Burke revealed that she received notification of the record's acceptance on May 7, three days following her father's birthday, six members of the 1944 graduating class from Salem High School convened at a Denny's restaurant in Oregon for their 80th class reunion. The alumni gathering took place over the weekend at the Salem eatery that has hosted most of their reunions in recent years. The reunion commenced with the group paying tribute to five classmates who passed away in the previous year before proceeding to introductions of family members and the recitation of a poem penned by Gavad, an annual custom at the reunions. Last year, the class was recognized by Guinness World Records as having the longest running class reunion, but lost the distinction when Guinness learned of members of a 1938 kindergarten class from Alameda, California, who held their 83rd reunion in 2023. Renowned serial record breaker David Rush revisited his juggling roots to reclaim the Guinness World Record for the most juggling catches executed while balancing on a balance board, all while blindfolded. Rush initially held this record, having surpassed the GWR minimum of 50 with his original total of 77, but his record was subsequently broken by another juggler who managed an impressive 100 359 catches before losing balance. Determined, Rush regained the record with a staggering 1316 catches, only for the same rival to snatch it back with an even higher 1717 catches. Now Rush has once again claimed the coveted record for a third time, this time with an astonishing 2346 catches. This record achievement marks Rush's 175th concurrently held Guinness World Records title, bringing him ever closer to his goal of holding 181 titles and surpassing fellow serial record breaker Silvio Saba's total of 180. A pair of french friends, Nicholas Barrios and David Peyroux, have realized their dream of constructing the world's tallest rideable bicycle. Standing at an impressive 25ft, five inches high after a journey spanning around five years, the idea was conceived during a casual drink at a pub, which soon set them on a path of designing and sourcing materials to bring their vision to life. Their finished creation has been officially certified as the tallest in the world, surpassing the previous record by an impressive 1ft, two inches. This experience has completely transformed my worldview. Before this, I really needed self confidence. I was shy and had a negative self opinion. Now it's better and sometimes I feel unstoppable. I think I can repair, build, build or design anything, barrios remarked, reflecting on the transformative impact of their achievement. A Michigan man who left school to fight in the Korean War finally received his high school diploma at age 90. Portage Public Schools announced in a news release that Bob Bonham was granted an honorary diploma from Portage Central High School, where he had attended before being drafted in 1951. I wish I had graduated and gone to prom, Bonham said. His daughter in law soon contacted Portage public schools, hoping to fulfill his wish for a diploma. I saw the desire in his eyes when he talked about it, she said. Before his life was over, I wanted to make sure he got to enjoy and do those things. She spoke with Portage Public Schools Superintendent Mark Bulong, and on Monday, Bonham was presented with his diploma at a local board of education meeting. Brian Walker reporting. [01:52:50] Speaker C: All right, we are back. I don't know what's going on. I love it. [01:52:59] Speaker A: All right. [01:52:59] Speaker C: You there, Michael? [01:53:00] Speaker A: I'm here. [01:53:03] Speaker C: I got all these little gadgets. [01:53:07] Speaker A: I. There's so many, but they're so cool. [01:53:13] Speaker C: Anyway, we covered several different topics while we're in discussion there, and I think the bottom line I go back to its morale of the country was degraded by. On purpose, by a system that's been in place for a very long time. Like you said, as we it's only going to get worse because they. The system continues until we can stop the system, which appears at this point next to impossible, that unless we can stop the system and continue to suffer what's happened? [01:53:56] Speaker A: Well, exactly. I mean, we have to grow. Our problem is we have to grow, and we have too many things against us. You know, this, this AI thing bothers me. [01:54:07] Speaker C: Oh, that's, that's a nightmare waiting to happen there. [01:54:12] Speaker A: It's you. You've got it. You've got a stick of dynamite. It's, it's got fuses on both ends. And you lit it, like, without even thinking about it. And you can't chase it down. [01:54:26] Speaker C: We're gazing wonder of the fuse as it's burning. [01:54:30] Speaker A: Yeah, you're trying to chase it down and it's going too fast. It's out of reach. And they're playing with the stuff more and more and more and more and more. Now these humanoid. That's the word I love, the humanoid robots. There's nothing humanoid about them. And you put them on this level to where they can't be. You know, it's absolutely ridiculous. How long before they're in everybody's homes? Yeah, take a robot. [01:55:00] Speaker C: I mean, look at Alexa or Google or Siri or how many, how many of them are in people's homes where they don't realize it's already been proven? Again, this isn't, this is a conspiracy theory. This is a fact, because there's a lawsuit going on right now. I don't remember which one of them it was, but they admitted that they were listening to people. [01:55:23] Speaker A: Oh, I have had conversations here. The first thing that I want to do at night now is just shut the phone. Best thing I could tell people to do is, you know, you carry around this phone because you're so worried you're going to miss a call or a text or something like that. Okay. We're so worried about it. You know, it's our little land lifesaver and everything else. The problem is when you're having a conversation, it's listening. It's listening and it's always listening. And then it turns around and says, oh, okay, he's talking about cowboy boots. Next thing you know, I've got five emails from boot barn amongst all these other places. It's popping up in my newsfeeds. You know, it was the same thing when I was, when I was, when we were sitting here redoing the house from the flood. We would talk about vanities. Next thing you know is I'm getting emails. I'm getting all kinds of stuff. Stuff I never, I never searched some of these companies even out. I didn't even know they were who they were. It listens. Shut your phone off if you don't need it. [01:56:29] Speaker C: Even shutting it off, you know, I don't even trust, you know that you can't. A lot of the new phones, you can't remove the battery. Did you know that? [01:56:38] Speaker A: Then put it in a room and let it go and tell them, listen, I'm going to be away from my phone, from such and such time to such and such time. And if you want to get a hold of me, you know, do it, do it that way. Your tvs, all you got, unplug them. Unplug them. [01:56:56] Speaker C: A little portable microwave. Unplug the microwave from the wall. Stick it in the microwave and that will stop anything. If the microwave is working properly, even if you have your phone on loud ring, it won't ring. The call will never go through. They'll go to your voicemail. [01:57:14] Speaker A: I mean, it's, it's gotten, it's gotten to the point now there's nothing sacred. There's nothing private. [01:57:20] Speaker C: Yeah, well, I'm acceptable. This is the scary part. See, for you and me, we grew up during a time where privacy was very highly regarded, very highly held. [01:57:34] Speaker A: Yeah, but you, you have technology now where everybody knows everything. Did you know I was sitting here and I got a letter from Allstate Insurance? And I'm going to tell them who it is because that's my insurance agent. There was a risk management team that they hired a third party group that used information from me. And I don't really put a lot of information on the Internet. I don't post much. I don't do any of that. I just kind of mind my own business, live in my home, quiet. That because I had my son here who has his own insurance and everything, this risk management company said, no matter what, in 30 days, Allstate is, or Allstate sent me the letter, then afterwards, they're going to add him on without my permission or anything else. [01:58:24] Speaker C: That's because he lives with you, right? [01:58:26] Speaker A: Yeah. Ridiculous. He's 32, okay? Ridiculous. He has his own insurance. Nobody's driving my car. I drive my car. Absolutely ridiculous. And I just thought to myself, what gives them the right to do that if I don't add them to the plan? But we've had so many people in the past that let other people in their house drive the cars, I guess, and because of these accidents and everything, you know, they just add them to the plan. Now, that's it. I fought it. I went back and I gave him the insurance company's name and everything like that, and I said, listen, other than that, I don't have any other information to give you because that's their private business. So. But it's absolutely ridiculous. You have to go through that. And yet, at the same time, when I had insurance, like three years ago, four years ago, I have no tickets. I have no accidents. I have nothing, okay? I'm a good driver and I don't even drive that much. I don't work. I can't work medically, I can't work. And it got to the point to where, okay, oh, my goodness, I was paying $135, my insurance, 194, 194. These guys have given themselves raises, added on so much, and I'm just like, oh, my goodness. It's went up and up and up, and nobody has control. Nobody answers to anybody. Who did they answer to national insurance. They decide they want to give them. They're like congress. If we want to give ourselves a. [02:00:08] Speaker C: Raise or we want to do this now. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. It's amazing. It surely is. What? They're getting away. [02:00:18] Speaker A: I want that kind of job. I can't work. But you know what? Give me a job. I want to give myself a raise. [02:00:24] Speaker C: I go back to when everything was assembled at the time of assembly of the country. The men who did what they did and decided to do it. They did it with moral morale. Morale in their heart. They did it with, you know, if I'm not mistaken, there were 50 people who signed the Declaration of Independence. Was it 50? Am I right? No, Henry, there's more. [02:00:54] Speaker A: It was 55, and then we had like eight to. Eight to. [02:00:58] Speaker C: Maybe it was. Number 50 is in my mind for some reason. I think maybe it was 50 of them suffered a cruel and unjustifiable death before it was all over for what they did. Because many of these people were considered traitors by the British. They went against the British, the Brits, and therefore they were traitors. How dare you do what you're doing? But that was the moral. The morale that they had. They were tired of what was going on. They didn't like the idea that they were being taxed and not represented. And they decided, you know what? We're over here, you're over there. You know, go stuff it. We're not paying you anymore. We're done, right? [02:01:41] Speaker A: What you had was you. You have people that signed the constitution, but you had framers, too. Okay? The framers were the men that were responsible, basically, for the constitution. So you had George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, amongst others. Okay? You know, I mean, that's. That's pretty much what you have. [02:02:07] Speaker C: I want to go back to when it was formed, when it was all put together. I believe. I don't pretend to know, but I believe. I think that when they put it all together, they were under the impression that people were going to go into Congress, serve one or two times, and then come back and let somebody else go into Congress, serve one or two times, and come back. It certainly wasn't intended for anyone to make it a career, number one. And I believe that it certainly wasn't intended for any of them to put themselves in such a financial position that they would be overwhelmingly above the average earnings of a citizen. I mean, just far above. I think the average earning of a citizen is like, what, 50, 55,000? [02:02:55] Speaker A: What if you go through and you, and you really look at how everything was set up, you had 55 delegates back then. Okay, 55. Now compare that to today, but you had 55 delegates, and only 39 people signed the constitution. And then out of that, seven of them were the framers, the ones who actually came up with it. And of course, they were felons. They were basically sent, okay, out of there, and they were considered felons because they were against England. They didn't want to pay taxes anymore. So, sure they were. They were called criminals, and that's how our country was set up. But they lived in tyranny. So understand something. They. When they wrote this, when they did what they did, and you saw the articles of Confederation first and all that stuff off, and then it got changed, then it became a constitution and everything like that. But when you saw all this happening, understand something. These were people that said, we don't want this. We don't want a hierarchy, we don't want a democracy. We want a republic. [02:04:04] Speaker C: The very thing that they fought for and the very thing that they separated themselves from is exactly what's happening today. That's exactly what we're going through today. [02:04:14] Speaker A: Well, because we're really not a republic anymore. [02:04:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:04:17] Speaker A: We are not. Okay? We are more in. We're more this, like, not socialist, but we are in a mix of it. [02:04:26] Speaker C: It's a technocracy. It's, we're owned by the technology. The big global corporations, they literally own us because they're the ones who provide our food. We've no longer become an independent, quote, independent society like we once were. The farm farmers are being put out of business. Our food supply is slowly being contaminated and being manipulated to the point where it's being shortened year in and year out. I read an article about a month ago. I don't know how many thousand chickens they killed because of, quote, bird flu. Right? Just that. Oh, they got bird flu. Kill them all. It's ridiculous. These people who are in power today, sadly, it hurts me to say it, but sadly, they are purposely and they know they are doing what they're doing, purposely attempting to destroy this country. We were told by Mister Obama himself he wanted to fundamentally change this country. A fundamental change is the very basics of your country. And that's exactly what they're doing. They're fundamentally changing our country. It's rare for us to be able to speak our minds. I can't tell you. I no longer even know. I haven't looked at it in a couple of years. I don't think I have any videos left on YouTube that I put up as the red pill reality show. It took them all down. Why? Because I mentioned the jab or I mentioned the election? If you mention either one of those, you're out the door, pal. They don't want to hear it. So we really don't have the freedom of speech that we once had in this country. And I'll tell you that I think I'm up to 16 or 17 of my videos removed from YouTube now. So this is what, this is some of the things that those of us who are doing our best to get the word out, even if I'm inaccurate, because I always tell people, I don't ask you to believe me, I'm grateful that you're taking the time to listen in and allowing us to share with you. I'm grateful for that. What I'd like you to do is, okay, well, they said this, let's go find out. Go find out for yourselves. Because as long as you're relying on somebody else, whether it's me, whether it's Michael, whether it's, that's the problem, whether it's CNN, whether it's CNBC, whatever any of them idiots are, if you're relying on them and not questioning what you're hearing and just saying, okay, well, they said it, so it must be true. You're making a mistake. This is one of the biggest mistakes that's happening in our society today. When people go, if they're going to go buy a house or they're going to buy a car, or if you're going to go buy a refrigerator, I'm gonna go buy this, this make a refrigerator. I think I'll go on the Internet and I'll look up what kind of reviews this kind of refrigerator has. There's kind of, people are called prudent. They're responsible. They're gonna check everything out. But if you take the same person and he says, oh, well, listen, before I take this, you know what? In the arm. I want to go do a little bit of reading about it. Just. Oh, you're a conspiracy theorist. All of a sudden, all of your credibility as a prudent buyer just went down the tubes because you had the nerve to question something, quote, science. Well, I got news for you. Scientists can be bought, just like politicians can be bought. And that's what was happening during this last thing that they called a pandemic. We had. Michael mentioned him. We had this guy who this guy is. It makes men. Who was the guy that killed all the people in world War two in Germany? I can't think of his name. Mandela. No, that's somebody else, doc. The doctor of death. Okay? He makes the doctor of death look like a joke. Like a. Like a sick, twisted joke. This man is responsible for so many deaths around the planet. And what he's done. He was involved in the AIDS movement. Then it moved. I think it was HIV and then moved into AIDS, or it was AIDS and moved in HIV. He was involved in that. And then we have. What was he involved in? This last great saving of the world with his, you know what, the big v. I'm gonna save the world. And telling the government to tell people that they're not gonna have a job if you don't get the you know what in the army. [02:09:05] Speaker A: You know, I go back, we've had some things happen there. [02:09:11] Speaker C: We. [02:09:11] Speaker A: We had a guy that was in charge of the. Wasn't the W. The WHO, the World Health Organization. But he might have been. But when Ebola was coming out and they were having a problem with Ebola. Yeah, because he was the enemy of the people that were getting sick in that part. They did little to nothing. When it started spreading and they realized, well, this could be a problem, then, you know, finally something was done to step in, but not to the first part because, well, that wasn't an interest to them. So we had the same thing here with COVID And I've got to tell you, we talked about this a little bit last week. What is this pandemic x they're talking about? Well, we already have a clue as. [02:10:03] Speaker C: To the X virus. [02:10:07] Speaker A: The X virus, right. And we already know what is capable from Wuhan, that lab, that level four lab. And we post it up and we put up the research, we put up the information, we put up the links and everything else, and it's spooky out there. And why would we create. Just ask yourselves a common sense question. If gain of function, if this thing is so amazing to where the idea behind it is, understand, here's the idea behind it. Gain of function, and you can look it up, is to create a virus that is bad, so that you can make a vaccine for it, so that you can help people from getting it. Let me ask you something. Why would you need to create the virus to begin with? If a virus happens, then work hard to find a vaccine for it. Okay? That's a naturally occurring thing. Natural selection. But we're inventing these viruses. We're the ones creating it. It's no longer natural. Natural selection. It is now intentional selection. Yeah, there's a big difference there. We shouldn't have been playing with it from the beginning. [02:11:25] Speaker C: That's right. [02:11:26] Speaker A: But we did, and we said it in the form of sire of science. And then we have another one. Are you ready? That in outer space, hey, we found a new bacteria that can grow outside in zero gravity, zero oxygen and everything else, and it's contained up there right now, but they're going to bring it back here and study it. How long before that gets out? How long? Why are we playing with this stuff? We shouldn't be playing with it to begin with, but we do it. [02:12:12] Speaker C: We have a mindset. We have people with a mindset that think they're a God. [02:12:17] Speaker A: That's. There's, there's the what you just said, right, there is what, as you know, because Brusquella and I are very, very close. What I've said all along. What's the end game? Right. The end game here is in this world today, right now, going on is to eliminate God. We want to control weather, we want to control humanoid robots. We're creating life. When we do that, we can change genders. We could do all these things. We control the family units, we control the wars, we control every possible outcome. We're looking for new worlds. Why? Why are we looking for new worlds if we can't even reach them? But we're testing out or looking for new worlds. Why are we going to have one world where you've depleted it from everything and it's going to be a wasteland? And then you're going to go to this new world, all the ones that can afford it and everything, and have two sets of classes? What do you think they're going to do? That's. [02:13:25] Speaker C: We're talking about going to Mars. [02:13:27] Speaker A: Oh, Mars. But they've got another planet out there that they say is two and a half times the size of Earth. And it's habitable, okay? It's within the habitable zone. So we've been looking for this stuff. We want to go there. And then how long before we bring something back that's going to be just a tragic mess or something else? Because we're playing with stuff we shouldn't play with. Are we not happy with the way that God has given, what God has given us? Are we not happy with the blessings that we have? No, we want more. We're never happy. And I go back and, of course, what is it? It's vanity. It's all vanity. [02:14:09] Speaker C: We'll end up on another planet and destroy that planet. I'd be looking for another planet. Who was it that did that to klingons? I think it was, sure. [02:14:18] Speaker A: We go in and we wipe out everything that we can suck everything dry, and we do it stupidly. The EV thing is stupid. You think you're helping the world by having EV cars? Do you really? [02:14:33] Speaker C: No. [02:14:33] Speaker A: No. I invite this because I want to tell you the truth. Okay. Here's the wonderful thing. You are the savior of the planets for having these EV vehicles. Of course, when the battery dies, most of it can't be recycled, so it's going to be buried, okay? And you can only imagine the pollution and what it's going to do to the water resources, the birds, land animals, everything else in that area that's going to be so contaminated, you're not going to be able to go near it. We're raping the earth for the materials of lithium and everything else for it. And then the tires that we put on these things, well, they can't hold up because you know what? We made cars for combustion cars for a long time. So now tire parts and particles and stuff are getting all over the place. The suspension systems have to get replaced a lot. The highways are, the whole infrastructure has to be being upgraded in a lot of areas to even worry about it. Then we're going to have all these different charging stations. What do you think all that electric in the air does? Not to mention somebody already has control of the universal charger. So, you know, because we had so many different charging things going on at different charging stations. So these were no benefits. There was no benefit. And what do we have? We have a company that's down in Chile that Porsche used to prove they could suck CO2. If CO2 is a problem out of the air, if there's so much CO2 and it's that big of a problem for us, it could suck CO2 out of the air. Okay. And use the water and pull out, you know, the hydrogen and everything out of there. Mix these things together with whatever they use for their trademark to do this. Create a gasoline that smells like gasoline and everything else, but it's water, and it leaves zero emissions. And you can keep your combustion engine. But are we doing it? No, that seems to me it would have been a smarter move. And they were running it. They were running a Porsche with it. There's a video of it running, for Christ's sakes. Exxonmobil knows about it. Shell knows about it. Mobile knows about it. Everybody knows. Okay? [02:16:52] Speaker C: Why? Hang on, Michael. Even if they're not aware of the technology, what happened to planting trees, for God's sake? What do you think trees do? They absorb the CO2 and transfer it into our. Transfer may not be the right word. Transform. Transform it into oxygen, into what we breathe. Hello. [02:17:11] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, that goes through photosynthesis and everything, of course, those big scientific words. But, you know, the bottom line is that we have everything that we need, but we're. But there's no money in it. There's no money in that, but there is money in creating something that's gonna be more of a mess environmentally, and we're gonna feel good about it, and we're gonna sell you on it to where people finally realize, holy crap, the battery itself is like, $15 to $25,000. The car is toast when it's done. Cause people can't afford that. And you know what? Now they got Ev's sitting on the lots, okay? Because nobody wants something. Nobody wants them. And that's great. Hey, you know, you're running this and whatever. Oh, it's not getting the mileage that you promised. Oh. You know, it's within a parameter. Listen, these things are a joke. They're a joke, and then they, you know. Oh, but they're fast and they're this and they're that. Okay, so now you want to pick the speed up. So when you get into an accident, you're more likely to be killed. I mean, come on. [02:18:33] Speaker C: Maybe I got. I see what part of the problem is, all right, my mic setting was way off, okay? Somehow I must have hit that. Here's part of the problem that I see. Anyway, we have the technology. It has existed for over well over 100 years to run our cars on water. If we run our cars on water, water goes in and water comes out 100%. It's like 99.999%. What comes out the tailpipe. Basically a steam, which is water once it's out of condensation, it turns into water. So it's non polluting. It's absolutely non destructive to the, to the country with regard to getting it, because its water is what they say is three quarters of the surface of the planet. So. And salt water would probably be the premium, of all things to run our cars on. They don't want that. They want us on these EV's to be more dependent. Again, it's about dependency. They can't have independence. They must have dependence. That's why they sell us on all these different things. So that inevitably you're hooked. Like, there's a car right now that's going to be introduced, I think within, by the end of the year, maybe it's going to run on hydrogen. It's going to run on off of hydrogen cells. So hydrogen will go in and again, water will come out. It'll clean the air. They claim it'll clean the air as it's being driven down the road. What do I see? I see you can't get hydrogen just anywhere. It's not something that you can just. I don't know. I mean, for me, I lived in Florida for so many years. Just anywhere I went, there was a canal or there was an ocean. The state is only like 90 miles wide, I think, in a narrow spot. So my point being is water is everywhere. Everywhere. So it. If you don't have to depend on something that is produced by a corporation, you can just literally get it. Some people have wells, dig it out of your well, stick it in your tank and run off of that. The technology exists, but they won't let it come forward because there was a guy in 74, his name is Stanley Meyers. M e y e r s. I think it is. It's either Meyer or Myers, I'm not sure. He ran his car on water. He made the mistake of going public. And when he went public, of course, the big guys, the people who are the oil manufacturers, they got wind of it and they basically did away with the guy. They gave him an option, he didn't like the option, and a short time later he was dead. This is what happens to a lot of people who come up with truly beneficial things. Look at what happened to Tesla. Not the guy who makes the car. Tesla himself, Nikola Tesla, most of what we have today, he introduced. He. He had the thought about it. He had the theory behind it. He put it together. He already. He had already invented a wireless telephone. He had invented cars that never needed to be recharged. And that technology was stolen because he wanted to give it to the people. It was stolen. When he died, it was taken over by the FBI. An interesting side note is that Donald Trump's uncle, John Trump, I think his name is. Yeah, John, I think it is. He got copies of everything. So he had access to this information that Tesla has these weapons that are just now coming to view but probably been around for who knows how long, called Dews. Directed energy weapons. Tesla invented that. He invented wireless electricity. Imagine not having ever seen. I drive down the road and I see the wires all over the place. Imagine driving down the road not seeing any wires. You just have a receiver set up at your home and that receives electricity 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and you don't have to worry about, God forbid, a storm comes through the area and knocks the poles down. You don't have any of that. All of that was, was shut down. There were so many things that he had that was supposed to benefit us by now. We were supposed, supposed to be literally the Jetsons by now. We're supposed to have cars that are able to take us from one point to another through the air that are, that are programmable. You just put in a destination coordinates and you get from point a to. [02:23:03] Speaker A: Point b. I mean, we're not, we're not doing any of that right now. We're fighting over washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, gas stoves and everything else. Those are the things, because they're determining what you're able to handle and comprehend right now compared to what you really. They're keeping you down. And that's the way I feel about it. [02:23:32] Speaker C: Want our vibration level low so that they can continue doing what they're doing and, and allow it. And us allowing them, and I say us, generally speaking, the people, the society allowing them, because that's the major problem. We are allowing this, that people are not realizing that we are truly the power. They can't do anything without our, our willingness to go along with everything. Once we say no, we're not going to conform, we're not going to go along with what you have. If enough of us would do that, the entire thing would come falling down. Just like, imagine if they say this is, what, 333, 40 million people right, in the United States, 340. [02:24:15] Speaker A: Yep. [02:24:15] Speaker C: Somewhere around there, somewhere in that neighborhood. Let's just say 1%, which would be approximately 34 million. Just 34 million people decided one day on a Monday to say, you know what? We're not going to work. All of us are not going to work. And we're not going to go to work until we get treated better, whatever, whatever it is they need, because the majority of people that are working today cannot make ends meet without having to sacrifice something because they have. The big corporations have become so greedy that they blame it on inflation. But the truth of the matter is, you go look up the profit levels of these corporations. It's ungodly how much money these people are making. [02:24:55] Speaker A: By the way, as of 2022, we have 333.3 million people in the United States. [02:25:02] Speaker C: So if 1% decided we're not going to go along with your party anymore, they can't. Where they're going to put 34 million of us, they don't have the room for that. They've already got their hands full with allowing all these people coming in from out of who knows where. They got their hands full trying to keep track of them, and they don't care whether they make it or not. So what do you think would happen after a degree of time of 34 million people would cause more people to come in if they just, each one of them just invited one of their friends, convinced one of the friends, look at the progress that we're making. And it went to 68 million, and then it went to 136 million before. If it ever. If it ever got the 68 million, we would have the show done. I guarantee you, no question in my mind, all of these criminals that we call politicians would be behind bars, or some of them deserve to be before a firing squad. They have committed treason, knowingly committed high treason, betrayed their oath, betrayed the people. They deserve the most severe punishments if they are found guilty in a true, true court of justice. Not in this nonsense like they pulled on Trump. [02:26:14] Speaker A: No, I just. I just think that I look at it, and again, I go back to AI and everything before these things are in your house. Okay. [02:26:28] Speaker C: In some cases, they're already in. [02:26:30] Speaker A: Yeah, but not. I'm talking the physical part now. Okay. Yeah, we have the audio part in there. There's no question about that. We have the presence of it there. But how long before one of these humanoid robots is there, or a humanoid pet or some kind of thing like that? You know, we'll call it a what? A dog annoyed Peter or a catenoid pet or something like that. Never have to worry about feeding it or dying or anything else. Be a lifelong pet that you'll have forever. It'll listen to you, it'll be able to talk, do all these things. That's how they'll sell this thing. Gee, what movie was that? I mean, I remember Will Smith being in it, but how long? And not to mention 100 other movies, AI rising, AI this, you know, you have all kinds of different things. They're informing you. You're being told about it. So they can't lie to you. They're informing you. [02:27:32] Speaker C: I think that, I really believe that. The reason they tell us is there, there's sick, twisted rules or laws or whatever you want to call them, make them tell us what they're going to do. Sometimes it's encrypted, sometimes it's just straight up in your face. But they have to tell us what they're going to do before they do it. And I think it goes along the line of, if you and I are standing alongside of each other and I say, I'm going to kick you and you don't say anything, and I kick you and you go, hey, what's up, man? Well, you didn't say anything. I told you I was going to kick you. You didn't say don't kick me. That's what, that's the kind of sort of a sick mental state that these people are in. But that's the kind of analogy that I see with them. Okay. They told you they were going to do it. Not enough of us stood up and said, no, you're not. We're not going to go along with that. So they went ahead and did it. We told you. [02:28:19] Speaker A: Yeah. And this is where I go back and I, you know, learning a little bit about CS Lewis. He said, we have a moral and responsible obligation to our human beings, our fellow human beings, to where we don't say, hey, I'm going to kick you at all. We have that responsibility. The problem is we're not living that responsibility. We are not spiritually there enough. Okay? We have to grow up. We have to grow up. And that, and that's how we could say, no longer, I won't comply or I won't do this because it's not right. Not morally, but it's not right ethically. It's not right anywhere responsibly. [02:29:01] Speaker C: So we're back to morale again. Isn't that part of morale? Right. [02:29:07] Speaker A: Absolutely. And that's what I say. You are morally responsible and ethically. [02:29:17] Speaker C: To. [02:29:17] Speaker A: Your fellow human beings. But ask yourselves, are we, is everybody filled with compassion? Is everybody filled with empathy, sympathy, compassion? No. And it's the same problem. And it's stated over and over again yesterday, today and tomorrow is going to be the same problems. I mean, all this has been pegged out, man. It's all been talked about. It's been prophesied, talked about. It's not going to change and we're allowing it. Is there going to be some good periods? Absolutely. But there's also some rough rides. And welcome to the rough ride. Buckle up, buttercup, because we're in it. [02:30:05] Speaker C: That's the key word. We are allowing it. And if enough of us will wake up and say, you know what? We're not going to allow this any longer, we can make the change. That's the spark of hope that I hold. I realize that you're going by scripture, and the scripture says, things are bound to get worse, because that's what's written in the scripture. I have this spark of hope saying, yes, that's what's written in the scripture. But it's always. It's never been, like, written in concrete kind of thing, where it's definitely going to happen. It's more than likely going to maybe 99% chance that's going to happen. But I hold on to that 1% saying that there's always a possibility of change. If you could just reach enough people to do that, then we can. We can facilitate that change. We can bring that about. I think one of the reasons I go back in memory now, growing up, I was a hippie. Smoking pot was a big thing back then. What was even bigger than that was being free with yourself, basically. Imagine I went to a park that was free to go to the park. It was a. I think it was a state sponsored or county sponsored park. One of the two. I went to a park, of course, everybody's walking around smoking pot, doing LSD, all these drugs, which I never cared for any of that, but I. I did smoke some pot. But anyway, imagine being at a park. We're sitting there having sandwiches, having a Pepsi, drinking away, enjoying what's going on. This no name band is up there playing it on stage, and out of nowhere the band said, we're going to take a break, we'll be back, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah. Up pops up Jimi Hendrix, and he starts playing for you for free. He didn't do it for the money. He did it because he could. And that wasn't the only one we saw there. We saw the band that was called America at the time. They showed up one time, Jim Morrison showed up one time. Dirty man, a couple of other ones. I can't think of the names of the other ones, but it was an era of money. Wasn't everything wasn't about money. It was about being able to do something because you were able to do it. It didn't have to have money connected to it. And I think that the people who run the agendas here in the states saw that as. Because it was, at least in my time, my experience, was extremely popular because it was just, it seemed like the natural thing to be. I think the people that were running the agenda saw that as a real threat to what they wanted. They wanted people who would abide by what they said. And we were, back then, we were very much anti government. I didn't know why. I just didn't like the government because everybody else didn't like me. I was one of those ignorant people. I realize now that I had every right to say that, but I didn't then. I just, you know, we didn't like the government because the government came down on us. They made it hard on us. They were, you know, they didn't like us smoking pot. They didn't like us doing the drugs, which. The drug part I can. I can understand, but I. We always question, you know, why. Why do they allow this? But they don't allow that. They allow alcohol. Alcohol kills people, but they wouldn't allow cannabis. [02:33:15] Speaker A: But that's not, that's not the problem. [02:33:18] Speaker C: They would allow tobacco. Tobacco killed people, but they wouldn't allow cannabis. Cannabis didn't kill anybody. It was so. It was that kind of thing. But it was basically, I remember one of the things that people would say, free love. And they thought, you know, it was all about sex. No, it wasn't. It was about giving love to somebody freely, not sexual love, just knowing that you have a respect for another human being. That kind of love, like a brotherly love or a sister love or mom and dad love. That kind of love, not sexual. Some of it was. I'm not gonna lie, some of these people were crazy. But generally speaking, that's what one of the messages that was, if you go back and listen to the music from back then, it's all about love. It's about loving each other. We've lost that. We. That's completely been thrown out the window now. It's all about how bad you can hate each other and call each other names and you're a racist. And that's how far we get. 180 degrees. [02:34:14] Speaker A: Yeah. That's how much you can hurt each other. And that's. That's part of the problem, because hurting somebody else, treating somebody else badly, well, that's easier to do than the other. So. And the problem is the government is not all bad either. We have some very good laws in place. We have some good, responsible things that we definitely need, especially when it comes to infrastructure, hospitalizations and stuff like that. The problem is we have all these new corrupt things on top of it because we've said, oh, how can we make a buck off of it? That's the bad part. We have not done it anymore for being responsible. We've done it because we can make money off of it. And that's what we've turned this into. [02:35:06] Speaker C: So I get, the people sometimes will tell me, well, you know, money is the root of all evil. That's not true. I hope people realize that money is not the root of all evil. It is the love of money that is the root. It's the love. In other words, if you have money, it doesn't mean that you're evil. But if you love money and money becomes your God, basically because you love it so dearly and you're so greedy, you idolize it. Yeah, that is the problem. It's the love of money. It's not money in and of itself. It's the love of the money that creates the problem. And so many today are in love with the money. It's all about how much they can benefit themselves, especially people within our government. How much can they, some of these people. Who was it? I think it was Bragg. I may be mistaken, but I think it was Bragg. He earns like, what, 70,000 a year or something. All of a sudden, this guy's worth like millions of dollars. Where do you get all that money from? Where did that, who has the, who has the position, the financial position to do something like that for them? The same thing with this Leticia James, whatever her name is, the one, the other one that went after Trump, all of a sudden she's got all this money. She's spending money right, left and center. Oh, but I did. It was all cash. I don't have any receipts for any of it. Really. Where did that money come from? Far more money that you earn, more than you earn every year. If you look at the majority of the politicians, they all, they come into politics basically at a worth of x amount of dollars. But within a shortened amount of time, that x amount of dollars has, has exponentially increased. It's not like it's like tripled, quadrupled, you know, ten times what they came in from. Look at, look at Obama. I think his net worth was in the hundreds of thousands before he was the president. All of a sudden, now he's worth tens of millions of dollars. That's what he reports anyway. Who knows what it really is? The same thing with the guy, the current president. The same deal with him. Where does he get all the money to buy all these houses from? He's supposed to before he was the president, which I think the presidency only pays, what, four or 500,000 a year, right? If I'm not mistaken, I think it's like a half a million a year is what the president makes. Okay, so he's been president for three years. Where do you get all the money to buy these houses he's had for all these years? It's like I found out, and I. I haven't been able to verify it, but it sure sounds real to me. I believe he owns his own freaking island out there by Epstein. He has his own island with a submarine base. With a sub. What do they call it? A sub. Sub, whatever it is. Underwater base for submarines. Where do you get all that money from? And people are. There are people in Congress saying, we have the evidence that this man sold information to people who shouldn't have the information. He's guilty of treason. [02:38:05] Speaker A: And they. [02:38:06] Speaker C: Oh, well, he's too old and he's well meaning. He doesn't remember. Then how the hell is he the president? Oh, my God, I'm going to drive myself crazy. [02:38:14] Speaker A: Well, you look at it. [02:38:16] Speaker C: I. [02:38:16] Speaker A: Look, here's a perfect example. Mark the Stewart got caught for. They nailed her. For what? Insider trading or whatever. And then I look at Nancy Pelosi, and of course, what's her husband do? Financial leasing services, Incorporated, a San Francisco based real estate and investment company. Okay, investment. So he's getting information on things that, you know, what could happen, what investments are good and everything else. But her answer to, well, isn't that same thing as insider trading? Oh, no, we don't talk about that stuff. Oh, really? You know, and of course, her latest stock made her a ton of money. I'm sure they don't talk about it. [02:39:05] Speaker C: That's right along. That's right along the lines with. I never discussed any business dealings with my son. [02:39:11] Speaker A: I did not have any sexual relations with that woman. [02:39:17] Speaker C: Looking right into the camera, saying that. [02:39:20] Speaker A: Pointing his finger. Pointing his finger. He might as well have been pointing a cigar. [02:39:30] Speaker C: Allowing to go on. [02:39:33] Speaker A: I just. Oh, my goodness. [02:39:36] Speaker C: What is. I can. I'm so frustrated now, I can't talk. What would it take for people to say no more? I mean, how much more do we have to suffer at this point? We are needlessly being financially raped. [02:39:50] Speaker A: And they're not done suffering. They don't want it. They don't want to be done. You have to understand, a lot of them are going to because they have no idea how to continue on unless somebody guides them along. And you have to understand that some of them do. They just need to be guided along. They're lost sheep. Okay? And because of that, they can be led astray. Easy. They can be guided easy. And they need the government to do that. And in some instances, the government is good, again, like I say, but a lot of instances, oh, my gosh, they're the worst role models that there are. I mean, these people should no way, shape or form be called a role model. I'm sorry. I don't look at LeBron James as any kind of role model. The guy could shoot hoops. Who cares? Okay? He makes money for that. That's fine by me. When all of a sudden he is, he is now this big political thing where he's always opening his mouth about the politics and everything. And I think to myself, okay, that's, that's fine. You have an opinion, that's great. But if you're influencing a lot of things and you're doing things that are questionable at best, like Hollywood. Hollywood. Oh, my goodness. You have to ask yourself the question. Exactly. And of course, there was a thing today, an article today, where Biden is now catering to Hollywood to come and save him. Well, he's got people. Robert De Niro, you know, and others. And of course, he's made George Clooney upset because his wife helped do the, handle all the stuff over there with Israel and everything and Hamas. Okay? So, you know, he makes a call and he's upset at the president. And I'm thinking to myself, how are these people getting ahold of the president that they can just call. [02:41:50] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:41:51] Speaker A: And get right through when the rest of us have no access whatsoever, you know, to even, you're supposed to be able to question your leaders and say, okay, why is this, why is this happening? When did this, when was this allowed? And you no longer have that chance. [02:42:12] Speaker C: Why? [02:42:12] Speaker A: Because you work for them. They don't work for you. Biden was absolutely right on the last election when he was trying to get elected. [02:42:20] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:42:20] Speaker A: And he told the guy up in Michigan, he said, hey, listen, you work for us. And he said, bullsh. I don't work for you. You're crazy and everything. He's right. That guy works for him. [02:42:33] Speaker C: That's sad. It's sad because never intended to be this way. [02:42:39] Speaker A: I got news for you. We've been working for them for a long, long time. [02:42:43] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:42:44] Speaker A: And that's the way it went. They, they. Your constituent. How do you like that? Your constituent? Do you like that name? Because I don't like it. I like to say that I am United States citizen and a United States veteran, but somebody's going to call me a constituent. How am I your constituent? Tell me. Because you don't do anything. I've tried to call just leaders around here, and I've gotten nowhere, nowhere stonewalled every time. Maybe you'll reach one of their people. They're never going to call you back. They're never going to talk to you. [02:43:24] Speaker C: Yeah, that's. And that's pretty much across the board. [02:43:30] Speaker A: Hey, we had two, two out of three CT scans down in the VA, and I called for veterans affairs and called for the veteran. Called for the person in charge of the veterans for South Carolina, and he said, really? We don't have that big of a problem now, do we? Because we have one working. And I'm like, you bought three. They should all work. [02:43:59] Speaker C: I love it. [02:44:00] Speaker A: Okay. And we had veterans waiting out there. I waited. Oh, my gosh. Was ridiculous. But if you have two of them that are broken down, get them fixed. [02:44:11] Speaker C: Yeah. Really? [02:44:12] Speaker A: And instead, it wasn't a problem because one still works. And I was thinking, really? I was so flabbergasted, I couldn't even answer him. I couldn't even answer him because I was just so appalled at hearing him say, well, one out of three is good. Good. That's really what it was. [02:44:36] Speaker C: That's 33%. [02:44:38] Speaker A: You had all these veterans that were waiting in the waiting room and everything, and. But one out of three is good, and that's how they'll treat you. Well, if one out of three lives. Okay, well, we'll take that. You know, if one out of three needs treatment, seems good enough for me. [02:44:57] Speaker C: Wow. [02:44:57] Speaker A: It's not 50%. If we had had a machine and a half, hey, maybe we'd have been all right. That would be better. But no one works. That's good enough. [02:45:06] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:45:07] Speaker A: And that's exactly how they treat the veterans. Why do you think the veterans are so upset? [02:45:13] Speaker C: It's shameful. But there again, you know, I say shameful, but there is no shame, because if shame existed, it wouldn't be going on. They have no shame. And what you mentioned earlier. So something else that really just irritated a snot out of me. They're taking from the benefit funds for veterans. They're taking funds from it and giving it to illegals people who are here breaking the law so that the veterans are going to come up short with a short stick. Basically. [02:45:46] Speaker A: I'm going to look this up right here. [02:45:48] Speaker C: I would like to find out who's responsible for that and just see them have their feet held to the fire. That's ridiculous. There's no reason in the world, justifiable reason, that you would take money from the people who fought to defend this country and give it to people who have, don't even have a right to be here to begin with. Yeah, not my. Not my cup of tea. All right. You know what? [02:46:15] Speaker A: All right. So the New York Post. The VA was ripped for helping pay migrant treatment as veterans and their families. Blackburn to Biden's VA putting illegal immigrants above America's. Here's another one. Bost introduces bill blocking VA funding for illegals. So they had to block it because that's what was getting used. VA diverting resources to give to illegal immigrants. Medical care report says this is from Washington. VA disputes GOP claim that money for vets is going to migrants instead. But yet they made a bill to block it. Okay, so it's, no, no, it's not happening, but let's make a bill if it's not happening, why you got to make a bill? [02:47:13] Speaker C: It's insanity. [02:47:15] Speaker A: You know why? It's like saying, okay, I don't have head lice, but yet I've got the cream to get rid of it or the liquid or whatever it is they use to get rid of it, but I don't have it. Why did you buy it? Why did you. Why did you buy that medication to get rid of it? Well, I don't have it. You keep that on hand. [02:47:40] Speaker C: All about money. There was, I think the last number was seven or maybe $8 billion that was spent over this pandemic for vaccines. Seven or $8 billion so that they could. When in your life have you ever heard of the government literally giving something away for, quote, free? I have never heard of the government giving away anything. I may be wrong, but I can't remember a time when the government said, this is absolutely free to you just come. Come and get one. You know, come and get your thing. You know what I'm talking about. No charge. You know, when was the last time that right in and of itself should have caused people to question what's going on? Oh, but there was. All of these people were dying and there was a pandemic out. Right? All you had to do was look into it just a little bit to find out what was going on? Numbers were being purposely inflated. People were dying, and people that were dying had nothing to do with COVID But they gave him the COVID death because they were, quote, suspected of having Covid. They could have died from a freaking heart attack. One guy died from a gunshot wound. And they. They said, well, it was a COVID death. We're attributing him to Covid. He died from a freaking gunshot wound. So what you're suffering from is misinformation, purposely fed to the people to keep them in a state of fear so that they can't respond properly. Because when you're afraid and you're in a. Oh, my God, if I get this, I'm gonna die. Oh, help me, God. Oh, blah, blah. You can't think straight while that's going on in your mind. You can't make a rational decision. You can't look at something and critically say, you know what? Let me think about this for a minute. They want to give me something that's never been done before. They have never run human tests on it. And when they did run animal tests on it, I don't remember what the number was. I think it was like 50% died. Are you kidding me? That's what we had. And that's what they. And besides the fact that they had to change the definition of the word vaccine in order for this to be called that, that should just start setting red lights off in people's minds right off the bat. But no, what was happening was they were continuously pushing the fear factor over and over and over again so that people couldn't do that. People were not in a state of mind where they could critically think about what was going on, where they could rationally think to themselves, you know, this. This thing that they call a virus has a 99.9% recovery rate for the general public without any medical intervention. Yet we don't know what the success rate is of this thing that they want to put in my bloodstream. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at that and go, wait a minute. Let's just wait. There's no 99.9% recovery rate for the people who were most at risk were people of my generation, people who are in their senior years, people in their upper fifties or sixties and their seventies and so on. Those were the ones who were at the greatest risk. And even they had like a 95, I think it was 95 or 96% recovery rate. So when you look at the data, then you can make that a rational decision. But when your mind is in such a state that you can't do that. You don't even think about that. You just, they just have you believing that if you get this, you're going to die. You're going to become a statistic. You'll be another death that'll be listed on the evening news that night. They keep pushing that at you so that you can't make a rational decision. You can't make a critical decision. And I'm hoping and praying, God forbid, if they decide to bring out the X virus, because they've been talking about that, the people will at least have learned from the last time the go around, because they've already warned people, oh, the X virus has. When we ran it on, on rats, it has like, I think, a 99% death rate on rats. They're already setting you up. They're already instilling the fear. Whether that's true or not, I don't know. But I do know that it's a fear that. The fear that they want you to. [02:51:57] Speaker A: Why say it? That's my point. That's exactly my point, is what you're saying is why even say it at all? Of course there's going to be things that come out that we're going to have to face. That is just how the world works naturally. But if it's in any way, shape or form, man made gain a function or anything else, now, it is not. It is not natural selection. It is something even worse. [02:52:26] Speaker C: Far worse. Far worse. I mean, that's the whole reason they call it gain of function. [02:52:32] Speaker A: That's. That's. That. That's the problem that I have, okay? The use of the words gain of function, why you think it's great, uh, is just a euphemism for bio weapon. And that's just that. That's really what it is. And that's how I feel about it. [02:52:49] Speaker C: And exactly what it is. [02:52:50] Speaker A: God didn't intend it to be that way. But we know diseases happen. We know things happen. We've seen it before. We will always see it. The spanish flu wiped out. Holy smokes. Just thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands. And it was terrible. Absolutely terrible. [02:53:18] Speaker C: From what I read about the spanish flu, a lot of that was a setup. Just like what we went through with this last pandemic. It was a setup. People were purposely killed and then blamed the flu for it. [02:53:29] Speaker A: I. You know, we. We have to get past these things. Excuse me. [02:53:36] Speaker C: Back to morale. If we had the morale, that thought, like you mentioned earlier, wouldn't even occur. You know why would I want to? I mean, wouldn't. It would never even come in through the thought process. Why would we want to do something like take something that's contagious and make it even more contagious and more deadly than it already is? Well, what value is that? Well, the value is if you're greedy and if you have the love of money, then it has all kinds of value to you, because it was worth $7 billion. I think it was in the big v that went out to these people between Johnson and Johnson and. And can't think of the other two, but between the big three. [02:54:18] Speaker A: Well, let me give you all this is going to be a little frightening, but let me give it to you anyway. In 1980, 1918 through 1920, flu pandemic, also known as the great influenza epidemic, or by the common misnomer, spanish flu, was exceptionally deadly global influenza pandemic caused by. You ready for this? H one n one influenza a virus. The earliest documented case was March 1918 in the state of Kansas in the United States, with further cases recorded in France, Germany, United Kingdom. In April 2 years later, nearly a third, one third of the global population, an estimated 500 million people, had been infected in four successful waves. Do you get that? I don't like that word. But in four successive waves, estimates of deaths ranged from 17 million to 50 million people and possibly as high as 100 million, making it one of the deadliest pandemics in history. Think about that. That's if that you know who. The pandemic broke out near the end of World War one, when the wartime censors in the belligerent countries suppressed bad news to maintain morale. But newspapers freely reported the outbreak in neutral spray, Spain, creating a false impression of Spain as the epicenter and leading to the spanish flu name. Limited historical micrological data make the pandemic's geographic origin indeterminate, with completing a hypothesis on the initial spread. Most outbreaks disproportionately kill the young and old, with a higher survival rate in between. But this pandemic had unusually high mortality for young adults. Scientists offer several explanations for the high mortality, including a six year climate anomaly affecting migration, the disease vectors who increased likelihood spread through bodies of water. The virus was particularly deadly because it triggered a cycadine storm, ravaging the stronger immune system of young adults. And although the viral infection was apparently no more aggressive than previous influenza strains. [02:56:59] Speaker C: Okay, so it takes me back to. I don't know if you realize, I'm trying to think of his name. I think it's artists. Doctor Artis Ardis, I think is his name. Anyway, he has proven, along with the documentary through Freedom of Information act, that many people were literally murdered. I had Scott Shearer, I think his last name is his daughter was one of the victims. Murdered. Murdered by the medical mafia for money, because they make money when they. When somebody died in their hospital. Some of these hospitals were making upwards of over $100,000 per death, per COVID death. That's on record. That's not conspiracy theory. It's not something I came out of the clear blue. Go look it up, please. You will see some of these hospitals were paid upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars if somebody died in their hospital of COVID So what kind of incentive do they have to get these people to live? Or is it more of an incentive to get them to be killed because many of them put in the remdesivir protocol, and remdesivir in the trials had over 50% deaths. It was taken off the market. Why would they use that? Again? People, if you would just do a little. Little bit of research, start looking into some of this stuff, you will see we're not crazy. We're not making this stuff up. This is things that are actually happening. And it's difficult for people like me and people like Michael to stand idly by and say nothing. You want to call me crazy? I. No problem with that. I am crazy. I'm crazy about getting the truth out to people. I'm crazy about seeing people being treated truthfully. I'm crazy about avoiding these psychopaths that are literally killing us. I kind of stopped. [02:58:52] Speaker A: I like to think of myself as a connect the dots professional analyst. [02:58:57] Speaker C: I like that. [02:59:01] Speaker A: Conspiracy theory, but connect the dots and you can see it. I mean, it's up to you. [02:59:06] Speaker C: You. Oh, well, all right, well, thank you for joining us. I greatly appreciate it. Michael, thank you. I greatly appreciate you stepping in and helping me out. I get this new computer built, and we'll be back in a week. Conwell, take the red pill. [02:59:26] Speaker A: Take the blue pin. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. You take the red pill, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

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