Take Point 22 Radio Show

Take Point 22 Radio Show
TRIM Radio
Take Point 22 Radio Show

Apr 17 2024 | 02:03:08

Episode • April 17, 2024 • 02:03:08

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

Join Michael and special guest Riscalla to talk about veteran affairs, faith, and support for our brothers and sisters.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: One, two, three. [00:00:20] Speaker B: Somebody saved me me for myself I spent so long living in hell they say my lifestyle is bad for my health it's the only thing that seems to help all of this drinking is smoking is hopeless but feel like it's all that I need something inside of me's broken I hold on to anything that sets me free I'm a lost cause baby don't waste your time on me I'm so damaged beyond repair life is shattered my hopes and my dreams I'm a lost call baby don't waste your time on me I'm so damaged beyond repair life is shattered my hopes and my dreams what if the night sky was missing the moon there were no shooting star to use wishing on you not of my sorrows I just washed them down. [00:02:31] Speaker C: It'S. [00:02:31] Speaker B: The only peace I've ever found Sa. [00:03:26] Speaker A: Ah welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to trim radio network. I am your host tonight, Michael Behas. I have Reskella Stevens. He's going to be joining me here in just a little bit. Anyway, you come on over to trim radio network where you know what, we would love to have you as part of our team and we do so many wonderful things. We have so many wonderful shows and we are constantly growing. So we would be honored to have you and all you have to do is message us and we'll show you how easy it is to do. Anyway, on top of that, we broadcast live all over the world. So, you know, I don't care if you have a iPhone, Android, computer, tablet, whatever, you can reach us and you can follow us along. And with that, we're going to go straight on over to the disclaimer. The opinions expressed by my host, co host guests, myself and others is not necessarily that of the Trim radio network, its owners, managers or others. And that includes any medical and health professional information as well. We inform, we don't advise. And you know what, that song right there, well that is save me and that is covered under our BMI music license from, and that's jelly roll and six one o. 516 1560 1568. So my mind is going tonight, guys, I'm sorry, I'm having a cup of coffee and I just got done scrambling. But anyway, we got a lot of stuff that we're going to talk about tonight. We were at, you know, at one point we were at where we had 6000 veterans that were in trouble with their mortgages. As of late, we're at 40,000 and we have to ask ourselves, how did we let 40,000 veterans get in trouble with the mortgage companies. This is a catastrophe. And at the same time, we are using some of the VA's money, funding and everything else for the immigrants. These people, and I'm not going to call them bad people or good people. Listen, I like to have empathy and compassion and everything. However, they're not United States citizens and they're surely not veterans. Now, we have put a stop to the foreclosure, and here's the part of the, here's the hardest part, these foreclosures that were happening during COVID where a lot of these guys were told, because I was one of them, that one of the things that we could do was put a forbearance on our home, and we would just start the payments at the end of the forbearance and it would be tacked on the end of the loan. This was not true. The wool got pulled out from under us, and then all of a sudden, we were all looking at 18,000, 20,000, whatever to, you know, come back on up and be current on our mortgages. I fought it. I got lucky and actually went through the mortgage, my mortgage servicer, freedom mortgage, and had a wonderful lady on there that guided me through and helped me get a grant. Well, those grants dried up. Okay. This kind of stuff has got to stop because what happens is, and we're going to talk about this with Roscoe as he's coming on, but what happens is that there's too many veterans getting tossed out of their homes. These are. These are homes from guys that came back from war that are looking for peace, where they're not looking for handouts, they're looking for peace. They have memories tied up in their homes and children growing up there and everything else. A lot of them are handicapped one way or another, like myself, you know that. And all of a sudden, they're tossed out on the street. Well, the mortgage servicer company is going to get either partial or full payment for that VA loan, and they're going to get that because it's granted by the VA. And then what happens? Well, the government's just going to refund the VA, but the VA will own the home after it goes through the courts into bankruptcy and everything. And so the servicer's done, he's gotten his, they've gotten their money, and all of a sudden the VA is going to get their money back from the government and they're going to own the home, fix the home up and sell it for more, especially at today's mortgage rates. So now we're trying to put a stopgap on this thing right now to where they can bring these mortgages back down to like, anywhere from three to 4% from what I was reading and. But the people that have already gone through and already suffered, there's nothing that they can do for them. That's a crock that, man. That is wrong. We have got to fix this. And with that, I'm going to just, you know, this is the story behind it. You know, I'm going to invite Roscella on here, and then we're going to get on to what is the right move here in Iran and Israel, because now they're at the forefront. We need to calm this world down. Not fired up anymore, not have any more of these problems. How can we de escalate this in a good situation to where it is a benefit for everybody in the world? War is not a good thing, man. I don't care if it makes money or if it doesn't make money, if you're doing it at the expense of good men and women from two adults throwing a temper tantrum, and that's exactly what's happening here, okay? You have leaders that are throwing adult temper tantrums with no repercussion to them, except for they might not get elected next time. But you do have good men and women that are dying because of the repercussions that these guys temper tantrum have had. So let's bring risk on here. Risk. Ella, are you there? My brother? [00:09:40] Speaker C: I am here. I am alive and I'm awake. What happened? Hang on, hang on. I got it. I got it. Here we go. Hot dog. [00:09:50] Speaker A: Now, for most of you that don't know, and most of you that I know, you know for sure, Roscella is part of Trim radio network, as I am. He is my partner, you know, along with the two others. And I will tell you that he does the red pill reality show, which is just golden and absolutely love doing shows with him. So this last week, I couldn't do it. I was out about trying to fix up a home. Well, the check should come from the mortgage company that they signed off on that they didn't need to sign off on because it was under the. The minimum required. So I had to actually get rid of the company that was going to come in and do the restoration because they actually wanted more money than what they allowed for the restoration to be done. You can't move the money around. Or at least they're trying to do that. And I'm like, listen, I painted the house already, man. Yeah. I'm not paying you to do something. I already did. And of course they didn't like that. They were like, well, you're a pretty handy guy. Why don't you do this? And I'm thinking, oh, man, I got a. I got a month to do this before my mom comes back and. And I take care of my mother, guys. She's. Yeah. And you know, it. Really. The best spot for her is with me. So I have the whole downstairs to accomplish, and we start on Monday. Yeah, that'll be a lot. That'll be. That'll be. That'll be a lot of fun. And thank God. In case you guys didn't know, some of the great shows that we have on there. Fishing in Florida, red pill, reality show, take point 22, Life walk with Christ. [00:11:34] Speaker C: God. [00:11:35] Speaker A: Then we have money and change. Then we have live laugh or whatever. And then we have natural marketing that does, you know, with Victoria, and we've got the brand. What are the other ones? We have Roscella. [00:11:50] Speaker C: Oh, gosh. The bend. We have the bend. [00:11:54] Speaker A: The bend. Nixie. [00:11:56] Speaker C: Stu. Stu shear. [00:11:57] Speaker A: Yeah. Yep, yep. We. Nixie. So we have some shows, but we have a lot of room to bring people in, so if you want to be a part, we would love to have you. And I hope I'm not breaking up, am I? [00:12:09] Speaker C: No, no, you're fine. [00:12:10] Speaker A: But we would love to have you in. We'd love to have you on our team. And we have a blast. Guys, listen, you know, when we started this, one of the great things that we. That we love doing was we all said, listen, you know, we're. We're older, but we wanted to do this together, so that's exactly what we did. But anyway, Roscella, getting back to where we're at, and I know you're there somewhere. [00:12:35] Speaker C: I'm here. I'm having a problem with my camera. I'm trying to work it out. Go ahead. [00:12:42] Speaker A: Okay, so what we have with. With this. This 40,000 veterans, 40,000 with a housing market problem with foreclosures or whatever, about to lose their homes, and we're diverting money away from the VA and everything else into monies that it was never supposed to be spent on, which were immigration and everything else, these, be it, for whatever services that they're granting them. And we are not fixing the problem that we have at hand with our. Our own troops. [00:13:21] Speaker C: What about the billion, hundreds of billions of dollars? I'll get my camera on here in a minute. I think I figured out what's going on hundreds of billions of dollars that were given to other countries. And we have homeless veterans on the streets. That's, that's disgusting. [00:13:37] Speaker A: These guys lost their homes back, back during COVID as I explained before, back during COVID-19 you know, I had torn my plantar fasciitis, which goes long ways down your foot, and I tore it bad. That was the worst possible way to do it. If you're going to do something right, do it. And then I got diagnosed with a blood disorder, a blood cancer. So was taking medicine. We had to cut back at work, had to do a whole bunch of stuff. And we had also the COVID going on. So that put me out of work, which I had to go back. And, you know, it's like, okay, I knew I couldn't do ketchup and everything else in order to stay above water. So I called the mortgage company and I said, what are my options here? Well, you're a veteran, you know, and what we do is we love our veterans. We're going to go ahead and put you on a forbearance for six months. And at the end of six months, you're just going to pick up your payments as normal and it will be tacked on to the end of your loan. That's what we were told. It's on tape. It's on everything else. I've got the dates, the times, everyone I talk to. Oh, good to go. Okay. So I don't have to worry about that. Just at the end of the forbearance time, call them back, say, listen, I'm ready to rock and roll again. And here we go. Well, I did that. Matter of fact, I called them back a month early, and they, they said, well, we need you to do some paperwork. So all of a sudden they wanted to do financial paperwork. And I was like, why am I doing all this? And then they wanted pay stubs, bank account, you know, information and everything else. And they're like, our mitigation team is not going to accept your pay stubs. I said, how can they not accept a pay stub that when I refinance the home, like two years before or three years before that, you're telling me now you can't accept the same exact paperwork? I've been with the same guy for, you know, 28 to 30 years, and nothing has changed. So when I got the loan, I got the loan with the same type of paperwork. I refinanced with the same type of paperwork not once, not twice, but like three times to get me down to 2.387%. And now you're telling me you won't accept it? Well, no, they didn't want to accept it all of a sudden, yeah, they wanted me to refinance because home prices went up. And of course, that's when, boom, here comes inflation. And our great president at that time. Inflation is good, you dumb sob. If you remember, he said that live. And the camera caught him, and I was like, how's it good, man? You know? Yeah. So the percentage rates went from all the way from where I was to, like, you know, 2.38%, which I got, but from 3% all the way up to, like, five. So of course they want me to refinance and refinance the whole mortgage and start all over again, and then they're going to tell me where we're not going to accept the paperwork. So after working with them, being on the phone with them, talking with them every single week, sometimes a couple of times during the week, the times, the dates, who I talked to, what we talked about, everything, all the information there, all of a sudden, this is, we are now into November, and they send me a foreclosure letter. No warning, no nothing, you know, saying that I'm not working with them. And I'm thinking, wait a minute, you lied and now you. You didn't even tell me. We were trying to get a refi, you know, trying to renegotiate this whole thing. This was supposed to be just tacked on to the end of the loan, and I pick up my payments like normal. I'm not the only one that was told to. So after I found two or three veterans, I finally said, I'm going to hire an attorney and file a class action lawsuit. Is what we have in the courts right now going on right now that somebody else has filed because they're in the same boat. I was livid. [00:18:02] Speaker C: I would be. [00:18:03] Speaker A: Yeah. And right away, the sweet, I'm going to tell you, sweet young lady got on the phone with me, that was the head of one of the top heads of freedom mortgage, my servicer. She said, listen, I'm going to give you a gift for Christmas. Put me in touch with South Carolina homeowners, that it was a South Carolina homeowners rescue. It got me a grant, which I didn't have to worry about paying back, that I found out that the government had allotted for the veterans because of these things that were happening from the VA. And I took it, got my forbearance part taken, got it right back to normal. Got my payments back to normal and I was out of the water. But we have up to 40,000 now that are in trouble. And these funds have dried up. So where do we go from here? How did we let this happen? And why are we not fixing this problem before we're sending everything over to other countries to handle stuff when these guys should be first in line? What's your opinion? [00:19:16] Speaker C: Amen. Absolutely. We're back. We're 180 degrees from where we're supposed to be. It's truly disturbing how the people that we call our government is not working for our benefit. Actually working the opposite of that. Anything they can do to harm us without physical violence. You know, look at the first day. This guy that was that. He got an office the very first day. What he do? He cut down the pipeline, right? Knowing when he did that, knowing damn well when he did that, that the price of gas is going to go up. Didn't care. It's all for the green movement. Right? Now we find out the green movement is nothing more than a laundry or a money laundering scheme so they can make more money. It's the same thing that happens with the money that they send over to Ukraine or what they call foreign aid. They get kickbacks from all this stuff. I never could figure out, why are we giving all this money to these people when we need it here? The reason is that they're getting a kickback. So if you give Zelensky $100, you get 20 or $30 back for $100. And there's no way, you know, for anybody to. There's no accounting, I guess. I guess is the best way to put it. There's no accounting of any kind. People have attempted to account and they've been shut down. So, you know, that it's. It's just. It's 180 degrees. What we have today is. Is absolutely disgusting. And my answer to all of this is people need to get their act together, because the people who are working against us have their act together much better than we do. And we have got to get our act together. We've got to unite. We've got to put what is right. Right. And stop this insanity that's going on. It's just crazy. Look what they're doing to trump right there. I've never in my life would I imagine that you could be tried for something that you didn't do. [00:21:04] Speaker A: I. To me, they've got this bucket, and it's a bucket of money, but it's a bottomless pit, and they keep. They keep going and going and going. And when they hit rock bottom, they begin to dig more. [00:21:18] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:21:18] Speaker A: And I'm just like, I'm, I'm worried about 40, not thousand veterans, okay? Being a veteran myself and you being a veteran yourself, I'm worried about 40,000 veterans. And what you said is exactly true is our priorities are out of the way. Everything that Trump did that this guy undid. [00:21:39] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:21:39] Speaker A: So in all, within the first year, just to be spiteful, you know, I. [00:21:45] Speaker C: Mean, correction, Michael, with all due respect, it's not just to be spiteful is to destroy this country. It's pretty evident it's in your face at this point. They want to destroy what we know is America. They want to bring in their version of America, which is basically a communist kind of regime, if you will. They've already demonstrated repeatedly that they're headed in that direction. They've weaponized the DOJ. They've weaponized the FBI. The CIA isn't worth a spit with regards to helping us. And they continue to allow this kind of, actually not only just allow, but to encourage it, encourage this kind of action. Go out and swat a former president. Go out and swat his. I'd like to see Obama's home swatted. I'd like to see Biden's home swatted. I'd like to see the Clinton's home swatted. But they're the real criminals, and the real criminals don't get any of that. What happens to them is they get patted on the back and blessed. It's insane. [00:22:50] Speaker A: And it's, you know, this. We're in such dire straits as a country. We truly are. And I can tell you that we need to fix this and fix it fast because there's not going to be any escaping it. There's, you know, what are, it's not a matter of us. We're old enough, okay? We're old enough and everything. But my grandchildren, my children and everything, they can't even go on out and live on their own. They can't. [00:23:22] Speaker C: That's all by design. [00:23:26] Speaker A: I mean, we're having families. Parents are bringing the kids back home, taking care of them. That's a fact. More families. You've got multiple families in one household. [00:23:36] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:23:36] Speaker A: Okay. And I feel like they're trying to get everyone out of their houses. You've got companies that are trying to buy in neighborhoods that say, you know, we're investors. The heck you are. What you are is you want to buy these houses and your investment is, you know, you're doubling the rent of what it was to begin with. So you're doubling it and tripling it. You experience this. [00:24:05] Speaker C: Yeah. And I mean, and I read that there's legislation, it's either has passed or is going to pass that they're not going to allow these corporations to purchase up these residential homes because that's exactly what was happening. They were coming in, buying the homes and then raising the rent, which caused private landlords who had their, you know, properties leased and rent to raise their rent. I could never imagine when I first moved into this one house I was in, and I was in that house for 20 years. So I basically paid his house off for these people. When I first moved in that house, it was $1,400 a month. When I left, it was 26 and we're looking at 28. And it was, you can't, I wasn't a big house, a three bedroom, two bathroom home wasn't like a luxurious home or something. [00:24:57] Speaker A: So I sat down, I was sitting with my daughter in law and she, you know, manages apartments and stuff. And I'm not echoing, am I? [00:25:07] Speaker C: No, you're fine. [00:25:08] Speaker A: Okay. And she's going through and she's saying, yeah, well, the rents went up all around on all the different apartment complexes to where it's like one thousand dollars to fifteen hundred dollars now for like one and two bedroom. [00:25:23] Speaker C: That's right. [00:25:24] Speaker A: Now we're not talking the best of neighborhood either. Okay. I mean, she said, if you want a really good one, you're going to be paying $1,500 or above and you can have probably, you know, a three bedroom, a two to three bedroom, she said, but that's going to be, it's going to go up even higher than that if you know the nicer area that you want. And I'm just thinking to myself, the people aren't making that kind of money. Food is costing more, gas is costing more. As you said, you know, the prices are rising. And of course, we get into this thing with Iran where we're going to have a bigger problem and of course it's going to be hard on our vets as well, or active duty who are going to become veterans. We have to control all this stuff. But the guys that already lost their houses don't even have a chance to get it back and it's not right. And then we're going to use some of that money for the immigrants that are coming in here that are unchecked and they have more rights than what normal us citizens have. I mean, it's unbelievable. [00:26:33] Speaker C: That's the part that I can't understand why people are allowing. And then the key word is allowing why people are allowing this to go on. We. We are actually, you know, again, I go back to, I go back to, we have to get our act together. We have to get our act together and we have to unite. And once that happens, we can stop all of this almost overnight kind of thing, stop it all. But until that point, until we reach that point, until we stand shoulder to shoulder and tell these people, especially the federal component of this, we're not doing what you say anymore. We're done with you. Get out. We'll find somebody else to do the job because you damn sure ain't doing it for us. You know, you're doing a job, but it's not for us. [00:27:15] Speaker A: Yeah, it's self serving. [00:27:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:27:17] Speaker A: And, you know, it's frustrating. And I try not to think about it too long because it just gives me anxiety and everything else really ticks me off. Yeah, it's, it's just. Oh, it's tiring. You know, I got my son trying to fix the computer and he's saying it's unbelievable. I'm handling. I got ten different kettles going on over here, man. I. Iran in Iraq. Roskella, how do we handle that problem and what do we do about that problem? And I'm gonna shut my camera off just for a second here. I'm here, so I'm listening. Um, I was trying to fix something. [00:28:09] Speaker C: So what happened just before we went on the air? We had a power outage, of course, and so when we came back up, everything seemed to be okay. And then I started to share with you. And my camera is USB. I got that dreaded USB device, not recognized garbage. And fortunately, my sound goes through a sound board, so I can talk the cameras through a different board. So it's giving me that. I had to turn it on and turn it off several times. Finally. Now, I hope it's, it's resolved now. I hope. What do we do about Iran and Iraq? My, one of the first questions I had was we kept hearing this warning that Iran is going to do this, Iran is going to do that. Iran is going to 72 hours. [00:28:55] Speaker A: 72 hours, at least 72 hours before anything happened that we heard that warning. [00:29:02] Speaker C: And so how do we know Iran's doing this? You know, it's like, I go back to 911, oh, it was 19 middle eastern men from Egypt and I think Iran and some couple of. And we come to find out that they were, they did want to hurt us. And there's no question about that part. But it wasn't them that really pulled this thing off. It was somebody else. But they needed a scapegoat, and that was their scapegoat. So we, we know, I know, at least there have been plans in place for many years. And I think it's, I think it's five countries in seven years. It's west. West. General West. Clark, Wesley Clark. He says that he saw the plans, written plans prior to us going to war with anybody. We were still in a relatively peaceful mode. We weren't in Afghanistan. We weren't in Iraq. We weren't in any of the other places publicly anyway. And he said, you saw the paperwork. The paperwork said, I think it's seven. I got to see if I can find a, find the audio, but I think it's seven. Five countries in seven years. It's either seven countries in five years or five countries. I think it's five countries in seven years. Iran was one of those countries. They've been after Iran for a very long time. [00:30:24] Speaker A: It bothers me because the US put in the paper and I was reading it the other day, well, we had no advanced warning that they were going to do. We saw it at least 72 hours. Well, you kept getting on. The president himself got on there. It could happen sooner than later. You already know. Why are you saying this? Why are you saying this when you already know? You, you already said it's not, well, they could retaliate. You said, no, we know an attack is going to happen, whether it's sooner or later, we don't know when. But you already said it was going to happen. Not that it's a possibility. You know, and that was disturbing. So that was a lie. [00:31:11] Speaker C: I'm trying to find that, that audio with, with him. I don't see it. I know I have it. [00:31:16] Speaker A: I just, I know. I know what's in there because I did it, too. [00:31:19] Speaker C: I played it a couple of times on my show for people because they don't believe me. You know, I, you know, honestly, I don't care if you don't believe me. I don't want you to believe me. I don't want to tell you how to think. I just want you to think. And I want you to think using common sense and practical, you know, thinking. This idea that you need to be vaccinated for something that has a 99 plus percent recovery rate without medical intervention, that's what I'm talking about. That kind of fear that's instilled into people so they can't use common sense, rational thinking. [00:31:50] Speaker A: Anyway, we got a research, really, it comes down to this. You have to do the research on it. And believe me, I put myself in a bad position because of my illness to where I took the advice of all my medical doctors, which I should, and I did, but I didn't think that it would hurt me the way that it hurt me. And it, you know, now they're like, I told them, I said, it's not going to happen again. And they're like, I understand, you know, but I think everyone got bamboozled on this on a lot of ways. [00:32:24] Speaker C: A lot of people. [00:32:25] Speaker A: A lot of people, a lot of people did, including the medical community. So don't be mad at the entire medical community. We have to understand that what happened was we got lied to. [00:32:39] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:32:40] Speaker A: Simple. This guy lied. There was no reason to have 6ft. We knew that there was gain of function. And I had been calling that since day one. I had been calling that. I said, this has biological weaponry all over over it, inked on it. And I had been saying that this wasn't just some. I said this thing either got out somehow, I don't know how it got out, but it's out, or it was intentional. And we had all the goings on over in China with the people that were disrupting China because they wanted more freedoms. And where did those people go? And that was in like November and December. That actually was before then of 2019. Guess what? Where'd they go? What happened to them? What exactly happened to them? They released this thing and whether it was a leak, how it was done doesn't matter to me. It's out. And then you wanted to blame it on a wet market and then made texts about it saying why it's reasonable to believe it's from a wet market when there was Wuhan lab right on over there, which was a level four bio lab, and your company that you're representing was involved with it. The NIH direct links with Wuhan lab and testing and everything else, so much so to the point that all these texts came out, he had to answer questions at a closed door. Of course, he's gone now. He's out now, but he's sure to get paid a lot. And then on top of it, on top of it, we're talking about now this, this new pandemic X or whatever. And what comes out right afterward in the journals about gain of function is China has developed out of the SARS CoV two X, a new one that is worse than COVID, that has 100% fatality rate. Does that sound like Pandemic X? So they're preparing you for it. They're telling you in advance, and you have to do the research and look this stuff up. But it's out there. It's all over the place. Chrome, Google Edge, all over the place. You just type it in and look up, you know, this, this new virus that they have in China with 100% fatality rate. That sounds like pandemic x to me. And all of a sudden it'll be. It's not a matter of when, uh, you know, or if, but when and when they put it to you like that. They're preparing you to know that we know this is coming. [00:35:35] Speaker C: They have to tell you, these, these sick people, they're, I don't know how, what to call it. Their rules, their laws, whatever, they have to tell you in some way, they have to tell you what they're going to do, whether that is straight to your face or whether it's some kind of a, you know, it's in code of some sort. They have to tell you. And if you don't speak out against it, then they go ahead and do it. You know, that that's. They believe that if they have warned you that they're going to do it and you, and you remain silent, your silence is their permission to continue doing what they're doing. [00:36:08] Speaker A: Yes. I mean, we've done this. We've done this now with this attack, with, and I'm going to say with Iran coming back at Israel, Turkey knew, everybody else knew, and they said, listen, we knew five days before. If you listen carefully to what was said and what the president had said, he said, it seems like there's going to be an intimate attack. We're just not sure if, but when. It could happen sooner or later. But he's already told you it's going to happen if you listen to the wording and lo and behold, it happens. And of course, Iran says, all right, listen, we're done with the attacks. We just wanted to do something here that was a proportionate response. Everybody was evacuated. I don't think anybody was killed. I'm not sure. [00:37:11] Speaker C: They claim one person. [00:37:13] Speaker A: One person, okay. Over 300 missiles, one person was killed. [00:37:18] Speaker C: That's what they say. [00:37:20] Speaker A: Okay. So I want you to put this in perspective. 300 missiles or drones or whatever that was used, and one person does get killed. Okay. Which is a high probability. One person to get killed, really. It should have been way more, a lot more. Yeah. And the US and Israel defended the attacks and Iran says, no, we're done. That was a proportional response. Now we have Netanyahu saying, well, we didn't know it was going to be 300 missiles. Now we have to respond. Why? My question is why at this point, if they're telling you it's done and they're not going to do more attacks and they do more attacks, hey, have at it. Okay? Have at it. But if we can end this now and get this down to where we can, we can get, it's my belief that the palestinian people and the israeli people can live in harmony, can live in peace. But I agree to a lot of things that, hey, you know what? Israel has statehood. Give Palestine some statehood. Why is one group allowed and another group is not allowed? And I'm just going to tell you, we have to start being able to live together in this world in peace called Israel. [00:38:48] Speaker C: If you, if you have an encyclopedia that goes back that far. [00:38:54] Speaker A: Yeah. It's called the Bible. [00:38:55] Speaker C: It was. And if you have a map that goes back prior to 1948, you'll see that the entire place that they call Israel today was called Palestine, that there were jewish people, christian people, muslim people, all living in that area. [00:39:13] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:39:13] Speaker C: It wasn't anything, it was not anything close to what you're seeing today with regard of the violence. [00:39:19] Speaker A: No, it's a, it's absurd and ridiculous. The violence that we're having there. And again, who is getting hurt? The two adults that are having the temper tantrum, the two groups or whoever they are, the expense of the people are paying the price for their temper tantrum. Good men, women and children, there's no reason for it anymore. It needs to stop. This is where the world has to come together and say, not restraint, stop, just don't consent. [00:39:53] Speaker C: We're not going to play your game anymore. [00:39:55] Speaker A: We want no part of it anymore. [00:39:56] Speaker C: Enough of us would do that. They would have no choice. It would shut everything down. If you can imagine, if we could get enough people to say, look, we are not going to go to work on whatever, whatever day it is, just completely, everybody does not go to work. If you had enough people to do that, you could shut down the economy. That's the power that we hold that we don't realize. We don't. And they don't want us to realize it. They don't want us to know that. But that's the power that we hold. If we. Again, the trick is, and everything that they've done is to keep us divided. So the trick is to unite. [00:40:33] Speaker A: And it's not a trick. It's really what the people need to start to do is to say, listen, no more corruption, no more of this. Let's start living. Whatever your deity is, mine's Christ God. But whatever yours is, I'm sure that somewhere in your deity, it has peace and harmony. Come on, can't we try that idea for once? Because nobody's tried it before. And I'm just going to tell you, good things could happen if we try that. And I know you know what the scriptures say and everything, but enough of this. We have. It has to stop. And it's the same thing with. With troops over now. We have to worry about the UK. We have to worry about Russia and them. Russia is threatening all the time. He's like, again, he's like a little kid over there, and so is some of his counterparts over there. Well, we'll start tossing nuclear weapons. You don't know what in the world you're talking about doing. You don't know. It's like a little kid finding his daddy's gun, okay? And it's that dangerous that not only does the child not understand the weaponry and how extreme and what it can do and the damage it can do, but. But he wields it around, pointing it at everybody. And you're praying to God somebody can wrestle it out of his hand before somebody gets hurt. And that's the problem that we're paying. And of course, at some point, we have to end. This thing has to end. It's ridiculous. Listen, when Boris. Russian leader. Boris. Yep, yep. What was his name back when Reagan was president? [00:42:28] Speaker C: Oh. [00:42:31] Speaker A: I got you. Come on. Come on. Spit it on out. Ah, not Boris Yeltsin, was it? [00:42:39] Speaker C: I don't think so. No, it was. [00:42:42] Speaker A: Hmm. [00:42:44] Speaker C: I can't think of it. My mind is locked. [00:42:48] Speaker A: Yeah. You know what that's called, don't you? That's right. Just keep drinking that coffee. That's good. These are our trip. These are our trim radio cups. By the way, folks, if you get a chance, and I'm sorry, the camera. There you go. If you get a chance, you can get one of these trim radio cups by coming over to trimradio.com. And we have lots of merchandise on there. A lot of cool stuff. So we have. We have really cool stuff. There's our take point, 22 cups and everything. And we don't just talk about veterans and stuff, but we do. I share a lot of things in life of how to deal with different things that I'm learning to cope with in my life. Not that it works all the time, because I can promise you it doesn't, the conditions not going to change, but you have to learn to live in an environment. For me, it's at home, it's not around people. That doesn't work anymore. And I had to learn that. But anyway, my point was getting back to it when we tore down the wall in Germany and he said, tear this wall down there. After Reagan said that. Gorbachev, thank you. Okay, the USSR broke up. There were some wars, Georgia, and then we had Bosnia, then we had a couple others became individual states and everything else over there. Okay, at that time, that's. I'm sorry, but that's what happened. That's, that's what happened. It was done. He was president, fine, it was done. You can't go back in 2014 and then start attacking a country saying, well, this is ours and we're incorporating it back into Russia. We want Russia back. No, you want Russia back. And of course your greed, you're power hungry and everything else. So you want to attack somebody because you think it's a superb naval base, the Black Sea and all that area and in Crimea and everything, and then you go in and attack again because you want it all now. Now you want it all. And I'm not going to say Ukraine is some innocent thing, they're surely corrupt. But to say, okay, see this much and we'll be done and we can have peace talks. Till when? The next time? If you've already done it twice, I no longer trust you. You did it the first time, now you're doing it again. And then you're talking about attacking other countries in the UK, you know, that are NATO countries. And I'm thinking he's trying to. He's no different than Hitler, really. He is no different than Hitler in a lot of ways. How much is enough? You know, Mister Putin, how much is enough? And where exactly can we stop this so that we're not dealing with this problem constantly? [00:45:57] Speaker C: You have to get rid of these psychopaths, you have to get rid of the, the Soros and the Rothschilds and the warlords and I can't think of the other ones, these people, that their names are well known and many people think that there are people to look up to and they don't realize they're not people to look up to. They're people who have caused us all kinds of harm because of what they want. They want power and they want money. Well, they reach the money that somebody's families have more money than countries have, for God's sake. You imagine being part of a family that has more money than America. They're out there. There are families out there that have more money than we do, and they're still pushing the agenda of destroying this planet because once they get the majority of the people out of the way, then they can make the plan of the giant Disney world for the uber rich. [00:46:56] Speaker A: Well, it's not just the uber rich, but you have to think, okay, what is the ultimate goal? Because you would think, okay, if you destroy a whole bunch of people, you're actually taking money out of the economy. [00:47:07] Speaker C: They don't care. That's what I said. They've already reached. [00:47:10] Speaker A: I don't think that that's the goal. The goal is they don't want to answer to Christ, God. They don't want to answer to our. They don't want to answer to any of the deities at all. They want to believe they are the ultimate deity. We can make life. Listen, we don't. We don't believe in all this stuff, but here we go. We're making AI, you know, and we're having it work. [00:47:33] Speaker C: Their. [00:47:33] Speaker A: Their goal is to try to make men have babies. Okay, change this. [00:47:38] Speaker C: Men can have baby. That's even worse. Have people believe that men can, and then argue the point. Of course men can have babies. What's the matter with you? The hell they can. [00:47:55] Speaker A: They want to control the environment, too. They want to control the weather. They want to control. They want to control the weather. They want to control every aspect of it. They're trying to make sources that can heat hotter than the sun and everything else. Oh, power sources and this and that. From that point, they want to replace God. That's what they think that they can do. [00:48:21] Speaker C: They're believe that. They believe that they are gods. They believe that they are gods, that their place in this world is to create what they want, and therefore, that makes them creators. Who gods. You know, look at the hydrant. What is the thing? The hydrant collider. God knows what that thing has done. You know, something that we haven't talked about in a while, I think I had a discussion with you about this. The Mandela effect. [00:48:46] Speaker A: Yes. [00:48:47] Speaker C: Who knows how the Mandela effect came into? And then we're talking about December 1220, 2012. December 21, 2012. Well, right around that time, that crazy thing was spinning and doing this crazy stuff, and we went on and crazy stuff happened. I mean, really crazy stuff. Like, okay, now, this is a Bible. I don't know what the Bible verse is, but I know that growing up and with the Bible studies that I did. I can't tell you how many times I heard the lion and the lamb, the lion and the lamb. The lion will lay down with the lamb. When Christ returns. The lion will lay down with the lamb. [00:49:23] Speaker A: Wolf. [00:49:24] Speaker C: Now, I went to my Bible looking for that. It's not in there. It says, it says the wolf in the lamb. [00:49:29] Speaker A: One. [00:49:30] Speaker C: Let us start saying the wolf in the lamb. I'm telling you, I remember specifically my bible said the lion. And there are pictures of that still that haven't changed. There's a lion and there's a lamb, and they're laying down together on the ground. There's some stuff that these people are pulling on us that we, we don't even have the slightest clue. And when you're saying, how do we resolve all this? We have to get to the root of it. And the root of it are these evil, psychopathic, no good for nothing, sewer sucking slugs that sadly have more money than they have empathy or compassion for the humankind. It's everything that's about for them, themselves, their families, and how much more powerful can they become? That's the problem. We get rid of these idiots. And not just get rid of them, but we have to get rid of that mentality. The idea that no matter how much I have, it's not enough. You know, I can't imagine. You know, I'm lucky if I'm 100 here, for God's sake. These people are multi, multibillionaires, multi billionaire. It takes you a thousand million dollars to hit 1 billion. And these guys are billionaires. That means they have more than 1 billion. Some of them have tens and thirties and forties of billions of dollars. What are you going to do with all of that? [00:50:53] Speaker A: You're going ahead and buying and investing and taking power. That's what you're doing. Okay? And now with the same thing, risk with this thing, I'll. And I, again, one of my things I said a long time ago, I don't like this thing. I'm not a predictor. I'm not, I'm not a prophet, I'm not anything like that. I'm not a pastor, preacher, rabbi, clergy, anything. But even I know this thing is not good, okay? This thing's got bad news written all over it. [00:51:24] Speaker C: AI. [00:51:26] Speaker A: Yeah. And I just remember what I told. [00:51:28] Speaker C: You earlier about they have to tell you what they're going to do before they do it, right? Yeah. Now think about that movie, the Terminator, because they've already given that authority over to AI in a couple of cases already in California, they had a robot go in and launch a, what do they call it? Rocket propelled grenade into a home. And it was the robots decision. It wasn't a human decision. They left it to the robot. [00:51:55] Speaker A: And I'm just going to tell you that this thing, it's going to take away jobs, and why not give it to a robot? After all, the robot won't get sick. If the robot breaks, you replace the robot, you get another robot to fill a spot. You're not paying money. [00:52:11] Speaker C: Don't worry about it. Having health benefits, no vacation time. [00:52:18] Speaker A: Basically, what you've done is you've eradicated compassion, you've eradicated empathy, sympathy, and you've taken away the presence of mankind. And the reason that you've done that is people used to love to go around and work with other people. They used to have a purpose to go to work and to do all that. And I'm just going to tell you, with this thing coming along, and then you're going to have it for armed forces, and then you're going to have it for everything else, for every bit of good that this thing can do. Looking up stuff, helping with essays, helping with business and everything else. Understand, there is a flip side to that coin, and the flip side to that coin is it will be used for war. It is the same with that. For every good use for it. Look at the flip side. You have to think of this stuff and say, how ugly can it get? Very ugly. And it's going to get very ugly. And you know what? Somebody thinks I created that. That's great. No, I'm sorry, it's not great. That's like gain of function. I created this mad disease, and we're going to find a cure for it, but got out. Well, that's great. But you have no cure for it now, you know. But yet you created it to be as bad as you can make it to be, and you're unprepared. You. You did it. It's a biological weapon. [00:53:49] Speaker C: That's one of the things I see with this AI is a human innovative capacities are going to diminish tremendously. Our ability to create in certain areas is going to just go away. You know, when you. When you can call up an artificial intelligence and say, I need a 500 word essay, I need this, this, this, and this, and the essay, and literally seconds later, you have your 500 word essay. What happened to the imagination that it would take somebody who didn't have an artificial intelligence guiding them through this? What happened to that it's. It's. You don't have no need. It's like speed dialing who. Remember how many of the numbers you remember on your speed daughter? I mean, that eventually is what's going to happen to people who are skilled, whether it's a musician, whether, you know, there's going to be some trades that I'm sure it'll be a long time before they can take it over, but a lot of the stuff that can be done without physical work, you know, that's going to be taken over. And it. You're dulling your ability of people to be innovative, and the ability of people to create is going to drop drastically. [00:55:03] Speaker A: Yeah. You're. You're dulling your senses. You're dumbing down your society. That helps. Do you remember the five steps? I told you how to officially take over a country from within a country? [00:55:16] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:55:17] Speaker A: First, take God out of it. Listen, you give a group of people hope and faith. Holy smokes, are they powerful. But if you take God out of it all together. Okay, that's. There's no moral compass now. Okay. Number two, dumb down the education. [00:55:34] Speaker C: Yep. [00:55:34] Speaker A: Okay. Number three, have the parents working so much, nobody's raising the kids, and you're gonna start busting up the families. Bust up the families, and you're gonna have an easier time. Number four, get rid of the home cooked meals. We don't need those. No, sir. We've got McDonald's, Burger King, everything else that can make the meals. And number five, take away their weapons. Take away any way for them to defend themselves so that they cannot, they can be submissive. In this case, look at it in a logical perspective. Getting people out of their houses, putting them into apartment complexes, you're dictating the rent, you're dictating everything else. You can decide if they can't pay it. Hey, they're out on the street, okay? That's just another homeless person. So if they're out on there, that person's no longer a threat. That's fine, whatever. All right? I mean, this is what, this is what we have. Bringing all these immigrants in is just for a political vote. That's all this is for. [00:56:39] Speaker C: Destroying this country. That's right. [00:56:44] Speaker A: Is the only difference. You've taken them from this side of offense to this side of offense. They're still homeless. They're still out there. They're defecating, they're urinating, they're still homeless. Some of them are living in cars and everything else. We've got veterans to now to where they said, listen, we've got a parking lot that's going to be dedicated to you. It's going to have some security guards. You can live in your car while we try to work all this stuff out. No way. No way. No way. No, thank you. No way. Is that what you deserve when you went and defended the country? Is that what you deserve when you signed on the bottom line and said, I'll give my life to you from my country for this flag, and then you desecrate the flag because all the meaning that it had behind it from. [00:57:31] Speaker C: Our flag is racist. [00:57:34] Speaker A: Okay? I mean, you turn around and you do that, and I'm just going to tell you, every one of them have rolled in their graves, probably saying, what are you people doing? This is not what we meant. This was not what we intended. This is exactly what we've tried to prevent. And you've got these people in power that really shouldn't be there at all. I mean, not at all. I don't care what kind of education that these people say that they have. Evil is evil. [00:58:12] Speaker C: Wrong is wrong. [00:58:13] Speaker A: Wrong is wrong, man. And that's it. And it's just, you cannot. It's going to come down to, and I've always said this, at the end. At the end, and I don't know when that's going to be. I don't believe in wars, rumors of wars and all this stuff. Only God knows when that's going to happen. Only Christ, God knows. The father knows it. [00:58:38] Speaker C: That's it. [00:58:39] Speaker A: And when it happens, I'm going to tell you, it's going to come down to choice one or choice two. Which side are you on? As Christ said, you're either with me or you're against me. It is that simple. [00:58:55] Speaker C: Amen. [00:58:57] Speaker A: There's not going to be favoritism. There's not going to be any of that stuff. No nepotism, no nothing. It's really going to come down to that. And that is it. And where we go from there, if we can't see this coming and we can't change it, and we can't get people back to some kind of a moral compass, and believe me, this country is lacking. We are still talking about racism. We are talking about all these different genders. We are talking about all these crazy things that never were supposed to be in this world, but we invented them. So what, are we following worldly things? Or are we looking at the kingdom at the end of the tunnel here? What are we looking at? What's your focus? Well, let's. We got to take a break. Roskella. [00:59:49] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:59:50] Speaker A: How about. How about we take a five minute break? What do you got up there for some commercials for us? [00:59:56] Speaker C: I don't. You want me to play one of mine? Absolutely, if I can play one of mine. Hang on. [01:00:01] Speaker A: And I'll tell you what, folks, and Roscoe in this how to do his brand. He says we'll be right back. He's got this beautiful brand. And we'll be back in about five minutes. That sound good? [01:00:12] Speaker C: Here we go. [01:00:13] Speaker A: Red pill reality show with your host. Do you need toner for your Epson, Hewlett, Packer, canon, brother Apple or sharp printers? Look no further than in laser technologies. In business for over 20 years, they offer the lowest prices on toner on the web. They can also repair your laser printers and toners fast and easy. Call their expert staff today at 561-792-9600 or email us at service dash technologies.com for all your toner needs. All toner is shipped nationwide. Why wait? Get the lowest prices on toner. Call or email? Email us today. [01:01:11] Speaker C: Are you a business owner? Did you know that the government is holding funds right now for your business? The program is called the Employee Retention act. It's done through the IR's and part of the CARES act and it's available to just about every business. This could mean literally hundreds of thousands of dollars into your business. This is not a loan. It's 100% legal and paid directly to you. Go to getmymoneyback.net. That's getmymoneyback.net to watch a brief video and find out how you can qualify. Getmymoneyback.net. Go there now. [01:02:01] Speaker B: See the truth this puppet show it stays on because of you fools we been dancing with the death for way too long I know it's fun but get ready to pay your dues o God come back home this crazy world is filled with lights and abuse us we need you now before we're too far gone I hope one day they finally see the truth we need you now, we need you now we need you now one day, one day, one day I hope you see the truth this puppet show it stays on because of you fools we been dancing with the devil way too long I know it's fun get ready to pay your dues o God come back home this crazy world is feeling like I said, abuse us, need you now before we too far gone I hope one day they finally see the truth God we need you now this. [01:04:43] Speaker A: Station is now the ultimate power in the universe, we have ignition. Strap in. 5543-3211 okey dokey, thank you. [01:05:12] Speaker C: And we're back. [01:05:16] Speaker A: Thanks, guys. And you can. Let's click this on. We're on air. You can join our conversation. You know, you'll notice in the comments, different pages or whatever. If you want to come and you want to join us, give us your opinion. We'd love to hear it, talk to you about it back to where we were. There's a lot of things that are going on, and I don't care what book you go to. I do read the Bible a lot. I tell veterans this all the time. I am bipolar, too. I understand the suicidal thoughts. I understand the anxiety. You know, I understand the panic attacks. I understand the anxiety. I take medication for it. I have to take it the rest of my life. It's never going to get better. I understand that. So I have to learn to live with it. And one of the ways that I do that is a lot of reading in the Bible, and I have. I've been through it. It got so bad at some points in my life to where I've been through it. This is my fourth time going through it. I love reading through it. And you don't be intimidated by it. What you have to do is look at it as a love story. It's an epic, wonderful saga, and it's a love story to me, and it continually shows God's merciful and how gracious he is to us, his, you know, after everything that we do, we betray him daily, and yet he still wants to hear from us, and he wants to hear from us in our times of trouble, in our. In our times of everything. So I go to him a lot. I pray a lot. I'm not a. I'm not a people person anymore. I love getting on the radio and talking, you know, with life, walk with Christ, God. But I will tell you, and even helping veterans and stuff, if I can help somebody by showing them how to kind of navigate a little bit at the VA, from what I've learned over. Over the years, since 2007, I will be delighted in doing that to help you because I'm in awe of y'all. So I'm not a combatant. Understand that. I was. I was here. I was actually stationed at the Washington Navy Yard. I was Tad on the USS Jason, which was a repair ship off of 32nd street, wet side, and I went to school, dry side at NSDAT, which doesn't exist anymore. National Naval Dental Assisting and technology school. I went a school, c school, and then I was supposed to go with the marines, Kanoe Bay, Hawaii. And they said, no, we want you here. So I ended up at part of Bethesda. And they said, nope, you're gonna go to the Washington Navy yard. Put me down at the Washington Navy Yard. So between the annex, Bethesda and Washington Navy Yard, that's where I was. And then they said, we'll put you on the comfort, but, you know, needs of the Navy. Unfortunately, I got sick there. It was an old building, had asbestos in it, beryllium, everything else which I am fighting now, you know, to add into my record. But I'm going to tell you, not an easy battle, and it's, you're in for a long haul, but it can. It, you know, you have to be persistent. Don't miss appointments. Go to your cmps, your compensation, you know, and. And, um. See, my brain is in pension. Uh, these. You're going to be seeing people's that are going to evaluate you and everything. God knows how many I've been to. And it finally, after a long time and a long battle, you know, trying to find peace, it took a long, long time. And, you know, I am static, and it's. It's never going to get better. I know I have this issue. So I try to. I very small circle people that I love and care for very much. Very small. I enjoy it, though, and I'm just not comfortable out anymore in big venues or places like that. I just. I don't do well. But when you're having these problems, please message. Let me try to help you, at least to get to a point to where you were always told to, you know, adapt so that we can overcome. And, you know, the Bible helped me do that. It gave me enough peace reading the story. And the more that I read it, the more I can tell you I realized what it was. I saw it in a different light. And for me, it's just this epic saga, this love story, and it's just. It's so wonderful and emotional, and it will, you know, stir you inside, but it is. It is absolutely just a shining light of hope and faith. And I wanted to read you something that Roscella and I were just talking about. Roscella, if you give me two minutes to do that, I'd be grateful. And this kind of. You'll notice that the Sagittarius and the Pharisees are a lot like the government and the people that we're dealing with today. And then Jesus spoke to the multitude. And of course, this is chapter 23 page 1088. King James Version. And to his disciples, saying, the scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses's seat. All therefore whatsoever they bid you, observe that. Observe and do, but do not ye after their works, for they say, and do not for they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders, but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers, but all their works they do to be seen of men. They make broad and I can't even say this word, and enlarge the borders of their garments, and love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, rabbi, rabbi. But not be called rabbi. For one is your master, even Christ, and all ye are are brethren, and call no man your father upon the earth. For one is your father which is in heaven, neither be ye called masters, for one your master, even Christ. And this is Jesus even saying, my father is the master, not me. Always giving glory and praise to God, but he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whoever whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased, and he shall humble himself shall be exalted. First come last. Last come first, is what he's basically saying there. And the Pharisees and the sadducees and all these different groups have given Christ a hard time. And of course, this was Matthew, like I said, matthew 23, but giving him a hard time, not realizing that if we go back earlier in Matthew, we go into John. Christ even mentions everything the father has is given into my hands. He is in me. I am in him. They are one. Boom. They didn't realize, you know, they keep going back and trying to talk scripture to Christ, saying, well, Moses said this. And what you're not realizing is, wait a minute. That's great. Moses said this in the scripture. However, I'm right here before you. And they missed it. This is why they missed the boat. This is exactly what we're having happen in today's world. A lot of these people honestly believe that they are the seers and prophesizers and everything else. I'm just going to tell you. And they all say, you know, give us a sign. There's not going to be a sign given, man. Okay? All this stuff is going to. It's going to come to fruition. Everything is everything as it is written, everything that was prophesied, whether it be from Elisha, Elijah, Jeremiah, you know, you go back to Moses. I mean, all the way back, even Joseph. I mean, everything that was talked about came true. Factual, plenty of evidence, architectural evidence, physical evidence, everything backs it up and supports it. Okay? So it's only, it's, it's a matter of time. But he's basically telling these groups, listen, man, you know, these people are telling you what to do, pointing their fingers and doing everything. They're not lifting a finger to help you, but they're going to tell you what to do. Don't be like them, okay? You know, what's right and what's wrong, and these people are taking charge. And the arrogance of them, if you didn't see it. And this is why I get mad. I mean, to where I get so frustrated when I see these guys talk. I don't care which one it is. I don't care. And no hits, because I'm not telling you who to vote for, who not to vote for. I'm not. I'm telling you I see them all the same way. Be it Putin, be it, be it the guy that's over in Ukraine, be it Netanyahu, be it, you know, over in Iran, all the different countries Trump, everybody else. I'm just going to tell you that they all believe, because they all have this power to move people around and do things, and yet themselves, they're above everything. I mean, Hunter Biden wanted to basically, oh, dismiss the gunshot. No. You broke the law, man. [01:16:09] Speaker C: Can you imagine if that was you or me? [01:16:11] Speaker A: We're going to jail. This isn't even a discussion. We are going to jail. We don't have a chance to even get it to the supreme Court because it takes money to do that. You're going to go broke defending yourself, but not him. Okay? It is a stacked deck, man. It's a stacked deck. And it's just like these people want to get out of all this trouble for the things that they have done wrong. And then, you know, oh, well, you know, that's just how it is. Accept it. That's the part that we need to change. That's the part that we need to change. I want to tell you, you want to change the world? You know how it started? It started real simple. Disciples, twelve of them. And I'm going to tell you, it went to God knows how many we have now, but I guarantee you there's more of us than there are of the opposite side. Now, I'm not, I'm not talking about other deities. Listen, I believe in these deities and have far as if they're going to God. For God being the ultimate father, the ultimate Lord, the ultimate king, because that's exactly what he is. They're the one and only, okay? There are no, there are no other gods. And understand, they're not going to be before him. And people are like, well, you know, you're delusional when you say this or anything else, and I'm just going to tell you, really, am I? You think because you're down in the dumps and everything bad has happened to you that, what is it? You're more afraid that you can't be forgiven because you feel that way inside of yourself? Or is it you? Don't you have to sit here and say, no, it would never be allowed to happen? First of all, God doesn't tempt us, okay? God doesn't have evil, so God can't tempt us. He will test us. There's a difference, but he doesn't tempt us. And people don't understand that. Next of all, he never promised us a thing. He never promised us health or anything else. I'm walking proof of that. He never promised a thing. He just said, believe in my son. Have faith. Believe in my son and you will see eternal life. My thing is, we're here in a fleeting moment, let's say from zero to 70, 80, 90 years maybe, okay, is the average. But I'm going to tell you, then we're gone. Have you thought about what's past that? Have you? [01:19:14] Speaker C: I have. [01:19:15] Speaker A: Because if I'm wrong, hey, great, I'm wrong. What have I lost? What would I have lost if I am wrong? Nothing. Not a thing. But if I'm right, which I know I am, in my heart, my soul, my mind, I have everything to get. [01:19:39] Speaker C: There's overwhelming evidence. So I'm just saying, when your body dies, when your body quits, your essence, you who are the power behind your body, continue to go on. There's lots and lots of evidence of that out there. And if you want to continue to go on in absolute darkness, that's up to you. What's worse than the lake of fire would just be absolute darkness where you can't see your nose in front of your face, you can't see God, you can't see anything. That's comforting. Just absolute darkness. That would just be, to me, it's just worse than the fire. The lake of fire. At least the lake of fire you get to see you burning. [01:20:26] Speaker A: Absolute darkness. [01:20:27] Speaker C: You can't see anything. [01:20:28] Speaker A: You know, I picture it. In my interpretation, I picture it as, okay, you're gonna experience just unyielding pain. There's no time. It's not like you can call from down there and say, roscoella, listen, man, it's Mike. Listen, I screwed up. I'm down here in hell. I have to wait for a while. Maybe I'll see you again, brother. No, it doesn't work that way, okay? Your choice is your choice. [01:21:00] Speaker C: Not happening. [01:21:01] Speaker A: It's. It's not going to happen that way, okay? Do you think you can put in a good word for me, Roskella, or something? No. [01:21:10] Speaker C: Put in a good word for you is Christ. [01:21:12] Speaker A: That's it. Christ is my defender. He's my savior. He's my attorney. Okay? Now, I look at it that way, and that's what I do. I'm just going to tell you, there's not a lot of time. You have time to make this choice. You're alive. I know there's some people that are so bad off, they don't have the opportunity to do what we do. They're not, you know, they don't have the. They have the blessings. But my gosh, they live in such terrible circumstances. And everything else, life itself, is questioned every day for them. And I'm just going to tell you, take the time. Take the time. Make the choice now before it's too late. And I can't emphasize that enough. And then, you know what? You have to have that relationship with God and with Christ. God. But you have to have it on his terms and not yours. And I can't emphasize that enough. I say that all the time because that's just what we do. We're human beings. We want to have a relationship when, you know, on our terms and not his. Hey, listen, right now I don't need you. So I'll tell you what, I'll give you a call later on in the week. Something bad could happen, whatever. I'm going to give you a call, and if you don't mind, pick up. Help me out, all right? But a lot of times when it's good, we don't. We're not thanking him. But if you have clothes on your back, food on the table, if you have somewhere to shelter at, think about these people that don't. Think about these war torn countries. Think about how everyone is trying to take everything away so that they can have more power. You don't feel their weight on your shoulders. You don't feel that? I feel it every day. I see it every day. It's in the news every day. There's so much negative and very little. Positive. We have to decipher through that. We have to take it, put it in a small package, look at it, and say, okay, who's doing this? And it's a terrible spiritual battle, one that it just eats at you every day. It's never ending. It's just another war. And, Roscella, how do we convey to the rest of the world then? I know that there are people that think like us. There are people that want peace. There are people that want to work together. How exactly non violently can we get everyone to unite? [01:23:58] Speaker C: Non compliance. That's the best advice I can give to anyone. It's not what they call peaceful. Peaceful something or not. I can't remember the word. Yeah, well, non compliance, you just. You're not part. You're gonna claim and declare that you're not. We're not part of this game. This isn't what we signed up for. And these. These people that are doing this to us, I'm talking about our country now. This is happening all over the world, but I'm talking about our country right now. The people that are doing this to us are supposed to be working for us. They're not supposed to be working for corporations or these families that, like I mentioned earlier, have all this frickin money. They're supposed to be working for us. And sadly, believe it or not, it's a responsibility of a citizen that if your government gets to the point where they're gone, Berserko, it's your responsibility to remove them, get them out. So we're back to the one thing that they push the most, more than anything else, is division. And the reason that they do that, they know that if the people were to come together and unite, it would be the end of them. And would be the end of them very quickly. That's the other thing. But the whole. I can't think of the right word challenge, I guess maybe a good word, is the unity. You see what they're doing. Anything that they can possibly throw into the mixture to keep us divided, whether it's the color of your skin, whether it's the color of your underwear, for God's sake, it doesn't really matter. As long as we can keep them divided, we can continue in the power that we hold and continue to grab more and more power. That's how they look at it. [01:25:38] Speaker A: Yeah. And, I mean, that really hits a nail on the head, because the division is a huge problem. Listen, if we're having a small amount or small percentage of it, that they're making noise about it in the news and blocking out everything else, then it's just, then it's something that we can fix. It's the same thing with, with a lot of other issues. It's simple communication. And you know what? I. Right away, right away. And a lot of people might get mad at me, but, oh, well, reparations will fix it. No, it won't. No, it won't. You think money's going to fix the problem? No, money is not going to fix the problem. Money can't heal me. It might take some of the sting away that I deal with every single day, but it's not going to do that. Only God can do that. Only Christ. God can do that. And, you know, I still struggle because of, believe it or not, my lack of faith, my lack of belief, because it's like we're supposed to be able to do these things and we can't do it because we all have such little faith. And I mean, really, that's what it is. [01:26:47] Speaker C: That's by design. I really believe that's by design, Michael. [01:26:50] Speaker A: Well, absolutely. I mean, you have to understand, going all the way back from the beginning, like I said, there was a divinity to humanity relationship which was broken by Adam, which was broken by Eve. And, you know, the divinity to humanity and the humanity to humanity was broken by Adam on both ends. He tossed Eve under the bus and he tossed God under the bus. I mean, the second that she ate of the fruit. And he started saying, hey, where are you? You know, he's walking in the garden and everything. And he goes, well, we hid because we're naked. Who told you you were naked? Did you eat? He already knew. Did you eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Okay, he already knew. And what happened. The woman you put here, okay, that you put here, that basically pointing his finger at God and saying, you're the one who made her, you know, you're the one who put her here, okay, he's tossed God under the bus, and at the same time, eve is looking at him like, oh, so it's my fault. And of course he said, what have you done? Because it was her fault. It was her fault. Her fault, too. And then she gave to him. But they made that separation right there. They broke divinity to humanity and the humanity to humanity, okay? And there were repercussions. Everybody suffered at that one. And understand, Adam was actually a part of creation in a way, because God allowed him to name the animals and everything. Whatever you name them, that's what they shall be. Including woman. I'm going to call her a woman because she comes from man. Okay. But he named it. You see, there was such a great relationship there with God and Adam. And in one strike, one fatal blow, it changed everything. The woman who you put here. Okay, I got you. But what did God do instead of God? Just say, I'm done with you, shall walk and let fire come down and burn you up and burn up her and burn up Satan and everything else. No, everything is going to play out in God's timing as he wanted. But because of his love for mankind, his graciousness, his mercifulness and everything else, he said, you're out of Eden. I'm going to put an angel, cherubim right there. We're going to make sure you can't eat from the tree of life. He had all the different trees to eat from, and they had to have it from that one. They were suckered that much. So think about it. Being suckered that much. What do you think's going on in our daily lives as we're tempted with everything and people don't realize it? And of course, Christ does talk about it. You go to the beach, and I'll say this to men and women. See a good looking woman, you see a good looking man, and you're looking at him. And I can assure you that some kind of thought is going through your head, okay? Now, you haven't done anything wrong, right? Because you never touched her. Well, wait a minute. Did you? Because if you thought about it in any way that was immoral or impure, you have committed adultery. And we know that because Christ told us that. So think about that. So what is the lesson you can learn is look down, train your brain to be different. We have to train our minds in order to make this world better. It is a spiritual battle. I mean, you really have to think about it. And it is a. And it's furious, man, and it's ferocious. And when somebody makes you mad and you're thinking all these bad things about them and everything else and did you murder that person? Did you? Maybe not physically, but did you mentally? Christ says you did. So we have to be forgiving. We have to be loving. We have to be compassionate. It's hard. I'm not going to tell you're going to succeed. You are going to fail, man. We're all going to fail. And of course, the disciples eventually asked him in Matthew, when you take a look, who then can be saved? And his response was, with man, it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. But who bridged that gap? It was Christ. He made it possible for us. He ransomed himself for us. And we have to understand that there was nothing positive coming out of this for him. It was love. That's all this, man, really. Would you want to come down here looking at the world as it is today with Iran, with Iraq? Would you want to look with Israel? Would you want to look with Ukraine, Zelenskyy and Putin and Russia, United States and all the dirty things we're doing with China and everything else and say, I'm going to come here and sacrifice my life for these people so that they may be saved? No way, man. No. No way. I'd be looking at you know what, and I feel the same way about me every day about how many times I fail. And I'm thinking, man, we're doomed, you know? I mean, we're doomed, you know, unless we can pull it together somehow. But it is such a hard spiritual battle that we constantly have to fight it, and it's the most difficult battle. And it really is. Put on all your armor of God, okay? I mean, and believe it or not, it talks about the different armor that you put on, which is in the Bible, too. So you want to make sure you have your shield to withstand your fiery darts. Okay? I mean. [01:33:29] Speaker C: Where'S the scripture? I can't think of the scripture that this put on the whole armor of God. [01:33:33] Speaker A: Ah. [01:33:36] Speaker C: You know, shamefully, I should know that by heart, and I can't remember any part of it. [01:33:40] Speaker A: We should know it all by heart. I'm the worst when it comes to it because it's. But I love reading it and I can go back to it and, you know, like I said, I am not. There's so many different things. Okay, but let me see. Put on our whole armor here. [01:34:02] Speaker C: You were saying earlier about Adam had named everything. You imagine when God said, okay, what are you going to name this thing that I just. The rib that I just pulled out of you. I could. Just a comical moment for a moment. Can you imagine what he thought? Whoa, man. [01:34:25] Speaker A: Oh, woman, you know. You know, he says, you know, I shall name her woman because she, you know, she came from man. But, you know, going back and looking at it, and if you. You have to look at it from, I'm telling you, look at it other than an intimidating book, because people are going to be like, God is ruthless. Look at what he did. He's destroyed this, this country. They did that and everything else. I'm going to tell you, no, God was just think about what they did. They were worshiping Baal. They were worshiping Moloch. They were worshiping at poles. They were worshiping all these different gods that weren't gods. They were man made things. And this is why I say this is the end game of this right now. They're not doing anything different. The playbook is the same, folks. Yeah, it's been the same. Nothing is new Bible, you know, and. [01:35:29] Speaker C: Learn it and twist it and add a little more. [01:35:32] Speaker A: You know, Elijah had him. When he went ahead and made a fire, and he was up there, he said, listen, here's what I want you to do. He said, I want you to all go ahead, pick one of these two bowls, or, you know, oxen, rams, whatever. Cut it up into pieces. Going to go ahead and get it ready. Put it by where we're going to make the fire. Don't light it yet. He said, make. Dig a trench around mine, fill it with water. Fill it again. Fill it again. I want you to make it nice and wet. He said, now you. You pray for how long it takes you to have your God start the fire and cook the meat. Nothing happened, he said. And of course, he was being kind of a smart. He's too busy. Maybe he's asleep. Okay. He prays to the Lord. Boom, boom. Fire comes down. It's cooking it up. I mean, and then they. Then they had to be. That's when they started to repent and come back again. So it's very interesting. [01:36:38] Speaker C: Well, it's not big enough to see. I was hoping to be, um. [01:36:42] Speaker A: Yeah, and that's out of Niv, which is a good one, too. Or the new. Or the new one. But, uh, yeah, there's. I'm looking for it because I. I hate reading something and telling somebody wrong. [01:36:57] Speaker C: Ephesians 610 through 18. [01:37:02] Speaker A: Another great book. Just. They're all so. They're all wonderful. I just got to tell you, they are absolutely wonderful. [01:37:11] Speaker C: And that is strange where it comes through so small like that. [01:37:23] Speaker A: And even in some of the. If you look at Luke, you look at Mark, Matthew or John, how they interpreted things were four different ways. The accounts were pretty much the same, the end result. But the accounts of how they saw it were different. Matthew was a tax collector, okay? He saw things totally different. I mean, you know, it's very interesting. Hang on. Here I am praying, and I love study bibles because it goes back to Paul's conversion. Acts nine. You know, Philip preaches to Samaritans. Acts eight, Peter accepts the gentile converts. Acts ten. You know, I mean, it goes back and you can retrace and you can do that. It's very interesting. It goes back. It talks about the different coins, um, from a denarius or whatever is a day's wage, which was a penny, a pence, uh, a penny. So. But. And I am trying. Mark. Mark. And I'm going to look for this real quick. [01:38:53] Speaker C: Trying to get it up on my screen, but it's not cooperating. Let's see. Can we get it to cooperate? [01:39:18] Speaker A: I know it's. It's. But you. You look at the different. You look at the different books and you look at everything, and it's. And it's very interesting. And I should know this, and I don't know why I don't. I feel terrible that I don't, but. Huh. The armor of. Put on your full armor, and I know where it should be and I. [01:39:48] Speaker C: Oh, six, you got. [01:39:52] Speaker A: Should have a page number somewhere. [01:39:55] Speaker C: John. [01:40:04] Speaker A: Here we go. Hang on. Here we go. No, that's. Children, obey your parents, by the way, as a season. [01:40:13] Speaker C: Six, verse ten. Go to verse ten. [01:40:26] Speaker A: There we go. Page 1338. Yep. It is Ephesians six. So finally, be strong in the Lord and the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Remember, that's what we're fighting in today's world. We think it's all these people. It's the wiles of the devil. Okay? He whispers. He does that stuff that we wrestle not against the flesh and against blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world. Remember, it says rulers, not ruler. Rulers of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. And understand there is war still going on in heaven. [01:41:21] Speaker C: All the time. [01:41:22] Speaker A: All the time. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand the evil in the evil day. And having done all to stand, stand there, having your loins gird about with truth, your belt, and having your breastplate of righteousness and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. And that's why we should know this better. But I've got to learn all these different verses and everything. But I should know these things above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you should be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. So understand that's, you know. And be prepared, pray, be bold, be courageous, be, you know, do everything you can, be confident that you're going to, you know, be able to be saved, but you have to put in the work. And that's why I say, you know, I love reading. I love it as a love story. What I have to learn is exactly where everything is. You know what I'm saying? That's one of my faults and everything, but the stories I remember, which I love, which is a step above where I was before. So I'm constantly gaining more and more knowledge, the understanding and what it means. I mean, you could hear in so many different ones. And I love this, and I think it's this one here. So hang on. Here we go. I'm going to read this real quick to you wrist, because this is really great, but I want you to listen to it very carefully. Okay. I'm reading it word for word. Page 1087, Matthew. And this is Matthew 21. I'm on verse 33 here, another parable. There was a certain householder. Think about it. Put this thought, let it go around, which planted a vineyard and hedged it roundabout and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to the husbandman and went into a far country. So he's far away. I am picturing in this, just in this small interpretation right there. God. Okay. Tower. Everything else sitting on the throne. Everything else. I'm picturing God. We're talking. Here we go. God. And when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it, the respect, the glory, the praise, the belief, the faith, the hope, okay? And the husbandman took his servants and beat one, killed another and stoned another. And what are they talking about? They're talking about past prophets and everything else and what's to come. So hang on. Again, he sent other servants more than the first, and they did unto them likewise. But last of all, he sent unto them his son, saying, they will reverence my son, Christ, is what I'm interpreting. But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, this is the heir. Come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance. And they caught him, and they cast him out of the vineyard and slew him. Remember, Christ was crucified outside of the city, right? When the lord thereof of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husbandmen? Guess what, folks? Our leaders, the people that are here on earth, we're the husbandmen. Do you understand? What do you think God is going to do to us after what we've done to his son. And so much so. I mean, you really have to pay attention to it. And they say unto him, he will miserably destroy those wicked men. And will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons. And Jesus said to them, did you never read in the scripture, the stone in which the builders rejected is the same, is become the head of the corner? This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. Therefore I say unto you, the kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation, bringing forth the fruits thereof. And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken. But on whosoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he was speaking to them, that he spoke of them. But when they sought to lay hands on him, they feared the multitude, because they took him for a prophet. Why did they want him out of the way? Because he was taking their power. This is what we're doing today in this world. [01:46:59] Speaker C: That's exactly right. He threatened the power. He threatened the existing form, the existing system that was in place. And you see the same thing time and again throughout history. Every time somebody that has influence can affect a change that would go against the system they're done away with, whether it's Martin Luther King, whether it's John F. Kennedy, whether it's his brother, it. You just. And then they try to. In some cases, they try to villainize these people by saying they were bad. Malcolm X is another one. He was trying to tell people what was going on. He would. He became influential, and they said, oh, he's a criminal, blah, blah, blah, blah. But what he was trying to tell people is exactly. Well, not exactly, but pretty much what we're trying to tell people. You cannot trust the government. The government is not your friend. The government is not here to serve you. The government is here to expunge from you as much as they can and then throw you away like a piece of trash when they're done. But you see it time and time and again. I always wondered. One of the things that really bothered me when I read the story about Christ here were people that people in the crowd, at least, they had heard, you know, firsthand stories about the wonderful things that he had done. How could they possibly get these people to turn against this man? And then, for God's sake, go for a criminal. Literally a criminal. A murderer. Right? And then I watched what happened during the COVID thing and the similarities, similarities are very scary. How could they get these people to take a jab? And it's all about fear. It's all well in those. I think in the time of Jesus, it was the media, what we would call the media. It was the town criers, it was the influencers. We can't have Jesus. We can't have Jesus. And they say it enough, then people begin to believe it. You know, if the lies repeated enough times, people will begin to believe that lie. And I believe that's what happened during the COVID situation. They knew there were, I say they, people like Anthony Fauci and, and that moron woman he had with him. I can't think of her name. They knew damn well they were lying. They knew very well they were lying. Coming out and saying, look, this is everything they're telling you is wrong. And then if you just look at some of the stuff that went on, Fauci said, we don't need masks. Then he said, we do need masks. Then he said, well, you know, two masks are better than one. You know, it's just such a bunch of garbage. But, so I'm getting back to my point. I couldn't figure out for the life of me, how could they get these people to cruise it to the worst possible death? Somebody could suffer a crucifixion. If you don't know what being crucified is like, you should go look it up. It's, it's pretty, it's, it's just, it's, you can't find words to describe what is done to a human being on, on a piece of wood. It's just horrible. And the idea of, whoever came up with the idea is evil Persians. So, you know, well, having experienced the COVID thing, now I have a better idea how they got away with what they got away with, with Christ. You know, it was the media. They kept spewing out, no, can't have him. Have to have barabbas. Can't have him, you know, have Arabic. And then before you know it, we have a man who's done nothing wrong. And I'm not comparing the two, but it's, the stories are similar. You have Trump, who I mentioned earlier, is being tried for something he didn't do. You have Christ. Again, an influencer. Trump is a big influencers. No, quite a worldwide influencer. Not just here in the United States, worldwide. This is what scares the pants off these people, because if he gets back in power, I don't think he's going to have mercy like he did the first time. I don't think he's going to be nice like he was the first time. You people who got your feelings hurt over a freaking tweet, oh, you better hold on to your shorts because he's going to knock your socks off. But, you know, back to my point, this is how they get away with this stuff, the media. [01:51:32] Speaker A: And you have to understand, too, going back to the old testament, elijah, elisha, Jeremiah, all the different prophets ended up. God had people in the flesh here and gave them powers and they used those powers and all the way back, Abraham, okay, going all the way back and tried to convince people of I am real, I am alive, I am a living God. And they ignored all of them. So what did he do? Just like the husband, he sent his child. Surely, though, they'll do this. But you know what? Christ already knew and God already knew, they won't. But then this is going to set in motion everything. I am going to come. So, you know, we need to change things. We need to get these veterans, these 40,000 veterans back into their houses, back into a house somewhere to get their lives settled. We need to take care of the people. We need to take care of. We need to end these wars. We need to change the system. It's rigged. Gotta change. [01:52:44] Speaker C: It's rigged and it's rigged against us. [01:52:47] Speaker A: It is. [01:52:49] Speaker C: This is, when you think about this, this is the sickest form of humanity you can imagine. Here you have people who are feeding the system and the system is literally expelling the people. You know, it's so evil. It's horrible. It's horrible. And until we can get our act together, I mean, I know that's redundant and I've gone back to this, but it's, that's the point. I mean, that's really the truth of the whole matter. If you look at the one thing that the dark side wants from the, from us and that one thing that they push more than any other thing in the world, it's some form of division, something that is introduced to continuously keep people at odds with each other. Because the truth of the matter is, if we were ever able to get our act together, their behinds would probably be, I can't, they're probably censor me there, you know what I'm saying? There. They would be, they wouldn't be with us anymore, I'll tell you that. [01:53:54] Speaker A: Well, that's, that's understand and this is, this is the game that's been going on since the beginning, I wanted to make a point of that, reading those different, those different verses, you know, in the scriptures and everything is because in the canon, because Satan's goal has always been the same. Steal, kill and destroy. He's going to steal, he's going to steal the hope, the faith, the belief in God from you, in Christ God, and then he's going to kill you because you don't really make a difference to him, power wise or anything else. It's just another little pawn for him. And then he's going to destroy you by taking away that belief, taking away and that hope and that faith and everything else. You're out of the book of life. There's the destroyed part. It's that simple. Steal, kill and destroy. And that's the goal that he has, and he plays it well. Understand, this is a guy that is the best poker player, crafty, sinister, evil in the world, and he's got all kinds of people working for him, all kinds of demons, all kinds of, you know, dark angels and everything else. I'm going to tell you, he's, he's loaded over there. So much. So it still goes on. A lot of people misconstrued a lot of things, heaven to heavenly realms. Look in the Old Testament and go on through heavenly realms. All the way through heavenly realms, and people are making fun of Christ. Like, oh, yeah, I'm going to believe in some guy that can walk in water. You got. That's the best you got out of that was that he walked on water. He raised Lazarus. He raised the little girl. He healed the blind with the touch of his hand. He healed it with some spit and mud. On another one, he, he made leprosy disappear off of people. He commanded demons. He commanded them. [01:56:03] Speaker C: He commanded a legion. [01:56:07] Speaker A: A legion it was. Well, the one demon was named Legion, so understand it was an out of him. But if you remember, then he commanded, go into the swine, go ahead, run down the steep hill, jump in the water and drown, you know, and then in another one. I mean, even the disciples had come back to him. Why couldn't we get this one out? This one here, o ye of little faith, this one here takes a lot of praying peacefully, a lot of praying. So he has to pray. He's telling you, you know, but you're not seeing him do things along the way. The only thing, and he showed emotions just like us. But, you know, he flipped the money changers tables over, whipped them all on there. Get out of here. This is my father's house. It's not a den of robbers. Okay. You've made it that you know. [01:57:07] Speaker C: You know, Michael, what? Somebody told me about the turning over of the tables. That whip that he used. [01:57:18] Speaker A: Three. Branded. [01:57:20] Speaker C: You may know this, but I didn't know this. He made that whip. [01:57:23] Speaker A: Yeah, it was three. [01:57:29] Speaker C: Yeah. I did not know that he actually made it so, you know, people who think that Christ was this peaceful, you know, loving man, which he was, he had another side to him. And that was. I'm not going to put up with your garbage. And when that garbage, you know, filled his father's house, he. He literally whipped these people. Literally whipped them. Okay. And. And what he whipped them with was nasty. It wasn't like, you know, you think like a whip or something, like. No, no, it was a lot worse than that. [01:58:04] Speaker A: Do you ever look at even the numerical acknowledgement that goes on in the Bible? Saul, after Christ came down and talked to him, was blinded. For how long? Three days. Okay. Christ, he said, my life is going to be taken. Three days. I will rise the cord, three of them bound together in whip. Father, son, Holy Ghost. Father, son, Holy Ghost. Father, son, Holy Ghost. And then just that. There are other numbers that are significant, too. 1224. Seven. You know, three. There's just so many different numerical values and stuff that I'm also seeing in the Bible and I'm able to start to interpret. But the Bible is open to so much interpretation and reproof and reproach. If you ever have any questions, ask your clergy, your preacher, your Pastor, your priest, your bishop, you know, whoever. I'm none of those things. I'm just a guy that loves to read the Bible and I have to find my peace that way. And whatever interpretation God gives me, if I have questions about it, I can always go to my pastor. But, you know, I always want to learn more. Now I'm on this learning kick with it and try to do it, and that's why I always do it with Sherry. Sherry and I spend a lot of time every day and we go over it. So, Roscoe, I can't thank you enough for joining me tonight. [01:59:39] Speaker C: It's an honor and privilege, my friend. [01:59:41] Speaker A: No, really, I am so grateful, Karen, my heart goes out to you. I am so, so sorry. You have our deepest condolences from trim radio network. Family member passed. Very important condolences. [01:59:56] Speaker C: Sorry to hear that. [01:59:57] Speaker A: And they just got back from the funeral today, so. Karen, we love you and you're our good friend, and you've been around us for a long time and we can't thank you enough. And we just hope that God eases your pain to everyone else. I just, you know what, veterans, please, if you're struggling, you have our banners up. We have the suicide prevention line that's down there. If you have questions about the VA or something, message us so that we can try to give you the right information. We love doing that. And we do. We have to change some things. We have to make sure that money's allotted for the veterans stays with the veterans, period. [02:00:40] Speaker C: Amen. [02:00:41] Speaker A: Period. And it's to get them to help and to get them what they need so that we can, you know. And I want to see a couple of things change with that. The spouse and the family serves to understand that. I think that somehow or another they should be given the proper way to deal with their significant other when they come back so that they can see signs that they can learn. Would they have a bunch of free stuff now that goes on where they're learning to do that, but it needs understand they serve, too. That's not the same person that always comes home. [02:01:18] Speaker C: Yeah, sadly. [02:01:20] Speaker A: And what about them? That's great that you guys take care of us that have some damages, regardless whether you're frontline or not. I'm not. I am proud to say I'm a non combatant. I am blessed to say that I would have a hard time. In my heart, I just. I'm blessed about that. But that doesn't mean that I don't have issues and it doesn't mean I don't fight a war. And so. And I still put that uniform on. But I love you guys. You guys are. I'm always in awe of you all. But I think that the spouses should, before anybody else, should also receive some type of compensation if the family ends up apart and split up or something because they're not given the right instructions on how to recognize and deal with the problems. We need to change. We need to get better. But thank you for tuning into trim radio network and take point 22. Got great shows coming up tomorrow night, so live, laugh or whatever. Don't forget to join Roscela Red pill reality show. And that is on every Saturday night at 09:00 goes till twelve. We hope to see you there. And thank you. Thank you, sir. [02:02:37] Speaker C: God bless, man. Thank you. Appreciate it. [02:02:40] Speaker A: All right, now I got to get back to my branding. Here we go. God bless, folks. Take care. [02:03:00] Speaker B: This is for the busted hearts. [02:03:03] Speaker A: This is for the question marks. This is for the alcohol.

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