The Positude Podcast: Toxic Plasticity

The Positude Podcast:  Toxic Plasticity
TRIM Radio
The Positude Podcast: Toxic Plasticity

Jan 04 2025 | 01:00:35

Episode January 04, 2025 01:00:35

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

The Positude Podcast with Maggie Heart is a versatile, ever-changing show discussing healing, spirituality, enlightenment, political stories and insights, meditations, conspiracy theories and conspiracy realities, recipes, music, random comedy, and all sorts of information designed to uplift, negate or come to grips with negativity, to share knowledge. Her goal is to share knowledge, have fun, and have the listener feel like they are having a discussion or learning session on a comfy couch with a friend over coffee or tea.

 Toxic Plasticity

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:32] Speaker A: At night I curse and I turn and I dream of what I live I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero Till the end of the night he's gotta be strong and. [00:00:45] Speaker B: He'S gotta be fast and he's gotta. [00:00:48] Speaker A: Be fresh from the fight well, good evening, everybody, and welcome to another episode of the Positude Podcast, Gen Xers. Are you remembering Bonnie Tyler about now? What a great song that was. I really miss our era. For those of you who don't know me, I am Maggie Hart, and you're listening to my show where every week is something different. We talk about holistic healing, ways to improve yourself, natural cures, conspiracy theories, politics, current events, whatever strikes my fancy. And I just feel like being impromptu the last few weeks. Before we get into anything, let me just tell everybody out there that I really hope that you had a wonderful holiday with your family and friends. If you celebrate. And if you don't celebrate, I still wish that you have a wonderful week with your family and friends. And the holidays aren't over yet. New Year's approaching rapidly, but we need to hold on to and cherish these times because it's unforeseen as to how much longer we'll be able to have these normal family holidays or how much longer we'll be able to afford these family holidays with all of the food and the gifts. And it's not about the money. It's truly about the spirit, to me, anyway, of being with family, enjoying time with your loved ones and those that appreciate you and those that you appreciate in. In the times in which we live, everything is kind of up in the air and uncertain. But one thing is for sure, if we stay with a positive attitude and maintain that, it's going to be okay. We may be getting into some tough times here, just financially for people. So many are struggling to put food on the table, let alone provide a Christmas for their children. And I have to say that on social media, I see very modest Christmases with families that seem to really be enjoying each other's company and smiling, and you can. You can see the happiness on their faces. And I've seen other posts from people where it's all about the presence under the tree. And the tree is 10ft in the background and there are presents lighting up to the front of the camera. And I'm sure that those people had a wonderful Christmas, too. But I've been saying this for years. It's such a commercial holiday, irregardless of the religious factor. Christmas is just so commercial and I am happy if you're happy. However you chose to celebrate it, whatever worked for you, even if it was just sitting at home enjoying a quiet meal and watching television. If you had a good day, I'm thankful for you. And if you didn't have a good day, I want you to know that people are out there that care about you, and people are out there that you can seek out to talk to. You should never be alone. Not just on a holiday, but on any day. If you need someone to talk to, please reach out, seek some help. Don't be alone if you don't want to be, but if you choose to be, that's great too. We do I need a hero? No, I've never needed a hero. I have. I was raised. I was very fortunate to have my grandparents, primarily that raised me and my dad that really showed me what it means to be a good person and what it means to have values. And my grandparents, I never doubted for a single moment over a single day that I was loved and that I was cherished and that I was special. And even though my early childhood and most of my life has been a series of ups and downs and challenges, what I know to be true is that I am proud of the person that I've become and I'm proud of the way that I raised my family. And what's really awesome is that I must have done something right because all of my kids friends at the holiday time reached out to me and if they didn't get a chance to send me a text first and I sent to them, it was very warmly received. And every single one of them said to me, are you in town? We want to see you or we're coming home for the holiday, Are you going to be around? We want to get in touch with you, we want to come over and visit. And that is just such a wonderful feeling because mine are not near me for this holiday season. So to have all of the other kids or a bunch of the other kids that used to hang out here and pretty much grow up here, want to visit me and want to come see me and spend time with me, that is just the ultimate for me. It makes me feel valued and appreciated and special. And all of the holiday time that I've shared up to now has been very special. And it's been spent with people that appreciate me and that value me and my time. And you know what, folks? Sometimes family is not always blood. Sometimes it's those people that are there for you when you need them and that you can be there for when they need you. And there's a loyalty and there's a commitment that goes along with that. And it's not easy to be a good friend or a good source of support and it requires a lot of work and a lot of give and take. And we live in a society right now where everyone is so selfish. It seems that to have people like that in your life is such a big deal and so important. And whether or not they're blood related, if they are, the type of person that you know is going to have your back when times get hard and people that you know will offer you those words of encouragement when you need them and people that you can in turn support and lift when they need you. And you have that mutual unspoken agreement that should anything go wrong, you've got each other's backs. That's what's important now and always. And if you don't feel like you have that, please reach out for help. Please call the 800 numbers. Do whatever you need to do to not be alone and to make sure that you have somebody to talk to. It's very important at this stage in the game that we find our tribe and we find the people that we need that will lift us up and that we. Even though it's the holiday time, you don't want to see people separate. If you're in a position where you're not with someone who is good for you or who's taking care of your needs or who is respectful and supportive of you, it's time to walk away. Narcissism in our country is just over the top. So many relationships are people that are just together because of financial reasons or because they are afraid to leave or because they don't feel as though they'd find someone better. Well, I'm here to tell you that you can be your own hero. You don't need someone to come save you. But the country and the planet as a whole does need more people to step up and take charge and do the right thing. And that's a very. It seems to be challenging sometimes because. Well, let me give you some examples of some things that happened to me this week and we can talk about that. But the holiday spirit at least lately, because I think people are so financially strapped because there is a lot of stress. People are losing their jobs. I talked to a girl this week. There's a store that's been in business as long as I've lived in this town that's most likely closing in a couple of days. And these people are out of a job before the new year and they don't know where they're going to go. They don't know how they're going to support their families. And these people actually want to work. They don't want to sit home and collect off the system. They want to be productive members of society. And that is just so heart wrenching to see people struggling with that right now and going through tough times. And after talking to the girl for about five minutes at the store that I was at, she just, you know, people naturally open up to me. That's a gift that I've had all of my life. Not just, well, maybe it is because of the way that I was born, but people just talk to me and they send something about me that makes them feel comfortable and they open up to me and they tell me things that they might not even tell some of their closest family or friends. And you know, in some cases there's that kind of stranger Persona where, you know, I can tell this person, invent a little bit and get it off of my chest and nobody else needs to know. So that might be part of it. But I was talking to this girl and at the end of our five minute conversation, I gave her a great big hug and I said, listen, it's gonna be okay and I'll be pulling for you. You're going to be fine. I could sense her energy and it was very strong, it was very positive. Even in the face of adversity. I could see the stress and the strain. I could hear it in her voice. She vocalized how nervous she was, but at the same time, the energy was shining through of this girl is a survivor. She's going to do whatever it she needs to do to take care of her family and she's going to be okay. And that's what we need more of. We need people to be their own heroes, to be their own self. Sense of support. Because what I'm seeing is, well, in couple situations, people are together because they think that everybody else will approve of the person that they're with or because that person can financially provide what it is that they need. And as I said earlier, they're afraid to be alone. They don't think they can make it by themselves, or maybe they're an abusive situation where they, they're afraid to leave. But a lot of it today seems like it's showmanship to me. They're with a partner that society would like that's attractive or has the right bone structure or wears the Right. Clothes or, you know, it's like, it's so crazy to me, the plasticity that we elicit and it seems like it's pretty, it's kind of weird. It's either one extreme or the other. Either we have these people that look like they have pancake makeup on and 5 foot long eyelashes and they're prancing around like they look like Barbie dolls. Or we have, unfortunately, as a result of the last 20 years, lazy people, people that go to the store in their sweatpants and their hair is unkempt and they look like they haven't bathed for a week and look like they've made a lifelong habit of dieting on Fritos and potato chips at McDonald's and haven't taken good care of themselves. And they just don't have any pride in their personal appearance. Some of that is due to upbringing. Some of that is due to laziness. Some of that is due to the toxins that they put into their body or the medications that they may be on. There are a lot of reasons for this, but what I'm seeing is the two ends of the spectrum. But on social media, what I'm seeing more of is it's all about the show. It's all about who can think that I'm better than they are. Or look at what I've gotten my family for Christmas, or look at the purse that I got today at the store. Look at my trophy girlfriend or my trophy boyfriend. How much of that is really. Are they really happy? And when I look at these pictures and I look into the eyes of these people who have 20 comments. You guys look so happy together. You look so perfect. It's nice to see you happy. Finally. Their eyes do not reflect that. And you don't have to be gifted per se to recognize that. You maybe have taken some psychological courses or maybe listened to some YouTube videos or maybe just read a book on how to read people. But to me, it jumps right out. It's like, wow, their face is smiling, but their eyes are not smiling. Their eyes don't look happy. They may be shining. People can do that, you know, they can put on an air for a photograph or for the public where they appear to be happy or confident, but they're really not. And what I see is under the surface, a lot of anxiety and a lot of fear. And some of it is fear of being discovered. Because their innermost personalities, their innermost thoughts are. Everybody thinks that this is the person that I should be with. And this is the kind of person that I always wanted to or dreamed to be with, at least physically speaking. But on the inside, they're not fulfilling all of their needs. There's a lack there. And I'm not sure why society dreams or why people think that they need to live that way. Well, actually, I do know something inside of them is not healed. Even if they've done self healing, even if they've done self work, even if they're trying to get to that point, there's still something missing. Because if you're totally and utterly confident in yourself and your abilities and who you are as a person, then you don't need another person to fulfill you or to make you whole or complete. Now, having said that, we were created man and woman. It's two halves of the whole. It's, you know, you need. You need that to be totally complete as a whole in the biblical sense, as a family. Right. And we were created women with certain characteristics, men with certain characteristics, where when the two come together, you complement and complete each other and make that perfect circle. Circle and form that perfect bond. If you found the right partner. I was joking with a friend of mine a couple weeks ago. I might have spoken about this on a previous episode, but he said to me something like, dating is. The dating pool is tough out there. And I laughed and I said, it's not a pool, it's literally a puddle. The dating puddle is really hard out there. But we need as a person, if we have all of the qualities that we need inside of ourselves, we don't have to have a partner to be. To feel complete. Does that make sense? I hope so. In other words, if we're confident in ourselves and who we are and we've worked on ourselves to the point where we don't have the anxiety, we're not always worried about what other people think. We've worked through our inner struggles to where we are truly healed, then that is the energy that projects out that will eventually attract the person who is truly right for us. So if we're not at that level, what happens is we will attract a partner, but it's not going to be the partner that we need. The right partner, the really, truly other half of who we are. And it's reflected. I can see that when I look at these pictures, that these people still need to do some work and they're with somebody that on the outside looks amazing, but on the inside, all of their needs aren't being fulfilled. But they want everybody else to think that they are or they haven't truly realized yet that this isn't gonna work. This isn't gonna work. It's not gonna be a final thing. You're not gonna be with this person the rest of your life unless you're going to settle. So once you're truly healed, then you can live alone on the top of a mountain by yourself for years and be okay. You're going to be lonely maybe, maybe you may not have the perfect whole partnership, the perfect whole union, but you'll be strong enough to know that you don't need to rely on anybody else. You can take care of yourself. And that sometimes is enough for a lot of people. And when they get lonely, they're like, you know what, I've been through this before. I. It's just not worth it for me to venture out there and end up with somebody that's just, you know, just to be with somebody, right? So once they heal and once they get to that point where they, their confidence is restored, the anxiety has gone away, the panic attacks have stopped. Gosh, what else? The nightmares, the hypochondria, all of those things, and the ego is truly released. They realize they can stand on their own and be on their own. However, they might be lonely sometimes or may not be, but then they're going to start to put forth the energy and that will attract a like partner with the same energy and that will be the other half of their whole, if that makes sense. Why am I rambling on about this? Because that's all I'm seeing on social media. The past, especially with the holidays approaching. I'm seeing that people are together for convenience. People are together that aren't healed. There's something that's lacking in them that they're looking for in a partner or they're with a partner because that's who they think that they should be with, or it's what they think they've always wanted, but it's really not. And that's part of this whole. And again, this is going to sound new age. How many times have I said that? The last couple episodes. But that's part of the dilemma that we face nowadays is people are not, as much as they're trying to do self help work, they're not getting to that level where they're complete. And that's where I'd like to see everybody. I'd like to see everybody at the point where they feel great and confident with themselves and who they are as a person. And the demons are gone. They've been able to conquer their demons and so now they're ready to go forth and find their true other half. And what I see a lot in my work is that, I mean, I've actually had people tell me I'm healed, there's nothing wrong with me, I'm better now. I've done work, I've been trying hard, I've worked on myself, and I don't have any issues anymore. Two weeks later, they're batshit crazy. I mean, that's an extreme, right? So we have varying degrees of that. We have people that think that they're better and think they're okay and still have issues. I'm not talking about minor setbacks here, okay? On your healing journey, you're gonna have ups and downs. You're gonna have bumps in the road, and it is a process. And for some people, it's a lifelong journey, that process to heal. For others, they reach a certain point, a plateau, as it were. And enough people tell them, oh, my gosh, you are so much better than you were five years ago, 10 years ago, 15 years ago. I remember when we were in high school and how you were so shy then, you wouldn't even, you know, peek your head up out of a book to say hello. And now look at you. You. You're, like, doing your own thing, you know, started your own business, or you're a social person, or you're this or you're that. And they've come a long way, and there's so much to be commended for that, but they're still not totally healed. So is it a lifetime process to be perfect? Is that what I'm saying? No, that's not what I'm saying at all. But what I'm saying is that a lot of people have fooled themselves into thinking they're okay, and they're really not. And that's because they haven't won the battle of the ego yet. The ego is still in control. And that's one of the biggest challenges that a lot of people face is releasing the ego and letting the ego go away. Healing the ego. So we've talked about this before on shows, and the ego is created based on your life experiences, based on whatever you've gone through. Usually it's trauma. So whether you've lost a parent or whether you were abused as a child or whether you just had a bad relationship or maybe a combination of all of those things, maybe your family wasn't financially able to take care of you as a child, and you had to struggle to find food. Whatever the issues were there from the time that you were able to be cognizant so essentially from the time that you're born. But as your personality develops as a young child, whatever experiences you've had, your ego developed what it thought were defense mechanisms to be able to protect you should those instances occur again. And your ego always thinks that it has the right decision for you. So if you were not loved as a child, your ego will form a castle wall around you and protect you and insulate you and make you believe that you can't get close to anyone and open up and trust people. Because if you do, look what happened, you got hurt the last time. And so the ego will step in and the ego will say, no, you have to act this way because if you don't, you're going to get hurt like you did before, or if you don't, you're not going to eat tomorrow if you don't steal today or whatever the circumstance. And ego driven personalities are so hard to change and to overcome, but they're not insurmountable. It's a matter of programming. It's a matter of every single day being the person that you want to be and fighting that ego, making different choices, the choices that are really the best for you. That is learning that it is okay to trust. Now, having said that, you don't want to trust everybody. Person that comes down the pike, that person needs to earn that trust and earn your respect. And that takes time. And that's another thing that I find nowadays is people don't really give their potential partner enough time to show their true colors. And they don't give the relationship enough time to truly develop where you really should know a person inside and out. And that's only going to come with time. That's only going to come with sharing different experiences and seeing how that person reacts in a fearful situation, in a volatile situation, in a dangerous situation, in a happy situation, in a positive situation. You want to see how that person reacts in every different type of scenario and whether or not there's consistency there. If there's not, there's an issue. And if there is consistency, is it a positive type of consistency? Is it a consistency where this person steps up to the plate every single time? If I'm sick, they're fawning all over me, trying to help me, trying to make me feel better. Not to say that you should be princessed, but common courtesy and genuine compassion and caring and showing you affection when you need it, being your sense of support. I have a friend that most recently has been through well, actually, for a very long time. Had a tremendous amount of personal struggles and was in a very toxic, abusive relationship for years that she recently finally freed herself from. She's at the end of the tunnel. It's in the final stages. And for years she's been searching for the right scenario, the right relationship. So now let me set the background for you. It was a failed marriage, and they were living separately, but with a piece of paper, living their own lives, agreed to by both parties until their divorce was able to be finalized. But it was a messy, drawn out, long thing, and she had been through hell, literally. It was just a horrible situation for her for a really long time. And she was trying to find the right person, and she just wanted somebody that cared, truly cared about her. And it wasn't until the point that she decided to flip her mindset and not look for what she thought she wanted, but to put out the energy and heal. She had to heal. And once she did that, she put out the energy that, I'm okay by myself. I'm okay being who I am. And she had to really believe that. She had to know that she was changed. It wasn't just lip service. And once that happened, she met someone, and that guy kept getting brushed off to the side. And we'd have conversations. She kept saying to me, yeah, he's okay, but he's not this and he's not that, and I want this one and I want that one, and that one's better, and this one does this better and that one does that better, and. And I kept telling her, this is the one. You got to give this guy a chance. This is the one. This, I really feel like this is the one. Finally, she listened to me. And he is. He is. And he is the one that calls her when she's sick and wants to take care of her and wants to help her and treats her with consideration and compassion and respect and all of the things that she's wanted all of her life. And he was right there under her nose for a long time. But on the outside, the outside package wasn't what she wanted it to be. And he didn't initially have the personality traits that she thought would be something that she would be attracted to. But once you dug under the surface and got to know this guy's personality, so this is over the course of, say, a couple of years where she got to know him over time and got to experience him in different scenarios, in different settings and got to talk to him and really find out what made him tick. And then they started spending some time together, and she looked at him in a whole different light with a whole different perspective, and it clicked. So we had a conversation this week, and she's totally happy and totally thrilled and getting everything that she's ever wanted out of life. And, boy, does she deserve it. But she healed herself. She healed herself and opened herself up to that energy. And the energy that you put out is what you're going to get back every single time. So if you're putting out the energy that you just want to find somebody that's going to take you to dinner and treat you nice and, you know, you're not exclusively very, very specific, and your energy isn't matching what you want to get back. You'll find a partner. You know, one thing with the narcissism that I mentioned earlier is that so many people are narcissistic. Studies have shown that narcissism has just spread exponentially. It's gone crazy. And these people are good actors. So if they want you and you're something that they think that they would be proud to have by their side, and you fit their Persona of what they're looking for or the physical characteristics of what they find attractive, they're going to come at you hard, and they're going to what it's called now, there's a term called love bombing. So they're going to be everything that you ever thought you wanted initially. And then when they make a mistake and you start to see their true colors, they're going to apologize all over the place and tell you how sorry they were and that they made a mistake and that they'll never do it again, and yada, yada, yada, and then it'll happen again and again and again and again and again, and it will get worse, and then they'll turn toxic, and it will never be their fault. But you attracted that, right? The energy that you put out there was, I just want to find somebody that I can be happy with that'll take me to dinner and, you know, be what I want it to be. But you weren't specific. You weren't specific and you weren't totally healed or you're an empath, because narcissists are drawn to empaths. And empaths are usually very kind, considerate, compassionate people. A lot of times they're in a profession that helps others, and you let yourself in to get taken advantage of because of your kindness, because of your generosity, because you have a really good heart. And I see that a lot Too. More and more nowadays, very, very kind, good people are getting trampled by these toxic relationships and they're being hurt. And as much as they want to save someone or help someone, there comes a time when you need to realize that it's not conducive to your self help. And what a lot of empaths will do is they'll put their, they don't have boundaries, so they'll put their well being aside because they want to help the other person. And then we have codependent personalities, which is another thing we've discussed on previous shows. Right. So there's that too. So it's finding your balance. Where are you at? Are you truly healed? Are you really in a spot where you can be in serious relationship and offer your entirety of your whole self, your healthy self? And is that what you're going to get back? It's a good question. Something to think about. A lot of people make New Year's resolutions and the new year is rapidly approaching. It's time for you to take inventory and to really think about these things. And if you're in a relationship that's on the outside, pretty cool. But if you really do some self examination and realize this person, it's not everything. I'm settling to a degree. There are characteristics that are missing, or I like this, but not that, then I encourage you, at least for now, to take it slowly. Because the last thing we need is another divorce or another broken relationship. The last thing you need is another trauma that you have to heal through. Take care of yourself, take care of your needs, take care of what you want, focus on your goals, focus on getting yourself really healthy and then worry about the other component of that perfect union. And it is out there. It is. But the unfortunate truth is there are a lot of people out there that have no business being in any type of personal relationship because they're not only going to screw things up for themselves, they're going to possibly seriously and detrimentally harm another individual. And if you're not a very strong person, that could wreck you. Holidays are a time where nobody wants to be alone. Everybody wants a significant other. And I just don't want anybody to settle. Don't settle. Now is the time to shine. Now is the time to be everything that you need to be for you first. So you might have to sacrifice a Christmas party or a work gathering or a New Year's party and go by yourself or choose to stay home, but it's better than the alternative. Trust me. Physical characteristics aren't all they're cracked up to be. When you wake up next to someone in the first light of day, and if it's a female with no makeup on, in her natural beauty, in her natural state, and you are still in as much love or as enamored with her as you are, if she's dressed up to go out on the town, that's a big deal. And same with the women, with the men, you know, is this somebody that you are truly infatuated or in love with irregardless of of their physical qualities when they first wake up in the morning, are you as enamored or as in love with that person as you are when they're all dressed out or out in public, do you feel the same emotions irregardless of whether they're wearing an old ripped T shirt or a three piece suit, if they don't have on their fake nails or their hair all done out and they're in a hoodie and sweats, are they still as attractive to you? Would you post those social media pictures of you both as you first wake up in the morning and be just as proud to have that person by your side? Would you have the nerve to do that even? And that's, you know, that's a whole nother issue because there's a lot of people out there that are like, this is me and this is who I am and this is me without makeup, no filters. And I'm happy and proud to show you this over and over and over. Who are they trying to prove a point to? To them or to you? See, there's that thing too. But anyway, we're gonna take a break and then I'm gonna share an experience with you I had at a store earlier this week right before the holiday, and I'd like your opinion. I'd like for you to email me and let me know what you think about this. But in the meantime, the intermission and my entry and exit music is by my good buddy Pat Carr. Pat's an amazing original artist, originally from Louisiana. Did I say originally enough for you yet? Right now he's in Colorado and you can reach him at tp://backslash backslash patcar and please support his music. Tell him Maggie sent you and support the network. We are totally listener funded, especially around the holidays. We still have to keep the lights on. So whatever you can do, whether it be a penny or a dollar or a hundred bucks, we'd certainly appreciate it. Please support the network and get on the chat room and Check out the main page or other cool shows that you might want to listen to. And if you want to be a superstar, you have a commercial, please consider sponsoring an ad on the network, whether it be on my show or any of the other wonderful shows on the network or just on the network in general. And if you don't have a commercial, get ahold of the owner and the producer. I'm sure they'd be happy to produce something that you would. Did I say produce enough? Something that you would be totally thrilled with. You can get a hold of me at Maggie M A G G I E Heart. That's Maggie [email protected] For all of your spiritual needs. We'll be back after this. Stay tuned. [00:45:10] Speaker B: When it comes to my baby I have got a mean street two miles wide. When it comes to my baby I've got a mean streak two miles wide. So if you messing with my woman and you see me coming you better run away and hide. I got a pretty little woman, she don't treat me too bad cooks my breakfast in the morning she loves me when I'm sad she'll take me to the doctor. When I'm feeling going ill you give me all my love until the clock stand still. [00:46:33] Speaker A: Sa. [00:46:58] Speaker B: Long. When it comes to my baby I've got a mean streeted miles long. [00:47:16] Speaker A: So. [00:47:16] Speaker B: I keep fooling with my baby and you see me maybe you better run on down I was out with my baby some jokes I couldn't breath I said to him man bout to get into a mess she told me you don't have to worry baby you don't have to start a fight just give me a little love and I'll always treat you right. When it comes to my baby I've got a mean street two miles wide. When it come to my baby I've got a mean street two miles wide so I'm you messing with my woman see me coming you better run away and hi. [00:49:20] Speaker A: And we're back. Thank you for joining me. For the second half, actually the third quarter of the Positude podcast, I'm your host, Maggie Hart. This is why I need to get back to my full hour and a half, two hour shows because there's just not enough time. I get going on something and I run out of time. It's time for a break or overtime for a break. And then I'm struggling to try and tie it all in in the last eight minutes, but here we go. So authenticity, healing. And boy, do I miss my Gen X days. Yeah, the people that Post their pictures without makeup and oh, this is me and I'm authentic and I'm real. And if you don't like me the way that I am, you can just leave me. That's just whole part of the feminist movement. Some of those people that just want to be authentic, but really all they're doing, in my opinion, is making themselves look kind of foolish. Because you can do it once or twice, but if you're doing it every other hot minute, it's just, it gets old and it just. It also verifies your inauthenticity because if you were truly comfortable with who you are as a person, yeah, sure, post that picture. That's wonderful. But you don't need to do it like five times a year. You know what I'm saying? It gets kind. It's like, you know, me think thou does protest it too much. It's like you're trying too hard. Just be you, be real, be authentic. That's what people want to see. That's what people are truly drawn to. And there's a certain percentage of people that are just looking for those likes, oh my gosh, you're so beautiful without makeup. It matters what you think, not what everybody else thinks. First and foremost, that's what we need to get back to. That's what we need to keep in mind. So, yeah, I was at the store, and it was actually the dollar store right before the holiday. And I had some little kids come into my house this week, week. And so I stopped in there to pick up some little treats, you know, those little chocolate spoons for hot chocolate, the little peppermint stick, hot chocolate things and little crafts for them to do. And there was a woman who was standing, she was monopolizing the display, and she had her child with her. And I didn't want to get in their way or rush them. So I kind of moved my car off to the side and I stood there at the end of the display and my cart was a good two feet from the child, maybe who was probably fifth or sixth grade, maybe fourth grade. And the woman actually looked at me out of the corner of her eye and saw me waiting my turn and sneered and took longer on purpose, just taking up that whole area so that nobody else could look at the display, which had the candy spoons and the things that I wanted on them. So I patiently stood there waiting my turn. And I was out of the way of the traffic because people were having to go around this woman and had I my cart in the way behind her I would have definitely blocked the flow of traffic, and it was quite busy in there. So I stood there waiting my turn, and her daughter finally turned to walk from the display, and my cart was right there, so she wasn't paying attention. And she almost banged into the cart, and I just stood there, and I looked at her, and I looked at the cart, and I looked at the mother, and the mother just came right up to me and got right in my. Like, right in my face. And she put her face just inches from mine and was staring into my eyes really hard with this really mean expression on her face. And I could sense the energy inside of her. Doing the work that I've done for years, I can. I can feel it a mile away. And it was intense. And she definitely had some oppression issues going on. And she just looked at me and stared at me hard. And we stood there looking at each other for about, oh, 10, 15 seconds. And then she leaned in even closer, and she snarled at me, you got a problem? And I looked at her. I was, like, a little bit aghast, but, you know, the Bronx in me came out, not gonna lie. And I looked at her, and I said, no, I don't have a problem. I said, but, you know, you were kind of monopolizing the whole area, not allowing anybody to get through or pass by or look at the other stuff. I said. Kind of thought that was rude and a little bit selfish, but, no, I don't have a problem. I was waiting my turn, and she got even closer into my face and kept trying to stare me down. And every time I tried to move my head, she, like, locked eyes on me and was willing me to lock eyes with her. And I'm like, oh, my gosh, I can't even believe I'm in this situation right now. But this has been the general feel of the energy the last couple of days before the holiday, just. And in general, people are extremely toxic. And she looked at me, and she says, well, you were blocking my daughter in, and I'm a real mama bear, and when somebody messes with my kids, I can turn into a real. And then she said the C word, like, the worst word on the planet. I hate that word with a passion. And I just looked at her, and I was just like, this person is off of her meds. She's unhinged. And there's definitely some influence in her that is not. Not good. And I just called my protection around me, and I remained calm and controlled. And I said, well, it's quite obvious that that's what you are. And she goes, yep, that's right. I can turn into that. That's what I am. And yes, and I started to move my car and walk away. At that same moment, the ladies at the register, one was a manager and one was a checkout girl, looked at me, and they. They're yelling over, ladies, ladies. So now everybody in the store is looking and staring, and I just wanted to get out of the situation. There was a child involved. I was totally mortified that she had spoken the way that she had in front of her child. And I just wanted to exit the situation gracefully and avoid a confrontation because it was obvious that this would not have ended well. So I went to. To walk away, and she turned around and she leaned into me again and she said, yeah, you running, you better run. You better run. And at that point, I stopped and I turned around and I looked at her and I said, who's running? I'm not running. I'm just leaving the area. I'm going to go about my business. Oh, you better run. Yeah, you're running. You better run. And I just. Again, I said, I'm not running. I'm standing right here. But I choose not to engage. And I walked away. And the lady at the register asked me what happened, and they were mortified, I felt. So I was not embarrassed, but I was embarrassed for her and her child more than anything. And the people behind me online was just getting sympathetic glances. And the lady at the register was apologetic, and she said, I heard her say that to you, and. And I was just wondering what happened. And when I told her, she said I couldn't hear all of it. She was aghast, as were most people who had heard the exchange and clearly saw that I was in no way blocking her child or being mean. I was just standing there, and her child wasn't paying attention. But unfortunately, this is more and more the case, and this is what we're seeing more of societally. And I have my opinions on why some people are acting this way, which, if you listen to my show long enough, you'll have a pretty good idea as to why people are acting this way. And, you know, there's not too much we can do about it, except we need to protect ourselves. And as I told you a couple weeks ago on the show, we're going to see some volatility and some hostility really start to take effect in our country. And just, you know, be on the lookout and be aware and be aware of your surroundings and. And don't engage These people, because now more than ever, they are utterly out of control. I went out today to run a couple errands, and I was trying to back into my driveway. There was a car coming down the street. He was approaching the stop sign, which was about 150 to 200ft before my driveway. And he wasn't even to the stop sign yet. And he started flashing his lights at me, like, get out of the way. And I wasn't blocking his lane. I was in my lane. And as he passed me, he, about 20ft from me, started laying on the horn and continued to lay on the horn for about half the block. People are just unhooked. This is the holiday season and it's getting worse and worse. And unfortunately, we're going to have to deal with these challenges. Just keep your calm, keep your cool, stay under control, and know that now more than ever is a time where we need to keep our wits about us and pick our battles. That you don't want to engage with these people. I'm going to give these people the benefit of the doubt. And we don't know what they're struggling with, aside from what they put into their bodies that have made them act this way. But let's be gracious. Let's try and be kind and maintain our dignity and do the right thing. Get through all of these challenges with your head held high. Work on being the best person that you can be. Know that you're important. Know that you're loved. Know that you're special. Know that, especially for the first part of this segment, that you need to get yourself in a good spot and heal yourself. And then you will be the most amazing version of yourself that you can be. And all of the good things that you wish for and want will come to you. It'll happen. I'm so happy and proud of all of you for taking these steps on your journey to fulfill all of your desires. Keep at it. You're doing a great job. Maybe somebody hasn't told you that lately and maybe you needed to hear that and seek the help that you need if you need it. Be brutally honest with yourself so that you can be honest with others and they'll sense that. Happy New Year, everybody. We'll see you all next week. Bye for now.

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