The Positude Podcast: Healers Are Under Attack

The Positude Podcast: Healers Are Under Attack
TRIM Radio
The Positude Podcast: Healers Are Under Attack

Dec 07 2024 | 01:00:18

Episode December 07, 2024 01:00:18

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

The Positude Podcast with Maggie Heart is a versatile, ever-changing show discussing healing, spirituality, enlightenment, political stories and insights, meditations, conspiracy theories and conspiracy realities, recipes, music, random comedy, and all sorts of information designed to uplift, negate or come to grips with negativity, to share knowledge. Her goal is to share knowledge, have some fun, and have the listener feel like they are having a discussion or learning session on a comfy couch with a friend over coffee or tea.

Healers Are Under Attack

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: SA. [00:00:26] Speaker B: Good evening, folks, and welcome to another episode of the Positude Podcast. I am your host, Maggie Hart. Really excited to be here another week. It's starting to get colder. We may see some snow in our area this week. Apparently some areas around me got hit pretty hard, but that's okay. They can keep it. I'm in no rush for winter to be here, but I'm hoping all of you had an amazing Thanksgiving. And I'm really excited to be here this week just to chat, catch up, have a chill conversation, just like you would in your living room over a cup of coffee. I don't have a specific agenda today. We're going to cover a couple of different topics, but I've been doing a really deep dive into some more holistic healing and ways that we can help ourselves. And also the planetary changes, the energetic changes that have been taking place, most notably since the change in administration, but just in general on the planet, we are under a severe attack. I have to tell you that everybody that I've spoken to that is of a spiritual nature pretty much on any level has been riding this roller coaster of good days and feeling really good, but then bad days where it just. Weird stuff is going wrong, you know, things that there aren't any logical excuse for. It appears to be a very smooth day at the onset, and then all of a sudden, two, three, and four things go wrong and you're like scratching your head going, what just happened? That's been the situation for those of us that do spiritual warfare for years, but especially the last couple of months. The last four years have been pretty harrowing, not gonna lie. But the last couple months, especially because the bad guys don't want to lose. They've been priming themselves to win, and they're throwing everything at us but the kitchen sink. And there's a lot of spellwork and a lot of witchcraft going on. And there's a lot of focus on taking out the people that protect other people, taking out and throwing pitfalls in the way of people that are helping people to spiritually be better and to heal and to gain strength and knowledge. And I have to laugh in one sense, because as I've told you many times before, a lot of nights I'll go to bed and I'm like, I don't know what I'm going to talk about tomorrow. And I'll pray on it. And it'll either come to me that night or the next morning. Today I went throughout the day and it was a really weird, energetic day. And I had been working on this healing stuff that we'll talk about in a little bit, but I had been focusing on the other stuff, the attack stuff that I was just telling you about. And as I started to talk about the show, these words just started to flow out of me. So I'm going to take it down that road. I'm being guided that that's what I need to talk about today. So we're going to focus on that for a while. How do I know this? Ask me how I know this. All of the big people, the ones that do the spiritual shows, are not going to necessarily come out and tell you these things because the guys that have the 580,000 viewers want you to think that they are the ultimate spiritual guru. And they want you to listen to their podcasts. They want you to feel as though they're above you, even though they proclaim to say, I'm just an average guy and I'm just doing a show, and it's not like that for them. A lot of the people that are out there that have become immensely acknowledged recently, let's just say, since COVID believe it or not, folks have been put there for a reason. There's an agenda, and you can choose to believe that or not. And I hate to burst your bubble, but that's just the way it is. There is another percentage of those people that have risen to the top because they are authentic and because they are contributing to, for lack of a better word, the ascension process. And I know that sounds New Age, but for lack of a better term, so helping people to seek truthful knowledge, righteous knowledge, and helping them to get on track and get their lives together. And those are the people that I listen to. I also listen to the other guys just to see what they're saying and to see what they're talking about. And it's notably been a path down what appears to be a Christian road, but it's really not. Or what appears to be a Jesus, like pathological, but it's really not. And some of you may understand that, and some of you will come to understand that as you proceed with your journey. It'll all be shown to you. Eventually, all truth comes to light. And I don't mean to sound cryptic, and I just need for you to be able to figure some of this stuff out and you'll get there. Some of you have. Some of you are, like, right on par with me, and we talk about these things, and we, like, get shivers when we're talking on the phone or texting because we know we're like so on the same page. It's great, it's amazing. But how do I know this aside from all the people that I've talked to personally and not necessarily those that are in the spiritual healing business? So when I say that, I mean people that do the specific work that I do. But honestly, folks, just healers in general, people that do different energetic forms of healing, even like reiki and energetic. You know, I told you about that neuro stuff a couple months ago. That's just. It's a farce. But people that do Native American work or people that do any kind of healing work or claim to be helping the people are under attack. Ask me how I know, aside from talking to people and aside from my own personal experiences, which at times the last couple of months have been sort of extreme. But it's important that I keep my balance and stay focused and stay on the path irregardless of what gets thrown at me. And I encourage all of you to do the same, whether or not you are in this type of work or just do it out of the kindness of your heart, whether you're supporting a family member or a friend that's struggling right now, you're contributing to the energy of the planet. You're contributing to the love. And while you hear me say that, you also know that I'm not all love and white. I'm going to be real with you. I'm not going to B.S. you, I'm going to give you the facts as they're shown to me and also as I feel, but also what my common sense tells me. So I did kind of a blind case study this week. I went on some social media sites to people that I used to work with when I did shows, and I went through some of their profiles. And I haven't done this in a while. But what I saw over and over and over repeatedly was that even though everybody's trying to keep a happy face, they're all having internal struggles, they're all having these mishaps, they're all having this bad luck for lack, and I'm not going to say for lack of a better term, because I have a better term for it, but they're under spiritual attack. They just may not realize they're under spiritual attack because they're not a spiritual worker. That way they know that they're helping people or they think that they're helping people and they're trying to help people, but they may not be ensconced in the spiritual that is the power movement. In other words, the prayer and meditation, the spiritual warfare. They might not have any knowledge of that or choose not to interact with that or don't believe in that, but they're still under attack because they're helping people. I went through these pages and people's cars were breaking down. And what I saw most notably, unfortunately, was a lot of passing for elderly family members and spouses. So that was something that really stuck out to me. People were having trouble with their homes and repairs and things that I've been encountering on an almost daily basis. And sometimes it's two and three major things a day. How do I know I'm not under witchcraft attack? How I know it's not a spiritual attack from another physical being or a demonic attack sent at me from another being? Because I pray. Because I pray and I feel things, and I know what's going on, and I feel that I'm not the only one. And I feel as though those of us that are under the most intense type of attack are the ones that work more closely with the people that have spiritual needs, that need to be fixed for the people that you're trying to help, that have spiritual afflictions, oppressions, possessions. They're struggling with drug and alcohol addictions. That's why part of what I speak about when I do shows I'm guided through prayer and meditation to pick some of the topics that I do. Because if I'm going through this, then I know that some of you are as well, or you will be, that it just hasn't happened to you yet. So I'm trying to cover all of the bases with all of the challenges that we're facing. And while a lot of the famous people are talking about how we're waking up and people are ascending and we're coming into the golden time and everything is going to be great, and we're all pulling together, and people are doing international meditation circles and healing circles and all of that. While that's something to be commended, they're sort of missing the boat because they have this philosophy that you can't be all doom and gloom, but if you're too full of light and trying to stay positive, that's a farce, too, and they kind of have it right. There needs to be a balance, but there seems to be an animosity from either side of the fence in that regard. They're on one side of the fence or the other, you know, and it's. It's kind of weird to see such a split, such A rift in the spiritual community. But I know that, and I hope that statement before made sense to you. If not, email me and I'll clarify it in a little more detail. But there's a line drawn in the sand, and we are truly separating the wheat from the chaff right now. So basically, what you're going to start to see happen in the next year or two, but right now is some of these people that have been putting out some of this information are gonna fail. They're gonna either be shown as fakes, or some of the information that they're putting out is going to be shown to be not true. But it's still troublesome to me because some of the people that are putting out utter and complete nonsense and talking about the goodness and the light, but steering you toward the dark side, they're in for a rude awakening. A very rude awakening, because the powers that be are not going to allow that to happen forever. While they may be tricking people into thinking that they're following the right path, the origins of what they're teaching and what they're putting out there are the essence of darkness. It's the original darkness. It's the original tomfoolery, it's the original lies, it's the original deception. And what I was shown in prayer and meditation is that these people are going to be extremely successful at first, and they're going to fool a lot of people at first, but they're going to be shown for what they are. And more notably, people are going to wake up on their own. They're gonna start to have say, they have their favorite podcaster that they listen to every week, and they're jonesing for that new show to come out, and they've got the little bell going when the notification comes on, they stop what they're doing and they have to turn on that guy's show. And I watch the comments, like when I check these people out and I'm looking at them and people are absolutely idolizing these hosts. They're absolutely, oh, I stop everything when a new show comes out for you. You've changed my life. I'm so excited with what you're teaching me. I can't wait for you to show me more. Well, there's nothing wrong with that as long as you're not idolizing the person and as long as you're using proper judgment. But that's the issue. A lot of people lack discernment nowadays. And so if something sounds legitimate and the guest on this show has flowcharts and Pictures or scientific formulas to show how what they're teaching you may be possible. Because it appears that there's legitimate research behind it. These people are buying it, hook, light, line and sinker right now. And it's sad to see because they're so broken that they're looking for a healing. They're looking to feel better, they're looking to be better. They want to be rich, they want to be healthy, they want to be spiritually fulfilled, they want to have good relationships. And they're ready to jump on any train that comes down the track. That sounds authentic. And better than that, they're ready to pay thousands of dollars to do that. And that's the hook. A lot of these people are charging thousands of dollars and they're booked out for two and three years for a reading, a class, whatever it is. A lot of these people are doing pre orders for books now. That was never a thing before. And the people are lining up. So there's a lot of demand for what we do. But legitimately, how much of that is really authentic? There are so many factions of so many different New age belief systems out there. And every guy that's got a story that's coming out and doing these interviews has a different spin on how the Earth became habitated, who started us, who seeded us, where did they come from? And they've got some really incredible stories as to how supposedly things transpired. I've listened to three interviews in the past week alone about angels. And there was this guy, and he talked extremely authoritatively on how the war happened between the angels and the factions, the different hierarchies. And he didn't specify anything that it was based on. Like, I'm a show me kind of girl in some aspects. I understand things come in vision and downloads. Obviously I was born that way. I've lived my life that way, so I can respect that. But I was never told anything really strange or weird or that goes specifically against the Bible. To my recollection, insofar as the angelic realm, I know that there are things that have been left out. But pretty much everything that I've been shown is concurrent with Scripture. There are some things that have been added, you know, that I've been given that aren't there. But it's different because it still concurs with scripture. It doesn't go against what scripture says. So, you know, I'm gonna. I have to question that. One guy that I listened to an interview from said that he read all of the writings on King Solomon and that's where he got his information from, that it's all in the writings of King Solomon. But Solomon was into sorcery and into some pretty bad stuff. So I've never read the entire works of Solomon. And I know people that have started to and been turned off. And there was one interview that I heard where the interviewer actually credit to him came out and said, you know, I started to read it and it was all about sorcery. And I just put it down. I didn't want to get involved in that because obviously he felt something, something pushed him away from that. Something was protecting him and pushing him away from that. Because inherently the writings, something contained within the writings was trying to draw you in, maybe trying to captivate you. So that you might want to try some of these rituals, possibly, or you might want to try some of the spells that he did. You never know. You got to be so careful. The dark side is really eager to get us into their games that we really. We've got to be. We discernment is huge. There was two or three interviews that I heard this week also talking about the pyramids. And they've all got different stories as to the pyramids, what they are, who created them, where they came from, what they do. If they're active now, will they be active soon? One guy was saying that, yeah, they're going to be activated really soon. And there's just so much information out there. But how much is credible, how much is legitimate? And it's really easy for us all to develop our own stories. I mean, that's what makes a good author, right? When you think about it. But I could say any number of things that doesn't make it true. And the other thing that concerns me is the channeling. A lot of these people are channeling. I never channeled. I never let anything foreign into my body. I would never allow anything foreign into my body to take over and speak through me. That's a form of possession. So channeling for me, not a safe bet. It's not something that I want to play with. And when you channel, just like when you try to talk to spirits or demons that pretend to be spirits or, you know, things that just come out of the woodwork literally and figuratively and pretend that your Aunt Karen, they're your Aunt Karen, we don't necessarily know that that's your Aunt Karen. Demons pretend to be a lot of things that they aren't and they shape shift, as do angels. So you have to be really careful because you're not sure what you're talking to and what I've learned over the years is the bad guys for the people who do channel. I used to work alongside people that used to do that type of work, and they were accurate on a lot of levels. But just when it counts, that's when they're gonna lie to you. The things that are important, they'll hook you in and they'll have you coming back for reading after reading, because there's a degree of accuracy there. But you're becoming further entrenched in the dark side, and you're getting lured down that rabbit hole. And when it matters, they're not going to tell you the truth. Spiritual issues are what needs to be at the forefront of that type of reading. You need to make sure that you have discernment. You need to make sure that you know where that person is getting their information from. And why do you need to go to somebody else to begin with for something like that? Think about that. You have a direct source to your creator. You don't need a middleman. You may need help with learning and healing and discernment and possibly clearing, but you don't need somebody else to talk to your dead Aunt Janet because you don't know that it's your dead Aunt Janet, do you? So, anyway, people are searching, people are looking for answers. And I just would like for everyone to be careful and not believe everything that you see on the Internet or hear in a podcast. That doesn't necessarily make it true. Even if the guy has thousands of followers, even if the guy has his own website and classes and books, that doesn't make it real. People write books every single day. That doesn't make them real. Right? There's fiction and there's nonfiction, so you got to be careful with that. But people are struggling and people are coming together and they are waking up. And humanity is coming to a degree of ascension, for lack of a better word, like I started to say before, but we need to be careful how we do it. Right now, our major concern should be healing our bodies, taking care of ourselves, so that we can be a clear source of information. When we pray and meditate, I. E. The information that we get, we need to be able to rely on it and know that it's factual and know that it's true. And the guidance that is given to you in prayer and meditation will resonate with every fiber of your being. If it is, if you have any doubts, then it's. There's something wrong. There's something wrong. Ascended Masters, there are A lot of people that are channeling ascended masters and say that they talk to Jesus on a regular basis and say that they talk to Mary and say that they talk to all of these gods and all of these people that were supposedly very knowledgeable back in the day. But that doesn't mean that they actually are talking to those people. And that doesn't mean that the people that they are talking to are good sources. Here's how I see it. If you're going to someone for healing or consultation or guidance or relationship issues, life counseling, I have my certification and all that stuff, you have to feel comfortable and you have to learn to trust that person. And if you don't have that trust, then you're not going to get anywhere in your healing. You're. It's. You might as well take that money and burn it or throw it out the window. But it needs to resonate for with every fiber of your being. I had someone recently tell me over and over and over, over, I should have listened to you. You were right. I should have listened to what you said. You were right all along. I doubted you. I didn't trust you. I should have listened to you. You were right all along. Well, that's great. I don't need an ego stroke. What I needed was for you to trust me. What I needed for you was to believe in what I was saying. Because I was talking from my heart and from my soul and from all of my prior experiences with all of my past clients and all of the different situations that I've encountered and my schooling knowledge as well, and my prayerful guidance as well, I would never, ever, ever deliberately lead anyone astray. It's not worth it to me because ultimately I'm going to be the one that pays the price for that, not them. If I'm responsible in any way, shape or form for misleading someone spiritually and sending them down a dark path, that is something that I will have to be responsible for. And in a sense, that might be something that some people consider karmic. But whatever you dish out, you will get it back. And I'm well aware of that. I'm fully aware of that. That's why I am so careful with what I do. That's why I'm so careful with how I treat my patients. And that's why it's important that I develop a rapport and a mutual trust. Because I need to trust them, that they're not going to turn around and doubt everything that I say and go find five other people that will give them the answers that they're looking for. And so many times with people that have mental debilitation, alcoholism, drug abuse, where is that guided from? What comes into your body when you indulge in those recreational things? So what is guiding them not to trust the person that tells them to pray and tells them to be a good person and tells them to clear and quiet and balance their mind so that they can get into a truly meditative state so that they can get the information for themselves. What people in my field are supposed to do, in my opinion, is help to formulate and guide someone down the right path. It's not so that you could come and see me and pay me an exorbitant amount of money for years and years and never have resolution to your issues. It's about teaching you how to better care for yourself and how to help you develop the strength, the guidance to be able to tap into that guidance on your own, to have that discernment, to know right off the bat if somebody's telling you the truth or not, if somebody's really there to help you or take advantage of you. And when we work with people that are narcissistic and let me tell you, if they're alcoholic or if they're a drug user or if they've had trauma or abuse and sometimes a combination of all three, they're going to have at least some qualities or traits of narcissism, almost guaranteed. And then you have the full blown narcissists. And these are the people that when they seek treatment with you, constantly argue with you and tell you you're wrong or go talk to other people. But newsflash, when they relay their stories and their incidences, they don't relay the whole truth of the story. They give it from a very jaded, one sided perspective. And they seek to make you out to be the bad guy and they seek for you to be the wrong one. They are never wrong. They will never admit that they're wrong or they'll admit that they're wrong. Especially in the case of these people that suffer these different types of abuses. And I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll do better, I'll do better, I'll do better, I'll do better. And guess what? They don't truly want to change. They don't maybe even have the ability at this point in their life to change because they don't have the spiritual backing behind them that allows them to change. And so therefore they're Going to give you a song in dance and tell you, I'm sorry, I should have listened to you all day long till they're blue in the face. But they're never going to because they don't have that spirituality inside them. They're listening to the other forces, the ones that tell them, ah, she's just lying to you. She's just leading you astray. Why? Because I'm guiding them to seek their own true spirituality. I'm guiding them right from wrong. I'm trying to explain to them, look, you can't do these types of things. It's not acceptable, not only in society, but morally right? So, wow, what a slippery slope. When we deal with people and we try and help them, you got to be really careful. And then we have the psychic vampires. We've talked about that. And the energy leeches. And most of the time, the people that I was previously discussing, discussing rather disgusting. Oops, Freudian slip. I don't mean that. I'm not looking to mock anybody that's got a condition, but sometimes their demeanor can be very, very hurtful and hateful. And you know what? They're totally oblivious to how they treat others, how they affect others, how they hurt others. And that's the disgusting part of it. Because we all want to walk a path where we're doing good and we're being a good person. Saying you're a good person and being a good person are two different things entirely. So going back to what I was talking about before with the healers being under attack, that is an example right there. A lot of us are seeing clients, they're being brought to us, or someone's referred to us, or somebody says, hey, you know, I know you're good. Can you help this person? They're struggling. And so you get embroiled in this, going in with an open mind and a pure heart to help that person. And it ends up becoming a veritable nightmare. Why? Because the dark forces are looking to detract you, to take away your time, your precious time, and embroil you in this drama. Full just bad scenario that you could have avoided had you just said, you know what? I'm too busy. My schedule's too full. Not at this time, or when you met with the person once or twice or a couple of times, a few times, got in the true essence of what they are, directed them down a path where they have a multitude of people helping them, but truly helping them in their spiritual path. Codependency is a thing, too. A lot of People that are pure of heart and want to help people are codependent. And so they also become embroiled. And it's really a shame because a lot of empaths are codependent, but they don't realize it. So there's a lot to consider here. But we are under attack. If we're trying to help someone, we're under attack. And so, yeah, I'm on social media and, you know, spouses are dying, cars are breaking down, they're having things break down in their house. Anything to take their attention away from their chance at solitude. You cannot fill from an empty glass. And so when we're distracted by all of these other things, it can take us away from our prayerful time and our meditative time and our time to reflect and rebalance and recharge, charge and stay in a good state and a positive state to where we can actually make a positive effect on other people. To where we can actually help other people. We're going to take a break. We'll be back after this. My introductory and ending music is provided by my good buddy Pat Carr. Pat's an amazing musician out of Louisiana originally. Please check him out on SoundClick, Reverb Nation, YouTube. He is all over the place and tell him Maggie sent you by his albums. You can reach him patcar Please support the network. We are totally listener funded and we depend on you to be able to keep these shows coming to you every single week. Check out the main screen and the chat room. There may be some other shows that you'll be interested in. And please, if you want to be a superstar and have your own business, consider sponsoring a spot on our network so that we can mutually support each other. If you don't have a commercial, please contact the owner. I'm sure he and the producer would be happy to produce a quality commercial that you could be proud of to spread the word about your business and help us at the same time. You can reach me for all your spiritual, physical, mental and emotional needs at Maggie. M A G g I e underscore that's we'll be back after this. Stay tuned everybody. Thanks for listening. If I could tell the world just one thing it would be that we're all and not to worry Cause worry is wasteful and useless in times like these I won't be made useless Won't be idle with despair. [00:38:41] Speaker A: Gonna buy a radio station Play a little music on the air Spread a little love to the people out there gonna go out walking in the world, breathe a little clean fresh air. Find a place to offer up a silent prayer. All those years I spent in only isolation Claiming I had no regrets for the things I'd done My mind dreamed my body sing my soul but now I'm fine. Cause I know that my Lord has made me whole. I'm gonna buy radio station, play a little music on the air, spread a little love to the people out there. Gonna do some talking about Jesus telling everybody everywhere to turn up people on to the love that'. [00:39:56] Speaker B: And we're back for the second half of the Positude Podcast with your host, Maggie Hart. That was radio station by my good buddy Pat Carr, with a little surprise thrown in before that. So continuing on our conversation about healers and what we're facing right now, the healers are under attack. The people that are helping each other are under attack. And that's because the dark forces at this time are trying so hard to throw everything at us but the kitchen sink. That they're smart enough to realize that if they can totally degradate and annihilate a person's spirit and have them feeling alone and lost and without hope, they've got them. They've got them where they want them. And they're also smart enough to realize that the people that help, the people that need help are what could potentially turn this tide around. The people that are supporting each other, that is, that are uplifting each other, that are sharing love and light and that are helping to heal. The portion of society that is willing to change, that looks for help are the ones that they need to come down on the heaviest. Because if they can get rid of us, the people who are struggling won't have anybody to look up to. They won't have anybody to learn from the buck stops there, as it were. And it would be easier for them to obtain the victory that they are seeking. Aside from that, if they demolish hope. So if someone is alone and they're feeling sad and they're feeling neglected or they're feeling depressed or they're having emotional or spiritual issues, and they do seek guidance if there's no one there to help them, they've got them. So many people do not ask for help and do not reach out when they need it. And that is so unfortunate because everybody is special, everybody is loved, everybody is valued. Everybody has a place here on this planet and other places in the interment, interdimensional realms and above. They're beautiful. We're all Beautiful. We're all special. And those that don't think enough or are under enough of an oppression or a possession, or just a plain and simple out and out attack and don't reach out for others, unfortunately succumb much more readily and easily to the dark side. But those that do strive, hopefully are getting some help on some level and possibly becoming totally healed. I can't tell you how many people I have coached and helped over my lifetime that have turned around and decided to make this part of their career path to help other people. That ripple in the pond is on so many levels. You can be that tiny pebble or you can be a giant boulder. You can affect people positively in many different ways, shapes or forms, and it doesn't take a lot of effort. But those that have continued on the path and decided, this is what I want to do, I want to help people too. And they've gone into that field and they've crossed that threshold, we'll tell you just like I have, that is the most satisfying, most fulfilling, most special thing that you can do for another human being, as long as it's coming from the right source. And so if they take us out, there's no place to look for, for help. So think about that. That's why we're under such attack, the world in general, but especially the people that want to help the world in general. So it stands to reason, it makes perfect sense. Hell, if I was on the other side, I'd probably consider things like that too, if I were looking to totally beat humanity into oblivion and have them lose all hope. So what can we do to protect ourselves? Healers as helpers, if we're just doing kind deeds for each other, stay in prayer, don't be distracted. You're going to have a lot of that chaff thrown at you. Let it fly into the wind. Don't try and catch it in the palm of your hand. Put it back together and fix it. If someone is not looking for the right spiritual help and they're wasting your time and you see that there are problems that you can't heal and you're not in the spiritual aspect of healing, I. E. Clearing, step away, move aside. Do what you can do. Pray for them, pray with them. Continue to pray and help them that way, but don't continue to try and counsel them if they are a narcissist or they are someone that's going to affect you, your well being. You have boundaries, you have borders. Make sure that you remember to use them and don't feel Guilty about doing so. Because guess what? You have that right. If you're taken out of the game, how many more people could you have helped that you were unable to because you were physically and mentally just depleted and unable to, possibly even to the point where you gave up helping people, you'd had enough, you decided to become that recluse on the mountain. Well, I've been a recluse on a mountain. And while I can say for the most part, it's all it's cracked up to be, that's one of the downsides. If you're running, it's not a good fit. If you're running, it's not achieving what you're supposed to be achieving. In solitude, having the peace and the prayerful time and the meditative time. You need to take that for yourselves. You need to be able to replenish and recharge. And don't let anybody take that time away from you or take that energy away from you. And moreover, spend that energy on people who will truly appreciate it, deserve it, and listen to what you have to say. Put on your armor every single day. Cloak yourself in white light. Picture the angels all around you and be more positive. As much as it sucks and as much as you don't want to and you don't feel like it, stay in the high vibration. These lower levels can't see you when you're in the high vibration. And when you're staying in that high vibration, they're not able to affect you as they normally would if you were maybe 2 degrees lower. Even every little bit helps. So laugh, spend time with your family. Take time to be in nature and protect yourself. Keep your defenses up. Everything is not as it seems. Right now, we are having partners thrown at us. Potential partners, new friends, new business acquaintances. And while some of them might be extraordinary opportunities that God, the angels, your higher sources, your higher powers, whatever it is that you believe have put in your path so that you can take the next step forward and go higher and be able to help more people. Be aware that there are maybe just as many distractions thrown into your path. If you're helping somebody that can't be helped, then you're not helping the people that deserve to be helped. And that needs your help. You see, It's a ploy. So be careful of that. Because we're good people. We're all susceptible at times because we want to love and we want to trust and we want to help everybody. I was a victim of myself of that recently because I even let my guard down. So I'm not telling you anything that I don't need to work on myself. But it is usually an isolated incident with me, I have to say. I mean, I've got a buddy that has, like, what seems like an extraordinary business opportunity for me to pursue. I haven't even had a chance to look at his information in because I've been so busy. But I stopped, I rebalanced, I got my feet back under me and I moved on. And I look at every day as a blessing. I was asked to be a guest on a radio show last week and we talked about what we were thankful for. It was like the night before Thanksgiving, I think. And I have everything to be thankful for. As bad as it seems, someone else always it worse. And as healers and as helpers, and especially if you're doing spiritual work, we need to keep our head on a swivel. But we also need to stay in grace and be thankful and not let our egos run amok either. And sometimes we need some reminders of that. You know, it's hard to be perfect. Nobody's perfect. We're never going to be perfect. But be the best person that you can be and continue to strive to be better every single day. And as long as you maintain that love in your heart and that positivity and strength in faith, knowing that no matter what, somebody up there has got your back, it's going to be okay. Now, we haven't really done a humorous episode or anything like that in a while, so I guess I'm kind of running out of time for healing. But I am going to do a quick story or two at the end here, something funny. Before I do that, I wanted to mention a book. I recommend that everybody have this book on their shelves. It's called Moving beyond the COVID 19 Restoring Health and Hope for Humanity by Dr. Brian Ryan, artist. You can get it on Amazon right Now for like 30 bucks or you can get it through their website. This guy I saw an interview with on YouTube and he is absolutely amazing. I was telling a friend about it the other night and he's like, oh, that sounds like a good title to try and change people's minds for people that don't believe what we do so that they could read the book and believe about COVID and like, no, no, no, it's not that at all. In the interview, he gives you five or six all natural cures to either reverse the effects of the jab if you've gotten the jab, or to protect yourself from The COVID or to heal, even if you've been a result of shedding, this guy's knowledge is incredible. And these are simple things, don't cost a lot of money over the counter. And believe it or not, folks, tobacco is one of the things that he prescribes to his patients. So I don't have time to go into it tonight, but his book is utterly amazing. Look him up on YouTube, find his interviews, and you will see that we can reverse the effects for people that we love that have taken the jab with very common herbs and like cinnamon, for example. And anybody that knows me knows that I've touted the miraculous qualities of cinnamon and organic honey for years. But cinnamon is one of the things that'll help. And he tells you in the interviews what you can take, but he doesn't give you the dosage. He says you've got to buy the book to get the dosage. And you know what? It's well worth the money if you do nothing else for yourself this holiday season, I would suggest you buy this book because it will help to educate you on some facts that you did not know about COVID I can assure you. But it'll give you the cures to help yourself and your family and to protect yourselves and your families. And also it will give you more knowledge to help educate the people that are struggling with coming to the absolute point that they wake up and understand that this whole scenario with COVID was a nefarious plot by the people in charge to kill our loved ones and ourselves, our children, our moms, our dads. You've got to take this to a whole new level, and this book will help you do that. So I highly recommend it. And I also want you to learn about how nicotine is actually good for you. So all of these governments are getting rid of nicotine, and they're making nicotine very expensive to buy, if you can get it at all. And he does say in his interview that one of the things that Kamala's running mate said that one of the first things he was going to do in office was increase the taxes on nicotine products by like, 80%, I think, is what he said. There's a reason for that. This is something that's happening in different countries. England, too, spoke about it. The king of England, and he talks about that in the interview. They're trying to take nicotine away from us because they know that it's resistant to the code 19. And they know that if people are taking nicotine, it also reverses the effects of the shot, like losing your sense of smell and taste. This guy is an utter genius in my opinion. Please do yourself a favor and pick up the book now for the funny stuff. I've got a book here called Faith, Hope and Hilarity and I'm gonna read a couple of shorts just to make you laugh because we are the Positude Podcast and we haven't done enough of this lately. So here we go. I want to give you a reason to smile after your tough week and keep that smile on your face for the remainder of the week. Share the stories with somebody else and make them laugh even. Or have them listen to this show and give me a new subscriber. Wouldn't that be cool? A new listener every week, somebody else to support the network. So the first story relates to a pastor. It's called Egg Money. Author unknown the elderly pastor was searching his closet for his collar before church one Sunday morning. In the back of the closet, he found a small box containing three eggs and $101 bills. He called his wife into the closet to ask her about the box and its contents. Embarrassed, she admitted having hidden the box there for their entire 45 years of marriage. Disappointed and hurt, the pastor asked her why. The wife replied that she hadn't wanted to hurt his feelings. He asked her how the box could possibly have hurt his feelings. She said that every time he had delivered a poor sermon, she had placed an egg in the box. The packed Pastor felt that three poor sermons and 45 years were certainly nothing to feel bad about, so he asked her what the $100 was for. She replied, each time I got a dozen eggs, I sold them to the neighbors for a dollar. By John Ortberg A man appears before the pearly gates. Have you ever done anything of particular merit? St. Peter asks. Well, I can think of one thing, the man offers. Once I came upon a gang of high testosterone bikers who were threatening a young woman. I directed them to leave her alone, but they wouldn't listen. So I approached the largest and most heavily tattooed biker. I smacked him on the head, kicked his bike over, ripped out his nose ring and threw it on the ground and told him, leave her alone now or you'll answer to me. St. Peter was impressed. When did this happen? A couple of minutes ago. And finally, Masterpiece. Author unknown A kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children as they drew. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's artwork. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was the girl replied, I'm drawing God. The teacher paused and said, but no one knows what God looks like. Without missing a beat or looking up for her drawing, the girl replied, they will in a minute. Hopefully those made you chuckle as much as they made me. Keep positive Healers, Helpers, Everyone in general know that you're doing a tremendously fabulous job. I'm super duper proud of you and so are the powers that be. As hard as our challenges are, and as difficult as they may become, always know that you wouldn't be under attack unless you were right over the target or an integral part of this battle that we're facing. Please know that you would not be going through the things that you are right now if you're in this line of work or if you do this type of work, if you weren't good at what you did, if you weren't affecting someone's lives in a positive manner. And we're needed right now more than ever. So many people are anxious and suffering and scared and nervous that we need to be there to give them the leg up that they need and that they truly deserve. And I know that each and every one of you out there would want someone to do the same thing for you. Or a loved one, a family member. Would they be in that position as well? So, with that being said, I hope you enjoyed tonight's episode and thank you all for listening. You can reach me at Maggie M A G G I E underscore heart H E A R tlook dot com thank you all so very much for listening, for donating, and for just being who you are and being a part of the world as we know it and the world that it will become. I appreciate each and every one of you. Don't let them get you down. Please reach out if you need help, whether it be to me or someone else. But always know that someone is there to listen, to lend a helping ear, and to appreciate you for who you are. And don't allow those bad apples to ruin your beautiful bushel. Thank you all again so much. Have a great night, have a great week and we'll see you next time.

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