Red Pill Reality Show

Red Pill Reality Show
TRIM Radio
Red Pill Reality Show

Jan 14 2024 | 02:59:41

Episode January 14, 2024 02:59:41

Hosted By

Riscalla Victoria Smith Michael Bahas Stu Shear Maggie Heart

Show Notes

Riscalla explores the dangers of EMF - Electro Magnetic Frequencies. Cell Phones - Cell Towers - Cell Phones - Wifi - Dirty Electricity and more.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:06] Speaker A: You're listening to the trim radio network. We cut the bul1 and serve the truth. [00:00:18] Speaker B: I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. You take the red pill and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. This is your left chest. This is your left chest. This is your left chest. [00:01:16] Speaker A: This is your left chest. [00:01:18] Speaker B: This is your left. Now transmitting from an undisclosed location in the northeast quadrant of the United States, it's the Red pill reality show on the Trim radio network with your host, Riscala Stevens. Saturday nights from 09:00 p.m. Eastern until midnight. Call in lines are open. Dial 803-866-1667 to reach your host directly. And here is your host, Riscala Stevens. [00:01:51] Speaker C: Hello and welcome, everyone. It is the Red Pill reality show. It is an honor and a privilege to have you listen in and let me share with you some of these things that I run across tonight. I'm going to have someone on with me who is a scientist, an inventor, a couple of different engineer found out about the dangers of EMF, electromagnetic fields or frequencies. I'm not real fluent in it. I'm aware of it. I know that it exists. And in many cases, it's not good for you. So we'll get into that in a little while. In the meantime, I don't know how many of you have heard about the, quote, aliens in the shopping mall down in Miami. I've been trying to gather some information. Doesn't seem to be a lot of information available. Well, let me put it this way. Maybe this is the easiest way to explain it. The police said that there was four or five kids, teenagers, fighting with sticks. And that's what caused the all out ruckus that the mall was literally emptied, the electricity was shut off, they shut the airport down. All for four kids fighting with sticks. In the meantime, we had somewhere, I think the last count was over 200. I want to say 250 police on the scene. I mean, you would have thought it was something to the scale of 911. A couple of hundred police officers on the scene for four or five kids fighting with sticks. Does any of that make any sense to you? All the scanners went dark. Nobody was able to pick up anything off the police scanners. They shut the electricity down. They shut the airport down. They had the Blackhawks flying at least one. Some people said there was three, but I know there was at least one. They got a video of one. All of that for kids fighting with sticks. Come on now. One of the people that I found who had given a video testimonial, said that he was about 20ft away from these beings. He said, I don't want to call them aliens. I don't know what they were. They seemed to him as though they could possibly be interdimensional, because he said that when he was looking at them, they kind of buzzed out. I can't think of the right word. They became not sharp, and their emotions looked like they were broken up, almost as though they were a hologram. He was less than 20ft away from these things. And he repeated saying that, I don't want to call them aliens because I don't know what they are. They could be. I don't know. He seemed to believe that there was an interdimensional being of some sort. I've seen a video. I mean, it was pretty tough to see what's going on, but you can see three very tall black images in this video. Of course it was shaking. I would probably be shaking. It wasn't very still, so it wasn't very clear. But you could see three different beings of some sort in this video, walking towards whoever was taking the video. I saw another video of apparently somebody maybe in a high rise or something near the mall. Was all the commotion going on? They got the phone out and started recording everything. And it's very vague, but you can see what appears to be some kind of a large creature of some sort walking down the street. Again, if just common sense, over 200 police officers called to the scene, shut down the electricity. If I'm not mistaken, it was thousands of people got lost their power. While I'm thinking about it, let me mention to you we may lose power tonight. We're in a very high storm area tonight, and it's about 25 degrees out and we've got 25 to 30 miles an hour winds. We lost power twice today. Hopefully we'll be able to make it through the evening. I do have battery backups, but the problem is my computer will stay on and my board will stay on, but our Internet will go down because the power for the Internet goes down, and so I have to wait for them to come back up. But hopefully we won't have any issues tonight regarding the power. But anyway, they shut the power down to the mall. They shut the power down to the area. They closed a freaking airport. All for four boys fighting with sticks. Come on, you guys, this is not making sense at all. It smells like a fish out of water for days. And another individual said, well, you know, if there really was all that, how come we don't have any videos? Well, one of these guys that I watched giving a testimonial said that the police were literally stopping people on the way out. Those that they could, checking their phones. And if they had videos of this thing, they had them delete it right there on the spot. There's another video that I saw of a young man. Apparently his dad works for the police department. One of them. One of the police departments. And he calls his dad up while he's videoing the call on speakerphone. He says, dad, did you hear about what happened at the mall? Yes, I did. What can you tell me about it? I can't talk about it. Dad, come on, tell me something. I can't talk about it. So if it's just four kids fighting with sticks, why can't you talk about it? Something really nefarious went down in that mall and they're trying to hide it. They're doing a darn good job of hiding it. What is it that they're trying to keep from us? Why don't they want us to know what people saw? I believe eventually some people are going to speak out and say, this is what we saw. We may not have the video, but if enough people, different people that are not related, come and say, hey, we saw a stick figure. Yeah, I saw a stick figure. Yeah, I saw a stick figure. Well, obviously there was a stick figure. Now, I know a lot of people want to say, one guy said it was a demon. They said it was an interdimensional demon and they were coming to attack the people. That was another report that they were attempting to attack the people. And I guess somebody carrying a weapon began to fire at them, shoot at them. Whatever happened, I can tell you that it wasn't four kids playing with sticks and trying lighting off fireworks. That was the other thing. Oh, yeah, they were lighting off fireworks. So for lighting off fireworks, we have to have over 200 police officers intervene. Come on. Something doesn't add up. Something is very wrong. And I hope and pray that we can get to the bottom of it. It'd be interesting to find out what really happened. All of the mall video has been confiscated. Any of the stores that had video cameras, all that has been confiscated. As I mentioned earlier, anybody who had a video of this thing that they could find on the way out of the. Out of the mall had to delete that video. You really think it was four guys with six or five guys, or even ten with sticks, lighting off fireworks? That required over 200, 200 police officers? I can't imagine. Shut the electricity down. Thousands of people out of power. Shut the airport down. What does the airport have to do with. Let me tell you. The mall is on the bay. The airport's inland a little bit, so it's probably seven, eight, 9 miles away at least, maybe more. What's the purpose of shutting the airport down? I mean, if these guys are on the ground fighting with sticks, something does not add up. I saw a lady who said, I watched this thing, and I really didn't know what to think of it, but I took the coordinates of the. I think it's called the Bayside mall. It's been a long time since I've been there. Really nice mall. Last time I was there, it was very upscale, very modern. That was many, many years ago. I don't know what it's like today. I took the coordinates, the geocordinates of this thing, and I reversed them. This is the lady saying this. And it came out to Antarctica. Isn't that interesting? I don't know what kind of a coincidence that would be. You take the coordinates of something and swap it around, you end up in Antarctica. I've got multiple ideas about this. So we know that they were in the mall. There were enough people that clearly saw something so scary that they ran for their lives. So something was in the mall. That's no question about that. As the one individual who's giving a testimonial saying interdimension, it's very possible that whatever those people saw was an interdimensional being. I have never seen one. Thank God. I don't know how I would react to that. But there has been proven that we have different dimensions. We live in different dimensions. There's a multidimensional universe that we live in. We think it's just three or four. One guy believes it's, like, over ten. And these things somehow went from one dimension into the other. I know that on different UFO testimonials, people said that the grays would just walk right through the wall. Well, if they're interdimensional beings, then that's possible, because if you're going from one dimension into another, some of the physical characteristics that are in one as you're moving about may not have the same effect on somebody from a different dimension as our dimension. We walk up to a wall and we try to walk through it. We'll bang our head. They walk up to a wall and walk through it because they're from a different dimension, and therefore the properties of that dimension are different. Just my thoughts. Just my thoughts. But it's a crazy thing, isn't it, how hard they are trying to keep this under wraps. You can go on Google and try to find. There's very little being said about it. Very, very little. They're trying their best to keep this under wraps. Don't want people to know that something happened. Clearly something happened, and whatever it was scared the bajibis out of the police department because they had to have over 200 of them there. They had to launch at least one. I heard it was three, but at least one Blackhawk helicopter. They had to shut the electricity down, they had to turn the scanners off, and they had to shut down the airport. Come on. Not even close to having me believe that it was a bunch of teenagers lighting off fireworks and fighting with sticks, really. All right, hopefully we'll get some more information on that. Next thing I want to bring up is this. You may have heard about this Shabbat, I think, is how it's pronounced, which is like a jewish place of worship in New York. They found these tunnels under the synagogue. Interesting. What would they need tunnels for? My personal opinion is there's human trafficking going on. This is my personal opinion. I have no evidence of that. But that's my first impression. I have a friend of mine who ran into some of these people from the Shabbat and found out that this one particular individual they were dealing with had eleven llcs. I think that's what they told me. It may be even more than that, but I think it was eleven. And my first thought was, if somebody has that many llcs, they're washing money. That's a money laundering scheme. There. There's no question about it. Not in my mind, anyway. There's no need for. Especially when they looked at the llcs and it wasn't like, oh, well, this LLC sells sweaters or something. Like, they don't sell anything. They just have money coming and going. That's pretty obvious to me what's going on. And they were wanting to expose all this. And I cautioned them. I said, you know, these are very powerful people. There was a time in this country when you saw something that was going on of this magnitude that was illegal like this. You could go to the tv station. You go to maybe a reporter for one of the papers or something, and they'd want to take you up on it. Nowadays there's so much corruption going on, they don't want to have anything to do with it. Maybe they may even be part of it. Who knows? So I cautioned them. I said, be careful, because the corruption is so wide and so vast and so deep that you might end up having your proverbial behind burned in an effort to do the right thing. And I can share with you my personal experience. One of my daughters, many years back, had taken a trip. We were living in West Palm beach at the time, and she had taken a trip to Disney World, I think it was, or somewhere up there. I don't recall exactly what the thing was, but I think it was Disney World. They took a trip up to Disney World. They're on their way back. Two of my daughters, matter of fact, two of them were in the car, little car, little. An eclipse, like a little sports car. They're on their way back. They made it about three quarters of more than that. Almost home. Almost home. And they were going through one of the largest intersections in West Palm beach, and a police officer ran into them. They were headed east and west. They were headed westbound or on east west side. Headed westbound. The police officer was headed. Let me back up. They were headed westbound. Police officer was headed eastbound, decided to make a uturn and go from eastbound to westbound and ran literally right into them. Now, thank God they were okay. I mean, they were banged up from what had happened, but no serious injuries. They did go to the hospital. They were taken to the hospital that night to be checked. Everything seemed to be okay. We got a lawyer because they totaled my daughter's car. Completely totaled. And we wanted them to pay for, it wasn't her fault. And so I got a lawyer, and the lawyer was telling me, well, your daughters are going to have to say they're hurting today as bad as they were that night. And I said, they're not going to do that. They're not going to lie. We just don't believe in that. If they're feeling better, then they're going to say they're feeling better. Well, the short of the story is this attorney dropped the case after about a month. He said, I can't do this. He wanted us basically to lie so that we could sue the police department for bodily damage. And I was telling him, all I want is for them to replace her car. I mean, that's just fair. It's their fault. They ran into her. They totaled her car. Thank you, God, that she's okay. She's not asking for bodily compensation. She wants her car replaced. I don't think that's out of the question. He dropped the case. So for trying to do the right thing, we got burned. And that's what I was telling my friend. If you're going to try to expose these people in this Shabbat thing, be careful, because many times, many people have tried to do the right thing by exposing something wrong, and they end up with their proverbial back being stabbed. It is a sad situation. What we're going through today in this country truly is. I never in my wildest dreams believed that we would find ourselves in a situation where a lot of the courts are corrupt, the prosecutors are corrupt, even the lawyers are corrupt, and we know the politicians are corrupt. We have literally, a mafia masquerading as a government stealing from us, stealing our freedom, stealing our wealth, and making a mockery of us around the world with this man that they called a president. What an embarrassment. We are better than this. I just don't understand why people are allowing it. Well, in a way, I do understand, but, I mean, people like me who have been through. I turned 71 in January this year. I thank God for all the time that I've been here. Many of my friends are no longer with me, and I consider it a privilege to have lived this long. But there's a dark side. The dark side is, I remember what life used to be like, and it was nothing like we are today. Nothing. I remember when a dollar really bought something. As a matter of fact, I put a post up on facebook. The dollars that we had in my day, they had a little thing on the top of the dollar. Didn't say federal Reserve note, it said silver certificate. Those dollars were backed by precious metal. Those same dollars today would take about 18 of our dollars today. Imagine whatever money that you're making, however much that you're making. Imagine that multiplied by 18. That's why when I was growing up, my parents chose that one of them would work outside the home, one would work in the home, and we would still be able to have a nice home, a car, go on vacations. You can't even come close to that today. In the majority of cases, both parents have to work. And sometimes even that's not enough. It's sad what this country has turned to. And so I strongly urge my friend, please think twice about what you want to do. They want to come out and expose these criminals. They are criminals. There's no question in my mind, especially after seeing some of the videos that were shown up there in New York, they were trying to block the police from going into the tunnels. Why? The police were trying to seal the tunnels up. And from one of the stories I heard, somebody was standing inside the tunnel, so they were going to pour concrete in it. No, they can't do that. Not a good thing. My friends, this country has been headed in the wrong direction for a long time, a long time. And I believe totally, 100%, that it's up to you and me if we're going to change this. It's not going to be Donald Trump. And I'll credit to Donald Trump, I think he was without question in my mind, the best president we've ever had. But you can see on his first go around, all they did is badger him over and over and over. And with all that badgering, he still got some good stuff done. But I don't think him by himself is going to be able to do this. And I believe, if I'm not mistaken, he himself has said, I need your help. I can't do this by myself. I need your help. That's where you and I come in. We must stand for what is right. Tonight. When I have this person on who's going to tell us about the EMF that's going on, the electromagnetic fields or frequencies, they're literally risking their livelihood by coming forward and doing this. Because if the wrong people find out who they are, they'll make their life a living hell. They don't want us to know about this stuff. They don't want us to know that those of us who have wifi on at night, it's actually damaging. It could even be possibly damaging our dna. They don't want you to know that. They don't want you to know that. If you have a smart meter, and I bet you probably nine out of ten of you, with what I'm about to say, did not know this. Smart meters have never been ul listed. Did you know that? They've never been ul approved. They just came out into the market. Now, you buy any electrical piece of equipment, the meters prior to them were ul approved. The analog meters were approved. You go out and buy yourself a piece of electrical equipment, almost always you'll see some kind of seal of approval on that piece of equipment. Here is something that's literally controlling all the electricity that's going into your house. And that's quite a bit, and it's not ul approved. And I read stories where these things can become literally like a bomb. They blow up, they explode and cause an electrical fire. Well, an electrical fire, you can't put water on an electrical fire. It's not going to go out. That's why they have this problem with these Teslas. When these Teslas catch fire, you can shoot that thing with water all day long. It's not going to do you a bit of good. You're going to need something, a dry agent of some sort, baking soda, something along that line in order to be able to stop that. So an electrical fire is one of the worst fires to try to put out for firemen because they're prepared to deal with it with a fire extinguisher or with water. And neither, unless they have a dry chemical fire extinguisher, it's not going to work. So we'll be talking about that as well. The cell towers. Now, one thing I learned about cellular phones many, many years ago, I was introduced to cellular phones, and I had a little bit of experience with two way radio. A friend of mine had purchased one of the way, this is going way back now, had purchased one of the first, what they called mobile phones, car phones. So basically this was a walkietalkie, a modified walkietalkie is what it was. And their ability to have a conversation in a duplex mode, meaning both parties can speak back and forth simultaneously, didn't exist back then. They would have to say something, then wait a moment, wait for the other person to respond, then the other person would wait a moment, and then they would respond. It wasn't anything like we have today. I was working for a three m company at the time, and three m had quite a few different products, and some of those products were being used by a company called Motorola. I was a salesman for Motorola, for our distribution company. So I would visit Motorola quite frequently. On one particular visitation, I met somebody who, one of the higher ups there, who said, we're getting ready to come out with a new technology. I said, really? Tell me. He knew that I was a hand buff. I loved two way radio. It turned me on early in my life. It was like a kid in a candy store from that point forward. It was just one of the things that truly amazed me, that we could take our voice, put it in a box, and then somebody a distance away could hear that voice, and then they could talk back to us. So they were telling me about this new technology coming out. The technology was called cellular. I said, what does that mean? He says, well, that means we're going to have these transmitting towers in ham radio. They're called repeaters. We're going to have these transmitting towers typically 7 miles or more, seven to 9 miles apart. And then that was one of the problems with two way radio. If you had a repeater, you could talk anywhere in town as long as there was a repeater. You could literally talk all the way across town as long as repeaters were there. So they were going to place these things strategically all throughout an area. And that way whoever was talking on the cell phone was going to be able to continue with the conversation. And so I asked him. Well, he mentioned to me it was going to be a duplex conversation, which at the time I really thought. I said, what's impossible? That's not possible. They said, he explained to me, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So according to their information, these cell towers should be about anywhere from six to 9 miles, maybe 10 miles apart. There are places where you can literally see cell towers next to each other. And we're going to talk with our scientists tonight. They're going to tell us what they believe is going on, and it's not a good thing. It is not a good thing. I know a lot of you have heard about the 5g. Maybe you've heard me speak about the Covid-19 vaccine. And one of the patent numbers that the Covid-19 vaccine is under is WO Worldorder 2026. You can put that in a Google search and it'll bring you up to a technology that is injected into people. And once it is injected into somebody, it becomes a massive combination storage and transmitting unit. They have nanoparticles in this technology that self assemble and they turn into transmitters and they put sensors all through your body, everywhere, your heartbeat, how fast you're breathing, your blood pressure, everything about you is transmitted back to a central station. WO 2026. That right there should make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, because in the Bible it says the number of the beast is six six six. And to see this and know that Microsoft. I believe it was Microsoft. I'm almost positive it was Microsoft who was one of the holders. Well, who was originally, he's no longer the owner, but he was for many years, Mr. Wonderful, Bill Gates himself, the guy who wants to print meat for you. The same man who has bought hundreds of thousands of farmland here in the United States. Shutting down many of these farms, causing a purposeful food shortage. The same guy was behind this technology because it's not a vaccine. It's a technology that should really cause some concern for people that this is even allowable. But then you think about, well, look at what's going on today. We have a president who has committed treason in our face. In our face. He left $85 billion of our latest weaponry behind for our enemies. That's the exact definition of treason. To aid and abed the enemy in an action that would be harmful to the United States. What do you think that was? He shuts down the pipelines knowing full well, when he shuts the pipelines down, the price of gasoline is going up. He opens up the border, allowing anybody, anybody to come in here. How many reports have you heard, have I heard of people coming in here to be apparently between the ages of 18 and 35, the perfect military age. He is allowing this country to literally be invaded in our face. All right, going to take a break. And when I come back, I'm going to have my guest on with me and we'll talk a little bit about emfs and what they can do and how harmful they are. And they're in your house. They're everywhere. Here we go. [00:30:12] Speaker A: We're stepping into a brief intermission. Stick around. There's more coming your way on the red pill reality show after this break. [00:30:21] Speaker B: Take the red pill. Take the blue pill. Take the red pill. Take the blue. Your absent Hewlett, packer, canon, brother, apple or sharp printers look no further than laser technologies in business for over 20 years. They offer the lowest prices on toner on the web. They can also repair your laser printers and toners fast and easy. Call their expert staff today at 561-7929 600 or email us at service at laser for all your toner needs. All toner is shipped nationwide. Why wait? Get the lowest prices on toner. Call or email us today. [00:30:58] Speaker C: Are you a business owner? Did you know that the government is holding funds right now for your business? The program is called the Employee Retention act. It's done through the IRS and part of the CARES act, and it's available to just about every business. This could mean literally hundreds of thousands of dollars into your business. This is not a loan. It's 100% legal and paid directly to you. Go to getmymoneyback. Net. That's To watch a brief video and find out how you can qualify. Getmymoneyback. Net. Go there now. [00:32:01] Speaker A: Hide behind your lies and notice eyes. It starts when you and I to keep the love alive you gotta change with your sensitivity, no differently my way. The positivity of change with dignity, no hate, we got differently. Why positivity, stand up, we had enough. Oh, scrolling down our teeth anytime we, you know, we just can't escape it. Don't choose to be the simulation worth more than what the people say. Ignore toxic manipulation. Don't be fooled by everyone behind the scene, all the strangers. You gotta change with the dignity, no hate, we gotta act differently. Why wait in the positivity? Stand up. We have differently. Why wait? Stand up. We had enough. We've had enough. And we're back. Hope you didn't go too far because we have more interesting and thought provoking information for you. Coming up on the red pill reality show. [00:34:10] Speaker C: All right, we are back. It is the red pill reality show. Again, it's an honor and a privilege to have you guys. Listen, have. Before I get to my guest, I have. Looks like a caller cunning from Indianapolis. Caller from Indianapolis, you are on the red pill reality show. Are you there? Indianapolis, last time. Are you there? Hello? Okay, we'll put you back on mute. All right, let me welcome our guest. We're going to call her Lou, and she's been involved in quite a few different things. I'm going to give her the opportunity to let you hear some of that. So in the meantime, let me welcome Lou. You are on the red pill reality show. Thank you for taking time to share with us tonight. [00:35:02] Speaker A: I'm an engineer, scientist and inventor, and I have about 40 years work experience, primarily in chemical engineering. But with the recent developments with electrification of the planet, I've had some calls to train up on this to protect my health. So tonight I'm calling in from once beautiful Boyton Beach, Florida. [00:35:33] Speaker C: Awesome. [00:35:34] Speaker A: Where I've been living for about 18 years. Prior to that, I was in Texas, and I'm originally from New Jersey. [00:35:42] Speaker C: Wow. Okay, tonight, bear with me just a minute. I'm flashing away this caller. Let me see if this caller. Something's not working right. Hang on a second. All right, Indianapolis, we're going to try you again. Are you. Hello? Hello, Indianapolis. One more time. All right, well, maybe they have their phone on mute. Anyway, go ahead, Lou. [00:36:07] Speaker A: Okay, tonight I would like to address the issue of safe technology, and particularly with the problem of the electrification of the planet and the challenges that are before us. And I would like to propose to you that we must all most urgently do what we can to be done about these problems before us. If you're discouraged and believe there's nothing you can do, I would assure you that is not true. I had a wake up call in August of 2019, and I found that there is so much that can be done here that I'm busy from morning till night and still finding more and more. And I think most people that are here tonight know that the solutions to our problems are twofold. We must make the most efforts to stay in contact with the powers of good. I believe to be a loving God, and we must protect ourselves from the harm and evil bearing down on us. [00:37:13] Speaker C: Amen. [00:37:13] Speaker A: I want to talk to you tonight about how to use your God given wireless connections to connect to him and to starve the artificial wireless beast that would feed upon you. And it's that important to cut off these things because they are profiteering off of you as an antenna, and it is making them rich and it is proliferating. The explosion of these wireless facilities that will progressively control more and more of your life so that you don't even have your body and mind, is not even your own anymore. And every bit you can starve this beast matters. Every bit. Don't worry about what you can't do. Do what you can. And I believe here that God is on our side, and he has deployed his angels to help you, to help us for the asking. They're all around us as these evil programs have also been deployed on us. And you have to make that choice, and you have to make that reach out. But tonight, as I'm an engineer and not a spiritual advisor, I'm going to be orienting my suggestions towards the technology. I have a website up at it's reject. The number contains more details on what I'm going to be speaking to tonight. And so let me first ask how many connected here tonight know that the human exposure guidelines for radio frequency microwave radiation that the Federal Communications Commission issued in 2019 for the deployment of 5g were thrown out of court in August of 2021 after 5g failed to meet its program goals for high speed Internet of 100 megabits per second. Upload, download. That was the excuse for all these radios and towers being deployed into residential areas. Now, 100 megabits per second is like the minimal. We could have had fiber to the premises at 1000 for ten times over for what they spent on these wireless facilities. And these things are, you know, through an illicit funding misappropriation of our public utility subsidies because the FCC changed their accounting rules. They changed their accounting rules and gave the wireless industry access to these public utility funds. And there's a group called the regulators who's detailed this, how they've done this. So your subsidies, instead of getting your fiber to the premises, have been gone and going into these wireless facilities. And they say, oh, look, they're so much more economical. That's because they've taken a trillion dollars in subsidies. Now, this case in 2019, where the FCC was thrown out of court with these human exposure guidelines, was actually made. Mainstream media with Tucker Carson and Dr. Deborah Davis from the Environmental Health Trust presented this case, and there were 14,000 pages of peer reviewed studies presented to the court that was organized through the Environmental Health Trust and the Children's Health Defense Fund, and they are on file. And these studies about these health effects included proof that DNA is being damaged. And she was flat out there on mainstream tv. Now, this was a groundbreaking case where the guidelines were remanded back to the FCC, who has not yet responded. I mean, there aren't any, none to speak except the 30 year old standards from when a large man starts to cook. And indeed, when they tried this case, they had public, well, actually, when they wrote the guidelines that were thrown out of court, they had public input for safe levels that are millions to billions of times lower than the limits allowed. And so when you talk about human exposure prevalent everywhere today, you can no longer talk about factors. It's two or four times or ten times too high. But you should consider orders of magnitude, which is how many zeros there are on the end of those factors. And levels all over are sickening and disabling. And this is a large part of the illness. You see tiredness and brain fog and apathy and people letting things happen to them that should not be allowed. There's a lot behind this I'm going to get into tonight, yet who is talking about this? And this is something we have to do. And a lot of this you get painted with a tin foil hat. Well, I'm proudly wearing mine these days. So if you want more information on the case, I meant and the 14,000 pages of peer reviewed studies, you can get that at the environmental Health Trust or the website or the children's health defense. And I'm also party with the children's health defense. They are organizing a class action suit about these overpowered towers that have been deployed in residential areas. And here's the other part of it, the WiFi in the school, which is doing massive harm to our children. And I'm party to that lawsuit. And you don't hear much about that either. [00:43:33] Speaker C: I noticed that they have these cell towers a lot of times at schools as well, and churches. [00:43:38] Speaker A: Okay, yes. And that's absolutely disgusting. And I can tell you about that because I did a lot of investigation on how these things are being permitted in our communities. And what happens is that school boards basically has been subverted. In Palm Beach county, for instance, the school board is permitting the installations of these antennas at the schools and they don't even have authority to do it. The schools. Schools do not have authority. They have enforcement authority on the regulations, but they don't have permitting authority. And this is a failure of the local government. Well, I can go into this now because I did have occasion to organize a group of citizen scientists and we did go out through the community and we did need sets on these towers and found there was no need. And we filed complaints with the FCC and it turns out a lot of these things, what happened was that 5G was deployed by changes to the state laws that you could not stop the placement of these facilities on your street corners. But what they marketed was a 60 watt antenna on the street corners. Then they used the state laws to use these laws, but the states could not limit the power of these antennas because the power regulation of the operating power of these towers is under local controls. All right, so what they did was they limited the size. So when you hear a small cell, the state laws refer to define that by the size of the antenna. And so literally they're physically small, but it doesn't limit the power. And so then the state laws came in and they said, we can put these wherever we want to. And if municipalities tries to challenge that, we're going to sue you under the state laws and we'll destroy your city, we'll bankrupt your city. This is what they told them. But what happens actually is that the local authorities should have rewritten their local ordinances to limit the power of these towers that were being placed on our street corners. And most of them didn't do that. So what they went into, after talking 60 watts, they went in with like 20,000 watts of effective radiated power. And these small cells on our street corners have the power approaching that of a macro cell tower. It's a public safety hazard. And this is part of the children's health defense Fund lawsuit that these things are way overpowered. And like I said, I did get permits. You can get permits and you can see and these local authorities are rubber stamping them through, blaming the state laws, but it's really the local authorities failure. And then what's happening that the schools here, and I just know Palm Beach county here in the schools, is that the local authorities have defaulted the permitting to the schools. The schools actually do not have authority to do permitting, but they're doing it anyway and just stop them. They just on and on. So a lot of this stuff is, how are they getting away with this? And so we can go into that. I'm going to get into that in just a little bit. And this is part of why it's so important for you to reduce your exposure to microwave radiation and other EMF. Just for thoughts, let me ask you when the last time was that you went a week without being microwaved? And how do you know what it would feel like to be free of artificial know? I'm going to tell you. I grew up in the pine barrens of New Jersey by the shore, and I thought I was free of such things. I never did understand why my health. Why I had health problems from childhood. But more recently, I've had a chance to look at this. When I was five years old, in 1962, my father went to work in New Jersey, in the pine barrens at a place called Nafek, that I more recently researched and found to be the national Aviation Facility Experimental center where they were developing advanced radar. And we live about 10 miles away. I never really, never had good health and did spend some years drinking, smoking, swearing, and chasing men. And I attributed my early declining health to burnout and early lifestyle and then age. It was just all the stress from all these things. In 2011, when they put a smart meter on my house, I was renting and the plants died. I knew it was bad, but I didn't plan to stay long. Then in 2012, my mother died, and I experienced some major decline in health that I attributed to her death. But as that went on and my pet experienced bad health and my daughter developed difficulties, I did begin to wonder about this, was hearing about, but there was always something more important to investigate or deal with as life got tougher and tougher. This wasn't just happening to me. This was happening to everybody. I did buy that house I was renting and with the money from my mother's estate and had some electrical problems. I call out the electrician. It was useless and then deferred the problem and that of the smart meter. But my God loves me. And he did send me a wake up call long about 2019 with business I had to conduct at the cell tower that was about a half mile from my house. The symptoms I experienced were major and just like those that have been going on for years with a brain fog, memory loss, leg cramps and insomnia. I finally got that $400 EMF meter. I'd been deferring hearing that 5g was on the way, and it was just in time, because I don't believe I would have survived what was to come. And I got that meter. And for weeks I walked around in disbelief of the readings I was seeing throughout my home, my community, saying, oh, my God. Oh, my God. I could not believe what they were doing to us. You look at these things, know the levels that were recommended to the FCC for human exposure? We know what levels start affecting human health. They know all about the health effects. There's nothing, oh, this 5G was an experiment. It wasn't an experiment. They always knew we'd be suffering serious health effects from this. And no wonder I felt so bad. I finally got busy with mitigation. You can do simple things to your house. Like if you have screen windows, put up a loom, and I'm screening windows, keep some of that stuff out. I never had wifi in my house. My neighbor's wifi was coming in. I have cinder block construction, which cinder block will block a lot of that, but it comes in the windows from your neighbor's house. So you got all kinds of wifi in your house, and them, you can blank some of that out, just put on aluminum screens up. Then I did the windows. I got rid of my microwave oven. The microwave ovens, you think that they're safe? Well, they introduced them with a lot of shielding on them. They were expensive and big. Over the years, they have been reducing the shielding on them and they have been allowing, whereas they used to be like 10% of the FCC limit, they've been taking them right up to the FCC limit. So people don't realize that when they're cooking their dinner, they're cooking their family for dinner. They're dreadful. You can see that with a meter. As a matter of fact, they warn you, you get these meters when you measure your microwave oven. Don't start with your meter too close. Start from about 10ft away and walk to your meter till you get it on scale. Microwave ovens are terrible. The cordless phones are terrible. I have one of those in my house. And then we'll talk about this smart meter. Oh, my goodness. It pulses you every two minutes, and it pulses your whole entire electrical system. And this thing was so bad. It has two radio signals, actually, one for internal radio contact. So it charges up your electrical system with dirty electricity from the radio transmission and then pulses it off at you into the house every two minutes. They are dreadful. Absolutely dreadful. If you can opt out, they usually charge you about $150 to change out the meter, and they will charge you for $10 or $15 to read it weekly. I say, do it. Do it. It's absolutely worth it. And what happened was this. I made these mitigations to my house, and actually, I started driving longer routes to work. I realized up and down the interstate, I was traveling to work. There was a cell tower every mile, and it was hitting you with huge levels. I took the back roads with fewer exposures, and it was unbelievable. I had a profound improvement in my failing health in areas I never suspected related were related. It was everything. It was everything. My mental clarity. I lost weight without trying. I had a bad knee. I thought I was needing a replacement for it. And one day, I noticed I was walking just fine. No pain. I felt alive again. And when I realized what was going on, that my mom. It wasn't my mother's death that put me into this tailspin. The same thing that killed her, the same thing that put me into this tailspin was probably what killed her. I mean, she had an esophageal tumor that blossomed during four g. And my brother had cancer around that time. He survived. [00:55:10] Speaker C: Wow. [00:55:12] Speaker A: And when I realized what all was going on, I cried a lot. For all the wasted years suffering and the harm to loved ones. I'd gotten her one of those life alert pendants when she had Alzheimer's, which is another symptom of microwave radiation exposure. And she's up on the fourth level of this thing. They had a lot of cell towers. I'm looking back, and I said, oh, my God. Oh, my God. And the whole reality is something very hard to face. But you absolutely have to do this. You have no idea how much harm you're doing to yourself. And I'm going to tell you why. One of the reasons why is coming out more and more because we always know they had some very horrible things they can do to you with this technology invading your biology and manipulating it. People talk about being targeted and experimented on. We don't know how widespread that was. There has been a whistleblower come out recently by the name of Sabrina Williams, and she is quite an amazing person. She was born and bred and modified surgically a as a family member. Her parents did this to her. It was a family thing. Multigenerational member of the black ops, these three letter agencies, and the most horrible things that they're doing to us. And all these advanced technologies, they had to do it. Her claims, she makes claims like AI has been sentient since 1954. And they've been using these technologies on us for a long time. And the level of mind control, the control that we're under to make us accept these things is insidious. And they've been massively expanding these things. And what she's also saying is that the COVID injections and the vaccines were intended to get more of these nanoparticles and these self assembling antennas into people, so that it becomes now a people to people transmission. And even if you didn't take the vaccine, that these transmitters can affect you. And you have a transmitters in you too, and all of these most bizarre things. And you can get this link. I do have a website up reject five g. The most recent stuff is on the blog. You can go to it. And there's a post called node on the network. And she has an iq of like over 200. And she goes into the direct graphic depictions about how these networks were built and what they do, and a lot of people can't understand it. There are some people who are abridging her a bit and explaining the system. I have them up on that. They explain how these systems work and how they've been deployed on us. And what it amounts to is that we need to stop allowing them to use us free antennas to the best of our ability, because we're losing that more and more. We're losing that ability to basically not consent into these systems. And they're insidious. And so this is why I said it becomes a responsibility to say no to the beast. Yeah, I agree. It becomes a responsibility. And that is why you need to shut off the artificial EMF. And it's a matter of your biofuel. And this is the other thing Sabrina brings to light. She does a very good job of explaining to you the importance of your biofield. And that's what's been invaded and is being exploited. They're exploiting our biofuels. They're basically taking over our bodies. And there's something called the wide body area network that's been around since 2005. So when you go and you say, well, why are my politicians also non responsive and absolutely inane and stupid and doing things that are mean? They're part of the ship that's going down. They're sinking the ship that's going down. Why would they even do that? Why are these bizarre and the wise and wise and wise. And what Sabrina says is, because there are nodes on the network and these black ops, three letter agencies have them on remote control and can stop their heart with a click. And it's very simple. They'll kill them. They can make you sick. They can kill you. They can do that to your loved ones. And she's on the Internet, I think. Oh, yes. There was a post up today that she gives this technical description and she's on. What is that? Odyssey. Okay. She's on Odyssey, and there's a link to her on my note on the network post. And you can get her and get into her technical presentation. There's also a transcript of it that you might want to read it because she goes so fast. I've been looking at this and looking at this, and it's a stretch for me to evaluate. I'm giving her a lot of credibility. And she's out there. She was over the holidays. She woke up with her bed in her bathtub. And so she's not actively online. She's offline for the month, but there's still postings coming up there. And like I said, her technical presentation about how they have expanded this wide body area network and are manipulating us right now. So I'm going to get back here a little on track. Yes. Get rid of the microwave oven. Everything that powers you up. You got to stop anything that puts power into you. The microwave oven, the smart meter. Now then we get to these more difficult things. If you've gone with this Internet of Things, dialing that back is going to be really difficult. Okay? And people are just going to be up. What can I do? All right? And I do have suggestions on my website. There is a lot you can do. You get rid of the box. You got a box from your ISP, your ISP provider. They're not your friends, okay? They're part of the data acquisition network. And these things are acquiring your bodily data and controlling you. Get that out of your house. If you have to have wifi, there's this really cool system by JRS will sell you the system, but you can purchase your own modem and router and download some firmware from this guy in Germany on the JRS website, and you can put your Wi Fi on demand. So instead of having this huge broadcasting box in your house that is inundating you with radiation and inundating everybody around you, your neighbors, maybe even three doors down with radiation, you can have this wifi that calls on demand and it shuts itself down when you don't have devices calling for it. And a good wifi system, really. It has on off power. It has on off wifi. So you have a button you can push at night. I'm going to sleep. Shut up. You can't do that with your box, your box, you can take the batteries out of it and unplug it. And it's still broadcasting using capacitors for hours. It's made never to die and always to broadcast, broadcast, broadcast, so they don't interrupt their data collection. So anyway, get rid of that thing, get on off power, on off wifi. And then this thing, very important, radio transmit power control, because the power is the amount of radiation you're being exposed to. Part of the system is a specific router that has antennas. You want to direct your antennas at your devices. You don't want to broadcast everything. All right? So if you have to have wiFi, you get a system like that. You just cut your exposures ten times and then you have the power to turn it off at night when you want to go to sleep. Get things like. And your cell phone. All right. Okay, one more thing. On networks, all your stationary devices should be wired. Go back with the. Get a nice land network, or you can get just ethernet, just run a cat seven shielded ethernet cable up and down your house. All your stationary devices are wired. Only your mobile devices. You want to have an antenna there. You want to take your laptop somewhere else. You want to use your phone. There's so many things you can do, so many things you can do to reduce this. When you want to have a game on your phone to play, all right, you can tether your phone and download the file through a wire instead of broadcasting it through the air where it's killing birds, bees, trees, you, me, you do it through a tether. Learn how to tether your phone for major file downloads and apps and stuff like that to it. The same with the phone. You're not going to be able to use a cell phone, but you get a docking station for your laptop, and you get your laptop wired, and then you get a phone through your Internet, and you can do things like that. You find everything, get rid of the wireless technology. And now here's the other thing. Going wired is not going to stop these invasions of our privacy and our person, but it makes it way harder. It makes it harder, and that's what you have to do. You have to make it really difficult for them to come and get you, and you have to starve the beast as much as you can. There's a lot of tips on my website. Then one of the other I'm going to mention right now has to do with your 60 hz system. These plans were deployed on us over hundreds of years time, and part of this includes our entire electrical grid. And what I'm going to tell you about the electrical grid is twofold. One of the things is that you need to get rid of that smart meter, get that off of there, that's pulsing dirty electricity through you every two minutes. Then the other thing is your electrical ground, the electrical grounds on your house, and this becomes difficult. Getting a good electrical ground on your house becomes difficult because of the way the grid was wired. And this has to do with how the transformers were all wired, because you're going to have to deal with something that's called neutral earth voltage on your transformer, which is going to tend to put a lot of energy back on your ground and into your house. That becomes a little difficult, but for the most part, the thing is that you want to make sure that you have a properly grounded home. And by NEC codes, this is a minimum of two electrodes and they should be new every three years. You should check your grounding electrodes. I mean, they do go bad. You need two good grounding electrodes on there and they require they be placed 6ft apart. I see. If you have two eight foot rods, it's the length of the rod. So two eight foot rods, 16ft apart. And that's for starters. If you want to get better grounding, the better you get this grounding. I'm going to tell you, the better your health and safety and why it has become more and more important is because these radio loads, they go into your house and into your building materials and they create. This is like dirty electricity, electro smog. They build up. They build up. And right now, if you have a poor ground on your house, what happened to me? I'm going to tell you what happened to me and I'm going to go back to my story. I had such, this really great improvement in my health and I didn't have any plans to accept the organized citizen scientists. And we went around, we filed complaints with the FCC. Then I ran into this problem that I mentioned with the failure of local government and they were kind of hoodwinked and tricked and psyopped and scammed and bribed and threatened to not revise their local ordinances to mitigate the power of these towers that got put all through our residential areas. I filed complaints and I talked to these people face to face. I had face to face meetings. I brought in my experts, my telecom experts. I trained up with scientists for wired technology. I brought them in, we sat at the table, and we addressed this to you. You can change your ordinances. You can protect these people from having a 20,000 watt antennas put outside their bedroom windows. They wouldn't do it. They all fell in line. And why is this? You go back to these subversive controls that are being placed on people. They're scared. And I'm going to tell you, I've had some incidents where I think may have been retaliation. And I do suspect that they're using these things on people who do complain. And I didn't keep any of it secret from them because I'm 66 years old now. I have a daughter. I see these beautiful children at these schools, and I know what these things are doing to them, and I fully know. I can't pretend I don't know, and I'm not going to have any of it. Not any of it. [01:11:26] Speaker C: I feel the same way about information. You have information, and that information can help somebody in some way. And if you don't give it to them, you don't say anything, they end up being hurt. You share in the guilt of that, whatever part that is. But that's how I feel. I would share in the guilt. I mean, if I knew somebody was, somebody needed to know something. If they didn't know this, they could get hurt. And if I don't tell them and they end up being hurt, I share in the guilt of that. [01:11:57] Speaker A: Well, yes. Throughout 2020, I was out there, they shut things down. I got my citizen scientists out there, and we got out there, and one of my citizen scientists was an ex member of telecom. And we went around there to these facilities. I'm telling you, the exposures were terrible. And we went one day, and the control room, the door to the control room at one of these facilities was flapped wide open. A lot of these guys on these towers, it affects them, and their brains don't work right. And she went out there, she called him out there and yelled at him. You wouldn't believe what goes on with this. It's insane. But what happened to me was they did these major deployments in 2021. This is when these satellites went up, and the FCC basically gave licenses for all these new bands that they had restricted before only for the government. And so all these bands went up and all these new frequencies came out. And the tower nearby me, they did modifications to it and empowered it way up. My community got hit. It was like ten to 100 times more microwave radiation, it got hit. And then what also happened was this tower affected the electrical grid. So I had dirty electricity on my household, electric, and it wasn't nothing I could do because it was coming in from the grid. [01:13:49] Speaker C: Hang on a minute, because I want to clarify something. You say dirty, I know what you're saying, but there may be people out there really don't understand. Define dirty electricity. [01:14:00] Speaker A: Okay. Dirty electricity is when there are high frequency transients developed on the line. These can be intermittent, and they're things that are off frequency, and they travel the electrical grid. And in your home, because your 60 hz system is not shielded, these high frequency transients can come out of your electrical system and affect your health. So it's a secondary route of exposure for high frequency relative to 60 hz radiation. So it's another electromagnetic exposure. And then if you have a smart meter on that that's popping this every two minutes, and you have dirty electricity on it, it's popping out. These fields get additive and it pops out all this dirty electricity that's on there as a mess. Now, I didn't have a smart meter at that point, but just the levels and the radiation in the house. And I went down for the count, I'm telling you. I had to call on friends, and they came out, and I had to put a Faraday canopy over my bed to sleep. And I had nerve and muscle pain, a lot of nerve and muscle pain. And this wasn't just me. I'm talking to a lot of people, the neighbors all around. People know I do safe tech work. They call me, say, leanne, what's going on? I just got terrible nerve and muscle. Yeah, I know. I got it, too. What happened was, with the 4G deployment, they had restless leg syndrome, and they told everybody they didn't know what caused it. They were sure it wasn't microwave radiation, when that's just the hell what it was. Pardon my french, what it was. And now what they've got is they've got a new syndrome. It's called stiff person syndrome. And they're sure that it's not caused by microwave Radiation, but they don't know what causes it. [01:16:04] Speaker C: Here's something that I see. The reason I think a lot of people are not equating what you're saying with, with being sick is that it's a little bit at a time. It's kind of sort of like smoking cigarettes. People would smoke cigarettes. I'm fine. I've been smoking for five year tenure. Whatever it is. I'm fine. It's not like the cigarettes are going to kill you right away. It's the same thing with what she's talking about. It's accumulative. It's going to build up and build up and build up. [01:16:34] Speaker A: Yes. They've been ramping up the exposures and telling people, no, there's even this placebo study out there that the masters of Psyop and gaslighting ran this placebo study and proved that all these health effects that people have are mental illness. And that's their position. Tell you you're mentally ill and it's dreadful. And I'll tell you what, this is what happened. Far from being mysteries about what these health effects are like, years ago, there were tens of thousands of studies done on this. And what the telecom industry has always done is they have diluted the research pool with their biased research. And so at one point, they did studies of the studies to show that when they were funded independently, 75% of these studies showed proof of harm. And when they were funded by telecom, 75% of them showed there was no harm. And so they don't push it to the point where they're proving that it's harmless. They don't really want to do that because they know that's not even remotely believable, but they just want to dilute that research pool so that you can ask questions and, oh, well, maybe not. Oh, yeah, you can believe what you want, but I just had personal experiences that made it very clear to me who the liars were and I feel it very much. I think I've had problems with it all my life. I think it's maybe six since I was a child, very possible. And has really detracted from the quality of my life. [01:18:33] Speaker C: Whoever wanted this stuff makes me wonder how many other people are suffering and not realizing where the suffering is coming from. They just think, oh, well, this is my lot in life, I have whatever it is and I have to deal with it. And it could actually be coming from microwave radiation poisoning, basically. [01:18:59] Speaker A: And I've been struggling with this. The nerve and muscle pain, have to do stretches all the time. Always work at it. Now, I'm going to tell you, if you can get your house properly grounded and you can get your levels of radiation down in your house and your systems under control, there are wonders. There's wonders of this with what's called earthing and a lot of these symptoms, the inflammatory stuff and it's inflammatory, that's what these things do. It causes a lot of inflammation in your body a lot of illness. You get the earthing and it's totally relieving. But it's not easy to do safely. That's the problem. And it has to do with your household. They sell a lot of these products. You got to be so careful. There's people out there and I know they're trying to be helpful. But you absolutely have to know what you're doing when you're grounding and earthing. And don't try to do it all yourself. If you do it yourself, have a check by a professional, run it by somebody who really knows because it can backfire on you. Your household electrical is probably not good enough. Even mine, um, I wouldn't use that for earthing. Basically, earthing is different. A lot of you want to grab these grounded and put these protective materials up. There's a place called and they sell all kinds of materials for budget film. You can put on your windows, put on your ceilings. Wherever you're getting influx of this stuff, it's cheap and it's easy. And you can just test it and see how do you feel? Does this help you or hurt you? And then there's also paints and stuff like you can put on. And they all need to be grounded paint. [01:21:08] Speaker C: Now wait a minute. You mentioned paints. It makes me think of really wonder why did they ban lead based paints? [01:21:18] Speaker A: I think that's a legitimate toxin. It does a heavy metal poison. Lead is not an effective microwave block. [01:21:29] Speaker C: Oh, really? I thought it was really good. [01:21:33] Speaker A: No. [01:21:34] Speaker C: Wow. [01:21:36] Speaker A: And that's a big misconception. Lead is not the best thing. A thin tinfoil is better than lead. [01:21:45] Speaker C: Wow. I'm surprised. I really am truly surprised. I thought lead was really good against that stuff. [01:21:51] Speaker A: Lead is good for real radiation, ionizing radiation. To block that, you get a thick lead. You need thick metal. So it does that for microwave radiation. You're way better. You can do it with paint, you can do it with tin foil, you can do it. And I'm telling you, you get aluminum screen from Home Depot and you put it in place of your. It's easier to use these plastic things, but you put it in your windows and at 85% reduction in the microwave radiation coming in your window. And you can also use the aluminum screen to cover your smart meter and things like that. If you can't get rid of your smart meter, you put a guard on the outside and you put a block on the wall and the inside and try to get that under control. All these things, and I do have them listed on my website. I should probably go in there. [01:22:54] Speaker C: Here, give out the website again. [01:22:58] Speaker A: That is reject 5g. That's the number five info. And there's a three things page, and it goes through all these mitigations you can do. There's a page on 5g, bait and switch, and that's how they're stealing our public utility funds to fund this stuff. I have a links and reference page, and on the blog I have my most recent stuff. You go back in time and I'll talk about when I discovered the grounding problem on my house and what I had to do about it. And it took me a long time. What I actually ended up doing is I had to get the local electrical utility to upgrade their substation, because this wireless facility, when they upgraded it, must not have grounded it, right. I'm telling you, there was a house fire in my community. When I say the electricity went bad, it affected the controllers, the power controllers. One of the neighbor's houses actually caused fire in the middle of the night, and it was determined to be an electrical fire of unknown origin. And it just happened to occur around the time that these deployments were there. And I saw the dirty electricity come through the system, and I got sick, and the neighbor's house is burning down. Too many things just said. I got this beautiful grounding system. Now I put extra grounding rods on it, and I'm telling you, it's a cinder block. At construction, there was so much built up. What happened was the electromagnetic field of the house dropped, and you could actually feel a pressure drop and so much relief. It's a physical relief. You can feel these fields. And I'm going to get back to some of this more metaphysical thing. Once you get clear of some of these things and you sort of detox, you won't believe it. And it's not an immediate effect. You might need to wait three or four days or even give it a week for these effects to fully kick in. When you start to sleep better and you have more energy and things like that, and it's amazing. You can feel these fields and you have a biofield around you and you can feel these fields and you know what's happening to you. You can tell what these things are doing. You actually can. For years I ignored it. I said, oh, you drank too much coffee this morning when my blood sugar was swinging. No, it wasn't the coffee. It wasn't. I was in a microwave field. I have tinnitus too, and you can hear them. [01:26:17] Speaker C: You were using a microwave at the time. And that's what was happening. It was leaking from your microwave? No, the microwave that you were getting hit with was from an outside source. [01:26:29] Speaker A: Yes. Okay. They put up all these cell towers. Okay. So my community, I have one at 2100ft, I have another at 3400ft. [01:26:41] Speaker C: Wow. [01:26:41] Speaker A: And then one at the school. The worst one is the 400 foot tower at the school. That is at about 4000ft. Four or 5000, almost a mile it is. [01:26:51] Speaker C: See, there's no reason. [01:26:55] Speaker A: They hit your roofs. It's coming in the roofs, it's coming in the ceilings, it's coming in the windows. And then your neighbor's wifi boxes are designed to go 300ft. So if your neighbor's house is within 300ft, you got his wifi in your house. [01:27:13] Speaker C: Wow. [01:27:14] Speaker A: And so these are coming in and you may have to make concerted efforts to block them out or they might be muted enough. It depends on the construction of your house. If you have a metal roof and aluminum siding, you might be bouncing most of that off and you just have to block the windows. Find a way to block the windows. But they saturated everything all over and they designed by design. Most communities are triangulated and overpowered, and they're coming in and you got little to no protection. [01:27:49] Speaker C: So you're mentioning that they're literally within thousands of feet of each other, for that matter. I was going to say of you, and that's crazy, because what I learned about cell towers is that the minimum line of sight, so that's typically six to 7 miles that they should be apart. [01:28:10] Speaker A: This was the densification. This is how they did that. They did this with these state laws. Oh, we need high speed Internet. [01:28:18] Speaker C: And it was a big con. [01:28:19] Speaker A: It was always a big con. We could have had fiber. What we needed to do is run the fiber networks to the house if they wanted really people to have high speed Internet, that's high speed Internet, fiber to the premises. And then you have that. The exposures are way lower. For instance, do you understand that wireless has less than 10% efficiency? [01:28:49] Speaker C: I didn't know that. [01:28:52] Speaker A: Yeah. And that's why you never hear anything about the efficiency. The Ethernet systems and stuff like that, that we used to have used to have a 40% efficiency. There's a lot of electrical losses associated, and that's electro junk that affects our health and our environment. [01:29:09] Speaker C: Sorry, hang on. Lou, are you saying even in the Ethernet cable we're getting this? Even from an Ethernet cable. [01:29:20] Speaker A: You'Re getting way less. What happens with that is distance is your friend. Okay. And so I have a wired system in my house. Even with a shielded Ethernet cable, it gives off some emissions. If you stand 2ft away from it, you're not going to have a problem. The biggest problem I'm having is with my monitor, the monitors that give off EMF, and some of the worst. But that's with every system. That's not necessarily the wireline, but yeah, the cables and links and modems, they give off emissions, but you can manage it, you have to manage it so that you're not exposed and it's manageable. [01:30:18] Speaker C: But if I understand what you're telling me, even though that the cable is shielded, it's still giving out a small amount of radiation. [01:30:25] Speaker A: It's leakage. All these things have a little bit of leakage, and that's why you have to have the grounding systems in your house, to get the electric junk out that goes out the electrical ground. You have to be wary of what all these emissions are. And all your electrical appliances give off emissions, but most of them you can distance yourself from. And you know better than to have your electrical cords near you and things like that, or sleep near with your head near your electrical box, but take a meter to it. I've gotten to a point, I have so many meters, it's got ridiculous. But yeah, the things you find out. And then in this wide body area network thing, the body frequencies, what do they call it? It's really something terrible, nasty. They're a short band. They're doing the body hacking with the short band. And I got a couple of short band radios. I go around and you would see where are the frequencies, what's emitting these frequencies, and stay away from that, get rid of that, apply these kind of things. [01:31:54] Speaker C: You said something earlier on that caught my ear, and that is the effect on the DNA. This is affecting people's dna? [01:32:02] Speaker A: Oh, absolutely. And I'm going to tell you, this is outrageous. It's outrageous. And they know damage. It does damage. I think I have it linked on my website somewhere. There's a post called listen to Debra, and it's about Deborah Davis's presentation to Tucker Carson and where she presented this evidence. And the most repeatable, undeniable evidence of DNA damage is that done on male sperm. [01:32:35] Speaker C: Wow. [01:32:36] Speaker A: Okay. And they know it, they've known it for a long time. [01:32:40] Speaker C: Another way, population control. [01:32:44] Speaker A: Well. [01:32:47] Speaker C: That'S the first thing comes to my mind. That's the first thing comes to my mind. I know without question, they want to reduce the population, so they use every avenue they can get this is another avenue. [01:33:00] Speaker A: Yeah. And the DNA damage, basically, they lie about the safety of these things. It's the photon. You start with the quantum. Here is the photon. Well, they put these photons, organize them into these signals, and these signals have these pulsation patterns. And so what happens is that although a single photon isn't innocuous enough, you got Avogadro's number per minute hitting you, then you're going to have some damage done, because what happens is the photons hit successively on the same bond, and they hit before the bond has time to recover to its base energy level. And so it ups the energy, then pops the bond. And this happens most in elements that are part of the quantum defect theory, instead of being over this perfect quantum model, which shows that that probably is not going to happen. And these kind of things, the biggest one as part of this quantum defect theory, is what's popular for batteries. It's what makes lithium popular for batteries. There is papers out on how to ionize lithium using microwaves, and they've been around for a long time. You can ionize it. Yeah. Another one is chromium. Well, lithium is in your brain. The other one is chromium. Chromium changes oxidation state from chrome three, which is essential to your blood glucose control. When it's energized, it shifts to chrome six, which is a carcinogen. And so for years, they've observed diabetes and cancer clusters around cell towers. And then, oh, let's pretend we don't know what that is. That's the energizing of your chromium to a different state that is harmful from essential to harmful. And living in these electrified, energized states is unhealthy for human beings in a lot of ways, and it's through some of these effects. And then, of course, what else is a Reidenberg atom that doesn't meet the quantum? It's actually part of the quantum defector is hydrogen, which is, yes, part of your dna, and that's probably the bond that's getting broken the most, but it breaks it down and it has to do with the pulse. These pulsations are similar that they use to get good telecommunications. This is what they're going to successive generations. They're more highly powered up, they're more highly pulsed, and the pulses that give you good telecommunications, these are the same techniques that they use to turn light into lasers. Please. They're the same techniques and they do ionize and they do damage DNA. Don't even let them suggest it. Get the wifi if you've got wifi six in your house, you're doing yourself. Your dna is more damage, a lot of damage. I've seen those things. I sat. Oh, my lord. I had to sit through there. I was stuck in a situation. I was there for an hour and a half, had a terrible headache, the pulsations from that thing. And you get to be sensitive to this stuff. And it's like swimming in the pool with too much chlorine. And just how do people live with wifi in their house? [01:36:57] Speaker C: Well, because they probably haven't experienced what you've experienced. More people. And then some of them. [01:37:05] Speaker A: It's a bad drug that they got people addicted to, man. You detox and you feel so much better. You just can't. [01:37:10] Speaker C: Oh, some of them might be sick and they don't know it. Like I mentioned earlier, they may not know it. That's where the root is. [01:37:21] Speaker A: This is brain fog. This is insomnia. This is muscle cramps. This is nerve and muscle pain. This is all kinds of things. Never would have imagined it. Alzheimer's symptoms. Never would have imagined that. And then losing weight and baldness, because, of course, they're affecting your skin something terrible. They think your skin. Oh, it's just your skin. Oh, yeah, we just want to use people's skin for, you know, you have. Sabrina Williams just speaks of know. Your biofield is a body part. Your immune system is part of your immune system. And they're creating disease in people, using people like antennas and taking their control of their biologies and things like that. And so you can believe it or not, how much of this is real, some of it is going on. And what she said is that Covid and the injections were establishing a backbone, and it's escalated. It's rampant. Most of the population is now a node on the network and they are getting massive, massive controls. They're bringing in these digital currency systems that's more of these massive controls. And you have to start finding ways to say no. [01:38:51] Speaker C: Hang on, hang on just a second because I got a caller coming in. Four 1114 out of Belglade. You're on the red pill reality show. [01:39:00] Speaker D: Hi, risk, it's Joey. How are you? [01:39:02] Speaker C: Hey, Joey, how are you? [01:39:04] Speaker D: I'm all right. So I did tune in late, and I'm fascinated. I'm so glad I remembered you were on tonight, ma'am. I didn't catch the preface. I've been listening for about 45 minutes here. A lot of what you're saying reminds me of Furstenberg's book history of electricity, the invisible rainbow. I also personally have fluoride poisoning. I have fluorocoline toxicity. So I feel I'm very sensitive to these things. And I got really aware of EMF after I was already familiar, but really aware after I figured I have fluoride poisoning. So I feel I'm more susceptible. And a friend of mine was struggling with tinnitus, and he still uses the microwave. So what do you think about those things? [01:39:57] Speaker A: I have tinnitus too. And I'm going to tell you something. For years they told me, oh, you have TMJ and you have to get braces on your teeth and all kinds of stuff. Bullshit. Pardon my french. It's microwave hearing and using a microwave oven. What he needs to do is he needs to get an EMF meter. You get a good EMf meter? I have a couple up on my website. I have a website at reject five g info. And there's the EMF fields acoustimeter am ten, or the safe and soundpro. Two are the leading ones. And these are in the microwave range. And when you test your microwave oven, don't start with the meter too close, because the power off of these microwave ovens is so awful that it can damage this meter. So you start with the meter about 1020ft away, and you approach the oven until the meter goes off scale to get a reading. And then you say at that distance, you have this reading because the power changes with distance. And then you get an idea of what kind of exposure you have to cook your dinner. I fooled around with mine for a while. I would put the food in there and then run away, go to the other end of the house to get out of the field, and it just got to be too big a hassle. And I just got a nice toaster of it. [01:41:41] Speaker D: I personally haven't used one for 25 years, and I think he's crazy. I also got him off a fluoride toothpaste because I think these metals and these emfs, it's all adding to it. So if you're not standing by the microwave and you're cooking the food and running away, it's just standing next to it, is that what you're saying? [01:42:02] Speaker A: Well, no, you can distance yourself. Okay. When you're dealing with microwave radiation at the source, the power drops off as you get away from the source, and it's with distance squared. So distance is your friend with any of these things, any of these microwave towers, a microwave oven or whatever. And like they tell you, don't put your cell phone by your head, get some distance. So if you start your microwave oven and then get 30ft away, then you might not get such a bad exposure. You stand near that oven, within 5ft of that, you're getting a very harmful blast of microwave radiation. And what has happened, unfortunately, is that they used to put more shielding on them and people would get used to using them. And there were problems, there were health problems that came with the advent of the microwave oven, and they blamed other things, and it wasn't everything else but the microwave oven, but absolutely they're harmful. The levels of exposure are harmful and they've taken the shielding off them. So you get some of these these days and they're at the FCC limit, which is like just really dreadful exposure. And yeah, it'll aggravate tinnitus. [01:43:29] Speaker D: A friend of mine showed me a documentary. He had a flotation location business 20 years ago. He showed me a documentary that the microwave was invented by the Russians for population control. It was decades ago that I saw this documentary. [01:43:46] Speaker A: Yeah, there's so much information about this being so harmful. I don't know, they have these really good propaganda, PsyOp and mind control stuff all going on all the time to push this on the public, and they've used every weapon they can to convince people that it's harmless. Whereas there's a plethora, tens of thousands of studies, saying there's harm. We know there's harm. You can tell from your own body should tell you, and they want to tell you. You have some particular hypersensitivity to this. I'm going to say most of the population right now is walking around with microwave radiation illness and not recognizing what they have. [01:44:40] Speaker D: Have you read that book history of electricity by. [01:44:44] Speaker A: Yeah. Arthur's been around for a while and I get into the safe tech networks and you can go to meetings with him. [01:44:57] Speaker D: Really? [01:44:57] Speaker A: Yes. He comes out sometimes, he's not very friendly, and he thinks all the rest of it. He believes in a zero, that you can't have anything. I mean, you have to eliminate every single microwave system on the planet. And he's fairly radical about that. And he has a point. If I had a choice, I'd get all or none. I'd get rid of them. And so he thinks we're all traders, because a lot of people have moderate opinions that we should have some very limited amounts of telecommunications at levels that are limited and safe and controlled. And I tend to be more of that. You're not going to be able to take this away from people. Tell people, they can't use radios. Good luck. The original Communications act of 1934, as well as even this 1997 Telecommunications act, they had protective clauses in them that all these systems, you could use these radio systems, but it was a requirement they be used at minimum power to provide the service. And that has been absolutely thrown out the window. We have no need for all this radiation. What is it good for? It failed 5g, failed to deliver on high speed Internet. It ran into the interference level and it just doesn't deliver the speed. If you push it to the place point where you got enough speed with these things that it's even up to 100 megabits per second, which is still not competitive with fiber optics. It's 1000. You have these horrendous exposures and destruction of the environment. Look at our environment. You can look out the window, trees dying. What happened to the insects? [01:47:00] Speaker D: What happened to the bees falling out of the sky? Those sterling birds? [01:47:04] Speaker A: Yeah, I was driving down the road, coming to a stop sign. Fortunately, when birds fall on the road in front of my car, a lot of freaking. And then they got up and waddled around a bit like they were drunk and wandered off to the side of the road. It's like apocalypse. What do we need? [01:47:28] Speaker D: This is going to be worse. The trains left the station and if we don't protect ourselves. What do you know about fluoride poisoning and how this all plays in? [01:47:43] Speaker A: About what? [01:47:45] Speaker D: Fluoride poisoning. 46% of the population has a gene mutation that makes us highly susceptible to fluoride. And fluoride was first used on human population in Nazi Germany. And ironically in 1945 we started putting it in water and antibiotics in America. And five years later, Orwell wrote the book 1984. So I just started piecing all this stuff together when I figured out that I had fluoride poisoning. [01:48:20] Speaker A: And I can't quite understand what you're saying. Could you slow down? Fluoride. Oh, God bless you. I'll tell you, my mother dosed us with fluoride. Dose us with it when we were children. [01:48:33] Speaker C: It was good for your teeth, supposedly. [01:48:36] Speaker A: And I got dosed. Okay. And I'm telling you, I found out that I grew up near an advanced radar facility and my mother dosed me with fluoride. And now I'm facing burnout. All these things. Yes, are going to. Well, what they say is basically it affects your ability to. [01:49:07] Speaker C: It's a neurotoxin, it's a brain poison. [01:49:10] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:49:13] Speaker D: It calcifies your pineal gland along with that. [01:49:17] Speaker A: Right. Okay. But you can do some detox on that, too. [01:49:23] Speaker D: There's ways to detox around meditation, prayer, yoga, ayahuasca. I've done a lot of research on this. [01:49:31] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:49:33] Speaker A: And I did go through a diagnosis for electromagnetic sensitivity myself. There are doctors who do very well with that. And there are factors. There's a lot of factors. Exposures over your life. Exposures. I mean, I was born in 1957. They had lead plummet. They're lead in the gas. [01:49:59] Speaker C: Until 1973. [01:50:02] Speaker A: A lot of neurotoxins. Yes, I've been exposed to all my life. But we also have these recuperative powers. It's all about detoxing, healing, and building yourself back up. And that's so essential right now. You can heal, you can detox. I agree. If you have electromagnetic sensitivity, also look at earthing. Earthing. And there's anti inflammatory and healing. You have to do it. Be careful to how you do that so you don't make yourself a route to ground. [01:50:45] Speaker C: So the easiest way to do earthing is just go barefoot. Go barefoot on the ground and let yourself ground out. [01:50:52] Speaker A: Okay, but here's the problem. You can't really do that anymore, because what you do is you're now grounding out the microwave radiation in the environment. And so the problem is all these. You have to get that meter. Okay. You have to get that meter and find a place where you don't have high levels of microwave radiation. [01:51:12] Speaker C: Good point. [01:51:14] Speaker A: Or other EMF, when you earth yourself, because you will become the route to ground. And we have so many high exposures, it's quite difficult. [01:51:24] Speaker D: You become the antenna, you become the. I get it. [01:51:28] Speaker A: Wow. Okay. [01:51:29] Speaker C: Yeah, that's what she was saying earlier. They're turning us into antennas. Okay, hang on a minute, everybody. Hang on a minute. I got a call coming in from Kissimmee, Florida, 3282. You're on red pill, reality show. [01:51:41] Speaker E: Hey, thank you so much. Yeah. And I was just asked to remind people that if they happen to be anywhere near Boynton beach, that Luanne, who is so wonderful, and I will be speaking, my name is Susan, will be speaking together at the Irish Brigade, I guess that's a restaurant or pub or something. On January 23 together on these topics. I've been working in this field also for about 35 years, and I just want to point out that there are so many factors that influence bio effects, biological effects, wavelength duration, modulation, the complexity of the radiation, microenvironment, individual susceptibilities, as mentioned, and group vulnerabilities and more, that the amplitude or intensity of the radiation really falls off to be, in fact, less of an important factor. For example, one time I was speaking with an engineer from Maycom in Burlington, Massachusetts. He was an engineer who worked with microwave radiation. And he confided in me, he said, quote, they couldn't have made a worse wavelength for the cell phone system. He said, that's the size of the human head, unquote. Now, what he meant was that the wavelengths that multiple ones that were chosen for that system, and by the way, now for wifi systems of all sorts and much more, the microwave oven, much, much more, are all close to various dimensions of various sizes of human heads and human hearts and human other organs. [01:53:21] Speaker C: Wow. [01:53:23] Speaker E: And what that means is this, as a wavelength approaches body part size, the absorption starts to increase exponentially. So you get much more, much more and much more as the wavelength approaches one of those dimensions. And how many dimensions do you have in your head? You have an infinite number of dimensions, so you have a wavelength that can, it doesn't have to be the perfect size of the dimension. It could be twice as big, twice as small, lots of different sizes that would actually potentially resonate with a certain dimension of the head of your arm, of your heart, of your lungs, whatever. And this is one of the reasons why it doesn't even matter that you get a little distance and you go the square of the distance away from a microwave oven or something else, because the wavelengths chosen are for maximum absorption. And that is because, as you alluded earlier, let's be honest, this is a weapons system. It's called a communications or telecommunication system. It's not. It's a weapons system primarily. And those electronics are sometimes they're made in the US. A lot of parts of them are made in China or made elsewhere. And so how trustworthy are they? Well, for example, we know with the electrical grid which much of the electronics there are made in China. The military has found that those contain backdoors, meaning they can get in and they can definitely eavesdrop on everything, right? But also on off switches. And what else might they have? Something that can, for example, suddenly give a spike of energy that is actually deadly. Now, why could that be deadly easily to a whole lot of people? Right now, a whole lot of people in our society either were injected with certain kinds of components over the past four years, or they live with them, or they've been close to them or whatever, and have absorbed their nanoshedding. And when shedding is nano tiny, tiny, tiny, it's very easily absorbed by others. So when you have metals, configurations, I mean, naturopathic people are actually ingesting silver, ionic silver, or nanosilver, which collects then and actually accumulates in the brain. And then you've got what coming from the outside, typically trillions of times higher than natural background levels of microwave radiation at multiple different frequencies simultaneously in the most complex conflagration, or whatever you want to call it, of interacting microwave signals and other rf signals than has ever existed on earth. For this reason, Professor Henry Lie, who was an NIH funded researcher in the field, said, and this is a very strong statement, and I don't make the statement myself, but he said that, quote, there exists no radiation like no energy like this in the entire universe, unquote. [01:56:45] Speaker C: That's what he thought. No energy like what we're using for cell phones and things of that nature. You talking microwaves? [01:56:51] Speaker E: Yes, because of the modulation, which is highly unnatural. We actually call it xenobiotic. It's foreign to the living system. And I'm so glad, Luanne, that you brought up, too, about these birds. I mean, the bird population has dropped by more than 90%, say, from the 1940s to the present. It's just we are losing life on earth. This is absolutely, it's not just deadly, it's tortuous first, and it's insidious so that people don't quite notice it, as you discussed earlier. And then finally the torture starts, and then after that, somewhere the death starts. So this is radiation that we really, I mean, I guess I do agree with Arthur Furstenberg, whom I've known for 35 years. We have to stop it. It has to stop entirely. And we have to have different communications. And those communications were already in place. For example, the copper landlines with public phones in a lot of public places. In fact, you would be at the port authority in the bus terminal in New York City. Right. And there were probably in the 1980s, I don't know, probably 50 phones across the port authority so you could get to a public phone. So anyway, thank you for listening to my ranting. [01:58:16] Speaker A: Thank you, Susan. [01:58:18] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm supposed to say, too, we'll be together at the Irish Brigade on January 23, the evening. And that Irish Brigade restaurant is in Boynton Beach, Florida. Thank you. [01:58:31] Speaker C: You can hang on if you want. If you have another comment you want to make. I'm going to go back to Lou and let her finish off. [01:58:40] Speaker A: Susan is my. [01:58:46] Speaker E: No, Luanne is my mentor. [01:58:53] Speaker C: Okay, go ahead, Lou. Go ahead, Lou. [01:58:59] Speaker A: Oh, that's what I had to say. [01:59:03] Speaker C: Okay. [01:59:04] Speaker A: Do you have some more questions, Lou? [01:59:07] Speaker D: I have a question. Is there a way. You said there's ability for diagnostic for some of these things. Do you have that on a website or how does one go about learning more about their personal health and how it's effective? [01:59:22] Speaker A: A diagnostic system for. [01:59:25] Speaker D: You said that there's different tests that a doctor can run or different diagnostic. [01:59:31] Speaker A: Oh, meters. You need an EMF meter. [01:59:34] Speaker D: Well, yes, an EMF meter, but tests. [01:59:37] Speaker C: That a personal, like a health practitioner. [01:59:40] Speaker D: Can go and see with my own sensitivities. You referred to something earlier. [01:59:48] Speaker A: Oh, I'm not hearing that. I'm not hearing your question. [01:59:51] Speaker C: She's asking if you can tell her about, like, a doctor or a health practitioner that can run a health test to find out if they're being okay. [02:00:04] Speaker A: All right. Now here's the thing with electromagnetic sensitivity, I can give you some information on that. There are basically protocols. And what it is is the physicians have tried to get together and establish protocols for determining that. And I did have occasion to review those. And basically what they're saying is that if you have illnesses that disappear when you mitigate your exposure to microwave radiation, then you have electromagnetic sensitivity. Okay. Now, the best person to get a diagnosis from is Dr. Sharon Goldberg. And she is now, I believe she was here in Florida for a while. I believe she is in New Mexico. Let's see if I can get her website up here. [02:01:18] Speaker C: Well, you know what? I'll give you a minute to find her website. In the meantime, we'll take a quick break. Joey, don't go anywhere. Hang on. And listeners, don't go anywhere. Here we go. Stay tuned, folks. [02:01:36] Speaker B: We're hitting pause for a quick break. We're not going anywhere. [02:01:40] Speaker C: We'll be back before you know it with more on the red pill reality show. Are you a business owner? Did you know that the government is holding funds right now for your business? The program is called the Employee Retention act. It's done through the IRS and part of the CARES act, and it's available to just about every business. This could mean literally hundreds of thousands of dollars into your business. This is not a loan. It's 100% legal and paid directly to you. Go to Getmymoneyback. Net. That's To watch a brief video and find out how you can qualify. Getmymoneyback. Net. Go there now. [02:02:39] Speaker B: Do you need toner for your Epson, Hewlett, Packer, canon, brother Apple, or sharp printers? Look no further than laser technologies in business for over 20 years. They offer the lowest prices on toner on the web. They can also repair your laser printers and toners fast and easy. Call their expert staff today at 561-7929 600 or email us at service at laser for all your toner needs. All toner is shipped nationwide. Why wait? Get the lowest prices on toner. Call or email us today. You have asked, are we happy? Are we happy? And effective consultation with leading experts in the field makes it perfectly clear, perfectly clear that we are all now programmed for perfect happiness. Perfect happiness. Perfect happiness don't control. [02:03:45] Speaker A: Enough of. [02:03:51] Speaker B: We see what they want us to see. We hear what they want us to hear. [02:04:05] Speaker A: You. [02:04:06] Speaker B: They think we can't handle the truth. [02:04:13] Speaker A: If you feel you are not properly sedated, call 348844 immediately. [02:04:20] Speaker E: Failure to do so may result in prosecution for criminal drug evasion. [02:04:32] Speaker A: Control. Out. Control. [02:04:49] Speaker B: See that the humans remain entertained until the end. Control. All created by the masses. Control for the masses. [02:05:10] Speaker C: Control. [02:05:12] Speaker B: We're back. Hope you didn't go too far, because. [02:05:16] Speaker C: We have more interesting and thought provoking information for you. [02:05:20] Speaker B: Coming up on the red pill reality show. [02:05:29] Speaker C: All right, we are back. It is the red pill reality show. Again, my appreciation to each one of you who take the time to let me share with you some of these things that I find out. And it is always my honor and my privilege to be able to do this for you. All right, I've got Lou on with me. She is a scientist and engineer, amongst other things, researcher. And she's been telling us about the dangers of EMF. These are signals that are found all around us from a wide variety of sources, primarily electrical sources. And she's been telling us how we can reduce the effect of them on our body. And for those of you who may think that electricity really can't have an effect other than touching it and being shocked by it, really can't have an effect on me. There was a man many years ago. His name was Royal Rife. You go look that up. Royal Rife. And what he did is he invented a machine that would transmit beneficial frequencies for people's body, and he could actually burst cancer cells without any medication, without any chemotherapy, without any radiation. He would transmit these particular frequencies into people's bodies for the specific disease and heal them. And of course, he was chased out of the country. Royal rife. Rife. Look him up. Okay, back to you, Lou. Did you find what you're looking for? [02:06:55] Speaker A: I sure did. Okay. The doctor, she has a website, and it is called Dr. Sharon S-H-A-R-O-N. Goldberg, And she is in New Mexico. So you can get her through the Internet. And she was very helpful to me, and it was a very good experience and helping me understand how there are factors in sensitivities. And what you'll find is that most of the people who are experiencing, or aware that they are experiencing symptoms are women. Overwhelmingly. It's like 75% who are saying, oh, jeez, that's horrible stuff, and it's making me sick and giving me a headache. And this may be actual symptoms that we have because of different endocrine symptoms. And then, of course, these things get more severe with age, as our basic hormonal levels drop off. So here I am. I feel these things and they're harmful, and I know they're harmful. So I think that learning how to mitigate these at this time is essential to your health. With all what's going on, how all this ends up, I can't know, because these technologies. There has to be a safe way to use these technologies. There's so many factors in here. One of the things that's questionable about these is just the left handed versus right handed photons. And what we have coming from these artificial EMF are predominantly left handed photons, and that the right handed ones are not nearly as destructive. There's all kinds of questions like this, and I don't think that I can answer all those big questions tonight. Tonight I really just wanted to do two things, and I wanted to really encourage people to look into their electromagnetic health. These are solutions that I know will improve our conditions. This is a matter of your biofuel and yourself as an electromagnetic being, and how our emotions have frequencies, and that there are certain emotions that are easily controlled, like the fear. Fear. And we see all these psyops, these fearful psyops who move us into that direction. You are most easily controlled at these levels. There are a lot of good, helpful resources online about building your biofield and being aware of your emotions and how they affect you and other people, and how that can. Putting on a good attitude and getting your frequencies up can really be protective protection that you need at this time. And that not being my specialty. I'll go back to mitigating your exposures. Knowing what you're doing with your electronic devices. Being aware, and it's not just the microwave field, it's the 60 hz system we have, and it's all your electronic devices play a role in this. And we have to be aware of these things and how to use them safely. And that was what I wanted to get across to you tonight and do we have any more questions on. [02:11:16] Speaker C: Hang on, Joey. I got another call coming in. Let me take the next call. Looks like Cindy's on the line. Welcome, Cindy. [02:11:25] Speaker A: Hi. Welcome, honey. How are you? [02:11:26] Speaker C: All right. You got a question and comment. [02:11:30] Speaker A: Well, Luanne, I was going to ask you. So in the process of getting, if somebody has a smartphone, you just call the Florida power and light, like here, where I live, that's who we would call. And I didn't have the opportunity to call it because I had my husband. [02:11:46] Speaker E: To look at it. [02:11:46] Speaker A: But the procedure would be first to call, like, Florida Power and light. Then you have to pay a fee the other day in regards to having them move it. [02:11:55] Speaker C: She's talking about the smart meter. [02:11:57] Speaker A: Oh, yes, the smart meters. What you want to tell them is that you want a non transmitting meter. Yes. You call the same place where you pay your bills that you want a non transmitting meter and you want to get rid of your smart meter. If they give you any problems, just tell them it's for health purposes. Your husband has headaches, and you think it might be the smart meter and you want it removed. And they should come out. They will send somebody out to change out the meter, and you need to make sure. I had a problem with them. When I tried to get mine changed out, they came out there, son of a guns. And they put in another smart meter. And I went out there and looked at it, and I said, well, that looks like another smart meter. And I put my meter on it, and it wasn't transmitting. Okay. And so I said, well, we'll just have to see. And so it was around the time that Covid came out, and I came down with COVID and I was having trouble recovering, and I was outside walking by the meter one day, and I realized it was a transmitting meter. So they put another smart meter in on me, and I raised cane with them. The guy said, oh, I just didn't understand. I can send you a picture of mine. What it looks like. It's very different from the smart meter. It looks smaller and more simple, and it's digital, which is not a problem. [02:13:47] Speaker C: So it's not the old type of meter with the wheel spinning. It's not an analog meter? [02:13:52] Speaker A: No, you don't need to get it. I don't think it's necessary to get an analog meter. This is still a digital meter. There should be no problem with that. What, you don't. May I jump in on this? [02:14:03] Speaker E: Because actually, with our digital meter, we had a lot of trouble, and we finally had to get rid of the digital meter and ironically, get a non communicating smart meter was the thing that got rid of the radiation in our bedroom. And of course, I fought and fought and fought for analog meter, but that didn't work. Consider if it's a digital meter, there may still be some action going there. There's some transmission, and for us, it was actually constant. [02:14:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:14:39] Speaker E: And it was measurable. [02:14:41] Speaker A: Yeah, I've been checking it. I have been checking after that bad first experience. This is a digital meter, and it doesn't seem to be giving me any problem. I've had really clean electricity at times. And then, of course, what comes in on the system, but I don't see any transmissions from it. [02:15:07] Speaker C: So why do you think they need to have this wireless system to send this information back? When I have seen the data behind, they're able to do this through the electrical line. They're able to transmit data through the electrical line. Why do you think they have to make it wireless? [02:15:26] Speaker A: Well, if they wanted to monitor this, monitor the meter performance and stuff like that, they should have wired it. Right. And there are places where you can get smart meters that are not radio. It's a radio signals. [02:15:45] Speaker C: That's the hard. Yeah. [02:15:48] Speaker A: And actually there's two radios. The smart meter, not only does it transmit from the meter to the station, it transmits from internally within the meter, and loads the system up with more radio. And, yes, there's an internal communication as well as an external radio communication, which is unnecessary. And then it was ridiculous. And then every two minutes. Residential areas really are not the big power consumers on the grid. They need to monitor businesses and production facilities and things like that that suck the lots in order to manage the grid system. And the whole thing with monitoring residential areas is always nonsensical. [02:16:49] Speaker C: Wow. Cindy, you got another question. Comment? [02:16:54] Speaker A: No, that was good. Thank you. [02:16:55] Speaker D: Appreciate it. [02:16:56] Speaker C: You can hang on if you want. I think Joey wanted to say something. We kind of stepped over. Joey? [02:17:02] Speaker D: Yeah. Sorry, I didn't realize you had a caller. So Rascala mentions the gentleman healing with frequencies. And I don't know what was covered in the first 45 minutes of the show, but that made me think. I do believe there's a lot of medicine and healing with frequencies coming forward. I own a Healy device, which is a frequency device healer, and I stopped using it because I was concerned about the EMF exposure from this frequency device healer. So does any of you ladies know or have any information about these devices that they're coming out with now? [02:17:49] Speaker A: I have an opinion about that, and the opinion is this that when you run a current through your body, you're going to have side effects from that? Even if there are benefits, there are likely side effects. And what they're doing is basically using, if they're applying a current to you, they're using electricity like a drug, and it's a drug that can have side effects. And you have to be very careful. I would tend to stay away from it because it has not been studied, documented. And who is administering this? I have a general rule of thumb for mitigating technologies that I'll accept, and one of the rules is that it be a passive. Be passive and not add any energy to you, not charge you up. Because part of this big problem is simply the electrification of the people, boosting their electrical fields up with these artificial systems and doing that to the whole entire planet. And it's absolutely, like Susan says, xenobiotic. And so whereas there may be certain applications, if you have terminal cancer and they say, I can go in there and I can use these electrical pulses to kill those cancer cells and I can save you, you might want to take that risk and have those side effects. But as a casual, any kind of therapeutic thing, I absolutely would stay away from it until it becomes well studied and documented and, you know, you're informed about the side effects. [02:19:50] Speaker E: I would just add, too, that the term side effect in itself is a euphemism created by the pharmaceutical industry to mislead us. There's no such thing really as a side effect. It's an adverse effect. That's why they get listed as such, because they're adverse. So we can switch our vocabulary from side to adverse, and then we're being far more accurate and helping people to protect themselves. [02:20:16] Speaker C: Good point about the adverse. Yeah. [02:20:19] Speaker D: What gave me fluoride poisoning was growing up on fluoride based antibiotics. I was giving them, like, tic tacs. Growing up, yeah. [02:20:30] Speaker A: I found just two technologies that are passive and involved the use of energy fields, not necessarily electricity. One of these technologies I like for the car, and it's, again, passive. It's a passive device you put on the car's electrical system. It's called a memonizer, and I like that, and it doesn't add energy. And then the other thing I like is there's a very interesting, subtle energy science out that is these are, again, things you can use passively. Very interesting. They talk about digitally encoding the energy that's in your environment and changing its nature so that it becomes beneficial. That's about the only two. The others I've tried. I can't really discern an effect from personally so that I would not be able to say about their efficacy. And then others. Like I say, I stay away from anything that is putting more energy into the environment. I really have to seriously question, how. [02:22:01] Speaker C: Do you know if something's putting energy in the environment? [02:22:04] Speaker A: There's a power source on it. If you have to plug it in and there's energy added, then it's adding energy. It's not just changing energy or cleaning something up or filtering it. [02:22:22] Speaker C: Am I right in saying that that means that like 99% of what we use electrically is putting something out into putting energy out? [02:22:32] Speaker A: Well, yeah. All your electronic devices emit ems that I'm aware of. [02:22:39] Speaker C: But what about like a refrigerator? [02:22:41] Speaker A: Yeah. So that's energy into your environment. [02:22:44] Speaker C: A vacuum cleaner. [02:22:47] Speaker A: And it's junk energy. It's electric pollution at best. It's pollution, and some of it's outright harmful. This is the intent behind getting good grounding. A lot of the grounding is just getting rid of the electrode chunk out of your house. [02:23:15] Speaker D: One of my favorite things from invisible rainbow, that Fursenberg, it's right in the first pages of the book, was there was no case of lung cancer until they produced electricity into the world. That's so fascinating to me. I tell people that they don't believe. They think I'm crazy. [02:23:36] Speaker A: Susan, maybe you can comment more on that with us. [02:23:41] Speaker C: She's still on. Go ahead, 3282. Go ahead. She may not have heard it. Are you there, Lou? There she is. [02:23:56] Speaker E: And yes, I do. Here, let me just turn off my volume. There we go. Yeah, I agree that there were certain kinds of cancers, and cancer generally was almost unheard of before radio equipment, or let's say before radiation became very prolific starting in the 1920s. And fact, after the radioactive 1927, which was kind of in response to the downing of the Titanic, which was actually not the Titanic, but was the Olympic repainted. That's another story. [02:24:36] Speaker C: But anyway. [02:24:39] Speaker E: It'S because of that that the US government felt that it was important to make sure that all vessels that were out in the sea and had prolific radio communications. And so they spread like wildfire. And lots of people set up their own radio stations and then wanted to be heard more than the other radio stations. So they began to up the power. And up the power. Well, everyone who had a radio station was essentially screaming out to the public. Now, that doesn't mean that they were getting a loud volume of the radio station itself. It just means that the radio frequency radiation was extremely strong, particularly in certain places. And so that did have these health effects. And in fact, what was called, falsely, the spanish flu of 1918. You probably are aware this had a lot to do with, number one, being forced to wear masks, right when there was no need for that. And medically, it was ridiculous. And the soldiers had been force injected, making them ill. And then you add the radiation to that from the radio stations, and the combination created what they viewed as a pandemic at the time. [02:26:13] Speaker D: Well, you know what made me figure out that I had fluoride poisoning. My girlfriend had been struggling, and she had been in a wheelchair for five years, being handed one, two cipro pills, cipro antibiotics. And I grew up on this medicine. I grew up on Cipro. And I didn't understand because I had been counseling her in health through this whole process, how I was not in a wheelchair. And finally, she puts a lot out on social media. And finally, I read this one article about four years into her journey, and I was so stunned, I couldn't get off the couch. And it was tying the Gulf war disease, the quote, quote, gulf war disease, to the fluoride antibiotics that all these soldiers were forced to take. And I immediately called her, and I said, I think I have what you have. How did I not figure this out? And she's giggling. She goes, I'm so sorry. It's not funny. But you're so headstrong, and you've been studying the body. I needed you to come to this yourself. And I said, well, my God, why aren't I in a wheelchair? She said, because you were flocked in the 80s when there was less fluoride in the cipro. I was flocked a few years ago. Every two or three years, they up the ante on how much fluoride is put in these pills. So I think this is all part of a big plan. What is the name of the man, italian name, starts with an m. Who started the radio? His wife died. [02:27:39] Speaker E: Marconi. [02:27:41] Speaker A: Yes. [02:27:41] Speaker D: I was going to say marconi, but I wasn't sure if I had it right. So both of his wives died, and then he had health issues, and people were asking him at the end, don't you think it's the radio? And he insisted it wasn't. How long does it take for people to figure this out? [02:27:57] Speaker E: Tesla also suffered that way. There were others who did. Now, by the way, with regard to the Gulf war syndrome, I'm the person who put on the first medical conference on the Gulf War syndrome back in May of 1999. And that was the first honest conference, there had been a Pentagon conference that was not a truthful one. And there were many, many different causes to many different conditions that were coming out. It wasn't a single syndrome, but one of the very worst problems was that the men and women were forced to take pyritostigmine bromide, which was considered a bit of a vaccine, a protective against certain things, nerve agents, when it was not at all. In fact, it would only enhance nerve agents. And I knew all the people involved directly in the research. So it was one of many terrible things. And those Gulf war veterans, by the way, suffered beyond anything that any of us can ever conceive. It's untellable. It was so horrific. [02:29:08] Speaker D: I thought it was the MTHFR gene mutation in the fluoride. [02:29:14] Speaker E: No, they had many, many different causes. There were men and women, for example, who. Everyone in the US had to take this shot. And there was one category of NATO that refused at the last minute to take it. The french commander simply said his french troops were not going to get it. Well, they didn't get Gulf war syndrome either. Okay, so pyrostigmic bromine was definitely an important factor, a very causative factor. But then, of course, you had, including electromagnetic warfare that was going on, and then chemical warfare, biological warfare, you had all sorts of things happening that were. You could even consider them friendly fire against our own soldiers and those of NATO. [02:30:07] Speaker C: Wow. Not a good thing. Not a good thing at all. We discussed about this Covid-19 and some of the people are waking up about the shot. Some of the people are actually realizing that this is not a vaccine, this is a technology. Some of those people are in Australia. Let me play this audio clip for you. This is only a minute long. [02:30:35] Speaker B: It's become clear that people in this. [02:30:38] Speaker A: Country and globally have been steamrolled. It is also clear that it has been coordinated globally. It is also clear that it has been integrated, not just over six months, not just over two and a half. [02:30:51] Speaker B: Years, but it has been planned over decades. [02:30:55] Speaker A: The changes to legislation in this country were done so that they could control doctors and people. But the people are waking. [02:31:02] Speaker B: And it's thanks to people like Dr. [02:31:04] Speaker A: Altman and all the presenters here today, thanks to people like Senator Babet and Craig Kelly. We know and we knew that this is all bullshit and that we've been had. But we are going to hound you down, the people that are guilty. [02:31:20] Speaker B: We are going to hound you down. [02:31:22] Speaker A: And hold you accountable, and we will. [02:31:24] Speaker B: Expose your global agenda so that the. [02:31:26] Speaker A: People of Australia can be free in. [02:31:28] Speaker B: The future because I love my kids. [02:31:30] Speaker A: And I'm looking forward to my grandkids and we are going to save this country. [02:31:34] Speaker C: So that's in Australia. Now here's Florida vaccine. [02:31:37] Speaker B: Turns out it's back in the news. [02:31:38] Speaker A: Republican party leaders on the space coast are minutes away from officially calling on. [02:31:42] Speaker E: The governor and other state leaders to ban mrna based Covid vaccines immediately. [02:31:48] Speaker A: It chief investigator Mike Magnoli has more on what exactly is going on. Mike? [02:31:53] Speaker B: Good evening, everybody. [02:31:54] Speaker A: Well, in their own words, the leaders of Brevard County's GOP say that they believe that vaccines are a biological weapon. [02:32:02] Speaker B: As you say, this is the executive. [02:32:03] Speaker A: Committee of the party in Brevard. [02:32:05] Speaker B: They haven't hit send on this letter yet, but that vote coming up at. [02:32:09] Speaker A: 630 and I'm told it's fairly likely going to pass. If it does, they're asking state leadership to make it illegal to give or to take mrn vaccines in Florida. [02:32:20] Speaker B: In this four page letter, complete with. [02:32:23] Speaker A: Footnotes, Brevard County Republicans cite sources which led them to a stunning conclusion. Here it is, in their own words. Government agencies, media and tech companies and. [02:32:34] Speaker B: Other corporations have committed enormous fraud by. [02:32:38] Speaker A: Claiming Covid-19 injections are safe and effective. Strong and credible evidence has recently been revealed that Covid-19 and Covid-19 injections are. [02:32:49] Speaker B: Biological and technological weapons. [02:32:51] Speaker A: If approved, this letter will be sent to Tallahassee at a time when a. [02:32:56] Speaker B: Grand jury requested by Governor DeSantis, is. [02:32:59] Speaker C: Investigating those very same vaccines, biological and technological. Now they're waking up to this. What I've been telling people from the very beginning, this is not a vaccine. This is a technology that isn't a form of a vaccine. And they are injecting this into people's bodies. The people thinking, oh, this is going to protect me from getting Covid. And it does nothing of the sort. It actually helps you get Covid. People who have been injected with the vaccine are more likely to get sick than the people who have not been injected. So this is something that I've tried to get across to people and with what Lou is telling us with regard to all of this microwave radiation that we're being subjected to. If you have metal in your body, I don't know how many of you have ever done this, but take a piece of aluminum foil and put it in your microwave, put it on 1 second, just one, and watch what happens. Or take a CD that you don't need anymore and put it in the microwave. Put it on 10 seconds and watch what happens, that metal is of the correct frequency. So that that microwave, it literally starts a fire in your microwave that quick. So if you can imagine, what they're doing today is spreading this microwave radiation poisoning upon us. The more metal that you have in your body, the more apt that you are to get sick, that you are to be affected by all of this. So you've got to think about a detoxing of the metals in your body. All right, let me go back to Lou. [02:34:37] Speaker A: Yeah. And I will reiterate one more time the information that's coming out from Sabrina Williams about how these nanoparticles and metals are being assembled and used to make us into antennas and, you know, and. And these kind of things that are absolutely gross, human rights violations and totally unacceptable, and that they've been. That we have an obligation to ourselves and future generations to put a halt to this stuff. [02:35:23] Speaker C: Amen. [02:35:24] Speaker A: However, you can't. And I understand we have all these constraints and pressures and how we've been psyopped and pushed into this. But whatever you can do, it is so important to make that effort to get these exposures, whatever you can do about your own exposures and your own health, even if you don't care about yourself, just care about the people around you. [02:35:55] Speaker E: I'd like to make a comment, too, about COVID So, first of all, there is no such thing as Covid as a medical condition or as a pathogen. It doesn't exist. Covid is a black operation of DoD, and it means certificate of vaccination. Id AI. The 19. The one nine is AI. The letters AI. That's what it really is. And there was never any evidence. There's zero evidence anywhere that what people were suffering from had anything to do with SARS Cove two. Indeed, they had flus, influenzas A and B and pneumonia and bacterial this or that, per the laboratories that actually looked at living and dead tissues from bodies that were falsely diagnosed with COVID which doesn't exist. Okay, so we need to change our language again. We have to stop saying, oh, I had Covid. No, you didn't. Even if somebody diagnosed you with it, no, you didn't, because that doesn't exist as a pathogen or a medical condition. Now, with regard to the shots that were falsely also called vaccines, I hope everybody has dropped that word. In electron microscopy, no mrna is actually being found by those who are looking very hard to find it. So they may just have been mislabeled as mrna as well as vaccine. Now, furthermore, even bioweapon may be false in that. No biological components are being found by the team of people all over the world who are looking in the electron microscopy and spectroscopy. What they are finding is, as you said, nanotech, synthetic biology, self assembling. Nanotech, self assembling graphene oxide, that becomes graphene hydroxide, that causes the growth of actual, what become antennas, transmitting antennas, two way functional antennas, receivers and transmitters. Yes. Inside the body, inside the brain. Now, there are ways to get rid of that to a certain extent. And by the way, it's not just now the blood of those who have been injected, and by the way, injection is not just by way of arm, injection is by way of nose. That was a big injection, actually. And those people who just had a nose injection that was falsely called test, they also indicate that they often have bluetooth signals, even that the injectees do. So what do we do to break it down? According to the people all over the world who are doing this, what they find as most effective is intravenous EDTA. What I do instead, because I can't go and do intravenous, is I just get EDTA pills, your supplements, you can get them from a health food store. And I break them open and put them under my tongue. I put the contents under my tongue. It doesn't taste bad, and it's wonderful chelating agent that has been shown that even in the self assembling nanotech process, as, let's say, a synthetic biological parasite is forming, the EDTA will break it down, it will interrupt that self assembly process, and it also can clear out the blood from. I don't know if you mentioned them earlier, I didn't hear it, but roulette formations, wifi, cell phone radiation, all this xenobiotic, microwave radiation that we've been talking about, it causes the blood cells, the red blood cells, to stick together like coins in a column. And then they can't provide oxygen, and they tend to begin the clotting process, which can, of course, be deadly. So it's really important to avoid roulette formations. And what causes them? Hey, wifi and cell phone radiation. Another big reason not to use it. Well, guess what else causes it? The substances that were very hazardous, that were in the injections, falsely referred to as vacs. So this is why we really need to be cleansing. And it's not just anymore. As I was saying, the injectees who have this in their blood, others who have been close to them, who may live with someone who was injected or just who may have brushed too closely or put their hands on the same supermarket card, as an injectee, and therefore we all need to cleanse and methylene. But blue and plaquex are also important components of that detox from the nanotech growth. [02:40:57] Speaker C: So you mentioned, was it called EDTA? [02:41:02] Speaker E: That's correct. [02:41:03] Speaker A: EDTA. [02:41:04] Speaker C: Yeah, that's correct. And if you want to go find it, that's what you put in the query, is EDTA. And it comes up. [02:41:11] Speaker E: Sure. Oh, yeah. It's easy and it's quite natural, and you find it at a health food store. [02:41:16] Speaker C: You mentioned something else beside just now. [02:41:20] Speaker E: Methylene blue and plaquex. And these are the things that in research now, this is cutting edge research, are being found in electromicroscopy and spectroscopy to actually interrupt this self assembly process. So it's really important that all of us get onto these things. And I shouldn't be saying too much, this is Luanne's show, but I thought that that would be important for as many people as well. [02:41:52] Speaker C: Thank you. I appreciate that. All right, Ms. Luanne, we're running out of time. We're down. We got about maybe another ten minutes or so. Let me give you the floor. [02:42:03] Speaker A: If anyone has any more questions, we're here. [02:42:07] Speaker C: Give out the website again. [02:42:11] Speaker A: My website is at reject five g info. That's with the number five. [02:42:19] Speaker C: All right. Anything else? [02:42:20] Speaker D: Question. [02:42:21] Speaker C: Okay, go ahead. [02:42:24] Speaker D: I don't know if you were going to ask somebody else with gala, do you guys have any opinion about the purple street lights that are appearing everywhere that they're saying is a factory defect? But I just see some correlation in. [02:42:41] Speaker C: The timing of purple or blue. [02:42:42] Speaker D: Some people think they're purple, and many people think that it's the injection related. It all happened about the same time. It was starting to be reported in early 21 that there was over 50,000 street lights appearing purple across the country. And if you drive, you'll notice them, if you pay attention. [02:43:08] Speaker C: Wow. Any comment on that, Lou? [02:43:12] Speaker A: I didn't quite hear that you're asking about the street lights. [02:43:15] Speaker C: She was saying they've been putting in purple streetlights to the tens of thousands around the United States and was asking if you have any input on whether that has an effect on people. [02:43:27] Speaker A: Well, I can't say I've studied it, but from what all has been going on, the color of the street lights is the least of our worries. I mean, these led lights. Led lights, and who knows what they're putting in our street lights. They could be frequency. What they're doing is trying to surveillance you and collect your data. And sometimes it's various forms of surveillance. And various forms of invasion of your biology. All of it. All of it, from the street lights to the towers to the whatever. And until these things become unacceptable and people don't accept them, that includes our leadership and the entities who are installing this. What can we do? I can't tell you what these things are putting out. There's so many outrageous things coming out down the pike, there's no telling. [02:44:43] Speaker C: Wow. [02:44:44] Speaker E: Well, we really have to stop for the sake of all nature, these lights at night. And, yes, blue and purple light are really bad at night. That's the worst time. So get out there and stop them. Of course, they're usually turned with the amplitude way up as well. I know personally someone who was successful in stopping these lights across a lake. So it is possible refer to the wildlife because they care more about the. [02:45:19] Speaker C: Wildlife than how most of us. [02:45:22] Speaker E: And the thing is, we should care about the wildlife because they can't speak for themselves. [02:45:26] Speaker C: They can't do anything for themselves. [02:45:27] Speaker E: They are entirely reliant on us humans, and we are enormously powerful relative to them. So we have to do it for them. And, yes, they are terrible. [02:45:40] Speaker C: All right. I still have Cindy on the line. Cindy, you have anything else you want to add? [02:45:46] Speaker A: Well, I just wanted to say that if you like more information, we're going to have guest Speaker Susan Clark will be at our Republican Liberty caucus meeting on January the 23rd, as well as when will be speaking via, I think, FaceTime. We're going to do her and some other guest speakers. And so if people would like to come in person and to inquire and to talk and to be a part of it, like I said, we want to expose these things because we are with the Republican Liberty Caucus. We can make a difference. And we need to write to our senators and our congressmen and speak out and speak up and say, we do not want this, we do not consent to this, and to be a voice that can be heard and in multitude or stronger, united we stand. So again, it's going to be January 3 at the Irish Bricade restaurant at 621 Lake Avenue in Lake Worth, and we meet at 630 for meet and eat and then 07:00 for meeting. [02:46:43] Speaker C: Hot dog. All right. Ms. Cindy, thank you. Good to hear from you. [02:46:47] Speaker A: You, too, sweetheart. [02:46:48] Speaker C: All right. And, Joey, any final comments from Joey? [02:46:53] Speaker D: Well, I asked about the purple lights because I had a protocol. I had to sign a waiver that I wouldn't share it on social media, and it included a box bath. They wanted me to fill a bath with hot water, put a certain amount of borox, put alfalfa pellets, put in the injected human and turn off the lights and use a black light flashlight. And they said you could see the nanoparticles come out of the body and go after the alfalfa pellets because it was more bio than the body. And so then I had signed this waiver, and it took me six months. [02:47:31] Speaker A: To get this protocol. [02:47:32] Speaker D: And then I'm seeing all this reporting of these purple lights coming across the country. So I'm just drawing a connection here. Am I crazy? [02:47:40] Speaker C: Wow. No, I don't think you're crazy. I think you're one of those people who is able to do some critical thinking and maybe able to put two and two together, so somehow they may be tied together somehow. All right, I'm rapidly running out of time. Let me go back to Lou. Give her the final here. You go ahead and whatever your final thoughts and comments are, Lou, where would you go ahead? [02:48:06] Speaker A: Well, I appreciate all you online and who have come to speak with us tonight, and I hope we've raised some awareness and spurred some ideas about taking care of yourself, your electromagnetic health, and why that's important. [02:48:33] Speaker C: Amen. All right, again, my great appreciation for all the information. I will have an archive set up. The archive. Let's see, probably Monday, Tuesday. So probably Monday through Friday, the show will repeat on WTRM radio network from 01:00 p.m. To 04:00 p.m. And then we'll have an archive set up on Castos, C-A-S-T-O-S. If you look up trim radio or WTRM radio on Castos, you'll see the different shows we have. And I'll have an archive set up there as well. So if you missed any part of it tonight, you can always go back and listen to it as often as you want. Lou, my great appreciation. I thank you so much. Susan, thank you for calling. I appreciate you calling and putting in your $0.02 worth. If you. Well, very well informed and well spoken. I appreciate it. Any final comments from you, my dear? [02:49:29] Speaker E: Thank you so much. This has been a very important show, and I'm so glad that you brought so many people in also to speak upon it and that you are so knowledgeable yourself, sir. [02:49:40] Speaker C: Well, God bless you. I appreciate that. I've always been fascinated with radio frequency because as a young child, the greatest thing for me growing up, when I was a preteen or just barely a teen, was to have an AM radio. An AM radio with an extendable antenna and you could pick up the different stations. And a friend of mine who people would refer to as a nerd nowadays came to my house one day and he had two of these things and it looked like AM radios but they didn't have the dial and for the different stations. And he put one in my hand and he took one and he walked 1015ft away and he said, push the button. I pushed a button and let go of the button and I couldn't believe that he could speak and his voice would go into this box and would come out at another end a distance away. It was amazing. It just turned me on to electronics completely. I've always been one of those nuts about, especially two way radio. When I was in the air Force, I got permission from the base commander to be able to go to the radio shack. And that's not like the radio shack that people think, oh, you go buy parts at. This was literally a miniature house just filled with radio equipment, 1000 watt amplifier. We were able to talk all around the world and I got the biggest kick out of that. Here we were in the United States and we were talking to people all over the world. Didn't really matter where, it just depended upon the frequency and the power that we put behind it. And we were able to carry on a conversation with a wide variety of people. So I'm always interested. And when I heard about Lou, Cindy told me about Lou, I said, absolutely, we need to let people know. Probably some people woke up tonight, especially when you told them about the smart meters. They just think, smart meters. Oh, that's great. It's there, it's no big deal. Have no idea. They might be feeling headaches and they may be having anxiety attacks or something. And it very possibly could be attached to this smart meter at the house. I'm fortunate where I'm at. We have kind of a unique set up. It's like two houses on a piece of property, actually. It's like a garage, an extended garage, a separated garage. And that's where they put the meter and it's like 50 yards away. [02:51:56] Speaker A: You still need to get an EMF meter and check that. That thing will pulse the entire electrical system. [02:52:02] Speaker C: Wow. I guess it's better than having it on the house like some people have it. I mean, you're literally right there. [02:52:11] Speaker A: You have no idea how bad they are. [02:52:14] Speaker C: I had that experience in the last house that I was living in and there were two bushes that were planted by it and I think one of them was in direct line of this pulsing because one of the bushes literally fried, while the other one, they're both planted in the same dirt, they're both subjected to the same thing. But I believe the one that got fried was, happened to be in the path of the frequency of this. What if this thing is transmitting? So that disturbed me a little bit. There are things that you can do to try to keep this to a minimum. I think one of the most important things that Lou will probably agree with me is that you got to get a meter so you can see how much is being hit, how much is in the area, and how strong it is, whatever it is that you're checking. [02:53:01] Speaker E: And normally that's going to be an RF microwave radiation meter, except if you're looking at other things, in which case it could be for electric fields or magnetic fields. So people were calling it an EMF meter, and that's actually not accurate. So I just wanted to clarify. [02:53:21] Speaker C: It's an RF meter. [02:53:23] Speaker E: What RF or microwave meter? There are those that just focus on microwave radiation. So as Luanne said earlier, one good place to inquire if you're not sure what to get is of less, le And they're very good at guiding people as to which meter they may need for their purposes. [02:53:51] Speaker C: Awesome. All right, final break of the evening. We'll be back to finalize the show. Don't go away. We're not going to go very far. Here we go. [02:53:59] Speaker A: You're listening to the red Pill reality show with your host, risk. [02:54:05] Speaker B: Come with me if you want to live. Stay here. I'll be back. [02:54:13] Speaker A: You're listening to the number one radio trim radio network. And we're back. It's the red Pill reality show with Riscala Stevens. [02:54:26] Speaker E: Yes, more thought provoking. Here we go. [02:54:31] Speaker C: She jumped the gun on me. [02:54:37] Speaker B: And on June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, I need a caretaker. So God gave us Trump. God said, I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the Marxists, eat supper, then go to the Oval Office and stay past midnight at a meeting of the heads of state. So God made Trump. I need somebody with arms strong enough to rustle the deep state and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild. Somebody to ruffle the feathers, tame, cantankerous World Economic Forum, come home hungry, have to wait until the first lady is done with lunch with friends, then tell the ladies to be sure and come back real soon and mean it. So God gave us Trump. I need somebody who can shape an axe but wield a sword? Who had the courage to step foot in North Korea, who can make money from the tar of the sand, turn liquid to gold, who understands the difference between tariffs and inflation, will finish his 40 hours week by Tuesday noon, but then put in another 72 hours. So God made Trump. God had to have somebody willing to go into the den of vipers, call out the fake news for their tongues as sharp as a serpent's. The poison of vipers is on their lips and yet. Stop. So God made Trump. God said, I need somebody who will be strong and courageous, who will not be afraid or terrified of the wolves when they attack. A man who cares for the flock, a shepherd to mankind, who won't ever leave nor forsake them. I need the most diligent worker to follow the path and remain strong in faith and know the belief of God and country. Somebody who's willing to drill, bring back manufacturing and American jobs, farm the lands, secure our borders, build our military, fight the system all day, and finish a hard week's work by attending church on Sunday. And then his oldest son turns and says, dad, let's make America great again. Dad, let's build back a country to be the envy of the world again. So God made Trump. [02:57:08] Speaker A: And we're back. It's the red pill reality show with Riscala Stevens. [02:57:13] Speaker E: Yes, more thought provoking information for you, coming up. [02:57:17] Speaker A: Here we go. [02:57:19] Speaker C: All right, we are back. Final section of the show thanks you. To each one of you who participated tonight, greatly appreciated and very vital information for people. You may be suffering from some kind of a health issue of some sort and not realize that that health issue very possibly could be related to what these ladies were talking about tonight. We have it all around us, and some of the information that was given out is helpful in the sense that it can help you mitigate all of this. And the less of it, the better, because it is a cumulative. It's like I referred to earlier when we were talking about this stuff is like cigarettes. People would smoke cigarettes and be smoking four or five years, I'm fine. There's nothing wrong. What happens ten years, 15 years down the road? They don't realize that what's happening is it's building up inside of their body. And as it's building up inside of their body, they are literally poisoning themselves. And this is similar to what's happening with this poisoning of the microwave poisoning. It's building up in your body. You're getting it from your cell phone. We even get it from our monitors. There's a degree of it that comes right from the monitor itself. So do what you can to keep it at a minimum. I think maybe the only way to get away from it would be literally go out in the middle of Timbuktu, and maybe even then, there's just so much of it around the planet, there's no telling. But maybe even then you might be able to hide from it, but it's everywhere. You got to do what you can to protect yourself. In the meantime, I want to thank you guys again. I greatly appreciate it. We'll be back in a week, and we'll have some more interesting stuff for you right then. I'm looking for my outro, and I don't see my whole computer just messed up. We're having some serious weather where I'm at in the northeast quadrant of the United States and really suffering some high winds and very cold weather out there right now. So it doesn't surprise my whole. Lost the whole thing. All right, well, we'll just phase it out right here. Thank you again. I appreciate it. To all of you who participated tonight, we're out of here. This is the red pill reality show. Talk to you next week. Bye.

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