Red Pill Reality Show

Red Pill Reality Show
TRIM Radio
Red Pill Reality Show

Dec 08 2024 | 03:00:09

Episode December 08, 2024 03:00:09

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

"The Red Pill Reality Show" is a provocative and thought-provoking exploration of the modern world, delving into controversial topics and challenging conventional wisdom. Hosted by Riscalla Stephen, a charismatic and outspoken figure, the show aims to spark honest conversations and inspire critical thinking.

Each episode features in-depth discussions on a wide range of subjects, including:

  • Social and political issues
  • Philosophy and spirituality
  • Science and technology
  • Personal growth and development

Join Riscalla Stephen as he interviews experts, challenges assumptions, and invites viewers to question everything they know. "The Red Pill Reality Show" is a must-watch for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the world around us.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:29] Speaker A: In a world drowning in noise, where truth is obstinate and buried beneath layers of propaganda and misinformation, there's a need for a different kind of a network. A network of creators that cuts to the clutter, that doesn't shy away from tough topics, and that delivers the unfiltered truth. [00:00:46] Speaker B: We are TRIM Radio Network. [00:00:48] Speaker A: We are creators. We are innovators. We are investigators. We're the ones who aren't afraid to call a spade a spade. If you're ready to participate in thought provoking discussions, informational topics, and of course, today's biggest headlines, subscribe to our YouTube channel. Today, we're Trim Radio Network. We're cutting the bowl and serving the truth. You're listening to the TRIM Radio Network. We cut the bull and serve the truth. [00:01:33] Speaker B: I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. [00:02:10] Speaker A: Take the red pill. [00:02:11] Speaker B: Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. You take the red pill. And I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill. The story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. Take the red pill. You stay in wonderland. You stay in wonderland. I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. [00:02:55] Speaker A: Goes. [00:02:56] Speaker B: Now transmitting from an undisclosed location in the northeast quadrant of the United States, it's the red pill reality show on the TRIM Radio network with your host, Riskala Stevens. Saturday nights from 9pm Eastern until midnight. Call in. Lines are open. Dialed 803-200-2277 to reach your host directly. And now your host, Rizkala. [00:03:31] Speaker A: Hello and welcome, everyone. It is a red pill reality show. And again, I can't look at this. Stop that. You're listening to the TRIM Radio network. We cut the bull and serve the truth. I'll tell you what. And the camera went off again. Lord have mercy. Okay, well, when I get to one of the breaks, I'll. I have. I made a bad mistake of loading up a. A microscope that uses a USB port. And of Course, my camera uses a USB port. And every time I put my camera on standby, I don't know why, it goes back to this mic, this microscope. And the microscope is in here forgotten. Geez. I guess because it's, it's. I, it's plugged in, but it's not here on, on the desk with me. All right, well, welcome. It is the Red Pill reality show. And as it's going to be a. Almost usual thing now, when start, I have some kind of issue going on. Oh my goodness. I really like the new platform, but it does create an issue for me anyway. And it's not easy to get to the different things that you want to do, like the, My. My intro song. I have to go to one place and, and my, my video clips. If I want to play a video clip, I have to look around and find my video clip. And, you know, tonight I'm going to show you something that is terrifying. It is terrifying because it is so convincing that I don't know how many people are involved. But what I'm going to show you tonight, if you know of anybody who's involved in this, you got to get them to listen to what's going on tonight. Listen to the archive. There should be an archive on the Facebook page. I believe there's going to be an archive on our website. We have. And there may be a webs. An archive on YouTube. We are. We still haven't made it to YouTube. All right. Okay. Well, I get one thing after another. So tonight, when I tell you this is terrifying, I'm not stretching, I'm not exaggerating. This is something that caught me. Fortunately, it didn't drain me. But it hurts. It hurts to know when you believe that you're doing something that is legitimate, to find out that you're being scammed. And before I got involved with all of this, before I really put any of my money in all of this, I kind of stuck my toes in the water, if you will. I, I had asked them if I could. If I could run a dry run. I don't remember exactly what the words I use or play money or something like that. And they awarded me about a thousand dollars. A thousand dollars. They worded me a thousand dollars. And the agreement was whatever money I make using that thousand dollars, I could keep. However, at the end of 30 days, the thousand dollars goes back to them. So I did that. I made about 150 bucks. It's nice. 150 bucks. No, I mean spending maybe 10 minutes, 15 minutes, a night made 115 bucks. That's not bad. And the more you put in, of course, the more that you supposedly, the more you get back. And so I. I did that for the. That month. They got the thousand. I kept my 150 bucks. Actually, it's 149 and some change, but I just rounded up 150 bucks. I'm watching what's going on for a while. A couple more weeks goes by, and I say, all right, well, I'll put in a little bit. So I put in 500 bucks. Not a whole lot when you think in the realms of investments and, you know, what can be invested. And I coupled that 500 bucks with the 150. So now I have $650. Actually, let me back up a minute. It's 650 in crypto, which actually is like 648 something in dollars. So I'm $650, and I'm playing with that. And I'm building it, and I'm building it, and I built it up to about $900. I said, okay, well, I think I want to put a little bit more in. So I put a little bit more in, and I continue to leave the principal alone. Don't withdraw any money. Just keep building on it and building on it. And I did that for well over another month. Yeah, about a month and a half. And I had gotten to the point where I had quite a nice sun built up through this platform, and I decided, well, you know, I want to take a little bit out. Not much. Just a little bit here and there. So I wanted to take out $150. Well, I had put in far more than $150, far more. And I had no problem. Got my hundred and fifty dollars directly deposited in my account to my bank account. I'm feeling good. This is good. A couple of weeks goes by, and I decided I want to take out another $150. So I get another $150 taken out, no problem, and it goes directly into my bank. Then the next day, I said, oh, you know what? I should have taken $300, because I realized that I was going to need more than I needed. So the next day, I clicked on the withdraw and tried to withdraw another $150. And sometimes it takes a few minutes. You know, it might take sometimes as much as 10 minutes before it shows up. So it didn't show up right away. Sometimes it'll show up within. Within a minute. Sometimes it takes a while. So I close the Close the app. This is only available on the. On the app. From what I know. Close the app went and did some stuff. I guess about 20 minutes went by. I came back and I looked at my. My fundings page. See if I have a fundings page. That's not it. I'm going to come back to that in a minute. There we go. So if you look at the top there, it says available amount. I had built it up to $13,932 and 41 cents. Not bad. It shows the amount in use as 150. Well, that amount in use was the last time that I attempted to make a withdrawal. And then today's earnings, that was the earnings that I had earned on that particular day. 295, 66. So when I went to withdraw this 150, this is what I get. They tell me that. I don't know if you can read it or not. It says, hello. The system has detected your multiple withdrawals and believes that you have the risk of money laundering. For the safety of your account funds, the system automatically opens a protection measure for you when you deposit the same funds into your account. The funds will be deposited into your account together and you will not suffer any loss. After verification, you will be able to withdraw funds freely without any restrictions. Without restrictions. Well, they have given me this answer several times and my answer to one of their times was, you have told me that I have committed an illegal operation. However, I have asked repeatedly, show me your rules or your laws so that I will not do it again. No one has provided me with any information regarding how I broke any of your laws. And I would just get this repeated answer over and over and over again about I, the system detected blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, I mean, when you consider that I had far more than I was trying to total, it would have been $450 that I would have withdrawn. And when you consider that I had far more than that in investments, probably three or four, five times more than that, there's a problem. And then they use this excuse of money laundering. Who's going to launder money at 150 bucks a pop if I was trying to withdraw $10,000 or something? Yeah, okay. Who's going to try to with to launder money at 150 bucks a pop? So I realize we have a problem that these people don't have the right to do what they're doing, but they're doing it and they're using all kinds of excuses. So here's the scary thing, you go to any of the stores that have the apps available and you will see that has over 10 million downloads. 10 million. Over 10 million. If you look down below it in the oblong circle, egg shaped circle, if you will, it says on chain. On chain is the program that I put that investment into. On chain is the people that told me that I had committed an illegal operation of some sort and my funds are now frozen. On chain has been downloaded at least. Where is it? Over 1 million downloads. Over 1 million downloads for this on chain application. So when you open the application, this is what you get. Shows how much money you've invested. You can see if I keep it minimal. But then when you come down here to the bottom where it says browse web and number two, when you click on that, you end up in a page like this. And these are the different levels of investments that you can get involved in depending upon the level of investment that you get involved in depends upon the commission that you get paid. The story that I was told is that what we're doing is that we are placing a bid. I can't remember the exact word they use, but it's like a false bid was another word, but it was. What we were doing was by placing a bid we were going to increase the demand for a particular product that is called an nft. Look at the top of the page, you see it says NFT Universe. NFT is a non fungoid token. I, this is the weirdest word that they use, but it basically means that it's typically fungible. Okay, I'm correcting myself. Non fungible token, I think is how it's pronounced. And it's usually tied to some type of art that is. I can't think of the right word. It's, it's made by an individual. It's, it's digital art made by individuals. And there apparently they want you to believe there's a demand for it because they have these levels that it even goes to level five. I only got three just to show so I was keeping it minimal. I built it up thinking that I did my homework. 10 million downloads., by the way, is not the problem. This is the problem down here. And I don't know if they're. I, I have contacted they say they're not associated, but then you go to download it. It looks like they have the same logo inverted, where they have the blue, they have the white, and it says and it says on chain. So maybe there's a, a sub app in this app. I don't know. I only know this is what I downloaded. And when I open the program, this is what I get. Well, actually, this is what I get. And when I click on down here where it says browse web, I get to this. And these are the people who have now frozen that money. They will not allow me to have this money unless I come up with $13,932.41. Now anybody in their right mind would say to themselves, oh, wait a minute, they've already frozen this. What's them to stop from frozen? More money that I put in out of that 13,900 and change. Thousands of it belong to me. So why can't I withdraw mine money, the money that I initially invested in this program? Right off the bat, a little bit of common sense tells me something doesn't smell right. One mil, over one million downloads. Now let's just say, for example, sake, that these people make, you know, a couple of thousand just, just a couple of thousand off of this. Every time they freeze somebody's funds, multiply that by a million. That's a big number. That's a huge number. Where's all that money going? Well, I had shared this story with one of my friends and they asked me how I got involved in this. Well, this may sound familiar to you guys that are out there, particularly guys that might be near my age group. I, I get these friend requests, get them on Facebook, on Twitter, on the other one. I can't think right off the bat, and I deny most of my. No, no, no, no. So thank you. I'm not really interested. They either want to send you to a site that has porn where you join in and pay money, or they want to scam you somehow, you know, some way or another. Why other would they want to mess with you, you know, and, and the sad part is many of them are very, very pretty ladies on the outside. It's too bad how sick they are on the inside. So I had a personal friend of mine and who happened to come up as one of her friends on Facebook and she contacted me. This, this is how all this started. It's another young lady who contacted me and we were talking about my personal friends activities, like what she does and so forth. I don't want to get into that because I don't want to get them involved in it. And she said, oh, well, that's why we're friends, because we have the same activity There's a particular sport that they like. And so that went on for probably three weeks, maybe even a month, where we had just pleasantries, just pleasant converse. How are you doing? Would you get, how'd your day go? Blah, blah, blah, that kind of thing. Short, very short, maybe five, maybe 10 minutes, not very long. Always pleasant, always polite. And again, that went on for quite some time. And, and that is the individual who originally introduced me to all this. Now, the men, the name that I have, I don't know, this is probably not even their name, but the name that I have is Maria Popov. P O P O V. I may not even be their name because they certainly are deceitful. So it wouldn't surprise me if they're deceitful with the name, the phone number. This might be of interest to you. You may want to give Maria a call. Phone number is 470-403-0174. You may want to give Maria a call and ask her, hey, tell me about NFL NFTs. Tell me what NFTs are non fungible tokens. Now, non fungible tokens are a real thing, by the way. They are things that people invest in. If you look them up, you'll see there's a wide variety of NFTs out there and they are. It's a real thing. It's not. Not this sham that this lady introduced me into. The scary part about this is I want to go back. I can't tell you how scary this is. We have 10 million of and we have over 1 million of this on chain. Over 1 million people out there are all 1 million people being scammed the same way. Put in a little bit of money, start multiplying over and over and over. When you get to a nice sum, you say, I want a little, take a little back, it's okay. I want to take a little back, it's okay. But the third time it's a strikeout or what if I would have decided instead of $150, I wonder what would have happened if I would have decided I wanted fifteen hundred dollars. I bet they would have put the brakes on right there and then, oh, we can't give you fifteen hundred dollars for some come up with some kind of reason. I mean, listen to the reason that they're telling me. Now we have a whopping $450 and look at what they're telling me. Oh, it's the system. The system has detected multiple withdrawals and now the system, it's the system. It believes that you have a risk of money laundering. And for your safety, your safety, we have automatically opened a protection measure for you. Now you want to release that protection measure, you have to deposit the same funds back into your accounts. Oh, and by the way, we promise, we promise that will be deposited into your account together. And after that, well, after that you can just take whatever you want, however, whatever time you want, however much you want. And I got some land in the southern portion of Florida I can sell you. Waterfront, absolutely gorgeous for those of you who want to live out in the woods. Or maybe you'd like to buy my bridge. Like I said, I, I thought I did due diligence. I looked up again, I want to emphasize I don't believe is the problem. But when I went to download and I do have, as you can see, it says installed. I have that installed down here. You see, this is installed when I went to, excuse me, when I looked for on chain, what came up was on chain. And if 10 million plus people have downloaded and then wonder about on chain and who knows? We've got, we've documented well over a million. A million plus with a 4.6 star rating. Everyone can join. I don't know if they've hijacked the app. I don't know how they did what they've did. All I know is what they're telling me is bull feces. There's no reason in the world that they have a right to freeze my accounts, especially when I have far more in there of my money. Forget the profits, I'll put the profits aside. My money Damn sure wasn't $450. Multiply that by like 4, 5. Multiply that profit by 1 million people. So the way all of this works, as I mentioned before, that you're going to be placing a bid on an auction, but you're not, they're not going to accept your bid. They're going to hold your bid. And by holding your bid, but, but knowing that your bid has been made open, it will increase the demand on that particular piece of artistry or whatever it may be. This is a sample. And suppose, and I don't believe any of these numbers. I don't know, supposedly 52,083 people have liked this product and supposedly 66,000 have bid on the product. When you look at the bottom side of the page, gives you the chain address, tells you a little bit about it. When the Auction will be over 18 hours, 20 minutes and 9 and 28 minutes and minutes and 9 seconds. According to this picture, this particular piece of art was supposedly being auctioned out at $21,686.35. As you can see by the numbers I gave you before, this is not something I bid on. I just use this for a sample. And then once the auction is complete, your commissions will be $479.26. Your yield is approximately 2.21. Here's another one, another piece of artist that somebody has patented and registered. We get down to the bottom of this one. This is where it's a little more realistic at this point. If I had ever gotten up to whatever that other one was, 21,040, whatever it was, it wouldn't have been my money going in there at 40 or 50,000. No way. It would have been me building it up. Well, this is a little more realistic down here. You got one, that's a thousand three, 32. This is one that I think I bid on this one prior to it coming back up again. And it was a little less than this when I bid last time. And you make a whopping $21. Not bad for $1000. A thirteen hundred dollar investment. And they tell you that your investment is safe. They don't accept your bid. Your bid is only to promote demand on the product. That's the only purpose of your bid. They will not accept your bid and they will pay you a commission for increasing the demand on that product. And depending upon what the selling price is, the commissions run accordingly. Like this One here is 1.61. So everything up until this point that I've been doing, and I had been doing it for I think about three months, maybe a little more than three months. Everything was fine until I decided I wanted to take some money out. This is what I would see on my phone, on, on the app, on the phone. This one again is $21,686. Supposedly 66,596 people. I may have shown that one earlier to $24,397, 65,000 people. So when you think about it, I know when, when I first thought about something, oh my God, that can't be real. But then when you think of it, since the Internet, you're, you are subjected to billions of people on the Internet. If you get 0.00001% of that, that runs numbers, that would drive you nuts. So it's not impossible that the numbers are real. It's just that I don't believe these people because what they've done. I believe the whole thing is a scam, that they run these numbers in there. They may have an AI running the whole thing and running the numbers up and down just to make it look real. Then I found out what their website was. I went to their website. This is what their website looks like. Tried to log in and wouldn't let me log in. Pretty website. All kinds of stuff on there. There's all kinds of information, blah, blah, blah, blah. This is more of what these things look like. What is this? Look at this. It's 1, 2, 3, 1, 2. This is 4,000,999. No. 4,999,999, that's 4,999,999. Good gravy. I, I can't. I. It brings tears to my eyes to believe that people might be putting this much money in this, believing that they're going to get this outrageous return. You know, you take that number and multiply it by. What was that? Two point something when we were in the 21,000 numbers, your return was two point something. Multiply that number by 2.1. That's one big number that you're getting some more of them. I believe this is $1,230,130.51. We got over 1 million people that have downloaded this app. Over 1 million people. God help me, God help them. Because when it comes time to taking their money out, what's going to happen is they're going to tell you that their system has detected multiple withdrawals and believes that you are the risk of money laundering. And for your safety, for your safety, they have put a freeze on your account. And it's all done automatically by the system. There's no manual to this. Oh, by the way, if you want your freeze lifted, whatever the amount that you have in your account at the time of frozen funds must be duplicated in order for you to unfreeze it. Does any of that make sense to anybody? This is extortion. Over 1 million downloads. If you know anybody that may be thinking about getting involved in this, you've got to get their attention and tell them, do not under any circumstances invest any money in any of this because it's. The whole thing is a scam. And it's sad because I have another personal friend of mine, now, the first personal friend whose friend introduced me to this, I had. That was my neighbor and I had only Known them for several years. I have another personal friend who I've known for well over 20 years, whose son is involved in cryptocurrency who has shown me his p. LS he has made hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years doing crypto. Yes, he wins, yes, he loses. But the point I'm making is that there are places where you can make money, handsome amounts of money. Knowing that, in the back of my mind I thought maybe. Well, this is for real. I 1 million downloads and the parent company, or what appears to be the parent company, is a well known established name. But then I see down below on chain and I go to on chain and I get. What do I get? My first page, which appears to be part of looks like sort of when I open my, it's a little different, but a place where you can. Looks like you click down here where these arrows are going either way and you can, you can click up here. You can buy crypto, you can sell crypto, you can receive crypto, you can earn crypto. Very official looking. And I don't, I want to clarify, I don't think this is part of it, the scam. I, I think that's why it works so well. I think this is real. The part that that is a scam is when you click on browse web, it says browse web3 down there. I don't know why it's a 3, but you click on that browse web, one of these, not that one, you get this. So somehow this is tied directly to this other page that I just showed you. The two of them somehow are tied together. So you click on one and you end up at this one. And this, I believe is a scam. This I believe is where when you put your money and give your money to these people, this is where they lock you up and they don't let you have your money back. And this is a problem because this program, the app that supports this has been downloaded well over 1 million times. 1 million people out there are at risk for losing. Who knows? Anywhere from I had, I started out with 500 bucks. You know, 500 bucks is not a big deal, but it hurts. You know, it's 500 bucks. What could you do with 500 bucks? I could take the whole family out and have a tremendous time with 500 bucks. I could do all kinds of things at 500 bucks, but it's not the end of the world. But who knows how many People have invested thousands of dollars and everything is hunky dory until the time comes when they want to withdraw some money and they come up with this insanity of theirs that the system, not them, not any human being, but a system, have detected multiple withdrawals and says that you are a money launderer. And because you are a money launderer, we have frozen your account. Oh, of course, it's to protect you. And if you want to unfreeze that, that, that freeze that's on your account, you've got to put in whatever you've got at the time. My example, they want me to put in 14,000 bucks. Basically $68 short of $14,000. And if you add the in use, if you look there at the top, it says 150. That's supposed to be part of this over here of available amount. So it would have been over $14,000. So here, Riskala, we frozen your $14,000, but if you give us another $14,000, oh, how many people are going to fall for that now? They're desperate. Fortunately for me, it's not the end of the world. I won't let it be the end of the world. But who knows? People, you know, that see this opportunity, see this as an opportunity. And it looks so legitimate, so legitimate. You do your homework, you go up there or you, you look up and it's, and, excuse me, look up chain on chain. Forgive me, you look up on chain and you come up with but below, is on chain. And this is somehow related to this up [email protected]. i don't know, 10 million downloads. Again, I don't think that is the problem. Somehow these people that are tied to on chain, because when I open that program up, I get this and I don't, I don't know if this is one thing, because when it says browse the web and you click on browse the web, you come here. This is where the problem is. Are they related? Did somebody somehow hack into one of these applications and put this in there and, and make it part of a well documented, you know, I can't think of the right words to say something that that is, that is safe, something that is known not, that is known as not a fraud. is well documented to be a safe place to put money. If you're in crypto over 10 million people, I mean, if they had problems, you know, you're not going to be around very long with over 10 million downloads. If you had problems with 10 million people, there'd be fire burning under their behind. So I don't think it's them. But when I go look up on Chain, I see that On Chain has been downloaded over 1 million times. The data safety is very safe. It's everyone. There's no nothing inappropriate on there. And when I find it online at On Chain, it comes up as on chain. So why is this using these people's names up here? And tell me. When I contacted they said, well, we're not affiliated with them. Well, how can you not be affiliated with them if when I go and look up them, your name comes up? So there's something that doesn't add up here. Something isn't quite right. And when you think about over 1 million downloads. 1 million. Got another problem. Bear with me a minute. Good gravy. Okay, well, we just lost our. No, we made Facebook. Okay. We lost Twitter, YouTube, having all kinds of issues. Anyway, while I'm thinking about it, if you would please tell your friends to go to our channel, our YouTube channel, Trim Radio Network, and subscribe because according to them, we don't have enough subscribers. You know, they play numbers over there. I think we've only have like, I don't know, 20, 30, 40 subscribers. I don't know. But we need to get more subscribers. So YouTube will allow us to transmit on YouTube again. I thought we had solved that problem, but apparently not because they just cut me off. I'm on Facebook, I'm on LinkedIn, not on YouTube, not on Twitter. Different places you can find us. Twitter is a Trim Radio network as well. LinkedIn is TRIM radio Network. All right, back to the unbelievable, just truly scary scam that is going on. Like I said, one million. One million downloads. Just think of even if it was just, well, we can't because the first level is a thousand dollars. So it's going to be a minimum of a thousand dollars. There are some auctions that they had listed which are actually less than a thousand, but typically it's a thousand dollars. So if you take a million downloads and these people are involved in this and they're investing maybe a thousand bucks, maybe a million times a thousand, and then you consider, well, that's somehow they're tied to again, which is a well known place for cryptocurrency. With 10 million downloads, we got a problem. So if you know anybody who has downloaded this on chain, on chain. They must know that when they get to this program, I don't know if that's part of them or not because again, I can't believe anything anymore. This is so deep. It's just truly unbelievable that people went to this depth. If they were used the same amount of effort and the same amount of intelligence to come up with something legal and help people, my God, they could help themselves. They could help people and they wouldn't have to go through this insanity. All right, going to take a break. When I come back, I'm going to have my friend Jerry with me. He's going to give me his input. And he doesn't like crypto. I'll warn you now. All right. Let's see if I can find the correct. Here we go. I'll take a break and we'll be back before you know it. Stay tuned, folks. We're hitting pause for a quick break. We're not going anywhere. We'll be back before you know it with more on the red pill reality show. Are you a business owner? Did you know that the government is holding funds right now for your business? The program is called the Employee Retention Act. It's done through the IRS and part of the CARES act, and it's available to just about every business. This could mean literally hundreds of thousands of dollars into your business. This is not a loan. It's 100% legal and paid directly to you. Go to that's to watch a brief video and find out how you can qualify. Go there now. Do you need toner for your Epson, Hewlett, Packer, Canon, Brother, Apple or Sharp Printers? Look no further than Laser Technologies. In business for over 20 years. They offer the lowest prices on toner on the Web. They can also repair your laser printers. [00:48:13] Speaker B: And toners fast and easy. Call their expert staff today at 561-792-9600 or email us at service laser for all your toner needs. [00:48:25] Speaker A: All toner is shipped nationwide. Why wait? Get the lowest prices on toner. Call or email us. Today. You have asked, are we happy? Are we happy? And effective. [00:48:37] Speaker B: Consultation with leading experts in the field makes it perfectly clear, perfectly clear. [00:48:45] Speaker A: That we are all now programmed for perfect happiness. Perfect happiness. [00:48:50] Speaker B: Perfect happiness. [00:49:05] Speaker A: They don't take no control. We see what they want us to see. We hear what they want us to hear. They think we can't handle the truth. [00:49:33] Speaker B: If you feel you Are not properly sedated, call 348844 immediately. Failure to do so may result in prosecution for criminal drug ev. [00:49:56] Speaker A: Open source control. See that the humans remain entertained until the end. Control. [00:50:24] Speaker B: Created. [00:50:27] Speaker A: By the masses. Control. [00:50:33] Speaker B: This station is now the ultimate power in the universe. We have ignition strap in 5, 5, 4, 4, 3. [00:50:47] Speaker A: We're back. Hope you didn't go too far because we have more interesting and thought provoking information for you. Coming up on the Red pill reality show. All right, we are back. Let me get rid of this. What happened here? I love it. Come on. Give me a moment. Just bear with me as I try to. There we go. And I got my camera back. Huh? All right, let me bring Jerry on. Let's see what Jerry has to say about. We talked a little bit before he came on here. Welcome, Jerry. How are you, my friend? [00:51:28] Speaker B: Doing great. How are you doing tonight, Rich? [00:51:29] Speaker A: Colin, you know what you said about idiots earlier? Well, that's how I feel right now. [00:51:36] Speaker B: You know, it's the sad part about it is, is there's no regulation on bitcoin. And so there's no oversight. There's no governmental protection at all. And I think that's why Trump wants to get involved with bitcoin, to regulate it and make sure there's protection there. Because so many people there's a bitcoin starting every day. And you take into consideration that one company that was like a brokerage firm and then all these celebrities had put millions of dollars into and it went belly up. And there were billions of dollars in that thing. And that's the problem. There was no regulation on it. [00:52:17] Speaker A: Wow. Well, it's speculation. I mean, I knew that going into it. I thought I did. I did my due diligence. I don't know if you saw this when I was showing it to earlier. It's part of what I downloaded is called crypto on chain. Excuse me, What I downloaded is called on chain. But when you look up on chain, it comes up as part of and when you look up, you get that's 1 million for the on chain downloads and over 10 million for somehow these two are tied together. The and on chain are tied together. And as I had was mentioning earlier, this is. This is so deep. This, it has to run into the billions of dollars because if this other program, the one that screw basically put the screws to me is got over 1 million downloads. Over 1 million. And so I was Explaining earlier when you, when you open up this program, let's see if this is it. This is what you get. And I think this is legitimate at this point. I think it's legitimate. I think somehow I have no idea how because I don't know how this works. But when you click on down below where it says browse web, when you click on that, you end up here. And this is where the problem is. As you can see up there, I got 13,932 41 and there's 150 in use. This was the last deposit withdrawal that I attempted to make. A total of three. That's $450 total. Total of three. This was number three. And they froze my account. So at that point is when all pandemonium broke loose. And I realized that these people or attempting to extort money out of me because they said if you, you know, well, we have detected your money laundering. $150. Give me a break. You're money laundering. And because we think that you might be at risk of money laundering, we're gonna. For your safety now, that's for your safety, we're gonna freeze your account. Oh and by the way, if you want your account unfrozen now, you have to deposit the same amount that we froze and then we're going to unfreeze it for you. Yeah. [00:54:34] Speaker B: And donkey chasing good money after bad. That's the problem. And people have invested a lot of money in this stuff. They're going, I don't want to lose what I put in there. [00:54:47] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:54:48] Speaker B: And they'll go out and borrow the money to equalize what they've already put in there. And then what's to say the next day the people lock the account again. [00:54:58] Speaker A: Yeah. They'll find some reason to say, oh well you, you performed an E. You know, when I, when I, when I got hit with this thing here and it says it system had detected, blah blah blah blah blah. And you. There was another one I didn't take a picture of which I should have get off of there. There's another one that I wish I, I should have shown it. And it said because you have performed an illegal operation. And I said, you know, that's because up here at the top that says blue part was the second response to them. It says, you have told me that I have committed an illegal operation. However, I have asked repeatedly, show me your rules or your laws so that I will not do it again. No one has provided me with any information regarding how I broke your laws. Never Answered me. Instead, I would get, hello, the system has the uplah. I think I got a live person one time that told me, this is all automatic. We have no control over it. Which. Anybody who knows anything about machinery, anything about computers, that's a bunch of garbage because people control the computers. AI is not 100% in control at this point. And so they use that as an excuse to extort money out of you. You know, like. Like you were saying, Jerry, oh, my God, I've got this much in it. I can't afford to lose that. I. I'll give them. I'll give them another. Whatever it is, you know, for them, for me, you know, what I had in it isn't anywhere near $14,000. That's just what I built it up to. But imagine if somebody had jumped in, like this young lady who kept bugging me. Why do you keep doing that? My mouse is acting up. This young lady. I was telling a story earlier on. This young lady happened to be a personal friend, a personal friend of mine's friend. And so my walls of protection or whatever were lowered a little bit because, okay, she's, you know, that person's friend. Well, it turned out that she may be that person's friend, but that person doesn't know that this person is doing scams, scamming people. Who knows of how much money leading people on. It wasn't done overnight. This was done over a span of. Has to be close to four months before the whole thing is over. Because I spent a month alone just investigating, looking, watching, and playing the game with their money for a month and had watched it grow. And then they let me keep what I made. I. Well, you know, maybe I now, knowing what I know, it was a way to build trust so that you could say, oh, hey, let me keep my money. I put a little more here, you know, and then I'll put a little more in there. Jerry dropped out. He's maybe having issues where he's at. I guess that's the way that they build up people, you know, to get more money in there. Well, you know, now that you have built it up to $14,000, put another $14,000 in there, and we'll release your funds. Go pound sand. That's my response. And Jerry was saying, because there's really no regulations, there's no policing of this stuff. They can do it. It's. It's like the wild west. I don't know if it's the cold. The last several days, my throat has just been. We got. I Think we got Jerry's back. I think we got about. I think we're up to three feet at this point of snow on the ground. In some places, a little bit more than others. So I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but in my throat, it's just dry, dry, dry. Okay, Jerry. [00:59:07] Speaker B: So anyway, you know, the. The problem has always been with bitcoin. Not that it's not an opportunity, not that you. You can't make money off it. The problem is you got to be prepared for the risk. And the risk is you could lose your money. And that happened here in Orlando. It was reported on the news not too terribly long ago, where a guy had put his life savings into bitcoin, and somehow or another, his bitcoin account got hacked and supposedly have unhackable accounts, but his account got hacked and he lost all of his money. And since there's no FDIC insurance on that, it's just gone. And so, you know, you gotta understand the risk associated with it. It's like anything. It's like being in the stock market. Are you willing to risk in the stock market? So far, I've been very fortunate because I've stayed in the. I've stayed in a pretty stable economy with a. With the stock market. I, you know, I invested in Apple a lot and Amazon and United Healthcare and all the stable companies. And so far, you know, I've been managing to make, the last time I checked, 210% on my money. [01:00:18] Speaker A: Awesome. [01:00:19] Speaker B: So, you know, now is that a norm? No, that's not the norm. But I happen to be. I'm just very conservative in my investing, and I'm not willing to take those. Those risk that are not protected somehow or another. [01:00:33] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:00:34] Speaker B: You know, a lot of people are looking. I mean, I've had several friends that have just plain flat got ripped off by this bitcoin trend. I had. You know, one woman lost 134, 000, I think. [01:00:49] Speaker A: Wow. [01:00:50] Speaker B: And another friend who won't tell me how much they lost, but they all had this pipe dream. I'm gonna invest my money and I'm gonna quadruple it in three weeks. Yeah, you know, there's. You can do. [01:01:03] Speaker A: I got somebody waiting in the studio. Marion Montgomery. [01:01:08] Speaker B: Yeah, she's just. Good. She wants to listen. She's a friend of mine. [01:01:11] Speaker A: Okay. So if you want her to come on stage or just. Just to listen. [01:01:15] Speaker B: I think she's there just to listen, but. Great, great lady. And so. [01:01:20] Speaker A: Welcome, Marin. [01:01:22] Speaker B: Welcome. [01:01:22] Speaker A: You're welcome to Listen, if you, if you want to, to join us, I don't know how you can tell. Text, Text Jerry, and I'll have you join in. But you're welcome to listen as long as you like. So we've been discussing tonight. I know you just got on, so you missed quite a bit of what I've been telling. We've been discussing one of the largest scams that I've ever run into. Something that has its own app and something that's tied to a well documented website. The is a well known name in cryptology, in crypto, cryptology, in crypto industry. However, down below that, if you'll see, you'll see says and then space on chain. On chain is where I had the problem. A derivative of on chain. Because when you, when you download that program, you end up, when you first open it up, you end up here, which I believe, again, this is legitimate at this point. I think this is why it's so easy for them to get money from people. Because it's like when you hear about a half truth, you know they're telling you a lie, but there's some truth mixed in there with it to get you to believe the lie. You follow what I'm saying? I, I think this is along that line. I mean, I'm only guessing at this point. Anything I say at this point is conjecture. But it seems to add up to me that this is legit. This particular thing here is legit. And when you click on down below where it says browse web, you end up here. This is where the problem is. And there's five levels of this. This is a thousand to 10, 10,000, 1 to 50, 50,000, 1 to 300. Then they got 300 to 500, then they got over a million. I gave examples earlier of some of these that are going for $700,000. I can't imagine somebody has that much money. I mean, I, I guess if you're like maybe an Elon Musk or something, because, you know, $700,000 would be like maybe 70 bucks to you or me, you know, like, all right, well, it's a loss, but big deal, you know, But I can't imagine anybody like me or, you know, doesn't make over a million dollars a year, has 700,000 invested into this insanity. Well, at some point they tell you, can't take any more money out. What are you gonna do? [01:03:40] Speaker B: Well, the problem that's, that seems to be the biggest problem out there is there's so Many of these bitcoin companies have started up. Well, and what they'll do, the scammers will do, they'll offshoot from the legitimate site and create another website. [01:03:57] Speaker A: Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Somehow they hacked into this, a legitimate application somehow. I mean, that's the only thing that makes sense to me. They got into it somehow and they hacked it. And then when you click on it, it takes you to this, to the problem site, and you're thinking, it's all part of this, you know. Riskala. Did you do your due diligence? Yes. I went and checked to see that this crypto, the supposedly parent company, has over 10 million downloads. If there was an issue with 10 million people, believe me, it would have hit the news very quickly. It wouldn't remain silent. And so when I look up crypto.onchain. crypto comm on chain. I see. Well, went over. Over 1 million downloads. Well, I mean, if a million people were having problems, I'm sure somebody would have said something. We must have heard something from somebody. And then when I, you know, install it and I run it, we come across this. The first page, apparently, is a legitimate page. But then when you click on the browse web, it takes you. I don't know. I don't know where it takes you. [01:05:04] Speaker B: Well, that's the problem. You know, it's a great. The technology now is so diverse. [01:05:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:05:10] Speaker B: So easy to manipulate that I can create a fake website in a heartbeat. But some minor modification changes and, you know, it's. And then they got you hooked because you're looking at a legitimate site. Then when they say go to this site, they're referring you to their site. [01:05:27] Speaker A: You. [01:05:27] Speaker B: You figure out there's probably a million to 10 million people out there who have fallen for that little trick. [01:05:34] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. [01:05:35] Speaker B: And, oh, my gosh, if they've only put a hundred dollars in there, just think of that. [01:05:41] Speaker A: Even if it's just 100 bucks, of course, you. If you go back and you'll see that when you. When you look at the different scales, the minimum is a thousand. Well, I didn't start at a thousand. I started at 500, and I added it to the 150 that I had. And there weren't very many. It was rare. That's why I didn't make much during that next month. It was rare. But there were a few auctions, what they call auctions in there, that were like 650, $700, and you make, you know, 10 bucks, 12 bucks, you know, not something. Not unreasonable. For what they're. What they're stating is that, you know, you're increasing the demand on, on this piece of art. And by doing that, they're going to get more money and they're going to share some of that money with you. That all made sense to me. I could, I could see that's possible. Again, I'm. I'm thinking 10 million downloads. If there's 10 million downloads. [01:06:33] Speaker B: You know, sites can be all made up. It's like, okay, it's like, wait, Jerry. [01:06:39] Speaker A: They can't make this up. This. This can't be made up. This is. This is from the. This one is from the Google store. I looked up the Apple Store, too. It's in the Apple Store. It's in the Google store. [01:06:51] Speaker B: Well, that's the actual crypto dot com. That's why. Right, so you're saying that. But see, the on chain is a link. [01:06:59] Speaker A: No, the on chain is another program. You see, if you look closely, it says installed. [01:07:04] Speaker B: Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's a whole nother program that, that looks like it's part of crypto. [01:07:10] Speaker A: But if you look, it says [01:07:14] Speaker B: Yes, but that. I can make a heading that says anything on a website. [01:07:18] Speaker A: That's true. Good point. Good point. [01:07:20] Speaker B: You know, I've got. I can have, and it's gone on chain. So they don't get sued for that because it's a derivative of that, but they can have a link. [01:07:31] Speaker A: Well, I will, I will tell you that. Let me see if it's here. In, in some, in some part of this, you can click and it says, connect directly to [01:07:44] Speaker B: Well, that doesn't mean anything. I can have that link on there, too. And you can go there and look at it. You don't have your money. [01:07:50] Speaker A: That's true. [01:07:50] Speaker B: So it's, you know, it's like the weather forecast. I can put the weather channel on my phone all day long. Does that mean I can control the weather? [01:07:58] Speaker A: No, I go back to. Okay, well, then over 1 million downloads. [01:08:04] Speaker B: But that's cryptocurrency. That's a legitimate site. [01:08:08] Speaker A: No, no, no. This is over 1 million downloads of Crypto of on chain. This other program that I was telling you about, this program down here, on chain. [01:08:19] Speaker B: Okay? [01:08:19] Speaker A: When I go into the details of that, this is what I get. [01:08:22] Speaker B: Okay, but think about this, okay? I've. I've got a website. Here's what's starting to happen now. The Government is, Is starting a new. Coming out with a new law. So you can't pick fake reviews on your site. [01:08:36] Speaker A: Right. [01:08:37] Speaker B: They could go into that site all day long and just click on it. Click on it, click on it, click on it, click on it. And have actually. But create a program that downloads it. [01:08:47] Speaker A: They do have programs like that. [01:08:49] Speaker B: And it shows up like, there it is. Look, we got a million downloads. They must be legitimate. And then you, you fall prey to that and you're. [01:08:57] Speaker A: Okay. So I, I understand what you're saying. It's possible that out of the 1 million downloads, there's not really 1 million downloads. [01:09:05] Speaker B: Exactly. [01:09:06] Speaker A: Okay, well, I, I would agree with. I, I would agree with that because they're. I'm sure that what you're saying that there's programs or something out there that will show. Just like I got a. I got the craziest email the other day. Do you want to increase your presence on social platforms? We can, we can provide you with listeners. We can provide your videos with views. We can knock your numbers up on your views. We can knock your numbers up on your listeners because, you know, all you have to do is pay us a certain amount of money. [01:09:39] Speaker B: Well, you know what? You want to hear the best one? Okay. Do you know there's software out there for dating sites? And the very first thing they say is, if you buy our service, we'll set up your dating site, we'll do everything for you, and we'll give you 2 million phony profiles. [01:09:56] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. [01:09:57] Speaker B: So you start off with a dating site that's got two. [01:10:00] Speaker A: Oh, and they have AI now, so who knows? You're not even talking to a human being. [01:10:04] Speaker B: Exactly. [01:10:05] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. [01:10:06] Speaker B: And I use AI right now to create ads for my business and for my friends as well for their businesses. So creating an AI presentation is so easy. And so what's this? Oh, fine. Collectibles. But, you know, so it. None of the stuff. The problem is we all believe everything online is legitimate and it's not. [01:10:30] Speaker A: Oh, no, I, I don't believe everything online. And I was very pessimistic going into this. I'm telling you, look at this down here. 765. 392.46. [01:10:40] Speaker B: Yeah, right. [01:10:41] Speaker A: You know, oh, my God. [01:10:42] Speaker B: You know, oh, my God. The, the stuff on the Internet is. The problem is we all want to believe what we see, and we all believe it. [01:10:52] Speaker A: Yeah, but I'm very pessimistic. I've been around the Internet for quite some time. I've been around The Internet, when, when we had dial up. [01:11:03] Speaker B: I remember that. [01:11:05] Speaker A: Connected, connected at 56K. [01:11:07] Speaker B: Yeah, big time. We were in a hot time. But you know, if you take into consideration what's going on now, we have taken ourselves out of society because of the computer. We don't sit around, have a beer with them, we don't socialize. So we're chair ridden with computers. And we get all of our information from there. We get our news, our dating, everything off the websites. And so we want to believe that. And the other thing we all everybody wants in their life is they want to be rich. So they figure, well, if I risk this and if somebody tells me I'm going to make a thousand percent of my money in three weeks and you start off, here's the catch, you start off small, 500,000. And what they do is. That's the exact same thing that that pyramid guy didn't. [01:12:05] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [01:12:06] Speaker B: He started off and he was, I. [01:12:08] Speaker A: Know you're talking about, I see his face, I can't think of his name. [01:12:12] Speaker B: But he was doing that. He was taking that first time investor and saying here's return on your money, 15, 20. And they're going, so what do they do? They tell their friend it went on for a while. [01:12:23] Speaker A: See that's, that's the other part. Yeah, that's the convincing part. That's to get other people involved. And it goes on for a while. It doesn't go down right away. Well, I think that guy was doing that for like what, it was years, right? Am I wrong? [01:12:36] Speaker B: Yeah, it was years. But here's the thing that gave him credibility. He had been the head of the exchange commission. [01:12:43] Speaker A: Wow. [01:12:44] Speaker B: So he was heading out here, this exchange commission. So he had, so everybody believed he was doing the right thing. And Madoff, Bernie. [01:12:53] Speaker A: That's right, Bernie Madoff. Yep. [01:12:54] Speaker B: And what he did was these pyramid schemes are where they, you bring the first person in and you give them high interest and they go just like what happened to you. You met a friend whose girlfriend is the one that told you about it. Y instead of a real legitimate financial person, it was a friend of a friend that tells you I made all this money and look what I've done. [01:13:17] Speaker A: Right. [01:13:17] Speaker B: And then so you go, oh, okay. It must be honest because I'm getting it from a credible friend and they've made money, so I'm going to get in. And that's exactly what Bernie Madoff did. All these companies have done this under the pyramids concept that are making that the pyramid is the peak of it and they make all the money. The rest of people get burned. [01:13:39] Speaker A: Yeah, the rest of the people who support is what it is, and that's. [01:13:42] Speaker B: What'S going to happen. That's why Trump is advocating now legislation to control it and to make sure that there's some kind of protection for investors, because right now, there's none. There's no insurance. There's no security. There's no security. [01:13:57] Speaker A: There is an Internet police. I failed to look that up. I think it's called nicc. I'll look that up on the next break. It's. There is an Internet police of some sort. I don't recall exactly the name of them, but I'll see if I can figure out who it is on the next break and tell you about that. Maybe they can do something about it. What concerns me is that, you know, I lost a couple of thousand. You know, God bless them. I hope they can use it. Well, I'm concerned about other people. Like you said earlier. Oh, my God, that's. I had to take a loan out to get this money. I can't afford it. I can't afford this. I have to have that return. I was counting on that return. I, I got my first two. Why can't I get my next? I got to come up with another. Whatever it is that they have involved. [01:14:43] Speaker B: Think about it. It's almost like gambling. [01:14:45] Speaker A: It's the obsession, but to me, it's more like extortion. [01:14:48] Speaker B: To me, it is extortion from a business standpoint. But it's the same adrenaline rush that gamblers get. They go in there and I, you know, I win. [01:14:59] Speaker A: My. [01:15:00] Speaker B: My brother's a big gambler, and I love it. Every time we go to Las Vegas, I always go see the shows. He goes and gambles. Last time we're out there, he goes, I won $3,000. And I said, that's really good. How much did it cost you to get there? Well, I won $3,000. [01:15:16] Speaker A: Yeah, but how much? [01:15:17] Speaker B: He lost $6,000 to win three, and that's $3,000 exactly. But he's telling me he won. So that's the dilemma of all these things, is people get in there and they start, you know, they get a little bit of winnings and they put more in and then a more in and then more in. And all of a sudden you're in up to your eyebrows and you're going, wait a minute, this is all my savings. And now I've got to go borrow money to get my savings back. What do I do? And that, that's what kills people. So, you know, a smart, you know, am I smart investing? No, I'm just consistent. I put money in on, you know, the reason I bought Apple is because Warren Buffett on the news, he bought $18 billion worth of Apple. [01:16:03] Speaker A: Wow. [01:16:03] Speaker B: And so I bought immediately right after that. [01:16:07] Speaker A: Wow. Yeah. I bet that made it. The demand for that soar. Right. [01:16:12] Speaker B: Well, but then, okay, recently, then the news came out, Warren Buffett sells 53% of his Apple stock. Okay. What had happened to Apple stock right after that? It dropped. [01:16:22] Speaker A: It dropped. [01:16:22] Speaker B: But think about this. Warren Buffett put eight, $19 billion in there. That stock went from a hundred dollars a share to $400 a share, and it split four to one. [01:16:35] Speaker A: So that's, that's, that was what they were telling me about this thing that I was getting involved in these auctions, that it was similar to what you're describing, where some, if we put up enough demand for the. Whatever it is that item is, and that demand is made public that supposedly the people bidding on it will go, Will bid higher, and then they'll share the profit. Some, some of them. They won't share the profit. They'll share some of the profit with you. [01:17:03] Speaker B: Exactly. [01:17:05] Speaker A: That's the story. [01:17:06] Speaker B: But that's the story. [01:17:07] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:17:08] Speaker B: Then, you know, you have to ask them the credibility. What, what, what substance do you have that backs your currency? And they go, well, nothing. [01:17:19] Speaker A: Nothing. [01:17:19] Speaker B: We don't have gold. [01:17:21] Speaker A: Again, Terry, you know, in all, in all fairness, what's. Where do we have the backs? Our dollar. It's called a fiat dollar. It's nothing. It's air. You know, it's perception, really, if you think about it. It's the perception that the dollar has value. And therefore the same thing goes right now with cryptocurrency. There was a time when our dollar wasn't just value. Our dollar was actually tied directly to silver. When you had a, when you had a $1 bill or $5, $20 bill, it didn't say Federal Reserve note, it said silver certificate. So when we went away from that, then we went to perspective. It was no longer the value of silver. It was the perspective that you had on the dollar. And therefore falls along the same line with the cryptocurrency. It's your perspective about the cryptocurrency. I can't believe that people are paying a hundred over $100,000 for Bitcoin. And I think when it first came out was under a dollar. [01:18:15] Speaker B: Well, you know that what's happened on that is that you can't even buy it, you know, when you bid on it, say you want to buy a thousand? You only buy one. [01:18:27] Speaker A: One fraction? [01:18:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:18:28] Speaker A: You're buying a fraction. Yeah. [01:18:30] Speaker B: Now you're hoping that fraction goes up. But the reality of it is, you know, with all this that's going on, it's all hype. [01:18:37] Speaker A: It's all hype again. I go back to perception. It's all the perception that people can get. That's the only reason that they're able to print money out of thin air. And, oh, well, here's another dollar for you. Oh, here's another dollar for you. And because if it were tied, as it were in the days when I. And I'm sure you say, well, when. When I was growing up, if it were tied to silver, they couldn't just print. They. Because the dollar was not a note. It didn't say note, it said certificate. So that I tell the story many times. One of the chores I had was to cut the grass. When I would cut the grass, my dad would give me one silver dollar, which as a kid, man, that was the biggest coin that we had. It was the heaviest coin that we had. It felt like something in my hand. I love saving those silver dollars. And one weekend came by, I cut the grass. He said, I'm sorry, I forgot to go by the bank and pick up a silver dollar. Here's two dollars gave me paint, what we call paper dollars. Two silver certificates. I said, dad, I don't want that. I want a silver dollar. He said, after school Monday, because this was on a Saturday. After school Monday, you go by the bank. We had a Federal Reserve branch not too far from now, within walking distance for a kid. Go by there, give the lady the $2, tell her you want silver dollars, and she will give you silver dollars. So if today you take our dollar and you go to the bank and you tell them I want a silver dollar, you don't get a silver dollar. You get something that's mixed with nickel and copper and God knows what else with a silver coating on or maybe a gold coating on the outside. That's it. And it's the size of a freaking quarter. [01:20:07] Speaker B: Well, that's. I've actually got some old silver certificate dollar bills. [01:20:12] Speaker A: Yeah, I have some. [01:20:14] Speaker B: And I've saved those. I have the original. I have a couple original two dollar. [01:20:18] Speaker A: Bills which they, you know, people think they're illegal. The $2. Some people will call the police. [01:20:24] Speaker B: I know. [01:20:24] Speaker A: Friend of mine. Friend of mine went to, I think was the dog track. He Liked to go to all, I think. Yeah, with a dog track. He went to the dog track and apparently they use him like crazy. The dog truck, right. So he went to a drugstore to pick something up. It was seven or eight dollars. He gave the lady five twos and she wouldn't take the money. And he insisted that she take the money. And she called the police. [01:20:46] Speaker B: You know, the reality of what's going on in society today is with the economic situation as bad as it has been for the last four years, people under desperate moments do desperate things. You know, if they think they can take a thousand dollars and turn it into $20,000, some people, that's a risk they're willing to take, and it's not a bad risk. The problem is if it's not, that's. [01:21:14] Speaker A: All the money you got. If that 1000 is all you've got, it's gone. There was something I learned a long time ago that you don't put up any money in any risk factor, whatever, whatever that risk factor might be, even if it's only 1%. You don't put up any money unless that you're willing to lose whatever it is that you put up. Otherwise you're going to be in a world of hurting. [01:21:34] Speaker B: That's the problem with, you know, what's out there today and what do you do to protect yourself. And again, you know, I'm an ultra conservative investor. I mean, I'm one of these people. I, I like to be able to see my money, be able to get it within three days. And so that's why somebody always said, but you're in the stock market. The stock market's so volatile. Well, yeah, okay. Like two years ago, my son said, dad, sell your stock. It's going to go down. And I, you know, you have to look at the calculation on that. Like, for instance, if I had sold my money back then, sold my stock back then, I would have had to pay about $75,000 in taxes. [01:22:13] Speaker A: Wow. [01:22:14] Speaker B: Okay, so the, the stock market or. [01:22:16] Speaker A: That burns my butt. [01:22:17] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:22:18] Speaker A: Wow. [01:22:19] Speaker B: It went down and that I had. I think I had almost a million dollars in it, and it went down to 600,000. Now, I did the calculations on that. If I had sold it back then and then used some of the money, which I'd use some of the money to buy a Corvette, then I would have just waited. If I just waited, which I did, it went right back up to a higher price now. So I have even more money in it than I would have had, than I had at that time, because I set and waited. The stock market is so vaulted. It goes up and down all the time. But, you know, the, the, the truck told. [01:22:57] Speaker A: I'm told that over a long period of time, over, say a 10 year or 20 period of time, it goes up and down, up and down. But if you graph it and look at it over that period of time, from the time that you start till the time that you finish, it's, it's typically higher than it was. [01:23:12] Speaker B: Exactly. [01:23:13] Speaker A: You started. [01:23:14] Speaker B: Exactly. And that's the whole point. You have to look at it for the long range. You know, if you're young, if you're young right now, I always tell people, open up an E trade account, put 50 bucks a week in there, and every once in a while we got enough money, buy one share of stock and just keep doing that. That's how I got started. And over the years, I ended up amassing quite a bit of money because I was doing that. But I'm also really frugal with where I spend money as well too. You know, I. Dating is the most expensive thing I do, and that could be pretty costly. But for the most part, if you get in and stay and stay and stay, you're going to be fine. The, the risk factors with, you know, like, you know, somebody says, well, you're gonna get, you're gonna make a fortune off this. That's what happened to a friend of mine in Sarasota. Very wealthy, very intelligent woman, but she got suckered into the bitcoin. And some. A friend of a friend told her about it and the same thing happened to her. She won't even tell me how much money she lost. [01:24:16] Speaker A: Oh my goodness. [01:24:17] Speaker B: And so she says, what? But a friend told me and I said, well, that's, that's what they do. The friend is going to tell you. And so, you know, if you look at this from the long range, is it a lesson learned? But it's a hard lesson to learn. That's the problem, you know, and it's. [01:24:38] Speaker A: A hurt, hurt, hard lesson to learn. But, you know, like I said earlier, I don't. It's not the end of the world for me. But it might be for some other people though, you know. [01:24:48] Speaker B: But rascal, you had $13,000 in there. So they're telling you had to put $13,000 into that account to open it up again. [01:24:56] Speaker A: Yeah, they want 13,000. I won't give them a penny. [01:25:00] Speaker B: See, that's, that's just fantasy money there. But your money would be real money going into Their account. That's the problem. You'd be sending real money into a account that, you know, it'd be like me saying, hey, I'm going to start an economic coin tomorrow and today. If you give me a hundred dollars, I'm going to show you tomorrow on my website that within five days, that's going to be worth 500. Now, in 10 days, I'm going to guarantee it's going to be worth a thousand dollars. And 20 days, it's going to be $50,000. And I can put those numbers on a computer all day long. Are they worth anything now? You want to go take that money out? Well, Ruskala, it's tied up in these other investments, and the money's not available right now, but it will be in a couple weeks. Is that okay? And you're going to go. [01:25:54] Speaker A: That's, that's, that's better than the answer I got. No, you're not getting anything. You're frozen, pal. [01:25:59] Speaker B: That's just it. They've just taken your money and there's no repercussion. You have no way to file you. And I did find that phone number, and I found out there's a. Been a class action lawsuit against that organization. [01:26:12] Speaker A: Oh, really? Well, when you have time, whenever you. [01:26:17] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, it's. There's a class action lawsuit against that because it's a. It's a woman that's running. [01:26:23] Speaker A: Oh, is it? Okay, it may have been the woman I was talking to. [01:26:25] Speaker B: Then it's a woman that's running the business. Her name is Kathleen something. And I pulled it up on, you know, and founder, and there's a massive class action lawsuit against them. And of course, you know, most of these people are okay. It's like what happened with the. The ride in Orlando where the kid fell out. He was overweight and fell out. Died. They took that down. Well, the company's out of Switzerland. Guess what? You can't sue them. Sue them all day long. Does that mean. [01:26:56] Speaker A: What about. What about Disney? Was it Disneyland or Disney World? Didn't happen that. [01:27:00] Speaker B: No, it was. It was a. [01:27:03] Speaker A: Was it carnival? [01:27:05] Speaker B: I. I'm not sure. I think it was at Disney World. [01:27:08] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:27:09] Speaker B: Disney. Yeah, Disney World. And what about the park? [01:27:11] Speaker A: They can't go after the park. [01:27:13] Speaker B: They've already settled that portion of it already. But they're after the ride manufacturer, who is. They went. 310 million dollar settlement. [01:27:21] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [01:27:22] Speaker B: But they're never going to see that money. [01:27:24] Speaker A: You know. [01:27:25] Speaker B: You know, I've been in law for 40 years, and the Reality of it is, I can sue somebody all day long. Am I going to get my money? Probably. [01:27:33] Speaker A: Probably not, no. [01:27:35] Speaker B: And that's. [01:27:36] Speaker A: I ran into a situation many years ago. I was hired by a man who had known me for about six or seven years. I was working for the 3M company, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing. I was working for a distributor, the largest distributor in the Southeast, for their products, and decided I wanted to move on. And he hired me as the general manager of his company and did that for quite some time. And I forgot what I was going to. My point I was going to make totally. You know, recently, I'm starting to worry about myself, Jerry. Recently, I've been losing track of thoughts and stuff. And I noticed that where I'm at, they literally soak the skies every day. Every day. Not the last week or so. I can't tell because it's all overcast and we've got snow and everything. But I'm telling you, when. When there's not snow and it's not overcast, they literally soak our skies every day. And I've noticed in the last, like, couple of months, I'm losing track. I'm on track of something, and all of a sudden just. It's like somebody hits the reset button on. On. On the CD player. It goes back to track one. I don't even remember what track one was. [01:28:45] Speaker B: It's not you, Riskala. I'm doing the same thing. [01:28:47] Speaker A: Oh, gosh, it's so frustrating. [01:28:50] Speaker B: You know, I. I walk from one room to the next and go, what am I doing in here? You know, And. And you look at. Oh, that's another avenue we could go down is the, you know, the weather control that they're saying they can't do. But it's pretty obvious. [01:29:06] Speaker A: Obvious. It's very, very obvious to people who just look. Look and see this. I have. On one of the shows I did, I had videos of Rex Dexran or Rex Dan or some. Some name like that. That is a frequency modulator that they tramp. They transmit these frequencies up into the atmosphere and heat the atmosphere up. And by heating the atmosphere up, it causes different. Different things. They can steer these hurricanes. They can. There's another video that. That this whistleblower says they dropped dry ice inside of Hurricane Helene, which intensifies the hurricane. Why would they want to do that? Well, if. [01:29:49] Speaker B: Where it ended up. Nash. Asheville, North Carolina. [01:29:53] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:29:53] Speaker B: And you know what's in Nash? [01:29:55] Speaker A: Ash. [01:29:56] Speaker B: It's the largest lithium mine in the United States. And guess what happens when the federal Government comes in and they declare a disaster area. They can take your property and they can take it five years earlier, price wise. [01:30:15] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:30:16] Speaker B: They can literally devastate you, take your property and use it for whatever purpose they want. [01:30:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:30:21] Speaker B: And that's exactly what's going on up there right now. [01:30:23] Speaker A: That's what's going on there. That's what happened in Maui and in, in Paradise, California. There was all the devastation from the, quote, fires, the same thing going on over. And I see it happening over and over and it's like, oh my gosh, when, when is somebody going to step in and say, no, we're not going to do this, we're not going to allow that. I heard DeSantis made a public statement saying that we, the government, the state of Florida is going to go by what we want, not by what FEMA wants, which I hope that's true, because FEMA is not there to help anybody, that's for sure. [01:30:57] Speaker B: We're seeing, I think with Trump getting in, we're going to see the stop of all this stuff because it's, you know, it's the, I hate to say this, you know, one, one, there's no accountability. [01:31:09] Speaker A: No accountability. [01:31:10] Speaker B: Well, you look at this and who benefits from all these things like the disaster in Maui, guess who benefited from that a lot was Oprah Winfrey. Yeah, she started buying up all the land destroyed for pennies on a dollar. And so what is she going to do to it? She's going to turn it into resorts, making a fortune. So, you know, it's the rich getting richer at the cost of the individual, the small businesses and small people out there. [01:31:36] Speaker A: I have read several different articles that say Elon Musk and Vivid Ramaswaki. I think that's how you pronounce his name, Vivek Ramswaki. I don't mean to mispronounce your name, Vivek. I'm just one of those. Anyway, between the two of them, they have assured us that on January 20, the Epstein list is going to come out. Supposedly Oprah babies on Epstein. Listen, a bunch of celebrities and a bunch of politicians, well known politicians, some of them in office, are on this list. Not going to be good for them if it happens. [01:32:11] Speaker B: If, you know, the problem with that is there are some people on there that got on that list. Trump's. I think Trump's on that list. [01:32:19] Speaker A: No, he's not. Trump's not on that list. [01:32:21] Speaker B: Well, okay, if he's not, that's great. But here's the, here's what's Gonna the reality of it, it's like anything, okay, like we talked about a long time ago about John F. Kennedy, everybody's still throwing stuff out about that, but the reality of it is they're not going to let stuff come out unless they can do something about it. Why do you think Biden is doing issuing this blanket pardon he's covering? [01:32:47] Speaker A: I've been trying to read into that. He's trying to cover his behind. From what I, what I gather he's trying. [01:32:54] Speaker B: His son has been so corrupt that that's the first phase. Now what he's going to do is everybody he names in this general pardon. Now here's the problem with that pardon. And the best part of that pardon is he can pardon everybody, but that's federal crimes. It doesn't include state crimes. So all these people can be prosecuted under state violations anyway. So that's, I mean, it's kind of a, a double jeopardy. What's going to happen is anybody he pardons is a potential criminal and they've act criminal acts. So at the state level, every one of those people on that list, that's why they're debating on whether they want want to do that list or not, can be prosecuted from the state statutes, so they're not exempt from the state prosecution. So. [01:33:43] Speaker A: So was Hunter guilty of any state crimes? [01:33:47] Speaker B: Yes, he's still viable to state crimes as well. He didn't pay state taxes in California, so he could still be prosecuted. It's the federal crimes. Tax evasion from the federal that he avoided. Yeah, but he still has state taxes that are due in California that he never paid either. [01:34:08] Speaker A: What about was the gun crime a federal or state. [01:34:11] Speaker B: That's a federal crime. Okay, so he's off on that one. That one's gone. But any state statutes that he's violated are broken. Which one of them is lobbying? That's a federal crime. He was lobbying. That's unfortunately a federal crime. But it can fall to a state statute because you have to be registered in the state that you live in to be a lobbyist. So that could fall under a state crime. So there's still some opportunities out there to prosecute him. And now what, what Biden is trying to not do is to bring that list out because that's going to just point an arrow at every one of these people that can be prosecuted by the states. So that's why they're hesitating on do we do this or don't we do this? Like Cheney, Liz Cheney and you talking Adam Schiff and yeah, I heard about. [01:35:00] Speaker A: Them possibly getting a pardon. What do they call it? A pre pardon. Is that right? Is that. It's a pre pardon or something? [01:35:07] Speaker B: It's a blanket pardon. Well, it'll cover everything. It'll cover every action they've done so that it's on every crime they've committed. Like Nancy Pelosi should be prosecuted for insider trading. [01:35:21] Speaker A: Absolutely. [01:35:23] Speaker B: But she's not, you know, so he can pardon her. He can pardon Adam Schiff for all the crap that he's done, like election interference. He could be prosecuted for election interference because of the hoax with the Russian. So there's a lot of avenues. And see what, what they don't want is cash Patel in there has made a list and he's checking it twice. [01:35:49] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [01:35:50] Speaker B: People. [01:35:50] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [01:35:51] Speaker B: Which I'm looking forward to because I'm. [01:35:54] Speaker A: Looking forward to him and Tom. What's his name? Tom. It starts with an H. Tom. [01:36:00] Speaker B: Oh, are you talking Peter, Henrik? [01:36:03] Speaker A: No, no, Tom, the ICE director. Tom. [01:36:07] Speaker B: Oh, I know. He's. He's. He's gonna kick some butt. [01:36:10] Speaker A: Yeah, that's what I'm looking forward to. [01:36:12] Speaker B: And, you know, I can't wait for the deportation to start taking effect. I mean, they're going to go right after. [01:36:19] Speaker A: I've noticed that there's some mayors and maybe, and even some governors are kind of walking back and say, well, if, you know, if it's going to stop the criminals, I'm surely not going to stand up for the criminal illegals. [01:36:33] Speaker B: But Gavin has said he's going to take taxpayer money to defend these illegals to keep them from being deported. That's his goal. [01:36:41] Speaker A: There's one mayor, they asked the one mayor, are you willing to go to jail? He said, yeah, I'm willing to go to jail. And Tom says, well, there's one thing him and I both agree on. He's willing to go to jail. I'm willing to put him in there. Yes, sir. I love it. [01:36:55] Speaker B: I think we're going to see that happen. [01:36:58] Speaker A: Accountability. I want to see accountability. $85 billion of our latest weaponry left to our enemies. That is the very definition of treason. I want to see accountability. Not even a hand slap, not a letter of reprimand. As a matter of fact, the promotion. A freaking promotion. [01:37:17] Speaker B: Well, you look at Adam Schiff got $42 million kicked back to him from the money going to Ukraine. [01:37:26] Speaker A: What? [01:37:26] Speaker B: That just came out, Adam. Dollars. [01:37:31] Speaker A: Wow. [01:37:32] Speaker B: Kick back for the money going to Ukraine. [01:37:34] Speaker A: I knew there were. There was kickbacks. That's why they kept sending money over there. But I didn't realize it was going down to that guy. [01:37:40] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. And you take a look at the. The number of congressmen that supported that. All got kickbacks from it. [01:37:47] Speaker A: Wow. [01:37:47] Speaker B: Also realized that Lewin Uinski, or whatever his name is, was selling the weapons we were giving him to other governments. [01:37:56] Speaker A: Great. Yeah, Yeah, I heard about that. Yeah. [01:38:01] Speaker B: So here it is. He's the only person that's getting rich out of this thing is him. [01:38:06] Speaker A: And that war was, you know, he bought. He bought his parents a mansion in Florida. Did you hear about that? [01:38:11] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [01:38:12] Speaker A: Like a. I don't know. It was a 2.5, 1.5 something in the millions. [01:38:15] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:38:16] Speaker A: Millions of dollars, you know, and, and. [01:38:19] Speaker B: But he brought them to the United States. [01:38:21] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:38:21] Speaker B: You know, he is. That guy is. All he's doing, as any foreign dignitary has done in the past, is raise money for themselves. [01:38:33] Speaker A: Yeah. And that's an actor and a dancer. Did you know that? [01:38:36] Speaker B: Yeah. Oh, yeah. [01:38:38] Speaker A: He does these. These really risque dancing. I mean, not that I watch it, but I've seen clips where he's doing these risque dances. [01:38:46] Speaker B: You know, we, we, you know, worldwide. I'm trying to help a friend of mine in Panama, and I. It's illegal for me to promote him as a candidate right now, so I'm not going to mention his name, but he wants to make Panama great and that's his goal. So we're working on that strategy. And I, I may get him on your show one night, but here's a, you know, as a foreign leader that wants to do, mimic what's happened in the United States because it's such an influence worldwide. I've got friends in Egypt. I've got friends all over the world, and I've contacted them and asked them, I said, what do you think about Trump? And they said, oh, my God, it's going to make the world great again. And we're all excited. I've got a British friend that I was just talking to the other day, and they said, we are so excited over here. We can't even begin to thank you for having, you know, that happen. We were all supportive of him. [01:39:43] Speaker A: Well, it seems to be. It seems to be a movement, a move, and it's not a movement that is restrained just here in the United States. It seems to be a worldwide movement. I've seen videos like in Italy and France. Maybe Germany was another one. Excuse me. My body decides to hiccup as I talk. I think Germany may have been another one where these People are flooded the streets. It looks like literally thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people in the street. And they have things like the Trump flag of the number one sign, the American number one sign in support of Trump. And I think what he has done is he has hit the heart of those people who have felt downtrodden for so long, and there's no hope because nobody stands up to the powers to be. [01:40:33] Speaker B: Well, you know, what's starting to happen is common sense is coming back. [01:40:38] Speaker A: Thank God. Yeah. [01:40:40] Speaker B: Here's another example that's happening in this. In the Supreme Court right now, they're ruling on this transgender as another protected class. Well, Gorbach got on there and said that Sweden, who was the leader in transgender transitions, has tapered back on their beliefs and they're not doing it anymore or at a reduced percentage because they say it's too dangerous and it's not a good tradition. And in Stockholm, it's the same thing. So they're all stopping this. So Gorbachev said the other day, we should take that into consideration. That should be us putting the brakes on to this concept of transgender being another protected class. It's ridiculous. [01:41:30] Speaker A: It's more, you know, we go back to the spiritual component of all of this. There is a Satanic deity called Baphomet. B, A P H O M e T. Go look up Baphomet on Google. Look up Google images of Baphomet. What you're going to see is an A being that has a goat's head, that has a woman's breast and a man's genitals and a goat's hooves. So in other words, this is a. A. I guess you could call them it. What am I trying to say? What was the old word we used to use? It wasn't transgender. Yeah, I guess you could call them transgender, but there was a word, transvestite. That's what this thing that you're seeing is a transvestite. That's what they used to be called. They didn't like that name, so they made it transgender. But it's a goat's head, a woman's breast, a man's genitals, and a goat's hooves. A transvestite. And that's what we have today. But they call them transgenders. And I truly believe that the problem is not that it is a physical thing. It's a mental thing. They somehow have been in some way coerced to believe that. And why is it always. It's not. Let me back up a minute. Why does it Seem like the majority of it seems to be men becoming women. I don't hear about a lot of women wanting to become men. There are, I'm not arguing that, but I'm saying the numbers. To me, seems like it's always at least what comes out in front of everybody. It's a man who wants to be a woman. Well, it's something going on upstairs that isn't clicking. [01:43:11] Speaker B: Okay, but look at this. Okay, Think about that concept for one second. As a trans man, I can go into women's bathrooms, I can go into women's showers. I can go into, Watch him get naked in the, in workout rooms and stuff like this. I can be in there as a pervert, but claiming I'm transing. [01:43:34] Speaker A: There are stories of that happening, you know, that there was a kid in high school, I think it was, I don't remember what state it was in, but this kid claimed to be a woman. I'm a girl. And so they let him into the girls locker room when they were undressing. He still had all his genitals. So these girls were subjected to, you know, maybe some of them for the first time had ever seen a male naked like that. There was another story of. And this was one of the congressmen or one of the senators are questioning these, these people who are put in prison that claim to be women and they put them in a woman's prison. And what happens when we get the rape? Rape numbers go way up. [01:44:15] Speaker B: Well, recently I was watching the congressional hearing on it where he's, he's attacking. I can't remember what her name was, but they had taken a six foot guy who weighed 240 pounds, was a convicting rapist. [01:44:34] Speaker A: Yeah, I think we're talking about the same thing. Put them in a woman's, Put him. [01:44:37] Speaker B: In a woman's prison. [01:44:38] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:44:39] Speaker B: And the congressman is going, what were you thinking? You know, what, what are you, what are you thinking? This guy just said he wanted to be thrown in a woman's prison. Why wouldn't he do that? [01:44:51] Speaker A: Here's, you know, oh, please put me in prison, please. [01:44:57] Speaker B: What a great field day for him. [01:44:58] Speaker A: Oh my God. [01:44:59] Speaker B: And you know, let me ask you. [01:45:01] Speaker A: While I'm thinking about this, kind of change the subject just a little bit, but kind of still related. Pete Hegseth, I think is his name Hegseth? [01:45:08] Speaker B: Right. [01:45:09] Speaker A: What do you think about this guy? [01:45:11] Speaker B: I, I like him, but there's got, he's got some problems. The, the problem. He made a statement the other day and he probably, he Said it wrong. But he's been accused of, you know, heavily drinking and womanizing and everything that Trump got blamed for, too. [01:45:26] Speaker A: But everything the politicians do. Right. [01:45:28] Speaker B: Yeah. It's like, so what? But the mistake he made the other day, he goes, if I get appointed, I'll stop drinking. Oh, that's, that's a bad statement. [01:45:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:45:40] Speaker B: It's like, well, I'll be a good boy if you give me the prize. [01:45:44] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:45:45] Speaker B: Till then, I'm going to be a bad boy. So that was a mistake on his, his response to that. And so, you know, from that standpoint, that, that, that statement alone would concern me. So, you know, I think he's got all good credibilities, but he's, he's. [01:46:06] Speaker A: No, it sounds like the way that you describe it, though, maybe he just said that out of frustration. All right, I'll quit drinking if you, you know. [01:46:13] Speaker B: Yeah, well, could be, but it's a. [01:46:15] Speaker A: It'S, it's the wrong thing to say, regardless. Yeah. It's not going to add. It's not going to help, you know. [01:46:23] Speaker B: And from that standpoint, that could that have hurt his chances. Yes. And I think that's probably one of the points because they're still, you know, the Democrats are looking for anything they can bring up like they did, you know, that Supreme Court justice they just crucified. [01:46:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:46:40] Speaker B: Found out all the stuff was just fun. [01:46:42] Speaker A: I felt bad for that guy. Wow. Yeah. Raked him across the coals. I wonder if he's truly forgiven them for what they've done, because I believe he's had several opportunities to pay them back. [01:46:55] Speaker B: Well, I think that, you know, okay, reality, just reality. Any normal person who's been attacked wants vindication. [01:47:06] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:47:06] Speaker B: And, you know, in, if you're in a position of power and, and somebody comes before you and you, you can invoke punishment on them, and it's not illegal, you know, why not? You know. [01:47:27] Speaker A: That lady. Oh, he raped me. When did he rape. I don't know. I just remember he raped me. Oh, where do you. Oh, well, I think it was in a draw. Dressing room. Yeah. You write me in a dressing room. [01:47:35] Speaker B: They, they can't remember where, when or how. And, and then they, you know, so then. [01:47:43] Speaker A: I have, I have people who. I'm extremely close to, very close relatives, very close, who have undergone that horrific event. They know the exact time, they know how long it lasted. They know the day. They know every little intimate thing that you can know about the thing going on. So that lady jumping in there, well, I can't remember what day it was. I that's a bunch of garbage. And anybody who believes her is garbage as well. That was nonsense. [01:48:11] Speaker B: Trump is going to get that case thrown out. He's going to have once he now he's already got his attorneys going after that case with her to get that thrown out. Now the one that also that he, he won against one woman, she owes him $300 million. [01:48:27] Speaker A: Yeah, that. Who is that? Yeah, I know. I heard about that. That was. And there he also won against Stormy, right? Didn't you win against Stormy? There was a joke going around that TR Donald Trump, the only man who can hook up with a, hook up with a prostitute and have the prostitute pay him. [01:48:52] Speaker B: You know, she was on a talk show not too terrible longer and she was I'm not going to pay him. And that's just a typical, you know, scenario. People get judgments against them. They're never going to pay. [01:49:02] Speaker A: I ran into a situation many, many years ago. Many years ago. I was running a plastics plant and this is after my working for the 3M company. I was running this plastics plant, been running it for about 11 years. The owner of the plastics plant had. He was getting older and he wanted to get out, he wanted to retire, he wanted to sell it to me. We went to the bank, the bank. Now he'd been with this bank for almost 30 years. The bank knew how much money he ran through on top of the table, at least through the banks and they knew how much money was there. And he made me a very sweet deal. I was going to come up. He was, he was going to. At that time, we were going to. The company was going to go for 750 and I had 250 on hand. And so we were going to need 500. We're going to need a half a million. And it was a very basically a secure loan. But the bank absolutely refused to, for whatever reason, the bank didn't want to do it. He ended up selling it to some other people. And the people that he sold it to, they blackballed me, they blackmailed me in the industry and I went to three different attorneys and all three of them basically said the same thing. Well, the third one said something different. The first two said, well, we'll be happy to take it for you, but you're going to need to give us a retainer and it will probably be somewhere between 10 and $15,000. And we can't promise that you'll collect. You, you may win, but we can't promise that you'll Collect, and Meanwhile, you're out 10 or 15,000. The third one said, what was the thing that he said to me is so different than everybody else? He said, oh, let me tell you what will happen. He played it out for me. He says, we'll go to court. You have enough evidence here to show that they harmed you. They definitely harmed you. They stopped you from being able to get employment and you can sue them. And I don't remember the numbers, but there was pretty. Was pretty much quite a big number by the time we were done. He said, but this is what's going to happen. They're going to go and they're going to appeal, and they're going to appeal, and they're going to appeal. Meanwhile, you're going to have to pay me. I don't remember what the number was. Around 100 bucks an hour back then, maybe even more. Every time I have to go to court and support you, you're going to have to pay me. So what's going to happen is they're going to continue to appeal. It was cheaper for them to appeal and draw it out and financially break you than pay the total amount. [01:51:17] Speaker B: Well, that's the same thing that happened to me. I sold my company years ago in 2000, and I had a final payout of $2.5 million. So I fly up to pick up my check, and I walk in the office and the guy hands me a check for $10,000. And I said, what's this? He goes, that's all we're paying you? I said, well, you're a little short. And he goes, we know, sue us. So I hired an attorney because I was not licensed in that state, hired an attorney. The first month, my fee was $110,000. And I said, you know, how long is this going to take? He goes, we're looking at probably 18 months before we get get, you know, any kind of settlement. So I said, I'm paying you a hundred and ten thousand dollars a month for 18 months to try. Million bucks to try and get 2.5 million to try. And he goes, and. And you may not succeed. Yeah, then you have to appeal it. And we're still going to be about $110,000 a month. [01:52:28] Speaker A: There are circumstances in the judicial system that are just truly unfair. Truly unfair. And it's sad when people who know how to work the system can basically coerce somebody. You know, it's like being a bully. There's one part of my life that I really have a problem with, and that's When I was young, I was in seventh grade, there were these two ninth graders that picked on me all the time for whatever reason, I don't know. But I didn't have a lot of friends. And I walked to school back then and they would wait for me and they would literally ambush me, beat me, kick me, steal my books and then throw them around. That went on for quite some time until one day I literally blew up on both of them. I put one of them in the hospital and they took. I was the one who ended up getting in trouble because I hurt them so bad. But the point that I'm trying to make is there are people who do vicious things to people. And then if somebody that those things are being done to responds or no, no, reacts to that instead of responding to that, they are the ones, this is the way our system is today. They are the ones who end up getting the short end of the deal. You know, it's like, it's like they told you, well, you might, you might win, but there's no collection. You know, the same thing you told me. [01:53:43] Speaker B: This is a prime example that started in California, it went to Texas, now it's coming to Florida. This is the latest scam out there that what happened to a friend of mine. He had a little restaurant called Sweet Mesquite. Great restaurant, little tiny ham restaurant where you had sandwiches and that were incredible. And so I used to go in there all the time. And I told him, I said, my company has developed a program to protect small businesses and from any type of litigation. And most companies don't realize this, but you have to have two types of insurance. An employer has general liability insurance, but if you have employees, you have to have employer practice liability. And if you don't, then every litigation comes out of your pocket. So this would happen to him. A young girl came by and said, I'd like to fill out an application. He said, well, we're not hiring, you know, so, you know, we're just a family run business. We're not hiring anybody. So she says, well, can you just. Can I just fill out an application and you keep it on file and you know, if you grow and get bigger and you need somebody, would you consider me? And he goes, okay, fine, fills out an application, leaves it. Two days later he gets a letter in the mail. We're suing you for $10,000 for discrimination. This was an African American girl and you don't have any African American women working for you. So were you suing you for discrimination? He calls me Up. And I said, cut him a deal. Call him up and say, we'll give you $5,000 cash, drop this whole thing, and let's go down the road. He goes, I'm not doing that. I did nothing wrong. I'm going to stand up for my rights. And I said, don't do it. [01:55:27] Speaker A: Stand up for your rights is going to cost you more. [01:55:30] Speaker B: Six months later, he calls me up, he goes, I'm into this for $75,000. And he kept going on, Lost his business, put him out of business. [01:55:40] Speaker A: Wow. [01:55:41] Speaker B: And that's exactly what happens out there, because the attorneys are getting paid on potential. [01:55:49] Speaker A: Right. [01:55:50] Speaker B: So, you know, and so I tell people, if they get in a situation like Pam, cut them a deal, pay them half, get rid of them, because you can't win that case no matter what. And I've done thousands of those mediations where I've seen that deal come in there. And, you know, the people are frustrated because they've really done nothing wrong, but if they don't pay, it's going to cost them even more. And so where's the. Where's the justice here? Where is the justice? And so there's. Okay, in the United States, there's an attorney for every 400 people. [01:56:27] Speaker A: Wow. [01:56:28] Speaker B: So in Europe, there's an attorney for every 4,000 people. [01:56:33] Speaker A: Big difference. [01:56:34] Speaker B: So in the United States, there's not enough business for everybody. So these lawyers are looking for ways to sue people to make. And here's. There's a company, there's a law firm that became very well known and very successful. Well, I had a friend who's a lawyer in Houston that he used to listen to emergency radios from the. From the. From the well, drinking or drilling wells off the coast of Texas. He got injured. He'd fly out there in a helicopter, pick him up, take him to the hospital, and sue the rig for millions and millions. Now, then there's another guy that got caught in Texas, which is not illegal. He was going around to every. Had a person in a wheelchair driving around looking for businesses that didn't have hand, you know, wheelchair. [01:57:26] Speaker A: Oh, my goodness. Wow. [01:57:28] Speaker B: Suing the building. Suing the building. And they were making a fortune doing this. That's all the guy was doing, is driving, picking businesses. [01:57:36] Speaker A: How sad. [01:57:37] Speaker B: And so you look at all the injustices that are going on out there, and really, the small person is the one that gets taken. And we don't have any righteous, you know, like, in your particular case, you should have had rights for wrongful termination and discrimination and defamation of Character, but you got to have money to get money. [01:58:01] Speaker A: The evidence was there, but there's, you know, it's like the one lawyer said to me, good luck, you know, basically, good luck collecting. Well, they're just gonna continue to appeal and appeal and until you run out of money. [01:58:11] Speaker B: That's the same thing that happened to me. And when I was living in Panama, I developed GPS for Panama, completely created a map and everything. But I put some hidden markers in the map that were, I made a church, Jess hall congregation, named after my son. And I put this church in the middle of nowhere so you wouldn't, you know, it wasn't on the main road or any main town or anything like I just did it in a little small community in the map. And I also put my house address in there. Guess what? Google has my map with my son's church in it and my house in their map, identified by me because they got my copy of my map and loaded it into their Google Maps. [01:58:57] Speaker A: Wow. [01:58:58] Speaker B: And so I called a law firm in Washington D.C. and I said, I want to sue them for copyright infringements. And the guy goes, how much money you got? Nice. Why? He goes, you're gonna fight Google? He goes, I want a retainer of $20,000 up front before we even start. [01:59:19] Speaker A: So many similar things. Now my brother invented a remote for children for basically for toddlers and he called it the Wiimote. This is long before the Wii came out. Long before the Wii came out. Many years before the we came out. And he spelled it W E E M O T E. And what this thing was, it had, it had five or six pre pre recorded numbers, pre recorded buttons on it. So your child wouldn't go surfing through the, through the cable TV network through the different channels because they might come across like an adult channel or something. So they would directly go from like Walt Disney to Nickelodeon to you know, Cartoon Channel to something so they weren't surfing up and down. It was quite popular and he had it for quite some time. He had it in Target stores for a while and then the manufacturers of the Wii came out. Who is the Wii? I don't know who that. I think it's Apple, right? I think Apple makes the Wii. [02:00:25] Speaker B: It's an independent company or. [02:00:26] Speaker A: No, Nintendo. Nintendo makes the Wii. That's who it is. And so they came out and they called their remote the Wimote Wiimote. And he sent them a letter and he said, you know, you know, all due respect, blah, blah, blah, blah, you know, would you please see some desist there's confusion. They think that I'm associated with you. And then I'm sure people might think that you're associated with me and we're not and blah, blah, blah, blah. And they wrote back and they basically said, go pound sand. We're gonna do whatever we want. We got more money than you. They put in a very nice way, very, very eloquent and very legal manner, but basically, that's what they said, go pound sand. We're bigger than you are. Too freaking bad. So in our society, it's not who is right, who wins, it's who's got them, who's got the most money, that's who wins. [02:01:14] Speaker B: There's an old saying, might makes right. That's the problem. Might makes right. And it's not, you know, might is right. It's might makes right. And that's. That's the problem, you know, is he who's got the money rules. And, you know, you know, it's like, okay, prime example, I pay a service legal shield, which I'm a partner with, to protect me, okay, from speeding tickets or any legal that I need, and they'll review documents for me and all that. So sure enough, if I get a speeding ticket, they'll go to. I don't even have to show up. They'll go to court. And that's their job. So because I'm paying to for that service, and that's what you, you know, people that can afford that you pay for these extra services. Like, you know, I just talked to a woman last night and she just went into a concierge medicine so that she's got a doctor 24, seven if she wants them, $18,000 a year. [02:02:21] Speaker A: Wow. [02:02:22] Speaker B: And I'm going like, but you're on Medicare and you've got the supplemental plan. That's the best of the best. And you're still going to go to a doctor in addition to this. And she goes, yeah, I've got the money, so why not? [02:02:36] Speaker A: Makes sense. Because of the other two plans, you know, how long, you know, you have to wait before you see the doctor, too? Yes, you get to see a doctor and you have to pay me if you're on the plan that you're talking about. I guess that the waiting is like almost immediate. Right? [02:02:49] Speaker B: Well, she's got 24 hour, seven days a week, so she can make a phone call and be in his office the next day. Whereas, you know, my typical appointments, three months down the road. [02:03:00] Speaker A: Yeah, excuse me, I'm dying. [02:03:02] Speaker B: In the meantime, can you check me in early. [02:03:07] Speaker A: All right, I'm gonna take another break here. This one will give me a chance to get some more water. I don't know what's going on with my throat. I was wondering if it's got something to do with being so cold and dry out. My thirst is. I seem to be really thirsty anyway. Here we go. We're gonna take one more break. Don't go away. We'll be back shortly. Stay tuned, folks. Hitting pause for a quick break. We're not going anywhere. We'll be back before you know it with more on the red pill reality show. Are you a business owner? Did you know that the government is holding funds right now for your business? The program is called the Employee Retention Act. It's done through the IRS and part of the CARES act, and it's available to just about every business. This could mean literally hundreds of thousands of dollars into your business. This is not a loan. It's a hundred percent legal and paid directly to you. Go to that's to watch a brief video and find out how you can qualify. Get my money go there now. Do you need toner for your Epson, Hewlett, Packer, Canon, Brother, Apple or Sharp printers? Look no further than Laser Technologies. In business for over 20 years. They offer the lowest prices on toner on the web. They can also repair your laser printers. [02:04:38] Speaker B: And toners fast and easy. [02:04:40] Speaker A: Call their Expert staff today at 56179. [02:04:45] Speaker B: Or email us at service for. [02:04:49] Speaker A: All your toner needs. All toner is shipped nationwide. [02:04:52] Speaker B: Why wait? [02:04:53] Speaker A: Get the lowest prices on toner. Call or email us today. Have you seen the sky lately? Those wicked white lines they're poison and they fall on you and I These devious deeds will sadly proceed until we all demand and answer why they're murdering us from the sky. It's time to stop the madness and this evil crime of murdering us from the sky. If we don't, we die in the bright light of day they brazenly spray these kept trails into the atmosphere that great disease and distress. It's a toxic game they play Without a bit of guilt or fear. They're murdering us from the sky. It's time to stop the madness Endless evil cry Murdering us from the sky. Cause if we don't we die. [02:06:57] Speaker B: Sure there's lots of other things I'd rather think about or do but it's. [02:07:04] Speaker A: Hard to with what's going on above. If you feel like me, that it's a human tragedy. Let the ones in power know you've had enough of this murdering us from the sky. It's time to stop the madness. An endless evil crime of murdering us from the sky. Cause if we don't, we interrupt our program to bring you this important message. Going to take it. You're listening to the number one radio, trim radio network. We're back. Hope you didn't go too far because we have more interesting and thought provoking information for you. Coming up on the red pill reality show. All right, what happened to my camera? What's going on here? We are back. It is a red pill reality show tonight. I've been talking about several different subjects. The main subject tonight has been this unbelievable scam and why this my camera? Yes. No. All right, well, I'll figure it out in a second. Anyway, tonight, been talking about scams along with a bunch of related things as well. But one of the most terrifying scams that I've ever run into. And I'll go over it in a little while. Again, before the end of the show, some of you who may have tuned in later on, I'll give you some of the screenshots and stuff. In the meantime, let me, let me welcome back my friend, Jerry Hall. Jerry has had his share of. Of different assorted legal issues, if you will. And nice to be able to share them. At least we get the information out there and get some people to. To hopefully get the guard up. My guard, you know, again, this person was introduced to me as a friend of a personal friend. And so I think because of that, my guard went down a little bit where I had another one. Jerry, that this is really upsetting me, why my camera will not let me try this. Okay. I hope, I hope I don't get kicked off here. There it goes. All right. So I had a situation where I. I don't know if I shared this with you, Jerry. I had a situation where I got a letter, a certified letter in the mail saying that I had won a sweepstakes and that I gave me a phone number, an 800 number to call. Call the 800 number. And the people on the other end, you know, welcome to blah, blah, blah, blah. And on this letter gave me a claim number. I said. And they asked me for the claim number. I gave the claim number and said, oh, you're one of our grand prize winners. You've won, I think, with thousand dollars a day for the rest of your life or some. Or something like that. Some number. And right off the bat, I said, yeah, sure, okay, that isn't happening. I kept trying to find where, you know, where they're, because usually in these things there's a hiccup somewhere. And you can, if you're paying attention, you'll see the hiccup and you'll catch on. And that went on for a while. And so they said, well, this is what we need you to do. We're going to make a direct deposit into your account and we would like you to open up a new account at an existing bank, a bank you have to have at least three years with and open up an account, give us that account number and we will deposit. I don't remember what the number was, like $10,000 or something to begin with. And from then on, they would deposit $1,000 a week into my account. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So I thought about it for a minute. I said, well, if I give him my account number, if I do, if I make a new account and it's got no money in it and I give him the account number, okay, well, you know, what damage can they do? So I made the full mistake of giving them the account number and the new account number and the routing number. And somehow they use that to get to my original account. And in the process of doing that, they went online imitating me on my account and transferred $3,500 of my money into the new account as a down payment. And then called me back and said, okay, Mr. Stefan, we've made our first payment. Please go to your account, your new account and verify that the payment has been made. And I went to the new account, $3,500. But little do they know, when I bring my accounts up, all the accounts list in one, you know, all the balances, the accounts, the last four of the numbers and the balances all list at the same time. And I saw 30 $500 gone from the other account. That freaked me out. I don't know how they did that. So I immediately hung up with him, called the bank and said, freeze my accounts immediately freeze all of my accounts. I don't want anybody moving anything until you hear from me. And I had to get another account in a completely different bank. I have no idea how they were able to do it. But because I was able to open an account and an existing bank that I had a. An account in, somehow they, they got the two of them together, buddy. They were able to transfer money from one to the other. And I believe if I had given him enough time, they would have taken whatever I had and wire transferred out immediately. That's why I told him to freeze everything. But this is, you know, in my, I was very pessimistic about the whole thing. And I went through my mind and I said, okay, I'm opening up a new account. The new account has no money in it. How can they hurt me? They can't hurt me. Wrong. Somehow, with that new account tied to your original account, they get in there and they move money around. That's scary. [02:14:24] Speaker B: Well, you know, it's interesting. I worked on, I was on the Supreme Court of Florida for six years in a special committee that was doing investigating of scams. And so one of the, you know, and I would follow up on these things and try to, and we try to find out where they were located so we could go after and prosecute them. And so I, I, I was debate. And so I had this one, this is another good scam. If we, if we can wrap your car with our, with, oh, our advertising, we'll give you $5,000 a month for advertising campaign. Now going to send you a check for $4,000. [02:15:07] Speaker A: Oh, here it comes. [02:15:08] Speaker B: To get your car wrapped. And so there's the money for it. So you get it wrapped and then, then we'll start paying you for the advertising. So sure enough, I get a check in the mail and I look at it and I'm waiting and I'm waiting and sure enough the guy calls me up and a couple days later he goes, did you deposit that money in your cat? Yeah, I did. Thanks. He goes, that was a mistake. We need to have you wire that $4,000 back to us. We're going to send you another check for $10,000. So I, I, you know, I, what I did is I went to the bank out of grins because I wanted to see if I could track this guy down. And so I said, can you verify this checks any good? And she goes, hold on, we'll call the bank. Called the bank, gave him the routing number, the account number, and there's no money in that account. And so I had, they gave me the address of the individual. So I pulled it up on, on Google Maps and it was a house in Houston, Texas, in the worst part of Houston. Running the scam out of. And you know, I'm sure a lot of people have fallen for that. [02:16:24] Speaker A: Oh, they, there's another one. I, so I had my company, I had, we had seven vehicles at one time, five service vehicles and a personal vehicle of mine and then a standby vehicle in Case anything happened. And so I. As they got older, I was selling them, and I was selling this one vehicle. It was a ford, ford escort, Little station wagon, really great for service. But all the vehicles I bought were manual transmissions because we would tear up the automatics pretty quick, Stop and go all the time, you know, service vehicles in the city, trying to get in and out. So anyway, manual transmission, I think I had like $1,500 or something. And I had it on a couple of different places. I think it was on craigslist and car trader or autotrader or article like that. And I get a response, an email response, oh, we, we like your car. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. However, we don't live there, but we'll pay you for the car, and we'll have a tow truck come pick the car up. And I said, okay, how do you plan on paying? And they said, well, we'll send you a u. S. Postal money order for the car. I said, okay, that's fine. I think the car was 1500 bucks. So they sent me. If I remember right, they sent me three. Yeah, I think it was three postal money orders, all serial numbered differently. 500 bucks apiece. And postal money orders, I mean, this is, you know, a real one is as good as cash. It's backed by the postal system. So what I did what they, they, they. The instructions were just go ahead and deposit them into your account, and we'll send the truck by to pick up your car. And so before I did that, I went to the postal service because we had a postal branch around the corner from me, and I asked the lady to verify these checks. Do these checks real? Because I don't like what's going on, you know, I gave her short version of the story. She looked at him, she says, checks are not real. I said, now here's the part that really angered me, I said, because I did what was called the casual work for the postal service Many years ago when I was in between jobs during the christmas season in order to have some christmas money for my kids, I worked as what was called a casual. And let me tell you, inside of a postal facility, the security back then, I don't know about now, back then is extremely high. And the postal police have the ultimate authority. They have more authority than the sheriff's got, for pete's sake. It's horrible. So anyway, I said to her, well, don't you think they'd want to invent. No, they don't have any, but they don't want to deal with it. They're not gonna, they have other things on, on their mind. They. So that was one. Then there was another one again, a car. I was selling another one of the cars and I would. This one was going for a little more, this one's going for 3,000. Was in better shape. It was a little newer. We were cutting back on services and stuff. And I get a, I get a phone call. This guy started with a phone call and says, I see a car. It's an. This one was an auto trader. I see the car, it's an auto trader. When can I come by and look at the car? I said, well, you know, it's at my office. We're open 9 to 5 every day, Monday through Friday. He said, oh, well, I work those hours out. Can I come by on a Saturday? I said, well, we have. Our gates are locked and you'd have to tell me and I have to go unlock the gate for you. So Saturday rolls by, I don't hear from the guy. And he, he calls me on Monday and says, I'm sorry, I really interested in the car. I want to buy your car. I have plenty of pictures of the car inside, outside, all around. He said, I don't. You know, I trust you. I think you sound like an honest individual. I just can't make it right away. Can I pay you for the car? You just hold the car until I can get there and buy it. I pick it up. I said, yeah, okay, that's fine, you can do that. So I, from him, I get a check, and it's a personal check, and the car was 3,000. The check comes in at $5,000. And he calls me, says, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, we sent you the wrong check. It was a mistake on our part. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Could you please deposit the check and send us the difference back? I said, yeah, sure, don't wait. And I hung up. And that was the end of that deal. But these are all the little scams that these people come up with. This is stuff that to me, stands out like a sore thumb. I can pick this up on a heartbeat. But this other thing I was talking about earlier in the show, the thing that I was doing the monologue on, that is so deep, that is so vast, it is, it's mind boggling when you think there may be over a million people subjected to this and they could have literally tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of dollars into this thing. That's scary. That's really Scary. [02:21:22] Speaker B: Well, you take in consideration if you have a company like that and you have all that money coming in and you just put it in an interest bearing account for a few days, think of the money you can make off of that legitimately. [02:21:39] Speaker A: There was, there was a guy I do remember, this was in the news for a long time, the bank of America. If I remember it was correct. Somehow they transferred 10 or 20 million dollars into this guy's account and they didn't catch it for like a week. So this guy collected the interest. A little interest. You know, when you have a hundred thousand or something, you don't get a lot. Well, you got 10 or 20 million in there. It adds up quite a bit. So anyway, they figured out what they did. They took the money back and they wanted the interest back with it. And he sued them and he got, he won, he, he got to keep that. You remember this? It was in major news. [02:22:12] Speaker B: There was another scenario years ago. A bank employee that was in a computer division, and I think it was Bank America or Chase Bank, I'm not sure which one. What he was doing, he was taking a penny from every client deposit. [02:22:30] Speaker A: Wow. [02:22:30] Speaker B: And transferring it into his own account. Well, nobody misses a penny. [02:22:35] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:22:36] Speaker B: But it equaled he'd been doing. [02:22:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:22:40] Speaker B: Or something like that. He had hundreds of thousands of dollars. [02:22:44] Speaker A: Wow. [02:22:45] Speaker B: And they finally, finally caught him somehow or another because they were going like, you're not, we're not paying that much money. How, where are you getting this? And you kept. And they finally figured out what he was doing, but he was just taking a penny off of every client's account, every deposit. [02:23:02] Speaker A: Wow. [02:23:04] Speaker B: So they're, you know, in the summer. [02:23:06] Speaker A: Out there by the hundreds of thousands. And we really need to keep our guard up. I was ashamed that these people got to pull the wool over my eyes again. What they got from me is not gonna. It's not the end of the world for me. It's just, it's the feeling of the betrayal and the feeling of the hopelessness of, you know, I put a couple of thousand dollars into this thing, man. You know, that's not chump chat. It's not. Again, it's not the end of the world. But what if other people, you know, I'm thinking to myself, what if other people really fell deep for this thing because this individual is trying to get me to get a $50,000 loan? You got to get a $50,000 loan. Because if you get a $50,000 loan and you sign an agreement with them that you'll leave it in there for 90 days. They'll give you an $18,000 credit. You won't be able to withdraw the $18,000 credit for an additional 180 days, but you'll be able to use it in the auctions to make more money, which you can withdraw right away. Bananas. You know, it's all garbage. [02:24:09] Speaker B: Well, you know, it's the six years that I was on the Supreme Court. Here's, here's the pattern. Dating sites are the worst. That's one of the worst. Because what happens is the pattern we always saw was they only had one, one picture themselves. They said, I just got on the site, I'm brand new on the site. I can only text you because my phone's not working properly, or I'm on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico and I can't talk to you that well and, or I'm in Europe. I had, here's, here's the ones that we followed up on. This was, I had more fun with this because we had meetings every month and we'd laugh about the cases. I had one girl that contacted me said that she was from Atlanta, Georgia, and that, you know, she wanted to establish a relationship with me, but she was currently in England working on a business deal and she was going to be there for 30 days. And so in the, in the interim, I'm, I'm playing along with this and I'm loving every minute of it. So she says, you know, starts sending me love songs. I can't, can't wait to travel the world with you. I start getting into the details. I say, well, how tall are you? And she came back with metric height. She didn't come back with five foot five. She came back with metric height. And I went, okay, that's not normal. Then I asked her for, you know, what size dress she wore and she told me, and then I asked her how much did she weigh? And she told me in stones. So I'm going, okay, that's British. And so she goes, well, I'm over in England because I'm, you know, I'm doing this business deal, so I'm, I've a kid, you know, I've acquired their verbiage. Yeah, right. So anyway, long story short, after 30 days, she gets down, she goes, do you trust me? And I said, well, yeah, I have no reason not to. She goes, well, I'm wrapping up this big deal and I need $32,000 and I'll sign a loan to you and, and then I'll pay you back once this deal gets settled. And I said, okay, not a problem. I said, you know, she goes, well, you need to wire it to me. And I said, okay, I'll wire it to your bank in Atlanta, Georgia. Well, I don't have a bank account there. I said, you live in Atlanta, Georgia, but you don't have a bank account there? No, no, no. This is an international deal. So you need to wire the money to my intermediary in Dubai. And I go, okay, not a problem. It's going to take me three days to sell some stock and get you the cash. So three days later I call her up, I text her because I can't talk to her and I said, I got your money. She goes, great, wire it immediately to the. I'll send you the account. And I said, well, I thought about that, you know, and I really want to meet you face to face. So I'm going to bring it to you personally. I'll fly over there to England and we'll meet, we'll go to dinner and I'll give you the money. She goes, well, you can't. I need it now. I need it wired to me right this minute or I can't do this deal. And I said, you know, tell them to wait. I'll be there tomorrow. I'll get on a flight today. I'll be over there tomorrow. No, no, no, you need to wire it to me now. On and on. We're all, you know, I'm. In the meantime, I'm going back to the rest of the committee. We're all laughing our butts off on this thing. Oh, sub. She goes, I've just decided to travel the world with my new boyfriend that I just found because you didn't send me the money. I was like, really? [02:27:55] Speaker A: I said, see if I. [02:27:58] Speaker B: Wrote that one off because we can't track them down if they're outside the country. I've had one want me to. This is the other one other tricks I do. They want you to go get these prepaid debit cards. [02:28:12] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:28:13] Speaker B: And scratch off and give them a number. [02:28:15] Speaker A: That's getting around. More and more people are understand you get a call from somebody who claims to be with the IRS. And Mr. Smith, this is John Doe with. I'm officer John Doe with the irs. My employee numbers, whatever they get number they give out. And there's an arrest warrant that has been sent out for you because you owe some money. And unless we get this money right away, then the sheriff will be by to pick you up and put you in jail and well, how much do I owe and whatever the number is. Well, we need you to go to a Walmart or one of those stores and get some gift cards. And the gift cards are going to equal the same amount of money that you owe us. Then you're going to stay on the phone with us the whole time. And when you get those gift cards, you're going to give us the serial numbers off the gift cards. And that way we'll release the, you know, we'll stop the. The arrest warrant, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I got that twice over the last five years. I've gotten. [02:29:16] Speaker B: The other ones is two. Okay. You know, and on your computer, this happens a lot, where it pops up on there and this screen. [02:29:23] Speaker A: Got to be very careful with those. Yes. [02:29:25] Speaker B: Don't turn this computer off. Call this number right now. Turn your computer off. Right. Then turn it right back on. That'll wipe it right out. [02:29:33] Speaker A: You know, don't click on it. So here's the thing about that, Jerry. I was, you know, I think you. You might remember I told you that one of the things that I used to do, I had a computer shop. My main focus was the printers. We worked on printers because there wasn't a lot of people that did that kind of work. And so we had quite a bit of work at the time. But we also worked on computers because there was a relation between the two of them. And the. I would tell people, because they would bring their computers in, they would be locked up because they. I don't know how I got this virus. So I get on the computer, I start looking around, and that thing would pop up. I said, did you click on this where it says, close, close? And they said, yeah. I said, that's the problem. You think you're closing the program, but what they're not revealing to you is that when you click on that, you're authorizing a virus to be installed on your computer. So when you get any one of these things, you can do one of two things. You can hit control, alternate, delete. A window will come up, which is called a task manager in Windows, and you can find a particular window that's open and close it with a task manager. Or if you don't know how to do all that or don't remember that, press the power button on your. On your computer until the computer shuts down. I said, that's. That's probably one of the worst ways to shut your computer down. But it's a lot safer than having malware installed on your computer, which is a nightmare because this malware will put roots all through your hard drive, all through the C drive. And so you think you've gotten rid of it, you go through with a cleaner program, you've gotten rid of it. But no, what happens is these roots lie hiding, awaiting for you to get rid of whatever is there. They become, they're dormant now. They become alive again. It's the only way around it is to remove all of the proprietary information that person has off of the computer and scan all that information, make sure there's no roots in it, then take the original drive and do what's called a low level format. And that means that it's like when you take an eraser to a blackboard, you can still see part of the white there. And if somebody wrote hard enough in chalk, you could actually pick it up. So if you do a format, you'll be able to pick up what people had on there before. But if you do a low level format, that's like going up to the blackboard using the eraser and then following it up with a damp cloth so that the blackboard is back to absolutely nothing there. That's the only way around. It's quite expensive in order to do that, because a low level format, I mean, in my days a low level format would take, sometimes would take hours because it covers every sector on the hard drive. It doesn't leave anything left until the hard drive is completely reformatted. And then you have to retransfer that information that you had back onto that hard drive again. It's quite expensive for people. And so many people that got caught up simply because they just wouldn't, you know, they think that, oh, well, I'm going to close it out. Never close those windows out. If it's a window that pops up on your computer and you don't have virus, you know, monitoring, you got to do like Jerry said, you got to hit your power button and turn your computer off and wait a, wait a second or two, then turn your computer back on again. Otherwise you're going to find yourself in a world of mess. [02:32:49] Speaker B: Yeah, and there was a movie out called the Beekeeper that, that whole show was about that happening to a little old lady. She, you know, had it. She was controlling a two million dollar charity and they stole all of her money and she committed suicide. [02:33:08] Speaker A: Oh my gosh. [02:33:09] Speaker B: Beekeeper went after all these companies to shut them down, turn them off, and find out who the, who the source was. And I won't tell you the end result of that. Because it was a good movie. So it's a good movie to watch. But the scams we saw, this was one of the most horrible ones. A lady in the villages in Florida had met some guy online. He said he was on an oil rig. She had given him all of her life savings, $400,000. She had mortgaged her house, given him all that money and sold her car, all that money. It was close to a million dollars. She was homeless, penniless and without a car. [02:33:57] Speaker A: Oh my God. [02:33:58] Speaker B: We're sitting there talking to her and she's still saying, I'm sure he loves me. I'm sure he loves me. And she was completely devastated and had no place to go because she didn't have any kids, she didn't have any relatives. So she was gonna be homeless. And, and these people don't care as long as they've got money. [02:34:24] Speaker A: They, they don't have warm blood. They are cold blooded. They could give a rat behind in what they do. I want to show you an email I got. This is something. While we're on the subject, this is something else that, that seems to be quite prominent these days. Let's see if that came out. I didn't come in very well. [02:34:47] Speaker B: I get those every day. [02:34:49] Speaker A: Anyway, this is a supposedly receipt from PayPal and it has my email address on there and it says you have successfully sent $789.99 to your Bitcoin wallet. This is an invoice for your recent purchase through PayPal. This charge will appear on your statement as a payment to Coinbase Inc. Which is a real place within 24 hours. Please read the details, blah, blah, blah, blah. Where they catch you is when at the bottom it says, in case you did not make this payment, please, please call our billing department, which you will call a billing department. And more than likely what they will have you do is go online to your bank and they want to quote, make a direct deposit into your bank, your refund. So they will be online with you a website and you're going to have your bank account up on that website. So even my email that came in and says this could be dangerous. You'll go, you'll be on your web on the bank's website, they'll be on your computer with you because you'll go to a common website. And so without you knowing about it, they'll be seeing everything that you see. And now they will literally take everything out of your bank account because they have all your information. Routing, they have a routing number. They have the account number, they know you're. Because you're doing, you're putting all the information in your login info. They have all of that. So that's another one. You'll get something in the email that says, oh, well, you just paid $499. You just paid blah, whoever. And the other one is from your bank as well. Now they are, they are copying websites where they're literally cloned. So I'll use Bank of America, for example. You go to your bank of America site. You know what it looks like? You get an email, it looks like it comes from bank of America. There's a link on the, you know, it says, click here to verify your information. You click on the word here, it takes you to what appears to be identical to a Bank of America website. You look at the, the URL up there, the, the IP address, and it says and so you think, hey, I'm on Bank of America's website. You're not on bank of America's website. If you look very carefully at the letters, what they're doing now is they're using a unique letter in the spelling. So if it's times Rome Times New Roman, normally, and they use one of the letters as something different, but it still looks like what you want, you're not on their site anymore. So I tell people, if you get an email, it says, click here. Don't click on the here. Go to your. You punch in your, your link on your computer onto that website. Do not under any circumstances click on the word here or whatever link they give you and then put out any information. They'll take you to a website that looks identical to whatever your bank is. Identical. There's no difference. You'll put in your login info and then all of a sudden it'll say something like, oh, thank you, and it'll take you back to a login page, typically to the real login at the real bank. So don't ever do that. You get an email, and if you get these emails, that's, oh, you just paid PayPal, blah, blah, blah, blah. Go to PayPal and check your PayPal account. Go to your bank and check your bank accounts. That they said, well, it came from your bank account because these people, they know about our bank accounts. They know that we have a bank account at abc, whatever it is. Oh, well, we got, we got a payment from your ABC bank account. Go to ABC bank account and check. And you'll see it's not there. [02:38:36] Speaker B: Yeah, that that's, you know, I get that invoice on a daily basis. You just paid $999 to Joe Schmutt Barber Grill or something like that. I. I get them on a daily basis. And I was like, oh, what a. What a croc. You know, and you look at all this stuff that they're doing out there, and it's truly amazing. [02:38:56] Speaker A: On your toes all the time with this stuff. [02:38:58] Speaker B: You know, that's the. The thing you always do is you don't categorically do anything on that page at all. You don't make a phone call. [02:39:08] Speaker A: Yeah, the. [02:39:09] Speaker B: The things that they do. Now, the other thing that's. That's a rampant problem is, is this voice synthesis synthesizing now that they can synthesize your voice. [02:39:22] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:39:22] Speaker B: And a lot of banks are doing voice verification. So you call up and they say, okay, we're going to transfer you to this voice recognition to make sure it's. And people will copy. You know, they'll call it. All you have to do is they'll. They'll call up and they say, is this. Is this Jerry Hall? And you say, yes. That's all you have to say. And I've learned to say who's calling. [02:39:49] Speaker A: Right. [02:39:50] Speaker B: And let them identify themselves before I. [02:39:54] Speaker A: Voluntarily say, yeah, they'll typically hit you with, can you. Can you Hear me okay, Mr. Hall? Yeah. [02:40:01] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:40:02] Speaker A: Don't say yes. Don't. Yes, I can. Don't say yes, I can hear you. [02:40:06] Speaker B: Yeah, just anything. Avoid the word yes because, you know, a lot of. You know, a lot of places will. [02:40:12] Speaker A: The other thing, Jerry, while you're talking about that, the other thing that they do is they take, like, your grandchild's voice or your child's voice. [02:40:20] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:40:20] Speaker A: And they'll give you a call. Oh, my God, dad. Or oh, my God, Grandma, I'm in trouble. I need you to wire me some money right away. Please help me. Please, Please. You know. [02:40:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:40:29] Speaker A: Tug on the heartstrings. [02:40:31] Speaker B: And I got an email from friend. This happened years and years ago. I got an email that was. That was kind of the first phase of the email scams where it was a friend saying, I've been traveling and I'm stuck. And I. I got robbed. [02:40:45] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [02:40:46] Speaker B: In Africa. And I. I. One guy, I got an email from him the day. I just seen him that morning. And I got an email. I'm stuck in Africa and I desperately need you to wire me some money. I got robbed. So I called him up and I said, hey, are you in Africa? Or laughing. And so that was a big scam a long time ago. [02:41:09] Speaker A: Wow. And so, yeah, you gotta be on your toes all the time. Well, it's sad. It's sad that we live in a society like that because, you know, I think that the majority of people who end up getting scammed are basically people who are honest at heart. And because they're honest at heart, they just typically take it for granted that other people might think along the same lines. They think, meaning that I wouldn't take your money and just steal your money. You know, and if you make a mistake and you. And you make a bid on something and you. You lose, that's. That's, you know, that's your responsibility. I wouldn't take your money just to take your money. [02:41:45] Speaker B: A lot of times, out of necessity, people want to believe. [02:41:51] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:41:52] Speaker B: It's like, you know, on the dating sites, these people are lonely and are desperate and are not usually that, you know, social. So they don't have the opportunity to meet somebody, and they really, really want to be in love with somebody. Now, tonight, in that particular case, you know, I had a friend say, listen, I don't know who you are, and I want to FaceTime with you to make sure you're a real person. I said, fine, call me up. And so we chatted on the phone for a little while and established that rapport. And it created that comfortable moment knowing that there's a real person on there. And they said, well, show me around your house. And I said, I'll show you around my house if you show me around yours. And so that creates the comfort zone. Whereas people that don't want to show your face or they don't want to talk to you on the phone, they're not from America. And that was the biggest problem. We couldn't prosecute anybody that wasn't in America, and 99 of the scammers are in another country. And there's no way to get your money back, because outside the US Authority, I mean, we do have some, you know, trade agreements with other people. But here's the thing that most people don't realize. For anybody scammed for any large amount of money, you contact the Secret Service. And I don't know if you knew that. [02:43:22] Speaker A: That's a surprise. Yeah. [02:43:24] Speaker B: The Secret Service does all the collection of large sums of money that have been scammed by people. [02:43:29] Speaker A: Wow. [02:43:29] Speaker B: And so what do they. [02:43:31] Speaker A: What do they consider a large. Like a hundred thousand? [02:43:34] Speaker B: Yeah, a hundred thousand usually is. Is a number. And, hey, I got scammed. Hey, I Got scammed out of $116,000. I'm not that right. And. But that was somebody I trusted. I had. [02:43:48] Speaker A: That's what happens. [02:43:51] Speaker B: I knew the guy. I had known the guy for 20 years, and he was starting a restaurant, asked me to invest on. He had a great restaurant in Houston, was very successful. So I invested the money in it. Next thing I know, he's skipping the country. And I couldn't. Couldn't get the money back from then. Before he skipped, he even signed a contract with me saying, I owe you the money. I'll pay it back to you with 8% interest over a period of time. I didn't mean squat. You know, there's nothing you could. You can try to sue on it, but they're not going to pay, period. And so I caught him again in Phoenix, Arizona, at a radio station trying another run. Run a scam there. So I called the owner up and I told him about the guy, and he summarily fired him a couple days later because he was trying to run a scam there. You know, they're all over. So we're not all. I'm, you know, doesn't mean. [02:44:48] Speaker A: With all the different things we've talked about, I think we've just hit the tip of the iceberg, really. I think about the credit card, the. Where they call them skimmers on the credit cards. [02:44:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:44:57] Speaker A: I've seen some of the videos with these skimmers. I can't tell. I don't know how these people can tell. They'll walk it at 7:11, for Pete's sake. A 7:11. You walk into. He walks into the 7:11 and he goes to put his card in the machine, and he goes, wait a minute. Before he puts the card fully in the machine, he goes. And he starts pulling on this thing. And then the cashier starts freaking out. You're destroying my card. No, I'm not. No, I'm not. And he pulls off the COVID and he goes, this is a card scammer, a card skimmer. And what they're doing is you're recording people's guy. The guy didn't know. The guy could. Lee could see on the. On the guy's face. He had a look of, oh, my God. What the hell did you just do? [02:45:35] Speaker B: You know, that's. That's part. I've been scammed on those. [02:45:38] Speaker A: That's another place. [02:45:41] Speaker B: Charges of $15,000 on my American Express. [02:45:44] Speaker A: Wow. [02:45:44] Speaker B: Another one. $40,000 on my bank card. I mean, I've been. I can't even Begin to tell you the number of times I've been hit. And you know where they'll take my. I always use my PayPal debit card and you know I'll get this notification. You just had a charge in South Carolina. I was like, don't think, I don't think so. You know, yeah, I call and get it canceled. But the biggest one was $40,000. [02:46:13] Speaker A: Wow. [02:46:14] Speaker B: They took out of my account. [02:46:16] Speaker A: And were you able to recover that? [02:46:18] Speaker B: Yeah, fortunately I had the bank I was in. This is when I was in Latin America. They had, the people had taken it. They were in Guadal, Guatemala I guess. And so I went to the bank and I said I this came out of my account. And they said well you did that. I said show me where I did that. They said, right, well here's a forty thousand dollar transaction off your debit card. I said my debit card has a limit of 500 on it. Where did I spend $40,000? And so down there I was paying $2 a month for insurance for situations like that. I stopped paying the insurance refund my money. I did get my money back fortunately. [02:47:04] Speaker A: Wow. [02:47:04] Speaker B: But wow. You know, I mean there's 40,000, 15,000 on my American Express and some somebody had bought a round trip first class ticket to Paris. I was like wow, that's nice. From Mexico City. So they're out there and even the smartest people out there. Oh, you look at Brett, Brett Barr or is that the football player from Florida? Put I don't know how many millions of dollars in the bitcoin deal like you did. And he lost it all. [02:47:40] Speaker A: Wow. [02:47:41] Speaker B: Millions and millions of dollars. [02:47:43] Speaker A: Wow. [02:47:43] Speaker B: And this was a, this was like a brokerage firm that he had put his money in that was managing it and buying in all these different bitcoins. Well, the brokerage firm was a pyramid scheme. [02:47:56] Speaker A: Wow. [02:47:57] Speaker B: And the guy walked away. He got prosecuted that was running it. It was all over the news. But I think he's going to jail. But get, get this. They can't get all the money back. So you know, dagum. Well that guy's got money rat holed someplace so he's gonna walk out of jail. [02:48:18] Speaker A: You talk about injustice. So they send somebody like this to jail for what, five years, 10 years? [02:48:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:48:24] Speaker A: When he gets out, he's got, he's got access to millions of dollars. [02:48:28] Speaker B: Absolutely. And that's the sorry part about that is they don't recover the funds after paid his dues. [02:48:37] Speaker A: Wow. [02:48:38] Speaker B: Which is a crock. And you know Scala, I'm really Sorry that happened to you. But hey, I lost 116,000 so you should feel happy. [02:48:49] Speaker A: Mine's a drop in the bucket. [02:48:51] Speaker B: Yeah, we've all been there. [02:48:54] Speaker A: You know, I think the point, both you and I would agree on, I think the point is you really have to be on your toes. Super, super. No matter where the information is coming from. I think that's part of the way that they're able to get away with a lot of this now. It's a new way, or a relatively new way to me anyway, that they find somebody who knows somebody that knows you and that kind of gets your guard down because you feel comfortable. Well, this is my friend's friend. They wouldn't do anything, blah, blah, you know, that kind. Then, you know, like I said earlier in the show, they, they went to extremes. They have a website. You go to the website, you see all this stuff on their website. You see on this particular one I made $295.66 supposedly on that, on that deal. And, and it's, and it's, the website is tied, the application is tied to a credible websites tied to the one the. I have and then the one that's in question is on chain. And when you download all of that, you end up with something like this, which looks very legitimate. I think this part of it, this is what's so confusing. This part of it looks legitimate and I believe this part of it is legitimate. I think what happens is when you click down here where it says browse web and you get to this, this is where the scam begins. And these people control the funds that go to this. When you're bidding on this stuff that they want you to bid on, the money's going to them. It's not going back to a credible source, it's going to the. From what I gather, I may be completely off base here, but from what I gather, this is what it seems to be. [02:50:32] Speaker B: Look at the top. It's the NFT universe, right? So it's not even a bitcoin company. It's, it's. [02:50:41] Speaker A: No, yeah, this is, this isn't bitcoin. This is what we're using. In order for you to bid on these auctions and increase the demand on the item is what they claim you have to have a cryptocurrency. So the cryptocurrency that I, that they had me buy is called tether. Tether is tied directly to the US dollar and that's why you see these numbers? USDT up here? United States digital. So I can't remember what the rest of it is. But anyway, usdt, it's digital money. So that's where the. That's where the. [02:51:15] Speaker B: Here's what it says. NFT scammers are bad actors who create fake social media accounts or send message to lead NFT users to connect to their wallet to fake NFT marketplaces. [02:51:29] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:51:30] Speaker B: Or projects. [02:51:31] Speaker A: That is. That's. But see, again, Jerry, again, the confusing part is I go look up and I see 10 million. And I think to myself, well, 10 million, my God, if. If only 10% of those people had problems, we would know about it. And I look at the other application that they wanted me to Download, which is space on chain, and it has over a million. And I think to myself, well, you know, maybe I'm just. I want to do this so bad that I'm making excuses, but I think, well, a million. And if they're having problems, I'm sure I would have heard of something. So I download it, and it's 4.6 out of 5. So it's, you know, safe for everyone. You know, all of this stuff. And when you. When you bring it up, you get this, which, again, I know it's redundant, but this, I believe is. Is legitimate. And this part is legitimate. This money I can get whenever I want. It's the other part, when you click on it and end up here, that's the problem. You're in a completely different thing because you transfer your money from here. You. When you bring your money in, it ends up here, and then you transfer it as send. You transfer it from here to these people. And that's where the problem is. But how in the world they got an app that is tied to a legitimate app. I. That's the part that just blows my mind. [02:53:02] Speaker B: That's what they says right here, is they. They create fake social media accounts or send messages to lead NFT users to connect to their wallets. And that's what. That's what that is. That's a wallet. [02:53:16] Speaker A: Yep. [02:53:17] Speaker B: And you, you know, you've got 13, 932 dollars in there. Believed money. [02:53:24] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:53:24] Speaker B: And you, in reality, you probably, you know, you got nothing. That's just an imaginary number they've made up. [02:53:31] Speaker A: Yep. [02:53:32] Speaker B: And so all you have to do is send them $14,000 and you'll have access to that. $14,000. [02:53:38] Speaker A: Yeah. Like that really makes. You know, I go back to the time when the COVID was Running around and I kept saying, people, people. Where's your common sense? Where's your rational thinking? How can you allow this to go on? They told us that this virus has a 99 plus percent of people getting over it without medical intervention. Is the vaccine that they're offering you 100% safe? Not a single manufacturer would say that it was 100% safe. Then why get the vaccine? It doesn't stop you from getting it. It doesn't stop you from. From spreading it. What was the point of the people? Just common sense. Just some critical thinking. And I gotta tell you, I'm raising my hand. I failed. I failed on that one. [02:54:22] Speaker B: You're not by yourself. I'm in there. [02:54:25] Speaker A: I know, I know. [02:54:26] Speaker B: A lot more money. So, you know, don't, don't beat yourself up too bad. It's. We've all been there. [02:54:34] Speaker A: It's done, it's over. I, I don't. You know, I don't. The only reason I'm bringing it up is to tell other people about it. That's all. That's the only reason. If anybody knows, anybody that is on this platform, you've got to tell them what I have told you tonight. This is a scam, this whole thing. I know it looks legitimate, it comes off of a legitimate app into this thing, but they've got in whatever way they can get their money out of there. And by all means, do not under any circumstances put any money into this thing because you doubtful that you'll ever see it again. Very doubtful. Because you'll end up in one day where they will say to you some nonsense like, oh, hello there. The system has detected your multiple withdrawals and believes that you have a risk of money laundering. For the safety of your account funds, the system has automatically. The system automatically opens a protection measure for you. In other words, we've frozen your account, sucker. You can't get any more money. But if you give us more money, then we'll give you more money. Does that make sense to anybody? [02:55:38] Speaker B: It does to me. Hey, I've got one accounts. Would you like to send me some money? [02:55:44] Speaker A: Wow. I don't know. Maybe I should start a GoFundMe and I could tell people, listen, when you give me money, I'm gonna give you some money back. You know, just gotta give me the money first. Then I'll give you some money back. [02:55:54] Speaker B: I'll double your money. How's that? But let me keep it for 10 years. [02:56:01] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Lord have mercy. Well, Jerry, thank you. I greatly appreciate you taking the time and sharing with me tonight. And if you would, I'll. I'll get a hold of you after the show and we'll get that information because I want to. Want to jump on that right away. [02:56:17] Speaker B: Okay, sounds good. I'll talk to you. And take care. And the show was great, as always. And Rascal, it's good seeing you again and talking to you. Hope you're not freezing your butt off. [02:56:27] Speaker A: I am, but I'm staying. I'm being a hermit. I'm staying inside. I've gone out. The only time I go out is into the driveway because there's so much snow in the yard that my dog doesn't want to get his butt cold, so he goes in the driveway. [02:56:43] Speaker B: Let me tell you one good thing about living in the north that you probably don't know. And I Learned this from Dr. DeBakey, the heart surgeon, that a cold blast to your face will lower your heart rate, which causes you to live longer. So that's why people in the north live longer than the people in the south, because the heat kills people. So you're better off living up there. [02:57:06] Speaker A: Well, I will tell you that it absolutely beautiful to look at, but that's about it. I love the view. Out of my back window is a postcard. It's just picturesque. It's all white. It's just beautiful. But that's about as far as you can get because you want to try to walk through that. Right now in the backyard, we've got about four, maybe four and a half feet. It's up above my knee. I'm six foot. It's above my knee. So it's got to be around at least 3 foot on the ground. And then there's places where, because of the way the wind was blowing, you got little mounds of it, and that's like five or six feet. So now my dog will not go. I thought he would love it. He's a husky. Nope, not going out there. Dad, give me. Take me out to the driveway where we've run the snowblower and there's only a couple of inches of snow. I'll. I'll do my business there. [02:57:52] Speaker B: Well, Rascala, you take care. It's good talking to you. We'll talk. [02:57:55] Speaker A: God bless you, my friend. Thank you so much for your time. Bye. Bye. Appreciate it. All right, guys, we're winding down, getting a little close to the end of the show. I thank you for taking changes to the station. I think we'll be archived on Facebook because it looks like. Yeah, we're on Facebook. It looks like we're on Facebook, and I think we'll also be archived on Costco, Casto, Costos. Costos. Get that information. I'm sorry. I don't know. Enjoy your time. PJ Take the red pill. God bless you. Be back in a week. Lord willing. [02:58:38] Speaker B: Take the red pill, take the blue pill. Take the red pill, Take the blue. [02:58:41] Speaker A: Pill, Take the red pill, Take the. [02:58:47] Speaker B: Blue pill, Take the red pill, take the blue pill. You take the red pill And I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. [02:58:58] Speaker A: This is your last chest. This is your last chest. [02:59:01] Speaker B: This is your last chest. This is your last chest. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. [02:59:10] Speaker A: This is your last chance. [02:59:12] Speaker B: This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. This is your last chance. [02:59:19] Speaker A: This is your last chance. This is your last chance position. [02:59:39] Speaker B: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill. The story you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe? You take the red pill, take the red pill, take the red pill, take the red pill, take the red pill, take the red pill, take the red pill, take the red? You stay in wonderland. I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

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