Red Pill Reality Show

Red Pill Reality Show
TRIM Radio
Red Pill Reality Show

Aug 18 2024 | 03:00:03

Episode August 18, 2024 03:00:03

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:08] Speaker A: You're listening to the trim radio network. We cut the bowl and serve the truth. [00:00:20] Speaker B: I know you're out there. [00:00:22] Speaker C: I can feel you now. [00:00:24] Speaker D: I know that you're afraid. You afraid of us. [00:00:28] Speaker C: You're afraid of change. [00:00:30] Speaker D: I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. [00:00:34] Speaker E: I came here to tell you how. [00:00:36] Speaker B: It'S going to begin. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. You take the red pill. And I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill. The story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. You stay in Wonderland. You stay in Wonderland. And I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. [00:01:42] Speaker F: Go now. Transmitting from an undisclosed location in the northeast quadrant of the United States, it's the red pill reality show on the Trim radio network with your host, Ruskala Stevens. Saturday nights from 09:00 p.m. eastern until midnight. Call in lines are open. Dial 803-200-2277 to reach your host directly. And now your host, Riskalla. [00:02:19] Speaker C: Hello and welcome, everyone. It is a welcome. I'm right off the beginning here. Having problems. It is a red pill reality show. It amazes me. I don't know how many times this has happened to me. And now my camera's not working. I do a dry run. I didn't check the camera tonight. That's my fault. But I do a dry run on the sound to make sure that the sound is going to, you know, be appropriate and the microphone settings are correct. And I'm going to play some videos to make sure the sounds correct. Everything's hunky dory, and then I go live and boom, I have. All right, I'll figure out what's happening with my camera here in a second. Oh, it has been another week of oh, my goodness this and oh, my goodness that. I don't even know where to start anymore. All I can ask of anyone out there that is listening again, I got more people on radio than I do on live platform video platforms. All I can ask is of anyone out there that is considering to vote. If we have an election. If. Would you want four more years of what we've had already. Come on, let's be real here. These people on the other side of the aisle, when I say the other side of the aisle, basically Democrats, but there's Republicans involved as well. They don't really give a ratchet behind about you and me. We are probably the very last thing, if at all, on their mind. That's pretty evident. They allowed millions. Now we're beyond hundreds of thousands. We're now into the millions of people into this country without vetting them and breaking the law by allowing them in. Yet nobody, nobody has been reprimanded, fired, relieved of duty. Oh, no. We're going to promote them coming over here. Let's have more of them. We don't have a government that gives a hoot about us any longer. It's all about, let's flood the country with illegal aliens and pay them. Pay them. You think I'm exaggerating? I would ask anybody who is listening, go look it up. They are being paid to come to this country and break our law. The fact that they are allowed in this country without due process is a violation of our immigration laws. And then when you have someone like Texas step in and go, look, we've had enough of this. This is insane. And I can't blame them. We're not doing this anymore. We're blocking off our area. And you have the federal government suing them. And then on top of that, you have the Supreme Court citing with the federal government. The federal government says to Texas, you're not allowed to defend yourself because we told you so. And Texas is basically saying, okay, go pound sand, hide and watch because we're going to continue doing what we're doing. Meanwhile, the feds are just throffing at the mouth trying to find a way to get the governor to back down. This is insanity, you guys. You want four more years of this insanity? We've allowed, I mentioned earlier, millions. And I'm not exaggerating. I am not exaggerating. Go look the figures up. It is estimated somewhere on the low side, 10 million. That's the low side. As many as 30 million. You understand that there are cities in this country that don't even have 30 million people in the city. And we've allowed 30 million of these people into our country, welcoming them with money. And if I'm not mistaken, I think a couple of them, a couple of them have a. Trying to think it. Yes. Yeah. They give them cell phones. I just want to make sure what I'm saying is right. They give them cell phones and then what happens is they come in, and if they even get to the point of. Okay, what's your name? All right, and what country are you coming from? Yeah, right. And you're claiming asylum. All right, okay, well, listen, you have a court date in probably, like, two years from now, because there's so many of them coming in. You have a court date in 27, and you need to report to this address, January 20 of 27th. You honestly think that this person's going to show up? Come on. This is ridiculous. People. We are allowing. And the key word is allow. We are allowing this. Even President Trump stood up and said, you know, there's all these people coming in the country. It's insanity. We have no idea who's coming into this country, but they're allowing them to come in. It's not my. Listen, I've had people really upset with me that I say things like this. They think it's my opinion. It's not my opinion. What I'm telling you. It's an absolute fact. And if you would take the time, instead of using that time to cut me down, call me a liar or some other stupid thing like a conspiracy theorist, take the same time and go look it up, you find out what I'm telling you is correct. As a matter of fact, I ask people to do that. Please, you don't have to believe what I'm saying. I'm grateful that you're willing to listen. I actually hope and pray that you go, you know what? I got to check out what he's saying. Not that I'm consistently telling you misinformation, as they like to call it, but that when you see it for yourself, it has a different impact, you know? Well, I heard Rosala say, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You go look it up and you see it with your own two eyes on your computer. It isn't Roscala now telling you, it's your eyes are telling you. And a lot of times it's government sites. But you have to take the time to go look this stuff up. It's out there. The information is there. They will tell you. I can't say how many times I've said this. They will tell you what they're going to do before they do it. I'm going to play you a video a little while, and I'll prove to you that they told us about 911 before it happened, and I will prove to you that there were no aircraft. Well, at least the best as I can. There may have been holograms, but there were no actual aircraft. And I'm going to show you a video in comparison to what you saw in 911. And you tell me if you saw anything like the video. I'm going to show you. There's no comparison. It's night and day. You watch on 911 aircraft literally melting into a building. It's almost as a building opened up like it had a mouth. It opened it up and swallowed up the aircraft. That's impossible. That building was built with the framework on the inside and the outside. I think it was 28 inches on center. Rebar, not rebar, cold rolled steel with concrete reinforced. I'm going to show you a jet hitting just a concrete without the reinforcement, without the iron and the steel reinforcement, and watch what happens. It's nothing like what we were told. Nothing, though. People who are really responsible for 911 are still running free and very happy today, making all kinds of money. The real criminals are still running loose. We're convinced that it was 19 Arabs who couldn't even fly a freaking cessna, for God's sake, expected us to believe. And I was one of them. I believed them because I, at the time, I was. Listen, in 2001, I didn't want to have anything to do with politics. I could care less about politics. I watched my dad get so upset talking to his friends about politics, the veins would stick out on his neck. And I say, dad, calm down. You're going to have a heart attack. And then 911 happened in 2001, and I really didn't want to get into politics. I just. Something in my gut said that this is something's not, we're not. Something doesn't add up. Something just doesn't add up about all of this. And that began a journey for me to look up and find as much information as I could. When I was working with the military in base supply, I was ground support for our jets. And my official title was item research specialist. So they had taught me how to research, how to cross reference, how to make sure if a number was changed several times, how to find the most recent number. So you don't have an old number, and they tell you we don't make that anymore. They taught me all these little tricks and I began to utilize them. And then in February of 2002, I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown, because prior to that, I believed in our government. I believe that our government had our best interests at heart. Yes, there were criminal elements in the government, but it wasn't like, oh, the whole thing is corrupt. It was like, okay, well, you got a couple of criminals here. And there, every once in a while, they catch them, put them away. And I really didn't want to be involved in that. It's just something I had no interest in. On February of 2002, when I discovered that the war that I served in, it was all based on a lie. That we killed hundreds of thousands of people for a lie, that my friends who didn't come back were killed for a lie. And those that did come back, many of them weren't in their right mind. All for a lie. I thought I was having a nervous breakdown. I kept saying, I'm going to wake up. This has got to be a dream. There's no way that our government would do this to anybody. This is just not real. And as the time passed, I found myself on my computer crying uncontrollably. I thought about my friends. I thought about how many, oh, my God, how many innocent people got killed because somebody decided to tell a lie. And then someone else followed up and turned it into a freaking war. And right after that, what had happened? And announced they were going to go to Afghanistan, or right around that time, they were going to go to Afghanistan. We're going to go and we're going to attack Afghanistan. And because of what I had found that Saturday night at around midnight, I decided, well, wait a minute now. Something's not right here. Afghanistan, they didn't attack us. They said it was Arabs, Arabs. Afghanistan isn't predominantly arab there. I can't think of it. There are Arabs there, but it's not predominantly arab. It's something that's different. I can't think of it. It's right at the tip of my thing. I can't think. So I started looking into Afghanistan. Afghanistan didn't have anything to do with anything. Oh, well. Because they were the country where, quote, Osama bin Laden, who overcame the greatest defense system on the face of the planet, if not the greatest, gotta be right there among the very top, using a satellite phone in a cave. And because he was able to do that, we're going to come attack your country now. We're going to come and get him. And the Taliban reported back to our government, which happened to be the Taliban happened to be here on the 10th September. And they communicated back to our government and said, just give us any kind of evidence that this guy is involved. We will do you the favor. We'll go get him ourselves. We'll bring them back to you live. You can do whatever you want to. No, we're not going to settle for that. We're coming to attack your country. And I watched them attack another country. And then all of a sudden, we went to Iraq, even though they admitted Iraq had nothing to do with 911. I watched him go into Iraq and kill innocent people, overthrow a dictator who was probably one of the worst people on the face of the planet. But that doesn't give us the right to go in and completely overwhelm an entire society and take them from a somewhat normal life. I mean, it's a hell of a lot more normal than it is now or it was then than it is now and overturned, just completely turned their entire world upside down. Then I watched Yemen, and then I watched Libya, and I watched our secretary of state literally laugh because they murdered the dictator or the president of Libya. Laugh. It was a laughing thing. These are the same people that are after Donald Trump. I'm convinced of it. It's the same group that are after him because he represents to them a threat that they have never, ever even thought about. They never even considered that somebody who was among them. He hung out with these people. He gave them money. He was, he went to wet. He went to this, to the Clinton's daughter's wedding. They could, they never figured that somebody who was that close, if you will. I don't think he was really that close. But, I mean, he hung out with them. He partied with them, if you will, dinners and, you know, fancy dinners and stuff with them. I don't think they ever counted on somebody could, you know, in their circles like that, turn on them and show the world exactly who they are. These are the people that want him dead. I want to share this with you. Let me see if I can get this to come up. Up here. [00:18:09] Speaker D: The criminals out of Caracas and out of all the cities, he took all of them out and dumped them into the United States. He emptied his prisons into the United States of America. Why are we taking this? Why do we take this? [00:18:22] Speaker G: Why? [00:18:24] Speaker D: So don't take my word for it. Listen, Kamala Harris's agenda straight from her own mouth. Would anybody like to see her? Let's do it for a couple of seconds. Go ahead. [00:18:34] Speaker A: Yeah, I am radical. We need to get radical about what we are doing and take it seriously. As president of the United States, I am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a great review. There's no question. I'm in favor of banning track. [00:18:51] Speaker C: Now, mind you, a filibuster is what allows the other side to keep one side from passing something until enough time passes by so that they can carry on basically. I may be not absolutely accurate, but that's basically how I understand it. She wants to ban fracking. In other words, we want to raise your gas prices. And she wants to control. She wants government control on prices. [00:19:18] Speaker A: We have to have a buyback program. [00:19:19] Speaker C: And I suppose we have to have a buyback program. A mandatory buyback program. This is where I. I have said for quite some time, they are striving for civil war. A mandatory buyback program. Okay, Mister Smith, you have a. Whatever. You have a Glock 1917. Whatever we're buying goes back. We're going to give you $50, even though might be worth quite a bit more. Probably ten times more, but probably more than ten times. We're gonna give you $50 and you have to. You have to turn your weapon in, and we're gonna give you whatever we're gonna give you. Now, there are people out there, sadly, who are gonna go, oh, my God, I have to go do this. Just like they did with the jab. Oh, my God, I have to go do this. However, there are people out there that are gonna go, that's it. You're done. You just triggered. Lit the fuse to a great explosion. [00:20:31] Speaker F: I believe it will totally eliminate private insurance. [00:20:33] Speaker C: Let's eliminate all of this private insurance. [00:20:36] Speaker A: But what? Do you support changing the dietary guidelines? Yes. You know, the food care. Yes. Yes. [00:20:42] Speaker C: Reduced red meat. [00:20:43] Speaker A: Yes, I would. [00:20:46] Speaker C: Who are these people to tell us how we can eat what we can eat, when we can eat what we can drink? Because this is already happening in New York. I think a while back, they passed something about, you can't have large drinks or stuff. Some stupid thing, something that is an absolute intrusion into your private life. I think a large pepsis or slurpees or. I don't know what the heck. And people went by and did that. People obeyed that garbage. Now, who's going to obey this nonsense? Oh, well, you're not allowed to have your own. You've had your allotment of meat for the month. You've had your one steak for the month. That's all you can have. Raise your hand in cover that your. [00:21:28] Speaker A: Government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants. [00:21:35] Speaker D: Where do you stand on defund the police? [00:21:37] Speaker A: This whole movement is about rightly saying, we need to take a look at these legends. Harris asserted that ISIS perceived as the modern day Ku Klux Klan. Are you aware that there's a perception? Are you aware that there's a perception? [00:21:56] Speaker G: Is that what you're asking me? [00:21:57] Speaker D: I see I'm not there I see nothing. [00:22:01] Speaker A: We need to get radical about what. [00:22:03] Speaker D: We are doing. [00:22:12] Speaker C: And this person. There are people who are going to vote for this person. Help us. God help us. There are people who are going to vote for this person. I'm telling you, they want form. It'll be worse with her. It'll be worse than it was before. I have no doubt. Have no doubt. Hey, Marcus. I see Marcus is joining us. So how can somebody in their right mind with just one or two neurons firing up there say, oh, yeah, the last four years have been great. Now you're somebody who is in their circles, okay? Because it actually is better for you than it was before because you're in their circles. But the general public is not in their circles, and they're suffering tremendously. Tremendously. And how could you want four more years worse than what we've already had? Worse. Okay, so for you guys on the radio that can't see what I'm putting up on the, on the screen, there's a strategy called the Claude Pyvan, or Piven strategy, and is a political theory that is proposed by Richard Clowen and Francis Piven. Piven, I'm not sure how it's pronounced, that advises activists to create radical change by crashing the system. It encourages orchestration of various crises designed to push society to the breaking point and steer the populace into embracing an authoritarian, socialist government. This is exactly what Biden, the Democrats, and some Republicans are doing to us today. We are being pushed to the breaking point. They're crashing the system by allowing all of these illegal immigrants to come in. By the way, when I told you they're paying them in many cases, these people that are coming in here are being paid more than those of us who have paid into the system our entire life. And now we're getting Social Security. But these people who haven't devoted anything, parasites get more than we do. It's like I showed you. We're at the breaking point right there. They want somebody like Kamala because Kamala will continue with the wars, just like Biden. They said that Trump is going to start world war three. Pray for us. It's going to be the end of the world. What happened before his term was up? The man had three. I think he was working on four. He had three peace treaties going. There were no flare ups in the Middle east. Things were settling down in Syria. Iran knew better than to try to threaten us. Russia understood where we stood. Where we stand. Things were tremendously different in a much more peaceful manner than what we have today. We have absolute turmoil and chaos going on around the country. I don't know what that is. I'm hearing crazy stuff in the background, but that's thunder. That's the craziest thunder I've ever heard. It's been going for like, 20 seconds now. Holy smokes. Maybe it's not thunder. You want another four years that have been worse than the four that we just experienced? Do you think that Dwight Eisenhower had an idea what was going on way back then? Many people have recorded this little speech that he gave. Just a very short couple, maybe five sentences total, a little paragraph. But it is so true. I see what he said so many years ago as something that has been going on for a very long time in the councils of government. We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. We're at that point, people. I mentioned to you earlier how I should have. Too late now. I should have uploaded. I have an audio of Wesley Clark, General I believe is in the army. Think was in the army. I'm pretty sure it's the army. I don't think it was in the reins. General Clark giving testimony that he was told before we went to Afghanistan, before we went to Iraq, before we went to Syria, was one of them. But we never finished that job before we went into Libya. All of these were pre planned. And he gives testimony to that. And the man, that was the general, I guess he was talking to, this is another high ranking individual. As he's given this testimony, he asked him, why? Why are we doing this? And he says, the guy who's given him the information says, well, I'm paraphrasing, this isn't exact words, but basically, well, we figure if we have the strongest military on the planet, we can change different regimes in different countries. It's kind of like, you know, if you're the biggest hammer, everything else is a nail. We went and killed people for lies that I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around, that people lost their absolute innocent people lost their lives because somebody told a lie. That is unacceptable. However, it's been going on for a very long time, and it doesn't seem like it's going to stop anytime soon unless we can get somebody like Donald Trump back in there who can begin to start the peace process all over again. If not, we're screwed. This country is done. I'm not exaggerating. I truly believe if this woman, if they fix it so this woman gets in because they fixed it for the old guy, don't kid yourself. I have the evidence, hard evidence. This isn't conspiracy theory, bull theses. This is hard evidence. They cheated big time. And while I'm thinking about it, please tell your friends, please do not vote early. Voting early just tells them how many votes they're going to have to make up. But yes, they cheated big time. And if they install this woman, our country is done. I have no doubt in my mind. I just played for you what she wants. Gun confiscation, meat proportioning, health care for the illegals. That they're already giving them money. It's not enough for giving them money. Let's give them a healthcare on top of that. How many of us have to pay dearly? My brother pays. Oh my God. It's got to be close to $1,000 at this point for their health care. Shameful. It's shameful. All right. I'll be back in a minute. We're going to take a break. We're going to take a news break and then we're going to take a sponsor break. Here we go. [00:31:12] Speaker D: There's some fun news this weekend. This is good news weekend with Brian Walker. [00:31:18] Speaker E: A worker for a New Jersey recycling program climbed into the back of a truck to rescue a kit that had ended up in his waste compactor. Burlington County Regional recycling program employee Mark Mata said he was checking on his truck when he found an oil covered kit trapped in the waste compactor. I showed, shut everything off and climbed into the back of the truck to get her, Mata told the Asbury Park Press. The kitten was taken to rise again animal rescue and is now being fostered by Samantha Stameley, who also works for the recycling program. Mata was recently reunited with the kit, now named Squishy. Mata said he was simply happy to help. Just doing my part for the cats, he said. Just want her to get a good home. She deserves it. A heartwarming reunion took place in in Las Vegas after a good samaritan found a dog that had been missing for nine years. Gizmo, a Chihuahua mix who escaped from a backyard in the southwest valley of Las Vegas as a young pup, was recently discovered and identified through his microchip. The saga began when Gizmo and two other dogs managed to slip away from Menarez's backyard. A neighbor helped gather the other two dogs and mentioned seeing someone pick gizmo up. Despite extensive searches and efforts to locate him, including starting a Facebook group to help find him, years passed without any sign of the missing canine. However, a breakthrough occurred last week when an emergency veterinarian scanned the dog's microchip, revealing crucial information that led to his long awaited reunion with Menarez. Now eleven years old, the resilient gizmo is slowly recovering under his owner's care, who said the dog had several health issues. Manarez started a GoFundMe to help cover Gizmos vet bills a nigerian man twerked for 3 hours and 30 minutes to break the Guinness World Record for the longest duration twerking. Babajit Israel Adebanjo undertook the challenge to raise awareness about depression and mental health. He received confirmation from Guinness World Records that his January dancing marathon officially earned him the title. We are beyond thrilled to announce that our record breaking achievement has been officially recognized by Guinness World Records, Ade Banjo wrote on his TikTok account, where he posted a video showing the acceptance email from the record keeping organization. The post expressed gratitude to everyone who supported Adebanjo during the challenge. A physicist who left postgraduate school 75 years ago to raise her family has been awarded an honorary PhD at 98. Rosemary Fowler was studying at the University of Bristol in 1948 when she discovered the Kaon particle. She left academia before earning her doctorate, marrying fellow physicist Peter Fowler in 1949. Sir Paul Nurse, the chancellor of the University of Bristol, said Fowler paved the way for critical discoveries that continue to shape the work of today's physicists and our understanding of the universe. Fowler was 22 when she discovered a particle that decayed into three pions, later named the Kaon. I knew at once that it was new and would be very important. We were seeing things that hadn't been seen before. That's what really research in particle physics was. It was very exciting, she said. Fowler was awarded an honorary doctor of science. In a private graduation ceremony near her Cambridge home, a South Carolina man nearly discarded his scratch off lottery ticket before discovering it was a $200,000 winner. The Lowcountry resident told South Carolina education lottery officials he initially believed the five dollar emerald green scratch off ticket he bought from the the speedway station on Lachen Road in Latson was not a winner. He was about to throw the ticket away a few days later when a family member took a second look and revealed it was worth $200,000. It was unbelievable, the player recounted. The man said he didn't fully believe he had won the six figure prize until he visited lottery headquarters in Columbia and received a check. The winner plans to invest his prize money. Brian Walker reporting. [00:35:21] Speaker C: Stay tuned folks. [00:35:22] Speaker D: We're hitting pause for a quick break. We're nothing going anywhere. [00:35:26] Speaker C: We'll be back before you know it. [00:35:28] Speaker D: With more on the red pill reality show. [00:35:38] Speaker C: Are you a business owner? Did you know that the government is holding funds right now for your business? The program is called the Employee Retention act. It's done through the IR's and part of the CARES act and it's available to just about every business. This could mean literally hundreds of thousands of dollars into your business. This is not a loan. It's 100% legal and paid directly to you. Go to that's to watch a brief video and find out how you can qualify. go there now. [00:36:24] Speaker D: Do you need toner for your Epson, Hewlett, Packer, Canon, brother Apple or sharp printers? Look no further than laser technologies in business for over 20 years. They offer the lowest prices on toner on the web. They can also repair your laser printers and toners fast and easy. Call their expert staff today at 561-792-9600 or email us at service dash for all your toner needs. All toner is shipped nationwide. Why wait? Get the lowest prices on toner. Call or email us today. You have asked, are we happy? Are we happy? And effective consultation with leading experts in the field makes it perfectly clear, perfectly. [00:37:07] Speaker B: Clear. [00:37:10] Speaker D: That we are all now programmed for perfect happiness. Perfect happiness. Perfect happiness. [00:37:28] Speaker C: Control. We see what they want us to see. [00:37:41] Speaker B: We hear here what they want us to hear. They think we can't handle the truth. [00:37:57] Speaker A: If you feel you are not properly sedated, call 3848 844 immediately. Failure to do so may result in prosecution for criminal drug evasions. [00:38:34] Speaker D: See that the humans remain entertained until the end. [00:38:47] Speaker B: Of the divine control created. [00:38:53] Speaker C: Control. [00:38:58] Speaker D: This station is now the ultimate power in the universe. We have ignition strap in. [00:39:04] Speaker B: 5544-3321. [00:39:12] Speaker C: We'Re back. Hope you didn't go too far because we have more interesting and thought provoking information for you. Coming up on the red pill reality show. All right, we are back. I am back. I could in front, but no, never mind. It is a. I have to put a little bit of comedy into my life because things are just so messed up. Speaking of comedy, let me see if I can find this. Somebody sent me this and I thought this might. I found it kind of amusing. At least a little amusing, considering all the insanity that we're facing. I thought this might be a little. Let me see if I can get this. There we go. [00:40:18] Speaker D: Hi, this is Tim. [00:40:19] Speaker A: It's Kamala Harris. Good morning, governor. [00:40:22] Speaker D: Good morning, Madam Vice president. [00:40:25] Speaker A: Listen, you weren't my first choice. To be honest, you weren't even in my top ten. But no one else wants to run as my vp because they all know I'm going to lose. You are the only one who is willing to be my running mate. [00:40:34] Speaker D: Yeah, I mean, this is basically career suicide. But I did some dumb a few years back, and now I'm totally controlled by the deep state. And so they told me, either I become your running mate or I get Epstein in a New York prison. [00:40:44] Speaker A: Now, the fact that we're both radical communists is a slight problem, but I got some instructions from Big Daddy Barack. Basically, we're going to pretend that you're a normal american white guy. There's a bunch of things you did that we got to run away from here. You passed a law requiring tampons in the boys bathroom and schools. You basically cheered on the George Floyd rioters who burned down your cities. You implemented a snitch hotline during COVID and Tim, you signed a law that allows the state to take custody of children if their parents refuse to let them transition. I mean, what the f. Tim, we got a lot of cleanup to do here. But listen, we already got the mainstream media gaslighting America into thinking that you're super normal. [00:41:21] Speaker D: This is America's dad, America's football coach and the teacher. That's cool enough without trying to be cool. [00:41:27] Speaker A: A lot of people have noticed the sort of down to earth likeable cause to him. [00:41:32] Speaker D: Very moderate in Congress, a moderate Democrat, a centrist, but a more centrist, kind. [00:41:36] Speaker G: Of a centrist midwesterner in Persona. [00:41:39] Speaker D: That's pretty funny, because I'm weird. [00:41:40] Speaker A: As Americans are dumb, Tim, they'll believe anything we tell them. [00:41:43] Speaker D: They are so dumb, right? [00:41:45] Speaker A: They think I'm black. Okay, so here's the plan. In order to hide your own weirdness, we want you to accuse Trump and JD Vance of being weird. Just say it over and over again. [00:41:56] Speaker D: Weird, weird, weird, weird, weird. And then they start being weird. [00:41:59] Speaker C: They're weird. [00:42:00] Speaker F: Weird, weird, weird, weird. [00:42:01] Speaker D: Donald Trump's weirdness. [00:42:02] Speaker C: Very weird. [00:42:03] Speaker D: Weird. Too weird. It's weird, weird. Okay, so how far left are we admitting to being here? Like, are we openly woke? [00:42:09] Speaker A: We have to stay woke. Like, everybody needs to be woke. And you can talk about if you're the wokest or woker but just stay more woke than less woke. No, no, no. We're flip flopping on everything right now. We want to keep the voters confused. You know when your gps suddenly starts rerouting inexplicably and you have no idea where you're going and you're afraid your gps might just drive you off a cliff? We're exactly like that. [00:42:35] Speaker D: What do we say if reporters ask us about policy stuff? [00:42:38] Speaker A: Oh, we're not taking questions from reporters, Tim. We're not prepared for that. But if you do find yourself in a tricky spot with a reporter, just cackle. [00:42:45] Speaker F: Cackle? [00:42:46] Speaker A: Yeah, you know, cackle. You're considered the most liberal United States senator. I. Somebody said that, and it actually was Mike Pence on the debate stage. And is that a socialist or progressive perspective? No. What do you want to know? [00:43:08] Speaker D: Wow, that's horrifying. [00:43:09] Speaker A: Exactly. It's horrifying but distracting. Okay. So, Tim, tell me your radical left political views. Are those real? [00:43:16] Speaker D: Oh, no, of course not. No, honestly, I will have whatever political views you pay me to have. [00:43:20] Speaker A: I love it, Tim. You're like the white male version of me. [00:43:23] Speaker D: You're right. No one voted for me either. Hey, Kamala, let's see what can be unburdened by what has been. [00:43:31] Speaker A: All right, buddy, I'll see you soon. Take care. Bye. [00:43:39] Speaker C: Now, you guys, I'm hoping this is an incentive for you guys on radio. Come over here to. Come over to. Why is this doing it? Go to. You can go to Facebook. You can go to the red pill reality show on Facebook. You can go to Trim radio network on Facebook. I'm pretty sure we're live there as well. I think we're on YouTube. You can go to trim radio network on YouTube. We're live there. We're live on the website trim it looks like I'm live on LinkedIn. This, you know, several different places. If you don't have Facebook, other places you can go. And as long as you got the web, you can go to the website, listen to us there. We got chat room set up. But for some reason, I just get a lot more people. I mean, a heck of a lot more people on the radio. I had a couple of people tell me, well, we just like it in the background. You know, we're listening. If something piques our interest and we tune in, you know, we just listen stronger. But we like having it kind of in the background, like background music. Okay, well, I appreciate it. I do. I appreciate every one of you that take the time to let me share with you some of the crazy stuff that I run into. Okay, let's talk about. Let's talk about 911 for a minute. As I said to you earlier, we were told about 911 before it happened, about eight months before, eight or nine months maybe, before it happened, a pilot program came out. Now, if you recall, anybody that's listened to me before knows that I say this repeatedly. They will tell you what they're going to do and they will do it in a variety of ways. It might be in print somehow, it might. More than many times. It's in music. It also could be in videos or movies. But they, for some reason I'm told someone I that did a lot of researching into the luciferian and satanism stuff so that they believe in the law of karma. So as I've used this analogy many times, they tell us what they're going to do before they do it. That way the karma doesn't come back on them because we don't say anything much like if you and I are standing alongside of each other and I'm going to kick you and you don't say anything and I kick you. Well, I told you I was going to do it. You didn't say don't do it. And that's the kind of mentality behind that. But have a listen to this. Let me see if I can get this up. This is called the lone gunman. I've told people about this many times. This was the pilot program. Now it's a half an hour long. I'm not playing a half an hour. I'm playing about literally about five, maybe five and a half minutes of it. And it's been edited, but it's the original lone gunman, edited out the areas that are. In other words, I try to make it as short as we could to get to the point. Maybe that's the best way I can put it. [00:47:02] Speaker D: Yeah, I wound up at some government think tanks upload directory. Use your scenarios, ladies. These look like counterterrorism scenarios. War games. Develop the defense department. [00:47:14] Speaker C: What's scenario twelve D war games on 911 when the air traffic controllers called the military, the military guy, again, I'm paraphrasing, this is all recorded. The military, whoever was in charge, whoever they called, to let them know that these aircraft are flying around, we need to find them. You need to do something with it. Wherever they call. Is this real or is this part of the war games that we're having? Yes. They were having simulations of the same exact thing on 911. [00:47:54] Speaker D: Airline terrorism. That doesn't make sense. Your father was murdered over a war game. Download it. Uh oh. [00:48:04] Speaker G: It's me on the ammo day. What is it? [00:48:06] Speaker D: Bogey. We've been spotted. Sir, we got an intruder. I'm tracing. They're running some real time. What the hell are you doing? I think you're. Stay out of this. Leave me buried. What is scenario twelve d? We know it's a war game scenario that has to do with airline counterterrorism. [00:48:37] Speaker C: Okay, so during this time, there was still quite a bit of aircraft being hijacked and blown up and stuff. Let me back up a minute. It was still happening. It wasn't happening, like every day or every month, but it was still happening. So when people were heard this initially back then, they were probably thinking a hijacking of an aircraft, which was one of the things that supposedly happened on 911. They hijacked an aircraft. [00:49:07] Speaker D: Why is it important enough to kill for? Because it's no longer a game. If some terrorist group wants to act out this scenario, why target you for assassination? Depends on who your terrorists are. [00:49:23] Speaker C: Depends on who your terrorists are. [00:49:29] Speaker D: The men who conceived of it in the first place. You're saying our government plans to commit a terrorist act against a domestic air. There you go. Dying, the entire government, as usual. It's a faction, a small, factual. What possible gain? The cold war is over, John. [00:49:48] Speaker C: Okay? The evidence of this is that during that time, during September of 2001, even probably a couple years before that, that's the more accurate. We really weren't involved in any major wars. The little skirmishes here and there, but they weren't money makers. They didn't pour out the big bucks. That's what blew my mind on February of 2002, that we went and killed all these people for a lie. I didn't realize. The other side of the coin is money. Lots and lots and lots of money. [00:50:30] Speaker D: But with no clear enemy to stockpile against, the arms market's flat. But bring down a fully loaded 727 into the middle of New York City, and you'll find a dozen tin pot dictators all over the world just clamoring to take responsibility and begging to be smart bombed. [00:50:47] Speaker G: I can't believe it. [00:50:48] Speaker D: This is about increasing arm sales. When? Tonight. How are you going to start them? Why didn't you tell the world this? Go to the press? You think I'd still be drawing breath 30 minutes after I made that call? The press? Who's gonna run this story? [00:51:10] Speaker C: Okay, now fast forward. They're in the aircraft at this point, they decided that they were going. They figured that what was going to happen if somebody's going to blow this aircraft up over New York? So it would be a big production nobody, you know, there would be no major shock, I guess is the best way to put it. So they're in the aircraft now, and they're taught they didn't. They're using the aircraft phone. They're talking to the guys down on the ground who are running the computers down there to see what's going on. [00:51:44] Speaker D: With a little bit of help. It's what the brains of the plane is telling the little black box. Force heading, attitude hold ya. Axis stabilization. What the heck's that? Is that what it looks like? I think it is what it looks like, but there's what? [00:52:01] Speaker G: Remote access. [00:52:02] Speaker D: Somebody on the ground spying your plane. [00:52:05] Speaker C: Did you know that aircraft can be flown from the ground? The purpose behind it was if both pilot and co pilot, something was to happen to the both of them. Ground control could still take over the aircraft. [00:52:23] Speaker G: Keep your course planner. [00:52:32] Speaker D: I'm mapping the data now. Fires. Your flight's gonna make an unscheduled stop in exactly 22 minutes, the corner of liberty in Washington. More Manhattan. World Trade center. [00:53:04] Speaker C: The World Trade center. You're gonna make an unscheduled stop. Well, prior to the World Trade center coming down, I don't recall it having a Runway big enough to handle a jet. So they're telling you straight up, I'm going to back it up. Just, just a snitch. The World Trade center. [00:53:30] Speaker D: Buyers, your flight's going to make an unscheduled stop in exactly 22 minutes, the corner of liberty in Washington. More than that. World Trade center. I'm going to crash the plane into the World Trade Center. [00:53:47] Speaker C: I just told you in plain English. They're going to crash the plane into the World Trade center. Power. [00:54:06] Speaker D: It's sort of everything. Ladies and gentlemen, this captain speaking for experiencing some technical difficulties up here at this time, we'd like you all to return your seats. Kiss your asses goodbye. [00:54:31] Speaker G: It's manual upright. We can't give to the FBI. [00:55:01] Speaker D: We'll go public with your testimony, we can break this conspiracy wide open, bring. [00:55:06] Speaker A: Overlord down, the whole operation. [00:55:11] Speaker D: You're not trying to testify because. Let them cover this up. [00:55:16] Speaker C: This is the reality. There are people who know who could expose the true evil that has happened, but they won't. [00:55:27] Speaker D: They almost killed me twice. They won't fail a third time. My silence will keep me alive. And you. I know you and your friends are fighting for the american green. Just don't expect to win. [00:55:51] Speaker C: How sad. How sad. This is the reality that we're living in. There are people who do know and could expose the evil and bring the real criminals to justice for whatever reason. They don't. Now, I know many of you have to remember what it looked like when the, quote, jets hit the buildings on that day. As I described earlier. It appeared as though, almost as though anyway, that the building had, like it had a mouth almost. It opened up, the aircraft went in, and then, of course, we had the explosions. Nothing came out. Nothing. The turbines that are in these aircraft are made out of titanium. Titanium is harder than the concrete. It's harder than the steel that reinforced the concrete. Something should have come back out. Something. Nothing came back out. It is as though the building swallowed the aircraft up. Now, I want you to watch what happens when an experiment done by our government testing aircraft and different types of construction. What you're seeing is a wall. This is a concrete wall. I believe it's 30 inches deep. And they're going to run a jet into this wall. They have a rail which is just almost barely can see. It's right here. There's a rail that they have this aircraft on this jet, and they're going to propel this jet up to about 500 miles an hour and run it into this wall. Now, I want you to think about what you saw in 911 and watch what happens here. These are different angles. Think about what you saw in 911. Compare it to what you're seeing now. You guys on the radio. I'm sorry, I can't do anything about that. It is what you saw on September 11, 2001, in any way, shape, or form comparable to what you're seeing now. The man who designed the buildings had given a small news conference right after this happened. The buildings were designed to take up to two aircraft hits, 727s. These aircraft were a little larger. Supposed aircraft were a little larger, but the buildings were designed to take the hit of two aircrafts. What you're watching is an aircraft literally become atomized as it attempts to go through this concrete structure. You're seeing concrete and parts of the aircraft flying back out. Why wasn't there anything like that on 911? Estimated 500 miles an hour. I think they had, like eight or nine cameras set up in different angles so you could see what was going on. The aircraft literally disappears. It becomes part of the dust. You don't see it going into the building or into the concrete wall. More accurately, you see it literally destroyed before your eyes. Compare that to what you saw on 911. There were no aircraft. You guys, what you saw is physically impossible. I have a friend of mine who isn't, who is a pilot, used to be a pilot. I don't know if he still is. He was a pilot, and he flew the large ones, the 747s, for freight, for various companies. And he said, well, you know, at that speed, things can act differently. I'm not doubting that, but I'm telling you, here it is at 500 miles an hour. I don't know how fast those aircraft are supposedly going. I think that's the cruising speed for those guys, right? Somewhere around five, maybe 650. I don't think it's much more than that. If it is stark difference. This is a night and day difference between what we saw on television, excuse me, and the reality of what was going on. But, Roskala, there were people who swear that they saw aircraft hit the buildings. There are people who took private film and they saw aircraft hit the buildings. I'm telling you, no aircraft hit the buildings. Now, what they may have seen, in some cases, could possibly be a hologram. The technology that the government has is so far ahead of the technology that's available to civilians. I've shared this many times before when I served in the air force. And let's see, it was 1974. Yeah, 74. When I got to my final permanent duty station was 1974. And 1974. We had aircraft that were remote controlled by computers on the ground. 1974, mind you, we had a computer that handled the entire inventory system, as well as a variety of other things for the whole base. Of course, the computer was quite large. They had their own room. They had their own special electricity. It looked almost like doctors or surgeons were working in their white coats, nets over their hair. They couldn't have any contamination. Just crazy. My point being is that in 1974, our government had the technology to put laser. Laser beams on our aircraft, fly drones that were remote controlled by computers on the ground, do evasive maneuvers up in the air so that our pilots could hone their skills. And if the pilot hit the drone, depending upon where the hit was, if the hit was a minor hit, the drone would keep flying. The computers could recognize whether it was a major hit or a minor hit. If it was a minor hit, it would keep flying. If it's a major hit, it would stop flying and parachute down. 74. Now bring us up to 911 there. And I'm telling you that they have technology that's so far ahead of us. I believe that what if anybody saw anything? And it's very possible that they did. I'm not doubting that. That what they saw were holograms. Holograms. Now you can go on YouTube. Look up on YouTube. Seven D. I think it is 7D, like dog. Seven dimensional holograms. I should have uploaded one of the videos so you could see it. There's a video. One video that comes to mind is of a variety of students in what appears to be a gymnasium. In the center of the gymnasium, which is anybody's familiar, basically basketball courts and volleyball and that kind of thing. Out of the floor of this gymnasium comes a whale, and it looks as real as the kids that are sitting there. It has water splashing everywhere. It comes up, makes a big jump, goes back down again. There's another video, and I think this one is in Qatar. It's overseas somewhere. I'm thinking Qatar may be wrong about the country, but this video is. It's a shopping mall. And if you go to a certain spot at the shopping mall, you can watch dinosaurs walk by. You can watch a tiger walk by. You can watch. What else did they have? I don't recall. Maybe a bear or some other stuff. It's real. As the people sitting or watching it from your angle, watching what's going on, you're seeing the people and you're seeing the hologram. You can't tell the difference between the two of them. Now, I believe today they have holograms you can touch. I did a little bit of reading and background, and it's very. The information is very sketchy, but it appears to be that they figured out a way to make holograms that people can touch. So it's even more real than it was before. So if people saw something on 911, it would have been a hologram. It certainly wasn't a jet, because what I just showed you there should have. Something should have come back out, something. And the same thing at the Pentagon. There are professional pilots, commercial pilots of many decades, who have given testimony and said with all of the training and all the experience that I have, there is no way on God's green earth that I could have flown an aircraft that size, that close to the ground and hit the Pentagon. And then when you look at the hole in the Pentagon, it's just a hole. What happened to the wings? There were no windows broken from the wings. The real criminals are still out there. The real criminals, sadly, have made a lot of money. A lot of money. They don't talk about the gold that was stolen. They don't talk about all the records that were. That were destroyed, records that would have brought a lot of people down. Now, instead, we're going to flood the country with people from other countries. And like the president said, it's people that we have no idea who these people are. Got no idea who these people are. And because he is such an existential threat to this group, like they said in the video, it's not the government, quote, the government, it's a small fracture. I think it's bigger now than before. But it's not the, quote, government. It's people in the government who have corrupted the system so terrible and the things that they have done are so unspeakable that there is no way for them to go back. They can only go forward because if they ever came to terms, if they ever had to face justice for what they've done, they would be executed. I have no doubt in my mind. These are people who have literally betrayed not only the oath that they have given to protect and defend and promote our constitution, they have not also betrayed the people and their country. And if they were to be found guilty of what that is, that's high treason. That's an execution. And there are many of them, many of them who fall under those categories like that. The older man in the video says, you know, I got to be quiet. They tried to kill me two or three times already. If I'm silent, that means that preserves my life and yours because I won't tell them about you. How many of them out there are like that? So sad. That's why. So I ask people, please, you got to pray for our country. We are in such desperate need of divine intervention into our country. All right, here's another thing. Let me bring this up. I think this is the one I want. I'm not quite sure, but I'm going to find out real quick, quick if my computer will cooperate. [01:09:30] Speaker A: Stop. [01:09:31] Speaker C: Good gravy. Let's see right up here. Let's see if this is the one. [01:09:50] Speaker G: Sadeena. It. [01:12:48] Speaker C: So the aircraft had to make an emergency landing, and I noticed how they said, the conspiracy theorists say it could be sabotage because you ask questions or because you don't trust what's happening in today's society. You are conspiracy theorists because you ask questions. Because I certainly don't trust. While I'm thinking about it, let me bring this up. I know many of you are familiar with Glenn Beck. This is very interesting. He does a lot of research. There was a time when I really. I liked the guy. I used to listen to him a lot, and it kind of fell away because somebody called a show one time and very nervous. And if he was an actor, he should get an award. But clearly from the sound of the voice, the person was just in distraught and finally got to the point during a season where we were having a lot of storms were going on. And he says they're controlling the weather. And Glenn laughed and said this, you know, made fun of the guy, actually. And I suspected back then, but I didn't really know about harp. I didn't know about the chem trailing. I knew something was happening up in the air. I thought, you know, naively, I thought it was just part of their exhaust system. Even though I worked ground support, I just wrote it off in my mind, you know, I just didn't. It wasn't one of those things. Come to find out, boy, was I wrong about a lot of things. Okay, let me play this for you. The FBI has been found to have, on different occasions, infiltrated a small group. Sometimes it's only five, sometimes it's 20, maybe a little more, and then kind of steered or guide that group into committing a crime, supplying them with whatever they needed. There was a. I'm going to play this video for you in a second. There was an attack on the World Trade center prior to 911. I don't know how many people remember this. I believe it was Clinton who was the president, and they called the guy the blind sheik. And what had happened was they had vans with explosives in the vans and parked them down under the buildings in the parkingous places down there. And we're hoping to take down a couple of the columns and the building would come down. I wonder how many people know that happened. Well, it just so happened that there was an arab general who had found out about this plot. Somehow the word got to him that this blonde sheet guy was. And his followers, I don't know, five or six or seven, I don't recall, were going to do this. And so this general befriended these people on behalf of the. I think of the FBI. I'm almost positive the FBI befriended them on behalf of the FBI, not telling them that he's a double agent and telling them he can help them because the FBI said, we want to catch them in the act. Because if we catch them before they do anything, they can always say, this is all made up. But if we catch them in the act, it's a different story. So they literally supplied this blind sheet guy. The FBI literally supplied the general. I think it was an egyptian general. I may be wrong, but I know he's Arab. I'm not sure where. I think he's Egyptian supplied him with a bomb that was supposedly no detonator in the bomb. Supposedly when the general got the explosives, he saw there was a detonator in the explosives. He said, wait a minute, something's wrong. They literally made him give those people those bombs. And then, of course, they stepped right in and go, oh, hey, we know exactly who it is. Doesn't it seem strange that literally within minutes, within minutes, they knew who the shooter was within minutes that attempted to kill Donald Trump. Don't you find that kind of strange? [01:17:56] Speaker D: The very brave man and a good friend of the program, Steve friend, is. [01:18:01] Speaker C: Something, if we can do this here. [01:18:13] Speaker D: Very brave man and a good friend of the program, Steve friend, is joining us. He is from the center of renewing America fellow. He's a fellow at the, sorry. At the center for Renewing America. He's also the FBI whistleblower that objected to being, you know, put onto duty to investigate grandmothers as domestic terrorists. He blew the whistle and the rest of it is history. Welcome to the program, Steve. How are you? [01:18:43] Speaker G: I'm doing well, Grant. Thanks for having me on today. [01:18:46] Speaker B: You bet. [01:18:47] Speaker D: So you were with the FBI, and I know it's not the same, but I think you probably could comment on this. I'm not hearing anything satisfying coming from the FBI or the secret Service on the assassination attempt. There's three things. Assassination attempt at Donald Trump. The guy that they just let in, they knew he was on the terror list, and they just let him in anyway. Who was coordinating an assassination on Donald Trump? And then the third comes out of Massachusetts this weekend where Kamala Harris was on stage someplace at an event, and the secret service and local police needed a bathroom. So they covered up somebody's private security on their business and then picked the lock, went in, used their bathrooms, occupied the space for hours, and then closed back to the shop. Didn't lock it back up, but closed it. The lady came on Monday and she's like, what the hell happened here? [01:19:53] Speaker C: Can you believe that? These people literally broke into somebody's personal business. This is the kind of people you want to have more of this, then vote kamala into office. It'll be, this is, won't even be the tip of the iceberg. Can you imagine? You're a business owner. You lock up your business on a Friday, you're typically not there over the weekend. You come back on a Monday or whatever it was. I may be wrong about the timing, but I know I'm accurate about the message. You're a business owner. You lock up your business, you come back, you find your business has been opened without your knowledge, without your permission, and nobody gets in trouble. Nobody. [01:20:46] Speaker D: That's against the law, isn't it? [01:20:49] Speaker C: Not for them. [01:20:50] Speaker G: Oh, absolutely, it is. And I think if you or I were to engage in any sort of activity, that there would be criminal charges against us at the very least, or some sort of trespass. But I think what these three elements you're talking about exposed more than anything else, is what I like to dub the myth of competence that we all sort of have in our federal law enforcement agencies. Because in pop culture tvs and movies, shows that you consume the characters in those shows and movies, they're really sophisticated and really great at their job, and they're hunting down the criminals, and they're chasing them down the back alleys and slapping the handcuffs on, and then they just fade to black. But in reality, these agencies have now devolved into essentially dmvs with guns and badges. And that's why the Trump assassination attempt, there's all these theories that are out there, and you can count me sort of in the clan of people that believe that incompetence was heavily involved in it. And I think that there's one sort of presupposition that has gone into that, that so many people have their questions about, and rightfully so. But we are presupposing that the Secret Service is always great at its job, and these failures. [01:22:01] Speaker D: Oh, I think they're terrible. Yes. [01:22:04] Speaker G: I think that these failures are happening at every single event. And it's just because of the providential nature of the country, and then also because of the myth of confidence that nobody's really tried to test it. [01:22:15] Speaker D: And which is why, going forward, I. [01:22:16] Speaker G: Think there's probably a heightened risk to Donald Trump for any of these events that he's going to hold. But to pivot to the second issue with the FBI and investigating this, his assassination attempt, I think one of the most disturbing elements and hasn't been picked up on was when the deputy director of the FBI, Paul Bates, said that they were going to investigate it as domestic terrorism. And that to me, is, to the layperson, seems reasonable. You don't want to have blinders on. But being a subject matter expert here, the FBI is now going to slap a classified label on this investigation, and they're not going to be able to be transparent because you don't have a. [01:22:55] Speaker D: Need to know, you know, how the security clearance. [01:22:56] Speaker G: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, congressman. Can't comment on an ongoing investigation. So that's. That's tremendously disturbing. And then the last thing that I definitely want to get to is this pakistani national. Now this is what I like to call the playbook that the FBI has been running the last two and a half decades, particularly since 911, where essentially what they do to justify their existence as a bureaucracy, as a self looking ice cream cone, they will identify a vulnerable person, an emotionally disturbed, maybe someone with radical intentions, but not capable of carrying forward an actual attack without the involvement of the FBI. They'll identify them, use confidential human sources, use undercovers, and then groom them for as long as it takes to engage, or at least agree to engage in an activity that can be labeled as terrorism. And then they will arrest them. And the ad wrinkle here was that they imported this Pakistani through the border. They sponsored him arriving, arriving. The FBI Dallas office actually was assignee on him arriving. And it wasn't just Tuslav to cuffs on it. They followed him and orchestrated this plot that could never have happened without the involvement of the government for three months and then justify their existence with this big dismantlement stat, which is also tied to their quotas. This is just the FBI version of that's furious. But except with the exception of being guns with the ATF, we are now running terrorists so that we can justify our existence as agency. [01:24:26] Speaker D: So he was supposed to leave right after he had set something up before the assassination. So did they? Because I don't even know if I've read what they had busted other than him. Did they actually bust something up? [01:24:44] Speaker G: The plot is completely absurd. Glenn. I've read through the affidavit. This is an individual who was essentially indigent, didn't have the finances, and we're led to believe from the FBI that he arrived here and then just happened. The first person that he had a conversation with was an informant for the government about soliciting hitmen to carry forward not only assassinations, but he wanted dozens of people to have protests that were going to be cover while they did reconnaissance. He wanted to get people that were going to steal documents and thumb drives from government figures, and all for the low, low price of $5,000, which he didn't actually have. And he was doing things like asking the informant to put his phone in a drawer while they had conversations. I mean, that's not a Faraday bag. It's not really operational security. These illusions of grandeur that he had, to me indicate that he was a prime person that the FBI likes to target the people who are vulnerable, and not for nothing. You know, let's just say he's a. He's a bad guy. What's to say that they don't import him here? And he just says, you know, this plot that I have doesn't sound like it's going to be achievable. I'll just grab a butcher knife and stab the next infidel that I see, and then the FBI should be on hook for that. So this is them believing I, in their own confidence, that certainly nothing bad will happen while we have them on the book for three months. And they've been lucky. We've been lucky that nothing worse has happened. But I think the bottom line is that the FBI is inventing these cases so that they can go to Congress and say, look how all the good work we have done here, why don't you give us enhanced funding? Why don't you give us enhanced tools? Think of all the good work we could do, like Lindsey Graham wants to do now, and that is giving the FBI backdoor access to encrypted communications, because that way the FBI can circumvent the Fourth Amendment. [01:26:37] Speaker D: So. So let me see if I have this right. Was this guy that they picked up or, you know, finally arrested and told us all about it? Was this just a distraction from the assassination? [01:26:54] Speaker G: I think the timetable works out to be that he was arrested on July 12, the assassination 10th happened on the 13th, which to me, certainly explains the messaging that we got about this iranian threat, because the FBI was really super concerned about who they groomed to engage in a terrorism which never was going to happen and really didn't have their eye on the ball. And then we can get to the speculation about a character like crooks who, not for nothing, kind of strikes me as sitting squarely within the profile of someone who would be recruited and targeted for grooming to engage in something that he was not previously supposed to do and then maybe did the thing that I just talked about. But instead of grabbing the butcher knife and stabbing an infidel, grab the dad's ar, that I'm going to take a shot at a candidate for office. [01:27:41] Speaker D: So who is. I mean, who should pay for this? I saw that the. I think it was the fire chief of Butler county just resigned over this because of staging and everything else. I don't. I could be wrong. I don't think it's the local law enforcement's place. I mean, you know, when the Secret Service come in, they usually just come in and just say, here's what you're doing. And you do that and don't ask any questions. You know, whose fault really was this? Who should pay for this? [01:28:16] Speaker G: There's going to be a lot of accountability. Hot potato as it comes to this assassination attempt, because you could see timber Lucido get up there and say, the buck stops with me. But, you know, with really local law enforcement's job and just having been at both levels, you could easily see that route being something where the locals said, hey, that should be covered. The Secret Service said, okay, we'll cover it. And then it didn't get covered. And then they're just looking back and forth at each other saying, hey, that's your job. No, that's your job. And then meanwhile, it doesn't get covered at all. But I think ultimately, because the Secret Service is supposed to be the chief agency there who's calling the shots. It needs to be them who falls on this. And there needs to be an independent investigation, because I don't trust the FBI. And it's not just a personal animus. The FBI has track record for investigating assassination attempts like the 2017 congressional baseball shooting where the shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporter, showed up at the ball field and asked where the Republicans were, and then proceeded to shoot Steve Scalise. And the FBI said, that's not an assassination attempt, that's suicide by cop. So there needs to be an independent investigation. May be funded here, could be used in the congressional leverage here for the upcoming budget. It can also be a request from the Pennsylvania state police, because I know there's a federal nexus here, but it was in their backyard, and I don't see any reason why they couldn't conduct a thorough investigation. I would trust them far more than the FBI, which is going to say this was domestic terrorism, perhaps, or perhaps we already had a domestic terrorism case open on crooks. Either way, we can't talk about sources and methods. This is an ongoing investigation. Maybe we'll give you something here in a decade when nobody is really paying attention. [01:29:51] Speaker D: So one last thought. The woman in Massachusetts that had her business just taken over without her permission, without her even being there knowing it, they covered the camera, they broke in, picked the lock and went in and spent hours in there just because I guess they could. She's not pressing charges. She says, you know, I'm really angry. I feel violated, but I, you know, I don't, you know, they have a job to do. [01:30:20] Speaker E: No. [01:30:21] Speaker D: If people don't stand up, I think that's a violation of the Third Amendment. I mean, that never gets any attention. I think that's the violation of the third amendment, but it's certainly breaking and entering. And if people don't push back and say, no, I'm sorry, if that were anyone else, you'd be in jail today. So I'm sorry. I might like you guys. I understand your situation. Situation. But you cannot do that because it'll never stop. [01:30:53] Speaker G: This is the natural downstream consequences of what we experienced in 2020. Muller said you had to stay home and stay safe and shut down your non essential business that you use to feed your family and pay your mortgage. And this is the chilling effect that has. And I share your sentiment about the third amendment. It would be interesting to see an energetic attorney take that up. But the government does not respect your civil liberties, does not respect Bill of rights, and this is just another example of the fact that they are willing to impede on those just for their own convenience. I mean, how hard is it to find a bathroom? [01:31:27] Speaker D: Steve, thank you so much. Thanks for everything you do. Stay safe. Steve friend, former whistleblower on the FBI. [01:31:37] Speaker C: How hard is it to find a bathroom? Oh, well, let's just break into this person's business, make ourselves at home, break the law. But nobody's gonna bother us because, hey, look at who we are. We are the law. You want some more of this? Because that's what's gonna happen if these people get their way. These are really, really, it's wrong. It's just wrong on so many levels. It's wrong. And then you're fighting, you're fighting the media with all their garbage, right? Look at it. I found this, I found this quite interesting. Who is this? Fox? Let me bring this up. How they're saying Kamala is leading in the polls or Trump is trailing, you know, or Kamala is trailing. I mean, like, they're right there, right? They're literally, so what? They're setting people up so that if they cheat and Kamala wins, well, you know, we told you they were going to. It's like I said earlier, they got to tell you what they're going to do. [01:32:58] Speaker D: Harris has just keeps on building. According to some new polling just out, the vice president has now jumped ahead of former President Donald Trump. [01:33:07] Speaker C: Now, you look at a Harris, I go back to the Biden garbage. Look at the Biden rallies in the last election. And look at the Trump rallies. There were more people waiting to go to the bathroom at a Trump rally than there were at a Biden rally. And it really isn't a whole lot different with the Kamala rallies now, I've seen a couple of pictures. I don't know whether they're photoshopped. I'm gonna play a video for you here shortly. I don't know if it's real or not, but I wouldn't put it past them for them to use CGI. Just start implanting people all over to make it look like she's really popular. [01:33:53] Speaker D: And what the candidates are up to. [01:33:55] Speaker G: On the campaign trail today. [01:33:56] Speaker D: Hey, Richard. [01:33:57] Speaker G: Hey, Robert. [01:33:57] Speaker D: It's been nearly a month since Vice President Kamala Harris launched her campaign for president. And despite the convention, all of a. [01:34:03] Speaker C: Sudden, she's way up there. [01:34:05] Speaker D: Set of polls shows the closest race for president yet. Former President Donald Trump, now behind Harris in three crucial states. [01:34:12] Speaker C: What a bunch of garbage a month ago. [01:34:14] Speaker D: And a feat the vice president has been able to conquer in less than four weeks. As Vice President Kamala Harris and her vp pick, Minnesota Governor Tim Walls, head to Las Vegas to wrap up a five day swing through battleground states, momentum appears to be growing. From the beginning of June until the middle of July, the Trump campaign seemed unable to do anything wrong. Since the middle of July. Since they left the convention in Milwaukee, they seem unable to do anything right. [01:34:42] Speaker G: A new set of polls, polls from. [01:34:43] Speaker D: The New York Times and Sienna College, released this morning, shows a very tight presidential race. In head to head matchups among registered voters, Harris is ahead of Trump, 44% to 43%. [01:34:54] Speaker C: You believe this? Come on, man. [01:34:55] Speaker D: 45% to 43%. [01:34:57] Speaker C: What a bunch of garbage. [01:34:58] Speaker D: At 49% to 42% in Wisconsin, in the last 15 polls that have been conducted, only two failed to show Harrison the lead in the broad national contest. And one of those shows Trumpet and the lead the other day, Keene University provost of political expert David Bird sell says the Harris campaign has seen a surge of momentum in recent weeks since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race. But it's too early to tell if it will stick. We really haven't seen the republican tack machine ramp up on this ticket. We know that it's coming. We know that they've tried some initial salvos. They really haven't coerced, coordinated that message, but they will. The Trump campaign's chief pollster cold this latest set of polls dramatically understated and that he believes they are part of a, quote, series of public surveys released with the clear intent and purpose of depressing support. [01:35:52] Speaker C: Exactly. [01:35:53] Speaker D: Tonight, the Harris campaign says that the. [01:35:55] Speaker C: Vice president Harris campaign can go fly kite. People have to see through this deception. I said earlier, please tell your friends, if anybody's thinking about voting early, tell them not to vote early. This is how I see voting early gives the other side exactly how much ammunition they're going to need in order to overcome your vote. That's really what I see happening. First of all, I have questions about, are we really going to have an election? Because you seen, you've witnessed what these people are willing to do. They took a billionaire, I don't remember what. The latest number of 91 total indictments, now fined millions of dollars, attempted to put him in jail, tried to kill him, make an example out of him. I can't imagine people will want to see more of this. I don't know. All right, here's a little funny for you. This is probably fake, if you will. Fake in the sense that this really, they didn't really do this, but it could be real because I look at the aircraft and I don't see any reflections of people in the aircraft. And then all of a sudden you see people, oh, and we have escalators now. I wouldn't put it past them if they did that. You know, put in the CGI and I make it look like she's got a lot of people at her rallies. The truth of the matter is, all the rallies that I've seen is a joke. It's a fraction. It's like the Biden stuff. There's more people at a Trump rally waiting to go to the bathroom than there are, than all the people at a Kamala rally. The media is playing a big part in this. And the media, you know, Trump has said on a couple of occasions, the media is our enemy. The media is our number one enemy. They take the bad guys, make them look good. George Floyd, I wonder how many people know that George Floyd was a criminal, a felon, a man who put a gun to a pregnant woman's belly and threatened her. That's the man that supposedly was choked to death by a white cop. Right. But let's not read what the autopsy report said. No, let's not do that, because if we do, then we have to read that the autopsy report says that the man died of a drug overdose, not asphyxiation, a drug overdose. And the people, the same people who want to make sure that Trump doesn't get into office are the same people who are backing all of this stuff. You remember in that video where the younger guy says, our government, he says, ah, see, that's it. Jump to conclusions automatically. Our government, it's a fraction, it's a faction, it's a portion of our government that has gone bad. It's a portion that is causing the misery for most of us. And there's a heck of a lot more of us than there is of them. A heck of a lot more. I'm not sure why I have this looking at a video here. All right. And here's another one I want to play for you. This is heartbreaking. This is what people have to deal with today, people who have contributed to the system, people who have attempted to make a way in their life to make things better for them and their. And their family and run into brick walls, and then they see these illegal aliens coming here, and they. Illegal aliens get literally. Remember I told you to get paid, right? Have a listen. [01:40:49] Speaker A: I need this message to go out to our vice president, who's running for president. I have heard all over social media about. Excuse me if I say anything wrong. Immigrants getting loans money. It was hard for me to believe. It was just extremely hard for me to believe. I've been in business such a long time. Back in 2019, I purchased my first food truck. It cost me over $25,000. I paid it cash money. I worked hard to pay for this truck. I'm now selling it because I'm just gonna. I'm doing other things, but I'm selling it. I had a guy come to look at, purchasing my vehicle, my food truck, and he explained to me he's an illegal immigrant. He has no credit, he has no money from the bank. But he showed me his paperwork that he will receive funds to purchase my food truck. I'm thankful that he's buying it, but I'm hurt that I work so hard to pay cash for my food truck. I have good credit. Can't even get a business loan because color my skin. I have veterans in my family. I'm a veteran. I've been self employed for so long, but somebody please tell me, how do I work so hard to have somebody who comes to this country, not long, no credit, and he shows me paperwork where they'll be funding him money to buy my food truck. And when I talked to the bank, they told me, um, usually they have to go straight to a dealership because I'm a private sell, but for a special circumstances, they're gonna, you know, they allow it. But I need my president. Tell me why I worked so hard all these years. Couldn't get a business loan, but I bust my ass to get the money to create my business, and we got immigrants coming here, and they're kidding. Money, money. We're doing nothing but just being. It's not right, and I want answers. [01:43:47] Speaker C: My heart breaks for her. Being a small business owner, I'm not a person of color, but even though I was in business 27 years, we still had issues trying to get just a small loan, just to expand and maybe bring a couple more people on, put a couple salespeople in place, increase the sales. It was like trying to climb up a wall without any help, without a ladder, without a rope, without anything. It's just. Might as well bang your head on the desk before it's all over. And then these people come here. Now, my fight is not with the people that are coming here. It would be foolish of someone to turn down the opportunity that they've been given. My fight is with the people who are telling them it's okay to come here. Did you know that the government has an app? I should have uploaded that so you could see it. The government has an app for these people to put on their phone so they can know where to go, who to talk to, what to put on the application. So they get in the country. We're being betrayed by our own government, and it's being done literally in your face. And someone like Donald Trump comes along and he starts rocking the boat and exposing. None of this would have ever been exposed. I don't care how you feel about him. The fact remains that none of this. Maybe that's not accurate. 90%, maybe better than 90% of what we're witnessing today with regard to the corruption that has been exposed, would never have been exposed if Donald Trump did not run for president. I'm absolutely convinced of that. And we are fighting people that just. They're sick. There's no way to describe people, really, in a way that would give a proper presentation for who they are. But these are psychopaths. They would have no problem taking the life of someone and going about their day as though they just had lunch or something. No big deal. Let's go. Carry on. The sad part is many of them are responsible for making decisions that would have an effect on millions, hundreds of millions of people. And their hearts and their morals are in the wrong place. Anybody who has a price, a number, I'll pay a million dollars, I'll pay a $10 million, I'll pay a $50 million, we'll pay you $200 million. Regardless of what the price is, whatever that price is, whatever that number comes to. If you have a price, you're a coward, because it's going to take someone with fortitude someone who is brave, someone who is strong, to stand up and say, no, I don't care how much money you offer me, I'm going to stand with the truth. I'm not going to do what you want me to do. But sadly, sadly, there are circumstances. Just like that guy in the video. The older man didn't want to come out. He had the information. He could expose. He could break the whole thing down. But the truth of the matter is he's not going to. Even in our reality, we have people like that. They're not going to because it means if they even tried, their lives would be worthless. And that's not a conspiracy theory. Go take a look at how many people have died that were, quote, friends or somehow related to, either in business or some other fashion to the Clintons. The body count is in. I think we're past forties at this point. When someone has that kind of power, it's extremely difficult to make a stand. It's extremely difficult to say no. To take someone like Donald Trump who says, go ahead, I'm sticking by my guns. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. Well, they fined him millions of dollars. They tried to villainize him through the media. They did a damn good job. There are still people who think that he is a horrible human being. Instead of taking the time to look into really, what kind of person is Donald Trump? They'll just believe what the boob tube tells them. Oh, he did this. Oh, he did that. Oh, this and the other. I'm not saying he's perfect. I have no doubt he is not a perfect man. I do believe he is the perfect man for the job, though. I don't think we have a better person, leader that could take the place of Donald Trump. I think that's why they tried everything that they could to get rid of him. Can you imagine what would have happened? This dark side, deep state, illuminati, Luciferian, Satanists, whatever you want to call him, their modus operandi. The way they operate is to bring order out of chaos, or order through chaos. Had they been successful in murdering Donald Trump, can you imagine the chaos that would have erupted? It would have been utter chaos, especially in the republican side. Who were they going to get? Who could possibly take the place of the, who has the pole that Donald Trump has? And to think that this was negligence is silly, just silly. This was pre planned. He was not supposed to live through that. And the result of their failure is that Biden had to step down. I hear that he's wanting to come back. I don't know if it's true, but I wouldn't put it past these good people. I hear he wants to come back. He's going to, he's going to be at the Democratic National Convention, I hear. I don't know. I may be wrong. There have been people that I listen to that have been right and they've been wrong. This guy that said this has been right about a lot of things, he's also been wrong. Who knows? But I think it's hysterical. Excuse me? I think it's hysterical that he's, I think I recall reading a letter of resignation. No, I'm not going to do that. Well, we'll see. All right, I got another one I want to play for you about the, about the attempt. This was not negligence, people. This was a setup. There is more and more information coming out, and it all points to a setup. [01:52:14] Speaker H: Newly released body cam video shows the moment police officers saw former President Trump's shooter right before the assassination attempt. Let's watch. [01:52:27] Speaker C: This is where I read that somebody got on somebody's shoulders or something and they got up there, and as soon as they got up there, the guy turned around and pointed his weapon at him and he jumped back down again. So at that point, no shots had been fired. So he gets up there, and now you see him, as soon as he gets up there, he jumps back down again. Supposedly a guy pointed the gun at him. Okay, well, you know, he got a gun right then and there. [01:52:52] Speaker H: It's been nearly a month since the assassination attempt at Trump's rally in Pennsylvania. Both the former secret service director Kimberly Cheadle and the acting director, Ronald Rowe, have testified before lawmakers. But there are still many questions that remain about the extent of law enforcement's failures that day as investigations continue. [01:53:12] Speaker C: So they knew that the guy had a gun. He pointed the gun at the police officer right then and there. They should have done everything that they needed to do to get through the Secret Service, get him off the stage. No shots had been fired yet. [01:53:26] Speaker H: The new footage shows how five officers for about two and a half minutes. [01:53:30] Speaker C: Gathered around the roof, can't figure out how to get on the roof. [01:53:33] Speaker H: It establishes that officers had determined the gunman's location, frantically tried to find a way to get on the roof, and determined he was armed. Youtuber and political commentator Benny Johnson traveled to the site of the assassination attempt and teamed up with republican representative Corey Mills to dig deeper into what happened. [01:53:52] Speaker F: Let's watch. [01:53:55] Speaker D: Was crooks allowed to get so close to the president in the first place, how was he allowed to fire eight shots? We investigated his sniper nest to find out the exact location where crooks fired. His weapon is easy to find because once you are on the rooftop, it is still stained with his blood. Yes, this is it right here. This is it right here. You can see the blood trail that comes down. Got it. So they're right where Trump was. Right there where Trump was, right there. As your basic training boot camp soldier, that they make twice this distant shot to pass boot camp with iron sights, not with a red dot, not with a scope, with any magnification or any type of a, you know, red dot sight. [01:54:40] Speaker F: It's that much easier, easier of a shot. [01:54:43] Speaker H: Johnson was also joined by republican representative Eli Crane, who broke down why one sniper's nest was left empty during the shooting. [01:54:52] Speaker D: SWAT sniper team was stationed on the second floor of the AGR building with perfect overwatch of the roof. The snipers in this location could have and should have easily been able to engage crooks before he ever came close to scope sight of Trump. The acting director of the secret service says he does not know what happened in this location, but we do. Who was stationed up there, and did they see the shooter? Why weren't they engaging? Once there was a suspicious individual reported, one of them came down, left the room that they were conducting Overwatch in, went down to, I think, walk around the perimeter, see if he could find him, tried to come back in the building. The key card wasn't working, and so he called the other guy. It was up in the room. The other guy left his post to come down to let him in. We're being told that that's when the shots were taken. This is the worst possible timing for a local SWAT team. [01:55:51] Speaker C: Come on, now. Tell me he believed us. [01:55:53] Speaker H: Independent journalist Richie McInnes, who helped shoot that documentary, also wondered why snipers weren't better positioned. Let's take a look. [01:56:03] Speaker D: All right, I got a quick question for you guys. That's where the sniper was, and that's the water tower up there. Then why wasn't the Secret Service up there? [01:56:21] Speaker C: Exactly. [01:56:21] Speaker D: Pretty easy to see what's down here from there. So I'm just asking questions here if anybody could help me out. [01:56:52] Speaker H: Richie joins us now to discuss it all. Richie, great to see you, and thank you so much for actually going to this site and getting this footage. It seems like, you know, it's only been a month since this happened, and a lot of people have already forgotten about it. I don't think there's any way to say this other than this was a massive security failure? And I guess the remaining question now is, was it intentional or just pure incompetence? [01:57:17] Speaker C: Yeah, it was, in my book, intentional. There are too many failures, way too many failures. [01:57:26] Speaker D: When you're actually there and you see the security perimeter that was set up and how close and how easy it was for anybody who was not secure, didn't go through a magnetometer or anything like that to just walk up to that chain link fence that you saw in my video. They were within 100 yards of where Trump was speaking, within direct line of sight. And they could have brought, you know, people brought coolers for beers, but anybody could have brought anything in that cooler. And crooks was actually right behind them on that barn and that new, newly released body cam footage. The question that I'm asking, which is the question that the officer asked in that footage, is, I asked them to secure this roof back on Tuesday and the shooting happened on Saturday. So if the local PD were raising these questions five days ahead of time, why is it that nobody was looking down on that roof at that particular moment? [01:58:15] Speaker H: Right. And we've also heard reports that the Secret Service apparently skipped a briefing with the local law enforcement officials they had there prior to the rally. So there was a complete communication breakdown, it seems, between the secret Service and then the individuals who knew the area and were familiar with this situation. Security perimeter, I don't know how that even happens. [01:58:37] Speaker D: Absolutely. And there's also a panel that was done with the local police department and they stated that they communicated these things with secret Service. And actually, Secret Service skipped a briefing prior to the speech. So you have to ask the question of, you know, is this just negligence does towards Trump? Because obviously Mayorkas is the one, Joe Biden is the one who's overseeing the security. Why exactly were all of these things overlooked? And I mean, is it just gross negligence or does that answer not negligence? [01:59:09] Speaker H: Yeah, I think that is really a key question here. And we've seen that the secret service director, Kimberly Cheadle, stepped down from her position after immense political pressure. But Ronald Rowe has now taken over, and he was also, you know, tangentially in charge of this security detail. [01:59:26] Speaker D: Yeah, it was obvious during the hearing that he was not filled in on a bunch of key details like, why was there no one in that window that directly overlooks that roof? And the question that I asked in that video, that water tower, not only does it overlook the particular building where crooks was stationed, where he fired from, but also it has a line of sight of basically the entire area. So if I were, you know, 15 years old, I would be able to secure a better perimeter than was secured around the former president of the United States. And I have zero background in anything other than call of duty and playing air shop at paintball. [02:00:00] Speaker H: Well, it all seems pretty common sense. If you just take a look at the videos that you took from that location as you were walking through with these congressmen and Benny Johnson, what was the most surprising thing that you learned as you're going through the failures that day? [02:00:18] Speaker D: Well, actually, so you can see me. I was the one standing where Trump was on stage. So as I was standing there and looking out to Benny, out on the roof, where Krook was in the exact position, I mean, with my naked eye, I could see them walking around him. And when he laid down, I could actually even still see him. And we were on the phone. Can you see me now? Can you see me now? Yeah, I can see you. And so even with the naked eye, from where Trump was standing, you could see somebody on that roof, whether they were in the prone position or not. And obviously, the Secret Service claimed that, that that roof was too slope. I actually went up on the roof where the Secret Service snipers that everybody saw on that red barn, that roof is much more sloped than the one that crooks was on. So that's. I mean, I don't know where that answer came from, but anybody who was even within 100 yards of those two rooms could have determined that that's not true. [02:01:09] Speaker H: I think that was probably one of the answers that helped dig Cheadle's grave. [02:01:13] Speaker A: For lack of a better term. [02:01:14] Speaker H: But, I mean, from that vantage point of being where Trump was standing on the stage and being able to see them moving around on the roof, whether they're laying down or not, it begs the question, I think, of why he wasn't pulled from the stage as soon as this. [02:01:31] Speaker C: Exactly. [02:01:31] Speaker H: And yet there was, what, a 15 minutes period where he was allowed to run around on this roof with no one thinking to either confront him or at the very least, make sure that truck was pulled to safety. [02:01:42] Speaker D: I mean, what's the point of having local police there to help secure the area if they're not on any kind of similar communications channel? Because apparently they weren't. [02:01:52] Speaker C: There was a setup for minutes before. [02:01:55] Speaker D: He fired those shots and they were surrounding that building. And the Secret Service, you know, whether or not they had eyes on him, and they were wondering whether or not, you know, this is an actual threat. I mean, he had an AR 15, which is. No, you know, it's not like he had a small weapon. So just a lot of different breakdowns. And after actually walking across the site, I have way more questions than I do answers. [02:02:17] Speaker H: Sure. And because you have a background in video production, there are a couple of other questions I want to get at, one of which is there's been this conspiracy theory floating around that would actually hit Trump's ear was a piece of teleprompter that was struck by the bullet. You worked with a lot of teleprompters in your day. Do you think it is at all possible that it was a piece of glass and not a bullet that had tried. [02:02:42] Speaker D: Well, I've worked with a lot of teleprompters, and I've also seen what an AR 15 can do at close range in Kenosha. And I can tell you right, right now, when the shooting happened, I obviously jumped onto Twitter to try to gather as much information as I could, and that conspiracy theory was instantly debunked with a simple photograph of Trump on the ground after the shooting with both teleprompters fully attacked. So I don't know too much about AR 15, but I know enough that if you shoot something that's glass with an AR 15, it's probably not going to remain intact. [02:03:13] Speaker H: Right. And I'm glad you brought of Kenosha, because that was where I wanted to go next. Because for our viewers who don't know, you were on the ground during the riots in the summer of 2020 and unfortunately, played a more personal role with one of the individuals who was killed that day by Kyle Rittenhouse. But you mentioned to me in one of our other conversations that you think that politics could have played a role in the lack of national Guardhouse support for a few days in both Minnesota and then in Wisconsin, can you talk a little bit more about what the timeline was like there and how it might compare to what we're seeing now with this assassination attempt? [02:03:53] Speaker D: Yeah, it was the same story in all the different protest zones we traveled to from Portland, Seattle, Kenosha. Basically, you have a democratic governor or democratic mayor in these cities, and they say, Trump, you're not going to bring in your feds. We're not going to let you, you know, determine how we run things in this city. And as a result, the police were completely overwhelmed on that night in Kenosha, there were National Guard, but they were not in a large number. And all they did was protect the courthouse while the rest of the city was literally burned. And the second question I have after experiencing what happened in Kenosha is during that, the moment of the shooting, there was a, a drone in the air directly above where the shooting took place. And there was also a Cessna, an FBI Cessna plane with infrared cameras filming the riots that were going on, the buildings burning down below. And if they had aerial surveillance over a riot in Kenosha, then why is it that the request for aerial surveillance over the site where Trump was speaking was rejected? I mean, it's. I flew multiple drones over burning cars and over all these different protest zones. And I know how easy it is to put a drone up in the air. So the question is, why is it that they weren't allowed to just power up a drone and put it over while speaking, right? [02:05:09] Speaker H: Especially since there were some locals there who even offered their own services to make that happen. I think you're right. There are a lot more questions than answers. Based on recent history, I'm not confident that we're going to get those answers on. But thanks to you and to Benny and to all of the other independent journalists who are trying to make sure we get as informed about this as. [02:05:31] Speaker C: Possible, Richard, now there is something, let me see if I have it, that I would ask all of you on the radio, on the video platforms, would you please do this? Go to. Let me see if I've got it. We're. There is a group that is, there's a group that is putting up a petition. I don't know why it's not coming up. And they're petitioning the head judge in Butler county. They call him the president judge. I don't know. That's right. But that's what I hear, to put together a grand jury independent of the FBI and anybody else that wants to get him, secret Service, any of them. And the grand jury would have two responsibilities. Hopefully, they would do a deep investigation and have access to all of the information they need to come to a truthful decision as to what happened on that day, as well as investigate the investigators, because I don't trust the investigators. And of course, I can't find it. Let's see the. Here we go. I can do it this way. The website is petition petition padded like and the petition that's there, which is you're seeing a copy of it now, is a request for the judge to assign a grand jury so that we can get some transparency. One person was murdered that day. Two others were seriously wounded, and by the grace of God, a former president was only grazed. Regardless of whether you support Donald Trump or not, we need. This has to stop. This is not acceptable. We need to find out who really is responsible. This young man, at 20 years old, had encrypted messages on his phone, as well as, I believe it was three accounts overseas worth approximately 1.5 or $1.3 million. Something is not adding up. When you look into something and you begin to ask questions, and instead of coming and finding answers, you just find more questions. You know, something is rotten. Something is not right. There's something is not right about this attempt on the 13 August. It's very evident to me. Petition please go there, sign this petition. I have till I'm blue in the face. I have said the people have the power, but the people don't have spit unless they put that power into action. If you're going to sit on your ass and do nothing, yeah, nothing's going to be done. But if you will take the time to do a little bit of action, we can start to turn the ship around. Because right now we're going over a very big waterfall, and there's no survival. If these communists get their way and install this woman as president, we will be gone as a country. I'm not exaggerating. I'm not fear mongering. I am telling you a fact. The same kind of fact that I would say to you, the sun is coming up tomorrow. That's not fear mongering. That's telling you a fact. If this woman gets into the presidency, the people who are pulling her strings will turn us into a full blown communist country. I wonder how many people know that in the UK. I think I got this. In the UK, they imprisoned a man for chanting, who the f is Allah? For 18 months. This guy is in jail over Dickens. Mock Christ all day long, and that's okay. But say something against Allah, who is the muslim God, and prison, you go. Ridiculous. And if you think that that has nothing to do with us, you are sadly mistaken. I can remember in the days when I didn't care about politics and all that, I kept hearing about Big Brother over in Britain. Big brother. Big brother. I said, big deal. That'll never happen here. And the big brother, they were talking about her cameras going up. There were cameras going up everywhere. Everywhere. It seemed like you couldn't go anywhere out in public without being seen by a camera. And they were making a big deal about it. I said, that's a big deal. That'll never happen here. Yeah. Oh, yeah, it won't happen here. So anyway, petition, please. You got to go there, sign this petition so that we can get the judge of Butler county to form a grand jury. And maybe, just maybe, we can get some transparency. Because in my honest opinion, it was a setup. He was not supposed to make it through. They were supposed to kill him that day, create all kinds of chaos in the republican party, and then it would have been a shoe in for Biden. He wouldn't have to do anything because they wouldn't have been able to. Right word. I'm looking for rebound. Maybe that's the right word. They wouldn't be able to come back quickly enough with somebody who would have the movement that Trump has. Instead, because they failed. It did a 180 and Biden had to drop out. There are too many questions. Way too many questions. And when you start asking questions and instead of getting answers, you get more questions. Something doesn't sit right. Something is wrong. And that's what I see about this whole, this is like the 911. It takes me back to 911. The more questions I had, I couldn't get an answer. How did building number seven, which was not hit by an aircraft, it was not hit by any debris of either of the larger two buildings that were hit by aircraft. A building that was 47 stories tall, a building that housed all of the records of all of the prosecutions that were coming up. There was all kinds of people who were going to be in all kinds of trouble. All of the records for. Not all the records. Records for, uh oh, what happened? We died. I'm having a problem with my mic. Bear with me. I didn't. This will be a new thing now. Come on, Mike. Records for a variety of things in building number seven. And out of the clear blue, building number seven falls in its own footprint. Finally admitting, the government finally admitted that there was a time when building seven was in free fall. The whole thing came down in its footprint. The entire fall was free fall. What that means in simple terms is it was a controlled demolition. You have the owner of the building stating later on, I don't know if it was days later or that day, it was a horrible thing, blah, blah, blah. And I told him to pull it. I'm paraphrasing, but the words pull it were used. Pull it in demolition terms mean demolish the building, pull it down. If I am correct, and I am 100% sure that I am correct, that the building came down using a controlled demolition, it takes weeks to do that. You can't do that in a day? There's no way you can do that in a day. You have to have intimate knowledge of how the building is put together so that when you shear the columns that are holding it up, it is done in such a manner that it doesn't damage the other buildings around it. It takes weeks to do that. If you're not smelling that something stinks in the whole story, then I can't help you. Alright, I got another one. Let me play this. Bring this one up. All right, here we go, here we went. [02:16:11] Speaker D: Nation attempt showing an officer's brief encounter with the shooter. Shelley Painter has the story. [02:16:17] Speaker A: Good morning, Lawrence. So this new body cam is a shocking look at the chaos, confusion and disorganized nature of the security response among and between local police and secret service agents just before and after a gunman opened fire at the Trump rally in Butler last month, including Butler township officer who had a chance to stop the whole thing, spotting the gunman on the roof about 30 seconds before the shooting. You could see him here being hoisted up some 12ft to the roof of the AGR building by a fellow officer before quickly dropping back down to the ground. Seconds later, shots rang out when 20 year old Thomas crooks opened fire, striking Trump and two other rallygoers and killing another. This officer. Later on, body Cam is heard saying he saw the armed man up there on the rooftop with an AR rifle laying next to a backpack. And in the aftermath, other videos show officers desperately racing towards that building, trying to access the roof and make not the gunman. And they make out that the gunman could have used a wood pile leaning onto the building. That's maybe how he accessed the roof. And in this, this video, officers can be heard clearly confused as to why that roof was unmanned in the first place. Here, Butler Township police officer telling a secret service agent he believed they were supposed to be protecting the roof of the AGR building. Listen to this. [02:17:51] Speaker D: Why were we not on the roof? [02:17:54] Speaker C: They're inside, by the way, they're inside the frickin building that this guy's on the roof of. You can't tell me they didn't hear him up there. Come on. [02:18:02] Speaker G: Why were we. [02:18:03] Speaker D: I said, this is a. [02:18:04] Speaker G: Sorry, doctor. [02:18:05] Speaker D: Which gas company? [02:18:07] Speaker C: Yeah. And even big time. [02:18:09] Speaker A: More video shows one local officer livid. [02:18:12] Speaker C: Look at that. [02:18:13] Speaker A: He's repeating on video that he's on the secret Service. [02:18:15] Speaker C: Look at that. Clearly you can see this guy on a roof. Let's say he's just on the roof. He doesn't. The people that saw this guy saw he had a weapon. Let's just say he's up there. They don't see a weapon. That alone, that he's up there on a roof. Why is he up on the roof while everybody else is on the ground? That should have created such a ruckus right there. If these people can see him. And there's another one, I think it's on this video. There's another view where it shows Trump speaking and at an angle from behind Trump, you can see this guy to. [02:18:48] Speaker A: Secure that building days before, but they didn't listen to it, Lawrence. It's unbelievable. [02:18:53] Speaker C: Yeah, it's unbelievable. [02:18:55] Speaker D: Yeah, I think that's the officer that got it right. Chandler, thanks so much. Let's bring in Tim Clemente, former FBI special agent who's living in Montana, and he's going to the Trump rally tonight. So when you have local officers saying, look, we told the Secret Service to get on top of the roof, and then you got Secret Service, days after the shooting blaming the loafers, what do you make of all of this nonsense? Well, you know, Lawrence, if the local police were responsible for the security of this protectee, you might be able to point the finger at them, but they weren't. Responsibility lies completely and totally with the secret Service. [02:19:32] Speaker C: I agree. [02:19:33] Speaker D: The shift leader is responsible for the immediate personnel right around the protectee, in this case, Donald Trump. And then there is other layers that and perimeter layers that are built in by the secret service that involve local, state and other federal authorities. And they are responsible. They're the ultimate arbiter of what is to be secured and how it should be secured. There was no communication, obviously, between the secret Service and these officers. And there was no communication on that day when the officers and the bystanders saw things. And that never got to Trump's details, never got to the counter sniper teams. It was just, I think an f up is the minimum you could call. Tim. I'm still puzzled by all of them. This is clearly malpractice. What's going on? Gross incompetence. What was the command station? What was the post where they could have comms going back? You have no comms with the locals that are on the outside. Someone was supposed to be on the roof, and they decided, according to some reports, to not show up that day. You got Secret Service agents and other countersnipers that are confused if it was their guy that was on the top of the roof, and they're saying, look, we were actually inside of the building, not on top of the building. There was no communication at all Tim, it's incomprehensible. You know, let's go back a couple of decades to 911. There was a tragedy in New York because the fire department and the police department were not communicating on that day. And I York at the World Trade center. And so the police department helicopter sees the buildings are coming down, warns other law enforcement, doesn't, warn the fire department that lack of communication led to a lot of changes in incident command. And incident command is what is used by the federal government, local, state authorities in almost any type of incident to make sure that communication is the paramount thing because it's the first thing that falls through in any operation. And in this case, you know, this. I could see this may be happening in the 1950s or sixties, but not today. It's completely unacceptable. Yeah, it's unacceptable. And you speak of 911. Part of what took place then is creating Homeland security so agencies could start talking to each other. Secret Service is in a homeland and they weren't able to get this right. I hope to get to some type of answers through Congress. Tim, thanks so much for joining us. Thank you for having me. [02:21:53] Speaker C: I'm Steve Drewson. Is to get a grand jury. The answer is transparency. And from what I understand now, I don't pretend that I know everything about it, but from what I understand and the information that I've gotten, a grand jury is made up of just regular people. They're not involved in law enforcement or the government in any way. They're just regular people like you and me wanting to get to the bottom and wanting to get to the truth of what's going on. That's what we need. And from what I understand, they really can get. They're like, whatever they need, they get. Basically. They don't have limitations. If they get, if they need to speak to somebody, even if that somebody's in the government high ranking, then that person has to show up. From what I understand, I may be wrong, but from what I understand, they won't have a choice. They'll have to show up and maybe we can figure it out. Because I am telling you, in my gut tells me something. Many, many times my gut is right. Many times my gut tells me this stinks horribly. This has shades of an assassination plot. That was more than what it was. A lot more than a lone wolf. A lot more. And if you think about the Steve friend who was on the Glenn Beck program that I played that little clip of, he basically said what I've known for a long time before I heard him say it, I had read about it. I had heard from other FBI agents who were on video recording it that they will find somebody, particularly if they're on depressants or something like that. They will literally indoctrinate this person, program this person. There are people who believe that there are. I can't think of the word now. Hopefully it'll come to me in a minute. These people that have been programmed, it can be turned on and off like a light bulb. They can be normal acting people every day, and then all of a sudden they get a phone call or a certain sound or something, and they're not them anymore. They're now this, you know, this thing that has been programmed to do whatever they want. And you have. The Secret Service wants to investigate. The FBI wants to investigate. Give me a break. Both of them have shown to fail miserably. Both especially the FBI, has shown on many occasions to get involved into something that they know somebody's going to break the law, let them get to a certain point where just before they do it, they break they. Before they break the law, they bust them. And it's all of them. Oh, the FBI did this. [02:24:57] Speaker D: Oh, wow. [02:24:57] Speaker C: The FBI are really good, man. I can't believe it. They were watching them guys. They got them just before they did, I think, like, because they were the ones supporting the whole thing the whole time. I don't want any more of this. This is not what I serve this country for. And I would be hard pressed to find any other veteran who put their lives on the line for this country to disagree with me. I would be hard pressed to hear another veteran say, I really like this current administration and what they've done. They've turned their back on veterans totally. But they'll tell you that Donald Trump doesn't like veterans. Do your homework. Do your homework, because that's a blatant lie. Just a blatant lie. There's no way around it. Gosh, I am telling you guys, I don't know how much more our society, the damage that has been done. I don't know how much more we can take before we reach a point where there's no one doing it anymore. You're just too far gone. We become like a Sodom and Gomorrah, and God will rain his wrath down upon us, and it won't be pretty, I'm telling you. All right, this is another little video clip that I got. I want to play for you here if I can get my. This is where I need a producer that could do this in the background and I'm. And I keep talking. Yeah, you want to do that? This and this. And there we go. [02:26:48] Speaker F: Once upon a time I was a liberal, but you already know that. Six years ago, I proclaimed that I was no longer a liberal and told all the reasons why, but I had no idea how much worse things were about to get. The left is no longer simply intolerant, inflexible, illogical, un american, and misinformed. In the last six years, they have devolved into malicious, corrupt, perverse, sadistic, ruthless, oppressive and borderline authoritarian behavior and rhetoric. Liberalism has been devoured by leftism, and leftism is just hatred and destruction marketed as virtue. For years now, we have watched as the left has embarked on an intentional and methodical endeavor to radically upend american life. They push for every politician policy objective that would increase crime and disunity while destroying our economic system, our justice and morality, a right to defend our border and our right to defend ourselves. Today, the ultimate goal of the Democrats is more power, more control. In an effort to destabilize and divide our society, the left has waged a war on reality, chipping away at our common perception of what is true and what is false. They'll accuse you of doing everything that they do and being everything that they are. They'll say that you're in a cult while they bow down in unison and worship their false idols. They'll say that you're violent while they burn America to the ground, that you're lawless while they defund the police and release dangerous repeat offenders into society. They'll say that you're the Nazi while they lead anti semitic tirades from coast to coast, that you're the fascist while they weaponize the federal government against their political opponents, that you are un american while they burn our flag, kneel for our anthem, and rip our Constitution to shreds. They've created a blatantly hypocritical and overtly dishonest moral structure, feigning outrage over the sins of their opponents while flagrantly ignoring, excusing, and enabling the hateful and dangerous behaviors of their own side. They'll criminalize your right to defend yourself while making martyrs out of attackers. They'll provide sanctuary for illegal migrants but surveil american citizens they fear are too patriotic and in the less abusive, false reality, you are the dangerous threat to democracy as they employ every trick and scheme to remove their political opponents off the ballot. You are a racist. And if you don't acknowledge your racism and inherent bigotry, that's proof that what they say about you is true. In the left reality, there's no such thing as gender. Yet gender identity is the most important. [02:29:18] Speaker D: Thing in the world. [02:29:19] Speaker F: This is the most secure election in history. This is a woman, and this is a mostly peaceful protest. But this is an insurrection to capitalize on the left's deceitful, false reality. The Democrats have ushered in a whole new era of racism, sexism and discrimination, deceptively presenting these new ideas as diversity, equity, and inclusion. The party that dishonestly takes credit for the advancement of civil rights now openly advocates for prejudice, segregation, and denial of opportunities based on skin color and gender making skill, merit, and and safety secondary. Prioritizing diversity, quotas over capability and the Democrats have a powerful ally in their war on reality. The mainstream media, an institution that could once be trusted to hold power accountable. The media is now overwhelmingly leftist and overwhelmingly pro government, running nonstop interference to protect the establishment. That's why so many people believe every lie, every hoax, every false narrative, every piece of fiction the establishment supporting media creates and echoes. Because the left knows if they repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. The Democrats have decided they have full ownership over minorities in this country, telling them they are the victims of a culture of systemic oppression. If you are black, brown, LGBT, an immigrant, or a woman, the Democrats and the media are exploiting you, creating story after story and hoax after hoax to make you think that the other side of the aisle hates you, that you have no hope, no future, and no safety unless they are in power. They lie about hate crimes and skew data to make you think that bigotry against you is on the rise. They want you to believe that your rights are in danger and that every problem in your life is caused by somebody else. They'll tell you they're the only people who care about you in your freedom of choice and opportunity. And then, in the ultimate act of gaslighting, they'll punish any of you who exercise your free will to leave them. They'll call you a self loathing traitor and tell you you hate yourself. If you don't stand in solidarity with their illogical causes and beliefs, they'll ostracize you from your community, cyberbully you, and try to make it impossible for you to exist. This is your punishment for being a minority and daring to disobey them by thinking for yourself. It's critical to democrats that minorities remain forever segregated and afraid. Their goal is to make sure that you never know. Intellectual and spiritual freedom divided they stand. Remember, these are the same people who brought authoritarianism to America under the guise of protecting people from a pandemic. They led the charge to lock you in, mask you, and destroy your business just because they could. They exploited a virus to manipulate an election. They arrested citizens for daring to open their stores and go to work. They jailed people for going to church. They turned a drug addicted career criminal into a civil rights hero and gave him a funeral fit for a king, while our grandparents were forced to die alone. They mandated you take an experimental vaccine they knew was not proven safe nor effective. And suddenly, when a pandemic gave them the opportunity, the party that once championed free speech and expression became the party of censorship and suppression. They ban and restrict any speech or opinion that challenges the establishment narrative. They'll label anybody who questions them as spreaders of disinformation to the them. They even created a governance board to track and punish thought criminals. Comply or be canceled. There's no line the Democrats won't cross anymore in their craven quest for power. If they can't earn it, they'll steal it. If they can't steal it, they'll break it. If they can't break it, they'll silence it. And if they can't silence it, they'll make it disappear. This isn't a political party. It's a crime syndicate, and nobody holds them accountable. The Democrats have created a two tier system of justice, weaponizing three letter agencies against their political opponents, spying on them, raiding them, jailing them, and putting them on lists while they live without any fear of consequences for their own corrupt behavior. If they want you out of the way, they'll search high and low to find a crime to accuse you of. And if they can't find one, they'll make one up. They'll force you to confess to things you didn't do because they have the power to do it. They'll destroy your name and reputation with the help of their media, who report anything the government tells them to. They'll imperson you by banning you from banks, payment platforms, email services, social media, and air travel, just like communists do. They'll try to destroy every aspect of your life based on the lies they created, then celebrate the devastation they've caused. I should know. They did it to me. They'll convince your friends and family as their patriotic duty to turn you into the FBI, to have you investigated and punished. They'll label you a domestic terrorist to dehumanize you so that no one objects. When they imprison you, bankrupt you, and bury you. They'll come after everyone around you, one by one, and nobody will stop them because everyone, everyone's too afraid. And then it's your turn and there's no one left to speak for you. So stand up, tell every truth, blow every whistle, sound every alarm. Never shut up, never back down. Speak out now while you still can. This is our last chance to save America because once your freedom is gone, it's gone and you'll never get it back. Once upon a time, I is a liberal, but liberalism is destroying us. So I will stand and fight for my values of unity, equal opportunity, personal empowerment, compassion, freedom, and love. So I continue to walk away and I encourage all of you to do the same. Join us, unite. [02:35:35] Speaker D: Share your stories. [02:35:37] Speaker F: Walk away. [02:35:41] Speaker D: Walk away. [02:35:42] Speaker A: Walk away. [02:35:43] Speaker D: Walk away. [02:35:45] Speaker A: Walk away. [02:35:46] Speaker D: Walk away. [02:35:46] Speaker A: Walk away. Walk away. [02:35:49] Speaker D: Walk away. Walk away. [02:35:52] Speaker A: Walk away. [02:35:54] Speaker D: Walk away. Walk away. [02:35:55] Speaker A: Walk away. Walk away. Walk away. [02:36:14] Speaker C: I don't think they're a republican organization, but clearly they have common sense, critical thinking skills. Certainly I believe they would agree. They don't want more of what we've had, and that's why I played it. I really believe that we need to unite now more than ever before. People need to get, put their ego down and join each other because the, the dark side, the Illuminati, Satanists, Luciferians, whatever you want to call them, I believe the next thing that they're going to do, and I have nothing but my gut to tell me this, I think the next thing they're going to do, 911, was a drop in the bucket. The next one's going to be a city. If they can take down a city, they'll have the entire country in such chaos. I wish I could confirm that. And I'm not trying to make anybody fear mongering anybody. I'm just telling you when you get a glimpse of how sick these people are, they don't care who they kill as long as it meets the end result of what they want. They don't give a crap about who they kill or how many. The more the merrier for them, really. If you do any reading into what these, some of the things that these people think, they want to reduce the population of the planet, they've been constantly saying it, too many people on the planet, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, there are too many people on the planet, too many people like them on the planet. Too many people who are full of, they've got all the money they need. They're beyond the people who are pulling the strings at the top. They got more money than countries caught. And I'm not exaggerating. You know what? Here, wait a minute. Just, I just wonder sometimes how many people really understand what happens. I can't bring that up. Try this again. See if this will come up. All right. So you hear about the federal reserve. The Federal reserve, and I've said many times, the Federal reserve is no more part of our government than federal express. But people, you know, I tell people they don't, if the Federal Reserve is. [02:38:49] Speaker A: Not federal, how many of you did not know before today that the Federal Reserve isn't federal? If you didn't, don't be shy. If you didn't know before today that the Federal Reserve isn't that, raise your hand. Most people don't know that. Nine out of ten people that I asked off the street don't understand that the Federal Reserve is a non auditable private banking cartel. [02:39:10] Speaker C: Private banking cartel. Private, mean families. Families own the Federal Reserve. And that one clip, I think it was hundreds of millions of dollars an hour that the United States is paying these people. Just in interest. [02:39:40] Speaker A: They are collecting $36 million an hour. [02:39:45] Speaker C: Holy smokes. [02:39:46] Speaker A: And interest from the american people. $36 million an hour. An hour interest from the american people. My children, my two children were born, $86,000 in their debt based on the national debt. Now, why am I going to take away from those children to give to somebody that is going to be born in 2030? [02:40:08] Speaker C: That's right. [02:40:09] Speaker G: It's not going to happen. [02:40:10] Speaker A: So that was my decision. It was very easy. You know, you think about stuff like fear. Oh, the Irish, I'm going to take your stuff. That's not important. That's not important. My children are important. I want those mothers that will roll up her sleeves with one leg and try to whoop you if you mess with my children. And I think that a lot of mothers are like that. [02:40:29] Speaker C: We need more like that. [02:40:30] Speaker A: So this is what my decision was. And I went on and started educating people. One of the things that people asked me once I made this decision and started talking about it, how are we going to run the country without the income tax? I don't know how much Dan got into it, but the Grace commission report that Ronald Reagan put out in 19 94 84. [02:40:47] Speaker D: Sorry. [02:40:48] Speaker A: Says that none of the money collected in income tax goes towards running the country. But the bottom line is it's not going to run the country. So you patriotic people out there, you've been fooled. Beardsley Rummel, he was Federal Reserve chairman back in 1946, did a speech before the American Bar association. The title of his speech was taxes for revenue are obsolete within the body of this report. He says that the taxes, the income. [02:41:12] Speaker C: Taxes for addition, the very definition. Slavery is the income tax for someone to demand from you your earnings from the sweat of your brow, whether that is physical or you have digital or mental, whatever it is, whatever skill set that you have, that you perform and that you receive financial compensation for, it is the definition of slavery for someone to say, you have to pay me part of that. [02:42:01] Speaker B: More than a country. [02:42:02] Speaker C: Okay, wait a minute. Before I do that, oh, Lord, have me. Where is it? Okay, here we go. [02:42:16] Speaker B: More than a country, more than a shining city on a hill. [02:42:23] Speaker F: The idea. [02:42:23] Speaker B: Of America lives in each and every one of us. America lives. But a storm has gathered at our shores, a tempest that seeks to tear apart the fabric of our nation. It seeks nothing less than the wanton destruction of this great nation of men and women. It seeks to rip out, erase, and supplant the very foundations of practicality and reason. It seeks to erase us. We know this energy. They have existed throughout time, and now they have come for us. And they have come for our children. We watched the clouds coalesce and gather. We watched them form for decades from the distance as they approached our borders. We heard the clap of thunder echo in our minds and rattled down through the halls of our capitals. We have, most of us, become complacent, unaware and disengaged, while the darkness grew and unfolded around us slowly, then, all at once, this threat is real. What we face is a hurricane of deceit and moral decay with a goal of absolute power. We face a true battle of good versus evil. If we stand by and do nothing, evil will triumph. But that is not our fate. We are great men. We are great men with a great leader, a leader that loves this nation and what it has given back to him. A leader who seeks the same ideals as we do, ideals of truth, liberty, and justice. He sees the greatness in us and the great potential in America and its future. He seeks to make America great again. This man will guide us, but he cannot do it alone. It takes every one of us alongside him. It takes work. It takes faith, and it takes resolve. Together, we can fight this storm. We can fight, and we will win. Unite now. Gather alongside him. Come together for this nation. Bear the colors of red, white, and blue that are woven into the fiber of this nation, saturated with the blood of patriots that came before us. Sacrifice your time. Sacrifice your effort to rebuild this nation. Together, together, we can save America. The America that lives in all of us. Trump 2024. [02:45:49] Speaker C: Also, I don't, I'm questioning even going to have an election. People are so sick. All right, got a little bit of time left. I've got, I have enough time to play this video. So a couple of things, I'm sure you've heard by now that Elon Musk and Donald Trump had a conversation. I think it was a little over 2 hours long. And I went and I listened to it. I listened to most of it live. I had to remember something came up and I had to to now. But I went back and listened to the whole thing and the archive of the whole thing. And what I came, what I got out of that was I asked myself, what were they talking about and what were, and what it was that they were talking about. Did that bring value to our country, to our society? Would it bring value to my children or my grandchildren? And it appeared to me at least that much of the conversation was about ways to make our lives better. Better. And I think about the other side, and they don't talk about anything like that. They talk about regulating this and doing and regulating that and being more involved in our lives, being intruding more into our privacy. So I see a stark difference. It's 180 degrees between the two of these. One side is literally telling you we want to control you and your life and your grandchildren's lives, while the other side is telling you we want you to be free. We want you to make your own decisions, and we want to back out a lot of these intrusions that the government has put into our lives. To me, it's pretty slam dunk. But you have people who are going to support this insanity that we've had for the last four years. They're going to vote for just because of their hatred for Donald Trump. They would rather literally have satan himself sitting at the seat in the presidency than Donald Trump. And that's how sick this is. They have been saturated with the hate from the media, sadly. And because of that, people are going to make a decision that's going to affect not only their lives, but other people's lives. I believe in a negative way. I truly believe that if these people get their way, our country will not survive what they've been doing. The mere fact, just to look at the failures that they have done, look at what it costs us for anything today versus what it cost us four years ago. There is a stark difference in the pricing of everything. And this is by design, and it is by design by these people who are, quote, the administration that is running things this is why they're pushing for another war. They need that war. They got to make their money. That's why they don't want Trump. Trump doesn't want war. Trump wants to use his brains and say, look, we have to come to an agreement here. I remember when that lady from CNN, I can't think of her name, the dark haired, brown eyed lady, said, who do you want to win? You want Ukraine or you want Russia to win? And, you know, she doubts him several times. And he finally gets to the point, I want them to quit dying. On both sides, people are dying. I want them to stop dying. I'm paraphrasing. He doesn't want more. He realizes, I think he understands probably better than anybody else, what the destruction and the horrific aftermaths and what goes on during war. It's worse than nightmares. It's sad to know that there are human beings that would treat other human beings in such a horrific manner. Look at what happened in, what was it, October? I remember now what the date was in Israel when Hamas moved in and butchered all those people. It is truly sad that there are people who have a mentality that the only way they're going to be able to get what they want is through this kind of violence. The people that we're facing inevitably will resort to that. Whether you want to believe me or not. That's the truth. They will inevitably resort to that because they've done everything else and nothing has happened to them. Nothing. So what's to stop them from starting to kill people? They tried to do it to Trump, didn't they? Right in front of everybody. Isn't that their modus operandi, their favorite thing? They killed Martin Luther King in front on tv. They killed John F. Kennedy on tv. They killed his brother on tv. That's how they like it. Set out an example for the whole world to see. This has to come to an end. And the only way that we are ever going to see any advancement towards the ending of this insanity is the very most important thing that has to happen, is we have to agree on a common ground between us. I don't know. I want to be free. I want to have my security. I want to be able to protect myself. I want less government intrusion. I don't think. I want a lot, and I want less government. I think one of the greatest mistakes we have made is to allow our government to grow to the point that it has grown. It's like a monster. I want peace. I don't like war. I have people who like war. There's something wrong with them mentality. They're not thinking right up there, but they're the same kind of people who have no problem. Like I mentioned earlier, they would kill somebody and then turn around and carry on just like that was lunch. Let's move on. No big deal. We have got to get away from that. I ask you to please remember to pray for our country. We are desperate, in need of prayer right now. Pray that God would put on people's hearts to put a stop, to pray. Maybe that's even a better thing. I was going to say to put a stop to this evil, but if we don't have enough people praying, it won't do any good. We've got to get enough of us to common ground to agree that we will pray for our country because what's coming is so dark. And these people, by the way, are desperate. They're absolutely desperate. You can see how desperate they are. Just on July 13 of this year, they tried to kill Trump. And then on the 9th of this month, he had to make an emergency landing. There are no coincidences. I don't think that's a coincidence. Not just me, but that's what I've learned in this life. There are no coincidence. Things happen for a reason. And I believe if they can't do away with Trump and it looks like they're not going to be able to, they'll resort to whatever they need to. If that means blowing up a city, let's blow up a city. So what if we kill, you know, depending upon the city, so what if we kill anywhere from maybe a couple of hundred thousand to a million or so? We got some cities that house, you know, we have some large cities. They hold a lot of people, millions of people. I blow up a city, that'll get people's attention, that'll get people riled up, and then the government will step in and go, well, we're going to secure you. Nobody will ask the question, well, if you're going to secure, why didn't you secure us to begin with? Why did you love to happen? We're going to secure you. And in order for us to secure you, you're going to have to do this, you're going to have to do that, you're going to have to do the other. And you don't think that people will just go back a couple of years with the COVID garbage mandates, they have no right to mandate. They have no authority to mandate. You know, people were crying about, well, this is my body. It's my choice. What happened to that when all this stuff went down? I know so many people who really didn't want to get that thing and they got it anyway. And now a lot of them aren't feeling very well. Beside the fact that they stopped reporting about the athletes. There were so many athletes dying sometimes right on the field. These athletes were dying because they were forced to get the. You know what? It's terrible. So what do you think will happen when they tell you? Oh, well, you know, they'll make some kind of grandiose something. I'm thinking it's a city. I'm thinking that they'll do a dirty bomb or something like that in the city and just destroy a city or the majority of a large city and then they'll blame it on, you know, they'll blame it on. They'll find a boogeyman to blame it on. It could probably going to be Muslims again. That's one of their favorites. Seems like their go to. It'll be something. Or maybe white supremacists this time. Who knows? Maybe they'll blame the white supremists. They seem to be after them. Or maybe it'll be christians. They'll blame christians. Christian white supremists are responsible for today's tragedy. We have to find who they are and we have to round them up and we have to bring them the justice. I can see that. These sickos. I can see that. I know there are people laughing. Yeah, laugh. I used to laugh at a lot of this. I'm not laughing anymore. Because when you realize how these, the, the. I can't think of the right word. How far these people will go to get what they want. There is no limit. There's no limit to what they'll do. No limit. They don't care how many people they killed. Doesn't matter. As long as we get what we want. That's all that's important. And that's sad. It's sad that people can't recognize that it's. And it's in your face. It's sad that it's going to affect a lot of people, a lot of innocent people avoided. All you have to do is speak out. Don't believe what I'm telling you. I'm not asking you to believe what I'm telling you. I'm grateful that you took the time to listen. Go check it out for yourself. Be back in a week. God blessed. [02:57:59] Speaker B: Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. You take the red pill and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes this is your last chance. This is your left chest? This is your left chest this is your left chest this is your left chest this is your left chest this is your left chest this is your left chest this is your left chest this is your left chest this is your left chest this is your left chest this is your left chest this is your left chest this is your left chest? This is, this is your last chance. This is your last chance this is your last chance this is your last chance after this there is no turning back you take the blue pill the story ends you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to be. Take the red pill take the red pill take the red pill take the red pill take the red pill take the red pill take the red pill you stay in wonderland you stay in wonderland I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes goes, goes.

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